#but MAJOR team rocket vibes
mattzerella-sticks · 11 months
Daily Planet Elite News Team???
or Team Rocket???
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poliwhirl42 · 29 days
Hi! What is your opinion on every pokemon season (by region) or at least the ones you have watched?
Oh man, a great question! I'll try to condense my thoughts about each into a few sentences but you should probably prepare for a novel haha:
Kanto: Honestly, when I watch the Original Series, I actually prefer watching the Orange Islands and Johto over the first season (I'll get to why in the next section). I think the first season is incredibly nostalgic to watch and has some of the most iconic moments in the entire anime, and the rest of the Pokemon anime wouldn't exist without it as a foundation, so I have to give it credit. Aside from most of the gym battles being kinda stupid, I do wish they'd followed up on lore they introduced that could've been incredibly interesting to explore, like Ash's childhood/his father's whereabouts, Jessie's mom, the Mewtwo/Mew stuff and other Team Rocket history from the CD drama, etc. But I also realize that the writers were just getting their bearings with making an anime adaptation in the midst of a rapidly-growing cultural phenomenon based off a video game, so I recognize the challenges and uncertainties that came along with that. Also quickly adding I highly enjoyed Orange Islands and my Pokeshipping heart revisits certain episodes from time to time as well.
Johto: Those who know me well know I LOVE the Johto series. I'm actually in the middle of a rewatch of it. Definitely rewatching it in full nowadays though, has definitely made me recognize that this series was far from perfect, but looking past its writing flaws, it's just purely entertaining for me. The English voice actors really found their voices and added so much to their characters, especially with the dialogue and the creative liberties they took in creating the dub. I like how certain backstories like Jessie's were explored a bit more in Johto as well, and I definitely think the gym battles were taken a little more seriously than they were in the first season. There were also some GREAT Brock episodes which I highly appreciated, and I never tire of watching the Butch and Cassidy episodes (aka the fortune telling one and the Lugia Arc). Also, Gary and Ash's battle in the League is my second favorite League battle of all time behind Ash VS Paul. Johto is also not only my favorite region but is also home to my favorite Pokemon opening song/OST of all time, and I generally just loved the vibes with this series where not every episode or scene had to be jam-packed with action every single second. It was nice to have episodes of them helping out a Character-of-the-Day or visiting a city or just laying in the grass taking a nap after camping out or having lunch. When I think of a Pokemon journey, those in-between moments are for me just as special as the action-packed high stakes moments. I definitely recognize the downside of this, though, because I do recognize that the constant repetitive pattern of Johto's plotlines in many episodes was fatiguing for many fans who wanted to see something different, and as much as I enjoy watching it, I agree. Johto itself is so RICH with its history and traditional Japanese roots and culture and it really felt like the writers shied away from integrating Ash's journey with a lot of the Johto game lore. It would've been cool to have characters like Jimmy and Marina interact with Ash, perhaps have Silver be introduced, and I also think they really dropped the ball on having characters like Casey and Ritchie be rivals in the Silver Conference. This is getting long though lol so onto AG next!
Advanced Generation: AG to me is like the underrated gem of the pokeani series. I think sometimes it slips through the cracks because it's not as "nostalgic" as OS but not as "hyped up" as XY or DP are. I really like AG a lot even though I don't talk about it much, but I do admittedly feel like several episodes or arcs at least in Hoenn are kind of forgettable to me or lackluster- the two major ones that come to mind are the Hoenn League and the Aqua/Magma arc, both of which should've been FAR more exciting and entertaining. DESPITE THAT THOUGH, I thought the group of four- Ash, Brock, May and Max was incredibly entertaining and brought a whole new dynamic which was different from the OG trio's. I also loved May assuming the role of dual protagonist and absolutely loved the concept of contests! I love Contestshipping and adored every moment May's rivals appeared on screen with their quips and banter. Her growth in this series was fantastic and her battle with Drew at the end of Battle Frontier was chef's kiss. Ash himself, this is actually my favorite portrayal of Ash as he's such a little egotistical brat in Hoenn- other people don't like this as much but I still eat it up, like you just wanna punch him but he's so funny. The battles were also SO MUCH BETTER in AG; I loved little scenes where Ash was teaching his pokemon new moves and actively training alongside them; really showed he was getting more and more serious about being a Pokemon trainer.
Diamond and Pearl: Aside from Johto, DP is my favorite series and is actually the series that was currently airing when I first became fully invested in the Pokemon anime (I did not watch it much as a child), so it's very nostalgic for me. I love almost everything about it, between Dawn continuing the dual protagonist role, contests still being included, Ash's entire team, Paul being an amazing rival, the Sinnoh League being amazing and still my favorite League, rivals like Conway, Zoey, Kenny, Ursula, Nando, and Barry all being awesome in their own ways, so many fun arcs like the summer camp arc, Wallace Cup, Hearthome Tag Battle, Team Galactic's major involvement, Brock's development leading up to him becoming a Pokemon Doctor...I can't get enough of this series. The only thing I don't like is probably the giant amount of filler episodes they really didn't need at certain points and the gaps between Ash's gym battles; even though I love it to pieces like I do Johto, I agree that similarly both did not need to be drawn out as long as they did.
