#bsd garlic
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i really like this design bc it's fun to draw ♡
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
If there's something weird And it don't look good Who you gonna call?
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justplaggin · 11 months
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bsd 107.5 raws
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garlicreblogs · 1 month
chuuran ship name should be short and shorter
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askryuu · 6 months
...Headpats for Ryuu? Yay or nay?
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bbgthoma · 2 years
imagine osamu eating garlic flavored shit on purpose before kissing chuuya’s vampire ass🤭
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popopretty · 11 months
BSD Chapter 107.5
This month is a change of POV and a short chapter. To be honest, I'm not very sure what is going on but I hope we will get to know more in the next one.
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Please note that neither English nor Japanese is my mother tongue so I may make some mistakes. Do let me know if you spot any. Thank you and enjoy the summary.
Aya and Bram hear a voice (assumingly Fukuchi's) from the radio inside the tower, that if the authorization to open One Order is not given within 5 minutes, the vampire army will start their world invasion. Aya tries to do something but Bram stays quiet, and she realizes that Bram has already known about it. Bram tells her that when she was unconscious, Fukuchi has grabbed the Holy Sword and given order to the vampires. Aya asks Bram why he didn't tell her and Bram says that there is no way he can tell her, because if he does, she will... (TN: He paused here so I'm not sure what he was going to say either...)
Aya then pats Bram's head and tells him that there must be something he can still do even in that form, as someone who is like a King of Demon, and one who can bring the world to destruction. But Bram tells her that the useful part of his power has been stolen by the sword, and he is only left with the "ability" to hate the sunlight, flowers, horseshoes, garlic, and the fact that he is not reflected in mirrors.
After hearing that, Aya comes to a conclusion that the only way is to remove the sword. Bram tells her that it is physically impossible for her. But Aya tells him that doing nothing is not her style, and tries to pushes Bram off the sword with her feet anyway. Bram appears to be in pain, but he tells her to keep going. Aya wonders why, because Bram said he doesn't care about what will happen to the world. Bram says it is true, that he doesn't have any interest in "the world". In the next page, we can see Aya's surprised face, and a woman in Bram's flashback who looks very similar to her.
The chapter ends here. There are so many questions I want to ask right now. But I guess we will have to wait till next chapter which will be released on July 4 (Japan time).
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ilovechuuy4 · 6 months
Hello, I love your works and would like to request something (if it is ok with you)
So, imagine BSD charecters like Dazai,Chuuya, Fyodor and Nikolai (you can add other charecters if you want to) with a s/o whose eye color changes based on their emotions. Like red for anger, green for happiness, pink/ purple for love, grey/ blue for when they are upset and Brown is like a neutral color for them.
(you can choose the eye colors if you want to)
A/N: Ok im going to be SO serious with y'all I put this back so far because I just didn't have ANY ideas and I feel bad if I lie and say I didn't see this, like I just haven't had ANY ideas im sorry i put this off so far(TW for like drinking ig for chuuya's
⧼ Your beautiful eyes.. ⧽
Dazai🐌 (Fluff)
It was around 7pm and you were waiting for Dazai to get back from the ADA office, since this was the usual time he came home. When you hear the door unlocking and your soft browns looking into his deep brown eyes, your orbs slowly faded into a shade of pink. You then stood from the couch and walked over embracing the brunette in your arms. Dazai wraps his arms around your waist, "Mhm? Good afternoon, baby." Dazai spoke softly, his voice full of sleep.
"Good evening to you too my sleepy boyfriend." You speak with a soft tone, soothing enough to burn a child to sleep. Your eyes have shifted back to the usual color now, but still full of love as you are held in Dazai's arms. "Could we make something to eat? I'm quite hungry, working all day is soo hard" He whined, shaking you by your waist slightly. You raised an eyebrow with a soft chuckle, "Yet, I doubt you did much did you, well of course you helped figure things out but you annoyed your coworkers, huh?" You say with a soft laugh.
Dazai just chuckles and trails to the kitchen, pulling you along, he was obviously hungry and he probably wanted you to cook something for him. "Could you make me some food, darlin'?" He looked over at you with a cheeky smile knowing you would even if you complained. Your eyes were a soft pink mixed with a yellow(happy and love) you decided to just make speghetti, it's simple 'nd good.
