#ask skyson
captainskyson · 4 months
Fic Writer
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Wanted to do ficwip's year in review questions for my own sort of journaling :-) I answered a couple of these over on Twitter/X, but wanted to track for myself all 30 questions. So, I've put my answers below a cut to keep everyone's feed a little more tidy:
1. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again? Explored writing a true narcissist and not redeeming him or the relationship with the main character by the end of the fic. I would do it again - and in fact am, though this 2nd one may never be public. It was/is very cathartic though.
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!) I'm only counting what was published in 2023, because I've dabbled on probably 50 others. I added 6 or so chapters (~90.000 words) to my longfic (Guesstimation judging from emails...I should start keeping better stats of that process, maybe), of which I only include the word count because there were only 4 other fics, 1 drabble, & 1 drabble set. For me, that's a big drop as far as amount of completely separate fics, compared to past years.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer? Alongside question #2 - When I can't post as often on my longfic, I put more time into posting longer chapters. Too long. And I need to stop that. (One of my biggest chapters last year was over 25.000 words. I'm so sorry to my readers, especially those using phones.😶‍🌫️)
4. What piece of media inspired you the most? Music in general. Also notable Buffy's perpetually wandering eyes, and Giles' ruggedly handsome face and his hearteyes.
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year? Mostly Buffy, and I've only posted Buffy (and one Ted Lasso fic), but I did feel nostalgic at times and opened up a few of my old Daisy x Mace Agents of SHIELD fics and dabbled a little bit.
6. What ship(s) captured your heart? Nothing new, but Buffy/Giles always. ❤️
7. What character(s) captured your heart? I was never a Dawn-hater, more indifferent really, but watching her scenes with a more thoughtful eye and writing her has caused her to grow on me quite a bit.
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year? Yes, my fic mentioned in #1 was Rupert/Rebecca from Ted Lasso. Definitely a new type of fic for me in nearly every way, especially considering it's a "ship" I don't "ship" canonically at all.
9. What fic meant the most to you to write? Our Souls, They Blend. A hurt/comfort fic brainstormed with one of my best mates the last time I was in England, and I finally finished it satisfied for posting this year.
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? Bad Idea; I've reached the point where I've diverted from canon timeline quite a bit, so it's always so satisfying when a canon quote or scene ends up weaving into my story really well.
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? The Trouble With Wanting; it was a wip for a couple of years due to just one or two scenes that wouldn't quite find themselves, and the song itself was in my "inspiration playlist" for even longer prior to that.
12. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it? Out of all my wip's I dabbled on, overall I'd pick Bad Idea. By the end of the year I started getting into my stride again, but it's been incredibly difficult working out the plot where I want it to go, and try to keep everything "logical" with as few holes as possible as I near the climax and end of the story.
13. What fic was the easiest to write? Wips: I'm surprised to say my Tabula Rasa rewrite (to be published soon 😉). I had a general idea but once I saw a specific image the fic just flowed. Published fics: my Kinktober drabble series, despite my normal struggle to keep anything short. I found myself able to knock out each drabble almost every morning before I even went into work.
14. What were your shortest and longest fics this year? Longest: additions to Bad Idea, previously mentioned. Shortest: a single drabble added into my "Laughter drabbles" series.
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023 The only 2023 one I haven't mentioned yet, a collab with another dear friend! A fluffy, funny, first-dates exploration that ended up including a lot of real life inspiration.
16. What were you go-to writing songs? Too many to list, but some notables: The Devil You Know by Kovacs, The Trouble With Wanting by Joy Williams, Dirty Little Secret by Alex Who?, Can't Pretend by Tom Odell, and pretty much everything Dermot Kennedy does.
17. What were your go-to writing snacks? Snacks? I usually forget to eat at all.
18. What was the hardest fic to title? The collab mentioned in #15 Third Time's the Charm, which wasn't really that difficult but it was one of the few that wasn't inspired by music. 😂 I often make it too easy on myself for titling when I've got song lyrics to pick and choose from.
19. Share your favorite opening line Out of what I've posted, Bad Idea Chapter 41 (Blood Ties, All the Way): “Have you noticed that every time we talk about moving past the honeymoon phase, we end up finding ourselves in situations like this?” Buffy commented, slightly breathless.
20. Share your favorite ending line “There won’t be another test.” Giles assured her firmly. [iykyk hahaha]
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue "Santa can bugger off and have the mince pie." [unashamedly stolen from a convo w/ my friend: thank you, dear, for that]
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene Classic American vs. Brit tea scene: “You don’t trust my tea-making skills!” Buffy exclaimed, even more indignant than he had been, and he gave her a look. “And what in our most recent history should make me assume otherwise?” “Don’t be snarky.” She huffed, and straightened. “I’ve been watching you make it for years. It’s not that complicated.” “Oh, God,” He mumbled in sure dismay, resting his arm across his eyes.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out? Not so much a single paragraph as it was an idea - how to create and then solve Buffy's problems in Bad Idea's version of "Life Serial", as the Trio and their dumb curses don't exist in the fic. Luckily (and humorously, to me anyway) an ol' song came on the radio and gave me inspiration... sometimes the simplest solution works. And in this case, it was parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.
24. What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story? Buffy's third "time test" in the Life Serial chapter being another run through the Cruciamentum. I didn't originally plan that and it sort of just happened organically. It didn't change the end outcome of the chapter, but it did provide me a little moment to do an almost AU of my AU, which was interesting.
25. What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.) Paper & felt-tip pen for notetaking, Google Docs for my meatier fics, Apple Pages for the rest.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? When I had Rebecca tell Rupert to his face: "I warned you that I was going to make you crawl."
27. Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? Started the next one.
28. How did you recharge between fics? I read fic, or I watch something completely non-Buffy related. (As it's most often only Buffy, these days.) Spend some time walking or kayaking. Go see a show. Something creatively filling, because I long ago learned the hard way about not being able to pour from an empty cup.
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank? Tony Head's parents. 😄 Really though, my two sisters. ("What have you been reading?!" 😉) The orchestra would play me off the stage before I finished talking about all the ways I'm grateful for them.
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024? I never ever thought the day would come, but I've actually got a couple of different ideas involving a little bit of that silly de-aged comic plot with Giles. (Both fix-its in their own ways, of course.) I've been having a lot of fun with both of them; one for the research, and the other for... the fun. Haha. x
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themculibrary · 5 months
Winter Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: April 16th, 2024
part one
10 Things I Hate About Christmas (ao3) - sirsable steve/bucky E, 33k
Summary: Bucky is a grump and hates Christmas. Steve sets out to change his mind. With sex.
Brightly Colored Little Treats (ao3) - Marvel_Kitten bucky/m'baku T, 2k
Summary: Bucky brings M'Baku another gift and M'Baku asks him out on a date. That's what friends do, right?
Flannel Sheets (ao3) - VelvetSky bucky/darcy T, 3k
Summary: Darcy decides the colder weather means it's time for flannel sheets.
For the Touch of a Friendly Hand (ao3) - Kellyscams sharon/steve G, 2k
Summary: On a snowy Sunday morning, Steve and his wife, Sharon, spend a nice day with their daughter.
Ice, Ice, Tony (ao3) - orphan_account steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: Tony, Steve and Peter decide to go for a winter picnic.
Ice Princess (ao3) - Sally0 G, 4k
Summary: Tony takes Peter with him on his trip to Ottawa in winter, ending with some skating on the famous Rideau Canal. It’s Peter’s first time skating, but he’s always been a fast learner at the things he’s tried…until he isn’t.
I got that good thing for you (ao3) - canistakahari steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: When it comes down to it, Steve will do anything for Bucky. Even if that involves fulfilling a very specific seasonally-adjacent fantasy.
Mama's Song (ao3) - sapphireginger T, 1k
Summary: “Sleep, mama.”
Sarah hummed softly, her eyes fluttering shut. “Would you sing for me, my shooting star?”
With a thick swallow, his throat clicking with emotion, Steve inhaled sharply. “Sure, mama. What song?”
“My song, please?”
Screenless windows are good (ao3) - FandomKiddo_but_a_weirdo bruce/thor, steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Bruce accidentally hits thor with a snowball
Send The Universe A Thank You Card (ao3) - attackofthezee (noxlunate) steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Or seven moments from seven winters in the life of Bucky Barnes.
should old acquaintance be forgot, I will love you til the day I die (ao3) - Skyson phil/daisy T, 5k
Summary: Daisy and Coulson haven't seen one another in over a year, until one day she recieves a message from him. So she sneaks off base for a little road trip.
Snow (ao3) - aimmyarrowshigh agatha/wanda T, 100
Summary: Snow. Agatha scowls out her front windows at the sight of Westview gone over white.
snow for us (ao3) - talktothesky steve/tony G, 2k
Summary: “i was having a snowball fight outside and you were casually walking by and oh my god i’m so sorry i accidentally nailed you in the face” au
A snowball to the face is not the best first impression, especially when the guy you hit is as gorgeous as this man. Steve has it bad already.
The Secret Ingredient (ao3) - Brimstone_Assembly clint/matt T, 1k
Summary: After a rough night of superheroing, Clint makes Matt some hot cocoa.
The sound and the colors of Snow (ao3) - 42donotpanic G, 3k
Summary: Matt helps Clint get the support he needs and they take a walk through wintery NYC
To the end of the line (ao3) - Holdengrey0 steve/bucky G, 85k
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, a jet carrying Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes crashes in the Canadian wilderness. With winter starting and the temperatures plummeting, will the team find them in time?
New feelings emerge between the men, a whole world looking, an injury, and all sorts of challenges they have to face. How will it end?
Winter in the Fall (ao3) - PeachChapstick steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Steve knows it's not even Halloween yet, but he doesn't care: he's ready for Christmas.
Winter Never Turned To Spring (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: Even the Winter Soldier can be cold in winter. With Hydra constantly chasing after him, maybe it's time to take a break and embrace the warmth.
Winter Wonderland (ao3) - Shinigami24 steve/bucky M, 11k
Summary: The first snow brings winter memories and joy.
You Are My Gift (ao3) - TheRedGlass clint/natasha T, 1k
Summary: The sight of snow doesn't have the cozy memories for Natasha that it does for Clint, so he accompanies her on a walk and tries to help her make new memories. Besides, there's a question he's been meaning to ask her...