Best Wishes: Besto Wishes!!! So aside from me blabbering on about how much I love Burgundy, gosh I absolutely love BW. There are some things about it I will unfortunately never be able to forgive- like the confirmation of Ash being 10, the Rocket/Plasma arc being canceled, and basically the soft-reboot essentially making all of Ash's development pre-BW for naught. But gosh was this series so refreshing in other ways. Iris and Cilan, both amazing characters, offered a new dynamic with Ash that the previous characters didn't and I will die on this hill disagreeing with everyone who says that Misty and Brock are just like Iris and Cilan. I think Iris out of all the Pokegirls actually had the BEST portrayal of a backstory and I like the development she received. I also love that Ash rotated between pokemon that he caught, aside from his DP team I'm also very attached to his BW and loved all their starkly different personalities. BW was just so much FUN to watch. I go back so many times to rewatch the fun Battle Club arcs and I definitely think the rivals made the series so entertaining. I wish they had explored the connoisseur thing more and wish that Cilan had gotten way more episodes than he did. I wish his rivalry with Burgundy had been explored more as well, and honestly I think they could've done without the Decolore Islands arc. I really wish they had just stayed in Unova and had characters like Georgia and Burgundy return at least one final time since they weren't present for the Unova League. I could say a lot more of course but again don't wanna make this a novel so moving on...~
XY: XY is unfortunately the series I've seen the least of and it's known to be well...not one of my favorites lol. I have a lot of issues with the way Ash is portrayed which is why it's taken me so long to watch it. I have, ironically, seen all of XYZ though, and think the Team Flare arc is the absolute greatest villain arc in the entire series. But I'm still working through all the previous stuff! I was in college when XY aired, so I had unfortunately missed a lot of parts due to being so busy, but it also has its own layer of nostalgia for me, mainly because it was between BW-XY when I first came into the Pokeani fandom on Tumblr and was introduced to a variety of incredible friends, many of which I've now met in person and am still close with to this day. One day I hope to sit down and just power through all of it, because despite some of the issues I have, I know that it has so many good moments and is absolutely gorgeously animated. Also Sawyer is best boy he's my fave and his battle with Ash was one of the best things I've ever seen (my 3rd favorite battle ever).
Sun and Moon: Sun and Moon is simultaneously hilarious and depressing as hell, and I absolutely love it. I don't know if I can say too much because it's been a VERY long time since I've watched SM. It was the first series I watched consistently as it was airing but I also had a lot of stuff going on IRL so by the end I had dropped off just a little bit against my own will. Nonetheless I love so many things about it, between the humor, Ash's found family in Kukui/Burnet, Ash's team, the TRio's team and being so entertaining in this series, Team Skull/Guzma (I find Guzma very attractive lol), and of course Ash winning the Alola League which was amazing to experience and be part of that moment! I love the concept of family in this series and it's just so incredibly heartwarming, hilarious, AND heartwrenching all in one. I really need to do a rewatch of it though.
JN: I'm biting my tongue but I really do not like Journeys lol. I don't really wanna talk about it haha it makes me sad that everything I wanted to happen in the future didn't and it was just so poorly written. The only episodes I like honestly are Lillie/Gladion's return and Paul's return.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
i know many have said this but your totk thought pieces are SO cathartic to read, it puts my grievances into words as i found the story to be all vibes and no substance. i'm really curious to hear your opinion on the yiga in totk, as unlike ganondorf they actually have fleshed out motives. i'm happy with their goofy team rocket portrayal but disappointed with their absence in the plot. at times it felt like they only existed for zonai schematics and depths tutorial advice.
Heyy!! Thank you so much, I am very glad to read this. It's always good to be reminded that there is a use for all this virtual ink despite the growing complaints. At the same time, I know many people who were really disappointed who almost felt like they were going crazy in the never-ending wave of praise, and... Yea. Like the game is enormously good in many ways, but I don't think it's bad to point out that there is massive room for improvement still; that way, the next game can be even better! I'm also not sure why people think it's a lost fight by default, like Nintendo will NEVER improve and NEVER change, even though they clearly listened to the complaints about the lack of immediacy, the weapon durability system, the dungeons... I even think they listened for the story, even though I feel very little love for what they prioritized and how it was done and, to be a little ungenerous and not 100% fair, I think a lot of people conflate narration and setpieces --but it apparently worked for the majority, so?? They did improve. It's only a lost cause if people are not vocal and already call themselves perfectly content with what already exists (which, for people who are, I guess is fine --but I'm not fine with this, so I am Annoying on the Internets). I guess that's how I justify the time spent writing about it? Who knows. Anyway! Thanks!
