#and I just really don't think that's togashi's intent
i-heart-hxh · 11 months
Reason for Hope: A Gon and Killua Meta
I’m surprised by how frequently I see people saying that they think Gon and Killua’s story arcs are over for good; that we likely won’t see them again in the series, or if we do it’ll only be brief and they won’t reunite.
After spending years obsessively analyzing Hunter x Hunter, I disagree with this viewpoint, and I wanted to lay out some reasons as to why I anticipate an eventual reunion and reconciliation between Gon and Killua. This will be long, but bear with me!
The Separation
So, after thousands of pages of development between Gon and Killua, many things unfinished and unresolved between the two, at a point where the audience is expecting a big, maybe tearful reconciliation between Gon and Killua, instead we get…a mere 5 pages devoted to their separation. Many of the words on these five pages aren’t even dialogue between them, but rather setting details about the World Tree.
What we get is complicated; they seem on good terms, but it’s also somewhat fraught–they must have had a conversation before this, when they initially reunited, but Togashi opts to skip that entirely and only show us the aftermath, what’s happening right as they’re about to go their separate ways. 
Killua teases Gon about that painful line where Gon told Killua it wasn’t his business, and Gon quickly apologizes, but this is a very light conversation where Killua is clearly prodding Gon to make him feel bad. In the original Japanese version, Killua then says that Gon “already (もう/mou)” apologized, which implies they did talk enough for Gon to apologize in another conversation, but clearly this prior conversation also wasn’t in-depth enough for Killua to explain how Gon was healed and by whom. I also assume in this conversation that they discussed parting ways, as their parting doesn’t seem to be a shock or surprise to either of them.
Togashi is known for his anti-climaxes to arcs–often he’ll build an audience expectation up, only for things to go a completely different way than what it initially seemed he was building towards. It’s one of the things that makes his writing brilliant. It applies to this scene, in a way, in that he doesn’t give us the big, cathartic, emotional conversation we’re expecting at this point, and much is left unsaid between the two boys. However, I don’t think Togashi’s tendency for anti-climax means that this is it, the end, all we get is this parting with ambiguity and Gon and Killua’s arcs are over. There are a bunch of questions left unanswered here, even though they’re not stated outright. The central one is: Why, exactly, are they parting ways?
There are a bunch of reasons one can come up with, both emotional and practical: Killua may need a break from Gon after all of that (because he feels unwanted/rejected by Gon or he just needs to heal, or he may feel it’s unfair to Alluka/Nanika to split attention); he may feel he can’t be with Gon and also fully focus on protecting Alluka/Nanika; he may be concerned about Illumi pursuing them and the danger this may pose to Gon; he may simply feel he has no excuse to be with Gon any more now that Gon is about to fulfill his mission and Killua found something he wants and needs to do (going back to the promise they made under the stars previously); he may feel he’s already failed at protecting Gon (particularly after what Bisky said in Chimera Ant Arc) and what right does he still have to be with him? It’s possible Gon has reasons for them to part too–we’re not given reasons so we have no choice but to infer. It likely could be a combination of these reasons, too.
It’s hard to feel closure with a parting that we don’t even entirely know the reason for, and I do think eventually Togashi intends to give us more answers. He even indirectly makes us a promise, through Alluka.
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I come back to this line over and over again, and I truly think this is Togashi reassuring the audience that this isn’t forever. I think that’s 100% what this line is here for.
There’s a lot of ambiguity in these few pages, between Killua teasing Gon in a way that feels pointed at times (the instance I discussed above, as well as the scene after Alluka says she’ll let Killua go, where Killua tells Gon he’s second place to Alluka), to the specific word (仲間/nakama, essentially teammate or comrade) Gon quoted from Kite being tied to Killua’s “friend vs teammate” concerns, and where we leave off is with a lot of tension and uncertainty even if overall they leave off on good terms.
It is made clear several times that neither of them fully want this parting to happen: Gon’s “I’d better go… Any longer and I’ll…” (Not be able to let you go, it implies.) Gon looks crushed. Killua agrees, also with a sad/resigned expression. Gon also says, “Wish you could go [meet Ging].” Both of their expressions change to sadness as soon as they turn away from each other. Neither wants to show the other how much this hurts. We get the sense that there’s a lot more they want and need to say to each other, things they’re saving for another time, once they’ve had some time apart to heal and grow on their own.
These are two of Togashi’s main characters, and the two he has spent the most time developing and portraying throughout the story. This parting is confusing, bittersweet, ambiguous, and unresolved. It’s dense and thought-provoking even in its brevity. It also doesn’t feel like a permanent endpoint.
Ging tells Gon, “There are rules when you apologize to friends. You promise what you’ll do next time. And then you keep that promise!!”
Gon is talking about Kite when Ging says this, but even within the same conversation, Ging tries to tell Gon that what happened to Kite is not his fault. When Gon apologizes to Kite, Kite also asks “Apologize for what?” 
I don’t think most of the audience blames Gon for what happened to Kite. The narrative makes it clear that Gon, Killua, and Kite were all simply outclassed by Pitou’s strength, they had been ambushed suddenly, and Gon and Killua fleeing was the only way they could survive. Gon didn’t even flee willingly, Killua made that decision for him.
So, why include this whole lesson on how to apologize to a friend, when neither the audience, nor Ging, nor Kite think Gon needs to apologize to Kite?
Isn’t there someone else Gon needs to apologize to–someone Gon did in fact hurt deeply with his actions?
As stated above, Gon likely did apologize to Killua, especially because he already brought up that he needed to in the conversation he had with Leorio in the car. Chances are, he did that as soon as they were reunited. But…also as stated above, there’s likely a deeper apology that Gon needs to give Killua; one where he fully understands what happened, and one where he can promise not to hurt Killua like that again.
I believe Togashi included this whole dialogue and conversation with Gon apologizing to Killua in mind, not Kite. We never saw this apology, and I believe it’s something that will happen when they see each other again.
Unfinished Plot Threads
While Gon and Killua’s original goals have been achieved, there are still a number of plot threads dangling for both characters. If the parting between them was supposed to be the end of the road for these characters, why bother building up so much unfinished business for both of them? Here are just some of the things in the story related to Gon and Killua that have not yet been addressed:
Gon meeting Gyro, which Togashi explicitly says is supposed to happen.
