#beatrice fenton
thinkingimages · 2 months
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My love is like the sea: returning, as the tide...
Archives of American Art
Title from first line of poem.  Poem is inscribed: To my friend B. F. [Beatrice Fenton]; May 1915; Marjorie D. Martenet
Marjorie D. Martinet. My love is like the sea: returning, as the tide, 1915 May. Beatrice Fenton papers, 1836-1984. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
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sim-ply-lilacs · 1 year
Brindleton Bay, 1891
On a drizzling morning as the last cold fingers of winter dipped into the light of spring, Beatrice Fenton buried her father.
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Beatrice wandered her way through the day. She stopped to chat to this relative and that, made her mother, Madeline as comfortable as she could, and smiled graciously through every saccharine message of consolation she received.
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Eventually, though, her grief threatened to overwhelm her, and she slipped away to an isolated corner of her parents' property.
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Beatrice had adored her father. The late-in-life only child of her parents, she had grown up indulged and doted on. The Fentons had lived a comfortable life in a home that boated both electricity and indoor plumbing, and had saved enough money over the years that Beatrice had been set to attend the University of Britechester in the fall to obtain her B.A. in literature. That dream was forced to die, however, when her father took ill. Madeline spent every penny—and then some—of their savings in a hopeless attempt to save the life of her beloved. He had passed anyway, and his family was destitute.
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"Oh Papa!" Beatrice sobbed, "Oh Papa I don't know what to do! Mother and I have nothing left, save the house. Even that must be sold to settle the debts we owe the doctor, and then there's nothing left. I looked for a teaching position nearby, but there's nothing closer than Strangerville all the way across the country, and Mother refuses to be parted from Brindleton Bay."
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"I-I'm trying so hard, Papa. I'm trying to be brave like you asked me to be, but I just have nothing left. We have no money, no relatives, no nothing. Perhaps some convent will take us on but oh how I wanted little babies of my own."
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"How could we have come to this? Oh, what will I do?"
Beatrice spoke no more. The grief became too heavy to carry. Letting it roll over her like the waves of the bay where she'd had such a happy childhood, Beatrice let it pull her under, and finally gave in to tears. As an only child, she'd always been comfortable being alone, but never before had she felt so lonely.
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And yet, that was not the only reason she was pleased to hear the soft, kind voice that approached and whispered, "Bea?"
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Prev ~ Next ~ Beginning
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tempting-andromeda · 6 months
*shakes bowl for gruel like oliver twist* please may we have some arthur hcs…i fear us fenton fans are going to bed hungry 😔
Guys I’m so sorry this took so long I have no idea how to write this one
Arthur Morgan Headcanons pt. 1
Has friendzoned you so many times even when dating
He’s reaaaal cautious about dating you
He’s got a lot of worries so it’s not the most romantic relationship at first
It’s a lot of him convincing you you could leave and forget about him
Slowly eases in and starts letting you in
Tells you about his mom and his family
Starts thinking about kids a bit too fast
He just thinks it’s in the future for you two
And he wants his son to be kind
Genuinely wants his son to be like Lenny
If you show any sign that it’s cold he immediately plops his big ass jacket on you
No hesitation
If you’re wearing any lipstick he likes it when you give him a lil kiss
Acts like he hates it but he doesn’t wipe it off
Will humor you needs for anything
Oh you hear music and wanna dance in the streets on Saint Denis? Fine…and then he write about it in his journal
Gets awkward when you read his journal because it’s his personal thoughts and he feels so nervous
Makes you coffee in the morning without you asking
He started making his coffee the way you like it if you want to take sips of his
He’s always trying to take care of you
Your blanket isn’t tucked in properly
Your hair had a loose strand sticking out
He’s fixing it like the big strong boyfriend he is
If you’re annoying him or acting a bit too stubborn he definitely picks you up and shakes you around
Learned it from John
If you’re angry at him or upset he acts like he doesn’t care and leaves to explore for a but b it it tears him apart and it’s the only thing on his mind
Compares himself to everyone’s you’ve ever liked/dated
He’s possessive but he hates showing it
Gets jealous so easily
Likes picking you flowers
He’s weirdly shy about pda
Like he views some things as a lil scandalous yet does them anyway
Likes to take rides out somewhere with you to tell you about all of his adventures and all the gossip he heard
Sometimes whenever he’s too overwhelmed he has to take a step back and kinda be on his own for a bit
A bad habit he has
Draws hearts whenever he write letters to you
Likes when you give him a good morning kiss
When you start giving him a good morning kiss it genuinely cheers him up
I think his pessimism might be like one of his worst traits
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itshype · 1 year
Please don’t pet me! I am working! (DC x DP)
The Service Animal Cujo notfic that I, personally requested but just like my extremely cringe Batman x Witcher fic, I have to do everything myself. I wrote this but held off during DC x DP week because I’m not participating in that. If I keep writing these, I’ll have to make a masterpost or probably whack them up on Ao3 for archive purposes at some point but for now: Here is the Space Obsessed Danny story and Here is the Kingmaker Danny story! CW for mention of panic attacks in this one!
So! Let’s get going. Danny died. He can’t stop thinking it. He was dead. He’s walking and talking now but he knows deep in his soul that everything’s different now. He was dead and somehow nothing has changed? He feels like something of his journey to hell itself should be visible in his skin – something more than the small exit scar on his left foot. Another dimension was opened through his body and his hairstyle didn’t even shift?
