#and bless even more whoever had the idea for them to switch for the hidden agenda scene
airenyah · 7 months
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Joong Archen and Dunk Natachai in
Hidden Agenda (2023) vs. Star in My Mind (2022)
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
50 Questions You Have Never Been Asked
Tagged by @lostinfantasies38! Tagging - @tuffypelly, @corylion, @eranehn, @silvanils, @fandomn00blr, @odekiax, and whoever else wants in!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
And immediately I have to reveal how high maintenance I am. I have four. They’re red, teal, and black and they’re all different no matter what my husband says. 
2. A food you never eat?
Tapioca - I’m allergic (which is a shame because BUBBLE TEA. It looks so fun!!) 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Always cold - I struggle with pretty chronic iron deficiency so I’m an icicle. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
I think I was eating Chinese food? 
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
Twix. Either side. 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
I have been to far too many. The only ones I like are hockey (yay!) but I’ve been to Basketball and Baseball games. The last time I went to a basketball game, I read a novel on my phone. Husband was not amused. 
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Why are you like this?” - To the infamous watermelon head puppers as he put his whole damn noggin on my shoulder. 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip. 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Cream top tea from the Chinese restaurant
10. Do you like your wallet?
It’s the best wallet I’ve ever owned and I’ve had it for like four years. I refuse to get another one. 
11. What was the last thing you ate?
Cold sesame noodles and dumplings
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
I don’t think so but I’ve done a lot of online shopping, it’s all a blur. I just wait to see what shows up in the mail. 
13. The last sporting event you watched?
Does watching my husband play NBA 2K20 count? If no - then I think we went to a minor league hockey game in January or February? 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
ALRIGHT. Bear with me. Pop your popcorn and then dump some hidden valley ranch dressing mix seasoning packets on it. BEST. THING. EVER. (I’ve been told you can buy ranch seasoning shakers for popcorn, but I’ve never tried them, I just use the seasoning packets) 
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My Husband: “I love you too babe.” cause we’re sweet like that. 
16. Ever go camping?
Yes, I’m not a fan. I’m like a houseplant - I like the idea of outside but if you put me out there I will die.  
17. Do you take vitamins?
So many. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
Nope and I never will again. 
19. Do you have a tan?
Not currently, but I do tan! God bless whoever the swarthy skin tone came from. 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese food. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
No? What kind of monster does this on the regular? Don’t use straws unless you have to - it’s bad for the turtles. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
I dislike socks - I usually wear tights because I’m wearing skirts and dresses. 
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
The better question: Do you ever drive below the speed limit? 
24. What terrifies you?
Many things. The biggest thing, lately, is that I’m not doing enough to get this world back on track and that I should be doing more. The time for discussion, negotiation, and bargaining for basic human rights is over. I want to smash windows, tear down institutions, and torch mansions. 
25. Look to your left what do you see? 
Watermelon head, just where he always is. 
26. What chore do you hate?
I hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Absolutely hate it. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Immediately of Steve Irwin. I watched a shit ton of animal planet as a child. 
28. What is your favorite soda?
I can’t drink soda very often because it makes be a bit ill - but I love coke. 
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through? 
I also can’t have fast food often because it me very ill. So when I do stop - it’s usually to satisfy my ever present french fry craving and I feel silly going in and ordering one thing. 
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
The chinese food delivery guy or watermelon head if he counts. 
31. Favorite cut of beef?
The other thing that makes me sick! I rarely eat beef, even when I cook it for my husband. The only thing I usually can’t resist is a mean sloppy joe or taco - so that would be ground beef done extra lean which probably doesn’t count. 
32. Last song you listened to?
This is Me - Kesha from The Greatest Showman soundtrack 
33. Last book you read?
Also fanfiction. I have no spoons for new fiction at this time. I’m making my way through some nonfiction books slowly - “Michael and Natasha” by Rosemary and Donald Crawford is my current choice. 
34. Favorite day of the week?
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
36. How do you like your coffee?
Flavored creamer if possible - if not just cream. I never seem to get the sugar ratio right on my own. 
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
My utterly impractical, goes with one outfit, red high heeled mary jane’s. God I love those shoes. 
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
Between 10 and 11p - I take medicine that knocks me out pretty quick at night. 
39. At what time do you normally get up?
Between 5 and 7a? I don’t know when I turned into my father - but I’m up with the fucking sun no matter what. 
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrises - especially over the ocean. 
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
On the bed? Two. Beside my side of the bed? Four more. Plus the dog has a blanket. Don’t judge me. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
Vintage find - white with yellow and orange daffodils. 
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Wine to get started, but I almost always end up switching to whiskey if I’m out. 
44. Do you play cards?
I learned to play poker very young and I’m surprisingly good at it. 
45. What color is your car?
It’s called Seafoam, which is a pretty pearlescent green <-- same?! @lostinfantasies38 do you drive a Subaru too? 
46. Can you change a tire?
YES. My father, when he was losing his eyesight and I was sixteen, wanted me to know how to change my own oil and my own tires cause “he wouldn’t be able to see to do it.” Before that makes you too sad - he 100% still sat in the driveway and listened to me do these things while offering “advice.” Bonus: I was one of the only people of either gender I knew in college who could do these things. 
Do I actually do them any longer? fuck no. I don’t want to get dirty and I got myself a husband. 
47. What is your favorite province? 
I’ve only ever been to Toronto, so whatever province that’s in.
48. Favorite job you ever had?
I don’t know if I have a favorite? I’ve gotten to travel a lot in my current job, and I’ve done a lot of presentations and met a lot of people I wouldn’t have otherwise, plus it’s less hazardous to my mental health. So. Grantwriter/Researcher it is. 
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
In November 2019 (which seems like forever ago but I know it wasn’t) I was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler on the highway. It was a nasty crash and I still can’t quite drive on the highway. I was actually nearly completely unscathed despite rolling my car and it being totaled. I emerged with a concussion and two cuts - one on the back of my left hand which is small. I had another shallow cut which is mostly hidden under my hair, but I can feel the scar. It does creep out under my hair onto my forehead about a half-inch. 
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
On my morning walk with watermelon head, we stopped outside our neighbors house to wave through the window so their kiddos could see puppers. Judging from their faces - they were pretty happy (but who wouldn’t be to be greeted with watermelon head?) 
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citysvein · 4 years
                *   //    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴   …   /𝚃𝙷𝙴_𝙲𝙾𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁   :    chloe   kim   also   known   as   zero   is   wanted   for   grand   larceny   .   she   is   a   twenty-three   year   old   cis   female   who   has   ties   to   the   mastermind   because   she   hacked   into   his   private   server  ;   once   at   the   request   of   a   benefactor   and   another   time   for   fun   .   𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳   𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷   :   strawberry   flavored   bubblegum   ,   the   glow   of   a   computer   screen   in   a   dark   room  ,   tattoos   hidden   by   oversized   sweater   sleeves   ,   &   cyber   stalking   your   exes   .   𝙳𝙾   𝙽𝙾𝚃   𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴   𝙵𝙾𝚁   :   yoo shiah   .  
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━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK  STATS  !
full  name  :   chloe   kim   .
nickname(s)  :   chlo   .
age   :   twenty-three   . 
codename   :   zero   .
role:   the   coordinator   .   
zodiac  :   gemini   sun   ,   gemini   moon   (  click   !  )
sexuality  :   bisexual   .
alignment   :   chaotic   neutral   .
pinterest   :   (   click !   )  
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY  !    (  tw  :  death  &  car  crash  )
chloe   kim   was   born   in   and   raised   in   ann   arbor   ,   michigan   .   there   was   nothing   truly   remarkable   about   her   childhood   —   she   was   an   only   child   born   into   a   middle   class   family    .    her   mother   was   a   professor   and   her   father   was   a   physical   therapist   ,   and   they   were   very   happily   married   ,   so   she   had   a   stable   life   .   ann   arbor   was   a   fittingly   normal    place   to   grow   up   .   nothing   too   out   of   the   ordinary   ever   seemed   to   happen   .
the   only   anomaly   in   chloe’s   unremarkable   existence   ,    it   seemed   ,   was   herself   .   from   a   young   age   it   was   obvious   she   wasn’t   like   most   kids   .    she   was   decidedly   smarter   ,   an   intelligence   that   impressed   the   adults   around   her   .   her   parents   often   described   her   as   a   highly   curious   ,   if   not   a   little   naughty   ,    child   .   it   seemed   like   she   was   born   with   the   desire   to   know   how   the   world   around   her   worked   ,   and   it   wasn’t   uncommon   to   find   her   tinkering   around   with   her   toys   or   household   objects    ,    taking   them   apart   just   so   she   could   learn   how   to   put   them   back   together   .   
she   graduated   from   high   school   at   sixteen   ,   a   year   early   ,   and   was   offered   a   full   ride   to   MIT   ,   which   she   gladly   accepted   .   moving   to   cambridge,   massachusetts   marked   the   most   interesting   thing   to   happen   to   her   yet   .   she’d   long   dreamed   of   excitement   ,   the   only   thing   she   had   to   entertain   her   back   home   being   her   love   for   computers   .   chloe   was   ready   for   a   change   ,   which   was   exactly   what   she   received   .  
free   from   the   confines   of   being   that   one   smart   girl   in   ann   arbor   ,   she   didn’t   feel   pressured   to   conform   to   the   idea   of   her   that   had   been   carefully   crafted   by   the   people   back   home   any   longer   .   she   didn’t   just   have   to   care   about   school   ,   or   be   shy   about   how   she   unironically   loved   reality   tv   ,   or   pretend   like   pink   wasn’t   the   absolute   best   color   in   the   whole   world   .   facing   comments   from   nerdy   boys   about   how   she   was   too   pretty   to   be   smart   or   about   how   she   was   clearly   in   the   wrong   class   seemed   like   a   small   price   to    pay   if   she   could   finally   be   herself   .
MIT   ,   however   ,   did   feel   like   the   wrong   place   for   chloe   most   of   the   time   .   she   realized   very   quickly   that   while   she   was   gifted   and   bright   ,   she   had   no   passion   or   drive   to   pursue   typical   careers   the   way   most   people   in   her   major   did   .   she   also   had   a   knack   for   using   her   skills   in   unconventional   (   if   not   illegal   )   ways   ,   like   when   she   started   charging   a   pretty   penny   to   hack   boyfriends   suspected   by   their   girlfriends   of   cheating   ,   or   hacking   into   the   local   police   database   to   browse   through   people’s   criminal   records   like   it   was   the   equivalent   of   reading   gossip   magazines   .
at   the   end   of   her   junior   year   ,   after   voicing   her   concerns   about   whether   or   not   university   life   was   for   her   to   her   parents   in   one   of   her   weekly   calls   back   home   ,   they’d   made   the   decision   to   go   surprise   chloe   .   after   flying   into   massachusetts   from   michigan   they’d   rented   a   car   and   were   on   their   way   to   drive   up   to   her   dorm   when   they   got   into   a   fatal   accident   .   there   had   been   a   nasty   storm   that   night   ,   and   chloe   can   still   remember   how   she’d   gotten   a   severe   thunderstorm   warning   alert   on   her   cellphone   moments   before   she   got   the   police   call   informing   her   of   what   happened   .
in   the   blink   of   an   eye   her   life   had   gone   from   average   to   tragic   .   she   couldn’t   process   the   death   of   her   parents   —   there   was   no   other   driver   to   blame   ,   nothing   faulty   about   the   rental   car    they’d   been   driving   ,   only   the   weather   and   the   slippery   roads   .   chloe   would   have   surely   flunked   out   from   MIT   had   her   professors   ,   who   mostly   harbored   soft   spots   for   the   girl   and   were   especially   sympathetic   towards   her   situation   ,   not   given   her   the   few   credits   she   needed   to   graduate   that   spring   .
armed   with   an   IT   degree   but   not   much   else   ,   chloe   went   back   to   ann   arbor   for   her   parent’s   funeral   and   the   selling   of   her   childhood   home   .   realizing   she   had   no   place   to   go   afterwards   ,   she   became   a   bit   of   a   vagabond   ,   spending   the   entirety   of   her   19th   year   living   out   of   motel   rooms   in   various   cities   .   not   in   the   head   space   for   a   full   time   career   ,   and   with   her   mind   still   foggy   from   mourning   ,   she   started   picking   up   where   she’d   left   off   in   college   in   terms   of   odd   and   illegal   ways   to   make   money.   
when   she   was  20   she   caught   the   attention   of   someone   she  quickly   realized   was   important   ,   a   client   with   a   request   and   a   payday   like   nothing   she’d   ever   seen   before   .   all   he   wanted   chloe   to   do   was   hack   into   someone’s   private   server   ,   and   so   she   did   .   she   didn’t   ask   questions   but   she   did   snoop   around   ,   a   small   act   or   curiosity   that   would   forever   change   her   world   .   what   she   found   was   almost   incomprehensible   ,   a   network   of   some  sort   with   the   most   detailed   plans   and   profiles   .   never   having   been   motivated   by   any   sort   of   moral   compass   before   ,   chloe   couldn’t   explain   why   she   lied   to   the   man   who   had   hired   her   ,   claiming   she   hadn’t   been   skilled   enough   to   get   through   .   
he’d   bought   her   excuse   ,   another   man   who   couldn’t   see   past   a   pretty   face   to   the   brain   behind   it    .   for   months   afterwards   chloe   tried   to   forget   about   the   things   she’d   seen   and   read   ,   that   exciting   world   she’d   only   discovered   by   chance   ,    but   she   just   couldn’t   let   it   go   .   she   was   inexplicably   drawn   to   whoever   was   behind   it   all   ,   proving   it   when   she   hacked   them   a   second   time   around   ,    this   time   for   her   own   entertainment   and   satisfaction   .   she   couldn’t   explain   it   —   especially   not   when   she   left   behind   a   trail   this   time   around   ,   wanting   to   be   caught   ,   wanting   so   desperately   to   be   contacted   .   
when   chloe   is   recruited   by   J    ,   it   feels   like   the   first   blessing   since   her   parent’s   deaths   .   it   wasn’t   the   money   she   was   interested   in   ,   but   him   ,   the   way   he   makes   people   feel   special   and   needed   filling   a   void   she’d   never   let   herself   admit   she   had   in   the   first   place   .   she’s   loyal   to   him   ,   and   so   she’s   loyal   to   the   crew   ,   and   for   the   first   time   in   her   whole   life   it   feels   like   she   might   have   found   the   place   she   truly   belongs   .         
