#because if a trans author does that they're not doing it bc they think that's what all trans ppl do
cuntvonkrolock · 11 months
cis authors stop giving trans characters the gender-swapped version of their deadname as their chosen name challenge !!
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blinkpen · 4 months
nother lil life update!
appointment with housing admin lady got rescheduled to tuesday, but that's not too big a deal since that is the soonest day they could officially open up that apartment for me anyway, so if the answer was going to be yes, rescheduling when i get the yes to said day, doesn't delay the move-in, except by like, maybe, one more additional day of just. going back to get/move my stuff? so i am Unbothered and maintain the same level of cautious optimism leaned optimism as before
and again my stress level is way lower now knowing there is likely a light at the end of the tunnel (hell that a tunnel even EXISTS now) and mom is, at least for now, sobered by the intervention of other adults for whom going
"ummmmm but the very existence of trans identity is a personal attack against me and my beliefs bc i believe their existence is blasphemous they stole the rainbow from christians and desecrated the noah's arc story that's why i'm so mean to [not my fucking pronoun] whenever anything remotely close to the topic of gender comes up, asking nicely to so mach as -gag noises- humor they/them is a deliberate attack on me first, and forcing the queer agenda on me, so i get to attack back with full venom unloaded and vote in favor of making queer peoples' lives more difficult if not impossible, so like, i'm the victim actually? [not my fucking pronoun] needs to stop being so entitled and unholy and learn to deal with Different Opinions and stop Undermining me"
will not fucking fly and she can't make inflict Power Word: Guilt Trip to make them crumple away the way she does to me to instantly win and make the argument stop so she is now not pushing buttons and keeping her toxicity to herself methinks bc "ah fuck, an actually benevolent authority figure nobody in town would question is looking at how much my grown but wingclipped and disabled child's mental and now physical health has deteriorated to life-threateningly poor levels and looking in my direction while Knowing details i cannot possibly spin in my favor to outside observers; the only people who'd swoop in to take my side would only make me look worse by association, though i'll probably still refuse to think about The Implications of that, so i will Be Mask On now about it if nothing else"
like she got a stark fucking reminder i think of the fact she is a mean person who publicly boasts about being mean because she thinks its funny and also equates being smart with being cynical and therefore if you're aggressively cynical you're automatically smarter than whoever you are talking to or about, and is the kind of person who literally owns a "leftist tears" coffee mug, while claiming herself a Good christian just because she didn't kick me out for being queer like the Bad christians do, but like, she can still give me shit for being queer as much as she likes and if i stand up for myself i'm an ungrateful little bitch, those are her Vibes,
and being that way, makes it hard to defend yourself as totally innocent of any wrongdoing and victim-blame someone most people in town know, by contrast, as "the borderline mute Always a Hoodie n Headphones kid who spends a lot of time just wandering around town for the heck of it and seems a bit touched in the head/lost in their own little world, but is unfailingly friendly if you do try to talk to them for whatever reason, and will sincerely ask if they could be of any assistance to anyone who enters their cone of vision who seems to be in a pickle" once they start developing what seems like a wasting illness and an aura of hopelessness they didn't have before and finally show up at the hospital looking like they're about to drop dead from what is clearly several months of physiological stress and self-neglect and they don't even have their meds handy because you locked their disabled ass out in retaliation for leaving for one single night because you wouldn't stop screaming at them about how their gender thing is blasphemous and [checks notes] eavesdropping in on them while they shower to make sure not even their anguished crying and muttering to themself even in there isn't saying anything you don't like??? what the f-
even the crusty old farmer i know who i guess probably would go "not sure i like that but whatever" about transness otherwise enters "now what makes you think that makes [not my pronoun but i forgive bc its not done Maliciously] less of a person, what makes you think that's okay" mode over that
lol, said the frog, as a human hand scoops it out of the water just in time, and places it on a nice log where it may recover from the sting, while pointing to the sinking scorpion suggesting they go to therapy instead of stinging everyone around them and going "but i'm a scorpion so that means i am not responsible for my actions and nobody is allowed to expect better of me" lmao,
okay that went from a life update to me venting a bit? but. i eared that i think, it helps keep my grounded, hoenstly.
anyway we gotta send my doc a fruit basket or somn
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gutsfics · 3 months
can you give specific examples of what happened to help people understand what happened
this is non-extensive, just the ones i think are the most egregious of what shes done and said
i'm not sure how much of this is stuff she's deleted, as these are all from screenshots i already had on hand, but i would like to say that deleting a post doesn't necessarily mean you no longer agree with what was said in it, especially if you double down on what was said when you're called out for it. which she has done Plenty of times
and for the record, this is not something i enjoy doing. part of the reason this took me a few days to post is because this is stressing me the fuck out and ive been trying to spend as little brainpower on this as possible
First point: queerphobia in the form of homophobic jokes, sharing panphobic rhetoric, and talking for transgender people on a topic she (as far as i am aware) has no
the pelicansexual "joke" was told at the expense of Ethan and Tobias during the "Ethan Bisexuality Canonity" argument she & i got into in June (which btw i would like to apologize for starting that up, i was frustrated w pb's coddling of the cishet part of the fandom & i was having difficulty phrasing it bc of how upset i was w it. i did not mean to attack the fandom specifically but intent doesn't cover for outcome)
the pelicansexual joke was a since-deleted tag on one of her posts which went something along the lines of "my Ethan and Tobias are now pelicansexuals, which means they have to break up with [her characters] as they are not pelicans". i dont have a screenshot of this unfortunately, but i do have a screenshot of her response to an anon calling her out on it.
