#and ours generates a huuuge amount)
itwasmagic · 11 months
#irl rambles#so at my job out of 3 managers we currently have one left that’s leaving at the end of the month#edit ​i mean end of next month **#so yeah things are going to hell#but i’m kinda glad this one is leaving?#everyone thinks she’s great but on multiple occasions she’s made me feel like i’m incompetent#not in a totally outward way but like i’ll say something in a meeting#and later on she’ll say something that totally undermines it#n i don’t really think about it until later#and then i’m like wow ok lol fuck me i guess#(eg i said my workload was too much n i was being expected to do more n more n it’s not just me a lot of people are feeling that way#but mine was heavy to begin with#and later on she made a comment about how actually our workloads should be double what they are#like insinuating if i wasn’t coping i was doing something wrong#but actually compared to other teams who look after double the stuff their workload isn’t that busy#and ours generates a huuuge amount)#there’s no point to this rant n it won’t make sense to people who don’t know my workplace#but i’m just thinking about going into work tomorrow n how fed up i am of my job n lack of managerial support#n my brain is saying it’s time to move on#but i love my team n honestly i’m not qualified to do anything else#i don’t drive so finding somewhere convenient is difficult#unless i wanna be stuck in 8am and 5pm traffic for four hours a day again#n the holiday entitlement n pay is better than anywhere else
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sourstiless · 2 years
I will join you with my own pitchfork to the Netflix hq we march lmfao I'm already seeing soooo many posts on twitter of girlies going like if Steve dies I die like everyone is so worried about him this season like if they kill him the outcry is gonna be huuuge at least we won't feel alone in our grief at this point I'm like the odds of them killing him are like 20 to one and im being very generous
we are in this together. i’m trying my best to prepare myself for what looks like the inevitable, but tbh i know no amount of preparation will ready me for that. i will still be a mess even if i imagine every possible scenario in which he does die. it be like that sometimes
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arjunasearth · 1 year
The Moon is always in dynamic interaction with our Cosmic Being.
As I started to live more in tune with the flow of lunatic cycles, I began to notice things I haven't been paying attention consciously in the past. Besides my constantly growing interest for spirituality , planetary constellations , astrology and spirituality over the last 7 Years, I also did a lot of research myself and even found scientific literature mirroring spiritual aspects. A good example are ancient cultures: I always felt a strong connection to my Ancestors . Ancient Tribes and also Sacred peoples like the Egypts, The Maya, The Greek, the Aborigines, (Indigenous tribes in general),The Celts, The Vikings, and many many more interest me and I love to improve my knowledge and always learn new. Always transform my point of view, allow various narratives to enter my life and my mindset. What fascinates me so much about all of these highly important ancient civilizations is the fact that all of them worshipped the Sun and the Moon (And the Cosmos) in their own, very unique way . What all of them have in common is the celebration, ritualization and worshipping of the Moon Cycles. It had been and always is a consoling, ruling element in the collective planetary field. As the moon moves in cycles, so do we. For example, by simply paying more attention to the different cyclic rotations of the Moon and informing myelf about it, I started to feel this resonance in my daily actions. Combining different astrologic views and personal impulses as much as intuitive messages shifted my perspective towards the parallels in my life. I learned that the New Moon is a super-useful time for setting new ideas, making concrete plans and restructuring my thoughts . A new Seed is being created and placed. Throughout the different phases of the moon, our manifestations, intentions and ideas develop form, being brought into realizations (or not). Every phase is important and essential for our human existence , while being an inherent part of the cosmic web~The Quantum field. If we observe the different phases of the moon, we will rediscover that these phases have always been a part of our inner and outer life. The more we begin to awarefully align with them, omnipresent and always existent, like the sun or any planet. The phases of the moon are able to console us , if we open our consciousness and our sentient body as one element for the enormously energetic language of the Moon. The Moon is communicating with us and always synchronizing with the water within us which every single human being is made of. Just like the Moon interacts with Ebb and Tide and with every water on this beautiful planet ( as much as with the planet itself, of course), it is also always in constant interaction with our body water, as we are being an inherent part of Mother Gaia. We are her children, embodying this earthy beauty as a planetary field. New Moon always gives me a motivation push, recieving a lot of cosmic messages usually. Also, I have many many Ideas when there is a New Moon. With every moon phase, the reflection and also introspection grows and the form crystallizes: Our Ideas come to fruition. When we arrive at the Full Moon, a huuuge energy is being transported, ready to be recieved. Usually, i love to use this Full-Moon-phase for cleansing my space energetically, physically. Also to take a bath, maybe eat something delicious. Warmly welcoming the massive amount of energy. Being open and receptive. In the days after the full moon, a big energetic push takes place and my motivation is at its peak. By simply observing the phases of the moon I also found out a lot about myself and my ascendant. My fascination will never stop. I am grateful for all of the ,cosmic downloads' and source messages and that they inspire me to write purely, from my heartchannel to yours. Feels so so good.
With Love,
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rainbowsevenv2 · 2 years
The boom of video games since lockdown, and video games’ benefits for mental health
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As we all know, Coronavirus has changed our lives in an unbelievable way. Masks, vaccines, barrier gestures, hydroalcoholic gel and the virus in itself are now part of our lives. Because of the virus, we have also experienced more or less long periods of lockdown, especially the lockdown which was imposed in March 2020 all around the world. Because of this period of isolation, people have started playing video games for various reasons, including to stay in touch with their loved ones (but we will talk about that further). This change in the approach to video games is clearly visible. More than that, it is the great winner of this crisis when we see the huuuge increase of sales, just in France, for example !
After the lockdown, the French market of video games was about 5.3 billion euros with an increase of 11.3% !
There is another proof, shown by the newspaper The Guardian dating from the lockdown, assuming that more than 62% of the adults in the UK were playing video games during that period !
Even more impressive, on a worldwide level :
the amount of digital sales increased of 52.9 % 
physical sales just exploded with 82 %
and consoles sales reached the amazing number of 155%
Some games also had titanic success during this period. The game "Animal Crossing, New Horizons" was released on March 20, 2020, in the midst of lockdown. This game, from an already extremely popular franchise, consists of developing and managing an island while maintaining good relations with its inhabitants. Being already highly anticipated, the effect of quarantine made people take an interest in it, so many people were talking about it on social networks and many people were playing it live on the website Twitch. The game has enjoyed unprecedented success: to date, it is the game that has been the most sold in digital media than physical in one month, with 5 million digital copies sold. Today, the number of copies sold worldwide is 37.62 million units.
Games played in multiplayer also had their heyday during this complicated period at the social level. In order to keep in touch with others, many have thrown themselves into this type of entertainment. This is what was observed with the game “Among Us”, released by the company InnerSloth in 2018. The principle is simple: we embody little astronauts, whose task is to ensure the proper functioning of the spaceship by completing small jobs. This is the role of the “good guys”, or "crewmates". However, there are infiltrated “bad guys”, called “imposters”, who must secretly kill crewmates one after another, or stop the ship from functioning in order to win the game. Like Animal Crossing, this game has been talked about a lot on social media and has been played a lot on Twitch online, which has led people to take an interest in it. His side of cooperation and communication with other players was also much appreciated during this period when social exchanges were non-existent in real life. While the game was almost unknown when it was released, generating less than 1000 downloads per time in August 2018, the difference is glaring two years later after the first lockdown, in August 2020. At that time, the game had 18,000 downloads per month.
Concerning our own study, from a questionnaire we made on the subject, we can even notice that since lockdown, 56.7% of the players increased their number of hours on video games. This explosion in the number of players due to the lockdown is showing us that video games surely have more to do than just distracting us and may also be beneficial to us in those troubled times! 
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As said before, lockdown had its amount of negative points, and even more on mental health. Lack of human contact, depression, anxiety… we cannot even count the number of issues !
Also, before the pandemic that occurred in 2020, video games had a rather negative image in the eyes of the general public. Indeed, since their creation around the 70s, many people, especially politicians, have often criticized video games and their violence, making them responsible for tragic events that happened in their country. Numerous mass shootings that have taken place in schools, such as the infamous Columbine high school shooting in April 1999 in Colorado, have rekindled the debate about video games and the supposed violence they could provoke among gamers. However, this link has never been clearly scientifically proven. A study led by the American Psychological Association said that there is no tangible evidence regarding the violence-video games link. Among other stereotypes, it is also said that video games are only for boys, that they are not good for your health (sometimes with good reason, as a study by WHO shows, saying that video games can be linked with anxiety, depression, obesity, sleeping disorders, and stress), or that they are stupid and cannot be considered as art. 
Nevertheless, for once in History, video games have been a lifesaver for a lot of people. The fact of seeing people through a screen, being able to communicate even locked in our house or apartment, the entertainment behind a video game, made it a way to maintain a link between members of a family, friends and even create new links between unknown people. It has also been proven that playing video games during this period served to relieve stress and mentally stimulate people.
Thanks to a study we lead on Google Forms, we were able to prove the dynamics already shown by the scientists. On this graph, it is possible to see that out of 35 people, 62.5% of them played video games because of loneliness and boredom, and 37.5% of them played to keep in touch with their family or friends.
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While WHO made an obvious link between video games and addiction for a long time (they recognized video game addiction as a mental disease in 2018, and still today, they released an article in October 2020 called ‘Addictive behaviours: Gaming disorder’), they surprisingly started promoting them during the 2020 lockdown. They have partnered with 18 major video game companies (among others : Activision, Blizzard and Twitch) to organize special events, activities, and offer rewards in their games to encourage people to play them, while spreading health prevention messages. Matti Vuorre, a psychological researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, proved in a study in November 2020 the link between video games and well-being. To quote him :
« Our results support the idea that online games are offering a satisfying alternative to face-to-face meetings in these exceptional times »
In fact, video-games seem to be more than just video games. They are helping us to get confidence, to affirm ourselves, our self expression, and to assume our uniqueness , gender and so on. In the conclusion of their article ‘Playing Video Games During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Effects on Players’ Well-Being’, the two scholars Matthew Barr and Alicia Copeland-Stewart explicitly talk about the benefits of video games on the mind and the fact that the potential of video games could be used to solve problems related to mental weaknesses.
Well, who said video games could not be beneficial for health? 😉
(by Axelle D. and Alicia R.)
