#animate tokuten
46snowfox · 20 days
Diabolik Lovers Daylight Animate Tokuten:「Durmiendo junto a un★Vampiro」 [Reiji Sakamaki]
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Título original: 「添い寝でおやすみ★ヴァンパイア」
//Traducción pedida en Ko-fi//
Reiji: Oh… La puerta de su habitación está abierta. Aah, no sé si tiene cero sentido de supervivencia o si es simplemente descuidada… *se acerca* ¿Estará dormida? Espero que no se haya quedado dormida encima de la cama sin cubrirse con alguna manta. *entra* Está sobre la cama… y no está tapada… solo sabe causar problemas. *te cubre con una manta*. ¿Hm? Esta revista… “técnicas para cortar verduras para decorar”.
Reiji (1:07): ¿Acaso quería probar a hacer esto? Dudo que puedas hacer algo tan complicado. Hm, supongo que puedo darle una ojeada. Voy a tomar prestada tu silla *se sienta*.  ¿Hm? Vaya, tiene una nota adhesiva y hay otra en la página siguiente, a ver. Jaja… Marcó unas decoraciones bastante llamativas porque pensó que podrían gustarme. Tienes un lado bastante adorable, no me molestaría que practicáramos estos cortes. Ya puedo prever que vas a cortarte un dedo, así que será mejor que tengas a alguien a tu lado, estarás más segura que estando sola.
Reiji (2:23): Oh, ¿te desperté? ¡…! Aah… ¿No recuerdas? Antes de caer dormida estabas leyendo una revista mientras pensabas en mí, incluso estabas dejando notas en ella… Y aun así dijiste el nombre de otra persona… ¿Qué significa? Me debes una explicación. Vamos, levántate.
Reiji (3:06): Sí, soy yo, no necesitas asustarte. No te preocupes, más importante, antes dijiste el nombre de otra persona mientras estabas medio dormida. ¿Acaso estabas soñando? ¿Fue un auto-reflejo? Pues eso se me hace más raro considerando lo mucho que piensas en mí. *te muestra la revista* Tras ver esta prueba no puedes excusarte. Ya es tarde para esconderla, puesto que ya he posado mi vista en las notas que escribiste en ella. Sí, las vi. Querías practicar cómo hacer decoraciones con las verduras, ¿me equivoco? Bueno, me lo imaginaba, si lo haces bien te felicitaré, pero dudo que suceda.
Reiji (4:13): ¿Lo lograrás si practicas? Si practicas estoy seguro de que desperdiciarás ingredientes, te cortarás y dejarás la cocina hecha un desastre, no puedo imaginar un futuro pacífico en donde eso no ocurra…  Tampoco te deprimas… te aconsejaré, pero ya es demasiado tarde, hagámoslo mañana. ¿Por qué te ves insatisfecha? ¿Acaso te incomoda que te ayude?
Reiji (5:03): La dificultad de estas decoraciones es demasiado alta como para que las domines en un solo día. Sé que querías sorprenderme, pero si hubieras practicado estas técnicas te habrías llenado las manos de heridas y te habría descubierto de inmediato. ¿O acaso planeabas causarme problemas de más a propósito? Entonces recibe mi ayuda sin quejarte. Aunque si te la pasas fallando incluso conmigo entrenándote tendré que castigarte, ¿de acuerdo? Entonces, como te ves cansada va siendo hora de dormir. Asegúrate de acostarte bajo las mantas.
Reiji (5:58): Vamos, cúbrete hasta el cuello. Me quedaré a tu lado hasta que te quedes dormida. Ahora, cierra tus ojos… *se vuelve a sentar en la silla* Estaré leyendo esta revista mientras observo tu rostro dormido. ¿Te tranquiliza? Es un honor saber eso. A diferencia de ciertas personas sin disciplina yo no te atacaré ni morderé de la nada. Aunque si eso es lo que deseas, puedo hacerlo. Oh vaya, ¿te has sonrojado? Déjame ver tu expresión. *se acerca a ti*
Reiji (7:06): Fufu, buenas noches, espero que tengas espléndidos sueños *beso*. Supongo que le encargaré el resto que limpien la casa o que salgan a comprar para evitar que no interfieran en nuestras prácticas… Si nos encuentran van a causar alboroto. Oh, ya ha caído dormida, debe de haber estado agotada. Dudo que leer un libro la haya dejado tan cansada, es probable que alguien la haya usado para cumplir recados… Ah, desearía que aprendiera a decir que no. Oh, debo evitar despertarla. Todavía debo pulir los platos, será mejor que me retire. Me llevaré la revista para leerla en mi habitación.
