#bret . save me bret hart
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Fucking crazy to me how Sonny Sandoval is like the spitting fucking image of Bret Hart if he was a skinny punkass stoner from San Diego.
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salirophiliac · 5 months
i had a dream about bret hart now i will cry my eyes out because it’s over
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
The day after WrestleMania XI, “Psycho” Sid Vicious attacked Shawn Michaels, the man who was employing him as a bodyguard. What happened next put Michaels on the road to winning our Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award for the first time.
When Shawn’s good friend Diesel, who had been his enemy for several months before this incident, saved “The Heartbreak Kid” from further punishment and chased Sid away, fans responded with cheers for both men that set Michaels on a course toward unprecedented popularity. Those who once enjoyed despising him became eager to embrace him. And even before Michaels became a full-fledged fan favorite, he had his share of fans. 
“Michaels always struck me as being extremely arrogant,” wrote Nate Suarez of Montreal. “But now I'm seeing a different side of him. He’s more appreciative of the fans. He’s still cocky, but I can overlook that now.”
What Michaels has in abundance is charisma. He is naturally a very attractive personality, and the fans responded to that.
“He’s very charming,” wrote Sandra Trell of Cheyenne, Wyoming. “He’ll do something that’s really rotten, but then he’ll give the crowd a certain look, and everybody will think his opponent deserved exactly what Shawn did to him. It’s like I cheer in spite of myself.”
It doesn’t hurt, of course, that Michaels is a handsome man. For some of his supporters, that is more significant than any wrestling maneuver he uses.
“My heart skips a beat everytime I see him on TV or at the arena,” gushed Roberta Ashanti of St. Paul Minnesota. “How could you not love him?”
However, it isn’t Michaels’ good looks that have carried him to the peak. He is without question one of the sport’s outstanding technical wrestlers. ”That’s why I like him,” wrote Sam Gray of North Bergen, New Jersey. “Forget all that glitz and the hype; the guy isa terrific wrestler. He could beat anybody in the world.”
Clearly, Michaels is the most popular wrestler in the WWF, and one who doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight with his friend Diesel. After the Sid fiasco, Michaels displayed no jealousy toward “Big Daddy Cool” while he was World champion. It is an attitude that added to his popularity.
Next year could be different. Michaels could turn rulebreaker again. But for now, Shawn deserves all the favorable attention he gets.
STING: 17,728 votes
First runner-up: Last year’s winner is the most popular athlete in his federation, WCW. Sting even hears a few more cheers than his friend Hulk Hogan. One possible reason: He seems more sincere and reachable than the “Hulkster.” Supporters respect Sting for always playing by the rules and for not abandoning WCW for other opportunities. 
DIESEL: 13,450 votes
Second runner-up: He isn’t quite as popular as Michaels, but “Big Daddy Cool” still has a wildly enthusiastic following. Aside from displaying vastly improved skills, Diesel has proved himself quite articulate in the talk-show circuit, and that doubtless has won him fans who don’t normally watch on TV or travel to the arenas.
HULK HOGAN: 11,831 votes
Third runner-up: a decade ago, Hogan was more popular than any professional wrestler ever had been. Today he hears a few more boos, but there are still thousands of loyal “Hulkamaniacs” who believe there’s nobody better than their man. It is a popularity that persists on the strength of what he has done on the movie set, but in the ring.
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: Bam Bam Bigelow, Tommy Dreamer, Bret Hart, Public Enemy, Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, Tracey Smothers, and The Undertaker.
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wrxsslin-hours · 6 months
Hey, Lover (Chapter 2)
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Shawn gives Bret some company, a welcoming warmth in an otherwise cold afternoon.
(Quintessential Delivery Boy x Househusband bretshawn au)
a/n: I greatly underestimated the number of chapters for this fic-let. Maybe it'll stretch to five chapters instead of the planned three lol. Hope you enjoy! <3
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You need a pick me up? I'll be there in twenty five. I like to push my luck so take my hand, let's take a drive - "Let's Fall in Love for the Night", FINNEAS
Bret wasn’t one to talk too much on the job, which is why delivery came easy for him. There was nothing but him, the rev of his truck, and the occasional car horn. He didn’t do phone calls or entertain customers with their over-the-top bouquet ideas. He only took the bouquet and got it to where it needed to be, and he could do it while saying ten words or less. It was a mundane job for most of his family, but Bret enjoyed the silence that was graced upon him. Owen would argue that Bret just couldn’t hold a conversation to save his life, and that would earn him a smack on the back of his head by Bret’s folded sunglasses.
In hindsight, Bret wasn’t much of a talker in general. He took his job seriously, wanting to help his parents look over the store with more ease. He’d trim off the thorns of roses and peel back tulip petals with not even a small smile on his face. He left all the babbling to his sisters, who were more than happy to take over when it meant getting the latest gossip of whoever passed behind the front store display window. But, to Bret’s surprise, talking with Shawn came naturally. Maybe it was because Shawn did most of the talking, and Bret would happily let him do it. The rasp of the blonde’s voice tickled Bret’s spine the first time he heard it, and it still does now. And Bret was sure it would always stay that way.
“You never told me your name, y’know,” Shawn started, lips in that pout that Bret knew him for. “If we gotta work together, we might as well be on a first-name basis. You already know my name. Is only fair.” Shawn talked a mile a minute. An exasperated sigh escaped Bret’s lips, and that made Shawn pout even harder.
“It’s Bret,” the delivery boy finally said, tying a string of pink silk around the base of a bouquet. The blonde hummed, “Bret, Bret, Breeeet,” he repeated, acting as if Bret’s name was some juicy secret that he alone had the pleasure to know. Bret had to duck his head down, cheeks tinted. 
Shawn maneuvered his way beside Bret, pushing open the makeshift swinging door of the countertop with his hip. Bret could smell the other’s perfume. Shawn smelled like those scratch-and-sniff pages of Elizabeth’s makeup catalog magazines, expensive but subtle. He looked like the models on those pages too. His hair looked like silk, bouncing in all the right places at the right times and patted down by a cloth headband. A stubborn strand of hair dangled by Shawn’s forehead, and Bret had to push the idea of tucking it behind Shawn’s ear out of his head. If Bret squinted, he could hardly make out the faint shimmer of his lips.
Those lips stretched into a smile as Shawn reached over to grab a small bouquet of dahlias and cornflowers, the one that Bret just finished arranging. Blue eyes met brown ones, and Bret was suddenly awfully aware of how little the space between them was. The delivery boy took a step back and leaned on the counter. “Say, why don’t you tell ol’ Bradshaw that I want these flowers for the next bouquet this time?” Shawn asked, offering them to Bret.
The Hart grabbed the bouquet from Shawn’s grasp, “Why don’t you tell him yourself?” The blonde scoffed, waving his hand, which Bret realized was void of a wedding ring, “Hardly see him, let alone talk to him.” He picked at the rows of ribbons that hung from the wall, “Course, I wouldn’t mind getting ‘em from you instead.”
Bret ignored the man in favor of putting the bouquet back to where it was. “What flowers would your husband want for this party of his?” He asked, diverting the conversation elsewhere as he made his way to the ‘meeting room’, a storage room turned office for their far richer clients that didn’t want to stand around to discuss orders. It was a nice room, evident from the tiles that were way cleaner than those outside its door and the fact that it had the good air conditioning that didn’t rattle every few seconds. Bret could still remember the times his dad would shoo Owen away from the room for using the air conditioner during those summers that were hotter than usual.
With a pout, Shawn followed the delivery boy, stopping every few moments to glance at framed photos and flower arrangements. “It’s a soiree,” Shawn corrected, his voice imitating his husband’s strong Texan drawl, “not a party.” The blonde rolled his eyes and sat on the chair that Bret offered him with the grace of a sack of coal. “As long as it’s pretty, he wouldn’t care.”
Bret had the aching suspicion that Shawn wasn’t only talking about the flowers. The dark-haired man grabbed an assemblage of flowers, each bigger than the ones underneath them. “Peonies?” Bret asked, showing Shawn said flower. In his delight, Shawn took it and twirled the stem around between his fingers.
“Pretty, but too tiny.”
“Thought he wouldn’t care as long as it’s pretty?”
“Well, Peonies are like sippin' tea; husband dearest prefers a bold statement, like a good glass of whiskey." Bret snorted, “Sunflowers then?”
Shawn’s smile widened, “Those are my favorite. Daisies too.” The younger man leaned forward, his hair pooled to his shoulders and Bret could see the sliver of chest hair beyond Shawn’s shirt, “What other flowers have you got, Bret?”
Bret fought the urge to stare. He hoped the heat on his cheeks wasn’t too obvious. But from how Shawn’s smile quirked into a smirk, he doubted it. Bret averted his eyes to the window behind Shawn like his life depended on it. The sky was grey, and Bret already made the mental note to prepare the tin buckets for the leaks all over the shop. He unconsciously licked his lips, “Some asters, maybe baby’s breath too.”