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ot3 · 4 years
your last post made me think about how I loooove how you use color in your art, it's so vibrant and full of life and movement and expression! I was wondering if you had any advice on how to do color studies? perhaps doing drawings with limited palettes? or anything similar?
First things first, thank you, I really do appreciate comments like these! this post now also has a follow up for finish limited palette pieces
I'm obviously very fond of limited palette art and color studies/color thumbnailing are great ways to get that done. When people think limited palette there's often the association of unrealistic and fantastical color palettes, but learning to limit your color use absolutely applies to semirealism and just builds stronger color theory in general. I was planning to talk about limited palettes in more realistic color use in this post, but this already ended up way too long. If that's something people want to hear about I can talk about it later.
Color theory basics crash-course! I'm sure almost anyone who has colored anything is familiar with this, so I'll be SUPER brief, but I want everyone to be on the same page for this. Color has three qualities you need to take into account: Hue, saturation, and brightness. Hue is what we think of as the 'color'. Saturation is the vibrancy of this color; how bold or dull it is. Brightness is how light or dark the color is. Here's this all labeled on a color picker I stole from google.
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As a rule of thumb, things that look good in color should look good in grayscale. Having a strong range of values (brightness) makes for a strong image. Keep this in mind when you're picking colors – knowing what areas need to be light and what areas need to be dark before you start coloring will make your life easier. I'm going to teach you when and how to break this rule later, but for now let's just talk about picking a palette. I've found five to seven different colors to be a really nice sweet spot for working with limited palettes.
There are three main types of color palettes ill work with and ill provide examples each of them. I expect you to all politely refrain commenting on the amount of homestuck fanart that's here.
Monochromatic, where the piece is all within one color family with slight variations in hue, and larger variations in brightness and saturation
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Accent, which is essentially the same as a monochromatic type with the addition of a strong, contrasting secondary color in one or two variants. Normally the accent color is lighter and serves as a highlight. This is not any kind of a hard rule, but is instead just what I like.
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Split. There are two (or more) main colors at play, each with a couple of different shades.
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Cool. Now lets see how we'd go about making one of these palettes.
 I'm grabbing an inconsequential sketch i've already got and we're gonna slap some color on it. Let's start monochromatic – I've gone and just tossed six pretty random shades of green on it, picking what goes where based on what I want to be light and what I want to be darker. 
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Keep in mind, by monochromatic, I don't mean just picking one color and making it lighter or darker! Adjust your hue within the same color family – some of these are very blue, definitely more blue than green, and some are much warmer and yellower. Play around. In this stage I like to have every color on a distinct layer, so I can just recolor the entire layer at once as I tweak the palette.
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 On the right, I have each color lined up in order of lightest to darkest just so I can get a sense of what I'm working with. Lets go ahead and call this one thumbnail. Now I'm gonna group the layers, duplicate them, and flatten the copy. I'll shrink it down and shove it off to the side so I can compare it to the other ones I make later.
Okay, I did a few more almost completely arbitrary monochromatic palettes. Here they are compared with their grayscale counterparts. 
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All of them have the same number of colors, and lights stay lights, darks stay dark, midtones stay mid consistent between all of them, but the range of values is different between them all. The difference in light or dark between each tone is different and it gives a different mood that you can see even in black and white. None of them is more 'correct' than any other, and it's all about establishing the tone and atmosphere you want. Experimentation is key.
Now lets try making this a complimentary palette. With a strong accent color, your accent should be placed at areas of importance. People are naturally drawn to contrast and when using an accent color in a piece it'll make that area stick out, so make sure you're placing your colors with intent. For this I went back to that first set of greens I had because it was my favorite. Since this palette is over all very dark, I am going to make my accent the lightest color, because that'll stand out more. In a lighter palette, try making your accent the darkest color. Once again I must stress these are not hard rules – there are very few hard rules in art at all – but these are very useful tips for getting emphasis in the right place. This is just an example piece so I'm not being huuugely thoughtful with how I'm placing the color. 
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Here's the same image but with the lightest green just swapped out for a far more vibrant accent of yellow. Looks pretty terrible. I don't want all of the papers and blinds to seem so prominent. So let's scrap this and try a different approach. We're gonna instead add our accent as a sixth color to our palette.
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By adding another color, I've added another level of detail. Figuring out how to manage detail isn't just dependent on how many colors you have, but this is already going to be ridiculously long so I'll spare you that spiel. This is another one of those things I'll talk about more later if people want to hear my #thots. Using the new yellow accent, I emphasized the eyes, the mug, and added some interior detailing to the objects on the table. I also decided to place yellow in some of the windows of the outside buildings, to add a bit more interest in that area, and to justify giving yellow back lighting to our little goblin lad here, which makes him stand out nicely.
A split palette makes things a whole lot more complicated. Now that you're gonna be working with two different base colors you don't just only have to worry about which one is lighter or darker, you have to worry about how the hues look next to each other. Lets work with an orange on top of our original green here. I picked two of the greens and replaced the darker one with a darker orange, and the lighter one with a lighter orange. Now our palette is six colors split 50/50 between orange+yellow, and green. 
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But now something interesting is happening. Let's take a look. If you're particularly keen eyed, you might have noticed that there's a third set of colors here, using a greyish brown in place of the oranges. What's up with that?
Well, what's up with that is, they are orange. The palette on the far right is what happens if, instead of choosing my own oranges, I simply hue-shifted the bluegreens until they were technically orange in hue. 
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The oranges I chose just based on how they looked without actually checking the value and saturation of actually changed the value hierarchy of the whole piece. The table, instead of being in between the objects stacked upon it in terms of brightness, is lighter than either. This isnt bad at all – there's absolutely nothing wrong here. It's just important to be aware of things like this! This is why I said a split palette is the most complicated of the three I'm talking about here – in many occasions, the hue hierarchy can top the value hierarchy. Keep that in mind for slightly later.
I think split palettes work really well for comics, and I like to make my comics with split palettes. Whereas with a single illustration, you can just putz around with your color thumbnails until you get something good, for a comic you're locked into your palette once you've done the first page. Unless you're some sort of insanely meticulous person, in which case I envy you, you probably don't have every single page of your comic blocked out with respective values and can't apply your palette to the whole thing at once to test it. This means you'll need a palette that's pretty versatile. Having a split palette where one of the hue sets is lighter than the other overall allows you to decide whether you're going to create an overall light panel with dark accents, or vice versa. I'm gonna compare two palettes I'm using for comics to make this point. 
Here's a sampling of the comic pages in full color, at 0% saturation, and adjusted for grayscale respectively. You'll notice a slight difference between the desaturated colors and the grayscale colors – grayscale seems to hold truer to the full color version, doesn't it?
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Now, here are the palettes themselves, and some grids showing the relationship between every pair of colors. When you don't know exactly what you're going to be using any given palette for, the relationship between any two colors becomes more important than ever. The bottom palette is split three ways, red yellow and blue each with a light and a dark, and then a completely neutral dark gray color. I'm using it for a long ongoing ace attorney comic I'm drawing. The top one has 4 shades of blue that go from darker and cooler to lighter and warmer, then 3 shades of orange that get yellower as they get lighter. Underneath is just the values – you'll notice that the top palette has a larger value range, with its lightest color being lighter than that of the bottom palette, and it's mid tones spaced further apart. 
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What you'll also notice about the bottom palette is that instead of the reds being lighter than the blues and darker than the yellows, the value alternates dark red dark yellow light red light yellow. Take a look at the color grids. You'll notice that for the most part, every color in the palette on the right looks good with every other color. That's not nearly as true for the palette on the left. The light blue has a weird vibration where it meets either of the reds, and a few of the pairings just aren't particularly pleasant. Honestly, from any objective ideas of color theory, this palette kind of sucks shit. Lets make some adjustments to it.
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I've changed the dark yellow and light red hues so now the light red is slightly darker than the dark yellow. That's the palette that's on top now. Looks better, doesn't it? But so now the question becomes why am I using a palette that looks awkward, disharmonious, and visually strained when I know exactly how to fix it? The simple answer is because I wanted a color palette that's awkward. I wanted that visual strain. I have trouble working on comics and general, especially anything as long as this one, and I wanted a color palette that already meant things would come out looking a little bit wonky, so I wouldn't be as concerned with nitpicking all the details and making everything pretty. I think the sort of visual upset also fits the tone I'm keeping with a lot of the comic.
Remember earlier when I said I'd talk about breaking the rule of stuff looking good in gray scale and in color? That's now. Take a look at this image. 
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Which of the three colors is darker: the red, blue, or yellow? The stupid truth of it is that there's not really a proper way to tell. All three are technically the same 'brightness' but our brain tells us that the blue is the darkest, and the yellow is the lightest. Why do our brains do this? Let’s make em gray now.
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On the bottom you can see what the colors look like when they are set to 0% saturation; as you'd expect it's a homogeneous gray blob. So then what the fuck is going on with the grayscale one? The grayscale one is closer to the way our brains interpret the colors, but we know this to be an improper rendering of their respective values. Which is the correct version, then – the grayscale or the desaturation? Luckily, we're using a computer, so we can have photoshop tell us the exact balance of hue, saturation, and brightness of any given pixel. Let's take a look now.
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Wait, huh? We can plainly see that all three of the colors are at 49% brightness. But neither the desaturated value or any of the 3 grayscale values have a brightness of 49%. So what does a brightness of 49% look like?
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Okay. Sure. Why not.
All of what I've just shown you regarding grayscale is to emphasize the point that your best judgment for which colors look good is a far better measuring stick for a good color palette than any technicalities. Even if the value is the same, the hue can differ enough that you can still get a beautiful finished drawing. Color and our perception of it is so, so vastly technically complex. You can not allow yourself to be bogged down by this. Simply practice, and color will become intuitive to you over time. I have a lot more I could say on the subject of picking and using your colors, but this is already insanely long. Feel free to ask any follow up questions, I hope this was of literally any use!
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spiffyspuffy · 4 years
My Mystic Messenger Opinions
(That no one asked for)
Character: 8/10 I know a lot of people think Zens annoying but I find him endearing. One of the best things about this game is the complexity of the characters and I love that Zen’s cockiness is actually how he hides his insecurities. Even though he’s egotistical about himself, he’s never shallow with MC. He says multiple times that he doesn’t care about MC’s looks. He loves her for who she is and shows this in how he makes an effort to get to know her and be her cheerleader everyday. An underrated thing about Zen is how emotionally intelligent he is. He’s great at helping the RFA members when they need emotional support (Yoosung’s grief over loosing Rika, Jaehee crying from the stress of her job and MC’s shock at almost being kidnapped). 
