#botticelli angel
amatesura · 2 years
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Hugh Dancy in Relic Hunter (1999-2002)
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row444 · 2 years
okay hear me out…….BEFORE SUNRISE AND PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK????!!!! IS BEING CALLED A BOTTICELLI ANGEL THE PEAK OF COMPLIMENTS????? I think very much so. My standards have now been raised quite a bit, and if I don’t hear someone call me a Botticelli angel, the love will not be real. I said what I said.
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cochitalinda2002 · 4 months
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Botticelli Angel | The Red Wing of Betrayal by Daniel Zollinger | (2019)
Dan Zollinger is an award-winning and an american illustrator and painter of mythology and history. Zollinger has had several one-man and group shows as a painter, and currently focuses on book illustration and painting. He is the illustrator of Leigh Bardugo’s “The Lives of the Saints”.
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The Annunciation by Sandro Botticelli, 1490.
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Verkündigung an Maria by Sandro Botticelli (1489, Gemälde)
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Armand as the archangel Gabriel from «The Annunciation of San Martino alla Scala» by Sandro Botticelli.
(original artwork is under the cut)
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god, i wanna eat all these orange shades
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koredzas · 6 months
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Sandro Botticelli - Madonna and Child with Singing Angels. Detail. 1480
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granstromjulius · 30 days
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Sandro Botticelli
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littlest-gemini · 2 months
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The Vampire Armand 🖤
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pagansphinx · 8 months
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Sandro Botticelli (Italian, c. 1445-1510) ~ Mary with the Child and Singing Angels ~ c. 1480 ~ Oil on poplar panel ~ Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
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Mary with the Child and Singing Angels (detail)
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
I have no intention of watching the new IWTV show, but I was wondering why you think Armand's characterization was so bad. I kinda hated how Antonio Banderas played him in the 1994 movie (not on its own, just in comparison to the books - I feel like his personality/demeanor was totally different), so it's sad that they still haven't gotten him right... Judging from pictures alone, I did think the casting for him was more fitting this time. Anyway, just curious to hear your thoughts!
Oh man!!!!!!!!! I do wanna say up front, I think Antonio was NOT A GREAT ARMAND but I like those scenes in the movie so much because they feel SO RICEY to me. Like I LOVE Movie!Armand even though he isn't Book!Armand, and if you read IWTV in good faith it's the only book that doens't harp on Armand looking like a smol uwu cherub so like ! SURE. He definitely still brings the calm nurturing mentor vibe in a huge way and the scenes in his room feel the most like the books to me.
I also know from the director's commentary that they specifically wanted Armand to look like that so that the Europe vampires would feel like OLD WORLD SCARY vs like, another twink lol. So he's got a little more of a tropey Dracula vibe going on and I think like as a visual contrast it works really well.
As far as the show; I think Assad is EXCELLENT. And like the whole fandom was joking even when the credits hit IMDB that it was gonna be Armand because everyone was like "OHH ARRIGHT.. LOUIS'S """""ASSISTANT"""""" OKAY !" so like I was one of the conspiracy theorists looking for clues the whole time. And his MANNERISMS are dead on and gave him away before anything else did. I have zero issue with the actor, I think he's so spooky and a complete smokeshow which Armand DESERVES. And I wish I could like the show for him, I really do! But it's just NOT WORKING FOR ME.
I'll put the rest under a cut cause it got lengthy and I'm not trying to like be a downer on anyone's dashboard but TLDR the show is so completely unrecognizable to me and I think it would've been so much better as an original concept, and personally I'm not excited by randos who share names with the books I read. The show is a hit! People really like it! But idk like showing me these two random ass men and saying "Hey this is Daniel and Armand" doesn't excite me because the story they're showing me actually ISNT Daniel and Armand lol. I'm here for the story!!! I'm not here for Easter Eggs!
Here's my main few gripes with how they wrote Armand which I find mega disappointing:
He spends 6.9/7 episodes pretending to be Louis's assistant named Rashid. WHY! LOL. Why would he do that! DANIEL DOESN'T REMEMBER HIM ANYWAY SO WHY???????? I DONT UNDERSTAND. Like Armand is a weirdo but is he THIS WEIRD? idk. idk.