Sam and Tucker are just as freaked out as he is, but they aren’t nearly as frightened. The ghost powers and Halfa stigma won’t come until later, but right now Danny is having difficulty even considering the possibility of leaving the house. With Danny in such bad condition emotionally, there’s no way to cover up what happened, and Jazz takes them all to the hospital.
Now, I know in a lot of fanfics Danny has weird physiology even in human form (lower body temp, slower pulse etc) but I don’t remember any of that being canon so I’m ignoring it. And if it is canon then I am exercising my right to debone the original show like a small chicken and use it to make a flavourful stock.
So, Danny checks out with the doctors except for a weirdly tiny burn but he is having like 5 concurrent panic attacks about everything from “there’s nothing after we die”, “The electricity cooked me”, “Life has no meaning”, maybe even throw in a fun “I came back wrong”.
Hell, maybe he does have weirdly low vitals, but the rapid pulse is countering his slow heartbeat and decreased blood pressure etc. Up to you!
Danny probably ends up being sedated if he can’t calm down but by then there is a different issue. The doctors Fenton have arrived. Now, I think it’s no stretch of the imagination to say that under the wrong circumstances they would dissect Phantom if they got their hands on him but also I know they somewhat care for their children and canon has shown more than once that under good circumstances that they could accept Danny.
When his ghost sense goes off for the first time it’s pretty obvious. He’s in a hospital and instead of a tiny little whisp of silver breath; it’s like a fogbank creeping along a moor, its sea mist rolling in from the horizon of his mouth and whiting out his private hospital room. No one can see two meters in front of their own face, and it takes over a minute to fade. Sam screams out for Danny and tries to grab his hand where she knows it was but can no longer see. Tucker starts at the sound and drops his device, screeching gratingly at the clattering plastic of his PDA hitting linoleum, hard.
When the mist finally evaporates, the Fentons want to take him home immediately and run tests. They think the ghostly influence is ‘obvious’ but the 68-year-old nurse, Beatrice stands like a 5-foot-nothing wall of solid rock and won’t let them touch him. Jazz also angles herself between her parents and the door so if they did somehow manage to get their hands on Danny, they wouldn’t be able to leave without steamrolling her. Then the heartrate monitor goes wild as Danny panics about being a guinea pig for his parents’ less-than-lukewarm lab safety practices and they back off without further interruptions.
That’s the point when it hits them that everything that has happened to Danny is their fault. His accident was because of them, he’s melting down because of them, both of their children genuinely believe that they will hurt Danny just because he’s having weird ghostly side effects to almost dying in a ghost portal. One they built.
It’s a few hours later when they breach the subject of going home, of at the very least making a decision about school even if that decision is to formally take a leave of absence. Sam and Tucker’s parents had made them go home and he’s a lot calmer now but at this stage, his weird ghost powers are causing problems. It seems to the orderlies and nurses that his anxiety is getting worse because he’s turning intangible through cups and cutlery – making it look like he’s shaking so hard he can’t even hold a single cup, and is flat out refusing to eat.  
Even though it’s been less than a day it looks like Danny’s shock is just getting worse. He phases through his bed right as Beatrice and his parents walk through and they think he’s hiding under there out of fear. He tries to explain, confused, and disoriented and deep in denial. Jazz shuts him up. She doesn’t know completely what’s going on, but she knows enough, and she isn’t letting 12 hours of changed behaviour force her to blindly trust her parents.
Beatrice is most concerned. It hasn’t been very long but there’s no reasonable cause for his steep and steady decline. No reason outside of something-something-ghosts.  
That’s when the first few pamphlets come out about therapy animals. They require some time to be trained and the middle of nowhere Amity Park doesn’t exactly have a pool to choose from, but it’s okay to adopt a younger animal and train it themselves.
Danny looks at the pictures of the fluffy bunnies and alert-eared dogs with big, glistening eyes. Then puts them down. There’s no way an animal would be safe in his house.
That’s when the ghosts attack. Danny isn’t the only spectre with a ghost sense and these ghosts are less human due to a lack of ectoplasm. Obviously, the silver fog reappears, and, in his terror, Danny drops to the next floor of the hospital, glitching through his bed and the floor underneath it. He crashes painfully in the middle of the gift shop.
His parents reach the conclusion that due to his extreme ectoplasm contamination; he’s developed a serious allergy to ectoplasmic weaponry, including things like ectoblasts that ghosts have naturally. They’re not…the wrongest that they could be. Unfortunately, they decide that Evil Ghosts TM can sense this weakness and are trying to kill their poor baby boy. Everyone else is freaking out about ghosts being visibly proven but the Fentons knew ghosts were real with zero doubts so they’re rolling with it.
Now, due to the knowledge that he died, Danny is having difficulty worrying about other things like catching up with schoolwork, his weird new allergies/powers or even Dash.
BTW KUDOS to anyone still reading, I know this part was really long, but I really felt like I couldn’t just flim flam over the details of why Danny would need an emotional support/service animal even if it’s fictional.
First day back at school, the Lunch Lady attacks. Danny barely eeks out a win just like in canon.
His parents decide that this is because of the allergies and the ghosts being able to sense Danny’s weakness as I said above. And they take it upon themselves to root out the problem at its source, to find all the ghosts who could hurt their son and imprison them, partly for Danny’s safety and partly for study. Not even they are sure where the divide is between their two loyalties.