Route: 2/10 Zen is a great character and he deserves a better route. The false rape accusation plot is horrible and offensive. Also, his route functions as an introduction to the game’s plot, so it’s exposition heavy and lacks action. The creators said that the lesson of his route is that when our insecurities are handled in a healthy way, they can push us to be better people. I love this message and I wish it had been highlighted more in his route.
Romantic Potential: 9/10 Zen is arguably the most dateable of all the characters. He’s a bad boy without being sketchy. He’s protective without being possessive. He’s kind without being a pushover and he’s smart without being pretentious. His biggest drawbacks are his overconfidence and and how busy he is with working. There aren’t any glaring red flags. 
~ More under the cut ~ 
Character: 7/10 I love this adorable theater nerd! She comes across as formal and stuffy at first, but reveals herself to be passionate and funny the more you get to know her. I gave her a lower score because she does have a strong personality that rubs me the wrong way sometimes (her jealousy of MC in Zen’s route, her lack of sympathy towards Jumin in her own route and her general rudeness towards Yoosung). She is the most mature of the RFA though, so her exasperation is warranted. Being mature and grounded also makes Jaehee the least complex Mysme character. I’ve got a lot of respect for her though!
Route: 5/10 Getting to engage in discourse about capitalism and the patriarchy? Amazing and hands down the best part of her route. It’s really inspiring to see Jaehee stand up for herself and choose to follow her dreams. I think it’s important for every young person to hear that they should have a positive work/life balance and demand that their employer supports that. Other highlights are Seven helping Jaehee by making the Power Point presentation for Jumin’s cat project, getting to fangirl with Jaehee over Zen and the creepy stalker plot. I thoroughly enjoy her route and the only reason the score is so low is because some of the other routes are seriously incredible.
Romantic Potential: 8/10 Jeahee doesn’t have any red flags either. I think she’s perfectly capable of having a healthy, romantic relationship with MC. The biggest issue standing in their way is Korea’s bias against lesbian relationships. As a fellow coffee lover and theater enthusiast though, I could definitely see myself or someone similar having a happy life with her, even if it might have to be in secret.
Character: 6/10 I can’t stand people who aren’t competent. Yoosung is a terrible cook, he barely cleans and he doesn’t pay attention to his studies. On top of that, 80% of his personality is that he’s a gamer AND he’s in love with his “dead” adopted cousin. Yuck. ~ But ~ I understand that he’s depressed and depression can seriously effect someone’s executive functioning. Taking all of those negatives away, we’re left with a young man who’s trying to his best to be taken seriously, which is something I can relate to. It’s nice to see imposter syndrome represented and I admire his loyalty to his friends. 
Route: 8/10 This route is sooo good! Who can forget the night when the RFA starts being aggressively stalked by Minty Eye? And the pic Zen takes of a believer looking at him through his apartment window...chills. His route only gets better from there when he infiltrates Mint Eye with Seven. This is the first time we get to see the twins interact and damn, is it confusing. But in a good way!!   The biggest drawback is that MC is stuck in Rika’s apartment and doesn’t play much of an active role in the story. 
Romantic Potential: 7/10 Despite all the negatives I listed about Yoosung, I do think he’s capable of have a healthy, romantic relationship with MC. Yoosung is also the only true sub of the RFA men, which is a definite plus for some players. Yoosung’s yandere side is a huge red flag though. MC better watch out if she doesn’t dote on him as much as he wants. Once he falls for her, he’s all in. 
Character: 5/10 Unpopular opinion, but I hate Jumin. I understand that he’s some people’s guilty pleasure though. Jumin’s good aspects are that he’s intensely loyal, an animal lover and has a dry sense of humor. I appreciate how devoted he is to the RFA and it’s members. He offers to help Zen multiple times (albeit rejected), sends everyone body guards in his route and pays the hospital in the SE to keep Saeran’s identity top secret. What I’m not a fan of is the way he obsesses over MC and traps her in his house. This isn’t the first time he’s shown obsessive tendencies either. Seven explicitly states that Jumin acted this way with Rika in the past. Huuuge red flag.  
Route: 3/10 His entire route is fraught with rich people problems. I’m supposed to sympathize with him for an arranged marriage? All he had to do was say no. His father couldn’t force him. He’s possessive of MC because women have only ever wanted to be with him for his money? Not an excuse. Elizabeth going missing was a vaguely interesting story line, but Jumin’s relationship with his cat was cringey enough to overshadow the drama of it for me.
Romantic Potential: 3/10 Jumin has some serious issues. He’s never had a good female role model which has given him a deep seeded hatred of women. Remember when he tells MC that respecting women goes against his core beliefs? Yikes. Then, after meeting a woman who respects him and he actually likes, he locks her up and tries to change everything about her (cutting her hair, buying her a new wardrobe, teaching her the ‘proper’ way to walk, etc). We’re supposed to believe Jumin learns to be better by the end of his route, but he still proposes to MC after only a week of knowing her! I’m having a hard time picturing Jumin in a healthy relationship. 
Character: 10/10 I’m not saying Saeyoung is a good person. Far from it actually. But he IS very well written and extremely interesting. In the other routes, Saeyoung is energetic and funny, bringing much needed humor to heavy moments. It’s always a joy being in a chatroom with him. Then you have the reveal that he actually hates his job and that he was faking his personality, all to a sad and slowed down version of his theme song. This plot twist shook me to my core. What makes him so well written is that the devs did a good job dropping hints to his real personality in the other routes that players might not notice during their first play through. 
Route: 9/10 This route is a wild ride from start to finish. This is when the plot threads from the other routes come together and start make sense. This route has secret agents, assassins, a deadly bomb, kidnapping, an evil twin, a powerful cult... It’s action heavy while still carrying enough emotional weight to make me cry every time. Saeyoung’s route is heavy and emotional and sooo worth playing. 
Romantic Potential: 6/10 Saeyoung has a shady job and a complicated past. Choosing to be with him means putting your life in danger every day. If you’re okay with that, he’d be a decent romantic partner. He’s a little rough around the edges, but I do think he has potential to become more like his ideal self (God Seven) after reading his AE. He’ll always have that mean and serious side to him, but I don’t think he’s hopeless. 
Character: 4/10 He’s low-key the worst. I sympathize with his trauma from being abused by Rika, but I don’t understand why he feels the need to fix everything by himself. Rika might be the source of most problems in this game, but V is partially responsible for standing by and letting her get away with everything. 
My first issue with him comes from encouraging Saeyoung to join the agency. I know Saeyoung didn’t have many options, but how was encouraging him to train to become a hacker and assassin the best option?! On top of that, he stalked Zen per Rika’s request and took creeper photos of him, failed miserably at protecting Saeran and don’t get me started on how he loves Rika unconditionally. V has some good characteristics but I really don’t care about those when he’s so terrible otherwise. 
Route: 10/10 This route is *chef’s kiss* the BEST. I wouldn’t call it a romance since Vs barely in it but damn is it riveting. Saeran is the perfect amount of loving and unhinged, MC get’s to know Rika on a personal level and V finally gets to be active instead of just reactive like he is in all the other routes. It’s also  satisfying to find out how much V has been keeping secret and to get a glimpse into Rika’s psyche. But what really makes V’s route stand out among the rest is that there are spy action scenes like in Saeyoung’s route, but the player also gets to spend time in Mint Eye.
Romantic Potential: 7/10 I’ll be honest. I don’t think V will ever be able to move on from Rika. He’ll always love her, as evidence in his AE. Besides that drawback, I do think he’d be a good romantic partner for MC. V was never the issue in his past relationship with Rika. She was the abusive one and he was 100% the victim. I think he would treat MC just as well in their relationship as he treated Rika. 
Character: 7/10 I know I’m not the only one who loved the suave and cunning Saeran of the main routes who, after getting the therapy he needed, became an adorably shy and awkward man. Sadly, that’s not the character we got in AS. Instead, we met Ray, the split personality of Saeran’s psyche. Ray is charming and sweet as well as possessive and manipulative...which is something I’m into. But it’s not for everyone. Saeran’s real personality in AS is revealed to be angry and abusive and not at all similar to who he was in the main routes. I’ll give Cheritz props for writing a fairly accurate portrayal of disassociative identity disorder, but I think Saeran’s characterization is inconsistent. I get the impression Ray was an afterthought when creating AS. 
Route: 7/10 A mixed bag for me. I really enjoy any chatroom/scene with Ray. He’s undeniably creepy, but those scenes were entertaining in a dark romance kind of way. On the other hand, the Saeran scenes had a lot of unrealized potential. Abuse is never cool. All his route needed to fix this was a scene where Saeran explained to MC that he was pretending to hate her to appease Rika and the other believers. While this fake hatred is implied, I think it needed to be outright stated. It’s also hard to believe that Saeran overcame his DID in the course of one night. I know all routes are limited to 11 days, but this one needed more. Highlights of this route are Saeyoung being kidnapped by his father and of course, dark Yoosung with Elizabun. 
Romantic Potential: 7/10 I truly do believe that Saeran could go on and live a happy life in any of the endings where he escapes Mint Eye and receives therapy. While we only get a glimpse of what an emotionally stable Searan looks like, we know that he was kind and attentive with MC. Saeran is a giver and would do anything to make MC happy. Red flags are that Searan is still clingy at the end of his route. Yoosung makes a comment that he’s always holding MC’s hand when he sees them together. Also, his DID is something that will occasionally return and that’s something MC has to go into their relationship knowing. 
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blushing-titan · 3 years
Eren as a father and Ymir as a mother motives theory never made sense. They were represented as emotionally stunned children in paths doing the Rumbling, not as adults. Ymir never cared about her children, she doomed them to suffer after her VERY SHITTY AND SELFISH CHOICE TO DIE because her abuser didn't return her "love". That was clear before Eren revealed it. She saved him and abandoned her children. She never gave a single fuck about them. She was always looking at HIM. (1)
For his part, Eren reverted to a child, talked about the sights with Armin which foreshadowed his motivation was mixed with his mental fuckery and timeless perspective. Dina and bird twist were foreshadowed via memory shards earlier. Krueger went on a rant about protecting Armin and Mikasa (and the "others") to Grisha. We've always known who Eren prioritized above all. Last chapter offered no twists, only confirmations. The story was always about EMA, Historia never had a place in the climax.
