#be gnc do crimes whatever whatever
acetechne · 2 years
Hapo I have the most important request. Would you be so lovely as to draw Medusa in the Medusa palette? Pwease ÖwÖ
of course :3
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in archaic art medusa is usually portrayed in a "running" pose so I thought I'd draw her on a jog (and waving to her pal Andromeda) (this may have been inspired by the fact that I got new leggings recently and i have feelings about how comfy they are... though they don't have little stars on them rip)
something something insert essay here about medusa usually being depicted in the clash of the titans style something something archaic art something something non-conforming 'monstrous' femininity something something just trying to have a good time and wish the haters actually did turn to stone when we are just trying to exist outside and enjoy some sunshine something something i couldn't figure out how to draw the WINGS BUT SHE HAS THEM OKAY maybe she just left them at home
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bulletsgirl · 2 years
ppl straight up invent things to argue about online its insane
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doublekanble · 3 months
Alastor/reader (gnc)
word count: 2.7k
more of a continuation of hunting, but can be read without. no alastor in here but the idea is there. you take your own life
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Even now, as you lie on your back, waiting for mid-day to arrive. You can still hear it ringing in your ears, the reverberating sound, akin to a lone firework. You’re sure the sounds of canon can’t be as bad, as personal as the shot of a hunting rifle. His hunting rifle.
At the time, you manage to get by the police questioning with excuses after excuses, something you’ve rather fortunately picked up on under his guidance. The only thing he would've chastise you for it’s the fact your eyes wasn’t on anything or anybody in that moment except for your hands and how the red is still staining your skin.
Your little companion of the day, lovely little Houston, sitting at your feet completely ignorant to whatever else going on. Always the silly sweetheart she is once a hunt is over, she happily and diligently waits for your next command with a clean and bloodless mouth while the policemen bid you goodbye and walk away from your doorstep. At some point, it hit you that you’re having a marginally much easier time getting by because the news was so downright heartbreaking and disturbing even to the people who was supposed to be questioning you. Under their shock and your near-flawless alibi, you slipped right by as another unfortunate victim. Poor, weak and frail you, rattled by the news of a close friend betraying everyone’s heart.
(no, you've never managed to learn how to hold a gun. no, you were in your house for the time, they can asked the neighbors. yes, you’re completely in shock that your friend and darling radio host of New Orleans is capable of such heinous crimes)
You weren’t a believer, you never thought you would be, but you starts to consider that maybe after all this time, God finally hear your prayers and deemed you a cause worth helping. You thank Him in your head as you sat in a nearby cafe, hands still shaking and eyes wide watching people talk about the bodies they find under the makeshift graveyard alone. Briefly, you hope God will do something about the odd pigmentation on your hands too.
The most common sentiment amongst the public is that almost nobody saw this coming, especially him. He's someone you would trust your newborns with, someone to rely on. Many still believes that this is nothing but a mistake or a setup from whoever it was that pump him with lead; others, with less than an open mind, cheer for his death. Not the murderer, him. You can’t fathom just how hard this is for people like him, already struggling as they were under this sort of world and looking up to him as a shining star. But there was no time to dwell on any of your pity or worries, because the moment the police finally cleared you of all suspicions; you would find yourself on his mother’s doorstep with suitcases in hand, an address you hope you would never have to hand over, and half a prayer for her to listen to you.
(as much as a mother to him as she always will be to you. if only you knew her without him, then maybe...)
You remembered a weary frame and eyes filled to the brim with more agony and grief than you’ll ever see on anyone else and falter. There’s no doubt in your mind she have been hounded to no end by the news and police about this, let alone the injustice someone in her position have to go through alone. But in front of her son’s murderer she stand tall and look at it with such compassionate and caring eyes, and it’s enough for you to forgo the pleasantries and all but begged her to please let you take her with you to California where you already secure a place to stay. It won’t be as nice as her or your house but it’s better than a lifetime of scrutiny someone like her never deserves.
(a lifetime of scrutiny for the crime of giving birth to a child you thought you knew)
Afraid of staining her house and her memories of everything more than you and him already have, you shake your head and try to pressed on when all she did was inviting you in for one last meal with her before you go. This will be the final time you two will ever meet again if she doesn’t go with you, you said. Please, please let you do this one thing for her, she doesn’t even need to do anything, you’ll take care of her and give her the life she deserves, the life you took from her.
It wasn’t until she reach a hand out and gently wipe your tears away that you'd realized why your face was all wet. And it took everything in you to not fall onto the floor and held onto her feet as she gives you a wistful smile and wishes you well in the new place. She trust that she doesn’t have to explain herself to you, you wishes she would’ve.
After shoving more than half of what you have left into her hand, you found yourself hurrying along the growing weed infesting her lovely pavement and tries to swallowed down the thought that this might be her new normal. She calls out to you when she gave up on the idea of chasing after you, and you feel your heart broken all over again, for a different reason this time. And as you leave without a word, you wondered whether she would ever find it in her heart to forgive you if she knew.
(“Honey, I-“
“Please, ma’am. Just let me do this for you.”
“…oh dear…”
she hold the hundred bills in her hand, you know she’ll never uses them. but it’s all you can think to do.
“If you ever want to change your mind. Just come to this address, they know how to contact me.”
you want to walk away without looking back, but she calls your name at the gate.
“Honey…” she hesitate, “did you know?”
you can’t find it in your heart to answer. but you adjust your grips and wipe your eyes and bid her goodbye for the final time.
“Thank you, for being his friend.”
you can’t reply, she wouldn’t be able to understand you over your wavering will anyway)
After it all, you then go on to live out the rest of your life in the undeserving peace and quiet of the countryside working with a small plot of land you secured for yourself long before everything was properly planned out, barely touching the funds you collected for yourself. Every morning, you get up and prepared yourself, mid-day, you take care of the farm, by night, you sat by your writing desk and look through books you got from the library far from your little plot.
Sometimes, you would write letters to his mother, asking her about her days, what’s her favorite food now? How’s her life? did she manage to get her mailbox fix? But the courage to send all of it to her would only be found two days before she reportedly collapsed by the foot of that same rusty mailbox and never wake up again. You crumbled the paper as you try to forget the headline. Her first and last letter to you is still under your pillow and the money that came with it placed in a jar to take with you once you die. Every night from then on, you pray to every single one of the God and Goddesses you can’t find the strength to believe in that she made it to those pearly gates the people at church kept talking about.