Reiji (8:15): ¡…! Ahora sí dijo mi nombre mientras dormía… No tiene remedio, supongo que veré su rostro dormido por un rato más… Ya va siendo hora de retirarme. Espero ansioso el tiempo que pasaremos juntos mañana. Yo seré el primero en decirte buenos días, así que descansa… *se retira de la habitación*
Reiji (9:17): *leyendo la revista mientras camina* Hm… Necesitamos pepinos, zanahorias, rábanos… y también… paprica. Voy a ver si tenemos todo eso en el refrigerador.  Oh, también necesitaremos curitas y desinfectante. Aparte de pulir los platos también afilaré los cuchillos. Seguiré leyendo al llegar a la habitación, debo acabar las preparaciones ahora y despertar a mi amada estando en plena forma.
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en ko-fi nwn
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sir-klauz · 10 months
WcDonalds, much more appropriate a name.
Wackdonalds from my work experience.
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Kuroshitsuji volume 34 cover featuring Snake, and animate tokuten card featuring Sebastian Michaelis sensei 😉
Volume 34 will be sold on 26 April 2024 in Japan!
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bihastuff · 13 days
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Black Butler Volume 34 Limited Animate Tokuten Card
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dialovers-translations · 10 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Reiji ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [レイジ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 8 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi
Translator’s note: Honestly, Reiji deserves so much more respect than what he gets. Not only does this man get up early to get chores done because his other five brothers won’t do jack-shit, he even goes out of his way to do extra groceries and make a first-class breakfast for his girl. I feel like most of the other Diaboys could barely even toast a piece of bread without burning it lol. 
*Cling cling*
You enter the kitchen.
“...Hm? What is the matter? It is still too early to be getting up.” 
You ask him why he is up already.
“Unlike the other people at this home, I happen to have an extensive to-do list, so I must get started with all of my chores early, or else I will regret it afterwards. ーー More importantly, you mentioned something about not being able to sleep? If you are feeling unwell, I can get you some medicine.”
You explain.
“Do not tell me...You cannot sleep because of the hunger? How unfortunate...I cannot believe your stomach is growling despite getting three proper meals a day. You should know better.”
You apologize. 
“Well, I shall forgive you this once. I suppose it is partially my responsibility as well for not looking after you better. ーー I suppose it cannot be helped. We still have time before we have to leave to school, so I shall make you an early breakfast.”
You seem excited. 
“Yes. If you have any requests, go ahead. As you should be aware, I am quite confident in my own cooking abilities. No matter how complex or luxurious of a dish, I will prepare it to perfection. Well then, what is your order?”
You make your request.
“What did you...say just now?”
You repeat it.
“You are asking me to make...tamagogake-gohan, out of all things? You crack a raw egg (1) over the rice, add some soy sauce and you’re done. You want me to go out of my way to make something so simple?”
You ask him if he won’t make it. 
“No, I never said that I will not make it. ...Very well! I shall show you what a real plate of eggs over rice looks like!”
“In which case, we must first gathered the necessary ingredients. There is no time to lose! I shall call the limousine at once. Off we go!”
You seem surprised.
“What are you doing!? Come on, make haste!”
*Clatter clatter*
“It is truly a blessing that there are stores which are still open in the middle of the night.”
You offer to pay for the parking fee since he has his hands full with the groceries.
“That would be a big help. This is the money. Here you go.”
 You ask Reiji what is inside the bags in his arms. 
“Excuse me? Can you not tell? They’re bags of rice. There’s high-quality rice inside.”
You seem surprised.
“You came along not even realizing why we took the car? Haah...You truly need to do something about how slow-witted you are. One cannot cook without the right ingredients, so we shall we going around to gather all of the necessary things. ーー The very best ones available!
Tamagogake-gohan consists of a perfectly balanced combination of eggs, soy sauce and rice with each ingredient being brought to its full potential. We cannot afford skimping on any of them. ...I happen to be a regular at this store, you see. The rice sold at this store has been selected by a rice connoisseur of which only a few exist in this country, so it is of the highest quality!”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You do not even know what a ‘rice connoisseur’ is...? Take should be common knowledge. Make sure to do your research afterwards, understood? Anyway, we are headed for the chicken farm next. I know it is quite late, but I am sure I can arrange something by using my connections.”
You frown.
“Why the hesitation? We are talking about the eggs which are the main star of the dish! I will not make any compromises!”
“No more dawdling! Let’s go!”
The two of you return home.
“...Haah. That ended up taking more time than I anticipated.”
You admit being glad that you’re finally done. 
“What nonsense are you spouting? We finally gathered all necessary ingredients! If we’re ‘done’, why did we get these fresh ingredients in the first place? But we must make haste, or else the others will wake up.”
“To the kitchen at once! We shall start cooking!”
The two of you go to the kitchen.
“We shall start by cooking the rice. I believe that I can skip over the instructions for this one.”
Reiji gets the rice cooker started. 
