#and when the older women in your life tells you something is a bad idea... run. run as fast as you can. they are trying to protect you.
dystychiphxbia · 6 months
☆ - it has always been you | haitani rindou
me, writing for something other than blue lock? wow!
rindou is shy with women, idc what you think
wc: 3k, not proofread, fem!reader
You've been friends with the infamous Haitani brothers for as long as you can remember.
At this point, you weren't sure how you guys met. You were the same age as Ran, so chances were you met in kindergarten. Maybe you just saw them one day, and decided that they would be your friends. You thought that it really didn't matter anymore at this point.
You were a ''good girl'', like your parents always called you. Kind-hearted, a model student, always helping out those in need. Even if Ran and Rindou did all kinds of things you didn't even want to know about, you weren't influenced. Despite considering them your best friends, you made sure to keep a certain level of distance. And they respected that, even though they were always so happy to tell you about how their fights went.
When your best friends landed themselves in juvie, you chewed them out for it. You were disappointed, to say the least. But you saw that something in them had changed. There was something foreign, that you had to stay away from.
Living in Roppongi, you constantly heard stories of the gangs Ran and Rindou lead, and the crimes they did. People would call them charismatic, but you just thought they were stupid. You just couldn't wrap your head around it. What was so great about that kind of life?
When the three of you were together, you saw a side of them not many people got to see. They were brothers, so they were constantly at each other's throats for whatever reason, but then minutes later they would be laughing at something stupid. 
For the most part, they were gentle with you. You knew that you are important to them, they cared about you just as much as you did about them. But more often than not, they would gang up together to make fun of you whenever you made a small mistake, or said something silly. Even if it annoyed you, it just showed how comfortable they were with you.
Countless times you would hear rocks thrown at your window at unholy hours. There were always two possibilities; One, they wanted to take you along on whatever silly idea they had. Two, they had been in a fight and wanted you to patch them up. You were glad to do that, of course, but every time you made sure to scold them. They would apologize, but you knew they didn't truly mean it. 
Your parents disliked the infamous duo. They always told you to stay away from them, and that they were a bad influence. Sure, they weren't wrong, but you always reminded them of how well you did in school, and they left it at that. Sometimes the two would visit and actually come in through the front door instead of the window. They would make sure to be polite with your parents, even if they already knew that their image couldn't be saved.
''He wouldn't speak, so I broke his fingers one by one-'' ''Jesus, Rindou, I don't want to hear the rest. You are too sadistic.'' You complained to the blonde who was sitting in front of your bed. You were laying on your stomach on your bed, facing him, while Ran had taken up the rest of your bed, already dozing off. He even claimed your pillow and blanket.
Rindou's grin dropped at your words, and he muttered a small 'sorry'. ''You just go a bit overboard sometimes, you aren't a yakuza.'' You gave him a reassuring smile. Before you got to continue, you felt Ran move around next to you, and you turned to look at him. ''Slept well, sleeping beauty?'' You smirked at him, and he gave you a quick glare. ''Would've slept well if you two didn't blabber so much. My bed may be the best, but yours is definitely number two.'' His arm lazily snaked around you, and he pulled you closer to him. 
Physical touch with either of them was something you were used to, but Ran was always the one to be more touchy. Rindou would sometimes flinch from your hands touching, while his older brother had no problems hugging or cuddling with you. Right now he was holding you so tightly that you could barely breathe.
''rin...dou help.'' You desperately extended your arm towards the blonde, who just shrugged. Feeling heartbroken and defeated, you accepted your fate. Unbeknownst to you, Ran was currently smirking at his brother, who tried to avert his gaze. The two could speak sentences without saying a word, so there was a lot of things you didn't know.
Like the fact that Rindou has had a crush on you for a long time. 
And Ran knew about it.
Ran would always push his brother towards confessing, but Rindou was just too shy. Part of him didn't want to drag you more into the messes he got himself in. In addition to that, he was greatly afraid of you rejecting him. Would you even look at him the same after? Would he ruin the comfortable friendship you had with the two of them?
When Rindou wouldn't make a move, Ran took matters into his own hands. He would try to make his brother jealous. That was the only way, he thought.
Ran would get you flowers for no reason, buy you your favorite snacks, and be extra touchy with you. Of course he didn't do any of that just because he felt like he had to for his brother's sake. He would never tell his brother this, but there was a part of him that wanted to be the one by your side. However when his younger brother came to him one evening asking for advice, he had decided to push those feelings away.
But Rindou, he did see the genuineness in his brother's actions. And in his eyes, he saw how you would smile so brightly at his brother, your eyes always lighting up. He wondered if he ever even stood a chance.
Could you really love a hoodlum like him?
''Ouch!'' Rindou was shaken from his thoughts by your voice. You were currently pushing Ran away from you, and he was full on laughing. ''Did you see that, Rindou? He bit me!'' You exclaimed while Ran continued to laugh. Rindou gave his brother a glare and finally got up. He took a hold of your arm, pushing his brother lightly while pulling you towards himself. Your back leaned against him with his hands being on your shoulder, while you glared at Ran.
''You monster.'' You pouted at him. ''Bet you are into that.'' The older brother stopped laughing to wink at you. ''Perv.'' Rindou spoke up. His hand pushed your hair out of the way and he looked at the mark that his brother had put on you. Was he officially claiming you as his?
The rest of that day went rather peacefully, with you clinging into Rindou while sending glares to Ran. The whole time Ran had a huge shit-eating grin on his face, which pissed you off even more. So in the end, you just completely ignored the older brother, and just focused on Rindou.
''Rindou. Let's go home, I'm tired.'' You eventually heard Ran complain. That guy had taken a total of three naps throughout their visit, and he was still tired? Rindou sighed, but got up from the spot he was sitting in, ''Fine.'' Feeling a bit disheartened at their quick decision to leave, you still followed them downstairs. Your father sent you a glare from the living room, pointing at the clock that said 10 pm. Not even that late, considering it was summer vacation.
You closed to door behind you, giving the duo in front of you a small smile. ''Come visit again whenever you want.'' You told them. ''Next time we are visiting through the window, your father always gets so angry when we come by.'' Ran chuckled. ''Just ignore him.'' You answered, quickly stepping in to give him a hug. That's something you had been doing since you were children. Eventually Rindou had stopped accepting your hugs, and you had stopped offering them. This time, though, something told you to open up your arms at him. For some reason, he accepted.
That hug felt different, in a way. It didn't last long, but you felt like it had more meaning to it than just a simple 'goodbye'. 
Rindou quickly pulled away, and with one quick glance at his brother, he started walking away. Ran gave you a wave, before following his younger brother. You watched them walk away, your heart beating a bit faster than usual.
At the same time, Rindou was glaring at his brother, more than usual. ''What?'' Ran smirked at him. ''You got a hug out of it, you always complain about how she no longer even tries to give you one.'' ''No need to bite her, though.'' ''You didn't care when she was basically being suffocated. That probably broke her heart.'' Ran held his hand over his heart. ''You are so dramatic.'' Rindou sighed, rolling his eyes. Ran answered with a laugh.
''But seriously, Rindou.'' Ran spoke up again, his tone now serious. ''You need to make a move. She won't know about your feelings if you don't tell her.'' ''You sound so serious, as if you have any more experience than me.'' Rindou answered with a sarcastic tone. ''Maybe not with serious relationships, but at least I get laid more often.'' 
Rindou sighed in frustration. 
The next day, you decided to go out. Just to have some time for yourself. Maybe to possibly run into a wild Ran or Rindou.
Instead, you ran into something you have been trying to avoid. 
''Is this really her? The little missy seen with the Haitani brothers?''
You were surrounded by maybe 7 guys, who were whispering to each other. It wasn't your first time. Rumors spread fast, and at least everyone in Roppongi knew that you were friends with the brothers. It attracted some unwanted attention. There were occasions where you would get harassed by complete strangers. They usually wanted to use you against the Haitanis, but there was a thing they didn't know.
You knew how to fight.
Of course Ran and Rindou taught you some things. Ways to get out of situations like these. Usually, you would try to talk yourself out of them. Rarely it worked. You wanted to call yourself a pacifist, but these idiots around you made it so difficult.
''Hey. What are you to the Haitanis?'' A man spoke up, who you assumed to be the leader. He was nothing compared to Ran and Rindou, you thought. A classic musclehead with no charisma.
''What's it to you? You gonna pay me for the information?'' You asked sarcastically, eyeing the men around you. You knew you couldn't win against all 7 of them, you weren't that strong. You also noticed that some of them had weapons, such as pipes, and you knew there was a chance that at least one of them carried a knife. You had a knife as well, but you only used that in extreme situations.
''Did ya hear that? The bitch can speak.''
Your eyes narrowed. More often than not you would piss off the person bothering you, and would get called a bitch, or a whore. It's like none of these men knew how to talk to women.
''Have some fucking respect.'' You spat, now walking towards him. ''I don't care what kind of beef you have with Ran and Rindou, but it has nothing to do with me.'' Before you could even realize what was happening, the man's fist made contact with your cheek. The force made you fumble, but you stayed up.
''How about you have some respect, huh?! Do you even know who I am?!'' ''Honestly? No. And I couldn't care less.''
You had one thing that always worked in your favor. The element of surprise.
You wasted no time and kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, doubling over from the impact. With everyone else now surprised and caught off guard, you bolted.
They didn't follow you for long, or maybe it's better to say that you were just too fast. Slowly calming down from the adrenaline rush, you spotted a familiar park. You used to play there with Ran and Rindou as children, and you still occasionally visited it.
And there you saw Rindou, with a bottle in his hand.
Shaking your head lightly, you walked up to him. ''Drinking with the homeless again?'' You asked, placing a hand on your hip. He was in the middle of taking a sip, and your voice startled him, causing him to cough uncontrollably. ''N-not many homeless around here.'' He gazed at the playground filled with children that was some distance away. ''I don't think drinking near children is any better.'' You sat down next to him.
It took him a while, but eventually he looked at you. Quickly putting the bottle on the ground, he used his hand to turn you towards him. ''Who hurt you?'' He asked, eyes glued to the red mark on your cheek.
''Oh this? Some thug, I don't know. Kicked him in the stomach and ran away.'' You shrugged. Rindou's gaze softened. ''Should've kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.'' A small smile made its way to his lips, before his expression turned serious again. ''But for real, (Y/n). What did he look like? I won't let him get away with this.''
''You don't need to do that.'' You smiled softly at him, getting lost in his violet eyes. 
''No, (Y/n). I do. I won't let anyone hurt my- uh, our-, uh our friend.'' He trailed off, mentally face palming at himself. Real smooth, Rindou.
You let out a laugh, making Rindou's face flush out a light shade of pink. He was embarrassed, but there was something about your laugh that made him feel things he couldn't explain. No one else had ever made him feel this way, when he was with you, nothing else mattered. Time didn't pass and he felt so light. There was nothing he could worry about. You were so beautiful, no one else compared. Your laugh was like music to his ears.
''Rin? You are staring.'' You snapped him back to reality.
''Oh, sorry.'' 
''No need to apologize. Stare all you want.''
Rindou was caught off guard, raising his brow in confusion. ''Excuse me?''
''Sorry. That was weird.''
''No need to apologize. Be weird all you want.''
A silence, which was soon followed by laughter.
Moments like this, Rindou wished they could last forever. But they never did. Eventually you would get interrupted by his brother. 
''Hey, Rindou?" "Yeah?" You stayed silent for a while, suddenly feeling nervous. You wondered if you really wanted to go through with this.
You were afraid. Afraid of what he would say, afraid of what would happen after. Afraid of change, and the unknown.
"I...there's someone I like."
Rindou's world came crashing down. This was it. He had lost.
"Y-yeah? Who is it?" His voice was breaking.
You took his hand in yours. "He's someone very close to me...Strong and charismatic..." You studied his calloused hands.
'fuck it's ran.'
"I...like you, Rindou."
"Huh? What?" He blurted out. A bit taken aback, you let his hand go. Rindou looked at you, looking for any hints of sarcasm or deception. He found none.
When he didn't answer, your defences went up. "Y-you don't need to say anything. I don't know why I said that, really. It just...came out. Felt right, I guess...I-" You kept going until Rindou stopped you.
''Wait. I thought you liked Ran.''
Your brows furrowed in confusion. ''Why would I like him? He's a great friend sure but I'm not into him that way.''
Rindou blinked once. Twice. His face showed a hint of joy, and then again confusion. "But you are so touchy with him." "Yeah? I've always been touchy. You just stopped accepting my hugs." "...Fair enough."
Still, he couldn't believe that you would actually like him. It was something he had dreamt of, but he had never actually believed it to be true.
"Seriously, Rindou. Just reject me so I can move on." You hung your head low, not wanting to look at him. You thought you knew what was coming.
Instead, you felt Rindou's hand lift your chin, and his lips on yours. Before you could even react, they were already gone. You now looked at him, meeting his violet eyes once again. They were filled with determination.
"(Y/n). I love you."
Your eyes widened in surprise.
Such a strong word.
You knew Rindou wasn't the type to just throw the word 'love' around. There was meaning to it.
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" You asked quietly. "I was...afraid. I didn't want to ruin anything between us."
The exact same thing applied to you. You felt silly for overthinking his actions so much. Each and every time he had rejected your touch, your heart broke. You thought that maybe you did something wrong, maybe you made him angry.
But Rindou is shy.
"Isn't there something that you are supposed to ask me?"
"Do I have to?"
"Of course you do."
Now Rindou took your hand in his. "(Y/n)...will you be my girlfriend?"
You stayed silent for a bit, pretending to think about it.
"Don't play with me like that, love." Rindou sighed in relief. He put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
You rest your head on his shoulder, now gazing at the playground you had already forgotten about. Was it too early to start thinking about mini Rindous running around?
Rindou felt like he was on cloud nine. You two were silent, but it was a comfortable silence. He still had a lot to learn, a lot to experience. But he was happy to do all that with you by his side.
He would probably enjoy the moment way more, if he didn't see his idiot brother hiding in the bushes giving him a thumbs up.
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
Headcanons: Kengan Men Falling in Love with you / Confessing
P.S. Gaolangs' is a little long I know...sorrryyyy
Ohma Tokita
• Had no idea what the hell love was. He's rarely experienced attraction, but love ?
• Meets you, immediately gets a smile on his face because he appeared behind you and saw how cute you looked when you got startled by him.
• You were working for Kazuo when you two met. Right before the Annihilation tournament.
• At first, he'd be the one teasing you because of how jittery you were around him. But that changed as soon as you got to know him.
• Ohma was a good looking, strong willed, yet thoughtful man. You admired him with all his flaws included. You fell in love when you two accidentally made eyecontact after he had one a fight. He gave you a smirk and all you could do was feel the heat rise to your face.
• What's this? His heart beats faster when he's near you, he wants to be with you 24/7. Can see a future with you?
• Kazuo tells him it's love.
• Yup it's love.
• Niko, a passionate lover of women, failed to elaborate what love was to him. So he goes to Kazuo for answers.
• Is very conflicted on what to do. He doesn't want to picture a life without you, but also confused about what you think of him.
• He confesses first, albeit in his own unique way. Aka you and him were teasing eachother and he accidentally admits that he wants a future with you.
• You, feeling the same way, ask him to close his eyes. He obliged, and you took that chance to kiss his bruised cheek. Also admitting that you felt the same way
• Never been happier in his life. Now its his turn.
• "Can I do something?" You nod. He pulls you in by your waist and kisses your lips as best as he can.
• Not bad for his first kiss, not bad at all.
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• Love at first sight kinda guy. Can't help it
• Sees you and is immediately head over heels, face first in the ground, on his knees pleading in love with you
• One sided, you hardly know this dude and are taken aback by his strong advances.
• He doesn't give up on you, takes every chance to flirt ask you out, compliment you
• He eventually notices that he's not as attracted to other women anymore, seems like he's got his sights set on you.
• You can't help but also fall in love with him after a while. He's such a dork. Always excited to see you, always thinking of you. You can't help but sigh and accept your feelings
• You see him change his approach to flirting, instead of coming off strong he comes off more sincere.
• You accept when he asks you out on a date
• End of the date. It seems he's planned this whole thing out very thoughtfully. You had a genuinely good time and felt your heart skip a beat when he looks at you with a smile
• He confesses first, but he knows what he's doing this time. Holding your hand with a blush on his face, he lists everything he admires about you.
• You interrupt him, ready to cry at how well that pulled on your heart strings. You confess as well.
• There's a moment of soft silence between the both of you.
• He picks you up and spins you around while joyously laughing. You hug him back as he spins you. Nothing in your life ever felt quite as right as this.
Raian Kure
• Enemies/Rivals to Lovers.
• You were a family friend of the Kures and Erioh had offered to train you. Both you and Raian were in your mid-teens
• You two couldn't STAND eachother. Constant bickering over who was the better fighter. He threw insults and you threw them back
• Sometimes your insults were so good they impressed him. He caught himself smiling sometimes when you two had a screaming match. Damn, you were good.
• You developed feelings first, maybe a year after you two met.
• As you two got older, Erioh saw the bond between you and hounded Raian to make you his S/O.
• Erioh made him realize his feelings.
• Raian got noticeably more protective of you while also getting on your nerves. It confused you at first.
• The whole family knew about your dynamic with Raian at this point, even Karura supported you guys getting together
• After several years, you two were adults and STILL weren't together
• As you two were bickering while sparring as per usual, one thing lead to another and-
• "I love you, you fucking idiot" "I love you too you shit sniffing douchebag"
• You had him pinned down, both panting as you finished your thoughts to eachother. Starring at eachother while sweating
• Grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips onto yours. One kiss turned into a rough makeout session, the two of you fighting for who got to be on top. It lasted an hour before the both of you said anything to eachother. Afterall, you guys had years of romantic tension.
• With his lips swollen, neck covered in bite marks, he gives you a teethy smile. "About fuckin' time we said something, huh?"
Gaolang Wongsawat
• You write and run an extremely popular article/blog about the latest and greatest fights and fighters.
• You're well respected among the community, let's say that.
• You hear about the Thai God of War, it piqued your interest so you book a flight to Thailand to see the heavy weight boxing championship.
• King Rama spots and instantly recognizes you. Calls one of the security guards to bring you over to the Royal Suite viewing area.
• Wants you to meet Gaolang and exchange numbers so you can write an article about him. Something about it bringing more tourists. I mean, that was your plan in the first place.
• After the fight is over, King Rama escorts you to the locker room. And there he is, sitting on a bench with a towel over his shoulders. Sweating, but not harmed like his opponent. You have to tell yourself not to stare too much.
