#and instead of having adora rescue her catra rescues herself by making a hard decision
what bothers me about horde prime, more than his lazy characterization or his lack of impact on the narrative, is the fact that he is such a bad representation of a cult leader. like,, this is not how cults work. they don’t just insert a chip into you and make you follow their every directive like a robot. real life cults are a lot more terrifying because they use manipulation as a tactic to convince people to join them. it’s not a digital chip that you can remove from your system and suddenly you’re in complete control of yourself. cult survivors have talked about how hard it is to actually unlearn that mindset and start thinking for themselves, how many years it takes to stop feeling guilty for leaving their cult or seeing the toxicity in the leaders they so religiously followed.
sure, hordak and catra have some trauma tied to their experience with horde prime, but most of that is because of the physical torture they went through, rather than their experience of being brainwashed. and it’s fine if horde prime was just some villain and not a genocidal cult leader. but it’s clear that he was written to be a religious authority figure, the execution is just so off.
i know he’s a character in a fantasy world, so he had to use his powers for something. but instead of turning people into robots, he could have shown them a “better world” through his tech, talked them into joining him and forgetting about all their current worries, and then used them as weapons against etheria.
it would have been a lot more impactful and angsty if catra had willingly joined horde prime’s cult so that she could repress her guilt. in fact, it would have been really interesting if horde prime had convinced catra that he would help her repend for all that she did, if she joined his cult. this would have been a lot more comparable to religious guilt and trauma in real life, and it would show that catra actually felt bad for what she did, instead of just looking sad for a while and then continuing to be a shitty person anyway.
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 4 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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I never said anything about it before but I love Shadow Weaver's DCAU Batman eyes. They're so expressive.
Episode 1: Okay...I wasn't expecting Catra to do that. I mean, it makes sense. If she has leverage over Hordak then she's basically in charge of the Horde and that's what she's wanted (or at least believes she wants) since episode 1. It's an aspect that made her a good antagonist, that she's not blind to the evil of the Horde, she just doesn't care as long as she herself is secure. Which naturally begs the question, when the rebellion and the princesses are crushed, when the Horde is on top, when Adora is dead, when Catra finally has everything she's ever wanted...will she actually finally be happy? Somehow, I have my doubts.
I definitely feel for Glimmer in this. When you go through as big a loss as she did you need to be able to feel and vent if you're ever going to get through it. It doesn't have to be right away but everyone doing everything in their power to avoid the topic entirely can make you feel like you're going crazy. It'a especially bad for her since it unintentionally makes it feel like everyone is acting like it doesn't matter that Angela is gone when it clearly means everything to Glimmer.
Episode 2: I actually had a potted cactus plant once. Accidentally forgot about it and left it outside for an entire winter. Once the snow was gone the cactus looked like it had melted.
I kind of want to see what an interaction between Double Trouble and Clayface from the Harley Quinn animated series would look like. I'm guess Catra was just testing how good Double Trouble was as a doppelganger because it doesn't seem like she did anything while Adora was being distracted, though I suppose that could be a reveal in a later episode.
Not much to say except that I love how buff Huntara is while still clearly being a woman. Like, women can have a variety of different body types, as this series and Steven Universe show, and Huntara's build isn't just, like, Bow's body with lipstick and ponytail and the animators calling it a day. No, she looks like a freakin' jacked adult woman.
Episode 3: I didn't figure out the Flutterina = Double Trouble twist until a minute before it was revealed, so good job there. Before that I was wondering if Flutterina was some fan's original character where they won some contest where their OC got to be in the show for an episode. She was giving off some weird self-insert vibes. That twist made it all work though. It's honestly not a bad plan. Shapeshifters haven't really been a thing in the series before now so there's no reason to suspect it. Even if they did they'd probably be expecting it by way of magic or technology, while Double Trouble's seems to be a natural ability.
I like that even though Bow is definitely the goofier one of the trio he is still consistently shown as competent. That's never in question. He was very heroic and reassuring to the villagers this episode. I get why those kids idolize him so much.
Catra's having guilt over what she did with the portal and to Entrapta and her response is basically to just double-down. She doesn't know any other way to be. Not going to lie, I am kind of hoping we get another moment in the show where Adora just completely overwhelms Catra with the sheer power of She-Ra. I'm not saying like brutalize her or anything but just something where Catra is made to realize just how powerful Adora is and that she could just destroy Catra if she had a mind to do so.
Episode 4: Well, I was saying I wanted Adora to do it but I guess I don't mind Glimmer being the one to get some good shots in on Catra. Like I predicted, Shadow Weaver's moving in to become her teacher like she was with her father. Honestly I like that that was more Adora's problem than Glimmer using her as bait, which she seemed to get over pretty quick. Yeah, it was kind of a heartless thing to do but it was an understandable tactic and she clearly outright told Adora that she did it and why afterwards, which at least means she's still being honest.
It occurs to me that Glimmer and Catra may be the ones running parallel right now. Both are basically leading their respective sides of the war. They both have lost someone very important to them. And both are trusting someone they probably shouldn't. Both even have outfits that've been updated in the intro. The difference is Glimmer's just trying to deal with a bad situation while Catra's is entirely self-inflicted.
Minor thing but I like Glimmer's new outfit this season. I'm sure this is the intention but it makes her look older and more mature. A little more muscular in some shots too.
Episode 5: Heart of Etheria project. No idea what that is but assumedly whoever's a part of it doesn't like Light Hope and Mara being friends. Sounds like it's very much interested in She-Ra being just a warrior, and perhaps a tool, for the greater good. It does make me wonder though how much Light Hope remember from when she was rebooting. Even if she deleted the Mara memory she could potentially still have the memory of her and Adora watching the Mara memory, as well as Adora asking to be her friend.
Episode 6: Yep. Scorpia; definitely favorite supporting character. There is something kind of funny about her whole "Scorpions are loyal" line when you remember the story about the Frog and the Scorpion, where it stings the frog despite it meaning death for itself as well simply because that is its nature. But finally we're having someone go save Entrapta, and I can only assume at some point Scorpia's going to access the power of the Black Garnet.