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY  +  TIDBITS  !
thats   right   ...   i   made   her   a   double   gemini   baby   !   😈   its   just   chaos   all   over   as   u   can   imagine   ...   gotta   love   a   sexy   sign   aha   no   im   not   biased   <3   she’s   got   a   pretty   good   balance   of   intelligence   &   curiosity   in   her   ,   so   instead   of   coming   off   as   a   know-it-all   she’s   more   likely   to   come   across   as   nosy   .   she   just   loves   to   figure   stuff   out    .   whether   it’s   code   or   people   she   wants   to   know   how   things   work   .
generally   speaking   ,   she’s   pretty   easy   going   !    when   it   comes   to   her   relationships   with   people   she’s   not   that   high   maintenance   ,   in   fact   sometimes   it’s   easy   to   mistake   her   easy   going   attitude   with   aloofness   or   disinterest   ,   which   isn’t   the   case   at   all   .   when   she   does   get   annoyed   though   she’s   not   shy   about   letting   you   know   how   she   feels   ,   and   she’s   got   a   BIG   potty   mouth   ...   it’s   like   when   people   have   road   rage   SJDBWJDBJW   she’ll   curse   you   out   in   a   short   burst   of   anger   then   decide   she’s   over   it   before   you   even   have   time   to   process   what   happened   . 
since   she’s   been   on   her   own   pretty   much   her   whole   life   (   no   siblings   ,   no   set   group   of   friends   )   it   was   a   bumpy   adjustment   to   go   from   having   no   one   to   being   part   of   a   team   .   she   definitely   wasn’t   upset   by   it   ,   but   chloe   can   get   into   trouble   sometimes   because   she’s   got   a   knack   for   always   saying   what   she’s   thinking   without   filtering   herself   first   ,   so   she’s   definitely   started   some   arguments   or   hurt   some   feelings   on   accident   </3   
loves   to   joke   around   and   treat   things   like   they’re   no   big   deal   ,   even   when   they   are   .   this   is   especially   true   when   it   comes   to   her   own   abilities   .   she’ll   casually   mention   hacking   into   a   number   of   high   security   facilities   and   servers   and   how   she   bought   a   new   sailor   moon   hoodie   in   the   same   sentence   like   it’s   nothing   .
almost   always   either   dressed   in   pink   or   black   ,   or   a   combination   of   the   two   .   she   swears   she   owns   clothes   in   other   colors   but   those   two   are   definitely   her   defaults   .   switches   between   more   casual   street-styles   and   girly   attire   on   a   day   to   day   basis   .   owns   many   sanrio   themed   articles   of   clothing   ,   accessories   ,   and   plushies   and   will   accept   zero   criticism   about   it   !    
chews   gum   a   lot    ,   but   especially   when   she’s   working   on   her   computer   .   she   claims   it   helps   her   focus   but   who   knows   for   sure   maybe   she   just   likes   chomping   and   blowing   bubbles   ...
she’s   a   serial   dater   .   chloe   finally   had   to   force   herself   to   swear   off   tinder   because   she   kept   doing   extensive   background  searches   (   hacking   )   on   the   people   she   was   going   on   dates   with   .  still   cyber   stalks   her   exes   but   she   swears   it’s   purely   an   act   of   public   service   since   they   were   all   insane   (   in   her   opinion   ,    which   is   never   wrong   )   and   she’s   just   trying   to   make   sure   they   haven’t   committed   any   major   crimes   aha   x   
not   very   good   at   being   romantic   or   emotionally   vulnerable   SDBWJDBJW   truly   the   thought   alone   is   terrifying   enough   but   when   she   watches   pride   and   prejudice   alone   at   2am   she   cries   so   your   girl   has   it   in   her   she’s   just   not   there   yet   <3   physical   intimacy   she   has   no   issue   with   it’s   just   the   serious   stuff   that   makes   her   want   to   eat   glass   ...   or   so   she   says   .
has   questionable   drinking   habits   .   can   she   out   drink   a   man   twice   her   size   ?    sure   .   should   she   be   putting   that   to   the   test   at   10   am   at   a   chili’s   after   a   night   out   ?   absolutely   not   but   it   100%   happened   and   she   would   probably   do   it   again   because   she   simply   pretends   her   mistakes   never   happened   in   the   first   place   and   that’s   why   she   never   learns   !
absolutely   refuses   to   talk   to   anyone   about   her   life   and   what   happened   to   her   parents   .   she   still   hasn’t   fully   grieved   or   processed   it   ,   and   honestly   speaking   she’s   been   using   the   crew   and   J   as   a   coping   mechanism   almost   .   chloe’s   adamant   belief   in   the   heists   they   do   and   their   capabilities   as   a   unit   has   less   to   do   with   the   real   chances   on   whether   or   not   they   can   pull   something   off   and   everything   to   do   with   the   fact   that   she   needs   things   to   work   and   she   needs   them   to   be   together   .   that’s   why   she’s   usually   one   of   the   first   ones   to   pep   talk   people   when   there   are   doubts   .   she   can’t   risk   losing   a   second   family   /: 
low   key   addicted   to   getting   tattoos   .   it   started   with   tiny   ones   on   her   fingers   and   wrists   and   now   she’s   thinking   about   getting   a   sleeve   ...   if   only   she   could   decide   on   what   to   get   tattooed   #AirSignThings   x   don’t   ask   her   to   make   decisions   if   you   want   an   answer   before   this   decade   ends   .
strawberry   is   her   favorite   fruit   and   flavor   !   if   she’s   not   chewing   strawberry   gum   ,   she’s   drinking   strawberry   milk   .
once   started   an   instagram   to   review   different   mozzarella   sticks   after   lorde   was   outed   for   running   an   onion   ring   reviewing   instagram   .
won   a   goldfish   at   a   fair   when   she   was   in   college   ,   named   him   stinky   ,   then   cried   for   a   week   straight   after   she   found   him   floating   dead   in   his   fish   bowl   the   next   day   ...   she   hasn’t   had   a   pet   since   </3   
if   you   ever   tell   chloe   good   job   she   will   act   cool   in   the   moment   but   at   night   when   she’s   trying   to   go   to   bed   she   will   look   like   this   🥺   never   forgets   a   compliment   she   loves   them   even   if   she   pretends   she   doesn’t   need   them   ...
told   myself   i’d   make   this   short   by   not   adding   a   plots   section   and   it’s   still   a   novel   truly   i   hate   this   life   .   once   again   i   am   asking   u   to   add   me   on   discord   glo lovecore ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172   and   plot   with   me   💖   also   my   intros   are   always   winged   so  if   i   start   writing   as   chloe   and   her   personality   does   a   180   like   dua   lipa   said   PLEASE   mind   ur   business   that’s   why   i   made   her   a   gemini   ok   😭😭😭   pls   enjoy   this   meme   chloe   has   probably   sent   to   ur   muse   at   least   once   ...
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heartslogos · 4 years
newfragile yellows [826]
Ellana yawns, eyes half closed as she listlessly flips through the book she’d been going through.
“This is pointless,” she mumbles, letting the book fall shut. She leans forward, pushing the book away so she can fold her arms on the table. “There is no hidden code in this book. It’s just a very dry, very staid — entirely too serious, whoever this author was needs to get the stick out of their ass. They aren’t that important. — retelling of some war no one cares about. It’s not even a Chantry-based war. From what I can tell it’s a war that started between two farmers over crop distribution and somehow spread out to become a thing between nations. I’m a third of the way through and the names of the nations haven’t yet been mentioned. But I think it’s the Free Marches.”
“You’re a third of the way through and you aren’t sure how the war started?” Dorian asks. He’s leaning back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, and eyes closed, face tipped back towards the ceiling. He’d assumed that pose about half an hour ago, citing eye strain, and hasn’t moved to pick up his book since. “Well. Better than mine. Mine’s concerning the raising and tending of snoufleur.”
“Snoufleurs are domesticated?”
“If people are making pets out of nugs why not snoufleurs? Apparently they can be used to snuff out rare vegetation,��� Dorian replies. “Except I haven’t gotten to that part because I’m on the section of the book regarding breeding and choosing the right pairs to create a genetically stable offspring. It’s horrendously dry. I’ve not suffered through reading this kind of book in the entirety of my career in academia. This is a first for me and I am reeling. This is what people mean when they say books are dull business. This is the book that inspires it all.”
“And what’s yours?” Ellana asks Maxwell. Somehow the man is still reading steadily. Even Kaaras had to stand up and walk away for a bit. Granted, the man hasn’t come back yet, but no one blames him. And considering that it was Kaaras, he was probably waylaid because someone asked him to do something for them and he couldn’t say no, which inevitably would lead to a small line of people asking him for favors which he will, of course, complete because he can’t say no.
It’s technically how he wound up reading these books with them in the first place. Maxwell had invited him to join when he was on an errand for Josephine.
Poor man.
“Maxwell,” Ellana calls when he doesn’t respond. Dorian’s eyebrow twitches upwards in intrigue. Ellana nudges his foot under the table with hers. He opens his eyes and glances towards the other man.
“Trevelyan,” Dorian says.
Maxwell continues to read.
Dorian and Ellana exchange glances. Dorian picks up his long abandoned book, standing up and raising it up above his head. It’s quite a thick tome considering the banality of the subject.
Ellana leans away from the table and nods.
He drops the book and it hits the table with a loud thump.
Max startles in his seat, eyes widening as he looks up at  them, chair screeching as he pushes back from their shared table. “What — “
“Interesting book?” Ellana asks, reaching over and swiping it from where Maxwell left it. “We were talking to you but you weren’t answering. What’s it about?”
“Haven’t the faintest idea,” Max replies. “I wasn’t actually reading, I was going over the Chant of Light in my head.”
Dorian makes a face, Ellana imagines it’s much the same as the one she’s making.
“You are…is it terrible of me to say you are an extremely disappointingly boring man?”
“Don’t get it twisted,” Maxwell rolls his eyes. “I was trying to figure out if I could switch out words and still have it follow the same rhyme and pattern scheme. Like — blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicker and do not sneeze. Blessed are the beekeepers, the champions of the just.”
“Ah. Wonderful. I think much more highly of you now than I did a moment before,” Ellana says, frowning as she scans through the book. “Now I know I’m not the best reader, and I’m an atrocious speller with terrible writing, but this doesn’t seem right.”
“You think it’s in code?” Max asks. “Because I stopped actually reading pretty early on. The entire front is just maps.”
“Let me see,” Dorian holds his hand out. “Trevelyan, if you’ve been sitting on the one we’ve been looking for this entire time — forcing me to read about the breeding of snoufleurs — then we’re going to be having some serious words, you and I.”
Ellana hands Dorian the book and he immediately flips to the front. Ellana stands up, grimacing when she feels and hears some of her joints crack. She can hear the sound of training soldiers drifting in through the open window near them.
Ellana goes over to the narrow window, trying to angle her head so she can try and catch a glimpse of the training yard.
“Still plotting vengeance on the Iron Bull for throwing you under like this?” Max asks, standing to join her, favoring his left leg.
“How’s the knee?” Ellana asks.
“I’m sure that sitting and pretending to read all day is giving it the rest it requires,” Maxwell replies dryly. “Though I do miss the fresh air. And. You know. Not being in here. Somehow it feels like I’m being punished.”
“I’m definitely being punished,” Ellana mutters. “But to be fair, I understand why Bull suggested me and switched us out. As good as he is with ciphers and pattern recognition, I don’t think putting him in an enclosed space with Dorian Pavus for an extended amount of time would do anyone good. They’d spend the entire time tense and sniping at each other. I don’t think either of them would be able to focus very well on what we’re actually supposed to be doing. And I’m sure you definitely wouldn’t be able to focus with that kind of tension in the room.”