Hi! Thank you very much for writing 😀 I put my reply under the cut, so people who scroll down while searching tags don’t have problems with my long post (...because I feel like, unfortunetely, it’s gonna be another stream of conciousness from me, sorry about that 😅)
I really like your take on the "emotionally stunned children in paths" imaginery - I fully agree that it's a nicely-done symbolism!
To me, the whole Ymir sacrificed herself because of her unrequited love was not at all as clear and obvious as you say - especially before Eren revealed it. I still have a lot of problems with this plot twist, and how Ymir's feelings towards Fritz were portrayed in the end.
With the amount of abuse and mistreatment the king put her through, many fans tried to come up with different theories as to why Ymir kept on serving him. The way I interpreted it, after seeing her tortured expression over and over in many panels, was that she stayed by his side because of fear and emotional damages. With the way she was living, I was not surprised that she sacrificed herself, too - I thought that she honestly had enough, which added to the tradgedy of how she still couldn't find peace after that, and kept on being enslaved in paths.
I saw many takes and theories on her motives, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone betting on she was actually in love before ch. 139. I probably didn't search good enough, but again - with what I saw in the manga, I would have never bet on that either. My point is - before ch. 139 (...and after it too, in my opinion) Ymir was a walking mystery with unclear motives, so there were a lot of theories. Therefore, I disagree that the "parents" theory could never work - it obviously doesn’t work now, after ch. 139, but before that, her motivation could be anything really. I still wish it was something else, because what we got was too vague and problematic, in my opinion. 
I simply dislike Ymir's conclusion. I feel like there was so much potential in her backstory and motives + a few different ways to tie it back with different plotpoints and characters in the end to make it more meaningful, but what we got was a brief: She was in love with the person who abused her, I know it sounds unbelievable but I couldn't look deeper into her heart, so we have to take it as it is.
In general - I can't brush it off, but to me it feels like Ymir's end goal was rushed, not explored properly, and almost pulled out of nowhere. Unfortunately, I feel the same about Mikasa's involvement in lifting the titan's curse. Don't get me wrong - I'm not at all against her becoming the hero. Quite the opposite, I was rooting for her since the beginning, and hoped to see her develop and have a big moment, but this...this honestly also felt pulled out of nowhere and, in my eyes, didn't do Mikasa justice at all. I wish there was more proper build-up and foreshadowing done so I (...and, from what I've seen, a huge portion of fans) wouldn't feel that way, but here we are.
As for the Eren/Armin conversation, I like how they got to "see" the world together, even though just as a visualisation in the paths. My problem is the [...] Eren reverted to a child, talked about the sights with Armin which foreshadowed his motivation was mixed with his mental fuckery and timeless perspective part. Again, this should have been forshadowed (...and developed in general!) much sooner - not in the final chapter, right before we learn about this controversial motivation of his.
Instead, for many chapters, we were lead to believe that Eren was acting with his original goals and personal motivations in mind; that he had some character developement which caused him to start thinking his actions through, stop acting so impulsively - and finally, that he had a plan in mind, or at least was acting out of his own free will.
If you've never seen him in this light and his motivation/behaviour seemed in character in the last chapter to you - that's fine, all power to you! But if such a big portion of the fanbase felt otherwise (me included), then it means that there were some writing issues that led to this.
The Dina situation should have been explored more, as well. It's a huuuge plot twist, which puts our MC's motovations in an entirely new light, and creates quite a few additional plot-related questions. The way we're shown the situation: Berthold couldn't die just yet, so Eren directed Dina somewhere else, which ended up being his house.
...why not anywhere else? He could literally send her back outside the wall. On top of that - did he seriously sacrifice his mother in favour of his friends? I'd really like more information on this, but the topic is cut basically as soon as it appears. I find it especially unnatural, considering the way further dialogue goes:
Eren tells Armin about how he caused his mother's demise. Armin makes a terrified face, but drops the topic, smiles and casually proceeds with: "Let's go, Eren" - like his friend didn't just reveal one of the most controversial plot twist in the series. No, who'd want to hear an elaboration on that - better talk about Mikasa, so instead we get the entire (in my eyes - really forced) Eremika-themed talk. The priorities...
About the bird thing...if I remember correctly, there were three shards revolving around this theme. Two of them just show birds flying, one of them shows Falco from bird’s perpective. Sure, now that we know that some random bird in the end pecked on Mikasa's scarf, we can kiiiiiind of connect it to the Falco's shard...but honestly, why was Eren's soul transferred into some random bird after his death? On top of that, a bird that was already existing in the world while he was still alive, as a human...did that bird’s conciousness just go poof! one day, for Eren to take the vacant spot? Should we also look for other deceased titan shifters in barns or birdhouses? 😅 I can’t believe I’m overthinking it this hard...😆
That's some three-eyed-parasitic-jeager stuff, for sure.
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Jokes aside, I guess what I'm trying to say is that foreshadowing is fun and great, but it should go hand in hand with proper developement - and, in my opinion, the examples above kinda lack it (...ok, I'd let the "bird Eren" thing slide because whatever, I don't feel the need to be that serious about it, it could stay ambigous in my opinion - but I'd definitely want some more closure as for the Dina situation or Ymir’s motivations and inner thoughts)
I've always said that Armin and Mikasa were two of Eren's closest friends - or, even more, the only people he considered family. I've also never believed that he would ever willingly sacrifice them, as some people theorized (...though guess what, now that I know what happened to his mother, I have to rethink my reasoning). I understand that EMA are the main characters, and was expecting that the story's conclusion will be tied to them somehow, but definitely not at the expense of logical character and story developement (...and sorry - to me the ending just felt that way).
As for Historia: if she was never supposed to be important in the end, then, in my eyes, it's a very poorly guided plotline that only led to unecessary drama in the fanbase. Why make her situation look sus with things such us:
Incorrect conception date,
The emphasis on how she didn't marry the father of her baby (...only to reveal in ch. 139 that she, in fact, did that),
The mysterious, cloaked figure observing her talking to the farmer,
The whole talk with Eren in ch. 130, and Eren thinking back to it while talking with Zeke.
All the Historia/Ymir parallels.
Seriously, what was the point? It would be so easy to simply make the situation clear. Why not just make Historia admit to Eren in ch. 131: "yes, I'm already pregnant with the farmer's baby - I did it to save myself."? Why not cut the bs with the "she didn't marry him" - because, in all honesty, what did that information bring into the story, aside from confusion and "misunderstanding" - and just make them married, instead? Even better - why not have at least one panel showing Historia and farmer being at least somehow affectionate with each other? Why not let go of all this retconned stuff and use these panels for shelling out other plotpoints?
The theories didn't come out of nowhere - they were based on what was shown in the manga. People wouldn't be disappointed with Historia's conclusion if it was never implied that she was still somehow important. We may argue about it back and forth, but the truth is - when so many people collectively "misunderstand" a certain plotline to this extent, then it means there had to be some storytelling issues that led them to this - simple as that.
To sum it up, I'm happy that you enjoyed the chapter and found it logical and satisfying. I absolutely don't want to take that away from you, or make you change your mind, but I also can't help the fact that I don't see it in the same light as you. You say that the final chapter offered no twists, only confirmations - to me, it was pretty much the opposite. Still, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts, and sorry it took me so long to reply! Hope you're having a nice day 😄
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okay i am just going to do some thinking out loud about the semester! i have made the decision to delegate a lot of the seminar facilitation work this semester, which i feel pretty good about. last semester it felt important for me to be the primary person in charge of planning & facilitating things because we had to do a lot of foundation-laying work and it needed to feel like a cohesive and scaffolded syllabus as opposed to just like, a bunch of random workshops. but i think this semester (as they are finishing up their honors theses & their capstone projects), we can ease up on that a bit and really focus on giving them lots of time and structured support.
so: more structured workdays, more peer review type activities with their peers + the postdocs, more workshops designed to help them plan out or create specific parts of their projects, etc. in general i think the seminar needs to feel less like a “class” and more like a collaborative workspace where we come together to chip away at our projects each week. i want to do more focused freewriting on this later but i think that’s my #1 priority for the semester: just making sure that we are deliberately carving out time/space to chip away at those projects every week, so that they don’t get to late march and suddenly realize that they have a huuuge amount of work to do on top of finishing their senior theses. because that is how projects don’t get finished, lol.
i’ll still be helping the postdocs plan and run their workshops, but i think i’ll only be responsible for independently planning maybe 3-4 seminars this semester (as opposed to i think 11 or 12 last semester). that will SIGNIFICANTLY lighten my weekly planning workload, which is good because i will need to shift that time/energy into more intensive individual mentoring on their projects + with my thesis advisees.
last semester i preserved one completely zoom-free day for myself, which i used to get caught up on admin work, comment on drafts, and (when i had time) do some of my own writing. this semester i would like to have TWO zoom free days if i can swing it, and i think i can. when we did scheduling initially i was very much like “i’m available WHENEVER!” and it meant that i often wound up with weird gaps in my schedule or days where i had to shower & get ready for just one meeting. i want to schedule things more tightly and also be a bit more “here are the times that work for me - when are you available in those times.”
here’s a dream possible schedule:
monday - meetings between 10-5
tuesday - meetings between 10-5
wednesday - no meetings (seminar planning & admin work)
thursday - no meetings (research/writing day)
friday - meetings between 10-2, prep time 2-3, seminar 3-4:30
i could also swap those days around - like switch mon/wed or tues/thurs - but we shall see. but i HEREBY RESOLVE that i will not compromise on the two days of no meetings. i need that time and i want it and there’s no reason i can’t make it happen for myself. 