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in case you don't understand why her "joke" was homophobic, before gay marriage was legalized in the US in 2015, a common anti-homosexuality talking point was "homosexuality being legalized is a slippery slope to bestiality being legalized". while it is good she deleted her "joke", its frankly worrying to me that when called out on it she doubled down on how she was joking when she said it, instead of listening and learning. her bisexuality and queer activism do not mean that she is incapable of saying and doing homophobic things.
the panphobic rhetoric & her talking for transgender people are, if i remember correctly, both part of the same incident wherein she reblogged something panphobic and then, when called out for it, said something that something that most trans people consider transphobic isn't actually transphobic at all
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screenshot 1: bisexuality and pansexuality are two very similar sexualities, with the main difference between the two coming down to personal preference for what term you feel like best. while bisexuality does mean "sexual attraction to two or more genders", some people prefer a term that focuses on the "or more" part. neither sexuality excludes transgender people. pitting queer people against each other because theyre not the "right" kind of queer does nothing but damage the queer community as a whole
screenshot 2: agreeing to delete the post, but doubling down on what she said and refusing to listen to anon simply because they're anonymous
screenshot 3: the highlighted part is what we're focusing on here. "We don't consider cis gay men who only date the same to be anti-trans". hi, I'm a trans gay man. Yes We Fucking Do. i don't understand why she thinks she has the authority to speak on this. what "we" is she referring to here?
Second point: lack of respect or understanding of boundaries in fandom spaces, including both blocks and simply not wanting to interact with someone
i'll be honest, i'm a bit unsure if the above paragraph is the right way of describing what i mean, but she has a bit of a history of being.... openly weird about people who have blocked her for "no reason", and not only that has stated she thinks that not wanting to take place in an event run by someone you are uncomfortable with is childish
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i believe the first one is about my friend Jay, who has her blocked for similar reasons that i do. while it is perfectly fine for her to assume whatever she wants about the reasoning for a block, her phrasing of "all i ever did was be supportive" in a public post about it allows her to victimize herself over a boundary being placed. speaking of Jay, Elsa has, knowing full well that she's been blocked by xim on the "peonyblossom" blog- which, again, is a boundary that has been placed- decided to message xim on the choicespride blog xe runs
the second one is specifically about a tumblr user who i do not know personally and do not wish to drag them into this as they have left the open heart fandom. she was sent an anon about this user blocking her which, yeah, is really weird and suspicious. but this isn't about that, this is about her response to learning she's been blocked. she refers to herself as this users "biggest fan" and says that it "isn't normal" to block your biggest fan. once again she is victimizing herself over a boundary someone else has placed, only this time she has done it in a post talking about a person with their username in it. when you have a blog as big as hers, people are bound to go after someone in the name of defending the person they feel was slighted
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& here's her essentially calling people childish bc they might not want to interact with someone who causes them harm. iirc this was either about certain event blogs in the fandom not disclosing who's running them bc they know full well that some people might not be comfortable interacting with them (hiding ur identity will not help with that) or about people choosing not to participate because they know that the person running the event is someone they don't want to interact with. this ones just bizarre to me. no one has to interact with anyone ever, and calling them childish for it is, frankly, childish
Third point: her callout post for Jeremy and her non-apology
to get it out of the way: i'm friends with Jeremy. i'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible, but i am deeply deeply upset and frustrated with everything thats happened to rain. also, just so yall know, Jeremy gave me permission to talk about this. i'm not just dredging up old drama for drama's sake here.
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first- the callout post
the thing that started this was a post to the playchoicesconfessions blog where an anonymous user said- and i'm copy/pasting it here- "Ethan said he and Tobias were like brothers. Weird how many people in the fandom want to get with their brothers.’" essentially, this anonymous user accused people who ship Ethias as being into irl incest which..... we will not be getting into all the ways thats problematic here.
(as an aside, Elsa did at some point reblog and then delete this post, but her commentary was focused squarely on "ship and let ship" which is a sentiment i agree with but she completely ignored the blatant homophobia in this post. here's a version someone reblogged from her in case you're curious as to what she said)
Jeremy reblogged this confession post and added "i genuinely hope this person and others who think like this eat a fucking bullet holy shit" specifically in reference to the anon insinuating incest. in turn, anons on rain's blog assumed rai was referring to people who don't ship Ethais and sent rain nasty messages, which rai would respond to and get more anons who saw the latest response and again assume rai was talking about not shipping a ship they ship and not the actual genuine fucking homophobia from the original confession post.
one of these anons sent screenshots of rain's posts to Elsa, without the context, and told her rai was talking about her. rai was not. not until the post where rai (rightfully, ihmo) called both Elsa and another blogger (this one who also got a similar ask about being blocked by the user i mentioned earlier but who decided to put it in the open heart tags instead of keep it on their blog the way Elsa did. that's the only props i'll give to her in regards of that- yes it was shitty she posted it in the first place but at least she didn't tag it) for complaining about and villainizing someone who blocked them.
tldr version is- Jeremy was venting about anons that were being homophobic to rain, another anon sent screenshots of those posts to Elsa without the context who who rai was talking about and said they were about her, and Elsa, without bothering to verify in any way, decided the best course of action would be to publicly call rai out, painting rain as a bully who has been targeting her specifically and once again victimizing herself. on her blog with a bunch of followers. many of whom also chose not to verify, and instead just heaped more hatred onto Jeremy's blog.
this went on until September, when they talked to each other at first with a third party go-between, and eventually person-to-person. Jeremy explained the context of the vent posts, Elsa explained that she was getting the screenshots with no context from an anon and admitted she should have verified them herself instead of going full nuclear, and they both agreed to apologize publicly
all good, end of story, right?
while in Jeremy's post, rai took accountability for their side of what happened in this awful game of telephone and apologized for rains part in the whole thing. if you want to read it, here is a version of it.
Elsa, on the other hand.... well she apologized, but to be honest I'm not quite sure what for.