“You seemed to have a good eye for this sort of stuff,” Shawn rested his chin on his open palm, “And you said you were just the delivery boy,” He teased. ‘Play it cool’ Bret thought to himself. He shrugged, “It’s just flowers.”
“You sell yourself short, Mr. delivery boy.” Shawn daintily placed his hand on Bret’s bicep, “I trust your business here can handle the floral decorations. It would mean a whole lot to me.” His voice dropped an octave, got slower, and Bret’s eyebrows jumped at the change. There’s that charge again, shot straight along his spine. Shawn knew how to play him like a fiddle, and Bret would let him if he didn’t know any better. His father’s instructions echoed in his mind, and it was enough for Bret to stand up abruptly.
Shawn chuckled at Bret’s expense. “I’m just joking around,” Shawn assured. Bret didn’t believe him. As they continued to discuss their arrangements, drops of rain drummed on the roof of the store. The room got colder, and Shawn shivered. Bret took notice, of course, he did, and the delivery boy wrapped up their discussion, much to Shawn’s disappointed pout. It was for the best, from the way Shawn would hide the clatter of his teeth and the fact that Bret didn’t see Shawn walk in with an umbrella. The older man watched the rain cascade down the display window, creating a mesmerizing tableau against the backdrop of a gradually darkening day. Shawn joined him.
“Mind if I borrow your telephone?” Shawn asked with a frown, gently bumping against Bret. He let him. As Shawn turned away, his back now facing Bret, he cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder. The room, hushed by the falling rain outside, seemed to amplify the low murmur of Shawn's conversation. The delivery boy, rooted by curiosity, found himself eavesdropping. Bret subtly turned his ear to where Shawn was hovering and listened. Bret could hear Shawn’s frustrated sigh. There was a murmur. A long silence followed.
Bret felt like he was twelve again, trying to listen in on his parents' whispers between themselves during the late hours of the night. With the rattle of the telephone and Shawn’s frustrated and hushed curses, Bret went to the farthest corner of the room and pretended not to notice his customer’s sudden sour temperament. The room grew colder, and Shawn’s silence didn’t help warm up the atmosphere at all. Bret found it odd to have Shawn around him, but instead of being met with his constant banter, there was nothing.
“What’s up?” Bret asked, a sorry attempt to lighten the mood. Shawn’s head shot in Bret’s direction; the fog that seemed to be entangled in Shawn’s mind cleared at the sound of the other’s voice. The blonde forced a smile and walked up to the other man, “Silly me forgot to bring an umbrella. You wouldn’t mind if I stay here ‘til the rain clears up, right?” That was an obvious lie, Bret was sure of it. But he saved Shawn the effort of explaining himself more by shaking his head, “Don’t mind at all.” Bret watched the other man hover around a stool before he sat on it. He pursed his lips as Shawn combed his fingers through his hair. Bret refrained from saying anything else, unsure of how to handle the situation. In true Bret fashion, he decided to keep his hands busy by burying himself in arranging flower bouquets behind the counter. He braced for a question from Shawn, a snide comment, a joke, anything. But it never came.
Bret stole a glance at the other man, and the warmth in Shawn’s skin seemed to fade with the blue sky. He was somber, eyes staring into a spot on the tiled floor that seemed only he can see. The awkwardness hung in the air like an unspoken question, and Bret couldn't stand seeing Shawn so visibly distressed. “You know,” Bret began, trying to fill the void, “I've got a delivery scheduled in the neighborhood. If you're up for it, you could join me. Might pass the time quicker," Bret hesitated for a second, "Plus, I could use the company."
Shawn glanced up, surprise flickering in his eyes, and then a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “You sure? I don’t want to impose.”
Bret waved off the concern. “No imposition at all. Besides, it's better than waiting here. What do you say?”
Shawn considered for a brief period, the weight of the previous conversation lingering. “I'd like that.”
Bret nodded, pleased to see the light filter back into Shawn's eyes. “Great. Let me grab the flowers, and we can head out together. Maybe by the time we're done, the rain will have let up, and I can drive you home.”
As Bret gathered a vibrant assortment of flowers, Shawn stood up from the stool, a newfound pop in his step. Bret handed him a smaller bouquet, a mix of daisies and sunflowers, the colors popping against the grayness outside. Shawn buried his nose into the flowers before he turned to Bret, who grabbed his larger pile of bouquets to carry on one hand and his clipboard on the other, “Can I have these for myself?” The delivery boy struggled to open the store’s front door for Shawn, “Don’t even think about it.” Shawn lightly picked on the leaves of the flowers in his arms, straightening out its petals. “If ever Bradshaw comes back to bother you guys for another order, make sure I get flowers like these, alright?” Bret placed the clipboard on top of Shawn’s head, a makeshift umbrella, protecting him from the rain as they shuffled to the delivery truck, “I’ll see what I can do.”
They reached Bret's truck, raindrops dancing on its roof like a lively rhythm. Bret opened the passenger door for Shawn, who gingerly settled into the seat, careful not to crush the vibrant blooms in his arms. Bret, with practiced ease, placed the bouquets in the back, securing them for the journey. The engine roared to life, and the truck pulled away, tires slicing through the drenched streets. Inside the truck, the air was thick with the heady fragrance of flowers, a stark contrast to the cool, damp world outside. Shawn tapped on the little bobble head eternally glued to the dashboard. To Shawn’s surprise, the vehicle was well-kept. The only thing that littered its floors were leaves and the occasional pen that rolled into corners that were too far for Bret to reach. The blonde watched his reflection on the cracked rearview mirror.
“You ever get lonely doing this, Bret?” Shawn asked abruptly. Bret glanced at Shawn, a thoughtful expression on his face. The rhythm of the rain on the roof seemed to slow for a moment. “Yeah, sometimes. It's a quiet job, you know? But the flowers keep me company. And now, I've got you for some company too.” Shawn traced the delicate petals of the flowers in his hands. “Lucky flowers.” Bret chuckled, the sound blending with the hum of the engine. “They're not the only lucky ones today.” Bret missed the light blush on Shawn’s cheeks, eyes focused on the empty street before them. Shawn turned to Bret, a soft smile playing on his lips. The truck rumbled along, carrying the weight of the flowers and the shared warmth of the two men amidst the rain.
The rest of the trip went smoothly. For the first time in a long while, Bret found himself preferring the ramble of Shawn’s words over the silence he had grown accustomed to in his delivery truck. They started with Bret handling the deliveries while Shawn stayed in the shelter of the vehicle. However, after Shawn’s whiny pleas, reminiscent of a child begging their mother for an extra candy bar before bed, Bret relented and allowed the other man to accompany him to the front doors of the bouquets’ intended recipients.
Observing Shawn’s overly enthused smile and how he couldn’t seem to keep himself still for more than a few seconds, Bret deduced that Shawn didn’t go out much. Perhaps Shawn lacked companionship, or maybe he didn’t have anyone to go out with. Bret surmised as much, given how little his husband shared about Shawn’s favorite flowers – assuming he even knew them in the first place.
Bret heard a rustle beside him as Shawn shifted his weight and turned his body toward him, the seatbelt around him stretched by his hips. The blonde leaned his head on the pillow of the headrest and stared at Bret, “You got a girl?”
“Why do you ask?”
"I think you do. Giving her flowers every day, you must be making her the happiest girl in the world,” Shawn murmured, his eyes distant. There was a softness in his voice that made Bret’s shoulders relax, a hint of longing underneath his tone. Bret quietly laughed, “No girl.” He paused for a moment, “No man either.”
Shawn's gaze lingered, searching Bret's eyes for something, and then he nodded thoughtfully. The scene outside the truck windows slowly faded from apartment homes to the mansions and tree-lined streets of the affluent neighborhood Shawn had learned to tolerate. The blonde noticed the familiar moss-covered dog statue in the middle of a roundabout, and he knew home, if he could call it that, was getting closer. He sank further into his seat.
“You remember where I live?” Shawn asked, hoping the question would make Bret ease the pressure on the gas pedal
“Hard to forget when the last time I was here was the first time I ever was.”
Bret wished he had more deliveries to do, if it meant spending more time with the man beside him. He couldn't deny the warmth that had crept into the cab of the delivery truck. Yet, a nagging realization tugged at the edges of his consciousness – an awareness that it was foolish to wish for something more, especially knowing the other man was married. The truck slowed as they reached Shawn's lavish residence, a sprawling mansion with towering pillars and perfectly manicured gardens. It was the same as Bret first saw it. The truck halted in front of the mansion’s iron gates. Bret couldn't help but glance at Shawn, whose gaze seemed distant, lost in contemplation.
The silence between them stretched on, and neither of them wanted to interrupt it. But as the rain cleared up, Shawn spoke up. “Thanks for the ride, Bret.” Bret nodded, a smile on his lips that didn’t quite match the light of his eyes. “Thanks for helping.” Shawn lingered for a moment, his hand on the door handle, a hint of hesitation in his eyes. Bret wondered if there was more left unsaid, an unspoken connection lingering in the air. But before he could delve into those uncharted waters, Shawn opened the door and stepped out into the now-refreshed air.
