#and as far as i am concerned that was the finale jensen panel
Jensen's Sunday JIB12 Solo Panel
Poor Jensen is still tired but he's a trooper and charging on and so are we, getting right into the questions: does he have any aspirations to do any more theater?
His initial response is no. That it was a huge mistake. When asked why he replies "have you read A Few Good Men? It's like 120 pages" and he took the role where he was in like a 100 of them.  The fan asks if he would consider it if it was maybe something easier like a musical. As somebody who really likes the theater and loves musicals, I am peeved at the suggestion that a musical would be easier.
But he replies that he doesn’t plan super far ahead in his career and what he’s going to be doing, he didn’t even know he was gonna do that play until a few weeks before he said sure. He doesn’t even know what he’s gonna be doing in 6months. He likes to be challenged and exercise muscles that might not get used that's why he likes directing because it’s a different mindset than being an actor on set, it’s a different ballgame, and he likes that it’s a challenge and makes him think from a different perspective in different ways. And theater would be the same it would be a challenge from a different perspective so he doesn’t know, maybe it's something he'll do again.
He also mentions being in NY recently doing some publicity by himself for just a couple days; he did some NYC talk shows like Ryan and Kelly, and Good Morning America, and during one of those days he had a free night so he went to see a Broadway play. Went and saw Music Man starring Hugh Jackman who he says lights up a stage and encourages those that have the opportunity to watch it to go see it. x
Says the only musical he’s ever done is West Side Story and he actually sings a bit of one of the songs 🎶
When he looks back at 15 seasons of SPN, what was the funniest scene for him to shoot?
There was a lot of laughter on that set which is something he’s proudly been able to tell the crew and cast of the new shows he’s been on since SPN. He's gotten asked about how they managed to last for 15 seasons and he says it’s because they laughed every single day. They showed up to set and enjoyed themselves, they didn’t show up to work and punched in and punched out and were just looking forward to being done with the day.
They showed up every day to do something different and have fun doing it, and that was one of the magic ingredients to lasting the length they did because they laughed so much to where it would hurt.  He says he and Jared would cry tears of laughter. So to pick one scene is though, then he jokes there’s one aspect he doesn’t miss which is being trapped in the Impala when Jared’s had a breakfast burrito 😆
Mentions Yellow Fever because that was an entire ep of him being ridiculous and making Jared break character. But there was stuff every day so his answer would be the whole series. x
Then he again mentions Jared's farts, and how he doesn't miss them...and I swear that I listened to this part like five times because I couldn't believe it but immediately afterward this man goes "maybe a little bit" 💀 When you love the hubby so much you even miss his farts, I'm dying here moving on...
Was it difficult to play a version of Dean that doesn’t like Sam? For example Demon!Dean.
Yes, and he’s shared before that it did make it a little bit more difficult when Jared was soulless!Sam. And Dean being demon!Dean, or Michael are things that made it a bit different and he starts to say that it's because that person that you rely on that brings their character to life in a way that supports what you’re doing and is relatable then he stops, is basically like fuck it and says that Jared completes him 💕
He then tries to pass it off as if it was in a joking way saying "Great. That’s the headline tomorrow Jensen Ackles finally admits....that he really does love Tom Cruise movies." But we know it's the truth, we know Jared completes him, and I would say look at the way he says this, look at when he decides to try and pass it off as a joke, how even when he's trying to pass it off as joking he still looks kind of serious watching the crowds reaction, look at what came before when he struggled to find the words to explain his and Jared's connection. And I do mean look, don't take my word for it.
Getting back to his answer things like that did make it a little bit more difficult to do what they were so used to doing, when that element was taken away but in his opinion, that’s one of the great things about SPN that they took chances and risks and swung for the fences, and he says that’s something he and Robbie Thompson talk about now regarding The Winchesters that you gotta take those risks. I got news for you Jensen that whole project is a risk.
And says one of the reasons they were able to take those risks with the show is because the fans stuck with them through it all, they never said "this is too far" and he doesn’t think they ever went too far, that they could have kept going. I'm not gonna say anything.
That that speaks volumes to the world and characters Kripke created, but also the fans who love watching the two brothers do what they do. x
Two-part question: when he reads a script does he read something and suddenly think ‘that’s going to be an iconic line’ and decides how to deliver it? Or does he do the take and then think it could be a bit more special? 
A little bit of both. There’s some lines that jump off the page like oh thats a really good line that’s a headline kind of line. And then there are times when a line will come out in a scene where he’s like 'that’s in the teaser, that’s gonna be in the teaser for sure'. There are just some marquee lines that are written that way and then there are some marquee lines that just happen to come out that way.
He would say Soldier Boy was probably a little bit more on the page but he remembers there was this one day when he was shooting a scene and Kripke was there on set, and they were spitballing and coming up with alternate lines for the scene and to him, that’s one of the wonderful things he loves about his job is the creative collaboration that exists on a set with the other actors and the crew. That when it's a good set and not some toxic set, which there are plenty of, that when there is that kind of freedom to be creative and that’s encouraged, that’s a really healthy work environment and that's when it gets fun.
So a lot of times those lines just happen but it does hit him sometimes like when he said "Saving people, hunting things" that came out and he thought 'that’s the headline, that’s it' but he didn’t think "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" would become what it has aka so beloved so sometimes he doesn’t realize it and then sometimes he does and sometimes he thinks a line will be iconic but people don’t care for it. You never know what’s gonna hit. 
Which brings us to part two of the fans question which is: did Kripke say to some of the writers of The Boys that Jensen could really deliver iconic lines?
He doesn’t know what Kripke said before he got there, he does know some of the cast were basically told they would like Jensen that he’s good stuff and that he wasn’t coming in to make waves or ruffle feathers, that he’d find his lane and add to an already amazing cast. So Kripke had done a little bit of legwork for him with the cast but as far as what he told the writers Jensen thinks they just wrote Soldier Boy that way and hoped that he could deliver. 
He asks the fan what her favorite Soldier Boy line is and she replies that it's the line about older women. For those that don't know or may have forgotten: "Hughie, listen... these women, they're like fine wine, okay. The older they get the more delicious but the drier."
Jensen says Kripke came up with that one on the fly, and shares that a lot of Paul Reiser's dialogue on the show - he played the Legend - a lot of his dialogue was in the audition scene as Soldier Boy. That the audition scene was pretty amazing.
Also, his key gaffer on Big Sky is a big fan of Soldier Boy and he'll roll past Jensen on set and throws Soldier Boy lines to him all the time and then walk off laughing to himself. x
Question about The Winchesters, what was it like for him to be Dean again, and what can be expected from s1? 
It’s like slipping into an old pair of sneakers, it just feels right when he’s leaning against the car but he will say there’s not a lot of that in the show, there'll be a little bit but you’ll hear Dean’s voice. And he’s really excited for fans to see it, he’s excited to see how it comes together, they just put a bit of a spin on the pilot and they did some re-shoots and stuff so according to him, that's really coming together nicely. That they have John Showalter, who had taken over as post-production producer after Sgriccia left for The Boys, and was one of the in-house directors of the show, as their guy there; he's the guy with the boots on the ground he even moved to New Orleans and he’s acting as the current producing director.
Jensen's excited to see what fans think, excited for the actors, and excited for fans to get exposed to them cause he thinks they’re awesome. x
What is his favorite beer on tap right now at the brewery? 
He once again mentions that he hasn't been home in two months but that they're probably getting ready to rotate out of the summer seasonals and start to move into the early fall seasonals so he honestly doesn’t know which ones are still on or which new ones have come on what he knows are the ones that are always available and of those, he’ll always go for a crackle. Jensen not knowing this info doesn't seem like smart business management on your part. x
Is there something that would incentivize him to go back to being a lead on a show or does he not see himself going in that direction again? 
He does. He’s been the guest at a few tables, and he would have no problem going back into a lead role but that said he doesn’t know if that’s going to happen or not. Maybe he’ll just keep guesting there are a few projects in early development that have him as the lead, in particular, there’s a film that he’s excited about but he doesn't give any details about it. Says if it’s a good role and a story he finds entertaining that he thinks would also be entertaining then whatever that looks like whether he's the lead or not or just directing he just likes to tell a good story and entertain, that’s his thing.  x
What was his impression of his very first convention compared to today? 