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, March 9 – Thursday, March 10
Angel: Buffy, you know, I'm still figuring things out. There's a lot I don't understand. But I do know it's important to keep fighting. I learned that from you. Buffy: But we never... Angel: We never win. Buffy: Not completely. Angel: We never will. That's not why we fight. We do it 'cause there's things worth fighting for. Those kids. Their parents.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Free (Doyle/Cordelia, G/K) and other oneshots by Apache Firecat
Bitter Prize (Willow, PG) by badly_knitted
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A Father's Love (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fusion, Giles, Buffy, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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the breath you take is mine (Giles/Buffy, M) by Skyson
Scars (Fred/Wesley, G) crossposted by Cyllene
Duet (Spike/Buffy, G) crossposted by Cyllene
Nightingale (Spike/Buffy, E), reworked, by HollyDB
Consequences (Spike & Dawn, T) and other drabbles and oneshots crossposted by Red Wolf
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AU where Taras revivification works, but she doesn’t want to come back (Ocs, not rated) by imsorrythatusernameistaken
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One Girl in All the World (Spike/Buffy, G) by violettathepiratequeen
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Lost Keys, Chapter 1 (crossover with Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dawn, M) by Irnbruordeath
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Milkshakes & Motorcycles, Chapter 21 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Grief Counseling
Closer and Closer, Chapter 15-16 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Grief Counseling
Mortal Allies Series, Episode 5: War and Roses, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Bait & Switch, Chapter 2 (Spike/Buffy, R) by JaneRemmington
The Fairytale, Chapter 14 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
Seven, Chapter 15 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Holly
Come Back to Me, Chapter 22 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
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You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Go Around Him, Chapter 12 (crossover with Young Justice, Buffy, FR15) by Hermionetobe
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Unburied Hearts, Chapter 1-12 (Spike/Buffy, E) by fancyflautist. COMPLETE!
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Last Days of May, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, T) by Myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Vidlet: #CANGEL: this slope is treacherous (worksafe) by reneefournierxo
Gifs: I think I know why Joan’s the boss— I’m like a superhero or something! (Buffy, worksafe, flashing warning) by marissa-cooper
Artwork: Some older Buffy art (Buffy, worksafe) crossposted by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork: Buffy (worksafe) by whatshisfaceblogs
Gifs: There’s your —what do you call it— variable. The Slayer’s got pals. (Scoobies, worksafe) by buffysummers
Sketch: Oz (worksafe) by but-theres-wolves
Cosplay: Class Protector (Buffy, worksafe) by semetarycosplay, Tribe Artisan
Artwork: 90s lesbian icons (Willow/Tara, worksafe) by vanecksweater
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Video: The Chosen One [25th Anniversary] (Buffy) by ItsATwinThing
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Cosplay: A Photoshoot for the 25th Anniversary as well as some promo shots for our Stage adaptation of Once more with feeling (Scoobies, worksafe) by rachel_roselynn
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Fanmixes: Spotify playlists for Bangel and Spuffy by w-tunnel (Aimee Robidoux)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Favorite S2 Episode: Halloween (2x06) by frankierose
Favorite S1 Episode: Nightmares (1x10) by frankierose
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a needlessly long review of buffy the vampire slayer – part one (3 hours, author's choice of title) by milk loaf
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Why do you love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and or Angel - 25th anniversary edition (cont'd) by Tiny Tabby
Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer #4 (of 4) (spoilers) (cont'd) by multiple people
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Did anyone else find the whole Pylea storyline annoying? by RadaKoshka
Super Unpopular season 5 Opinions by AiyanaPass
25 years of Buffy: Celebrating the composers of the series by speashasha
I think Season 4 is the most rewatchable season [of AtS] by QueasyStress0
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PODCAST: Pop Culture Role Call: Name That Roomba - Angel S02E02 - Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
PODCAST: Buffering the Vampire Slayer 7.09 Never Leave Me
PODCAST: Beep Me Pod 6.10 – "Wrecked"
PUBLICATION: 25 years of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Kim Sauer
[Recs / In Search Of]
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apachefirecat asks where to find comics TPBs
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My favourite Spuffy fics by rating recced by mcgnagallsarmy
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Position of Authority by batzulger recced by Stoney
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Buffy podcasts recced by multiple people
[Community Announcements]
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25th Anniversary RPG - Interest Thread at BuffyBoards
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BtVS's 25th Anniversary Fanart Challenge - Something to Celebrate! will be open through March and April at BuffyForums
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Writing parties every Saturday/Sunday/Monday this month at West of the Storm
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Joss could have made Buffy Giles' daughter] by madimpossibledreamer
lit analysis on my own stuff: stardust legacy and neurodivergence by madimpossibledreamer
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But just think about Darla having Connor. Having Connor and raising Connor by the-nada-thing
Re: the Jenny-Cordy dynamic by dreadfulcalendarwoman
Taras room is cool looking but it’s also a bundle of dorm violations. by imsorrythatusernameistaken
every time the bot comes up i think about dawn by froggierboy
Fuffy headcanons by starsandmoongay
Drusilla and Spike got turned into vampires at the coolest time in history by thegingermidget
AU: Spike with 5-year-old Dawn by disco-tea
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Translating Buffy, a dissertation by Toliveinit
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Favourite time Giles got knocked out!! by Stoney
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Which characters would you have liked to see more of? by englishghosts
A Buffy Iceberg with facts, theories, Joss’ first scenarios by mes_ange
I’m relating so hard to Buffy’s Weight of the World trauma right now. by notwritingasusual
Do you think Xander truly ever stopped crushing on Buffy? by Opening_Knowledge868
I've prepared 2 interactive infographics on why and how to (re)watch Buffy by dameanneso
In light of Buffy turning 25 today I was wondering what the show means to everyone here? by Longjumping-Jelly-14
This Guy Appreciation Post-Who are your favorite no-name characters? by jellymoff
Which character have you come to love and appreciate more and more? by thrasherbuffy
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER & Its Legacy: 25th Anniversary Retrospective by Flickering Myth
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What Grabs People by yourlibrarian
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters Fandemic Tour Atlanta 2022 Schedule via dontkillspike
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James Marsters Interview Celebrating Buffy the Vampire Slayer 25th Anniversary on the Today Show Australia
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PUBLICATION: ‘If the apocalypse comes, beep me!’: Buffy the Vampire Slayer at 25 by Patrick Lenton, The Guardian
PUBLICATION: How tainted is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 25 years on? by Hanna Flint, BBC
PUBLICATION: Buffy at 25: Joss Whedon may have tainted the show’s legacy – but us fans have made the series our own by Leila Latif, The Independent
Cast tweets about the anniversary via dontkillspike (the "Fri" portion of the list)
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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Fanfiction - Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers and Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Show me your pain by Geradsredskittle666
Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers, Ted Buchanan/Joyce Summers
Summary: Giles can tell something is wrong with Buffy, even if no one else seems concerned. He doesn’t realise how right he is until she is passed out in his arms and acting like a child. Warnings: child abuse (more inside). Pairings: Joyce Summers/Ted, Buffy/Giles as plutonic love, Buffy/Scooby gang friendship. Spoilers: Ted (S2E11)
Work in Progress, Words: 5,362, Chapters: 4/10
 shrike by Skyson
Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Summary: "You need to tell him, Buffy." "I can't even... he deserves someone to shout it across the rooftops. Someone bold." "Buffy Summers, not bold?" "Not about this." "Well, maybe start with a whisper. Work your way up to the shouting."
Work in Progress, Words: 17,534, Chapters: 8/10
 Chip Tooth Smile by froxyn
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Timeline: AU, one year post-series...no Dawn, Anya survived Sunnydale.
Synopsis: A year after Sunnydale, there are quite a few changes in the Scoobies' lives. There are more changes to come.
Work in Progress, Words: 15,045, Chapters: 7/12
 Tabloid Headlines by ProtoNeoRomantic
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPF, Merlin (TV), Merlin (TV) RPF, Dominion (TV), Anthony Head RPF, Nescafé Gold Blend Commercials, Little Britain, Free Agents (UK TV), Free Agents (US TV), Tasters Choice Saga (US), Manchild (TV), The Invisibles (TV 2008), Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008), Bleak Expectations (Radio), Cabin Pressure  
Teen And Up Audiences, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, F/F, F/M, Gen
Summary: Reality can be a slippery thing for the members of the Scubby gang trapped in Vega and the Surounding 'Outlands'. Especially with Uther and Morgana continuing to try to bend space and time to their collective will. For the good of all concerned, of course. For David Whele, though, reality is never slippery enough. It is hard and bright and painful. And it keeps slapping him in the face with all of the reasons he never really had a prayer of being father of the year.
Part 6 of The Headline Award Adventures
Work in Progress, Words: 2,190, Chapters: 2/?
 Beloved by Skyson
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Summary: "You've told me, more than once, that you can't do this without me. Has it ever occurred to you that I can't do this without you, either?"
Complete Work, Words: 4,589
 The Problem With Peterborough by DHW for Quaggy
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Summary: “Last week you called it ‘a snoozefest of apocalyptic proportions’, and then proceeded to mime your own death.” - “I was bored.” - “My point exactly.”
Complete Work, Words: 887
 Mahogany by froxyn
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Timeline: AU, post-series. Synopsis: Sometimes it’s best to ask.
Complete Work, Words: 4,281
 Free Fallin' by Skyson
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Summary: Sunnydale Hellmouth closed for business? Check. Cleveland Hellmouth covered? Check. Cross-country slayage road-trip? Check. Best-friend bonding time in London? Pending. Watcher-Slayer reunion? Not even on the list. And yet...
Complete Work, Words: 38,177, Chapters: 6/6
 Hearts Beat in Time by fleetfootedfox, lacewing (fleetfootedfox)
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers, Spike/Buffy Summers
Summary: After being injured in a fight against a Nez'Bahar demon (OC), which feeds on the most romantic and erotic memories of its victims, Giles decides to reinstate training with Buffy, and the sparks start flying. Also, Spike, because why not?
Work in Progress, Words: 23,916, Chapters: 8/?
 marriage is what brings us together today by Skyson
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers
Summary: "Why don't you stop fluttering about and just have at it, would you?"
Complete Work, Words: 5,767
 Skipping Steps by froxyn
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Timeline: AU, S5ish…no Dawn, no Glory, Riley is gone.
Synopsis: There are steps to move forward, steps that shouldn’t be skipped.
Complete Work, Words: 5,368
 My Perspective by Geradsredskittle666
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
No category, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: Buffy is still angry and wants her friends to know just how much they hurt her. She knows just how to show them. Warnings: Revenge, Suicide attempt, Depression, Toxic friends, Toxic family, plutonic affection between Buffy and Giles. Pairings: Giles/Buffy as father/daughter bond. Spoilers: S3Ep2 Dead mans party.
Complete Work, Words: 2,085
 Painfully Blind by Geradsredskittle666
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
No category, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: Missing scene for Ted (S2E11). Buffy tells Giles what Ted did to her. Warnings: Depression, implied violence, platonic love between Giles and Buffy, implied child abuse, abused Buffy, PTSD. Pairings: Giles/Buffy as father/daughter Spoilers: Ted (S2E11).