The parallels between Catra and Hordak are definitely at their max here with that speech of hers to him. She's basically trying to convince herself that she doesn't need anyone, the timing of which is appropriate since she just drove away Scorpia and now truly doesn't have anyone. Not that I blame Scorpia, obviously. Like Adora before her, however good you believe someone can be and that you can help them, at some point you just have to cut the toxic people out of your life. You have the right to be happy too.
And man, Bow is just the best. He saw something was wrong between Adora and Glimmer and defused the situation like (snap) that, pushing them to talk like any sane person would.
Episode 7: I'm sure it is just because I've seen way too many TV shows and movies (both animated and live action) that don't do it but it is just such a relief to have a show where the characters just TALK and LISTEN to each other. It doesn't solve all their issues but they're at least not being stupid and freakin' petty. It helps the drama feel a lot less forced and contrived.
Episode 8: A little bit of amusement in Bow thinking at first that Glimmer and Adora didn't even notice he was gone despite them coming to his rescue very shortly afterwards, given Catra is only now realizing Scorpia has left and assumedly she did so a while ago. Bow and Sea Hawk hadn't been gone for that long so it's not unreasonable Glimmer and Adora wouldn't be worried about their absence (Bow was literally talking about "me time" when they last saw him), while Catra is only noticing Scorpia's absence now and it was because she wanted something. Like Scorpia said, she's a bad friend.
Kind of ironic given that a lot of Catra's issues are the direct result of Shadow Weaver giving her very little love growing up but it does seem this tough love is probably what'll get through to Catra the best. She might finally stop making bad decisions and lashing out if she's forced to live with the consequences of them, like Adora told her last season.
Glimmer gets a bit of slack from me since she suffered through a huge loss, that being her mother, and then was immediately thrown into being queen right after. It'd be hard for anyone to be 100% on their game and well-adjusted in a situation like that, and I buy that she was on some level resentful of Adora for coming back instead of her mother, even if unintentionally so. What definitely helps is that Glimmer very clearly and immediately regretted what she said to Adora. Like Catra she's lashing out but unlike Catra Glimmer recognizes some of the damage she's doing and knows, at least in this case, that she went too far.
Episode 9: Now that I can see the design in color I definitely prefer Mara's She-Ra with pants to Adora's She-Ra with shorts. Honestly, while the differences are pretty minor, I do think Mara's She-Ra design is overall a lot better than Adora's. Sharper shoulder guards. Bigger cape (especially the cape, I love capes). I don't know, there's just a lot that clicks with it and I wouldn't mind Adora getting a similar outfit later.
Madam Razz definitely had a Yoda feel this episode. I was very much expecting her to start wacking Mara with a stick over the sugar like Yoda did with R2. Though while that was Yoda acting crazy, for Razz it's because she experiences time out of order, and I don't think I've ever seen that concept taken to this extent, or at least done this way before. There are characters like River Song from Doctor Who, Professor Paradox from Ben 10, or even the Reverse-Flash who interact with other characters in time out of order but those characters are still on a linear path from their own perspective, even when travelling through time. Razz is just bouncing around her own timeline, seemingly not even any real reason or cause to it like Subaru from Re:Zero. Clearly she's not just remembering things oddly because her talk about things of the present are heard by people in the past and have an effect. I wonder if maybe the reason why is because Razz was at ground zero of Mara's actions and this is a side-effect of pulling Etheria away from the rest of the universe.
Bringing more Star Wars into this, it basically sounds like the Heart of Etheria project has turned Etheria into a magic Starkiller Base; storing power that'll be unleashed to destroy whole planets. And jeez, I think this was the first time I really felt creeped out by Light Hope when she was talking to Mara.
I'm looking forward to seeing what it means that the First Ones only made the sword and that Etheria made She-Ra. If that's the case, why is only the sword able to bring out the She-Ra form? Is it like MCU Thor's hammer and the weapon was just meant to help him control the power he already had? Or is what we think is She-Ra not actually She-Ra and that form that Adora and Mara take is just a stand-in for the real thing?
Episode 10: It didn't even occur to me until now but Double Trouble's capture is another blow to Catra's circle of "friends" too. They were at least able to make her laugh. One less person for her to talk to and just...really just distract her from her thoughts.
It's a good dilemma this episode presents about what to do with the Heart of Etheria. The safest and probably best option is to just dismantle it, like Adora and Bow want, since it could easily lead to the destruction of the entire planet if it goes off. Not the mention there's so little they know about it and what it was intended for and the one person who can potentially tell them, Light Hope, they were warned not to trust. But it's not hard to understand where Glimmer is coming from in wanting to use that power to fight the Horde. They're already losing the war and now she knows Hordak Prime and his FAR more powerful forces are on the way. Tapping into the Heart is a huge risk but she's not seeing any other paths for the rebels to win. It's a really good dilemma, with good arguments presented from both sides, and I buy this widening the schism between Adora and Glimmer.
Episode 11: I have mixed feelings on King Micah still being alive. On the one hand there's a lot of good potential interactions we can now have with him, primarily between Glimmer and Shadow Weaver, and he is a fun character. But on the other I can't help but wonder if this kind of lessens the impact of what Angela gave up to overcome the false reality. Part of what made it so emotional was that she had to accept the person she loved was dead and not coming back...except now we see that he wasn't dead and now he is coming back. Yeah, their family lost out on years together and that does still carry some emotional weight but I was already also half-expecting Angela to come back later in the series because she's stuck between dimensions, meaning there's a chance she could still be alive. If both Glimmer's parents come back then that really feels like it takes a lot of weight out of her story. But I guess we'll see what happens.
Also, why did the Horde exile him to Beast Island? Why not just kill him?!
Episode 12: So the Horde exiles Micah to Beast Island instead of killing him. The First Ones protect their secrets by sending their bad tech to Beast Island. Does no one know how to just destroy things in this world?
Ohhh, I am so looking forward to next episode. While it's debatable whether Glimmer should be going through with her plan she is at least being smart with how she's going about it. Double Trouble was being paid by Catra to work for the Horde, not out of any sense of loyalty. Glimmer has the resources of Bright Moon at her disposal so it's reasonable she could pay them more to switch sides. Double Trouble was very good at sabotaging even a group as tight-nit as the heroes, so Hordak and Catra are probably easy pickings with all their issues.
Episode 13: ....WELL THAT AIN'T GOOD!
