#and like....there's no heterosexual reason for that
roach-works · 16 hours
furiosa's hair
okay after a few days to chew on it i think here's what made me so deeply, resentfully uncomfortable about furiosa's long hair: it was a normative signifier. it broke the fourth wall, it broke the immersion, it broke the world she actually inhabited, in order to signal to US IN THE AUDIENCE that our culture's concept of womanhood was normal, correct, and relevant.
like, furiosa kept exiting these explicitly female positions-- she was taken from the green place, she rejected her position as dementus's daughter, and she escaped the immortan's harem. but again and again her long hair didn't mark the passage of time so much as it marked her AS A WOMAN, as a woman recognizable to us, as a girl, as a cisgender, heterosexual woman just trying to survive the expected cruelty's of man's world. it was meant to keep categorizing her as female in a way we all understand. long hair = girl, despite how dementus and the immortan also maintain long hair. unlike the men, though, her hair wasn't meant to be a symbol of power or freedom or even savagery, just that she was still a woman.
and i think that really bothers me because there was this whole time where, to survive, she became a boy, she lived as a boy, she didn't talk so no one would hear her voice, and whether or not she was masquerading as male or genuinely fluidly taking on a new gender in that life stage, she still somehow for some reason cultivated long and flowing hair, so at a dramatic moment we the viewers get the confirmation that yes she's certainly a beautiful woman, not a boy. she has a gender and it's our kind of gender! the normal kind! just your regular tough but beautiful woman's gender situation!
it bugs me. the furiosa of fury road, with her shaved head and powerfully confrontational violence, occupies a deliberately obscure gender space. she's got female pronouns but is macho as hell, she moves and acts and commands as a part of this intensely patriarchal structure, she's the exception that proves the immortan's rule, she embodies a ton of contradictions without explanation or apology.
a long haired furiosa feels like that apology. here's a furiosa that's younger, prettier, more reassuring, less confusing. here's a gender situation you can recognize: here's what women are and here's what men are! you already know this one!
here's a woman who takes power and commits violence without asking us any questions about how artificial, contextual, and permeable the laws of gender actually are. she's pretty even as she kills men, because she's not a man, because women aren't men, because women are beautiful. because women are for looking at and liking what you see. because what's the point of a woman you don't want to see?
it just bugs me.
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trans-androgyne · 2 days
"I'm a passing trans man and I have male privilege." its CONDITIONAL its conditional its conditional. if your "privilege" hinges on passing what happens if you have to go off of T for some reason, or stop binding, or hell get pregnant. a black or brown man's male privilege isnt conditional on anything, they'll always have that privilege even if not As Much as a white man. bisexual people dont have heterosexual privilege even if theyre in a straight passing relationship for the same reason. Invisibility is NOT a privilege!!
I am very strongly of the opinion that no trans man has full male privilege. The most stealth trans guy in the world 1) has still had to work to get there and maintain being misperceived as a cis man, since he would be treated differently if people knew he was trans and 2) still has to do things like go to the doctor where he is affected by the same structures that negatively affect women except worse due to being trans. This has never been to say no transmascs access male privilege, but to point out that pretending we all do and to the same extent as passing trans men is not grounded in reality, which is what we should be basing our conversations about gendered privilege and oppression on.
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tarotofbadkitties · 2 days
People underestimate how stubborn Art is because he doesn’t talk a lot, and when he does, he usually speaks softly. Tashi and Patrick took minutes to reconcile in Atlanta, yet Art held out for YEARS and had to be cornered in the sauna to speak to Patrick at all. It’s also a safe assumption to make that the main reason things didn’t go further with Art and Patrick after the hotel scene is that Art wasn’t ready to admit he wanted that and Patrick knew better than to push him.
Patrick and Tashi took the fact the three of them would be better off together in stride, but Art held out with dogged determination to try to make the traditional heterosexual monogamous thing work. He persisted with that until all parties involved were so miserable they had to basically stage an intervention behind his back.
Art played tennis at an elite level until he didn’t feel like it anymore, and even though he wasn’t willing to say that until the end of the film, his actions did. Tashi couldn’t beg, threaten, berate or bargain him into doing his damn job with some level of competence to save her life. She had to figure out how to get him to WANT to do it, because MAKING him do it was off the table. Not to imply the other two don’t have their own character flaws, just to state Art’s actual issue isn’t that he’s just so submissive and agreeable, it’s that he’s stubborn as hell, but too conflict-averse to state it clearly when he thinks what he wants is in conflict from what others want from him.
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danggirlronpa · 2 days
I think it may be obvious that Mahiru is The Woman Lover but how did she come to terms with herself
Bear with me as I diverge into a quick anecdote about my own ridiculous retroactive signs of being a lesbian for a second.
When I was in high school, I wanted to be a Let's Player on YouTube, because that was what you did if you liked video games in the early 2010s. And I wanted my gimmick to be that I would only play games with female characters, because I loved and cherished women in what I thought was a super heterosexual way (it was not). And I did actually get it set up and make a few videos! But I very quickly realized that, when daydreaming about Making It Big, my daydream would naturally lead to "and then lots of girls LOVE me and lots of queer women think I'm great and maybe even sexy." But here I would have to stop the daydreaming. Because I was like but then...they'll discover I'm not a lesbian...they'll think I'm Encroaching On Lesbian Spaces...I can't queerbait them into thinking I, a heterosexual, am one of the Gays. I Can't Let Down The Lesbians By Loving Girls In A Non-Lesbian Way* (*I Was Loving Them In A Lesbian Way)
That's the type of shit Mahiru pulls. Mahiru does the absolute gayest nonsense imaginable, up to and including centering her school projects solely around female photos every year, but in her head she's like. I'm Doing This In A Heterosexual Way. It isn't until she's 25 that she realizes that she and Sato were in fact in an intense psuedo-romantic relationship under the thin veil of high school friends and that the reason she let Hiyoko get away with so much shit is that she thought Hiyoko was adorable. At the time she was like yeah. This is just how all straight girls are. And in a perfect nondespair world she'd go OFF THE WALL in college. But in canonical despair world. That girl is getting Freaky on that island with, like, all of the other girls. Ibuki mentions her boobs one day and for some reason this time it Clicks and she has to sit there going OH. OOOOOOOH for 43 hours.
