leregirenga · 5 months
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En mis manos viven generaciones anteriores de mi familia: bisabuelas, abuelas, madres, tías, hermanas, primas, sobrinas, hijas... Siguen, ahí están y nos une el amor, el cariño, ese complemento o amalgama que junta y es como pegamento que no nos permite separarnos y que con los años se afirma y se vuelve grande e inconmensurable.
Todo esto es la familia, mujeres fuertes, indomables y llenas de sueños y grandes metas por alcanzar. Tradiciones milenarias, hábitos adquiridos, prácticas que nos hacen uno; pasado, presente y futuro agarrados de las manos y dejando ver qué lo fraternal trasciende más allá de todos los tiempos sin importar la muerte.
Leregi Renga
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informativoar · 2 years
La Justicia detecta que hubo un intento anterior de asesinar a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
La Justicia detecta que hubo un intento anterior de asesinar a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
Télam – Una serie de mensajes extraídos del teléfono celular de Brenda Uliarte, imputada por la tentativa de homicidio de la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, permitieron a la justicia detectar que el mismo grupo de personas había intentado antes asesinar a la dos veces exprimera mandataria. La información surgió del celular de la propia novia de Fernando Sabag Montiel, el hombre…
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samsungnewsonline · 2 years
Las últimas características de las series Galaxy Z Fold4, Z Flip4 y Watch5 llegarán a las generaciones anteriores – Samsung Global Newsroom
Desde opciones de personalización ampliadas hasta funciones intuitivas de multitarea y productividad, la última actualización permitirá que incluso más usuarios mejoren la forma en que interactúan con la vida cotidiana. Comprometidos con la creación de innovaciones móviles que no solo superen las expectativas de lo que es posible, sino que lleven esas innovaciones a tantas personas como sea…
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jusdecisum · 2 years
Suspeição por motivo superveniente não anula atos processuais anteriores
Suspeição por motivo superveniente não anula atos processuais anteriores
terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016 Imagine a seguinte situação hipotética: João propôs ação ordinária contra Pedro, na qual pedia a concessão de tutela provisória de urgência. O processo foi distribuído para a 2ª Vara Cível, que tem Henrique como Juiz Titular. Henrique proferiu decisão interlocutória deferindo a tutela de urgência requerida por João. Pedro cumpriu a obrigação determinada na…
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lpestudiocreativo · 2 years
Lo más seguro es que cuando conoces y conectas con una mujer que tiene hijos, es que vas a tener miedo a competir contra ese hijo o esos hijos y esto es completamente natural porque crees que vas a competir por su tiempo, por su energía, por su atención, todo depende del caso y sobre todo si es un niño o una niña que son muy dependientes de la mamá. 1. EXISTEN MADRES MEDIOCRES Y EXISTEN MADRES…
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thalysun · 4 months
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saving each other in bridal stylee !!1
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dbtvweb · 2 years
veja como baixar cópia de declarações anteriores
veja como baixar cópia de declarações anteriores
Como você deve saber, o prazo para envio da declaração do Imposto de Renda 2022 está chegando ao fim. Assim, os contribuintes têm até o dia 31 de maio para prestar contas com a Receita. Contudo, um problema recorrente de muita gente é recuperar a declaração atual ou mesmo recibos de anos anteriores. Saiba como consultar a sua inscrição no CadÚnico A boa notícia é que esse documento pode ser…
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koffeenoe · 1 year
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Mikey chikito ❤️🥺
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Joey keeping things ☺️
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mimiedosa · 1 year
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doodles bobos parte 2 ✌🥸✨
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verdita-toons · 1 year
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chattonsdoodles-blog · 10 months
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Puede que al final las cosas salgan bien...oh puede que no
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joleneghoul · 4 months
everyday i see the worst "how to draw anatomy" posts from artists who have never looked at a naked person- no not even naked, just a person in general, in their life.
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lindademais · 19 days
"E a gente tem desconto para quem tem mais de um perdido na história, viu? É, eu sei que está sendo um período estressante e eu quero ajudar com isso!" Era difícil ter que ficar agradando um monte de gente da realeza que a humilharia ao primeiro sinal de uma mudança na expressão de Cinderela, mas Anastasia estava fazendo isso por uma razão. Chega de tentar arranjar um casamento. Agora ela era uma mulher de negócios. Iria redecorar todos os castelos dessa maldita cidade até conseguir um só dela. E daí iria esfregar na cara da mãe. E da irmã. E daqueles ratinhos, só pra eles pararem de rir quando ela saía de perto. Ela entregou o folder para a pessoa, que prometeu pensar e se afastou, antes de se virar para entregar para outro frequentador da festa. "Oi! Posso te ajudar? Já pensou em ter a casa mais linda da rua toda?"
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thebnha-auhoard · 5 months
Still not normal about Kudou and I decided that the best way to not be normal about him is obviously making an au where he lives.
Except he’s the only one of the past OFA users that live. No one else gets to live with him. Why? Because All For One loathes that man for stealing away his brother, for being the cause of his brother’s death. He should die but before that he should suffer. Kudou should suffer for taking what was All For One’s.