The iron gates creaked open, granting access to the grandeur that lay beyond. Bret watched as Shawn's figure receded, gradually disappearing into the opulent embrace of the mansion. The contrast between their worlds became even more palpable, and a sense of distance settled in Bret's chest. In the quiet aftermath, Bret's eyes fell upon the passenger seat, where the blonde had been just seconds ago. A lone daisy, vibrant and defiant, caught his attention. It had escaped from the bouquet that Shawn had clutched during the ride.
A tender smile tugged at Bret's lips as he reached for the stray daisy, its petals seemingly untouched by the rain. The delivery boy tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, and he bit his bottom lip. He had to do something; he would regret it after he’s done it, but Bret couldn’t imagine what it would mean if he didn’t follow his gut. Feeling a surge of determination, Bret rolled down the window, the rain-kissed breeze slipping into the cab of the truck.
"Shawn!" Bret called out, the word carrying a gentle urgency. He spotted Shawn turning around, surprise flickering in his eyes as he approached the truck. Bret extended the stray daisy toward Shawn, a silent offering that transcended the boundaries of their worlds. "For you," Bret said, his voice carrying a warmth that pooled in Shawn’s heart and dripped to his stomach.
Shawn's eyes widened in realization, a genuine smile breaking across his face. He accepted the stray daisy, fingers brushing against Bret's as the small flower exchanged hands. The shower of rain had left a subtle sheen on Shawn's hair, and droplets clung to the edges of the daisy's petals.
"Thanks, Bret," Shawn said, the sincerity in his voice cutting through the lingering echoes of the rain.
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1800miserablethot · 10 months
𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝔁 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝔀𝓷 𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓵𝓼
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕥 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕨𝕟’𝕤 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠𝕤.
𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: 𝔖𝔪𝔲𝔱
“Instead of facing me like a man, you didn’t have the guts to face me like a man! Instead you were too busy posing for girly magazines, dancing around, kissing all the girls. Putting tattoos on yourself, earrings through your navel and your nose and your ears..” His voice trailed off as he looked into Shawn’s eyes, seeing them light up. Fuck. Fuck, he fucked up badly. And he knew it was too late to cover himself up; he knew that Shawn knew.
Bret’s face flushed with embarrassment. Running a hand over his face, he cleared his throat and brought the microphone up to his mouth. Trying to continue on with the promo but was struggling severely, because all he could focus on was the way Shawn smirked and how the brunette got closer to him. Almost as if Shawn was toying with him, seeing how long it took for the Canadian to break fully.
Luckily he was saved by the rest of the Hart family coming out, taking this opportunity he flees up the ramp and backstage. Walking briskly , his heart leapt up into his throat. Fuck he’s never going to hear the end of this. It was an honest slip up, so who cares? Everybody does slip ups, but not I looked at a girly magazine and saw my supposed to be enemy’s almost nude pictures kind of slip up.
He sits on one of the storage boxes, trying to catch his breath. Was this really the thing that was about to bring him into a panic attack? Who gave a shit? ‘He did’ He closes his eyes, trying to regain his composure. This was embarrassing, he was Bret Hart for Christ sakes. A HART, they didn’t do this.
The noise from the crowd still reverberated in his ears, creating a surreal backdrop to the chaos that was unfolding internally. Lost in his own thoughts, Bret didn’t notice Shawn’s approach until he hears hands slam onto the storage box, trapping him in between it. “How’d you know I was in that magazine?” Shawn teases, tilting his head to the side as his grin grows wider.
“Don’t flatter yourself, everybody’s talking about it.” He grumbles, glancing up at Shawn. Trying to hide his face behind his dark curly hair, hoping it covered his reddening face. “Oh yeah?” Shawn continued, his voice playful. “Well, with what you described, you would have had to flip through the pages just a little bit.”
“I didn’t look at your stupid gay magazine.” He replied, gritting his teeth as his eye shoot down to the floor. Shawn’s tongue clicks on the roof of his mouth before leaning closer towards Bret. “I think you did, Hitman.” He whispers against Bret’s lips, his hand moving from the storage box to snaking its way up onto the inside of Bret’s thigh.
Bret’s heart raced, his mind in a frenzy as he felt Shawn’s other hand pull him closer. “No, I…” Bret stammered, watching Shawn’s hand slip higher up his thigh. Struggling to find the right words, hell any words at all. His hands clawing at Shawn’s, but never actually pushing Michael’s away. “I think you did a little bit more than look,”Shawn husked, his palm pressing lightly against Bret’s clothed crotch. “Think you got off to it, just like you are now.” He chuckles seeing Bret shake his head no yet feels the older man’s hips buck into his touch.
“Don’t lie to me, Hitman.” He says warningly, pressing his palm down harsher earning a gasp from Bret. Hearing Bret choke out his name, his other hand trails up to Bret’s hair. Pulling it out of its ponytail, his fingers tangling into the inky black hair. “Tell me the truth, Bret.” Shawn said, his voice low and insistent. Bret’s head tilts back when Shawn tugs on his hair, forcing him to meet his gaze. Shawn’s hand slide down further, unbuttoning Bret’s jorts. Shawn’s fingers brushing against his underwear.
Trying to push Shawn away, but he couldn’t seem to make his body cooperate. His hand flailing to grasp at Shawn’s shirt, pulling him closer. “Did you look at the magazine?” He nods in agreement, groaning lowly when Shawn tugs on his hair. “Tell me what else you did.” Bret’s eyes flutter shut for a quick second before opening back up. His brain felt like it had melted, the only thing he could really focus on was the slow burning feeling building up in his stomach. “I-I, um I t-touched myself to it.” He breathlessly babbled out, watching Shawn’s eyebrows lift in amusement. “Awe, did my Hitman get turned on by them?”
‘His Hitman’ his brain seemed to short circuit at those two simple words. Nodding his head the best he could, a whimper slipping pass his lips. “As much as I love your pathetic slutty sounds, you need to shut the fuck up before the rest of your little Hart family hears you. Because they’re already looking for you, let alone if they find you like this. Shawn hisses into Bret’s ear.
He bites his lip trying to stifle his noises, a sick part of him got even more aroused at the idea of being caught, knowing that Shawn would most likely not stop even if their boss himself was in front of them. Hell Shawn would probably even go all out and make him a complete wreck just to give everybody a show.
He snaps out of his day dreaming when he feels his underwear start to become slightly damp. “Stop, Shawn-fuck! S-Stopp,” He huffs, weakly trying to push Shawn’s hand away but failing. “Why? Getting close?” Shawn says cheekily, his hand moving away from Bret’s crotch. “Yes.” Bret hisses out, gasping softly when Shawn pulls him closer. Their hips pressing against each other, his head spun at the feeling of Shawn’s hard on pressing against his.
“Fuck,” Bret breathes, his hips rutting roughly against Shawn’s. He should stop, he really needs to stop. Not letting his hands involuntarily pull at Shawn’s hair, or his leg wrapping around Shawn’s hip to keep him in place. He shouldn’t because the burning in his stomach was getting bigger but he really fucking wanted to keep going.
“Fuck yes, yes-Shawn don’t fucking stop please don’t, I swear to god I’ll fucking kill you if you do.”
Shawn chuckles, his hips rocking in short little quick ruts. “Don’t worry I’m not-fuck!” He hisses, biting his tongue trying to muffle the groan that threaten to slip as Bret’s hands work at his dress pants unbuckling them and untucking his shirt. His wet mouth so close to Bret’s, all he has to do is tilt his head to the right and press his mouth to Bret’s. And when he does, the sound he hears from the older man is beautiful. Everything inside him sparks, he feels dizzy and lightheaded, yet desperate to hear more of the muffled moans.
And with a sharp tug to Bret’s hair he has the Canadian trembling under him as Bret tips over the edge cumming into his underwear. With a sharp inhale he breaks away from the kiss, glancing down at their laps seeing Bret’s jorts slowly darkening. “Come on, I got a pair you can borrow. And maybe..you can repay me back” He whispers, licking Bret’s bottom lip before pulling fully away.
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omegawhiskers · 7 months
Collision 29/10/23
A Classic Main Event
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A lot of people thought MJF vs. Kenny Omega for the main event of Collision should of been kept for a PPV, but MJF was going to surpass Omega as the longest-reigning World Champion, so you have to do this match or it makes Kenny seem like a chump who doesn't value his title reign. I was reserved because I thought the The Man in the Devil Mask, Samoa Joe or Bullet Club Gold would get involved, leading to a DQ. This didn't happen. Instead, we got a match that will go down as a classic. Before I jump into the main event, let me share my thoughts on the rest of the show.
We got decent contest between AR Fox and Jay White, despite how I feel about both wrestlers. Fox has had many stop/starts and I feel they dropped the ball when they turned him heel and then back to face. This is meant to be his redemption arc, but it doesn't feel like a redemption story to me.
I feel White has been overshadowed by Juice Robinson. Also, with all the targets on MJF's back, Jay feels a bit lost in the shuffle.
Fox showed off some great aerial offense in this match, but it was not enough as Jay won with the switchblade. MJF tried to steal his belt back but failed.