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she says there's been misunderstandings on both parts led on by one or more anonymous sources (no arguments here), says she understands that the posts that were sent to her were not actually about her (okay good) and says that its a tough world and that she's deleted her posts.
okay.... but that doesn't specify what she did at all to need the apology. which was publicly call out Jeremy on her blog with.... well, i'm not sure how many followers she has, but i do know that she's got the most well known blog in the choices fandom. by publicly calling out Jeremy in the way that she did, she (whether intentional or not) set her followers out to attack rains blog. she did not apologize for this. asking people to stop sending hate to rains blog is not the same as taking accountability for sending those people to rains blog in the first place
so. yeah.
again, non-extensive list, but i dont wanna mention things she's done without having screenshots or links to show proof that she did it, and i dont feel like finding more of her bullshit bc this just. really fucking stressed me out.
also this isn't me saying "shes a terrible person forever and i hate her and nobody should like her ever" this is me saying "hey, shes done/said some hurtful things in the past and it sure would be cool if she acknowledged any of it" but i think coolsville sucks or whatever.
also also most importantly: its possible for queer people to say and do things that are queerphobic. being queer yourself does not give you a shield from people calling you out for that. neither does real life activism. its great that she's done real life activism! but pointing back to things you've done in the past, or for a different group of people than the one youre in does not exempt you from the harm youre causing today, to the people you're interacting with.
i dont have a proper ending to this
thanks for reading i guess
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monstersinthecosmos · 26 days
stealing your question as promised: what authors do you think shaped your writing the most when you were first starting?
sdjkgas in middle school my favorite authors were Anne Rice and Francesca Lia Block and I think they have SENSUALITY in common even though their writing styles are SO opposite. As a teen when I was first writing I think I learned so much from both of them, like the seriousness and drama of AR but at the same time, FLB is so concise and punchy and sometimes her books are like these waterfalls of adjectives and I tried to think in that way too! Like I'm a very visual person so FLB books were like fucking crack for me, just heaps and heaps of descriptions of color and glittery and starry night skies and flowers growing where they shouldn't and it feels like poetry!
(I opened a random FLB book off my shelf and this is what I mean: We walked up and down the hills until our legs ached, then rode the trolley car to feel rushes of salty, misty air. We had picnics and fed the swans on the lake under the flowering terra-cotta arches, drank tea and ate pastries in rooms with cupids and rosebuds painted on the walls, strolled through the park, green-dazzled, fragrance-drunk, gasped at treasures gleaming gold in the half-lit glass cases of the museum. Then we'd return with spices, fruits and vegetables from Chinatown, seafood and baguettes from the wharf.
Her writing is so simple but it's just like heaps and heaps of sensory details !! And it's an interesting spectrum between her & AR to see how much you can say and like what type of efficiency you can find, because both of them give me that same feeling and feel so sensuous to me. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE AND SMELLS LIKE AND SOUNDS LIKE, TAKE ME THERE!
So as a teen I think I was learning a lot from them both and like I remember a fic I wrote with someone at a mall and it was like my FLB moment, I was like OMG I MUST MENTION THE TACO SMELL IN THE FOOD COURT AND THE PERFUME KIOSK AND THE HOUSE MUSIC BLASTING FROM A HAT SHOP AND THE CRUNCHY SUGAR ON A PRETZEL! And that's something that's stuck with me a lot, I think. I always want to tell you how things feel and smell like we're going on a journey, okay!
They both also have a way of treating cities/locations like characters--FLB actually does this quite literally by describing cities as if they're women (like LA is a blonde woman with big sunglasses and NYC has dyed black hair with severe red lipstick that stains on her cigarette butts, etc something like that) and it feels really specific and made me think a lot about locations and settings and how they affect the characters and story! They were also both the first books I ever read with queer people! FLB's short story Dragons in Manhattan was the first story I ever read with a trans person back when I was like 12 or 13.
AND THEN as a final nail in the coffin LOL I read I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb when I was in 9th or 10th grade and it just really like !! IDK broke my head open for character voice. I don't think I'd read it so well done before, or maybe not noticed before. LIKE I MEAN this entire concept is like asking what did WE discover as kids or whatever, like so much of it is happenstance and if it hadn't been these authors it would've been someone else, and it's not like I stopped reading LOL like I still learn things from reading all the time! But Wally Lamb really brought this home for me. Like the way he writes Dominick's narration is just so like cynical and rugged and full of hurt and it made me think a lot about like how to profile a character with the language we use. I don't think FLB does this too much bc her writing is so breezy anyway and AR is so wordy that I don't think I could pick up on it as a teenager. I get more nuance now and see it better but it's there's a base level of like fanciness and purple prose that can be hard to see through on the first try, at least for me as a teen.
ANYWAY SORRY THAT WAS A REALLY LONG RESPONSE I JUST GOT REALLY EXCITED but Anne Rice + FLB + Wally Lamb wombo combo for emotionally torturous sensory overload cynical guttermouth style.
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subiysu-chan · 9 months
Lurking in your askbox again.
I lost that thread but it basically said that if someone's publically a HP fan, it equates to being transphobic because JKR is, and the canon is filled with harmful themes, but. I don't agree with this, at all. How is me drawing or analyzing Marauders era girlies transphobic? There are many queer hp fans too... I got curious abt your view on this. If you're not comfortable with the more 'political' discussions feel free to delete the ask (bcs uh the political side of the internet can be wild). Again, I'm just curious and I'm not gonna use your response as moral guidance or anything.
Also it's a cursed thought but now Lucius makes me think of Jean Baptiste even though they're not all that similar💀
First of all, there are trans people who agree with J.K Rowling's tweets (which personally, I think were blown out of proportion), and the queer community is not a uniform block. They tend to lean a bit more conservative, and do not believe gender is a social construct. Personally, I despise cancel culture, and several times have considered wearing Harry Potter merch out of pure spite, but then remembered buying it would be financially unwise. Sexuality and political opinion are two different things.
Second, opinion of the reader does not equate to opinion of the author. I for one, greately enjoy reading books written by people who I find morally abhorrant. I personally don't get the obsessive love or hate J.K Rowling gets, and I mearly think of her as a talented author.
Also, you're not the only one who thinks Lucius is kind of similar to Jean-Baptiste, with the exeption that between manga!Jean-Baptiste and Lucius, and I was holding a gun with only one bullet, Lucius takes the shot. Lol.
