#anyways i finished the sketch 🤭
happygochi · 1 year
When I saw the cupid prompt for gochi valentine week, it sent me back to elementary school when my obsession over a certain Greek mythology love story began. I loved it so much, the cupid & psyche book was the most reborrowed item on my library card ever 😂
And um, gochi as cupid and psyche?!?!??! yes please?!?!??!?!?
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Don't you love it when there's a prompt so good it hits you like a freight train 😭
Btw, the gochi event is on twitter (@gochiholidays) so check it out if you're interested. I'm still on a twitter break (not posting my art there) but I'm definitely posting art here on tumblr!
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pseudonymjones · 3 months
Oh my God it's the guy. It's the guy from way back when fanlee quit her job I just realized
Yup it’s the guy.
Fun fact: I originally tried to introduce Cooper totally differently as early as 12/2020 but I was SO EXHAUSTED AND DEPRESSED from work that I couldn’t bring myself to finish sketching out the comics. (Maybe that fact isn’t very fun). Same thing goes with that I Quit comic^, it was supposed to have a follow-up where you learned more about Coop but I just couldn’t keep up.
Anyway, I’m only just now clawing my way out of that four-year funk! And hey Cooper is still here. Good for you, bro! I’ve seen so many strong reactions to him, it’s so exciting. I’m so happy I finally got to share him 😊✨
Here are some sketches of him from 2021. (I can’t believe I forgot he has a long dark tail for a while. It’s so cute maybe I should retcon that back in 🤭)
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celerydays · 6 months
How’s Reprieve coming along ? I’m very excited to see part 2!!! :))))
Happy to report: all sketches for Part 2 are complete! 🫡 🥳
*Phew* 😮‍💨 sketching is my favorite part but it's also like 85-90% of my work time/process, so I'm thankful it's done at last 😩 Now I just gotta finish the lineart (yuck) and coloring (yay) and add all the dialogue and sfx bits (ohno)
I would post another preview here but I've honestly posted all the little panel previews I would dare to for Part 2 (and besides, I wanna save some surprises you guys to see in the finished pages 🤭)
I do hope you guys will like it 👉👈; I admit I'm a little nervous that it's been so long that it's not really going to live up to expectations 😅
Anyways 👀 in place of another Reprieve Part 2 sketch preview, please have this other WIP of Ominis x my first MC Celeste 🫴✨
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prince-kallisto · 7 months
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“An amusement park full of free games, rides, and food? I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to take a day off from my strenuous duties to goof off- I mean to supervise you all!”
This is my silly design for Crowley’s “Playful Land” event costume haha \(//∇//)\ Since the full story isn’t out yet, I may have jumped the gun a bit…but since all the students look like puppets, I thought it would be fun for Crowley to have a ringmaster theme. However, the outer accessories were meant to disguise him as a clown with a lot of inspiration drawn from carnival/fair attractions like carousels, shooting games, etc. But underneath it all, he’s still wearing a ringmaster’s outfit, if that makes sense
I talk more about my concept sketches and thought process below!
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These two photos above are meant to be the final concept art showcasing my mental image of how his outfit works haha.
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This design came to me surprisingly quick since I had a strong mental image of what I wanted him to look like. However, I DO wish I kept exploring with his design. I usually spend a lot of time in the exploration phase, especially when it’s for a nicer drawing. This above concept art was pretty much the “final” design I made before I started drawing him. And as you can tell from the finished art, there were quite a few changes…the amount of changed details alone make it an entirely different outfit haha. It caused me a lot of pain while sketching AND inking…I think I got overexcited with this event and I jumped right into inking. In fact, I had a start from scratch after inking my first art- the proportions and design was all wrong haha. A lesson learned.
From the start, I knew I wanted a ringmaster-disguised-as-a-clown theme, but I think the detachable clown pants really put it all together haha. I like outfits that can “shed” themselves to reveal a hidden theme underneath.