About 30 minutes passed, Dazai was hugging you from behind as he watched you cook with a smile. And shortly the food was done, you played it up with two pieces if garlic bread on est plate. You then stuck a fork in the food and turned to give dazai the plate. "Eat up, hun" you say as you place a kiss on his nose. "Aw, thank you" he says before he continues, "I love you, darling" he then placed a kiss on your lips and walked off to eat the food you made, leaving you a soft flustered, pink irises and a mess.
Chuuya🍷(Angst + Fluff)
You come home to a sort of sober but mainly drunk chuuya, which this has been happen for the past week, you get it work has been stressing him but it doesn't give him any right to drink his sorrow away! "Chuuya! Do we seriously have to re-talk about drinking your stress away? You've done this for the past week" you blurt out, rubbing your temples. "Darlin' it's not like im drunk? I'm just a bit stressed and I'm drinking a bit." The ginger spoke, his words a soft slur.
The amount of times you've gone through this with chuuya was so annoying. Your eyes a mix of red and blue, you were upset and mad at chuuya for drinking so much but, it also hurt you seeing him like this. You just stomp your way up the stairs and into the bedroom with a loud huff. Chuuya had a soft frown on his face as he stood from the couch and walked towards the bedroom, gently knocking on the door. “C’mon darlin’ I’m really sorry, can I come in?” His words were still a gentle slur but more legible, he knocks once more not sure if you heard him. He stood there waiting, until he heard you start talking, “Fine, come in..” you mumble, watching Chuuya open the door.
He walks in and shuts the bedroom door behind him, the ginger then sits down on the bed beside you, looking into your worried eyes. “Y/N, dear. I’m sorry I’ve been drinking so much wine. I know it’s not good it’s just, I’ve been so stressed.” He said as he continues. “I’m trying to find a better way to cope with stress it’s just not working. It’s just a bad, bad habit." He spoke slowly with a frown as he brought you into a warm embrace with his arms around you tightly. "I'm so, so sorry darlin'." He was genuine, Chuuya wanted you to know he was sorry for drinking so much.
"It's okay, Chuuya. Promise me you won't drink so much?" You said, your head buries in the ginger's chest causing your words to be a muffle. This brought a soft smile to Chuuya's face, "Alright honey, I'll try my best, I swear to everything I have." He then places a soft kiss on your head, your eyes then shift to a soft pink color. "I love your beautiful eyes."
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A/N; ok I'm so so sorry I started this was a decent motivation but then it reduced at it was pretty hard to think of anything to write for when it came to this, so I wrote for dazai and chuuya. Hopefully I can get around for a part 2 if you're satisfied with this one!! I hope you understand:•3
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ask game 4 akutagawa bsd :)
4: a headcanon to spite canon: he likes garlic bread <3
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pluto-projectorrr · 1 year
Alhamdulillah, bulan Oktober lalu gue berkesempatan buat main lagi ke Pontianak. Dari jauh-jauh hari, Despri udah bilang, "Kang kapan kesini? Ini Chia (anaknya) udah pengen ketemu", "Kang nanti kalo ke Pontianak gaboleh nginep di mess ya, aing ngambek siah, nginep sini di rumah aing". Dalam hati ini anak kenapa ngotot banget coba?! "Nanti datang dimasakin spesial sama ulfah (istrinya) kangg", lanjutnya.
Dan jrengg........... Ternyata gue dimasakin Soto Ayam dong! Soto Ayam-nya spesial banget karena rasanya mirip banget sama Soto Nayla yang ada di Jatinangor! Terharu😭😭 Bumbunya, porsinya, dan yang paling terpenting, Despri dan Ulfah udah nyediain unlimited koya huhu monangis. Fyi, Despri itu adik tingkat di Unpad, kalo Ulfah juga alumnus Unpad tapi beda fakultas. Bersyukur punya adik-adik yang baik.
Besok-nya ternyata dimasakin garlic chicken sama Ulfah, ini asli enak banget. Rasanya mirip ayam kalasan, tapi ga manis, dominan ke gurih dan enak banget. Asli kalo Ulfah bikin katering di Pontianak pasti payu deh (payu: laku dalam basa sunda).