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sufficiently-advanced · 2 months
hi! I got a bunch of asks, and I figured I should (after 5 years) finally give an update.
unfortunately, though I enjoyed this for a long time, the hobby of writing faux-academic analyses of wands has long been soured for me bc I am, yknow, trans in the uk. I don't want to help sustain positive and neutral attention on jk rowling and contribute to the money she is using to fund and spearhead uk and us movements against trans people. It is truly wild to have reason to have beef with a famous children's author but here we are. Years later, these movements are still using that harry potter money and social cred to try to make questioning trans people's existence seem like a liberal free-speech common sense position that's unfairly targeted by radical, hysterical trans activists.
(Here is a tracker of the rise in current legislation restricting trans peoples' participation in public life in the us; the current uk prime minister made a jab against trans people this week in parliament, unknowingly in front of the mother of a trans teenager recently murdered in a hate-motivated attack, part of his customary appeal to right-wing culture war rhetoric. This is, as that first link points out, not his first public joke lampooning trans people, and as the stonewall link below mentions hate-motivated crimes against trans people have increased over 150% in the last few years, but only in the aftermath of a girl's murder has labour pushed back against our identities being part of a national debate.)
Interacting with people still into harry potter feels like a real toss-up. It feels depressingly likely, given what I see online and the beliefs of some of my coworkers, relatives and acquaintances, that I'm writing for someone who thinks nonbinary people are fine as long as they aren't too scarily masculine-looking, and trans women are fine as long as they're really nice and never say anything challenging and make themselves as small and cis-acceptable as possible and only react to people's cruelty with self-sacrificing grace, and trans men are fine as long as they are cute and don't look like neckbeards and are suitably disdainful of masculinity but also not too trender-y, and this whole thing about harry potter is kind of overblown but you can't say that because trans people looove to cancel people. I don't want to write stuff for people who hold these beliefs if I can avoid it! Writing non-harry potter related stuff is the best way to avoid it right now.
If some of these statements feel challenging to you - I was there once too, as a confused angry teenager who felt like gay people were trying to make me feel bad about myself. The social media landscape genuinely makes change more painful than it has to be. Personally, working to humanise and listen to people I was unthinkingly taught to disregard, ignore, disdain or pity has been one of the most rewarding projects of my life, even though by definition it will probably never be complete, and also it can be difficult and vulnerable. I hope you can find it rewarding too. If you're mostly like 'wow, I for real didn't hear about any of this', happy for you, there are links below so you know what's up and can identify some messages you might have absorbed without knowing it.
I won't be updating this blog with any more analyses. Thanks for reading, especially if you had to push through discomfort or fear to do so, and for liking my analyses enough to follow! If you have questions, here are some good resources to look at:
the basics of 'what does trans mean, like, practically?';
a great primer on what we actually know about trans people in britain (useful for outside-of-britain questions too);
a video introducing jk rowling's contribution to anti-trans movements and the discussion of whether to separate the art from the artist, and, if you're interested, a dry but short video about some of her direct links to conservative anti-trans and anti-gay groups in the us and uk
if you have more questions after looking at these, the facebook group 'You Might Wanna Learn More About Trans People' is an active group where you can ask them, anonymously if you want to.
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HI HELLO HOWDY I just saw ur quirk requests and I gots one hehe
This quirk gives the user some attributes of a unicorn (horn, ears, and a long tail with hair on the end) as well as stronger legs, specifically enhanced agility speed and strength! The quirk also gives them the ability to remove toxins/poisons from water and to a greater extent people, although it's much more difficult. However, they do have a poison/toxin resistance due to the purifying part of their quirk
They aren't related to anyone in Canon but the stronger legs part of their quirk is similar to Mirko!
Platonic 1A please!!
And extra info is he/they pronouns and idk if you write trans reader but if you're comfy doing so that's be awesome :D, also their vibe is pastel himbo JDHDBSND
I lov ur writing and I hope ur having a good day/night!!!!
Unicorn in a UA Uniform
pairing: platonic!class 1a x reader (he/they, trans)
genre: fluff, sillies, LIGHT angst
warnings: mentions of femenization/fear of transphobia (doesn't aftually occur, just a fear of) + mentions of jerkwads
author's note: i was blasting mlp songs while writing this. ALSO***, for future ref, as a trans person, im more than happy to write trans rep!
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(also dont like how people made scary edits of this song :( )
(Ik this isn't unicorn themes exactly but it made me :]:]:]:] happy bc its bright and pretty like unicorns :])
you're warm. you're bright, and everything about your quirk should be an automatic eyestrain warning, but it's not because there's something about who you are as a person that balances.
you're not coolheaded or laidback, but you're not eccentric to the point where it comes off as forceful. you're you, yourself, a proud unicorn himbo, and nobody in your class can bring themselves to think anything negatively of that whatsoever. even people like bakugou embrace it (a few weeks in) and though it does perplex him, he doesn't look into it much.
so your first impression as a person? GREAT!
the next issue though was how people saw you as a peer. well, moreso from a professional stance.
because of your power to remove toxins paired with your ability to watch your own ass, you're typically quickly labeled as a support hero or told you should pursue rescuing. at first you just took it as a compliment because there's nothing weak or bad about being a support hero or rescuing! they're difficult fields of work and arguably some of the most important!
but when you realized it was a backhanded way to tell you that you weren't suited for prohero work, it started to bother you.
the way people told you, too, was just so condescending. they always said it with a bit of a bite in their tone, a second slap in the face once you realized they were also treating you like an outright idiot.
"have you ever considered... alternative career paths? heroes are always looking for sidek- er- support."