In his initial final design, he had a red feathered coat, meant to resemble the feathers in the students hats. This was one of the many things that changed last minute because I didn’t like how the big cost looks in Crowley’s pose haha. But I like this change better actually- it stands out to his usual headmasters coat, and it resembles Malleus’s masquerade cape. His coat lapels are decorated to look like a piano- I think there was a piano scene in Pinocchio? I actually didn’t check at all…
The carousel hat was the first thing I came up with haha, I thought it was funny. I wonder if it’s functional…that would be a funny animation haha. His bird mask is too iconic to drastically change, so it’s just a different color and shape with some beading to look like clown makeup/tears. I love how the novel describes Crowley as flamboyant yet melancholic…
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I’ve only gone to a fair once in my life many years ago, so I had to search up common carnival games. I’ve seen festival games in Japanese media, where a rifle with a wooden cork is used to shoot down plushies/other prizes- and I think it would be a really fun and eccentric cane design haha. Perhaps if someone is really misbehaving, he can aim a cork at them? 🤭
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The shape of his tie and thigh harness was another sudden design choice made during official drawing, but I like it! It incorporated the ribbons everyone else has without having Crowley being the one “controlled.” The gold points on his shoes are actually removable- it’s part of his “clown” theme. The white spats were made to match him with Fellow Honest- like a hint that he’s not one of the performers since he matches with the owner of Playful Land. Ahhh I’m still learning how to use gouache, and the background was a mess…but it’s inspired off of this Pinocchio concept art! It’s so gorgeous! I’m sorry Ortho…
And finally, the masks on his waist. They’re wrapped around his waist with rope, and are made to resemble the faces of certain characters. Average Kallisto moment of being the most unsubtle person ever with my theories LMAO. Anyway, I thought it would be the perfect event to include various masks on his costume in a similar placement where the mirrors are in his regular outfit. Since he has a lot of carnival game themes in his outfit, perhaps he can pretend he’s a mask vendor haha.
@marrondrawsalot Haha I’m not sure if you remember, but a long while back I made a Glorious Masquerade Crowley design, and we decided that I could tag you if I made a future event design. It’s been a while! 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
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rou-luxe · 22 days
Alfons - "Fair Hands in Iron"
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I'M FINALLY DONE... THE SHOWER THOUGHT HAS BEEN BORN... time: ~25 hours (accumulated)
rambling / complaining / misc thoughts under the cut
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this one is a screenshot taken sometime before this was finished I WAS LOOKING ON HOW TO CORRECT THE HAIR. I pulled up another sketch of Alfons and compared them side by side and MY COLORING ARTSTYLE WENT FROM 😊 to 😈. WHAT
sometime in the piece I had to brighten everything because the shadows were fading into the lines again 💀 but I liked this version better... lighter colors do NOT fit my style...
the most painful parts were the mouth and the chains. the chains were in a rough spot to render over.
now I go around traumatizing everyone I know who knows ikevil
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they're so nice ♥ ^
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my sister is NOT nice ☹
I tried to ask Yui (@/silkkorchid) but I think she left me on read 🤭🤭 it's okay she'll be spraying me with holy water
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imactuallyreallycool · 7 months
I've finished the main part of the lesbyler artwork, but I have some sketches that I want to have with it toooooo so you guys are just going to have to wait 😏🤭🤫
Also my WiFi is out at the moment anyway so I can't even post it if I wanted to 😭😭😭
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Hello!! I Saw You Wrote For Crunchy Chip Cookie! And I Was Wondering Could You Write Crunchy Chip Cookie With An Artist S/O (I Swear- I've Been Going Around Different Blogs And Asking For An Artist S/O For Different Characters I Adore-) Anyway, But Like An Artist That Usually Does Pencil Drawings, Mostly Sketches, But One Day Crunchy Boi Finds One Of Their Sketch Books To Find Out It's Full With Drawings Of Him!! Also I Hope You Have A Wonderful Day Or Night!! :]] :DD
hello hello anon! i hope you enjoy this 😋 i’m gonna do hcs for this 💪
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crunchy chip with an artist s/o!!
the dark cacao kingdom isn’t one where creativity flourishes. unless, of course, that creativity is coming up with new ways of fighting. so, it was safe to say, you weren’t in a great place for your interest.
luckily for you, you had your best supporter, your boyfriend, crunchy chip cookie! he loved your artwork and would encourage you daily to continue on, even in the face of artblock and/or ridicule.
whenever you drew, he’d love to see what you were drawing! crunchy chip is very interested in your hobby. whether it be a simple sketch or a magnificent double page spread.
one day, while you were out at the market, shopping for food, crunchy chip found a sketchbook of yours that he hadn’t seen before, tucked away on a bookshelf.
his curiosity got the better of him, and he was surprised to see that every page was home to sketches of him! ranging from wee doodles to more detailed drawings.
he was flipping through, mesmerised by your work, when you came through the living room door, to find him looking at your secret sketchbook.