So, they look to their now-functioning portal.
Unfortunately, they were massively underprepared, and they don’t come back.
 Jazz sees the locked lab door and leaves them to it, making dinner and making sure Danny knows she wants him to be at school.
He doesn’t go, she lets him not go.
Two days later the boredom is worse than his fear. He goes to school. Danny, Sam and Tucker enter like a single unit. Dash tries some shit and either:
Jazz emerges and smacks his head hard enough he loses vision for several seconds – long enough for her to knee him hard enough to put the continuance of the Baxter lineage into question.
Danny starts panicking again. The teachers always want to side with Dash but him openly attacking a kid who was just in the hospital who doesn’t even lift a finger in defence of himself is beyond the limits of any sane adult’s “boys will be boys”.
Doesn’t really matter, the point is that he’s not looking to fuck around any time soon now that he’s already found out. But he did in fact attack Danny.
Danny goes home. His first attempt at school following his death has failed.
Tucker, separately, goes to a garage sale to buy old electronics to use in his PDA upgrades. He buys a boxful of weird lab equipment that definitely has a microchip or two. When he opens it at Danny’s house as an effort to distract him, a small pink teddy falls out. No one notices it bounce beneath the sofa. Sam or Jazz brings up the support animal idea again but is reminded of the whole “our house is a toxic waste site” thing and backs off.
Weeks pass, Danny develops his ghost powers and Jazz realises their parents are actually missing. She submits a missing person report mentioning the switched-on portal – the lab door was locked from the inside.
So, when Danny wakes up one day and there’s a glowing green dog already with a collar and a toy he thinks “ah yes, a dog that my sibling has procured for me as we discussed many times to help me cope with my own mortality, the near-constant ghost attacks and my parents who vanished.”
So, he puts a leash on Cujo who is happily chewing on his little pink teddy and takes him off to school while Jazz is using her first free period to go bother the local cops about their parents. (Why haven’t they been taken in by child protective services? Either:
Because I said so
Jazz is 18
Jazz used her improbable psychology powers to bamboozle the social worker into leaving)
Everyone at school loves Cujo. He gets all the love and does a very good job of dragging Danny away from ghost attacks (so he can fight them!!)
Jazz doesn’t find out about Cujo until the afternoon but probably lets the whole thing lie because it’s a great solution.
This could go on for some time. Both Danny and Phantom have Cujo but as Phantom Cujo stays in his big form so there’s no connection made. Canon mostly proceeds as normal except the parents aren’t there and there’s no huge issue with Valerie.
Realistically, a fair few high schoolers are probably also on the hunt for a pet ghost dog because if Danny and Danny both have one there must be heaps going around. Danny is also worried about his parents and periodically looks for them but that isn’t the focus of this story so I won’t go into a lot of detail – just clarifying that he’s not a sociopath who finds out his parents are missing and goes “oh ok”.
This could be its own story but let’s get to the DC part now!!
Eventually the Justice League connects the two calls, one about the ghost dog and one about the parents disappearing through a portal. Maybe Valerie complains, or even fanon favourite Wes contacts the authorities about the ghost dog with no official training or certification. Either way the JLA algorithm picks up these two very strange claims from one town and send someone to investigate.
But I mean, parents vanishing from a locked room and a green dog aren’t exactly world ending stuff, so instead of sending an actual busy superhero they send one of the kid heroes.
Now a lot of people will go ahead and put Damian into this. But I don’t really care for him in a dynamic with Danny. But I have another vigilante in mind, one who is less animal crazy, but more dog focused and also has issues with being seen as an actual person.
That's right, it's Conner Kent. And his faithful alien dog Krypto. I've seen a few fics where Danny adopts him, but you know what other family member should think you're an actual person? Your significant other. This could totally be a friendship thing no problem, but I do feel like some versions of canon Connor Kent would get on great with Danny.
Without the looming, repeated threat of vivisection, I think Danny would be a lot more chill about his secret identity and would probably disclose Cujo’s origins to Superboy. Once Connor knows about Cujo (Phantom’s dog) being able to shrink, he can see Danny with the dog once and connect all the necessary dots. Because I stand by the fact that the main reason Danny’s secret ID isn’t discovered more is because there’s no reason for a dead person to have a secret identity but once the concept is introduced then it’s pretty simple. Connor can hang out with Phantom while Phantom does ghost fights because the Kryptonian can’t really contribute but he’s there for moral support.
Eventually, Danny reveals to Connor that he himself was cloned before and talks excitedly about his clone who he considers a cousin. I definitely think without the parents there that Dani would visit more even if she has an obsession with travel, wanderlust or freedom that prevents her from permanently moving in.
This knowledge makes him very upset about how he was treated by his genetic donors, and Connor decides to move in with the Fenton siblings (without really asking the Fenton siblings) and decides that he’ll commute to the watchtower/titans tower/mount justice (depending on which version of canon he’s in sorry I can’t be bothered to figure it out).
Unfortunately, on top of not asking the Fentons, he doesn’t notify or ask anyone in the caped community. So as far as any of them are concerned, Connor went on a minor mission to investigate some missing people and is now himself missing.
Just as a caveat because I don’t feel like getting into an argument today, I used the terms both “service animal” and “emotional support animal” even though in most countries these are not interchangeable legal definitions. I use it in a non-legal way here because emotionally helping Danny – especially when that emotional stress causes physical damage is a service, and also there is the potential for Cujo to help Danny in other physical ways.