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Feel free to not answer this if it makes you uncomfortable, I completely understand! In general, what’s it like to have DID? I know all systems are different (in terms of like communication, etc), but I’m curious because there aren’t many descriptions online. Thank you if you answer this, and even if you don’t, thank you anyways! Hugs to everyone, and fist bumps if you don’t like hugs! -🕯
ALRIGHT this is a Very long and rambly answer so buckle up! please ask me to clarify if something doesn’t make sense. i told myself ‘okay i’m gonna keep his as short and sweet as possible’ And Then I Did Not
anyways! below the cut;
as you said, all systems are different! everyone’s experiences vary wildly, even across members in the same system-- for example; i, eli, experience things differently than charlie does.
for me personally, it’s... a mixed bag. it’s not all terrible, and it’s not all great.
i consider myself to be fairly lucky. all of the peeps in my system view one another as a sort of wacky family. lots of other systems Don’t view everyone as a family. here though,, everyone does their best to get along? there are squabbles now and then but everything runs fairly smoothly overall which is Great
dissociation is,, something. most people dissociate to some degree-- i.e.; ‘oh i zoned out while i was driving, how’d i get here?’ but those with DID dissociate to a very high level as a result of childhood trauma.
there’s a lot of it. some days are worse than others, and on a very dissociated day i’ll end up getting huuuge migraines. if someone is really close to front or if there’s a lot happening between peeps In The Brain, i get lightheaded, and if that lightheadedness continues it builds into this pressure and i end up with an awful headache. and dissociation in general can range from ‘i feel like me but slightly to the left today’ to ‘i don’t know who i am, my reflection is wrong, everything around me is fake’.
it can be distressing. sometimes i’ll have been out about driving and when i come home, as i pull into the driveway, i’ll be overwhelmed by a thought that’s like ‘this isn’t my house. this isn’t mine, this is wrong, where am i?’ and someone on the inside will reassure me that it is right, i’ve been living there for months-- it’s just my memory is so distorted and i may be being heavily influenced by someone else with different memories than mine.
that’s another thing-- we don’t always know who’s fronting or how many of us are existing in front at once. (note: ‘fronting’ = controlling the body.) there’ll be a feeling of ‘i am not eli but i don’t know who i am’ or there’ll be rapid switching between multiple alters or there will be several alters blending together and it just leads to this confused state where everything is distorted and thinking too much about Identity leads to a panic attack of sorts. it can be scary. the body will wake up and not know who’s in control. we’ll be driving and someone else will switch out and briefly panic because they are now piloting a body that’s in control of a vehicle. 
whoever is in front can be heavily influenced by the emotions or presence of another alter. one of the boys gets anxious very very easily, and if he’s nearby, whoever is in control of the body at that time will feel that anxiety in our chest. one of us experiences heartache frequently, missing the life he remembers, and whoever is in front will feel that. we are susceptible to each others’ emotions. it’s difficult to figure out sometimes who’s feeling what and why.
on that topic-- a lot of them have their own memories. some of them just remember stuff from living In This Body, but some of them, those who are introjects of preexisting characters, have memories of families and homes and lovers that never technically existed-- like charlie. he remembers the friends he made here, but he is Alive. he has free will, and the people he made friends with are just characters being controlled by a human from miles away. everyone has different amounts of memories, and some are more emotionally impacted by them than others.
memory as a whole is weird. i, eli, don’t remember anything from before 7 years old. from there, it’s patchy and incomplete, with large chunks of my life just missing. this is a self-defense mechanism, and if i don’t remember something, it’s because my brain is keeping me safe. but it’s still disconcerting to not remember whole periods of your life.
it’s not all bad though, not at all! it can be fun. it can be relieving. we do our best to cooperate with one another and have a good time. we help each other in the best ways we can. 
and there are fun and kinda weird little things like.. okay. a couple weeks ago i was drawing one of the peeps, and i was like ‘what the heck kinda shoes do i do here?? loafers????’ and i received a Single word from him; “Oxfords.” and that was it. and i was like. alrighty then, guess we’ll go with those bad boys
i’ll receive thoughts that aren’t mine, which is sometimes funny or cool and is sometimes disconcerting. someone will pipe up with a random scientific fact that i don’t remember every learning and it ends up being true. i’ll receive,, ‘memories’ or projections of a scene on the inside, like someone took a video or picture of something that happened between some peeps and uploaded it to my personal memory bank. 
also there’ll be conversations like ‘oh fuck where is that thing who took the thing’ and someones in the back is like ‘oh sorry it’s by the fridge’ or ‘i ate it, don’t worry about it’ or ‘it’s in your pocket already’ and so on
AND! BRO. ordering food or drinks or going to the store is wack! i’ll be like ‘okay i am getting a dr. pepper’ and i am flooded with ‘i want a cherry coke’ or ‘just drink water no more sugary drinks today’ or ‘get me an energy drink’ and i’ll end up with like four different beverages in my possession at any given time
and some people like foods that i hate?? like. i don’t really like fresh blueberries. but charlie Loves them and will eat a million of em in a single sitting.
and my brother has even said stuff like ‘i like how you sometimes laugh at my stupid jokes and then other times you just look really disappointed in me. like it’s different depending on the day’ and i’m like. yes. oops
also, charlie and a couple others help me at my job. if i get overwhelmed, someone easily takes over to help customers or fill in the blanks of whatever orders i’m missing. if lots of cleaning needs to get done in a short amount of time, someone else will front and laser-focus on the tasks at hand and not get distracted by anything.
ultimately, everyone here helps me just,, exist. we help each other live in a productive and loving way. and while it can be frustrating or scary or exhausting sometimes, i genuinely don’t think i’d give them up for anything in the world. yes, they’re there because of some shitty life circumstances, but they are the best possible result of said shitty things i could ever hope for. i really, truly love them. again, we’re like a weird little family. now matter how bad it gets with them, they still improve my life monumentally. i wouldn’t trade them for anything.
now! this has been very disorganized and rambly?? and there are most likely things i’m missing here, but here’s a sort of answer for you! thank you for being polite, and you’re welcome to ask further questions if you’d like.
-eli (charlie co-con)
(,,note: co-con basically means ‘in the passenger seat’. if i’m fronting, i’m in the driver’s seat. if charlie is co-con, he’s in the passenger seat; i am in control of the vehicle (body), but he has input of what to do and where to go and he can see what’s going on.)
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bisluthq · 3 years
Hi! Your blog is literally my fave TS blog, not even exaggerating. It's important to make sure we don't treat our favs like gods & also admit that we're all clowning in some way when we speculate. I really hope T isn't a straight person consciously doing all this queer baiting bc I could never accept that, that's too disrespectful to the LGBTQ community. Regarding K's cardigan video 13 days before folklore: if they're not on good terms, why would T tell K about the theme of folklore beforehand?
Hi beautiful! Thank you so much. I like to think y’all enjoy both my clowning and the nuance we have on here. I ADORE you all. I know a lot of blogs lowkey worship this woman but that’s not my brand. I love her, like a huuuge absolutely bonkers amount, but she’s a real person and therefore she’s not perfect. Oh, and hopefully a queer real person because if she’s Kinsey 1 🤢 then she’s like propppper imperfect lol.
As for that cardigan video fuck me my dude it lowkey keeps me up at night. The options for me are:
1) it’s an INSANE koincidence. But like weirder coincidences have happened before so who fucking knows.
2) she did it to bait the Kays. Cam’s @swiftgronmasterpost suggests Di Agron knew about the Babe MV drop ahead of time so it’s possible she does give exes a heads up if something about them is about to come out (Alexa stream illicit affairs). Like they could’ve had a convo about it prior to the release and Kar - who let’s be honest is always thirsty for the exposure - took the info and ran with it.
It’s worth researching if her male exes have ever hinted about things she was gonna do before they happened? But also like her male exes that I belieb in are generally not on SM (or weren’t back in the day) or are very lowkey people. So it’ll be hard to tell. Idk.
If they were on good terms, Kar would’ve had an ACTUAL cardigan. Tay was giving those out like fucking candy on Halloween. That roundup doesn’t say it but even one of Joe’s rando friends got one. And like, obviously the krazy Kays will say she didn’t need to get a cardigan because they’re “together” lmfao but that’s legit deluded. Like I understand the argument for a sekrit wife for Taylor but Karlie IS NOT PRIVATE AT ALL. Not even a little bit. She gets papped all the time and talks about it in her Klossy videos and wasn’t really isolating in the pandemic and and and. Like it literally doesn’t make any sense. At all.
So if they’re not dating and they very clearly aren’t, and Kar did not receive a cardigan, it’s fair to say they’re not friendly at this point.
Ergo if Kar did know ahead of time, which she seems to have maybe, it was because she’s a messy ex.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk lmfao.