His first con was in the UK after s1 and it was a multi-show con with a variety of shows represented, and he thought he’d just be playing in the back of the crowd but he, as a representative of the show, got a huge reaction that weekend. He was shocked and he remembers it being quite an eye-opener as far as fan reaction went to the show so he was like 'oh we might get another season. we might not be canceled.' x
Final question! The fan wants to know how he has practiced his singing and vocal type since his voice dropped.
Jensen doesn’t think that his singing voice dropped as much as his speaking voice did, slightly he would say he does feel like he can sing higher than he should be able to given his speaking voice but he never had any proper training or anything like that so he says to the fan that they could probably teach Jensen something because the fan has taken classes. He’s never done any kind of work on his voice it’s just naturally gone down and he says it was JDM's fault cause he saw what he did as John in s1 and was like 'he’s so cool I want be him when I grow up'. That voices naturally change as one gets older but his singing voice hasn't changed a whole lot. x
Jensen Sunday JIB12 Solo Panel
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One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Three! If you’d like to be tagged, please sent an ask or message. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Grieving process. Age Gap. Character pregnancy. Unrequited feelings. Online personality problems. Guilt. I believe that is all.
Word Count: Roughly 2,700
“Hi, there,” The woman giggled into the mic as Jensen played up the flirty eyebrow bounce and cheesy smile that would be cast over Tumblr within twenty four hours.
He was finished after that final panel, for the trip. Nothing sounded better than a hot shower and catching some sleep. His mind was still reeling from the news he'd been given that morning, but he couldn't focus on that. So, he buried himself behind that charming persona he'd created.
“Dude, leave her alone...she wants me,” Jared smoothed his thick, long, chestnut locks in a way that caused thirsty cries from all around. He cackled as his friend mock frowned his way; unimpressed at the turn of attention. Earning the familiar high pitched laugh from the crowd in front of them.
It was easy to play into their hands. To take the nerves that came with being shy and put it towards acting like a dork with his best friend. He appreciated the disguise more than he'd ever say. Letting it mask the worry and fear he could feel churning inside of him when it was too quiet for long.
“Actually, my question is for Jensen-”
“Ha!” The mentioned man in question leaned forward at the barked utterance, pretending to gloat. Smugly bouncing his brows at Padalecki.
With a deep, regretful sigh, the taller of the two settled back in his chair; wrapping his arms around the back of it as he sat in reverse, “Okay, I guess.” The over dramatically stated words were coupled with a theatrical sulk that drew forth more giggles.
“I was wondering if Y/N and the kids are enjoying the trip to San Diego,” It was no secret that his family had been flocked around him. Until now, that is. The way he paused at that had every eye present turning towards him.
“Uh, actually...” He forced his lips to stay upright. “They're back home, right now.” Concerned 'awes' filled the air. “No, no. It's okay. They're living it up.” Jared turned his gaze back to the man he'd been brothers with for almost two decades. Not buying into the idea that he was really alright with it. “Last time I checked, they were having some kinda dance party. Again.” The way he clenched his teeth relaxed the fans a bit. An over emphasized grimace always seemed to break the mood. “It was wild. There was pink everywhere and a herd of little girls shouting to music.”
“Odette was leading the charge on the one I got,” The taller man joined in, having received his own recording. “Kicked Zeppelin over to my place for an old fashioned dinosaur night with the boys.” More awes filled the air.
“Y/N sent you something? I thought you two still weren't talking after you tried to drown her?” His brow crooked, finding something he could latch onto. Knowing that his friend had delivered that ammo on purpose. He really did love the moose.
“I can explain!” Jared held up his hand towards the 'ooohs,' and then stopped. “No... no, I can't.” His head dipped in false shame, earning another set of rambunctious chuckles.
“I can.” Jensen easily took over. Turning to better face the crowd now that he'd successfully maneuvered around the original question. “This guy tortures my nanny. She's like the female version of Misha to Jared. It's endless.” The mentioned man's lips screwed up as he nodded proudly, accepting the label that was thrown onto you. “So, we were at a cookout over at his place. I'm flipping burgers and relaxing with a beer. You know...like a normal person.” His words only made his friend shrug. Zero shame in sight. “Next thing I know? She's screeching as he full on tosses her into the pool.”
“She called me old!” The roar that followed was deafening. “See? They get it!” He beamed at the response only serving to make Jensen over-exaggerate the roll of his green eyes. “And, it worked. What did she say after?”
“You're a child.” The admission was straightforward.
“Meaning that I'm young, and that she was wrong.” A round of applause made him get to his feet, and bow as the widower shook his head in mock shame. Cracking his own grin.
The mic was lifted back to Jensen's lips, “Dude...you started a war because she told the truth?” He knew what had been said, but the crowd was eating it up. Keeping him safe for a little while longer.
“That hurts...” A pat to the heart was thrown in. “That hurts me right there.”
“The kids all joined in. It was chaos.” Ackles explained the previous comment to the women, with a few men scattered here and there. “My kids and Y/N versus his herd and him. We needed an ark to get to the tables. They soaked everything.” His hand panned across the people in front of him, emphasizing how far the damage had spread. “Everything. Gen thought they were going to kill each other.” Jared cackled. Remembering the look on his wife's face. “Y'all know how we had to stop pranking each other, right? 'Cause it was so deadly? That's what they should be doing. Instead, she's become this...epic battle partner. I'm thinking they'll start the next apocalypse before this is over.” A proud nod confirmed it. Jared wouldn't give in until the world ended. Or, he had to go back to work. Whichever happened first.
“Do you prank Y/N?” Someone shouted, catching his attention.
“Do I... Do I prank her? Are you kidding? Do I look stupid?” More laughs filled the air as he shuddered something fierce. “Misha? Absolutely. He doesn't fight back.” His fingers tacked off each point. “He doesn't live in my house. Doesn't hang out with my kids. I like not having to worry about her sicking my spawn on me in retaliation. They'd do it in a heart beat, too.” And most importantly, it kept the professional barriers somewhat in place. “Yeah, no, Y/N and I don't....we're not...” Weren't anything other than co-parents, employer and employee, and almost friends in an odd sort of way. How's that for complicated?
“As fun as I am,” Jared finished, saving him, again. Hoping that the fans wouldn't take that last statement as he had started to. He covered his own look of interest before diving back into the panel. “Now, that we went way off topic....who's next?”
“How did the 'mom' thing even start?” You asked in confusion, scrolling through your Instagram notifications. Your feet thrown over the back of the couch as you sprawled. Making yourself quite at home in the Ackles house. The selfie you'd posted while cleaning the damage the girls had caused was packed.
Not that you weren't used to it by that stage. The moment Danneel had tagged you in a post, it had been over. You'd been stalked and fawned over by some. When she passed? You'd been flocked for updates about the Ackles family.
It had taken a year for you to gather the courage to begin posting again. Once you did? The fandom clung to you for offering small pieces of what life was like inside the Ackles' household. Needing to have that sense of closeness to the supernatural family, still, even with a member gone.
The simple image of you with Oscar resting his head on your lap as you sorted the makeup away had garnered the usual 'queen', 'mom', and 'I love yous' mixed with the occasional trash talker. Once Jensen had commented saying he wanted his dog back when he got home? It had grown worse. When you told him that he'd have to fight you for the golden doodle? The post had blown up. The fans demanding to know if you and him had something going on.
Apparently his panel had only cemented the idea, somehow. You hadn't watched it. Leaving you to only wonder what he'd said to garner that response. Sure it had simply been taken out of context.
You scrolled on, determined to find some answers. A few flicks of your fingers and fate intervened. The phone slipped to your face. Making you wince all the while. As if life had directly told you that social media was bad for your health.
With a sigh, you tossed your phone to the couch. Trying to not let the extreme Danneel and Jensen fans get under your skin. Too many 'you'll never be her' comments filled your mind. More than enough 'stop trying to take her place' had you questioning where you stood. You were doing everything you could to get what was needed done while not dancing on your deceased friend's toes.
Did the world really not understand? Were you really any better off than they suggested? The small crush said you weren't.
“No idea,” Genevieve stated seriously, walking towards the grey couch you were occupying with a pile of healthy snacks loaded up. Pulling you from the internal struggle. She'd been extra conscious of what she was putting into her body since she'd discovered the newest pregnancy. “I just kinda...roll with it.”