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Jadi di Pontianak itu beberapa hari gue habiskan, hampir seminggu sih, jadi ga cuman makanan dari Dedes aja yang gue makan. Kayaknya hampir tiap makan, banyak orang-orang kantor yang ngajakin deh, salah satu yang enak juga itu Nasi Pecel Bu Karso. Ini makannya bareng Pak Andrian, teh Kety, mba Fitri, kang Enjang, dan mas Riyan. Nasi yang gue pesen itu nasi pecel ayam-tahu-tempe, karena ga terlalu suka daging, kalo yang lain pake daging dan paru gitu gue lupa, tapi bumbunya sama, porsi sayurnya sama. Rasa dari Nasi Pecel Bu Karso walaupun udah pindah tempat dari yang dulu ga pernah berubah, tipikal masakan jawa banget yang gurih dan bold bumbu kacangnya, kendati bold, tapi ga berat banget makannya, enak banget ditambah peyek, jadi inget mamah suka bikinin peyek kalo di Bandung
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Gak cuman gue sendiri yang ke Pontianak, tapi juga beberapa temen gue dari Balikpapan dan Banjarmasin, ini sih sebenernya momen yang ditunggu, ya bisa ketemu temen satu angkatan terus ngobrol dan keeping up satu sama lain, salah satu restoran yang gue kunjungin namanya kimukatsu, teh Kety keep her promises wkwk
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Ya walaupun kemarin juga tetep sebelom balik diajak makan mie 8 dewa lagi wkwkwkwkwk. Next, pas di kantor tidak lupa memesan kopi legendaris pontianak yang sekarang banyak cabangnya sampe grogol, bsd, jogja, solo dan lain-lain, yakni Aming Coffee. Temen2 gue di Jakarta aja kalo ke Pontianak pasti nyari-nya kopi ini dan emang bener beda aja rasanya dengan kopi lain, ini Kopi Aming ga mau angkat gue jadi brand ambassador gitu?!
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Yes, best for last, tiap kali ke Pontianak tidak lupa untuk mengunjungi Kopi Asiang yang ada di Jl. Merapi, banyak juga temen2 yang udah tau kopi ini, entah udah berapa kali juga gue update kopi ini, tapi emang kopinya enak sih, ditambah vibesnya seru ngeliatin orang rame sambil ngobrol. Biasanya kesini sendirian, tapi kemarin Vita dan Atikah minta diajak, katanya "Semenjak kamu pergi, aku gatau siapa yang mau aku ajak ke Asiang tiap sabtu pagi, jadinya aku gojek ke kosan", wkwkwkwkwk lucu bet orang-orang. Alhamdulillah sekian cerita Pontianak di Oktober lalu, bersyukur banget bisa punya temen-temen yang baik, doa mamah tuh terkabulkan, "semoga dimana kamu berada, banyak orang yang sayang sama kamu".
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catholicjinx · 1 year
*poke* bsd vampire au but they’re not like the vampires rn- thoughts 👁👁🎤
okay so. im gonna be honest the vampire thing going on in bsd rn is Not very vampire. friendly id say. ofc its altered to be from the source of an ability but the vampires being mindless and more just. controlled by bloodlust and the need to infect other people is so far off. from regular vampires. because traditionally vampires Did infect people but not so much as just. people dying and coming back as vampires. and them just needing to feed (they dont even come out every night!!! they used to be put in coffins that were specially designed to keep the vampires In and theyd. bury people alive to test if they were vampires. kinda freaky but really the story is they come out for feeding on general human energy, since Vampyres Very Traditionally were just old ancestors that came alive at night to feast on the energy of the living) so it was more 50/50 in a way? anyways. bsd vampire au
SO. im gonna do this in a bulleted list with just regular. characters. and rhe ones i favor the most rn lol
Chuuya - he wouldnt necessarily be a violent vampire but he would feel guilty about his feedings. he wouldnt need blood as often as the average vampire because of his smaller stature but i do think he would come home and immediately shower and feel awful because hes stripping himself further of humanity and like. idk. dipping into stormbringer a bit: since he Is the original chuuyas body, just hosting a god that essentially makes him half human, i think hed be obsessed with proving his humanity to himself to try and live up to what he Should Have Been. the happy boy that the flags said he was. so him becoming a vampire and being fully conscious of it would both be a Huge internal struggle and even an external one - since vampires cannot be seen in mirrors i think he would also have some body image issues! (i Know he does. Really.) but overall, he'd make the most of it. dazai would tell him his fangs are hot or whatever and itd get to him sometimes and the windows in his office would constantly have to be covered up. but he would be ok. also hed wear the SICK ASS vampire 1800s esque clothes and totally live in a gothic mansion with too many books and fireplaces. i know it.
