#bumbleby fanfiction skyechaser.
skyechaser · 4 years
Bumbleby: The Musical
Hi! If anyone cares I just updated this fic that mixes two of my favorite things MUSICALS and BUMBLEBY. I’m kinda proud of it so far. Would meant a lot if you read, comment and recommend. Thanks!
Here’s the link:
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liskysun · 5 years
So, uh, it’s the first chapter -prologue actually- on my fanfiction Bumbleby/Carmilla AU. It’s the first time I  write in this language, I hope you’ll enjoy it!
@introvertedthespian7 @astrality @skyechaser @almost-borderline @nikpillow   @the-infinity-cone @beesareverything @team-blackstar @k-suitt @nightospheress   @your-local-lesbian-radio @lonniekafka @set-wingedwarrior
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skyechaser · 4 years
Bumbleby: The Musical (Ep 6 preview)
If I could draw, I’d draw this. A sneak peak to the next chapter of this musical adventure. The fic is available at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21518137/chapters/51291346
I can feel at home with you (reprise)
(adaptation of "Can you feel the love tonight" from The Lion King)
I can see what's happening
(Pyrrha: What?)
And they don't have a clue
(Pyrrha: Who?)
They'll be best friends and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two.
(Pyrrha: Oh)
Ze sweet caress of twilight
There's magic everywhere
And with all this amazing atmosphere
Disaster's in the air
 [BLAKE and YANG:]
I can feel at home with you
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things
So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from me
She's holding back, She's hiding
But what, I can't decide.
It will not change the way I feel right now
 I’ll keep it deep inside.
I can feel at home with you
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things
I can feel at home with you
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are
And if they are the best of friends
It can be assumed
Her carefree days with us are history
In short, our pal is gone. 
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skyechaser · 4 years
Silence in Atlas (30/30)
I did it. After so long I did it. I really hope you like this. SIA has been one hell of a ride and it is, as I post this final chapter, the first fanfiction I have every finished. I hope it made the hiatus more bearable to you as it did for me. I want to finish it before V7 aired but that clearly didn't happen jajaja. Yet here we are. Thank you so much for reading. I'd love to read what you think of this finale or if there is something I missed.
Blake woke up before Yang did. She wasn’t sweating cold and she wasn’t shivering. For the first time since she had been taken she hadn’t had one of those vivid nightmares. Deep breath. The blonde was facing her way, her left arm wrapped around her waist. They were both naked and the realization made her blush. She recalled the night before and couldn’t believe how bold she had been. She had hoped that intimacy wouldn’t trigger her if she was the one on the giving end. It worked. The sound of Yang moaning her name in ecstasy was so clear in her head that it turned her on. 
She tried to sit up but found her legs tangled with Yang’s in a way that would definitely wake her girlfriend up if she moved. The blonde’s face looked so peaceful. Blake closed her eyes and leaned in, resting her head on the crook of the other girl’s neck. She could get used to this. It was the closest she had ever felt to paradise. 
“You awake?” Yang’s voice caught her by surprise and her eyes shot open as she looked up. Amber met lilac once more. She moved up and kissed her girlfriend on the lips. “I’ve been awake for a while” the blonde admitted. “But I really like being like this”. Blake smiled and kissed her girlfriend once more. She couldn’t tell what  time it was and she didn’t care. They could stay like that forever for what she cared. Several minutes went by and they both started to drift back to sleep when they were interrupted by a familiar sound. Yang’s scroll lit up, Ruby’s face on the screen. They exchanged a concerned look as the blonde moved to answer the call.
“Ruby?” she said as soon as the scroll was pressed against her ear. 
“Hey, sis” the younger sibling said, her tone cheerful as always. Still, Yang could feel something was wrong.
“How are things in Vacuo?” the blonde asked. 
“Well… A little intense. We fought off a pretty impressive amount of Grimm yesterday and today their numbers were still...” her tone suddenly changed. “We need you and Blake” 
“Ruby… We are…”
“I know she’s healing. I know you are too. I know you need time but you deserve to know what is happening. I… I need you with me too, Yang” 
“I know, little sis” she replied. Blake stared at her, confused about the interaction her girlfriend was having with the silver eyed girl. “I’ll talk to her about it. We’ll try to be ready as soon as possible”. The truth was she didn’t know if Blake was ready to go back to their mission. She didn’t even know if that was possible at all after everything she had been through. She made no promises but she knew her little sister needed her as well. 
“Thanks… I love you” Ruby said.
“I love you too” Yang replied before ending the call. Amber eyes looked at her with a question in them. “She says things are pretty rough and…” Yang considered lying. She knew Blake would want to leave for Vacuo as soon as she heard the truth. A part of her wanted to remain in the beautiful bubble they were living in, simply enjoying each other. Still, something hurt inside her. She knew they had to go back an finish the mission. They needed them. Her sister needed them. “She asked me if we could go with them”. 
Blake’s eyes opened wide and a shiver ran down her spine. She was afraid she wasn’t ready to get back in action. She didn’t feel like it: she’d have nightmares almost every night and clicking sounds would still feel like electricity ran through her body. However, she knew it was their duty to stop Salem. They had taken the mission and they had to go through with. She wanted to. She wanted to help. But, could she? The faunus pointed at herself, then she the bent her index finger and pointed down. Finally she touched her wrist with the tip of her finger. 
“Ok” Yang said almost in a whisper. “We’ll wait a bit more”. 
Two days passed and things were simply beautiful. They’d get up late in the morning, have breakfast, make love and tour Atlas. Some people would make disgusting comments about them. A waiter in a small restaurant refused to serve them and called Yang a zoophiliac. However, this time, Yang didn’t lose her temper. 
“You are a sad little lonely man” the blonde had told the waiter as she and Blake left to look for a better place to have lunch. It was hard not to get angry but she had learnt making a scene wasn’t something her girlfriend liked. So she took a couple a deep breaths and calmed herself. Still, as they exited through the establishment’s door, she waited for the faunus to turn her back so she could give the waiter the finger. 
When the third day arrived Blake woke up after having a beautiful dream about her and her girlfriend and something in her told her it was time. She was still not back to her old self but she was good enough. When Yang woke up the faunus stared at her with words in her eyes. The blonde sighted and smiled sadly. 
“It’s time isn’t it?” Yang asked as she held Blakes hand tightly in hers. The black haired girl nodded. “Let’s go tell Ironwood. He’ll know how to get us to Vacuo”. 
“It’s so good to see you!” Weiss said as she embraced Blake. The faunus hugged her back. It was really good to be with the rest of their team again. They were staying at Shade Academy’s dorms and it gave her some sense of calm. It reminded her of beacon. It was around two in the morning and there were no stars in the sky. 
“I’m so happy you could get here so fast” Ruby added, giving Yang a knowing look.
“It was becoming pretty clear that you simply can’t do without us” the blonde joked. The group laughed. She looked calm but it was just a facade. Deep down she was scared shitless. There was no way of knowing what their mission was going to throw at them. She was terrified it would be something Blake wouldn’t be able to handle. 
“We’ll brief you on everything in the morning. Now let’s get you both to your room” Qrow said, placing a hand on Yang’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, it's pretty late and you must be tired” Nora’s voice made its way into the hall. Jaune and Ren were behind her. 
There were many hugs and many smiles before all of them headed towards their respective bedrooms. In the end it was only Ruby and Weiss that accompanied Blake and Yang to their room. The first thing they noticed once they were insided was that there was a single full sized bed. They both smiled and blushed at each other. They would sleep together just like they had for the last weeks in Atlas. Maybe they could be all right. 
Living in Patch once more gave Yang a feeling of peace she had not felt in a while. Waking up with Blake at her side everyday was the greatest joy she could feel. After battling Salem and saving Remnant they deserved to be happy. They deserved peace and quiet. Her girlfriend was still mute but she knew Doctor Yu and other experts were looking for a solution. Meanwhile they had mastered sign language, something that actually became handy during their mission, mostly when they need to be quiet and discrete. 
It was a regular morning and the blonde had gotten up early to make breakfast. Blake wasn’t really good in the kitchen and Yang loved to cook. It was the perfect arrangement. She was making pancakes when her scroll lit up. Weiss’s face appeared on the screen. She picked up. 
“Hi Weiss, what’s up?” she said. Almost as soon as she did the white haired girl answered with a surprisingly upbeat tone. 
“Go get Blake and put us on speaker right now”
“Us?” the blonde asked. 
“Hi, sis!” Ruby’s voice was full of excitement. “Go get her right now” 
She did as she was told, entering their room with the scroll on her hand. The faunus was sitting on the bed, a book in her hands. Her hair was still a mess.
“It’s Weiss and Ruby” she said, pointing at her phone. The faunus nodded and left her book on the bed, inching towards the edge to sit down next to her girlfriend. “Okay, guys, we are both listening” 
“He did it” the former heiress said. “Doctor Yu and his team are ready to act. They found a way to get Blake’s voice back”
Silence. Three seconds of absolute silence. The concept took a while to land in both of their heads. For the longest time they had forgotten, or perhaps ignored, the fact that Blake could someday get her voice back. Neither of them wanted to have high hopes only to be met with disappointment. They had had enough of that already. Their normal wasn’t so bad at all. Still, there was a part of Yang that prayed every night that the medical team would finally be able to help Blake. She wanted to be able to hear her voice again. Some days she would listen to voice notes in her scroll that Blake had sent so she wouldn’t forget how she sounded. Whenever the faunus told her something in sign language she tried to recreate her voice in her mind. She’d give anything to help her. Now, if Weiss was to be believed, there was an actual chance to heal Blake. 
“What?” was the only word that left Yang’s mouth “Are you serious?” 
“Yes, yes, yes” Ruby replied. “Get your butts to Atlas as soon as you can” 
“We’ll get there tomorrow” the blonde answered, tears forming at the edges of her eyes. They said their goodbyes and she hanged up. Was this real? Had that call actually happened? Yang turned to see her girlfriend and  her heart stopped at the sight she was met with. 
Blake didn’t look happy at all. Her mouth was open and her eyes wide in shock. She was breathing heavily. Her mind was suddenly filled with memories she would rather not revisit. The Traders. Aleph. Yudok. Names that she tried to forget with everything she had. Blake did her best to ignore that fact that she was mute. She and Yang could communicate perfectly with signs and that was enough. Things worked. Now she could be cured of that horrible thing they had done to her. Now she could be fixed and not be broken. All those thoughts had sent her back in time. 
“Baby are you okay?” Yang said as she gently placed her hand on her girlfriend’s knee. Blake was shivering. With her other hand she moved the other girl’s head so they were looking into each other’s  eyes. Deep breath. “It’s okay” the blonde said almost in a whisper and the echo of Agape’s voice appeared in the faunus’ mind. It would be over soon. Not being able to speak was always a reminder of that happened to her with the traders. She had gotten used to it and sign language made it easier to deal with the situation and ignore her condition. Still, she dreamt of getting her voice back. She wanted to tell her girlfriend how much she loved her. She wanted to have a chance at normal once again. 
Yang almost fell backwards when her girlfriend launched at her and hugged her, placing her face in the crook of her neck. She was crying, a raspy noise coming out of her mouth. They held each other for a while until Blake was able to calm down. Once she did the blonde moved back and kissed her. Her stomach filled with butterflies. They stared at each other, having mastered wordless communication a long time ago. 
“Let’s do this” the blonde said as she kissed her girlfriend on the lips.
The procedure was really simple. They would replace Blake’s broken vocal chords with artificial ones. They were custom made, specially designed for the specific kind of damage that was done to her. It was actually nice to see doctor Yu again. She would always be thankful to him for taking care of Blake. However, waiting at the very same room where she waited so many times a year and a half ago wasn’t really nice. 
After a couple of hours Doctor Yu opened the door into the waiting room, his face looked so very tired. For a moment Yang feared the operation wasn’t successful. She feared all of this was pointless. If this failed was there any chance Blake would talk again? What if something severe had happened during the surgery? All the negative thoughts echoed in her mind as she stood up to meet the doctor.
“Could you do it? Did it work?” was all she could say as she walked towards the man.
“We think it did. We’ll have to wait for her to come out of the anesthesia. But I am pretty sure we did it” he said with a smile. The blonde couldn’t control herself and inched closer to give Yu a hug. 
“Thank you so much” 
“You are very welcome”. 
Blake was asleep on her room when she walked in. Just like she had done back then she placed a chair next to the bed and sat down. After a while she fell asleep, half her body sprawled over the mattress. 
Blake woke up with a sore throat. She looked around the hospital room, memories rushing in. Deep breath. She looked to her side and saw a certain blonde totally asleep at her side. She smiled. 
“Yang” she said and the sound of her own voice surprised her. It wasn’t loud, more like a whisper, a little bit raspy, but she had actually said a word. “Yang!” she repeated a little bit louder, moving the alluded one lightly with one hand. The blonde raised her head from the bed, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands.
“You awake, babe?” she said.
“Yes” Blake replied. It took her girlfriend about three seconds to fully comprehend what was going on, sleep still present in her eyes. Then the realization hit her. 