“Next we must choose which bowl to serve it in.”
You ask if that is important.
“Why of course. A high class meal is not only defined by the food itself. One must choose a plate which will truly bring the dish to life.” 
*Cling cling*
“Let me think...Usually I would go for something a little more ‘art nouveau’, but how about we use this bowl today? I am glad I decided to purchase this one for moments like this.”
You note that it is quite plain.
“What are you saying? A plain bowl is a fine piece of silverware as well! Just look at the gloss and pattern, simply marvelous!”
You raise one brow.
“Why are you giving me that look? I do understand that I might sound rather out-of-character right now, but look at it like this. I even went out of my way to buy a home-style takoyaki grill to hold a takoyaki party at home, so I must keep the name of the Sakamaki household high. ...More importantly, we should finish setting the table before the rice is done cooking. Well then, please lend me a hand.”
Reiji opens the rice cooker.
“It turned out rather nicely. The rice looks shiny and has the right amount of fluffiness to it. As to be expected of a dish made with a product from a true rice connoisseur!”
You point out that his glasses have fogged up. 
“Do not worry about my glasses being fogged up. It is only natural for this to happen when exposed to hot steam.”
*Cling cling*
“More importantly...Let us get started! ...Allow me to show you my skills! ーー I shall start by scooping the fluffy rice into the bowl. Rather than filling it to the brim, I will serve a moderate portion. This is the most elegant way to serve it. Then on top I will sprinkle some cod roe, dried seaweed and yuzu salt. ...It would be rather boring to stick to the basic recipe, no? This is my personal interpretation of the dish, do not worry. I can assure that it will taste sublime.”
He cracks an egg.
“Well then, last but not least we crack in a fresh, raw egg and pour some of this special soy sauce on top. ーー It is done. This is the Sakamaki household’s version of tamagogake-gohan!”
“Well then, here you go. Please dig in while it is hot.”
 You take a bite.
“How is it?”
You tell him that it’s delicious. 
“Why of course. It is a dish which was carefully crafted to bring out all of the aromas, flavors and textures to their fullest after all. The rich eggs and the deep flavor of the soy sauce go perfectly with the fluffy rice. However, right when you think that it might be a little blend and one-toned, the cod roe, seaweed and yuzu salt kick to add a new flavor profile so you never get tired of eating it. 
This is how tamagogake-gohan should be. Do you comprehend?”
You nod.
“Pleasing your palate is child’s play. ...Well then, usually I would go wake up the others around this hour, but I suppose we can postpone it a little for today.”
You ask Reiji if he will have breakfast as well.
“Yes, I figured this was a fine opportunity for me to enjoy a meal alongside you. You could say this is my award for all the hard work I put in. You do not mind, do you?”
He joins you at the table.
“Usually there is always someone making a fuss. I rarely ever get the chance to enjoy a meal in peace. In that regard, perhaps I should be grateful to you. However, make sure to warn me before you get peckish, okay?”
You nod.
“Very well. Let us dig in then.”
“...Mm. I suppose having a meal together with just the two of us like this is quite enjoyable every now and then.”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Raw eggs are commonly consumed in Japan since the country has no history of salmonella being found in eggs. By cracking the egg on top of steaming-hot rice and instantly mixing it together, the heat from the rice will also slightly cook the egg, so it’s not 100% raw when you eat it. Still, the consistency of the dish is quite ‘goopy’ - for lack of a better word - so I understand why a lot of people (myself included) would not find it very appetizing. :p
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yuikomorii · 8 months
As someone who only watched the anime (and read some manga chapters afterwards) I really can’t understand how people can ship Yui with anyone else than Ayato. In the anime he is the only one who cares about her. While the others just use her for her blood, Ayato is always protective of her and tries to save her from any danger. Or he is the only one concerned when she disappears (which is honestly just wild that the other Sakamakis don’t even care that she’s gone). You can really tell by the anime that Ayato is the creators’ favourite (Because I feel like every otome game or harem/seraglios anime creator has a fave in their work)
// Right on! Perhaps they only consider HDB when judging him, but everyone was a jerk there, so I don't see a huge problem in Ayato's situation. I feel like some people are not shipping them because "he threw her in a pool" but 1) he regretted it and saved her afterwards, and 2) it's confirmed by Rejet that both Ayato and Yui have feelings for each other in the anime but I'm sure she fell for him after he snatched her first kiss. Additionally, he was the only one to confront Richter in order to save her, and in the second season, when Shu advised him that going to the Mukamis would be risky due to to the wolves, Ayato was like: “I don't care if I die, I'm not going to let them have her." That’s very similar to the DF prologue, in which Ayato uses himself as shield and sacrifices himself for Yui so as not to get her hurt and even if you make Yui choose someone else, Ayato will still be in a coma or severely wounded in their routes due to the attack.