Dazai - him turning vampire would really just. corrode his humanity even further. not only would he question if hes fulfilling odas dying wish but hed question if hes even being honest with kunikida and the rest of the agency by being a "changed man" like he claimed. his feedings probably turn into episodes, most likely having to feed once a day and feeling nothing during it but the guilt would sink in after. he would probably become something of a hermit, only letting his closest friends into his home and hiring So Much staff to take care of his mansion so he doesnt have to be seen by anyone else. his suicide attempts would probably become more drastic (and as vampires are immortal, hed only be left a lot more upset afterwards anyways). on the brighter side, some days would be better than others, and some days he wouldnt sleep in a coffin and prefer an actual Bed. and he would absolutely look like he hasnt slept in 100 years. oh and hed have duo fangs (8 fangs instead of just the traditional 4) and would probably keep heads of garlic around the house for fun. and hed grow his hair out tbh!!
Akutagawa - HE GETS ME THE MOST!!! TBH!!! HEEEEE he was the first one to get turned. for sure. and i especially think he was turned because he was bit by another vampire, his (rural town that i hc him to have grown up in despite being an orphan) buried him vampire style and put a slicer above his neck to behead him when he tried to rise. he did anyways, and since vampires are immortal, hed have a bright red scar on his neck where he was decapitated. hed feed more regularly, especially because he was sicker in the afterlife and now has to make up for it while hes undead. gin would Not be a vampire, but theyd live in a vampire mansion/cottage crossover where she takes care of him and he swears to never use her for feeding, even if he needs blood. his fangs would be small, but very sharp, and hed dress. the same way he does now lol
Atsushi - his turning was difficult. i think it wouldve happened while he was at the orphanage: he got sick, the director brought in a "doctor" to treat him but he ended up being bit and turned, and the director threw him out for behaving unlike the other kids and accused him of being possesed by. something (this also ties into my religious atsushi headcanon so stay with me here). since vampires originate out of religion, i think atsushi wouldve been Heavily raised on catholicism and both felt guilty for becoming the thing he was supposed to hate (catholics hate vampires and anything relating to the supernatural. atleast from someone who was raised in the catholic church, theyre very reserved and punish things that seem to resonate with the devil because it suggests satanism. lol.) and also would probably try to make up for it by becoming obsessive with his relationship with the trinity. ya get me. i think eventually hed accept that he was turned, but hed still feel worthless because hes doing something he deems inhumane especially through his trauma. as for appearances, hed have an interesting fang set where the bottom fangs are very short but the top are long, and i think one of his top fangs would be like a snaggletooth :3 its just very atsushi
Poe - really hed just accept it all together. his turning was ordinary and i dont have anything specific for it Yet but i do believe that he probably used it as an excuse to keep writing novels super late at night lol. also he would feed Very irregularly and itd be super unhealthy for him, so when he met ranpo he would be constantly lectured on keeping a regular feeding schedule. also hed be so scared of the sunlight hed have 100 umbrellas
Ranpo - gluttonous, got turned on accident and was terrified when he couldnt see his reflection at first but then realized he could use this to his advantage to fuck around at night whenever he wants. food isnt necessary for vampire survivial and it makes literally no difference since they straight up just absorb the blood they consume so he took So Much Advantage of this and now uses it to eat as many snacks as he wants. hes still a renown detective and participates in cases often, just from the safefy of his home. he would also have snaggleteeth and double fangs like dazai
Fukuzawa - was turned late into life and found that it didnt really make a difference, so he settled in a mansion and started an organization for vampires that dont prefer going out and feeding on people and would rather just have willing participants/premade blood without the hunting part (particularly ranpo, poe, and atsushi use this. sometimes gin too if akutagawa cant go out to feed). hes like a dad to everyone and treats his vampire staff like his own kin even though they may be scared of him. also he dresses like a 19th century goth novel protagonist. i don't make the rules
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based on @/komochor 's (on twt) spring drew on ❀ the second chapter
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ice-devourer · 4 months
Kimchi Fried rice recipe??? I'm curious have u found it?? Btw bsd on header!!!!