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Here is a real quick projection onto Buck’s current live life. (And what I want from season 8????)
Quick background on myself, I am bisexual polyamorous, and non-binary. About two years ago I decided to finally step out of my comfort zone and start dating/hooking up with people for really the first time. I opened myself up to couples, other poly people, and basically anyone who would’ve be a fucking creep, but there is one situation I found myself in a few times that really stood out to me- being a third for a couple.
Now a lot of people DO NOT want to be a third/unicorn but I honestly really enjoyed it. I liked joining in on an existing dynamic, whatever that entailed. It also taught me how to read couples better.
Being a third (FOR SEX) is hard because you have to have some acceptance of the fact that you are essentially being used by the couple for their own satisfaction (if it’s a relationship dynamic you’re looking for it’s WAY different).
The reason I bring this up is because Im getting STRONG vibes that Tommy could be putting himself in the “third” situation right now. I feel like he’s been around Eddie enough to recognize the repression and compulsory heterosexuality (coming from Gerard’s 118, and the army) and then he recognized the longing for love in Buck.
I THINK that MAYBE if ABC is willing to go down this path, we could get a conversation with Buck and Tommy along the lines of “I know that you don’t love me that way. I know you’re working through shit, but Im going to Love You Anyway.” “I care about you enough as a person to help you through this journey, and while I might not be your endgame, Im what you are ready for right now, what you need right now, and Im okay being that.”
The idea that a relationship isn’t endgame isn’t something that most people are comfortable with, and I do know that Gay men characters are used for plot progression often, but I don’t think we see a lot of characters that are aware that this is their purpose, and OKAY with it.
I would love to see Tommy having seen both sides of Buddie, know that they are BOTH not ready, and deciding that maybe it’s okay. He can give Buck what he needs- his first boyfriend, someone to show him that love exists in a non toxic way, and someone to talk to, while getting what he needs in return- a boyfriend, a pseudo family at the 118, and someone to talk to.
And Eddie just needs a goddamn break and ALOT of therapy. So like, he isn’t ready for endgame either.
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StaticMoth and Pride Month - a silly thought
It takes like 20 years of being with Val before Vox admits he's bi, rather than a dude who likes to fuck other dudes sometimes
Like I can just imagine this happening:
Vox: As a good old fashioned heterosexual man, I just don't understand all these flags and stuff these days...
Val: A what? But you aren't though?
Vox: More or less!
Val: And I count as a chick to you?
Vox: Everyone's allowed one exception to the rule...
Val: We literally got married though
Vox: That was for tax reasons
Val: [glares]
Vox: Fine, as a mostly heterosexual man....
Val: You're in denial that's what you are, why do I even let you fuck me....[grumpy moth noises]
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kiyspicedtea · 5 months
Alicent: *holds a knife she eventually cuts Rhaenyra with, yammering on about duty and expectations and Rhaenyra finding a way to trample all over her duty without consequences, blah blah blah*
No one:
Me: .............you thought you could slip that "pretty" in there and we wasn't gon peep that gay ass shit, Alicent lol
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freyadragonlord · 2 months
!! spoilers for the SCTIR novel !!
Following Yoohyun's post, I made a chart to track how many characters in the sctir universe have Sung Hyunjae's face, and how they are connected to each other:
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Fun Fact: Yoojin seduced 5 of them
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totally-not-kawaii · 7 months
can we talk about that last shot of loki and mobius standing together, alone, at the end of it all? at the end of time? can we talk about that?
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jennycalendar · 3 months
okay real talk bc it just occurred to me. we all know xander has a thing for angel and also for spike AHEM SORRY HAHA I MEAN xander HATES angel and HATES spike. yes. totally what i meant. ANYWAY. how well do you think he’d handle finding out that angel and spike have a romantic past. also can i be in the room when it happens
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every couple of years I remember that julie plec made a character tell another character that “he was your first love, I intend to be your last” and then just fucked me personally over forever?? by not having them end up together?? ever??
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musicalchaos07 · 11 months
NO because Smalltown Boy being THE FIRST SONG on Mike's Spotify Playlist really should've been the nail in the coffin
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deathtodickens · 1 year
bering and wells was canon. i am not sure where or when the mood diverted into "it should be" but it is. and yes, conversation about how representation is presented has surpassed the show's creative existence by nearly a decade but there are ANSWERS to all of these questions and a lot of old heads in this fandom worked hard (and had a lot of fun trying) to get those answers. if the very people who played those characters intentionally played them as in love before the influence of fandom and, repeatedly (to this day), affirm that they were and are in love, the canon lives on.
i'm (not) sorry jack kenny is so wounded by the fact he didn't think up the most popular thing about a show that he decided to destroy the entirety of by throwing into a heteronormative chum bucket - but that doesn't negate the fact that MYKA and HELENA are IN LOVE and in love ON SCREEN, and the whole writing, filming, editing, and effects teams were all in on it.
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youngpettyqueen · 29 days
making Harry Tom's son-in-law in this episode where Kes is going backwards through time is top 10 funniest and most insane things Voyager ever did
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vapidink · 11 months
There is absolutely no heterosexual reason for Lord Commander Harbard in FF16
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