The Bullet Club Gold stuck around as The Gunns squashed Brandon and Brent (The Boy's). I guess this is to give them more momentum when they wrestle for the ROH Tag Team Titles. There were quite a number of squash matches tonight.
The ROH World Television Title was on the line as Joe finished Rhett Titus off with the Coquina Clutch, in a short and dominant bout.
It turns out that Bryan Danielson has a shoot broken orbital bone and will be out for the rest of the year. Claudio Castagnoli is not happy about this and vows to avenge his BCC teammate by beating the shit of out Orange Cassidy and Kazuchika Okada.
Claudio comes to the ring fired up and easily defeats Tracy Williams. I like this side of Claudio, and now he has a mission over the next few weeks.
Ryan Nemeth knocked on CJ Perry's door. I really like Ryan and I do hope Dolph signs and tags with his brother. Unfortunately, Ryan doesn't get to speak with Perry as Miro answers the door and beats him down behind closed doors. Did Miro stick her name on the door just so he could beat up whoever knocks?
The AEW Women's World Title was on the line in a Fright Night Fight as Hikaru Shida defended her title against Abadon. This may have been one of the worst matches I've seen in a while, and that's disappointing to write. Shida is great (I loved her Ada Wong costume), but this week just hasn't been good for her. This match was slow, long and just unimaginative. Toni Storm came out post-match to flaunt. I think it's clear that Shida is keeping the belt warm for Storm.
Ricky Starks and Dax Harwood had a great match. During their bout the lights went out, and The House of Black appeared in the crowd. Dax gave Starks a sickening piledriver. Ricky returned the favour with his own piledriver to pick up the victory. This was a bizarre ending because Ricky just kicked out of the same move moments earlier. There was a post-match brawl as The House of Black came to the ring, but La Faccion Ingobernable came to save the day. I didn't think expect them to be faces, but I'm glad they are.
The story also progresses with Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Skye Blue. Kris and Willow try to get answers from Blue, but she blows them off.
At this point, Collision as whole was mediocre, thanks to the main event, this was about to become a top tier episode.
Omega hit the ring with Bret Hart inspired gear. Excellent choice by The Cleaner.
MJF would start with his strut, ‘’sportsmanship’’ chant, followed by a poke to the eye and a loud cheer from the crowd. Omega got the upper hand when he tossed MJF out of the ring followed with a dive over the top rope. Max would deliver with his own drive over the top rope striking Omega on the outside. A fantastic set of moves were traded back and forth. If things weren’t crazy enough, MJF received and snapdragon suplex on the side of the ring, followed by Omega sending MJF threw a table.
Both men traded insane move, after insane move, after insane move, and I was starting to think this was going to end in a time limit draw or a TKO.
At one point Don Callis came out with a screw driver in hand but that didn’t slow Omega down as I really thought he was going to win title, but MJF would end up getting the clean victory with the heat seeker. Callis coming out was the only criticism I had of this match; he just didn't add anything.
This may have been one of MJF's best match to date. I think these two worked on another level here. Next year I would love to see another Max/Omega match.
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laguera25 · 4 months
Ahaha! John Laurinitis' defense is going to be, "I'm a victim, too! He MADE me do it."
Uh, genius, you do realize that 1)you just admitted all of this happened, and 2)you knew it was wrong when you did it.
And really, are you going to tell me that you, a former wrestler with decades of experience, were so afraid of an old man who never wrestled in his life aside from a handful of matches and got his ass kicked by both Nailz and Bret Hart that you helped him commit violent rapes on a young employee and raped her yourself?
Ahaha. No. You could have stopped this at any time and been an unsung hero. You could've whipped his ass and saved her, but you liked the perks too much, so you happily went along. Now that you're caught, you're throwing it all on Vince to save yourself like the consummate ass-kissing weasel you are.
I hope you rot.
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houseofpunk · 2 months
*watches some of the worst wrestling I've ever seen*
Bret Hart save me. Save me. Save me Bret Hart 🙏
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Helping Hand (Bret Hart x Black Reader)
Summary: Bret helps you do your hair on wash day.
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Enjoy ♡♡
"Baby, I'm back!" you heard someone shout from downstairs.
"Shit," you muttered as you tried to dry your hair enough to step out of the bathroom. You wrapped the old T-shirt you had brought in with you around your head and stepped out of the foggy bathroom into the warm hallway.
"I put away the ice cream already, so- baby, you said you wait until I got back!" Strong arms were suddenly, startling you. You looked over your shoulder to see Bret pouting. You fought back a laugh.
"I just got done, you can still help me twist it, you know."
"Did you get shampoo in your eyes again? Are you-"
"Stop worrying and just get my hair box for me okay?"
"Fine." He slumped off to the bedroom. You opened the hall closet closet and grabbed a few towels, then went downstairs to the den. A pile of VHS tapes was on the coffee table and a bag of chips, Jaws already playing on the tv.
In minutes you two were watching it together as you sat on the floor between his legs while he sat on the couch, towels around your shoulders and on the floor to catch any extra water or moisturizer. He helped detangle and part your hair and was now helping you work it into twists.
"Babe?" Finished with the front, you looked back at him. He hadn't talked in at least 10 minutes, which was unusual for him. He had that focused look his eye, a look you thought he only saved for the ring.
"Yeah?" Seeming to snap out of it, he looked down at you, hands still working on a last bit of hair.
"Why do you always wanna help me with my hair?"
"'Cause I hate seeing you look so tired afterwards when I could easily help you out."
"Awww." Finally finished, he let go and leaned down, brushing his own hair back away from his face. You gave him a small pick on the cheek, then a quick kiss on the lips. "Thank you, you know I appreciate it, I just don't wan-"
"Youre not bugging me, how many times do I have to tell you that? Besides you, know I'll take any excuse I can get to touch your hair, right?" he whispered in your ear.
"You're so cute Mr. Hart," you smiled as you gave him another kiss. "Cute and very, very corny."
"And just for that, no ice cream for you!" Bret laughed as he got up and left for the kitchen. You blew a raspberry after him.
You both knew he was bluffing. Especially since he came back with two spoons.
He always came back with two spoons.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Coming off the ask I sent the other day for mama bear Shawn, could we get vice versa of protective taker? 🤲🏼
There's a lot of protective over shawn fics so imma do the whole family. Buckle in.
Papa Bear Taker
Shawn frowns as the fans gather around him. "Guys, there's a meet and greet tomorrow after the show." Shawn states. They don't say anything. "I really need to get back to my kid guys.." Shawn tries. "Cmon boy toy..give us a show" the bigger guy smirks. Shawn backs up, sensing this is about to get a lot more dangerous. "I don't want any trouble boys.." Shawn whispers holding his hands out. "Too bad" the other smirks. Shawn glances at their outfits. Bret hart fans, of course. "Ah shit" he whispers as his back hits the wall. "Really shoulda accepted takers lift home" Shawn sighs.
"Still on the table" shawns eyes widen as Taker stands big and strong behind the punks. They don't even have a chance as they turn and get greeted by a fist each. Shawn just watches amused as Taker throws them away. "You wanna try it boy?" Taker growls putting himself between Shawn and the fans. They all panic and ramble before scrambling off. "Thats what I thought" Taker huffs before turning to him. "You okay?" Taker asks, his eyes scan Shawn for any damage. "My Knight in dark armour saved me just before any damage could be caused" Shawn smiles placing a hand on takers chest. "I wish you'd stop playing this game with me and just accept my rides home" Taker sighs placing a hand over shawns. "And miss you going all papa bear? Please" Shawn smirks.
Taker rolls his eyes. "Lets get you back to Johnny" Taker mutters. Shawn can't help but smile as they hold hands.
John crosses his arms. "Im not in the mood" he snaps. "Oh come on Johnny! It's just some friendly teasing!" Kurt smirks putting a arm around his shoulder. "Yeah, if you can handle it. Unless you want me to go get your papa" edge teases. John jerks away. "Leave him out of it" John warns. "Or what? Whatcha gonna do Johnny?" Edge smirks pushing him. This grabs the other stars in the lockerooms attention, causing a circle to start to form. "Boys I wouldn't recommend" dave tries to warn them. "Back off dave" jericho smirks enjoying this.
John is new. John isn't as good as he eventually will be. John has no advantage here at all. No way of winning this. John let's out a shakey breathe as he backs up.
Taker frowns at kane as they walk into the lockeroom. "Thats stupid." Taker states. Kane rolls his eyes. Taker pauses as he sees the circle. "Oi!" He barks. Kane stops and looks. Dave looks at him. "Its John" dave sighs. Taker growls and moves through the circle.
"I don't want trouble" John states. "Yeah well you embarrassed us too many ti-" Kurt gets cut off by a hand grabbing him. Kurt groans as he's slammed against the locker, John's eyes widen in shock and edge backs up in fear. "We got a problem here boys?" Taker growls glaring at edge. "Nah man! It was all him!" Edge yelps. Taker looks back at Kurt. "I was playing around takes!" Kurt promises. Taker glances at John who's just staring in shock. Taker kisses his teeth before looking at Kurt.