They’re basically the most shipped in Japan because Ayato is super big and people will automatically like Yui too, since she is known as his girlfriend and they both make each other happy. Most Yui cosplayers or lovers are Ayato stans too and even if many people aren't necessarily in the DL fandom, they will still favour Ayayui because it's a "safe option" ship in the sense that they both look aesthetically pleasing together, they seem most like a typical couple, and he makes her feel like a normal teenager, which is what Yui most desires.
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Other than that, the ship itself is super praised and no matter if they stan another Diaboy, DL fans will absolutely love any official Ayayui content they get. The toxic side of the western fandom might seem petty about it but Japanese fans, despite liking other ships too, actually acknowledge that Ayato is the best choice for Yui and that’s why they have no problem with Ayayui getting more love from Rejet than the other ships.
Besides, it’s cute how it’s canon that Yui secretly has feelings for Ayato even in the non-individual CD dramas/Tokutens, as seen here. xD
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putschki1969 · 4 months
Promo Video for "Yūyami no Uta"
The official twitter account of the Sengoku Youko anime adaptation has shared a brief message video of KEIKO and Yuki Kajiura promoting their collaborative single "夕闇のうた/Yūyami no Uta" which serves as the appointed ending theme of the first arc "世直し姉弟編/Yonaoshi Kyodai-hen" (World Reform Siblings Arc).
◆Ending theme Vocals: KEIKO "Yūyami no Uta" Lyrics, composition, arrangement: Yuki Kajiura ✅Released on January 24th The TV size is already available in digital format
Keiko is very excited to work together with Yuki Kajiura for her very first anime tie-in as solo artist. When looking at the music sheets during the recording session, Keiko noticed that the phrase 大地/Daichi (Earth) was a recurring theme throughout the lyrics. She wonders if Yuki Kajiura was trying to convey the "energy of the earth" through the song to reflect the overarching themes of the anime. Yuki Kajiura says that the anime feels surprisingly grounded despite its fantastical story. She appreciates the earthy component which just makes it a very grounded tale and she thinks that Keiko's voice is a perfect match for this kind of story since it is also very earthy and profound as if the weight of every character's lifetime (of all the hardships and joys) was carried across it. There is a very steadfast quality to her voice, when you listen to the song you feel a sense of security like you are standing firmly on the ground
Hopefully next week we'll get some details on tokutens/release events/etc. I finally need to make all of my orders. So far I've only ordered a copy of the regular edition and CD+BD edition on amazon.co.jp to receive a mega jacket.
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the-mukami-library · 5 months
Ruki's Route and Drama CD Translations
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Translations by @dialovers-translations marked with 🍓 Translations by @otomehonyaku marked with 🫐 Translations by @kyouxa marked with 🍒 Translations by @pinkcasedialover marked with 🍇
More, Blood - 🍓
Vandead Carnival - 🍓
Dark Fate - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Lunatic Parade - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Lost Eden - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Chaos Lineage - 🫐
General Prologue - 🍒 || Orange Family Prologue - 🍇
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Animate Tokuten: A Vampire's Late Night Snack Terror - 🍓
Bloody Bouquet Vol. 2 - 🍓
Daylight Vol. 7 - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus II Vol. 5: Ruki vs. Kou - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus IV Vol 2: Shuu vs. Ruki - 🍓
Eternal Blood Vol. 1 - 🍓
More, Blood Vol. 3 - 🍓
More, Blood: 365 Days with a Vampire - 🍓
More Character Songs Vol. 3: Sweet Loyalty -🍓
More, More Blood Vol. 12 - 🍓
Para-Selene Vol. 12 - 🍓
Para-Selene Vol. 12 Animate Tokuten - 🍓
Versus III Vol. 4: Reiji vs. Ruki - 🍓
Versus Song: Bloody Night Vol. II - Ruki vs. Azusa - 🍓
Zero Vol. 13 - 🍓
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Dollymoon's Mukami Ruki masterlist on Livejournal
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starshapedpetals · 1 year
things i think should (should’ve?) happen in DL before it dies (if it’s not already dead??)
carla, shin, & kino character songs. i know kino already has imitation game, dystopia, & count off, but i don’t count them! carla & shin also deserve their own songs & not just solo versions of operation x
a song with all 13 diaboys. that sounds so chaotic & so fun 😭 that should’ve been for the 10th anniversary honestly
bats can purr. i would love if they gave us at least one fluffy scenario with our boys where it happens 😔🙏 i’m also talking about all 13 boys doing this btw don’t think i’d leave your boy out of this. it would be so catboy of kou to purr dude cmon let him be the bat-catboy he is, rejet! & the tsukinami’s could totally purr! even if they aren’t technically vampires, they can turn into bats, right? like how shin turns into a wolf. so they’ve got that dna in them! but also consistency hardly matters to rejet. so yeah i think this could work. also i think it’d be cute to hear each boy purr, no matter how jarring it might be coming from some.