Gon fighting Hisoka again (assuming Hisoka survives the Black Whale).
What will happen with Gon’s nen? Will he remain nen-less forever or be able to restore it?
What will Gon do with his life now that he’s no longer hunting Ging? Hopefully not do homework on Whale Island forever!
Don Freecss and how he may or may not relate to Gon’s story.
Nanika came from the Dark Continent, something only brought up after Gon and Killua part. This gives Killua a direct link to the Dark Continent arc. How did Alluka come to be possessed by Nanika, an Ai creature from the Dark Continent? Will Alluka have this incredible power via Nanika forever (I suspect not)?
Illumi vowing to hunt Alluka/Nanika down, and also generally will Killua manage to cut ties with his family altogether, to have the kind of future he wants?
Kalluto, now with Illumi and the Phantom Troupe on the Black Whale, has mentioned wanting to bring his brother home, presumably/most likely Killua.
Gon’s mother or origin remains a mystery. While Gon himself didn’t want to know, that doesn’t mean the audience is satisfied by the non-answer.
While none of these guarantee a reunion between Gon and Killua, they certainly signal that Togashi is not done with these characters.
Killua’s Birthday
When Togashi gives his characters birthdays, he does it thoughtfully–imbuing them with both numerical and other symbolic meanings. Killua’s birthday is Tanabata, a Japanese holiday wherein two separated lovers are reunited every year. There’s an excellent piece of meta here that explores a lot of the parallels between Tanabata and Killua’s story and character trajectory, as there’s more to this than I can easily explore in this meta. Note how many similarities exist between the legend of Tanabata and Gon and Killua, particularly in the Zoldyck Family arc.
Gon and Killua have been separated once and brought back together again. With the legend of Tanabata, there are many meetings between the separated lovers, so the motif tends to lean towards them separating and then reuniting again, as they already did once in the Zoldyck Family arc. This leads me to believe that their parting is not forever.
Togashi Exhibition Promotion Video
As a lead-up to the Togashi Exhibition, a video showcasing Gon and Killua was released with newly recorded lines by their voice actresses from the 2011 anime, Megumi Han and Mariya Ise. The vast majority of the lines in this video are actually re-recorded major lines from the series summarizing the relationship between the two. But there are a few brand new lines. One of these is, essentially, “We’re so far away from each other right now, but I believe we’ll meet again someday!”
This video is a promotion for an exhibition devoted to his works, so Togashi himself must have approved this video. Why would this be one of the only brand new lines in the whole video if he has no intentions of reuniting them within the series? It would have been a simple matter not to mention any sort of reunion between them, but the fact that it was one of only a handful of truly new lines feels important and noteworthy.
Just a small point, but one worth considering. At the end of the Yorknew City arc, Leorio and Kurapika go their separate ways as they fade out of the focus of the story for a while, only to be put in the same stage together once it’s their turn to be a point of focus again. (Never mind that they haven’t gotten much time together in this arc yet, but I’m sure they’re in the same place for a reason.)
One of the reasons Togashi may have chosen to separate Gon and Killua at the end of the Election Arc is that they, too, are out of focus for a while. This makes sense if you think about it–Togashi spends all this time developing the relationships between these two pairs of characters, having them remain together while the focus is not on them means the audience would miss out on developments and interactions between them. It’s easier to separate them and then reunite them again when it’s time for them to have the spotlight again.
The Little Detours
This is more abstract than the other points, but I think it’s just as important.
One of the most prominent themes of Hunter x Hunter is summed up in Ging’s words, “You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.” This is what Gon learns when reaching his goal–that the most important things in life are not the achievements you make nor the way your journey ends, but the people you meet along the way, the enjoyment of the journey itself, all the places it takes you, continuing to seek more throughout life.
Gon meets Ging at the end of the Election Arc, his original goal, but is this truly the heart of Gon’s story? Killua finds something to do, as he told Gon he wanted to do, but is this truly the heart of Killua’s story? The heart of their stories is finding each other, the ways they changed and helped each other, the joy and solace and pain they found in each other. That’s ultimately what their stories are about–not simply achieving their goals. To say that their goals are achieved and their story is done now misses what Togashi is trying to say.
Hunter x Hunter is filled with characters whose life trajectories were changed by an encounter with one important person. Many of these characters also had their life trajectories changed by losing those people. Togashi can be a harsh storyteller at times, but I don’t believe he’s crafting a story in which his two main characters find each other and change each other so deeply, tragic circumstances and painful misunderstandings happen between them, much remains unsaid, and then they simply part, never be seen again in the story.
In my viewpoint, the only major obstacle standing in the way of an eventual reunion between Gon and Killua is Togashi’s health and how that affects his ability to tell what he has planned of the series. He has stated a commitment to finishing the series to the best of his ability, so it’s just a matter of what his body’s limitations will allow him to do.
At the very least, for all of the above reasons and more, I do think Togashi fully intends to give us a reunion between Gon and Killua in the future. I hope that in time, we will get to see him share the rest of what he has planned for these two characters.
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subdee · 5 months
I saw the previous question you were asked about the ending D of hxh. Along those same lines, I wanted to ask you, do you think killugon will continue to be “something” in hxh? By something I mean that I thought that Killugon was something subtextual in hxh but done on purpose, and that the ending was going to be them being "canon" but in a subtextual way like "we will be together forever" or something like that, do you think that killugon will continue to be “something” or Togashi never saw them in that way? thank you for your answer. I really enjoy your hxh takes.
Hi anon, thanks so much for this ask!
I think the Killugon subtext is on purpose, as you said, 1) because Togashi is an intentional writer, and 2) there's just SO much subtext, it would be hard to have written it that way accidentally. There's tons and tons of posts on Tumblr about this, I'll try to find a few when I get home. I know @hunterxhell and @telehxhtrash have written a few posts about it and I have a few at the link:
Whether Togashi will continue to keep them together - even subtextually - I don't know. He does write shippy subtext often, sometimes even becoming quasi-canon like Illumi's murder-engagement to Hisoka. And when they part at the world tree, they say it's "for now" and Alluka says she'll "give Killua back" to Gon after she's monopolized him for a while.