• King Rama introduces you, Gaolang nods and agrees to meeting up at the palace so you can interview his properly. Long story short, you have his number now.
• A day after, you and him stroll in the royal gardens. You scribble things down in your notepad about him, but half of the time you're admiring how handsome he looks.
• Of course you catch feelings first.
• His voice makes you weak in the knees, and the way he says your name makes you wanna turn into a puddle.
• The interview was a success, the two of you say your goodbyes.
• You text him a thank you, and he responds with "It was a lovely experience chatting with you. I hope to read your article soon". Major butterflies as you slide down in you plane seat.
• Another texts appears as soon as you land- " Will you coming back to Thailand for any other fights? "
• Is this what you thought it was? You responded with a "maybe, it depends"
• Things escalated from there, weeks later you've booked another flight back to Thailand to see him fight again. And then again just to see him. Soon he was paying for your flights. You stayed for weeks on end.
• It started more as a fling, he felt attracted to you the more you texted him.
• He is a certified yearner. Every second you weren't around he was thinking about you.
• It was your last day in Thailand before heading back. He had taken you to a private beach to spend the remainder of your time together. You both were in the water as the sun set in the distance.
• He held you up against him while your legs wrapped around his hips. Holding onto your thighs tightly while your arms were secured around his neck.
• "You mean everything, stay here with me. I don't think I can bear the thought of you leaving again" he mumbled into your lips breathlessly.
Yoroizuka Saw Paing
• You are an aspiring artist looking to explore the villages in Japan. Hoping to capture the essence of them and learn their cultures.
• You heard of The Village of Dawn in Kyushu, and ventured out into the mountains.
• You found it with the power of sheer will, it was actually pretty easy since you started to hear something like battle cries coming from within the forest.
• The people were quick to accept you, they honored your cause and learning the culture. The Chief lead you around, showing you various traditions.
• "SHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" A voice boomed, almost shaking you off your feet. The Chief chases after you as you go off in the direction of the voice
• There he was, harshly swinging his head into plates of pure stone. You had never seen anything quite like it. The Chief introduces him as Yoroizuka Saw Paing, the villages' representative fighter.
• Saw Paing turns around with an unyielding smile, and a big red spot where he'd headbutt. You knew from the start that he'd most likely be the subject of your painting.
• He is overjoyed to see a person from the outside care about his village and people. Thinks what you're doing is awesome.
• You eventually get used to his loud voice and personality as you follow him around, sketching his various poses and facial features.
• He catches feelings first. He's never gotten this much attention from a someone before.
• "Hey (Reader) watch this!" "(Reader) look what I can do!" Saw really likes showing off for you, like a lot.
• Keeps you in the back of his mind when training, and it only makes him smile more.
• He is so dumb, but so lovable. Just thinking about his big dumbness in general makes you kick your feet and squeal into a pillow
• It's the day of one of his fights, he vows to fight for his village and for you.
• He hears you cheering him on, and that only fires him up more.
• Of course he wins. He leaps out of the ring and runs straight to you, sweeping you off your feet. Infront of the whole crowd, he kisses your lips with a fiery passion of what was to be expected of the strongest Lethwei fighter the world had seen.
Kanoh Agito
• Has never experienced attraction or love for anybody or anything (besides hot baths)
• Katahara Metsudo hired you as a body guard, that's when he met you. It was rare for him to hire bodyguards, as that wasn't his usual way of finding protection.
• Didn't think much of you at first, like he did with all the other people he meets unless they impress him in some way.
• If you're a woman, he'd expect you to be more 'fragile'. He hasn't really seen a female fighter before.
• Either way, you unknowingly prove yourself to him by saving Sayaka from assailants. Your moves were swift and precise, and you were able to defeat them without leaving a huge mess.
• Not only that, but you showed no fear when it came to him. The other body guards remained wary and cautious around him, while you didnt seem to care.
• You treated him like a human. Which was new coming from someone he didn't consider family.
• As a man of few words, he felt like he could have real conversations with someone. He opens up about his past, like the human Gu ritual.
• He gets his first hug ever from you. And he, awkwardly, tries to return it.
• For a few days, he thinks about what happened between the two of you. He tells Metsudo about how he feels around you. Metsudo laughs "Well then, tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• He avoids you for a while, which leaves you a bit conflicted and hurt because you really did care about him.
• He finally pulls you aside and repeats what he said to Metsudo. "I have a...strong regard for you"
• You laugh and he gets confused. "So you're saying you love me then?" You tilt your head.
• Love. That's the word. Love. He nods while humming. You smile at him, you never really considered him as a love interest. But that could definitely change. "Then say it, say it with no fear. There's nothing holding you back"
• Now that he had the words, he breathed deeply and looked you in the eyes. "I...love you"
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• The two of you met at the training gym most Kengan fighters frequented. You were new so he kept a close eye on you.
• You asked him for a spot on the squat rack, which he happily obliged. You were clearly experienced and didn't seem to need a spot with how easily you lifted without failing.
• From then on, it was small conversations here and there. Small greetings then going on with training.
• He garnered a very small crush because of how dedicated you were to coming and working on yourself.
• Honestly, he started getting distracted. Even when he was bench pressing 1000 pounds he zoned out while looking at you.
• Dropped a weight on Okubos foot while watching you practice striking a punching bag.
• He wanted to get to know you more, so he asked for you to be his part time Gym buddy. Of course he couldn't replace Okubo, he'd be heart broken.
• You couldn't keep up with him when it came to weights, but he could definitely jog with you and teach techniques when it came to fighting.
• Lihito and Okubo watch him closely as his usual mature and tough personality clearly was absent when he was with you. "You leaving us bro?" "Don't tell us you're in love!"
• Wakatsuki didn't care what the others thought. No one had ever made him feel this way, especially at his age.
• Asks you out on a date. You had such a deep admiration of him, so you accept. You could definitely see yourself with him.
• One date lead to another, then another, then another. People thought you were official, but nothing had ever been said between you two about becoming a thing.
• He was so nervous, way more nervous then when a fight was about to start. He almost sweat through his nice dress shirt while you sat accross from him, talking about whatever. Today was the day he wanted to ask you the question.
• He'd completely crushed and bent the silverware in his grip like it was tin.
• Quite literally shaking, he loosened his collar and bit the bullet. "I knew from the first day I saw you that I couldn't love anyone else the way I love you" he swallowed. "Please, be mine"
• Your heart lept out of your chest. His golden-brown eyes looking into yours, pleading for a response.
• "Of course I will" You placed your hand on his.
• His shoulders visibly untensed. He took your hand in a gentle hold and kissed your knuckles repeatedly, his way of thanking you.
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ivymarquis · 11 months
Blind Date
Me: “why the fuck is this fic taking so long to finish?”
The fic: *is the longest singular piece I’ve ever written for one chapter*
Pairing| John Price x F!Single Mom!Reader Rating| M Word Count| 8.4k Kinks/Content/Warnings| Drinking (everyone is clear headed), run ins with a shitty ex, mentions of abuse from prior relationship, these two are incredibly down bad for each other, oral (m! and f!receiving), protected piv, squirting
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There is a certain catharsis in lamenting your dating horror stories with men to a married lesbian who’s over a decade older than you. Kate is always willing to lend an ear, and you’re positive that she gets a kick out of your misadventures in the way so many married people did while listening to their single friends.
“I swear I’m this close to just giving up all together and embracing spinsterhood,” you grouse with a drink in your hand after the work day had concluded.
You like to think your standards aren’t unreasonable. Someone kind, with their head on straight. It felt like finding a man who respects you as a person is becoming too big an ask and you very simply would rather be alone than deal with the endless hoard of men who seem hell bent on destroying any confidence you have in yourself.
“What about the guy you went out with yesterday?” Kate inquires with her head tilted. Must be fun, listening to your ramblings with a devoted partner at home.
“Oh did I not tell you? He was engaged!”
Kate pulls a face like her drink soured on her, matching how you’d felt at the time.
“Even better- guess how I found out he’s engaged.”
“She showed up at the restaurant?” Kate hits the nail on the head on the first try.
“Bingo,” you raise your glass in a gesture of affirmation before finishing it off. “Somehow I ended up being the one getting yelled at in that situation. Un-friggin-believable.”
You don’t abuse your work privileges to creep on people you meet in your personal life, but public record could have spared you if he’d been married. Harder to find out about an engagement from a total stranger who was determined to not let you find out about it and didn’t have social media.
“There’s always the other side,” Kate teases.
“Women scare me too much, I get all nervous.” You could appreciate an attractive woman as much as the next gal but good God you just could not help yourself when it came to men. The subtle way their breathing would change before they made their move, that low timber growling in your ear. The sheer weight of one on top of you as he manhandled you into the bedding-
Dear Lord, you need to get laid. Maybe you’re fixating on it too much because you’ve had an over 2 year dry spell. That tends to happen after a baby though. Especially with a pain in the ass ex who thinks he can pick and choose when to be around (and becomes absolutely incensed each time you remind him he could be consistent or he could stay home).
Kate is thoughtful for a moment, clearly kicking around an idea she hasn’t fully committed to in one direction or another. You can see the moment she decides to proceed with the thought. “Depending on what exactly you’re looking for, I might know someone.”
And here you are on a Saturday night, nerves clawing at your belly like a rabid dog.
Most (well, all) of the men you’ve dated you met online. There’s almost additional butterflies beyond the first-meet jitters knowing that the date is set up by a mutual friend.
There’s more at stake, even if the stakes are relatively low pressure. If the guys you met online did something incredibly out of pocket you never had to see them again, and held no qualms divulging the events to friends. Your romantic life has been full of misadventures but has given you a handful of stories, and as strangers you never have to consider any possible fallout in telling those stories.
Your son is with your mother for the night, allowing you the opportunity to focus solely on yourself this evening. No concern about keeping an eye on him while getting ready, worrying about what possible trouble he’ll get into when your back is turned.
It is hard at times- striking that balance between wanting to be a good mom and also wanting to be acknowledged as a desirable woman who has needs. A lot of men are shitty about it. You’d grilled Kate for every detail of his reaction when being informed of your young son. You don’t need another ambush regarding your disinterest in making it work with your son’s father.
She’d soothed your nerves- he hadn’t batted an eye, was about as worried about your reaction to how often his job pulled him away as you were about him having a poor reaction to being a single mom. You both have responsibilities that have to be placed above a relationship, now go play nice and have fun.
You tell yourself you can have one drink while waiting at the bar of the restaurant you’d agreed to meet at.
White wine ends up being your pick- not quite so easy to suck down as a tasty cocktail full of liquor, but gives you something to occupy yourself with.
You’ve only had the drink a handful of minutes before hearing someone clear their throat slightly behind you, and then your name.
Kate has shown you a photo of what he looks like so you’re not caught off guard when you turn around.
He’s handsome. You expect that but it’s different seeing him opposed to just the photo. Kind eyes, a warm smile on his face as he takes you in.
At least you both seem pleased with the big reveal.
“I’ve got a table waiting for us if you’re ready, love.”
He holds out a hand to let you balance yourself as you dismount from the bar seating, allowing you to steady yourself in your heels.
His hand is warm on your waist as he guides you and you’re already smitten by the time the pair of you sit down.
You’re fifteen minutes into dinner when you decide that so long as he a) is willing and b) doesn’t say or do anything completely deranged, you are going to ride Captain John Price like a mechanical bull at a shitty dive bar at the end of the night.
Perhaps the bar is in hell but either way you have been utterly deprived the past few years and he is checking plenty of boxes for you.
“So you work with Kate?” Starting off on the easy footing- the common ground that leads you both here.
“I do. Not directly- I work more on the tech side. I’m an independent contractor, I basically built the entire system she runs off of.”
“Beauty and brains,” his praise warms you, an impressed expression on his face. “Would explain how we’ve never crossed paths if you were hiding in a backroom surrounded by monitors,” he teases.
“You’re actually not that far off the mark,” not that you hide persay, but keeping that contract keeps a roof over your head and food in your child’s mouth. That keeps you busy. The fewer people who know how to work your program, the harder you are to get rid of.
You may or may not have hidden a few kill switches. Job security you call it. Though it’s not exactly first date material to talk about how you’ve got a government agency in a mutual understanding- keep extending your contract, and the program continues to work.
Either way, you don’t have much contact with the soldiers. Maybe you have passed each other in the halls but probably not- you’re certain a face like that wouldn’t have escaped your notice, introduction via a mutual friend or no. But you decide to utilize that mutual friend to shift the conversation. He’s hedged around talking about his work- on his end, sees that as the thing that might be a deal breaker for you. Probably wants to delay that until you've at least gotten your entrees.
So you go from business to hobbies. And it’s probably not entirely fair, but you’re about to see what his sense of humor is.
“Kate mentioned you’re a big soccer fan?” You make sure your expression is wide and doe eyed as you ask the question.
His eyebrow twitches- caught, no doubt, between wanting to leave a good first impression and biting back it’s football over here, love.
You crack far quicker than you initially plan, the wide grin on your face as you let him off the hook he’s good naturedly trying not to bite.
“Beauty, brains, and a comedian, lucky me.”
“I’m sorry, I had to. In fact, it was in her terms for this,” you make a vague gesture with your hand.
“Trust Kate to wheel and deal just to get my blood pressure up,” he muses as he takes a sip from his drink.
The conversation rolls easily enough- an ebb and flow as one of you poses a question, the other answering before allowing the first to say their contribution to the subject and moving on.
He’s charming, attentive, and a good storyteller. The way he carries himself screams military without being overbearing. He’s relaxed back into his chair and something about the scene in front of you makes you want to climb into his lap like a domesticated house cat.
Being the field captain to a specialized task force it’s no shock that he’s in incredible shape and you find yourself slightly distracted on more than one occasion by his hands and forearms.
The food is wonderful though the company is better- you end up moving back to the bar for fresh drinks and to free up the table for the server.
You spend a good length of time just talking with him at the bar.
John’s attention is on you but it’s clear he’s proverbially chewing on something the further on you go.
“That is the look of someone with a question they’re not entirely positive they want an answer to,” you’ve got a habit of being a touch direct at times. Amazing how it streamlines a conversation though.
“Observant one, aren’t you?” He pauses, takes another sip of his drink. “It’s probably none of my business, but ah- is your son’s father in the picture at all?”
It was your turn to take a drink. This was always such a fun topic of conversation. Frankly the number of men who took your ex’s side when the whole custody arrangement gets brought up alarms you.
But he has a right to his son.
Fuck that.
Your child is not property and you do not give a singular shit about your ex’s feelings- especially if it comes at the expense of your son’s safety. But it saves you a substantial amount of time not wasting energy on someone who could not understand the reason for your decisions.
“The short answer to the question is no. I had already left him by the time I found out I was pregnant, and given I left because he’s a raging alcoholic- with the emphasis on the rage-,” what a nice, polite way to say he is an abusive asshole. Your gaze shifts down towards the bartop, missing the way John’s expression softens as he reads between the lines of what you say. They’re not pleasant memories, but you’re not a wounded bird anymore- you’ve tended to your clipped wings and grown new feathers. “I didn’t want him involved.”
“He ended up finding out from a mutual acquaintance, and while he claims he wants to be around, he hasn’t done much other than blow my phone up at midnight trying to throw his weight around every time he gets a new girlfriend. So I get to be the cold blooded harpy that he gets to cry about- which is fine by me. On paper he says he wants to be involved, but he’s made absolutely no effort to arrange plans or anything while sober. I haven’t seen him in over 2 years. I can’t trust him to be a safe parent, and since he’s not on any official records I get final say unless he wants to go to court over it.”
Your whole little house of cards hinges on the fact that your ex wants everyone to bend over backwards for him while doing nothing for anyone else. All it would take would be one subpoena for a paternity test and your hands would be tied. He is an incredibly functional alcoholic, so there isn’t a criminal record or anything you can do to prove he would be unfit. There’s no proof of the abuse he inflicted on you.
Which means, if push comes to shove, you would be forced to relinquish sole custody and hand your child over for unsupervised visitation.
But that requires effort on his part. And that effort is the only thing keeping your little house of cards afloat.
“Sorry that’s probably way more information than you wanted-“ good job. Everything was going great until you laid out your drama.
“No apology necessary; I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know.”
And there’s no lecture about how you should give your ex a chance, that the opportunity to raise his son could make him change for the better. No dissertation on how you owe it to your son to do whatever it took to make things work with his father (that had been a weird way to end a date, and the only reason you hadn’t gotten up sooner and left was because it was such a bizarre conversation you’d half convinced yourself the whole thing had to be a bad dream).
You’re not a wounded bird and on the one hand it’s a good thing to get everything laid out on the table, but on the other you don’t want to sit and mope about your personal troubles. You’re actually enjoying John Price’s company, and don’t want to think about your problems.
And yes you are enjoying the time for what it is but part of you can’t help but also keep an eye out for… any opportunities for a transition.
As hot under the collar as you are, John’s gaze makes warmth coil in your gut in a way that has nothing to do with the wine- he’s being a gentleman.
It’s sweet. He’s being polite and respectful and showing sexual discipline while making it clear he’s interested.
And for all your bemoaning of prior dates with other men who aren’t captains of specialized task forces about how they were too pushy and too presumptuous and a nice dinner paired with drinks doesn’t entitle them to you dropping your panties—
Yet here you sit, hours into a conversation when you’d decided 15 minutes in you want to jump his bones. And you have to be patient otherwise you’re a total hypocrite.
You’re not entirely subtle. The pair of you are perched on barstools again, much closer than the table allowed you to be with the two of you angled towards each other.
Your dress looks good on you. A jewel toned blue that compliments your skin beautifully, the hemline stopping above your knees and loose enough to bounce tantalizingly when you hit your stride walking.
It’s not exactly an olive branch, but it is an offering of sorts when you carefully take the leg closest to John and cross it over the other. The hemline of your skirt slips up your thigh, exposing more of your leg. It stops just shy of exposing the top of your stockings and the clip to your garter. It does show just a hint of the darker border to your stockings, the lace peeking ever so slightly before transitioning to the sheer material that covers the rest of your legs.
You’re incredibly pleased with yourself when his eyes flick down for a split second and linger before snapping back to your face. Got you. He tries to hide behind being caught with a sheepish clearing of his throat. It’s adorable, really.
Your cheeks are starting to get sore from all the smiling and laughing that’s occurred over the past few hours. But he’s pleasant company so it’s a discomfort you’re happy to deal with.
You look past him for a split second- nothing in particular catching your attention but just taking in the scenery of the restaurant behind you. Your eyes are back on him in a moment only for your brain to process what it saw after a delay.
