segami-ido · 8 months
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Continuing cosplay art month. This time Arilyn as Aqua from Kingdom Hearts!
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
wait why is she lowkey a r*dfem .... :/ what did she do omg
i think i made a post abt this forever ago but basically in nude she talks abt how perceiving women nude = perversion and should only be celebrated when it's you perceiving yourself but other people doing it is shameful of them. it's tacked on at the end so most people didn't really pick up on it but it reallllly rubs me the wrong way... hence why i say it's lowkey like i understand the message of her song but it's very badly written and layered with 'gotcha' moments that actually just reiterate radical views (women shouldn't be sex positive or want/like to be perceived nude unless it's by themselves) and contradict themselves . whatever she was trying to do didn't work because she says something completely different in the next line
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I can't
Last everything my best friend my love my cats my job I'm just gonna kill myself I can't anymore
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ernestlaytonpolls · 2 months
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secobarbitalinfo · 2 years
Nach dem Zeitungsbericht finden sich in der Akte Details über die Affäre der Schauspielerin mit dem damaligen US-Justizminister Robert Kennendy sowie über Sexpartys und Monroes depressive Phasen: "Peter Lawford (geschwärzte Passage) wusste von Marilyns Freunden, dass sie mit dem Gedanken spielte, einen Selbstmordversuch vorzutäuschen, um Mitleid zu erwecken", soll es in den Akten heißen. Monroe soll ermutigt worden sein, einen weiteren Selbstmordversuch zu unternehmen - allerdings mit der Zusicherung, dass sie rechtzeitig gefunden und gerettet werden würde.
Doch in den frühen Morgenstunden des 5. August 1962 wurde die 36-Jährige tot in ihrem Zimmer entdeckt. Sie lag nackt und mit dem Gesicht nach unten auf ihrem Bett - Todesursache war eine akute Vergiftung mit Barbituraten. In dem jetzt veröffentlichten FBI-Bericht heißt es, Lawford habe "spezielle Vorkehrungen" mit Monroes Psychiater Greenson getroffen, damit dieser ihr eine ungewöhnlich hohe Menge des Beruhigungsmittels Seconal verschreibt.
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sapphicworldttrpg · 6 months
November 2023 Sapphicblog - Girlbits & Bobs
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Wield my armaments, babe!
Welcome to the first of many Sapphicblogs, where I explain monthly updates to Sapphicworld's Playtest Edition! You're currently looking at the Tumblr version of this blog, which lacks in-depth details and thoughts about the development process present in the Patreon version. Subscribe to the Sapphicworld Patreon for more!
November was very focused on sharpening the game, filling in corners and expanding underdeveloped mechanics. I did a lot of things I've been procrastinating on for a while, and gave many characters extra love and 'placeness' in the setting.
What is 'placeness'? Well, when you look at any element of Sapphicworld, I want it to be clear where it fits in the world, and if a place is referred to I want it to be playable. This month's updates were focused on sharpening and enabling this vision of the game. With that, the list of new things!
November Additions
A 256 color palette for Sapphicworld (Duel by Arilyn), split up by Land!
Tons of new Relic and NPC art.
The Chimaeryn Most-Foul and its inhabitants, a coterie of necromancers and their undead army.
The Petrified Tangle, the sculpture garden of our beloved and petrifying Calcium Lady.
Rathold, (you pronounce the th with gusto), the fortress of The Brat Rats.
Operator Iris' Dollhouse, a place where you can shrunk down and glared at by gorgeous women.
Copy Manifold, a tunnel that leads down toward the strange, clone-spitting Heavenhead Engine.
New challenges for almost every Architecture, to make adventures more deep and exciting.
Final touches to The Birth Sore, a hidden land, as well as a secret 'Horror' and a special Relic.
Three new bikers: slimegirl Gug, snakegirl Aughnom, and vulturefreak Burndeep.
The Sea Surgeon, a new Title about recovering from a near-death experience and healing others.
The Northern Anomaly, a Relic exclusive to The Sea Surgeon that bends time itself.
Changespitter, a Relic which allows you to shoot d66 transformations at people.
Champion's Loop, a silly fighting game headband that ties into a coming Campaign.
Reworks to a variety of moves.
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notsogeniusgirls · 10 months
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"Hey stranger," Arilyn smiled lazily from her position leaned against her motorcycle. "You didn't think I'd forgotten about you, did you?"
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terrovaniadorm · 9 months
🐤 with LynetteArisu or RitaFreya?