“IT WORKED!” she exclaimed as she stood up “You can talk!” 
“Yes” the faunus replied “It feels a little bit weird but… I can” there were tears at the corners of her eyes that started running through her cheeks incessantly. It had been so long since she had heard her own voice. 
“BLESS DOCTOR  YU!” the blonde said, half joking half serious. She sat once again, looking Blake in the eyes.
“I love you” she smiled into the words. She could finally say it. She could finally tell her girlfriend how she felt. She had waited a year and a half to say those words for the first time. They sounded so good.
“I love you too” the blonde replied. 
When their lips collided together it was like this was their very first kiss. Yang placed her mechanical hand on Blake’s cheek. The faunus grasped it with hers as she deepened the gesture. When it ended they both leaned in, their foreheads touching. In that moment their love was the strongest force in the world and they felt in their hearts that nothing could ever break them apart. 
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skyechaser · 4 years
Blake stared at the wall, unable to look anyone in the eye. She was so anxious she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. It almost hurt. She was aware that people around her were talking and that it would soon be her turn to do so. She didn’t want to. This had been a bad idea. No matter how much her mother had insisted she should have said no. A support group wasn’t what she needed. She just needed to be left the fuck alone. 
“So yeah, hi... My name is Yang” the person next to her said as she stood up. All Blake saw from the corner of her eye was her bright yellow hair. The blonde caught her attention and she raised her head to look at her. The pumping in her ears got quiet as she heard the girl speak. 
“Hi, Yang” the rest of the group replied. 
“I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder four years ago” she added before taking a deep breath. “I’ve attempted suicide twice since and I’m currently taking like a lot of quetiapine and lamotrigine and I’m better now” the girl smiled despite of what she had just said. “You could said I’m bibalanced” 
It was clearly a pun but no one seemed to find it funny. Blake giggled silently. 
"Well thanks, Yang” the psychologist said with a smile. The blonde sat down. 
“Thanks for laughing” she said in a whisper, leaning close to her ear. Blake froze and a few seconds passed “I think its your turn now” 
“Oh... Yes... I’m..:” the black haired girl attempted to speak as she raised from her seat. “Blake. My name is Blake”
“Hi, Blake” 
“I have borderline personality disorder. I was diagnosed last year after... After something happened and I’m trying to do better” she said without taking a single breath.
“Thanks, Blake” the psychologist said once more. She sat down. At least this part was over.
“I like your name” Yang said with a smile and the black haired girl’s face turned red. 
Maybe group therapy wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
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skyechaser · 4 years
It was a day in the job like so many others and yet something in the air felt oh so very different. It made her uncomfortable. Yang took a deep breath as she and her partner, Pyrrah, made their through the city as fast as they could. They were in the middle of an extremely organized and important operation and they had no time to lose. For months they had been trying to bust a criminal group known as the White Fang and they had finally found their base. They were suspected of several robberies around the city, drug commerce and even prostitution. When they got to the place they joined with the rest of the cops that were on the scene.
"We have to move in now before they realize we are here" Chief Ironwood said as he signaled them to enter the building.
As soon as they broke into the hideout they heard gunshots. Still, it didn't take them long to apprehend most of the criminals. Some ran away unfortunately. Ironwood seemed satisfied nonetheless.
Yang was sent to clear the rooms in the basement, much to her dismay. They were empty except for dirty mattresses and pillows. That was probably were they had their fucking clients have sex with the girls they had either kidnapped or tricked into joining them. Just the thought made her feel sick. She was glad they had gotten most of them.
The eleventh room was locked. Yang tried the door several times before kicking it down. It was dark. Unlike the other rooms there didn't seem to be any kind of light switch around. A few seconds after breaking in she heard someone taking a deep breath.
"Hello?" The blonde said "Is anyone here?"
She knew she had heard something.
"My name is officer Xiao Long. I'm with Vale's Police Department and we are here to help"
No answer. She cursed herself for not bringing her flashlight.
"I'm not going to hurt you" she explained "It's over"
That was when she heard whoever was hiding burst into tears. It was a girl judging by the sound of her voice. She focused on the sound and walked in. It smelt like hell probably did.
"Did you find anything?" Pyrrah said, appearing behind her unannounced. Yang turned around abruptly.
"You almost gave me a heart attack and I think I did. You got a flashlight?"
"Of course" the redhead replied as she lit up the room. That was when they finally saw her. She was in fetal position in the corner, her body trembling from the violent crying and her face hidden in her knees. The only thing they could see was her black hair. Yang walked towards her and kneeled.
"It's okay' she said "You can trust me"
The girl looked up. She had bright yellow eyes and she looked absolutely broken. Yang had no doubt that the White Fang had sold her like an object. It made her head hurt with rage.
"Let's take her to the ambulance. We found some other girls upstairs locked in a room and we called one in" Pyrrah suggested. The blonde nodded.
"Come on" Yang said as she extended her hand towards the black haired girl. She stared for a minute before slowly reaching out. When they touched the world felt at peace. They stood up together slowly and the police woman realized just how thin and beaten the girl was "What's your name?" She asked, not really expecting an answer.
"Blake" she replied, her voice barely audible.
"Nice to meet you, Blake. I'm Yang and I promise I won't let anything happen to you ever again"
And even if she supposedly said that just to calm the girl down and get her trust, something in her knew that, for some strange reason, she had actually meant every single word.
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skyechaser · 4 years
Bumbleby: The Musical 3/?
This is a story I love. I love musicals. I love Bumbleby. Put them together and...
“Make yourself at home” Yang said with a shy smile on her lips “Well… If you can” she added. The blonde had attempted to make a joke but the truth was her house was small and seriously cramped. She lived with her sister, her father, her stepmom and her uncle and most of the time money was a problem. They’d been in that house forever or that it felt like that. Yang was aware they had moved after her mother left but she barely remembered a time when Summer wasn’t part of the family. Her uncle, Qrow, moved in with them in an attempt to make up for his sister’s idiocy. Then came her stepmom and then came Ruby. Five people in total in a one hundred square meter two story house. Yang didn't know if Blake could physically fit in.
“Thanks” the black haired girl replied “You have a lovely home” She wasn’t lying. In spite of the obvious lack of space something about Yang’s home felt really cozy. She could feel there was a lot of love between those walls. It reminded her of her house back in Menagerie. She didn’t even remember the last time she had been there. Almost two years probably. Since she got involved with him...
“Who is this?” a small voice appeared out of nowhere and Blake quickly found its source in a short girl at her side. This was clearly Ruby, the blonde’s younger sister. She had heard a lot about her in the short time she had known Yang. They didn’t really look much alike but it made sense since they had different mothers.
“This is Blake, a friend from school. She’s here to help me with an essay so get out of our faces. Thank you” Yang said in a single breath as she gently pushed her sister away. “We’ll be in my room” Something in her lit up when she said those words. She had had friends in her room before of course. Nora and Pyrrha had spent the night countless times. Still, this felt different. Her crush on Blake was becoming more and more evident and she started to worry it had been a mistake to ask her for help.
Yang’s room was pretty much a mess. It wasn’t really big and she clearly had too many things. Her bed was made in a very clumsy manner and there were several stuffed animals sprawled over it. There was a a small desk in the side of the room, right under a window. What the black haired girl noticed right away was the lack of books. Reading was clearly not something Yang did on her own accord and it made sense she was struggling in her studies. However, it was pretty clear she excelled at other things. Blake couldn’t take her eyes away from the medals and the trophies on the shelf over the bed.
“Are all of those from lacrosse?” she asked, slowly sitting on the mattress.
“Most of them” Yang replied “Some are from karate”
“You know karate?”
“Brown belt” the blonde snickered “I had to quit so I could focus on lacrosse but I’d like to revisit it someday”.
“I did martial arts too” Blake said and it caught her off guard. She didn’t really look like the fighting type.
“What?” the word left her mouth before she could make up her mind. When she realized the tone she had used she blushed slightly “I mean… what did you… practice… what did you… ehm…”
“Kickboxing” the black haired girl smiled into her words “I was pretty good too”
“Kickboxing… I wouldn't have guessed if you gave me a lifetime”
“Most kids in Menagerie learn some kind of self defense… You know… Just in case”
Silence. It made sense. Menagerie was never calm. There were so many groups wanting to choose what was best for the island that violence on the streets was rather common. Yang had heard some frightening stories from Velvet and how her father was taken as a political prisoner before she and her family could leave their home. It had been four years with absolutely no news from him. She started wondering about Blake’s family.
“So… History, right?” the black haired girl said, trying to change the tone of the conversation. Yang sat on her desk as she replied.
“Yeah… I’m so bad at writing essays…”
“Well, let’s get started then”
Blake had asked Illya to take out some books since her card was still suspended. After driving her to practice she clearly owed her a favor so her best friend had obliged. As she laid them on the bed she could see terror in Yang’s eyes. It was clear this chore was absolutely out of her comfort zone. The first thing was to pick a topic and it seemed the blonde was reluctant to commit to any single one. Perhaps she was just scared to start writing. Still, when Blake started talking about the Menagerie diaspora and how migration had skyrocketed in the last three years, Yang somehow woke up. She started asking questions and seemed quite interested in what her new friend was saying.
“So why did you leave?” the blonde asked without noticing, her eyes wide in amusement as Blake spoke.
“I’m so sorry” Yang apologized “If you don’t want to talk about it…”
“No, no… It’s okay” she replied as she took a deep breath “When I was thirteen I got involved with the White Fang, a civil organization that fights for Menagerie’s independence. At first it was just protests and meetings but it turned… Violent… That’s where I met Illya. She left before I did and insisted I followed her. I finally did after Adam…”
She had just said his name. Her body froze and her mind started screaming. Somehow every single memory related to the red haired boy was playing at the same time. She could feel her body trembling.
“Blake are you okay?” Yang asked as she moved to sit next to the other girl on the bed. She didn’t know what to do. What was the correct thing to do when someone is having a panic attack? “I’m so sorry I asked. Please calm down” she said as she hugged Blake gently.
“I’m okay” the black haired girl replied as she melted into the blonde’s embrace. Her heartbeat slowly came back to normal. Yang’s smell overtook her and an unfamiliar sense of peace made its way to her mind. The flashbacks stopped. The voices disappeared. When they broke the gesture they stared at each other, both of them feeling something forbidden.
“Dinner’s ready, girls!” the voice from downstairs broke the spell. They both looked to the side, embarrassed about what had just happened.
“So… Let’s go eat, right?” the Golden Dragon said as she stood up “I’ll go get the table ready… You come down in five, okey?” she left without waiting for an answer. Maybe this whole study session had been a mistake.
Once Yang left the room, Blake took both of her hands to her face. It was warm. No. This couldn’t be true. She couldn’t be feeling this way towards her friend. She couldn't feel this way about anyone. She had been there. She had done that. And she had ran away. Adam said he’d always find her. There was no way she could to this to Yang. Moreover, she couldn’t do this to herself. She was far from healed after what had happened with him. Her heart had to be wise and take a step back. It was for the best. Blake couldn’t risk falling for someone else. And yet there she was, her heart beating hard on her ears and butterflies in her stomach. No please.
Not again.
I won’t say I’m in love (adaptation from “Hercules)”
[BLAKE] If there's a prize for rotten judgment I guess I've already won that I must resist the world’s temptations Love’s ancient history; been there, done that
[ILLYA, PYRRHA and NORA as backup] Who d'you think you're kiddin'? She's the earth and heaven to ya Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through ya Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you feel And who you're thinking of
[BLAKE] No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no
[ILLYA, PYRRHA and NORA as backup] You swoon, you sigh Why deny it? Uh-oh
[BLAKE] Can’t take this risk I won't say I'm in love
I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl Unless you're dying to cry your heart out"
[ILLYA, PYRRHA and NORA as backup] You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling Face it like a grown-up When you gonna own up That you got, got, got it bad?
[BLAKE] No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no
[ILLYA, PYRRHA and NORA as backup] Give up, give in Check the grin; you're in love
[BLAKE] This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love
[ILLYA, PYRRHA and NORA as backup] You're doin' flips Read our lips: "You're in love"
[BLAKE] You're way off base, I won't say it Get off my case, I won't say it
[ILLYA, PYRRHA and NORA as backup] Girl, don't be proud! It's okay, you're in love
[BLAKE] Ohhh... At least out loud I won't say I'm in love
Having dinner with Yang’s family was quite nice. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her life at Illya’s, but her parents were always working and they never really had any sort of family moments. Being in the table with so many people reminded her of home. She missed her parents so much.
“And that’s when I realized I had lost all of their exams” Yang’s father said with a loud laugh. His name was Taiyang and he looked a lot like his daughter. He was a middle school teacher and made some serious bad puns.
“I don’t think that is something you want to tell the kids, love” his wife replied, doing her best not to laugh. Summer looked a lot like Ruby. She had dark reddish hair and silver eyes. She worked as a social worker and her smile gave Blake a sense of peace.