Max gives Ellana a brief grin. “That’s not stopping you from plotting ways to get him back is it?”
“Not in the slightest,” Ellana replies. “Have you any ideas, Maxwell? Surely you know extremely poignant and devious ways of getting someone back. You’re a noble who went to boarding school.”
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mareebird · 4 years
200 Followers Fics Pt. 2
This is the second of the two fics I wrote by request, celebrating my reaching 200 Followers.
This one came from @makerofrunevests who wanted something about Christmas, within the world of The Relic.
Now, I have one caveat.  This is entirely AU.  It has to be, because The Relic takes place around Halloween.  If I wrote about actual events I have planned, then I would spoil everyone.  So... The following does not actually take place.  Sorry.  BUT I took the opportunity as an excuse to write about a trope I like and some hardcore fluff.  ...With a dash of angst, as always.
Title: Christmas in Norway (A Relic AU)
Words: 1806
Summary: Loki and Cora enjoy a significant first on their second Christmas together.
“I’m not going to make it.”
It was very late and very dark and Cora’s gloved fingers fumbled with the keys.  Loki watched over her shoulder, frowning, pitying her.
“Here, let me,” he said, calmly reaching for her frantic hands.
“This is the worst,” she said, but otherwise she did not protest and handed over the ring.
“You’ll make it,” said Loki.
He opened the door and Cora was off like a laser blast, tearing through the dark kitchen and up the stairs, somehow managing not to trip.  Loki lingered behind at the entryway, breathing in the sea air, the sweet smell of lutefisk, and stealing a moment to gaze at the green and gold, not un-Christmassy garland of the aurora borealis.
The sliver of the crescent moon seemed to smile down upon him.  Loki smiled back, and then he closed the door.
He did not mind the cold, but it was good to be finally inside.  Cora’s squat townhome had grown on him, with its familiar smells and patterns on the walls, providing a kind of warmth unrelated to the temperature.  Loki’s tensed muscles gave over to relaxation.  They had only been to a neighbor’s julebord party, but it felt like an eternity of answering the same question over and over and over and over:
“And what are you doing for Christmas?”
“Oh, nothing much.  My brother will be visiting.  We’re keeping things low key this year.”
Loki giggled childishly to himself, thinking about it now.  No one in the village knew him by his real name and it was fabulously entertaining to say it again and again, directly to their faces.  His anonymity above the Arctic Circle was a delight.
But no, it had been a nice party and he had a nice time.  Thinking of Seine as home came so easily whenever he happened to be here, and he suspected that he and Cora would be lingering for quite a while on this visit.
Loki flicked a switch along the wall, lighting not the living room, but the Christmas tree in the corner.  The little red bulbs twinkled.  The house smelled of coffee and cinnamon and Loki breathed deep.  Yes, he even enjoyed the smell of coffee these days.
Aside from Cora upstairs, the night was silent.
The holiday itself was three days away, but the home was rather bare compared to the others in Cora’s tiny development, with the exception of the tree.  That had been Loki’s project.  Cora had managed to put out several red-capped nisse gnomes, which were a decidedly unique Norwegian staple, but she was not really up for decorating.  It was a shame.  She loved to do it.  Last year, for Loki’s first Christmas, the two of them had gone absolutely wild with the decorating.
Of course, Loki could have covered the house with lights and garland in an instant.  Indeed, he had tried, but it only made Cora cry about how “lazy” she felt, and so it had all come down as quickly as it went up.
Loki hung his coat and took off his boots and put on the kettle.  He was in the mood for cocoa.  And he suspected Cora would have honey and lemon so he took those out, as well, working by the light of the oven hood.  It was not long before Cora reappeared at the bottom of the kitchen stairs, signaling her entry with a loud sigh.
“That sounded rather rough,” said Loki.
“Whoever decided to call this morning sickness must never have been pregnant.”
“It’s 2 AM,” he replied dryly, as he pulled two mugs from the cabinet.  ”It is morning.”
Cora shot a glare at him, but the smirk on her lips betrayed her.  She shuffled across the kitchen to his side, his arm already outstretched to pull her close.
“You were magnificent, tonight, by the way,” he said, continuing to prepare the drinks with his free hand.  “An absolute soldier.  Had I not personally been present for the conception of our child, you would have fooled even me.”
Cora snorted, ducking her head against his chest, and Loki awarded himself a point.  He had never lost the habit of counting each peal of laughter as a personal victory, even though Cora laughed quite easily.  They were moments that belonged to him.
He pressed a kiss to her temple, which was still a bit clammy from her ordeal upstairs, but it did not bother him.  “Carrying around that glass of wine all night?” he murmured against her skin.  “What genius!”
She chuckled again and tilted back to meet his eye.  “Yes, well, I’ll be relieved when we can be upfront about it and I can stop deflecting with wine and stinky cheese.”
“A few weeks?” Loki said, pressing his lips to her forehead.
Between them, he felt Cora lift her hand and slip it over her belly.  She fiddled with the fabric of her sweater in that way of hers that belighed some passing anxiety.  Without hesitation, like a well-oiled cog, he slipped his hand beneath hers, separating her from the fraying fibers of her clothing.
“A few weeks,” Cora echoed.
If they could keep their secret for that long.  Her figure was beginning to round off.  Cora said that he was imagining things, that it was too early to see a change, but Loki was certain.  No, they would not be able to keep this to themselves for much longer.  He even doubted they would be able to conceal it from Thor, once he arrived.
The kettle began to whistle, but Loki was in no hurry to move.
They had only known about the baby for a week.  They ought to have realized much sooner, rather embarrassingly.  It was Cora’s nausea that ultimately tipped them off.  She was never sick and then suddenly she was sick all the time.  She chalked up missing the more obvious signals due to the holiday tourism boom.  Suddenly, they were nine weeks weeks along and no one in all the universe knew but themselves.  Well, with the exception of the doctor they had visited, but doctors were a given and thus they did not count.
Although sometimes Loki would take out the black-and-white photograph the doctor had given and just stare at it, marveling at his little bean-shaped progeny.
Cora gently nudged her shoulder against his chest and with a quick hand, she killed the flame beneath the kettle and poured water into their mugs.  The two of them made quiet work of preparing their drinks.  Loki stirred cocoa into his.  Cora, as expected, dissolved honey and lemon.
“Come on,” she said.  “Let’s pass out by the tree.”
Loki lingered to search for marshmallows.  When he turned around, Cora had already seated herself on the sofa.  He felt it necessary to take a breath at the sight of her, awash in Christmas lights.  The mother of his child.  Norns, a week ago they’d had no idea.  And for all the blessed peace of this moment, it was not a discovery made without shock and awe.
Cora had been through all of this before, long ago, in what seemed like a previous lifetime to the both of them these days.  This was her second child.  Her first had long since passed through this universe and even Loki felt haunted by loss, but for Cora it was far more acute.  He could sense the sadness that came and went, the grief and longing, and the fear.  Bereavement never fully let go of one’s heart, did it?  Even joy had ways of tearing open old wounds.
Loki had been tossed about on the sea of his own complicated feelings on the matter: the initial bomblike impact of the discovery, the utter disbelief which followed, and then panic.  The truth was that he had been abandoned by one father and raised at an arm’s length by another.  He could place Frigga on a pedestal as high as the heavens, but her many virtues had never been able to seal off that chasm.
Not a day had gone by without a moment of panic -- at the beginning of the week, it was nary an hour -- and between the cacophony of fear were odd phases of absolute numbness.  In fact, for a full day after learning of the child’s existence, he and Cora did not speak to one another other than to request items around the house, as if they were groping for some semblance of normalcy.
And then, at night, Loki recalled glancing up from a book on which he could hardly concentrate, and spotting Cora standing beside their Christmas tree, bathed in the prettiest twinkling lights, and his frozen heart melted like frost on the windowpane.
“You and I are going to have a baby,” he recalled saying, while Cora adjusted the position of a glass ornament.  The words simply fell out of him.
Cora looked over her shoulder, a bit startled.  She stared at him for a moment, until her eyes began to glisten, and she slowly brought her hand over the spot where the child was hidden, beneath her sweater and warm winter leggings, deep within her body.
And she smiled at him.  “We are.”
Loki was not healed in that moment.  Nor was she.  He still did not know how to be a father.  At times, ge hardly knew how to be himself!  Everything inside of him was always so intense.  His strangest fear was that he would love this child too intensely, as well, that he would smother him or her with love.
The panic continued to come, for the both of them, but for Loki it was panic wrapped, occasionally, in the most dizzying, rapturous joy.  And whenever he caught sight of Cora placing a tender hand on her not-quite-so-flat-as-before belly and saw her smiling, he knew she was being overtaken by the same happiness.
Now, he joined her on the sofa beside the lit tree.  The presents wrapped in foil-paper reflected the rosey lights.  Everything about Christmas in Norway was flush with red.
Cora lifted her mug to her lips and lowered it to her lap again.  Her eyes followed.
“I think you’re right,’ she said.  “I am starting to show.”
“I’ve been saying…”
She glanced at him with that same weak attempt at a glare, betrayed by her smile, before resting her head on his shoulder and releasing a sigh.  “I’m sure a few people noticed I wasn’t actually drinking my wine.”
“Oh, who cares if they notice,” he breathed into her hair.  “I rather like the idea of putting my ardor for you on display.”
She laughed.  Loki awarded himself a point as he kissed the crown of her head.  “Happy Christmas, Cora.”
He gently slipped a hand over her belly.
“And a Happy First Christmas to you.”
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theygotmewhipped · 5 years
Skin - 7. Bowling
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Word Count: 5 468
“Uhm, Chanyeol?” I tugged on his shirt while he was leaning on the counter, waiting for his shoes.
“Hmm?” He turned at me with questioning look. I was fidgeting.
“This is kinda embarrassing but I’ve never actually played bowling. I mean, I have the general idea of what you are supposed to do but…” I awkwardly grinned.
“I know.” He simply replied.
“What? How?” I creased my brows.
“You’ll be on my team and I’ll teach you. You’ll be professional in no time cos I’m the best.” He puffed his chest grinning.
“But…” That wasn’t my question.
“Here are your shoes, sir.” The assistant interrupted me. Chanyeol took his shoes and went to the seats to put them on.
“Yeol!” I called after him.
“Miss, I need your shoe size.” The guy at the counter interrupted another of my attempts.
“Oh, sorry.” I gave him attention and told him the size of my shoes.
“So who are the team leaders?” Minseok asked once we were all ready.
“Me, of course.” Chanyeol grinned. “So who wants to fight me?” Everyone just started mumbling something and looking around for a victim who would take up the mantle.
“How about Yumi?” Sehun tried to push me into the role.
“She’s in my team, that’s not negotiable.” Chanyeol took a step in front of me partially hiding me behind him. Others looked a bit confused but didn’t argue. I didn’t argue either. Better to be in a team with Chanyeol than without, although the best option would be to not be here at all.
“What about you, Sehun?” I struck back at him.
“Are you kidding me? I’m the youngest, I can’t be the leader.” He overdramatized. “Junmyeon is definitely more fitted for it.” He threw the hot potato at another member.
“What? But Minseok is older than me.” Junmyeon evaded.
“What does it have to do with age?” Minseok defended himself. They started to squabble about Chanyeol’s opponent.
“Idiots!” I shouted over them. “Why don’t you just play rock-paper-scissors or draw a straw?” They all went quiet and looked at me for a second then proceeded to play r-p-s among themselves.
“You sure saved us a lot of time. They always do this because everyone wants to be on my team.” Chanyeol smirked.
“Are you really that good?” I looked at him in disbelief. It’s kinda hard to tell if he is just boasting or not, but others seem really reluctant to play against him. I just hope he’s better than in playing videogames.
“Seriously?” Kyungsoo sighed. Seems like it’s decided.
“It had to happen one day.” Baekhyun patted his shoulder.
“Alright, you pick first since I already have Yumi.” Chanyeol gave him the right to choose. Kyungsoo looked among the teamless boys his eyes wide open. The boy actually has bigger eyes than it seems.
“I take Jongin.” Jongin smiled a little and stepped closer to Kyungsoo.
“So who do we want?” Chanyeol looked at me.
“Huh? Why are you asking me? You are the captain.” I was a little baffled.
“Yep, and I want a team you’ll feel most comfortable in, so pick the members.” He amiably smiled at me. He wants me to feel comfortable? Why does something like that matter? I observed his face looking for any hidden motives but all I saw was a genuine generosity. Our eyes locked for a moment before I quickly turned away feeling flustered for no reason.
I assessed all the remaining boys trying to pick someone I thought would help Chanyeol win since I am a dead weight. As I looked them over, Baekhyun was hopping up and down and swaying to sides, trying to catch my attention so I would pick him, with wide grin on his face. When I looked at his face he lit up even more like an excited puppy.
“Eh…” I snarled and rolled my eyes. “Is Jongdae okay?” I turned to Chanyeol for approval. He nodded.