The Yiga Clan was so fun! Everytime they showed up I was so delighted by their shenanigans and the energy and the life and conflict they bring to the table inherently. I suppose they could have been integrated better (but like, nobody was well integrated in my opinion, and they were pretty low in my list of priority of "good integration" I suppose, since they were tied to the Sheikah and therefore a more relevant presence in BotW anyway), but I also kind of love that they have all of this secret content you only unlock by investing in their presence in Hyrule, which isn't at all that obvious to stumble upon for the unassuming player. The Yigas were one of the high points of the game for me, even though we do lose some of their original motivation (which was never super present in BotW either tbh), and we continue having this problem of no meaningful opposition to Hyrule's supremacy, but. The silliness was a breath of fresh air and Kohga and his onesided courtship of Ganondorf that we keep on rudely interrupting was really Something, and I had a great time making his life worse and also probably saving his life in the long run in a roundabout way Kohga baby no you Can't Fix the Demon King he won't magically become different and special for you no matter how many mechas you build him I'm sorry :((
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This shot just gives me major team rocket vibes
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witchchick1228 · 2 years
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Major Team Rocket vibes from these two
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madhare0512 · 10 months
A Comprehensive List of Spideyfist Interactions (pt.6)
hello and welcome back to: reasons Spideyfist is canon. a series where i take you through each episode of The Ultimate Spiderman and show you why i believe that Peter Parker and Danny Rand are dating in canon, or at least that they are each other’s favorites. and also give you commentary on the show itself as i do
warnings for: episode spoilers, season spoilers, action/injury description, unsolicited commentary, probable cussing, violence, caps lock
this part features episodes 7 through 13 of season 2
S2E7 Spidah-Man!
- say what you will about this episode, i know i do, but the majority of what i saw when it first came out with kinda not great. i like it alright, but it wasn’t my favorite. 
- Danny’s not in this episode until the end, so headcanon and commentary!
- cartoon characters carry sinks for the purposes of throwing
- people go insane when money is involved, never freaking fails
- dude, this entire show and the characters send like 90% of the time dumping on Peter, it’s cringey and awful. 
- Danny and Peter are standing next to each other, Danny is uneccesarily close
- “oh, i’d tell you where to stick those cameras, but i was raised better than that!” i wasn’t, but i’d do the same. you fucking go, Peter
- Boston works FAST, holy shit
- Peter Parker, New York resident, not understanding a Boston accient
- juice box, juice box
- Peter wanting to help Ollie by NOT getting him wrapped up in the hero life when he’s so young. Peter understanding that kids are kids and need to be allowed to be kids
- the team having the best time at the water park
- Peter, despite feeling under appreciated, still goes back to New York because he has responsibilities there and knows he can’t shirk them. plus he has a team to lead and he can’t just cut them loose, that would be rude
- ahh the villains of Boston. Adam Slammer, the Plymoth Rocket, and Salem’s Witch
- good grief
- i think at this point, i’m just either gonna do only headcanons for episodes Danny’s not in or just mentions he’s not in it. maybe a mix.
- in season 3, we get wind that Spiderman’s sacrifice for New York has inspired a whole new group of heroes, but Spiderman’s been inspiring heroes since season 1 and 2
- god bless JJJ leave it alone
- team has doubts Peter isn’t coming back, but did Danny? no, no he didn’t
S2E8 Carnage
- Peter, you know something always goes wrong when you say that
- ah the Goblin returns
- probably because you HAVE been herded to something vile and villainous
- ah yes... the ongoing issues Peter has with Harry and how Harry views Spiderman
- the innocents will always be Peter’s number one priority and that’s fucking NOBEL
- oh this episode, i remember it now. this episode has BIG evidence too
- in just about evey shot after being pulled from the rubbel, if the camera’s focus isn’t solely on Peter, Danny’s in the shot too
- Harry only expects the worst from Norman and it fucking sucks for Harry because Norman has shown him he can only expect the worst
- Harry and Peter? ride or die. if Peter needs help on an assignment, Harry’s there. if Harry needs help hiding a body, Peter’s there
- side note: Danny and Luke have those vibes too
- and again i say, Goblin is the worst parts of Norman, his darkest and most intrusive thoughts
- ahhh Carnage
- Peter fighting every second to get control back
- the team deliberates and talks out of Harry’s earshot, wondering where Peter would’ve gone and what Goblin wants with him and the entire time, Danny does NOT let go of Peter’s backpack
- Danny doesn’t look. Danny doesn’t even LOOK and even so, Peter doesn’t look like Peter. so how does Danny know Peter’s back? well, Danny can read an aura and we’ve long established that Peter is “a beacon for someone with [Danny’s] power”
- shit, things are flying, people are getting hurt. what to do, what to do? well let’s start with protecting Peter’s best friend. Danny steps forward in front of Harry which i count
- the whole fight, the only one to land more than one hit was Danny, why? Danny is Peter’s favorite
- god this episode
- there are stark differences between Carnage and Venom and i think it well shows, especially in this episode
- Venom is honestly, scary
- Venom and Spiderman are a love-hate relationship
- “i can’t let you do this!” should’ve been the ultimate clue for Harry figuring shit out but NOPE
- Danny answers Peter’s call for help
- “we’re almost there” “Iron Fist, good”
- oooh shit
- the symbiote interacting with Harry is honestly the only basis Peter has for Venom and it really sets things up for the later season
- “indeed. i do. kick alot. with my feet!” this fucking kid
- “Harry!” “I’ve got him!” the IMMEDIATE reassurance, the moment of panic, then the calm. the way Danny knows. this isn’t Iron Fist talking to Peter Parker it’s Danny talking to Peter, telling him that Danny’s got this
- Danny’s doing his best and it’s so cute
- “how do i thwip?” aww Danny
- Danny asks for help, Peter’s on his level willing to do so
- this man spitting facts. cause i don’t know if it’s obvious, but Danny’s bigger in the shoulders than Peter is and Peter’s already said he doesn’t wash the costume but once or twice a month
- this episode i have love-hate relationship with, but it does give me excellent evidence
S2E9 House Arrest
- i have a love-hate relationshp with this episode too
- okay, so you might ask how this part counts too, but the only complaint Danny gets is his insence, which bother’s Peter’s sense of smell. easily fixed but Peter doesn’t ask Danny to stop. he’s got no issues compaining about the team and ther habits on any given day, but Danny never gets a complaint except for to us the viewers who don’t live in his world
- Danny also gets spoken about last, which i’m counting
- Danny throws a punch and Peter goes after him, which i count
- this fucking team is acting suspicious and it’s so cute once you know the reason
- Danny gives Peter a thank you because Danny is POLITE
- why are the team still in costume? there’s dozens of people coming over and you’re not out of costume yet?