“I wished my teacher lost our final papers…” Ruby said with a pout. “I know I could have done a better job”
“You already have straight A’s” Yang said with a serious face “What more do you want?”
“You can always improve yourself” Summer added as she gently placed a hand over the blonde’s. It was pretty clear that, even if they didn’t share blood, Summer was Yang’s mom.
“So, what are you two working on?” Qrow asked his niece.
“It’s a history essay… You know it's not my strength so…”
“Yeah, you are the muscle and I’m the brains” Ruby said with a giggle. Yang laughed but Blake could see how much the joke had hurt her. When dinner was over they went back to Yang’s room. They offered to help clean up but Summer insisted they got back to work. They had enough hands already.
“Sorry about that” the blonde said.
“About what?” Blake replied, honestly now knowing what her friend was talking about.
“My family” Yang looked down “I know they can be too much”
“I think they are all lovely” the black haired girl smiled “They reminded me of home”
They went back to work and they were making very good progress. Once they had decided the topic would be related to the Menagerie diaspora getting sources both online and offline was pretty easy. Three of the books Blake had brought had very good information on the matter. Yang felt relief for every webpage they found and chapter they identified. The problem, however, arose when it was time to actually read all of the sources. Blake knew her reading speed was above average. Still, she had already finished reading five different sources and her friend was still struggling with the first one. Her hands were sweating and her forehead was wrinkled in disgust. It was clear she was suffering.
“Is everything ok?” the black haired girl asked. Yang didn’t even look up and Blake though she saw tears in the corners of her eyes.
“I’m sorry…” she replied, her eyes stuck on the table “I have a very hard time reading…”
“Yang… You can’t… You can’t read?” Blake asked as gently as she could, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I can” the blonde answered, sounding a lot harsher than she originally intended “It just takes me some time to figure out the words…”
“Figure out the words?”
“Yeah… The letters move around sometimes or switch places. I’m sorry I’m just…”
“..an idiot”
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skyechaser · 4 years
Bumbleby: The Musical
She did her best to go unnoticed and yet she was seen She did her best to be the star and and yet she found something better.
This idea has been on my mind FOREVER and I finally decided to publish it. This is what the name implies: a Bumbleby story with songs. Most will be from musicals with some degree of adjustment to match the story. I hope you enjoy.
Yang doesn't like reading. All her life she's struggled with books and school work and, to be honest, it hasn't gotten any easier with time. Teachers would tell her she was lazy, one even dared to call her stupid when she refused to read out loud in the third grade. She didn't want others to know how bad she was at it so she learned to play the "I'm too cool for school" card and it made things bearable. Yang excelled at other things though, like lacrosse. She loved lacrosse and lacrosse loved her back. She was good at it, probably one of the best in the whole league.
Ever since she joined the team in the sixth grade, she was considered the star both by the coach and most of her teammates. Now, in her senior year at Beacon High, she had been named captain. It was the best day of her life. Her dad was so excited he took the whole team, and her younger sister Ruby, out for lunch. They had a blast. Even her nemesis, Cinder, seemed to enjoy the evening. She had been jealous of Yang ever since she had joined the team. It was hard to be under the shadow of the "Golden Dragon", as she was known in the lacrosse world, and Cinder was tired of being second best.
She came to understand, as years went by, that getting good grades was not necessary to gain her classmate's respect. Most of the smart kids ended up being bullied in the end. She was cool, she was tough and she had scored the final goal that gave them the championship on her sophomore year. Yang Xiao Long was someone not to mess with. Still, no matter how well she could handle people and sports, she struggled not to fail every single class. She was glad her status as the school’s sports star was appreciated by the teachers, who would always make sure she didn’t flunk their classes, even if she barely made the passing grade. That was until she met her world history teacher: professor Glynda Goodwitch. She was tall, blonde and strict and Yang didn't like her. She'd leave impossibly long homework and made it very clear that the Golden Dragon was to be evaluated in the same way her classmates were. As the first term of her senior year came to an end, professor Goodwitch assigned them an essay that would count as 40% of their final grade. She said they could make it about any topic as long as they could relate it to something seen in class and had at least one actual book in their bibliography. Yang had absolutely no idea what to write about and, to no one's surprise, she waited until the last minute to start working.
The blonde girl was clearly out of her comfort zone in the middle of the school's library. She looked at the book titles, some of them she could read, some of them she couldn't understand. She'd never get how other people could make sense so fast of the ever changing letters that made up the english language. She couldn't even find the history books. It was probably the second time in her life that she had entered the library. The last time it was after school hours with two of her teammates, Pyrrha and Nora, to smoke a joint. Well, Pyrrha didn't touch it, but she was there nonetheless. So, basically, she had no idea where anything was. Yang looked around, trying to find someone to ask for help. The place was pretty much empty except for a couple of freshmen studying and she was not going to ask them. That would be too embarrassing.
She was about to give up when she saw her and everything else disappeared. She had long black hair and yellow eyes and she was reading a book. Yang remembered seeing that girl before in the back of the classroom all by herself. She had transferred from another school that same year and the blonde was pretty sure she had never heard her speak. Still, she was desperate and this girl was very unlikely to tell anyone about her struggle to find books in the fucking library so she went for it. What was the worst that could happen?
"Hey" she said as she walked towards the girl. She didn't even flinch, her eyes still fixated on the page she was reading. "Hello?" Yang raised her voice slightly and yellow eyes looked up into hers.
"Are you… are you talking to me?" she asked sincerely puzzled.
"Well, yeah" the blonde replied. "Do you know where the history books are?"
"Oh, well… they're over there" the black haired girl answered as she pointed to her left.
"Could you… Ehm… Take me there? I don't really know this place a lot" Yang admitted as she scratched the back of her head. She felt embarrassed but something about that girl made it easy to ask her for help. Maybe because she looked at her with absolutely no admiration at all. She was probably unaware that she was talking to the Golden Dragon. It was refreshing.
"I guess so… Yeah" girl replied, still clearly confused about the whole situation. She stood up, leaving the book on the table beside her, and started walking away. Yang followed closely behind her. It didn't take long for them to reach the history section, or so would the sign on top of the shelves imply. "What are you looking for?" She asked as soon as they stopped walking.
"Something for Goodwitch's class?" Yang snickered. The yellow eyed girl seemed genuinely surprised at the statement.
"That's due tomorrow" she said with a straight face.
"Yeah" the blonde replied. "I screwed up" she grinned.
“Have you chosen a topic?” the girl asked again with a defeated tone.
“Not really…”
“Get this one” the girl suggested as she picked a book from the shelf. “It has a bit about everything. If you make an effort you might be able to present something tomorrow”.
“Thank you so much...” Yang replied as she grabbed the book from the other girl’s hands. “What’s your name?” she asked. The girl looked down, a light blush on her cheeks. She was adorable.
“I’m Blake”
“Thank you so much, Blake. I’m Yang” she introduced herself for the first time in a while. Most people in town already knew who she was. “See you in history class!” she said in a very inappropriate volume for a library. Yang walked towards the door but Blake called for her, stopping her right in her tracks.
“You have to register with your library card before you can leave”
“Library card?” the blonde said as she turned around. “I… I don’t have one”
“You are in your senior year and you do not have a library card” the girl said and it kinda sounded like a question even though it wasn’t.
“I do not” Yang replied “How long does it take to get one?”
“Two days” Blake said, her face still showing disbelief.
“Well fuck” the blonde said a bit too loud. The librarian looked at her over the book she was reading. She had white hair and small glasses and her desk was a few meters away so she more than likely had heard her curse.
“Watch that mouth” she scolded in a cold voice.
“My bad” the lacrosse player replied, her tone more under control.
“I’m so sorry Miss. Schnee” Blake whispered at the woman and then turned towards the blonde “I’ll take the book out for you”
“Will you really do that?” Yang asked with a shine in her eyes that made the black haired girl blush.
“Well… Yes, but you have to promise you’ll return it in two days or my card will get suspended”
“Yes! I promise!” Yang smiled into her words “Thank you so much, Blake!”
“You… You’re welcome”
Blake grabbed the book and walked towards the librarian. The Golden Dragon stared. There was something about that girl that she really liked. She just couldn’t put her finger on what it was. Maybe it was that she didn’t seem to know or care she was the school’s sport star. Maybe it felt really good to be treated like anyone else for once in a very long while. Blake turned around and walked towards her, the book in her hands.
Or maybe she was just really cute.
Yang was pretty sure she had forgotten something. She just couldn’t bring herself to remember what it was. The feeling was there for the whole day but she had a lot going on with the upcoming tournament and dealing with Goodwitch and the fact she didn’t finish the freaking essay. Surprisingly, her teacher had given her one more day to present the work. She stood up all night and had actually finished it. Yang didn’t really know if it was any good (nor did she care) but she was able to finish it and that was more than she actually expected to achieve. It should be enough to get a passing grade. It always was. Glinda Goodwitch looked at her with disbelief as she handed her the essay when her class was over. It was her last one of the day so when the bell rang she made her way out of school. She had done good and all thanks to… The realization hit her like an oncoming train.
“Blake” the girl’s name rang on her head as she ran towards the library. Maybe she could make it in time. Yang made a closed turn and crashed into something. Well, more like someone. “I’m so sorry!” she said as she looked at whoever she had practically ran over. Black hair and amber eyes.
“I’m okay” she replied as she stood up, accepting Yang’s had to help her do so “But you are late. My card is officially suspended for a week”
“I’m so sorry” the blonde said “I so so so so sorry”. Yang, who pretended not to care about anything at all, felt sincerely bad for the girl. She had helped her in a time of need and she couldn’t keep her end of the deal.
“Now I won’t have any books to read at home for a whole week…” Blake said almost in a whisper and the blonde wasn’t really sure she was talking to her.
“Don’t you own books yourself?” she asked, not understanding why an active library card was so important for this girl.
“I don’t” she replied “I left them back home… I couldn’t bring them with me when I… When I was transferred”.
“Today’s friday, right?” Yang said, an idea in her mind. “Let me make it up to you. Let’s go to the mall and I’ll buy you a new book for the week, ok?”
Silence. Blake stared at her as if no one had showed her kindness in a while, her eyes half in shock and half happy. When she realized the face she was making she looked down, her body once again shrinking down, as if she wanted to take up as little space as possible.
“You really don’t have to…”
“Let me” the Golden Dragon said. “Please”.
“I’m not really sure…” Blake whispered, a faint blush in her face. She turned away, not used to other students actually noticing her. She had done her best effort to stay under the radar and yet this girl had seen her.
Something there (Beauty and the Beast)
[BLAKE] There's something sweet, and almost kind But she was late and pretty much absent of mind But here she stands and then she smiles I wonder why I didn't see see this girl before.
[YANG] She glanced away, a blush I saw Something about her makes me stare at her with awe No, it can't be, I'll just ignore I wonder why I didn't see this girl before
[BLAKE] New, and a bit alarming Who’d have ever thought I’d make a friend True, that she’s loud and rowdy But there's something in her that I simply cannot miss.
“So… We going?” the blonde asked with a genuine smile. Blake turned around and stared at her own feet.
“Great! Let’s go grab my bike”
“Your what?”
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skyechaser · 4 years
Bumbleby: The Musical 4/?
"So, what did the doctor say?" Blake asked, her eyes wide in excitement as Yang closed the door behind her. There was a small curve on her lips. After their study session, the blonde had talked to her parents about her struggles with reading. She had never felt brave enough to speak to her family about them until now. She didn’t want to be a disappointment. She didn’t want to cause any more problems. She didn’t want anyone else to leave. But now there was a possible answer to her plight. There was hope she could improve and somehow she didn’t feel stupid anymore. 
"You were right" she smiled "I'm dyslexic. I have rapid automatic naming dyslexia to be precise"  the blonde further explained. Her parents had felt horrible that she hadn’t trusted them before with her situation. So, in an attempt to make up for lost time, they had solicited Beacon High to have a specialist evaluate Yang as soon as possible. Two days later, Yang met with the expert after school hours. 
"That's great!" the black haired girl celebrated, carelessly choosing her words. When she heard them outloud she realized how they could easily be misinterpreted "Oh… I don't mean like good that you have it I mean like… now that you know…" her rambling was cut short. A certain blonde had suddenly embraced her. Blake did her best not to melt as the blonde’s strong arms held her waist and her hands rested over her shoulder blades. 
"Thank you so much" Yang whispered in Blake's ear. It was clear she was doing her best not to cry: her voice was weak and slowly breaking.The yellow eyed girl wanted her friend to let go, she wanted her to know that she didn’t have to hold everything in anymore. 
"It's okay" she said as she hugged her back “Its over”. That was all it took. Yang had spent most of her life thinking she was stupid and doing her best to hide it. She couldn't believe it had taken so long for someone to realize her condition. The doctor had told her it was actually outstanding that she had made it that far in school with undiagnosed dyslexia. She cried out of relief. She cried because, at last, she had an answer.
“What? Really?” Nora asked, her voice extremely high pitched. 