Then again, YYH had the shippy subtext, too, but Yusuke still got married to Keiko in the end...
I don't expect them to **officially** end up together, unless something really changes at Weekly Shounen Jump between now and when HxH ends. There's a reason his pitch for a baseball(?) manga about gay and trans characters was rejected in the 90s.
Personally, I'd want to see "something" in the ending... Or honestly more than something... Like they are "partners" in a business venture but maybe another kind of partner too, you know? Unstated but we'd all know what it means. That kind of thing. As close to officially together as you can get without bringing down the wrath of the editors / close-minded fans. HxH is often ambiguous so something where they're ambiguously together would be right in line with how the manga is. I think it's equally likely they'd end up with other people though - the first love you lost before you realized what it was.
But I'm not a fan of this "Gon is with Noko but he really loves Killua" stuff because like I said in the other ask, it just makes me feel bad for Noko!
So there's your answer, and sorry it took me a few days! Baby life, you know.
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hxhhasmysoul · 7 months
Honestly I sort of hate how some fandom think Gege hates Gojo or like any of his characters.
Gege doesn’t. Gege just have a hard time WRITING Gojo, since he is so strong and such!
Like… come on! Like don’t just assume Gege “hates” Gojo just because you’re a bit dissatisfied with the fight!
I swear. I’m this close of just leaving the fandom and just enjoy jjk by myself.
I find this one very funny when I see people say it. I block for any "Gege hates X" because whatever follows is stupid, but this one is so funny to me as a writer.
I get that Gege is frustrated with Gojou, because he's hard to write and he was kinda derailing the story. And I think Gege might've been surprised by how much people latched onto Gojou and loved him. How much they were uncritical of all of Gojou's very obvious flaws. At least I would've have been so I'm projecting this onto them XD.
Despite locking Gojou in the box, Gege has devoted so much time to Gojou in the manga. They gave Gojou several fight scenes which hyped the fans up so much. People wouldn't have been so much in love with Gojou if he wasn't given much attention and consideration by the author.
And I get being disappointed with the Gojou vs Sukuna battle, and even more disappointed with the few chapters before it. Gege didn't let us readers inside of Gojou's head. Apart from that last death scene in the airport he remained emotionally closed off to the reader.
It feels a bit like a poor attempt to mimic what Togashi did with Gon, who also becomes more and more closed off as the story progresses. But Gon is shown to the reader through Killua's eyes so we get some skewed insight into his mental state plus his mental state seeps through at times in his behaviour. I think this is what the fight was lacking, some, even subjective, view into Gojou's mind. Instead we just got the power system commentary which, don't get me wrong, I loved the contents of, I just wish a narrator delivered that and not the kiddos sitting on their asses.
I'm not sure why Gege withheld that from us. I mean maybe explicitly showing what was on Gojou's mind, his selfishness etc would've been too much of a rude awakening for the rabid Gojou fans who have constructed some fake image of him in their heads... and the editors were like nope! We need them to love the cashcow and buy his merch to cope with his death! This is just my bad faith take ;)
Either way, even though Gege created Gojou as a pretty shitty person or fumbled his last battle, it doesn't mean they hate Gojou.
People in this fandom love to ascribe ill intentions to the author when there's a much simpler explanation for poorly executed plot or character arc. And that is the author being imperfect. The author thinking something would be a good idea and then it turning out to be kinda lame. But this tendency to jumping to instantly ascribing malice really irritates me.
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crusty-chronicles · 2 months
Mildly interesting to me that (from what of yours I've seen) there hasn't been much touching on the subject of Kite's gender. Idk I just think it'd be interesting given his status as (ft)mtftm.
The who what when where and why?????
I'm going to do my best to answer this, but I warn you I'm not all that familiar with the acronyms so forgive me for that.
If you're implying that Kite was trans before he got reincarnated, I've got no clue. Togashi wrote him as male, from my understanding, and he's addressed as so. There's not really an indication he's not, so I write him as male.
If you're implying about after he becomes the redheaded girl, then yes. I haven't written about that or really addressed it in my stories. Why, you may ask. It's not something I really plan to make a plot point. In other words, it's something I change in my stories. Whether it be the 'Kite Lives, or Chimera Ant AU'
Why change it?
Well, it's not because he turned into a girl. I love women. Supporter of women's rights and women's wrongs. It's because he turns into a child. It's just uncomfortable for me to write about romance between kids, if that makes sense. Like in MaS, our reader is twenty. Ain't no way I'm having a twenty year old romance a kid, even if it is Kite in there. It's just icky. Which is where the Chimera Ant AU comes in. I get to write a resolution that feels right and guarantees a happy ending.
If it's to do with a circulating theory, like why every other ant was reborn the same gender except Kite, then I've got nothing. Personally, I think it was just a way for Togashi to throw us off for the reveal that Kite was still alive. But people interpret characters and stories differently. We all have our own Headcannons we feel fit with them. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It gives readers and writers alike more diversity.
Now, why don't I touch up on Kite's gender?
Because it's not something I worry about when I write. My stories can give insight on other characters or help my readers see the characters the way I do. What I focus on is the reader insert themselves. The actions they do and how it affects the relationships around them. The only gender I really focus on is the readers because I like to make sure my Headcannons and stories are accessible for most people to enjoy. Smut is another thing entirely I won't get into. Regardless, the way a character is presented is the way I write them.
Alluka? A girl.
Pitou? Them-because they're an ant.
Kite? A man.
I don't write with the intent to educate or rant. I write for fun. Something for entertainment, and something not to overanalyze or think too hard about. Gender isn't really a plot point of any of my stories, so of course I'm not gonna focus on it. I just don't really see the point to when there's more going on within the story
Again, smut is a little different. Those are thirsting hours and written with less thought, if that makes sense.
