#bakumatsu rock
rigberts · 1 year
the Japanese phenomena of creating literal dozens of intellectual properties based off of reimagining historical figures of the bakufu government as beautiful anime boys should be captured in a jar and studied
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Last night I dreamt that I was at an anime convention with a couple of friends who were cosplaying and one of my friends was Teruma in his Hijikata costume from Bakumatsu Rock.
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Alright, decided to do a quad fave crossover fic with Splatoon called 4Agents and well, I like to use this Incorrect Quotes Generator for the team's overall energy and just how stupid it can get.
And it went stupid.
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Crow and Chuuya ain't getting along
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Ryouma being the group's local idiot
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Someone gotta save Team Dad Utsushi
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And Crow being Crow as usual
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bloody-croissant · 2 years
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 i luv his new design so much uuuuuu
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hanzak1 · 9 months
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🎉🎂Happy Birthday 🎂🎉
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15hachimitsu · 11 months
I came across this in my YT feed yesterday, watched it out of curiosity, and found out that most of the Japanese music I enjoy uses the "Royal Road Progression" (IV-V-iii-vi).
I haven't formally studied music or music theory, so this came as a surprise for me. It started to make sense that there's a certain feel to Anisong and most Japanese music in general; it just took me being educationally rick-rolled. /lh
So I decided to test if a current earworm of mine contains this progression. More under the cut.
Since I recently re-watched Bakumatsu Rock (archived in an external HD) while our internet was getting fixed, I re-listened to (and fell in love again with) some of the songs, most notably "INTERSECT".
I tried to find its guitar chords in a Japanese chord site I frequently use, and lucked in on the song being available, plus details like what key it is in (B♭ minor). This prompted me to do a quick research on the B♭ scale and its equivalent roman numeral notation.
Using the information I obtained, I found that the chorus uses VI-VII-v-i in general (with some variations). At first, I couldn't make anything out of it, but my husband suggested we try to use the relative key in major (which is D♭). Once we did that, and tried to map the chords again to its roman numeral notation, it turns out that it was, indeed, using IV-V-iii-vi. Later on, in watching the cited videos and reading some comments, I learned that VI-VII-v-i is the royal road progression in minor scales.
I can't believe watching this video sent me into a rabbit hole of music theory. Maybe next time I'll try checking out the chord progression of some of my other favorite songs. XD
For now...
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gamingjournal · 1 year
Ryū ga Gotoku Ishin! Developer: SEGA | Platform: PlayStation 3
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deextoo · 2 years
More recycling.
Bakumatsu Rock!
I had just watched this Anime that was about rock and roll during the Bakumatsu of the Edo period in Japan and ot was just stupidly good the way they integrated traditional Japanese wardrobe and period pieces with modern rock and roll.
Anyway. Wanted to do fan art of the main character Ryouma. This was the result…that I never finished. Such a bad habit.
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best-anime-tournament · 8 months
Here is the list of all the participating anime you proposed so far:
Komodo no Omocha
One Piece
A Centaur's Life
Sword Art Online
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon
Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite!
Mirai Nikki - Future Diary
Ouran High School Host Club
One Punch Man
Assassin's Pride
Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Samurai Jam Bakumatsu Rock
Akame ga Kill!
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima
Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!
The Seven Deadly Sins
Redo of Healer
Skelter Heaven
In Another World With My Smartphone
The submissions are still open, keep sending more proposals!
Every time there are new requests, I will update the list
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auroraeterna · 1 year
Additional Information on WMMAP's Donghua Production
I've been trying to find some additional information on the guys who are making WMMAP's donghua. Here's some of my finds!
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Original post by Kuaikan on Weibo
Producer: Kuaikan Manhua (WMMAP's chinese publisher. They're in charge of various other famous titles like Mo Dao Zhu Shi) and iQIYI (produced My Roommate is a Gumiho in partnership with Korean Television and Luoyang. Also a very big broadcasting platform, a.k.a "China's Netflix".)
Animation: Colored Pencil Animation. Produced Blades of the Guardians, the Obey Me anime and The King's Avatar (you can see the other series they've worked on by looking up at their site). They also show up on Anime News Network as the company responsible for the key animation and/or 2nd key animation of the following series:
Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan: Season 3, Episode 12
The God of Highschool: Episode 9
SSSS.Gridman: Episode 6
Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!!
Yasuke: Episode 4
Broadcaster: iQIYI
Director: Zhang Yingying (张盈盈). Very difficult person to find information about. They doesn't seem to have a Weibo profile (otherwise, Kuaikan would've @ them). Tried to search their name on the searchbar and nothing. Writing 张盈盈 + 魔法公主的小烦恼 also didn't lead me anywhere. Writing 张盈盈 anime on the google search led me to this website, where it shows they've worked on The King's Avatar's storyboard and direction.