He leans down. "Im not gonna embarrass you anymore Kurt. But you come near my boy ever again off camera and I will drop your ass infront of everyone. Understand me?" Taker whispers. Kurt nods frantically. Taker slams him against the locker. "I said, understand me?" Taker growls. "Understood! Understood!" Kurt yelps. Taker pulls back and shoves Kurt away. "Get out of my sight, all of you." Taker orders.
John goes to move when taker grabs his shirt. "Not you kid." Taker sighs. "Right. Of course" John nods moving back. "How long?" Taker asks. "Eh..since I got here..its fine thoug-" "its not fine. It happens again you tell me." Taker tells him. "Yes" John nods. "Good luck tonight" Taker smiles before walking off. John just nods, still confused.
---Leon, fuck him and fuck them kids. Me and my homies hate leon.--
Taker leans back, lowering his fork. "You alright?" Shawn asks. "Somethings wrong.." Taker mutters. "Whatcha mean?" John asks looking up from his food. "Whats Leon doing?" Taker asks. "Him, mattie and valentina are at the school game and then the cinema, why?" Shawn asks. "Hes up to something." Taker swears. "Hes fine" Shawn promises.
-meanwhile...with Leon..-
Leon is fine. Other than the fact he has valentina on his back, Matthew breathing heavily in his ear and Oh they are running from Brad and his gang of heavily armed mates.
"¡Te dije que era una idea de mierda!" (I told you this was a shitty idea) valentina yells. "I don't speak taco!" Matthew yells. "Taco?! Don't you start with me cowboy!" Val yells. "How about both of you stop!" Leon growls. "Is your dad home?" Matthew asks as his house comes into view. "I don't know. I hope not." Leon huffs. "Just hurry. Tired." Val sighs. Leon and Matthew glance at each other in disbelief.
"Its Leon. He's our son. He is trouble." Shawn sighs. "What about cassie? She's an angel" John comments as he finishes his drink. "Shes fine. Just told me she and the group had pizza for dinner. Free because Jesse's brother works at the shop" Taker comments. "Of course she gets a sleep over" John mutters. "Shes behaved this week. You and Leon haven't. Leon's only allowed out because its a school thing." Shawn states. "Shes a infant. Why do they get sleepovers?" John asks.
Before anyone can answer the door is flying open and shut. The sound of heavy breathing, angry Spanish and confused texan follow. And then a beautiful banging at the door. "Ypu can't hide from me forever michaels!" Brad yells. Taker sighs. "I really can" Leon mutters.
Matthew hits his head against the floor as he tries to catch his breathe. "Told you, you should stop skipping gym" val smirks as she stands over him. "Well of course you would. Your pretty and have legs, gym is easy for you" mattie hisses turning to rest his cheek on the cool floor. Leon, back against the door just brings his knees up and rests his face against them. "Oh..hi Mr michaels." "Taker is find matthew" Leon jerks up. "I thought you were outta town?" Leon asks. Taker examines him. His face slightly flushed from running, his hair a mess, his shoes all muddy, his scar irritated and his jacket lop-sided. "And I thought you were behaving" Taker comments moving closer.
"He was sir. Brad started it this time. Well brads currently girlfriend did. She's brand new. As in we had no way of knowing and well she flirted with Leon like always and Leon, like always, flirted back and well Brad wants him dead now." Valentina tells him. "Shes not lying sir!" Mattie smiles. "I know." Taker nods, keeping eye contact with the girl. She'll be tough when she's older. A real fighter. "If you were telling me, I wouldn't trust you. But her? She would lie to me. Leon move." Taker explains. "None taken" mattie mutters. Leon moves towards his friends. "Dad?" He asks confused. And a bit scared his dad's handing him over.
Taker pulls the door open just as Brad goes to knock. He takes in the weapons. "Can I help you boys?" Taker asks. "You see sir-" "no. What I see is trespassers. And what I know is whatever happened tonight, did not happen. Because I know Brad, your daddy, chief of police will not be happy when he receives a file from me reporting harassment, assault and attempted manslaughter over a girl you've only started seeing tonight." Taker warns. "He wouldn't believe-" Brad cuts himself off as valentina punches Leon. Then mattie punches him, then John. "Ouch!" Leon yelps holding his nose. "And when I'm done with him, it'll be believable. Now who will he believe? The man who pays his bills or his son, who has been known to cause problems for my son?" Taker asks.
Brad shakes his head. "Hes learned his lesson boys. Let's go." Brad mutters. "We can-" "no. Leave it. Michaels isn't worth it" Brad snaps. "Atta boy Brad. Now you boys get home safe and stay the hell away from my son" Taker orders before closing the door. He looks at Leon. "You know, you didn't have to punch him" Taker states. "It got your point across." "It was fun" "it was a lot of fun" Leon glares at them. "Stay here tonight. Go phone your parents and just tell them." Taker tells mattie and val. Both nod and follow Shawn off. "You are lucky." Taker tells Leon. "I know sir. It won't happen again." Leon whispers. "I know it won't. Because I won't always be able to defend you or protect you. So you'll have to start picking less fights you can't handle." Taker states.
"I coulda handled it if you'd let me use m-" he stops as Taker glares at him. "Yessir. Sorry sir." Leon mutters. "Go set your room up for your friends.-" "valentina gets the bed. I know" Leon mutters before walking off. John looks at him. "Youll always be there to protect him." John states. "Yeah but he doesn't need to know that yet" Taker shrugs with a smirk.
--and finally my angel Cassidy--
Cassie is shaking with rage. "Whatcha gonna do cassie? Admit to your brother he was right? Tell the world you are just like the rest of your family when it comes to relationships?" Austin asks. She doesn't say anything as her eyes build with tears. "I could kill you" she whispers. "It was a mistake. The wedding still one." He states. "No. No god damn wedding!" She yells. "Yes there damn well will be!" Austin growls grabbing his wrist.
It doesn't last long. Taker grabs his wrist just before he grabs her. "She said no. Don't make me kill you" Taker growls shoving him back and stepping into his space. "Sir, it was-" "don't sir me. You think I like you? God no. Leon's gut is never wrong. I made that mistake once, never again" Taker growls grabbing Austin by the throat. "Whatever cassie decides is final. And if you do not respect her wishes, you will answer to me. And ask aj and randy and hell Paul. I do not react well to those who disrespect my family." Taker informs him.
Cassie finally moves forward and places a hand on takers arm. "I've got this dad" she whispers. Taker glances at her. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes. Thank you." She smiles. "I think he's learned his lesson about disrespect. Haven't you Austin?" Cassie asks. The boy nods as best as he can. Taker let's him go and turns towards her. "If he-" "I know. Thank you and I love you daddy but I think Leon is getting up to worse" cassie smiles. Taker glances at the screen and groans. "Ill be back" he sighs before storming off. Cassies soft gaze turns to one of anger and destruction.
She'll later go on to famously dump him in the middle of the ring and by dump, drop him on his ass, throw the ring at him and tell him infront of a live audience, her brother and friends that the wedding is off.
I have to be up in like 5 hours. Lol. I lost track of time and I don't even know how.
Enjoy :)
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tameodesza · 8 months
Dead Ends (BretShawn) ch.7
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<<ch.6 | masterlist | AO3 link | ch.7>>
Summary: Shawn attempts to comfort Bret as he mourns the loss of his parents.
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Date: May 14, 1996 Time: 5:45 pm Location: Hart House
After double-checking that the Walkers were dead, Shawn made his way down into the basement to scope out the area, the blond wanting to avoid any more surprise visitors.
After determining that the coast was clear, he headed back up the steps, later emerging from the house to find Bret sitting on the porch blankly staring at the ground.
Shawn slowed his pace, silently standing behind Bret unknowing of what to say to the broken man. There was nothing he could say to make the situation any better.
Shawn sighed before sitting down awkwardly next to Bret, mindfully keeping a short distance between them. Without thinking, he raised a hand meant to pat Bret on the shoulder but stopped short, bringing his hand back to himself.
He hadn’t always been the best at comforting others, and fighting for his life every day certainly hadn’t softened him up. So he sat there quietly hoping his presence would be enough to let Bret know he was there for him.
He wouldn’t wish what happened to Bret on his own worst enemy. As much as they didn’t get along, Shawn still had some sort of care for the man, though he probably wouldn’t describe it as that. He tolerated him at best. But regardless, he didn’t want Bret going through this alone.
For a moment, the only sound between them was the wind rustling the leaves in the surrounding trees. The silence was broken when Bret sniffed and rubbed at his eyes before saying what was really on his mind.
He whispered, “I couldn’t even face them.” Shawn glanced at Bret, analyzing his solemn expression as the man continued. “After all they’ve done for me, I couldn’t even see them out. Some son I am, right?” He ended with a humorless chuckle.
Shawn furrowed his brows, not liking the way Bret was beating himself up over a situation that was out of his control.
“You saved yourself a world of pain. Trust me,” the blond offered.
“I just don’t get it. None of this makes sense. My siblings were supposed to be here taking care of them. But where were they?”