I'll admit, I had a little bit of an unintended laugh. After all we've heard about Horde Prime, like this shadowy all-powerful monster, I wasn't expecting the fabulous flowing dreadlocks and smoothness. Credit where it's due, man has charisma and charm, which goes a long way in helping your big evil world conqueror not be a very flat character, because it's doubtful he's going to have the same kind of sympathetic motivation as Hordak or complexity as Catra to keep him elevated.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Double Trouble kicking at Catra while she's down. Adora and Scorpia were honest but they never wanted to hurt Catra. Not so much with Double Trouble and they just shove reality into her face. Everyone leaves Catra because of Catra. She's the common factor. It's her fault and no one else's. Again, I don't know for certain if Adora and Catra get together at the end (Catra would have a LOT to make amends for regardless) but Double Trouble was definitely implying Catra had feelings for her with the way they put Catra's hand on "Adora's" cheek while talking about how she left her.
I like that we see Glimmer's plan actually working at first. The princesses get a massive power boost and decimate the Horde forces. But the minute it starts going wrong she immediately admits Adora was right and she tries to stop the energy flow. I imagine having her there with Catra was intentional by the writers. Despite some parallels, Glimmer can actually accept her failures and work to try and fix things. Unlike Catra, she didn't blame Adora for things going wrong.
So the sword allows the First Ones to control She-Ra and the energy she'd be absorbing from the planet. Assumedly that means there are at least some parts to She-Ra that have nothing to do with the First Ones and thus maybe Adora can still use some of those powers without the sword.
Season 4 verdict: Yeah, the show keeps getting better, though I will admit last season's finale had me more emotional, but that's a bit of an unfair comparison given everything that happened in that finale vs. this one. This is definitely the series hitting its darkest hour, where it feels like EVERYONE lost. Not just the rebels but the Horde as well. The sword and Light Hope are gone and She-Ra (for now) along with them. Glimmer and Catra are basically prisoners. Hordak's probably going to have his personality stripped away. The Fright Zone is in ruins. The only one who's gained anything is Prime.
Really looking forward to what the final season has in store, especially since there seems to be the implication that Catra just saved Glimmer's life.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o1j5gk/going_in_blind_watching_season_4_for_the_first/
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takerfoxx · 4 years
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Season 5, Episode 13, “The Heart, Part 2,” First Impressions!
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I am going to miss this show, I really am.
Well. Here we are. The final episode of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, an almost three decade later reboot of a show I’ve never seen, which in turn was a spin-off of a show I’ve never seen, and yet somehow became one of my favorite shows of all time.
Now, when this show was first announced, there was a lot of pushback. You had the usual murder’s row of so-called anti-SJW troglodytes who like to swoop in on anything that looks like it wasn’t designed with straight white guys in mind (and speaking as a straight white guy, these guys are just. So. Tiresome!), as well as fans of the original who didn’t care for the new character designs, direction, or lack of connection to Masters of the Universe. Which, okay, I get it, and to be honest the little to no He-Man business still strikes me as weird, but come on guys. It’s been almost thirty years! Times have changed, audiences have changed, and the targeted audience of kids’ shows today are very different from what they were in the eighties. 
But despite all that nontroversy, She-Ra rose above and established itself as a genuinely great show in it’s own right, becoming both a critical and commercial success. Like, okay, it wasn’t Avatar the Last Airbender or Steven Universe-level big, but it definitely established a real niche for itself and gathered a sizeable fanbase. The excellent writing, incredibly on-point comedic timing, superb voice acting, casual diversity, oodles of complex and likeable characters, tight-plotting, mature handling of difficult topics, and immaculate direction made it out to be an amazing children’s show from a decade that has had no shortage of amazing children’s shows, and expectations were insane for the final season, with the climatic final episode being under incredible scrutiny. 
I mean, it makes sense, right? For once, given the huge LGBTQ fanbase the show has, and given how many times the LGBTQ community have been burned at the last second, there is little wonder that they would be wary. And while some shows like the aforementioned Avatar the Last Airbender and Breaking Bad have remained of high quality throughout its run and delivered with an excellent finale (or so I’m told, still working my way through), others like Voltron Legendary Defender and Game of Thrones have become notorious for shitting the bed in their latter halves, and other shows like Steven Universe have had more mixed receptions. So how would She-Ra turn out? Would it end up flopping at the end, or would it stick the landing and enter the pantheon of shows that actually completed their entire story arcs and are fondly remembered?
Yes. Yes, it did. 
The final season was spectacular. It started off all right, but from the third episode on immediately turned into pure brilliance, one that seemed to constantly top itself with wonderful character development, emotional payoffs, scenes of gripping tension, ballsy writing, and fantastic action. And any finale that makes me cry gets a thumb’s up from me.
Now, obviously I have a lot of gushing to do, but before it do, I should point out that I don’t think the finale is 100% perfect. There are things that kind of bugged me, and a few others that I felt really could have done better. Of course none of them were deal breakers, only little flaws that I feel could have stood to either have had more focus or different execution. And I might as well get the negative things out of the way.
And for me, the biggest problem is Shadow Weaver’s exit. 
And to be clear, I don’t have a problem whatsoever with Shadow Weaver dying. I wanted her to die. I’m glad she died. Nor do I have a problem for her dying to save the two girls she’s spent two decades abusing. And nor do I have a problem with them mourning her death, given that they never actually forgave her, and it only made sense that they would have complicated feelings toward her. All of those are fine!
What I have a problem with is how that moment was framed and directed. It was framed like a heroic sacrifice, from the dramatic final stand moment to Shadow Weaver being suddenly acting selfless to her telling Catra how proud she was of her and finally showing her face. 
Everything about that moment was exceptionally well done, yes, but the problem I have is that it doesn’t feel earned. That’s the sort of end you give a morally complex character that has been struggling with their negative qualities throughout a long character arc. And I’m sorry, but while Shadow Weaver is a pretty great and complicated character in her own right, she as never even tried to redeem herself until that moment. With Catra, we still saw how much her actions haunted and tormented her, even when she was at her worst. We saw her wrestling with her ingrained toxic behaviors and her conscience, so that when she finally makes the decision to do something right and, as far as she knew, sacrificed her life to rescue Glimmer and save Adora, it felt all kinds of earned!