Another Zhang Yingying with ties to the animation industry is the director of photography to Vanitas no Carte and Mob Psycho, but they're probably not the same person, since the chinese characters for their names are different (张盈盈 and 張 盈穎).
This was all the information I could find for now! Maybe I'll try later to see if I can find more interesting things!
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lierrelearns · 5 months
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写真提供: 小田原市立図書館発行[一枚の古い写真]より
明治憲法と民法を起草、初代の内閣総理大臣 伊藤博文 (1841-1909) 1] 伊藤博文公胸像 (本町四丁目) 伊藤博文の別邸[滄浪閣]跡で[民法発祥の地]として知られます。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
幕末の志士で、宮内大臣等を歴任した政治家 田中光顕 (1843-1939) 2] 小田原文学館、3] 白秋童謡館 (南町二丁目) 田中光顕が構えた2棟の別邸を、小田原文学館と白秋童謡館として有料公開しています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供:多摩市教育委員会
三井物産等を設立した明治財界の指導者、大茶人 益田孝 (鈍翁) (1848-1938) 鈍翁in西海子(南町二丁目) 茶器など鈍翁ゆかりの品々を展示しています。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
秋山真之と親父があり、海運業で財閥を築いた実業家 山下亀三郎 (1867-1944) 5] 対潮閣跡 (南町一丁目) 山下亀三郎の別邸[対潮閣]跡で、秋山真之の終焉の地です。後に、田中光顕の歌を彫った[釣鐘石]が置かれました。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供:山下真一郎氏
福岡黒田家13代目、貴族院副議長を30年務める 黒田長成 (1867-1939) [6]清閑亭 (南町一丁目) 黒田長成が明治末期に構えた数奇屋風の別邸。周辺の庭園めぐりの案内をしています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
日露戦争における仁川沖海戦等で活躍した司令官瓜生外吉 (1857-1937) 7] 瓜生海軍大将之像 (南町一丁目) 山角天神社の境内に瓜生大将の胸像があります。 8] 瓜生坂 (南町一丁目) 高台にあった瓜生外吉の別邸に通じていた坂道です。 写真提供:瓜生家
多数の詩や童謡を創作した国民的詩人 北原白秋 (1885-1942) 9] 木兎の家跡(伝肇寺境内)(城山四丁目) 北原白秋が大正7年から8年余りを過ごした[木兎の家]が伝肇寺境内にありました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館
皇族出身の陸軍軍人で、昭和激動期の参謀総長 閑院宮載仁親王 (1865-1945) 10] 三の丸外郭新掘土塁(南町一丁目〜城山四丁目) 閑院宮載仁親王の別邸跡。広大な敷地の一部は史跡小田原城跡の土塁に重ねっていました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館 H25.12 小田原市観光課
Vocab 提供 (ていきょう) providing, donating 発行(はっこう)publication 憲法(けんぽう) constitution 民法(みんぽう) civil code, civil law 起草(きそう) (drafting (a bill, etc.), drawing up 内閣総理大臣 (ないかくそうりだいじん)prime minister (of a cabinet government) 伊藤博文 (いとう・ひろぶみ)Itou Hirobumi 公 (おおやけ)official, governmental, formal 胸像 (きょうぞう)half-length portrait 別邸 (べってい)secondary residence, vacation home 滄浪閣 (そうろうかく)Sorokaku 発祥の地(はっしょうのち) origin, birthplace 民有地 (みんゆうち)private land ご遠慮ください(ごえんりょください)please refrain (from) 国立国会図書館(こくりつこっかいとしょかん)National Diet Library 幕末(ばくまつ)Bakumatsu period 志士 (しし)imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era 宮内大臣(くないだいじん)Minister of the Imperial Household 歴任 (れきにん)successive/consecutive jobs 政治家(せいじかん)politician, statesman 田中光顕(たんか・むつあき)Tanaka Mitsuaki 文学館(ぶんがくかん)literary museum 白秋(はくしゅう)Hakushu (see below) 童謡(どうよう)nursery rhyme 構える(かまえる)to build, set up 棟(とう)counter for buildings 有料(ゆうりょう)fee-charging 公開(こうかい)open to the public 有形文化財(ゆうけいぶんかざい)tangible cultural properties 多摩市(たまし)Tama City 三井物産(みついぶっさん)Mitsuri & Co. 設立(せつりん)establishment, foundation 財界(ざいかい)financial world, business circles 茶人(ちゃじん)master of the tea ceremony 益田孝(ますだ・たかし)Masuda Takashi 鈍翁(どんのう)Donnou, an alias he took on as a tea master 西海子(さいかいし)Saikaishi 茶器(ちゃき)tea utensils ゆかりconnection (to a person, place, or thing) 品々(しなじな)various articles 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 秋山真之(あきやま・さねゆき)Akiyama Saneyuki 海運業(かいうんぎょう)shipping industry, marine transport 財閥(ざいばつ)zaibatsu, financial conglomerate 築く(きずぐ)to build up, establish 実業家(じつぎょうか)business, entrepreneur 山下亀三郎(やました・かめさぶろう)Yamashita Kamesaburo 対潮閣(たいちょうかく)Taichokaku 終焉(しゅうえん)end (of life), death; (peacefully) spending one’s final years 彫る (ほる)to carve, engrave 釣鐘石 (つりがねいし)Tsurigane-ishi (Hanging Bell-shaped Rock) 代目(だいめ)nth generation 貴族院(きぞくいん)House of Peers (Meiji constitution) 副議長(ふくぎちょう)vice-chairman 黒田長成(くろだ・ながしげ)Kuroda Nagashige 数奇屋(すきや)tea-ceremony arbor めぐり tour 教育委員会(きょういくいいんかい)board