I just try to have a good time and hope my readers do as well.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
i'm sorry in advance that i'm sending you this wall of text. but i've been rereading and rewatching the yorknew arc that now i have /so/ many thoughts on how the succession war arc could mirror and contrast the former wrt the phantom troupe that i wanted to share. also i love reading your hxh theories and meta, they have really helped me gain a better understanding of the characters and themes of hxh. feel free to ignore this tho if it's too much.
when the troupe are gathering to yorknew they remark that it's the first time in years that all members have been together. they also mention that two of their members have been replaced. i think that when they finally gather on tier 1 after several weeks on the black whale two of their members will have been killed.
which members? well back in yorknew chrollo did not send the following members to infiltrate the underground auction: pakunoda, hisoka, kortopi, phinks and bonolenov. on tier 1 the first three won't be part of the mission for obvious reasons, but once again phinks and bono will be absent bc they are already dead.
at the auction franklin and shizuku are the only ones shown killing people (feitan and uvo torture info out of that poor security guard but that's all offscreen). after reaching tier 1 those two will be killed. symbolically franklin is the voice of reason and helps to settle disputes while shizuku cleans up their messes so their deaths would further destabilize the group. tho if shizuku really does die then i hope togashi will never touch machi bc it'd suck of all the female members were killed.
chrollo will again attempt to get close to the heir of a powerful family who has a future based hatsu (neon/tserri) but will fail either bc he'll be unable to gain tserri's trust and/or bc tserri's nen beasts can sense chrollo's intent and attack him.
the ten dons sent the shadow beasts to prevent the pt from stealing the treasures but ultimately they were killed by uvo. in contrast the guardian spirit beasts will succeed in protecting their princes from the pt (my predictions are basically just the pt taking Ls one after the other lmao)
after kurapika finds out that the pt are on the black whale he will confront chrollo but instead of a deathmatch he will strike a deal. in yorknew kurapika was hired as a bodyguard to protect neon from threats and was collaborating with hisoka against the troupe. now kurapika will strike a deal with the pt to help him guard oito and wobble, in exchange he will help the pt find hisoka.
i've seen the theory that nobunaga will want to fight kurapika since he was the most upset about uvo's death. but it think it's interesting that during the hostage situation nobu was willing to follow kurapika's orders to keep chrollo alive. it was phinks and feitan who were opposed to following kurapika's orders. so when kurapika approaches the pt with his proposal i think nobu will agree to it if it's benefical to the troupe while it's feitan who will protest the most.
chrollo will have a rematch with hisoka. he'll probably have assistance from at least one of the spiders, after all he was only able to beat hisoka the first time with help from shalnark and kortopi. most likely machi since she seems to have the strongest connection to hisoka out of the pt. but before chrollo and machi can land the killing blow illumi will intervene and save hisoka's life.
ok i think that's all i've got for now. thank you so much for your time.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It is entirely possible this arc will mirror Yorshin to an extent, even if I am not sure of the details!
Similarly, I think Kurapika and Chrollo might be forced to form an alliance, even if I don't know how it comes to be. And I agree about wanting something for Hisoka and Illumi, even if I am expecting it to be fucked up :P
In short, I agree with the general idea you have, but I am not sure of the details or if it will mirror Yorshin in such a precise way :)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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seoafin · 10 months
aaah omg I wish I followed you earlier then! I cannot judge I also think chrollo is very attractive and the yorknew city arc is my favorite. Also Chimera ant being your favourite? I did not see that coming but I respect it! May I ask why? I think hxh was the first anime I watched and I remember being flabbergasted at how long the arc was…and now i’m watching one piece so there’s that
LMAO nothing beats one piece in terms of length but i think what people mostly didn't like abt the CA arc that i really enjoyed was the narration. i think hxh2011 in terms of following the manga does an amazing job but one of the criticisms that i've seen leveled against the arc because of the narration is the fact that on the basis of being animated the arc didn't need narration (which is typically a tool used for mangakas for exposition) but i completely disagree because i think it's literally the only way to fully comprehend and understand that arc. ANYWAY SORRY IM RAMBLINGGGGGG but i loved CA because the arc is a turning point for gon and killua who up to that point have surpassed every single trial (I don't want to say with ease but up to that point nothing has troubled them to the extent of discouraging them). gon and killua are geniuses one of a kind they've overcome everything thrown at them and then you think the chimera ant arc is going to be another trial to overcome with the power of friendship and hard work and intent! nope! the chimera ant is so BRUTAL. like i said it's THE turning point of the manga. this happy go lucky shonen becomes a tragedy (which has only been hinted at by the manga prior think the kurta clan massacre and kurapika's character arc). togashi really beautifully but also. brutally . deconstructs what it truly means to be a shonen protagonist and all the trauma and baggage that comes with it. it really makes a point that wow these are just two kids experiencing war crimes war and horror after horror. obviously they're not going to be sane. obviously they're going to react in non sensible ways!!! obviously they're going to be traumatized!!!
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halt-kun · 8 months
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 215 - Last words
BACK to Hunter x Hunter
it's been a while, it's nice to have time to catch up before a chapter comes out but it also doesn't press me to keep up the pace
I've been quite occupied with Baldur's gate 3
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Dr Lee must be a badass if Netero considers her the best in medicine. Is she a regular surgeon or a veterinarian ? Probably specialized in magical beasts too if Netero called her specifically
I'm saying "her" because from what I remember from the anime the main doctor was a lady but I may be wrong
DAMN Netero, cutting your hair like that, don't you know a nice hairdresser. Actually he also cut his beard and mustache I think
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The french translation really did a : "Kokoro t-shirt - note : Kokoro means heart"
Everything went according to Keikaku
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Netero is asking Colt, he already valued his opinion and considers him an ally
I love Colt
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Poor Morel and Knov, they're in way over their head
even if they're probably as skilled or more skilled (considering their age and experience) than PT for example
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He doesn't look like you're laughing Netero
So Netero is off to see some old friends
By that he means someone several decades younger than him
We all know he has older friends around
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Cool all the annoying people that would have tried to kill them left
The oddballs are always the best characters
Koala = peak chimera ant
Is that Dr Lee ? Because she looks badass
a nice scar on her face, I want to know more
Does she uses nen ?