The ringing in your ears became commonplace at some point, you soon work through your day with it becoming an afterthought. Except suddenly, one day, there was something else. A noise that rises above all else, the thumping and bumping of something at night, too large to be a rat, too controlled to be a dog.
At your beloved writing desk, when you can’t sleep because the gunshot replayed in your mind and the echoing of everything is too loud; you would try and occupy yourself with something, anything at all. Sketching out dear old Houston drooly face when she sleeps, or her energetic running across the field, putting down list of grocers and what you want to eat for the next day, noting down what’s in the corner today, writing out stories and poetries, love in every word for the love you lacked in life that lead you to fall into his hands. Eyes forever watching the moving shadows as the ever-growing nightmares seeping into your waking days.
(you have vivid daydreams about his eyes when he catches yours in the moonlight, before his head jerks back and hit the ground. your first successful shot, and soon to be your second)
The shadows follows you everywhere you go, yet not a soul would believe you. You swear to God you can feel its hand, emerging from your shade, trying it’s best to brush hair from your face in the middle of the day despite its mist-like form. Its distorting voice, chattering nonsense into your ears at night, incomprehensible yet filled with so many feelings you can’t identify. No one have ever talk to you with such a specific cadence, from the way it pauses, to how it lifted it voice. Sometimes it would chuckle, and sometimes in groans. Even without understanding, you know for sure that there’s no longer a single living person in your life that talks like it does.
But you were ok with it, truly. You're good at adapting and living on in this hazy misery, and you would’ve grown complacent, too. If not for how a week ago, the cold mist-like hand held onto yours, solid in the middle of July’s heat. After that, you stop praying for anything at all.
(your hands shakes a bit, but you mend and steel your resolve for once. you thought about the stupid books and poems you wrote to fight agaisnt the cold of the night, hopefully someone finds them comforting, hopefully they won't ever learn of your name)
For most of your life, you’ve lived like a ghost, and it was something you’ve long since grow comfortable with. It’s ok that you’re not going from place to place, downing drinks after drinks and dance on the dance floor like the ladies and the men were doing. You’re a simple person with a simple life and you were much, much more fortunate than most people in your time, with a stable job and a house to returns to. You would’ve been more than happy to live out the rest of your life, content with the mundane and the ordinary day-to-day, not a complaint to your heart. There’s not a fault to any of it, living a normal life.
(the shadows growls, but they can’t do anything at midday when you’re on your back and there’s not a space for them to take their form)
Then suddenly, a single good nature chat outside a coffee shop turn your life upside-down. It woud've been a good life, even if it's an odd one, if that was all that there is to it. But then one night, you walked down the wrong alleyway. Ever since, you can’t find that gentle and comforting sense of mundane anywhere anymore, not without a permanent stench of rust and metal alongside it.
(a cowardly way out, but all of your bravery have long since turn to dust after that day)
If there was a day that you can pin down for this wrong turn, for the red on your hand that you ignore day after day since. It wouldn’t have been the day you two met. Even with everything that happened, there was a point where it was still normal. Where you two can pretend like his slip of the tongue is nothing more than quirks and jokes that doesn’t land itself. Where you're still just a bit too unfamiliar with him, just enough so that he would only held you by the shoulder. No, it wouldn’t have been at the beginning. Because if every chance encounter is predestined, you could’ve done nothing to remedy the fact that you two ever met at all, or about everything else.
There’s no remedy for your torment and the sight of bodies you can’t barely remember the name of. For the body that sank and rotted under the lake’s surface and the love he choose to gives you as a reward for a job well done. You've scrubbed at your hand until it's red and stinging but the red just won't leave it and no matter how you rubbed at your eyes, those rotting faces won't disappeared, the ringing in your ears won't ever going to stop ever again and it's all his fault.
You hope that it’s true, that you’ve gone insane as a result of it all. It’s an exceedingly comforting thought, much more than the alternative could ever be. The shadows and the stitched smiles behind your eyelids, the nails in your throat. The cacophonies of screams in the night and the crackling of unseen fireworks in the day. Everyone brushes you off and said it’s simply nothing. It’s you not being able to rest or sleep well. But surely, all of it, a result of ever letting yourself near him after that day. And this utter misery that tainted your mundane life and surely will follow you through the rest of your living days could’ve been something else of its own, if only you have the courage to shot the man dead with the rifle sitting in your closet. If only you have the courage to bite before you ran into the bear trap.
(suddenly, you recalled, something odd was on your desk, tucked neatly by the unnamed books you binded by hands. for the longest time, you never pay any mind to it, the thing blend right into your distorting normalcy)
It could’ve been, but it’ll never be, because you didn’t shoot him dead the day you found out. But you’ll take what you can get. The sun hanging in the middle of the blue, your finger on the trigger. It shakes as your ears suddenly catches onto the sound of faint static coming from inside your house. You pull the trigger.
An echoing sound, just loud enough to stir the scenery, it runs through the field as someone walks by. Birds found themselves taking off into the air into the opposite direction while an old man make his way towards it, stumbling and clumsy.
There’s no mistaking it, the gunshot came from your farm. He try to walk faster, pushing through the aching of old bones. You're a confused and anxious thing the old man been taking under his wings for some times, and he grows fond of you quickly despite your less-than-normal paranoid demeanour. His weathered old eyes tries to look for you, only to hear an excited bark. Following that instead, he finds a dog leashed to a tree. Houston, your beloved dog that you pampered every time he saws you, sat herself on a blanket all cute-like. Her favorite food and water bowl by her sides. Houston pants happily, tail wagging as the old man feel cold sweat running down his back.
(as you fall through the darkness and feel your skin tears away at itself and reformed anew, it hit you that you don’t have a radio. and as the remainer of your body pulls itself up from the dirty pavement, stitching muscles and bones back inch by inch, you hear a voice calling your name. familiar and welcoming, you gaze upon the red hue of the sky as a red figure creep into your vision. as he smiles, you realized that you would've been ok with the thought of scrubbing the skin off your hands next time, if only you'll never have to see those eyes ever again.
the last you’ll ever see the blue sky is under the barrel of a pistol. the last you thought you’ll ever see him is behind a hunting rifle)
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okay miscellaneous unova elite four headcanons let’s go:
-grimsley is always bisexual to me. however i vibe with both him being cis and him being trans headcanons. either way he’s always gnc to me though.