of education 日露戦争(にちろせんそう)Russo-Japanese War における in, at, on, regarding 仁川沖海戦(じんせんおきかいせん)Battle of Chemulpo Bay (Feb. 9, 1904) 仁川(インチョン)Incheon 活躍(かつやく)activity, great efforts, active participation 司令官(しれいかん)commanding officer, general 瓜生外吉(うりう・そときち)Uryu Sotokichi 海軍大将(かいぐんたいしょう)admiral 之(の)of 山角天神社(やむかくてんじんじゃ)Yamakakuten Shrine 境内(けいだい)grounds (esp. of temples and shrines) 坂(さか)milestone; slope, hill 高台(たかだい)high ground, hill 坂道(さかみち)hill road 創作(そうさく)creative work 国民的(こくみんてき)popular on a national level 北原白秋(きたはら・はくしゅう)Kitahara Hakushuu 木兎(つく)horned owl (rarely used kanji form) 伝肇寺(でんじょうじ)Denjo-ji Temple 皇族(こうぞく)imperial family 陸軍(りくぐん)army 軍人(ぐんじん)soldier 激動(げきどう)turmoil, upheaval 参謀総長(さんぽうそうちょう)chief of general staff 閑院宮載仁親王(かんいんのみやことひとしんのう)Prince Kan’in Kotohito 外郭(がいかく)outer fence, outer enclosure 土塁(どるい)earthen walls 広大(こうだい)immense, huge, grand 敷地(しきち)site, plot, grounds 史跡(しせき)historic site
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Minami and Tsumugi (both i7) for the bingo? ^__^
you've actually successfully selected 2 of my favorite i7 characters!
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TSUMUGIIII she's legit like. ok i think i have a weird relation to i7 because aside from one episode of oshi no ko and like. the fever dream of watching bakumatsu rock with no context. it was my first idol anime and i didn't play the gacha or really get the mechanics/culture (like i straight up was expecting girl idols to be introduced (aya ur my only hope...) because i didn't know the genre was typically gender split. and actually pretty frequently u will see one girl or one guy but not in this case!) . anyway so i didn't immediately see her as a supporting character but more as the shoujo protagonist, imprinted on her, and began a quest for Tsumugi Screentime. i think canon treats her really well and she's a fun character but she could have so much more.
i really like her dynamics with a lot of characters that u can see in the rabbitchats... i like how she talks in emojis, i like her and momo and her and tamaki, i like her workaholicness and weird responses and that one time she couldn't do math, i'm FASCINATED by the parallels with kujo she gets occasionally, i'm also really interested in the takanashi family as in i would really enjoy more takapapa-tsumugi-banri fluff, and my favorite little thing about her is that she says she's working out/getting buff in case anything happens to idolish7 (you're going to punch someone about it? go girl. i also like her running thread about working out she has in general lol. small but mighty)
fandom doesn't understand her: i think she's aro. majority of tsumugi fans like her and gaku. i don't have major beef with this though they're cute
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minami i think about you every DAYYYYY i rotate you in my brain. his slimey energy is appealing. his 16idol makes me sick. he's the most attractive character out of the main cast though if i had to date any of them im staying far away from him and going with ryuu. he drives me crazy. hes actually not that horrible of a person bc he doesn't make good on any of his threats except doing zool things with ryou? but i think he thinks he is and that's fascinating. he's pulling on the edge of a leash that was tied to a pole when he was very young and he could untie but he won't he just slowly lets others let out the length. and one day he'll die or wait no that's sogo. one day minami will kill someone. he went through a midlife crisis at 14. he's a penguin expert. i'm deeply obsessed with him
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talesofedo · 1 year
Hitokiri Izo, or: more myth than fact?