Sometimes Togashi bothers me because he introduces very cool background characters that we'll never hear of again
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bring her back later TOGASHI
poor Colt, he is very distraught
Yep, you can't do anything, that's how things are
some things are beyond our control
Morel noticed too, he's very emotionally intelligent
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She picked up the signal on her equipment ? Nice
Poor Queen, so delusional
Colt doesn't want to add to her current organs failing one after the other but it's not really a good idea to lie like that. What if she survives
Knuckle is listening intently too
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The queen is really all about birthing like most insect queen who don't have any commanding role actually
but I feel bad for her
she really didn't care about anything else
Colt will have to come to the realization she didn't care (as a mother) about him or even about any other ants lower than the King
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Poor Colt, it must be so hard to have someone you deeply care about, acknowledge to your face they don't care about you at all
It's weird she only cares about one of her sons
What is Morel pondering ?
About Colt ?
Meryem and Meruemu, each translations is different
french translations tend to stick to the pronunciation in hiragana when in reality the /u/ at the end of japanese words is barely hearable
In french it tends to be /ə/ in a parisian accent (the schwa, some kind of eu in french or huh in english I'd say). It's not that in belgian french or quebec french. In other french accents from France like mine I couldn't find what the central neutral vowel was (I'm not a linguist)
It's the same vowel in English apparently, you end your words with a schwa
Enough random facts
I wonder if it'll scorch the earth or feed the plants
If his name is actually Maryam (an arabic name) his actual name would be the equivalent of Mary
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She died
poor Colt, again
I feel for him
not for the Queen though, I can't see her as just a random animal slave to her instinct
she could have been educated though and maybe choose not to eat a bunch of humans
We finally get a small explanation on why ants can talk
I love how the queens artificial organs make her look like a cyborg
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AWWWW a bebe
my baby now
I wonder if the queen was going to birth more soldiers or go directly to making new royal guards
considering the fact it's small it shouldn't have a lot of power
But also, it has an umbilical cord and only the King actually grew up in the Queen's womb, the rest were separated from the Queens quite early on. I bet the eggs were expulsed when they didn't have a full body plan yet
and even less able to cry and breath
So the only explanation is : this is Meruem's twin
it didn't get much from all the humans the Queen ate
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I'm tearing up
this panel of Colt is soooo good
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They won't Morel
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Everyone is crying
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Damn you Togashi
the happy family flashbacks get me everytime
The mother is still out there searching for her kids
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queen-of-bel · 2 years
You like Togashi? I haven't seen much for NWO characters outside of Kandori, even less than my personal underrated children the Masked Circle (yes that includes Hannya, Hiroki and Yasou) Hiroki is probably my favorite character so I can't judge, put I'm pretty interested in why you like him.
Yes!! Togashi, my beloved/beloathed. I'm so cursed to love the obscure characters that don't even have their own page on the MegaTen wiki...
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Anyway, hoo boy. Where to start with Togashi.
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I really like that Togashi didn't have any intention of avoiding this topic with him. Katsuya has been on the force for quite some time; Togashi absolutely could have left the police whenever to avoid this conversation, but for some reason, he's stuck around.
Still, I can't praise him too much for his honesty and not running away because he only admitted to this after Shimazu dropped the bomb to Katsuya.
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Togashi has been a part of this scheme and in Tatsuzou's pocket for years but only came forward once the world is in danger of being destroyed. It makes you wonder how much guilt he truly did feel over the incident with Katsuya's father. Well, I guess the thing that matters most in the end is that he does own up to what he did.
He tries to play the same game that Tatsuzou does, but fails miserably.
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Poor guy. He actually tries to do something right for once and the world swatted him down like a fly. It's this attempt to do the right thing that causes a brief moment of utter hypocrisy that we see mere seconds later.
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Like. Dude. You seriously cannot be lecturing Shimazu about being a corrupt officer. Cool that you tried to do the right thing, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you actively destroyed the Suou family and was complicit in Tatsuzou's delusional whatevers for years.
Anyway, Togashi doesn't get much screentime, but from what we do see, this man is a selfish, walking contradiction. He has no intention of running away from what he did to Katsuya's father, but also no intention of stepping up to it either. He berates Shimazu for being corrupt when he's been in that boat for just as long. Just because Togashi doesn't embrace it like Shimazu does, doesn't make it any better. He's presumably lived fairly comfortably in Tatsuzou's pocket until his own life is threatened, at which point he jumps ship in the name of self-preservation. I do think that he genuinely regrets what he's done, but even in his apology and his methods of atonement, we can still clearly see the selfish streaks that have defined him and his behaviors for a long, long time now.
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itsmyara · 2 years
What do you think about the theory that Hisoka is disguised as illumi? It would explain why Machi stared at him weird. And he(“illumi”) asked for a cell with a shower…and we know Hisoka loves his shower. Yea just wanted to know your opinion :3 also do you think the black whale is even gonna make it? I feel like it’s gonna be destroyed like the cow zodiac predicted. There’s so much going, plus a lot of characters have no business even going to the dark continent as it doesn’t serve them. Ok sorry this was long as hell 😭
Don't worry at all! Sometimes I get excited when answering and end up writing a lot as well so I know the feeling and it doesn't bother me at all. Feel free to send me long asks, I love them!
I think theories are fun in general but I take all of them with a grain of salt because I don't see Togashi as a predictable writer.
About this theory in particular I think it's interesting, I get the points that lead people to believe it but I have one little problem with it: is Chrollo dumb enough to let it pass? I have the same problem with the theory that Illumi is a fake PT member and is acting only in benefit of Hisoka.
See, I know Chrollo either didn't realize Hisoka's true intentions before or simply underestimated him but after the outcomes of their fight he's very visibly hurt and seeking revenge.
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Chrollo took the blow like no one else and he's the one more eager to take Hisoka's head.
Personally, I don't believe he would simply take Illumi's word and trust him blindly, knowing he associated with Hisoka before and had a personal relationship with him. Of course, it all happened very quickly and the fact that he's hurt could alter his judgement but given the circumstances I think he would be more wary and cautious than ready to accept anyone who can betray him. Let alone Hisoka himself in disguise.
Once burned, twice shy.
Since Illumi is so suspicious everyone and their moms are side eying his sudden allegiance to the Troupe, I would think he had proven his true intentions somehow to Chrollo, and to a deeper level than just what he said to the other members.
Also, if Machi was really staring at Illumi in that panel because she has a hunch, I think she would try to tail him instead of sitting alone in a cabin.