Complete Work, Words: 1,576
 At Dawns Light We Rest by Geradsredskittle666
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
No category, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: Set in S2ep13 Surprise. Fix it for the scene when Buffy run out of the library upset when Giles just watches her leave like some kind of fool. Instead Giles goes after Buffy to comfort her. Warnings: Shock, depression, implied violence, platonic love between Giles and Buffy, heartbreak. Pairings: Giles/Buffy as father/daughter, Buffy/ Angel romance.
Work in Progress, Words: 1,162 Chapters: 1/?
 Ladies of Letters by DHW, Quaggy
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: Drabble games with Quaggy and DHW.
Work in Progress, Words: 400, Chapters: 4/?
 Groceries by lilydaydreams
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: Giles fulfills his fatherly responsibilities as the only adult of the house in the only way he knows how: by going completely and totally overboard.
Part 1 of One-shots from my unfinished Buffy AU
Complete Work, Words: 775
 Demon by WolfRampant
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: There's an unwelcome guest in the library.
Complete Work, Words: 200 - Double Drabble
 clear and impartial judgment by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers
Summary: After the Cruciamentum, Buffy has to come to terms with Giles's betrayal of her trust.
Complete Work, Words: 3,977
 The one where Band Candy had Consequences by There_Once_Was_A_Girl
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply,
Rupert Giles & Buffy Summers, Buffy Summers & Joyce Summers
Summary: Joyce and Giles had sex during Season 3 episode 6, everyone just tried to forget about it, but unfortunately a permanent reminder is going to arrive in 9 months. AU in which Joyce gets pregnant with Giles' baby and the Summers family gets bigger and more complicated
Work in Progress, Words: 2,635, Chapters: 2/?
Part 4 of Random WIPs
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Heroes Of Olympus Heathers! AU
Here's the character list, in case people get confused:
Veronica: Percy Jackson
JD: Nico di Angelo
Martha D: Annabeth Chase
Heather C: Nancy Bobofit
Heather M: Silena Beauregard
Heather D: Drew Tanaka
Ram S: Luke Castellan
Kurt K: Octavian Augur
Big Bud Dean: Hades di Angelo
Veronica's Mom: Sally Jackson
Veronica's Dad: Poseidon Jackson
Kurt and Ram's Dad's: Hermes Castellan / Jeremy Augur
Ms. Fleming: Hecate Hearths
Principal Gowan: Zeus Skyson
'[text]' signifies what Percy is writing in his journal.
Now, on to the story!!
Percy Jackson stepped into the high-school, taking a deep breath as he tightened his grip on his open journal and pen. Another first day at Hell.
A boy bumped into him, one of the jocks.
Percy froze, and glared at him, "Hey, don't be a dick-"
The jock laughed, "What did you just say to me, bitch?" he asked.
"N-nothing," Percy replied, inching away, realizing who he was.
"That's what I thought, wimp," he said, smirking. His best friend walked up to them, and pushed Percy into a locker.
'Introducing Octavian Augur, the lead quarterback of the football team, and his best friend Luke Castellan, the captain.'
'Octavian allows his dick to lead him everywhere, and has a sense of cruelty regarding everybody. He's also the smartest guy on the football team, which is like being the tallest dwarf. Luke is charming, but is obsessed with being known. He did everything and anything to make sure people knew where he stood, and who he was.'
"What you got there, sissy? A diary?" Luke laughed, pointing at it.
"What a fag," Octavian added, knocking it out of his hands.
Percy watched in distaste as the two high-fived, and went to pick up his journal, only to find his best friend Annabeth Chase standing there, holding it out to him.
"Here you go, Seaweed Brain," she said, smiling.
Percy smiled back, taking the journal from her and cradling it against his chest, "Thanks, Wise Girl."
"No problem, Perce."
"Another year of Hell, and then University or College. Did you get your applications replied to yet?" Percy asked, opening his journal to continue his entry.
"Yep, all of them."
"You sent out ten, how in-"
"You must forget why you call me 'Wise Girl', Seaweed Brain," she teased, laughing as he blushed. "What about you?"
"Nothing. I sent out five, and no reply from anywhere. I'm doomed if I can't get into New Rome University, it's where Uncle Neptune and Dad went and they're both top-notch marine biologists."
Annabeth hummed, staring off into the distance. He followed her gaze, and found them both staring at Luke's ass.
"I know, I know... But he has to still love me, I know he does..."
Percy was about to speak up, when people started clearing out the hallway. He quickly pulled Annabeth aside, and watched as the "Heathers" walked by.
They aren't all named Heather, but they definitely fit the trope in their own way; gorgeous, dumb, and cruel.
The first Heather stepped out, brushing her long, claw shaped, hot pink nails through her hair. She wore her usual emerald green outfit as she strutted down the hall, winking at the popular boys and sneering at the geeks and rebels.
'Introducing Drew Tanaka, the "Beauty Queen".  Bulimic, narcissistic, and obsessed with sex. Has a mean streak a mile wide.'
Percy didn't like her at all.
The second Heather stepped out, giggling as she stared at her phone, probably texting her boyfriend. She wore her usual yellow attire, which she somehow managed to pull off despite her black hair and crystal blue eyes.
'Silena Beauregard, the "dumb" one. She was sweet and kinder than the other two, but she got picked on for it often by her two best friends.'
Percy liked Silena, they used to be friends when they were younger, but then high school came and they stopped talking. He's sure she doesn't even know his name anymore.
The final Heather stepped out, donning her blood red clothes and scrunchie. She walked to the front of the group, seeming unimpressed with her friends.
'And last but not least, Nancy Bobofit, the queen fuckin' bee...'
Percy paused in his writings, before smirking.
'She is a mythic bitch.'
People started whispering about them, saying how they'd wish they were nicer, how pretty they were, how sitting at their table even once grants immunity, etc.
One guy made a creepy comment about a basement, nudity, a camera, and rats, but he chose to ignore it for his own sanity.
He watched as they went into one of the few non-gendered washrooms, fitted with three toilets, three stalled urinals, and three sinks each.
He suddenly felt the urge to pee, and after giving Annabeth a look of "wish me luck" he followed them in, heading into the first stall he saw.
Toilet, dammit all.
He could hear Drew puking in the stall next to his, and he cringed inwardly as Nancy said, "Pull it together, Drew. Bulimia is so last year."
"Yeah, Drew, maybe you should see a doctor," Silena added helpfully in a softer tone.
"Maybe you're right, Silena, I should."
The door opened, and the voice of Hecate Hearths, the student counselor, rang out into the room.
"Ah, Nancy, Silena..." She paused as she heard Drew puking again, "...And of course, Drew. Didn't you hear the bell? You're all late for class."
Percy quickly set to work in his journal, a plan forming in his head.
"Drew isn't feeling well, we're helping her," Nancy said sweetly. Her voice made Percy's blood boil, but he knew he couldn't back out now that the note was finished.
"Actually, Miss Hearths, I have the hall pass right here!" Percy said, flushing and stepping out of the stall.
Drew was now standing next to her friends, and the three of them stared at Percy in shock and awe.
Miss Hearth checked the note, and nodded. "Alright, but get back to class soon!"
As soon as she was gone, Percy found himself cornered by the three girls.
"Who are you?" Nancy demanded, glaring at him.
"P-Percy Jackson."
"Why would you do that?" Drew questioned next, eyeing him suspiciously.
"I want immunity," he blurted, "If you let me sit at your table just once, no talking necessary, people will think you at least tolerate me and leave me alone."
Nancy laughed, "Seriously?"
"I also do report cards and late slips!" he added.
"What about prescriptions?" Drew asked curiously.
"Sorry, Nancy."
Nancy grabbed his chin, squishing his cheeks, and moved his face side to side, "For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure..."
"And a symmetrical face!" Silena said excitedly, "If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have two matching halves. Very important!"
"Of course, you could stand to lose a few pounds," Drew said, smirking at him.
"You know, this could be beautiful... Some eyeliner, maybe some light eye-shadow and mascara, and we're on our way. Silena, get this boy some blush, and Drew I need your brush. Let's make him beautiful~"
"Let's make him beautiful!" the other two repeated, doing as they were told.
"Okay?" Nancy asked sweetly as she sat him on the counter of the sink.
"Okay!" Percy said excitedly.
Percy was nervous as they all stepped out of the bathroom during second period, his face all made up with a blue-green eye shadow, black eyeliner, red blush, and mascara. His hair was somehow tamed due to Nancy's harsh brushing.
People turned to look at the four of them, and once again, the halls erupted into whispers.
"Who's that guy?"
"Who's the sexy dude?"
"Who is he?"
Nancy smirked and pushed him to the forefront, and Percy gasped as he turned to see Annabeth staring at him, "Percy...?"
Everybody started fawning over him, and his face lit up like a lighthouse on the shore at night, "Fuck yes!"
Nancy smirked, turning to the other girls. She nodded her chin at Annabeth, who was staring at Percy with a look of shock.
"Let's see how much of a man he really is," she whispered.
Drew and Silena nodded, giggling.
"No, no way!" Percy said, "It'll crush her!"
Nancy's smile faded to a snarl, "Are we gonna have a problem here?" she snapped, glaring him down.
He gulped, backing away.
"You've got a bone to pick?" she advanced, backing him up against the lockers. Drew and Silena moved to block his only two exits.
"You've come so far, why now are you pulling on my dick? I'd normally slap your face off, and everybody here could watch~" she purred, smirking.
Percy suddenly became aware of everybody watching the scene in silence, and he felt his body begin to tremble in fear.
Drew snatched the note from his hand and headed towards Luke.
He barely managed to get it back from her, but he gripped it like a lifeline as Nancy snapped her head in his direction.
"Well, I'm feeling nice, so here's some advice, listen up, bitch."
Silena, in all her pure glory, began to speak, Drew following her lead.
"I like!" They managed to say it in sync, which scared Percy half to death.
"Lookin' hot, buying stuff they cannot~" Nancy sang, her voice much more attractive than her face.
"I like!"
"Drinking hard, maxing dad's credit card~"
"I like!"
"Skippin' gym, scaring her-" she turned and smirked towards Annabeth, causing Percy's blood to run like ice through his veins, "-screwing him~" she then pointed at Octavian, who waved.
"I like!"
"Killer clothes, kicking nerds in the nose!"
He scrambled back as her leg swung up inches away from his face.
It's official, he's died and gone to Hell.
"If you lack the balls, you can go play dolls, let your mommy fix you a snack!" Nancy snapped, advancing again, "Or you could come smoke, pound some rum and coke, in my Porsche with the quarterback!"
"Honey what you waiting for?" Silena asked, managing to slip the note from his grip.
He reached out for it, only to have Drew block his way, "Step into my candy store!"