“I told you to choose so pick whoever you want.” He smiled at me. “We’re taking Dae.” Chanyeol said loudly.
“Yes!” Jongdae yelled and jumped to our side satisfied. Then Kyungsoo took Yixing so I took Sehun to balance the giraffe guys out in the teams and also because I didn’t exactly wanted to pick Minseok because of his creepy vibe. Junmyeon is clumsy enough to break my mug so I don’t know if I trust him with a ball so heavy in his hands. And Baekhyun, well, I would choose him but his obvious desire to be picked by Chanyeol’s team makes me want to drag him a little.
Luckily, Soo’s next pick was Minseok. Junmyeon and Baekhyun were the only ones left. Baek instead of jumping like a kid just stared at me with sad puppy eyes, pouting, basically begging me to choose him. Well, this is satisfying. Seeing the transition from cheerful to pleading in a matter of seconds.
Chanyeol leaned to my ear.
“Please, choose Hyunie. Otherwise he’ll be sulking for the rest of the day.” I was gonna choose him anyway but seeing him so desperate for a second was a real blessing to the eyes.
“Sorry, Junmyeon, but I really liked that mug so as much as it pains me…” I tried to make it sound more dramatic. “We want Baekhyun.” I rolled my eyes in over-exaggerated manner and sighed.
“I know you like me!” Baekhyun happily ran over to us and jumped at me. SHIT! I tried to push him away as I started to tremble.
“Idiot! Let me-go!” I shouted in panic, pushing his chest away, trying to stand still on my wobbling legs while my body was rapidly heating up.
“Baekhyun, stop!” Chanyeol tore him away from me. I turned at him with wide eyes, searching for the most familiar thing around me, still trembling, my skin burning and my brain switching to fight or flight mode, making my legs run away. “Yumi!” Chanyeol yelled after me. I didn’t stop until I was closed in one of the stalls in women’s bathroom. I sat down on the lid and tried to calm down. Why me? Why does this have to happen to me? I hid my face in shaky hands, crying, hardly breathing.
“Yumi.” A soft voice followed a knock on the door. “Yumi, please, open the door.” Chanyeol said calmly. I lifted my head with my eyes shut, trying to calm my breathing and stifle the sobbing so he wouldn’t hear. Which was proving to be impossible. “If you don’t open the door, I’m gonna tear them out. Yumi, please.” Chanyeol spoke softly even though he was threatening.
I slowly opened my eyes filled with tears and stared at the door in front of me choking on my own breath.
“I am sorry, Yumi, please.” His voice got an undertone of hopelessness. Why is he apologizing though? It’s not his fault I’m like this. It’s my fault. Few more sobs got stuck in my throat leaving me breathless. I felt a dull pain in my head and I sweating a lot. I need…I need help. I took a spastic breath. I can’t stop it on my own. It’s gone too far. In a despair, I hesitantly reached out to the lock and left my shaking fingers linger over it.
“Yumi, please, let me in.” Chanyeol sounded more desperate. He is my only option now, isn’t he? I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and with trembling fingers unlocked the door. “Thank you.” He whispered with a relieved sigh before the door opened and he stepped closer. “Yumi, look at me.” His voice came from beneath me. He was probably crouching down in front of me. I shook my head in refusal and couldn’t catch my breath. It felt like someone was strangling me from inside. The thick lump stuck in my throat not wanting to disappear. “Okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to look at me.” Chanyeol said soothingly as I choked on my own sobs. “I’m gonna hold your hands, Yumi, is that alright?” He talked slowly and carefully. I violently shook my head no with a new rash of panic overcoming me. “Shh, I’m not going to hurt you, Yumi. I know how it makes you feel but I’m here to help, okay? I’ll just touch your hands, nothing else. Can I do that?” Chanyeol spoke clearly to persuade me. I shook my head again trying to calm my breathing. “Yumi, can I touch you? It’s not going to hurt, I promise.” He pleaded with me. I fidgeted my fingers fighting my own instincts and forced myself to nod. It’s just hands. He won’t hurt me, right? He has never been a threat to me so far and I really need help.
After I nodded, Chanyeol’s hands softly cupped mine and lightly caressed them. The shock from the touch, even though it was expected, forced me to finally take a proper breath and open my eyes wide. It felt like taking first breath after a long time underwater.
“There you go.” Chanyeol was sadly smiling at me right in front of me. “Now focus on breathing.” He kept on caressing my hands. He started to take deep breaths, trying to make me do the same. “Just breathe. Everything is okay. Nobody is going to hurt you.” He looked me straight in the eyes with such sincerity that I wanted to believe him.
After couple more minutes of Chanyeol’s attempt to calm me down, my breathing and heartbeat finally regulated and I stopped shaking so violently.
“See? Everything is fine. Nothing bad happened to you.” He lightly squeezed my hands and gazed at me with a kind smile. I looked at our touching hands, breaking the eye contact for the first time, taking a few shallow breaths before I convinced myself that nothing is actually hurting and that nothing bad is happening to me.
“Thank you.” I said with a weak raspy voice. “I’m sorry you had to see this.” I avoided the eye contact, embarrassed.
“Hey, there’s no reason to feel ashamed about it. It’s not your fault.” He peeked into my face, seeking an eye contact. “Ready to go back? They’re probably panicking out there.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, let me just clean my face a bit. I probably look like trash can had a baby with Medusa.” I wanted to stand up but Chanyeol was still holding my hands. His hands are so warm. It feels weird, but not in a bad way like it always does.
“Nah, I don’t see it. More like a cute little panda.” He grinned at me.
“Hey! That’s not nice! And you can stop holding me, by the way.” I tugged my hands a bit from him.
“Oh, sorry.” His face clouding for a second when he let go of me. We both stood up and moved to the sinks.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you afraid of being touched?” I almost poked my eye out when he asked looking at me through the mirror.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I tried to play it off.
“C’mon, Yumi. After all this…I’m not as dumb as I look.” He almost seemed hurt that I’m making a fool of him. “And I kinda asked your sister about it.” He finished quietly.
“You did what?!” I promptly turned at him.
“Well, I had my suspicions after spending some time with you and if I had asked, you would have just brushed me off or lied or something so I went ahead and asked your sister.” He blurted out. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“No, not okay. What the hell has she told you?” I don’t know if I should kill him, her or both and in what order.
“Nothing specific. Just that the touch of others makes you anxious and that I should take care of you if anything like this happens. She said that if I want to know more I have to ask you.” He tried to defend himself. Well, he doesn’t know much. Luckily. But still…what’s the best way to hide a body?
Instead of saying anything, I turned back to the sink and splashed my face with cold water. I can’t really change the fact that he knows so it’s pointless to aggravate myself. Not after the scene I just made. I dried my face with paper towels and looked in the mirror. Bitch, look at you. A complete mess as a human.
“If you tell anyone,” I looked at Chanyeol’s reflection. “I swear to God you won’t see the light of the day ever again. I’ll make a minced meat out of you and feed you to the dogs.” I said in a low voice. Chanyeol’s eyes widened and he gulped down. “Understood?” I asked when he wouldn’t response.
“Yes, ma’am.” I nodded in satisfaction and threw away the towels.
“Let’s go back before they all barge in here as well.” I left the restroom with Chanyeol trailing me.
“I’m so sorry! Please, accept this gift and forgive me for I have sinned.” Baekhyun fell to his knee in front of me as soon as we returned to our box, holding a tray of nachos with cheese. I blinked in surprise as I watched his melodramatic and exaggerated apology.
“Dude…” Chanyeol stood next to me face-palming himself.
“Is nachos really the best you could do?” I tried to sound annoyed. The guys sitting in the booth just snickered and whispered among themselves.
“Well, there wasn’t exactly wide range to choose from so I chose what I thought you would like.” He pouted. “Pwease, don’t be mad at me?” He purposely said like a child.
“Geez, are you always such a drama queen?” I rolled my eyes.
“Yes!” Everyone except Baekhyun answered.
“Oh,” I flinched in a shock. “Whatever, let’s just play. It’s what we came for after all.” I sat down next to Sehun. Honestly, I was glad they didn’t have any questions about what happened, even grateful. It made me feel a little less like a freak. Seems like Chanyeol surrounds himself with people who are a lot like him in some ways.
“Sooo…you don’t want the nachos?” Baekhyun spinned on his knee.
“Bitch, of course I do. Gimme it.” I snatched it from his hands and ate a chip dipped in the cheese.
“So what are the stakes this time?” Yixing asked, folding his hands on the table looking from boy to boy.
“Mm…” I munched on the nacho fuzzily glaring at them.
“We always put something as a prize or punishment so we have bigger motivation to win.” Chanyeol sat down next to me.
“How about the losing team has to cross-dress.” Junmyeon suggested. Some of them agreed to it.
“Isn’t that too dull?” Jongdae asked.
“I agree. Why not spicy it up a little?” I cheekily grinned.
“What do you have in mind?” Baekhyun asked interested.
“How good did you say you are?” I leaned in to Chanyeol and whispered. A need-to-know information for my own survival.
“The best.” Chanyeol winked at me with a smug look. An evil smirk spread across my face.
“The losing team will cross-dress as sexily as possible and then we’ll go clubbing.” I laid down the modification. Jongdae and Baekhyun were snickering together on my idea. Kyungsoo’s team looked among each other with uneasiness.
“Isn’t that a bit too much to go in public like that?” Yixing didn’t really identify with the idea.
“You are saying it as if you’ve already lost.” Sehun kept straight face trying to sound serious.
“We have Chanyeol so they basically did.” Baekhyun maliciously giggled.
“I wouldn’t laugh just yet, Baek.” I scolded him. “I’m in your team as well and I’ve never played this before.” Although I talked to Baekhyun I looked at the other team to convince them they still have a chance to win.
“That’s right. And I might not have a good day. Who knows how it will end.” Chanyeol seemingly picked up on my intentions and added something himself.
“C’mon guys, maybe we can win this time.” Jongin was first to get convinced. On the outside I looked completely normal but inside, I was laughing evilly.
“Geez, fine, whatever.” Kyungsoo gave in. In the end everyone agreed.
“So which team goes first?” Minseok asked. Chanyeol then played rock-paper-scissors against Kyungsoo and lost.
“Guess that means I go first.” Soo sluggishly stood up and went to take a ball. His team started to cheer him on. I studied him in order to pick up some knowledge about the game. He stood in front of the lane, holding the ball up to his chest, not moving. A minute went by, the cheers gradually faded but he hadn’t moved an inch.
“Uhm, I’m no expert but I don’t think this is how it’s supposed to be played.” I was confused what was going on.
“He always does this.” Sehun rolled his eyes.
“He never told us why it takes him so long to actually throw the ball but I think he’s calculating the trajectory or something like that.” Jongin explained.
“Then why does he look completely lost while at it?” I observed Kyungsoo from a far.
“Who knows, maybe he’s just contemplating life.” Jongdae shrugged.
“More like wondering where his life went wrong that he ended up here with you like I am.” I snarled.
“Aww. Stop lying, we know you are happy to be here with us.” Baekhyun grinned at me. I sent him an angry look and his grin changed into a face of fear.
“Chanyeol, you up.” Kyungsoo suddenly appeared at the table making me twitch. When did he throw the ball? I haven’t even noticed him move. Chanyeol excitedly jumped to his feet.
“Now watch how it’s done, Yumi.” He exclaimed confidently. He took a ball and threw it with power. The ball spun to the left and ended up in a gutter. Everyone started laughing while Chanyeol was shocked at his own failure.
“Seems like the King of the Gutter is back.” Junmyeon said after he stopped laughing.
“King of the Gutter?” I was out of the picture.
“Yeah, when we started to go bowling, he always hit the gutter no matter how he threw it.” Minseok explained. Chanyeol sat back down next to me slumping his shoulders.
“So... is this how it’s supposed to go?” I chuckled while looking at his devastated face. He just sent me puppy glare with a pout.
Next up was Junmyeon. He took a ball and stood in front of the lane. Everything seemed normal until he squatted down and held the ball with both hands swinging it between his legs.
“Wha-what is he doing?” I stared at him wide eyed.
“It’s better this way.” Yixing gave me a vague answer.
“What, why? Isn’t this against the rules or something?” I didn’t understand why they would let him play like this.
“Just let it go.” Jongin answered.
“Once, when he played how it should be played, he accidentally threw the ball in the air and destroyed ceiling panel. So we let him play like this to keep everything and everyone safe.” Chanyeol explained.
“Oh-kay.” Junmyeon really is a clumsy lad, isn’t he? It was our team’s turn and Sehun was up. He walked normally to take a ball but as soon as he held it he started walking sternly like he had a stick in his ass. Do all of them do weird shit like this? Unexpectedly, he knocked down all the pins returning to us with a proud smirk on his face.
Minseok took a next turn. He threw the ball and I stood up in shock. “How is that even possible for fucks sake?!” I said way too loud causing few people to turn to look at us instead of Minseok where they were looking before. That midget scored a strike…Which wouldn’t be so eye catching if it wasn’t two lanes from the one where it was supposed to be. I’m starting to think my inexperience won’t be standing out that much
Jongdae took Minseok’s place and got ready. As soon as he swung his arm back the ball flew out of his hand in our direction. We all at once tried to hide under the table.