Also, there is definitely room here for Dani being buds with Match. I think that'd be neat.
If I could draw, I would make art of Cujo and Krypto being besties but I cannot so just picture it for two seconds. Done? Great, thanks!
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Thanks to Curieously for finding this amazing artist's property. Built in 1900 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it has 3bds, 1ba, 1.5ba, $850K. History: The carriage house was the former residence of renowned Philadelphia sculptor Beatrice Fenton, celebrated for her iconic "Children Holding the Sundial" sculpture in Rittenhouse Square, may include her original sculpture stand—a remarkable piece of art history within your own home.
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Enter thru this cool barn door.
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That window out front is sunning in the living room.
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Off to the side of the living room is an artist's studio area.
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An artist's home for sure.
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Look at this door in front of the kitchen.
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The kitchen is full of charm.
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It's very room, too. Love the vintage floor. I would probably change the IKEA cabinets someday, though.
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Plenty of room in the dining area.
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On the 2nd fl. are the bedrooms. This is the primary with a balcony.
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Bedrooms 2 & 3 have lots of space. I like the roof line in the ceilings.
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The full bath is very large. Wow, you won't freeze in here, look at the size of that radiator.
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Office area and storage.
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The 1/2 bath is so cute.
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The description doesn't state if the Airstream comes with it, but that would be a big plus if it did.
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Welcome to the first round!
All matchups are listed below in case the picture is too hard to read. Will add links as they are posted.
Side A (noon 3/14)
Mother Gothel (Tangled) vs. Queen Iduna (Frozen)
Agnes Skinner (The Simpsons) vs. The High Priestess (Samurai Jack)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) vs. Mrs. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Priscilla Northwest (Gravity Falls) vs. Raven Branwen (RWBY)
Rose Quartz (Steven Universe) vs. Maddie Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Lady Tremaine (Cinderella) vs. Hiromi Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Audrey Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Ambessa Medarda (Arcane)
Lois Griffin (Family Guy) vs. The Beldam (Coraline)
Side B (noon 3/15)
Shadow Weaver (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Alma Madrigal (Encanto)
Mitsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs. Zira (The Lion King 2)
Mom (Futurama) vs. Malory Archer (Archer)
Bloberta Puppington (Moral Orel) vs. Odalia Blight (The Owl House)
Misako Garmadon (Lego Ninjago) vs. Mrs. Turner (Fairly OddParents)
Tamiko Ridley (Inside Job) vs. Beatrice Horseman (BoJack Horseman)
Lusamine (Pokémon) vs. Isabella (The Promised Neverland)
Ursa (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Ragyo Kiryuin (Kill la Kill)
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girlbosstourney · 11 months
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We have 128 phenomenal contestants, and several shitty ones that were abandoned on the spreadsheet. Some were rejected for good reasons: Freddie Mercury isn’t a girl, Princess Di died too recently, and Trish is from one lady’s single Tiktok. Some were rejected for petty and foolish reasons, such as “I don’t like Hetalia” and “I don’t like early 2000s movies.”
Under the cut is all the match-ups in plain text for those of you who with to ctrl+F for their girlboss. If your own girlboss didn’t make it in, feel free to send in asks about how I’m a fool for running this poll without including your rejected babygirl.
Additionally, feel free to peruse the original spreadsheet to see everyone who didn’t make it in. It is organized in no way shape or form besides the occasional collating of characters who had multiple submissions (notably, Vriska).
If there’s anything I should know about any of the accepted girlbosses (”The person who played this girlboss is currently being prosecuted for murder in North Carolina” or other similar aspects of despicability that should get them disqualified) please inform me off-anon, with evidence. While some of these girlbosses are literal murderers, those who have shed human blood are either fictional or have been dead for over a century, but I don’t want any current murderers around. I want everyone on tumblr to be able to enjoy this tournament if possible.
Polls should begin some time this weekend, assuming no problems arise.