-caitlin is trans (mtf) and uses she/they pronouns. she and shauntal are also both lesbians to me <3
-marshal is panromantic asexual and i really like the idea of him being trans (ftm).
-grimsley enjoys classic horror films from the 80s-90s. yk the really cheesy horror films where some of them could barely be considered horror. i also think he enjoys musicals, but specifically musicals like phantom of the opera, jekyll and hyde, little shop of horrors, sweeney todd, the beetlejuice musical. he enjoys some recent horror films as well, but he thoroughly enjoys the cheesy, old classics.
-shauntal, on the other hand, loves the fucked up horror movies. she appreciates well done gore. she likes the stuff that would make most people cringe or look away. she’s a little freak who finds that shit incredibly fascinating. plus, it’s wonderful inspiration for her books!!
-caitlin is not a big movie watcher. she will watch whatever anyone else wants to watch because they will be falling asleep during said movie.
-marshal loves his classic karate and martial arts films. he’s a big nerd for them and owns several posters of said movies. however, you could also catch him watching a stupid rom-com… just don’t tell anyone!!
-shauntal has dabbled in a wide variety of genres when it comes to her writing. she specializes mostly in horror, romance, or a mix of the two. but no matter what genre she’s writing for, there’s always certain aspects and nuance to it that defies the stereotypes of the genre at hand. she also is a common author to see featured in the LGBT section!!
-grimsley collects playing cards. it’s not a very special or unique headcanon, but he has a wide variety of playing cards all from different places or themed around things he enjoys.
-caitlin has narcolepsy. i think this is a fairly common hc as well. since she’s often falling asleep and experiencing dreams, her dreams are prophetic more often than not. their psychic specialty is prophecy and interpreting prophetic dreams, however i believe she has the ability to do basically any psychic power one could think of. i like to think she’s a very powerful psychic.
-marshal and grimsley have a very unique rivalry to me. they’re best friends for sure, and honestly marshal is not as competitive as grimsley is. but those two fuel each other’s competitiveness to all hell. they have a running tally on how many times each other have won during sparring matches. they would also die for each other.
-speaking of which, marshal is very much the braincell of the elite four. i do think he’s a bit of a himbo, but he is actually the most responsible of the four and has the best coping mechanisms and self control (as a martial artist should have). he loves helping his friends and finds enjoyment in such.
-grimsley is likely the least responsible. he is by no means a bad friend, and he’s obviously very clever and smart. but he has a knack for disappearing without saying anything only to show up hours later. of course no one trusts him with financial advice. and he absolutely loves messing with and playing pranks on the others.
-shauntal is very caring and a bit of an older sister figure to marshal and grim. she’s also the oldest of the group. this doesn’t mean she doesn’t also like getting into mischief with grimsley, the two are partners in crime for sure. shauntal also has a bad habit of getting too focused on her writing and becoming a temporary shut-in.
-caitlin is reliable and trustworthy when she can be. the others are very aware of her narcolepsy and obviously don’t treat her like they’re helpless, but they do understand she won’t always be present. and they’re okay with that. they’ve known caitlin for ages now and so they know how to help, assist, and work with caitlin’s diagnosis.
-speaking of caitlin, she has autism. i see a lot of people depict her as very bubbly, but i see her as more blunt and monotone. along with her constant tiredness, she doesn’t have the energy to keep up verbal appearances, and so sometimes she comes off as rude or apathetic. she also has a very sarcastic sense of humor, which grimsley finds extremely hilarious. she makes him laugh all the time.
-caitlin’s style is very pink and bubbly and has the black cat personality, while shauntal has the black cat style and the bubbly personality. they are gay <3
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docwormie · 9 months
Little rant about the Etoiles Noires and gender ahead (i need to get the starmania brainrot out of my system and can not stop analyzing everything i watch through a queer lens)
i can't quite articulate how much i love the 2022 version of Starmania but one of my fav bits is at the end of travesti, after sadia's just sung about being hot and fucking crazy and Not Cis™, and after killing like 3 different people in the span of one song, all of the étoiles noires (which are mostly men here) gather around the car and sing with her !!! like. they know, they don't care, and they think it slays.
the fact that those murders happens during travesti makes the queer narrative more obvious because, of course, it's all about transgression. the étoiles noires are those left behind by society, those who don't "fit in" an expected norm, so they embrace what makes them different and they find community in violence. sadia (who is literally the allegory of that violence) embodies that !! the whole group singing the word "travesti" while in the middle of organized crime to overthrow the system is a political statement (and it would have been even more radical back in 1979, though idk how the song was staged). the things that makes them outcasts and their anger feeling left out are their fuel to act.
of course their respective reasons to join the zonards/étoiles noires must be different but queerness (and more generally, non-conformity to social norms) is definitely a part of it. the fact that sadia is not the one singing "des gars qui se maquillent" in 2022 confirms it, and although the étoiles noires have this "manly" behavior (which the women share anyways), they also somewhat subvert the norm, wearing make up and nail polish, showing emotions... btw i think it's good that the 2022 show goes back to a sensitive, vulnerable, somewhat feminine portrayal of johnny (which Balavoine definitely had and that was kind of lost in the 1988/1993 versions). i also really love how there seems to be a real spirit of camaraderie/friendship between them all ?? like there are displays of affection, (cf. johnny with the guy that helps him put the white coat on + the person sitting on the car next to him). they're literally commiting heinous murders but all you can see is how much fun they're having !!
then there's also the "besoin d'amour" bit which is really great because just like in travesti (the parallel in the choreography is very obvious !), they have cristal, aka stereotypical barbie, singing this girly, very much france gall-esque, pop song on the top of the car, about how joyous and fun it is to be in love, and the whole gang is dancing around her like a chorus to highlight how universal the message is. and then cristal's transformation after joining the étoiles noires !! it's clear to me that what the media depict as a "kidnapping" is actually a sort of liberation for her: she's allowed to leave behind her perfect image (= the golden cage stella never escapes) and maybe even a part of performative femininity as shown through her outfits. (i have a short post about that coming soon!) to become this more "messy", darker version of herself that doesn't need to be pure as crystal (lol) all the time.