"you're no cat, but i'd imagine the pussycats are always looking for back up crew. the pay is good and well... it'd probably save you your...mental energy."
it wasn't just random people. no, it was some people even at SCHOOL who were telling you this, people who youd considered friends since middle school.
and it was tough. trying to act as though you didn't understand their intentions was TOUGH. but considering the alternative, which was losing your only "friends", you decided to play up the whole clueless, starry eyed dreamer act.
this was until you got your first praises from aizawa.
training was great. difficult and tiring, and it definitely pushed you to your very limits, but great. you were treated seriously and that was all you'd really wanted.
wearing pastel clothes, being a bit vacuous and having a unicorn quirk did not make you weak. it didn't make you less of a person, less of a guy, or less of a hero, and it was great to finally be treated that way with nobody trying to take it easy on you out of any pity.
your 1a peers weren't going to hold back and neither were your teachers. after the first two months of school, as the class started becoming better acquainted, compliments started rolling in more often. they were commonly shared amongst everyone with genuine and vibrant admiration for the diverse skillsets amongst the group, but what was rare was for them to come from aizawa.
it wasn't that he couldn't tell someone when they were doing well, but he hardly ever left it at that. it wasn't a bad trait, really; his ability to maintain a professional front despite caring so deeply about his students in order to provide the best feedback possible was an asset to the school staff. in the same way it drove everyone towards progress, though, it left many yearning for more assurances. however asking for it was going to be seen as selfish or needy regardless of who it came from.
it's still school, after all.
but this is why, 4 months in, when aizawa compliments you, genuinely compliments you, you finally get that improvement in self image that pushes you to stand up for yourself.
"now, [last name]. their focus on getting to the target never made him lose focus of damage control. he supported mina when necessary and kept open communication to allow her to do the same for them. that's what a good teammate is supposed to do with any hero they're working with. adapting to a situation includes adapting to who you're working with. he made sure they stayed on track even when facing massive interruptions in plans."
and he moved on. three days later, you confronted your "friends" and decided you weren't going to take any shit about your career choices.
deku won't outright ask you to do it, but it's clear he's curious and you're more than happy to help him with his notes. it's not everyday you have a friend that's so genuinely interested in your abilities. (basically you test how fast you can purify water and he figures out how to calculate how that'd translate to your ability to purify toxins in people based on previous trainings and he uses that in order to-)
as mentioned earlier, bakugou doesn't mind you. todoroki doesn't either. they're not closest to you, and same goes with iida, jirou, sero, and momo, but it's moreso a difference in interest over anything. none of you are just very close and thats all good! you still care about each other and respect each other v much.
after hanging out in the dorms, you end up with black nail polish, kami ends up with pastel nails, and kiri ends up with a mix of vibrant red and pastel red that he honestly does not mind. you and kami also make fun of his croc obsession, all in good fun, but then kiri makes fun of your obsessions with sticking to your aesthetics and yall are 😶 /lh
you were honestly scared that uraraka, mina, and asui would femenize you because of your aesthetic + your quirk. you were scared of others doing it as well, but for some reason especially nervous about their reaction, especially after telling them your pronouns,, BUT THEY RESPECT YOU ON ANOTHER LEVEL OK? 👹 and when mina told you they go by she/they, everything was honestly great. you all get alone very well and often times help each other find clothes (you insist on helping uraraka pay for new clothes).
you're not that close to the other girls of the class, but that isn't to say you dont get along!
the same goes with teachers, really, though mic often times asks about something you're wearing, whether it's a bracelet, necklace, or even the nail polish. you notice sometimes that layer in the week, either him or shinsou is wearing something identical or near the same to what he asked about.
its become somewhat of a habit now, you staying two minutes late to trade information about where you get accessories.
but yes. overall it's a good time. you keep learning, not just about the prohero field, but about your value. you have a place in the world, in prohero agencies, in UA, in 1a. and nobody is ever gonna be able to take that from you. you're truly 1 in a million.
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
You're so dumb if you think liking HP or AoT makes the person a terf or a fucking japanese nationalist (the staff member in question isn't even japanese??? Just how??) like first off HP was hugely popular for 20 years and ppl grew up with it of course they're gonna like it. Like? Be normal, who the fuck cares? Everyone who ever liked a Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movie is a rapist pedophile now. Everyone who ever liked a movie Johnny Depp or Amber Heard was in is an abusive spouse. You watched the movie Death on the Nile? Well it features both Gal Gadot AND Armie Hammer so you're both in favor of the death of Palestinian children AND also a cannibal fetishist sexual abuser! Watched any single movie produced by Weinstein? Ever? Oh boy! You know how many of those there are? I guess every single one of us is now a rapist! Damn :/
People don't just watch something and then get infected with the cooties of the author/director/actor's bigoted belief and suddenly become bigoted or bad people. It's literally impossible to consume only media that's 100% ideologically pure because bigots are everywhere. And what you watch/read isn't fucking activism. It does nothing for trans people whether or not someone has watched/read HP in the past (i guess we're all terfs now bc most of us have seen/read some of it damn :/) literally that doesn't matter. What matters is going out and doing real activism, but it's insane to call someone a nazi terf for reading a book/manga which was hugely popular and almost everyone ever knows of it like come on.
The way you wrote this whole essay instead of reading the multiple times trans people have literally quoted JKR in saying that supporting HP is a support in her beliefs. Also I never said having read HP makes you a terf. Ever. I've read HP and generally enjoyed it till JKR started talking on twitter and I realized the IP wasn't worth her being a dumbass.
Also you don't need to be Japanese to subscribe to Japanese nationalist ideology??? Because the base of said ideology is that nation states should be closed to maintain a cultural and ethnic hegemony at all costs?? Thus the literal ethnic cleansing at the end of the fucking story.
Like I understand you enjoy bad media and are still obsessed with mediocre shit that came out years ago, but you can't be this heated in my inbox if you don't have even a lick of political understanding and how media is used to spread ideas.
I've said this before and I guess I have to say this again because you're both spineless and stupid: the impossibility of "ideologically pure" media doesn't mean you shouldn't be discerning in what media you interact with and promote (and yes fanmade content is free promotion; y'all are clowns). JKR gained her fame and influence off of HP and it's continued relevance allows her to maintain that fame. She has used that fame to rollback the rights of trans people in the UK and has attempted the same in the US.