Vriska Serket vs. Azula
Makima vs. Lady Macbeth
Wu Zhao vs. Asahina Tomiko
Edelgard von Hresvelg vs. Allison (Kill Six Billion Demons)
Turanga Leela vs. Emily Prentiss
Lady Dimitrescu vs. Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche
Franziska von Karma vs. Gerri Kellman
Romana vs. Missy
Hatsune Miku vs. Lord Dominator
Kim Wexler vs. Dahlia Hawthorne
Maria Calavera vs. Maria (Silent Hill 2)
Lup Taaco vs. Fig Faeth
Banica Conchita vs. Queen Maud/Empress Matilda
Lady Jessica vs. Jadwiga
Stepmother (Dimension 20) vs. Fine (Symphogear)
Princess Caroline vs. Queen (Deltarune)
Amanda Young vs. Erica Slaughter
Charlie vs. Victim
Charlotte Hale vs. Bryce Tankthrust
Edalyn Clawthorne vs. Amaya
Fujiko Mine vs. Mitsuru Kirijo
Arashi Narukami vs. Mizuki Akiyama
Bela Talbot vs. Hamyuts Meseta
Michael Burnham vs. Eva Popoff
Anna Kyoyama vs. Ava Maddox
Giulia Tofana vs. Eleanor Guthrie
Renee Minkowski vs. Katherine Pulitzer
Ozaki Kouyou vs. Ayt Madashi
Romina vs. Clytemnestra
Pioneer 10 vs. Prospera Mercury
Kafka vs. Jinx
Chrisjen Avasarala vs. Dana Scully
Grell Sutcliffe vs. Misa Amane
T'Pring vs. Della Duck
Madalena (Galavant) vs. Cersei Lannister
Baru Cormorant vs. Riza Hawkeye
Cleopatra vs. Morton Salt Girl
Susie (Deltarune) vs. Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Pearl Forrester vs. GlaDOS
Mapleshade vs. Midna
Amanda Waller vs. Victoria Hand
Chevalier d'Eon vs. Samus
The Golden Witch Beatrice vs. Morgana
Amy Dunne vs. Irene Adler
Junko Enoshima vs. Usagi Tsukino
Sharpay Evans vs. Heather Chandler
Moira O'Deorain vs. Tsunade
Welegato/Cairngorm vs. Garnet (Steven Universe)
Ada Wong vs. Medea
Shego vs. Loba
Maddie Fenton vs. Pearl Houzuki
Cala Maria vs. Morathi
Akane Kurashiki vs. Evolved One
Boudica vs. Tlacey
Larxene vs. The Administrator
Jane Johnston Schoolcraft vs. Joan d'Arc
Koyanskaya vs. Mitzi May
Eowyn vs. Chacha
Alexis Rose vs. Julia Cotton
Shenzi vs. Tak
Grandmother Raven vs. Roxanne Wolf
Toph Beifong vs. Sasha Waybright
April O'Neil vs. Misty Quigley
Rose Lalonde vs. Mia Fey
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I finally have ✨️the list✨️
these are all the characters competing, first two rounds will be randomized, then I will make a bracket out of the remaining competitors
polls won't start until at least this Wednesday as I'm having a very busy weekend and I still need to compile all the images, so in the meantime, if you wanna submit some images to help me out, please do!! images without backgrounds are the end goal and would be the most helpful but finding the images is what takes the most time so if you have one please send them!! you can via asks or dms. if you send via asks I won't post them and anons are still on if that makes it easier. once I get some I'll cross out the ones I have so you guys know what to submit
thanks everyone, and I'm sorry you guys had to wait this long!!!
505 (Villanous)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Adora (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Aja Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
Aleksandr Kallus (Star Wars: Rebels)
Allura (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Alya Cesaire (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Apple White (Ever After High)
Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls)
Asami Sato (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Badyah Hassan (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
Barbara Millicent Roberts (Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse)
Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
Beatrice (Over the Garden Wall)
Beatrice Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
Beckett Mariner (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Bender Bending Rodriguez (Futurama)
Benson Mekler (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Bloom (Winx Club)
Bluey (Bluey)
Bojack Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
Bolin (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Boots (Dora the Explorer)
Bow (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Bubble (Battle for Dream Island)
Buford Van Stomm (Phineas and Ferb)
C1-10P/Chopper (Star Wars: Rebels)
Cabbage Merchant (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Captain Rex (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego)
Cassandra (Tangled: The Series)
Catra (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia)
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High)
Cleo De Nile (Monster High)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)
Courntey (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Courtney (Total Drama)
Craig Williams (Craig of the Creek)
Cybersix (Cybersix)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Darcy/The Core (Amphibia)
Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House)
Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Delilah Briarwood (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Diego (Go Diego Go!)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dora (Dora the Explorer)
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Dr. Saira Bellum (Carmen Sandiego)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Eddie and Venom (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Electro (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House)
Entrapta (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Ezra Bridger (Star Wars: Rebels)
Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Freakazoid (Freakazoid)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Frobo (Amphibia)
Garnet (Steven Universe)
Gene Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
George Pig (Peppa Pig)
George Washington/Jason Funderburker (Over the Garden Wall)
Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Glimmer (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train)
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars: Rebels)
Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
Grog (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Gumball (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn: The Animated Series)
Hera Syndulla (Star Wars: Rebels)
Hilda (Hilda)
Hisirdoux Casperan (Tales of Arcadia)
Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack (Bojack Horseman)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
Hopadiah Plantar (Amphibia)
Horse (Centaurworld)
Huey Freeman (The Boondocks)
Huey, Louie, and Dewey Duck (DuckTales)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Janna Ordonia (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia)
Jude Sharp (Inasuma)
Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Karen (Spongebob Squarepants)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Kelsey Jannings (Bojack Horseman)
Kelsey Pokoly (Craig of the Creek)
Ken (Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse)
Kikimora (The Owl House)
King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Kipo Oak (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Korra (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
Kurt Wagner (X-Men Evolution)
Kyoshi (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Lagoona Blue (Monster High)
Lake (Infinity Train)
Lance (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Lemmy Koopa (The Super Mario Brothers)
Lena Sabrewing (DuckTales)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls)
Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)
Lorna (Over the Garden Wall)
Luigi (The Super Mario Brothers)
Lunella Lafeyette (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Lyra Heartstrings (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Maddie Hatter (Ever After High)
Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Map (Dora the Explorer)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Marco Diaz (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Mario (The Super Mario Brothers)
Mayor Fred Jones Sr. (Scooby-Doo)
Mikey Simon (Kappa Mikey)
Miko Kubota (Glitch Techs)
Milo Murphy (Milo Murphy's Law)
Mingi Park (Infinity Train)
MK (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Montana/Shocker (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy)
N (Murder Drones)
Nox (Wakfu)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
One-One (Infinity Train)
Oodle the Doodle (Animated Inanimate Battle)
Orko (He-Man)
Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Pearl (Steven Universe)
Penn Zero (Penn Zero: Part Time Hero)
Peppa Pig (Peppa Pig)
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Philip J Fry (Futurama)
Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Player (Carmen Sandiego)
Poison Ivy (Harley Quinn: The Animated Series)
Polly Plantar (Amphibia)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
Radicles (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Rapunzel (Tangled: The Series)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Raymond (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
Redson (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Rex (Generator Rex)
Riley Freeman (The Boondocks)
Rock Rickaby (Lackadaisy)
Rok-Tahk (Star Trek: Prodigy)
Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Ryan Akagi (Infinity Train)
Sabine Wren (Star Wars: Rebel
Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max: Freelance Police)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Scorpia (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Scratch and Grounder (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Shadowsan (Carmen Sandiego)
Sheriff Stone (Scooby-Doo)
Snap (Chalk Zone)
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbende
Sonic the Hedgehog (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Soos Ramirez (Gravity Falls)
Peter Parker (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)
Squidward (Spongebob Squarepants)
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)
Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Static Shock (Static Shock)
Stella (Winx Club)
Steve (The Owl House)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Stewie (Family Guy)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)
Stolas (Helluva Boss)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sylvia (Wander Over Yonder)
T.K.O (OK K.O.: Let's Be Heroes!)