There’s no fucking way-
Yes. Yes there is. Your ex is mingling in the background, and you don’t even realize the smile on your face has fallen to a flat line like all the previous giddiness is draining out of you and pooling on the floor below.
It would not take a captain of an antiterrorism task force to see your sharp shift in disposition, so John notices immediately.
“Everything alright, love?”
Maybe he won’t see you. Maybe, if there is a God and he is merciful, your ex won’t look in your direction, won’t see you, and you can continue your cheerful plan of trying to seduce your date.
And whether there is not a God or he is just not merciful- either option remains with you having the same shit result. He turns his head and makes direct eye contact. God damn it.
You look back to John. You’d hoped you could move past talking about your ex for the evening. “Remember how I said I haven’t seen my ex in over 2 years?”
There’s a twinge of relief on his face- the look of a man grateful to not be the cause of your displeasure.
“Let me guess- he’s right behind me?”
“Not quite “right behind”, but yes. Hopefully he’ll just-“ a short huff off agitation leaves you as you cut yourself off.
So much for hoping he’d simply mind his business and stay with his group. He’s making his way towards the pair of you at the bar, and you can tell he’s had a good number of drinks in his system just looking at him.
You’d become extremely proficient at gauging how drunk your ex is at a glance. A skill you developed while still with him and one that doesn’t seem to have faded.
This is, you know without question, going to end up being absolutely humiliating for you. You just know it.
“I am going to go ahead and apologize now for whatever is going to come out of his mouth,” you inform John.
His hand finds your knee, giving a light, reassuring squeeze. “It’ll be alright, love.”
“Well what do we have here?” is the warning shot letting you know he’s not going to show any form of civility.
“Hello, Michael,” you greet cooly, mind spinning a hundred miles an hour trying to figure out how to end this conversation as quickly as possible.
“You don’t have time to answer my texts but you’ve got time to go out. That’s good. Good to know you’ve got your priorities in order,” he starts.
“Answering your texts isn’t even remotely on my priority list, you know that.” You’re trying incredibly hard to keep yourself from being outright nasty but a whole lot of old wounds float up to the surface at the sight of your ex.
Maybe your new feathers aren’t as filled out as you’d initially thought. You feel raw and exposed and it’s difficult to think. You know what you should do, how you should handle it- and there’s still that one little part in your brain that is keeping tabs on John and his response to all of this.
“Your priority should be my son-“ he starts,
“-who is with his perfectly capable grandmother for the evening, thank you,” you finish for him, jaw set tightly. “Why are you here?”
The direct question is aggressive but you know the cycle with him too well to allow him to steer the conversation. He’ll run you in circle after circle until you’re so frazzled you can’t discern left from right.
“Can’t say hello and introduce myself to your new fella? Come on now, where’s your manners?”
Your eyes widen as Michael reaches a hand out- there is no way this asshole is about to grab you in public.
Quick as a snake, John runs interference and drapes his arm across the back of your chair, his fingers holding the shoulder furthest from him lightly.
The entire length of your back and shoulders are blocked by the SAS captain, forcing Michael’s hand back as there was no easy place for it to land that wouldn’t also be touching John.
Up until now, John has been quiet and assessing the situation. Not bowing up or trying to assert himself- letting you deal with your ex and navigate the situation for yourself.
The look on his face is downright unpleasant to put lightly. This is the man in charge of an elite task force, who barks orders at soldiers who drop everything at once because he told them to-
-and you don’t feel so exposed anymore. You find yourself sitting up a bit straighter only for John to gently stroke his knuckles against your shoulder in a soothing gesture. The gesture isn’t a miraculously grand one, but one that makes you realize you’re not alone in this situation even as disorienting as it is. And if you’re being honest with yourself, the upright posture and shifting of your thighs isn’t so much a stress response to your ex as you keying in on John’s response to the whole situation.
“John, Michael- Michael, John. There, now you’re introduced.” Go away now please.
Your ex is too drunk and too full of himself to see the writing on the wall, and continues to poke the bear. “Well, since she doesn’t seem to want to give a proper introduction-“ he sticks an arm out, and you can’t help but notice how the simple gesture causes him to need to correct his balance. Good lord it was barely dark out and he’s already-
Well. Not your problem. Not anymore, at any rate.
John is sitting to your left, his right arm the one that’s draped across the back of your chair. The pair of you flash a quick look to each other, John lifting his arm from your chair to take Michael’s hand and-
The exchange is actually as hilarious as it is embarrassing (You can’t quite decide if it’s all the second hand cringe variety, or first hand because Look, John! Here’s the father of my child! I sure know how to pick a partner! Is still coiling in the depths of your stomach). You’d prefer if it simply never occurred at all.
You can see your ex’s forearm flexing as he shakes John’s hand. The microexpression that flicks across your date’s face confirms your suspicion- Michael is (for some reason) trying to use an overexaggerated grip to establish some sort of dominance in the situation.
The quick really? that reads on John’s face rapidly turns to a bemused and subtle if that’s how you want to play then, a barely noticeable shift in his own grip resulting in Michael wincing.
“Captain John Price,” his tone is easy, betraying none of the pissing contest your ex instigated and is failing miserably to get one over on John.
Your ex mumbles his full name, clearly realizing that whatever his brilliant little plan is a) isn’t so brilliant to begin with b) he might just be alert enough to acknowledge the fact that he clearly has no true plan. He came over with the intention of being an asshole and has been flying blind the entire time.
There’s one woman from the group your ex split off from who is watching the three of you keenly. If you were to guess, she is probably his new girlfriend.
You can’t help but wonder- does she know enough to know that this is routine behavior for him? That he throws himself headfirst into a situation he hasn’t planned out- isn’t sober enough to plan out? Situations that don’t need to occur just so he can throw his weight around? Too petty to give a genuine “Hello, how are you? It’s been a while. I want to talk to you about Sam when we’ve both got some free time?”
Everything is vindictive. Constantly worrying about not being undermined and being respected to the point he gets in his own way. Actively sabotages his own opportunities. In dire need of therapy to work through his issues because you know the alcohol is how he copes and you’d sympathized at first but the reasons became excuses and then he’d started blaming you and-
-John places his arm on the back of your chair again and you pull yourself out of your mental spiral.
“I think your date is waiting for you, Michael. Best not to keep the lady waiting.” John observes, his tone neutral despite being a clear dismissal.
“You’ll be hearing from me later. I want to see my son.” Michael’s ignoring John’s presence but taking the hint.
You don’t fling a final barb at him. The venom has been drained out of you and you just want the interaction over and done with. Let him have the last word. You just want him gone.
You merely cast a look over at the woman who is Michael’s date for the evening and hope she’s got better sense than you did- that she leaves before he sinks his claws in her too.
The weight that settled in your stomach upon first seeing him is finally lightening up on you. You know you’ll wake up tomorrow to a barrage of phone calls and text messages that you won’t answer. It’s probably not good you’re so desensitized to the idea that it barely registers as a problem. Merely one of life’s many inconveniences.
“You alright, love?” John’s voice helps you shake the last of the tendrils that cling to you.
“Yes. Sorry. Wasn’t expecting to run into him of all people tonight, is all.”
“Never fun being ambushed, is it?”
You take a bit of a risk- you know enough about his job but he’s steered the conversation away from it every time the topic would naturally shift that direction. You know how Kate’s work can go and you assume his is very similar. “Well you’d certainly know more about that than I would.”
It works. The two of you break out in grins, and you find yourself no longer worrying about Michael and your focus readily settling back on John where it belongs.
At some point- long after the single cube in John’s drink has melted, and the condensation of your wine glass has soaked the bev nap underneath it, and more importantly long enough that you don’t feel that you’re fleeing the restaurant- the suggestion is made to go back to John’s. “No more surprises, hm?”
You gladly follow him. You’d taken an Uber to get to the restaurant, anticipating drinking and hoping to go home with him, so you have no worries about your own car.
You can easily see him being the type to give you a quick, chaste kiss on the doorstep after safely dropping you at home. In another universe you’d appreciate the restraint, enjoy fleeting touches over the course of a few dates that get more intense each time before finally finding yourself in his bed.
In this universe however, you don’t have to wait. Don’t want to, either. You get to indulge your earlier impulse of crawling into his lap, knees spread wide on either side of his waist. Lowering your hips allows you to feel him and what exactly he’s packing between his own legs. Your hips cant in short motions and heat coils heavy in your gut.
From the feel of things he’s proportional and John is not a small man. There’s a brief flicker that runs through your mind that you might be in over your head with him. The pent up lust and desire stifles that flicker. You’re more than game to see what a night with him ends up being like.
His hands are warm against your skin- one cupping the back of your head and keeping you close as the pair of you make out, the other settles on your hip and keeps you steady as you grind down on him.
You are possessed with the desire to get his cock in your mouth.
It’s cute how his face follows yours as you pull away from him.
“Help me with my dress?” Your question is perfectly innocent as you turn your back to him, presenting the zipper that runs down the length of your back.
His pleased laugh warms you, a shiver of desire and anticipation running down your spine as his breath fans across the back of your neck.
You’ve got a surprise waiting for him underneath your dress, partially revealed as one of his hands holds the top of the dress steady while the other draws the zipper down.
You gave him the hint you were wearing stockings when you’d baited him back at the restaurant, letting the heavy fabric of the dress fall to a heap around you before kicking it off to one side.
Turning back to face him, John seems quite enraptured with his surprise.
The lingerie set is a matching shade as your jewel toned dress, the garter belt clipping to the sheer black thigh high stockings.
There’s always that split second hesitation when revealing yourself to someone- the anxiety of if they’ll be pleased with what’s presented to them.
John is the first person you’ve been with since you’ve had your child, and the slight anxiety quells quickly at the look on his face.
John looks like he wants to eat you alive. Any insecurity is knocked firmly aside by desire quickly ramping back up.
Placing one hand on his thigh to steady yourself as you lift a leg to take your shoe off, John is quick to stop you. “Leave them on for now, love.”
It’s a request but it’s not. Really that doesn’t surprise you- he is someone who is likely used to having his whims accommodated to. You find yourself having no urge to defy him, nodding in compliance. If John wants your heels to stay on, then they’ll stay.
He guides you between his legs, enough space between his knees for you to slot yourself in. With him sitting on the bed he’s shorter than you standing straight up in your heels. Bending down to give a quick, teasing kiss you let yourself drop to your own knees.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to,” you assure him with doe eyes and are rewarded with him settling into the bed as your hands go to work on his belt.
Unable to resist teasing him, you mouth at his bulge through the thick fabric of his pants. You’re rewarded with a soft cant of his hips, having his belt undone and working on the button and zip of his pants in record time.
Your earlier suspicions are correct. John is a big boy in more ways than one. You want him in your mouth- now.
While you’re occupying yourself with getting his pants off, John shucks his shirt and shoes.
He is, simply put, delicious to look at. From the broad muscling to the thick dark hair running from his chest down his abdomen. He doesn’t have the hard chiseled abs of a man who lives in the gym but the sturdy build that comes from having useful, functional muscle that’s put to work.
And that’s incredibly hot. He’s girthy as hell in your hand as you give a few strokes before putting your mouth on him.
You’re not entirely certain if deep throating him is going to be an option, but by God you’re going to try.
“Bloody hell, love.” John grunts while you bob your head up and down the length of him. You’re gauging just how much of him you can get in your mouth- where your threshold is before your gag reflex wants to kick in.
He’s petting you. Doubtless trying to fight the urge to fist your hair, his hips struggling to stay still on the bed.
You want him to. You feel feral, all the pent up sexual energy you’ve been storing for God-knows-how-long welling up all at once. You want this man carnally and your brain presently thinks having your hair held in place and your throat fucked is a fantastic idea.
John clearly has other plans, restraining himself and letting you work at your own pace. That low, deep breathing paired with his soft grunts and voiced encouragements stoke the flames of your arousal hotter.
Eventually you do need air, pulling off of him for a moment. Your hand works his shaft and teases the tip of him as you lean forward to run your tongue up and down the length of him, dropping a bit lower to lave at his heavy sac. He jolts which only encourages you to do it again.
You know your eyes are one of your better features- you’ve heard the compliment enough times both in and out of the bedroom, holding John’s gaze as you lick him back up the length of his shaft and circle the head once before having caught your breath enough to wrap your lips around him once more.
The second time around you’re able to get a bit more of him down your throat, but not all the way. What you can’t reach you stroke with one hand, the other resting on his thigh to help balance yourself as you work. You can feel the tension building in his thigh as he gets closer, pleased with yourself.
It’s a heady feeling. You don’t know exactly all the dirty details of his job but understand enough to know you’ve got a powerful man at your whim right now and that scratches a deep seated itch in you.
“Good girl,” his praise washes over you, warm and welcoming. “Just like that-“
You’re intent on sucking the soul out of him, all doe eyes and hollowed cheeks with those painted red lips. Eventually he gives into the urge to grab a fistful of your hair. He doesn’t do anything to interrupt the rhythm you’ve settled into, letting you move as you see fit.
He bites out your name and you feel the muscles in his leg drawn tight. “I’m getting close, love.”
It’s not quite a question. You give your not-answer by doubling down on him. You’re so close to having him in your mouth all the way to the base. You don’t want to back off. What you do want is for him to finish down your throat.
You get your wish. John’s fist tightens and you let out a grunt as his thrusting results in your nose pressed against his public bone.
The taste of him doesn’t really register as he spills inside your mouth, your focus on breathing through your nose and keeping your gag reflex down.
He’s petting your hair again, praises falling freely from him and soft apologizes. “Lost myself for a moment there, love. You alright?”
You keep your mouth hilted on him for a moment to prove a point- you’re fine, he didn’t push you past threshold- before finally releasing his softening cock.
He’s pulling you up to him after that, an open mouthed kiss that flusters you considering he just came in your mouth. “You’re just a treasure,” his voice purrs in your ear. “Only fair I return the favor, hm?”
He guides you to lay on the bed, knees hanging over the edge before he turns to settle between your legs.
He starts at your neck. You’re ticklish at one spot his lips, squirming in his hold with a giggle. “Sensitive, hm?”
You nod out a “mhm,” that breaks into a breathy moan as he works his way down your chest. Rather than removing your bra his hands work to pull your breasts free from the cups before paying particular attention to your nipples.
His hands are warm as they roam your ribcage, the heat of his body seeping through the lace of your outfit as his fingers trail across your skin and the delicate material.
“You’re so soft, love,” you don’t quite know how to respond to the compliment, mewling wordlessly in pleasure at the attention.
That seems to appease him as he kisses his way down your sternum and to your belly, the expanse of most of it covered by the fabric of the garter belt.
His eyes flick up to your own as his lips travel closer to the apex of your thighs. Where you’ve been lying patient and pliant in his grasp, the eye contact draws something tight in your core and you squirm again.
The next thing you feel is teeth as he nips you. “Be a good girl for me,” he tells you, soothing the soft throb of his bite with his tongue.
You force yourself to still as he moves lower, lower, lower- taking his time and having you thoroughly worked up before moving to the next patch of skin.
When he’s down far enough he slides one of your thighs over his shoulder, that arm looping under your arm and banding across your abdomen.
It’s his turn now to mouth at your clothed sex.
He pulls the gusset of your thong aside after a moment of teasing, his lips descending on you.
“Oh,” your hand immediately finds purchase in his hair, a pleased whimper escaping you at the feel of John’s tongue.
John feasts on you. There’s not much else that can be done to describe it. It’s lewd and wet as he laps at you, the flesh of his tongue doing little to soothe the burning ache inside you and only ramping it up.
Those eyes are wicked as he gazes up at you from between your thighs. The hand resting on your lower stomach is pressing ever so lightly, like John wants the pressure there but not too much yet and you’re once again struck with the idea you might be in over your head with him.
“John, please,” you beg. It feels good but you need more, lust clouding your brain as your hips rock against his face.
“You need to be patient, love. I’ll take care of you. Just relax, hm?”
It dawns on you that he’s probably running down the clock until his refractory period is up. That he doesn’t want to get you going too quick and then be stuck not quite ready to perform.
It’s an assumption, and you’re not 100% sure that you’re correct, but it’s a solid enough option that you move forward with that in mind.
The thought almost makes it easier to relax into the bed- the idea that John is going to pleasure you with his mouth until enough time has passed and he can get it up again. That he’s not just mindlessly toying with you with no end goal in mind.
It feels good you’re just stuck being greedy and wanting more stimulation despite knowing that won’t happen until John decides he’s ready to give you more.
You almost jump when the fingers you’ve been waiting for make their presence known. His mouth moves to focus on your clit, lips making a seal and sucking on it. You cry out, hips canting as his fingers gently rub at your labia.
He starts with one, gently sliding it in and out of you. Your back arches in satisfaction of having something to clench on and rub against. It’s more satisfying than just one of your own- that was for sure.
“That’s it love,” John praises you while easing a second one into you.
The second finger is what you were looking for, stimulation wise. John pets and strokes you, thumb gently working over your clit in soft circles before putting his mouth back on you.
He doesn’t just find your g-spot. John’s fingers are placed so they hone in on that spongy bit of tissue tucked inside you. He doesn’t let up on it, tongue working on your clit as you arch your back helplessly and moan.
That pressure is back on your abdomen, the hand not currently stroking you to nirvana pressing down on your belly.
You moan and buck against his hold. Your orgasm is creeping up on you and it’s like he’s determined to make you squirt.
“You keep that up and I’m gonna make a mess,” you warn him- not entirely certain how he’ll respond to the prospect of you squirting on his face.
John looks delighted and you realize that yes, you are in over your head with him.
There’s a mischievous glint in his eye as he pulls back from you, “You promise, love? Don’t tease me.”
Oh dear God- Next thing you know he’s reaching over you to pull a pillow from the top of the bed, wedging it underneath your hips before returning to his place between your thighs.
You’re flustered at how eager he is to see you squirt. His mouth is back on you, sucking on your clit and making your legs shake as two fingers go right back to abusing your g-spot, his free hand pressing on your belly increasing the pressure that is mounting by the second.
There’s nothing else for you to do but grab a fistful of his hair and hang on. “Please- oh! J-John! Right there,” at your encouragement he locks in on the spot that’s got you arching your back and your thighs trembling.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Show me,” he’s moaning encourments against your skin and you feel like a bow drawn tight and ready to snap. You’re so, so close.
The sounds he draws out of you- both from your mouth and between your legs- are filthy and vulgar and you don’t care at all as he gets you teetering just on the edge.
You’re practically gasping for breath, eyes screwing shut as the hand not buried in John’s hair fists the sheets next to you. You babble his name, chants of John all your brain can muster.