PS because Gaylor blogs don’t tell you this, but Joe also seemed to hint at the aesthetic
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Survey #325
tired of seeing me in the survey tag yet? lmao me too
Would you date someone who’s shorter than you? I have absolutely never understood why there would be any correlation between someone's height and whether or not you would date the person because of it. What, do you think the person has any control over that? So basically, yes, I would, without a second thought. Have you ever fallen in love on the Internet? "Fallen in love," no. I had to meet Sara first to see how we meshed in the same environment. Have you ever had a crush on your best friend’s sweetie? Yes, hence the Joel mess. Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend? No. Good luck getting me to date someone like that. Can guys be sluts? Who the fuck cares so long as the person is safe and open with their partner. Ever had a crush on your best girlfriend? Twice now, haha. Would you ever kiss someone who’s taken? No, I'm not that kind of person. Do you mind being the third wheel? I don't care, really, so long as my friend doesn't totally ignore me. I very much enjoy seeing people in love. Has a kiss ever made you weak in the knees? Yes. Have you ever been in a love triangle? No, and I absolutely would not if I was aware. You pick me or you leave me alone. Do you feel comfortable buying condoms? I've never had to, but I'd probably feel a hint of awkwardness. Have you ever run into your ex with his/her new partner? No, and the only case where that would be a problem would be with Jason. I know in my heart I would feel at least some hatred towards her. Have you ever felt guilty after doing something sexual? Yep, when I was first actually getting truly sexual and felt like I was betraying my "abstinence." Would you stay friends with your sweetie’s friends if you broke up? I'm still friends with Jacob, mine and Jason's former roommate and his then-close friend. So yeah. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I hope more than words can explicate that I have a stable job that I love, my driver's license, and my own place with a long-term partner, since I think living alone would be very detrimental to me. I also hope I have much better control over my social anxiety. Oh, and can I PLEASE be fit again? What was the last thing you bought for less than a dollar? No idea. Who was the last person in your bed? My niece Aria was sitting on it with me. I miss Misty's kids. Do you have a nice phone? Not particularly, but it does the job. Is Marilyn Manson creepy or cool? I find him creepy in a cool way, haha. Well, at least aesthetically. With his recent sexual assault (or abuse? idr) allegations however, I don't know how I feel about him because I don't know the facts. I really should actually read up about it. Regardless, I love his music; he's one of my favorite musical artists. Do you like talking to strangers? Depends on my mood and the person. Do you have OCD? Yes. Are you clumsy or graceful? I'm clumsy as all getout. Have you ever ran into a door because you didn’t know it was closed? Haha, no. Have you ever woke up and didn’t know where you were? After my cyst removal surgery, I was confused for a moment or so. Do you own a Wii? Yep. Do you like to talk about yourself? Depends on with whom, the subject, and my mood. Has anyone ever called you conceited? No; I'm very much on the other end of the spectrum. Tattoos or piercings? I love both, but tats win. Have you ever had ants ruin your picnic? I’ve never had a picnic. At least that I remember. What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? Recently, I watched The Dark Den dissect his recently-deceased tarantula to figure out why she died. It was serious impaction, and it was disgusting. Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? A lil cozy one! Not TOO small, though. I'd feel claustrophobic. Have you ever blow dried something other then your hair? Maybe? What is your favorite piece of equipment at gyms? Treadmills. Do you have a tutor for anything? No. Does your sibling(s) have braces? My older sister did for a little while. Did you tell your last girlfriend/boyfriend that you love them? Yes. What was the last thing your parents got mad at you for? Apparently I somehow forgot to wipe crumbs off the kitchen counter. Have you ever had a bathing suit fall off of you while swimming? Not a suit, no, but when I wore bikinis and I jumped into the pool, it's happened before where my top would go up. I'd obviously fix it super quick. Do your pets have favorites? I'm absolutely Roman's favorite, but he loves Mom, too. I'm the only one who interacts with Venus. What’s the longest you’ve ever liked someone without telling them? A very long time. I had a big crush on Girt my freshman year, and some time after Jason, my crush for him came back, but he didn't ask me out until years later. Turns out we'd been friends just too long and the relationship felt too weird for me, so I broke up with him after I think... four months or so? We're still great friends. That's my bro. Did you prank anyone on April Fool’s Day? I never do anymore. I don't like pranks. What’s the sweetest thing a gf/bf can do to get you to forgive them? Changed behavior. Do you dislike when surveys ask to describe your underwear? Well, I'm almost always in my pajamas, sooo I generally don't even have any at that moment. Did you check to see how much fat/calories was in the last thing you ate? No. If the last person you kissed gave you roses, what would you do? Blush and thank her. Anything happened lately that you never expected to? "Never?" No. Are you the person you thought you’d be when you were younger? I'm a massive disappointment and embarrassment to that little girl. Are you a confrontational person, or the peacekeeper? I am absolutely a peacekeeper. I avoid confrontation like the plague. The last time you did something with BOTH of your parents was? They've been divorced since I was I think 17 and I am now 25, so... Do you like pumpkin pie? Absolutely not. Do you believe in any conspiracies? I am 100% sold on that the government had some involvement in 9/11. Look into the evidence - there is an overwhelming amount. There are others that I consider as possible, but no others do I absolutely believe. I'm around 50/50 on the simulation theory. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yeah, Nicole. Have you ever changed yourself to impress someone? Who? Nah. Who was the last person you gave up on? Why did you give up on them? Colleen. We simply butted heads way too much, and she just had this volatile meanness towards others I couldn't watch anymore. What was the last thing you printed? Is there even ink in your printer? Probably a paper for when I was in school. I don't know if our printer does. Have you ever gotten your nails done? Or do you get them done regularly? Yeah, with Colleen and then another time with my sisters. It was really just to hang with them, though. It's not something I'm interested in. Have you been outside yet today? What were you doing? Nope. When was the last time you got a new bed? Is your bed comfy? Not since I was an older teen did I get Mom's bed, but it wasn't new. This was actually her parents' bed, too. Well I mean, the mattress obviously isn't that old, but the bed itself is pretty ancient. It's comfy enough. Do you remember the first time you ever drove a car? Who were you with? Yes: on the dead-end road that led to our old house. I was with Mom obviously and probably my sister, since I think I did it on the way home from school. Do any of your friends drink excess amounts of alcohol? Do you? Not to my knowledge. I definitely don't. Have you ever been in handcuffs? Why, exactly? Yes, because it's mandatory when being transported to a mental hospital. What’s your favorite thing to do when drunk? Would you do this sober? Never been drunk before. When was the last time you bled? What happened? Well it's my time of the month, so. Are you a fan of dogs? Do you have any pets? I love dogs, but don't currently have one as a pet. Mom's looking intently. How often do you bathe? I'm going to be completely transparent and say not as much as I should. Doing my hair is fine, but moving all around, bending and propping my legs up exhausts my legs so much that I avoid showers as long as I can take it or until I have to go somewhere. I want strength back in my body. So. Badly. Do you have any tattoos? What, where and why? I have six that I'm not all explaining, but locations: right upper arm, right inner wrist, left inner forearm, left upper arm, right collarbone, left breast. What do you wear to bed at home? Pajama pants and a tank top. What do you wear to bed when you're somewhere else? Pj pants, tank top, and usually a bra, depending on where I'm at and with who. Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? I have a lot, but I'll discuss my strangest/strongest: pregnancy, maggots, parasites, and whale sharks. Pregnancy would be because a fetus is technically parasitic, and, to cover that topic, I'm just generally terrified of anything living in MY body. I also find it absolutely disgusting to see a baby move from the outside. I will actually scream if I see this, and that is not an exaggeration. I'm afraid of maggots (larva in general, really) because I think they're just disgusting, and I once brought something in from outside and put it in my dresser (idr why), and one day I opened it and reached in for something just to find lots of little larva squirming around. That's when it started. Now, whale sharks: it's literally because of World of Warcraft, hahaha. There's an underwater zone in the game where they roam as boss enemies, and their mouths look so weird and are actually a bit toothy. Irl, they just have mouths that are just way too big for my comfort. I know they're entirely harmless, but still. If you could ask God (to atheists - IF there was one) one question, what? "Why." Why so much evil, pain, and unfairness. Briefly describe your family. Kinda broken, but still loving and try to stay close. Big "ohana" mood: everyone's loyalty is endless. Where do you stand on the death penalty? For it in extreme cases. Where do you stand on wearing fur? Disgusting and horribly morbid unless for survival purposes in cold climates. Could you kill somebody? In self-defense, yes. What are your political beliefs (anarchy, communism, democracy etc.)? I just say I'm Independent. My beliefs stretch over so many titles; plus, I'm not very educated on all types and what they entail. What, if anything, WOULD you sacrifice your life for? To save those I love most. How would your ideal partner look? *shoves picture of Mark Fischbach in ur face* Would you ever have an affair? Nope. I'm telling you: pick me or leave me be. I'm not a side-chick. Would you ever have a one night stand? Also no. What one thing would you change in this world (free Tibet, abolish Sweden)? Honestly... probably abolish all militaries. I do not in the least support war, and it's just... sad to know countries stand ready to kill the moment they "need" to. Distrust seems to make the world go 'round. Sure, a country may try to rebuild them in secrecy, but that's a preeeetty big thing to succeed in keeping under wraps. "But what if a terrorist or something rises?" I'm quite sure we could handle that without an full-on army. Maybe I'm not well-informed on this topic, but I've just never supported military presence. I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR AS DAY, I have endless respect for veterans and aspiring soldiers, because I DO understand the mentality of wanting to protect your home, but yeah. I just wish it wasn't a thing. Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? Nope. Do you have any famous relatives? Ancestors, yes, and I have a distant cousin who wrote a fantastic book, if that counts. Are you a loyal member of any organizations? No. Desired weight: At MOST 140. :/ I'd like to be closer to 120, but I'll take 140. What are your opinions on marijuana legalization? Legalize it, but treat it similarly to alcohol, like prohibiting driving high, obviously. What do you think about tipping at restaurants? Tip a minimum, and THEN increase according to service quality. Are you addicted to anything? Soda. Would you ever get back together with any of your exes? Yes. Never mind what gender you ARE, what gender do you WANT to be? I'm a female and content with that. Do you ever feel ashamed revealing your age? Yes, considering how behind I am in just being an adult. What does your parents call you? Generally just "Britt." Mom occasionally still calls me "Twinkie." ;-; Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? Wow, no. Do you ever watch The Simpsons? No. What’s the last thing to make you scream? Truly scream, a mix of depression and anger. I screamed into my pillow. Do you play games with boys/girls, like ‘hard to get’? I'm an adult. I'm a tease in some romantic situations, but "hard to get" is definitely the wrong term.
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sciogli-lingua · 5 years
Hey! I hope you've been well! I was wondering, could you possibly do a post on Italian text speech? I can't really find anything on it...
Hi! I’m fine, thanks, and I hope the same is true for you ;)So, there’s a necessary initial remark to be made here: abbreviation in texting was huuuge in Italy some ten years ago.
When I was in middle school, kids my age would regularly send and receive texts that looked like a long string of seemingly uncorrelated characters because of the sheer amount of abbreviations that were being used; ask anyone who’s in the 20-30 age range now, and they’ll probably get war flashbacks of “k"s being thrown in everywhere, numbers replacing syllables and whatnot.
I’m not sure if this overload (as well as the subsequent cringe) was the ultimate cause of what happened, but the point is that the young population has since developed a tendency to use fewer and fewer abbreviations each day – which means that our text speech is actually pretty much identical to regular Italian writing, just with less commas and a couple of missing diacritics here and there. Of course, abbreviations still exist, but they’re not as widespread as they used to be (and, oddly enough, are often employed by older generations), and are mostly (over)used for laughs.
This is a list of the ones you’re most likely to come across:
6 – sei – (you [s.]) are
bn – bene – good / well
cmq – comunque – anyway
grz – grazie – thanks
k – replaces “ch”
ke – che – what
ki – chi – who
lol – lol (we borrowed that from you guys)
nn – non – not
risp – rispondi – answer!
tvb – ti voglio bene – I love you
x – per – for
xké / xke – perché – why
xò / xo – però – but
As far as laughing goes, the usual choice is ahahah, but it’s not uncommon to see hahaha instead.
Feel free to ask if there’s anything else you want to know! :D
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toomanysurveys9 · 4 years
If you could be a film character, who would you be?
If you were a pirate, what would your name be?
I have no idea. I’m not sure how they got their names.
Pen or Pencil?
Usually pens these days.
•Crunchy Peanut Butter or Smooth?