it will always be weird to me that they didn’t make versus songs of the rivals. like kanato & azusa. like cmon you had yuki kaji & daisuke kishio in the studio for that versus cd drama & didn’t use their godly voices for a song together??? i really don’t understand why they haven’t made sakamaki mukami duet songs by now. the only thing close is bad howling where kou replaced subaru..
also isn’t it strange how the mukami’s didn’t get any more solo songs?? each sakamaki got 3 character songs per boy (if you don’t count the ending songs sung by ayato), the mukami’s only got one each. although neither of the tsukinami’s got real character solo’s so it could be worse 💀
animating some of the tokuten cd dramas. this is also something they could’ve done for the 10th anniversary. although, i’m not really that hung up over this. it’s just something that’d be cool. animation is expensive. plus DL getting another anime, especially one so different from the original, would be even stranger for the anime only’s to see.
a little self indulgent but i really want a cd drama line where the boys are in our role.. like i wanna see them be the M’s for once. (aside from u azusa, you already give us both <3 but i would love to see more of it so-) i would also honestly love if we were the vampire this time. pls tell me i’m not the only one who’s really interested in that concept. just once at least? please rejet hear my pleas (though idk how they’d be able to do it now..)
if we had to get another game, i personally want it should be like VC or LP. some of my favorite routes come from those games, & i think kino lovers deserve to have a route like that with their boy.
man.. wouldn’t it have been funny if some of these things were gonna happen before the cheating scandals with tatsuhisa suzuki & takahiro sakurai 💀 i really wonder what the new drama cd & those character songs announced in house of vampire were gonna be like…….. will we ever find out…? rejet..?
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ruki-mukami-dl · 1 year
Ruki plays violin
Canon fact: Ruki can only play well for a few seconds. After that, it sounds horrible. He thinks that the first few notes really matter to make a good impression.
Original audio: Diabolik Lovers Versus Song Bloody Night Animate Tokuten Drama CD "The Contest is the Smell of Money!? The Vampires' Desire"
Idea, cut and edit: @ruki-mukami-dl
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46snowfox · 21 days
Diabolik Lovers Daylight Animate Tokuten:「Durmiendo junto a un★Vampiro」 [Laito Sakamaki]
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Título original: 「添い寝でおやすみ★ヴァンパイア」
//Traducción pedida en Ko-fi//
Laito: ¡Ah! ¡No aceleres tanto! ¡No necesitas correr! No, estoy bien, me he estado divirtiendo desde el momento en el que me invitaste a salir a pasear para disfrutar de la vista nocturna incluso la espera fue entretenida. Me alegro de que digas eso. Oh, ya sé, podemos ver la ciudad mientras caminamos, ¿pero no te gustaría sentarte un rato y verla con calma? Hay un parque por aquí cerca. Entonces te escoltaré. Bueno, andando. Por cierto, ¿por qué te atrasaste? Ah, no estoy enojado, solo me llamó la atención.
Laito (1:05): ¿Rompiste un plato? ¿No te lastimaste? Hm… Es que eres algo atolondrada, así que pensé que te habrías cortado un dedo, pero parece que estás bien. Eres mía, así que no debes desperdiciar ni una sola gota de sangre.  ¡Ay no! ¡No me veas con esa expresión de desazón! Al final no desperdiciaste nada, ya que no te lastimaste. Listo, llegamos.  ¿Qué opinas? La ciudad se ve hermosa desde aquí, ¿no crees? Fufu, entonces sentémonos aquí.
Laito (2:02): Sí, es una buena locación. Esto no es nada, invítame siempre que quieras, así podré monopolizarte, bitch-chan. Por cierto, el viento es realmente agradable hoy y la ciudad se ve bien. Sí, sí, la vista nocturna es preciosa. Me cuesta creer que todas esas luces representan a los humanos que viven en la ciudad. ¿Hm? Es verdad, el puente brilla con distintos colores, como un arcoíris. Parecen luces decorativas, ¿habrá algún evento?  Sí, está bien, vayamos a ver las iluminaciones, podríamos aprovechar de cenar afuera. Decide qué quieres comer ese día.
Laito (3:12): Jaja, no te preocupes, no tienes que decidir ahora. ¿Sabes? Esta vista nocturna me recuerda a los humanos en sí, las luces que repentinamente se desvanecen me hacen pensar en las almas que de la nada se extinguen, me hace pensar en lo fugaces que son. No pongas esa cara, no dije que fuera algo malo. Mientras tengan luz se esfuerzan por vivir, ¿no? Y pensé que eso era algo que vampiros inmortales como yo no podemos sentir, solo eso… Es algo silencioso y efímero, pero por eso mismo es hermoso… Lo hice sonar algo cursi, pero a eso me refería.