She and the kiddos were bunking with you. Tag teaming was so much simpler when the baby exhaustion hit. And it gave the both of you some grownup time together when the men were away.
“It's so strange,” You picked up one of the grapes with your fingers before plopping it in your mouth. Giving up on trying to understand the fact that you'd become an icon of sorts- and the ramifications- for simply nannying some, albeit great, kids.
At your friend's next words, you choked, “So...what's the deal with you and Jensen?”
“It's the same as its always been,” Came the broken words as you got back a hold of yourself. Brushing it off. “Why?”
“Just curious,” That wasn't it. The cool, actress's poker face she wore said as much. But, you were too sensitive to call her out on it, just then. Luckily, she changed gears. “I can't believe that this is it...The last season is being filmed this year.”
The CW had finally pulled the plug on the Winchesters once it had hit adulthood. The boys had found out in a meeting that morning. They'd known it was coming. Had even agreed to it. And yet? Hearing the finality of it? Was another nail in the coffin.
“Eighteen seasons...It's crazy.” Your hand ran through your hair as you looked at the old episode on screen. Sister Jo stood off against Michael!Dean. The tension in the scene was palpable. It didn't hurt to watch it, anymore. Instead, you focused on the fact that she'd been doing what she loved with the man she'd been head over heels for. “How's Jared holding up?”
“He's zeroed in on the kids. Telling himself that it's going to be good for us in the end.” Her hand rubbed over her still flat stomach. “But, he's definitely feeling it. He's been Sam for so long... Saying goodbye is hard.”
“That it is,” You agreed, frowning at the screen. Wondering how Jensen was taking the day.
He hadn't said a thing to you when he'd checked in. Simply had asked for an update on the household before he crashed. Dean had become his crutch. Without the Winchester in his life, you weren't quite sure what he'd do with himself.
Ackles had a passion for directing and acting. There was no doubt about it. But, Supernatural had become everything when his life had turned upside down. It had given him the consistency he'd needed to get through. And while things had been okay for a time? It would be just another major thing he was losing.
Your socked foot rubbed over the soft fur of Icarus. The cockapoo was up there in age. He'd been diagnosed with congestive heart failure at sixteen years old. The white, fifteen pounds of floof didn't let it deter him, though. A couple of pills a day kept him comfortable and loved for as long as he could be. But, it had gotten under Jensen's skin, too.
It made your stomach churn to think about how fast the negative could pile up on already weakened shoulders. And yet, he wanted you to step back. Having time away from him had cleared your head. Allowed you to see his side of things. Maybe it was time to give him some room to breathe. To let him process everything on his own. After all, you were just the nanny...
“Dad!” Three voices shouted in unison when the door opened. Ditching their place at the table as Jensen stumbled in with a wide smile on his face. Each kid got a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
When they tried to talk over each other, he slowed them down, gently with a, “One at a time.” And, miraculously? It worked. He was informed of everything he'd already had reported to him. Only this time? In child perspective. Which made it dramatic. Completely over the top. Just the way he liked it.
A nod your way was all you received as you slipped past the scene; lifting his bag for him so that no one tripped over it. Including the bumbling dog that was trying to get a kiss in, himself. Oscar had missed his human while he'd been gone.
The dog had been with Danneel's brother during her last pregnancy. She'd been too sick to handle the energetic buffoon while Jensen had been away, filming the show. Gino had fallen in love with the pup. Keeping him...until he thought Jensen needed him more. Returning him back to the Ackles' home solemnly. Oscar had, once again, latched back onto the head of the house with a fierce loyalty that most wouldn't expect from a fluffed up mixed breed. The affection was mutual. Jensen's hand stilled the squirming beast with a simple pet to the top of his curled head as you left the chaos.
Jensen's room was clean. A feat that wouldn't last long once he started unpacking. Bed made up, clothes lined nice and neat, with just a hint of his cologne still lingering in the air from before he'd left. You dropped the duffle on the mattress and turned away. Only to catch sight of the image beside his pillow. It held the dogs, his wife, and the kids all surrounding him. Everything he loved in one picture. His family.
Slowly, you slid the door shut and returned back to the reunion, “Dinner's ready if you're hungry.” You smiled softly at the way he ensured each kid knew that they were loved before climbing back up to his feet. Lumbering after you to get the food while it was still hot.
“Spaghetti,” The actor rumbled in excitement, sniffing the air as he approached the table. His lips smacked hungrily. He was a sucker for a pasta with a good meat sauce. “The wardrobe ladies are gonna be mad at me, later, but I'm piling it up.” He hadn't exaggerated. The flight had left him hungry. “God, this is good.” Came the Dean-like groan as he chowed down. Forgetting that he didn't have to eat like a man who had lived off of nothing more than pizza and beer.
“Dad!” The tiny, disapproving tone left J.J with ease. “You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full.”
He gulped down the food, and smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, J-bird.”
“It's okay. Just try to remember,” The words were so Danneel that you couldn't help but to smile gently at them. She was going to be trouble as she continued to age. But, you had faith she'd be pretty great in the end. Hell, they all would if the night was any indication.
If he was upset about the show ending, he didn't show it. Even after the kids retired for the night and he helped clean up, he didn't say a word. The only thing you got was a pat on the back and a low “goodnight” that made your skin prickle before you returned your own.
Part Four
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord​​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @ima-be-a-mongoose​ @briagallen​
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ @supernaturalginger​​ @lilulo-12​​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @malfoysqueen14​​​  @michealneedssomemilk
211 notes · View notes
mittensmorgul · 4 years
Y’all know I don’t speculate, right? I mean, I’m always saying I don’t like to speculate on specifics, because I really honestly CAN’T answer specifics. But there is the shape of the story, and the type of story they’re telling, and understanding how stories work. That’s... not speculating. That’s just assuming the people telling this story actually understand their jobs and aren’t totally incompetent, or outright dicks who are just screwing with us. For the record, I do not believe Dabb, Bobo, Meredith, et. al. are dicks. And I do believe they know exactly what they’re doing, and how to craft a well-told story.
So this is not speculation. This isn’t about specifics. This is about narrative shape, the structure of the overarching story of s15. This is my assumption of Good Faith on the part of the writers to tell the story as they’ve set it up as of 15.03, in genre. This isn’t so much speculation as it is story architecture 101.
When you read the opening chapters of a novel, knowing the genre and the author’s storytelling style, you have Expectations based on the premise and setup, right? If the hero of the story is presented with a seemingly impossible challenge, you expect them to have achieved a resolution to the challenge by x point in the story. ALL stories SHOULD work this way, barring edgelord asshats who think writing nonsensical plot twists 3/4 of the way through the story is somehow “outsmarting” their audience rather than just being a terrible storyteller who can’t be bothered to write a narrative that makes sense and holds together. Anyone can slap on a random ending. It takes skill to write a cohesive story where everything builds to a satisfying conclusion and retains narrative integrity throughout.
Based on that, what’s been set up in the opening salvo of s15 (since 1, 2, and 3 worked together as a single functional setup to the rest of the season) are The Problems that must be overcome by episode 20. That’s just how stories work.
I was talking to someone last night, and laid out my personal expectations-- not specific plot points so much as narrative emotional beats-- based on the setup we’ve been dealt. I copy/pasted my comments to @angstphilosophy​ this afternoon because we ended up talking about the same things. So since I’ve shared these thoughts with two people in the last 12 hours, I figure others might be interested to read it. Again, this isn’t a guarantee of these things happening, and I’m not gonna get more specific about details, because the details aren’t even interesting or important to me to try and guess at. I’m far more interested in this larger Shape Of The Story.