“Who knows?”
“I’m starting to think they left to fend for themselves.” The thought alone was chilling.
Shawn shrugged, “Maybe. Nothing in this world surprises me.”
Bret sighed, resting his head atop his clasped hands, saying, “I still can’t believe my parents didn’t make it. My dad was the toughest guy I’d known. My mother was extremely bright. And to think that they were left alone doesn’t make this shit any better.”
Shawn pursed his lips, a slight pain in his chest as he thought of his own parents. He’d come to the conclusion long ago that the likelihood of his parents being alive was slim to none. But as much as it hurt to think it were true, at least he didn’t have to watch them become Walkers before his eyes.
Shawn threw caution to the wind, attempting to comfort the man by saying, “Hey, at least they were together.” Bret threw Shawn a confused look, prompting the blond to say, “Shit, I mean. Fuck, I’m not good at this. Never mind.”
Bret blinked a few times, puzzled at seeing Shawn look so flustered. He said lightly, “No, go ahead.”
Shawn let out a breath, saying, “I just meant that whatever happened to them, they seemed to have went through it together. They were together until the end. Many can’t say the same.”
It was a bit morbid, but Bret did appreciate the sentiment. Bret nodded slowly in thought, saying, “Yeah, I guess that’s true.” Bret cleared his throat and wiped the last of his misty eyes. He let out a mirthless laugh before saying, “You must think I’m such a pussy.”
Bret expected to hear Shawn’s usual harsh banter, but was surprised to see Shawn’s eyebrows knit together, the blond saying almost defensively, “No. I think you’re human, which is something that’s been lacking in this fucked up world - humanity, genuine emotions. Bask in it before you become void of emotions like me.”
At that, Shawn stood up and headed back inside of the house, Bret’s curious eyes following the blond until the door shut behind him.
Bret stayed outside a little while longer, watching the sun set as he took Shawn’s advice and allowed himself to process his emotions. He didn’t know if he’d get another moment to have time to himself, so he took advantage of the alone time.
He thought of his parents, his favorite memories of them, and hoped that they were together in a better place.
Bret opened the front door, almost running into Shawn who’d just come from upstairs, the blond looking and feeling refreshed.
While Bret was outside, Shawn had taken a quick bird bath in the upstairs bathroom with a rag, soap, and bottled water he’d found. He’d also been fortunate enough to find a battery-powered electric shaver, the tool still having power. It wasn’t as close of a shave as he wanted, it beat having an itchy uneven beard.
Bret did a double take, not used to seeing Shawn without his usual fuzzy beard.
“Hey,” Shawn said warily. “Um, I left some water up there for you. You should go freshen up.”
Bret nodded numbly, letting out a quick ‘thanks’ before walking past Shawn to head upstairs.
Shawn watched him leave, his neutral expression slightly wavering before turning to search for some candles to light the darkening home.
Moments later, Bret came downstairs with a cleanish shave of his own to find Shawn sitting in a chair staring out the large living room window, eyes unmoving as if he were in a trance. He seemed to snap from his daze at the sound of the staircase creaking under Bret’s weight, his eyes landing on the older man as he sat on a couch adjacent to Shawn.
The air grew stiff as an unbearable silence filled the room, Bret making no moves to talk. Shawn shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he looked expectantly at the older man. For better or for worse, Shawn had grown accustomed to the silence being filled by Bret’s voice, and after what had happened earlier in the day, a quiet Bret was a cause for concern.
“How are you holding up,” Shawn eventually asked.
But instead of answering, Bret said, “I’ll take first watch.”
Shawn tilted his head in question. “I think you should rest.”
Bret stood from the couch, walking to Shawn as he said, “I’m fine. Wouldn’t be able to rest anyway if I wanted to.”
“Get some rest, Shawn. I’m good.”
Shawn took a good look at Bret and noted how exhausted the man appeared, but he also didn’t have the energy to argue with the man as he was tired himself. So he reluctantly nodded before heading to the couch Bret had just occupied.
After getting settled, Shawn said, “Wake me up if you start feeling tired.” Shawn barely heard Bret’s response, the blond immediately falling into a slumber as his head rested on the soft cushion.
Shawn woke up a few hours later, much to his dissatisfaction. He’d always had issues sleeping through the night even before the virus.
He wiped his bleary eyes before shifting around on the couch, intending to go back to sleep. In doing so, he caught a glimpse of an empty chair – an empty chair that Bret should have been sitting in.
Shawn sat up groggily, initially not alarmed as he guessed Bret was in the bathroom. But as the minutes stretched and Shawn failed to hear Bret walking around the home, Shawn quickly became worried.
“Bret,” Shawn called as he looked around the dimly lit room.
After not receiving a response, Shawn got off the couch and grabbed his gun before lightly padding feet on the floor to not make a sound.
Just as he was about to head down a hallway, he noticed something move out the corner of his eye. He swiftly turned his head to a window that faced the backyard. He looked closely, eyes locking on someone standing in the distance. After squinting and examining the outline of a man, he realized it was Bret.
“What the hell,” Shawn uttered, slightly pissed at Bret for leaving him alone and not keeping a look out for Walkers. Shawn took a deep breath, forcing himself to swallow down his anger before making his way out the back door.
He marched towards Bret, saying as he got closer, “Hey, what are you d-” Shawn’s voice got caught in his throat once he saw Bret hunched over with a shovel in his hands and what looked to be a shallow grave before him.
Bret paused mid-shovel at Shawn’s voice, lowering his shovel as he stood to face the blond. “Sorry, Shawn.”
“Why are you out here? Why’d you leave,” Shawn rushed out.
Bret answered dejectedly, “I know I was supposed to stay inside, but I couldn’t rest easy knowing my parents’ bodies were still in the basement. They…I thought they at least deserved a proper burial.”
Bret lowered his head, knowing Shawn had every right to be pissed. He’d left him alone and wasn’t keeping watch, which put them both at risk.
Shawn was stuck, trapped between yelling at the man and slapping some sense into him. But neither came.
Instead of getting chewed out by the blond, Bret was stunned to see Shawn walk off to the toolshed, grabbing a spare shovel as he grumbled, “You could’ve at least woke me up to help.”
Bret watched with raised eyebrows as Shawn stood on the other side of the grave, driving his shovel into the ground to pick up where Bret left off. He said breathlessly, “Shawn-”
“Stop looking and start shoveling. This grave isn’t going to dig itself.”
Bret was slow to move, looking on for a few more seconds before digging his own shovel back into the dirt.
Although it seemed that Shawn didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, Bret was touched. It was in that moment that Bret realized that the blond wasn’t as heartless as he once believed.
After digging the grave deep enough, the men headed back into the house to retrieve Bret’s parents from the basement. Bret carried his mom while Shawn dragged his dad’s body towards the grave, nose twisted at the Walker stench he’d never get used to.
Shawn watched as Bret placed both of the bodies into the grave, the older man being gentler than Shawn would have been.
After saying a final goodbye, Bret picked up the shovel and handed Shawn his own, both men covering the grave with the dirt they’d just dug up.
After they’d settled back into the house, Bret said to Shawn, “Thanks,” truly appreciative of the help he received from Shawn that day.
Shawn only nodded before saying firmly, “Get some rest.” He wasn’t taking no for an answer this time, and thankfully, Bret didn’t protest.
As Bret rested, Shawn stared emptily into the flame of a nearby candle, attempting not to spiral as unwanted memories began to flood back to the surface.
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kayfabebabe · 9 months
sweet baby boy mitch!!!!!! i've come to play the ask game with you again!!!!!!!!!!
how about we hear your thoughts on Card and Theme?
sending all the love that i hold in my heart for you (it's a TON!!!!!!)
Vann! I'm holding your face in my hands and kissing your forehead - Thank you so much for the Ask <3
~ ~ ~
Card ~ If you could pick the matches for a wrestling event, who would be in it and for what event? Okie, hear me out… I would LOVE to have a Forbidden Door-type of event between ROH/AEW and WWE. It's not the most original idea in the world, but there are some matches that I would love to see if that idea ever becomes a reality.
Claudio Castagnoli vs Gunther Samoa Joe vs Kevin Owens Ruby Soho vs Rhea Ripley PAC vs Ricochet House of Black vs The Judgement Day
Theme ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling theme songs? I had to look through my Spotify as I do have a bunch of Wrestling themes saved to my playlist. I've linked all of them below if anyone wanted to listen to them:
Fall to Piece by Junior - Mark Andrews' Theme The Rising Sun - Shinsuke Nakamura's Theme Tokyo Shock - Iyo Sky's Theme Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven - Kane's Theme Hitman - Bret Hart's Theme
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captainchewtoybaby · 2 years
Be my Baby
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Chapter 3 : The Secret 
Tonight was the first night of one of Stampede's shows and Whitney was kind of excited to see what the show offered. Although she has made it clear that she didn't care or like the sport, she did decide to give it a try. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad as she had depicted it to be. 
While waiting for Owen backstage, Whitney was struggling with the coffee machine at catering. 