Tendi (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Toby Domzalski (Tales of Arcadia)
Todd Chavez (Bojack Horseman)
Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Tom Lucitor (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Tulip Olsen (Infinity Train)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Valerie Gray (Danny Phantom)
Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls)
Wakfu (Wakfu) The Professor (Hailey's On It!)
Wally West (Justice League (2001))
Wammawink (Centaurworld)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Waylon Smithers Jr. (The Simpsons)
Webby Vanderquack (DuckTales)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Wendy Corduroy (Gravity Falls)
Willow Park (The Owl House)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Wolf (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Yugo (Wakfu)
Yummyan Hammerpaw (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Zadra (Tales of Arcadia)
Zetto (TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise)
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Tomorrows Teams and their opponents
Thank you to all who have submitted! Tomorrow (2/25) the battle will begin, i dont have a certain time when I’ll post the polls but it will be tomorrow, For now, heres the teams (randomly chosen with a wheel
Jack Harness and Ianto Jones (Torchwood) VS Ricky and Julian (Trailer park boys)
Kanroji Misturi and Iguro Obanai (Demon Slayer) VS Henry Clerval and Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
Luz Noceada and Hunter (The owl house) VS Tony Stark and Peter Parker (MCU)
Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro (jujutsu kaisen) VS Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring (heartstopper)
Jack fenton and Vlad Masters (Danny Phantom) VS Kirk and Spock (Startrek)
Fitzwilliam Darcy and Charles Bringly (pride and prejudice) VS Carmilla and Laura (Carmilla)
Nick carraway and jay gatsby (the great gatsby) VS Haruka kiritania and minori hanasato (project sekai)
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) VS Haruhi Fujioka and Tamaki Suoh (Oruan high school host club)
Scaramouche and Tartagila (genshin impact) VS Crowly and Aziraphale (good Omens)
Nicholas D wolfwood and Vash the stampede (trigun stampede) VS Vanitas and Noé Archiviste (Vanitas no carte)
Brett Hand and Reagan Riddly (inside job) VS Isuzu Sohma and Tohru Honda (fruits basket)
David and Gwen (camp camp) VS Curt Mega and Owen Carvour (spies are forever)
Shiota Nagisa and Karma Akabane (assassination classroom) VS Miles Edgeworth and Dick Gumshoe (ace attorney)
Thor and Loki (MCU) VS Ava Silva and Sister Beatrice (warrior nun)
Orange Cat and Cannan Dog (real life) VS Rei Hino and Minako Aino (sailor moon)
Joker and Ryuji (persona 5) VS Mafuyu Ashina and Emu
Otori (project sekai)
Cat Noir and Ladybug (miraculous) VS Trafalgular law and Luffy D Monkey (one piece)
Denji and Aki Hayakawa (chainsaw man) VS Lake and Jesse (infinity train)
Naruto and Sasuke (naruto) VS Hubert von vestra and Ferdinand von aegir (Fire eblem three houses)
Melkior and Greta (Mrak ili Barišić) VS The doctor and River song (doctor who)
Zoe and Wash (firefly) VS Commander Cosmo and Ravaxis Starburner (vice quadrant by steam powered giraffes)
Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair (stranger things) VS Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
Wander and Lord Hater (wonder over yonder) VS Zuko and Sokka (Avatar the last airbender)
Rapenzel and Cassandra (tangled: the series) VS Merlin and Arthur (BBC)
Mae and Greg (night in the woods) VS Harrowhark Nonagesimus and Gideon Nav (the locked tomb)
Branch and Poppy (trolls) VS Will solace and Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
Troy Barnes and Abed Nadir (community) VS Carmilla and Laura (Carmilla)
Sonic and Shadow (sonic the hedgehog) VS Kurt hummel and blainie anderson (glee)
Let me know if I got any of the names wrong, thank you and see you tomorrow!
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I wonder why I had to go through two security fences just to get here? The boss says it's haunted here but it doesn't look like it to me. Maybe they just like their privacy...?
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"Anything interesting in there, Beatrice?" Ricky asked as he walked into the kitchen.