AoT has people spouting fascist/nationalist/antisemitic/anti-Korean ideology with no critical thought and that is by design. It's propaganda.
Just because you don't want to do the hard work of analyzing the media you consume doesn't mean I shouldn't and that I'm not gonna criticize other people like you.
Hope you have an awful day.
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ashren · 2 years
I'm taking you down with me, bud! ❤️🌛 I challenge you to ALSO do all of the Part II questions!
Ooooooo Thank you!!!! I hope ur ready for some Ren Facts 😎 (the rest is under the cut just bc it's long lol)
1. What are your OC's best and worst qualities What do they think are their best and worst qualities?
Ren's best quality is probably his loyalty. Once he trusts someone, he's ride or die. For the most part.
His worst quality is that he holds a Grudge. He's pissed at Max for a LONG time after the scholar thing, and doesn't fully come around until well after Scylla. He's been hurt a few too many times to take what he sees as betrayal lightly.
Ren would probably agree his best quality is his loyalty, but he would say his worst quality is his temper.
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it? (either in the story, or why you as the author decided to give them their name)
I just answered a question about Ren's name so Ill give the real world answer! Genuinely, I saw someone with the nickname Ren when i was at work and i was like Yo that's a cool name. And i snatched it up. I steal a lot of cool names from work 😂😅
3. What does their voice sound like, in a couple of words? (ie soft, scratchy, seductive, high pitched, etc)
Oddly?? I haven't thought about it much! He's trans and was on T on Earth, and I've guess i always imagined like a bit lower and kinda scratchy? Look, Ive been on T for a while and only JUST realized like a month ago that my voice changed a lot, I'm not good with like,,, voices or describing them fjalfjalf
4. Do they have any underlying motivations? (ie hey seem hard-working but secretly just don't want to fall back into poverty, etc)
Ren's secretive about exactly what they're doing for Phineas at first, because he's not sure he can trust ANYONE, but as soon as he warms up to the crew and to Phineas, he's pretty straight forward with them. He doesn't tell them about his past on Earth for a while, but he came to Halcyon to start over as a paramedic. He truly wants to save the people on the Hope, and believes they can help save the colony.
5. Does their fashion sense reflect an aspect of their personality? (ie bright and colorful outfits symbolizing that they're an upbeat person)
Ren ends up wearing old altered Iconiclast armor. He uses his own fabric in colors he's not mistaken for the Iconiclasts. He ends up choosing the blue for the head scarf and detailing because he stopped dying his hair when he got to Halcyon (too much work) so it's a little homage to the hair color he sported for years. That's not really the answer to the question but... i'm leaving it there 😅
6. Do they have any tattoos? What are they, and why did they get them?
YES! On his left arm he has the word FUCK tattooed. His late husband Johnny had "SHIT" tattooed on him, because those were the first words they said to each other. Once they realized that after they got married, they got it tattooed
I want Ren to have more tattoos but i haven't put that much thought into it lol I think he'd get some in Halcyon too, and not all of them would have some grand meaning! I think eventually he'd get something to commemorate his original crew on the Unreliable
7. What is their biggest insecurity?
Ren biggest insecurity is that he doesn't believe he's as morally good as he really is. He has a checkered past on Earth, but really it's bc he's more of a Chaotic Good type than a Neutral Good.
However, he still thinks he's way in over his head and doesn't ever know if he's doing the right thing.
8. What is their coping mechanism?
Fake it til u make it baybee. That and cigarettes. He doesn't drink so much anymore, but he smokes as an anxious habit when he's not Doing Great (and generally only then, so if he's smoking, he's going through it)
9. What is their main love language? (gifts, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation)
Oooo copy pasting this one bc i answered it before from a different ask thing and im too lazy too type a new answer :,) :
Ren's love language is definitely physical touch, acts of service are important to him, but being physical close to his people is the best. Makes for fun moments when someone Ren cares about helps bandage him up after a fight uwu
10. What is their MBTI type?
INJF (idk i made it up im too lazy to go through and do that sorry lol)
11. What kind of person are they most compatible with? (platonic or romantic)
Queer people, generally, but anyone who isn't a dick 😂
He doesn't really like cynical people, even though he can be kinda cynical himself sometimes, so he finds it really hard to get along with Max and Ellie through the story. Ellie and Ren definitely bond somewhat after her quest, and Max kinda gets over the most annoying if his cynicism after his quest, so that helps a lot.
12. How do they feel about romantic relationships? Are they into casual flings or more serious, long-term romances? Or are they uninterested?
Very interested on all levels lol. Ren is very casual about sex, he's more of a 'it's a fun activity' kind of guy. He's totally happy with casual flings, however! He is also a romantic. In an ideal world, his partner(s) would be open to the idea of non monogamy, but if not, Ren would be absolutely fine with settling down with the right person. (spoilers i give Ren his happy ending........ no pun intended)
13. What are their views on marriage? If they want to get married, what would their dream wedding be like?
Ren's been married! He and Johnny got married for the benefit status, though. Ren doesn't particularly care about marriage as an institution, but he did enjoy having a party to celebrate his and Johnny's love, soooo he's not closed to the idea in the future. He wouldn't be the one to ask for one though.
14. How is their relationship with their family Which family member are they closest to?
Non existant. He cut off communication with his parents right after high school. He kept tabs on them from a distance for a while, but eventually stopped checking in on them. He used to spend summers on his uncle's dairy farm, though, and before he cut off his parents, his Uncle was probably the person he was closest too. It wasn't a very familial relationship, though, and he didn't answer after Ren reached out in his 20s. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. Has their personality changed at all since they were a child? Why?