Only smooth. I do not like crunchy.
What is one thing about you people would be surprised to learn?
I tried out for American Idol. I didn’t make it past the producers or whatever.
If you could be any kitchen appliance, what would it be and why?
A blender. I like milkshakes and smoothies. Lol.
Would you rather go the short way slow, or take the long way fast if you got there in the same amount of time?
I mean. If you get there in the same amount of time, I’m not sure it really matters.
Where did you live at age five?
Here. Not this house, but this city. Or one close to it.
What kind of car did you have?  
I don’t know what my parents drove when I was five.
How was your home heated?
I don’t know... Furnace I think?
2%, 1% or skim milk?
We buy 2%, but I’ve been drinking almond milk.
Would you live in space if you could never come back to earth?
Probably not.
Would you rather always be in a crowd, or be the only person on earth?
Crowd if it means keeping my family.
What was your favorite decade? (50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, etc.)
90s were the best, duh.
Would you rather be rich, or famous? Why?  
Rich, of course. I wouldn’t like everyone knowing who I am probably.
•If you were God: _______________  
I would get rid of all illnesses.
•Do you squeeze the toothpaste from the top or the bottom?  
Top until it’s only in the bottom.
•If you could only have one thing on a deserted island what would it be?
At this point, my kids and husband. I would love to get away from this house and everyone else in it for a bit. Lol.
•Who was your first love? What age, grade, etc. First love?  
I was in middle school and had a huuuge crush on Chris for YEARS.
•Helmann’s or Miracle Whip?  
I don’t care. Depends what I’m eating too.
Describe your past week as a type of landscape or a weather forecast.  
Stormy. But it’s about to get worse because Monday I go back to work full time. D’:
•If you had the choice between an RV, a sports car, an SUV, or a bicycle, which would you choose and why?
SUV. I have kids so it makes the most sense.
•What kind of hat describes your personality?
•When you were in elementary school, what was your favorite activity at recess?
Tetherball. Lol.
•If you had to move out of this country, what country would you move to? Why?  
Canada makes the most sense to me. It seems like a decent country with good people.
•Coffee or Tea?
Coffee. In general, tea hurts my stomach.
•What is your favorite color?
Black. I also like blue.
•How many children do you want? Girls or boys?  
We have two - a boy and a girl. And I am content. :) I would love to be a foster parent though someday when we get our house to ourselves!
•Describe your ideal romantic date?  
Lately, I’ve really wanted to go on a picnic.
•Who is your best friend? Tell us about him/her.
I don’t know. I don’t talk to anyone these days. I guess Jade would be the closest. I tell her everything. She’s engaged to my brother and she is super fun and sweet most of the time.
•Have you ever been in love?  For how long?  How many times?  
For real, once. Been together over 11 years.
and If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
•If you had to lose one of your five senses, which one of them would you prefer to lose and why?
•Is there a story behind your name?  What is it?  
My first name is after a soap opera character, and my middle name is after one of my mom’s foster mom’s.
•What was one of the most fun things you and your college roommate did together?
I didn’t have a college roommate in the typical sense. Jacob and I lived together though and shared a room.
•If you could live anywhere for one year, all expenses paid, where would you live?
•What’s your favorite song to karaoke to?
Goodbye Earl by Dixie Chicks. It reminds me of my grandma because she loved when I did that one.
•When you were 6 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A country singer. Lol.
•If you had to paint the whole world only one color what would it be and why?  
Blue. I like blue.
What was the worst smell you have ever smelled?  
My kids when they are sick and have diarrhea.
What takes you out of your comfort zone?  
Phone calls. I hate them. Lol.
•If you were on the cover of a magazine, which one would it be and why?
None. Lol.
•If you could be laid to rest anywhere, where would it be?  Why?
I don’t know. Hopefully I have time to figure it out.
•Do you make your bed every morning or do you leave it unmade?  
Unmade. I don’t see the point in making it every day.
•What is your favorite video game?  
I love Mario Party, but I also had fun playing Call of Duty with Jacob, Jade, and Jon today.
•Name one thing that you couldn’t live without.  
My kids.
•Pool side or beach?
Either. :D
•When you are using the bathroom at someone else’s house, do you leave anything behind different than it was when you got there?
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duskywraith · 4 years
Unleashing the Beast
This is a written up tale of a friend’s recent DnD Experience. (Campaign Note: Due to a large amount of players, their party has split up to split the players amongst separate sessions – Currently a “stealth” group and a “non-stealth” group.)
Friend: ...yeah also last week was insane.
 Me: Oh yeah?
 F: Yeah, so, we have to get to the Drow city.
Our team is team stealth we've been split in two groups, and our only healers, technically, are me and a Drow cleric. We’re about half-way through our journey and we come across a 300ft cave with a lake inside… and an aboleth swimming inside it. It begins to talk to us telepathically and tells us we either capture the leader of the gnomes down the path to the right or we sacrifice one of us for freedom to pass, so, after much deliberation…
 M: You...considered the sacrifice? 😂😂
 F: …We choose to get the gnome's leader much to the disgruntlement of the gnome and past gnome in the party, we turn around to leave and get confronted by 14 intellect devourers. So, we kill them, but our cleric got beaten and we had to put the helm of intellect on her because she got  d  u  m  b. We take a rest, and off we go. We're ready, we're sorta preparing a plan, the Cleric casts pass without trace on the group and we begin our way into the deep gnome mining village.
 M: Sounds pretty solid so far
I can’t imagine anything going wrong here
 F: Our stealth isn’t the best in general you know with a hulking barbarian in the party, so the pass without trace defo helped. We make it through without quarrel and we hear:
“Mithril! Go take it to Krazak??”(not sure about the name can’t remember).
So, we follow the gnome into a large cavern and we are confronted by a large pile of gold and ores and shiny things huuuge in the cavern of this mountain, and upon it, a fucking black dragon!
 M: Oooooh no 😂 doesnt bode well
F: Realising that this is the leader we supposedly need to capture we're like:
“o   f   u   c”
You know how I mentioned stealth?
 M: For sure, for sure
 F: Yeah, we we're all perfectly hidden and fine… apart from the fucking gnome, who walks straight in and the dragon is like: “huh… a gnome from above ground, whomst this?”
The gnome’s like: “o god o fuck”
So, this big fat fucking dragon gets right up in the face of the gnome and is like: “What are you doing here?!”
Gnome: “We're just trying to pass through, we got lost”
Deception check…
Dragon: “Don’t humour me, I’m not stupid. Tell me why you’re here or I’ll straight up eat you!”
So, the gnome tells the dragon about the aboleth in the pond and how it wanted the leader of the gnomes.
Wisdom check
Result: 4 of us are now scared simply because of the aura of his dragon
and he’s like “Ah there’s more…”
 M: 😂😂 Go oooon
 F: The dragon then tells us: “Well see, I was brought here as a young dragon with my mother, to be protected, but the entrance was collapsed in… As I grew, I simply couldn’t get back out.”
Gnome suddenly says: “We can get you out of here!”
We're all like “Oh no”
Dragon is instantly interested, he hasn’t seen the sky in hundreds of years.
Dragon essentially says: “If you can get me out of here I won’t eat you”
It turns out the cleric can cast polymorph, so she says: “I can polymorph you into something smaller but we ask one thing of you…you kill the aboleth for us.”
The dragon really wants out of here so he’s like: “fine I’ll do it”
So she polymorphs him into a spider, puts him on his shoulder and the gnome the we followed guides us out.
We head back to the aboleths chamber, and we tell it: “We have brought you the leader of the gnomes”. The Cleric lets the spider walk forward enough and ends the polymorph.
Boom. Fat black dragon.
The aboleth is suddenly like trying to mind control this dragon (which it is way too smart for).
The dragon just laughs. It picks the aboleth up by the tail and essentially whacks it against every conceivable surface in the cavern before tossing it aside.
 M: Power moves in this house 😂😂
 F: the aboleth flops dead, obv
 M: obvs
 F: The dragon is like: “Take me above ground, NOW!”
We're like: “oh god oh fuck how we doing this?”
The gnome can teleport… but the child sorcerer decides to tell the dragon that the quickest way above ground is through the territory of the mind flayers… which is the way we are going… to a Drow city......
u n d e r g r o u n d .
The dragon believes her and starts stomping through the mind flayer territory killing them left right and centre. We just stop and realise what she’s done and we're thinking: “We need to stop that dragon because we are going in the same fucking direction… to not over ground”
 M: Why tf would they even try fuck the dragon around? 😂😂
 F: The gnome explains that if we can convince the dragon to come back, we can teleport it above ground if we have an item and a description of a place it has been, so she instantly runs after the dragon to convince it, leaving us 1 irl minute to decide what and where it’s going. One party member suggests my bow because we got it from a volcano in a timey wimey temple but I’m like “no thats fucking stupid the teleporter goes with the dragon” so I say “my boot was on the ship right?, the ship I met the group on?”
DM says yes
Meanwhile, while all this was happening, one of the mind flayers had come over and asked us why we had released a dragon in their territory. We explain, so they ask if we can get rid of it, offering safe passage through their territory in return (More incentive to do what we were already doing)
 M: 😂 Oddly civil of them
 F: So, she starts walking back with this dragon and I had over my boot the dragon says the girl is coming too. At this point the gnome, the sorcerer and the dragon are planning to go to the ship that I forgot got blown up and ripped apart. They take the boot and then *poof*.
 M: oh god 😂
 F: The DM starts to describe the trio poofing to the dock of Ashelok (which is the city that is still rebuilding from the red dragon we defeated there and the literal meteors that the green man bombed it with because he wanted these shards we we're collecting off us).
It was at this point that I realised…
I’ve just helped re-enslave an entire city to a black dragon. A city that we helped liberate from it’s previous Red Dragon ruler… that *we* saved them from.
Big heckin’ mistake
 M: Maybe.....maybe he was a nicer dragon 😂😂
 F: Well…
The black dragon instantly demands the towns wealth be transferred to him and announces himself leader of the town. The gnome and the sorcerer with him get put up in the best rooms in the tavern per the dragon's request.
The mind flayer that greeted us offers us some tea, which obviously I try and so does the barbarian. It's delicious! That is until I later find out its brain juice and I stop drinking it.