“Yeah” Yang replied “I’m taking extra classes after schools starting today” she said, smiling into her words. She was eager to start. It didn’t matter that she had to stay late three more days a week. With her lacrosse practices, she was going to leave school at six every day of the week. She didn’t care. She wanted to improve. It didn’t hurt that Blake had promised to walk her home after her dyslexia classes. Not at all.  
“I’m sorry we never realized you were struggling” Pyrrha said, her eyes looking down.
“It’s okay, you guys” the blonde replied “I did my best to hide it”
“And how did you find out?” the question lingered in the air before she decided to answer, Nora’s light blue eyes fixed on her face. Should she tell them? A part of her wanted to keep her friendship with Blake as secret as possible. She knew how she felt about the black haired girl and it scared her that someone that saw them together could get any ideas. What happened to Coco could happen to her or worse to Blake. She couldn’t risk it. Besides, she had worked so hard to be respected and admired in school. It was all she had. 
“I always felt something was off” Yang replied finally “I investigated a bit and told my parents” the lie came so easily it scared her. She didn’t like the idea of hiding things from Nora and Pyrrha but she didn’t know what else to do. Being honest seemed like an actual impossibility. Maybe this was just her own mind trying to justify her actions. She was scared of her own feelings. 
“So, you want to meet later? I’d like to know if we could be of help” Pyrrha asked. She was such a good friend. The three of them had met in elementary school and had been inseparable ever since. They had sleepovers when guys broke their hearts and they stayed up late watching horror films at Nora’s house until her foster brother, Ren, lost his patience. The man was a rock but the trio was as noisy as it was tight. They’d been there for each other through thick and thin and, even if they didn’t know it, both redheaded girls had actually helped Yang with school work several times just by talking about the subject. Pyrrha was quite the teacher. The offer, however, froze Yang on her tracks. Blake had promised to meet her after her classes and she wanted to see her so badly. How could she get rid of…
“Pyrrha we can’t today! You have a date with destiny!” 
“Is that today?” the girl replied blushing. Her best friends had full knowledge of her massive crush on one of their classmates: Jaune D’arc. He, however, had been oblivious to all her signs for years. Luckily, senior year seemed to have knocked some sense into him and he asked the girl to the movies. 
“Wait, today is your date with vomit boy?” the blonde asked, using the nickname she knew got on her friend’s nerves. A couple of years back, Jaune had gotten extremely sick during a class trip and threw up for an hour straight. The rest was history. 
“That is not his name and yes I do!” 
“We have so many things to do!” Nora exclaimed as she grabbed her friend’s arm “We have to choose your outfit! We have to decide what to do with your hair…” 
Her friend was still talking but her words lost all sense as Yang took a deep breath and cleared her mind. At least for today she was covered. She’d have to see what to tell them later.
Thanks, vomit boy. 
All she wanted was for the day to end. Ever since she left her bed that morning something told her it wasn’t going to be an easy one. The fact that she had just gotten her period the day before was more than likely a contributing factor. She was walking to her last class of the day. The thought of meeting Yang after her sessions with Doctor Yu was the only thing giving her some sort of motivation. That was when she saw them. They were standing against the lockers, locking her way and mumbling something. Deep breath. Go to class. See Yang. 
“Hello, new girl” the largest of the group said as Blake walked past them. She didn’t look at him. The way he talked could only mean trouble. His name was Cardin and he was the official school bully. He had pushed her against the lockers several times and had even stolen her money. Blake could very well fight back but she couldn’t risk making a scene. She couldn’t have anyone asking any questions about her. So she endured it. She lowered her head and walked away. “Are you deaf, freak?” he added, this time louder. The black haired girl sped up. Please not today. 
Her head hit the wall as Cardin pushed her to the side. She didn’t see it coming. The boy was part of the wrestling team and he had been very fast in attacking her. Blake could hear the engines in his mind moving as a cruel grin took over his mouth. He got in her face, his two sidekicks laughing behind him and her body froze. This was too familiar. The flashbacks began playing. 
“You think you can just ignore me, faunus?” he whispered in her ear. The word burnt. For a very long time, the people of Menagerie were slaves in the mainland, and the word faunus, as in related to animals, had been used to label and insult them. It was the single most hurtful thing you could call someone from the island. Even if it was an idiot like Cardin the one saying it  “I said hello, faunus, what do you say back?” 
“Hello” Blake replied, her mind in autopilot. She needed the boy to get out of her face before she lost control. She could feel the panic attack coming. 
“I can’t hear you” he growled, his face inches from hers. 
“Hello” she repeated, louder. He didn’t move. She needed him to go away. She needed the flashbacks to stop. She needed to stop thinking about Adam. Her body reacted by itself, pushing Cardin with all the strength it could muster. He was barely able to stay on his feet. Blake froze, unable to handle what she had just done. 
“Get her” the boy ordered. His lackeys grabbed Blake by the arms and started pulling her to the boy’s bathroom under Cardin’s command. Her body was limp. The same thing happened when she tried to fight Adam. A total shutdown. Was it instinct? Why couldn’t she fight back? 
“Let’s see if you learn your lesson this time” one of the sidekicks snickered. 
The worst part wasn’t that she couldn’t breathe. The worst part was the humiliation. She had been bullied since the very first day she walked into Beacon High. She was shy. She was from Menagerie. She was a nerd. Blake had been pushed around, mugged, insulted and ignored but it was the first time she had gotten her head pushed into a toilet. Once they got bored, one of her attackers pinned her against the floor. She could hear how the other two ripped her bag open, shredded her books and flushed the pages down the drain. 
“Next time be a good pet and say hello back” Cardin said as he and his friends left the bathroom, the three of them having the time of their lives. Blake stood up as soon as they left. She didn’t want anyone to see her. Her bag was ripped to shreds and her books were wet and broken. The book Yang had gotten her was destroyed. Absolutely destroyed. She picked up whatever she could and ran out the bathroom towards the infirmary’s bathroom. She could clean up there. She’d have to miss her last class but, at least, she was going to see the blonde. Somehow a small smile appeared in her lips. 
“See you on wednesday, miss Xiao Long” the therapist smiled as he opened the door. Yang liked him. His name was Yu and he had a kind face. He didn’t make her feel stupid when she couldn’t read and congratulated her every single time she got something right. With a single session she could feel her spirits being lifted. There were techniques she could use to improve. Nothing could stop her from getting a good scholarship now. 
“Thanks so much, Doctor Yu” she replied. “Do you think I’ll be able to read better soon? I want to ace the next term” Yang grinned. 
Dyslexia and I (adaptation of "The Wizard and I" from Wicked)
Oh, Miss Xiao Long
Many years I’ve been working
helping kids like you to excel. 
Why, I predict with practice you could indeed
Improve! Fast and well!
My dear, my dear
I’ll write at once to your parents
Tell them how they can help too. 
With a talent like yours dear there is
A definite chance
If you work as you should
You'll be reading soon. 
Did that really just happen?
Have I actually understood?
This weird quirk I've tried
To suppress or hide
Can be treated and could
Help me ace my essays
And tests as well
If I work well
When I beat dyslexia
Once I study and learn
And then my own dyslexia
Won't be getting in my, my way!
And with all of this new wisdom
Books and test, they won’t be frightening
Goodwitch thinks the Dragon is dumb?
I will show her I can do this! Yeah!
She'll say to me, "I see who you truly are
A girl on whom I can rely!"
And that's how it'll begin
My new life and I
Once I beat dyslexia
My fears will be numb
Cause once I beat dyslexia
I’ll prove I'm not dumb!
No mother runs aways from you
No sister's jokes that hurt
And all the school has to love you
When by the teachers, you're acclaimed
And this gift or this curse I have inside
Maybe at last, I'll know why
When we work hand in hand
Dyslexia and I
And one day, they'll say to me
"Xiao Long, a girl who is so superior
All of your medals and your good grades
Have made your dreams achievable
Whatever college that you want to attend 
No matter how far away it may be
A full scholarship is 
at last within my grasp
And though of course, that's not important to me
"All right, why not?" I'll reply
I feel my dreams so near, my new life and I
I feel them all so near my new life and...
My future is unlimited
And I've just had a vision
Almost like a prophecy, I know
It sounds truly crazy
And true, the vision's hazy
But I swear, someday I’ll be
The very best there ever was
And I’ll feel loved at last!
And I'll stand there cloak and cap on
Feeling things I've never felt
And though I'd never show it
I'd be so happy, I could melt!
And so it will be for the rest of my life
Nothing keeping me away from my prime
Held in such high esteem
When people see me, they will scream
For half of Patch's favorite team
Dyslexia and I
Yang looked around, trying to find a certain yellowed eyed girl. She was there, just like she had promised. The blonde wanted to embrace her and walked towards her friend happily. However, when she was close enough, she noticed something was wrong. Her face was puffy and red, the beginnings of a bruise appearing over her eyebrow. Her clothes were disheveled and messy. 
“Blake, what happened?” she asked, gently grabbing the other girl by the shoulders. 
“What do you mean?” the alluded one replied with with a broken grin.
“You’re hurt”
“Oh…Yeah…” Blake replied looking down “I had a very bad fall in the bathroom. I ended up in the infirmary…”
“WHAT?” the blonde exclaimed “That is so dangerous! How did you fall? Are you sure you are ok?” 
Her face hurt and she really wanted to take a shower but, somehow, Yang had made her laugh. Having someone worry about her like that was something she hadn’t felt in a long time. It felt good. It made her feel worthy of love. Be careful, Blake told herself, knowing pretty well she wasn’t going to be. 
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skyechaser · 4 years
Bumbleby: The Musical 2/??
She did her best to go unnoticed and yet she was seen She did her best to be the star and and yet she found something better.
This idea has been on my mind FOREVER and I finally decided to publish it. This is what the name implies: a Bumbleby story with songs. Most will be from musicals with some degree of adjustment to match the story. I hope you enjoy.
Blake woke up on saturday unsure of what had actually transpired the day before. There was a book on her nightstand: The Tales of the Fourth Moon I. That could only mean one thing: she had actually gone to the mall with Yang, had the time of her life and gotten a brand new book. The black haired girl could feel her face getting increasingly hot. What was it with that rambunctious blonde that made her feel so weird? She had made the resolution not to get close to anyone. She couldn’t let the get involved with hee. And yet with Yang...
“Are you awake?” a voice made its way to her ears. The question, though it seemed simple and direct, made her think. Was she actually awake? “Blaaaaake” the voice growled.
“Yes, Illya, I am awake” she replied, laughing a bit. “You’re such a kid”
“Well yeah, kinda” her best friend replied. They had met back home, at Menagerie, and had become quick friends even though Blake was a year older. Still, Illya was the most mature of the pair in most occasions. They shared many interests and had actually enrolled together in the… No, Blake told herself, don’t remember those days. She took a deep breath. You are in Patch, in Vale. You are safe.
“Why are you awake this early?” she asked once she had calmed down, rolling in her bed to look at Illya. She was so thankful that her parents were willing to take her in when she left Menagerie. They had actually become like her second family and made the transition so much easier.
“I have soccer practice” Illya answered “Do you recall I made the team?”
“Yes I do” the black haired girl replied with a groan “But what does that have to do with me?”
“Drive me there. I don’t want to walk” Illya grinned into her words, making the face she always did when she was asking for a favor. The more outrageous the situation the happier she’d try to seem.
“It's saturday” Blake said with a serious face “7am on a saturday”
“Pretty please?”
“You are so lucky that you happen to be my best friend” the black haired girl muttered as she raised herself from the bed and walked towards her closet to get a change of clothes. She couldn’t see how Illya’s face had changed its expression.
“Yeah, I am” the redhead whispered, too soft for Blake to actually listen.
There’s a fine, fine line (Avenue Q)
[ILLYA] There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend There's a fine, fine line between what i would wish and what is And you’ll never know what I have inside and I have hidden for so long There's a fine, fine line between love And a waste of time
There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend There's a fine, fine line between “I love you” and “being In love”. I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime But there's a fine, fine line between love And a waste of your time
And I know that you’ll never love me back like I do I don't think that you even know what you're missing out For my own sanity, I've tried to close the door And walk away
There's a fine, fine line between together and not And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted and what you got So I’ll keep my feelings to myself so I don’t ruin what we have. There's a fine, fine line between love And a waste of time
"So… Are you coming or what?" Blake yelled from the bathroom.
"Rising up!" Illya stood up with a smile. This was good enough.
“Get out of the car, Illya” Blake asked nicely as her friend refused to leave the vehicle.
“Do I like soccer enough to get to school early every saturday to train?” Illya replied as if she hadn’t heard the other girl talking
“Illya, you made me drive you here. You are going to practice so get out of the car” she said, almost in a growl. She hated mornings. She always had. She was more of a night person. She liked reading and silence, both things that are better done in the later hours of the day. Being awake this early on a saturday was going to ruin her circadian rhythm.
“Fine" the redhead answered as she got off the car “Thank you for the ride, Blake. Seriously” she smiled. It was hard to be mad a Illya. Blake loved her quite a lot for she was the closest thing she had to a sibling.