The show also (in my opinion!) horrifically botched Lestat, but there's like this grain of doubt because the show has a theme of memory being unreliable, so the speculation is that maybe Armand planted a skewed version of events in Louis's head? Even the show runner sort of hinted at this? LIKE I HATE THIS?? Because if we get to S2 and it turns out that Lestat's been misrepresented, it then turns the tables and makes it that ARMAND is the one who's horrifically botched????? Like I'm all for silly Armand jokes and memes and whatever but like. sigh idk i just looked really forward to this show and hoped to see Armand on screen and I didn't really want a meme version of him. ((Also as an aside I really dislike the unreliable memory themes on the show the way they're presented because like the books frame unreliable narration as like interpretive and emotional but the vampire lore canonically is that they have like mega supernatural photographic memory? idk. If memory is faulty because they still have that human fallibility it's one thing unless they're saying Armand planted memories in Louis's head??? idk idk.))
And like speaking towards whether or not Armand is a person who would plant false memories in Louis's head; I concede that he psychically influenced Louis to join him in IWTV but like. ARMAND IS A NUANCED CHARACTER WHO ACTS FROM A PLACE OF NEED AND HURT. And idk it's just so fucking clunky I can't imagine the manipulation taking this type of shape. There's just, to me LOL, a huge difference between the mental nudge of "You are lonely and you need guidance please come with me" and "Lestat was a horrific domestic abuser." And like. idk. Just within the package of the whole rest of the season, this team has the subtlety of dropping a fucking piano so I just have no trust in them to write him with any sense of nuance.
I just hate the daywalking shit so fucking much I can't even start. Like the show changes a lot of the lore which is fine whatever it's their show change lore if you feel like it whatever but like. ARMAND'S ENTIRE LIFE IS THEMATICALLY BOOKENDED BY DARKNESS. He grows up in a CAVE. He lives in a CULT BENEATH A CEMETARY. He tries to KILL HIMSELF by GOING INTO THE SUN.
Like. And he's only 500? That's like adolescent for a vampire LOL.
There were a couple times in the season where they had some continuity errors on the show!lore so I got the vibe that the writers didn't really care about all the VAMPIRE STUFF which is kinda disappointing to me bc I'm a nerd lol but it felt like they used Armand in the sun to just give the audience a red herring and it came across as really cheap to me. So I wouldn't put it past this team to kinda be like DAYWALKING SURE LOL and not really take it seriously or think about the larger picture of how that unfolds for the character over more seasons.
IT'S WHATEVER, I JUST. I know it wouldn't make good television but I like VC because it's like existential dread and consuming darkness, I want it to hurt me, I want it to feel bleak, I want Armand's entire arc to be about how much he struggles with the idea that there's no God. It just feels like if you can make it a few centuries and be able to withstand the sun, what's the fucking point? What sacrifice did you make for being immortal? Especially for a character like Armand who so fully believes himself to be damned and would never want to make another vampire, would never subject even an enemy to it.
Especially bc like in the show the vampires can like ? Smoke? And have sex? And they can eat food (even though it tastes like paste but they can eat food). IF YOU CAN SMOKE AND FUCK AND GO IN THE SUN YOU'RE JUST A GUY. Where's the fucking DAMNATION OF IT ALL? Also what's the fucking point of Those Who Must Be Kept if you can go in the sun lol. I just . Ugh what a clusterfuck.
The show turns vampirism into more of a power fantasy than the way the books treat it as damnation or a symbol of being othered so it doesn't really mesh with like, my idea of VC and what I want out of it.
So Armand being a daywalker = Instant Nope From Me. I'm not interested in whatever they're trying to sell me lol.
A few other things that are NOT confirmed but generally just giving me the ick that I worry about:
I really, really, deeply, truly, hated how they wrote Claudia's character and how they wrote about rape, and that gives me a really bad feeling about how they'd potentially tackle Armand's canon background. The two options are: They don't, and he's a completely different character with a different background, with completely different context for his personality/motivations/etc (in which case who the fuck cares he's just some guy who shares a name with the book I like, and not really Armand), or: They GO THERE and it's just extremely heavy handed and insensitive and not fun to watch. I think show!Claudia maybe has more in common with Armand than book!Claudia because they aged her up to be a teenager so it's just, yikes. THEN AGAIN ARMAND IS NO LONGER A TEENAGER ON THE SHOW?
And to that point like. I don't need a bunch of fucking conservatives getting in my face about how I want to see a teenager sexualized because that's not the point; logistically for TV it makes sense that he's older, but again, it changes his backstory so much. imho, Armand being turned as a teenager and looking like a teenager is a huge element of his character! It's important! It just is! And I'm sorry that the show decided that the vampires could have sex, because they invented this problem for themselves! If they kept the canon lore you wouldn't have to see them have sex anyway LOL.