All that pressure coiling in you snaps and gushes out, literally and metaphorically.
“Good girl, making such a mess for me,” John’s praise has you flushing hot while his fingers work you like he’s making sure he can wring out every single last drop.
He stops when you have nothing left to give him, a trembling mess shivering in his hold.
Your brain at some point made the windows shut down noise, needing a moment to settle as you process what John just did to you.
This is the hardest you’ve cum in ages, certainly better than the orgasms you’ve given yourself during your little dry spell.
You return to the land of the living with his lips on yours, tasting yourself as he soothingly strokes your side. “You back with me?” He asks, eliciting a nod from you.
“Please tell me you have a condom,” your tone is pleading. You still want to ride him but you’ve learned your lesson about practicing safe sex. Once was, in fact, all it took for things to go off the rail.
“I do,” he stands, moving to the nightstand and opening a drawer.
Now that your legs feel somewhat compliant you sit yourself back up.
No sooner than John’s got the condom on then you’re guiding him back down, having him lay on the edge of the bed.
It takes a bit of maneuvering, getting yourself situated so your heels don’t catch on his sheets, but you’re straddling him with the leg closest to the edge of the bed hanging over the side as the opposite leg folds underneath you. You hover over him while getting everything lined up. The position of your legs allows you to alternate which one is supporting the brunt of your weight, a factor that is going to be fairly important once you’ve hilted yourself on John.
Even with how pliant your body is it takes a moment for the head of him to breach you.
“Oh,” you let out a breath as you sink down on him. You’re not able to get all the way to the base of him on the first go, getting your weight underneath yourself and lifting almost completely off of him before dropping down again. You get a little further this time, a moan escaping you.
“That’s it, love. Nice and easy,” his voice coos in your ear, that low timber having you liable to melt.
He’s thick. Not in a way that’s insurmountable to manage, but you have absolutely no complaints with how he fills you and anticipate being pleasantly sore in the morning.
Two more slow bounces have you sinking low enough to hilt yourself on him, taking a moment to enjoy the sensation of sitting fully on his lap.
One of his hands braces on your hip, the other his thumb circles your clit. You squirm at the stimuli, relishing in the feel of him before getting to work.
This is what you’ve been drooling over all night. Your reward is very well earned in your opinion. Moaning lowly as you bounce up and down, your movements are initially slow and languid but pick up speed as you get your bearings. John’s heavy exhales and grunts when you clench only serve to wind you tighter.
“You feel good, pretty girl? Hm? You like bouncing on my cock?”
You flush- a ridiculous notion given how you’re quite literally hilted on his dick-, face hot from the dirty talk.
The hand on your hip helps guide you to a pace that’s pleasurable for the both of you, eyes rolling as he thrusts his hips in a way that makes you see stars. “Yes! John- yes! Oh it feels so good,” your voice a low purr as he delivers on every fantasy you’ve had this evening.
The stretch of him in you feels absolutely incredible, knocking the air out of you on each bounce. It doesn’t take long until that knot begins to form again, growing steadily as you rise and fall in his lap. The press of his finger circling your clit draws staggered moans, bracing on him for support.
“Been thinking about this all night,” John grits out. “Wanted to flip you over the bar top and have my way with you right there on the dining room floor.”
You moan at the confession, feeling less like a rabid dog with no impulse control now you know you’re not alone in the intense desire that had struck once you’d laid eyes on him.
“Probably wouldn’t have- ah! st-stopped you,” you tell him. The grip on your hip tightens at that, another moan escaping you as you bounce on him.
Your eyes roll in pleasure, cunt practically fluttering from the way he keeps getting you to clench. The thickness of his girth doesn’t just let him keep hitting that spot in you with lift of your hips so much as the mushroom tipped head of his cock drags across it.
“Aren’t you just a fucking treasure,” he praises.
Your thighs are burning, eased by the position of your legs and John’s grip helping you but becoming more present with each wet clap of your sex against his lap. It almost helps you tip closer to another climax.
Your eyes squeeze shut, a staggered breath escaping you.
“Eyes on me,” he tells you and you comply immediately.
“John, please I’m so close,” your thighs are shaking again, threatening your already precarious balance.
“You need more, pretty girl?”
You shake your head. “No-no. Just don’t stop. Please don’t stop!”
And bless him, he doesn’t do anything to fuck up your rhythm. The fingers circling your clit keep the same tempo and pressure perfectly, his free hand still helping guide you up and out of his lap before sitting you back down.
You know you’re about to come but are caught off guard by how sharp it is as you squirt for a second time.
The sight of you spurting across his abdomen nearly severs any control John has left. The next thing you know John’s abandoned your overstimulated clit in favor of rolling you onto your back, your heels clattering to the floor from the motion. Your legs go instinctively to clamp around his waist for security- only one of them does, the other stopped by wet fingers gripping your thigh by your knee as he spreads you open. His weight is held on the forearm bracing next to your head by the time you process the shift in position.
“You alright, pretty girl?”
You can’t quite get your words out but manage a nod. “Ye-yeah,” you eventually stagger out as he waits for a verbal confirmation.
With the comfort that you were fine, that gives John the assurance he needs to seek his own pleasure.
More than satisfied with your two climaxes, you lay limp and pliant in his grasp while he chases his own end.
The wet squelch of his cock splitting you open with each thrust was loud and obscene although you were too far gone in the blissed out pleasure to care. Your whole body feels delightfully tingly, your head swimming pleasantly.
You clench down on him a few times, more for his benefit than anything else. You’re spent but more than willing to help him across the finish line as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, muttering praises that are punctured with short, sharp thrusts before he stiffens as his own climax hits.
The two of you have both broken into a light sheen of sweat by the end of things. After a moment to recuperate John stands with a “I’ll be right back.” (And you unabashedly enjoy the view of his ass while he retreats to the bathroom.)
True to his word he returns shortly, evidently having disposed of the condom with a towel in hand for you.
The pair of you get yourselves clean and sorted. Before you can decide how you want to ask, John seems to already know what the question is.
“You don’t need to leave, do you?”
Again it’s not entirely a question, but still gives you an out if you want to take it.
You don't want to take the out.
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Sonny Carisi: Tears For A Good Man 
I was writing a Nick Amaro story. This popped into my head, and it wouldn’t let go. My first attempt at another one of my favorite SVU men Carisi. I was nervous to write him, but I had so much fun with it. Someone has to tell me if I hit his character right.  
Your mind is in a whirlwind. You have no idea how you’ve come to be at this spot in your life. It doesn’t feel real. Your life wasn’t like this. Good things just didn’t happen to you like this. So, you just watched the scene play out in front of you through misty eyes. Time had slowed, and words were taking longer to process adding to the surreal state. 
Sonny didn’t notice as he pulled Chinese food boxes from a paper bag and set them on your desk. He was chatting animally, about how he wasn’t sure if you were still trying to cut back on carbs, and that you really didn’t need to. He had been craving Chinese and he thought you should eat some too. He honestly liked his woman with meat on their bones, curves, he was Italian after all. But he had gotten you a salad too.   
You had been the one complaining to him last week that since you had started seeing him two months ago you had gained almost ten pounds and now your pants were tight. Sonny was an amazing cook and he loved to feed you. You loved to eat his cooking, but he couldn’t really be okay with you gaining weight, could he? No man was like that. They were visual, they wanted their woman to look like they had just walked off the runway impossibly small. It had been a hard pill to swallow as you had started dating in high school. As you had gotten older it hadn’t gotten better. Men had a way of giving women body issues.   
“I got you a Coke before I remembered that you're giving up pop too. So, I got you a Raspberry Lemonade instead.” He was setting the drinks on the desk as he spoke, “Then I remembered how much sugar it had and got you water. I got tell you though doll, a salad and water doesn’t sound like much of a meal to me.” There was a twinge of exasperation in his voice. 
You feel tears start to roll down your face. Sonny had only texted you an hour beforehand to see if you had time for a quick lunch. You had expected to just meet him somewhere, you didn’t have a lot of time but enough to sit down and eat. You hadn't expected him to come over with a feast of Chinese food for the both of you, a salad if you decided you wanted to continue your healthy eating, and three different drinks because honestly who did that? You would blame the tears on PMS because in what world does a girl start crying because her boyfriend is being nice and respectful to her.  
When Sonny turns and sees your tears, he cuts off midsentence concern written all over his face. “Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong sweetheart?” You can’t say anything emotions bubbling up through your stomach. “Did I do something wrong? I didn’t mean to.” You roll your eyes at yourself for being stupid, not him. When Sonny sees it, he doesn’t interpret it that way. He reaches for you putting a hand on your shoulder. His voice lowered to almost a whisper, “Is it because I brought that salad? Honey, I don’t want you to eat that. I was just,” He groaned bringing his other hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I was just trying to be respectful of your decisions. In hindsight, I can see how it looks bad though.” His voice is tense and then changes to a more upbeat problem-solving tone, “I’ll just go get you something different. Anything you want, just tell me.” 
You shake your head at the absolute absurdity of this situation. You finally find your voice, “Sonny please, stop.” He pauses near the closed door of your office. “It’s not the salad. I-I'm just being stupid.” He walked back up to you, caressing your tearstained cheek and wiping at the stray tears with his thumb. Sonny had always been a problem solver, so his mind went to the next possible problem.  
“Am I moving too fast again?” That was something you had told Sonny. It had been in a serious conversation right as you agreed to start a relationship where you had admitted that his confidence and speed of the relationship scared your jaded fragile heart. You had admitted none of your relationships had lasted over six months and that you were nervous about ruining the good thing that the two of you had. “I’m trying to keep it slow baby, but it’s something new to me. I didn’t think lunch would be a big deal. I mean we have before-” Your lower lip trembled as you saw the frustration in his face. You were forcing your insecurity onto him.  
“No Sonny, you're not.” You wrap your hands around his shoulders pulling him tightly to you, he is stunned for a minute before returning the embrace heartily rubbing you back comfortingly. “Thank you,” You whisper in his ear squeezing him tighter. 
“Um, I-I'm not going to lie doll, I’m coming up empty on this one.” One of his hands is still rubbing your back, the other twisted into your hair. Your next words make the tension fall from his shoulders as he kisses your head before tucking it back under his chin. 
“Thank you, for showing me what a good man is really like.”
I know it was short, but this was just to get my feet wet. I love Sonny but I’ve never written a character like him before. I hope everyone finds their Carisi. If you haven’t, you're in good company. Love you guys xoxo                   
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restinslices · 6 months
I don’t know if I requested this already but how do you think the Lin Kuei bros would react when each of them got their first gf?
It’s 5am but I’m avoiding sleep cause sleep paralysis been kicking my ass recently so here we are. I didn’t know if you were imagining a certain age or how detailed you wanted it so they’re all at different ages
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Bi-Han doesn't have that much experience when it comes to dating even if he's the oldest brother 
Growing up he was taught to mainly focus on his clan since he'd be the next Grandmaster so naturally dating is something that was at the back of his mind 
When he got his first girlfriend he'd probably be older. So he's mature when it comes to handling himself but he's not mature when it comes to romantic relationships 
I think the first week would be the hardest because he's both nonchalant but also worried if that makes sense
Nonchalant because he doesn't physically show any emotion besides disdain but also worry because whenever he hears about new relationships, people are always so giddy. They're glowing. They're jumping up and down and are cuddled next to their partner all the time. 
Bi-Han though? He doesn't do any of that. He's not sure what he should do and since he doesn't know, it makes him worry that maybe he made the wrong choice. Maybe he took the bit of affection you gave him and ran with it and it went outta hand 
After that first week though, he still wants to be with and around you so he starts to relax and realize he just reacts differently to things 
Some things he would struggle with since this is his first relationship. He'd struggle with the idea of being around his partner so often. Does he enjoy your presence? Yeah. But he also wants a lot of alone time 
Idk how long his first relationship would last. He gives me both “we're in this forever” and “forever isn't realistic” vibes. 
I honestly don't think he'd change much, which probably has a lot to do with the fact that he's a grown man. He's past all the intense teenage emotions. 
I don't even think his partner would notice a difference tbh. He trails behind you more but besides that, he still acts like your friend Bi-Han which isn't necessarily a bad thing 
Because it's his first relationship, I don't see him initiating things like physical touch that much. I think his partner would have to either ask or hint at it 
Cutsey things just don't come naturally to him. 
Is he happy about his first relationship? Absolutely. He just doesn't see the big deal with certain things like hand holding or other romantic expectations. Honestly I can see that being the cause of his first relationship ending depending on who it is but if it's someone that's on the same wavelength or understands lack of affection doesn't mean lack of love then I could see it lasting forever. 
Kuai Liang 
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Kuai Liang was probably the first to start dating 
Does he have responsibilities? Yes. But that wouldn't stop him from experiencing certain things, even if he had to do it sneakily. 
He was a young teenager when he finally got his first girlfriend. She was apart of a nearby clan and although he was told many times not to focus on women, he couldn't help it. 
It was a simple friendship but it turned into something more. A secret relationship no one could know about
I think Kuai Liang would be happy to finally have a girlfriend. It's something else in his life that gives him happiness besides his family. 
Also this is a teenager so he's geeked as fuck. He tries to appear all calm and cool but it wouldn't really work 
Would always try to sneak away to see her. He wants to spend as much time with her as he can. Half of it is because he's a teenager, half of it is because he genuinely likes her. 
I also think he likes exchanging gifts. It gave them both something to remember the other bye
As a young boy, he wants to tell everyone but because of circumstances, he can’t. Besides that though I just honestly think he’s happy waking up everyday knowing he’ll see her even if it’s only for a few minutes.
She was a break for him. He's always the mediator between Bi-Han and Tomas. He always had to train hard so he could assist Bi-Han when he became grandmaster. When he was with her he was relaxed. 
Enjoys the company that comes with having a partner, even if a lot of the times he's too busy to see her 
He knows he doesn’t know much about relationships, but that’s ok. Life’s a journey and he’s willing to learn and communicate for this girl
Considering it says “first relationship”, that means it doesn't last 
I think the reason would be they eventually get caught. His dad has a tighter leash on him and she's sent to a different area her clan occupies 
He wouldn't take this well but there's really nothing he can do
Takes him awhile to get over even if it was some silly teenage romance according to others. 
Tomas Vrbada
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Tomas gets into his first relationship in his late teens to early twenties
I can see him telling Kuai Liang immediately and asking for advice 
I can see it being a friends to lovers kind of thing. She's an earthrealmer in the know about all the realms and stuff and knows Madam Bo. Tomas is easy to like so they become friends then he asks her out on accident 
Tomas, like Kuai Liang, would be happy to have a significant other. He'd like having a girlfriend because this is his person. He became a Lin Kuei because the grandmaster felt shame about his clan murdering Tomas’ family. To Tomas, that's not him actually wanting him. It's guilt 
Having a girlfriend though means she's with him because she loves him. She actually likes him and chose him.
Very proud boyfriend. He’s surprised he has someone to call his and thinks she’s everything 
He's younger so he's not really confident which I think would show. He constantly wants to be around her out of insecurity. He's worried that she'd leave and find someone else 
He thinks he’s not good enough for anything
Can we blame him? He has Bi-Han constantly making him feel shitty. Sure he’s not the only reason Tomas is insecure but he’s not helping
He's also paranoid about anyone else he loves being hurt. People get hurt, he understands that but he cannot say goodbye to someone else prematurely. Especially someone that makes him so happy
Since it's his first relationship, he doesn't know how to properly communicate these feelings 
He genuinely likes this person and wants to be something serious. The problem is all this hovering and worry could cause problems in the relationship and lead to it ending. 
His solution would be trying to change himself 
Letting go is not something he wants to do. This person makes him happy so why should he? He could definitely change and do better. 
And since this is his first relationship, he’s nervous something like this won’t happen again. 
Unfortunately for him you can’t get rid of insecurities easily and you have to love yourself before loving anyone else
You'd expect him to have the longest lasting relationship but he probably wouldn't. The relationship wouldn't end with harsh feelings but he'd still be upset by it and it'd encourage him to work on himself 
I promise you Kuai Liang is my favorite brother. Idk how Bi-Han got around 440 words and him and Tomas got around 380- I also plan on writing angst after I eventually go to sleep so tune in
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pedgito · 2 years
Hey! I'm very awkward when it comes to requesting stuff but I'm shooting my idea and if you decide to write it, awesome, if not, I'll still adore you and your work. Anyway, what about a reader that's always been kinda there and around but Eddie never noticed her. Maybe she lives in the trailer park as well and one day Wayne orders Eddie to help out neighbors with something and Eddie gets surprised by her existence or something...
I dunno, I just like the "falling for someone who was already there all the time" trope...
Thanks xx
author’s note: this has full fic potential and i love it, but enjoy what little drabble my brain could handle. <3
cw: sfw, neighbors/meet-cutes, set in 86, reader and eddie run in different circles, wayne is such a dad he can’t help it, this isn’t really fluffy exactly, but it’s very sweet
word count: 2k
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Living near the Munson’s had always been, for a better lack of words, eventful. You move in six years prior, the world being ushered into a new era of the 80s, a quaint but rundown neighborhood that looked normal, and a new school to throw yourself into, again—your parents were also never really home.
So, as a result, you’d learn to care for yourself. It wasn’t their fault—things were tough, money needed to be made, and you were at the perfect age to manage keeping yourself alive and fed, regardless if it was done in a justifiable or acceptable manner. And the neighbors were nice—most of them, at least.
You’d learned pretty quickly that it was a place for the older residents of Hawkins, men and women in their late 50s alongside a couple small families—a young woman with a small toddler, another family of four, and right next door; an older gentleman and his son.
You never spoke to him, not once. Wayne, the older man in question, only finally spoke to you when he caught you outside on an early morning taking out the trash, parents having already left for the day.
He worked nights, so he had just come home from a very long shift, a cigarette perched upon his lips. He was nice, polite—but obviously exhausted.
“You alright, kid?” He asks suddenly, though his voice is calm.
He wasn’t oblivious to the fact that you were almost always on your own, driveway empty of cars or even a bike, leaving you chasing down the bus or walking to school most mornings.
You shrug honestly, offering a small smile.
“I’m managing.” You tell him, meaning it. “Thanks for asking.”
After that, it becomes a regular thing. Wayne checks up on you when he can, quick and fleeting conversations in the early mornings when the sun is just starting to come up.
You learn that his son isn’t actually his son, rather his nephew. He’s a couple years older then, trudging his way through the beginnings of a tumultuous freshman year—and you don’t see him often, only by coincidence in the halls where he doesn’t even glance your way.