overall the way the étoiles noires are portrayed is really cool because it subverts the classic representation of that scary gang with cold, judgmental, unfeeling vibes, and instead makes them a supportive group that faces together a cold, judgmental, unfeeling society ! (however !!! the different periods (1979/2022/whatever year starmania takes place in) overlapping in starmania do create a dissonance in how queerness is portrayed, and of course queercoding villains is a little problematic, but that's a post for another day!)
so yeah this violent group (of outcasts) terrorizing the population being made of gnc characters that aren't afraid to show feelings means a lot to me that's it 🫶🫶🫶
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to say thank you for putting everything that frustrates me about the fandom’s interpretation of Imogen and Laudna into words. I’ve made a few posts about Imogen’s flaws and how easily she seems to switch loyalties and I’ve been met with so many people telling me I’m not watching the show right or how Imogen isn’t to blame because she’s being controlled by the moon and it’s exhausting. I’ve been wanting to make a post about it but I didn’t know how to phrase it and you articulated pretty everything I’ve been thinking. I’m also planning on writing about the weird misandry in the fandom and how a lot of people don’t like male or male presenting characters if they can’t them their uwu sad white boy of the month and am really interested if you have any thoughts on that. I really hope people aren’t assholes to you about that post❤️ -brjeauregard
Hey! Thank you so much! I'm assuming you're ok going by your handle here since it was a voluntary add to an anon but if you want me to delete this for whatever reason feel free to message me and I will.
Yeah...I'd agree that it's really tiresome how if you actually want to engage with Imogen as an entire character with motivations and flaws, there's this immediate freakout. It's obnoxious that people seem to think all her impatience, grudges, and little snipes and unkindnesses must come from some other source (the gnarlrock, Ruidus); it can't be her cynicism or being cranky due to exhaustion from holding up her psychic barriers; that only makes her more nurturing and empathetic, apparently). Like, there's all these accusations that people have no empathy for Imogen, coming from people who openly would happily throw every other character (sometimes even including Laudna) from the skyship for the crime of having individual motivations different from Imogen's goals, and I'm very over it.
I would love to see more posts about the misandry, tbh. It's a really tricky subject because like...look, in the real world, misogyny is a load-bearing pillar of oppression not just of women, but one of the core underpinnings of homophobia, transphobia, and toxic masculinity as well. What people call misandry irl is, much of the time, either hatred directed on an individual level rather than a systemic one or is actually oppression of men under a different system (eg, transphobia towards trans or gnc men; racism towards men of color, etc). But in fandom, especially on Tumblr which is overwhelmingly female and/or queer, there is this weird hatred towards men (or, as we've seen a bunch with Ashton, masc-leaning nb people) in fiction for no reason other than they are not women. I'm not linking them here so as to not invite weird shit to the doors of my mutuals but I can think of two very good recent posts that touch on this subject, one from a month or so ago about the fandom tendency to reshape characters in their own (often white middle-class queer) image instead of trying to relate to someone not like you; and one from yesterday that does address fandom misandry directly.
It is interesting because it feels like half of the hatred or weird fanon towards male characters comes from a "well I can't make him into a palatable white sadboy" (trying to turn Orym into The Most Tragic when he is just a guy; ignoring Chetney, Fjord, or Scanlan because they don't fit that mold neatly); and the other half comes from hating the character because he can conceivably be treated as a white sadboy even though he's got much more going on (Vax, Percy, Caleb, sometimes Caduceus). Like, there is really no winning. To be fair, there's also no winning for female characters among people with that mindset (see: the entire post that prompted this, in which they must be Good Examples Of Sweet Unproblematic Women who Chastely Kiss, Pinterest Style) or nb characters (will be misgendered in an instant if they do not support the narrative of the fave or interfere with preferred ships).
I think, generally, once people start judging a fictional character, who lives in a gender-equal world with no transphobia, primarily on the basis of gender, it just turns into a slippery slope of kind of hating every character. I do want to see interesting women in fiction! Part of why I watch actual play is because it is a still relatively rare case where many of the originators of these characters are women who are granted nigh-total creative control over their characters! But I'm not going to write off a character with a personality that speaks to me simply because our genders don't match; that's not interesting to me and it feels far too close to gender essentialism for my comfort. And if you do for whatever reason want to watch actual play that only has female PCs, that is your choice to make...but you then need to find that show instead of being mad that there are men on the show with five men and three women in the main cast.
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transfemjoker · 1 year
I ❤️ ur Joker so much can I hear ur hcs for her? 😼 also maybe some batjokes hcs sprinkled in there heh
this FANTASTIC ask has been rotting in my inbox for months so here’s my current wealth of joker hcs. written on paper. in unintelligible handwriting
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im sooo normal and regular about her <3 (transcript below cut)
thinking soo hard about my au joker. he's consuming my every waking thought! he lives in my brain!