Laito (4:12): ¿Qué piensas tú? Ajaja, como dije algo fuera de lo normal te preocupé, ¿no? No lo pienses profundamente, solo dije lo que sentí. Sí, sí, gracias por ser tan honesta. ¿Hm? ¡Es verdad! Ahora el puente tiene un estampado de flores. ¿Será eso a lo que llaman un “mapeo de proyección”? Estamos tan lejos que no puedo ver nada, pero parece que sí están celebrando algún evento. Está bien, vayamos a verlo. Jaja, cada vez hay más diversión. Oh cierto, ¿no tienes frío? Hay una máquina expendedora allí, ¿quieres que te compre algo de beber?
Laito (5:15): Viniste muy ligera de ropa, si te ataco no te… ¿Eh? ¿Tienes sueño? Así que es porque te relaja estar a mi lado… ¿A pesar de que tiendo a maltratarte? Incluso si me dices eso no seré amable cuando succione tu sangre. Que rara eres. ¿Entonces? ¿Qué quieres beber? Muy bien, entendido. Sé buena chica y espérame, ¿sí? *va a comprar*
Laito (6:09): A ver… me pidió esto… ¿Qué me pediré yo? Creo que lo mismo. *deposita dinero en la máquina y saca dos bebidas* Perdona la espera, ya regresé. Está caliente, así que ten cuidado de no quemarte. No, no te preocupes, yo también quería beber. *se sienta conmigo y abre su lata para beber* Es deliciosa, oye, tú también… Oye, no cabecees con la lata en tu mano. Sabía que tenías sueño. Dame la lata, sería malo que se te derramara encima.
Laito (7:16): ¿Quieres cerrar tus ojos? Pero si ya está dormida… Por más que diga que le relaja estar a mi lado me impresiona que pueda dormir tan tranquila al lado de un vampiro hambriento… No tiene nada de precaución… Aunque no le perdonaría que se durmiera al lado de alguien más. Oye, bitch-chan… *beso* Ni con esto despierta… Fufu, que remedio, la dejaré dormir un poco. Pero cuando despierte tengo que succionar su dulce sangre. Es lo que mereces por invitarme y quedarte dormida… si te resfrías tu sangre sabrá mal, me acercaré un poco más. *se acerca a ti*
Laito (8:28): Hay bastante viento… ¿Cuándo debería despertarla? Oye, quiero beber tu sangre para poder dormir plácidamente, así que hazme caso cuando regresemos. Fufu, aunque dudo que me escuches. Jaja… se siente como si estuviéramos en nuestro propio mundo, no está mal… ya que en casa nos interrumpen… ¿No piensas lo mismo mi bella durmiente? Ese adorable rostro dormido, muéstramelo solo a mí, ¿sí?
Laito (9:22): Ah… en sueños dijo “te quiero”… Obviamente hablas de mí. ¿Verdad bitch-chan? Oye, no soltaré tu mano… así que tú tampoco sueltes la mía… Estemos a solas por un rato más. Aunque… siempre eres cálida… Eres como un cálido guatero… *bosteza*
Laito (10:13): Al acurrucarme a tu lado me entró sueño… Solo un momento… *se queda dormido*
Nota: Con vista nocturna se refieren específicamente a ver la ciudad durante la noche, las luces de la ciudad a lo lejos, durante la noche.
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en ko-fi nwn
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dialoversbrainrot · 6 months
i will say ONE thing. Diabolik Lovers really fumbled the fattest bag by not making the anime a comedy. The tokuten drama CDs are peak comedy. Are they generic and cliched? Yes. I do not care. Lay out the premise, animate the tokutens, and cash out. Easy recipe, and yet
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kuroshitsuji-indonesia · 10 months
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Black Butler Volume 33 cover, featuring Layla will be sold on July 27th 2023!
And as usual, there will be also limited Animate Tokuten Card illustrated by Yana Toboso (Animate purchase only)!
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lilyeon · 6 months
went to akiba, spent too much money
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Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected In A Dream 1-2 + melonbooks set tokuten
The Race I Want To See With You by kuwabara tamotsu. more honses
A Love Yet To Bloom 1 by fukaumi kon
Koharu and Minato by hyaluron and daruma
New Game! Complete Edition 1 with the animate acrylic stand tokuten
hell yeah. oh god my wallet
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DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Laito ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [ライト編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 11 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: I honestly always thought that Laito would be an absolute disaster in the kitchen, but he actually did a decent job serving as the MC’s assistant and making the dish. Sure, he will throw in a lot of inappropriate comments, but nothing was set on fire which is a huge achievement in my opinion, lol. I guess Laito really is the kind of guy who would be good at anything which requires fine motor skills. ...He trains his fingers on a regular basis after all. <u< *cough cough* 
Laito enters your room and creeps up to you.