But even after defecting to the Princess Rebellion, Shadow Weaver showed no signs of wanting to change. She showed no signs of regretting her mistreatment of Adora and Catra, and still continued to demean, undercut, and gaslight them whenever she was with them, and whenever she was called out on it, she would just brush it off and/or roll her eyes. Even when she was “helping” and “praising” her golden child Adora, she still continued to try to twist her head and mold her into what she wanted Adora would be. And her treatment of Catra didn’t change at all.
So I’m sorry, but that moment just didn’t work for me. Yes, I know Noelle has said that her sacrifice was still selfishly motivated, and I believe it, but it still felt off, especially with her finally telling Catra that she was proud of her, when she was AGAIN demeaning her earlier in that same episode! It carries the unintentional implication that Catra needed Shadow Weaver’s validation in order to move on. I honestly would have preferred that she never got it but realized that she didn’t need it to begin with. And that “You’re welcome,” which is incredibly condescending, was framed as a badass final line. There’s a disconnect between her character arc and its payoff that feels off. I wish something had been handled differently. 
The second issue I had was just how rushed a lot of the character payoffs felt at the end. Yes, I know Noelle said that she doesn’t want to do an epilogue and would like us to decide for ourselves how things turned out, and that’s fine. But one day later wouldn’t hurt. Wrong Hordak was shown a couple times cowering next to Swift Wind in group shots and then straight up disappeared. And given their complicated history together, Scorpia and Catra deserved so much more than just a hi and a hug. Chipped Micah was given more time to harm and demean Glimmer than real Micah was given to love her. The Entrapdak thing got more focus and despite what I said about Hordak needing to either die or lose his memories, I’m not too upset that he didn’t do either, but instead simply broke free and got a happy ending, and Mermista’s line of, “So, are we like okay with this?” was great, but it feels like there should have been more. And I know they never had their own character arc and did all they needed to do last season, but if you’re going to bring Double Trouble back, then give us more than just one episode and a two-second cameo at the end. 
Like, just give us some kind of montage of the rebuilding stage. Show us Wrong Hordak leading his scared and confused brothers in becoming individuals. Have him meet the real Hordak and show us how they would respond to one another! Give us a proper Catra/Scorpia reconciliation! Do more with Double Trouble or don’t bring them back at all. Hell, pair them up with Wrong Hordak partway through the season so they could bounce off each other, because that would be comedy GOLD! And while I’m glad that we at least got to see Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio (and they adopted Imp!), it sucks that that was their only scene this season, and it didn’t even have any lines. I’m not so upset about Huntara, because I know her voice actress is hard to get ahold of, so I’m okay with her just getting a wordless scene, but the others kind of bug.
I understand that time was a factor, but surely something could have been done.
All right, now I got all those out my system, let the gushing BEGIN!
Catra and Adora. Oh man. Oh man oh man oh man oh man. Now, I know I said that Catra needs to leave in order for her redemption to work, but even though she didn’t and got pretty much forgiven and accepted by everyone she hurt, I’m still very happy with how her redemption arc went down. Because she made the switch early in the season, showed genuine regret for what she did, made real attempts to apologize to those she hurt without expecting forgiveness, was shown wrestling with her bad traits, sometimes falling back into them, sometimes almost succumbing to bad habits, but was also shown finally making the right decisions and rising above them. She was the best-written character in the show with the most complex character arc, and they fucking NAILED the landing. 
And that is because of her love of Adora. 
Catra and Adora, two white-hot messes of weirdly compatible issues. Catra is so afraid of abandonment that she instinctively pushes those she loves away or runs away herself rather than let them leave her, and Adora only knows how to place others before herself, to be selfless to a fault, take all the blame for everything, and not let herself be the one who’s loved and protected. The two needed each other in order to overcome their issues, to put aside the damage Shadow Weaver instilled in them.
And they finally did.
Catra came back for Adora. She stayed by her side, refused to leave, and refused to let Adora give up. And Adora rose above her feelings of failure, allowed herself to be loved by another, and became whole. 
And then we got it. We finally got the moment we’ve all been waiting for, all been praying for, all wanted so goddamned desperately. 
We got the Big Goddamn Kiss.
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The love each other. They’re lovers. They’re soulmates. After everything, how could they be anything else? It’s pure, 100% romantic love, a full, no ambiguity friends-to-rivals-to-enemies-to-allies-to-lovers storyline. Not subtext, no reading between the lines. It’s real, it’s canon, it’s between the two main leaders, and it happened right on the screen and saved the goddamned world.
Catra finally reached out to someone and showed love, and Adora finally allowed herself to be brought up and loved. And it’s that love that overcame Horde Prime’s virus and destroyed the Heart of Etheria. It’s that love that freed the magic, released She-Ra, and allowed her to vanquish Horde Prime once and for all. 
And hey, two girls kissing, turning into a rainbow, and annihilating the influence of a controlling religious cult and the symbol of exploitative colonizers? Hmmm, subtle!
I love it. 
Look, after everyone talking about how much the finale made them cry, and after already sobbing my eyes out when Angella sacrificed herself in season 3, I was worried that I wouldn’t feel the same, that everything had already been spoiled for me so it wouldn’t have the same emotional impact. Hell, the kiss itself had been spoiled for me! So if I knew it was coming, how could it affect me like it did others.
I was wrong. I was so wrong. When Catra screamed at Adora that she loved her and always had, the tears came gushing out. And when they finally did kiss, it made me happier than I had been for a long time. It was such a beautiful moment, and it was so wonderful to see all the magic unleashed, turning Etheria back into the paradise it was meant to be, and the Spire into a giant floating sprig of broccoli!
The Horde was finally defeat, and Horde Prime ripped out of his Wi-Fi network and destroyed once and for all. He will not rise again. His corrupted vision of purity is finally eradicated once and for all, and the galaxy is free again.
It was wonderful.
Other moments I want to highlight! Beginning with Bow! 
Oh Bow. I haven’t talked as much about you as I did at the start of the show, but you really are wonderful. After similar unpowered male goofball sidekicks like Xander and Sokka being big balls of toxic masculinity and ingrained misogyny caused by insecurities that they had to overcome, we get an unpowered male goofball sidekick who is a shining example of positive masculinity, someone who knows who he is and is comfortable with it, someone who more than holds his own in battle, constantly makes himself useful, and stands proud with his superpowered friends. And even then, he still feels like real person, one that gets frustrated, feels down, and gets angry at both himself and his friends, but still continues on, because he’s a soldier and that’s what he does. 