soo I talked about her a little already but he's intersex and uses he/she pronouns :) his gender doesn't really exist she just does what she wants (whatever's funniest)
anyways she looks predominantly physically male - flat-chested, long-limbed, laryngeal prominence, etc. - but his hormone balance isn't super testosterone-heavy. like she can't grow bodily or facial hair (he does have eyebrows/eyelashes and a full head of hair though) and i believe he has a set of ovaries (but he can't get pregnant lol. he's sterile and doesn't have a vagina so they're kind of just in there)
other biological quirks include faster cell growth - like wounds heal faster and hair + nail growth is sped up - she also has a VERY strong immune system and rarely ever gets sick, has weird reactions to fear toxin + ivy's pheromones (+ a lot of prescription drugs and medical anaesthetics don't really work on him), she has a ridiculously high pain tolerance but feels it really acutely (he can just deal with a lot of it), has a lot of chronic nerve pain like a constant crackling surface pain (stolen from that one LKOE dracze fic) and part of her masochistic streak relates to the fact that strong pain breaks up the nerve pain (that and marginally faulty wiring), and she for some reason has reflective retinas like an animal! which is real spooky
her bleached skin is really thin + pale and you can see a lot of veins under it so he looks like a deep sea creature → she's also incredibly emaciated and looks real skeletal - his body mass is super low + it's kind of a medical mystery that he doesn't have some kind of fatigue disorder. I think it's something to do with how his body processes and stores nutrients. idk
before her first outing as 'the joker', he used to stalk bruce around the city when he was on patrol. she did this for maybe a year, and bruce would sometimes see him stood in alleys, perched on rooftops, watching him. bruce spotted her maybe a total of 12-15 times, and kind of doubted that he wasn't just hallucinating; it would've been an eerie image - a figure, ghostly white, skeletal, dressed in a hospital gown + sporting dead eyes and a head of long, straggly green hair - and bruce had only been on the job for about 2 years so he wasn't quite as paranoid yet. when joker first came to prevalence that's when bruce realised it was her :) idk i just want him to haunt bruce in a way that he can't shake similarly to the memory of her fall at ACE
also! some details from canon that I'd like to insert: ↓
- the birthday gifts thing: I really liked that idea and think it's a very joker thing to do - she also celebrates anniversaries (eg. their first fight, bruce's first outing as batman, joker's first major crime, the incident at ACE, etc.) he's sentimental :) - his affection for crossdressing (it isn't really crossdressing in this context but. whatever the instances of it are canon) i think it's neat idk i like seeing her visibly gnc - I wanna keep the wide shapes of a lot of storylines like europa + snyder's stuff (the bench universe, dotf and endgame, etc.) + devil's advocate + joker's apprentice + maybe chunks of deadly duo + broken city + other things - might contain (while credited) some stuff from fit as well bc i'm a total loser ← currently writing fic (like two step and you're by excuse to travel by synthwave + maybe sucker for pain by transformatron + green the colour of greed by distortopia + something these angels wear and with my toes on the edge by cultivation + chunks from other stuff) idk it's kind of difficult to ascertain the speed at which i want their relationship to escalate. we'll see! i definitely want something to have happened during europa (and I'm treating that dracze fic set in the bench universe as canon) but like. they might just be trapped in perpetual hell like in the comics. thanks bruce's morality - i also want to note that in this au literally most everything else is the same as in canon. I'm gonna be drawn to include my headcanons for all the characters and whatever but the batfamily is still constructed the same + jace still dies and babs is still paralysed + the JL is still established + at its core it's still the same thing :) while i'm here i want say though that it's likely i'll take the telltale route with bruce's parents having mob ties because i think that throws a fun moral wrench in the works for him to deal with - much of my interpretation of the joker is based on a grant morrison's interpretation of him. morrison is such a majorly influential writer for me and their description of joker in the arkham asylum cut script notes was tbh my major inspiration for this version of joker :) like that thing they said: "pale and emaciated, he should look simply grotesque but standing there, hand on thrust-out hip, he projects an absolute confidence that confers upon him a bizarre kind of attractiveness and sexuality. it is the attraction of the perverse and the forbidden." - btw. i wanna make a point to include matches malone in my canon. bruce actively uses the matches persona :)
i wanted to detail her weird physical appearance mostly for the sake of the image of him in Arkham; no makeup, no costume, no way for her to dress himself up. he struggles a lot with her image + not feeling attractive or desirable (very 'if i gave up on being pretty i wouldn't know how to be alive') and arkham makes him very unstable because he has no way of controlling the way he's seen
he also has a prosthetic eye like in the comics :) i'd like to think she lost her eye in an altercation with bruce and it helps tie bruce's morality to the joker - whenever bruce sees him, it reminds him of how much harm he causes. lol! i LOVE torturing bruce he's such an interesting character giggles :)
btw for the record i'd also like to state that i consider bruce and joker's relationship to be inherently sadomasochistic in nature. considering joker's canonically a masochist and gets off on what bruce does to him + bruce recognises this and continues to pursue her just the same. they're SO interesting to me
i also believe the thing from the comics about joker's worldview; that she believes he and batman are the only real people in the whole universe. i think it provides such an interesting perspective on his actions - (in that context) he crucially doesn't see the people he kills as people, but rather like. tools. symbols. i think it really communicates the central conflict of his character idk i think it's interesting
on a less deep note, he has a thing for clothing and makeup. she has HEAPS of it stored in warehouses + stuff. he's really good at concealing her safehouses so a lot of it goes undiscovered. he gets his foundation from japanese theatre companies bc they're the only places that do it light enough lol. also important to note that he wears garters + sock suspenders + shirt stays + corseting + structured undergarments + heels + super complex layers of clothing. he prides herself on the craft of it :)
she really takes pride in her performance + the way she's seen - her whole life, his whole career is one big performance. there's very little underneath 'the joker'. he doesn't know who she is, he has no life before bruce, no name, no identity, nothing outside of her fixation on the batman. he was ther at ACE that night (she believes he is - or at least his negligence is - what made her) and joker really clings to batman as a point of stability and focus because, unlike bruce, he has nothing outside of his persona. the batman is bruce wayne (shocker) - he has a life, people he loves - but joker has nothing. that's part of the reason joker's so desperate to ignore that bruce has a 'real identity' and is so defensive of people discovering it; as well as meaning the destruction of batman, it would also remove joker of her ability to deny that there is a person behind batman. he wants so badly to believe that this is all bruce has - that HE is all bruce has - just as is true for him. beneath it all, she just wants to be loved. she just wants to not be alone.
sigh! that was a lot! i don't wanna make him just a deep, dark, brooding character that's BORING that's bruce's job lol. loser. anyways she can be silly too he has whimsy in her soul as well :) i believe soo intensely in DC's ability to be a silly universe because it's inherently so stupid as a concept so to me silly guy joker is real <3 they can have fun
joker getting roped in on justice league stuff is soo personal to me let her be helpful let him make fun of the JL and their stupid missions :)
btw. for future reference he is in no way attracted to women (sorry yuri joker) his relationship with harley (+ MAYBE punchline. strong maybe. only as his protégé) is PURELY manipulative and joker NEVER thought of or treated her sexually or romantically. there's still gonna be animosity there though lol because he still abused and manipulated harley and she still thought joker loved her, but the fact remains that he isn't even vaguely attracted to women so! idc punchline likers so somewhere else lol
another thing from canon (devil's advocate) i'd like to steal is the fact that joker sleeps with his henchmen :) it's real to me
she has a lot of silly pseudo-crushes on a lot of other characters (like lex luthor + bane + lobo + killer croc + superman + what have you. he's a slut what can i say) but none of them will EVER be bats! they know their place and it's NOT in murder-suicide love with her
kicks feet idk i have so many thoughts about joker even though i feel so cringe writing them down. idgaf this is important work
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Brick my beloved pookie wookie cookie
Brick!!! Let’s go!!!