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Beatrice took a few moments to respond as she was so caught up in reading the Fenton West section.
She was scanning the newspaper for any missing person ads, for people who might've reported her missing. There was nothing. Nothing but infuriating news about a couple of nightclubs that had recently been renovated and due a grand opening. This included the mysterious Crypto O' Nightclub which was rumoured to have vampire owners and patrons.
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"Mmm, not that I can see" she said slowly, still reading.
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How annoying, she thought as she scanned each article. I want be at the opening nights! Opening nights for new clubs are always ripe for hot guys, free drinks and dancing!
And the Crypto's opening? That place has been closed for a few months now, I really hope they've retained the same staff after the remodel. I wonder if Jared will give me a discount on drinks like he did last time after our time in the photobooth...?
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She bit her lip after realising what she'd just thought and asked herself 'Why am I disappointed that I won't meet hot guys, when I'm dating Benedict? I mean, are we dating? Or is it just a flirtation?'
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She must be deep in her thoughts to have not heard me ask if she'd seen Benedict. She's been all over the guy. I wonder if they've slept with each other yet..? Eh, what's it to me. I'll leave her to it.
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"Jordan, you're welcome to join our game of catch if you'd like. It might just distract you from how crappy a situation we're in. I know that's why me and Lucy are doing this."
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abetterwor1d · 5 months
character stat framework
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name: Arthur Morgan nickname(s): Tacitus Kilgore, Pretty Boy,, Arthur Callahan, Fenton, Cowpoke, Black Lung age: 36 birthdate: September 23rd 1863 species: Human gender: Cis male preferred pronoun(s): he/him. romantic orientation: Bi-romantic with preference towards women. sexual orientation: Bisexual. parents: Lyle and Beatrice Morgan (deceased). siblings: None biologically, John Marston in a 'found family' sense. significant other(s): single, Mary Gillis (ex/fiancée), Eliza (ex/mother of his child - deceased). children: Isaac Morgan (deceased). eye colour(s): Blue hair colour(s): Chestnut Brown. body build: Broad, muscular. height: 6'1"
TAGGED BY: @dxsole (( thank you!! )) TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it! tag me!
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sim-ply-lilacs · 9 months
To her great surprise, Bea found that between Josef and herself, she was the far superior negotiator of the two and thus took over the marketing duties. Each week, Josef would hitch up the team and load the wagon with the produce they'd harvested, and Bea would drive to nearby Henford-on-Bagley, and would bargain with the shopkeepers there for the best prices on the literal fruits of their labor.
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Bea loved this time. Idyllwind Farm was the dearest place on earth to her, but she found that if she didn't get away from there and socialize every once in a while, she'd grow too withdrawn and cross and become a snappish mess that would cause even Josef and her mother to look at her askance. Besides, she liked the hustle and bustle of the market. From the conversations she'd have with the other women in town, to the rich aromas emanating from the pubs, to the satisfaction of a good haggle, marketing day was Bea's favorite day of the week easily.
Which was why, when something happened to mar it, she wasn't at all prepared for it.
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"Another wedge of cheese, if you please, and a length of that green ribbon for Mother's dress, Miss Goldbloom. She's decided to come out of mourning at last, and Mr. Moody and I have decided to do whatever we can to encourage her reintegration to society."
"How lovely," Miss Goldbloom demurred. "Green will go so nicely with Mrs. Fenton's coloring. Is she having the dress made up here in town? Or perhaps over in Brindleton? I ask only because a sister of mine is a seamstress and if it were the same shop I'd be happy to run it over for you free of charge."
Beatrice laughed. "My, doesn't that sound lovely! No, just Mother and me, I'm afraid. We're thrifty creatures by nature and couldn't dream of paying for something we're adequate at ourselves. I've only ever worn one boughten dress in my life, and that was the wedding dress I borrowed from Mrs. Landgraab."
"We're much the same, then!" Miss Goldbloom smiled with unhidden camaraderie. "Much to my sister's chagrin, I've only ever bought from the shop what I can't make myself. It helps to have so many ladies about. My people recently returned from the west where it's much harder to get up a sewing party out there, what with how far apart the homesteads are. You should join us sometime! We meet at a different house every week or so, so the burden of hosting does not fall on any lady unevenly."
Bea grinned at this. "Oh," she said, clasping her hands together, "I'd be thrilled to. Thank you, I do believe I'll take you up on that offer! When do you next meet?"
"In about half an hour," Miss Goldbloom replied, and Beatrice noticed all at once that Miss Goldbloom had been slowly packing the contents of her stand away as they spoke. Miss Goldbloom pulled a sewing basket that carried with it the cloyingly sweet aroma of whatever potpourri she used to keep her basket from smelling stale out from a little cubby in the stand. The scent itched Bea's nose. Her stomach lurched in protest. As Miss Goldbloom, pulled on a hat and shawl, the shopkeep spoke again, "I'm 'bout to head that way myself, if you'd like to walk over together?"
Beatrice opened her mouth to answer to the affirmative, but to her horror, found that her breakfast threatened to rise up with her answer. She swallowed. "I...thank you, Miss Goldbloom, but I'm afraid I don't have any of my mending with me. Next week?" Bea offered weakly.
If she noticed Beatrice's discomfort, Miss Goldbloom did not outwardly show it. "Of course!" she chirped, "I'll be seeing ya, Mrs. Moody!"