When you hear "manslayers (hitokiri) of the Bakumatsu", what comes to mind? Maybe the fictional Himura Kenshin: someone who has mastered the sword and ruthlessly kills scores of people. Or perhaps some image based on jidaigeki where our cool assassin-hero draws his sword and cuts down half a dozen (or more) well-armed samurai in the blink of an eye.
Hitokiri Izo's career as an assassin is not like that.
Researchers seem to generally agree that Izo was said to have been involved in 9 assassination incidents because surviving records, such as letters and personal diaries, mention his name.
Of those 9, we know with a high degree of certainty that he couldn't have been involved in the assassination of Tada Tatewaki because Tada was killed in Kyoto while Izo was in Edo. It tends to be fairly impossible to kill someone who lives two weeks' travel away and still show up for work the next morning.
Of the remaining 8, one was not an assassination: although a group of assassins, including Izo, were sent after two merchants-become-samurai, Hiranoya Jusaburo and Senbeiya Hanbei, they did not kill them, partly because of their original status as townsmen and partly because of the pleas of their families. Hiranoya and Senbeiya were staked alive and naked by the riverside for public display, instead of being killed. Humiliated but alive. Of the remaining 7, Izo's involvement in three is questionable.
The first is the assassination of Kagawa Hajime, who was beheaded inside his home. The general consensus seems to be that this was done by Tanaka Shinbei of Satsuma or Hagiwara Toraroku of Himeiji, and that Izo may or may not have been present but didn't do the killing.
The second is the assassination of Ikeuchi Daigaku, who was attacked on his way home from a banquet in Osaka. That one is questionable because there's so little information: somehow Izo's name has become attached, but the names and identities of others who would have been there seem to not have been written down.
The third is the four yoriki incident, in which some thirty men from Tosa, Satsuma, Choshu, and Kurume stormed the station at Ishibe-juku and killed four men who were being transferred from Edo to Kyoto, Watanabe Kinzaburo, Mori Magoroku, Ogawara Juzo, and Ueda Sukenojo. Takechi Hanpeita's diary lists 12 men from Tosa who took part but Izo's name is not included.
That leaves us with 4 incidents where we're actually sure Izo was involved. Notice I said involved. You see, contrary to that image of Himura Kenshin, lone assassin, most assassinations carried out during this period involved groups of people and it can be fairly difficult to figure out who did the actual killing. Quite a lot of these incidents also did not involve any swords at all.
Like I said, Hitokiri Izo may be more myth than fact.
In Izo's case, the 4 incidents he was actually part of are:
Inoue Saichiro: a group of four invited Saichiro to a restaurant, got him drunk, then strangled him with a tenugui on the way home and threw his body into the river.
Honma Seiichiro: a group of eight waited for Seiichiro to leave a restaurant drunk and tried to overwhelm him. A fight ensued, Seiichiro was stabbed in the side and then beheaded, and his body was thrown in the river.
Bunkichi the maekashi: a group of three took him to the river, strangled him with a cord, and staked his dead body out for everyone to see. This, perhaps, was their most popular assassination. Bunkichi had worked for a money-lender and people really, really hated him. To the tune of impaling the dead body with a bamboo pole and throwing rocks at it.
Ugo Shigekuni: a group of four attacked Shigekuni while he was asleep in the home of the Kujo family, where he was hiding. When he attempted to escape (because the two assassins inside the room apparently did a poor job killing a sleeping person), he was cut down by Izo who was waiting outside. This may have been the only assassination where Izo is actually using his sword to kill someone.
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rz-jocelyn · 10 months
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Itoshi no Hakana: "Musical Touken Ranbu" Cast Members who Attended "Itoshi no Hakana"
"Itoshi no Hakana" is the inaugural first production of Isamu Kayano's new theater unit "Akudo Kaigi". The actors of the production were personally chosen by Kayano-san, including Ryuji. Kayano-san also decided to come out of retirement as an actor and return to the stage after 20 years because he wanted to act with Ryuji.