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Only did AriLyn but i thought it's cute ❤️
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rockn-rule · 10 months
This is a measurement baby it is hollow under all that internet is not about you it doesn't like it doesn't care what you want it doesn't care what you don't want it doesn't care if you'd like something or like something or dislike something it's called arilyn and did not care so you hold no shemp shut irrelevant Papa Irrelevant puff hot air
I didn't ask for peanut gallery or a basket case to be sent anywhere in behind me the background black ample s*** third part of it was a hot air and bless you mate that hole in the clothes keep your hole clothes at alarms when you show the watching the penny on stands and initial what you know when you will continue to stand and now I'm going to drift on as you proceeds overturned to government rules yours mine is down on here yours is there's just a fun closure hall so I can't be only giving it you can't be elected hosts you can't be your blocking posts you can't be posted posts you cannot be reposed about any definitely cannot be made in an absurd decurrent holder you also surely still cannot be following me or spending all that you're supposed to say Siri pretty much all editable said sir reprientary so hot air or blasphemy on in the content you didn't mean mine seized in which dreamingly
I didn't ask for peanut gallery or a basket case to be sent anywhere in behind me the background black ample s*** third part of it was a hot air and bless you mate that hole in the clothes keep your hole clothes at alarms when you show the watching the penny on stands and initial what you know when you will continue to stand and now I'm going to drift on as you proceeds overturned to government rules yours mine is down on here yours is there's just a fun closure hall so I can't be only giving it you can't be elected hosts you can't be your blocking posts you can't be posted posts you cannot be reposed about any definitely cannot be made in an absurd decurrent holder you also surely still cannot be following me or spending all that you're supposed to say Siri pretty much are eligible said theory predatory so hot air or a blessed meal on new contact to determine mine seized it immediately
You wanted to hear doing what you're doing and you're going to have to self adhere yourself to some self term saying Conditions I've to be about to buy him and following in a limbs no She says Yes but your progress and it reads About U are All In a world out or Nothing like a white there is no Shade to create Here no Wish Russian is nobody's bothered to Feel like a one Woman and not being bothered if like in the next moment she's aside as to whether it's the lesson of all of an absurd alternative policy with Teenagers like to be Quiet and learn it good Common learn to accommodate that Common others by Karma what comes around goes around You Know like goes right and comes around therefore I eagerly Wait reply
Wtf are you saying boo
I literally cannot read half of what you’ve written and I have no clue why you’ve written besides me saying in a comment section that my dyslexia does not like you which it doesn’t obviously
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segami-ido · 4 months
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Haven't drawn Arilyn yet this year. Let's face it, this was inevitable.
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
i am a bit curious as to why you dislike idle. i don't particularly love them myself but i'm curious as to your reasoning
ok thank u so much for asking first of all because i feel like a lot of people over the years have been curious about this and instead of asking me abt my reasoning regarding anything to do w idle they kind of default to anon hate, so. DKLFGJKLDF
im gonna give background, i followed y/uqi predebut, since that video came out of her as a young trainee moving from china to korea and being a part of a series where trainees go up to strangers in the streets and ask them to listen to them sing to gauge some of the public reaction to them if they debut. she sang in front of this one particular girl who used to be a trainee herself but couldn't live with the pressure and kind of yearned for that dream still, i guess? anyway, she gave y/uqi a lot of advice that i feel really helped ground her and to this day i think she's actually the only or at the very least the most grounded member of idle. and the only one i actually have nothing against and would love to see thrive, because i sincerely think she would and i'll come on to that later.
the tldr version is that i don't agree with the rampant racism and cultural appropriation that they engage in from music videos to general looks to sounds and beats in their actual songs. it's a lot. i know kpop groups in general are very guilty of this and sometimes, not very often, when you tell them it's wrong they apologise and stop doing it. but idle fall under the same category as suju and m/amamoo in that they literally don't care that they're doing it, because they have seen and i believe apologised about it then continued to do the same thing. but my issue with them as a group wasn't ever really directed at specific members until miss s/oyeon's international fuck-up where she said she wants to make 'ethnic hip' music as basically her excuse of why she appropriates cultures.