"You just gotta prove you ain't a pussy, anymore!" Nancy said, motioning to Silena, who had already delivered the note.
"And step into our candy store~" the three said, smirking.
"Percy, Percy look! Luke just invited me to his homecoming party! This proves he's been thinking about me!" Annabeth said, rushing over, the note in hand.
"Color me stoked," Percy said nervously, feeling extremely guilty at the excited look on her face.
"I'm so happy!" she said, seeming on the verge of tears.
"Yeah..." he said, forcing a smile.
"McDonald's has always been my place to go, always. No matter where we move, it's always right there!" Nico di Angelo said with a small smile.
Percy laughed, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he payed for the coffees, "Yeah, but it'll make you fat."
"Not if you work out daily, it doesn't," Nico insisted, "Come on, do I look fat to you?"
Percy, in all his idiocy, made the mistake of eyeing him up and down, hoping Nico didn't notice how his eyes lingered on his lips.
Blushing, he said, "No, you don't."
"You have some... Interesting choice in friends."
"Yeah, I hate them, but I need them."
Percy said nothing, merely walked out.
That question is what was brought to the forefront of his mind as Nancy stood before him, hands on her hips.
"Nobody will talk to you, touch you, or even look at you! You don't get to be a nobody, you get to be dead to everybody!" she screeched, causing his ears to hurt.
Silena giggled, "I know who I'm sitting with at lunch on Monday."
Drew smirked, "Do you, big boy~?"
Percy turned to look at the others at the party, but everybody was turned away.
"Come Monday morning... Percy stew will be on the menu~" Nancy purred with a smirk akin to that of a wolves before it tore out the jugular of it's prey.
He fled the party, tears in his eyes.
"P-Percy, what are you doing in my room?"
Percy took a deep breath as he stared at the other boy, before smirking, all of his uneasiness fading away as he stepped away from the window.
"I'm sorry, but I really had to wake you."
Percy's smirk evolved into a huge grin, his cheeks flushing a dark red, "You see... I decided I must ride you 'til I break you~"
"Nancy says I got to go, you're my last meal on Death Row," he purred, moving to straddle the younger boy, "So shut your stupid mouth, and lose those boxers~"
Nico's face went bright red, and he pulled Percy down for a kiss.
The rest of the night went even better then Percy had hoped it would.
"She's dead! Fuck! I just killed my best friend-"
"Percy, calm down, love," Nico cooed, cupping the older boy's face.
"W-we need to call 911-"
"-and get ourselves arrested for murder?" Nico questioned, an eyebrow raised.
"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Percy shouted, on the verge of a panic attack.
"Suicide note," Nico said, standing up and grabbing a pen and paper. "Write."
"Hey, Dad!" Hades di Angelo said, smiling at his son.
Nico rolled his eyes, his grip around Percy's shoulder getting tighter, "Hey, son."
"How was work?" Hades asked, before changing his voice, "Oh! It was crazy! They wouldn't let me blow it up, but I did it anyways!"
"That's great, son."
"Thanks, Dad," Hades finally noticed Percy, who smiled weakly and waved shyly, "Hey, Dad, meet my new girlfriend!" he added in a poor imitation of Nico's voice.
"Dad, this is Percy. Percy, this is.. My dad."
"Hello, Percy."
"Hi, Hades..."
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Hades asked.
"Oh, no... My mom is making my favorite for dinner, fried salmon. With lots of ah... Salt."
"Oh, that's funny, isn't it dad? The last time I saw mom, she was waving out of a building you blew up seconds later."
"Yes, son," Hades said darkly, "Yes, it was."
"Uhm... I'm gonna go..."
"Drew! Silena! Open the door!"
"On no, oh no!" Drew laughed, locking the doors.
Silena gave him an apologetic glance, "No, no... No."
"You make our balls so blue~" Luke sang drunkenly.
"They're hanging sadly~" Octavian added.
Percy ran off, tears in his eyes and a burning rage in the pit of his stomach..
"Sword fight, eh?" Drew purred, the red scrunchie in her hair standing out against the green outfit she wore.
"What?" Percy questioned, staring at her deadpan.
"The sword fight in your mouth, idiot," Drew snarled.
"What? When-"
"Last night, yeah! Turns out the pretty girl was Percy Jackson dressed in drag!" a kid said from a few meters away.
"Oh, everybody is talking about last night, Percy~"
"You bitch-"
"Apparently not like you, mutt. Go slobber on some more cock, eh?"
"Sword fight, eh?"
"Nico, I-"
"I know, Sea Prince, I know. Come on, we'll make 'em pay~"
Nico smirked as he loaded up his gun, "Not real, just tranquilizers. My grandpa Kronos brought them back from World War two."
"Well... Okay. What do we do though?"
"Plant a note saying they killed themselves for being gay for each other."
"Hah! Brilliant!"
"Mmhmm, they made you cry, so now they'll pay. They'll wake up as laughingstocks."
"I love you," Percy said, kissing Nico.
He hummed against Percy's lips, "Our love is God, baby."
"We love our dead gay sons, whether they were pansies or not!" Hermes Castellan and Jeremy Augur said at the funeral, just before Luke's poor mother broke down in tears.
"My son!" she wailed, "My beautiful, beautiful son!"
"You're a fucking psychopath! Get the hint, Nico!"
"But, Babe, our love is God~"
"Then God is dead!" Percy screamed, glaring daggers at the other.
He stormed off, ignoring Nico's call of, "You'll be back, sure as day turns into night! Nothing can break our bond!"
Silena clung to him, gripping his t-shirt so tightly he was scared her nails would cut into his skin through the fabric.
"I stand in a boat... On a raging black ocean, low in the water, and nowhere to go... The loneliest lifeboat, filled with people I know..."
"I know, Silena, but don't worry, we'll make it to shore someday..."
"Percy, please, talk to us son!" Poseidon Jackson cried, waving the book Moby Dick around.
"Your problems seem like life and death," Sally Jackson added, staring at her son with tears in her eyes, "But believe me, they aren't!"
"You don't know what my life is like!" Percy screamed back.
"Yo, boy, keep it together~" Nancy purred in his ear.
"You've burned that red scrunchie, come join us in Hell!" Octavian and Luke said in unison.
"Somebody's here for you~" Nancy said, smirking.
Percy's eyes widened, and he rushed upstairs.
"Don't make me come in there, Percy."
"Go away! I'll scream, and Mom'll call the cops!"
"Don't you want to make s'mores with me? We can smile and cuddle while their screams burn out! Ha! Get it, burn out?"
Percy knew he had only minutes to figure out how to get away, when he spotted the bed sheets.
'He wants suicide so badly? I'll give him one he didn't plan...'
"Percy, open the door! Open the door right now!" Nico snapped, brandishing his gun.
"Don't make me come in there!"
"On the count of three!"
"Two- Fuck it!"
He kicked in the door, and froze at what he saw.
"No... Percy, why...?" Nico whispered brokenly, dropping to his knees. "You were all I could trust... Please don't leave me alone..."
The hanging body said nothing, merely swung back and forth.
"I can't do this alone," Nico sobbed, yanking at his hair. He suddenly got a crazy look on his face, onyx eyes wide and crazed, his grin so wide it could split his face in half, "Still, I will if I must!
He climbed back out the window, laughing.
"Percy?" Sally questioned, "I brought you a snack, blue cookies-"
She saw him there, hanging in the closet, and screamed.
His eyes opened.
"Drop the bomb."
Nico chuckled, "Oh, this little thing? I'd barely call this a bomb..." Percy gaped as the smile on Nico's face stretched, a crazed look in his eyes. “This is merely to trigger the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym, now those are bombs!”
Percy knew he didn’t stand much of a chance against Nico, but he also knew he had to try.
Nobody was going to hurt his friends anymore.
"I'm a fucking dead boy walking, and you're going down with me!" Percy shouted, tackling Nico to the floor.
Nico laughed, "I knew that noose was too loose!"
The gun went skidding far off, and as Percy was just about to reach it, Nico pinned him to the ground, smiling at him crazily. "I don't think so~!"
Just as his hands clasped around Percy's neck, a gunshot rang off.
Percy gave a sob as Nico spat up some blood, his beautiful onyx eyes wide in shock.
And then the unexpected happened.
Nico kissed him, sweet and gentle, before standing up and grabbing the bomb.
"I.. Am damaged. Far too damaged," Nico said softly.
Percy merely stared at him, not knowing where this was going.
"But you... You are not beyond repair," he added, looking up at him with a sad smile. He pressed the button on the bomb, the one to set it off.
"Stick around a little longer, make things better, it's too late for me."
"Please, no!"
"You beat me fair and square..."
"Please, stand back now, I'm not quite sure what this thing will do... I don't want my Sea Prince getting hurt," the younger replied, motioning with his hand for Percy to back up.
Percy took ten steps back, eyes wide in horror as the timer clicked down.
"A little further..."
Percy took a dozen more steps back, full-on sobbing by this point.
"Our love is God, baby," Nico said with certainty.
"...Say hi to God."
"You look like Hell," Drew said with a sneer.
"I just got back," Percy replied, walking up to her.
"Hey-! What're you-"
In one swift motion, he kissed her cheek, yanking the red scrunchie from her hair.
"No more. War is over. We're all damaged, we're all broken up and hurt, but that's okay! We'll heal, all of us! If nobody loves us now, someday, somebody will."
Drew put a hand to her cheek, blushing as she glared, "You stupid-"
"Shut up, Drew," Silena said, "Percy's right."
Percy smiled at her, and she smiled back at him softly.
He turned to Annabeth, who was sat in her wheelchair, "Annabeth, are you free tonight...? I was thinking, maybe, we could hang out..? Rent a movie, something with a happy ending..?"
"Are there any happy endings...?" Annabeth asked softly.
"Maybe not now, but someday there will be," he said confidently.
She smiled, throwing her arms open.
He eagerly obliged, hugging her tightly.
"For now, let's party!" A kid yelled.
For the first time since he first became a "Heather", Percy felt happy, and free.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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It Goes Like This Prologue: Diana
Next up of the Big Three, it’s mortal born Diana Prince! Well, more precisely, it’s the women who came before her, but she’ll show up properly soon enough.
“I’m sick of men.”
Not looking up from the financial reports she was going over, Antiope hummed in response to her sister’s growled complaint.
“I mean it, An. I’m sick of them - no more, I refuse to have anything else to do with those, those-”
“Pigs,” Antiope offered.
“Pigs!” Hippolyta agreed, throwing her hands up as she paced back and forth. “Good for nothing except thinking with their stomachs and their-” A knock at the office door interrupted her, causing both sisters to pause.
“Come in,” Antiope called, setting her reports down. One of their younger administrators poked her head past the door, looking excited.
“Pardon the intrusion, ma’ams,” she said, “But you have a visitor.”