- Peter’s not scolding Danny, he’s literally not even looking at him, he’s yelling at Ava, Sam, and Luke and Danny WALKS OVER 
- casual gnome theft
- who’s the blonde in the picture? Peter’s mom?
- robotic voices means everything is going tits up
- Peter casually scooping the weights up like they’re nothing
- Peter really only thinks the worst of Sam sometimes, which is ANOTHER thing that turns me off that ship
- the team trying to keep Peter from finding shit out while also fighting off the house security
- this team has three stupidly strong people on it; Peter, Danny, and Luke, which gives me the “they’ve totally arm wrestled” but then you have to think about the fact that Danny’s only strong like Peter and Luke when he’s charged up the iron fist
- “Death Trap Makeover”
- when you look at Danny, he’s already got his chi charged up and ready to go as he’s being smashed between the two walls. there’s nothing stopping him, he just won’t punch his way out. why? “i’m trying not to ruin your room” this COUNTS
- “when that man is generous enough to let me sleep on his floor” Danny slept in Peter’s room fucking conFIRMED
- do i even have to say it? Danny follows Peter’s orders without question, he’s the only one who does so FROM THE BEGINNING
- Danny get knocked into the wall, Peter’s engaging the enemy in seconds
- Danny climbs up, Peter’s right behind him
- Danny and Peter standing next to each other after a battle again
- headcanon: SHIELD does bi-weekly scannings of every single thing in the house to make sure the house would be perfect in the event it was destroyed
- “we where going to tell you. the party? it was for you.” cue me crying
- Danny’s the first one to speak up, almost the second Coulson’s finished speaking
- “maybe we can do some group yoga!” Danny, sweetie, Peter would probably do anything you asked of him
S2E10 The Man-Wolf
- fun fact, this episode’s title is forshadowing for later episodes
- this episode also has big evidence in it, season 2 is just full of big evidence for this ship and it’s great
- Peter takes a hit, Danny’s the first one who responds
- i headcanon that the LMDs also have illusions for each of the team members. they break them out for solo training sessions and special occasions
- Danny and Peter standing beside each other after battle, once again
- Peter’s love of the moon
- them all being moon geeks
- “drive faster, Danny!” “faster?” proceeds to drive faster
- Danny sounds so amused and fond when he says “faster?”, it’s so cute. it counts
- Danny literally spends the rest of the episode immensely worried the second we find the scratchmarks. it’s not just worried either, he actually looks scared
- the team splits up and Peter goes with Danny and Sam, why? likely because if you remove Sam’s helmet he’s no longer got access to his powers, and Danny’s just a normal human with no special abilities aside from the Iron Fist. Luke and Ava both have access to their powers at all times and Luke’s got impervious skin
- LOOK AT THEM, they’re terrified
- Peter and John have a lot in common and i think their relationship could be good
- Danny says a wise saying that John and Sam don’t get, but Peter just says, “here’s to NOT judging a book by its cover” which implies he understood exactly what Danny was saying. counts towards time spent togther 
- “Earth to Spiderman” Danny’s literally acting like a completely different person here, I wonder- sees episode number oh that makes sense
- Peter apologizes to Danny for spacing out, which he does NOT do with other people
- well, you see, Spiderman, THESE jewels are inactive, the one in my chest is NOT
- sword!
- Danny gets thrown into the wall and the first thing he tells Peter is “stay on him, i’ll catch up!” ughhhh mans knows Peter so fucking well
- also, Peter checked on Danny before he did anything. if Danny’s talking, relatively unharmed, and saying “i’ll catch up” Peter’s fine to keep moving
- when he and Danny crash into each other, neither of them move to get up. with others, Peter’s on his feet in seconds, but with Danny, he’s content to lay there a minute
- Danny gets pinned to the floor and then picked up and once Peter sees this he’s moving and getting Danny out
- Danny’s injured in this episode to the point that he’s not getting up and it’s kinda scary cause Danny’s pretty fucking durable
- Danny’s not getting up and the walls are coming down around them, so Peter shoots his webs at Danny and pulls him closer. “Danny! i got you." i cannot explain how cute and loving this scene is to me
- Peter’s not “helping Danny walk” carrying him out, Peter’s legitamately carrying Danny bridal style!