“babe! you have a whole sketchbook of me?? why didn’t you tell me?! these are amazing!!” crunchy chip said with sparkles in his eyes.
“ah- well, you know- i was embarrassed, i guess..? i didn’t really want you seeing them incase you thought it was weird.” you replied bashfully.
crunchy chip reassured you that he would never think that way at all as he hugged you & gave you a peck on the cheek.
“though babe, you should really draw my cream wolf more too. he’s my best friend!”
i hope you enjoyed this! sorry it took so long to finish, i was hit with sudden 1am motivation just there now 🤭 but i apologise for the shortness. i hope you have a wonderful day/night too <3
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purpleglitch · 8 months
I ramble for too long about my art (The post)
(Drawings here)
Thanks again to Nunki and Nov so much for pulling me out of art block 😭💕 I had so much fun drawing all of this and experimenting with poses and colors, etc. that I wouldn't have tried before this!! i'm so sorry this took like 2 months to finish there was lots of stuff going on but I finally finished it and i'm very happy how it all turned out. I made this post just to go through my thought process LMAO
DAY 1: Early SMP Days
This one was inspired by the "he asked for no pickles" meme and how in an early dsmp stream c!dream (in full enchanted netherite armor) asks c!george (half iron/diamond armor) to protect him with a crossbow while they go to l'manburg
At first this one was gonna be a quick drawing but then i got too invested into drawing the armor that it got out of hand and suddenly i had spent 2 days on that 💀
Also all the other drawings were gonna be like this one, a bit simple than what i usually do, but i got too invested x2 and ended up rendering(?) more the rest of drawings
C!dream is c!george's baby, like the cc's dynamic 👍
DAY 2: Objects of Affection
THE SHIELD DEMONS GOT ME 👹👹👹👹 also c!gnf keeps the mask even though it's a bit broken :3
C!gnf is a bit dirty because he doesn't shower, also he sleeps on the grass sometimes, he doesn't get sunburnt because XD protects him from that, also c!sapnap is the one that finds him like that and brings him back to kinoko
I think this is the drawing with most layers only because it was for setting the lighting
This one set the bar of how many details can i put on the next drawings haha got too silly and flew too close to the sun
DAY 3: Worship/Devotion
Inspired by religious imagery in renaissance paintings, they're very pretty and detailed and ohgggg i thought that aesthetic fit XDNF's dynamic ^_^
When I finished the drawing i added a canvas texture so it looked like the mentioned paintings' texture
The pose was so complicated but thankfully i hid all the weird anatomy under capes and hair(?) 🤭 and I have a mirror right next to my computer so i used myself as reference for the hands
The halo around c!gnf's head could be a reference to the headcanon of georgeeeHD existing and being another dsmp deity or also hinting at george's "destroying the smp" stream and how powerful and crazy insane he is!!! also the reflection of XD's halos on his eyes, they worship each other i think, xdnf makes my tummy hurt /pos
DAY 4: Visions/Dreams
Inspired by my weirdcore demons :3 i love that aesthetic so much
I did the error pop up on this custom generator!!
Saved a lot of time by making c!dream faceless since it would be covered by the pop up anyway, but it can also be symbolism for c!gnf not remembering his face or something crazy
I again used myself as reference for the hands i'm so cool and epic
Also I used a tutorial on how to make the vhs effect/chromatic aberration on paint tool sai and added grainy texture on the background for more spice :3
DAY 5: Reunion/Post-Nuke
I reused an old sketch of c!dnf side profile for this one, hashtag work smart not hard 😎 except i polished it and changed some stuff and now it looks way better than the old version
The concept was happy reunion, they're happy to see each other!! c!dnf good ending, i say in tears.
c!gnf touching the c!dritties :3 jk he's feeling his heartbeat, he can't believe he's real!!!