And again, this isn’t speculation, but more an assumption that they’re telling a genre-conforming narrative within a known structure. This is how stories work.
mittensmorgul I was chatting with someone else earlier and I laid out what I expect to happen over the next 6 episodes or so... lemme see if I can find what I wrote
mittensmorgul okay, I'm just gonna paste in my comments, so it's coming to you slowly...
mittensmorgul mittensmorgul But I think at least 4, and probably 5 are going to include some rather intense Chuck POV scenes... and yeah, I am POSITIVE we're gonna see him reacting. (AN: we were discussing before this whether we’d see Dean reacting to Cas having left)
angstphilosophy 👀 mittensmorgul mittensmorgul Probably in the standard Dean denial mode in 15.04
pretending everything's fine, especially if he's convinced himself that Chuck really is gone (which we know is a lie, and HE know's it's flim-flam to believe that, but it's EASIER to believe that for now, and allows himself to begin "reassembling" himself psychologically from his complete fracture) but I also think that Sam's wound is going to become more of a concern, and it will become obvious that Sam is lying about it being fine... and that will in turn force Dean to admit to himself that he is not fine at all and lying about this stuff isn't helping anything and that will lead him to admit to himself that he massively fucked up with Cas especially once the Big Problems of the Season resurface... because we've been told that what they did to "fix Hell" in the beginning of the season is only a temporary fix... I think Dean will begin to really accept that he needs to talk to Cas honestly during 15.07, and that episode will end with his intent to do so, but the events of 15.08 will somehow interfere with that good intention, and being the midseason finale, will lead to Circumstances Getting In The Way of their conversation
angstphilosophy Pls Use Words Dean mittensmorgul yeah, thing is, I think they're gonna bring Dean to the point where he's ready to use words, just in time for Major Plot to happen
and prevent him from doing it because that's how the show works :'D
angstphilosophy Which is frustrating but RIP mittensmorgul we still have a midseason hellatus to make us feel hopeful for a minute before crushing us and leaving us all as lil squashed bugs on the floor for a month and a half :'D
happy holidays!
angstphilosophy Hooray~ mittensmorgul this is the last season, they're gonna wring us for all we're worth
angstphilosophy Can’t even stuff my face with ice cream cause winter lol mittensmorgul right now is the time to stock up on half price halloween candy. just fill your freezer and you'll have a constant supply through Angstmas!
The above conversation took place long before the Last Question at the cockles panel at DC Con today, but just hearing Jensen reply that in 15.09, Dean will have a quiet moment alone, and will pray to Cas with an explanation for how he’d behaved and why... well... that just furthers my belief in what I’ve said above. That Dean will be ready to talk to Cas around the end of 15.07, will intend to do so (think: Cas deciding at the end of 14.17 to go right home and talk to Sam and Dean about Jack, only to get the call before he can get back to the Bunker that something had gone horrifically wrong... this is the sort of interruption in Dean’s plans to talk to Cas I’m talking about here... it’s gonna be horrible... I mean, why else would Dean feel the need to PRAY to Cas, vs just... talking to him in person, you know? All I’m saying is Gird Your Loins).
What will happen beyond that point? I’d like to have more information about the Main Plot, all the Chuck stuff, what Michael’s role will be (because I think he’s gonna be dealt with in just a few episodes and won’t be a Rest Of The Season problem), and what Cas’s status will be following 15.08 before guessing about how the rest of the season will play out. But for now, I think getting us at least through the winter hellatus and into January is a good start.
Buckle up, sweeties, it’s gonna be a rough ride.
The line I’ve used the most recently is, you’re gonna suffer, but you’re gonna be happy about it. :’D
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Thoughts on “Destiel is Real.”
So, I’ve been relatively scarce of late (except for when I went bonkers with reblogging deadly Cockles content...which I think I blacked out from b/c it was like being waaayyyy too high and it’s all their fault) because, if y’all don’t know, I have stage 4 breast cancer and am in chemo. I’m tolerating it really well but it takes a surprising amount of time, actually, especially since I’m still working 80% time and also living alone so doing house stuff etc. 
This is all to say that I’m weighing in on things belatedly a lot. Like, I do still want to analyze the Cockles JIB panel as a whole b/c, oh my, was there a lot there. But today I will settle for this piece of it. I apologize if this is reduplicating what smart folks said elsewhere right when it happened. I was also off Twitter to avoid having it bring me down so I might just be really unaware. But as soon as this moment happened I was like, “oh man we’re gonna argue about this for like 84 years.” So here’s my small contribution on what this reminded me of.
To me, listening to Jensen and watching him engage the crowd, inspired a lot of anxiety b/c it did definitely seem like he was pissed off. I just couldn’t tell with what or who, especially given firsthand context from some folks in the room like @bluestar86​ who wrote this account: https://twitter.com/bluestar861/status/1130255687290937344?s=21 about the general positivity Jensen and Misha had shown earlier (which is why Misha mentioned the shirt) and how the energy in the room was almost entirely positive. I totally believe that. But it didn’t reconcile easily with what I felt I saw from Jensen.
Until I remembered SDCC 2011. The one where Misha had been fired and all of them knew but none of the fans do. I wrote a long meta on that panel that I’m actually super happy with so maybe check it out? Anyway, this is how I described some of the dynamics:
The way everyone is sitting at this table isolates Sera and the body language from Jared and Jensen is openly hostile. Jensen especially pushes himself as far away as possible, defensively crosses his arms, leans away, doesn’t make any eye contact. Jared is also pissed and is functionally shielding Misha with his body while he does the first Cas question. Both of them are very protective and Jensen is more than a little hostile. They also both keep egging the audience on in their love for Cas/Misha, as when Jensen shouts “YEAH!” in affirmation of audience shrieks about the character. They want to show Sera what a piss poor decision it was to take Misha away from the fans…and from them. Whatever else you see happening these are some amazing friends.  
So, we had a remarkably angry Jensen at this panel and he was angry specifically because the network had made what he considered--both professionally and personally--to be a fucking terrible decision. But he couldn’t say that. He’s got NDAs and stuff to worry about. So instead he settled, among other things, from egging the audience on to show how much they loved and wanted more Castiel. 
Now I’m not saying the correlation is 1-1 with Destiel. But I am suggesting a thought experiment where something similar could be going on. And by “something similar” I mean “Jensen has inside knowledge about a thing the network has decided that he thinks is fucking stupid and that will hurt the fandom.” Like, oh for example, they’re not moving Destiel out of the subtext.
Additional fuel for this fire. Many have speculated that it’s network president Mark Pedowitz who’s the blocker. Jensen, earlier in the panel, asks the audience to applaud Pedowitz. That’s weird and he’s never done it before. True, Jared was talking about how Pedowitz says that they set examples for other shows and that Pedowitz is complimenting them on it so it was at least that in part. But Jensen is MASTERFUL at throwing shade while appearing to be doing the correct, professional thing. Witness his comments about Bob Singer and last year’s S13 finale. He’s done it with Eugenie and Sera too and probably others I don’t know about. Having the audience applaud Pedowitz if he knows something negative about Pedowitz--something the audience won’t like and that will actively hurt many of them--has a major bite of irony that I feel Jensen is perfectly capable of trying to engineer. (Or maybe there hasn’t been a final decision but he knows it doesn’t look good and why. Don’t lose hope! This is just speculation and a thought experiment.)
I’m going to put the JIB analysis under a cut, since it’s long and has lots of images. It ends with “The most similar behavior I saw was Jensen angrily getting the audience to cheer for something, even doing the same hand-raising gesture. In 2011 it was Castiel (”Go on! Show Sera how much you love the character she killled!”) and this time it was Destiel (”Go on! Show the network how much you love the ship they won’t textualize!”). That’s what made me think, initially, that he may know something about plans for Destiel that a) makes him mad, b) that he considers a bad decision by the network, c) that he thinks that audience will be hurt by.”
If you watch the JIB panel (starting about 12 mins in) you see, first, that Jensen wants Misha not to bring it up. He raises his hand at Misha which I first thought was him being like “shhhhhh don’t bring that up!” but which on repeat viewing I think was him actually just trying to get Misha to shut up so he could literally try to understand what she was saying. Once the audience reacts to Misha’s comment these are their faces:
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Jared is absolutely looking at Misha like, “dude, why did you have to go and do that? You just threw a live grenade onstage.” Jensen is hamming it up gesturing at the audience to scream louder. 
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Jared changes his face to “well, when you’re right, you’re right! What are you gonna do.”
Here’s Jensen. He’s looking grumpy. Now, is it fake grumpy, a recognized and favored persona that he has. Or is it actually grumpy? Or is it both”
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I think it’s both. But I also think he looks sad. And concerned. Like, on behalf of the audience not for him. Now you can say I’m projecting if you want--this is all total rampant speculation--but look at his eyes. I think he’s upset that he has to talk about this at all (since he knows a little about the fandom conflict it sets off) but there’s something else. 