Sexuality headcanon: gayass
Gender headcanon: GNC cis guy
A ship involving this character: I have no idea. Brightning. They have just enough brain cells to balance each other out. Also their names together are very aesthetically pleasing idk
A BROTP involving this character: Jock. Enemies to lovers is out, MLM/WLW hostility to MLM/WLW solidarity is in. Also throw Anne Maria in there, she and Brick can do makeup together.
A NOTP involving this character: Brott? Scick? Whatever you call it. Get it out of my face
Random headcanon: After he becomes a fashion designer, he works a lot with Lindsay during her brief stint as a model, and she models a lot of his clothes. They stay in touch even after Lindsay quits and becomes an actress, and they’re still friends to this day.
General Opinion: I. love. this. man. so. much. I love him. One of my favourite ROTI characters and it’s an absolute crime we didn’t see him again afterwards. Brick is indeed the beloved pookie wookie cookie of all time, anon is 100% correct.
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albertserra · 4 months
hi! you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, no worries—but i'm curious what you generally like/dislike about living in DC? i just got a job offer there and it's a big move, so i want to ask around first. i like public transit, if that helps.
this is hard since i feel like something like a place to live is so subjective lmao but ill try
public transit is like. mostly good? i can get pretty much anywhere within the heart of the city that i need to go using the metro, just with some walking added on which i dont mind. I don't use the busses but theyre there and thats whats needed to get around outside the major parts of the city. its also clean. dont expect it to be as fast or convenient as nyc. its more sparse and trains dont run as often. its also much more expensive (trips can be up to $6 based on distance). i like it personally but theres definitely a *lot* of room for improvement. theres constant track work that can interfere with commutes and the replacement shuttles suck a lot of the time.
its a city so like there are gay people. i feel mostly comfortable walking around visibly gnc to a point but ive been heckled and shouted at and whispered about and stared at and laughed at. lowkey sexually harassed once. never anything more direct and nothing physical but thats my personal experience. its way less prevalent/common than in nyc in my experience. keep in mind i have my own reservations about presentation that im still trying to work through so im not always super feminine, dont wear dresses etc, even my heels are usually more tame like boots and stuff. so i dont go through what visibly trans women or more outwardly gnc people likely go through. ive done pda in the city and no one cared.
i like some of the theaters (afi even though its a trek, angelika, theres a landmark but it kinda sucks but the programming is ok sometimes). some of the museums sometimes do really interesting film programming
museums can be cool but this is also very subjective. they can also get old quick.
theaters are limited. will never compete with nyc or LA. no real film festival on the level of nyff. if you care about this you *will* miss interesting releases that dont go wide enough to hit dc. I was begging on my hands and knees for Memoria for months until it finally came here for a week. restorations are much less likely to screen here.
its the capital. you will brush shoulders with government employees and lots of military soldiers and employees and whatever. the pentagon literally has a metro stop. i still want to shoot someone when i see a bunch of uniformed navy/army/air force people on my train. people you encounter may actively or passively participate in the various crimes of the state and not blink an eye. obviously not everyone is like this, if the palestine protests are anything to go by there are a bunch of dissenters and leftists etc but like be aware that these people are here. in a similar vein, military contractors are also rampant here.
being the capital the tourists are also a different... flavor... than in other cities ive been in/to. ive seen high school tour groups buying and wearing a bunch of maga hats as edgy post-irony jokes. then theres ofc the very serious hardcore nationalists. shit like that. on a related note. oomf has an israeli journalist (for a right wing publication of course) that regularly comes into his place of work.
its expensive. but my main frame of reference city-wise is nyc and its not nearly on that level (yet).
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I agree with you re: kind female characters, I sort of feel the same way about people who hype up characters that are feminine and act like such characters are an endangered species in popular fiction, when that's far from the case. If anything, even the hyper-feminine characters being shallow villains doesn't take away from the fact that the 'tomboy' protagonists are often also feminine, just less outwardly so. And tbh it's really tiring that these types of people advocate for more kinder/feminine female characters and admonish any character that is (at times wrongly) interpreted as a girlboss instead of requesting that more female characters just contain multitudes and aren't strictly written with a number of single defined characteristics? Since honestly even apparently feminine characters whom the social media public all advocates for can still get an insane amount of hate thrown at them if they don't behave up to those people's standards, like Edwina. And she and Kate aren't even "proper" examples of feminine villain/tomboy hero female characters, just that these types of "we need more such and such characters" are useless if the same people only choose to accept certain types of characters if they fit within what they want or like, and don't care to extend that sort of sympathy or understanding to any other character that may also be interesting/complicated.
i remember seeing this post which said something along the lines of tumblr's problem is that they think legally blonde was the apex of feminism. i think that pretty much sums it up. its why we see this trend people claiming that feminine characters are endangered species of always hated but in a special way that's worse than the way any other female character is hated. and the thing is i can understand being annoyed that lots of things that stereotypically feminine are made fun of on tv and seen as frivolous in a way that stereo-typically masculine things aren't. and this is often done by characters who are meant to be a "tomboy". but like you said these tomboy characters also tend to be appropriately feminine. they make fun of make up or hair while wearing makeup and having their hair perfectly done by professionals. ultimately what they want is for woman to look perfect and feminine but without any effort or pretending they care. but yeah femininity is in no way an endangered "trait" or whatever. in all honesty we barely see GNC woman on tv. and if we ever did people would scream and cry about how the existence of this one character is a hate crime against all the million other appropriately feminine characters.
lmao the edwina/kate discourse was always so weird. you had one side of people claiming that kate was hated because she wasn't properly feminine and too authoritative and masculine compared to edwina. same with edwina where loads of kate fans were claiming that edwina was only popular because she was soft spoken, appropriately feminine and 1/4 white (lmao i will never get over that). and then you had the edwina fans claiming that edwina was hated because she was the soft feminine one. the truth is that edwina could have been wearing pants, smoking cigars and riding astride and she would still have recieved the same hate because her real crime was was being in the middle of fandom's favourite ship. no amount of pants or pink ballgowns would change the hate because fandom's hate has nothing to do with her being feminine or masculine, but purely because she was in the middle of their otp. and that is ultimately a female character's biggest sin, but yeah i agree, kate and edwina could have been written better but analysing them as being either feminine or masculine is really such a rigid, narrow and regressive way of looking at female characters.