i paid a lot more attention to their group behaviour after that and there was a time of hiatus where y/uqi and m/innie in particular were very chill and doing their own thing where they were extremely different from how they were when s/oyeon ruled over them. y/uqi went back to being the grounded, friendly, chaotic and generally nice person she was before with no issues or controversies and m/innie did also. i don't really care about the other two so i can't comment on them extensively but these two i paid attention to because i know i liked them from before. but miss s/oyeon?? well, she carried on the group controversies all on her own, lmao. more racism and cultural appropriation but this time she also blatantly plagiarised another producer's songs and released them, lied about asking for permission to recreate the song DOWN TO A T (the song is wave by a/teez btw). basically she admitted to stealing it without using so many words but continued to promote it and didn't give the credit that was due for her plagiarism. i think this was one of 3 (?) plagiarism accusations in the space of a few months. so she's very big on growth as an artist and thinks of herself as a big producer but ultimately all she does is steal the songs from smaller artists and smaller producers and pass it off as her own. obviously as a creative myself, i'm not ok with this and i think she's a poor excuse of an artist to do it. she doesn't deserve the title.
in the last couple of comebacks, she profited off m/arilyn m/onroe's death and image, which is disgusting to me. i don't care what excuse her fans think up to make it ok -- especially when this came out at the same time as 2 documentary series about m/arilyn and she was a huge subject of discussion globally again. so it was evidently a ploy for cash and probably a good stepping stone to s/oyeon trying to make ~empowering music~ for women. sadly all she's doing, if her lyrics are anything to go by, is promoting the exact stereotype of women that everybody else is trying to fight against. she's saying, it's ok for women to love themselves but creepy for them to engage in sex or for men to be physically attracted to them because that makes them perverts (nxde lyrics allude to this VERY heavily).
i also personally don't like the attempted profiting off lgbt fans with 'oh my god', which people made theories about BEFORE she publicly came out as saying that it represents love in all forms, and kept alluding to it AFTER to give fans something to talk about despite officially saying she doesn't want to limit it to homosexuality -- so, how was it a song for the gays then? it wasn't. she was going with the fan theory to get talked about. it's not a bad marketing strategy but it is vile from an actual gay person's point of view, and the fact that she backtracked officially to say it's not ABOUT anything specific while feeding into the ~ally~ delusions privately is disgusting to me, personally. and i'd get if it was taboo to the point of it being career-ending, but there are plenty of other kpop groups who have explicitly stated their videos or songs or dramas, or ANYTHING, are strictly in representation of lgbt love both before and after oh my god -- o/nlyoneof in particular.
more recently of course, the attempted dissing of rookie groups, however light -- those are children. you're a grown woman. if you want to write a disstrack, don't do it about people who are a decade your juniors, OR a decade your seniors. she dissed h/yuna and h/yojong in a song and then sent h/yuna a signed album this comeback. weird to me, even if there are no hard feelings. it's not about the action so much as the attitude with which she keeps doing those things. this is where my newfound m/innie dislike comes in too, because she recently PUBLICLY dissed i/ve for winning an award against idle despite the fact that idle had already won a similar award something like the day before or a few days before. but i think i'll get over it because i genuinely don't believe that that's her actual attitude, i think 100% it's s/oyeon's influence.
and my reasoning for THAT is y/uqi's recent interview, where she said she and s/oyeon don't get along virtually at all, and fight all the time. she (y/uqi) finds it funny and thinks it's a sign of being close and honest, which it can be -- but that's not a healthy relationship, period. if you can't talk to someone without arguing, you don't get along ever.. that's not a friendship. but it does in a sense bring me comfort because i hate the type of person s/oyeon is and the fact that y/uqi argues with her so much tells me that she's the polar opposite. furthermore y/uqi also mentioned wanting to be the leader in situations, and that just tells me everything i need to know re: how much they actually agree with s/oyeon's creative decisions for them as a group and perhaps as individuals too, since she's currently cube's favourite and has significantly more pull than anybody else at that company.
i know you asked about idle full group dislike but it does all come down to s/oyeon in the end, because i think all of this controversy and all this behaviour could've been avoided if somebody knocked her down a peg. but i think everything she does is shallow and performative at best, she's not a hard worker like everybody thinks she is, but she does see herself as a martyr in all aspects and i guess tries to capitalise off it. which ok, that's her business, but i think it's gross and unfair to drag the other girls down with her. nevertheless all her choices (that she's proud of, too, let's not forget) up to now have made the group as controversial as it is now and is why i dislike it so actively as a unit, even aside from the other individual members.
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
im this is random but my two clasmates Jimi and Arilyn (idk how to spell her name) got with Jimi….
bombastic side eye 😨😨
Me and my friend nate we were talking about it and we were like
Nate: “ik thats shis just weird right 😨”
Me: “yeah bro 😨😨”
When people who you'd never imagine get together and you're just like vaguely offput but it? Mood
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misspeculiar-chroi · 1 year
Speaking of M/arilyn M/onroe and A/na de A/rmas...