- Danny’s first up the ladder, which might be because he can pilot the engine but may also be because he was injured to the point that he WASN’T GETTING UP
- Peter’s upset with himself because he’s leaving John behind and Danny rushes to comfort him about it
- Peter’s so supportive of his team. he’s always boosting them up and helping them out and it’s so sweet
- “on the moon, even I can pitch a Fist-Ball!” because you can’t on Earth? sir, you’re STRONGER than Luke is, wdym?
- Ava trusts that Peter’s got a plan, but Danny trusts Peter implicitely
- Danny’s rushing to comfort Peter about John
- Fury may be a fucking idiot, but he’s a protective and realistic idiot and i love that for the team
S2E11 Swarm
- Danny’s not in this episode, no notable interactions. this episode is really funny though
S2E12 Itsy Bitsy Spider-Man
- in the wide shots for the opening, Peter and Danny are swimming next to each other
- the team is lucky Fury likes them otherwise, they'd be grounded
- this episode confuses me cause it's not like the team doesn't still have the control they have, they're just smaller now so it's harder to stand up to the things they normally would, like windmills or whatever it was Luke was doing
- you know the whole thing about the Maximoff twins being co-dependent in the MCU. I'm about a minute away from putting Peter and Danny on that level if they don't stop walking/standing right next to each other
- of course SHIELD has a daycare
- Loki as a child is not something I want to see again, mostly because of the route the writers took it
- also the team being oblivious
- Danny and Peter are both on the top of the piles when the team is trying the Trojan Horse escape
- you know, I really think this list wouldn't exist if the writers didn't make it so damn easy. when you start really paying attention it's so simple to see
- when Loki poofs away and then rematerializes, Peter and Danny land next to each other
- again, it's too fricking easy, Danny and Peter ate standing next to each other again
- okay so the entire fight from the team finding out the extra kid is Loki to them destroying the Destroyer armor takes 10 minutes? wack but okay
- Peter, grabbed by the head and swung around. Danny, goes in immediately
- Danny: has a problem, Peter: immediately has the solution
- I s2g if Peter and Danny don't stop standing next to each other before, during, or after battles-
- see! see! Luke is still strong enough to lift a big ass panda (which isn't light) with one hand when it has another person in it! they should be able to win the battle normally even if they're smaller!
- Loki went after Danny and Peter said "not on my watch" by webbing his legs together so he can't run anymore
- Loki goes after Peter and Danny says "not today!" by tearing out the anchors of the ferris wheel so it can be knocked into Loki
- Danny would've shot the norn stone to Peter, but Peter had a heartfelt speech to make
- the standard after battle standing right next to each other, complete with being unnecessarily close together
S2E13 Journey of the Iron Fist
- the opening sequence is adorable and I love how cartoonish it is
- Danny seems agitated from the get-go, which is the first clue that something's wrong, AND something Peter picks up on
- I mentioned in an early list that the weekly sparring session is (to my knowledge) something Dammy does specifically with Peter, and I hold to that
- "the spirit of a K'un L'un warrior beats in you" I'm sorry, I gotta just- minor fangirling squeals 
- Danny being insistant that Peter learning to fight without his webshooters, telling him that they’re only a tool, and reminding Peter that he’s more that his webshooters is so fucking cute, man
- Danny is powerful enough to block Peter’s hits without even paying attention
- of course they’re fighting on the Brooklyn bridge
- Peter being impressed by Danny’s abilities and skills
- Peter being excited and Danny IMMEDIATELY being like “hey, no, focus. this isn’t a game” because he KNOWS this guy, as we’ll later find out
- Peter gets hurt and Danny goes to catch him, which COUNTS
- there are no words exchanged, no words that are said between either of them, and they still grab onto each other. the mutual understanding, the instant communication- i just fucking-
- Danny sounds worried- actually worried when he tells Peter to grab his webshooters
- “what about all that using ones ability talk”, “repitition begets skill, neither of which lie in you against THIS assassin”- because Danny knows that kind of people Peter faces, he’s been at Peter’s side for a year now, fighting the good fight and training right next to him. Danny knows Peter can handle himself in a fight, but not against this man- further evidence Danny KNOWS who this guy is. Danny wants Peter at his best in this fight (because he knows Peter will not leave) and for that, Peter needs his webshooters
- “there is no honor in you!” 
- Iron Fist gets hurt, he falls, he hits the ground in front of some truck. he could defend himself against the truck with the Iron Fist, and get out of it, but his chi stays calm and Danny braces himself for a hit. Spider Man, the second Danny falls, is right there, webbing up the truck as fast as he can and standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF IRON FIST
- and again, Danny gets hurts, falls, and Peter says, “nope, not today!” literally sends him flying behind a fast moving cargo truck. and I’m supposed to NOT ship them? come on, man, they practically write themselves!