“Sorry, guys!” Jongdae yelled from the lane. I knew I should have stayed at home and take that nap. It seems like this might be the last day of my life if it continues like this. We all sat back down to the seats.
“Are you two like twins or something?” I looked at Minseok, making fun of their skills.
“No, we are married.” He answered in all seriousness.
“Really?!” I was caught off guard.
“Nah, he’s just messing with you. They just live together.” Chanyeol set things right.
“For now.” Minseok was completely serious as he stared right in to my eyes with blank expression. Yep, he’s totally creepy. I turned away from him and rather watched Yixing play. He took a ball, held it in front of him and started doing circles with the other hand above the ball. Are they really all like this? Who have I killed in my previous life to end up here? Yixing’s lips started moving.
“Is he trying to cast a spell or something?” I raised my brows in despair.
“Something like that. It has something to do with power of positive words and thinking or what?” Kyungsoo answered. Are they in a cult? It would explain why they are all so weird but…Oh God, I hate my life.
“Oh yeah, man. It’s time to show you all who’s the boss.” Baekhyun jumped up, stretching his arms. I mentally face-palmed myself. Another flying ball for sure. Baekhyun took a ball, took a few steps and threw it striking down the pins. That was…actually pretty normal. Except for one thing.
“What the heck is wrong with your arm?” I asked him when he returned.
“You mean, this.” Baekhyun stretched his arm revealing a weird bending in the elbow.
“Eww, why?” I scrunched my nose.
“Cool, right?” He smiled and sat down.
Next up was Jongin and then it was supposed to be my turn. Jongin took a ball and went to the lane. However instead of stopping before the foul line, he just walked right down the lane to the pins and let go of the ball at the end.
“What the actual fuck?” I just glared at him in disbelief. “You know what? I’m fucking done.” I looked from boy to boy. “You all belong to an asylum. I can’t believe that Baekhyun is the…well…relatively normal one.” I was frustrated from the scenes I’ve seen. “Do you always play like this?! I’m actually surprised they haven’t restricted you from entering all bowling alleys on the east hemisphere!” This is a stress I don’t need in my life. I’m just waiting for someone from the staff to come and kick us out. While I was stressing out, they all erupted in to a laughter. I watched as they were laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe, just smacking each other and holding their stomachs. My confused face slowly replaced the one of realization as it dawned on me. “It was a prank, wasn’t it?” I said sourly. They were still chuckling and laughing without answering me. “You are assholes. All of you. You know that?!” I grumbled in defeat.
“It was worth it though.” Junmyeon smiled.
“You should have seen your face every time one of us did something stupid.” Jongdae grinned and along with Baekhyun started imitating me.
“Did you really think we were complete idiots like that?” Yixing chuckled. Actually, yeah, yeah, I did. It wouldn’t be that surprising.
“Are you playing or will you just sit there glaring at us for the rest of the day?” Sehun was impatient.
“Of course, she’s playing. Come on, Yumi.” Chanyeol answered instead of me and stood up full of determination.
“I’d rather glare at you.” I narrowed my eyes at them.
“Na-ah.” Chanyeol grabbed me by the sleeve of my shirt and tugged on it, revealing my shoulder since I wouldn’t stand up.
“Argh, fine. Stop stretching my shirt, dumbass.” I knew he was probably doing it as not to touch me but still…my shirrrt.
“So how do I do this?” I stared at the pins with Chanyeol next to me.
“Well, first you need a ball.” He chuckled. I nodded in determination and picked up a ball. However, I didn’t anticipate for it to be so heavy. I got dragged downward stopping above the floor just because Chanyeol reached for the ball. “Whoa, careful. It’s heavier than it looks.” We stood face to face holding the ball between us.
“I’ve kinda noticed but thanks anyway.” I looked at his smiling face with his dimple visible. That’s cute. I smiled back at him…What? No! I turned sideways and snatched the ball away from him. What the fuck was that?! “Okay, so now I just throw it and pray to some higher power it hits the pins?” I focused my gaze on the lane.
“You could do that…or you could actually aim and try your best to hit them. Just steady your wrist and give it the direction you want it to go.” He stood next to me and gave me an exhibition how to move the arm. “You should have like three steps before you release the ball. Something like this.” He took three steps and pretended to throw the ball at the end.
“Got it!” I strongly nodded. I have to get this right. I just have to. I don’t want to embarrass myself more than I already did today. I took a few steps and swung my arm to throw the ball.
It wouldn’t be me if something actually went the way I want it to though. I let go off the ball too late and it dragged me forward which made me slip on the floor and I ended up face first on the ground with a big thud. The boys at the table erupted into a great laughter. I lifted my head up only to see the ball falling into the gutter not hitting a single pin. With a heavy disappointed sigh I hit the floor with my forehead.
“Seems like Chanyeol found his Queen of the Gutter.” They all laughed at the table. “And she’s got some special skills of her one, like breakdancing.” “And being the literal star of the game.” Can I please just die right this moment? Pretty please.
“Yumi, are you alright?” Chanyeol crouched down next to me.
“What do you think?” I talked to the floor. Devastated by my own clumsy ass.
“C’mon, get up.” He ignored my whining.
“Not until I fall through the ground right to the deepest darkest parts of hell.” I haven’t moved an inch. Chanyeol snickered taking a moment before speaking again.
“You’re starting to act like Baekhyun, drama queen.” My head shot up right that second, staring daggers into Chanyeol.
“Am not!” Chanyeol chuckled at my reaction.
“Oh really? Then that means you’ll stop laying here like it’s the end of the world, is that right?” He mocked me.
“Ugh, fine.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m standing up, see?” I picked myself up. “But I’m never playing this thing ever again. Nah, e-e… I’m going home.” I trailed to the table.
“Whoa, whoa, stop.” Chanyeol stepped in my way. “Why are you giving up after a first attempt?”
“Cause, if you haven’t noticed, I suck. Big time.” I wanted to walk around him but he stepped in front of me again.
“Don’t just walk away without putting in any effort. Do you know how long it took me to get a hang of it? I wasn’t called King of the Gutter for nothing.” He snickered. “No one ever mastered anything after one try. It takes time and practice.” He gave some kind of a motivational eyes opening monologue you see in movies when the main character is going through tough time.
“Are you done?” I gave him a bored look. He got a bit perplexed but soon regained his composure.
“Please, don’t go.” He stared at me with a pleading face. We gazed into each other’s eyes neither willing to give in.
“Just kiss already!” Yixing yelled at us which earned him another smacking by Junmyeon.
“What the…?!” I frowned at him, noticing that all of them were watching us. Chanyeol kept quiet and when I turned to look at him his face was bright red reminding me of the time I told Baekhyun we had kissed. “God, fine, whatever, I’m staying.” I grumbled. Chanyeol’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “But if I don’t get a grip by the end of the game, I’m never doing this again.” I gave an ultimatum.
“Deal, now come here and try again.” He tugged me by the shirt back to the lane. “I have a proposal.” He seriously stared at me.
“Um, okay?” I suspiciously glared at him.
“I can help you get better but it would involve me touching you.” I immediately tensed up.
“What do you mean?” I asked sternly.
“If you don’t want to it’s okay. I won’t do it without your permission. I was thinking I would just help you with a stance so you won’t fall off balance and will have better idea of the timing of your movement.” He explained in detail. I looked into his eyes the whole time. As always I haven’t noticed anything ominous or any bad intentions, just pure kindness and thoughtfulness.
“Alright, let’s do it.” I said seriously. I’m doing a lot of things I haven’t done before today so if I’m supposed to die then why not speed it up. Chanyeol put on a huge grin overflowing with happiness.
“Thank you, Yumi.” What are you thanking me for, you overgrown puppy? He excitedly handed me a ball, still wearing a grand smile on his face. “Shall we?”
“Do I even have a choice at this point?” I answered defeated and took the ball from him.
“I’m gonna touch you now, so don’t panic, okay? I’m not gonna hurt you or harm you in any way.” He stood next to me and put his hand on my back. I flinched but stood my ground focusing on Chanyeol’s voice rather than the burning touch. “I’m moving my hand to yours now. If it becomes too much, tell me and I’ll stop.” He talked me through his every move to prepare me for it. His hand slowly crawled through my shoulder down to my elbow.
“Stop!” I froze when he stepped behind me and his chest lightly touched my back. He immediately stopped moving and stood completely still. I couldn’t even feel him breathe. I took a deep breath, looked at his hand near my elbow and tried to convince my brain to turn off the alarm. “You may continue.” Chanyeol let out relaxed sigh and resumed his movement. He kept talking to me until his hand covered mine, his body touching mine so slightly that it felt like only our clothes rubbed each other.
“I’m gonna touch your waist to keep you in balance. Can I?” I inhaled, quickly nodded with closed eyes, and exhaled. His other arm curled around my body and landed on my waist. Wow, his hands are really big. He’s basically holding half of my belly. “So now, what you wanna do is…” He explained me everything while leading my movements up until the release of the ball. While I paid attention to what he was saying the burning subdued and I could breathe normally. When I let go of the ball, Chanyeol immediately stepped away, giving me space to completely relax, sending me a warm smile. I looked at him the entire time not even caring if I hit anything or not. “Look at that! You did it!” I turned to the pins, seeing few of them knocked down. Corners of my mouth rose slightly into a small smile. “Four down. That’s impressive, Yumi.” Chanyeol grinned. Sense of accomplishment spread through me, lifting up my mood.
“You know what?” I looked back at Chanyeol smirking. He stared back at me confused with a small frown. “I think we might actually win this.” I said with a new found optimism. Chanyeol proudly smiled at me in response.
“Of course we will. We have you on our team.” He chuckled and we went back to the table.
“Aww…” Sounded in unison, when we got there. All of them giving us that weird face people make when looking at something awfully cute.
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Hi :)
I have played bowling like once in my life long long time ago, so please excuse all the bullshit I wrote about it
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⚜️ Change the Face of History (Skyrim); #3 Saved?
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The Captain turned toward another woman who was dressed in a brown robe with a yellow hood pulled over her head. “Give them their last rites,”
Cool, because the last thing I want to hear before I die is the ramblings of some religious nut. Not to mention the fact that Ulfric is still staring me down, the fuck. Seriously, did his mom not teach him that staring is rude?
The priestess held out her arms and began to speak to the sky. “As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn -“
“For the love of Talos, shut up and let’s get this over with.” One of the prisoners interrupted, stepping up toward the block of wood on the ground.
“I don’t know who this Talos guy is,” I interjected. “But I second that motion… the shutting up part, not the getting this over with part.”
The priestess looked super offended as her gaze switched between him and I. “As your wish,” she huffed before turning and walking away.
“Come on,” the prisoner antagonized. “I haven’t got all morning.”
The Captain came up behind him, her palm against his shoulder blades. With one rough shove, the man fell to his knees. Then she did the man dirty by replacing her hand with her dirty ass boot, shoving him hard against the block of wood.
“My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?” He questioned. Even in the face of death, he showed no signs of fear or regret. Damn.
A man in black lifted a giant axe above his head, not hesitating to swing it downward across the prisoner’s neck, severing the head clean from the body. I flinched, turning my gaze away from the scene as blood spurted from the wound into the air. And then it clicked in my head, like a lightbulb switching on above me.
“The headsman,” I snapped my fingers. “Now I get it!”
The prisoner standing beside me, a man with dirty blonde hair and a bitchy looking expression, turned to stare at me like I was the bane of his very existence. I merely shrugged, turning to look to my right instead, where Ralof stood.
“As fearless in death as he was in life,” he commented fondly.
“Next, the renegade from Cyrodiil!” The Captain called out.
That same unearthly wail from a few minutes before filled the sky once more, causing a pause to arise within the crowd. To me, it seemed like a warning sound or an alarm blaring, but the others didn’t seem to see it that way.
“There it is again,” said the brunette as he turned his gaze skyward. “Did you hear that?”
“I said, next prisoner!” She called again with an annoyed tone. Whoever is next in line, I feel sorry for them. Something tells me this chick is a bitch both on and off the job. You know, one of those stuck up types with a stick constantly up their ass.
The brunette stepped up beside me, giving me a light shove on my shoulder. “To the block, prisoner. Nice and easy.”
My blood ran cold. Wait, I’m the next prisoner?! “N-Now wait just a minute here! Surely someone else is meant to go before me. Chivalry is dead these days, you know? There’s no need for -“
The Captain shoved me hard with her foot and I tripped over the corpse of the man that had gone before me. My cheek smashed against the wood, blood smearing across my skin. Little pebbles on the ground dug into the thin cloth pants I wore. Oh Deadpool, it’s still warm, too… Fuck, this can’t be sanitary. No no no, now’s not the time for your stupid commentary, Rae. Don’t people say if you die in your dreams, you also die in real life? Wait a damn minute. They also say you can’t feel pain in your dreams, but… my eyes widened in fear and realization as I looked upon the headsman.