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He pauses for a good, long time looking at the audience responding. And according to Saz and others the response was HUGELY POSITIVE! So why does he then announce into the mic with a grumpy fake laugh and what I honestly have to call sarcasm, “Destiel is real!” 
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Note that Misha is not worried by this. If Jensen were actually legitimately furious I think Misha would look a little worried. But instead he looks amused and curious about where this is going.
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This is Jensen asking “Is it?” for the first time. He looks intentionally confused - that’s the bit he’s doing. 
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Here’s Jensen after the audience starts to audibly yell “Nooooo!!” His face says “WHAAAAAAT!?”
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People then yell “yes” to drown them out and he asks, “Where?”
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Second “where?”. Maybe he’s trying to get them to say “subtext” - a word the cast has great familiarity with and which was used in “Fan Fiction” and which they can joke around a lot about. That’s my guess. Maybe he has a subtext joke set up he wants to do with Misha. (Remember his tweet to Misha during “Fan Fiction: “you keep your subtext to yourself. I’m not that kind of girl. Wait...”)
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They don’t - at least not clearly. Someone in the front row says, “Nowhere.” Misha says, “Help” (after mouthing something at someone in the audience that is probably “I’m sorry about this.” Jensen checks on Misha BUT disregards the fact that he’s looking over at the question-asker (who didn’t even ASK a Destiel question, just wear a shirt she liked) and asks “Where?” AGAIN.
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Misha then takes things in hand and reaches out to tell Jensen, “don’t get into a fight with these people.” Jared is making a “Yikes!” face at the person in the first row who is continually yelling “Nowhere!”. 
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Jensen does sit down, but he’s mad. He’s really tense and it takes him a while to shake it off. 
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Who’s he tense with? The most obvious answer is the audience but let’s consider a couple things. 1) The audience was giving a mixed answer, including and sometimes more loudly the “Nowhere!” that you would think Jensen would want to hear IF he were angry/tense about the “Destiel is real” shirt or the audience’s support of it. 2) He was demanding consensus and an answer to where it was real EITHER to have them say “nowhere”--which they did so why not just stop?--OR to get them to say something like “subtext” to lead them into either a question or a bit about it.
So why keep pushing? Hoping to change the answer? Hoping to find consensus? Or maybe just hoping to get them to make a lot of noise about it for a long time (at which he succeeded). Now, Jensen is famously inconsistent about Destiel and also famously different onstage, especially for J2 audiences...though this, the most Holy Gay panel of all the panels, isn’t a place he’d shy away from, e.g. “What would Dean and Cas do on a trip to Rome? Everything I think of right now is inappropriate.” 
Which brings us back to “who’s he tense with”? Could it be only part of the audience? Which part? The part yelling “nowhere” or the part yelling whatever positive things they were yelling? I’m going to hypothesize, based on a LOT of other stuff that I’ve written about, that he’s annoyed with the negative folks spoiling it for everyone with their “nowheres” and is trying to get the positive folks to drown them out and give him a good answer he can run with. 
The fact that nothing coherent emerges is actually what gets him annoyed. And, by extension, the volume and persistence of that small part of the audience, which lets people like Pedowitz shoot down the idea of textual Destiel as something the viewers “don’t want,” annoys the living shit out of him because he sees the viewers all the time and knows that a majority of them either are ok with or actively want textual Destiel.  I imagine him thinking something along the lines of, “Why can’t these nice people just have what they want? It’s b/c of assholes like you.”
He definitely lets his emotions get the better of him. He was already not in the best place, thanks to circumstances I hope to write about later but which boil down to having his special panel with Misha (that he was visibly psyched for from the moment he got onstage, “I always have so much fun with you!”) taken away because he got some awkward wood from being choked and straddled. So with that grumpiness he was primed not to make the best decisions. He gets aggressive and confrontational when he’s pissed, which is a thing I don’t love about him, even though it’s very easy to see why, and maybe this was just his battleground of choice. 
To get back to the thought experiment about whether this is like SDCC 2011, though, I think it could be. I think it’s far more complex, given all the discourse surrounding Destiel and Jensen’s own sexuality. (Here’s a post I wrote in response to a question about Jensen and Destiel and bi!Dean that asked whether I thought he experienced them as about himself and Misha.) It’s tough, b/c each piece of evidence could go both ways (ha). Either mentioning Pedowitz for applause is excellent shade or total sincerity. Either Jensen is mad at the pro-Destiel audience and trying to get them to admit that they’re wrong, or he’s mad at the antis and trying to get them drowned out. 
The most similar behavior I saw was Jensen angrily getting the audience to cheer for something, even doing the same hand-raising gesture. In 2011 it was Castiel (”Go on! Show Sera how much you love the character she killled!”) and this time it was Destiel (”Go on! Show the network how much you love the ship they won’t textualize!”). That’s what made me think, initially, that he may know something about plans for Destiel that a) makes him mad, b) that he considers a bad decision by the network, c) that he thinks that audience will be hurt by.
Given his shift in attitude overall and the mood of the room as described by attendees, it seems plausible to me that his engagement was a performance, using the audience, of what it is the viewers ACTUALLY want. But it could also just have been a grouchy Jensen taking it out on an old, familiar punching bag - the topic he never wants to discuss onstage - Destiel.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
212. Sonic the Hedgehog #144
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Mobius 25 Years Later: The Die is Cast
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
We've finally made it to the final installment of this damned arc! Man, that doesn't seem to leave us a lot of time to solve the main conflict of the world ending, does it…? Well, I suppose we have to read the issue first. Knuckles arrives back home after his visitation to Locke's grave, and tells a delighted Lara-Su that he's rethought his stance on training her as a Guardian and plans to start straightaway - after, of course, his current mission with Sonic. When he makes a vague allusion to asking her mother for help on her instruction if he doesn't come back, Lara-Su tries to insist she come along to help, and Julie-Su, who was listening in, becomes indignant.
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Aww, that's actually sweet. I think that's the first time we've seen actual, real affection between any of this arc's married couples. Julie-Su sees Knuckles off to his shuttle, driven by - who else - an elderly Harry, and Sally makes him promise he'll bring her husband back to her. He tries to find Lara-Su for a final goodbye before his mission, but is somewhat baffled to not find her anywhere, assuming she was too angry at not being taken along to stick around. The shuttle flies them out through the worsening storms to the "badlands," a horrifically-polluted section of the planet that's so toxic the group has to wear sealed suits as they traverse the terrain and make their way to Robotnik's old hidden base.
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Sonic immediately volunteers himself to go back in time despite the dangers Rotor warns him of, and we cut away to the shuttle for a little surprise - Lara-Su has stowed away in a cargo box, determined to come along and help despite what her father thinks. However, before she can even take a step outside the shuttle, she begins to vanish from reality like that scene from Back to the Future. What could be causing this? Well, back in the base, we might find our answer:
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And… that's it! No, seriously, that's literally the end of the arc. No context is given for what we just saw happen. It's not explained if this time travel venture indeed caused the world to end, or if Sonic going back in time erased this timeline in favor of another, or what. This is such an abrupt and unsatisfactory ending that I have to wonder if Kenders was forced to end the story early on short notice, because absolutely nothing is explained here. We spent over a dozen issues building up to something, enduring trite teen drama and old stuffy adults arguing at each other while locked into loveless marriages, and got the most vague and useless ending possible, after all of that. I mean, what was even the point of all this then? Some chapters in this arc had literally no plot or character progression whatsoever! The aversion of the end of time and space was literally the most interesting potential plot hook in this entire arc, and it's basically swept aside in the last few pages with no explanation. This almost makes the actually good writing of last issue seem useless, if this is what came directly afterwards. *sigh* Ah well, we're finally free of this nightmare. And as it turns out, we're very close to the end of Penders as a whole! Those of you who have read the comics before might have noticed that we're rapidly approaching the 160th issue, which is when a certain fan-favorite writer took the reins and started to fix a lot of the messes that the previous writers left him with. So if you're one of the ones who despises everything Penders ever wrote, you don't have much longer to suffer - just a few more issues and we're in the clear!