So when Kudou and All For One’s confrontation happened, All For One decides that death was too kind for him. So he took him away the moment Kudou fell unconscious.
And then when Bruce dies and he wakes up in the Vestige World, he sees a misty Kudou. And Yoichi just asks if Kudou is safe and okay. And then Bruce tells him that the last he saw of Kudou was him telling him to escape while he holds off All For One.
Both of them look at the misty version of Kudou and have a deep seated dread settle in them.
If you know MAG 172 “Strung Out” from The Magnus Archives then just go and slap that on Kudou but make it worse.
If you don’t then picture this:
You’re on a stage, and you’re an actor. Except not really because you don’t really want to be here or act. The director says that you’re the only one for this role and frankly you have no choice. So you’re up on stage and the director tells you that you’re going to be playing the part of “You”. Yes, “You”. The person you are right now. You’re going to be playing as yourself and you’re going to be playing out every single tragedy, disappointment, and loss in your life. You’re going to relive every single moment and as you play out your role, an audience watches on and laughs at you. They laugh at every single fucking miserable thing you go through and no matter how much you tell them to shut up they don’t. In fact they laugh harder. You play out your miserable life and you continue to play it out and the director applauded you for the wonderful performance but it’s never good enough.
So you keep on acting and at some point you lose track of the amount of acts you’ve been in and slowly you start losing who you really are underneath those plays. You think once or twice you played someone else’s miserable life but you don’t remember. You barely remember your name but you cling onto it because if you lose that then you have nothing. You don’t have anything anymore because you’re an actor and your appearance can change at the drop of a hat if the director commands it.
And despite everything, the audience still fucking laughs.
So you know. Kudou isn’t doing well. He’s still (ambiguously) keeping it together but he isn’t doing well.
Then something changes and Kudou blinks and now there's someone else in front of him. The roof of the Theater is actually caved in. That doesn’t matter though. What matters is that someone new is in front of him.
(In hindsight it was a bad idea to test out how many people can be supported on the very shitty building that Kurogiri brought them in. At the same time all of them were bored and Twice came up with a good way to pass the time so sue them. They went and did it and was entertained for a glorious 30 minutes.
Iguchi has to admit though this was a stupid way to entertain themselves. And he can already see Kurogiri berating him on their choices.
Now though he thinks it’s been a good idea to have the game play out. Because there’s a theater down here. And there’s a person here. And they’re in a show that’s been going on for a million acts and they looked pained.)
Vaguely, Kudou recognizes the person in front of him. The Peerless Thief right? Except it’s been Act…something million now. He can’t remember the number anymore. So that must mean he’s dead already right? But he recognizes Oji and he wants to break down and cry and hug him because they may not have gotten along the best but gods this is the first time someone else that wasn’t some mockery or All For One was in front of him.
(Sako lies and reassures the man in front of him.
He lies and he’s being mistaken for the Peerless Thief and in any other moment he would be thrilled. Flattered even. But all he can focus now is the desperation and the fact that he’s holding tight onto Sako and crying and apologizing for incredibly minor things.
He lies and he wants to throw up because he is clearly not the person this man is looking for. And he wishes he was telling the truth instead of telling lies for momentary comforts.
He wants to ask how he knows his great great grandfather but this isn't the time and all he can do is assure the man that everything will be okay.)
And then he blinks and before he knows it he's out. He thinks he's out at least. He thinks he's out. For all he knows this could be a trick. Another tragedy to play out. Another mask to wear.
(When Kurogiri arrived back at the base with groceries, he was expecting a punched in wall at best and a fire at worst.
What he wasn't expecting was the floor being broken and the League looking like they all came out of a fight. He wasn't expecting a man being supported by Magne. He wasn't expecting the man to panic when they asked for his name and start to, quite literally, glitch in and out of appearances, frantically asking himself who he was and frantically asking himself if he still had his own face.
It took them about an hour to calm him down.
He doesn't know what happened but Kurogiri swiftly moved the League and the man to another safe house.)
Kudou probably shouldn't be trusting a group that literally calls themselves "The League of Villains" but they came through the roof and honestly, Kudou is tired.
So he accepts his situation and goes to sleep on the nearest couch.
He dreams of Bruce and Yoichi and for the rest of his dream, he quietly holds their hands.
(anterior sneaking in with art for this au :3, enjoy)
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
One of the reasons I think it's so important to foster intellectual curiosity and, ultimately, learning and a love for learning is how it subtly changes the very way you interact with and understand the world around you.
It's funny, because I spent time just to hunt and find a skull in Skyrim just so I could rotate it in my inventory and admire how detailed it was for five minutes, pleased about how I could point out and name individual bones (they even included the individual cranial sutures! Including my favourite suture (lambdoid suture)). I'm now trying to hunt for a skeleton so I can spend even more time admiring it. There's something funny and empowering about how the way I interact with things has changed with my learning.
If there is nothing else you do, learn. It doesn't matter what you learn, just seek out information. I know for some, a love of learning was almost punished in environments like school, so start out with things you are inspired by, things that deeply pique your interest. Learning isn't a punishment, it doesn't have to be scary. Whatever you want to learn about is worth the time and effort it takes to understand it.
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