So it was wonderful that he got the Rise Up and Fight speech, because he deserved it, and oh it felt so good, seeing all those instances of people throwing off Horde Prime’s control while his words were playing. Bow really is wonderful.
And Hordak! Look, I know what I said about wanting more from his ending, but my God, that moment when he threw off Horde Prime’s control and shot Horde Prime in the back to save Entrapta and reclaim his identity was so! Fucking! Cool! I was cheering in my car when that happened! So good! 
And hey, give it up for Glimmer for not listening to Chipped Micah and refusing to back down. She overcame a brilliant sorcerer wielding dark magic through the power of sheer stubbornness! Chef kiss, beautiful!
Though I really do think she got most of her stubbornness from her mom. Miss yah, Angie. 
And Scorpia and Perfuma? Why, I think I like that quite a lot! Why yes, give Perfuma a big, strong girlfriend with a huge heart! Give Scorpia tiny, cute hippie girlfriend who will take no shit from anyone. Yes, I like this very much.
So...yeah. This really was wonderful. The world is saved, the Best Friend Squad is about to go on a space romp, and it feels good. And from there? Well, Noelle told us to come with that ourselves, so yeah, I’m sure Etheria was able to fully rebuild following the Horde’s destruction. I’m sure that Wrong Hordak became some kind of benevolent leader to his lost brothers and helped them come to grips with their individuality. I’m sure that Scorpia rebuilt the Scorpion Kingdom from the Fright Zone’s ruins and made it a haven to the lost Horde soldiers. I’m sure that Sea Hawk and Mermista burned down a boat together. I’m sure that Glimmer and Bow were married and became king and queen of Brightmoon and had a long and loving reign with lots of babies. I’m sure that Entrapta was given all the discarded Horde and First Ones tech to crack and find good uses for and remained as happy as a clam, especially considering the Hordak harem she’s built. I’m sure that Adora and Catra continued to build each other up, helped and supported one another to keep themselves from falling into bad habits, and Melog was always there as a faithful therapy magi-cat. I’m sure that Perfuma helped Catra along with meditative exercises and Catra never had the heart to tell her that she was just napping. I’m sure that Frosta grew up to be a strong and powerful queen who also founded her own iceball league. I’m sure that everyone started going to Netossa and Spinnerella’s game nights and just decided to put up with Netossa when she got like...that, because at that point she deserved to. I’m sure that Swift Wind finally did emancipate the horses and taught them to form their own weird society, but still made time to visit Madam Razz. I’m sure that Kyle and Rogelio became proud adopted fathers of little Imp, and one day while chilling at the local pub, Lonnie caught the eye of a big, strong purple woman. 
I’m sure they were all very happy from there on.
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I am going to miss this show. It was a wonderful experience, one that’s given me so much. It made me laugh,it made me cry, it made me cheer, it made me shiver, it made me bite my nails, but most of all, it made me happy. 
So thank you Noelle and Molly. Thank you Chuck and Mary Elizabeth. Thank you Sunna and Aaliyah. Thank you Aimee, AJ, Karen, Marcus, Keston, Reshma, Lorraine, Christine, Adam, Genesis, Vella, Merit, Gina, and Jordan. Thank you to all the writers, animators, and directors. Thank you to everyone who worked on this show. Thank you all.
And a very special thank you to @smxmuffinpeddling​ for filling my dash with She-Ra content, which convinced me to check this show out in the first place!
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favvnsongs · 4 years
Kinda sorta went through the cry little sister tagged and. I’m very. Intrigued. Like ohhhh? I didn’t know this was a thing that I needed??
oof god listen okay I dont know how much of this is gonna be coherent but I just.... really really love this stupid au it's so fun and aesthetically pleading and I mean you know me, i live all day every day in the dumpster it's my permanent mailing address.
no but ooof yes adora and co making the really hard decision to leave catra behindddd after she saves glimmer. surely prime will torture and kill her before they're able to get there. surely they wont be able to rescue her and get out alive. surely trying to save her would render her sacrifice to save glimmer a waste. they leave her behind. it hurts. it hurts and adora hates herself but she gets it. she gets the rationale of it all. she hopes that catra will understand how fucking sorry she is.
but prime doesnt torture her. or kill her. catra has potential. catra has promise? catra has so much pain and anger and hurt and suffering and sadness in her? he can see it even without having to look in her head??
catra is an asset.
also fuck canon I dont bother with canon lmfao. catra isn't chipped against her will. and there's a few different types of chips anyways. no but. no oof just. the light, the pure proper true version of the light is the absence of pain and doubt and suffering? grief and resentment and bitterness and spite and guilt and self loathing? worthlessness? those feelings that she's been carrying around for years? her whole life? theyve been in her chest since she was small? every little cruelty from shadow weaver or thoughtless comment from adora? every time she's been left behind? every failure? this heavy dark awful rot within her? and she's shoved it so far down and pretended that it was blinding bright petty anger instead? but that's only ever done more harm than good. she's only ever done more harm than good her whole life. she's destroyed everything she's ever touched and everyone who's ever possibly maybe liked her or loved her or tolerated her, she's pushed them away and made them hate her? no home no place no purpose?
she's fine with dying. she's okay with it. far from home and it's all her own fault and she's got no one to blame but herself. a cold dark cell and she's so sad and tired down to her bones and she's okay with dying. adora hates her but maybe she hates her just a fraction less now that she's got her super forever bestie glimmer back.
gosh but. when a clone comes to get her? she isnt tortured. and she isnt chipped. and she isnt killed?
she meets with prime and they take a walk? along the corridors of the upper decks of the velvet glove? more windows looking out onto the vast expanse of the cosmos than not? trillions upon trillions of stars? strolling along in silence at first? he seems so at ease? and of course he is, always at ease. always relaxed. always in charge. she tries to mirror that calm but the twitch swish of her tail gives her away despite herself.
"what do you want."
"you seem so lost, catra" he says? which. she gives him this look. this. the fuckre you talking about, kinda look.