Absolutely. Ren grew up with grossly wealthy parents, so he was coddled and shielded by a lot as a child. Until High school he was probably kinda like those pretentious little kids who's low key annoying, but i'm high school he learned about the horrors of ~capitalism~ and things went downhill from their (or uphill? Because he's definitely a better person for it 😅)
16. How do other characters in the story view them?
Ooooo, this is a tricky one, it depends on the timeline of the game, but at first I think their all a little bit optimistically confused by him lol. He's a stranger who came out of nowhere and is offering to help (for a fee sometimes), but then is actually capable of surviving in this colony while not knowing what "Tossball" is.
By the end of the game, they all see him as more human and less superhero, understanding he has his limits, but by the end of the game there's definitely a mutual respect from everyone on the crew. I could go more into each persons opinions but this would be twice as long as it already will be lmfao
17. How many hours of sleep does your OC get on average?
Not enough :,)
18. Where do they see themself in ten years?
Ideally, he, Phineas, and Hiram are settled down somewhere relatively safe in the colony and he and Hiram can work on the colony while Phineas relaxes and works in his own projects for fun for once in his life
19. If they had a theme song, what would it be?
BRONCO ORVILLE PECK (literally listening to it as i type 😇)
20. What AU would they belong in the best?
PIRATES hahaha probably bc i'm writing that one 🥴 but really ive thrown Ren into every AU at this point (at least in my head, if not scribbled somewhere in a notebook)
for the purposes of the ask~ i'll stick with pirates haha
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llycaons · 3 years
I haven't seen the special episode yet and I probably will tomorrow but I completely understand why people dropped this series as it was...a shitshow. and given the poor handling of its subject matter I honest to god thinks this show ends up making the opposite point of what is should and that it actually sends a harmful message to teenage girls wrt authority figures.
I also retract any reccomendation I made of it and I apologize for doing so without finishing it. I really did not expect them to fuck it up this badly
tw for rape, suicide, csa, victim blaming under the cut
I can kind of see their main message (which is very simple - young girls, don't commit suicide, you will regret it, protect yourself) but it's so bogged down with confusing charcterization and choppy editing and baffling plot points that never get explained. the parallel universe thing was easily the least crappy decision the writers made for this show. and given the first episode, that's a massive letdown. the finale explained literally nothing, left a ton of plots open, and made me worry that rika is actually going to get killed and that momoe will never speak to the other girls again and neiru once again got nothing
and most importantly I do not understand the point of having the entire plot for ai build up around the idea that the teacher was grooming both ai and koito, and the heavy implication that he was molesting koito and that led directly to her suicide. but instead the message was "you were paranoid and suspicious and made yourself miserable thinking he hurt your friend but he was actually a nice guy and you were wrong the whole time" when realistically we saw NOTHING that absolved him and we didn't even had enough information about koito to understand why she'd kill herself?? given the fact that teachers and caregivers are the most likely to abuse children, and the difficulty many survivors (especially young teenagers) encounter about coming forward about (especially if they're authority figures) what the fuck kind of shitty cowardly message is that for the audience of presumably young teenage girls? if you suspect an authority figure but your mom likes him, then that means he's a safe person and you've been silly this whole time and also your friend who killed herself was a bad friend?? WHAT??
the fact that younger girls (like rika) see no problem with having a romance with a teacher is exactly part of why this mindset should not be encouraged and im baffled why, in-universe, the teacher got away with everything he may have done just bc the writers decided ai made up her own problems and doesn't need attention anymore and just has to "believe". like of course she needs attention! everyone does! you can't just decide not to want attention, you're only starving yourself and setting yourself up to fail! christ!
and I was lighter on criticizing how they portrayed sexual assault because I thought they'd actually deal with it with ai and koito but since they didn't, I have to say it felt very ugly how they used raped/molested girls and trans boys as angsty plot devices to make their protags look strong and save them. like the entire thing is baffling to the point of offense when you remove the fact that sawaki is just a nice guy who had a normal relationship with the girls even though he canonically had really creepy interactions with both of them. and im not even going to mention the plot they shoved into ep11 that explained literally nothing and made everything more confusing not to mention centered men and male grief for their fridged wife/daughter in a show that's supposed to be ABOUT girls
I am glad I watched this because I really enjoyed the characters (especially momoe and I don't want to detract from how special it was to see an explictly trans girl protag), the animation was beautiful, and I think it had great potential but I am never rewatching it because holy shit how do you mess up the point that fucking badly. I am actually. really angry with what this show did
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astratic · 5 years
Nonbinary Jon Archivist post
Been meaning to write up some headcanons........ Here they are
Jon is incredibly stubborn and avoids acknowledging or addressing his dysphoria in any way whatsoever for as long as possible but WHEN HE DOES he throws himself absolutely headlong into doing obsessive and meticulous research on gender theory, reading academic papers and blogs and memoirs and basically anything he can get his grubby little hands on related to trans stuff
He doesn't have strong feelings about pronouns. Neutral pronouns could be validating, but just insofar as people using them are actively acknowledging his identity. He doesn't care about the word itself and mostly thinks that trying to switch would stress him out and be pointless
He does not know Martin is trans and when he comes out to him Martin says something about solidarity and he's like ????????? and Martin is just flabbergasted cuz it's not like he makes an effort to hide it?????? He was just complaining about being misgendered the other day???????????? Jon is not good at putting these kinds of clues together.
Jon has always had Issues with men bc of his dysphoria. He always felt kind of alien and wrong among them and was more comfortable around women. He had a hard time coming to terms with being bi for this reason and felt a lot of hostility toward men in general bc of his feelings of alienation. He gets along better with men after he realizes he's sort of not one.
Idk what kind of fucking around with gender presentation he would do. He probably wore eyeliner a little during his halfway-goth phase and he liked it but didn't rly know why. Other than that he definitely has no desire whatsoever to wear makeup…he'd feel clownish and also it's a bad texture (he's worn stage makeup before. In theatre). Martin always wears sparkly nail polish and Jon has Some Kind Of Emotion about it, but he doesn't know what. It's probably just annoyance, right? He's just annoyed with Martin and his penchant for frivolous and unprofessional things like glittery nail polish. He is NOT jealous.