“You are welcome… But don’t get used to it”
“I already have so we have deal bye” Illya said as she ran towards the field, giving the other girl no time to answer. Blake rolled her eyes and sighted. She was about to drive away when she saw Yang and the world stopped moving. She was training with the lacrosse team not too far from she was parked. It surprised her that the blonde hadn’t mentioned being on the team during their afternoon together at the mall. Yang had told her about her younger sister Ruby and their dog Zwei. She even told her that her mom had walked away and her father had remarried. So why not mention lacrosse? As she debated with herself mentally a certain blonde had noticed her presence.
“Hey, Blake!” Yang shouted as she waved her hands in the air. Her voice brought the alluded one back to reality. “Wanna see our practice game?” she offered. The black haired girl blushed ten shades of red and she didn’t even know why. What was the deal with her? “Blaaaaaaake!"
“Oh… I’m sorry I… I have to get home” she replied finally as she started the car. “Bye!”
“Okay…” the Golden Dragon said under her breath as she watched her drive away. Why had she made such a proposition? And why hadn’t Blake stayed? They had a very good time the day before and, even is she was the one doing most of the talking, she had taken a liking to her. They could be very good friends or maybe…
“What are you doing talking to the new girl?” she heard behind her back. She turned around to see Emerald, one of Cinder’s minions as she liked to call them. If she wasn’t such a great player Yang would really hate her.
“I’m being nice… What’s the problem?” the captain replied.
“She’s a complete loser. Don’t bring her to our practice” this time it was Cinder who did the talking as she walked towards both girls. Yang despised her. When they met it elementary school they had actually become very close friends and they had trusted each other with very personal issues. The blonde had told her about her family situation and her struggles with reading. Cinder, on the other hand, had told her about being adopted and how her biological parents had treated her like shit as a kid.
Everything changed when, in seventh grade, Cinder entered the lacrosse team. She quickly became one of the best and ended up convincing Yang to sign in. The blonde had played several sports in elementary and middle school but hadn't been in any official team yet. It didn't take long before the Golden Dragon awoke. Yang was simply too good and the team was quick to notice and celebrate. Cinder, on the other hand couldn’t deal with Yang being better than her even thought she had been the one that suggested her to try out in the first place. They had been rivals ever since and the animosity between the two was palpable. When Yang had made captain Cinder was the only one not to congratulate her.
“Chill out, fire demon” the blonde replied, making emphasis on the nickname.
“Don’t call me like that or I might have to…”
“What’s the deal girls?” coach Ironwood yelled before blowing on his whistle. He was getting pretty fed up with his players losing priced training time. There was a tournament getting closer by the day.
“Sorry, coach!” Emerald replied as she ran back to practice. Yang and Cinder stared at each other intensely.
“If you want to preserve your current popularity status I’d recommend staying away from Belladonna. She doesn’t belong with our crew”
“Why do you have to be so mean?” Yang asked. Cinder snickered.
“It’s not personal. It’s just the way things are” she said “And there are things not even the Golden Dragon should be doing. That girl is fucking weird”
“Shut up, bitch, you don’t even know her” hearing that demon talk trash about Blake was enough to make her really mad.
“Make me you retard” the dark haired girl spat. “I may be a bitch but at least I know how to read”
“I’m not going to say it one more time get back here or I’ll suspend you both from the team!” the couch yelled once more, his voice cracking with anger. Yang turned around and started running back to practice. She was livid with rage. She and Cinder had an unspoken agreement to keep each other’s secrets secret. Still, the dark haired girl had no problem in bringing it up when it was just the two of them.
“Thank you for blessing us with your presence” Nora joked as Yang got closer to the rest of her teammates.
“What was the deal with Cinder?” Pyrrha asked raising an eyebrow.
“The usual” their captain replied “She’s a bitch”
“Who was that girl you were waving at?” Nora questioned.
“That’s Blake” the blonde answered “She lent me her library card the other day”.
“Oh I know her!” Pyrrha exclaimed suddenly “She’s the girl that got transferred from Menagerie” That made a lot of sense. Every since the island of Menagerie had gained independence from Vale, many people had started hating its inhabitants for rejecting their country. Now that their new government had decided to reunite with its motherland a civil war had started. It was pretty understable that Blake had no time to take her books with her. She had probably ran away in fear. It also explained why Cinder hated her so much. She was quite the xenophobe even if she wouldn’t say it explicitly. Yang had seen her be rude to Sun and Velvet, two other students transferred from Menagerie, several times.
“I don’t want to sound mean but why would you want to be friends with her with all the trouble it would cause you if you already have us as friends and we are honestly the bestest of best friends?” Nora asked in a single breath. Yang laughed.
“She’s nice. That’s all” she lied. She might not be that good at school but she was pretty good at identifying her feelings. Years of therapy after her mom abandoned her had taught her that. There was more there than she wanted to know. She had just met Blake and most of all Blake was a girl. Patch could be a very beautiful town but it was pretty conservative. When she was a freshman there was this girl, Coco, who decided to come out of the closet. She was pretty cool and popular and had been for very long so she thought she could actually be herself. Once the truth was out things rapidly changed. No matter how strong Coco was or how high she had been on the social pyramid, the bullying just got worse and worse with time. One day somebody broke a glass bottle on her head in the school’s parking lot. Her family left town two days later. All Yang had to do was remember she was straight. She had to be straight even if a part of her knew that she had always liked girls. She couldn’t do this to her family, to her reputation. Then why did she want Blake to see her practice? Why did she want to ask her out so badly?
“Here you go, Mis Xiao Long” Goodwitch said as she handed her back her essay once the class was over. “Better luck next time” Yang looked down at her paper and her eyes shot open immediately at the sight of a big red D minus. She had failed.
“But.. I…What did I do wrong? I did the task!” the blonde asked with a frown.
“It is not about doing the work just to hand in something. You have to actually think and make valid arguments” the teacher explained with a severe tone “I gave you one extra day and yet you barely did any work”.
“I can’t fail this class. I can’t fail any class or I won’t be able to play the tournament”
“I fail to see how that is my problem” the woman replied as she started gathering her things.
“Please let me do some extra work. I’ll do anything” Yang begged, tears starting to build up in the corners of her eyes. Why was she such a pain in the ass? Why couldn’t Goodwitch be like the rest of the teachers that gave her passing grades for being the team’s star? “Please” she repeated. The blonde woman let out a sight.
“I’ll give you one more chance” she said finally rolling her eyes “I’ll give you a passing grade on the essay if you do the assignment one more time. Double the word count and the bibliography. You have until friday”
“Thank you so much” the Golden Dragon replied. She wasn’t really sure how she would tackle this challenge but at least it was another chance. She walked back to her place to get her books when her eyes fell on Blake at the back of the class. Yang knew getting close to her could bring her trouble for more than one reason. However, she really needed help with the essay. She couldn’t fail world history. She’d just have to see her outside of school and control herself when they were alone. Piece of cake.
“Hey, Blake” she called as she walk towards the alluded girl. The black haired girl raised her face to look at her.
“Oh, Yang… Hi” Blake replied with a timid smile.
“What are you doing after class?” she asked with a playful grin.
“Well… I was going to do homework and read the book you gave me”
“Would you please help me with the new essay I gotta do? I need to do some extra work to bring my grade up or I’m going to fail” Yang asked, her usual confident tone completely gone. Blake was unsure how to answer. She didn’t want to get close to anyone. No one could know there were people she cared about. It was enough putting Illya and her family in danger she wouldn’t bring other people into her mess.
“Sure” Blake answered and she didn’t even realize she had until the word left her mouth. What was going on with her? She hadn’t felt that nervous around someone since…
“YES! Thank you so much! Could we meet at your place? Mine is kinda crowded with my sister, my stepmom, my uncle, my dad…”
“Not… Not really. I live with Illya and her family and I don’t want to intrude by bringing guests” Blake said as her body once more shrunk in embarrassment.
“Oh, okay” the blonde replied “We’ll just study at my house. Give me your number and I’ll message you the address. Could you drop by around 6?” she proposed. She didn’t want to be seen walking home with Blake so meeting later was probably a good call. Blake looked up, her mind settled on saying no. Don’t do this, she repeated in her mind. Don’t say yes. It's too much. It's too dangerous. Its too...
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skyechaser · 5 years
Wherever and Whenever (Mostly Bumbleby Pilots) 1/??
Some loves are just meant to be. Some loves overcome time and space. Some loves have many versions of themselves.
A collection of Bumbleby fic ideas that may or may not have more chapters. Hope you enjoy this collection of false starts. If you'd like to read more of any of them I'd love to read you in the comments.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20599913/chapters/48909542
Reasons (1)
Yang looked through the window as she snored. Why did she agree to do this? It was 3am and she was about to fall asleep right there and then. The phone hadn’t rang all night. Ruby told her it might not. When she agreed to cover her younger sister in their university’s suicide hotline the idea of not having any calls was certainly reassuring. However, now that she had been there for about five hours, she’d do anything for some human interaction. Pyrrha had stopped replying to her texts so she assumed her roommate had fallen asleep. Ruby and Weiss were at their fucking concert. She looked at her phone and changed the song. She was wearing her purple headphones and music sounded so damn beautiful.
“You were standing with your girlfriends in the street” she sang along. She wasn’t a very good singer but it didn’t really matter. She just wanted to have some sort of fun that would make this night less of a torture. “Falling back on forever. I wonder what you came to be”. Yang kept on singing as she stood up, holding her phone as if it was microphone. “I was new in town the boy with the eager eyes”.
She loved The Killers with all her heart. The first vinyl she bought had been Battleborn and Miss Atomic Bomb had an special place in her heart. Even now, that she had a considerable collection, that very first LP was always in display. When the chorus arrived she stood on her chair dramatically. However, right in the middle of it she heard a familiar sound. A phone was ringing. It was the hotline and it was loud as hell. Yang removed her headphones and sat down. What was she supposed to do? Ruby had said that most people that called the hotline were just lonely and needed someone to talk to. She had given Yang a series of documents on their university's counseling services. Beacon took mental health very seriously. And yet, there she was, not knowing what the fuck to do. She had to answer. Someone on the other side of that call needed help. She took a deep breath and held the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” she said.
“Hi, is this the suicide hotline?” a male voice replied.
“Yes, this is it. Do you need any assistance?” she asked, looking through the papers her sister had given her. She recalled something about a script that she had to follow when answering calls.
“Not really”. She heard a laugh that certainly didn’t belong to the person making the call. “Thing is… My best friend just fixed things with his ex so I was thinking about dying before he gets bored of me”. More laughs.
“Look, pal, this hotline is a serious thing so I hope this is the last time you call to make a fucking joke” she said angrily as she hung up the phone. A part of her was glad it was a prank call. At least she didn’t have to deal with an emergency situation. Before she could relax the phone rang again. She answered almost immediately.
“I already told you to stop calling. I don’t have time for your…” she couldn’t finish the sentence. She heard someone crying on the other side of the call. “Hello?”
“Hi” a female voice replied over the sound of her own sobs.
“I’m so sorry I just had a prank call and…” Yang started to panic. What was she supposed to do? This person obviously needed help and she couldn’t find the fucking script Ruby gave her. She was about to improvise when she finally found it and read it out loud. “Beacon University Suicide Hotline, how can I be of assistance?”
“I think I’m going to do it” the girl said, her voice cracking.
“Please take a second to breathe and think before you do anything. Your life is precious and things will get better” the blonde read. She couldn’t help but to wonder if Ruby herself had written that script and if she had actually tested it in a real suicide situation.
“There’s nothing left for me. It’s over”
“I assure you things will get better in time. Even if it doesn’t seem like it. What’s your name?” the blonde said, following the text in her hands.
“Blake” the girl replied. There was something about her voice. Something about her name. Yang’s heart skipped a beat. That was a human being on the other side of the call. She looked at the script one more time before putting it aside.
“Hi, Blake. I’m Yang. I’m here for you. I care” she said and somehow it wasn’t a lie. She cared.
“I can’t handle this anymore. There is no reason left for me to be here”. Blake’s voice was like whisper, hidden among the sound of her cries. She had to do something. She couldn’t let this girl kill herself.
“Where are you?” Yang asked impulsively. There was a short silence before the other girl replied.
“Why do you care?”
“Why do you care?” Blake asked, her voice adopting a somber tone. What kind of question was that? Of course she cared. Why wouldn’t she care? This was a life at risk. This was someone that called for help.
“Because I do” she replied finally “Where are you?”
“Library. Roof” Blake said before hanging up.
“BLAKE!?” Yang shouted. The sound of a disconnected call was her only answer. She grabbed her cellphone and ran out of the small office as fast as she could. She had to get there before that girl did something stupid. She couldn’t let her jump to her death. She couldn’t let Blake die. When she could finally see the library she wondered if she was too late. Then she saw her on the roof. She had black hair and bright amber eyes. She was a cat faunus, or so would the animal ears on her head imply. The blonde did all she could to remain out of her sight as she entered the library through the backdoor and started running up the stairs.