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I wonder what she's doing there!
So that's my opinion. It's an interesting theory but I'm kinda reluctant to believe Chrollo would be so willing to make the same mistake again and/or wouldn't notice the person he wants dead on such a personal level is standing right there.
Now, I love love love the theory that the Black Whale will sink, for no particular reason, I just think it would be wonderful if they couldn't reach their destination. Of course I expect some characters to live, and I would love to see some of them trapped in an island and maybe having to work together to survive against all odds.
If you think about it, there are many obstacles for them to reach the DC, like the king's sacrifice and the landing on a fake DC before the real one so it makes sense to me that it either won't happen or won't be easy (that's if we ever have new chapters).
Anyways, it's hard to tell what Togashi have planned but it's funny to think about it while we wait!
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llycaons · 3 years
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oh this is cool though. It's hard to see but one of the examples is a chef and the other one is a public speaker (authority figure?) and more than half of the examples don't involves physical ability at all. I love that nen as a magic system does not primarily serve as a way to hurt others or inflict violence, but is rather an individualized reflection of a person's intent, and is as versatile and unpredictable as the narration requires. we see nen used primarily for other things even by fighters in later arcs and of course a few characters who are noncombatants but are nen geniuses (komugi, neon). I just really like how it encompasses so many options and I think it was a really smart choice for a hard magic system in a complicated long-form shonen because it gave togashi a ton of room to be creative with his fights and with other applications of nen
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
Does Gon have green hair or black hair? What colour are Killua's eyes? Which version of the anime do you like better?
Hi, thanks for the fun questions!
I like to go off the manga as the actual canon because that's the most direct way of seeing Togashi's intentions, rather than decisions made by an anime production crew. Togashi tends to color Gon's hair as either black or green or both. (Just some examples, there are many, many more out there of course!)
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Because of the frequency with which he uses green, I think it's fair to see Gon's hair as either a very dark green verging on black, or black at the roots and then green towards the tips. Of course not a "natural" hair color in our world, but neither is Killua's or that of multiple other characters, so I'm sure there's a wider variation of natural hair colors in the HxH world. (Obviously, this is a very common thing in anime and manga, haha.)
Togashi occasionally colors Killua's eyes brown for whatever reason, but he uses blue considerably more (and so does the colored version of the manga/both anime adaptations) so I definitely think blue is his intended choice for Killua's eyes.
As for which anime version I prefer--ultimately I prefer 2011 because it follows the manga much more closely and I absolutely love how it adapted Greed Island through Election Arc especially. It really hit its stride through those arcs. I've also written about issues I have with the characterization of Gon and Killua in the 1999 anime. That said, I think both series have pros and cons, and I do enjoy both and also have issues with both to some degree as well.
Some of 2011's pros and cons in my view:
Follows more of the manga
Follows the manga much more closely than 1999
Amazing voice acting--particularly from Megumi Han and Mariya Ise (Gon and Killua), but there are tons of other phenomenal performances as well!
Really impressive animation in many scenes
Amazing production consistency for a series with as long of a run as it had, gets even better as it goes!
A nice soundtrack and OP/EDs
Overall polished and satisfying series and overall well-adapted from the source material
Even increases the emotional impact of some of the scenes
Added cute Gon and Killua content that I personally enjoy (Huncyclopedia, trailers, some added scenes, etc.)
Doesn't leave out a lot, but what it does leave out is strange and frustrating (Kite stuff, Kon, Leorio scenes, etc.)
The aesthetic could be better IMHO. The character designs are fine, but I would have preferred them be just a bit more grounded in some cases (think like 1999). The color palette is very bright and cheery and looks somewhat fake or artificial in a way.
Feels overly light at the beginning when compared to the manga, oddly tonally dissonant with the later parts of the series and makes the series hard to recommend to some people IMHO
Some strange uses of the soundtrack, early in the series in particular
1999's pros and cons:
Really gorgeous aesthetic and use of cel animation
Often amazing visual direction
I love the character designs overall, particularly as drawn by some of the specific animation directors who worked on it
Darker, immersive atmosphere
Some of the soundtrack is beautiful!
Some of the added content is neat and/or funny
LeoPika city
Nice OPs/EDs
Fun and sometimes goofy additional content like the musical, radio shows, etc.
Adds a LOT of original content and changes things from the manga, definitely not all of which I like or agree with. Some of the additions/changes are frustrating to me.
Gon and Killua's characters and dynamic in particular are changed a fair bit in ways I don't always enjoy
Slooooowwww pacing
Too visually dark at times and can be hard to discern what's happening
Weird fight choreography at times
Even with how much I love that era of anime, it sometimes feels really dated--even older than it actually is, IMHO
These are overly simplified and I'm certain I'm leaving out a lot, but hopefully that gives you an idea of how I feel about each!
I sometimes wish we could have an anime that mixes together the pros from both and erases some of the cons. I feel like a theoretical blend of both versions would potentially be amazing, but at the same time I know we're very lucky as a fandom to have two anime adaptations with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and I'm grateful for that!
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storybookprincess · 3 years
i was wondering what your take is on the canon relationship of killua and gon. do you think that there are signs in the canon universe that they look at each other and see each other as more than friends?
though we get to see killua's inner thoughts about his feelings with gon, we don't get to see gon's feelings for his best friend as clearly (because gon is pretty blunt and it can be argued that anything he does or says about killua might just be because they're best friends). do you think gon feels for killua something similar to a crush/more than friends/ or is in love?
