#biting kink cw
sigmahimejoshi · 1 year
Biting a girls neck as I'm balls deep inside, making them bleed from my bite and feeling myself go feral as I taste their blood. I can't help but to force them into a mating press and drink from them like the dumb blood thirsty vampire I am!
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somnambulic-thing · 1 year
For your writers block cure/drabble prompts….
Playing Bitey with Eddie? hehehe 🖤
Okay so here we go. I'll love you until the end of my days for sending me this even if turned out I can't even really drabble when I am asking for drabble prompts. Guess I'll have to practice that some more. But I hope you'll like it!
CW: for biting and blood, in a kinky way | nsfw 18+
Eddie Munson x gn!reader with boobs 2.1k
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You met Eddie on a warm summer night at a party neither of you had been invited to, in a town where no one knew your names because you were both just passing through.
A problem with the engine of your car - which also was your home - interrupted your travel plans and had you stuck here for who knew how long. With the prices of motels these days you opted for adventure; the night would tell you where to go.
It led you to the bottom of an empty swimming pool with a cold drink in your hand and an alright conversation with some guy who never introduced himself when something small hit the back of your head and made you whirl around.
“Hi,” he said, long legs dangling from the edge of the pool, smiling at you from above like a handsome, heavy metal Cheshire Cat.
“I’m Eddie and I bet I can hold my breath longer than you.”
He was all wild hair, twitchy feet and curious eyes, and some guy behind you was erased from your mind completely when the tip of Eddie’s tongue poked from the corner of his mouth as he awaited your reply.
“What’s my price?” you asked and Eddie’s smile became all teeth.
“Your price?” he rubbed his chin and hummed; voice oh so deep yet full of mirth. “How about some time well spent? The highest of all goods?”
 You laughed, shook his outstretched hand and pulled him off the edge and into a rabbit hole of silly bets.
He held his breath in for a long time but you held yours even longer. Ten whole seconds longer and Eddie demanded two out of three because it had been such a ‘close call’ and when he finally accepted his defeat he pulled you up the ladder and out of the pool to find more silly things he could challenge you to.
Two wild hours later and you didn’t want this to end, but you were in a tie and Eddie declared the next one to be the deciding match.
“I have other plans before the night runs out,” he said and you swallowed a thick lump of sadness and challenged Eddie to stand on one leg longer than you.
“Ready?” you asked.
“So ready,” he said solemnly and his dark brown eyes were soft but wild and something else and you didn’t want this to end. So you balanced on your leg like the fate of the world depended on it and so did Eddie and you spent almost ten minutes like competitive bantering flamingos before that little shit started to sabotage you by trying to make you laugh. With success.
It turned out that Eddie had no honor, for he took this ‘win’ like it was an earned one and claimed your mouth in a heated kiss as his rightful prize.
“What about your plans?” you asked him when he pulled you into his van and your clothes off your body.
“Sweetheart,” he chuckled against your neck before he smiled down at you. “My plans are to make you scream my name.”
“Oh,” your voice broke and he licked his bottom lip as if he was about to eat you.
“I bet I can make you come at least three times before the sun comes up.”
You were glad he won this bet.
Eddie had been travelling east and you west when you collided and - after you sold your run-down car for parts to the shop you had left it with the day before - the two of you decided to head north for no particular reason, really, because the real destination was now sweetly wasting the days away together.
You kept up your little games. There was a competition in everything if you wanted to and since the winner got to have their way with the loser, losing wasn’t exactly the right word anyway.
So Eddie took it with as much grace and dignity as one could losing a milkshake-gulping contest with strawberry milk squirting out his nostrils because he knew that pity made you treat him extra nice, and you were totally fine tapping out after three seconds of whose feet are the most ticklish because Eddie immediately pulled you close to make sure you were a thoroughly sore loser.
Today, furious rain kept you inside the van that was currently anchored in the parking lot of a venue where you would see Metallica tomorrow night. Eddie had made sure that you arrived early, just in case. You love those lazy days in between adventures. It’s cosy inside this cocoon that was a jumble of your things, with the rain on the roof and Eddie’s warm skin always touching yours somewhere because there simply wasn’t enough room to move away that far on the mattress even if you had wanted to.