Love and Loss
Writer: Romy Chacon Pencils: Jon Gray Colors: Josh Ray
This story is a bit of a bizarre one, being very unlike any others we've read so far. There's very little action and a whole lot of solid blocks of text to read, but in a way, I do feel it's interesting and contributes to several characters' arcs in a positive manner. A poor bear is doing his best to sell some newspapers to the denizens of Knothole one Wednesday evening when he suddenly finds himself mobbed by a horde of rabid women all grabbing for a copy.
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Now that is quite interesting. No, I don't mean the love advice column - I mean the little signpost in the second panel, the one listing the prices for products at the stand! Now, Jon has a habit of making up things to put on posters and the like in the background of his art, many of which are clearly just meant to be humorous and not to be taken seriously, but this is literally (as far as I can tell) the very first instance we've ever seen of an actual unique currency in this world! "Mobiums", huh? They seem to be kind of equivalent to Japanese yen, in that a single one is barely worth a penny - I mean, I'm pretty sure they're not meant to be like dollars anyway, as $75 for a single comic seems incredibly steep. For now, I suppose we'll have to add "Mobiums" to our list of potentially-canon bits of worldbuilding info about Mobius.
Anyway, as you might expect, several of our favorite girls in this comic have gotten themselves a copy today, and as it turns out, they've all written in their own letters and are eager to see the advice this "Aly" will give them. First up is Bunnie, who writes in under the pseudonym "Feeling Terribly Alone." Obviously, her main problem is with Antoine. She details how they've grown apart and how she feels like she doesn't even know him anymore - and yet, despite all their recent difficulties, she's still in love with him and wishes things could go back to the way they used to be.
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Poor Bunnie. One of the things that seems to crop up for her now and again is her well-hidden insecurities about her cyborg nature. From her recurring nightmares, to her concern over the idea of Antoine still being able to be attracted to her despite her robotic parts, it's clear that she struggles a lot more with her nature than she lets on, and her relationship with Antoine boosted her confidence immensely. They were clearly happy together, and just as they were getting past the honeymoon phase and settling into a more steady relationship, he became cold towards her without a clear explanation as to why. It's clearly broken her heart at a time when she desperately needs to be able to hold it together, and the idea of her sitting in her house at night, alone and sobbing to herself uncontrollably, is really sad.
Next up is Mina, AKA "Singing the Blues." Her letter discusses how lately she's feeling torn between old crushes and new relationships. Her new boyfriend, Ash, was briefly shown in StH#134, but apparently they've grown quite close in the year that Sonic was gone. However, with Sonic back, Mina has been feeling the old familiar butterflies around him, and questions whether she truly loves Ash in the same way she cares for Sonic. (Obviously, however, in the usual vein of these kinds of ask columns, everything she says is vague, not mentioning any names.) Aly's letter advises her to not give up on a current happy relationship to chase someone else who may not even be interested, and Mina appears to genuinely take this to heart, deciding to give her boyfriend a call despite the late hour.
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Well, good for her! Mina's a sweetheart, and it does seem like she and Ash genuinely care for each other. The third letter comes from Amy, or "Wishing for Love," who lays out her crush on Sonic and how she's tried to get his attention here and there, including going so far as to "look and dress older" (bit of an understatement there, Ames) to catch his eye. However, she's frustrated that she can't seem to gain his affections, and wants Aly's opinion on whether she really is putting too much effort into a silly crush, or whether she actually has a chance. Aly begins by tactfully pointing out that it sounds like she's still young, and it's not a good idea to rush into love too quickly when there's so much more life ahead.
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…yeah, that's about what I'd expect from Amy. After all, remember that despite her physical age, she still mentally skipped half her childhood up to this moment, and she's also the hopeless romantic type, so it's not surprising she'd be unimpressed by advice telling her to look away from her crush. The article appears to be winding down, but everyone reading is struck by what they see in the last entry, from someone called "Royally Scared." The writer dives into her story, about her deepest love and how they made a commitment to each other only for her love to be "lost," which broke her heart. When he came back, she tried to get him to walk away from his "job" for a better job in her family's "business," but he refused and they had an ugly break-up as a result. She still loves him, but she's too scared of losing him again, especially because he's so brash and throws himself into danger without a care.
Everyone immediately realizes that this is Sally's letter, and are riveted to the page for Aly's response. Aly admits that she doesn't have a solid answer for this one, but says that it seems like they both have valid points. She points out that Sally's "dramatic confrontation" might not have been very fair to her lover, and urges them to both talk it out like adults after they take some time apart to reevaluate their own priorities, before wishing her luck and concluding the article. I just want to point out that the entire section where she lays it out and Aly responds is masterfully put together, with the heart-filled background slowly transitioning to a deep, tangled mass of purple and black as the letter goes on, interspersed with silhouettes of Sally crying and looking very alone in a dark void. I've pointed it out before, but Sally was very clearly traumatized - badly - by everything she's been through, with Sonic's supposed death being a breaking point for her, and the backgrounds of this issue symbolize this struggle very effectively. But here comes the real twist. After all, "Aly" is clearly a pseudonym, and no one knows who's really running this column. So who do you suppose it is?
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God damn. Even in the middle of dealing with severe PTSD, Sally's still got a damn good head on her shoulders. It seems that people were starting to suspect her as the writer, so she deliberately wrote in a letter that was obviously her, and then answered it herself to throw readers off the scent. And her answer to herself was well thought out and reasonable - it's clear that she wrote her entry letter first, then forced herself to take a step back and evaluate her situation as though she were a third party who didn't know any of the finer details. The result is a response that doesn't betray her true identity, and isn't obviously colored by her own biases, where she gets a chance to look at her situation with a clearer head (probably helped out substantially by Nicole as an outside perspective). She flat-out acknowledges that her own actions on the stage the night of Sonic's welcome home party were unreasonable and unfair to him, and calls herself out on it in a public newsletter (even if most people aren't aware of the circumstances behind this entry). I feel like this only supports what I said about The Slap several issues ago, that she wasn't acting rationally that night and needs to be cut some slack on account of her (now-canonically-acknowledged) trauma. And in the end, her Aly persona is right. While she and Sonic still love each other, their differences have made a stable relationship between the two currently impossible, meaning it's best for them to take that time apart to figure out what each of them want before they think about getting back together. I think this is a really good follow-up to what happened in that issue, and gives a lot more insight into just why Sally did what she did, and how she's handling it after the fact.
This issue ends with a single page reminiscent of the Sega Data Files of issues past, this time covering the entire Acorn Royal Family. There's not much info here that we don't already know, but we do find out that Elias and his wife Megan's child has been born by now, a daughter named Alexis. Hope we get to see them all again soon!
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Why Jensen can't stop Misha?
When I did my post about Misha's inadequacy as a man, I was wondering whether I should do a post about Jensen and his fear of other people in his personal space.  Then an awesome creature tagged me onto a hideous heller post, which has my blood boiling.  The idiot heller posted the filth in the general tags and is therefore fair game.  Apparently the gifs below are gush worthy.
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  This was a turn on for @cas-is-my-spirit-animal-bruh.  Now, if the idiot had just tagged it destiel, we wouldn't have to see it and go into gag mode.  Look at the second gif.  Jensen has his hand in front of his face.  He is trying to block Misha.  And how many times is he saying stop.  Remember the red carpet for the 300th episode party.  He was messing with Jensen's tie and Jensen physically turned away saying ''stop it''.  It also reminds me of that horrendous photo op where Misha grabbed Jensen's hands forcefully and Jensen tried to wrangle his hand out of Misha's grasp, screaming at him.  Misha loves that power because he is dominant one. 
Now, the hellers may argue that Jensen gave his go-ahead to show this clip.  Why would he do that?  There are a few suppositions.  The bibro, who directed me to this monstrosity, had this to say:
''Why would he agree to publish this sick footage? My guess: for fandom to finally see the true face of Misha and how far he is willing to go in his sickening pandering to the shippers. This is the personality of Misha and the reality of how shipping negatively influences the working environment on set. He [Jensen] probably didn’t count on minions being that nasty that they would romanticize this, because hey! their overlord can’t do no wrong!!! (sarcasm).''
A good supposition.  I have a theory as well.  Have you noticed how Jensen's words and actions are sometimes incongruous with each other.  He gets upset if you ask him anything ship-related, and yet he will snap shippy photos during his photo op.  He rolls his eyes at the mere mention of Misha but the minute Danneel says she loves Misha, Jensen obediently chimes in ''who doesn't?''.  He clashes with himself.  I think Jensen is easy to maneuver into doing things against his will.  All you have to do is give him the right motivation and he will do exactly what you want. 