As she got closer to the roof she started hearing what seemed to be music. It was getting louder and louder as she finally reached the roof. She couldn’t believe her ears but the song that was playing was the same one she was listening to at the office. Miss Atomic Bomb.
“You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone”
She saw Blake’s back, her feet dangerously close to the edge as the moon shone above her. Should she sneak up on the faunus? Should she just make a run for it?
“Racing shadows under moonlight. Through the desert on a hot night”
Blake looked down and moved slightly forwards. Fuck subtlety. It was never one of her strengths. She ran as fast as she could and when she saw the other girl started to fall she jumped and grabbed her shirt, pulling her back until their bodies collided together. She held her in place for a short while, her hands grabbing the other girl’s waist. She could hear Blake crying.
“And for a second there we'd won. Yeah we were innocent and young”
“I told you I cared” Yang said. Blake turned around surprised and the blonde’s heart skipped a bit once more. The faunus’ face was a mess. Her makeup was melting into her face, her eyes were puffy and red but somehow she still look beautiful.
“Why did you stop me?” Blake asked, visibly upset.
“Cast out of the night, well you've got a foolish heart. So you took your place but the fall from grace was the hardest part”
“Because you were going to kill yourself!” Yang answered, her voice coming out harsher than she had originally intended it to.
“I told you I have nothing left” Blake said as she hugged herself. Yang wanted to hold her but she didn’t.
“It feels just like a dagger buried deep in your back. You run for cover but you can't escape the second attack”
“I bet you do” the blonde replied and Blake looked up into her eyes for the first time. Amber met lilac.
“How can you be so sure?” the faunus questioned, her ears flat on her head.
“Your soul was innocent, she kissed him and she painted it black”
“Let’s make a bet then. Give me a week to show you that there are things worth living for” Yang proposed. “If at the end of the week you are not convinced then it’ll be your choice to do whatever you want. I won’t stop you”.
“You should have seen your little face, burning for love, holding on for your life”
Blake looked at Yang with questions in her eyes. Who was this girl and why was she here? Why did she care so much when everyone else in her life had left her? Why was this stranger so fixated on stopping her from ending her life? Why did she care?
“Fine” the faunus replied finally and Yang offered her a handshake.
“All that I wanted was a little touch A little tenderness and truth, I didn't ask for much, no”
“It’s a bet then” she said as Blake shook her hand. When she felt Blake’s skin against her own a strange shiver came down her spine. She looked at their hands holding each other and it made no sense. This was a girl. A girl she didn't even know. What was going on with her?
“Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time”
“You sound very sure that you are going to win” Blake said as she picked up her phone, the song still on.
“Oh, baby” Yang replied with a grin. “I always do”.
“Miss Atomic Bomb Making out we've got the radio on”
Blake smiled timidly at her statement and it was the single most beautiful thing she had ever witnessed. They walked towards the stairs together and Yang couldn’t help but to wonder what she had gotten herself into. All it took was to remember the faunus’ smile for every doubt to disappear. She was going to show Blake how great life could be.
“You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me when I'm gone”
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skyechaser · 5 years
Silence in Atlas 29/30
This has taken quite a while. Thanks to everyone out there still reading this. We are close to the end. I am finishing this, don’t doubt it. 
Yang turned the key slowly, trying to make the least noise possible. The house was completely silent and it was four in the morning so everyone was more than likely asleep. The last thing she wanted to do was wake up or startle Blake. She wasn’t really sure how much rest her girlfriend actually got from sleeping so every second counted. The dark bags under the faunus’ eyes became deeper every day, as if tiredness was a chronic sickness. Waking up was the worst part. Nightmares tormented her most nights and the first thing she would think when she opened her eyes those days was that she was back with The Traders. Yang had to hold her and calm her down for her to remember she was actually safe, to remember she was home and hell was over.
Yang pushed the door open and stepped inside, expecting it to be completely dark. It wasn’t. She closed the door with caution. There was a faint light coming from the living room. When she walked towards it she saw Blake asleep on the couch on the exact same spot where the blonde had waited for the her to come back when she was taken. There was a book in her hands and a small light on the table next to her. It was a very cute sight and Yang could almost feel her heart melting in her chest. The scene made her smile in spite of what she had just experienced back the The Traders’ hideout.
Yang bent down and gently picked her girlfriend up from the couch. She hadn’t carried her up in that fashion since the night she had rescued her in Staub. It filled her with joy to feel that the faunus had put on some weight. She had been scared at how easy it was to lift her. Blake flinched the second her body left the couch. She opened her eyes as wide as she could in absolute panic. Her body started trembling. The blonde held her hard against her chest, trying her best not to drop her. She could hear her breathing becoming both faster and harder by the second.
“It’s okay” Yang whispered in one of Blake’s cat ears. “It’s me”. Just as the words left her mouth she could feel the other girl’s body relaxing and her eyes finally moving to look at her. Her breathing slowed down. “You okay? Want me to…” before she could finish the question the faunus took her face in her hands and kissed her hard on the lips. When she pulled back Yang was blushing and it made Blake’s lips curl up in a smile. She had been worried sick all night, doing her best not to fall asleep. It was clear she had failed miserably. However, in spite of her failure, she was filled with joy that Yang had come back all right.
“That was… unexpected” the blonde said, the blush in her cheeks still evident. “Extremely nice but.. unexpected” she added. Blake laughed silently and was interrupted by her own snore. “Let’s go to sleep, baby”. Yang walked towards their shared bedroom and gently lowered her girlfriend in the bed and covered her with a blanket. She quickly snuggled the pillow and fell asleep. Yang changed her clothes and washed up in the bathroom. Not long after, she got in bed with her girlfriend. Almost immediately, Blake curled up against her chest and started purring. Sleep came to her few minutes later.
It was six or seven in the morning when Blake woke up. Her body tensed up slightly as she eased out of the usual nightmare. Deep breath. The feeling of Yang’s arms wrapped around her brought her a sense of bliss that was finally able to calm her down. She turned around carefully. Their faces were very close and she could see small scratches on the blonde’s cheeks like the ones you get from running through thick woods. Blake had seen them on her own face the day after their fight with Adam.
The realization came so abruptly it startled her. She had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for her girlfriend to come home from The Trader’s hideout. Many questions appeared on her head. Were they gone? Had Yang kept control? Had she found Aleph? Blake tried to convince herself she could wait until the blonde woke up but the anxiety became very bad. She grabbed Yang’s arm gently and moved her slightly. If she could speak she could just call her name. Yang’s eyes opened slowly. Amber met lilac.
“Is it tomorrow already?” the blonde asked, her voice still half asleep. Blake stared at her with a question in her eyes and Yang understood perfectly what she wanted to know. “I kept my promise” she sad, “And poetic justice did the rest. He’s gone and Ironwood got all of the rest. They are never leaving prison”.
Aleph was gone from this world and she could feel the memory of him slowly fading away. Someday, she hoped, she would forget the sound of his voice and his face would disappear from her mind completely. Blake didn’t know how to react at the news. She didn’t feel happy that he had died. Even if he was gone it didn’t take away what he had done to her. Her voice was still gone and the scars were still visible. Nevertheless, she was glad. He was an evil man that was never going to change. He had hurt her in ways she didn’t want to think about. Now he was never going to do it to anybody else.
“Baby, you are shaking” Yang whispered as she held her close. “It's okay” she added and the faunus could hear Agape’s voice in her head telling her that exact same thing back at the mine. Blake grabbed onto her girlfriend like she was afraid she was going to fall and finally allowed herself to cry.
Later that morning, when Yang told Kali and Ghira what had happened during the mission, they thanked her effusively. Not only because of what Aleph had done to their daughter, but because of what The Traders had done to the faunus.  
“I kinda had gotten used to having you here” Yang said.
“There’s still a lot to do in the White Fang and you know she’d never let us stay so long” the woman said glancing at her daughter as she walked towards them with her father. The blonde nodded. Kali was right. Blake was adamant about her parents going back to Menagerie as soon as possible. It wasn’t, of course, because she didn’t enjoy their company. She was so glad they had actually been able to get to Atlas. It was beautiful and healing to have them close but she didn’t want to get in the way of the restoration of the White Fang. That was by far more important than her. Besides, she had Yang and the team. It’s not like was alone.
“You sure walk fast” Ghira told them, him and Blake finally catching up.
“Or maybe we run very slowly” Yang joked with a grin. The White Fang’s leader stared at her for a few seconds with an unreadable expression on his face. Maybe she had overstepped her boundaries with that comment. She was quickly convinced otherwise when he let out a big laugh.
“I’m going to miss you, Xiao Long” the man snickered as he patted her on the back affectionately. The feeling was mutual. Yang had grown very fond of Ghira in the time they had shared. He laughed at her smart remarks and, since both of them preferred hand to hand combat, they had shared some fighting techniques. “Take care of each other”
“We always do” she replied.
“Next time you see Agape tell her we say hi. She’s such a sweet girl” Kali added with a gentle smile on her lips. Blake nodded as she hugged her mother tightly. “I love you so much, sweetheart. Call us anytime”. The youngest of the pair took a hand to her face with two fingers extended them and moved them forwards. Then she pinched her chin.
“She says: see you soon” Yang translated.
“Yes, dear. See you both very soon” Kali said as she embraced Yang gently. “Thank you so much” she whispered in her ear. The blonde felt a tug at her heart. She had spent so much time blaming herself for what had happened to her girlfriend that she would have never imagined having such a good relationship with her parents. Kali’s words echoed in her mind as the couple walked away from them.
Yang’s body started hurting the moment they got to the house. It seemed the pain from the mission was starting to settle in. Her legs were burning from all the running she did and walking was enough to make her uncomfortable. She thought of getting a nap, since it was only about three in the afternoon but decided to take a shower instead. Maybe some hot water could calm down her muscles. She left Blake reading a book on their room and jumped in. She was right. As soon as the water touched her body she felt relief.
The last three weeks of her life had been a rollercoaster. The eight days Blake had been missing were the longest of her entire life. She’d never forget the feeling of absolute despair she felt the moment she walked into the room they kept her at The Trader’s base. The blood splattered on the wall was a sight burned in her mind forever. Finding her girlfriend hadn’t been easy but she had been right not to feel victorious. The real struggle was surviving after.
She closed her eyes and allowed the water to roll down her face, her hair sprawling all the way to her hips, heavy and soaked. She took a deep breath and focused on the beating of her own heart. Yang had been obsessed with turning things back to normal but she had come to accept their lives were forever changed. There wasn’t even some sort of guarantee that Blake would ever speak again so every time they had to communicate in sign language they were forced to remember what Aleph had done. She hated him like she hadn’t hated anyone else before. She’d seen him die and yet he still haunted them.
Yang was lost in her thoughts with her eyes closed and her ears focused on her own pulse. She didn’t hear the door opening or the steps towards the shower. She was oblivious of the clothes that were falling on the ground just outside the shower. The blonde didn’t even feel the curtain moving. What finally made Yang aware of another presence behind her was when the faunus wrapped her arms around her waist. Her eyes shot wide open and she froze. She could feel Blake’s naked body against her and it sent her brain into shortcut. Yang felt how the faunus pulled her shoulder and she turned around slowly.
Blake’s amber eyes were filled with love. The blonde could feel it. Her black hair was wet and flat on her head and it made her cat ears seem bigger. It was incredibly cute. Yang allowed her eyes to drift lower for a split second and she blushed intensely, moving her eyes right back up almost immediately. Deep breath. Her girlfriend’s body was perfect and it made her itch inside. Still, she didn’t want to go too far and scare the faunus so she waited for her to make a move. She did. Blake inched closer to her and caught her lips in a kiss. When she felt a tongue entering her mouth, the itch inside her became almost painful. Their bodies melted together as the gesture deepened. Yang held the other girl’s waist and Blake grabbed onto her neck.
“I love you so much” she said, pulling away slightly. “I hope you never forget that”. She thought she saw tears in the faunus’ eyes but it was impossible to know in the shower’s rain. Blake didn’t reply in any fashion, she just got on her knees and moved the blonde’s leg over her shoulder. Yang was barely able to stay on her feet.
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skyechaser · 5 years
Silence in Atlas 28/30
We’re here guys. I won’t make the usual disclaimer. I’ll just say that I enjoyed writing this and that I hope you like it. I’ve never edited something as much as I checked and rechecked this. Love you all and we have only two more chapters left and I can’t believe it. 
Yang ran so fast her legs burned. She had to get to the tent before Aleph heard the military and left. She could feel her semblance under her skin, itching to be used. Deep breath. She had to keep her promise to Blake. Her promise to Kali. Her promise to herself. She wasn’t going to be like him. Killing was not her way. even if sometimes she wished it was. All the tents looked the same until she reached the wooden wall and she saw it. It was blue and big so she guessed this was the place. If the guy at the door had lied to her she would find him and leave him crippled. She could see and hear people running around the hideout, the word about the imminent attack was clearly out. Yang entered the tent and her eyes fixated on the back of a bald head.
“Aleph?” she asked, trying her best not to sound threatening. She had to keep her mind calm or his semblance would activate.