Hippolyta grimaced. “If it’s anyone male, tell them to wait an hour.”
“No, Ms. Prince, it’s- well-” A hand reached past her to push the door open further, allowing a tall woman in an austere suit to stride through. Antiope’s eyes grew wide as she immediately stood, and Hippolyta’s expression smoothed over into something pleased.
“Athena Pallas, what an unexpected surprise.” She extended a hand to shake with the head of Owl Enterprises, one of the few big-name tech companies with a woman in charge. Athena smiled back.
“I hope you’ll forgive the abruptness of my arrival, Hippolyta, but my schedule had an unexpected opening and I thought I’d see if we could move up next week’s meeting,” the brunette explained.
“Of course, of course, please have a seat - this is my sister, Antiope, my right-hand woman.”
“Delighted to finally meet you in person, Antiope,” Athena said, exchanging one sister’s hand for the other.
“Likewise- do you prefer Athena or Ms. Pallas?”
“Athena is fine - I’d like to think we’re all sisters in arms, here,” the woman grinned. “Especially if the two of you are willing to consider my offer of a merger.”
That caught their attention, and two pairs of steely grey eyes locked onto her as they all sat down. “What are you proposing, exactly?”
“An upset in the status quo, as it were,” Athena purred. “A few close friends and I find ourselves in positions of individual power, but we’re constantly hampered by those who think less of us thanks to a biological difference - I’m sure you both know what that’s like.”
Hippolyta nodded with a disgusted huff, while Antiope kept her focus. “And what friends would these be?”
Athena smiled sharply. “Demeter Floros of Greenfinch Producers. Aphrodite Loveborne with Passion Advertising. Hestia Kokkinos of Hearthside Manufacturing. And my stepmother, Hera Argyris, who’s recently taken charge of Olympian Industries with my father’s, ah, indisposition.”
Zeus Skyson’s sudden legal troubles, the sisters knew, meant his company’s board of directors had seen fit to remove him from the position of CEO. What they hadn’t known was that Athena apparently didn’t mind working with her stepmother, contrary to tabloid gossip.
“That’s, ah, quite an array of companies,” Antiope said slowly.
“Powerhouses in all their fields of business,” Athena agreed. “Which is why we’d like to join forces with you ladies - we need financial managers capable of keeping us working together, of blending us into a proper conglomerate.”
The sisters exchanged a wide-eyed glance. “...why?” Hippolyta finally asked.
“Why you?”
“Well, yes, but also - just why? What is the point? This can’t just be solely for female solidarity - can it?”
Athena chuckled. “Well, that is one aspect to it, but beyond that we want to make a business model that takes care of our employees, turns a profit, and sees a great deal of that money go towards programs that help teenage runaways, abortion clinics, battered women, daycares, single mothers, foster homes, so on and so forth.”
“Ambitious,” Antiope muttered.
“Will you help us?”
There was a brief pause, before Hippolyta answered. “We’ll need to work out precise terms, but - yes. This sounds like something we want to be part of.”
Their guest beamed. “Excellent. I’ll start making arrangements for you to meet with the others - if we keep this quiet up until the moment we all move, we’ll hopefully be able to keep the men on our various boards from being able to kick up a fuss.”
Amazingly, their plans went off without a hitch.
Working through Themyscira Financials, the women were able to put together their plans without arousing suspicions in their own companies. The announcement of the mass merger went out the same day they brought paperwork to their various boards, an ambush that left few able to protest. 
Demeter’s company brought in the raw materials for Hestia and Hera to create Athena’s architectural and technological innovations, which Aphrodite then marketed and sold. At the heart of it all, Hippolyta and Antiope kept crunching numbers, sorting out what profit needed to go back into the company, what went to their employees and shareholders, and the fifty percent that was put aside for the women’s programs, shelters, and other institutions. Within two years, they saw impressive returns on their investments, with many of the people they helped becoming dedicated customers in return - some even applying to be hired by Paradise Incorporated, eager to help pass on the goodwill that they’d been given.
Eventually, the group decided to establish a new headquarters - a company compound with offices and residential suites for all the on-site staff, within a reasonable commute distance to Metropolis. About that same time, Hippolyta, still sick of men, came to a decision.
“I’m going to have a baby.”
Not looking up from the financial reports she was going over, Antiope hummed in response to her sister’s sudden announcement. Then the actual words sank in, and she blinked. “You’re- sorry, what?”
“I’m going to have a baby,” Hippolyta said again. “I’ve got an appointment at an artificial insemination clinic in two weeks.”
“Oh for goodness sake, don’t scare me like that,” her sister groaned. “I thought you meant you were already pregnant - which would be a trick and a half, considering you swore off men three years ago and haven’t looked back since.”
Hippolyta snorted, moving to sit by her office window, the one that overlooked the enclosed park in the center of the Paradise compound. Six floors of tinted glass that absorbed light for solar power overlooked a couple of fish ponds, an in-house vegetable garden, various fruit trees and flower beds, and an open green. Women strolled or sat throughout the park, some with small children or friendly dogs, eating lunch or working on touchscreen pads or just enjoying the scenery. Paradise had some male employees, of course, but since their headquarters doubled as living space for women who’d been hired out of their rehab and recovery programs, none but the fairer sex and their children were allowed inside.
(Some news media did their best to turn the discrimination fight onto them for the conglomerate’s blatant favoritism - Aphrodite’s ladies promptly put out numbers on their endeavors to support male survivors of abuse and rape, as well as historical records of just how much women had suffered in the past when they were kept legally and socially from being able to look after themselves.)
Their work truly had turned Paradise into something incredible, and Hippolyta felt ready to share that with a child of her own.
A daughter of her own.
I admit, I’ve always been a big fan of Greek Mythology, hence some fun with the surnames and company roles of the goddesses. Other members of the pantheon will probably show up in future, either as allies or antagonists, so keep your eyes peeled!
Next up we’ll have Kal’s prologue, and then some actual adult shenanigans to add to the story.
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septicraptor · 7 years
"I swear to god if you keep tagging me in bad memes you’ll regret it."
Skyson, part deux ft. Angelic Blue by Mod Artie.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
“Skywalker!” Arin Hanson fake shouts from the other room in indignation. Arin (Skywalker) is snickering away, hidden in Uriel’s room. No one would ever find him here, Uriel’s room was a literal maze. He had just tagged Arin Hanson in a Markiplier meme created by fans and it was the fiftieth meme in the span of 30 minutes. Arin Hanson’s stomach hurt from laughing and he was sure that it was his boyfriend’s goal for that to happen. Arin kept looking for Skywalker but he knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
His phone buzzed. Two hours since his boyfriend decided to play hide and meme, Arin’s phone had buzzed non stop. He knew Skywalker was somewhere in their house he could almost taste it. He also was hungry and wouldn’t eat without his boyfriend so he decided to get permission to go into Uriel’s room. He called Uriel who didn’t answer and since they were always together anyway, he called Ethan, who in fact, did pick up the face time call.
“Oh hey Arin!” Ethan chirped from the phone, Arin smiled and waved at the blue haired boy.
“Hey is Uriel there?” Arin Hanson asked curiously, his stomach rumbled.
“Yup right here! What’s up?” Uriel popped in from behind Ethan, and waved.
“I think your dad is in your room can I go look?” Arin asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes, to which Uriel laughed.
“Sure thing just—”
“TRAITOR!” came the faint yell of the Skywalker octave.
“Alright guys gotta go find my boyfriend.” Arin replied with a laugh to which Ethan and Uriel snickered, as they hung up the call. Arin took off his shoes and snuck into Uriel’s room.
“Skyyyywaaaalkeeeeerrr come out come out wherever you are.” He called out for his boyfriend and when he received no answer he decided that desperate calls asked for desperate measures.
“Okay well if you’re not in here, I guess I’ll go find some food by myself and I swear to god if you keep tagging me in bad memes you’ll regret it—” Arin fake threatened. Skywalker climbed from behind the wardrobe.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
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teddybrwne · 6 years
@SonnyTaputu Lol. Sole, can get Wahoo @ Skyson! But if I had room, I would. Some asked me to bring back a case of Vailima, shoot! If possible I would, definitely.
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captainskyson · 1 year
Saw this from @talldecafcappuccino a while back and saved it for later, mucho life happened and I forgot about it, then just found it again in my drafts and thought “hey, it’s been a long time since I’ve done a Tumblr q&a post. Why not.”
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your current Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On Ao3, 7 - but I can think of 3 more off the top of my head that never saw the light of the Internet. A handful are just one-offs, too. But the full list I can think of, most-prolific to least, is: Agents of SHIELD, Buffy, The Blacklist, Harry Potter, The Man in the High Castle, Longmire, CSI, MCU, Ted Lasso.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
GH-325 (Agents of SHIELD) - my first baby! I hadn’t finished, due to show circumstances and becoming a bit disillusioned to writing for it (the show, not the ship), but I refuse to give it up. It’s still a wip, just in long hiatus. Too many people have supported this one over the years for me to give it up… despite the apologetically loooong hiatus.
I Need A Bad Idea (BtVS) - my true baby; this fic is a beast. It’s ridiculous. When I first surpassed GH-325 word count numbers I wondered what the hell I was doing - now well beyond, I just roll with the chaos. I deeply appreciate the love on this one because I’d still be doing this nonsense even without it - so it’s very encouraging to have it. ❤️
Sweet Nothings (The Blacklist) - to be honest, I’m just now discovering this is my #3 kudos’d fic. A pleasant surprise! This one was pure fun to write, and I’m more than pleased to give Lizzington shippers something positive to indulge in, considering… everything.
A Cover Is Not The Book (BtVS) - one of my earlier BG fics. A fully light-hearted story which I know can be rare for these two haha.
Secrets and Surprises (Agents of SHIELD/MCU) - my indulgent attempt at writing a Tony Stark-Daisy Johnson friendship - FUN. Also, of course, Lola is a main feature. 😍🚘
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
I try to! Even if it’s just a thank you - I really do appreciate every single comment on a story and I like to try and show that. Sometimes I accidentally miss some, but yeah usually I do my best to respond.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t do angst very well. I’ve been told otherwise (😅) but I’m just a sucker for my happy (or at least hopeful) endings. Two of my Buffy fics, Shrike and Beloved, are pretty angsty UNTIL the end… lol.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not as a habit. Technically a few of my AoS fics could count as crossovers, even though I’m firmly of the belief that SHIELD *is* just as canon as the rest of the MCU (Or it was??? I lost track of the plot after season 6.) A number of years ago I wrote a Buffy/MCU crossover fic that just makes me laugh now… it’s a little nuts, as it spawned from a weird dream I had haha. It was actually also my first Ao3 posting for my beloved ship…
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh yes. The most hateful comments tend to spawn elsewhere, but I’ve had two or three silly-gooses forget that they have a ‘back’ button on their Ao3 browser. 99.9% of the time Ao3 is a lovely community though. But I also tend to live in smaller corners of fandoms, we keep to ourselves. 🤙
9. Do you write smut?
Does one make lemonade out of lemons? 🤣 🍋🍋🍋
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yessss - Lemon Giles! I am deeply proud of this collab. It was one of the most magical writing experiences of my life. Two people, a shared Google doc, opposite time zones and a chaotic level of shippy feels 😂 It was so much fun.
12. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oof magoof. This is a tough one. My knee-jerk reaction is to go BG, as that’s definitely been the most affecting ship in my life (as far as real-life friendships and relationships made and heroes met and goals inspired etc). But Grissom-Sara from CSI: Las Vegas has been close to my heart for an even longer time. I also deeply adore Longmire-Vic… it’s not often a tv show follows the books (sort of), and/or canonizes your otp. At least, not when it’s any of *my* otps hahaha.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
If my memory serves, I first wrote for CSI, but I first posted online for Harry Potter. On Ao3 specifically, my first posted fic was for Agents of SHIELD.
14. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh dang it, I cannot pick one answer here. I have different reasons for favourites: “Shrike”, because a friend and I actually had that one printed and bound (for funsies and a gift to a fellow friend, not for dough) and my copy ended up read and signed by someone I adore. The Infinite, because Coulson-Mace was a ship fandom of like, five (bless you), and I’ve never felt Mama-Bear about a ship before, but those boys are just… so much to me. Plus, working on that story had helped me mourn a sudden real-life death of someone close to me. “I Need A Bad Idea” is my favourite in regards to the amount of work I put into that one. It’s so satisfying when all the research and brainstorms and notes come together into a ready-to-post chapter.
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themculibrary · 11 months
Daisy Johnson Masterlist
5 + 1 Things About Daisy Johnson (ao3) - Persiflage miles/daisy, daisy/ofc M, 8k
Summary: Daisy Johnson's origin story begins at St Agnes Orphanage.
7 Kinds of Kissing (ao3) - Persiflage phil/daisy E, 10k
Summary: These are the many different ways that Daisy and Phil Coulson kiss.
a free choice (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy T, 5k
Summary: It’s only a few moments afterwards that Coulson joins her next to the comm controls. Daisy is not surprised in the least and she doesn’t wish for him to change, exactly, but life would be easier if he did. Crappier, but easier.
“Full exposé on Quake,” Daisy quotes with a scoff, evading Coulson’s real question. “It barely featured any new information. Even the Watchdogs forums have better researchers.”
allied (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy E, 6k
Summary: The political is personal.
Or: Five Times Daisy And Coulson Went Against The Sokovia Accords.
Alone (ao3) - samanthaswishes G, 1k
Summary: There was a time when Daisy thought she would end up dying alone, but life has a pretty interesting way of proving such thoughts wrong.
A S.H.I.E.L.D Agent's Evaluation (ao3) - bi_furious1 jemma/daisy E, 7k
Summary: Agent Daisy Johnson becomes a lab rat.
Bite Me (ao3) - DeceitfulHonesty jemma/daisy E, 43k
Summary: Nobody likes a know-it-all. Daisy just so happens to have one in her class in the form of Jemma Simmons, who constantly corrects everyone's historical knowledge. One day, Daisy snaps at her and finds out a dark secret about Jemma and her entire school.
But I Was Late for This, Late for That, Late for the Love of My Life (ao3) - JackEPeace jemma/daisy G, 6k
Summary: A 1940’s AU where Daisy is Captain America and Jemma is her Peggy Carter.
Daisy Johnson and The Leader of The Resistance (ao3) - Skyson jeffrey/daisy T, 9k
Summary: What if Daisy had met the Jeffrey Mace of the Framework? What would she think of him? And what would he think of her?
distractions (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy T, 4k
Summary: Coulson's voice is distracting.
It's lucky Daisy is such a consummate professional.
falling for daisy (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy E, 7k
Summary: Phil Coulson falls for his boss.
(Post-season 3 unspecified future. Seasons 4-7 do not exist in this fic.)
friendly advice (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy M, 7k
Summary: Daisy has a problem and in her opinion only Coulson can help.
i am thinking it's a sign (that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images) (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy T, 7k
Summary: Daisy ends up in a parallel universe, with bad news (Hydra won) and good news (Coulson is here).
not like a greek myth (ao3) - zauberer_sirin phil/daisy G, 6k
Summary: “We’ve got this,” he says first of all, when he senses Daisy knows the situation might call for her involvement. It’s not that he hopes to hide the gravity of it from her — perhaps he hoped Daisy would do the un-Daisy thing and not ask for details. Do the un-Daisy thing of giving herself a break.
She Survived (ao3) - samanthaswishes T, 4k
Summary: Daisy Johnson has been through too much in her life. The world asks too much of her, but she always finds a way to survive.
Sometimes I Hate The Life I Made (ao3) - EmilieHardie pietro/daisy T, 131k
Summary: Some families have black sheep. The Starks are all black sheep… even Skye.
Skye is a lot of things, but she has always thought that Tony Stark’s daughter is the least important of them all. She’s built herself an entire life away from her estranged Dad, and had fully intended to never see him again. Then boom: earthquake powers. Only a Stark, right?
But there’s a new Stark out there, a little brother that Skye never thought to have bent on the extinction of the human race. She may not like her Dad but that doesn’t mean that she is going to let his mistake destroy the world, even if it means going undercover as a supervillain called Quake.
Ultron won’t know what hit him.
This is an origin story (ao3) - daisy_the_HYDRA_killer G, 1k
Summary: Birthday for Daisy Johnson - DAY 1 · 27 June Daisy + origin story
Daisy Johnson meets up with Mike and Ace when she runs.
Under My Skin (ao3) - Poetgirl925 daisy/grant E, 70k
Summary: AU Skyeward. As a specialist, Grant Ward values control and order in his missions. But when he’s paired for a long term undercover op with Skye, a former Rising Tide hacker he previously butted heads with, his infamous control is tested. Posing as a newly engaged couple, they’re wary partners in a mission that could prove fatal if they can’t learn to trust each other.
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captainskyson · 4 years
Random get to know me stuff
from @owlfindmydream - I figured, why not? Yinz can do one if you’d like, too.
what was your last…
drink- Water.
phone call- My boss.
text message- Wondering about the airplane circling our neighborhood in the middle of the night.
song you listened to- What Have I Done by Dermot Kennedy (thanks @giles1522 for the Giles feels on that one ;} )
time you cried- After the last two years, the fact I have to think about this question is a great sign lol. Maybe when I watched 1917?
have you ever…
dated someone twice- I’m assuming this means as going back to someone at a later point in time, as opposed to “gone on a second date”... and no.
been cheated on- No.
lost someone special- Yes. Two somewhat recently, which bites.
been depressed- as I have dysthymia, this comes and goes, unfortunately.
gotten drunk and been sick- To the point of getting sick, only once. Tequila. It took me a loooong time to drink tequila again after that, haha.
in this year have you…
made a new friend- Yeah!
fallen out of love- Nope.
laughed until you cried- Probably, this happens to me kind of easily. I’m known for getting the giggles, on occasion.
met someone who changed you- I prefer the term “inspired”.
found out who your true friends are- Not necessarily within this year (it’s only March after all), but I am lucky to know I have dear friends.
do you have any pets- Yes, plus I’m a lucky “aunt” to my friends’ dogs, too ^_^
do you want to change your name- Nope.
what did you do for your last birthday- Can’t remember. My planner says “PA” but that could either mean Pennsylvania, or work. Ha! Clearly it wasn’t that interesting of a birthday.
what time did you wake up today- 0600
what were you doing at midnight last night- Reading fanfic, probably. Ha! I should have been sleeping, especially with the DST change.
what’s something you can’t wait for- When I’ll have the time and funds to travel again.
when was the last time you saw your mom- This morning.
what are you listening to rn- Now it’s on Beloved, by Mumford and Sons... which means I’ll likely be reading a certain fanfic when I’m done with this. XD
have you ever met a person named tom- Hmm... oddly, only one!
what’s something that gets on your nerves- When people in a conversation or debate talk over one another - I think if people did more listening, real listening, there would be a little less chaos in this world.
what’s your blood type- I’m not falling for this trick, vampire.
nickname- Don’t really have one.
relationship status- Defender and supporter of Jeffrey Mace. Haha
zodiac sign- Gemini
pronouns- She/her
fave tv show- Oh, God. I have to pick one?
tattoos- One, currently, but I have plans for more. It’s Irish text.
right or left handed- I’m ambidextrous, actually! But I primarily choose to use my right hand when it comes to things like handwriting, holding a baseball bat, throwing a ball. Interestingly, I’m a lefty in hockey, though.
surgery- Something called Pyloric stenosis; I was a wee babe, less than a year old. I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed, as well.
piercing- None.
best friend- My first best friend was my cousin, a year younger than me.
sport- First sport... running? First organized team sport was softball. I’d played many different ones over the years though, until I had joined band in school and that was that.
vacation- Can’t remember. It was probably a trip to Florida, but the earliest one I can remember and also remember enjoying was a big extended family trip to New Mexico.
right now…
eating- Nothing, though I’d had tomato soup and grilled cheese a few hours ago.
drinking- Water.