What is his motivation as far as Danneel is concerned?
Simple.  That's his wife.  He is trying to help her acquire a piece of the Supernatural pie, and she chose Misha's fan base, because she thinks Jensen's fans don't like her.  And when HatersOfDanneel [an abstractly named twitter handle] attacked her, Misha conveniently came to the rescue, although he does that for no one else.  This is how you win favors, people.  This is how inmates gain a ''fresh meat's'' confidence.  Set up a fake enemy to harass your prey and then save the prey, so he will feel indebted to you.  This is what I hypothesized happened here.  Jensen went along with what Danneel wanted, because every man is afraid of a nagging wife.  He would never hear the end of it. 
What is his motivation as far as Destiel is concerned?
Jensen has a manager, a publicist and assistants.  Are all of them blind?  How are they all unaware of Jensen's discomfort.  How come hellers get away with threatening Jensen?  Do none of them see Misha's panel footage?  Why are these people so lax?  I think Misha networked with Jensen's people, and he used fear of possible PR problems if their star, Jensen, is seen as a homophobe.  If Jensen loses public favor due to accusations of bigotry, his career is going to take a nosedive.  And if that happens, all his people whom he employed, will have to deal with a very unsteady financial future in a turbulent economic climate. 
So Misha did the spin doctor spiel on them and they in turn, spun Jensen's head.  Jensen does what they say, even though he hates it, for fear of disrepute.  That is why he has no congruency in his speech and actions, because playing pretend has its limitations.  When you get angry, you forgot what you were supposed to do or say?  So that also might be why that particular piece of footage made it into the gag reel.  Jensen gave his permission because his people told him to.  Did Misha ever speak directly to Jensen?  Maybe.  And he probably used the same spiel.  ''Just tolerate it, Jensen.  Trying to correct them might make matters worse.  The LGBT will feel like you hate them.  And you don't want them to think that, do you?''  Fun fact:  Spin doctor is term used in politics and government.  Misha just happened to intern at the white house.  He must have learned something there.  Other than stealing white house property. 
I think Jensen is caught between a rock and a hard place.  I think this gif set and the photo ops, are actually more troublesome to him than he lets up.  The reason why I think so, is the 1999 cowboy photo shoot.  Jensen mentioned it at a con, and immediately Jared pulled a cringy face, and then became uncharacteristically serious, which leads me to believe Jensen spoke to Jared about this, which is why Jared is so protective of him.  He knows about Jensen's fear, especially since I think the fear is still there, lying dormant within Jensen.    I mildly considered Jensen's discomfort regarding that photo shoot to be baffling.  Jensen has done shirtless scenes in DOOL, Dark Angel and Supernatural.  What was so bad about this photo shoot? 
Then I remember the uproar Corey Feldman created in the media.  I watched a documentary called The Open Secret which, unfortunately, is no longer available on YouTube.  Apparently there is a pedo ring that targets young boys who go to work in the industry.  There is a link between agents, photographers and the elite.  The photographers basically showcase the boys to the rich magnets.  I think they do sales work, and probably get a commission.  Since the boys are merchandise, it is the photographer's job to make the merchandise look attractive.  Whilst watching the doccie, I wondered how come Jensen didn't get targeted.  He was way more beautiful than any of his peers in 1999.  And he looked younger than his peers.  He entered the industry, at 18 , 1996, without a chaperone.  He should have been fair game.  Someone pointed out that when this photo shoot took place he was around 21.  Correct. 
Then I saw the pictures taken at the photo shoot and something stood out, that gelled with what the detectives and psychologists etc, in the documentary were saying. 
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That shoot lasted a long time, probably half the day.  The team took many pictures with horses and lassoing.  I think it was a shoot for a magazine.  Most of the pictures don't look bad.  So its baffling that Jensen hates all of them.  These above pictures stand out.  According to the detective, when photographers see a boy of interest, they take a few pictures that might entice the pedophiles and pederasts they are attracting.  Pedophiles and pederasts [and I am sorry to talk about this] like children and teenagers, because they are usually bigger, older and stronger than their frightened victims.  Its more about their ego.  Also, in some cases, the aggressors are taller and therefore usually looking down at victims. 
That is why photographers will make boys remove their shirts so they are topless [this is one thing Jensen mentioned hating], and then take the picture from an angle where they are looming over the subject so that the subject appears shorter or maybe smaller.  Its the pedophile/pederast's POV.  The third picture is ridiculous because the photographer made Jensen scrunch down to look shorter.  I think the photographer might have been shorter than Jensen.  Jensen's pose appears like a invitation.  He probably got the inkling, by the end of the session, that something was off with the whole shoot.  That is why, to this day, the shoot upsets him.  But other than that, I don't know if anything else happened on that day. 
Do I think something drastic happened?  No.  I don't think Jensen was attacked by a predator.  The predators didn't want Jensen even though he was a teenager, very beautiful and alone in Los Angeles.  The reason why is if you really squint, Jensen is a star child.  His father is a veteran in the industry.  Alan Ackles is a somebody.  If they touch his kid, Alan might become a problem for them.  Because they didn't want a potentially difficult angry dad situation to deal with in the future, they decided to leave Jensen alone.  However, the shoot still messed Jensen up enough that he remembers it to this day, decades later.  He even argued with a heller over it, because she wanted him to sign on of the pictures during his autos and he was upset.  Why get upset?  Its just a picture, right?  Unless there is an ugly memory attached to it.
Maybe the penny dropped for him as to how ugly the situation could have gotten.  So that gif set of Misha forcing Jensen's face into his crotch, that the hellers are gushing over, is not hot or cute.  It is disgusting.  Only a complete pervert will be aroused by the coercion of the Cockles pairing and the beatings in the destiel pairing.  Misha is vile and so are his hellers.  They get turned on by the sickest things. 
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After SPNDEN's Misha Panel... *.*A ficlet*.*
He sat cross legged on the couch flipping absentmindedly through his book while his mind ran over all the things he needed to get done in the coming week. It never seemed to end but it was so worth it. The busyness, the exhaustion, the time away from home. He felt like he was really doing something with his life and it made him feel so content.
A knock sounded on the hotel room door jerking him free of his musings. He jumped up and padded across the room wondering who it could be at this hour. A glance through the peep hole answered that question. He threw the door open and guestured for Jensen to come inside.
"Hey! I wasn't expecting you. Everything ok?" Misha smiled warmly but his smile drooped when he noticed the look on his friends face.
"We gotta talk Mish. What the hell was that during your panel on Friday?!" Jensen's glassy eyes told Misha he'd been drinking. Not so much he didn't know what he was doing but enough to loosen a tongue that was usually very controlled.
"You're not seriously upset about that, are you?  Come on Jensen, we both know the writers have been playing up that "will they/won't they" tension for years now.  They won't pull the trigger on it unless you're on board but that doesn't mean it's not there.  The fans know it and my fans enjoy an open dialog about it.  If they bring up Destiel I'm not just going to shut them down.  That's not fair."  His thick thighs flexed with the effort to lower himself to the couch in the living room.  Green eyes flashed for a second before returning to meet his blue.
"Ok, yeah, but that wasn't all you talked about.  What did they call it? 'RPF'?" His faded skinny jeans strained as he took a seat on the couch across from his long time friend.  Jaw working while he tried to find the words to express why he was so frustrated but he was having trouble figuring it out as well.
"Cockles.  You're pissed because I joked about you and I.  Come on, man, you know I was joking.  Daneel makes jokes about it all the time.  She even called me after the panel to laugh about it.  Are you having a "no homo" moment, is that what this is?" Misha swallowed the nervous disappointment that had thickened in his throat and pasted on what he hoped was a reassuring grin.  He suspected that maybe he'd let it go too far this time.  Maybe this man he'd been in love with for years finally saw his shenanigans for what they were.  An admission.
"Mish, look, I just....I mean I get uncomfortable.  I hate that some of the fans get shitty with you over it but I don't feel like we should get involved or it'll snowball. You know how I feel about you.  You and Jared are my best friends."  Jensen rubbed his scruffy face in frustration.  He couldn't get the words to connect to anything coherent.  Hell, he didn't even know what he was trying to say or why he was even there.  He'd come over in a rush, finally free from the schedule, but now he wasn't sure what he'd been so irritated about.