yep i found it!! the ingredients are — left over rice, butter, fish sauce, garlic, sesame oil, kimchi, spam, gochujang!!
stir fry the kimchi n garlic (minced) in some butter, then add gochujang, a bit of cubed spam, then the rice, then fish sauce and lastly sesame oil!!
i can’t give exact measurements bc i measure using vibes T — T
ah yes,,,bsd, the one anime/manga that has never unteethed its teeth on my brain since i was 13 at a time where ny religious family thought anime was evil and i had to rewatch it in secret in a small second hand laptop whenever they left to go for the city
i remember listening to the trash candy opening in my headphones and thinking im being so bad 😭
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kitkatnerds3 · 7 months
Ok, so. I didn't write a thing screaming about the last episode because I was watching it in a rush while I should've been writing homework, and I went to do my homework immediately after finishing the episode and if I don't write something during my just watched the episode high then i won't have the motivation to write it at all. I also haven't reblogged anything about the episode because my brain was saying I should write a thoughts post before doing that. I'm also telling you all this right now because my brain is for some reason telling me that the people deserve an explanation even though I'm pretty sure there is nobody anxiously awaiting to hear specifically my thoughts about episodes.
Onto my actual thoughts on the episode now. It was good! Sigma and Dazai didn't kiss on screen but it sure looked like they were about to so I'm taking that as a win! Anyways the animation in that scene was just really pretty.
Then we've got Aya and Bram! They were delightful. Bram saying that garlic sucks was wonderful. God, I hope everything turns out well for them.
Akutagawa and Atsushi reunited! and Akutagawa didn't look ugly as hell! That frame where Aku was reaching his hand out to Atsushi was immaculate.
Sigma and Fyodor! It was cool! Fyodor looked so cute in that one frame when he was pretending to be someone else.
And of course the soukoku scene, damn they did that part well! the emotion! come back to me (ME<-!!)(gayass) chuuya! It was great.
Episode 10 was pretty good! And now, time to discuss the Preview!
HOLY SHIT! FUKUZAWA! EVERYONE'S FAVORITE DILF IS ALIVE! Is Fukuchi actually going to be defeated by the power of old man yaoi? tune in to find out.
Anyways, since the last paragraph an entire day has passed and I need to go to bed, so a quick overview, Nikolai's here and Fyolai's happening, Aya is jumping off the building, the sskk neck bite is less romantic but also doesn't look as bad as it could (Atsushi certainly seems to be enjoying it), aaaaaaand we still don't know if Dazai is alive or what the heck is happening with anyone else!
But, the most important thing to note from this trailer? Bone's favorite part of bsd is definitely the old man yaoi, they are putting so much fucking budget into the old man yaoi holy shit. I bet 20 bucks fukufuku kiss (<- joking) (but also like a little bit serious)
See ya'll tomorrow! I am excited and also positively petrified!
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garlicreblogs · 1 month
sometimes i read port mafia as post mafia
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qbigbsdcity · 1 year
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[INI NIH BEDANYA!🔥] Siapa yang masih suka bingung pas di depan kasir, mau pilih Garlic Butter Mayo Chikin Bop atau Sweet Honey Chikin Bop? Tenang, kamu bisa cek bedanya kedua menu ini. Sttt, ini rahasia tapi dua-duanya jinjja mashitda!😋 Tulis di komen kamu tim yang mana dan jangan lupa share infonya ke temen kamu yah💛 @cupbopindonesia @qbigbsd #bebigwithus (at QBig BSD City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-mfuOPnSZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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