"It's broken." A thick British accent said. Whitney turned around and saw a young woman staring at her. She was dressed dramatically, had red nail polish on her long nails and a pair of sunglasses were resting on her head.
"I'm sorry?" Whitney asked, confused.
"It's broken." She repeated. 
Whitney stepped away from the machine.
"I just saved you from drinking old coffee, god knows how long it's been there." The woman said. "The name's Jayne." 
"Are you new around here?" She asked.
"Uh, yes, i'm actually here to do a job." 
"May i ask what kind of job?" Jayne asked. 
"I'm writing an article about Stampede."
"Interesting." The woman said. " My boyfriend wrestles for the company, so I come and watch his matches a lot." 
"Doesn't it bother you?" 
"Doesn't what bother me?" 
"You know, the slapping, the punches, the blood, the violence." Whitney explained as if it were something terrible.
"Why, no, not at all, you see I like this kind of stuff." Jayne said. "It gets me all excited." 
Whitney definitely thought she was weird. She thought all the people that enjoyed such a violent sport were weird. But then again it was what they liked and there was nothing she could do about it. 
"Anyways, have you met the Hart's yet? Very nice people aren't they, oh but stay away from their son Owen, he's a very creative prankster."
"I'm actually staying with them and yes they are very nice people." Whitney said. And that was true. She's only been staying with these people for two days and she enjoyed it. 
Helen was treating her as if she was her own child, Stu told stories every night at dinner and Owen was like the little brother she never had.
Just then Owen showed up. "Ladies, the show is about to start." He said.
"We better go, before there are no seats left in the front row." Jayne grabbed Whitney by the arm. 
Owen whispered to Withney : "Goodluck with her, she's crazy." 
"I heard that." Jayne said and the two were off to find there seats.
Throughout the show, Whitney was starting to get mixed feelings about this sport. Yes a big portion of it was violent but the show itself was pretty interesting.
She even saw Jayne's boyfriend, Tom, in action and he was pretty good. No wonder they called him "the dynamite kid". 
"Oh you should meet, Tom." Jayne said as they were walking backstage after the show. "I'm sure he'd be pleased to meet you." 
"He was pretty good in the ring." Whitney said.
"He is, isn't he? I'm very proud of him. " Jayne said. "I can see him making it big one day." 
"You sound like a wonderful girlfriend." Whitney said.
"Why thank you, now come on, let's go search for him and maybe we can convince him to give you a lift to the motel." Jayne pulled Whitney towards the dressing rooms. Maybe this wasn't such a bad sport. 
As Bret was getting ready for the morning, he was in deep thoughts. How on earth was he going to ask Witney out to dinner. The even worse part is that he didn't even talk to her once. He had to think of something before the weeks went by and she would leave.
"Are you even listening to me?" Owen snapped him out of his thoughts. 
"I asked if you wanted to get breakfast with me, Davey and Tom?" Owen said.
"Oh, yea, sure."  Bret asnwered.
Davey boy smith came out of of the bathroom, his chin covered in shaving cream.
"What's wrong with you? You've been zooning out since yesterday."
"I know what's wrong with him." Owen smirked. "He's in love."
"I am not." Bret said.
"With who?" Davey frowned. 
"Whitney, the reporter that's staying with us." Owen explained. Davey looked at Bret. 
"I thought you had something with Melanie?" Davey said. The room went quiet. Bret looked up at his brother. He had hoped that her name wouldn't be mentioned again.
Melanie was a girl he had been seeing for four months. But there was one slight problem. He wasn't sure were this relationship was going with Melanie. Was he in love with her? Maybe. Bret didn't want to break her heart, so instead he told her they needed a slight break just so he could do some thinking. Has he called her since the break? No. Was he planning on doing that? Not at all. 
"Who?" Owen asked.
"Are you going to tell him or should i?" The brit asked. 
"Fine, Melanie is a girl i met on the japan tour four months ago." Bret explained. "She was a photographer, we talked, exchanged numbers and  then started seeing each other." 
"How come Davey knows about this and I don't?" Owen said.
"Because nobody was supposed to know, Davey found out by accident."  Bret said. "I wasn't sure about this relationship, that's why I kept it from everybody." 
"Do you still like her?" Owen asked.
"I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet." Bret said. "That's why we're on a break." 
"Have you called her or anything?" Davey asked.
"That's kind of mean, Bret." 
"Listen, the only reason I did that is in hopes that she'll get the memo that I want nothing to do with her anymore." Bret said. "Now enough about Melanie, how do I ask out Whitney." 
Owen and Davey crossed their  arms.
"What?" Bret looked at them. 
"We are not gonna help you until you call Melanie and break up with her. " Owen said. 
"Breaking up over the phone? That's even meaner don't you think." Bret said.
"Alright then asked her to meet up after we get back home." Davey said. 
Bret let out a sigh. Were they really doing this to him? 
"Fine, fine, I'm calling her right now." Bret picked up the phone on the nightstand and dialed her number. It rang three times until he heard a faint: "Hello?" 
"Bret? Hi, how are you?" She sounded so excited to hear him, which made Bret feel a bit bad. 
"I'm great, how are you?"
"Fine, I thought I would never hear from you again, I was beginning to worry." Melanie said.
"I, uh, I was busy." Bret said. "Listen, I was calling you to ask if you would meet up somewhere after I get back home?" 
"Oh sure, why?" 
"Oh, it's uhm, it's about our break." He said. "Nothing serious of course." 
Davey and Owen groaned. It was a big deal.
"Oh, alright, i'll see you when you get back then." Melanie said. As they said their goodbyes, Bret put the phone down.
"Happy." He said.
"No, you kind of lied to her saying it was nothing serious." Owen said. 
"It is nothing serious." Bret said.
"You're breaking up with her, Bret, it is a big deal." Owen said.
"Whatever, are we gonna get breakfast or not?" Bret asked as he walked to the door. 
"I'll go get Tom." Davey said. 
"You're paying for it, since you are being an idiot." Owen said. 
Bret scoffed. He was gonna have to figure it  out himself  how he would ask Whitney out. 
*stops car infornt of you guys and pulls sunglasses up* "it's Brittany ,bitch "
Hey ya'll. How yall doing. Hope you liked chapter 3. I was thinking about uploading this whole weekend so stay tuned for more. Alright imma go. Love ya'll ~ thys❤
Ps let me know if you want to be tagged.
Tag list : @rainchyns @aritamargarita
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excellentexecution · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Tell us a bit about your wedding to Niccola. I can only imagine it was a bit chaotic to plan given she would have been heavily pregnant with Logan and you still on the road with the company or is it a really well kept secret that you and Niccola didn't have the chance to marry before your oldest came into the world? I know you pride yourself on tradition even though your family is a nontraditional by most standards.
Molded and modeled to always have decorous conduct, ancestorial influence at work, Bret considered his marriage with Niccola to be as conventual as any could be. Good in morals and even greater in foundation - strong and built upon sacred love and trust - honorable in how husband and wife respected one another. Cared for each other so tenderly, their children the beneficiaries to all that could possibly be given, warm embraces and kisses so sweet. There was nothing strange about them. Niccola and his union truly a perfect match, two alike souls who found their missing piece, the marriage was not at all bizarre, either, but even the Hitman could recognize that himself and his beloved had forsaken the traditional route, somewhat. Steered well into the uncharted pathways and never looked back. Skipped over a step in the courtship process, explored affections of the flesh before they had even announced an engagement, bodies connected as one, their precious Logan conceived during a night of fulfilled passion and devotion. A moment that could never be forgotten; would never be asked to be replaced, never changed. 
Catching sight of the mentioned boy just then, more so a man now, for Bret, it felt as if it was only yesterday when Niccola had told him the news. Pregnant and having every right to feel scared, nervous and unsure, he was just as so, too. Worried for her and her wellbeing - the baby would change everything - beyond excited and overjoyed all the same. Niccola was to be the mother of his child. A child who would be nurtured by the woman that the Hitman loved most, created from part of her and part of he, half of each of them, there was no care to the break of tradition. They would be married and have their baby together. Just as they were always destined to, just as Bret had promised they would, perhaps with sequence of events rearranged but still seen through, nonetheless. He couldn’t imagine a world without either of them. His darling woman and beloved son gone from him - a broken heart would’ve destroyed his very life - it was then that Bret did as he dreamed, desired. Proposed to his greatest love, married her and began a slice of forever with her, raised their Logan with all the love that could be offered. There was no sense of limit. Not back then, not in the present, and not in all the eternities that awaited. 
Bret said, unable to take his eyes away from Logan, his son who chatted with friends around, the latest of Hart family house parties a small one but a fun one. “Well, that’s part of the reason why we got married when we did. Myself and Nickie, we didn’t want there to be any secrets. I didn’t want my intentions to be taken out of context, misconstrued for something that they weren’t. As I told her when I proposed to her during our vacation trip to Fiji, as I made certain to mention to her father once I properly got to meet him and Nickie’s mother shortly thereafter, I was ready to marry her. I had no doubts about it, y’know. I loved her and I wanted to be with her. Her being pregnant with Logan at the time, it didn’t bother me. Truthfully, I didn’t care all that much to wait till after he was born for us to be wed. Sure, it might’ve saved us some stress, but I was ready right then and there. She was, too. It just felt like the right time. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t have even considered it for a second. We would have waited.”