- the way they both immediately flip around when Danny’s birth name is used- knowing a heroes real name is dangeous, using it when said hero is in costume is a big no-no and no one respects that more than Peter
- “is that Papa Fist?” “no, he’s-” the way Danny was just gonna explain everything to Peter. the way Danny just automatically started doing so, yes this counts, Danny doesn’t do that for other people, he’s very tight lipped about his home country
- and then Danny just gives Peter his belongings. there’s no will or other instructions, just gives everything to Peter. there’s no stipulation that Danny thought important enough to say, he’s literally leaving EVERYTHING to Peter
- and Peter doesn’t even CARE. he just wants to know what’s going on
- and, even better, Danny looks so sad, and the sad music playing in the background? no, man, i’m fucking done
- “yeah, we’re not just gonna let this happen, right?” no, no we’re not
- “why would Danny Dollat-signs sleep on my floor?” the whole rich thing and Danny giving him all his earthly possessions doesn’t even hit until later, he’s more concerned with why Danny would sleep on a floor if he doesn’t have to
- and then he immediately disregards the whole rich thing because Danny’s more important to him, he even says “it wouldn’t be enough. obviously.”
- “as flies the Iron Fist, so goes the Spiderman.” .... do I even need to say anything? do i? yeah, no, this fucking counts right here
- "beautiful” is the first thing Peter thinks about Danny’s home country. we’ll get into why that counts in another episode
- Peter makes it a point to say he’s with Danny, that he’s just visiting, because he understands that he knows NOTHING about this country and it’s customs, he’s very calm and relaxed and doesn’t even fight when he’s attacked first
- Danny needs to know nothing other than Peter is here and he’s being attacked before he’s jumping in to help, to defend his best friend coughcoughlovercoughcough against the guy he’s known since he was a child, callng Peter his guest without hesitation
- Peter asks a question and Danny answers it immediately
- “if you throw your lot in with this fool, you’ll suffer the same fate!” “gladly.” omfggggg, no hesitation, NO hesitation
- the way Danny turns back to look at Peter, to check on him
- Danny’s quick to reassure Peter that in his culture, Peter isn’t being insulted, and then is like welp, you’ve never been here, let’s get you inside and warm
- Danny just patiently answers any and every question Peter has. no one else does that! and you can blame it on the fact that no one’s as zen as Danny or Peter’s askign a lot of questions, but none of them are like that with anyone else either!
- Danny likes orange soda, that’s adorable
- “talk.” and Danny DOES
- Danny specifies Peter when he says he chose to learn
- the immediate concern for his friend, even as Danny keeps trying to explain
- also, K’un L’un is a private place, doesn’t trust outsiders, so it’s doubtful Peter would’ve gotten into a private medical area without Danny being like “i want him with me”
- he fucking- breathes deep Peter, who’s been on the ceiling and out of the way the entire scene, immediately jumps down to the floor to help Danny stand up because he needs to be on his feet for this
- Danny doesn’t even try to see about the other warriors. he knows who he wants, he knows how he can win with honor, he knows how to handle this competition. Peter’s the one he wants. Peter’s who he names. no hesitation.
- Peter keeps a hand on Danny through the entire interaction, if you notice. It’s not a “hiding” or a “holding back” or anything, he’s literally helping Danny. that hold he’s got on Danny is one to keep Danny steady, one hand on his arm, the other on Danny’s back
- “don’t take it personally” mhm mhm, yep. counts
- i’m not gonna cover the trials much, tbh. there’s not a lot i can say about them in reference to Spideyfist, but i’ll do my best
- Peter fights to the last because “Danny... needs... me”
- Peter APOLOGIZES to Danny like it’s his fucking fault this guy didn’t play by the rules. this counts
- Peter still saves Scorpion even after everything
- awwww the old monks
- Danny and Peter actually have very similar fighting styles when you think about it, and nothing showcases that more than this episode. they’re both on the defense with Scorpion until they have the oppurtunity, that’s how they both are in a fight, holding back until it’s necessary to fight
- Peter realizes Danny got his eyesight back and asks about it, you can hear a little concern
- Danny choosing that moment to compliment Peter, a perfect counter point to the abuse Peter’s been suffering all say, AND the only compliment Peter cares about enough to answer 
“let’s no push it” with an amused smile
- the HUG Danny gives him, the way he doesn’t let go until the monks call for him
- and they let him go back!
- Spiderman being excited about the one year as well!
I finally finished it guys!
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rukafais · 2 years
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i have been told this pic gives off major team rocket vibes and it’s not, wrong
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talubld-archive · 10 months
reasons why Ren is so important to me:
she left & started her journey later/older than the original 3 protags. though, she was only a month or so behind them
likely bumped into them a few times, probably battled, definitely saw silver and went :| nah this isn't for me and left him alone
every time team rocket appeared, she'd appear days afterwards. again, probably bumped into them, fought them, but was never around at the time of their major events.
teen!ren would've attempted to kick the exects. in the shins. present day ren would be terrified
raikou literally followed and battled alongside her. she only caught on biscuit was a legendary upon spending some time in ecruteak. now they vibe in her flat with her.
ren, like all my bonded ocs, does have traits where you can notice unnatural things about her. she knows when storms are coming; when they do, her eyes glow brighter and if you look closely you'll be able to see lightning bolts inside.
technically can learn how to thunder punch if powered up first by raikou.
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shinygoku · 2 years
Johto is kind of Quaint
...while symbiotic with the other regions.