You keep a tally on the wall and right now the score stood 24 - 23 for you and you knew Eddie was itching to even it out again. You’ve been reading to him for the past hour and he keeps glancing at the thing, letting out a sigh every now and then. He was adorable.
 “You know,” you say, his head in your lap, your fingers playing with his hair, “if you want to fuck, you can just say so.”
“No,” he draws his brows down, stifling a grin, “I want to earn it.”
You laugh, looking for the line where you just left off to resume reading when suddenly Eddie sits up, radiating this feral energy you’d fallen for so quickly. “You wanna play Bitey?”
“Yeah, uh, we bite each other at the same time, the loser is who can’t take it anymore and breaks it.”
Something is dancing in his dark eyes; excitement and also fear. The fear of a first rejection maybe, fear that he just crossed a line you wouldn’t follow him over. He couldn’t know that your mouth was already watering with the anticipation to sink your teeth into his skin.
“Alright,” you say, chucking the book somewhere on the mattress. “Let’s play Bitey.”
Eddie moves so fast his features blur as he grabs you and then the inside of the van goes hazy as he pulls you into his lap. You brace yourself with your palms pressed to his bare chest, eyes wide, heart pounding.
“Hi,” he says with a hungry grin that makes your spine prickle before he pulls the frayed Dio shirt over your head. You wear nothing underneath and you shiver when the cool air hits your bed-warm skin. Eddie soothes the goosebumps on your back with his large palms while he presses soft kisses to your left shoulder. “That spot ok?” he murmurs, his lips ghosting over your skin not far above the point where your collarbone ends. “Not a lot of muscle there.”
Your breath hitches slightly as you brush Eddie’s hair to the side, eager to work on him. “Here?” you ask, licking a stripe along his shoulder; your whole body is thrumming.
“Hmmm,” he brings his hands further up your back, keeping you steady, mouth still hovering. “I’ll stop when you do. When it gets too much.”
“You’re very confident to win this one, aren’t you, Munson?”
“Maybe,” Eddie chuckles deeply. “Don’t hold back.”
“I won’t.”
He opens his jaws wide, you feel how his lips draw back as the sharp ridges of his teeth press against your skin. You place your hands on his waist and your mouth on his shoulder; you take one deep breath, hold it and then you bite and so does Eddie.
It starts as a pinch and builds, builds, builds and turns into a sharp hot pain that surges through you as your skin is pulled up between his teeth and wedged together; he’s not holding back and neither are you. You let out a whine as the heat caused by his mouth pools inside your chest and rushes to your pelvis, thrumming fast with the rhythm of your pulse, quickening when a moan vibrates through your shoulder. Eddie feels so soft and fragile clenched between your jaws, and you taste salt on his skin, you feel saliva dribbling out the corner of your mouth and you clench some more, coaxing another pretty moan from your pretty boy who draws his arms tight around you before he gives you more of this sweet sting, slightly wiggling his head as if he wants to fit you in there fully, devour you whole.
You breathe in deeply. There are tears forming in the corners of your eyes and you feel a drop of sweat run down Eddie’s side as it catches on your finger. He presses out hot air past his stretched lips and slides his tongue over your skin, the soft sensation clashing with the violent delight of the bite. Eddie groans and shivers and you squint your eyes shut tight, spilling a single tear as he bites down just- a- little- more.
You’re trapped between too much and not enough and just when you think you can’t take it any longer—
Blood. You taste blood. Eddie’s blood.
 Your tongue follows the faint trace of iron, laps at the spot where your canine pierced his skin and your head starts spinning as the rusty sweetness floods your tongue and—
— Eddie lets go of you and pulls away panting.
Your jaw goes slack, releases him but your head is too heavy to lift, the world still spinning when Eddie’s hands cup your face.
“Look at me,” he almost whispers as he gently lifts your head. “Baby, open your eyes.”
He’s blurry at first and you blink the tears away finding his cheeks flushed, his eyes shiny and dazed and wandering across your features as his thumbs caress your cheeks.
 “You okay?”
Your gaze falls to his mouth as he speaks; it’s red, too red, a glossy wet red and your hand moves up, a little shaky as you slide your thumb over the soft full bottom lip and take the red away with you as you pull back to behold it.
“Oh,” you say. “Oh!”