(i recall seeing one of your posts and you've said that you think between gon and killua, you would say that gon probably fell in love/felt things for killua first! i think that's really interesting and would like to hear what else you think!!) ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
okay so this is a very very interesting question & i’m worried i’m about to completely fail to give you the answer you were looking for
if the question is “do you see evidence in the text that supports a reading of killua & gon as having romantic feelings for each other?” the answer is “hell yeah i do.  i see loads of it.”  but if the question is “do you believe togashi intended to write killua & gon as having romantic feelings for each other?” the answer is “i neither know nor particularly care”
i think when literature is taught poorly (and it often is), we’re encouraged to look at texts as puzzles to be solved.  the pieces are all there, and if you, the reader, can make sense of them & arrange them in the singular correct way, you will reveal the all important Author’s Intention and will have succeeded.  and that is just absolutely not the way literary analysis works.
reading is every bit as important to making meaning in the text as writing is.  seriously.  i mean that.  analyzing literature is not a one way street where the author gives you information and passively receive it.  your thoughts and interpretations are every bit as important to deciding what a story is saying as the text itself.  literary scholars don’t write papers about what an author intended to write.  they write papers about the way a text can be read.
i’ll give you an example.  s.e. hinton, the author of the outsiders, has repeatedly and very adamantly said that she did not write ponyboy and johnny’s relationship as a romantic one.  but regardless of that, i’ll bet you $5 you could go on jstor right now & find multiple papers about homoromantic subtext in that novel.  sure, maybe she didn’t write it that way, but you can read it that way.  it doesn’t matter if it was intentional; if you can point to evidence in the text that supports a reading, then it’s a valid reading.
i think as fans, we have a very ambivalent and complicated relationship with authorial intent.  on one hand, we more or less flip the bird to an author’s intentions and write entire novels reflecting our personal interpretations of and thoughts on a story.  but on the other hand, we’re obsessed with our readings being explicitly confirmed in canon.  we think that if our ship confesses their romantic feelings onscreen, then we’re right in our interpretation. instead of understanding that we’re already right.  if you can read romantic subtext in the exchanges between two characters, then it’s there.  remember, your reading makes meaning every bit as much as their writing.
so to finally get back to your original question: do i see evidence in canon that supports a reading of gon having romantic feelings towards killua?  yes, absolutely.  his constant praise and adoration, his unwavering devotion during the testing gate arc, his declaration that the very first thing he’ll do upon meeting ging is introduce him to killua, so on and so forth.  do i think togashi intended to write it that way?  that’s irrelevant & at least to me, pretty uninteresting.  i’ve read it that way, and therefore it is.
tl;dr: my canon now.  no, seriously, i’ve got the english degree to prove it.
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buzzykrueger · 3 years
I don't see how a reunion between Killua and Gon is possible given the way in which they separated. Now, Togashi will likely create some external circumstance that forces their reunion, but that would still leave this bitter knowledge that, without some interference, these two were ready to and actually did part ways perhaps with no intentions of reuniting. Killua never makes the first move. And Gon now has the guilt that might keep him from taking a step forward as well 1/2
(2/2) So, basically, Killua will not reach out to Gon because he's made the decision to move forward without him. Gon won't reach out to Killua because he feels guilty and likely cast off as a consequence for screwing up. So even if they do reunite, it won't feel the same. Gon accidentally created a rift that he clearly wanted to fix (saying he needed to apologize to Killua unprompted) but Killua decided he wanted distance anyway. I don't see how that's fixable. They'll never be the same and it sucks.
Anon, I’ve showed you paneling and dialogue proof, plus gave my own interpretation with analyzing the characters as they’ve been wrote.
I really don’t mind if you prefer to rely on mischaracterizing, though I don’t believe you’re taking the plot and their personalities into account, I respect and think everyone has the right to interpret things as they want. That is art, right?
Of course, there’s a difference between interpreting and making up “facts” from our own conclusions (there are some things you say I really don’t quite get, like Killua wanting to distance from Gon because he doesn’t want an apology! I’d like to know where you’re coming from), but this is part of the experience! I love discussing :)
And a nice addition one of my followers has brought to me: of course, I agree Killua is handling things badly right now. He’s shutting himself based on his own conclusions and devoting to Alluka the same way he was devoting to Gon, once. But I don’t see how this finish things for them completely, preventing them to learn and try again. Much the opposite, since they are not satisfied with the outcome as we can see, they’ll pretty much miss each other and WILL have to fix this if they decide to reunite. 
Killua being wrong on this is part of what might bring them together again. Like I said yesterday I think, those who doesn’t care, wouldn’t have to fake a smile - they would just be satisfied. Killua believed Gon saw no value in him anymore, and “rejected” out of fear of being the one rejected, is more about his flaws than about blaming Gon. As for Gon, wanted to fight alone wasn’t about Killua either, but his own flaws too. But they’re children and got hurt pretty bad, so it’s hard to figure it out that soon. Killua must see that he doesn’t have to grow distance and hurt them both because he thinks he’s not useful anymore.
You might be trying to convince me of something that is not in the story while I’m giving ping-ponging you with dialogues, so you’ll have to try to prove me then hahahahaha drop by again <3
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
Thanks for replying the date paneling! Just like to add a few rhings, sorry to bother: the chapter's name is kokuhaku 告白, a lover's confession. We barely see Palm talking here so isnt her confession. when Gon starts rejecting her, we don't see Palm's face anymore, just Gon and Killua. With this specific paneling, could subtly mean we're just seeing Killua fighting, but also, suming up everything, I think it makes sense Gon is both thinking about Killua and telling him to wait.
you’re not bothering at all, thank you for the asks !!! 
you’re right !! i wanted to mention the title of the chapter too, because Togashi puts a lot of thoughts in his chapter titles, but i wasn’t sure if it was relevant, but you’re absolutely right... Palm never confesses to anything. Gon doesn’t confess anything positive and definitely not love towards Palm... So with everything in mind, it can definitely be Gon telling Killua to wait for him. A kokuhaku. A love confession. (how romantic is that ?? indirectly telling him to just wait for him)
You’re absolutely right. I feel like our point of views can cross ! I feel like this interaction can definitely be applied to Killua, like you said, Gon thinking about Killua and telling him to wait (especially if you take into account the highly likely hcs that Gon fell for Killua first & the hc that he knows Killua’s in love with him).
I really feel like the paneling is intentional. I totally agree, it’s highly likely that this paneling is meant to connect Gon’s dialogue to his situation with Killua.
I’m pumped up about this so I might write a post about this ! i kinda want to analyze the japanese text + prove the paneling is intentional (by linking it to that one scene with Palm i talked about in my reply) so thank you for your ask it inspired me to write HAHA <3<3<3
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letusmeetagain · 3 years
A place that brings me joy... (1)
My bookcase...
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Some things there remind me of my childhood and teenagehood, everything is a reminder that I was happy.