“Y’know, I won’t lie to you, it was damn hard planning everything. Like you mentioned, I was on the road over 200 days out of the year, every year. My schedule didn’t change just because I had fallen in love and was expecting a baby with my fiancee. My wife’s didn’t, either, and she had to deal with her own career plus pregnancy symptoms. For those first few weeks of planning, we communicated over phone. But, I will say, having had discussed such things beforehand while we were dating, our general wants and wishes, did help a little. We knew what our gameplan was, least some of it. So, that’s how we got everything together. After that, I tried to be home as often as possible to help with the rest of the preparations, much to McMahon’s and President Jack Tunney’s chagrin.”
“We’re both introverted people. We wanted a small wedding. No more than 100 guests at most, mostly family and close friends, the people who loved us and who we loved being with. In honor of my mother, I wanted our ceremony to be in a church. I know Nickie’s mother appreciated it, too. Our reception, that was Nickie’s doing. She knows good food when she sees it, smells it. She chose a mix of Irish and Greek cuisines. Something from my family and something from hers, but nothing too fancy, mostly hearty and delicious comfort foods. Meals you would actually enjoy eating. It was some of the best food I ever had. I couldn’t have chosen better.” He smiled, finally locking eyes with Niccola who stood across the room, as pretty as ever, the keeper to his heart.
“The venue was wonderful, too. Nickie found this beautiful ballroom. It was a renovated space from the 1920s, had a large dancefloor and high ceilings. A very rustic yet classic sort of design about it. But nothing was more beautiful than Nickie that day. Y’know, she was several months pregnant by then, but she couldn’t have looked any more gorgeous. Her hair, her makeup, it just made her look so stunning. She’s always been a natural beauty, very light on the cosmetics and such, but she glowed that night. I’m not an openly emotional person, I don’t like crying in front of people, but I couldn’t help myself once I saw her walk down the aisle in her wedding dress. She was an angel. How an ugly mutt like me got so lucky as to be her husband, I’ll never come to know. She’s just too pretty for me. She could’ve had anybody else, but now, we’re stuck together, and I don’t plan on letting her go. I might not be as fast as I used to, but I still have one good knuckle sandwich in me yet if some slimeball tries to steal her away. I got my boy Logan as backup, too, and he’s a better wrestler than I ever could’ve dreamed to be. He’s the best.”
“Our wedding, though, it wasn’t just about us. That was another big reason why we had it before Logan was born.” Bret concluded, winking to his wife whom he flirted with in boyish silliness, also did he wink to his son who he was so impressed by. “It was a celebration of his life, too. Maybe it wasn’t how we would’ve done things normally, but that’s the facts of the matter. When Nickie became pregnant, our lives were no longer just our own. We had our son to think about now. We wanted to include him in everything we did. He was, and is, on our minds all the time, every day. We were celebrating his upcoming birth just as much as his mother and father were celebrating their love. Niccola might not have been your typical bride, in the classical sense, but she didn’t care. She loved our son right from the beginning. She did all she had to in order to prove that. She cared for him. She considered him while putting the finishing touches on our wedding. She even chose her dress just so that he wouldn’t be compromised - the style and the cut, even the color. Back then, there weren’t any shops that carried maternity wedding gowns, so she had to make an extra effort with alterations, in finding a seamstress. Everything she did was for him, for me, too.”
“But I was the same way. All my choices, all the decisions that I made while going over the details with my wife, were based upon what would make her and Logan happy. That day, our wedding, it wasn’t just my story. It wasn’t about me. It was the story of our family, our love for each other. Maybe things would’ve been different had we waited until after Lo was born, less chaotic at times, but, y’know, I wouldn’t change a thing. It was perfect. Exactly how I always hoped my wedding day would’ve been. I got to marry my soulmate and got to be with my baby son all on the same day. There’s nothing better than that for me.”
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artadorkable · 2 months
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Princess Alpharita Cedella Callwood🌺
crown Princess of the isles-Guardian of time-Protector of the islands-vessel of the gods-Maiden of summer-warrior queen-hibiscus of the west
Once upon a time
She's one of the many royal children of the kingdom of lakansyèl that resides in the country of The Rainbow Isles. Shes was trained sense birth to be the next guardian of time and protector of the islands. For as long she can remember Shes been training to protect her homeland from any kind of threat. This title allowed her to move freely and not be tied downed to the throne,But things got complicated very quickly.Alpharita's older sister,the original crown princess stepped down and chose to leave the capital and become a priestess. Her father,the king had died and now there's unrest from the rest of the clans.Now that the title of king is vacant, it is tradition that any of the contenders can fight for the throne.ALPHARITA was the next in line for the throne and now sits on it so there won't be any conflict. Now she's gonna have to deal with many of them coming to challenge her for the throne.Now Alpharita who orginally was only meant to be the guardian now has to learn how to run a whole kingdom.She's trying to cope, but these lessons,trainging,challenges, and new ordeals are wearing her down.Worse off is an ancient evil is rising up again and taking advantage of the kingdom's chaos to try to take over.Now not only is she dealing with political unrest she also dealing with a dark evil trying to take her home and then the world.ALPHARITA has alot on her plate,but shes ready to give it her and save the day. Hopefully she can find some allies to help her take down this ancient darkness.“Very fair and full of promise
Lay the island of St. Thomas:
Ocean o'er its reefs and bars
Hid its elemental scars;
Groves of cocoanut and guava
Grew above its fields of lava.
So the gem of the Antilles,--
"Isles of Eden," where no ill is,--
Like a great green turtle slumbered
On the sea that it encumbered.”~ Bret Harte
associated with strength,magic,war,royality,courage,happiness
sacrid Gemstones:larimar,Tanzanite,dolomite,blue amber,opal,pearl,Caymanite
sacrid Plants:Frangipani flower,fairy duster,Hibiscus,touch-me-nots,sunflowers,Yellow Cedar,Jungle Flame,Firecracker plant,Beach bean,Coastal Searocket
sacrid Animals:hummingbird,green sea turtles, bulldog bat,iguana,screech owl
fav Food:shrimp,Johnny Cakes,Fungi,Pate,Kallaloo Soup,chicken,mangos,lobster,meat paddies
Color Palette:ocean blue,tropical green,egg yellow,Lavender,baby pink,cosmic latte,turquoise,Gold,silver.Due to her culture she’s able to wear all kinds of colorful fabrics and accessories.she also prefers many types of meatals,gems,seashells,and feathers.
Scent: sea foam,mangos,hibiscus,coconut oil,rain and sea grapes
personality:Dreamer,Clumsy,Anxious,Curious,merciless,intelligent,hyper,creative,stubburn,ambitius,observant,cheerfull,clever,adventurous,competitive,cooperative,determined,hard-working,easygoing,insightfull,meticulous,open-minded,messy,patient,quiet,resourcefull, relaxed
Expression:Has a staring problem.ALPHARITA tends to have a very confused look on her face.She smiles a-lot.She’s always has a daydreaming expression on her face
Likes:Puns,Naps,Horror and adventure literature,Fruit teay,yoga,Bonfires,Exploring,Drawing
Dislike:Her anxiety getting in the way of things,The cold,Sour flavor things,Senseless Violence,Puzzles,Her Callousness towards others ,People arguing,The Smell of rotten food,Crowded places
more info about her here:Alpharita Cedella Callwood🌺 on Toyhouse
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hitmanbalor · 2 years
infamous jacket
a bret hart ff
warnings: cussing, sexual references, fluffy hitman
f! reader
fluffy imagine while i work on the next burn it down chapter!!
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"look at my girl in my jacket." bret said cooing at me as i laid on the bed with only the jacket and underwear on. he then walked over to the dresser and grabbed a polaroid camera, knowing this pictures would land in his book. his book of pictures he saved of me for when he was on the road.
"take a picture it'll last longer." i teased the man.
"i fully intend too, yn." he said bring the camera up to his face and snapping a picture. i then sat up and posed for the man leaving my breasts on full display.
"i think being having you is way better than holding any championship." he said his fingers grazing the soft skin of my chest.
"good, now take your shirt off." i directed the man who obeyed. "now lay here and hand me the camera." i pointed in between my legs and he rested his head on my bare breasts. i snapped the picture of bret and i. "i get this one." i said shaking the picture to develop it.
"fine only if i can get another with my head in your tiddies." he said kid like and took the camera from me. he snapped the picture once he liked the angle.
"let me see." i said as the picture fully developed. he showed me the picture and he had his hand on my left boob and his head on my right.
"i like this one so much." he said. he got up and automatically put it in his gear bag.
"the rest of the guys in the roster better never ever get a peek at those." i said wagging my finger at him.
"oh, never this body is mine." he said kissing down my body to my underwear.
"good." i said as his fingers grazed my thighs leaving my breathless.
"only mine." he kissed my thighs and i giggled.
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