“What the fuck is going on outside?” he said and turned around, a rifle in his hands. When he saw the blonde, he snickered. “Well what a treat to the eyes…”
“You are Aleph?” Yang asked once again, wanting to be sure this was the bastard.
“Nice to meet you” the man replied. “And you are?”. She didn’t answer. Her eyes turned red at the confirmation and she shifted her mechanical arm into combat mode. This was Aleph. This was the man that had tortured Blake. This was the man that had… “Wait, wait, wait” he cried as he raised his gun. Yang grinned. His semblance had probably revealed to him just how much she wanted him dead. “Who the fuck are you?”
“You don’t me but I know you very well, Aleph” the blonde said as she took a step towards him. “You took her from me. You starved her. You tortured her. You raped her. I found her and now I found you”.
“Wait are you… You are the one that broke into Staub?” he shivered and she nodded. “Don’t move or I’ll shoot her!” Aleph yelped as he pointed his gun to a side. Yang followed his gaze and her eyes fell upon a girl in chains. She had green eyes, brown hair and cat ears on top or her head. The faunus looked absolutely terrified, her body visibly shivering. Yang was reminded of when she had found Blake: her body broken and her eyes absent. That memory would be burned in her mind forever.
“If you do that, I’ll kill you” Yang said in a threatening tone. She gritted her teeth together as hard as she could, so hard she could taste blood.
“You’ll have to catch me first” Aleph replied, fear visible in his eyes, as he took out something from his pocket.
Yang heard the sound of electricity just before she heard the girl scream. She turned around and ran towards the brunette. She had to help her. That was probably the collar they had used on Blake and that was, without a doubt, the fucking click that had traumatized her. Aleph run out of the tent with the rifle still in his hand. She bent down next to the the faunus as her yelling subsided. She was breathing fast.
“Are you…” Yang tried to ask.
“Get him” the girl replied. Her green eyes were filled with anger and the blonde nodded.
“They’ll get you soon” she said before running with all the strength she had left. Her skin was itching like hell. Yang had no doubt it was hot to the touch. The military had already broken in the hideout and were arresting everyone in sight. Don’t get him. Please don’t get him. She knew that if the law got him first she wouldn’t be able to beat the fucking life out of him. Then she saw him, the back of his bald head and the silhouette of his gun, opening a secret door in the wooden wall and running outside.
This was it.
Yang followed him through the wall and into the woods. She saw the back of his bald head between the trees and she could hear him breathing hard. He wasn’t as fast as her but the time he won by electrocuting that poor girl had given him an advantage. The trees became more and more scarce as the chase continued and soon they disappeared completely. Yang saw a cliff in the horizon. Perfect. There was nowhere left for him to run. Aleph turned around, terrified, as he held up his rifle.
“One more step and I’ll shoot!” he threatened.
“Please do” Yang replied as she walked towards him. Her eyes were red and they lit up the night just like they had in Staub. Deep breath. Remember your promise.
“Fuck you!” he screamed before shooting. Yang deflected the bullet with her mechanical arm and quickly shot back, striking the man’s gun and making it fall to the ground. “Please, just let them arrest me. Don’t kill me!” Aleph screamed, terrified at the girl as she pointed her gauntlet at him. He could feel just how much she wanted him dead and it broke him. She was so much stronger than him .
“What you did to her has no name, you fucking piece of shit” she said between gritted teeth as she walked towards him. He started walking backwards, trying to stay away from her. “Give me a reason not to beat you to a bloody pulp and shoot you in the head”.
“I just… I can give you money, I can…” his eyes went wide and then he fell. Aleph was so focused on Yang he didn’t realize he was at the edge of the cliff. It was high and he fell hard, his body crashing against the rocks a couple of times. When he hit the ground one of his legs was angled in the wrong direction. He screamed and it was music in the blonde’s ears. “SHIT!” he yelled, holding his leg. “FUUUUUUUCK!”.
Yang walked to the edge to look at Aleph. He was laying on the ground with a broken leg, his bone exposed over his pants. He kept yelling and she wanted him to shriek his throat raw. Maybe then he would understand how it felt for Blake who couldn’t even scream. She heard the growls before she saw the grimm. A couple of ursas had felt their energy and had appeared between the trees down in the forest. They started walking towards Aleph.
“FUCK! HELP ME!” he said, looking her in the eyes. “I’ll give you anything! I’ll do anything!”. The growls became fiercer as one of the creatures came close enough to bite his arm. She wasn’t really sure if she could actually make that jump and help him and she had no intention of finding out. He was hurt and desperate and he deserved it. This was the man that took Blake’s voice, scarred her body and broke her soul. This was a man that thought it was okay to torture and sell faunus like they were property. Yang turned around and started walking back to the hideout. This was poetic justice. She didn’t even have to push him. What an idiot. What a piece of shit. When the screams ceased she knew it was done.
Good riddance.
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skyechaser · 5 years
Silence in Atlas 20/?
Once more, this is a dark take on Volume 7 from a Bumbleby standpoint. It has scenes of graphic violence. If there are any specific trigger warnings I will specify it.
Hello, everyone! Like always thank for the support and all the comments. They fill me with joy and strenght to write. I didn’t think I’d have time to write this last few days but thank you insomnia jajaja SO HERE WE GO! :D
“Everything seems fine” Doctor Yu said as he looked at the documents in his hands. “We’ll send you home today” Blake smiled like she hadn’t since she was taken. Leaving the hospital was so exciting. She was finally going to be able to start rebuilding her life, go back to doing what she was supposed to be doing: being a huntress.
“That is so good to hear, doc” Yang replied. “Do we need to take any kind of precautions?”
“I know you are both huntresses so just take it easy at the beginning. I’m sure you’ll be able to get back to your life soon. Just don’t overdo it at first, okay?” Blake nodded in response. She placed a hand on her chin and moved it forwards in the direction of the doctor.
“Blake says thank you” Yang translated. The doctor looked at them with a puzzled look on his eyes.
“Yeah, I got it” he said “You are learning sign language?” he asked, feeling both a tug in his heart and a smile on his lips.
“We are” the blonde answered. “We don’t know how long it will take before she gets her voice back so in the meantime…”
“I wanted to talk to you about that” Yu interrupted. “We have sent Ms. Belladonna's test results and analysis to the top experts in bioengineering. They are working on a solution for her and for the other faunus who had they cords cut”
“Thank you so much, doc” Yang said. She was so glad this man was Blake’s main doctor. She couldn’t imagine how things would have turned out if they got someone else. She knew there were several doctors that had refused to even see the faunus.
“Don’t thank me, Ms. Xiao Long” he replied “I’m just doing my job and I want what’s best for my patient. By the way, you need to come back in a couple of days to get that cast removed” Yu added as he pointed at Yang’s left hand.
“Okay, doc, I will”
“Would you mind coming with me so we can take an x-ray to see how it’s healing?” he asked. Yang didn’t want to leave Blake alone but as soon as she turned to look at her, the faunus placed both her index fingers in the corners of her mouth and moved them forwards.
“Okay, I’ll go” she replied “I’ll be back soon, baby” she said as she kissed her girlfriend’s forehead. Both her and Doctor Yu exited the room and walked silently for a couple of minutes. It took Yang a while to realized they were going to his office.
“Weren’t we going to take an x-ray of my hand?” she asked. The doctor continued walking as he replied.
“Your hand is going to be fine. We need to discuss something else”. Yang could feel her heart beating in her ears. The last time Yu had given her news in his office she ended up beating a wall until she broke two fingers. Once they arrived both of them sat down. Deep breath.
“So I read Ms. Belladonna’s statement to the military” the doctor said. “And she makes no mention of any sort of sexual assault”.
“So that means that it didn’t happen” Yang replied, feeling some of the weight off her shoulders.
“Not exactly. There are many women that prefer not to report this sort of things. However, an official statement is a serious matter so I’d like to believe she hasn’t hidden anything”
“I’d like to think so too”
“As her significant other I would advise you to talk about the subject at some point, maybe she’ll be more honest with you than she was with the officer”. Yang nodded. That wasn’t a conversation she’d look forward too but she was probably the only person that could actually talk to Blake about the matter. She prayed her girlfriend’s statement was true.
“Doc, could you do me a favor?” she asked. The doctor looked at her with questioning eyes.
“Sure” he answered.
“Are there any specific names that she mentioned on the statement? They won’t let me read it”. She wanted to know who had hurt Blake. She wanted a name so she could focus all of her rage on that person and find them. Don’t kill anyone. Did that mantra even make sense at this point?
“I’m breaking every single protocol right now” Yu looked down, took a deep breath and then looked up into lilac eyes. “There are two names that she mentions a lot: Aleph from The Traders and Yudok from the mine”. Yang knew the people from Staub were in military custody and would be sent to jail soon so Yudok was already done for. The other man, however, was still out there with his fucking gang.
“Aleph” she said between her teeth. That was the name of the man that had put a shock collar on Blake and had electrocuted her to the point where her aura couldn’t even heal her. The man that had starved her and then sold her like she was an object. She made a vow, right there at the doctor’s office, that she would find this Aleph. What she would do next wasn’t really clear.
“I wasn’t expecting any visitors” Agape said with a smile “But all my friend’s from high school came to see me. Even some that aren’t actually my friends. It felt nice”.
“Seems lovely” Blake wrote on the scroll tablet.
“Have your friends come to see you?” the bear faunus asked. Blake nodded in response and wrote once more.
“All of my team came”
“That sounds great” the girl smiled. “And your parents?” she questioned.
“They are in Menagerie. The lockdown won’t let them come and see her” Yang replied as she entered the room. Neither faunus had realized the blonde had arrived, both of them lost in each other’s company. 
“Yang!” Agape exclaimed. “It is so nice that we finally got to meet each other”
“Right back at you” the blonde replied. “Blake told me what you both went through” she added, offering the younger girl a handshake. Agape shook her hand with a smile. The blonde then walked towards her girlfriend. When she was close enough to the bed she gently placed a hand on the faunus’ cheek. “Hello, gorgeous” she said flirtatiously “Are you here very often?” Blake grinned.
“You two are just too cute together” the bear faunus said. Both young women blushed as they looked away from each other. Blake turned around, pulled on Yangs jacket and pointed at her cast..
“My hand?” she asked and then remembered the excuse Yu had used to talk to her alone. “It’s fine. Doc says three more days and they’ll take it off”. Blake smiled in response and Yang felt awful for lying to her.
“So, Yang” Agape called and the alluded one turned around to face her “How did you two meet?”
“We met in Beacon Academy” the blonde recalled as she sat down on her chair. “I wanted Ruby, my sister, to talk to someone and I just saw Blake and went for it. She wasn’t very into it at first”. Blake laughed silently as she pointed to herself. Then she held one hand in front of her while the other one hovered above it with two fingers extended. “You were being antisocial, that is what you were doing” Yang teased.
“What did she say?” Agape asked, wanting to get the joke.
“Oh, sorry” the blonde replied. “She says she was reading. Which she was but…”
“If she was reading why did you pick her?” the bear faunus asked. Yang asked herself the same question. There were lots of other people around, why did she choose Blake? Maybe she knew. Maybe she had always known. She had felt it before she even knew what it was.
“I don’t know” she answered finally “For some reason it just made sense. I just felt it”.
“And how did you became part of the same team?”
“Well… We were kinda thrown into the air and paired up with whoever we saw first once we landed” Yang saw how Agape’s eyes opened wide in disbelieve. There was something very comforting about the younger girl’s presence. She laughed a bit before speaking again. “I guess it was just meant to be”.
Blake looked at her and moved her head sideways as she pointed at herself. Then she made fists with her hands, both with the thumb extended, and moved them forwards. Finally, she pointed at Yang.
“You followed me?” the blonde exclaimed and her girlfriend nodded.
“I think I just might die from cuteness overload here” Agape said, the picture in front of her too sweet to process.
“Why did you follow me?” Blake smiled as she took the scroll tablet. She hadn’t learnt the sign for what she wanted to say yet. The faunus’ wrote something and turned the screen towards Yang and Agape.
“I felt it too” 
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skyechaser · 5 years
Silence in Atlas 21/?
Once more, this is a dark take on Volume 7 from a Bumbleby standpoint. It has scenes of graphic violence. If there are any specific trigger warnings I will specify it.
SO this is a short one. I've been having busy days but I can't stop writing this fic because I have so many ideas jajaja. Hope you enjoy it and as always: THANKS FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT :D
Blake had mixed feelings about going back to the house. A part of her was very happy to leave that fucking room. If it hadn’t been for Yang, those days in the hospital would have been unbearable. However, she felt really anxious at the thought of being in the city. Atlas had been cruel with her. The last time she walked it’s streets she was shot with a tranquilizer dart and kidnapped. She wasn’t looking forward to something like that happening again. Her logical side knew it made no sense. Statistically speaking it was considerably unlikely she would go through something like that again. It didn’t matter. When she stepped out of the hospital she froze.
“Hey” a familiar voice called. She felt her hand being held. Yang was there. Nothing bad was going to happen. “You okay?” the blonde asked. Blake nodded as she felt her own heart slowing down.