I’m about to- Read a fic, go to bed.
listening to- This was asked already, but since my shuffled music has continued to play, it’s now Love You More by Alexi Murdoch.
waiting for- Finishing this up so I can go to bed, haha.
want kids- Maybe. I’ve always felt mediocre about kids, but within the past year I’ve found myself doing the Diana Prince “oh, a baby!” more often... which scares me a little. LOL
want to get married- Yes, or at the least a committed partnership.
career- Television.
which is better…
hugs or kisses- Hugs! I love hugs and I can get depressed if I go a long time without physical touch (like, the non-romantic kind of touching), though I respect that other people aren’t always touchy-feely. Kisses are a-plus, though, from certain people. :D
lips or eyes- Eyes, for sure.
shorter or taller- Taller, for me. Though not TOO tall - I’m short haha.
older or younger- Better in what sense? If we’re going for the attractive attributes theme of this section, then older, always. I’ve always been that way. If I end up marrying a person my own age, everyone who knows me would be shocked. XD
romantic or spontaneous- I can’t have both?
nice arms or nice stomach- Nice arms, a soft tummy! The perfect cuddler. <3
sensitive or loud- Sensitive, I guess. I don’t like loudness, especially male voices. A verbally abusive childhood screws with ya that way.
hook up or relationship- Relationship, always. I never do hook ups.
trouble maker or hesitant- Hesitant only in the sense that I like to plan well in my trouble-making... :]
have you ever….
kissed a stranger- Not a stranger, no, but I’ve kissed people I’m not in a relationship with, for stage/camera.
drank hard liquor- Yes. I’m a big fan of a good Irish whiskey after a long week. Or a well-poured Guinness, which is not hard liquor, but needs mentioning.
sex on the first date- Not unless that date is one of like, three specific celebrities where there are extenuating circumstances LOL. In all seriousness, no. That leans too closely into “hook up” territory, and as physical touch is an important love language for me, I’m particular about these sorts of things.
broke somebody’s heart- I think I did, accidentally, in high school. And maybe unknowingly in college? But I’ll never know for sure about the later one - I transferred away and he hasn’t talked to me since. Oops. Sorry.
had your heart broken- Yes, a few times, both romantically and non-romantically.
been arrested- Nope.
fallen for a friend- Yes.
do you believe in…
yourself- I don’t think as much as I used to. I need to work on that.
miracles- I do. Not in the “I’ve been to heaven and seen God and now I’m back!” sense, but, I do believe every-day little things are happening all the time. And every now and then, big things too. Modern prophets and a near-second-coming, though? No, thank you.
love at first sight- Not quite... but something close to this, yes. I tend to fall in love with people’s hearts before I do their physical presence.
santa claus- No, I think I always knew Santa wasn’t real. But as a kid I was still a fan at Christmas time and liked “getting presents from Santa” and all that jazz.
kiss on the first date- Maybe, if it was a really good date! Especially, if it was with a certain celebrity... LOL. Gotta have that smoochy chance where I can get it. XD
angels- Same idea as the miracles thing; not like the TV “Touched By An Angel” or whatever, but I do believe there is a spirit world and there are angels and there are demons.
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captainskyson · 4 years
listen i love your posts but i'm too scared to send this ask from main. i'm waiting for that juliana and wyatt fic so badly esp. since THERE AREN'T ANY AT ALL ON AO3 WHAT IS THIS
No worries, pal! I appreciate the love, even in anon. TBH I was pretty nervous admitting interest in Juliana/Wyatt, since, as you pointed out - IT DOESN’T SEEM TO EXIST ANYWHERE. They even had a cute unproblematic smoochy moment. And she inspired him to join the Resistance after he’d figured he was done fighting. And she didn’t give in to his flirty wiles or lose her focus on her mission at hand. And he seemed further inspired by her when she kept that line between them??? And even after (he thinks) she died he decided to TAKE UP THE MANTLE even though he hadn’t been all gung-ho into the movement previously. “She gave me something worth fighting for” just UGH the RESPECT.
Like, they had some BIG good relationship moments that seem to have been just sort of overlooked by the larger fan base. Or, at least, no one else had seemed willing to explore it, instead in favor of the bigger names at the time? Anyway, I’m quite happy to see I’m not alone. 💙💙💙
I’m sorry, I got carried away thinking of the last season. I haven’t really been able to talk it out much with anybody. So - down to brass tacks on fic! The idea mentioned in a previous post had been merely a daydream, so if I’m actually going to write one I’ll have to come up with more of a plot, haha. High Castle is so good I actually find it very intimidating to consider adding to it (much as I want to see certain happy shippy things). Also, I’d like to finish this final season as well - hopefully within the next 24 hours or so. The fic would no doubt be AU (especially if I grow the original, post-S.3 plan and just totally ignore S.4), but I still like to know my options and maybe feed some more inspiration from canon, you know? So it may take a few days or so for me to get it done.
If I read it correctly, you mentioned a sfw story in your other message - any other requests? I’m not Hydra, but I’m generally happy to comply. :]
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captainskyson · 5 years
Okay my random ask for you: what’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read in your favourite fandom? (Or if you can’t pick one, then your top faves) Bonus! What’s your fave headcanon for that fandom?
Thanks for the ask(s) @herspecialagent! Oh, man - my delimma here is that I’m not sure I can pick my favourite fandom! Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the fandom I’ve been an active part in for the longest, so I’ll go with that one - though I HAVE to give a shout-out to this Buffy fic I just reread the other day for the hundredth time: Arms and the Man by antennapedia. I think about that one all the time. And I mean A LOT. It’s such a tangible read; I can almost hear the clinking of chainmail and smell the dust getting kicked up during a sword match. (TBH there are a ton of fics like that in the Buffy fandom... so many rich stories to choose from, so little time.)
Ok, before I continue to get too carried away there - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Top faves? There so many excellent writers in that fandom. Here are a few that I have bookmarked and reread quite often:
The Revenge of Lloyd Rathman by Skyepilot - Coulson gets “only a little bit kidnapped” by Daisy. It’s cheeky and sweet and sexy. Phil/Daisy, rated M.
Across A Tempered Series of Knots - Maybe it’s a bit biased of me, but I’m a sucker for stories that consider the connection Daisy(Skye) and Coulson have because of the GH-325 serum. Rated T.
signed in triplicate by notcaycepollard - I mean, a paperwork challenge? It’s dorky, it’s cute, it’s sexy. Phil/Daisy, rated M.
And just to mix things up ship-wise, Lonely Heart by EarthsickWithoutYou, a Mace/Daisy fic (of which there are never enough) that includes one of my favourite lines ever written: Tanned and just sweaty enough to add that extra touch of sexiness to the moment, Mace's beautiful, muscled physique was totally impossible to ignore. You know, unless you just hated hotness for some reason, Daisy thought with a half-smile.
As for my favourite headcanon... is it too selfish to pick the one where Daisy Johnson has a Polaroid camera and enjoys taking photos of her teammates and friends over the years? 😁 In all seriousness, though, I’m a big fan of one that actually ended up becoming canon - the connection between Skye-Daisy and Lola. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. ... Just to be clear, I’m the Corvette in the story, right? My heart REJOICED, I tell you.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Sunday, March 7th
The Sunnydale Herald is currently looking for a few good editors! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! For more information, send us an ask (on Tumblr) or post a reply to this post (on Livejournal or Dreamwidth)!
Evil Willow: I'm having a terrible night. She reaches down and lifts Percy up from the floor by his throat, digging her fingertips into his flesh and choking him. Evil Willow: Wanna make it better?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Devil in another Dimension (Devil May Cry crossover, Angel, T) by Aragorn_II_Elessar
nothing good starts in a getaway car (Faith/Willow, T) by bodytoflame
Of Sunsets and New Beginnings (Buffy/Giles, E) by froxyn
caned and drained, harshly profaned (Giles/Spike, E) by lovelyorbent
Language barrier (Giles & Buffy, G) by prayforpiett
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Sleepless in Sunnydale (Oz/Reader, NR) by prose-for-hire
Just the two of you (Angel/Reader, NR) by prose-for-hire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Chronicles of the East Aros Society Chapter 4 (Tara/Willow, T) by Rutkowski
Purging the Darkness Chapter 1 (HP crossover, Cordelia, G) by Buffyworldbuilder
What You Do Afterwards: Season Three Chapter 52 (Cordelia/Doyle, M) by myheadsgonenumb
Hypnopompia Chapter 21 (Faith/Buffy, E) by aliceinwonderbra
Dream Chapter 1 (Spike/Xander, E) by witchway
Changing Fate Chapter 18 (Dawn, T) by Fmfan1980
A Shinigami in Sunnydale Chapter 11 (Bleach crossover, Buffy, G) by Fmfan1980
A Long Night Chapter 6 (GoT crossover, Buffy, T) by Fmfan1980
A New Life Chapter 45 (Tara, T) by Fmfan1980
The Return Chapter 30 (Multiple crossovers, Willow, T) by Fmfan1980
An Extraordinary Journey Chapter 228 (Multiple crossovers, Faith/Willow, T) by Fmfan1980
i snuck in through the garden gate Chapter 2 (Cordelia/Buffy, T) by beyhiveminded
Request Complete (Spike/Xander, E) by witchway
144 Days Part 22 (Buffy, G) by violettathepiratequeen
I Need A Bad Idea Chapter 32 (Buffy/Giles, E) by Skyson
The Sun Chapter 4 (Tara/Willow, T) by heckate
Concentrated Sarcasm Chapter 6 (SG1 crossover, Buffy/Jack O'Neill, T) by gracerealized
The Gift Chapter 8 (Star Wars crossover, Buffy, T) by Cantanatova
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Buffy - The Sphere – a Buffy/Spike fanfiction Complete (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by Coraline
Souls Unbound Chapter 36 (Buffy/Spike, Adult) by Touchstoneaf
What Makes A Monster Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by SleepingTigress
By Fate or Free Will Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by Spuffy516
The Beginner's Guide to Dating A Ghost Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by sweetprincipale
Consequences Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, Adult) by SlayerOfSunnydale
I Remembered You Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by Spuffyismylife
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Green is the warmest colour Chapter 2 (Tara/Willow, T) by absolutefem
Moments that Make You: The Hero and The Princess Chapter 99 (Cordelia/Doyle, K+) by myheadsgonenumb
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: I got inspired watching Buffy recently and created a fan shirt by KerrieAm
Crafts: A cross stitch I did from a great episode by crossingstuff
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Artwork: Faith/Buffy by space-sheep08
Artwork: william pratt by geezozz
[Fandom Discussions]
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Motor City Con Review by yourlibrarian
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Discussion of Angel & Spike #16 by Buffy Summers
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I’m on my 2nd rewatch in x amount of years by Squee07
Okay so season 5 is the most emotional one by RedDogSeventyTwo
I'm prepared to get a lot of downvotes for this ship by phantomoftheop
Just an appreciation post for Buffy and Joyce's Valentine's Day spread. 2X16 by fleusebius
angel (spoilers) rant? by a_non_jj
What do people think of Holtz? by NebCam101
Regarding theories about Angels decision to turn down the chance of living a human life again by rabenstolz
comics appreciation: that time Georges Jeanty paid homage to an Action Comics cover by Howard Bender by scarecroe
Question about Giles, why is he a rookie in Season 1? by Ciri2020
Just realized and now appreciate the parallels between "Surprise"/"Innocence" in Buffy and "Reprise" by Cicada_5
Willow/Lily Alternate Reality... or something by Urstadt
Anyone feel like they don't stick to or explain the difference between the original human and Vampire by nonoman12
Someone posted the Superman homage earlier, so I figured I'd post this hilarious Twilight/New Moon homage by TheFerg714
Where were the Turok-Han when the hellmouth opened in season 3? by Unlucky-Ad-4171
Is there a scene where Buffy is dead? by OreoPredator
Xander’s gate keeping by AgathaM
Who's your least favorite villain? by gisellasaurus
The Absence of Merrick by Moon_Logic
Do you think sometimes the age of the actors influenced your perception of the characters? by TypicalPsychology6
Riley Hate makes no sense by Zombie_Giles
Controversial but Spin the Bottle was superior to Tabula Rasa in every way by TypicalPsychology6
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nothing can ever beat the foreshadowing of willow rosenberg seeing her alternate-universe evil vampire self by aardvaark
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Photos: This Buffy Drag Tribute Show absolutely SLAYED at Seattle Refined
Interview: Juliet Landau at Sci-Fi Bulletin
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, August 24
Willow : Oh, Riley. Hi. Riley : Hi. Gee, I hope I'm not interrupting anything really depressing. Willow : What's up? Riley : Right to the point, ok. I was thinking of asking out Buffy. Willow : She's not here. Riley : I know. See, I don't know that much about Buffy. But I'm interested in what she likes, and so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you. Willow : What--what do you want me to do? Riley : Just tell me something. Anything.. Just something that will start us talking, you know? I'm thinking that "how 'bout them broncos" won't really cut it. Willow : Ok, say that I help, and you start a conversation. It goes great. You like Buffy, she likes you. You spend time together, feelings grow deeper, and one day, without even realizing it, you find you're in love. Time stops, And it feels like the whole world's made for you two, and you two alone, until the day one of you leaves and rips the still-beating heart from the other, who's now a broken, hollow, mockery of the human condition. Riley : Yep, that's the plan.