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colesmurf23 · 1 year
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(OC) Marlin The Yoshi
Bio: Marlin Yoshi
Name: Marlin
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: January 1st
Species: Yoshi
Relationship/Wife: Arilyn
Family Members: Cole (Mother) Micole (Mother) Nivian (Grandma) Midnight (Grandpa) James (Grandpa) Tori (Grandma) Vicktoria (Aunt) Jamarr (Uncle) Victorio (Uncle) Jamell (Uncle) Jamesie (Uncle) Victoire (Aunt) Toree (Aunt) Jame (Uncle) Noora (Sister) Maxwell (Brother) Noel (Sister) Manfried (Brother) Marlyssa (Brother) Moses (Brother) Nerissa (Sister) Nuna (Sister) Nea (Sister) Micoletta (Sister) Mickey (Brother) Luiggi (Brother) Luigina (Sister) Clo (Sister) Coe (Brother) Cloris (Younger Sister) Madea (Younger Sister) Olivia (Younger Sister) Hailee (Youngest Sister) Cube (Youngest Brother) Starr (Youngest Sister) Aryan (Son) Aryeh (Son) Marabella (Daughter) Marabelle (Daughter) Arysta (Daughter) Marcelo (Son) Marcel (Son) Malin (Favorite Son) Arilla (Daughter) Arielle (Daughter) Arietta (Adopted Daughter) Maryn (Adopted Son) Zavier (Piplup Pokemon) Evan (Brother in law) Evans (Nephew) Maxima (Niece) Margolette (Niece) Margo (Nephew) Evanam (Nephew) Maxon (Nephew) Maxton (Nephew) Evanne (Niece) Evander (Nephew) Evanna (Niece) Danny (Brother in law) Delora (Niece) Dallan (Nephew) Dallin (Nephew) Nova (Niece) Nikolas (Nephew) Danae (Niece) Danni (Niece) Danna (Niece) Nooriel (Nephew) Darry (Nephew) Dooley (Nephew) Noah (Younger Nephew) Noa (Younger Niece) Noire (Younger Niece) Donny (Younger Nephew) Noor (Youngest Niece) Norah (Youngest Adopted Niece) Daniyal (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Ryder (Brother in law) Nollan (Nephew) Rylan (Nephew) Ryland (Nephew) Renae (Niece) Noeletta (Niece) Ryden (Nephew) Nohl (Nephew) Noella (Niece) Ryenne (Niece) Noely (Niece) Clover (Sister in law) Clovis (Nephew) Marcie (Niece) Marcy (Niece) Claude (Nephew) Claud (Nephew) Marcellus (Nephew) Cloud (Nephew) Mearl (Nephew) Cova (Niece) Clarke (Niece) Clark (Nephew) Malik (Nephew) Mali (Nephew) Cove ((Niece) Manfred (Nephew) Karl (Brother in law) Marly (Niece) Marlis (Niece) Mirabela (Niece) Carlyle (Nephew) Carlus (Nephew) Carlin (Niece) Cal (Nephew) Karl (Brother in law) Marly (Niece) Marlis (Niece) Mirabela (Niece) Carlyle (Nephew) Carlus (Nephew) Carlin (Niece) Cal (Nephew) Miggy (Niece) Mariam (Niece) Kiri (Nephew) Kerri (Niece) Embo (Nephew) Audrina (Sister in law) Marlo (Nephew) Audey (Nephew) Adya (Nephew) Audley (Nephew) Adney (Nephew) Marrin (Niece) Marry (Niece) Morris (Nephew) Audric (Nephew) Auden (Nephew) Austen (Nephew) Marten (Nephew) Moselle (Niece) Audry (Youngest Niece) Moshe (Youngest Nephew) Marco (Brother in law) Nessa (Niece) Maci (Niece) Marco (Nephew) Neela (Niece) Marc (Nephew) Nestor (Nephew) Marcella (Niece) Marcelle (Niece) Nero (Nephew) Nerian (Nephew) Sunset (Sister in law) Elaine (sister in law) Sandra (Sister In law) Micola (Niece) Sander (Nephew) Sandro (Nephew) Sammy (Nephew) Micolette (Niece) Suzette (Niece) Sandriana (Niece) Michelette (Niece) Michela (Niece) Sanderson (Nephew) Michel (Nephew) Michele (Nephew) Melissa (Sister in law) Mellisa (Niece) Mick (Nephew) Melissza (Niece) Melisha (Niece) Mel (Niece) Micki (Niece) Mickie (Niece) Mike (Nephew) Mikko (Nephew) Melvyn (Nephew) Virginna (Sister in law) Candace (Sister in law) Lydia (Sister in law) Peasly (Brother in law) Tiffiny (Sister in law) Toren (Brother in law) Boone (Uncle) Amarah (Aunt) Nikson (Uncle) Nirvana (Aunt) King Coal (Uncle) Nicole (Aunt) Katie (Cousin) Kylar (Cousin) Coal Jr (Cousin) Aleiza (Cousin) Zeke (Cousin) Tabarious (Cousin) Tavio (Cousin) Adalley (Cousin) Tamburlaine (Cousin) Fuzzy (Cousin) Sabrina (Younger Cousin) Ayden (Younger Cousin) Nikole (Younger Cousin) Koal (Younger Cousin) Cortney (Youngest Cousin) Nicoletta (Youngest Cousin) Nicola (Youngest Cousin) Nicco (Youngest Cousin) Colette (Aunt) Colleen (Cousin) Cox (Cousin) Coxe (Cousin) Clarette (Cousin) Coleta (Cousin) Colley (Cousin) Robley (Cousin) Colie (Cousin) Coline (Cousin) Conrad (Cousin) Conran (Cousin) Coelee (Cousin)