He’s awkward, tall and lanky, hair in the weird stage of being too long and too short all at once—he’s probably growing it out, you think. It’s a wild next of curls that is nothing a brush couldn’t fix, but it didn’t seem like he owned one. Eddie, that is.
Wayne calls him Edward when he’s mad, coming home too late, being loud when he’s so desperately trying to sleep—you can hear all of it, the walls of your trailer are so thin that nothing is safe.
And life is busy; those six years pass in a breeze, but things are still the same. You’ve never spoken a word to Eddie, your parents are still gone most of the time, if not more now that you’re of age, and Wayne still looks as tired as before, though less buried under the weight of scourging for cash.
Eddie must have some type of job, or something—and he’s extremely loud, always playing with his guitar on the weekends when he’s home, amp placed under the bedroom window adjacent to yours. It’s not like you can really complain, it’s broad daylight, most people are out living their lives, but you’re stuck at home.
He can sing, you’ll give him that. So, it’s not all bad.
He drives too, a clunky piece of junk as Wayne calls it, but to Eddie, it’s his beloved. Wayne almost offers to ask Eddie if he’ll give you lifts to school, but you’re adamant in your refusal.
“I like walking, it’s fine.” You assure him. “I wouldn’t want to bother him.”
“Boy’s like my son, he’ll do it if I ask.” Wayne says, eyes flicking up toward Eddie’s bedroom, his shadow crossing the window. “You two would get along, you know.”
“I dunno,” You disagree, “we don’t exactly run in similar crowds.”
Wayne makes a noise, a small huff of acknowledgment.
“He’s struggling,” Wayne admits, “on his third try at graduating and I’m starting to think it’d be easier to pull him out and help him get his GED.”
You knew that much—Eddie should’ve graduated already, yet he was still stuck at the same lunch table for those following years, preaching to young minds of the susceptible D&D nerds.
“Maybe—“ You agree, but Wayne quickly cuts you off.
“Hey, you’re smart,” Wayne assumes, but he’s seen the textbooks you’ve brought home, levels above the classes Eddie takes, “got good grades?”
“Mostly A’s,” You admit, “m’trying to get into a good college and AP classes look good on paper.”
Wayne thinks for a moment, falling silent as he flicks the ashes away from his cigarette, “Think you can do me a solid?”
And Wayne’s never steered you wrong, even offering you dinner when your parents forget to buy groceries for the week, making sure your belly is just as full as his. He constantly grumbles about how careless you parents were, similar to Eddie’s—you never pried on that matter, feeling like it was none of your business.
“I can try.”
“How do you feel about tutoring Eddie?” He asks curiously, “He’s a good kid, I swear—he just can’t focus for shit.”
“I…don’t know.” You reply wearily, “I don’t think he wants to take that stuff seriously—“
“He does, he does,” Wayne insists, “it’s hard for him to learn in that type of setting, I think he needs the one on one. I understand if you don’t want to, I just think it might be worth tryin’.”
Wayne senses your hesitance.
“I’m sorry for asking, you don’t have to—“
“I will,” You respond quickly, not harping on it any longer, “I mean, I can.”
And maybe this was the biggest mistake you’ve ever made, but you wouldn’t know if you didn’t try.
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You knock on the trailer door a couple days later, in the earlier hours on a Saturday morning, a book clutched to your chest and a tired smile on your face—but when the door opens, you’re not met with the same expression.
If anything, it’s surprise that’s riddling his face.
Wayne must not have said anything, which is just as mortifying.
“Who—“ Eddie stops himself, eyeing you carefully, “are you—don’t I have a class with you?”
You nod slowly, “Econ, yeah.”
“How do you know where I live?” Eddie asks, though he doesn’t sound offended, more amused if anything. “Did Dustin put you up to this?”
Henderson was a little shit, you knew that much—but you’d never spoken a word to him either.
“Eddie,” He’s just as shocked you know his name, eyes raking over your carefully, “I live next door.”
Eddie’s brows furrow, door cleaning open to peek at the trailer beside him, gaze quickly flicking back toward you. And suddenly it’s all clicking in his head, though slowly.
“You must be the reason I have to make an extra plate of dinner, right?” Eddie asks with a soft smile.
Whatever earlier assumptions you had about him dissipated into nothing, melted by the grin on his face and the subtle dimple in his cheek.
“It’s not my doing—Wayne worries about me.” You tell him, hoping he’ll understand. “Food’s good though, better than what I could make.”
Eddie widens the door silently, without question really, allowing you to step inside. It’s as barren as it is cluttered, random knick knacks on the shelves, counters, but devoid of trash.
“Wait, holy shit—you’re friend’s with Buckley, aren’t you?”
It’s startling, but you nod. You were—also in band with her, along with a long list of extracurriculars—why that one stood out the most to him, you’d never understand. You weren’t even aware Eddie knew you existed.
“Sort of,” You land on, “We’ve got a lot of classes together.”
And as if you weren’t already taken off-guard, Eddie speaks again.
“You play…trumpet?” He asks, snapping his fingers in celebration when you nod. “And piano?”
“How do you—no one knows that.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, genuinely confused, “I saw you playing a couple months ago—I was on the way to Hellfire and you were by yourself, I thought you were practicing for something—“
“You watched me play?” You ask curiously.
“Yeah, yeah—you’re really fuckin’ good.” Eddie admits, “It’s not really my style but I love music, so—“
And he’s mentally beating himself up over not recognizing you sooner, feeling like a complete ass.
“Well, I don’t know if Wayne told you, but he asked me to help tutor you.” You explain, “I get it you want to kick me out, I’m just trying to do good by your uncle, you know?”
Eddie shrugs carelessly, “We can try, but I’m not promising it’ll help.”
“Are you sure you have the time?” You ask, knowing his weekends were usually occupied by something a lot more distracting and loud. “No guitar practice today?”
Eddie snorts at that, “Shit, yeah—I’m sorry about that.”
“I’ve listened to it for six years, I’m used to it.”
Eddie gawks at that, feeling even worse.
“Hey, it’s fine—I wouldn’t notice me either.”
He smiles slightly, “It’s not that.”
You plead with him silently, following him to the small table tucked in the corner of his trailer, two chairs on either side.
“Kinda thought you were a ghost, honestly—“ Eddie admits, “or just like, figment of my imagination.”
You scrunch your nose in confusion, taking a seat across from him.
“I swear I’ve never seen you around here—that’s mostly my fault, I’m not home often.” Eddie tells you, “but I remembered your face when I’d see you at school, didn’t know your name—I mean, I still don’t but—“
You snort softly, offering him your name with a quiet interjection. He nods knowingly, grin growing wider.
“I feel like an asshole for not realizing you’ve been my neighbor for that long—Wayne always talked about you, kind of in passing, but I never thought anything of it.”
“I’m not offended, Eddie.” You tell him, hoping he’d understand.
And it’s not that Eddie didn’t remember your face, he just couldn’t believe it was real, that you were real. He could’ve sworn you didn’t exist at all, like he’s been making you up in his mind.
“Can we make a deal?” Eddie asks suddenly.
“Depends.” You counter, smile pulling at your face.
“If this works, will you teach me some stuff on the piano?”
Eddie was the definition of never judging someone at first glance, his interesting style contrasting his personality in the best ways. He’s always came off as dark, pensive, similar to his uncle in the way he always had a cigarette between his lips or a scowl on his face.
“If this works—sure.” You agree with ease.
“God, I feel like a total ass.” Eddie admits, slamming his fist against the table softly, “Six years, are you sure?”
“It’s not for lack of trying, Eddie.” You tell him, “If I wanted to be noticed you would’ve known. I’m really good at blending in, unfortunately.”
It still doesn’t change how he feels.
“Besides, you never realize how much people reveal about themselves when they don’t know you’re around.” You add shyly, eyes connecting with him briefly.
Eddie laughs slightly, leaning forward to flip the textbook open.
“We can circle back to that,” Eddie teases, “I won’t forget.”
There’s not a day that passes following where Eddie hasn’t wedged himself into your existence, determined to discover everything that he’s missed out on.
And it’s startling how much you like him, the fact of him being right out of reach for so long—it’s bittersweet.
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heyy i have a request for the steve x dove universe bcos it’s literally my favourite thing atm
could u possibly do something like where their at a party and someone tries something on reader and they’re really pushy about it even though she keeps saying no. obvs steve cannot have anyone touching or upsetting his sweetest girl so gets the guy to go away. while steve is dealing with the guy maybe reader starts having a panic attack because that guy had really scared her and robin tries to comfort her but obvs the only person capable of that is steve. when steve’s done w the guy he notices how distressed reader is and just comforts her, holds her and just FLUFF.
i got this idea because i noticed how protective of r steve is and i thought this would be a good example of it😍😍🩷🩷🩷🩷
sorry it took a few days ! also this is not proofread because it is three am so my apologies.
warning! this contains depictions of harassment and a panic attack. if this is not something you feel like you can read right now, please please click away. there is no shame in setting boundaries with yourself. there are lots of other stories. please be safe <3
the lights in the house were an array of purples and blues. robin’s friend threw a party, and robin insisted that dove and steve both come so she wouldnt be alone. dove dances as much as she can, but after about an hour she ends up crashing into steves chest. theyre leaned against the wall, and steves hands are covering her ears from the loud music.
“stevie, gonna go get some water. ill be right back.”
he expected her to stay in his line of vision, and by the time she disappeared around the corner into the kitchen, he was in panic mode. the party housed a few unsavory characters, and his dove’s shyness could lead to disaster.
in the kitchen dove had asked the hostess where the water resided, and she had kindly gotten her a glass of water, making sure to fill it in front of her so she knew it wasnt tampered with.
unfortunately, the hostess was called away, and a man around five to ten years older than dove entered the kitchen. she offered a small smile, and he took that as an invitation in his drunken state.
“hey pretty thing” he slurred.
she ignored him, and tried to exit the room, only for him to grab her hand.
“where y’ goin? you don’t want to hang out with me, baby? if you didn’t want the attention you shouldve picked a different dress.”
she ripped her hand away, and she knew the only way to get him to back off would be to mention steve. men like this respect women not as people, but as property.
“i have a boyfriend. hes looking for me.”
“not very hard, he left you here with me.”
in the distance she see steves head of hair frantically searching the house for the kitchen, and as the man kept babbling about nonsense and trying to grab her waist, she yelled his name.
his head shot to where he heard her voice, catching her eye instantly.
“help,” she mouthed.
dove had never seen a man move so quickly in her life. it seemed a second before steve stood tall between them. he held her behind him, and dove knew that he would have to be scary. she closed her eyes and gripped onto his arm.
after many words were spoken, mostly from steve, the other man merely slurred nonsense. he pushed the stranger into the shelves behind him before escorting dove out of the room.
“it’s okay, it’s okay, i’m here, i’ve got you, we’re gonna go home,” he whispered assuringly as he guided her out of the crowded room, trying to ignore the urge to go back and hurt the stranger, knowing it would scare her more. he was plagued with guilt and fear. guilt that he had let her out of his sight. the sobs come from his dove quickly. he helps her into the back seat of his car and locks the doors.
“hey, hey, look at me, youre okay, tell me what happened” he said, his voice shaking.
“nothing,” she says breathlessly, “nothing bad- just-“ her breathing becomes panicked, and the words arent forming. she had told him about her panic attacks before, but he had never seen her experience one. luckily he had done research.
“panic attack” she forced out between short breaths. the air couldnt reach her lungs, at least it felt like it couldnt. steve was panicking, trying to regulate her breathing. trying to soothe while also digging through his center console for an inhaler.
“hey, look at me, try to take a deep breath with me. i know, i know its hard, i just need you to try.” he said, taking her hand and placing it on his chest, breathing in a long breath and watching her struggle to do the same. but after three breaths she was calm enough that steve could help her with the inhaler.
once her breath returned to her, she buried her face into his chest, apologizing profusely.
“you dont need to be sorry. you did nothing wrong.” he repeated the phrase like a mantra while he rocked her back and forth.
she looked up at him. “i love you”
“i love you too. so much. you feel better?”
“yeah i- he was just being scary and he kept- grabbing me and he wouldn’t let me pass. i- it just- it freaked me out.”
“im so sorry honey. are you hurt? i shouldve went after you.” he whispered.
“no! you didnt do anything wrong. im not hurt, just got scared.”
“yeah? how about i take us home and we can order food, maybe watch a movie or something? and then we can talk about it tomorrow morning if you want to.”
“yes please”
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chrissy-kaos · 6 months
I just wanted to tell you I think it’s so cool how you continue to play hockey even if it’s a beer league! I mean I don’t know what good adult leagues there are when you’re older really 😅
I miss playing hockey so much and I always just figured it would be impossible to get taken seriously by judgmental fucks. I love that you make history even though you’re just yourself. I do sort of despise some of the things I’ve heard in the locker room too tbh.
It’s so amazing to see you gear up and get sweaty. It makes me some how feel seen too and I feel like I need to just figure it out lol. I know your kicking ass out there (cus I saw u posted ur stats) lol 💜 hope you have a good rest of your weekend 💜
Thank you! Yea posting about me playing wasn’t something i was really going to do. But everyone here seems to love that content and they continue to ask for it. So I’m going to keep posting it. I don’t think I’m anything special or making history. I’m just a girl that wants to play hockey. That’s it. If I inspire others to play than that’s awesome! Because hockey is amazing and growing the game is important! With that said I’m going to share a bit of a story with you. So bear with me.. I tend to over share 😅
Hockey is something I’ll never give up. For a long time my life centered around it. I’m fortunate enough to live in a town that’s had multiple pro teams and a great hockey community. I used to coach/play for one of the teams before my transition. When I was debating if I was going to transition or not hockey played a part in it for sure. I didn’t want to never play again. But I was scared that people wouldn’t accept me and all that. I felt like majority of the community liked me and enjoyed my coaching. But you never actually know how someone feels about it, ya know.
When I finally made my decision I was coaching full time and I decided to step away from hockey not necessarily for good but until I was comfortable with myself. So I resigned and hung my skates up. Then started my transition. It was a little after two years into my transition when I decided to step on the ice again. I had played some roller with a few friends and messed around stick handling in the house but I never went back to the rink.
(I actually find this hilarious 😂.) I seen they had a skate and shot and decided I’d go to it. Not skating for two years I needed to get my legs back anyway. So I show up to the rink. It’s still all the same people that worked there when I did. I walked up to the counter to pay and my friend Josh was working and said “hi ma’am, here for stick time?.” He had no idea I started to transition. I said “hi, Josh.” He looked at me like I was crazy and asked if he knew me. I gave him the money and said “you might” then walked away. He stopped me to tell me where the women’s locker room is. I smiled and said thank you.
I skated like crap. To be expected tho. After the time was up I headed to the locker’s. Josh stopped me and asked how I knew him. So I told him who I was and it blew his mind 😂. He congratulated me and said he had no idea. He told me he was thinking to himself damn this girl is good(I actually suck lol). He was like who the fuck is she?. He thought I was one of the college players. Our local college and pro team share the rink together. Anyway he was completely blown away. The interaction was great and positive. He was very supportive. After that I started coming once a week and more people realized who I was.
Everyone was extremely supportive and accepting. They use my chosen name and pronouns. Even offered me a coaching position again. I declined for reasons. But the hockey community in general is amazing. I felt comfortable enough to hop in our league. It’s our house A league so all the best players current pros, ex pros and d1-3 guys. It’s extremely competitive. I’m still the only girl ☠️ lol
Now I can’t speak for any other community but at no point in time have I been treated bad or different. I’m given the same respect as everyone else. Do guys talk in the lockers probably but they are nothing but respectful and courteous to me. If you want to get out and play don’t let anyone stop you.
Hockey is for everyone and you deserve to play too! Just go for it! You never know unless you try. Hockey has one of the best lgbtqiia+ communities in all of sports. There are teams like @teamtrans-icehockey where you can play with people like us who understand the difficulties of being trans/nb/queer in sports. I’ve played with teams trans a few times and they are an incredible group of people! I highly recommend checking them out! 
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(I took this pic the on the way to the rink that first time back. Don’t mind the filter and how pudgy I am 🫣)
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ewanmitchelll · 5 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (XIV): State of Grace.
Imagine you find the love of your life on Tinder. But there’s a lot going on before you and him realize that.
Warnings 1: fluff, light reading, some drama, light smut.
• (I)
I'm walking fast through the traffic lights. Busy streets and busy lives and all we know is touch and go. We are alone with our changing minds. We fall in love 'til it hurts or bleeds, or fades in time…
You stare at the Tinder app you’ve just downloaded. Motivations cannot be concealed of why you are doing it. Loneliness is why it’s suddenly opened, leading you to interact with strangers under the pretense you are about to fall in love with the man of your life.
Ridiculous are such romantic notions, and you have no one to blame for nurturing them but yourself. That is why you open it and sliding these male pictures like they are part of an odd menu, you think you are very demanding when you see his picture on your screen.
His profile reads:
Aemond T, 28 years old. “Live fast. Die young. No idea what the fuck I’m doing here, but it is what it is.”
You think those lines are quite amusing and you press the “like” button, a part of you doubting he’s liking you back. Especially when your profile reads:
Y/N, 28 years old. “I talk a lot and make bad jokes. If you are here to be monosyllabic, please get out.”
To your disconcert, he likes you back.
“Well, let’s see how this one goes”, you tell yourself, somewhere between self pity and skepticism.
Aemond Targaryen has arrived home in the first rays of morning. Ran on the streets, crossing red lights, a color he dresses and lives for, hardly respecting it at times when he finds convenient.
Living at the upper east side of King’s Landing, he’s slightly drunk when he gets at the apartment he shares with the only tolerable member of his family: his sister, Laena, who’s sleeping by now.
Opening Tinder because, since he left Alys, he feels the need of one night stand, he finds himself quite impatient before such pursuit. When he sees Y/N on his screen, he knows this is not the kind of woman he usually hangs out with.
In fact, this bad boy hardly looks for good girls—Alys once accused him of mother issues for dating older women who somewhat resemble his mother and this kind of traumatized him. No one knows, but he’s doing therapy to fix this issue.
But you are not older, hardly look like his mother, Mrs Alicent Hightower, and… well, you look beautiful with vivid y/c eyes, smooth y/c skin and y/c hair tossed against the wind.
As soon as he sees he’s corresponded, he sends a message, almost falling asleep because it’s 5 am but he’s surprised when you promptly reply.
“What’s up?”, Aemond writes, half drunk, half asleep.
“All good. And you? Where do you speak from?”, you write back.
“Upper east side, you?”
“Not the richest part of the town for sure.”
When reading these acid lines, Aemond laughs, though something about them annoys him in the same measure.
“What do you know about that?”