I had so much fun drawing the blood on the bandages and c!dream's scars, please zoom and admire them, it took so long,,,,
DAY 6: Roleswap
My demons..... my beloved rs au..... the posts i made some while ago were based on this drawing, i have a tag on my blog now for that au
RS!dnf wear matching chains!! also the concept for this drawing was that someone interrupted their make out session :3
Symbolism moment!! I like to draw characters with nail polish of the color it represents them, in this case green for dream and blue for george, but for this au, their colors are swapped: green for george and blue for dream, it symbolizes how their roles (king/knight) on that story are different and don't match with the canon. storywise, they're so in love they wanted to keep each other on themselves somehow so they exchanged nail polish colors
DAY 7: CC Roleplay/Cosplay
Sisyphus would be proud of me (<- almost gave up before drawing this), unironically i got demotivated when i finished day 6 so i took a break and then i went insane with this one
The concept was c!dnfies wearing cc!dnf outfits, dream specifically has so many outfit options but I ended up choosing the famous "dteam in madrid" outfit plus a cat beanie, and I couldn't find a fortnite jesus poster for george's shirt so i just found a silly cat pic and yeah ^_^
Thank you random twt user for the idea 👍
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And that's it! I probably forgot to say some stuff more but i started to get anxious this post would be too long. Again thank you so much guys for being supportive over the wips i showed you and also being insane about c!dnf too 😭 <3
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. This is a short piece inspired by everyone’s thoughts on Brigitte’s dress for the upcoming State Dinner. To avoid being wrong, this piece doesn’t settle on a colour prediction. Enjoy!
He saw her smiling to herself as she sent of a quick text before serving their dinner, and he felt a little prick of jealousy - why was she smiling, who was making his wife smile like that? "Chérie?" He asked, a little peeved.
"Yes?" She replied a little distracted, only serving to further his inner turmoil.
"Who was that you were texting? Who made you smile like that? Was it Didier?"
"Oh, good grief, Emmanuel! Not this again! It was my stylist. He sent me the final sketch for my British State Dinner gown. I was smiling because the dress is beautiful, and I’m very happy with the final product. As you will be too, you idiot."
"Oh," he replied, embarrassed, once again his irrational brain getting ahead of him. He paused for a minute, "can I see it?"
"No!" She laughed, setting his plate down in front of him to soften the blow.
"Why not?" He asked looking up at her with a slight pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Because I want you to be surprised, chéri. I like seeing how you react when you first see me all dolled up. You make me feel beautiful."
"You are beautiful, Brigitte. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. With or without clothes on."
"Flattery isn’t going to work. Although, you can definitely pick the flirting back up later tonight," she winked at him.
"Can I try and guess about it?"
"Sure, why not," she allowed, tucking into her dish.
"Is it white?" He guessed her favourite color.
"I wonder why that was your first thought," she smiled at him.
"Well is it?"
"I can neither confirm nor deny your suspicions."
"Party pooper."
"I said you could guess. I never said I would tell you anything."
"Can I make a request?"
"I did say final sketch, but I’m curious, so I’ll allow it."
"Can you make it short? I want to see your gorgeous legs."
She laughed at that. "I don’t think we’ve gone with a cocktail dress code so, no. But I will tell you there’s a slit."
He groaned at that mental image.
"I told you that you would like it," she smirked, slipping her foot out of her shoe and dragging it along the inside of his calf to tease him.
His Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly, trying to gain control over the way his body was reacting to his wife’s game of footsie. "If you want to finish dinner, I’m going to need you to stop that."
"I’m okay to skip to dessert if you are."
“You don’t need to tell me twice,” he growled, lunging across the table towards her and wrapping her in his arms, enjoying her squeal in delight as he softly dropped her on their bed before he began to coax very different delighted noises out of her for the rest of the night.
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Not Didier again 😂
Hahaha but I liked the combination of several comments we made here, especially Emmanuel himself waiting the dress to be short, the little sneaky 🤭😏
Oh la la, Brigitte’s game of footsie on Emmanuel... 😏🔥 Yes, who even needs dessert anyways 🤭😂
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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sillysnack · 1 year
MY ATSUJUNI ANON WAS SUPER POSITIVE!!!! sorry i wordded that wrong i think,,,, i was asking like ur hcs for them and stuff!!!! like for you to just go on and on about all your thoughts for them u knowww!!!