“I’m so happy you are finally discharged, Blake” Ruby said as she and Weiss came out the door. They had brought the faunus a change of clothes and had stayed to accompany her and Yang back to the house.
“Ironwood sent a vehicle to take us back. It’s right over there” Weiss added, pointing to a car parked a few meters away from them.
“He’s really trying to get back on our good side” Yang snickered. She wasn’t going to trust the general any time soon. Not after he refused to go after the Schnee Dust Company. He was a coward.
“Shotgun!” Ruby yelped as she ran towards the car. Weiss looked at her with both disapproval and a tiny smile.
“Classic Ruby” Yang snickered.
Once they were all in the vehicle the driver greeted them and turned on the car. Blake was doing her best to remain calm. Every single sound seemed to trigger her, like she was afraid of the world. It made her angry not being able to control her reactions. Was she really this weak? She closed her eyes for a bit and a vivid image came to her mind. She was blindfolded in some kind of vehicle, her body broken and and young boy crying on the seat next to her. She opened her eyes when she felt the panic attack coming. Her breathing started accelerating. Her heart was beating hard and fast on her ears. She took both hands to her head as the shivers appeared. She started crying silently.
Yang was looking through the window, thinking about how things were gonna be now that Blake was out of the hospital. She was excited, of course, and certainly willing to leave all the horror behind. Still, Yang knew there was no way to go back to how things were. Maybe the physical wounds were mostly gone but there was still so much to heal. She turned around to find her girlfriend having a panic attack. 
“Stop the car” she said.
“What?” Ruby asked, turning to look at the back seat.
“Just stop!” Yang repeated, this time with a harsher tone. The driver parked the car. He didn’t know what was happening but he had heard about the blonde. He wasn’t looking forward to having his ass kicked if he disregarded her order.
“Blake, look at me” Yang whispered as she held the faunus’ hands with her own, slowly removing them from her head. “I’m here, baby. It’s okay”.
“We are all here with you, Blake” Weiss added, stroking the faunus’ back.
“Nothing bad is going to happen. We won’t allow it, okay?” Ruby said, placing a hand on her friend’s knee.
Blake’s breathing started to normalize. Her heart went back to her chest and slowly calmed down. She looked at her friends and her girlfriend. They were here. She wasn’t alone. This wasn’t the car that took her to the mine. She was going back to the house. Back to her team. Back to her life. She looked into lilac eyes and took a deep breath.
“Better?” Yang asked, cupping the faunus’ cheek gently. Blake nodded in response as she hugged her girlfriend’s mechanical arm. Yang intertwined the fingers of her free hand with one of Blake’s and kissed her on the forehead. “Let’s go then”. The driver turned on the vehicle and they resumed their way back to the house.
“Was it the car?” Weiss asked once the black haired girl had calmed down. Blake nodded as she pointed to herself. Then she made a fist, her thumb extended, and used it to point at her temple. Finally, she used her index finger to point up and made a horizontal circle.
“She says she remembered something” Yang translated as she tried to imagine what kind of horrific scenario the faunus had recalled. 
“We’re here, always. Ok?” Ruby said and Blake somehow managed to smile.
“We’re so glad you are back with us” Jaune said as he gave Blake a hug. All the team was in the living room, ready to welcome her back. It made her happy to know she had a family that actually cared about her. However, being around many people still made her a bit uncomfortable. Yang noticed immediately and held her hand tightly as everyone greeted her. It made things a lot easier. After an hour of hanging out she felt really tired. Maybe spending so many days lying down had made her lose some of her stamina. She wasn’t usually one to tire easily.
“You okay?” Yang asked her. Blake nodded as she used both hands to point at herself and then slumped them downwards. “Let’s go get some rest then” she smiled into her words. “So, guys, it’s been a thrill but my girlfriend needs some rest since she spent all morning getting examined so...”
“I just love that you call her your girlfriend” Nora teased and the blonde grinned.
“I love it too”.
Blake blushed and smiled.
Before everything happened, both girls had been sharing a room with two beds. Now, however, it was basically implied they would only use one. As Yang layed down Blake looked at her, wanting to cuddle her but feeling a bit nervous about it. Their relationship was still very new and she was learning how to handle it. She barely had experience in the subject, having spent most of her teen years in Adam’s grasp. Yang looked at her, her eyes filled with love, and patted the spot next to her in the bed.
“Come here, baby” she said in a way that made Blake feel butterflies all over. She got on the bed and layed next to the blonde. “You are so beautiful” Yang whispered as she gently caressed the other one’s cheek. The faunus smiled as she inched forwards to kiss her girlfriend’s lips. When they broke apart Blake snuggled closer, her head resting on Yang’s chest. She wanted to tell her that she loved her. She wanted to tell her that just having her close made her so much stronger. But she couldn’t. All she could do was kiss her again, holding her face between her hands, hoping her lips could do all the talking her voice was supposed to do.
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skyechaser · 5 years
Silence in Atlas 17/?
Once more, this is a dark take on Volume 7 from a Bumbleby standpoint. It has scenes of graphic violence. If there are any specific trigger warnings I will specify it. 
Hello, guys! I’ve been really, really busy these past few weeks so I haven’t had much time to write :( Things will keep up like this for now so I’ll probably upload twice a week for a while. I’ll try to make them chapters a bit longer. Thanks for the support and the love. 
Yang spent the following two days in the hospital, rarely leaving Blake’s side. Her left hand had to be put in a cast. She had broken two fingers in her fit of rage. The rest of the team would visit and call, but they had other things to handle. In spite of everything that had happened since they had arrived at Atlas, the truth was Salem was still a threat and they had to do something about it. Ruby told Yang not to worry and to focus on being there for her girlfriend. She, of course, agreed. The world could crash and burn for all she cared and she’d still be there, waiting for Blake to wake up.
Doctor Yu would come check the faunus’ vital signs every once in a while and Yang found herself actually liking the man. He was always kind to her and tried his best to smile. It really seemed like he cared. Other members of the hospital staff, however, had a very different view on all the faunus that were currently in the medical facilities. She had overheard nurses commenting on how some of the doctors were refusing to treat them. It seemed unbelievable to her that medical professionals could be so inconsiderate even after seeing what Staub had done to the faunus.
“That’s her” she overheard someone said as she walked back to Blake’s room one late afternoon. It was probably one of the interns. Yang was pretty sure most of the people in the hospital knew who she was. Whenever she walked the hallways she’d hear whispers. She tried not to pay any attention to them, knowing that if she heard an offensive comment she would probably end up punching someone in the face and that wasn’t in her plans. At least not anyone in this place.
“Yeah” someone else replied “That’s the cat’s girlfriend”. Deep breath. Keep walking. She held a bag in her hand firmly and she concentrated on it’s weight to avoid thinking too much about what she had just heard. At least it wasn’t an insult. She was, after all, the cat’s girlfriend, even if she didn’t quite like when they called Blake that way. She entered the room, left the bag in a small table near the entrance and took out its contents: three books. There was a library in the first floor of the hospital and, even if reading had never been one of her interests, Yang found it was a good way to make time pass faster. She bought a couple of novels and a book she thought could help Blake later on. The blonde took one of them and sat down on her chair.
She was about halfway through “The Loss of One” by Gregory Adens when she started falling asleep. It was late. She snored and felt small tears at the edges of her eyes. She should try to get some rest. Yang put the book away and turned off the lights. She scooped her chair closer to the bed and got comfortable. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating on the heart monitor. Blake’s here. She’s alive.
About an hour later Blake woke up with no idea of where she was. Her eyes shot open and a scream died in her throat. It was dark and it frightened her. She recalled her days in The Trader’s hideout, alone in that fucking room and losing sense of time. Aleph’s face flashed in her mind. She shivered and took both hands to her neck. The collar was gone. The shackles were gone. Blake started panicking. She could hear a beeping noise getting faster by the second. She tried to sit up but her body wasn’t really agreeing with her. She looked at her side and that was when she remembered.
Yang was asleep, half her body resting on the bed. Just the sight of her started calming the faunus down. It was over. She had been rescued. Blake touched the blonde’s hair gently and saw her eyes moving before they opened. They stared at each other for a second.
“Blake” was all Yang managed to say as she practically jumped up to embrace the other girl, one hand on her lower back and the other one on the back of her head. They held each other with all they had, like they were holding together the pieces of a broken vase. They cried in silence, one of them because she had no voice and the other because she couldn’t find hers. Blake thought of her time with the Traders and her time in the mine, hoping Yang would find her and bring her back. She thought of her message, scraped into the floor of her prison. She thought of Agape. She didn’t even know how long she had been missing. It felt like forever. She buried her face in the crook of Yang’s neck and took a deep breath. Her safe place.   
“I’m so sorry” the blonde whispered. “I should have stayed with you”. Blake broke the embrace gently to look into Yang’s eyes. There were so many things she wanted to say. She wanted to thank her. She wanted to say she loved her. She wanted Yang to know the thought of her had kept her alive in hell. But she couldn’t speak. There was, however, something she could try. Something she feared she’d die without doing. Blake placed a hand on her girlfriend’s cheek, smiled, and leaned in. Yang met her halfway, their lips crashing together.
They kissed and it felt like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. It was just natural. Electricity ran through their bodies or at least that was how it felt like. Yang moved her right hand to hold the side of Blake’s waist as they deepened the gesture. She knew at that moment they were made to kiss each other and nobody else. Why would they? Nothing was going to feel like this. Everything was so wrong but somehow it was also perfect.
This wasn’t the way Yang had pictured their first kiss. She thought it would be on a date, maybe a dance in Atlas or just on a regular day, cuddling and playing around. She would have never guessed it would be in a hospital room, Blake connected to machines and with bandages all over. However, in spite of everything, it felt great. It felt right.
Blake thought she would die without kissing her, without ever been allowed to love her dragon. Every day she fell asleep in hell she dreamed of this girl. The girl who made the sun shine brighter and the breeze feel gentler. The girl who gave sense to everything. The girl who felt like home. Yang. Now she was here and she was feeling the warmth of her lips against hers and it the most beautiful thing in the world. This was it. The love that had remained unspoken was finally brought out into the light. She just wished she had a voice to say the words as well.
When they broke apart they leaned their forehead together as a reflex and looked into each other’s eyes. Their breaths synchronized, both a little agitated after the kiss. Blake’s face was no longer covered in bruises and Yang’s eyes were soft and kind again and for a second the world was not sick and twisted and it was just them, their hearts beating together in the almost silence of a hospital room, Blake’s heart monitor the only audible sound.
They remained motionless for a while, processing what had just happened. Blake was the first one to move. She had just noticed Yang’s left hand was in a cast. She looked back at her, concern in her eyes. Had she gotten injured in her rescue?
“I punched something wrong” the blonde lied, not wanting to admit what had actually happened. “It’ll be fine in a week or so”. Blake took the injured hand and brought it to her lips, kissing it once over the cast. Yang blushed. “I have to go get the doctor” she added, suddenly remembering they were in a hospital. “I have to tell him you woke up, okay?” Blake nodded in response. It was late and the room was dark so Yang walked towards the door and turned on the lights.
Blake could feel the pain in her body even if the collar was gone. She hugged herself as the tremors appeared, her eyes wide in absolute terror. Her mouth was open as if she was trying to scream but only a raspy noise could be heard.
“What happened?” Yang asked as she ran back  to her side. “Blake, are you okay?”. She wasn’t. Her blood felt like it was on fire. It took about ten seconds for her to calm down, her body slowly coming to the realization she hadn’t actually been shocked. When her breathing came back to normal she looked at Yang. The blonde was staring at her with wide open eyes, not fully understanding what had happened. Doctor Yu said Blake wasn’t in any danger but that reaction said otherwise. “Are you in pain?”
“No” the faunus mouthed as she thought of a way to explain what had happened. The light switch had sounded like the clicker. Her body had reacted just like it had back in Staub and with Aleph. She pointed at the ceiling.
“The light?” Yang asked. “The light hurts your eyes?” Blake moved her head sideways.
“Sound” she mouthed as she pointed to one of her ears.  
“The sound?” Blake nodded and pointed to the wall next to the door. “The sound of the light switch?” she nodded again and pointed to her neck. Yang recalled the metal collar and the deep wound under it from when she had rescued the faunus. Doctor Yu had said it was a shock collar. It made sense. A similar sound would trigger a similar reaction. “It sounded like that. The thing they used for the collar”.
“Yes” the black haired girl mouthed. She felt so weak admitting a simple sound was all it took to break her down like that. The pain was too real, even if the electricity wasn’t there. She looked down at her hands. Her wrists were bandaged but she could still feel the weight of the shackles.  
“Hey” the blonde said, using her right hand to hold Blake’s chin and make her look up. “It’s going to be okay, baby. Well get through this” she smiled and pecked her on the lips.  
“Thank you” the faunus mouthed in response. In all the darkness that was Atlas there was a small light, a fire that grew stronger every time she looked at Yang. It made her feel like there was a way out of this, that somehow they would make it through together again.
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