“Enough to know this is not a place I frequent.”
“So where do you come from?”
“I recently left High Garden and am temporarily living at the capital. In that neighborhood called Y/C.”
“That’s a good neighborhood. Despite your prejudice, I actually go there at times.”
“My prejudice? Do you suppose I hate rich people now?”
Aemond is not sure how the hell this is going. Shouldn’t a one night stand be this difficult to find, for sure.
“Sorry. I’m drunk.”
He’s about to throw the phone away and touch himself instead. This appears to be a better option. Besides, calling Alys is not fucking considered.
“Apologies accepted. I admit I did not express myself well”, you write. “Should we start again?”
Aemond, between horny and impatient, finds himself compelled not to throw away his phone, after all.
“Sure, why not? What are you doing at 5 am? I mean… I have the excuse of being drunk after a fantastic party at the port, but you?”
“I couldn’t sleep. Too many thoughts over my head, I think, but this is not a conversation for Tinder.”
Now Aemond is wide awake. You don’t look like any superficial woman he’d been talking these days.
“Why, tell me about it. I am an expert when it’s about anxiety and other things. Besides, who do you take me for? I like deep conversations.”
“Send me a text message and we can keep this going.” And you write your number down.
The silver haired male raises an eyebrow. Despite the poor starter, you are more interesting than he’d formerly judged.
I wonder what lies behind these photographed vivid eyes, Y/N.
You exchange messages with Aemond for three days. A date is set, and before you know expectations rise. Then you start to sabotage yourself.
You begin to look for excuses when it comes to meet this strange, handsome rich man. Old traumas remind you of past failures, but your mind is briefly distracted when he sends you a message:
“Hey, Y/N. How’s it going? Didn’t hear from you today.”
It’s mid-week, and due to your work as y/c you occupied yourself enough to avoid his name or the fact that in three days you might meet him.
Part of you wonders what could possibly go wrong whilst another makes a power point presentation with lists of why it could go worse than expected.
“All good”, you eventually answer. “Sorry for not answering straight away. I’ve been working.”
To your surprise, he doesn’t take long to answer you back.
“How’s work so far?”
You know Aemond works as humanities professor at Westeros University, but that he’s also part of that (rather infamous) Targaryen family.
“Good so far. Just busy. How’s yours?”
“One needs patience to deal with young adults that still think they are teenagers. By the way, apologies for the swift change of subjects, but how’s our Saturday going? Still standing, I hope?”
You hesitate, panicking before the idea of seeing someone. Part of you tries to find motives to avoid him, but another, more reasonable, reminds you this is living: hurting, yes, but embracing the joys life may offer. Shielding oneself against disappointment will not stop them happening, so what is the point of hiding in shadows under the pretense of impeding suffering?
“Is 10 o’clock good?”
“It works fine for me. I’ll see you there!”
It’s set. Your first date in three years…
• (II)
You come around and the armor falls. Pierce the room like a cannonball. Now all we know is don't let go. We are alone, just you and me…
Aemond is not romantic, but practical like his ex used to mock. He is not the kind of man who opens easily, rather being a man of actions.
How unusual, or perhaps following an advice of his sister dear, that he opts as first date with a girl he’d never seen before a picnic at the Aegon’s Hill.
Dressed like someone who could easily be mistaken as a motorcycle rider man, he’s wearing a pair of sunglasses and threw over his shoulder a black jacket, wearing a simple white shirt and black pants.
He checks his phone once a while, but why is he feeling dizzy at this first encounter with a stranger?
It’s when he spots you dressed in a flower dress, medium y/c hair blowing against the wind, wearing a pair of blue sandals on your feet.
A funny contrast you two are, like sun and moon when they meet, resulting in an eclipse. But as Aemond watches you come, shy and insecure about him, he wonders where this will go.
Taking off his sunglasses, he stands and smiles:
“Y/N? It’s me, Aemond.”
“Oh”, you barely blink when spotting those purple eyes. “You are taller than I had assumed.”
He chuckles at your remark.
“In my family this is a remarkable trait, some would say.” Aemond offers you a seat and you soon take it.
You see the picnic is already set, the cloth already spread over the green grass on a spot that has some shadows thanks to a large tree that there stands.
There are fruits, cakes, cereals and breads, but also juice, water and coffee. You are positively impressed by the effort he paid to this. Aemond side smirks at your reaction.
“What? Did you like it?”
“I loved it”, you smile the brightest at him. “Thank you, Aemond. I’ve never done picnics before.”
“No?”, he inquires, watching you with interest. “How come? I thought this was a common thing at High Garden?”
You laugh heartily and Aemond decides that he likes the sound.
“I am not a noblewoman, my dear. It may be a tradition amidst the local elite. You must certainly have heard of a beauty named Margaery Tyrell. She does promote these events there, but like I said, I’ve moved to Kings Landing a few years ago.”
“The name may hint something, but I don’t care about elites and their gatherings”, says Aemond, serving himself some water whilst you opt for some juice. “My father loves throwing fanciful parties, but I don’t fit them, so I stopped going.”
As you study him, your gaze and his linger for one small, but significant moment before you say:
“So I get you are not very close to your family?”
“Not really, no. But you wouldn’t be if your father favored one child over the other and expected gratitude in return”, he smiles despite the poisonous words.
You raise your eyebrows.
“Is it that bad then?”
“You have no idea.”
You tilt your head.
“I cannot believe I relate to you, Aemond Targaryen.”
For some reason, this brings you both to delightful laughters in that first date…
• (III)
And I never saw you coming. And I'll never be the same…
It’s been two weeks. What was supposed to be a chasing after one night stand it has become new discoveries giving space to new sensations.
Aemond likes to kiss your lips in his car, to make you laugh at his bad jokes or listen when you tell about your day.
You like to listen to him too, not only about his days, but his past experiences, open wounds that mirror yours. And when he kisses you it is as if the world stops spinning and everything takes in a slower rhythm.
His kiss makes you feel unspeakable things, but that you never felt encouraged in doing them, transferring to reality what has only been a fantasy of your dreams.
Nonetheless, you are still reluctant in pushing affairs forward and Aemond respects you that. He reads you like an open book, always observant about your mannerisms.
This day, for example, you two are at a coffeehouse that is located within a bookshop. There, you read a book of poems all the whilst he drinks coffee. It’s a comfortable silence and it gives him such a peace, one of the kind he’s unused to it.
“What are you looking at?”, you ask upon sensing his stare, which makes you blush.
He chuckles, finding adorable how easily he makes you shy.
“You”, says he directly. “I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful like you, reading so concentrated.”
You giggle like a silly girl, finally putting the book aside to take his long hand in yours, enjoying how smooth it is when your fingers are locked with his.
“Stop it”, you shoot him an embarrassed look. “You know it’s untrue.”
Aemond laughs quietly. He then makes sure you are now sitting on his lap, disregarding the fact you two are at a public place.
“I mean every word I say”, he looks deep into your eyes, holding your hips as he rests his chin over your shoulder. “How come I feel more alive when I’m with you, dearest Y/Nickname? My heart races when you look at me like that.”
You lean closer to him, a smile spreading big on your lips before cupping his face with your hands.
In your mind you cry out a big “I love you”, but these words don’t reach your tongue yet. You thus kiss his lips instead and there you stay, at your private paradise.
Later, he drives you to his home. His sister isn’t there and Aemond wants to show you his place properly. This is the first time you are there since you and him started dating—though no label has come out of either mouths yet.
Once inside, you are given a tour at the apartment. It’s bigger than you’d expect, but cozy and nice to look at with a huge view at his living room to the sea.
“Look at this view!”, you exclaim in awe as you see green hills mixing with different modern buildings that are combined with the blue of the oceans, reflecting the same shade of the color that paints the skies. “I wish I was this privileged! But then I remember I already am.”
And saying so, you look at him, transmitting more than you’d expect. But even so… when Aemond meets your gaze, he sees it through you. What is curious is that, somewhere in his past, he’d flee, panic or fight it in his way by sabotaging the process.
He still has his scars, and these are eventually coming to surface, but this silver haired male has no space in his mind that is not you. Thus, he comes to stay behind you and says:
“You know what, Y/N? Be with me. Be my girlfriend.”
You turn your head at him. It is easy to be involved by sweet words and empty promises, but this is not what you feel when your wide-eyed gaze meets his intense one.
Souls speak in silence when desires, sentiments and thoughts are aligned in one purpose. Could it be any different? Perhaps yes, but neither you nor Aemond conceive otherwise.
"Yes, my dearest."
You turn and wrap your hands around his neck. Proximity is shortened as his long, callous hands tight the grip around your waist and his forehead once again rests against yours and a kiss comes as a result.
Though he is not yet ready to speak these three words that at times can be seen behind his dazzling purple eyes, Aemon is more than ready in building a new, more optimistic future with you by his side.
A sentiment and perception that you share as your togue snakes in his and together dance in one slow syncronized rhythm. Silence remains undefeated in the surroundings... but for how long?
His is the fireous pursuit and you, like a timber prompted to burn. Soon, you are pressed against the wall with his lips still locked with yours, but his hands move to your hips, there staying, there caressing your bum before rising to your waist and slowly transferring his gentle, warming touch to your back, underneath the blouse you wear.
It does not help that, after biting your bottom lip, he breaks the kiss so he gradually grows bold in his teasings. You like how your boyfriend--and the word brings a smile to your redish lips--takes his time to get to know you and your pace even if you suspect he's a dragon like the standard of the symbol of his famous family.
You play with his long locks, wrapping them around your fingers, sighing quietly as his tongue takes its time to get familiar with your neck. You giggle softly, however, when his hands rest subtly on your belly.
"Yes, babe?", he raises his eyes to meet yours and in them you see mischief. "Is it good for my lady?"
Your knees often weaken and your body gets instantly warm at whenever he is gallant with you. Aemond, a good observer, knows it well. No wonder why he smirks at you.
"It is more than good, I fear to say", you chuckle, struggling not to rub one leg to the other, especially when he looks at you like that. And you find yourself restless, prompted to let your fingertips vaguerously move from his arms to his chest, thus helping him remove his shirt.
"Is it so?", Aemond laughs quietly, letting you take the reins of the moment. "Your innocent gaze makes me no fool, young lady".
Saying so he presses you one more time against the wall, biting your neck all the whilst your hands eagerly move to his pants.
"You are my doom", you whimper impatiently.
The spark is about to explode...
So you were never a saint and I've loved in shades of wrong We learn to live with the pain, Mosaic broken hearts. But this love is brave and wild
Even sun sets in paradise. In due time, his obscurity comes to surface as well as your vices. Jealousy is a trait you dislike in yourself, reflecting the insecurity within due to bad experiences in former relationships.
His self entitled taste for liberty awakes this beast, coming to test your relationship in the famous “three months crisis”.
“Don’t give me the silent treatment”, says Aemond, troubled by your silence as he drives you home.
The cause of disagreement rests in the unwelcoming presence of Alys Rivers. Two days after Aemond’s birthday party, she, who remained a close friend to his brother Aegon—even if his entire family hates her for reasons you have not yet figured out—paid him a visit and you were not told about this.
But he eventually tells you like it is not relevant for your relationship. You, proud where sentiments are concerned, think that if he cannot see how wrong this all is, certainly will not find out by you.
“I am not giving any silent treatment”, your words cry a wound open in your ego, your voice betrays your pride.
Aemond sighs and stops the car somewhere random.
“Come now, don’t be like this, Y/N”, he looks at you with confused eyes. “We have always talked about everything, haven’t we?”
Your therapist usually tells you that, regardless of how uncomfortable it is to speak out, you must not swallow your sentiments nor bury them by turning into a burden that should be forgotten. Or else your body would feel the results, which in turn were not nice.
Aemond can see you are struggling against yourself, aware that underneath you there lies old scars that still do you harm. He puts a hand around your shoulders, patient.
“Take your time”, he says with his usual soothing voice.
In other circumstances, he’d not be patient. But this is someone whom he cares deeply, having grown to love sincerely. Only another woman holds his patient affection and it’s his sister, Helaena.
Eventually you burst into tears, letting yourself exposed before this man you love. You’d think he is the kind of guy who likes strong women so you’d never let be seen so fragile, so open.
Aemond somehow comprehends it, then he lifts your face so you can meet his gaze and see there’s no judgement behind his eyes. Wiping away your tears, he suddenly realizes, after examining his conscience, the probable cause of your hurting.
“What did I do, lass? There is no need to push me away. We must speak. What is troubling you, my love?”
“I… I…” you take a deep breath, confident you can battle your demons. “You welcomed her, the woman who you told me you loved fiercely for many years. You welcomed her at your house and tell me as if this is no big deal? She may remain friends with your brother, but then what about us? What about me? Do you care so little about my feelings that you simply receive her, a woman I cannot equal in many ways?”
Oh, the thought comes too late. So this is what it’s about.
Aemond doesn’t know how to respond straight away. Sticking to his early encouragement, he is not running away from himself.
There is embarrassment, there is shame. His thoughts are a mess, but only after you stop sobbing that he turns at you.
“I’m sorry, Y/Nickname. That was imprudent of me.”
“I am not that kind of girl who is possessive of her boyfriend. Who you hang out with is your problem, we all have friends and it’s completely understandable to be friends with one’s ex but…”
“Wait”, he frowns. “Are you friends with your exes?”
You ignore his remark.
“…to welcome her like that without even telling me, and at your own house with no one else. How can I feel comfortable with that?”
“Aegon was there”, Aemond mumbles. “This doesn’t excuse, I know. I’m sorry, darling. And I had no idea you compared with her. For the love of God, I am your boyfriend, not hers. If I wanted to relive the past, I would be a historian or a museologist.”
Pleased to make you chuckle, Aemond smiles at you, pressing a soft kiss against your temple.
“Are we good?”
“Yes, my love, we are.”
And you two stay silent, appreciating each other’s company with only the stars and the poorly illuminated posts as witnesses.
A few months later, a graver disagreement comes like an earthquake to shake the stability between you two.
Aemond is a possessive man, so he is not exactly a man of sharing. This flaw comes particularly when he feels threatened by others. One of these is his nephew, Jacaerys Velaryon.
He thought this rascal man was being friendlier to you than you deserved. You two had a fervent argument after that.
Or when you accused him of running away of his commitment to you by not introducing you to his family.
As you can see, it’s been a hell of a ride.
But twelve months later and insecurities are overcome, with you finally settled with each other’s demons.
• (V)
This is a state of grace. This is the worthwhile fight. Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right. These are the hands of fate. You're my Achilles heel. This is the golden age of something good and right and real…
You mount on him, ready to another drive. It feels so damn good to have his cock twitching hard, thrusting inside you as you two move slowly.
“This is so damn good”, you moan, eyes closed.
“Do not be loud, my dear”, Aemond smirks, adjusting to you, taking a seat without letting you fall.
Curtain is open, giving path to moonlight spark in his bedroom. You are at his apartment, having recently moved together.
But dear Helaena’s birthday is coming soon and some of the family is spending time there.
“I am trying to, but you make it difficult”, you whimper when he takes your breast to his mouth all the while fingering you concomitantly to his moves.
And then he rolls you to his bed, fastening his pace and kissing you passionately.
Not too long after that and you both come together in the same climax. When cuddling you, Aemond says.
“I corrupted you, didn’t I?”
You cast him an amused glance.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve become more naughty since we’ve met”, Aemond chuckles, kissing your neck. “Not that I am complaining.”
“What can I do if the makeup sex is really good?”, you laugh quietly.
Interlocking fingers, you two stay like this for a moment, staring into the nude dark sky able to spot from his bed.
“I was thinking…”
You look at him, admiring his beauty, the paled, smooth skin, the well built muscles perfectly drawn in his shaped body, his long hands that mould so well with yours… Even his wrongs, his flaws, his vices… make you love him ardently.
Sensing your gaze, Aemond begins to flush.
“I am no romantic”, he whispers in his usual quiet tone. “But you know how I’ve grown to overcome my disability in expressing my thoughts and sentiments.”
“I’ve always judged you did this better than me”, you muse partially joking, pleased to make him smile.
Now on your elbows, you take his face with your hands.
“What’s it my dear?”
Avoiding your inquisitive gaze, Aemond is silent before bursting it soon:
“Be my wife.”
You barely blink, a small, silly smile, coming to form on your lips.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You heard me”, he blushes.
You laugh at his lack of sensibility. Throwing yourself at him gives the peace his rioting heart requires.
“Is this a… yes?”, Aemond asks, unsure. “I should have done it better, I’m so…”
You shush him by kissing his lips, then saying:
“Of course this is a yes! You are my state of grace, Aemond Targaryen! I could have not asked for a better husband.”
When contemplating the genuine joy stamped in your features, he, stroking your cheek, then says:
“You are the love of my life, Y/N Y/LN.”
Without waiting for any response, he holds you against his chest, rocking you in his arms as you share a kiss.
It’s the first chapter of your happily ever after…
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nereidprinc3ss · 1 month
OMG. i’m just a bit of a overthinker so i have this bit of a bad habit where i tend to overanalyze everything when i shouldn’t 😃 but since you asked, here are some of the things that made me consider that reader might have daddy issues.
just please please don’t let this affect your work, your writing is absolutely perfect and nothing about it should be changed. again, it’s just me being a weird intp autistic overthinker.
1. it kinda looks like she uses sex to feel loved. she even confronts him by speculating that he might not be attracted to her. through the entire series reader is constantly scared of the idea of spencer leaving her after finding out who she actually is as a vulnerable person based on her nakedness if that makes any sense?
“But I just… sometimes I worry I’ll scare you away once you realize I’m not as pretty or… good as you thought.”
2. spencer’s character is obviously well known for having an eloquent vocabulary but he even gives me the vibe of being a little bit much older than reader. which is a common thing in women with daddy issues, like me. but again, this is just my way of interpreting the whole thing. he always seems to be so put up together but of course, that might change with the new chapter. even his actions make him sound more older, like in here:
“He smiles up at you like you’re something divine and lets his hands trail over your hips.” 
i’m probably just being weird about it but i just THINK it’s impossible for a guy close to reader’s age to think like this and be this gentle because young men are stupid by default and very few have this sense of gentleness with their actions. even with the way he calls her honey, i have never in my life seen a guy my age call their girlfriend “honey” and sure, this is merely fiction but for this reason i picture both of them with bit of an age gap going on in their relationship.
3. spencer is a bit of a emotionally unreachable boyfriend sometimes! and i’m analyzing this based on his confession towards reader about him regretting his first time. like there is so much rambling in this dynamic and it takes him long enough to be able to directly say it to her. yeah, he wasn’t ready to tell reader he loved her but there were other ways to tell her that he regretted his first time. almost like there is no emotional connection or actual trust between them.