"in your heart, child," he clarifies, "lost and in so much pain."
she doesnt like how sympathetic he sounds, bullshit ass fucking liar. she knows not to scoff though. not to roll her eyes or make some punk ass little shit comment. something in her is telling her it'd be ill advised.
"yeah, well."
"you were under the impression I was going to kill you. you'd accepted it. perhaps, catra, you were glad for it."
she wont look at him. she wants to deflect it. deny it. lie. but she's so tired. she's been so tired for so long.
adora isnt coming to get her. she'd told adora not to come and get her. she's made adora's life a nightmare for years now. she told them to stay away.
she just maybe thought. maybe wanted. maybe hoped..
stupidly foolishly selfishly
that she'd be worthy of being rescued anyway. worthy of the attempt.
she's so tired.
"there is nothing left for you down there catra, is there. you've destroyed everything you've ever touched, isn't that what you told glimmer? you drove everyone away."
she just wants to belong somewhere. she just wants to have a place. she just -
he touches her? reaches out and caresses the side of her head? a tender sympathetic touch, calls her a poor lost wayward soul.
she drops like a stone to her knees? eyes wide and tearing up. sucking in ragged breaths. the most overwhelmed noises. she doesn't hurt. realizing she's never known what it's felt like to not hurt. to not be tired. to not have such dark pressing suffocating despair like an infected wound in her chest.
as quickly as it went, it returns. she doubles over wailing. clutching her hands to her chest, sobbing, begging, take it away again, please.
but he tells her that the light is meant for those who truly, really truly whole heartedly want to walk the path. who want to be loyal. devoted. reverent.
cupping her cheek and thumbing away her tears? he'll guide her from the darkness and into the light. all she has to do is be willing to follow.
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S01E10 - The Beacon
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My first thought after reading that title is "oh, the distress beacon Entrapta had in her castle." Maybe that's how they are going to find out she's alive? If it's even something that'll be dealt with this season. If it isn't that... hmm, I'm not sure what else it could be. Maybe something related to Glimmer's blocked powers? Or something related to She-Ra's powers?
I have no idea so let's do this!
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I'm not sure what to think here. While in a practical sense she's right (why group the most important/powerful people in the world in one strike team instead of y'know using actual warfare and soldiers as a distraction), I doubt the show agrees with her.
I'm guessing there's some context that I'm missing, maybe whatever happened to the previous Princess Alliance was in part because they were together?
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Well, this is a cheery way to start the episode.
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Welp, everything they achieved during the season has been completely destroyed. I doubt Glimmer and Adora are going to blame each other but there's definitely going to be some self-blaming. Adora because of her plan, Glimmer for being captured.
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Oof. Just oof.
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lol at the mood whiplash between heavy emotions and defeat and this op
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Ah, a precious new glimmer face that doesn't involve torture.
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"nevermind, please carry me and let's not talk until next year"
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That hesitance before saying loss is them reading through their Netflix contract figuring out if they can say death or not.
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It's weird how they are both treating Entrapta's loss as serious business but also kinda lightly? I guess it makes sense if we consider no one really knew Entrapta so she's more like a long lost cousin than anything else. I'd still expect more... insistence from Angella though, Entrapta _did_ die saving her daughter.
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This is another one of those cases where I'm both thinking "this is really dumb" but also "it makes a ton of sense." From outside, this is the worst possible decision Glimmer could make right now, Angella has a lot more resources than they have to help her.
But, I completely understand _why_ Glimmer is being like that. It's one more excuse for her mom to keep overprotecting her and trying to escape that has been Glimmer's major motivation this season.
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I have the feeling that recharging is going to make it worse since it means more energy to glitch out.
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Can't believe Undyne Undertale works for the horde.
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secret giggling Catra in the back
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I'm glad that they went this way, with the flip-side of "takes all your credit" being "takes all the blame"
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heeello there entrapta. Wow your death didn't last much at all.
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nice callback to "Didn't you do something like this to relax in the horde?" "Uh, no. We hit things."
This is probably the one way Adora has to manage her stress.
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Can't believe this show is going to make me feel bad about angella.
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Scorpia is an absolute treasure.
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And now Catra meeting Entrapta in the Princess Ball has a reason. Because she already knows who she is, her first reaction is not to try and attack her but rather just a sigh because well, dealing with entrapta is worth a sigh.
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Huh, that's an interesting tidbit to drop just like that. So Angella is immortal, is _Glimmer_ immortal too? How long has Angella lived? Long enough to have met the first ones?
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Adora really needs to visit a therapist.
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...ripe? What are they?
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I bet this episode was the one reason they had to make it so high.
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Of course she'd say that, it's a chance to see She-Ra in action _and_ to get healed. Win-win.
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My brain is breaking while trying to figure out how Entrapta's hair works. Wouldn't making that second "tentacle" be enough to make the hair thin enough to escape? If she can make that second tentacle wouldn't it be incredibly easy to just move all her hair out of the shackles?
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It's always refreshing to see "villains" that actually care for each other.
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Catra is really good at manipulating people, probably thanks to Shadow Weaver's example, but the way she's using her own experiences makes it even better/worse.
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Also interesting that they are hiding Entrapta's face.
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The thing with Catra is that I can't tell when she's being honest. I _think_ she's genuinely sympathizing with Entrapta while at the same time planning how to use her. Like with Scorpia, she empathized with her but she also had a reason to do it. I wonder if that duality is going to cause her problems later on.
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oh no, you're making me feel bad about Entrapta now.
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my heart
I'm still thinking about that one picture with her and some robots that seemed to be taking the place of her parents. How many times has she been "left behind"?
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Catra thinks she's being all evil and manipulative while Scorpia in the back is just going "yeah, that sounds right, worked for me"
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I doubt Catra _wants_ to be protected but Scorpia is _such_ a good friend.
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For some reason I don't really mind Entrapta joining the horde, I'm just hoping that they don't take advantage of her. That sounds weird but Scorpia _is_ happy there, why not Entrapta? There's always time for a heel-face turn later on.
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She-Ra being a dork with super powers is one of the best parts of her entire character.
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Can't wait to see Glimmer turned into a rainbow.
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I'm never going to get sick of this joke.
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Interesting. So the Horde doesn't know about the first ones? That seems wrong. I'm guessing they are actively blocking info about it and they actually want to destroy it.