OH OKOK THANK U!!!! i got confused earlier lol just finished a math exam 🤕🤞 ANYWAYYAYSYSYA ask and you shall receive!!!!!
i think they r so!!! the "brings rocks" x "keeps rocks" yk except its like atsushi has unknowingly given tanizaki a lot of earrings nd other accessories to the point tanizaki has a whole collection 😆 (i really think that gift giving is one of atsushi's main love language?! aside from words of affirmation)
PDA 🤞🤞🤞🙈🙈🙈 not done often but when they do pda, it's most likely initiated by junichirou 🔥 always ends up on the two super flustered and quiet
tanizaki fell first and atsushi fell harder 🤭
bcs of vivid colors i hc tanizaki to be a painter 🤞 one of their main muses is atsushi and back when they couldn't confess, there were so many unfinished sketches / drawings of atsushi (maybe even there r pieces of juni and atsushi being a cute couple :3) — atsushi begs tanizaki to finish those unfinished pieces now that they're dating, tanizaki is super embarrassed about it (he finishes it anyway)
the couple get teased a lot by the agency. maybe even by the port mafia
tanizaki bakes for Atsushi :3 he made tiger-shaped cookies once and atsushi felt like he could propose on the spot🙏🏼
HEHRWHWHDH Shameless self promo i am writing a fic for them rn 😊😆🤫
somehow atsushi is the more chill one of the pair🏒 dazai raised a WINNER (obviously atsujuni are both boyfails but!!! i love loser tanizaki junichirou HAHAHWHEHW)
okay thats all anon🫰🫰🫰 thank you for letting me let the brainworms out
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pechensyura3 · 1 year
Haha, yuppiee, im back, uh, idk if you should be happy or not💀
Remember when i said i went to draw something? Well, forget that cus i never did, only drew some reeeally rough sketches, so uh💀💀💀💀💀
Aaaaanyways, here's a random sketch of Fake Peppino that i actually like.🤭 Literally just learned how to draw him and the original in my style,,, Idk i really hope i will finish it, though i have to do something for background instead of my unreadable handwriting😶 Good thing that i have some ideas. Bad thing is that i am me. But anyways, here is da boy🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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simp4art · 3 months
Made an side blog for my art 🥹🎨💞
None of it is good, none of it is worthy of being tagged with tons of tags (yet! 🤭), but im making the effort to draw again after having not done so in 2 years (6 months ago I got into sketching, but I gave that up too🥲💔,, but im back on track to drawing/colouring for fun again !!), and that's what counts, right ? ☺️💓
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Anyways, apparently this is a tiktok trend ?? Some bloody Asian guy with a camera ☠️💀, i dont have the app so im only aware of tjis bc my irl friend sent me the screenshot 🤨
Will post the finished version no matter how shit it is !! 😝
Edit : shit photos YES but my lamp does NOT❌ lamp,, it is SHIT and im bad at taking photos anwyays 🤡
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jeymoi · 11 months
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reaaalllyy hoping i finish all these sketches/doodles some day soon because i am very satisfied with them and want to see them complete lmmaaoo — we will see though because art fight is once again taking over my life and all my energy. but for now, you get sneak peeks of my most perfect imperfections (aka, they don’t look quite right but i’m still happy i got them started).
CW: venting/emotional (?)
ANYYYWWAAYYY — my quick tumblr diary vent entry is just gonna be me appreciating my best friend and picking apart my brain✌️🥹.
for the most part, life is kind of kicking my ass and everyday feels suffocating, but for once in my life, i genuinely have someone who i can comfortably open up to. it’s a weird feeling? being vulnerable in a healthy way? in a way, i think parts of my brain is trying to reject the idea that i can fully trust and ask for support from someone. i’m really not that sure why my walls have come down like this so quickly in a sense?? but i’m really grateful for each and every day that i am able to spend with them. there is nothing i could do to ever repay how much they’ve done for me. this has been the most growth i feel within my own character and emotional well-being. though of course there are many important people in my life, i’ve learned so much from just one person about so many different things and so many ways to think positively, accept myself, and to look for the things in life that may be fulfilling. i’m relearning to take care of myself more and to try to prioritize my well being. though life-long habits will die hard, the comfort of knowing someone cares enough to be patient while im growing hits me like a brick. as a chronic cry baby, i’m relearning that it’s okay to cry in front of people and that being sensitive doesn’t mean i’m weak.