Yeah, after my analysis and conclusion of Kanto being an unfortunately grimy and less-than ideal place to live (but that does make it a cool setting in its own way!), I remarked that the other 3 Japan-Regions are little slices of Ghibli vibes. But out of those, Johto feels the most tricky to actually define. The closest I can come up with is Remote, while heavily leaning on Kanto and later, Sinnoh, for more actual substance. Paradoxical, ain’t it? Let’s have a deeper look...
Imagine (or possibly, remember!) you’ve just slotted your brand new Gold or Silver into your Game Boy, after having played Gen 1 faithfully for years. How this brand new region both looks so much like what you’re used to, but there’s more colour, and an exciting new Day and Night difference. As you play, you realise the routes in between Towns are more winding and natural feeling, and even once you hit the most developed location, it’s an odd one out and a considerable distance off from the others. It ain’t just more of the same!
It’s rural and lacks the hustle and bustle of Kanto, which is a deliberate design choice. Kanto, after all, shares its very name with the real-world region that contains Tokyo, so while Johto got a new name for itself, it’s basically the Kansai region. Home of historic areas and temples, and a reputation for being laid-back and easygoing. Johto has mostly small towns that seem to pride themselves on being small and humble, and is all bordered with either dense forests, vast cordoned off ocean or a jagged mountain range. There’s even an early route to the 2nd biggest and the single most developed city, except that it’s so tree lined that even one fake-tree blocks the entire path!
Yet... Johto doesn’t feel entirely like its own thing. In a way, the contrast with Kanto is the defining feature it has, but what else is there? Is it truly a region we can consider a separate entity, or the balancing half to the urban sprawl of Gen 1? It gets weirder when you factor in the native mons, generally being unassuming and underwhelming, except for some of the best and coolest concepts, which are very strangely limited to being found only in Kanto once you gain access. The Psychic Killer type being mostly confined to the postgame is pretty crummy! That’s a pretty bad choice that ain’t even fixed in the remake, unless you know how to rig the Safari Zone... but still, you can’t walk around Johto at night to find Houndour or Sneasel? Why not?! My best guess is that it’s incentive to keep combing through the slightly shortened version of Kanto for goodies, but who’d think to look for the unseen new mons in the stomping grounds of the past? And yes, both real life and even in-game past, it’s explicitly set 3 years after the events of RGB.
What’s the deal with the level scaling and extremely sparse spread of Trainers in the later parts of the game? A poor attempt to allow for choosing your own route after Ecruteak means the 3 possible Gyms are all low levelled. You trek through an abandoned Victory Road, where the implication is that Silver scared the NPCs off with Major Character Powers, and Mt Silver (...no relation lol) is also deserted save for the surprize reveal of Red at the peak. Is Johto really that low energy that they don’t feel the urge to battle?
It may be this, honestly. Johto seems way more friendly and personable than Kanto. A whole game mechanic has you getting phone numbers for swarm info, rare items or pointless chitchat. Other than Team Rocket’s weedy attempts to re-assert their dominance, the only somewhat antagonistic characters are 2 sore loser Gym Leaders and Silver the Human. There’s even the brand new Friendship mechanic for your team, and breeding!
Overall, Johto makes me think of summer evenings. It’s exciting but in a small, cosy way. You can imagine running up a hill to reach a small house at the top with the windows glowing with yellow light and the door invitingly open. It’s also like a crisp autumn morning where the sky is clear and blue and you can leisurely sip at a hot drink. The Ruins of Alph are weird and spooky, but not in a ghostly way, but one that makes you want to unearth the mysteries. There’s tall wooden towers to climb and whirlpools to swim around. It feels like a great place to have an adventure, but also one where you can get back home in time for supper.
A very early build of GS had the region take place over a theme park version of the WHOLE of Japan, I think it’s very good that they re-planned it to be the Kansai region instead and give Kyushu and Hokkaido their own focuses later too, all these areas get a lot of loving attention to detail as a result.
As for the symbiotic traits with the fellow regions, I’ve got a lightweight summary here:
Kanto - Literal next door neighbours who are also yin and yang. A lot of Pokémon overlap and Prof Oak has much more presence in Johto than Elm, plus the whole shared Indigo League. For some reason Mt Silver is regarded as Kanto but I’d argue for it being a Johto thing lmao.
Hoenn - Less so, though the playable character (Brendan or May) is from Johto as their dad, Norman, went up enough in the ranks to be given a gym position in Hoenn instead. Hoenn thus feels bigger both figuratively and literally, having its own branch of the Pokémon League that Johto doesn’t quite manage.
Sinnoh - Similar themes of reverence for history and old myths. Again there’s a lot of Pokémon species overlapping with new Evos and Prevos. The two halves of Sinnoh being divided by a vast mountain range echoes how Kanto and Johto are geographically, plus Mt Silver is the only other place to Sinnoh with fallen snow.
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Oh yeah, and there was the whole Embedded Tower (where you find Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza) and the Sinjoh Ruins that you only access with an event or hacked Arceus from the remakes! Well, I’d say they borrow more the Vibe from their respective regions, which I’ll soon cover!