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givemhell · 1 year
i’m not going to make sense and this is not going to be productive and so many people have said it better for years but i’m trying to get it out of my system i guess that it pisses me off and makes me sad when people are like if you associate them with transness in even the most abstract distant sense you have committed a crime. like yeah clothes do not equal gender. and absolutely no one i know is saying They Wore A Skirt So Theyre A Woman. but they have been mentioning and discussing gender and their experiences with it for Years and especially now it feels more explicit and pointed. and the other side of not labeling him is that you can’t expect them to say A Specific Word before you allow people to call them gnc or refer to them with feminine terms occasionally since they’ve done it themselves. like why spend so much energy convincing and reminding people not to associate them with transness and why frame it under the guise of telling people their perception of gender is backwards when we can just celebrate them being themselves in whatever shapes that takes
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tsp-narrator-ask · 2 years
Hey fashion disaster, it's me, socks and sandals. I don't know a lot but I do have some words. Perhaps it's the GNC in me but I don't think it really matters what you are.. If it helps, my own philosophy is that I'm whatever the hell I am and want to be. If you want you can ask people what they think you are. If they answer something you don't like? Tell them that you aren't. If they don't believe/listen? Tell them "That sounds like a you problem." It's what I do. As for flirting, we both know Stanley likes buttons, perhaps a fidget with a button on it would be a good gift. Asking directly would be a bit forward so perhaps asking if he has his eye on someone? Compliments and physical contact (If he likes that) are a good thing, just don't overdo it.
“No need to clarify your the socks and sandals person. I remember because the socks and sandals combo has been burned into my memory… That and I’ve gotten used to remembering most of my usual readers.”
“But getting on to the main points of this, I appreciate your words. I suppose I can be what ever I dare create my self to be- at least in this parable…even though that’s a fact…”
it still bothers me knowing what I truly am outside of this parable is it’s a feeling that I can’t just have go away. Knowing that some parts of my self I cannot change… for once I’m blanking on what I can compare this to in a way a human may understand…. Hm… either way your right at least I can have the confidence to tell others what I see my self as and if they don’t like it I can simply kick them out of my peripheral!”
”now on to your ideas for my Stanley situation-
“a button fidget might be a good idea, I’ll think about asking if he has eyes for any one but I doubt he does since there’s no one else in this parable except for him and I…. At least from what I believe any ways, though it seems my readers are trying to convince me otherwise) “
“I will try to give him a compliment later today to gage his reaction- but lastly physical contact isn’t my thing. Though if it’s for Stanley and he likes physical affection such as hand holding or possibly a hug I suppose I could put my preferences to the side.”
“Thank you for the advice reader, it almost makes your crime in fashion less upsetting.”
✒️Sincerely the narrator
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catboy-syrup · 2 years
Because as a trans person who has suffered numerous hate crimes even in "safe" places, it's SAFER to assume someone is transphobic if they're willing to misgender someone. Assuming otherwise irl can get you killed, and assuming otherwise online can still lead to you or others getting hurt /nm
And from personal experience, 90% of people who do that DO do it for transphobic reasons. It's not "lack of faith in humanity," it's an informed expectation based on personal ecperience, both online AND offline
as a trans person who has also experienced multiple hate crime, it's still kinda bad to assume every person you meet is a piece of shit transphobe until proven otherwise, I never said you shouldn't assume someone isn't a transphobe. /nm
I just said you shouldn't fucking make assumptions about people based off of one singular action that has no context behind it, what about that are you not fucking processing. I never said you had to fucking talk to the person, if you don't trust them, that's cool, but down right thinking they;re transphobic cause of one single thing you don't know the context to is not cool
and yeah, key word there, personal, not everyone is gonna have that experience, cause guess what, I have not seen a single person misgender someone (fictional or not), with transphobic intent, its always been either an accident or they were just a bit confused. Sorry you got the shit end of the deal, but maybe we (and by that I mean, you) shouldn't bring personal experiences into a debate that was about PEOPLE THROWING AROUND ACCUSATIONS WITHOUT CONTEXT. Especially when the post was about "hey maybe we should act like the world is ending just cause someone used he one singular time on a cookie" /nm
Like you can believe whatever you want, if we're being honest. All that I was asking is that people shouldn't be acting like its the end of the world just cause they saw someone use 'he' once on a magical shapeshifting cookie from a game that already has multiple gnc male/female characters that would confuse you on what their pronouns are. The character has a very feminine appearance and a very masculine voice, and "their" was only used once in their bio, which IMO, is extremely easy to miss, cause if we're being honest, I missed it the first time too, the bio is long as shit, its more likely that someone did it on accident rather then with malicious intent
Like, may I remind you that this is not a topic about misgendering in general, this is a topic about the pronouns of a specific character from a specific fandom. while yes, 90% of people when it comes to pronouns in general probably misgender people, but I doubt the statistics would be the same for a gacha game about cookie that run. /gen
Like dear god our conversation has strayed way too far away from the fucking original post that I made, and I'd like it if you could just stop and maybe even bring it back to the conversation of the original post, cause this is genuinely stressing me out and its causing me to have a borderline panic attack that your basically just changing the topic altogether to try and justify having a mindset that I was showing genuine concern and worry for cause I genuinely thought it was unhealthy to have. I didn’t have any malicious intent with what i said, I was just hoping you’d take a chnace to reconsider the mindset cause I thought it might’ve been a bit unhealthy to have /gen /nm /srs
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mywizardruins · 2 years
I don't think I'm able to care much more what pronouns etc people call me cause I'd rather have whatever than people making a fucking scene for getting it wrong like it's the most shameful thing on earth. Seriously just move on instead of acting like it's a crime whatever you thought. Oh nooo being gnc is the most criminal and shameful thing on earth and you're totally not pushing the binary. OF COURSE I am (gender) how could you ever think anything else no I am not feminine no it is not on purpose I am obviously unfortunate to look the way I do my entire image is a disgrace to (gender) huge deal absolutely awful. I would rather have slurs I think
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neurosflags · 9 months
[pt: hey]
(btw a general tw on both of my blogs for some slurs)
a few people may recognize me from my pfp and other things (btw, pfp isn’t mine, credits to the og artist), but if you don’t, then hi, my name is lev/river/void and i run the account @thebigneuromess.
anyways: why tf did i make this blog?
well, you see those aestethic blogs that make flags for autistic NPD lesbians or disabled sapphic gays? Well i wanted one but for whatever flag my hyperfixiated ADHD ass wanted.
and if i post them on my main blog then it will become a mess (even if it’s already a mess bc of the mix of infodumping about my special interest, ranting about my country’s economy, memes and coining shit)
so i made a poll (only 1 person voted lmao) and that one person voted yes.