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Behind those figures of Levi, there's one, maybe the only manga whose plot has no magic at all. Marmalade boy. Although I read it for the first time when I was 17 and it's a classical shoujo from the 80es with love triangles and all that, I have the best memories about it. Then, there's a manga I still didn't read: Gate 7, I just know I bought it because it's CLAMP's work and I love them since I was 8 years old.
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Jane Austen, more Clamp in English and some reminders I liked Naruto as teenager. I guess I was 14 when it started airing. I read the manga for a while and stopped after 2010.
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Rilke, Art and one manga I started to read not because of the story but the beautiful art: Witch hat atelier. More Clamp: Chobits. I'm not so fond of this story because of the "Ecchi" but the art and some love stories are good. I also started to buy HunterxHunter because... I want to suffer. I love Togashi since I was 12 but I don't think this manga will have an ending. However. I enjoyed Komugi and Meruem's story. Kurapika will be always my fav besides Killua and Hisoka... and Illumi... Well. They are great.
Small hint. I was huge fan of Inuyasha during my whole teenagehood. If it's not already clear:
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Side comment: Saori was some sort of female model for me. Long hair, princess-like dresses and that sight... Then.. more Chobits and off the record... I used to sew plushies as a hobby when I was 16. Atashi and Watashi are from that time.
Now there comes the most tragic shelf:
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CLAMP's Clover and MKR. I'm still missing the second part of MKR. I remember being still an 8 years old child watching MKR and having my first shock because of a sad death. I grew up watching series where girls are the knights rescuing a princess 😂 Feminism what?
Tokyo Babylon (CLAMP).. the only boy romance I read. Well. It's a very toxic romance and a tragedy. But I really liked it.
Then, there's Blood+. I remember my hype when I decided to buy the manga (it was my very first manga) and well... There's a long story. My mother hated everything about japanese culture. When I bought the manga she discovered it (It was one of the volumes of Adagio)... She yelled at me and went to my father to tell him that. I remember she was shocked because of the violence in the story... Yup. But the "damage" was already done since the series shocked me several times before that happened.
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I get that I liked these series because of the love story and its atmosphere... The plot being built over real history was incredible. The manga is average compared to the anime (that's actually something unique as manga is usually better than the anime). The prequel, Adagio, is my favorite part.
Who doesn't like FMA? I also grew up with it. Sadly, with the first anime version that is.... Trash. Sorry. But it's trash compared to the second version and the manga.
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More Levi and over there, my childhood love: Sakura. I blame this manga for teaching me to be (or try to be) a good person with good intentions and a pure heart. Let's say. Everything there happens bc of love and everyone has good intentions. Even in Love triangles. (Another reason to me to avoid stories with mean characters trying to fight over other's heart and so on.. Inuyasha was overwhelming to me as i suffered and cried over and over again about it). Now I can't deal with mean ppl.
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Yu Yu Hakusho.... Well. It's a great manga. My favorite shounen and yeah... Togashi's work. He knows how to make characters I'll end up liking. The romance is great in the end. Now I know it. And guess who was my fav?
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Yes. I bet I had a crush on him when I was 13. I won't make further comments on that.
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hamliet · 5 years
I have a question about Killua and Gon's relationship. Could it be interpreted as both romantic and platonic? It looks more like romance to me, at least from Killua's side. The reason I am asking is because I feel I am too biased about it. I always prefer stories where main character has a love interest who is important to his/her arc and vice versa. If he/she doesn't have one I try to pair him/her with another character from story or original character. But I don't see Gon or Killua
romantically with anyone aside from each other in the story and I can’t imagine another more suitable love interest (in terms of personality, struggles, arc, impact on each other, etc). I doubt Togashi will introduce any other character Gon’s age whose relationship with him will be just as impactful. Sorry, a bit rambly ask. I was interested in more objective look on what Togashi’s intentions were.             
So, there’s nothing wrong with being biased, or with enjoying shipping. Relationships between characters often make up the crux of a story and plot is just another medium to convey themes just like characters are. So despite fanboys being like “I FOCUS ON THE PLOT ONLY” that’s actually... well,  relationships are often the significant plot. Relationships between characters should really matter in a story–though platonic or paternal or maternal relationships are just as important as romantic ones, in some stories more so, so yeah.
Gon is the most important person in Killua’s arc, and vice versa. There’s real emotional energy there, so of course people ship it. I also think there is no chance of Gon or Killua (or Kurapika either for that matter) getting a random love interest at this point in the game, 400 chapters in–look at other shonen stories, like Eren and Mikasa (both introduced in chapter 1 of SnK), Yato and Hiyori in Noragami, Deku and Ochaco introduced in the first volume of BNHA, Keiko and Yusuke in Yuu Yuu Hakusho, etc.  (and I don’t ship two of these on this list, but it’s always been obvious).
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If you’re asking me whether it will be canon, I have no expectations one way or the other. There’s set up either way. It’s ambiguous. I think both platonic and romantic interpretations work, and it’s not wrong to interpret it either way. They’re not currently canon, but there’s enough “…” subtext to make you wonder, especially for Killua’s feelings towards Gon, the fact that Killua and Gon’s relationship foils Hisoka and Illumi’s which does have that sexual connotation to it whether or not it’s literally sexual or not, Killua seeming jealous and stalking on Gon’s date with Palm, etc. Like the “you are light” scene–that scene does really come across as a romantic scene. And then there’s the anime teasing things like this:
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So, there’s subtext there. No one can prove it isn’t romantic, since the absence of evidence is not evidence for the opposite, so if people come at you with that point out subtext and point out you’re allowed to interpret it either way. But subtext isn’t a definitive statement that you have to interpret it romantically, either, because it also works to interpret it platonically, and it’s not definitively romantic.
Gon and Killua are  alsoyounger than your average shonen protagonist. They’re kids, preteens and now early teens, so I think it works to have them be friends and have the question of romantic development left up in the air. Then again it also could work to show them ending up together in a flashforward or something. Either way, the most important person in their arcs is for Killua Gon and for Gon Killua, and that isn’t going to change.
Basically, it’s up to the reader/viewer to decide what they want to interpret it as, and neither can be proven incorrect.
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