I also was not a fan of the truncated timeline of the show; season 1 takes place in like 30 years I think? And covers from the beginning of the story until Lestat's murder. And I believe Louis will meet Armand in the 1940s; they have the original interview in the 70s and they're together then, and they're together in the present in 2022. Idk I'm just not impressed; humans can get divorced after 30 years too, what's the point of having immortal characters if you're not gonna stretch out the timeline? And so much happens for Armand and Louis in canon and I have no idea what's happened or not happened on the show yet, no one's really sure which events have happened yet in the present day segments of the show. So like idk there's just a lot of Armand/Louis stuff to be smushing into 70 years lol and I'm bummed that they're rushing through the timeline so much.
So I just. Sigh. There's a lot of themes in VC that I really adore that the show doesn't care about, like being VERY OLD and NEVER SEEING THE SUN AGAIN but. I'm in the minority on this one because people love the show LOL. I'm happy for everyone who likes it, but it's not for me.
And like. Just! I knew going in that it would be the Loustat Show, I think everyone knew that, I didn't have huge expectations for Armand/Daniel content but it's such a small part of the books that like it would've been nice to get a couple scenes or some gifs out of it or whatever. It just sucks that like they SET UP the series in a way that the Devil's Minion won't happen on screen. And it sucks that like, depending how long the show runs for or how long AMC retains the rights, this might be the only chance in my lifetime that I had to see Devil's Minion on screen and it's not going to happen.
It's just a bummer man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to anyone who likes the show lol I just found it to be like mega disappointing and I don't think I'm going to watch S2, I'm too upset about Armand & Daniel LOL.
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Armand in Paris
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lyralevi · 11 months
Normal ppl see Armand:
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bishopsbox · 5 months
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source: @esculturasblancas
Workshop of Sandro Botticelli, The Virgin and Child with Saint John and an Angel (circa 1490, detail). The complete painting, here.
Restored in 2018–19, this is one of the more significant ​paintings of the Virgin Mary to survive ​from the workshop of the Florentine Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli. The circular format was very popular in the fifteenth century and particularly common for paintings decorating the bedchambers of Florentine households. Botticelli’s workshop responded to this demand, producing a great number of circular paintings (tondi) that vary in composition, dimension and artistic quality. A common feature of Botticelli’s tondi is the way in which individual figures react to the format of the painting, seen here in the young Saint John the Baptist on the left and the angel on the right, who bend slightly forward as if to fit within the border.
The Virgin Mary’s powerful frontal gaze makes this tondo stand out. Her exposed breast, with which she feeds Christ, is also central to its design. Images of the Virgin Mary breastfeeding added a human element to the representation of the mother of God. The Virgin’s exposed breast was uncovered only as part of the recent restoration. It had been overpainted to suit the preferences of an earlier owner.
Unfortunately, we don't know for whom this painting was originally made. An early inscription on the back suggests the Florentine architect and woodworker Giuliano da Sangallo. He is known to have had a sizeable art collection in his Florentine palace. Alternatively, the inscription may refer to Sangallo as the maker of the frame. The plethora of fruits that decorate the frame may hint at the idea of abundance, which is also underlined by the image of the breastfeeding Virgin.
This tondo was among the very first early Italian paintings (paintings made before 1500) to enter the National Gallery’s collection. Its acquisition in 1855 coincided with the rise in popularity of Botticelli. Many artists came to see it, producing copies and studying its tempera technique. Such was its appeal that at some point the tondo was displayed next to works by Raphael. But in the early twentieth century, scholars demoted it, arguing that it was a product of Botticelli’s workshop rather than by the artist himself. Workshop assistants were essential to artistic production during the Renaissance, but by this time it was believed that their involvement reduced a painting’s quality. Technical investigations have confirmed the use of partial cartoons, which were used to transfer a design to the surface of the painting – a practice common in a Renaissance workshop. Numerous changes were made at a much later stage, however, especially in the hands and hair of the angel on the right, some visible to the naked eye.
We know of several artists who were employed in Botticelli’s workshop, the most famous being Filippino Lippi, with whom Botticelli frequently collaborated (see Adoration of the Kings, for example). We do not know, however, which artists worked on this painting.
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illustratus · 2 years
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The Annunciation by Sandro Botticelli
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Verkündigung von S.Martino by Sandro Botticelli (1481, Fresko)
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