He might like the idea of wearing skirts but I don't know that he would ever actually bring himself to go out in public in one. Jon is…………. Extremely repressed. Maybe Georgie gets him to try on some of her clothes when he comes out to her tho (being the same size as your gf is convenient) and that's fun. He likes long swishy skirts…. They're stimmy.
A lot of his grief about his gender stems from the fact that he's like, panicking about being inhuman and is this another thing that he's losing a grip on? If he admits he's not a man is he losing some essential part of himself that makes him Jon? Then he thinks probably that's stupid cuz he's never felt any kind of way about his gender in the first place really so why is he getting all in his head about it now? (It's cuz Jon is all in his head about literally everything all the time)
He's afraid that maybe his dysphoria is an avatar thing until he reads a memoir where the author talks about looking back on their childhood and seeing the beginnings of transness in their young self and Jon kinda thinks back to his own childhood of feeling helplessly Angry every time someone forced him to do something uncomfortable and arbitrary because He's A Boy, and being Angry at his grandmother for never having his back, and being just. Angry. (He wonders when he lost that anger and it subsided into quiet conformity. He can't really remember).
It makes him feel better though and he realizes that maybe this is the most Jon he's been in a long time, and then once he decides that he kinda leaps into it….. he's still not loud about being nonbinary and he doesn't have much desire to be obviously gnc insofar as dipping into femininity goes BUT he takes a lot of solace in it I think and changing the way he categorizes himself really alters his attitude toward men…. He's not so resentful anymore and feels better about his attraction to them. He spends a lot of time thinking about gender politics and stuff and it's??? Comforting????
Somehow he knows that this is purely human. Entities don't have time for gender identity or politics. Jon realizes that embracing his nb identity is a pretty crucial step in reclaiming his humanity, since his dysphoria makes him feel so alienated from himself
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(1) Trans Reggie anon, I'm so happy you liked it!!! I was worried I'd made you uncomfortable or something, so hearing you kept it in your inbox because it was too cute is just 💞 I agree about trans characters being fetishized, and it does make me a bit sad that for this reason some authors won't write porn with trans characters at all because they're worried about fetishizing trans ppl because of those who have.
(2) It's a totally valid concern, and this isn't a comment on you not wanting to write porn with trans characters! I'm a big believer in "just write what makes you happy and not what other people want", and I know for most people that won't be smut with trans characters. But I do wish more authors would just do a bit of research and give it a try you know? I think the way where-you-go went about it, with posting it and accepting concrit as they're not trans themselves, is a great way to do it.
(3) And maybe this is silly considering it's just fic, but it'd be really cool to have more representation. So I guess this is an open call to all authors who have considered writing smut with a trans character but decided not to because they're not trans themselves, just do it! Just the fact that you're worried about making it respectful already tells me that it'll be fine, and if something is really wrong, we'll let you know. Anyway. I'm very happy you enjoyed my thoughts on it :) 💙💙
sorry to make you worry, anon 💛💛 i very much wanted to just keep it in my inbox for a little while bc it was so cute (and also i don't always have the spoons to answer asks, even if they don't require a lot of effort on my part)!
i wholeheartedly agree that @where-you-go absolutely did it the right way and in the future, if i ever decide to write a trans character (with or without smut) i will definitely follow Jay's lead and accept any and all concrit from the trans community to make my writing better!
feel free to drop by my inbox anytime, anon 💛
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scriptlgbt · 6 years
My mc (cis, sexuality ???) has superpowers that he was shamed and abused for since childhood. They're not inherently bad and his modern day friends are supportive, but he still has a lot of self-hatred and intimacy issues. He dates a trans woman who has similar intimacy issues bc her parents wanted her to be aggressive and masculine, which she hated. They both still have self-images of themselves as dangerous. Is that okay rep-wise? Any tips on handling it well?
I think this could really go either way because writing internalized transmisogyny (and transmisogyny in general) in a decent and respectful way requires an extremely educated author, or else someone who experiences it personally. (I’m also worried that somehow this equates being a trans woman to being more powerful somehow, like superpowers? But I feel I cannot, personally, make that call on if this is ultimately okay or not.) 
It’s a big responsibility to write something like this. I cannot see a TME* person writing this on their own in a way that does not backfire.
If you do decide to go this route, I would recommend possibly taking on a co-author who experiences transmisogyny or hiring a consultant, or a sensitivity reader who does. (Or all of those.) If you’re short on funds for hiring someone, you can always try and figure out a way to exchange labour or something else.
Any general tips for the writing that I could give you would not be nearly enough. Your best bet is to have someone with firsthand experience read over and help you figure out the appropriateness of specific scenes and passages.
- mod nat
*TME = transmisogyny exempt
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wepush · 7 years
I'm curious though because if they are writing cis characters who don't think critically about the gender binary constantly because they're cis, would it really make sense for them to not assign gender to the baby? Like I think the characters should think critically about gender that should absolutely be normalized but if the characters don't then it doesn't make sense in that story maybe they just shouldn't write it lol
i mean, my answer to people writing stories that hinge on gender that don’t think critically about gender, is also “they shouldn’t write it.” so i agree?? think ya might’ve missed the point of the post bb?
but i mean i guess my real question in response is, people themselves determine how critical to be about gender. there is no rule that says cis people have to be complicit and unknowledgeable. they make that choice themselves. so, why do cis people choose to not know?
in short: writing cis people does not inherently equal writing cissexism. stop writing cis characters as an excuse to be trans exclusionary. 
therefore yes it would make sense bc the author determines what makes sense, what is fact, what is physics and truth and important in a story. if an author can write male characters laying eggs, they can write a line abt the gender nonbinary.
& i don’t agree that cis people around the world are COMPLETELY, UTTERLY ignorant of how enforcing binary gender roles is harmful to kids, nor that author’s are COMPLETELY, UTTERLY ignorant of the effects of duplicating this and supporting this in fiction, so i don’t think this is applicable. boop
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