“...Aah~ The lovely smell of my girl fresh out of the shower.”
“Oh come on, Bitch-chan. No need to be so surprised. It’s your beloved Laito-kun~”
You ask him what he’s doing here.
“Oh come on, you know very well why I’m here but you want to hear it from my mind? The only reason I’d sneak into your room at night would be to assault you in your sleep, no? I want to completely satisfy myself with your blood tonight. ...Well then, let me take off your clothes, okay~?”
You protest.
*Rustle rustle*
“I know that you’ve been suffering from anemia, so I’ll only have a couple of sips, okay?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hmー You’re being really defiant today, aren’t you? I guess I’ll reconsider but I can’t just go back empty-handed either...You have to do something to still my hunger, or else I’ll tie you up and suck your blood by force anyway. ーーOh! Could that have been your objective all along? Geez, you should have just said so then~ I even anticipated for this kind of outcome and brought a rope with me!”
You shake your head.
“Why? Because I could see the situation developing in that sort of way? I’m always fully prepared to adjust all of your needs or wishes! ーー Right! Perhaps I should just tie myself up as well while I’m at it? Just imagine the two of just lying next to each other, our limbs intertwined...Aah~ I just tried to imagine it and it doesn’t sound half bad~”
You flinch.
“Well then...Shall we have some fun together, Bitch-chan~?”
*Rustle rustle*
You rush to the door and make a run for it.
“Ah! Bitch-chan!? Where are you going...!? Hey...!”
*Cling cling*
“Ahーah~ I guess this is what we’re going to do in the end, huh? I would have rather sucked your blood or gotten a little naughty together...”
“Oh well. I guess I’ll let you off the hook this time since I’ll get to enjoy your home-cooking. ーー So, what are you making?”
You explain.
“Heeh...Omurice (1), huh? Nice. You’ll draw a heart on top with ketchup, won’t you? Ah! Or maybe I should ask you to write ‘I love you, Laito-kun’, using your blood?”
You shake your head.
“Eh? No? I’m sure your thick, rich blood would season the dish to perfection though! ...Oh well, fine. I’ll let you do as you please this time. So, what should I do?”
You seem surprised at his willingness to help out.
“Hm? Of course I’ll help out! It’d be fun, kind of like we’re roleplaying as newlyweds! ー Ah! You can wear a frilly apron if you’d like!”
You shake your head.
“Geez. You’ve been so cold to me this whole time. I thought this would work fine as our first collaboration.”
*Chop chop chop*
“Oh? You’re starting already? ...Are you upset or something?”
*Chop chop chop*
“Hmー Fine, I guess it’s just my imagination then. You’re starting ty finely chopping up some onion and chicken breast, right? You can really tell you’re used to cooking.”
You tell him to start moving his hands as well.
“Yeah, yeah. I won’t just watch but get started on some of the preparations, okay?”
Laito grabs a frying pan.
“I’ll put the frying pan on the stove with a chunk of butter, then start melting it. ...Aah~ It’s starting to smell nice. Say? Don’t you think there’s something erotic about butter melting?”
You disagree with him.
“Eeh~? Don’t you think you’re a little stubborn today? You won’t play along with me at all.”
*Cling cling*
“Oh...Ah...I have to stir-fry all of the ingredients you just cut up, right? Roger~ I’ll put them in the pan just like you told me to.”
Laito adds the ingredients for the fried rice.
“Like this? What do we do afterwards?”
*Cling cling*
“You’re seasoning the whole thing already? Salt and pepper...and you’re adding ketchup as well? Fufu~ I love the color of ketchup. I kind of want to try putting it on you instead of my food and lap it up like that~”
You tell him off.
“Gosh...You really are strict today. Nfu~ Although I welcome that kind of ‘dominatrix’ (2) attitude with open arms~ If you’re going to scold me, I’d like of like it if you could also look down on me from abo...Aah...B-Bitch-chan? Giving me the cold shoulder hurts my poor little heart, you know?”
You continue to ignore him.
“Hello? Earth to Bitch-chan! ...Haah...Fine! I’ll stop saying things that’ll distract you from cooking! ...It’s just so boring when you won’t give me any attention. ...Hey, Bitch-chan! Cheer up, please!”
*Rustle rustle*
“I’m happy that you’re going out of your way to make this for me! I genuinely feel that way! So let’s have fun cooking, okay?”
You nod.
“You’ll forgive me? Nfu~ Thank you! I love how you’re so easy to win over~”
You get upset again.
“Hm~? Oh, you must be hearing things! I never called you ‘easy’ or anything! ...Well then, I’ll add in the seasonings and stir the whole thing around, okay? What else should I do?”