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Oh, the tower. With three episodes left maybe the finale is going to be there?
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Yeah, I love this joke.
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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Even if it's true, that still gets an "ugh" from me, especially after that "I won't apologize" line.
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Wait, what? Protect Bow? Oooooh, is Bow supposed to be her bodyguard?
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I didn't expect the self-blame party to include Bow.
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What with princesses liking arson. First RWBY and now She-Ra.
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She's trying so hard to reconnect. I'm not a parent myself (thankfully) but I think everyone can at least understand the struggle to understand and connect with someone who seems to be pulling away.
Glimmer has some valid reasons to be doing it (teenager + being overprotected is a pretty bad combination) but I can't fault Angella too much for trying to do everything she can.
Of course, like most problems, it could get solved by talking, maybe this dinner is a chance?
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I knew Glimmer had some issues with her self-esteem but damn, I didn't expect _this_. I guess this is the disadvantage of having an immortal parent who's also a queen. High expectations to live up to, self-imposed or not.
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Daaaaaaaamn. Was it in battle or did Micah die rescuing her? It'd be an interesting parallel to Glimmer's kidnapping.
And, I hadn't really thought about this but, Micah being dead is a pretty good reason for Angella's "helicopter mom" tendencies.
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Oooooooh, that's worse than I thought. And it explains why she's been mostly reactive in the war with Glimmer being the one who wants to take a more active role.
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I'm still curious about what exactly happened in that battle and afterward. Have we heard how long was the first alliance? I can't remember, but it has to be less than 20 years ago considering Glimmer's age (unless she's also immortal and 300 years old)
Are Netossa and Spinerella also immortal? That'd explain why they look the same in the mural.
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Aw, that got me teary-eyed a bit. It's probably not the end of their problems but they've at least started talking.
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Lots of guilt all around
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I was going to say "WHY DID YOU THROW AWAY THE SWORD" but there it is.
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Vulnerability seems to be the theme of this episode. Or rather, choosing to be vulnerable or not.
The alliance is gone, Entrapta’s death is too much to bear and the princesses choose to all return to their own respective kingdoms, literally closing themselves off the world in the case of Frosta and Mermista.
We don’t see what happens with them afterward but everything that follows is about how that seems to be the worst choice to make.
Entrapta decides to help Catra not because she’s evil or wants revenge but because she finally feels understood. Would she have turned so easily if she _really_ believed in her new friends? How long has she lived alone in that castle? How many times has she been left behind or branded a problem because of her behavior? Sure, she usually acts like she doesn‘t care but that doesn‘t mean it‘s true.
Catra’s intentions are definitely not pure but she’s speaking from her own experiences and that’s enough to make the princess relate to her.
The opposite happens with Shadow Weaver. She refuses to be vulnerable and apologize, choosing to feed Catra a line with how it was all to prepare her. All this achieves is to alienate her further.
On the other side of the war, Glimmer spends the entire episode trying to avoid her mom, but it’s only after her insecurities explode and Angella opens up with her own that they can start mending their relationship and fix Glimmer’s glitching.
Adora is the clearest example, it takes dropping her defenses and revealing her self-doubt to herself and the world before the forest lets her through to the Beacon.
The best thing about all of this is that the episode didn’t beat me over the head with the “moral” of the episode. Besides Perfuma’s words, it’s all in how the characters act and the consequences. It has faith in the viewer to get it and that’s pretty neat.
Some jumbled thoughts:
* I’m not a big fan of diagnosing characters of real-life stuff but I wonder if Entrapta was written to be neurodivergent on purpose instead of just being an excuse to make her funny/frustrating.
* Bow seems to be the only one handling things more or less okay (even before they talk things out) but who knows, maybe he’s bottling it all up to explode in the future.
* I’m trying to guess what will happen next. They have to heal Glimmer and fix up the Alliance but neither of those things seems finale worthy. Maybe Angella is going to attack the Horde? There’s also the question of what’s going to happen with Adora and Catra, maybe another vision revealing more of what it all means?
* How long before the Princesses find out that Entrapta is alive? It’s probably going to be pretty sad, twice. First, when they find out they abandoned her in enemy territory and second when they realize she doesn’t want to go back with them.
I think that’s all for now, until next time!
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Catra’s redemption arc.
In this post I went into detail about Adora’s destiny as She-Ra, how her “free” will choices and fate intermingled to shove her towards her destiny.
Today I’m going to talk about Catra, her possible destiny, and her “free” will choices.
First thing is first. When the term free will is mentioned, just about everyone associates it with making choices. The truth is more complicated and it can be argued that we don’t have free will, or rather a will that is completely free. Our decisions are often influenced by a combination of inward and outside forces.
Okay, but let’s move on! When looking at Catra there are a number of things that we should keep in mind and they are:
1. She is the victim of child abuse, physical, mental, and emotional. 2. Because of said child abuse she has a severe inferiority complex. 3. She also has a need and a desire to please her abuser(s) and to try and get into their good graces. 4. Her only friend growing up was Adora. 5. Who made a promise to Catra that they would always stick together. 6. Adora would eventually leave the Horde. 7. Catra saw this as Adora abandoning her for people she only knew for a couple of hours. 8. Catra became mad at Adora. 9. In The Promise, Catra is shown a memory of the promise that Adora made to her. 10. This lead to the completion of Catra’s belief that Adora was, is and always will be the golden child. 11. Catra is mentally unstable and suicidal.
In Season 3 we witness Catra’s disintegration into madness. For a short time in episode 3 she is truly happy now that she’s the leader of a gang. However this is fleeting because her need to prove herself to Hordak comes through. She wants to bring the sword to Hordak, tell him it’s the key to Etheria, and prove to him that she is in fact worthy. Her happiness further disintergrates when she talks to Adora and learns that Shadow Weaver revealed vital information to Adora, but not to her. Once again Adora has proven to be the favored child and this infuriates Catra. She wants to open the portal.
At this point I don’t believe she wanted to destroy the world. She just wanted the Horde army to come through and crush the rebellion.
When she pulled the lever this lead to time and space becoming disjointed. Reality became distorted but Catra now lived in a world where Adora was still in the Horde, where they were still friends, where she got along with the other cadets, and where she finally had the love and approval of Shadow Weaver. This is a reality that Catra doesn’t want to let go of, so when Adora says that it needs to be fixed, Catra remembers the promise and becomes angry.