"What makes you uncomfortable?  Help me understand because I'm not sure I'm getting it. You realize this is no different that if the fans were wanting you to get together with any woman on the show.  I'm not telling you what to think or how to respond but I'm not going to allow it to be any different in terms of a conversation when it comes up in my panel because I refuse to alienate our LGBTQ fans.  If you think I'm wrong, call me out.  I want to hear what you think."  Misha stood up and began to pace as he talked, uncomfortably aware of how important this was to him at the moment and how quickly he would know for sure how Jensen felt about this, once and for all.  Maybe he didn't want to know.
"Well, I mean, don't you think Vicki might be just a little uneasy with the idea of you and some dude...." Misha cocked an eyebrow and stared back at Jensen.  Jensen smirked when he realized how stupid that particular concern was. 
"Jens, what are you really worried about?  Lay it all out there.  You can trust me, you know that." As he spoke he returned to the couch and sat down close enough to smell the familiar musk that seemed to follow this Texan everywhere.  Brow furrowed in earnest, Misha laid his hand over Jensen's fidgeting fingers trying to get him to relax. His reaction was the opposite.
Jensen jumped up from the couch and strode to the door.  "I shouldn't have come...you're probably right...I'm just overreacting."  His words tumbled out of his mouth in a fury. Misha jumped and ran after him, his heart hammering in his chest and quickly filling with dread. Just before he pulled the door open, Misha's toe caught on the rug sending him plowing into Jensen's back slamming them both into the door.
Taking a step back and murmuring apologies, his blue eyes sought out the green ones he cared about so much.  Jensen's were blown wide and frantic as he turned to look at his long time friend.  Misha wrapped his palms around the other man's shoulders and searched his face.
"Jensen, please.  Talk to me. If I've upset you this badly I'll do whatever I need to to fix it but something else is wrong here, I can feel it."  Jensen took a deep breath and looked at the floor as he rubbed at his neck.
"Do you even think about how it makes me feel when you talk that way?" The words came out quaking with uncertainty.
"No.  I guess I hadn't.  I mean we all joke constantly, I didn't think it mattered.  Honestly if the idea upsets you that much I'll just.."
"No, Mish, you're not understanding me.  I don't know how to come back from this but I can't keep it buried because every time you talk about it, at a con or on set, I wonder and it's torture.  Do you even mean what you're saying or is it all an act?  Do you actually...I mean, am I the only one who feels like this tension is real?"  Jensen chewed his lip nervously and looked anywhere but at the soft smile forming on Misha's lips.
Leaning in close, he slid his strong fingers behind Jensen's tanned neck and brushed his nose against his freckled one."Dammit Jens, why did it take you so long..."
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Team Titans #13
I'm not saying there should be a version of Let's Make a Deal where awful things happen to people who choose the wrong curtain but I am saying I'd lie to people's faces when I told them I absolutely do not watch it.
I just lost the ability to orgasm.
It's too bad I can't orgasm now that I saw Deathwing's nipples and tongue because the next few panels are of Mirage bending over in her underwear! Sure, she's traumatized and puking from the time Deathwing raped her. But she's in her underwear! If artists didn't want me to masturbate to hot characters in their underwear, they shouldn't draw them so sexy! They should make them obviously horrified and in pain and anguish which probably means concentrating on their face instead of their asses and pudenda. Like the way they drew Deathwing in the above panel. Nobody is going to masturbate over that! Unless they're a gay male into really flamboyant men just barely exposing their rock hard nipples and hiding in showers. They also need to love sharp spikes just over the mouth giving them a thoroughly satisfying blowjob. Just because I was turned off by Deathwing's appearance doesn't mean I can't recognize his blowjob expertise. Donna is concerned that Mirage needs to see a doctor and maybe a therapist because of her traumatic experience. But Battalion, being a rational male who knows the inherent manipulation within all social justice story arcs in super hero comic books is...well wait a second. Isn't social justice the point of all the story arcs?! What the fuck is the point that comicsgaters are trying to get across? "We just want to see people punching each other in tight costumes! I don't want any of that shit where the heroes are trying to make the world a better place! Just stop the robberies and leave the racism and sexism for your feminist romance novels!" scream the comicsgater strawman character I just invented (whom I'm certain isn't actually a strawman at all and pretty close to the mark). Um, anyway, Battalion's reaction comes off a bit cold and patriarchal.
Here's a small hint about the word patriarchal for the anti-feminists: it's not the same as saying men. The majority of mothers in the 70s would probably have had the same reaction as Battalion to their child being sexually assaulted. "Oh dear. It's just boys being boys. Run some water over it and have some ice cream. You'll feel better in a few hours."
Donna, being a social justice Titan, can't let Battalion have the last word. She's all, "She needs to see a doctor! And probably a therapist! And get an AIDS test!" And just like that, it's an after-school special on HIV!
This was in 1993. Is this what Comicsgaters mean when they want to go back to old school comic books? Because if that's their argument, I don't think they have an argument! Although if their argument is that this kind of thing ruins the comic book, they obviously haven't read the rest of the comic book. This might be the best bit!
So the conversation about whether or not Mirage should see a doctor and a therapist after being sexually assaulted ends with Battalion declaring he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Why isn't this guy the poster child for the Comicsgate movement? Ugh! Enough about those creeps. I'll save really discussing them when I reread Cerebus! If you want to see what happens when a guy believes feminism means completely overthrowing the patriarchy and establishing a matriarchy and what he thinks that would look like, you'll love Cerebus! I love a lot about Cerebus but Dave Sim doesn't come across as logical as he believes he is. It seems a large part of his anti-feminist philosophy stems from the fact that he doesn't believe relationships benefit anybody and since he's a cis-hetero man, that means the problem is women. He claims he's not a misogynist but then acts offended (or whatever the "rational" expression of "offended" is (because he's not emotional!)) when somebody calls him one after his conclusion from research on Mothers and Daughters is that women are dull and uninteresting if he doesn't want to fuck them. I mean, a lot of men are dull and uninteresting too but he doesn't see that as a problem because he never wants to fuck men. If a man is interesting and he enjoys being around that man, the man becomes a friend. If it were a woman, that woman would become somebody he wants to fuck. I'm not sure what his thoughts on a woman who he isn't attracted to that's interesting. Maybe he never finds out because he's all, "Ugh! I don't want to fuck that! She sucks!" Also Dave has been celibate for like twenty years or something so, at the very least, he's putting his dick where his mouth is. Oh man that sounded hot. Calendar Man and Clock King break out Chronos to join their catering business. If they wind up just being criminals, I'm going to be severely disappointed. They could really start a fantastic business by combining their powers. Stiff competition? Just go back in time and start your business earlier! Need to provide products by a certain time? Who better than these jerks?! Need additional resources? Travel to the future and borrow against your future earnings! They could be such a success! But I have a feeling they're just going to rob a bank. And then the SJW hits just keep coming! Fucking Team Titans! I'm trying to avoid noticing social justice concerns in comic books the Comicsgaters hold up as the pinnacle of the genre!
"Look! A confederate flag! That just means we'll have lots of southern things to discuss!" says Charlie who is in for a racist shock about what the flag really means, at least in our timeline.
Dressed as women, the Time Buddies pick up Time Commander from an insane asylum.
Aha! This is more like it! Back to the days before male nurses existed!
Later that night, Donna Troy and Terry Long fuck and I finally think, "Writer Jeff Jensen, you've gone too far!" And Jeff Jensen replies (I imagine), "Too far? Wait until you hear Terry's thoughts on the sex!"
I hope the "Mmmmm!" is because of something he found in the fridge and not a memory of what Donna did to his dick.
Team Titans #13 Rating: A few other things happened but does it really matter? I can't actually retain anything else after Terry Long thinking about how wild his sex life is. I know I'm not speaking for anybody else and that this might be a little insensitive but the above panel is more traumatic to me than Mirage being sexually assaulted by Deathwing. I'm not saying it should be more traumatic for everybody! I'm just saying it was for me and nobody can deny me my pain and suffering! On the other hand, it's canon that Calendar Man enjoys wearing bras. So this was a pretty historic issue of DC Comics.
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