Eddie catches your wrist and holds it holds it holds it while he holds your gaze, and you can see the question, the want, the need on his face, so you wiggle out of his grip and slide your thumb past his lips inside his mouth. His eyes roll up before they close, fingers digging hard into your thighs as his tongue takes a piece of you away with him.
His mouth chases you as you pull your hand away and you lean far back in his lap, the muscles in his thighs flexing, balancing your weight before you can slip away and fall and you laugh, you feel dizzy and drunk on him and you’re hungry for more.
“Look at you,” you rasp, words catching in your throat. You pinch his chin between your fingers and turn his head. A trickle of blood runs down Eddie’s shoulder, a dark red tear springing from the midst of angry pink marks, raw and sore and beautiful.
“Oh that’s perfect,” he says almost wondrous when he sees it, sliding his fingertips through the mess you made of him, staining them a pretty red. Eddie grins like a wicked thing inside your grip before he quickly drops his head and snaps his teeth, sinking them into the soft flesh between your thumb and index finger.
You hiss at the sting, but he’s just playing now, only bites down hard enough to keep you in place while he reaches out to run two fingers up the trace of blood running down your chest, adding yours to his own. Your eyes follow the motion, admire the crimson smudge he leaves on your skin before he opens his mouth to let you free, to make room to place his own middle finger in between his lips and sucks it clean, leaving the other one bloody.
Eddie shivers, groans, eyes dark under heavy fluttering lids and you have to have him now, lick into his mouth before the taste of your amalgamation leaves his tongue.
“Wait!” he stops you and you protest with a hiss, eager to ignore his orders but his palm meets the base of your throat and makes you. “My greedy little vampire,” he tuts and there is blood on his teeth.
“Let me taste you, Eddie…” you breathe out desperately as Eddie starts wiggling his hips beneath you and leans to the side, his hard cock pressing to the inside of your thigh and you imagine how pretty it would be if your lips left streaks of crimson on his shaft.
“I declare defeat,” he says and draws a bloody line through the last group of four on your side of the tally with the tip of his index finger. When he turns back to you, his eyes are black holes and his grin is sharp enough to cut yourself on. “You may claim your prize now. I’m all yours.”
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letmelickyoureyeballs · 2 months
I personally don’t see the problem with cannibalism and biting people hard enough to draw blood. What’s a little nibble between consenting friends?
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rottenworldsbitch · 4 months
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iloveyourhate666 · 4 months
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guilty conscience isn't a proof
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When she got you legitimately looking up how to engage in puncture-level biting kinks safely
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wwdits-kink-meme · 2 months
Post Theatre Massacre: Nandor is so turned on that he whisks Guillermo away himself and they fuck it out. Nandor doesn't let Guillermo take ALL of his clothes off because the fact that he's covered in all that blood is hot. Weird slayer/vampire not-really-roleplay, subby Nandor, probably a lot of blood licking and smearing, and biting from both parties. Also some "I let you live" kind of vibes of dialogue from Guillermo in the heat of the moment (which Nandor is def into)
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sttinkky · 8 months
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Am I your pretty little angel?
Cred: bridesque
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foxglovefaun · 11 months
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Séduire "Just leather and lace and the taste of oxidation"
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dontwannatreatyouwell · 10 months
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Bare Your Teeth
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bluedogeye · 3 months
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TRusT yOUr bItES
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rottenworldsbitch · 4 months
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callmeangelism · 3 months
i need to be bitten so hard i bleed and fucked so rough i cant walk. no thoughts. no responsibility. just lay there as someone's personal canvas
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inkkaycee · 5 months
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As it turns out, when your alpha werewolf girlfriend says she’s going to “breed you till [her] pups make your knees buckle”, she isn’t kidding. Well, it’s a good thing she likes being her mistress’s pup factory…
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kadaverk1nks · 3 months
i would ACTUALLY!!really enjoy to be bited by you;)🙏🏻🙏🏻(PLEASE DO IT PLEASE DO IT )
Oh fuck the way I would bite til you bleed and lick up the blood. But then its a question of whether i wanna make out with you or suck you off more, either way we'll both be bloody by the end.💜
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monstrouscrew · 1 year
an illustration to the fic i liked very much
(it is not what you think it is))))
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(ID in the alt text)
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