*Cling cling*
“Ah, you’re adding in the rice now, I see? ...Mmh~ Quick and easy chicken rice!”
“There we go, that should do for the inside part. Ahー I’ll transfer it into a bowl, okay? ...Which means it’s finally time to get started on the eggs, right?”
You nod and start cracking eggs before mixing them.
“Huh? You’re adding in a splash of milk with the eggs as well?”
You nod.
“Heeh...I learnt something new today. Eh? You don’t mind if do it? I suppose I’ll give it a shot as long as you give me some instructions!”
He turns on the stove again.
“First you pour the mixture into the pan, then carefully stir it up...”
*Thud thud*
“I have to turn off the stove as soon as it’s cooked halfway through, right? Hmー I guess that would be about now?” 
“Next I put the chicken rice from earlier in the middle. ...There. Now I have to fold over the egg but isn’t that surprisingly difficult?” 
You cheer him on.
“...’Good luck’, you say!? ...You turn into a horrible sadist at times, don’t you? Oh well, I’ll just think of this as part of the roleplay and enjoy it either way~”
Laito flips the egg so it’s all around the rice.
“...There we go! Mmh! It turned out nicely!”
You seem impressed.
“What’s wrong? Your eyes are nearly popping out of your head! Did you think I’d mess up, perhaps? Fufu~ Too bad~ I’ve got great fine motor skills.”
“There you go, I put it onto a plate for you. I think I’ll leave the finishing touches to you. ...Here, the bottle of ketchup!”
“You can write whatever you want! Whether it’s your feelings of love for me, or something you can’t bring yourself to say out loud otherwise. Your pick!”
You start decorating the top with ketchup.
“Oh? Just a regular heart? Oh well, that’s cute too, so I suppose I’ll take it. Well then, it’s done!”
*Dun dun dun*
“A gooey omurice filled with love!”
*Clap clap clap*
“It was fun making it together, wasn’t it? Made me feel like a newly wed couple. I would have loved to cover you in ketchup and gobble you up instead but...”
You puff out your cheeks.
“Oh come on, I’m just joking! Don’t glare at me like that! ...More importantly, let’s eat it while it’s hot! Come on, feed me! Aahn~”
You seem hesitant.
“You can do this much, right? Here. Aahn~”
“Aahn ...Mmh...Delicious! The half-boiled eggs really melt in your mouth! The chicken rice isn’t too strong in flavor either, which makes it easy to eat. ...No need to be so modest, it really does taste great! I’m sure you could serve this at a restaurant! Honestly, I feel bad getting this free. Ah, right! Should I pay you in some kind of way? I’ll do whatever you wish! As long as you beg for it, absolutely anything!”
You tell him it’s fine.
“Oh come on, there you go again~ I’m sure my greedy Bitch-chan has at least one or two things she wants, no? Come on, try asking me to eat you instead with that cute voice of yours!”
You shake your head.
“Look at you acting all pure and innocent again. ...Ah! Could it be that you’ve been acting cold to me the whole time on purpose? ...Geez, you little cutie~!”
You sigh.
“Hm...~ Let me think, if you can’t bring yourself to say it, perhaps I should take the initiative instead? To reward you for making me such a delicious meal. Say, I can order dessert as well, right?”
You tell him that there’s no time to make one. 
“Oh geez! You know exactly what I mean! You won’t need to prepare anything for it. There’s a sweet treat right in front of my eyes already after all~”
He wraps his arms around you.
“Please let me indulge in you fully once I’ve finished my plate~? I promise that I’ll make you feel heavenly to reward you for your efforts~”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Omurice is a very popular and fairly easy Japanese dish consisting of fried rice (usually made with white rice, chicken, peas, onion and ketchup) which is then topped with an omelette. Some versions will cut the egg open and pour demi-glace sauce on top, but the top of also commonly decorated with more ketchup.
(2) He calls it ‘queenly’ attitude in Japanese. 
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yuikomorii · 1 year
What did you think of the 11th anniversary? Tbh Rejet doesn’t even care about their game anymore. 😬
// I’m probably the only one who actually liked this anniversary because we got CATS. The Yui as a kitten photo made me extremely happy, therefore it’s a win in my book. xD
I understand people's disappointment, but I'm not sure why they have such high expectations of Rejet. They rarely do anything special for anniversaries, with the exception of the 9th DL one. The big announcements were already planned, so they found the ideal opportunity to show them on the 9th anniversary live. Just because it happened once doesn't mean it will happen every year.
DL is one of the otome games with the most official material since we got 7 games, two anime seasons, HDB/MB/YB manga and a lot of CD dramas/Tokutens/short stories. That’s already a huge amount of content, for this reason I believe the fandom should be a little more understanding.
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