the other day, i told my best friend my deepest secret after an especially rough night. i cried so fucking much that day. it’s terrifying to tell someone something you’ve been closely guarding almost all your life. it’s terrifying when the last person you showed vulnerability to in the same way told you to just find a way to deal with it and to never talk about your struggles again. it’s terrifying to give your all to people who tell you that you mean so much to them only to realize too late that you don’t actually mean as much to them. in every sense of my being, this fear still racks at my brain, though i think i’ve accepted it as my fate, my role and purpose. now, though it feels like a weight lifted from my heart, i find it terrifying to feel like i matter to someone just as much as they to me.
the intrusive thoughts in my mind warn me that i’m making mistakes. they tell me that i should run away, that i should put back up the fucking walls because they’ll keep me safe. but some part of me wants to trust again. i want to keep indulging in being able to rely on someone who doesn’t judge my very being. the guilt eats me alive each time but they reassure me that no boundaries are being crossed. though, even if i’m blinded by hopefulness and my experiences run parallel to that of the past, i will never resent everything i’ve learned and the validity i received.
as fucked up as i am of a human being, i truly hope in this world that everyone is able to find someone for them even half as lovely and genuine as my best friend. even if just for a little bit, i want to keep trusting in his words.
(if you happened to have read through the entirety of my vague-ass brain dump, thank you very much 🤭<3 i dont think much of it makes sense as it is past three am and i have had so very little sleep the last couple if weeks, but i wanted this here for myself hehehe — hopefully it had some sort of entertainment factor if you were bored enough to read it !! anyways, now that i’ve gotten this off my chest, time to try to fix my sleep schedule once more.)
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hikarikojima · 2 years
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Hi long time no see🤭💜✨🌸 i designed this outfit for my oc henry it took me a long time to finish but i didn't like it :") anyway will try to draw him a full illustration cuz why not i missed my henry 💜✨ . . . . . #henry_hika #characterdesign #sketch #illustration #csp #clipstudiopaint #myoc #oc https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3MQsqotrQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alphadogg777 · 2 years
Hi!!!! did you see the new art with Hange and Levi as cats??? Levi especially, he looks so much like your warrior AU 🤭
YES I DID AND I LOST MY MIND I woke up this morning to people tagging me to check it out haha
I knew Levi's cat design had to be the simple small black cat BUT THEY STILL GAVE HIM THE CRAVAT I LOVE THAT FOR HIM!! And while Hange isn't the giant scruffy behemoth I imagined, I love the Abyssinian approach they decided to take!! The orange tabby coat is perfect!! :D
I've been working on art with the canon cat designs throughout today and plan to release them all in one collective post! However since you asked, I shall provide you with a couple sample sketches of what's to come! :D
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Featuring cat Hange getting head pats from human Levi and the canon cat designs meeting mine! *Cue the Spiderman pointing meme* I've got a couple finished but I'm gonna be quiet and not show y'all yet >:)
Anyways I hope y'all look forward to them! Feel free to send in some prompts with them, I'd be down to draw scenarios with either these designs or my own! :D
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redoqs · 3 years
not apologising for how long this is 💀💀
but no, LISTEN!!! in response to your response to me on ao3, miranda didn't get to the dinner table until after she finished harassing y/n by the waterfall! I swear, it makes sense, probably on to me, but it makes sense! cause there was that part about y/n hearing her heart beat again or something like that and it makes me think that she was hearing a different heartbeat, miranda's heartbeat. I know I'm not explaining it to its full potential, but this is the explanation that I have running through my head. maybe I'm just crazy and it was never miranda and it was always y/n 😅😅
I don't have a theory about the necklace. I do, but I'm not gonna share it 🤭
anyway, not you calling mommy miranda a punk ass... you just got your best friend title back and you already on thin ice again?? smh 🤧
Bestie I’m afraid to tell you this but…the events that were happening with reader and Miranda and the events at the dinner table with Alcina happened at the same time. Imma explain it when the chapter 42 comes out💀 Loved that idea tho!
Nah I wanna hear that theory about the necklace! Also, I stay losing my titles I be getting demoted for things that were never gonna happen (Miranda x reader)
Y’all gon be shocked when Sketch finally ends and see that Mona was just an old woman who had reader’s best interest at heart and when that happens I want an apology!
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