So yeah, and soon i will also open requests.
for the request thing when i open it:
things i will do:
[pt: things i will do:]
-orientation/disorder/kin/etc. with another quality (ej: eccentric veldian)
-flags related to these symptoms/disorders: GAD, SAD, ADHD, OCD, BPD, anger/trust/abandonement/attachment issues, paranoia, psychotic disorders (mostly schizophrenia), hallucinations, delusions, derealization/dissociation, sound sensitivity, speech stances (semiverbal, nonverbal, verbalflux, etc.), support needs, cynophobia, ligirophobia, scopophobia, BFRD (specially Rhinotillexomania), and emotional instability. sometimes tism or dyspraxia.
veldian, lesbian, mspec, bi, ply, any a-spec identity, uranic, neptunic, cetero, saturnic, lesboy/turigirl, GNC, PNC, cross-aligned, genderfluid or otherwise GFGS, transmasc, transneu, transxenine, transoutherine etc. combinations
kin flags
and combinations of some of the above
things i won’t do:
[pt: things i won’t do:]
-flags for rq terms (I’m sorry but not letting you molest children isn’t a hate crime)
-flags for proship terms (“but it’s fictional” fictional or not, you’re encouraging whatever you’re writing)
-coining terms (my main blog exists)
-flags for things I’m not apart of (system flags, flags for PoC, physically disabled, etc.)
so yeah that’s all
bye 🫡
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sammydem0n64 · 10 months
Hmmm GNC Trio fun facts?
Yessss yesss keep these coming I love waffling about randos
-I know I said the reason he's chill with Cheon being a mafia boss is because he thinks it's attractive... and yeah good for them, I ALSO think it kinda goes deeper. Like he's not 100% ok with it he's not justifying the crimes, it's moreso he understands this is a revenge thing and he wants Cheon to succeed in avenging his parents, with the added bonus of getting rid of dangerous people in the city! Obtuse ways to make Nabisca a safer place! I also just think he's p desensitized to it all, so there's that
-He paints whatever comes to mind; a lot of his pieces are very experimental and are just him throwing whatever colors come to mind at the board! These naturally don't get sold for profit, but he likes having them around since it shows his creative process
-He doesn't use models for his work. If Tisa's vain ass ever asks he will politely say no BUT he'll also decline the second the words leave her mouth so-
-I do think he's aware that Medge is a drug dealer, he just doesn't say anything since it's clear Medge doesn't want him to know. Like Cheon's mafia stuff, Garmella sympathizes with Medge's occupation because he KNOWS he had to turn to it when they were younger to keep food on the table. He doesn't agree with it morally and he does want him to one day get a different job, but rn he'll play dumb and hand over the bail money so Medge doesn't feel bad <3
-Likewise (on the topic of Medge), he and Keyla had a very awkward stare down when she moved in with him. Just total silence without blinking. Fun times!
-He likes playing dumb if you couldn't tell from the fact he's super knowledgeable on like, everything in this family but no one knows that he does. He's done this ever since he was a kid because it keeps altercations low, gets people to not see him as a threat and in general, it's fun to collect gossip when people think you're just a dumb blond sweetheart!
-He and Medge's surname (maiden name in Garmella's case) is Gooye, pronounced "Gooey"
-He and Whipe were inseparable as kids, they're both as equally protective of each other!
-He's def a college dropout. No shade tho that's just how it is!
-The other detectives are vaguely aware of him since Hopper and Midge have brought him up, but none of them go to him for information like Hopper does. If they did, unless it was Mallow, he'd probably just make a snide comment and tell them to mind their business. He likes being his boyfriend's informant! (Mallow gets respect for being one of Hopper's closest friends)
-You gotta be very strong and flexible to be a stripper, so he def has a lot of strength that people don't realize. He can lift Midge up with ease, same for any other kids her age (or multiple!). He likes seeing people lose their shit when he shows off this strength
-His original concept was that he was gonna 100% be a very soft, shy guy who was only a stripper for the money. Fuck that he loves working as a gay stripper. First iteration Stripe would probably die seeing the current him-
-He kinda has suspicions on the Oreona family and the mafia ties... mostly Gleo since he has interacted with her (his sister's boss' gf) but he only makes jokes about it. He doesn't want Hopper investigating some random woman because he thinks she's sus- (even tho he's RIGHT)
-Thinks Wreme's dad is patheic and laughed when he got word that he got divorced. Yeah Wreme's parents are divorced lol their dad is fighting for his life over it
-He was a scene kid in high school.
-He's also a metalhead. Loves his metal music.
-I keep his family vague bc 1) I don't know the whole deal with his family lol FGHJK and 2) you really don't need to know the full picture. All I'll say is that he's not an only child, and certain matters will definitely paint his homelife as a bad one. Whether his parents contributed to it (or were even there, he may be an orphan) isn't stated but. well. you notice I've been giving him scars, yeah?
-He actually graduated university with a really good degree, something in marketing I think. He just doesn't have a good corporate job bc it's not his style AND you think he can become a business man like Gregory? In this economy? He doesn't think so!
-He. He doesn't have friends. Like yeah he gets along with people in town that he gossips with and has small talk with, but he genuinely didn't have friends until Colton and the rest of GNC trio came into his life. Damn Holt!!
-A lot of his appearance is a lie. I don't just mean he uses a shit ton of makeup on his face. Dude yassifies himself in the morning every day and I will not elaborate rn
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