4. sometimes reader is also unable to trust spencer, it’s so easy to see how she’s constantly battling in her head to ask him a simple question or even taking a compliment from him. i know it’s just meant to be portrayed as insecurity but this is actually a common thing in daddy issues as far as i know.
“He likes me and my questions are important to him, you repeat to yourself silently as you work up the strength.”
5. and moreover, this one sentence:
“It’s every fiber of your being screaming to tell him how you feel, to beg him on your knees not to go because you love him like a child loves a parent or a bee loves honeysuckle or the ocean loves the horizon.”
and this one part as well: Somehow, he makes you feel like a scolded child. But he makes it appealing in ways you don’t understand. 
But again, your work is PERFECT. and i wouldn’t have it any other way. you keep doing you. ❤️
me rambling about the DYBMN age gap and reader potentially being neurodiverse below the cut 🙏 bless
oh so it is definitely interwoven throughout the entire thing and i didn’t even realize you are so right omg😭 this is like in tangled when rapunzel realizes she’s been painting the sun emblem subconsciously her whole life
anyway bff this just made me so ridiculously happy. like the analysis??? the attention to detail???? im ecstatic im losing my mind ily this is so insanely thoughtful thank you for doing this!!!
and yeah i think you could be right about the age gap. i think i technically only put it as an implied warning for one of the chapters but the more i write the more i realize that is definitely a part of the dynamic. but also like?? not all the time?? not for sure?? and i don’t necessarily think that if they DO have an age gap it’s a super big one (although it’s up to you guys, none of my business) i think i feel that way because oftentimes they will behave like peers in the same age group which is how i wrote them on purpose. but it could also be that they’re peers in other ways like let me explain something i’ve been thinking about
reader is insecure not only about being inexperienced in romance but in life, and feeling powerless/helpless in the way that a child might. i think that comes from me being neurodivergent and putting bits and pieces of me into the writing. a very common thing among neurodiverse people is feeling behind developmentally from their peers which the reader is DEFINITELY struggling with so i think she’s lowkey nd coded which wasnt my intent but here we are—and so even if she and spencer aren’t super close in age they might be peers in that sense. as an nd person i often don’t relate well with ppl my age and find myself much more comfortable and finding natural connection w people significantly older than me. so that could very much be a part of it but iddkkkkk reader doesn’t have to be nd and they don’t have to have an age gap but it’s fun to theorize! anyway thank you so much for your thoughts lovely they are so appreciated!!
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maestriovermind · 9 months
Pinned Post
Color Key: (Read first, very important)
most important information
important information
please read
positive information
negative information
et cetera descriptive or ancillary text
Anons and DMs are always open! If you do want to directly message me, I highly recommend adding me on
my discord: mindgirl
I may occasionally edit this pinned post with new / remembered information to better express myself.
Beginning of bio for short attention span havers:
Names: Amaranth / Amy (please ask before using Amy)
My age, as of my birthday in 2023: 23 years old
My preferred pronouns: she/they/it
My preferred honorifics: Ma'am, Miss - Ask before using any others
Sexuality/Romance/Etc: Demisexual/Asexual, Panromantic, Poly
Likes, in no particular order:
TTRPGs, TCGs, Video Games, Writing, Art, Music, Theatre, Movies, TV Shows, Animation, Cooking / Baking, Computer Science, Psychology, Hypnosis, Learning, All forms of life, Defiance in the face of injustice, Kindness, Empathy, Therapy, Anything that pisses off my mother, Webcomics (yes including that one), Generally pretty much every form of telling stories available to me
TTRPGs that I play / have played or at least read some:
DnD 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Masks, Dungeon World, Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Favorite Foods/Drinks, in no particular order:
Takis, Raspberries, Blackberries, Crispy ginger beef, Broccoli with cheese, shrimp fried rice, Monkey bread, Catfish, Homemade kombucha, Dr. Pepper, Water, Sourdough bread
I will probably immediately like you in some capacity if you meet one of the following criterion:
Goth, Punk, current or former "Scene" girl, Woman (bonus points if your hair is short), Witch/etc, GNC, Using "She/Her, They/Them, She/They, or Fae/Faer" pronouns, Nice to me
I hold the stance that to believe every single cishet man to be a chaser or bigoted is bigoted in itself, so don't discount yourself if you are both a cisgender man and only into women, you still have a chance, even if I may be biased against you.
Dislikes, in no particular order:
Purposeful lack of empathy, Executive tasks, Purposeful ghosting, The USA, Law enforcement, Any form of purposeful bigotry, Gatekeeping, Calling anything/anyone "cringy," Myself, "cancelling" someone/something without significant evidence and reason to do so, deciding that something/someone is unequivocally good or bad, rejecting the idea that people change, Logical fallacies, the word "Lazy," Conflict, Rejection, Purposeful lack of honesty (especially in a relationship), excessive vegetables/greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, excessive onions, non-crunchy asparagus.
I'm just here looking for friends that enjoy similar things to what I also like to partake in, be they horny or not.
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Frequently used tags and what they mean:
#hypnosis, #cw hypnosis, #hypnok1nk
typically used as a trio when tagging hypnosis themed art, or any mention of hypnosis in an ask response or any post in general
#thoughts on the brain
always used for posts that are just rambles, or off topic
#my voice
will always be attached to posts that feature my voice in an audible format, whether directly attached or on the audio hosting website that I typically use
#my art, #digital art
Art that I have created. Will usually include #digital art, as pretty much all art that I make is in Clip Studio Paint
#ask response
A response to an ask. Exactly what you think it means.
Explicit mention of some form of conditioning, classical or operant, usually paired with #hypnosis, #cw hypnosis, and #hypnok1nk.
#maestri sub tag
Woag me? A bottom? Surprising right? Wrong. This tag is for all of my posts (after a certain point where I started using the tag, I'm not going to find all my older subby posts and tag them) in which I am being a complete and utter subby little bottom. Please don't make fun of me too much.
- - - - - - - -
If you read all of my pinned post, congratulations! I will probably like you a lot more because you are emotionally invested in me and learning as much as you can about me.
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cloudlessly-light · 1 year
Hello! I read your recent one shot with Hotchniss and the team being out and loved it. Now I want to request something similar. Like they’re both a little tipsy with the team and tell them dirty details. Em starts with how many orgasms she had in one night and they can’t stop…🫠 make it as dirty as you want 🤭
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy this fic as well! Title: All I see is us Summary: Emily shared too much about their sex life. Aaron blames the tequila. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,1k Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, consumption of alcohol
Thinking back the tequila had been a bad idea, Aaron realizes as comes back from the bar and catches the end of Emily’s sentence.
“… In one night it was 6 but if we count a whole day, I think we’re way past double digits.”
He places the glasses on the table while JJ and Penelope both utter words of surprise.
“What are we talking about?” He asks like he doesn’t already know, the proud look Dave sends him across the table mixed with Emily’s smirk more than enough for him to go on.
“Orgasms.” She says and he tries to keep the smirk off his own face. “Specifically how many times you’ve made me come in a day.”
“Emily…” He chastises but his girlfriend doesn’t seem bothered by his slight embarrassment. Aaron continues for a few minutes to try and keep Emily from spilling every detail of their previously very private sex life. He realizes after the fourth question Emily answers without a moment of hesitation that he won’t be able to stop her and instead grabs the beer in front of him and downs it. He loved Emily, loved even the worst parts of her, but she was stubborn and hardheaded and apparently getting her to stop talking once she had started was impossible.
“It’s not like the girls wouldn’t have found out anyways.” Emily says as she leans into his side, the warmth of his body always something she was in search for.
“And Garcia would have told me, right baby girl?” Derek grinned at him, not even trying to hide how much he was enjoying watching Aaron squirm.
“Yeah and he would have told Spence so really, Dave would have been the only one out of the loop and that is not fair.” Penelope continues while the rest laugh.
“You say that like Emily hasn’t already told me all of this.” Dave shrugs and Emily laughs at the outrage from the women at the table.
“So really honey, just go with it.” Emily pats his thigh and gives him a kiss that he falls into easily. His hand tightens on her waist and when he pulls back he can see that she’s enjoying this, that telling their friends about them was turning her on. So he decided to go with it, lets himself fall into the comfort of friends and ignores the fact that they’re coworkers.
“Did she tell you about the time she showed up at my apartment dressed in nothing but a trench coat?”
“Emily, you did not?!” Penelope looked at her, mouth open and eyes wide as she looks at her friend in disbelief.
“What? He was mad at me and I was horny, what’s a girl to do?” She smirks and Derek laughs right along with her, pride oozing out of him. “He ripped the coat as well, I had nothing but his clothes to wear the next day.” Aaron kisses her temple and she can feel his body responding to the memory of that night.
“Luckily you look good in my clothes.”
“I look good in everything.”
“Okay so I have to ask, where in the office have you done it except in your office?” JJ asks, blue eyes staring intently at them.
“Who said we have…”
“In the supply closet on the fourth floor, in Strauss’s office and of course we just had to try out Dave’s desk.”
“Aaron Hotchner I knew you lied to me when I asked about the marks!” Dave tries to scold them but it only makes all of them laugh. “You’re buying me a new desk.” The older man mutters and Aaron nods in agreement.
“Wait, are we all just forgetting about the Strauss part? When did this happen?” Derek asks before taking a swig of his beer.
“Which time?” Emily smirks around the straw of her drink, her dark eyes meeting her friends who looks almost giddy.
“I saw you once.” Spencer says out of nowhere, the youngest having kept quiet so far during the conversation. “You sneaked out and your shirt was hanging out of your pants,” He looks at Aaron with something resembling relief. “I thought you were having an affair with Strauss because it was before we knew about you guys, but then Emily was hiding a hickey only a few minutes later and I figured it was her you were with.”
“Wait that was months before we told you.” Aaron looks at the younger man as he remembered the day he was talking about.
“I’m good with secrets.” He answers easily and JJ hits him on the arm.
“You didn’t tell us? Not even me?”
“It wasn’t my secret to tell.” Spencer shrugs and the blonde gives him a look of fake annoyance before turning back to Emily and Aaron.
“Have you tied him up yet?”
Spencer spits out his drink while Dave bursts out laughing at the face Aaron makes.
“No, she’s not tying me up.” His eyebrows furrow as he looks at Emily who avoids his gaze, her cheeks slightly flushed. “However,” He starts and he sees her head whip around at the tone in his voice “she enjoys being tied down and blindfolded.”
“See that doesn’t surprise me at all.” Dave says while Emily blushes harder. “You reek of kink, Bella.”  
“I’m just saying, Monday will kill us both.” Aaron says as he unlocks the door to their shared home, Emily walking in ahead of him and he’s quick to follow.
“Are you mad that I told our friends just how well you fuck me?” She smirks at the heated stare in his eyes as her arms wrap around his neck and he pulls her against him by a hold on her hips.
“No,” He mutters against her lips as he backs her up through the house and towards their bedroom. “I do think it’s about time we beat 6 though, don’t you?”
Emily laughs with a shake of her head, kisses him quickly and she feels his grip harden on her hips.
“Honey, that might kill us both.” She turns in his arms, tugs him along with her up the stairs and turns the second they’re safely upstairs. “So how about we fuck, go to bed, and then we try to break the record tomorrow?”
Aaron smiles into another kiss, this one needier than the one before as Emily grips his tie and pulls him with her. His own hands find the hem of her shirt, gets it over her head before they’re even in their bedroom, her bra soon following.
When they fall onto the bed a mess of tangled limbs and desperate kisses they’re both naked and panting and the pent-up arousal from the last few hours is finally released. Emily rolls on top of him, grinds against his hard shaft and moans as her clit drags along his heated skin. Aaron is gripping at her, chases her lips with his own as calloused fingers pull on nipples and dig into soft skin.
“Ride me.” He grunts and she straightens above him, giving him a view of her body as she slowly rises on her knees. She jerks him quickly, aligns him with her center and when she sinks down on him the sound rumbling from his chest can’t be described as anything but guttural.
“Fuck you feel good.” She says through labored breathing, her body still needing a moment to get used to the stretch of him. She rolls her hips, watches the way Aaron watches her as she starts to move on top of him. Her hands fall to his chest as she rides him harder, enjoys every delicious inch of him inside of her.
“That’s it, fuck you look good like this.” He whispers, head falling back at the feeling of her soaked center around him, his hands falling to her hips. “Gorgeous thing.”
She whimpers at the praise, her hips buckling in response and he smirks knowingly at her. His hands are tightening on her body, helps her move faster on top of him and she arches in pleasure. Aaron takes advantage, sucks a hard nipple between his lips and tugs gently on it with his teeth,
“Fuck.” She hisses at the slight pain but it does nothing but spur her on. She grinds on his lap as his mouth lavished her chest, she feels him buckling up against her, fucking into her as she chases her release.
He feels her clenching around him, feels her body tensing on his lap and he lets go of her nipple to be able to look at her. Her bottom lip is sucked between her teeth, eyes hooded and needy and fuck him if she wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
“Make yourself come, soak my cock baby.” He lets go of her hip with one hand but continues to push up against her, his feet planted on the bed for leverage. His hand moves to hold the back of her neck, his thumb pressing into the hollow of her throat and she looks at him with a whine falling from her lips. “Do it, let me watch you come. Show me how good my cock makes you feel.”
Emily crashes into her orgasm only a few seconds later, her body tensing and arms giving out as she lets him fuck her through it, his words of encouragement low and dark against her ear. He doesn’t stop until her thighs have stopped trembling and her breathy moans become quiet. She lifts her head enough to kiss him, her tongue licking into his mouth and swallowing his groan as he turns them around until he’s hovering above her.
“You always make me feel so good.” She whispers, voice raspy and quiet as he presses gentle kisses along his shoulder and neck.
“Again.” He grunts with a rough thrust that makes her fingers dig into his arms. “One more time.” His eyes meet hers and she’s nodding without even realizing as he starts to fuck into her with heavy thrusts.
Emily licks over his racing pulse, muffles her own sounds against his neck as he thrusts hard and deep, revels in his own grunts and low growls of pleasure against her ear. Then he’s changing the angle of his hips and his hand sneak between them and his fingers are on her clit, rubbing in tight circles and her whole body reacts.
“Don’t stop, Aaron fuck it’s so good, you feel so good, I’m so close.” She rambles, her words mumbled and incoherent and it makes him double his efforts as his own release builds by every thrust inside of her.
It’s only a few minutes before Emily comes again, her legs wrapped around him and nails digging into his skin hard enough to break it, but he barely notices it, not when she’s gasping his name in pleasure. The feeling of her clenching center pushes him over the edge with her, his grunt muffled against her shoulder as they tremble together.
Emily doesn’t let go of him even after they’ve calmed and he’s gone slack, refuses to put even an inch of space between them as he rolls them around easily. She smiles when he kisses her forehead and then angles her face to kiss her on the lips.
“So, we’re spending the tomorrow and Sunday breaking the record huh?”
“Yes, we are.” He grins, mind already racing to every toy they have and how much he’ll enjoy using every single one of them.
“So, did you have a good weekend?” Derek asks him that following Monday.
“Very, how about you?” Aaron answers as he pours himself and Emily a cup of coffee, wordlessly taking the Splenda the other man is already holding out.
“Nothing special.” He answers as he studies his boss with a raised eyebrow. “So, 6? Didn’t think you’d have it in you.” He laughs at the way Aaron’s eyebrow furrow, his movements stopped momentarily.
Aaron thinks about his options for a second, on one hand he could give Derek a stern look and tell him about professionalism in the workplace, but it seemed useless, especially after Friday night.
“Actually, 8.” He smirks, eyes drifting between the younger man and Emily standing by her desk talking to JJ.
“No way.” Derek’s gleeful smile turns into a look of doubt, his eyes moving from his boss to look at Emily as well. “There’s no way you…” His voice dies in his throat when he sees Emily walk towards them, her steps slow and careful, a slight limp in every step and she blushes when she catches both men looking at her.
“8 Morgan, that’s all I’m saying.”
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female-malice · 7 months
(archive link)
A foundational work of Chinese philosophy and literature, the Zhuangzi, traditionally attributed to the philosopher of the same name from the late Warring States Period (475-221BC), is a series of stories, anecdotes and parables that advocate independent thinking and freedom from societal conventions.
Lisa Lam Mun-wai, co-chair of the Gay Games Hong Kong – which will start on November 3, the first time the event has visited Asia – tells Richard Lord how it changed her life.
The first time I read it was as part of the school curriculum, in grade eight or nine. It guided me mentally and emotionally through challenges. This was around the time of my coming of age as a teenager, when I realised I was a little bit different from my friends.
I had these intense feelings for women – I had no words for it, and I felt quite lost. This was in the early 80s, and all you saw around you was that lesbians would have a miserable life or were lunatics or serial killers.
Among the many things Zhuangzi gave me was some space in my heart to look in peacefully and ignore what was going on outside.
He says that it’s not wise to give labels to things, and nothing is entirely either good or bad. We humans are limited by our perspective: something can be useful to me and completely useless to you.
Zhuangzi was very comforting to me at that time because the outside world was so nasty and unaccepting. I realised that it didn’t mean I was a lonely person who had to live a miserable life. It really gave me a chance to look inside, and space to breathe.
The first story I read from it was the butcher (Cook Ding, whose movements are so skilful that, as he explains while butchering an ox, he has not had to sharpen his knife for 19 years). As I grew older, I started to understand the symbolism of that. It’s in a chapter about how to nurture life.
If you look at the cow as your life journey, the knife is like your heart and the butcher is how you navigate through life: the whole story is about how you stay centred. For me, it was about how you preserve your heart.
Zhuangzi lived during a terrible time in Chinese history, and he was trying to show how despite suffering, you can still live a good life.
At the beginning of the chapter, before the butcher story, there’s an opening paragraph about how your life is limited but knowledge is unlimited.
I was 13 or 14 and had never thought of life being limited. I did a calculation: I thought I had about 20,000 days left on Earth. Do I want to spend them worrying how people think? It became crystal clear to me that I wanted to lead a meaningful life.
I go back to it from time to time, especially when I feel stuck or unhappy. Zhuangzi taught me how to be open-minded and not cling onto fixed views or ideas.
If he were alive now, he’d probably be an environmentalist. He constantly talks about how humanity is just one of many beings. We feel superior and try to fix things, not realising that there are lots of things we don’t know.
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sesshy380 · 5 months
Heya! If you're still looking for prompts - I'd love some Euroshipping (Ryou x Seto), and for any kinda holiday type prompt... blizzard/trapped because of blizzard? Ooooor... anything hot chocolate related. Or skiing! Ooooh or the Nutcracker?