“It’s not a dream,” I croaked weakly. The sun glinted off the black metal of his axe in the most menacing way I’ve ever seen. I know I always say life sucks balls and, let’s be honest here, it does but that don’t mean I wanna die! How the hell do I get out of this? Is this punishment for that one time I stole gel pens from Wal-Mart as a kid? If so, what kind of fool waits ten years to enact punishment? Ain’t there some kind of divine statute of limitations?!
Another wail, much louder this time. It’s getting closer.
I noticed something large and black dart from behind the mountains in the distance, hidden by the stone tower standing behind the headsman.
“What in Oblivion is that?” Tullius called out in alarm. I couldn’t see it, but it sounded like a sword being unsheathed.
The headsman brought his axe up, preparing to swing just as something large came flying toward us. It landed on the top of the tower, causing the man to stagger, the axe blade lodging into the ground beside me. The earth shook around us and my chest started to burn painfully, but I was far too distracted and full of adrenaline to pay it much mind. Is that a –
“Dragon!” cried a female prisoner.
The black dragon observed the grouping of people for only a few seconds before opening his gaping maw. A roar shook the earth again as the sky suddenly filled with dark clouds, thunder clapping loudly above us. Did he just change the fucking weather by roaring at it? The sims has been doing it all wrong this whole damn time! That explains why my sim always fails using the weather machine and, most times, ends up dead for her troubles. All she had to do was yell at the damn thing.
“Don’t just stand there! Kill that thing!” Tullius ordered, snapping me from my thoughts. Fuck, is this what it’s like to have ADHD? Without the dragon and the beheadings, of course. “Guards, get the townspeople to safety!”
In the matter of a few moments, all hell broke loose. My vision blurred from all the shaking as I pushed myself back from the block, falling onto my behind. A rather sharp rock dug into my ass and I winced. My ears were starting to ring from sensory overload – yelling, crying, roaring, explosions. It was all too much.
“Rain, get up!” Ralof stopped in front of me, leaning down and offering his hand. His voice was urgent. “Come on, the gods have given us another chance! This way!”
With his help, I managed to get to my feet and we ran toward the closest building that was still intact – a tower made of stone. Inside, by the door, was Ulfric, along with a couple other prisoners, one of which was lying on the floor bleeding.
“Jarl Ulfric!” Ralof breathed out a sigh of relief as he slammed the door shut behind him. “What is that thing? Could the legends be true?”
Ulfric, no longer gagged or bound, spoke for the first time and when he did, my body stopped mid-step. He may be a creep with a staring problem, but hot damn is that deep voice of his sexy. “Legends don’t burn down villages.”
The dragon roared outside and the brief moment of calm was broken as everyone returned to fight-or-flight mode – and none of us were dumb enough to fight a feckin’ dragon. So naturally, we all decided to flight. Which makes no grammatical sense, but I said what I said and I regret nothing.
That’s a lie, I regret a lot of things. But not that sentence.
“We need to move,” Ulfric ordered. “Now!”
“Up through the tower, let’s go!” Ralof added.
I didn’t have to be told twice, turning around and darting up the steps, trying to avoid any sharp looking portions of the stone. My feet are gonna be feckin’ dead after this – if I make it out alive at all. I know it’s a long shot, but part of me is really hoping that, when I reach the top of the tower, I’ll burst through the door into a white light and I’ll wake up in my bed, pillow covered in drool and the comforter thrown halfway across the friggin’ apartment. As if to spite me and reinforce the idea that this is, in fact, not a dream, a bolt of pain shot through my foot as I stepped on a piece of chipped stone.
With a curse, I hopped on one foot near the break in the stairs where a flat stretch of stone sat before the stairs started up again. Damn it, universe, let me cling to my false hope, you fuck!
A prisoner wearing the same uniform as Ralof was there, attempting to lift a large chunk of stone that was blocking the way to the rest of the stairs. He glanced over his shoulder at me as he stood with a grunt. “We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way!”
I held up my hands to show that they are still bound and, therefore, I can’t help with the rock removal process. Before I could speak this aloud, though, the wall beside me exploded inward, sending the man flying forward, his body crushed by several pounds of stone.
The dragon landed on the side of the tower, his mouth near the hole he had created. A deep, male voice spoke the words, “Toor… Shul!” before a spout of flames filled the tower.
I squeaked in surprise when Ralof grabbed the back of my shirt, yanking me backward. If he had acted a second later, I would have been charred Rae! The flames slowly died and the dragon took flight again. “Thank you,”
Ralof nodded, cautiously approaching the hole. “Don’t mention it. I hope you will do the same for me if the situation calls for it.”
The upper part of the stairs had been destroyed, leaving us with no way to continue up through the tower. Now that I think about it, who the feck thought it would be a good idea to escape a giant ass flying lizard by climbing to the top of a tower where we would then be out in the open with nowhere to hide or go?
“See the inn on the other side?” Ralof questioned, pointing at the burning building down below.
Oh, right. Well, in his defense, he is a blonde plus he saved my ass so he’s excused from his stupid idea. I nodded my head, not really paying attention to his words.
“Jump through the roof and keep going!”
“…bitch, you want me to what?”
“Go!” he ordered, giving me a gentle but urgent push toward the hole. “We’ll follow when we can!”
He’s not excused for his stupid ideas! I swallowed hard as I teetered on the edge, looking down at the building. The roof was practically gone, fire quickly eating away at the wooden structure. Oh, this is not going to end well for me. He pushed me again.
I think I can, I think I can.
I jumped before I could talk myself out of it, a cry escaping my cracked lips as gravity took control of me.
I think I can!!
My legs buckled on impact as I landed on the second story, sending me to my knees. Cool, now my feckin’ ankles hurt. Maybe these empire guys can start a list on my feckin’ injuries, checking off each one until there’s no body parts left to injure!
With a huff, I pulled myself to my feet and headed to the other end of the room, where a giant hole sat in the floor. I’m pretty sure the stairs should be here, but they’re long gone. I peered down the hole. The drop isn’t too far – certainly less so than the jump from the tower. Still, I cautiously sat on the floor, my legs dangling over the edge as I shimmied down to the first floor, landing with a soft thud.
Directly in front of me, the wall had been destroyed, leaving behind only a thick wooden support beam. I peered around it into the outside, surveying the situation. The brunette stood in the middle of the road, his sword drawn.
“Haming, you need to get over here.” He called out to a young boy a few feet away. When he didn’t move, transfixed on the dragon soaring across the sky, he added, “Now!”
The child snapped to, doing as he was told. He rushed toward the brunette as fast as his legs could carry him, stopping beside an older man that stood off to the side behind him.
“That a boy. You’re doing great.” The brunette breathed before suddenly crying, “Gods… everyone get back!”
The dragon swooped down and the spot they had just been standing was engulfed in flame. They missed the reaper by mere inches. In his retreat behind the remains of the next building over, the brunette spotted me peeking around the wood. See, this is why I never use stealth skills in video games. Even with a feckin’ dragon attacking, he still noticed my ass.
“Still alive, prisoner?” He questioned, his eyes scanning me. “Keep close to me if you want to stay that way.”
“I have a name, you fuck.” I muttered under my breath before cautiously leaving the cover of the inn, sprinting across the way to where the three were crouching for cover. As bad of an idea as it seemed to stick close to the man that was all but happy to execute me for no damn reason, I didn’t exactly have any options here. I don’t know where Ralof is, there’s a giant fire-breathing weather-changing dragon throwing a tantrum, and the other soldiers would probably cut me down on sight. There’s no way I can survive on my own, especially with no knowledge of this world or how it works. “Can you at least cut me free?”
“No,” he didn’t even look at me before addressing the older man. “Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense.”
“Gods guide you, Hadvar.” The man responded before putting his arm around the boy, who was shaking in fear.
“Let’s go,” Hadvar nodded to me before running off. I groaned, taking off after him. We followed the cobblestone road around a bend, where it went between a burning building and a stone wall. “Stay close to the wall!”
My body reacted before my brain even registered the words and I flattened my body against the wall just as the dragon landed above us, his clawed hand slamming down a mere five inches from my face. Why do I have such a strong urge to reach out and touch it? Would it feel like leather? Soft like fur? Cold because of the scales or warm because of the fire?
“Yol… Toor Shul!” It shouted before breathing fire down on the scattering soldiers.
For science, I convinced myself before slowly reaching my hands up. My fingers were just shy of touching the wing when it took flight again, kicking up a gust of wind and a cloud of dirt. I coughed, waving my hands to try and dispel the cloud.
“Quickly, follow me!” Hadvar ordered.
“Oh, right!” I pushed away from the wall and hurried after him, dodging other people and patches of flaming earth. We headed up a small set of stairs before darting across to a destroyed house. As we ran, I could hear the distressed cries of those around us.
“Tell my family… I fought bravely.”
“What does it take to kill this monster?!”
“Lead with those arrows, dammit!”
“Come on. Give me your hand, I’m getting you out of here.”
“It won’t die, it just keeps coming!”
In the distance, I noticed Tullius surrounded by three soldiers, their bows pointed toward the sky. He noticed Hadvar and called out, motioning toward a stone building up ahead. “Hadvar! Into the keep, soldier, we’re leaving!”
Hadvar glanced over his shoulder, probably to make sure I was still alive. “It’s you and me, prisoner. Stay close!”
Why is he so damned concerned when I was going to be executed, anyway? Wouldn’t it make their life easier if the dragon just… ate me? No, I frowned, shaking my head, because then they wouldn’t have the pleasure of doing it themself.
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myotishia · 5 years
Emergency measures part two
Fandom: Torchwood. Trigger warnings: None as far as I know but feel free to suggest. Characters: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Elise Carter (oc) Rating: Teen and up
Blurb: After saving Gwen from a would be assassin the team have to deal with someone wanting them all dead, though they’re not going down without a fight.
Jack was pissed off, though the wannabe assassin had jumped into a getaway car, a bulletproof one at that, he had his suspicions who had sent them. The timing was just too convenient. He almost wished Torchwood had been the only ones to to contact the four five six. The government was much too quick to make a deal with the devil and he guessed they wanted to make sure no one would be able to speak about it. That put a target on all of their heads being as the government knew about his unique condition he wondered what they planned to do with him. It didn’t bare thinking about. He called through to Ianto.
“I’ve sent Gwen and Rhys to a safe house for tonight. Elise was right.”
“Did you catch who it was?”
“No. They got away but I think I know who sent them. I’ve got a few calls to make when I get back. For now just be on your guard.”
“I am.”
“Hows Elise?”
“She’s fine. The bleeding stopped and she says it’s not serious.”
“What does Owen think?”
“He thinks it’s the after effect of a large air pressure change but he looked a lot more concerned than that would call for.”
“Time travel isn’t exactly something we’ve had many good experiences with. I don’t blame him for being worried.”
“Tosh was wondering if she could study one of the time watches to help stabilize Elises jumps.”
“I’ll allow it. Their ability to manipulate time is DNA locked but if anyone can get some use out of them it’s Tosh.”
Tosh had gone to bed slightly excited to start looking at one of the time watches in the morning. Even if the next day would be tense at least she’d have something to do. She’d wondered why Gwen of all of them had been targeted first but in a way there was logic to it. She was the most presence ‘on the grid’ after all. But if it was a government agency behind the hit, then why not go after Tosh herself. They always had to know where she was. It was just part of the deal that gave her her freedom however much she liked to try and forget it. She could think about it in the morning, she needed to get some sleep.
After only a couple of hours she heard something that was out of place. The front door opening quietly. Owen was already awake, having heard the same thing. He grabbed his gun, hidden beside the bed out of a mix of paranoia and habit. As he stood he mimed for Tosh to hide and get Elise, who had stayed asleep, to do the same. They’d just managed to get out of sight when the bedroom door slowly opened and a hand, holding a silenced pistol could be seen in the low light. Owen realised how useful this person could be so instead of just killing them he grabbed their wrist and rammed the door into their arm as hard as he could. The pistol dropped as the arm it was connected to snapped. A scream of agony erupted from the other side of the door and Owen aimed for the noise, swinging his fist directly into the guys nose. It wasn’t the first fight he’d ever been in and he knew that a broken nose wouldn’t stop this ‘professional’ killer for long. The man swung at Owen with a knife in his left hand, missing his throat by a hair. So focused on Owen he didn’t even notice a very sleepy Elise holding a tazer. The prongs hit the assassin in the shoulder and sent him into convulsions. He dropped to the floor like a lively sack of potatoes.
“This means we have to go back to work, doesn’t it?” Elise yawned, detaching the wires from the tazer.
“I think he was more shocked by the fact that Owen attacked him butt fuck naked.” Elise smiled, leaning back in her chair, explaining what had happened to Jack. In the cells the guy was still shouting about his arm and nose as Owen had refused to set them until the morning.
Tosh was curled up with her head on Elise’s lap, dozing. “Is Ianto ok?” She mumbled.
“Yea. He’s asleep.” Jack smiled softly.
“Is he living here now?” Asked Elise, curious.
He shook his head. “Of course not. But with the situation it was the safer option.”