Beatrice offered a pale flutter of a smile, waited for her new friend's back to turn, and promptly ran with a speed unbecoming the matron of Idyllwind Farm to the water closet of the nearby pub. She proceeded to vomit up everything she'd ever eaten.
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The new, electric lit, flush toilet water closets at the Galloping Mare Pub were the pride of the establishment. Second only to the town hall in running Mr. Edison's new incandescent lamps as a public building, and first to boast running water, they drew just as many patrons as the bar—often leading to an increase in customers for both. The staff were under strict orders to polish and scrub the rooms to perfection every evening. It was no good if the crown jewel of the establishment left visitors unimpressed, the proprietor insisted. The manager didn't see the point. Half the barflies went in the street, anyway.
Still, knowing this, Bea felt horribly guilty. It wasn't bad enough that she was so violently ill, but to add to the troubles of the kind waitstaff that always slid an extra Yorkshire pudding onto her plate had her working herself into an anxious mess.
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By the time she exited the water closet, she was thoroughly convinced that not only were the staff of the pub going to hate her as long as she lived, but that she was soon to shuffle off the mortal coil as well. Why else would she be so sick with no other symptoms? With her emotions flying every which way? Either she was the victim of some horrible disease, soon to be snatched away from her beloved husband and their life together, or she was going as mad as Mr. Rochester's wife in the attic. Oh, she'd known she shouldn't have gotten so used to happiness. Of course it was so soon broken. Wasn't it always?
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Beatrice forced herself into a semblance of composure. If she was losing her health, then she must be strong. For Mama and Josef, at the least. After all, if her fears were true, they were the ones who would truly suffer the consequences. For, while her body would lie in the churchyard of the wee rocky church where she'd been married, her soul would be in heaven with God, and with Papa. They would be the ones to truly suffer.
And they would suffer, wouldn't they? Mama would go back into her mourning and never come out, probably dying of grief, and Josef would be devastated. He didn't have many left who loved him. Probably, he would return to Prussia. He'd move back to his brother's farm, Idyllwind would fall to seed, marry some Prussian girl, and she'd give him the family Beatrice and Josef had so often dreamt of. She must be strong then, to spare them whatever pain she could. There could not be much joy left otherwise, could there?
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All at once, a shock ran through Beatrice. Working out some quick math in her head, she gasped. Unless...unless perhaps, she was not sick at all. Unless her dearest dream had come true. Unless...
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Prev ~ Next ~ Beginning
Lovelies, I'm back! Power and wi-fi outages have been sorted through, personal crises have ended, and the future is looking bright for our dear Moodys! Look for the tour of Idyllwind Farm just after this.
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tournesolette · 2 years
🚢 for wirt
answered   ┊   🚢 + a muse for my ship bias list !
ah yes my dumbass
dipper - obviously. i think they’re absolute idiots and they belong together forever. especially with my au. monster hunter meets monster? yes, sign me the fuck up. them trying to ignore their feelings wihle dipper unknowingly hunts wirt? wirt trying to hide that he’s a demon? the eventual fallout of dipper finding out? yes to all of it. 
lorna - yeah, they cute, they sing a little love song and they fall in love and wirt gets the demon out of her and i think they would be cute thank you
sarah - listen, sometimes canon is fine and the hets can have one except not really because they’re both bi, and sarah is cute, and i think them getting to know each other as wirt gets more confident is super cute.
beatrice - i’m kind of on again off again with this one but i can def see it even if i tend to see it more platonic. idk, maybe it’s just because she spends the whole show a bird
danny fenton - am i wrong to ship this? tell me i’m wrong. tell me i’m wrong right now
varian - i will not comment further but i do blame syck idk just, wirt ending up falling further back in time through an exit from the unknown and ending up in varian’s time and varian being essentually like “wait are you fucking foreal a demon? sign me up””
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haderology-oc · 2 years
below will be my original characters separated by fandom. i will update as i go!
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Calliope Yi
Hong Aera
Charlotte Morris
Park Chinsun
Kang Jongun
Dana Fenton
Elina Perry
Romane Blanchet
Verita Romero
Ridley Boyle
River Boyle
Ronan Boyle
Kohsoom Thongkham
Lee Seonghwa
Ju Sumin
Grace Mendoza
Marisol Rojas
Andrea Yamaguchi
Areum Jang
Briar Kepner
Harper Erçel
Isaiah Dalton
Joon Park
Mason Becker
Reese Edwards
IT (2017).
Kade Russo
Kailyn Chandran
Robin Marx
Echo Satur
Fern Chwe
Gray Davis
Salem Pruitt
Lyric Walker
Beatrice Kawatkul
Kit Edwards
Maxine Hardesty
Roslyn Hathwaye
Safiya Ashborn
Deckard Nadir
Frankie Nadir
Honey Kilgore
Phoebe Lim
Dexter Holmes
Wren Horowitz
Danielle Singer
Katarina Bang
Taryn Blake
Delaney Young
Evelyn Takahashi
Daizie Thomas
Arwyn Levinson
Cristina Aoki
Florence Ju
Kittisk Phunsawat
Ripley Nash
Theodora Lopez
Namseon Ko
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coltonwbrown · 2 years
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Wattled Crane, 1943 Beatrice Fenton
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts: Source
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duckulamoved · 4 years
Todd would willingly hang but also he finds him insufferable and would willingly sell him to Satan for one corn chip. 
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