From, IAmAllYetNotAtAll (I hate not being able to send an ask from a side blog!)
@iamallyetnotatall, I am so sorry it took me so long to get this finished! Around the time I came up with a basic idea on how to do this particular pairing (because I was all 'Rarepair? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED'), I got hit hard with the dreaded combo of brain fog and writer's block. About the time it all lifted and I remembered the basic idea I was going to go with, I had no time/energy to write 😭
Well here it is! I went for the simple idea of Hot Chocolate, because who doesn't love cocoa this time of year?
I will warn you: Since this is a rarepair, there is no established relationship. Instead, we have a scene were it's obvious a relationship can develop from. I hope it meets your expectations! (also, I only gave this a quick one-over, so apologies for any SPAG)
‘You're the most important person in all of Domino! You have to go!’
Well…Mokuba was right about one thing: He was definitely the most important person in Domino. Having to be present at the Holiday Extravaganza, however…Seto was certain he wouldn't have been missed. The only people who cared about his presence were people wanting him to invest in their crappy startups and single women who wanted to fix his bachelor status…both of which were testing his patience at the moment.
He scoured the room, looking for any excuse to walk away. Normally he'd tell people to just get lost, but Mokuba had made it a point to remind him multiple times that he needed to be ‘nice’ if he wanted to help secure extra funding for the local orphanages. Holding his tongue was proving to be an extreme challenge.
His gaze came to an abrupt halt as he spotted a head of familiar white hair.
He didn't know much about Bakura Ryou, aside from the fact that his father was the curator of the local museum and that his mother and sister had died when he was younger. He knew little else about his former highschool classmate.
Based on Ryou's expression, he was enduring the same agony of having to put on a smile despite not wanting to be there.
A couple of older gentlemen approached him, accompanied by a younger woman. One of the gentlemen seemed to be on very familiar grounds with Ryou, leading Seto to believe it may have been Ryou's father…and based on the series of formal bows, it looked to be that he was trying to set Ryou up with a female relative of an acquaintance.
He vaguely recalled overhearing once that Ryou’s father was fairly absent from his life except for when it was convenient for the man. This event must be one of those ‘convenient’ times.
He could practically sense Ryou's discomfort from across the room, despite his outwardly polite facade. He was certain Ryou was begging for an escape just as much as he was.
He internally groaned. Coming to someone else’s rescue wasn’t exactly something he was in the habit of doing, but it made his blood boil seeing someone else stuck in the predicament of having to be polite and do things against their wishes for the sake of a paternal figure that didn’t give a damn any other time.
Seto excused himself from the small group of people that were easily carrying on a conversation without him and began to cross the room, trying to recall any other pieces of useful information about his former classmate.
He knew Ryou was into games and sometimes hung out with those ‘other nerds’ back in highschool. What else? Hadn’t one of them mentioned in passing that Ryou now worked at his father’s museum? Something about being in charge of creating the dioramas? That meant he had to be pretty good at it. A father that paid little interest to his offspring wouldn’t hire him otherwise, because one bad display would look bad on said father.
That was something Seto could work with.
He approached Ryou, folding his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes as though he had been inconvenienced.
“Was I not clear in my instructions on where to meet, or have you decided to turn down my offer? Let me know now, because I’d rather not waste time if I should be finding someone else to create a to-scale model of Kaiba Land.”
He was met with three shocked faces…and one mildly confused one. The mildly confused face quickly caught on and smiled in relief.
Ryou gave a respectful bow before speaking.
“Apologies, Kaiba-sama. I thought I still had some time before we met up. I am still very much interested in your offer. Would it be alright if we changed our meeting venue to the coffee shop down the street? I don’t know about you, but I could go for a nice cup of hot chocolate right about now.”
Seto turned while waving a dismissive hand. “Whatever. So long as it’s better than the instant junk they’re serving here.”
He heard Ryou offer a humble apology for having to leave in such an abrupt manner (as well as some subtle disapproval from his father), before his former classmate joined him in walking towards the exit.
Ryou was silent as he fell in-stride beside him, both making their way towards the coffee shop as they had ‘agreed’ upon. Now that they were away from the eyes and ears of the event, Seto could have easily told him to get lost. He was certain his former classmate knew there was no job offer…though now that he’d thought of it, the idea of having a to-scale replica of his theme park was very tempting.
“I’ll just tell him that you changed your mind. If he doesn’t believe me, I’ll just have to remind him that CEO’s change their mind on a whim all the time,” Ryou said with a small smile on his face, breaking the silence between them as they entered the coffee shop.
Seto hid the fact that he was a bit surprised. Ryou was already thinking several steps ahead on how to handle the fact that he wasn’t going to be employed by a very well-known CEO. Beneath that fluffy head of white, he was probably also working out how to handle the backlash that would inevitably come at ‘not being good enough to work for Kaiba Seto’.
“You make the diorama displays at the museum, right?” Seto asked as they took a seat while their drinks were being prepared.
Ryou’s eyes widened a bit, looking a bit surprised. “Yes, I do.”
“Good. That means I’ve chosen the right person to make a miniature Kaiba Land that I can display inside the Welcome Center. It will make a great visual aid for idiots that are too stupid to follow a map.”
Ryou continued to look at him in surprise, along with some confusion thrown in.
“I don’t half-ass things,” Seto explained. “And I’m not known for changing my mind on things of this nature. We’ll stop by my office later and get the details of our contract drawn up.”
He gave a small, subtle smile. “I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t go all-out.”
Ryou continued to stare for a moment longer before a small, genuine smile graced his face, his eyes becoming soft and warm.
Eyes that matched the rich chocolate of the drinks they now held in their hands peered through him, making Seto wonder if Ryou could truly see him.
“Would it be odd to ask for this to be added to our future contract?” Ryou asked.
“And by ‘this’ you mean…?” Seto questioned.
“A trip to this particular coffee shop once a week until the project is finished. Just the two of us being ourselves…and not who everyone expects us to be.”
Seto didn’t know why, but he found himself relaxing enough around his former classmate that he dared to expose a smile that he usually kept hidden to all except Mokuba.
“Compared to some of the things I’ll be requesting, not at all.”
Ryou’s face immediately fell. “Please don’t tell me you want it to be one-tenth scale. That’s essentially just a mini-Kaiba Land for toddlers.”
Seto pretended to think.
“That’s actually not a bad idea…”
“You asked for a model, not a toddler daycare.”
“That idea isn’t too bad either…”
Ryou buried his face in his hands and groaned.
Seto quietly chuckled.
“We’ll talk numbers in my office. Right now, per our future agreement, let's just relax and enjoy our drinks.”
Ryou lowered his hands, wrapping them around his cup…that small smile once again gracing his face.
“Now that sounds like a great idea.”
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
PLEASE WRITE THIS WHEN U HAVE TIME. I know your requests are closed, but I wanted to request this because my memory is very bad & I forget a lot of my ideas.
transfem reader w toji fushiguro (or gojo if you’d rather write him) who has gender dysphoria about her body? maybe she does everything she can to appeal to the stereotypically feminine view—makeup, hair, heels—but when she sees the women that flirt w her boyfriend, she can’t help but feel inferior. maybe her body’s too rectangular or her chest is too small.
I can’t seem to find any fics like this, and I really like your blog 🙏🙏 again, please write this when your requests are open.
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Word count: 1932
Pairing Satoru Gojo x Trans!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Self doubt, mentions of transphobia (internalized and old fashioned views), ooc gojo?
A/n: Hello Thank you so much for requesting. I know you said I could wait to write it until I opened requests again, but I just felt inspired by this so I hope you enjoy it. Also I went with Gojo mainly because I'm not the biggest toji fan. I am trans masculine so I’m not 100% sure if I captured the feelings trans fem people feel so if there are any mistakes please let me know. Anyways enjoy and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
Dating Satoru was a dream come true. I mean seriously never would I have thought such a high ranking member of Jujutsu society would even look my way let alone The Satoru Gojo. But I guess I got lucky, and even though Satoru is one of the most loving people I have ever met, I can’t help but to doubt myself.
Afterall life as a transgender person is hard enough as it is but add the strict and stuff beliefs of the older generation of Jujutsu sorcerers and you have a breeding ground for self doubt. Everytime Satoru and I are in public or have to interact with one of the other clans, my mind is flooded with terrible thoughts. ‘How can Satoru stand to be seen with me, there are so many more beautiful women out there.’ or ‘He’d be better off with a cis woman who is truly beautiful.’ It’s hard to quiet these thoughts when I’ve heard these comments from the higher ups in passing and sometimes I believe them.
And today of all days, the thoughts are more precisdent as me and Satoru are out on one of the few dates we get with his busy schedule. I had spent hours before trying to look as beautiful as possible to make this date perfect, I had Shoko help me pick a nice outfit and the perfect pair of heels. I spent most of the day perfecting the perfect hairstyle and make-up look for the night. Eventually with major words of encouragement from Shoko and Satoru himself I was ready, I even started the night feeling confident that I looked amazing.
But alas all good feelings come to an end. Once we were at the restaurant, I couldn’t help but notice all the beautiful women staring at Satoru and I mean I can’t blame them but it just caused the thoughts to surface again. Noticing my slight shift in mood Satoru turned to me, “Hey is everything okay?” He asked as he placed his arm around my waist. Not wanting to worry him I just smiled and nodded at him. “Okay… but you know if there’s something bothering you let me know, Ok?” He said, I could tell he was skeptical but he dropped the topic when the hostess asked us to follow her to the table.
Once seated we talked briefly about how his students were doing and how curses were becoming more annoying as of late before dropping the topic of work and just talking about tv and plans for the next couple weeks. “And I was thinking that we could go check out the new mall that opened up recently, I saw some beautiful dresses I thought you might like and would love to get you a few,” Satoru explained as he looked at the menu in front of him.
“That sounds lovely.” I responded and was planning on continuing the conversation when a waitress approached the table.
Looking at the young woman, I couldn’t help but notice how she was the picture of feminine beauty. Curvy in all the right places, perfect hair and subtle but gorgeous make-up. “Hello I’m Ally, I’ll be your server tonight, can I get you any drinks?” Hearing her speak for some reason made my heart hurt, knowing I would likely never sound as young and girlish as her. 
I noticed Satoru looked at me and I quickly wiped the look of doubt off my face before he could say anything. I guess it worked because he turned his attention back to the woman, and quickly ordered us some wine and an appetizer we had agreed on. The waitress wrote the order down before excusing herself to take care of the order. Once she had walked away Satoru turned back to me. “Are you absolutely positive nothing is wrong?” He asked as he placed his hand over mine on the table. Once again not wanting to sour the mood of the evening, I nodded and said I was fine and turned the topic back to the previous conversation.
After we got our drinks and we ordered our entrees, I couldn’t help but notice that our waitress was checking in on us more than what is normally expected. She would stop by the table every time she walked by to check if the wine was to our liking or if we needed anything while we waited for the main course. I quickly picked up on how she would get slightly closer to Satoru’s side of the table each time, it was also clear that Satoru hadn’t noticed the subtle comments being directed at him. I couldn’t help but think that he was saying anything about it because he liked being hit on by a cis woman. Maybe he secretly hates the fact that I'm trans and just doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. Eventually the thoughts got the best of me and tears started to well up in my eyes and it was taking everything out of me not to burst into sobs.
Once the waitress left again saying she would check on our food, Satoru turned to look at me, and I could see his eyes widen exponentially even through his dark sunglasses. “Hey, it’s ok. What’s wrong and don’t say nothing, something is clearly bothering you.” He said gently but sternly as he squeezed my hand and pulled his sunglasses off so I could make unobstructed eye contact. 
Not having the strength to hold it in any longer I let out a few of my thoughts, maybe a little too loud for the setting but I couldn’t hold it in. “Why are you with me Satoru? You could have anyone, so why me?” It took the white haired male a second to process what was said but before he could speak, I continued. “I’m not beautiful like every woman here, I’m not curvy in all the right spots, my make up looks like a middle schooler did it, so why do you stay with me, when you could have a real woman?” I hated saying it but it was true in my mind, or at least I believed it. I wasn’t thin with big boobs and a big butt, I’m just flat. My figure is the opposite of curvy, I have broad shoulders and the flattest chest. I can’t grasp how someone so handsome can sit across from someone like me and say that I’m beautiful when so many better people are around.
After my mini outburst it was almost silent in our area of the restaurant. Satoru just looked at me stunned, he knew I suffered from dysphoria but he thought he had done a good job helping me feel better. The six-eyes user looked down at the table before speaking. “I know you have trouble believing me when I say this but you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I don’t care if you aren’t curvy or if you struggle with make-up sometimes, No matter what you are beautiful to me.” As he said this he stood from the table and whipped the tears that had escaped my eyes from my face. While he was focused on me I noticed our waitress coming back this time with our food in hand. Seeing me look in that direction Satoru waved over the woman. “Can you have those put in togo boxes for us? My partner and I are done here.” I looked up at him shocked, but before I could protest he spoke again. “And before that can you please have your supervisor come speak with me?” Now I’m extremely confused.
“Satoru, what are you doing? I thought we were going to eat here?” I asked, confused, as I watched a nervous looking man approach. Satoru just stood up straight, put his sunglasses on and turned to the man who I’m now guessing is the supervisor.
“You must be the supervisor. I would like to file a complaint about the waitress who served me and my lovely partner here.” Satoru spoke in his formal tone he reserved for the higher ups, it was clear he was upset but he sounded so calm. “I was just trying to enjoy one of the rare occasions when I can pamper my Love, and your waitress spent most of the night hitting on me. Now I tried to be understanding and let it slide, but after numerous comments that clearly made my partner upset, I have decided that we will be taking our food to go and we will not be returning to this establishment.” While I didn’t expect that, I wasn’t expecting the look of concern that washed over the man’s face at my boyfriend's comment. “I will also be pulling all support from this restaurant that is provided by the Gojo estate.” With that final comment Satoru turned to me and offered his hand for me to take, as I stood up, the waitress from before brought our food now in to-go boxes and handed it to Satoru.
With food in hand we started to exit the restaurant, but before we could reach the door, the supervisor ran after us calling for Satoru. “Mr. Gojo please reconsider, I’ll fire this woman. Flirting with customers is against restaurant policy. Please do not pull the funding.” At first It seemed that he was actually upset about what the woman did but with the last sentence it was clear he was actually more worried about the money the Gojo clan apparently provided the business. 
“No, I will be pulling the funding. You clearly care more about the money then how your employees are treating your top investors.” Satoru said not even looking at the man. With that we left and went home.
Once we were home and finished with our food, we laid down in our large bed and just cuddled with each other. Breaking the silence I asked a question I had been thinking about since we left. “Why did you do that?” I felt him looking at me clearly confused by the sudden question. “I mean tell that guy you were pulling the funding from the restaurant, I didn’t know the Gojo clan had investments in such things.” I was confused.
I felt Satoru chuckle as I laid on his chest before he spoke. “First, The Gojo clan has investments in a lot you don’t know about. Secondly I told him that because I meant it.” I lifted my head to look at him. As if reading my mind he continued, “I’m not going to support a business that only cares about the money and only has a problem with staff being disrespectful when their funds are threatened.” I nodded and was about to say something before he stopped me. “Plus I could tell you were uncomfortable the entire time and were just holding back for my sake. I want you to know that if there is ever a problem I will deal with it.”
“Thank you Satoru.” I said laying my head back on his chest. I decided it was probably time to go to sleep when I let out a small yawn. 
As I drifted off, I heard Satoru speak one last time. “I love you, Y/n, don’t ever forget it. And I mean it when I say you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, I could never wish for more.” With that he placed a kiss to the top of my head and we both fell asleep enjoying each other's embrace.
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andmaybegayer · 6 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-12-04
ah fuck the mondaypost
Listening: I have been going back through some of @kelp-of-discontent's recs that I've saved and not gone back to. Great taste! Here's Pool Kids's Pool Kids
I always love the unmoored feeling good math rock gives you and this really lands that.
Watching: Double Features, 1) Bara no Soretsu/Funeral Parade of Roses because @thosearentcrimes has been trying to get us to watch that forever and we finally just sat down and watched it on yes the extremely funny ultrawide monitor that was being used as my TV.
Bara no Soretsu is very good in that arthouse way where it's very unpolished and has some very out there ideas about what makes a good movie but executes on it earnestly and with a goal. It's a combination of a movie about transgender women in the underground gay men's scene in 60's japan loosely based on the myth of Oedipus and also a documentary following the actors as they make this movie, in a way that makes it kind of hard to tell when something is meant to be the movie and when it's meant to be the documentary.
It's very uh. Challenging? It's honestly less tragic than I was expecting and it's mostly just a fascinating look into this very specific time and place. The interviews are priceless, a trans woman very straight facedly looking into the camera when asked "are you having a good time" and going "no, but I'm going to keep doing it". 10/10
Also Tomb Raider but the 2001 Angelina Jolie one. An impromptu pick for Bad Movie Night because we had an empty house and didn't want to burn a good bad movie. Tomb Raider is most interesting in how it approaches shooting action which is to say that it's mostly not good at it but has brief moments of inspiration. A very generic action adventure story otherwise, featuring young Daniel Craig as a prettyboy graverobber counterpart to Lara Croft. They made Angelina Jolie do an English accent and she just could not do it.
Reading: The other short stories that came along with Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang. Tower of Babylon is a fun atmospheric story of the Ancient Sumerians building a tower to breach the vault of heaven. Division by Zero is a very compelling depiction of a mathematician going insane because she has proven arithmetic to be inconsistent, which is notably not accompanied by any material changes in the world around her, which I liked.
Making: Mostly preparatory. I have a few project I've been sketching out, including hacking my own controller onto a WS2812 LED string and automating my radiators. The stepper motors and the string arrived today. Looking into exprTK, an expression evaluation library that should be suitable for my needs, and the ESP32 RMT subsystem which is a cute little mini-DSP and modulator built into the ESP32 ostensibly for IR Remote Control but frequently used now to quickly and efficiently implement all manner of protocols.
Playing: More Dark Souls, although less this week because I've been doing other things. still working around Darkroot Basin but I really haven't been there long. The ents are a real pain in the ass when paired with the knights, not because they're very hard but because you just have to wait for them to jump you.
Tools and Equipment: a new AMD GPU tuning utility for Linux was released a little while ago, LACT, which has a much simpler interface than some of the older tuning utilities. I like it, especially since I was doing some fan noise tuning after I installed the new network card and being able to just hit the fan speed with a slider was convenient.
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