Personality: Clumsy, Active, Shy, Caring, Helpful, Creative, Gamer, And Sensitive
Friends: Clumsy Smurf Nat Smurfling Smurfette Smurf Painter Smurf Cookie (My bestie's oc and Best Friend) Karlie (2nd Best Friend) Javon (3rd Best friend) Boston (4th Best friend) Forest (5th Best friend) Ebbe Muffin (My Bestie's oc and 6th best friend) Laura (My bestie's oc and 7th best friend) Clova (My bestie's oc) Myron (My bestie's oc and 8th best friend) Finnley (My bestie's oc) Julyana (Our oc and 9th best friend) Kaitlin (Our oc) Kaeli (Our oc and 10th best friend) Kaleo (Our oc and 11th best friend) Keara (Our oc) Alysha (My Bestie's oc and 12th best friend) Noelia (13th best friend) Ozzy (My bestie's oc and 14th best friend) Ander (Our oc and 15th best friend) Leevi (Our oc and 16th best friend)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Season: Fall And Winter
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving And Christmas
Fun Fact: Marlin is kinda a clumsy yoshi, he does trip and drop stuff sometimes. But he always cleans up his mess. Since he's very clumsy. By being clumsy, he is very active, especially during the winter. He love playing in the snow. And mostly love to have snowball fights with his siblings. And at the end of the day after playing in the snow. He snuggles by the fire, and spend time with he's mini crewmate and mini imposter. Being active, he can be very shy. Even when he was a baby yoshi, he was very shy. He isn't use to be around a lot of people, but he love being by his best friend Cookie. He is very caring, especially around he's family. He may be shy, but he is very caring. Being caring, he love helping out, he helps both he's mother's a lot. He also take care of he's mothers mini imposter and mini crewmarte. Why they both are out on a date. He is also very attached to he's younger adopted siblings. He cares so much about them, that he will and always keep them safe. Because he is very helpful and very caring. on he's free time, he can be very creative. He love's drawing, he most makes fanart of his favorite series or franchise. Like he's mother Cole. She does the same. He also love drawing for he's mothers on their birthday. On he's free time. He does play video games. He mostly plays multiplayer games. He love's playing Among Us, and a bunch of Mario games. He mostly plays them with both he's mothers. He also love being the imposter both normal and hide and seek. He does go after he's mother Cole first. Before killing other crewmates. And he can be very sensitive, he doesn't like to see anything scary, he is very sensitive to scary things. It kind always make him sick a little bit. Since he is very sensitive to that kind of stuff.
Marlin belong to: me
Yoshi Species: Nintendo
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redemptivexheroics · 2 years
@notsogeniusgirls​ Liked For A Garrett Starter 
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Garrett was just zipping up his pants and reaching for his shirt when he saw the door to the apartment building open and he knew he was screwed and kind of relaxed when he saw Arilyn emerge who then suddenly stopped when she saw him. “Okay, this is not the worse thing you’ve saw me doing” 
Garrett said as he pulled his shirt on and straightened it out. 
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amusteredmind · 4 years
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