“Why not? You two’ve been together for a while now.”
“I’m not going to make anyone live here.”
“You’re doing that distancing thing. It’s ok to get close to people you know.”
“I’m not getting into my personal life.”
“Excuses, excuses… Any idea who’s called in these hits?”
“I know exactly who and he isn’t answering my calls. Coward.”
“So what’s this guys problem? We’re the ones keeping the weevils from their door so why try and get rid of us?”
“To cover his own guilt. If the public or even other government officials found out what happened with the four five six he’d never see the light of day again. Last I checked he was aiming for prime minister.”
“Fucking politicians.”
“If they were they wouldn’t be such a pain. Until I can speak to him I’m not sure what to do. At least you’re in the clear for now.”
“You don’t strictly exist. On the surface all the documents you have will pass as legitimate but as far as MI5 is concerned you were never born. There’s no trail to follow.”
“Can we use that?”
“If he was willing to talk then yes, but if he isn’t it could just put you in more danger. I could contact the queen but there’s only so much she can do these days.”
“You have a direct line to the queen?”
“That’s who pays us.”
“I thought that was just on paper.”
“No. It’s very literal. Lizzy signs everything herself.”
“Lizzy? Now I know you’re pulling my leg.”
He smiled nostalgically. “I met her a long time ago. She drives worse than I do.”
“I told her that once during the war. She slapped me.” He laughed.
“Not many people out there can say they’ve been slapped by the queen.”
“More than you’d think.”
Gwen always found it hard to sleep in new places but after such a long day she had crashed out, only woken up by her alarm. She grabbed her phone and switched the alarm off, checking her messages with bleary vision. A text told her that Elise would pick her up for work as her car could be targeted. Wonderful. What was next, changing her name? Rhys was already awake and trying to keep busy. He handled stress surprisingly well but the bullet in the door frame had shaken him. He’d spent some of the night before just looking at places to move to.
“Morning.” He said with a forced smile.
Gwen appreciated the attempt. “Morning. My workmate Elise is going to pick me up in half an hour.”
“It’s good you’re not going to be alone. Have I met her?”
“Not in person I don’t think, no. She’s Toshiko’s girlfriend.”
“Oh yea, I remember you mentioning her.”
She’d decided not to tell Rhys about Elises abilities, wanting to keep the human stuff and alien stuff very separate. A quick shower, breakfast and throwing on something clean Gwen heard a knock at the door, followed by her phone ringing to assure her of who it was.
She opened the door to a sleepy looking Elise.
“Morning. I brought coffee.”
“I’ve just got to put my boots on. Come on in.”
Elise walked in and closed the door behind her, placing the carry cups on the table.
“You must be Elise.” Rhys greeted cheerfully.
“Yea, nice to meet you. You must be Rhys. Gwen talks about you all the time.”
“Nothing bad I hope.”
“Naa. Only good things.”
“Would you like to sit down for a bit?”
“Can’t stay long. We ended up having an eventful night last night.”
“Yea. Woke up at about three to a guy trying to kill us, so that was fun.”
“Christ, are you ok?”
“Me? Yea, I’m fine. Owen broke the guys arm and his nose. Then I tazed him. He did not want to go down. Tosh was pretty shaken, bless her. I don’t know if she’ll want to go home tonight.”
“Don’t you have anywhere you can go?”
“We’ll just stay at Owens place. Hopefully we can get this nonsense sorted soon. I’d like to get some sleep some time soon.”
Gwen stood and kissed Rhys on the cheek. “Glad you two are getting along but we’ve got to go.”
“Have at least a safe day.” He said softly to his wife.
“You too. Come on, are you driving or am I?” She asked Elise.
“I can drive. I wonder if Owens set that guys arm yet. He wouldn’t stop bitching about it all night.”
Jack sat next to Tosh explaining how the time watch, original name being a vortex manipulator, worked. He’d checked them over and found them to be upgraded versions of his own.
“Mine burned out but these are basically brand new. Looks like the time agency added more security in these, adding a DNA lock. It should still protect whoever’s wearing it from the side effects of travelling through the time vortex.”
“Was that what caused Elise’s nosebleed?”
“Possibly. Early models didn’t have the protection and after too many time jumps… It killed them.”
“That could happen?!”
“I didn’t know it was possible to time travel without any sort of technology. Even time lords can’t travel without a TARDIS. Elise shouldn’t even exist so I have no idea, maybe she’s immune to the effects and it was just the air pressure change. Don’t worry, we won’t let anything happen to her.” He tried to reassure her. At least it would be easier with the newer models but he was still concerned that it wouldn’t work.
“What if it breaks? The watch I mean.”
“I’ve heard of these things surviving a star going supernova. It breaking won’t be a problem.”
“I did wonder how yours survived this long.”
“I think this is the twelfth strap but it’s the same manipulator underneath. It can’t travel time anymore but it’s still useful for controlling half of the mechanisms here.”
“And it’s sentimental.” Tosh smiled, seeing how Jack looked at the strap around his wrist.
“Anyway.” He began, changing the subject. “If anything starts glowing just close it. I don’t want you getting irradiated by the internal battery.”
“That’s comforting, but I can handle it.”
“I wouldn’t let you if you couldn’t.”
“So what’s your plan now?” The failed assassin asked, his arm set and splinted. It needed a cast but Owen wasn’t feeling that generous.
“My plan? I don’t have a plan. You’re the one who tried to kill me remember.” Owen grumbled.
“You can’t let me go so what are you going to do with me.”
“That’s up to your boss, not mine.”
A huff came from the next cell along.
“What is that? You got animals down here?”
Owen smirked. “Animals? No. We don’t have any animals other than you down here.”
“You’re the animals that sold those kids off.”
Owen grabbed the man by the collar. “Listen to me you pathetic little fuck, your boss was one of the shitheads that gave those kids up so don’t you dare start talking shit about us, especially after trying to fucking kill us.” He let the man go and charged out of the cell, slamming the door behind him. He knew he hadn’t held his temper well. Usually he could hold himself together, even in front of those who’d attacked him before, but this time all he could think of was what would have happened if Tosh or Elise had been killed. It made his blood boil. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He needed to trust that Jack would get this all sorted out sooner rather than later.
Jack rubbed his temples, trying not to throw his phone across the room in frustration. He hated being actively ignored. Time to change tactics. Ianto had sent him all the information he could find on the man they had captive. It wasn’t as difficult as you’d expect as long as you knew what to look for. With that information all he needed to do was set up a meeting posing as the assassins handler. Also not too difficult but he’d have to hand the job off to Owen as his accent would give him away in seconds. Then it was just a matter of attending said meeting without being shot on sight. It made communication so much more difficult. A public place would be best as there was much less chance of a firefight. He wanted to end this with as little bloodshed as possible. He’d have to take the risk.
After a very tense day and a half the meeting was set up. Gwen sat in the corner of the small cafe, sipping tea and keeping one eye on the door. She was out of view of the window from the outside, as was Owen at the other side of the room. Other patrons sat around with no idea of the meeting they were about to witness.
John Frobisher, home office permanent secretary, entered with a briefcase in hand. He looked nervous as he looked around and took a seat at his table. Another man that had entered just behind him sat beside the door. The air in the room seemed so still and clammy. Too thick to breathe comfortably. Mr Frobisher turned ghost white as Jack entered, his usual confident self. The agent by the door seemed just as caught off guard.
“Good afternoon Mr Frobisher.” Jack smiled as he took a seat across from the man.
“How.. You can’t..” The weasley gentleman spluttered.
“I can and I have. What I want to know is why you’ve been trying to kill my people.”
“I couldn’t let anyone know… They’re back. I know they are… I can’t let this get out.”
“And if you’d left me to deal with it then it wouldn’t have. The four five six have been dealt with already. You could have pretended it never happened.”
Gwen quietly moved across from the agent who was weighing his options.
“I wouldn’t do anything if I were you.” She told him, eyes pointing to Owen who smiled in reply.
Frobisher eyed the door. “How was I meant to know. After what happened it shouldn’t be possible.”
“Technology changes. And you could have asked, or don’t you have the clearance for that? Does anyone even know that you’re here? That you hired a man to kill innocent people who had nothing to do with any of this? I wonder what would happen if your name was connected with an attempted murder investigation. It’s something to think about.” Jack smiled over at the busy waitress who had started to look a little concerned.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Why wouldn’t I? It was sheer luck that I don’t have a dead body and a grieving family on my hands.”
“Please. I have a family.”
“And I’m sure they’re very proud. Now, here’s what is going to happen. You and your friend over there are going to walk out of here, get into your car and go home. Your assassin is going to wake up in hospital with no idea how he got there and we are all going to forget this ever happened. I’m doing this for your families sakes.”
“Thank yo-”
“But, if I ever see you, anyone employed by you or anyone even slightly connected to you in any way I will not hesitate to destroy your life. Do you understand?”
Frobisher shrank in his chair, Jacks icy gaze telling him that the captain was not messing around in any way shape or form. There was something otherworldly behind those blue eyes that sparked a primal fear in the man.
“I’m gone. You’ll never see me again. I promise.”
Jack watched the man skitter out very carefully, before letting out a breath he’d been holding. Looking down he saw the abandoned briefcase and picked it up, taking it outside and away from any other people before opening it. It really was filled with money. Part of him thought there would be a bomb inside. Part of him thought there still was. He closed the case and looked back to see Owen and Gwen giving him questioning looks.
“So it’s over?” Asked Tosh as her workmates returned.
“Yea. Well, if he wants to live it is.” Jack said, matter of factly.
Elise smiled. “So we can go home without worrying.”
Tosh didn’t look convinced. “Maybe we can stay at Owens for a little while. I’m not sure about going back to mine just yet.”
“Yea… I mean give me a chance to go and clean up first.” Owen shrugged, trying to hide that he really didn’t want them to see his place as it was.
“I’ve visited you before, you don’t need to do anything special.”
“Yea, you visited. I just threw everything into the wardrobe and hoped the door wouldn’t give.”
Elise snorted. “That is such a uni guy move.”
“You have to learn somewhere. Anyway, I’ve not been there in a bit so I need to turn the heating back on.”
“I’m sure we can warm the place up.” She grinned.
“Even more reason for me to tidy up.”
“Well if we have a free afternoon fancy helping me with the space jumping thing.”
“I thought you weren’t going to do that for a while.”
“It’s the time jump I’m not doing. Space jumping just makes me a little dizzy because it messes up my equilibrium. It just takes some getting used to is all.”
“Only if I can monitor you. The second I see anything out of the ordinary we’re stopping, got it?”
“Works for me.”
Tosh looked over to them. “Can I get that data too? It might help with a project I’m working on.”
“Yea, what project is this?” Owen asked.
“I don’t know if it’ll work but I’m modifying one of the vortex manipulators -”
“The what?”
“The time watches. I’m modifying it to try and negate the side effects from the time jumps. So far I’ve managed to get it to essentially factory reset but I need to know how I should calibrate it.”
“You’re doing that thing again.” Elise grinned.
“My job?”
“Being gorgeous, yes.”
Owen scooted by and picked Elise up in a fireman's lift. “Nope. I’ve seen where this goes and no one gets to see that but me.
“Jack, I’m being kidnapped.” She giggled.
Jack looked up from what he was doing. “Bring her back in one piece.”
“I promise nothing.” Owen replied as he carried her off.                             
On the outskirts of the city Father Peter Lyric was dealing with something he never thought he’d have the misfortune to encounter. He’d been called a few times to the Willis family residents with complaints of paranormal activity. At first he thought it was the same as other cases he’d heard of: rusty creaking pipes, loose wires, carbon monoxide poisoning. These were the most common causes of ‘hauntings’. The Willis family had checked for all of these, being a generally agnostic family, and had contacted the church in a last ditch attempt to free themselves from the haunting. The first visit the priest had made was uneventful so he had blessed the house and left. A week later he was called as the haunting had gotten worse. Furniture was being thrown around during the night, voices had been heard from the unplugged TV and the children had spoken of figures looming over them in the night. Father Lyric had practically doused the place in holy water and prayed his old heart out. Evidently it hadn’t worked.
Kirren Willis sat up in his bed, eyes pure black and unfamiliar letters seemingly burned into his skin, an unnervingly calm smile on his face.
A much deeper voice than a child of nine should ever be able to produce emanated from his mouth. “Hello Father. Have you come to get rid of me?”
“What are you? What is your name?”
“I am Legion. For we are many.”
“Don’t quote films at me demon! In the name of God what is your true name?”
The boy laughed. “You aren’t as ignorant as I assumed. You may call me Gelial.”
Elise steadied herself from the jump before falling with a thud.
“I’m ok.” She said as she pulled herself up.
“Come on, I think that’s enough for now.”
“I haven’t even broken a sweat.”
“Your heart rate begs to differ. You agreed to the deal.” Owen gave her a look like a stern teacher.
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Think there’s enough data for Tosh to work with?”
“It should be. I’m just hoping she won’t need a time jump too.”
“Me too.”
“I thought you planned to use it.”