Kayano-san has worked with Ryuji since the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Trial Performance~" in 2015 (the first production in the "Musical Touken Ranbu" franchise) where Ryuji played Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
Torigoe Yuki (Yamatonokami Yasusada)
Takahashi Kensuke (Hachisuka Kotetsu)
Itokawa Yojiro (Urashima Kotetsu)
Kuroba Mario (Mikazuki Munechika)
Ohno Ryota (Team Kashuu Tanki)
Sugiyama Ryoji (Team Kashuu Tanki)
Sakiyama Tsubasa (Ishikirimaru)
Iwasaki Daisuke (Atsukashiyama Ibun, Bakumatsu Tenrouden)
Takagi Tomoyuki (Hijikata Toshiro)
Araki Kentarou (Minamoto no Yoshitsune)
Katayama Hironori (Atsukashiyama Ibun)
Arisawa Shoutarou (Izuminokami Kanesada)
Imari Yu (Nagasone Kotetsu)
Tamura Shin (Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki)
Tachibana Yuta (Buzen Gou)
Konishi Seiya (Suishinshi Masahide)
Kato Daigo (Yamanbagiri Kunihiro)
Kitazono Ryo (Kogitsunemaru)
Ishibashi Hiroki (Hyuuga Masamune)
Fukui Tomoya (Kuwana Gou)
Saeki Daichi (Iwatooshi)
Ohira Shunya (Imanotsurugi)
spi (Tonbokiri)
Okamiya Kurumu (Tsurumaru Kuninaga)
Makishima Hikaru (Ookurikara)
Raita (Oodenta Mitsuyo)
Nakao Masaki (Sohayanotsurugi)
Sadamoto Fuuma (Okita Souji)
Washio Noboru (Tokugawa Ieyasu)
[1] Torigoe Yuki has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Ehon Gappo ga Tsuji".
[2] Kuroba Mario has also co-starred with Ryuji in "FIVE", "please please please", "Sea Opening", "Genepro☆7", the Movie Theatre "Success Sou", "SPOOKY!!" and "Musical The Prince of Tennis".
[3] Ohno Ryota, Katayama Hironori and Nakao Masaki have also co-starred with Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO"
[4] Sakiyama Tsubasa has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Ochanomizu Rock", the "Nelke Idol Stage" series and "Kamen Rider Geats".
[5] Araki Kentarou has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Genepro☆7".
[6] Tamura Shin has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen".
[7] Konishi Seiya has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Musical The Prince of Tennis".
[8] Kitazono Ryo has also worked with Ryuji on "Castor & Pollux", the stage play that Ryuji wrote and directed. Additionally, he has co-starred with Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", the Online Reading "Lily & Rose" Vol. 01 and the Movie Theatre "Success Sou".
[9] Ishibashi Hiroki has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Warau Salesman" THE STAGE.
[10] Fukui Tomoya has also co-starred with Ryuji in "HiGH&LOW".
[11] Ohira Shunya has also co-starred with Ryuji as a member of Present◆5 in the "Nelke Idol Stage" series.
[12] spi is also a member of ZIPANG OPERA, the performance unit that Ryuji is in.
[13] Makishima Hikaru has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Outro Double" from the Double Drive series.
[14] Sadamoto Fuuma has also co-starred with Ryuji in "Jujutsu Kaisen" The Stage, the "Live Spectacle NARUTO", "REAL⇔FAKE" and the Movie Theatre "Success Sou".
[15] Nakao Masaki has also co-starred with Ryuji in the "Nelke Idol Stage" series and the "Live Spectacle NARUTO".
For more information on how to purchase the goods and Blu-ray/DVD for "Itoshi no Hakana", please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x )
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lllsaslll · 1 year
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
Tagged by @bisexualwvtson 🖤🖤🖤
Shuffle from my "beasties" playlist. I put my very favorite songs in here but honestly I don't add a lot of Elvis to it or it'd be overrun 😅 ...and yet look who's first still! 🖤
1: Elvis
2: Celldweller
3: Gemini Syndrome
4: Monster High
5: Linkin Park
6: Bakumatsu Rock (Soji & Toshizo)
8: Celldweller
9: Soundgarden
10: MGMT / Ghost Vision
Tagging: @valkaryah @cryingabtab @ash-omalley @star-shard @xxsupervampwolfxx @elvisfatass @luluthesandgoose Sorry if y'all have been tagged before! Feel free to do it again if you have tho hehe I love seeing everyone's music! 🖤
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thunderheadfred · 1 year
Hey what's your favorite namco original?
Gaaaaaah it’s so hard to choose!! I honestly have a ton of faves, but I’m particularly fond of the traditional taiko/festival style songs like Densetsu no Matsuri, Hyakka Ryoran, even Don-Chan Ondo. I also love the heavier rock songs like Victoria, Bakumatsu Ishintan, and Central Dogma, even though I suck at playing them lol
What about you, fellow taiko fan?
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