She informs Adora that she would rather the world be destroyed than to see Adora win again. This right here is her inferiority complex and her suicidal idealization coming to full fruition. If she can’t stay in her perfect world then she doesn’t want their to be a world at all.
This will lead to Catra becoming corrupted and blaming Adora for everything that’s happening. She tells Adora that had Adora not been captured and not had her sword stolen then none of this would be happening. Once more this is her inferiority complex showing through. Catra has it in her head that Adora is better than her. Her thought process must have been that since Adora lost to her then Adora somehow screwed up. After all, Adora is supposed to be better and stronger than her so the only way she could possibly beat Adora is if Adora screwed up on purpose. She continues to blame Adora for the world falling apart. Once more, her logic was probably, “Adora is better than me, but I beat Adora. Since I’m worse than Adora then that must mean Adora wanted to lose to me! Since she chose to lose to me then that must mean she wanted me to have the sword and that must mean she wanted me to open the portal!”
It is incredibly stupid logic but Catra is very mentally unstable.
Fortunately, Adora calls Catra out on her shit and tells Catra that she didn’t make Catra pull the lever. Catra made her choice and now she has to live with it.
Can Catra be redeemed? Yes, I believe she can be redeemed but it’s going to be a hard and difficult process for her. The only way she can ultimately redeem herself is if she learns to love herself, but the only way that will happen is when she takes responsibility for her actions and truly repents for what she did.
However, journeys are never a one person thing and while Catra must do the majority of the legwork, I believe that there are going to be people who will help her. While there are a number of paths that could lead to Catra’s redemption here’s what I think may happen in the final 3 seasons.
1. Hordak learns that Catra lied to him about Entrapta and sends her to Beast Island to retrieve her. Still wanting Hordak’s approval, Catra goes to Beast Island where she finds Entrapta. Entrapta doesn’t want to leave because she’s studying the fascinating creatures of the island. Catra has to stay and soon learns that Beast Island is the home of the Magicats; an Etherian species that look like her.
2. Catra sends Entrapta back to the Fright Zone via ship but stays on Beast Island because she wants answers. She finds her parents, and gets their love and support. They reveal that she’s their lost princess. Because she hates princesses, Catra’s inferiority complex will become worse than ever before and she’ll flee the island. She has now discovered that she is the one thing that she hates the most.
3. She goes back to the Horde but Hordak never acknowledges that she got Entrapta back. (Not that he should) She keeps her demotion as cadet, and decides to flee to the Crimson Waste where she tries to reinstate herself as leader but is unable to do so.
4. Now at her lowest point, Catra ponders just wandering around and dying. In her mind this is the only option she has left. She no longer cares about anything and soon collapses.
5. She wakes up in Brightmoon’s “prison” finding out that she had been found. Adora reveals that while she is angry at Catra, very very angry at her, she couldn’t just leave her to die. This pisses Catra off who yells about Adora always needing to be the hero. Instead of staying, Adora leaves. Nobody comes to console Catra leading her to even more self pity.
6. However one person comes to see Catra and that’s Huntara. Catra subtly tries to give her story but Huntara is having none of it. She makes it known to Catra that she doesn’t care about that. She tells Catra that she can acknowledge that Catra had a shitty life growing up and that if she wants to continue wallowing in misery then it’s her own choice, but not to drag others down with her.
7. Catra becomes angry at first but with nothing to do she starts to think about her past actions. She realizes that the choices she made were not Adora’s fault. She comes to realize that Adora was never the source of her problems. Her anger is now completely on Shadow Weaver.
8. Brightmoon receives a visitor who insists on seeing Catra. This visitor turns out to be Catra’s mother. Glimmer allows her to speak to Catra. The reunion is a strained one. Catra does not like the idea of being a princess. Her mother tries to encourage her but Catra doesn’t trust her at all. At some point the mention of Shadow Weaver comes forth. Catra’s mother tells her that what Shadow Weaver did to her was horrible but that she doesn’t need to be bound to the sorceress any longer.
9. Further still Catra realizes that she no longer needs Shadow Weaver’s or Hordak’s approval. Now that she’s realized Adora was never at fault, and that she can escape Shadow Weaver and Hordak it truly sinks in for Catra all of the horrendous actions she did. Unable to forgive herself, Catra requests an audience with Brightmoon.
10. She acknowledges her actions and says that she wants to take responsibility for what she did. Glimmer informs her that this is only possible if Catra finds a way to bring Angella back. Catra realizes that this means that she will most likely have to sacrifice herself. However someone, (either Adora or Catra’s mother) tells Catra to wait and that they’ll help her find a way. This leads to the possible scenarios happening.
Ending 1: Unable to find a way, Catra takes Angella’s place. Before she does however, her and Adora have a heart to heart where Catra apologizes to Adora for everything she did. The two confess their love for one another and kiss. Ending 2: Unable to find a way, Catra is about to take Angella’s place but Catra’s mother intercedes on her behalf and takes Angella’s place. Devastated, Catra completely breaks down. She admits that had she not pulled the lever none of this would have happened and everyone would still be around. She apologizes to everyone and is willing to accept whatever punishment they give her. Angella acknowledges that Catra was willing to take her place and gives Catra a choice. Remain in Brightmoon and become a part of the alliance or go back to her family on Beast Island. (Her and Adora confess their love to one another and kiss.)
Ending 3: Unable to find a way, Catra is about to take Angella’s place but someone intercedes on her behalf. Shadow Weaver, in her own redemption arc, offers to take Angella’s place. Before anyone can protest Shadow Weaver is gone and Angella is back. Everyone is shocked at what Shadow Weaver did. Catra is relieved. Angella forgives Catra, seeing that the girl was willing to take her place. She offers Catra a choice, join the alliance or go back with her mother to Beast Island.
Ending 4: Entrapta reveals that she has found way to rescue Angella without sacrificing anyone else. Her plan works and Angella is rescued. Catra is given the choice to either join the alliance or to go to her family on Beast Island.
Regardless of the ending, Catra apologizes to Adora. Adora forgives her. They confess their love to one another.
Personally I’m hoping that Ending 3 happens, but I have a feeling it’ll be ending 2, or 4.
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