“Only if someone dies or the world tries to end. Even then I don’t know how to activate it. The space jumps I just need to concentrate on the place I want to be and it just happens but time jumps feel a bit different. I think I have to give it a reason I think.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Yea, but I don’t like the idea that it’s judging what is and isn’t important. Whatever it is.”
“Think it’s an outside entity?”
“Not an entity exactly.” She studied the scar on the back of her hand. “More like time itself. It’s strange. You wouldn’t think that sort of connection from one symbol.”
“I wondered about that too. Mind if I take a closer look at it? I thought maybe there was something underneath.”
“That should be fine. You’ve got the scanner thing so it’s not like you have to cut me open.”
“How’s your arm by the way?”
“It’s fine, barely even bruised. How far have you gotten in replicating the implant.”
“I’m nearly done. Just have to do a few tests but I’m running low on female rats. The cage had become a boys club before I realised.”
Father Lyric collapsed backwards onto the floor, clutching his crucifix to his chest.
“Out demon!” He ordered, though his voice had started to shake. “Leave this boy!”
Galial laughed. “Why should I ? This is a perfectly healthy vessel.”
“In the name of God I command you!”
“Your deity has no power over me. I am far from his reach.”
“Come now Father, you and I both know that God has abandoned you.”
“No!” The old man cried, covering his ears.
“I know the truth can be painful but I wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t believe it. I’m very skilled in reading the thoughts you like to ignore. This boy hates his brother and wants to throw him down the stairs. He hates his parents for talking about a divorce. He thinks he should run away from home.”
“Leave him alone! Please.”
“Please. He’s innocent.”
“But you are not, are you Father Lyric?”
“You left a girl out on a snowy night because she was drunk and you thought she might vomit in the church. What happened to her Father?”
“How do you know that?!”
“She died. Froze to death because you wanted to keep the church clean. You told the police you weren’t there. You lied. You tell others you are a man of faith but I see a murderer.”
“It’s not true! I couldn’t have known!”
“It was a blizzard and she didn’t even have a coat. Her blood is on your hands and you speak as if I’m the evil one. I could help those feelings go away.”
“I won’t listen to your lies demon!”
“I haven’t lied once. You’re going to hell anyway, why not let me ease your pain for a while.”
Tears ran down Peter’s face as he looked up into the lightless orbs that the boy had for eyes. His mind couldn’t think of anything other than the spirits words. He had killed that girl and had never felt as if he had done enough to earn forgiveness. It was all too much. He’d lost control. “How?”
Mrs Willis heard crying from her sons bedroom and ran up, tearing the door open to find her son confused and upset but seemingly fine. His eyes had returned to their normal green and his skin was clear of markings. She pulled the boy into her arms and kissed him on the head.
“Thank you Father. Is it gone? Is the ghost gone?” She asked through relieved sobs.  
“When I leave you will have no more problems with this haunting.” Father Lyric smiled softly, the image of serenity.
“Thank you. We’ll be at church on Sunday I promise. You saved my baby.”
“I look forward to your attendance. I do hope you will bring your family and friends.”
“Of course! Of course. Is there any way we can repay you for this?”
“Your attendance is more than enough payment Mrs Willis.” He said as if he had done her a simple favour before making his way downstairs to leave.
“Is there anything we should do to stop this from happening again?” Asked Mr Willis as he opened the front door.
“Oh no, you should be just fine now. Isn’t it strange?”
“W-what is?”
“That your son looks so little like you. Families are very odd, don’t you think?”
“I suppose?” Mr Willis paled slightly, watching the priest leave. He swallowed hard and called up to his wife. “We need to talk, can you come down here?”
Owen looked up at the magnified image of Elises scar projected on the wall, not completely sure what he was seeing on the smaller screen. The surface layer had been normal scar tissue but underneath hid what looked like thousands of microscopic symbols, etched in black, almost tattooed into the flesh. The lines were only a fraction of a millimeter thick so they couldn’t actually be normal tattoos. It was as if the pigment in the cells themselves had been changed.
“It looks like source code.” Elise mused.
Owen nodded, still scanning the image with his eyes. “It does.” He hit the screenshot button on his computer. “Tosh has a few translation programmes. Maybe we can find out what it says. Keep still, I want to get a few more images for it to work on.”
“It’s so intricate. I don’t know how he did all of it so quickly. I barely even felt it.”
“Keep still.”
“I am.”
He grumbled at the blurry screenshots before taking his phone out of his pocket and taking a picture of the projection on the wall. At least that seemed to be a clear image. “Stay there, I’m going to get a better camera. Your hands doing the blurry thing again.”
“Why would another camera help?”
“It can take pictures of the projection. I just can’t take screenshots.”
She watched him leave before turning her attention back to the projection. The symbols moved with her pulse but they were drawn so clearly it didn’t make them illegible. It almost looked as if each figure was surrounded by a golden glow, that got stronger the longer she looked.
She was pulled from her trance like state by a hand being waved in front of her eyes.
“Are you still with me?” Asked Owen, a camera in his other hand.
“Yea. Yea, sorry I spaced out.” She looked back at the projection but didn’t see the golden glow anymore. “Did you get the pictures you needed?”  
“Yea, and then I noticed you were daydreaming. I was going to worry if you didn’t snap out of it.”
“I’m fine. Jumping must have made me more tired than I thought.”
“I hate to say it but -”
“Don’t say it.”
“I told you so.”
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Glory Days Part 13 (IM RP AU- Shun & Midi)
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
Eriko’s POV
The hysterical yelling and venting ends quickly, leaving me and two new helpful strangers in dead silence hanging in the air, awkward, thick as glue. I tense up and try to rip my own face away from the shame with my hands rubbing my cheeks.
The smell of food ready in the auburn hair gentleman’s hand while the other in glasses helps to set the table, making themselves at home more than I do. Without thinking; I slide off the jacket and return it to one of them, announcing that I need a quick shower to feel human again.
A shower- that’s always a solution. A long, hot shower takes anything off my mind and whatever forgotten mess Midori and I had caused. If showering could make things go away, could undo our regrets or simply make a guy who thinks of me as a slut even to like me a tiny little bit,  I would not mind taking shower multiple times a day till my skin peels off.
Once in the flow of water, I am in no state to tell the difference between the tears streaming down my face and the pellets of water hitting from the shower head. I crouch down, palms to my face, letting the stream consume my still hungover and shameful form. This is pathetic- standing naked in the shower wondering whether or not I am nothing but a complete failure.
Downing the delicious food in one go so unladylike in front of the two boys whose names remain unknown to me is far from my concern since again, a handsome fella spoiling and cooking for me seem just too good to be true. My heart flutter as I remember his strong arms around my waist and sitting across me, another just as good looking with black framed glasses over his ashy gray eyes.
Am I getting lucky or is more trouble waiting round the corner?
After a short introduction and names exchange, Rikiya Mononobe- the one who scoops me up bridal style suggests to take me elsewhere for a change of scenery while Shinichi Kagari- pulls out a cigarette and kindly reminds me to change into some jeans or pants instead.
Feeling curious and impatient, I slip into a pair of hot shorts from the couch, tossing my dress out of the way, not caring if it offends the two hotties or not and spins around just as the white see through shirt covers my waist. “Good to go! Oh can we make a quick stop after whenever you’re taking me?”
Rikiya’s POV
Shinichi and I share perhaps the fifth grin since we have met the drunken girl that screams nothing but trouble, yet we love troubles. It wouldn’t be a wild guess to think that Eri must be crying her heart out in the shower after her friend exploding at her along with whatever crazy they’re into the previous night.
The girl deserves at least a decent meal and blows some steam of. With the three of us, I have no chance to show off my bike and arrive the place in a taxi within twenty minutes. Eri seems cheery and fearless- totally different from earlier, guess you really can’t just someone by its cover.
“Oh my gosh, batting cages!”
Watching comically as the petite brunette rolls her sleeves and I put an arm around her, resting her head against my shoulder then point to a sign up front when two confusing gazes stare at me.
“Couples Discount”
Shinichi gives me a screw you asshole look then pays at the cashier. We’re escorted to an open cage and got set up. Shinichi beats me first and gives her a general idea of what to do. He is always better with theories and explanation anyway, only if she isn’t bored to death.
When it is her turn, her legs are stiff and too close together with her hands in the wrong place. He steps in and corrects her, standing behind her with her back on his chest. I watch with my arms crossed, imagining the warmth of his body heat pressing against her thin shirt. Aiming my phone at them and snap a quick photo, I grin at the sly fox while his hands are placed on hers, instructing her before the first call comes flying to her face.
“Hey!” I distract them and propose Shinichi a challenge, “Wanna see who’s a better couch? Whoever wins get a date with Eri? If she’s interested, of course.”
Eriko’s POV
I haven’t had that much fun in a long time, one that requires no booze nor sex, the kind of pure joy that comes from doing something I enjoy, laughing over little things.
Watching the two seemingly close friends, I smile at how blessed I’m to have someone like Midori and decide to make the quick stop I’ve mentioned earlier. Back to the crime scene from last night send chills and weigh on my shoulders at the piercing glare of Mrs. Katayani, ex Mrs. Katayani. “I’m so sorry mam, it’s entirely my fault. Midori was only trying to cheer me up, she’s more than sorry for what happened. Please don’t be mad at her for what I did…”
“I’ll stop you right there, dear.” The woman I look up to cut me off with her hand in the air, “I appreciate your sincerity and apology but you are not the only one at fault, more over, you should think of the influence you have on Midi and re consider your living situation.”
Stumbling out of the boutique, I’m greeted by the two gentlemen again while one asks if we should go on our date now and leaves the other one behind.
Rikiya’s POV A lingerie shop? How interesting! Eriko hasn’t  responded to the question Shinichi’s asked after she’s stepped out so I figure as that to be my green light. Scooping her up into my arms again like I had only a few hours ago, it’s a quick ‘catch ya’ which his exchanged by expression rather than words as I continue to carry the girl down the street. ‘Fine - have it your way Mononobe; but tomorrow she’s mine and I plan on showing her everything she’ll be missing out on.’ We’re still in earshot when Shinichi manages to yell that out but there’s a hidden undertone of playfulness to his voice which I can’t help but laugh at. Eventually dropping the girl back down to her feet, I take her hand in my own and intertwine our fingers keeping her close to my side as our pace of walking slows down - as if there isn’t a rush or care in the world. “I’ve got no idea about anything that was going on before with the whole quick stop to the lingerie store but - really - I hope whatever’s bothering you.. you manage to sort out soon.” It’s a small smile which cracks on Eri’s face that I can’t help but chuckle at yet the smile quickly turns into a confused look of questioning as we stop in a back alley a 10 minute walk from where we are earlier; and I’m pulling open a hole in a fence asking her to step through. “You can’t be serious”, she tries to shake off my with a laugh, yet my hand does nothing more than gesture across my chest to point at the hole - the direction we’re taking. “Dead serious. Why… don’t you trust me?” The smirk on my face is quickly mimicked by hers and I take the liberty of checking out her ass as she crawls through; the perfect view as I follow on, taking her hand after fixing the fence and guiding us through the overgrown foliage out the back of an abandoned school. Although it’s mid-daylight outside, the building of the door I kick in with a swift knock just beneath the knob is dark, pitch black - this quickly changes though after reaching out for a light switch I’ve turned on under these conditions a few too many times and watch the lights flicker on along the roof beams of the old, run down gymnasium. “I figured you’d fancy a little time away from the rest of the world”, I point out, assisting Eri to step over some broken chairs and text books which have been abandoned for god knows how long until we get to the large, oversized pool I’ve been wanting to visit for a while. Riddle me crazy - I’m not sure how the water in a pool in a place that is seemingly abandoned manages to look so good, so calm, so inviting; but out of sight, out of mind and with no company at all - this place is perfect for letting off steam. Shoes kicked off along with socks, jeans dropped and shirt pulled over my head; in just my boxers without saying another word I drive straight under. It’s a few seconds that past before I emerge up to the surface and tread the tepid water. It’s a come hither motion I make which brings Eri by a few steps towards the edge. “What’s taking you so long? Jump in.” Midori’s POV A half hour after my slightly dramatic exit from the dorm, I return to find the door shut. Shit - just fucking great - I have no god damn key to open it. Slamming my body against the door a few times in the hopes of it flying open seems to have no effect apart from hurting my side and I start thinking of my other options. I could go back to my mothers store but that would involve her seeing her daughter as she had not that long ago - unshowered, makeup streaming down her face, in a shirt that I still don’t know who it belongs to… hmmm, no; I cross that option off my list immediately. There are girls who live next door to us but after knocking there, it seems like no one else is in and I can feel my stomach grumbling - I haven’t had anything in it apart from the alcohol from last night which is taking it’s toll on me. Now I have even less options - over processed lunch meat from the cafeteria or… …it’s a few minutes longer than expected to creep across the campus unnoticed to find myself standing in front of the boys dorm. Marvellous - not! Knocking at the door, I bite my bottom lip and beneath my breath pray that someone will let me in. “Hey….”, I hear from behind me, “What are you doing here?”
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