~~Buffy Episode #63: "The Initiative"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A New Hiding Place in Plain Site (Buffy, T, Loki xover) by glitterangelem
Runs In The Family (Buffy, T, NCIS xover) by berifanfic
Monster Hunters (Joyce, M, Doctor Who xover) by acswatwst
Ice Cream for Everyone (Willow, T, SG1 xover) by draleigh
A Symphony of Echoes: Into the Unknown (Buffy, T, SG1 xover) by 3am_moonlight
The Hardest Thing in This World (Buffy, T, Thor: Ragnarok xover) by jedibuttercup
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Rebranding (Xander, T, Yakuza xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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The Harsh Light of Day (Buffy, T, LotR) by jerseyfabulous
Double Feature (Buffy/Spike, M) by StakeMeTwice
One more shot (Angel/Nina, T) by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Dealing with Dragons (Buffy, G, SPN xover) by tabbabbles
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In a Corner of My Soul by thirteenthblackbird
[Chaptered Fiction]
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https://twistedshorts-feed.dreamwidth.org/304948.html (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by mmooch
Part 24 of Faith Sheppard: Missing (Faith, T, SGA xover) by hermione2be
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Not going anywhere (Willow/Tara, T) by Bl4ckHunter
Mummies. Why'd it have to be mummies? CH. 1-4/4 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Giles, T) by Skyson
To Live in the World - Chapter 10 (Buffy/Faith, M) by IvorySteel92
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(Ensemble, T) by DragonyPhoenix
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Touching the Fire, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by GillO
Blue Moon, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, ) by untouchable
Renaissance Revival, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, M) by druseerla
Prisoners of Love, Blue Skies Above, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, E) by bewildered
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Cosmic Tuesdays
Walking in the Sand, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
The Ahhh Truth, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, T) by spikeisthebigbad
Beautiful Dangerous Chaos #2: Riding the Storm Out , Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Passion4Spike
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To Run Away With You Right Now Ch. 19 (Buffy, T, Star Wars xover) by Wrytergrrrl
The One Eyed Carpenter and the Moon Maid Ch. 15 (COMPLETE) (Xander, Dawn, T, multiple xovers) by JoeB
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Willow by sunnyhellcalifornia
Artwork:Buffy by irkallanprince
Artwork:Punk Buffy by sunnyhellcalifornia
Artwork:Dawn by artbydanielletmurray
Icons: Dawn by ex-vengeancedemon
Icons:Anya by ex-vengeancedemon
[Community Announcements]
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Week Three Roundup! by twistedshorts
I Will Remember You 2021 Sign-Ups Still Open! by iwry-marathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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I found it! (Fic rec) by albatrossisland
random thought by oveliagirlhaditright
After binge-watching Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, I have thoughts to share…So, buckle up, kids. by sorryforbeingcrazy
what i love about grave by lqvewillow
my opinions have changed by timeladyjamie
u know xander really loves bringing up what spike did in Seeing Red by guiltyegg
buffy 5x10 rant by orrangepoem
The concept of Dawn is fascinating as fuck by noamchomsky420
Season 6 - what happens after you die? by rileyslayer
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Discussion of 4.14 "Release" by Multiple Authors
What was the message in "Ted"? by Buffy Summers
Discussion of 1.03 "The Witch" by Ninjagirl2008
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Nicholas Brendan Arrested for prescription Drug fraud by Multiple Authors
How much attention did you give to the episode titles? by Stoney
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If angel were to masturbate would he turn evil? by RemovePositive8492
Origins of Glory by 1KyloRen
Watching the series over again has given me so many new perspectives. by gurlwhosoldtheworld
joyce by miracleoutthere
Was Robin Wood a traitor? by jospangel
Brain tumor caused by Dawn by PinkPoodleOFDOOM
What does Anya know about bunnies that we don't? by JJMcGee83
I love Buffy but she was wrong in Dirty Girls by ilily
The final scene in "Hero" still makes me ugly cry (MAJOR SPOILERS) by jdpm1991
A "Once More, with Feeling" personal interpretation by ZioAndre
how do we feel about Spike by no_one_here_123
Funniest International Titles of Buffy Episodes by DanRRBenioff
[Spoilers] Trio Ages by Rtozier2011
"Little Bit" by ermintwang
The Powers That Be by timmorris82
One Thing I Hate About Buffy and Angel by oogeyboogey828
Xander by Forsaken-Chipmunk-68
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Dexter & Buffy The Vampire Slayer Are In The Same Universe Theory Explained by Screen Rant
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, April 6
XANDER: Why would a vampire lie about who sired him. What's that? Some kind of status symbol for the undead. My sire can beat up your sire. BUFFY: I'm not saying I don't believe him. XANDER: You just don't want to. OK, let's look at this objectively. Figure it out in a cold, impersonal, CSI-like manner 'cause we're a couple of carpet fibers away from a case. BUFFY: Spike can't be the one doing this. He couldn't if he wanted to. XANDER: Why not? BUFFY: Well, for one thing, pain chip, remember? He can't hurt anyone. XANDER: Didn't stop him from hurting you. Hey, objective here. Maybe the chip's not working anymore. BUFFY: Oh, it's working. I've seen it. XANDER: Is it? Or is that what Spike wants you to think?
~~Buffy Season 7 Episode #130: "Sleeper"~~
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[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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pointy things (Spike/Xander, T) by Shrivelled_rat
Have a little Faith... (Ensemble, T) by BuffyBot3000
Monsters (Angel/Spike, M) by VioletArroyo
Wet Dog (Ensemble, G) by InsaneTrollLogic
Despondency (Buffy, T, Twilight xover) by TeamDamon1864
Their Forever (Ensemble, G) by 29PheonixLement
One Wrong Turn (Buffy, G, SG1 xover) by museumnelson
Better? (Buffy/Faith, T) by theacedennis
souls are what you eat (Dawn, Janice, Cassie, M, Hannibal xover) by kwritten
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Worth the World (Spike/Reader, unrated) by fandom-imagines-stories
Untitled (Buffy/Faith, unrated) by sevens-evan
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Chess Pieces - Chapter 5/7 (Buffy/Giles, E) by Skyson
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Stuck-up part 1 (Willow/Reader, unrated) by marvelfandomsblog
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Kindred, Chapter 40 (Buffy/Spike, E) by sweetprincipale
One Chance, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, E) by AtlantianDream
A Time For Everything , Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by
Sunny Side Up , Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by DarkEternity96
Broken Bridges, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
The Warlock's Nephew, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by AlloSpoike
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The Gift Ch. 11 (Buffy, Dawn, T, Star Wars xover) by Cantanatova
Iron Coin Chronicles: The Silver Summer Ch. 6 (Ensemble, T) by KyliaQuilor
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Fanmix: Xander playlist () by cacophonyoflife
Artwork:Vamp Willow () by mygreenknittedsweater
Artwork:Buffy vest () by thegothicalice
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Video: Buffy + Angel | Crazy In Love () by robinsrevenge
[Reviews & Recaps]
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20 Year Rewatch - s01e17 - "Eternity" by Ohigetjokes
20 Year Rewatch - s01e18 "Five by Five", s01e19 "Sanctuary" by Ohigetjokes
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Is Spike killing people? That is the question. by yetanotherbuffyblog
Buffy rewatch: S02E07 by three-blogs-in-a-trenchcoat
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PUBLICATION:Episode 51: Gingerbread by Mythtaken
PODCAST: S06 E13 Dead Things by Buffy Virgin
PUBLICATION: The Initiative S4 E7 by Buffy and the Art of Story
[Fandom Discussions]
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Dawn in the S8 Comics by quasi-normalcy
Fic Game: Schadenfreude and Spike x Xander by prose-for-hire
Fic Game: carnage + Spangelus >:) by prose-for-hire
Fic Game: Schadenfreude and Spike x Xander by prose-for-hire
What is even happening in Buffy season 7? by rainandscarves
What do you like about Faith/Spike? by sothischickshe
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Discussion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer #24 (Boom! Studios) by Multiple Authors
Discussion of 1.02 "The Harvest" by Multiple Authors
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Is it fair to judge vampires? by Stoney and others
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The episode when Joyce dies was so sad and realistic as a healthcare worker by smolnessy
Did Tabula Rasa Hint That Buffy Was Joan Of Arc? by fuurn90
Does anyone know what happened to Tara and Willow’s cat? by PuzzleheadedRain6522
which comics are worth reading? by nordeliachase
I don't read the comics but did Connor ever found out he was talking to the REAL Darla? by Unlucky-Ad-4171
Spike by Unlucky-Ad-4171
This scene in The Wish (S3E9) is hilarious and IDK why no one talks about it. by rynoweiss
Post-Series Comic Help by Osolis
Question about watchers and the watchers' council by Express-Photo-1648
Any french viewers can confirm?: The gift ending by Carrierunnaway
I Only Have Eyes For You by tmcarlee
Were the different hairstyles of Buffy, Willow, Anya, etc. mandated by the writers? by precita
Music from Buffy by RhysandWolf
She Dated Gunn, Wesley and Knox and had a Crush on Angel. by Sayed64
Amy/the rat story arc by SavaRox
One of the most visually stunning moments of the show by hxhxlovecraft
Where the Wild Things Are by Eggo999
My Mom Has become hooked on Buffy (Update) by Gaius_Octavius_
Angel... Forgotten Gem? - Perspective of a Gen-Zer by ChutneyAddict
Connor deserves more credit by ChutneyAddict
Bronze Songs Playlist? by andysarchus
riley and spike by kingofsilverandgold
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