 M: 😂😂😂 Fucking hell, what a night
  F: The mind flayer shows us their city and their big brain, we learn a  little about their culture and how they’re actually quite civilised. They put us up for the night in a minimalist inn where we use a strange tube we acquired earlier to send notes and small things to the other group. I write the following note to them (Irl so the DM can hand them it):
‘We fucked up. I’m sorry, we may have caused a problem that we may have to fix later!
                                                                                             – love, team stealth '
 M: Lovely message, very foreboding.
I'm....very surprised the Mind Flayer didn’t kill you given that you were the cause of the whole dragon issue 😂
 F: only because we stopped more of them from being killed
 M: You still got a tonne killed in the first place though 😂😂
 F: As the morn comes and they’re able to teleport back to us again, the Mind Flayers give us a timer to leave before our truce ends. We say “Fair enough, we shall leave, thank you for having us, goodbye”
Then we end the session back at the meeting place and to the other two teleporting back with my boot.
Worst thing is we can’t tell the other group… they’re gonna receive the note when their part of the campaign commences
 M: 😂😂 When you meet back up, they'll have about 80 theories as to what you've done
 F: Yepp XD
 M: Damn… All that just because a grumpy fish wouldn’t let you pass
 F:  A big grumpy fish with telepathic powers
 M: This is the kinda shit you gotta put on tumblr, so I can later pin it to my DnD Pinterest boards *(Then I did it anyway because I’m impatient lul)*
 F: ikr XD
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jira-chii · 5 years
AF Alice Rank
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In the AF Alice rank, Sakura (who plays Alice) tries to revive her theatre group using a magic key.
This post also includes an unnecessarily long analysis of the theatre group series in general.
Shichirin (I really hope I am pronouncing this right), was a famous theatre group, renowned for doing plays of popular fairy tales, whose members all turned into tamashii when Lost happened. Sakura seeks out Chihiro, hoping she will lend her an artefact (AF) that will help her find the missing members.
As it so happens, the Magic Key was recently completed. This powerful AF has the ability to transport its user anywhere they can visualise, by bending the space around them and creating a “door” which is basically a teleportation portal. However it requires a tremendous amount of willpower to control, and, as a tamashii has never used an AF until now, Chihiro has justifiable concerns.
But a Magic Key sounds perfect for a girl who plays Alice, and Sakura assures her she will be able to control it.
Ofc she doesn't, as Takuya and Yuki find out when they are asked to investigate a tamashii that has gone berserk.
Throughout the quest, we see various flashbacks of Alice with the rest of Shichirin, emphasizing how much she loves being in the group, and everyone in it. First, Kanzou (who plays Captain Hook), remarks that she will probably be good enough to replace him as the face of the theatre group soon. Then, Sakura stays back after normal hours to practise more after receiving some advice she got from Kuroe (who plays Tinkerbell). Her enthusiasm cause the other members to also stay back: Yoshiki (Playing Card) and Chizu (Queen of Hearts).
It's very obvious Alice loves the group and that's why she wants to revive them. But just the act of wanting isn't enough. As Chihiro explains when she catches up to us, Sakura’s image of where she wants to go is not strong enough; to make the key obey, Sakura needs to think about not just the act of reviving the group, but also what she wants to do afterward (seems very similar to the predicament of another character in main story). Essentially, the key needs her to have a clear vision of the future in order to behave.
Chihiro also informs us Sakura was close to another actress named Kaede, and apparently they made a promise just before Lost happened. It’s likely to be a clue to making the key behave, but it looks like Sakura has forgotten about the promise after the shock of turning into a tamashii.
We actually did see Kaede in one of the flashbacks. Kanzou didn't want Sakura practising when she should have been taking a break like the others, but he also wanted to acknowledge the work she was putting into her role. So he gives her tickets to see a different production of Alice in Wonderland, by a theatre group called Futaba.
Kaede is the actress of this other Alice. She sees Sakura practising late at night and decides to join her. Sakura praises her for her performance, but Kaede has doubts about her acting, something Sakura can relate to. They decide to practice together.
One day Kaede asks Sakura what she would do if her group hypothetically dissolves. Unlike Shichirin, Futaba is a small theatre group and so such a possibility is always looming over them. After some thinking, Alice replies with “I’ll revive them”, and Kaede agrees she would have given a similar answer. To both Alices, their theatre groups are like family: warm, fun and full of the people they love.
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Kaede remarks that every time Sakura talks about Shichirin her eyes light up.
Kaede then says she’d like to see Sakura’s ultimate performance of Alice some day. Sakura makes a promise then and there that she will show Kaede her best Alice performance, as well as her beloved theatre family.
Sakura remembers the promise after some prompting from Yuki.
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"That’s right, I made a promise! I can’t stop here!"
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She gets the key to work, and awakens it by using it on us. Then she heads off to revive Shichirin.
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"After I revive Shichirin, you guys should come watch our performance too!"
In the epilogue Chihiro apologises to Kirihiko. She had no idea the key would go crazy like that, although Kirihiko says Sakura’s will was actually quite powerful and she was able to contain the chaos very well.
Also, we get a hint that Kirihiko might know something more about the Shichirin tamashii?
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"So, it’s the Shichirin theatre group. As expected of a member of the workshop I scouted out myself, you’ve selected a great tamashii."
Much Thinking about Nothing
On the topic of this quest, I’d like to take this chance to talk a bit (sorry I actually mean, a lot) about the theatre group in general, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. Because I feel these series of quests subtly shows just how clever the writers of this game are.
The theatre group Shichirin, comprised of a bunch of actors and actresses in costume, is one of the more distinguishable set of characters in Shoumetsu Toshi. They were a famous group, reknowned for their engaging plays. But they were bought out by the circus group Anglermain (sorry if I spelt that wrong)  and were involved in Lost shortly after that.
Prior to this rank, the only way you would know anything about them is through their advents (a rotating set of quests that are available to almost all players. There are two types: ones that give evolution materials, and ones that give you the tamashii. Shichirin advents are the latter).
Overall the main gist of the series is: Yuki and Takuya are investigating the theatre members to figure out what their last performance was going to be on before Lost. Was it Peter Pan? Or was it Alice in Wonderland? (who really cares tbh. Also they never find out.)
The Shichirin advents have a unique structure:
Sakura has a weird conversation with one of the NPC characters (like Geek or Researcher). She is actually just reciting her lines as Alice but they think she is actually talking to them for real.
Gameplay bit. Takuya and Yuki search for one of the members of Shichirin, and then fight them.
After defeating them, we see a flashback of them talking to Sakura off-stage. It hints at internal politics but as it’s “adult’s business” they tend to leave Sakura out of it.
I’m gonna give my thoughts on each of these, and then relate what we know back to the ranking.
1. Sakura’s convos as Alice are meta af
As mentioned, Shichirin advents begin with NPCs like Geek and Headhunter mistaking Sakura reciting her lines as Alice for actual conversation. The surreal miscommunication can insult, intrigue, confuse and bring new perspectives to them, highlighting the bizarre meta nature of storytelling, dialogue and words in general. Are Alice’s lines just gibberish? Or do they contain a more profound hidden meaning?
The interaction is multilayered, and can be viewed in many ways. First is the interaction between a “child” and an “adult”. For example, Scientist/Eiji dismisses her as a child for who a great scientist like him has no time for. But then she poses the question (or rather, recites her line): How is a dog and table similar? Scientist has something like an epiphany: “Wow I had never considered a perspective like that.” Then ironically when Sakura leaves he wants to chase after her to spend more time probing deeper into her mind.
The other example I like is Headhunter interpreting her words as accusing him of being greedy, which is really more a reflection about how he thinks of himself than anything else. Here we see a parallel between the “innocent” child who knows nothing of the real world, and the jaded adult who knows he is flawed, but also knows there is nothing he can do about it. In fact, Sakura’s innocence is also a key theme in the story of the theatre group, but I’ll come back to that.
Sakura is just an actress, so her lines actually don’t mean anything. But to her audience, they can get many different interpretations depending on their own personal context. It’s very similar to the nature of theatre and storytelling in general. Anyway, it’s all incredibly meta which is why I love it so much (for those who care, my favourite Shakespeare play is Hamlet for the same reason).
The other little thing I appreciate about this beginning section of each of quest is how Sakura’s lines suggest a nickname for everyone. E.g. Geek is Humpty Dumpty and Researcher/Yumiko is Caterpillar (for which she takes huuuge offense). There is probably a deeper meaning to these too, but again, different people will have different interpretations. That’s just the beauty of theatre.
Speaking of different nicknames, let’s talk about the actual tamashii themselves.
2. Every cast member has two names
Shichirin tamashii take on the name of their role (e.g. Tinkerbell, Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook. This also applies to Sakura/Alice, who isn’t even an advent tamashii). The first time we meet them in the advents, they are in costume and behaving just like the character they are acting as. It really is just like interacting with the actual character from the fairytale. It is also a good indication of how passionate they are toward acting, to have their tamashii show forms like that.
So it feels like a very abrupt change when, in the flashbacks at the end of the quest, we see them using their real names (which, until now, we've never seen used anywhere else). Sometimes their personality completely changes too (just like real actors). Thus, there is a clear distinction between what happens “on-stage”, and “off-stage”.
This ranking quest capitalises on that by almost exclusively using everyone’s real names. And this really highlights that these are actual people with authentic interactions. Maybe it is because they behave so differently from when they are on-stage, that their relationships seem so genuine. It gives the feeling of watching a “behind-the-scenes” of a movie or something. And by only seeing things through Sakura’s viewpoint, we get the sense that this is a very close-knit family, without even seeing any of their faces.
3. Something foul is at play within Shichirin
Sakura’s feelings for her fellow cast members, her family, are definitely genuine. However there is a lot she doesn’t know about the happenings off-stage, hinted at in the advents. The overly positive way she announces she will “revive Shichirin” at the end of the ranking also does not bode well.
In the advents, Sakura is treated like an innocent child who knows nothing about the true world of adults. Which I guess by proxy means we don’t really know what’s going on either. There’s something about “taking sides” (Alice in Wonderland vs Peter Pan?), the possible dissolution of the group, and, by far the most interesting, the eventual sale of the group to the circus group (and front for the organisation) Anglermain.
Kirihiko’s words at the end of rank seem to be foreshadowing that we may learn more about Shichirin in the future.
Lastly, can I just say I’m really glad they finally explained Kaede, because having two tamashii called Alice had me confused for so long.
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vb-news-24 · 3 years
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