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hello hello. i dont know if you're into pokemon but I started playing Violet the other day and I tend to nickname my pokemon after whatever my current hyperfixation is so ofc right now they're getting mysme nicknames (right now my charcadet is (suit) Saeran (gonna evolve into ceruledge), my kirlia is Ray (gonna evolve into gardevior). i plan to catch a sneasel/weavile for unknown (totally didnt get the idea from an art i saw). Trying to pick something for saeyoung but nothing has felt right yet. an electric type? fire? maybe a dog pokemon bc with his loved ones saeyoung is both an excited puppy AND a guard dog)
ANYWAY so I started wondering about everyone's favorite twins and pokemon
What kind of pokemon do you think saeyoung and the various saerans would have? what would they be if they WERE pokemon? in a canon setting would they play pokemon?
i can see saeyoung with fire/steel/electric types, especially robot- or machine-like pokemon. ray/ge saeran with grass types is obvious, but I can also see him with fairy types. theyre deceptively cute but can mess you up. suit and unknown scream dark type teams. maybe some poison types for unknown. like i think he'd have team rocket/[insert region team] grunt-esque pokemon.
saeyoung and all of the saeran's have at least one pokemon (probably their first/partner) that they found abandoned and in bad shape that they took in and it decided to stay with them after it recovered.
maybe they have an espeon (saeyoung) and an umbreon (saeran) to complement their "we're opposites but in a balanced and complimentary way" vibe.
and also bc i must inflict this on all my faves who are convinced they're bad and unlovable: at least one pokemon on their team evolves with high friendship/affection. even better if for some reason he doesn't know what causes that pokemon to evolve and he maybe cries a little when he finds out. what do you mean he's LOVED??
ANYWAY sorry for the really long ramble haha. this was supposed to be a short ask but it kinda got away from me 😅 anyway, i hope you have a good day!! i love your writing and character analyses!!
Oh, you've come to the right person today, because I spend my time stressing out over what Pokemon I would use on their teams if I ever wrote a story for it. I've done this a few times before but I can never really make my mind up so I wouldn't say that this is a concrete idea. So, here is a slider I would use for Ray > Suit Saeran > GE Saeran. I think some of it is self-explanatory. I suggest dark, ghost, and grass if anything.
Phantump for a Ray who feels lost and dead to the world. Polteageist for his desire to feel like a prince in his haunted castle. Budew for a boy who can't be fully blossomed just yet... but, he's so close to that chance. Suit Saeran would only use one Pokemon in my mind and it's Banette. A Pokemon that happens to be seeking revenge in the same way he is. It might seem like a major stretch but mega evolution seems incredibly possible in this situation.
Shaymin is the Pokemon of gratitude and I feel like it would appear in the garden when he is in the process of thanking you for being there with him as he finally freed himself from his heavy chains. He and Saeyoung do have a set of Eevee together! I feel like they need to have a matched set, and his Eevee has been tucked away in their pokeball for a while until he realized the error of his ways.
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Whereas, Saeyoung is always really tough to work with because there's so many different Pokemon that would work for him symbolically. Sure, we can pick some joke options if we want to do so, but I'm trying to imagine what would work for his work in the agency. Did they give him a team or is it a team he's caught himself?
In the end I just decided to give him a team that he crafted. He deserves to have a cat that shoots fireballs from its mouth. Of course, I don't imagine that'll end well for him since the cat likely gives him a free haircut everyday with burnt edges. Rotom is the given. Everybody who's ever drawn him with the Pokemon always gives him Rotom. It's right. Three heads are better than one! Magneton helps to hack and unlock problems!
His Eevee doesn't battle. It's kept safe in his bunker, or it's Pokeball. He hates to make Eevee sad about not seeing its own twin or Saeran. Magearna makes sense to me, because what is more in character for him than to discover this mechanical Pokemon and help bring it back to life? Minior for the stars! It's either that or Clefairy. I couldn't make up my mind but in the end I decided on stars.
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Which brings me to Unknown and SE Saeran. Yeah, SE Saeran will receive that Megearna as a gift from his brother. His Porygon-Z likely was released after Mint Eye was taken down, or it's still in the box for now since that was likely his main partner for being able to hack into the RFA. Mimikyu and Banette are self-explanatory. Budew would be a new addition in his time spent trying to enjoy the clouds and grass! Milcery is a surprise, though! I have a feeling that is a companion he made one afternoon that tried to sample his ice cream and now he's got a friend that helps him craft his own ice cream.
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robinplayspokemon · 1 year
pokemon anime 2x08 "the battle of the badge"
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gods, that is such a vibe.
what up gay nerds!!
so, this episode finds ash marching back to viridian city ready to win his eighth badge, to qualify him for the pokemon league. just as he's getting ready to challenge the gym leader of the viridian city gym, his rival gary oak shows up and reveals that he has already won 10 badges and is going to win an earth badge before ash just to flex on him.
team himbo are distracted when togepi gets lost & eventually falls right into team rocket's lap, so they chase after team rocket to try to rescue togepi!
meanwhile, giovanni & gary fight a pitched battle that gary seems to have the upperhand in, until giovanni unveils his ultimate weapon.
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(and yeah, this is a super explicit crossover with pokemon: the first movie which released a few months before this episode aired, roughly establishing its place in the timeline. though obviously the majority of the movie happened several months after the prologue, which is what actually crosses over with this episode.)
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when jessie & james show up to turn over togepi to giovanni, he is SUPER unimpressed, which is pretty funny when you consider the fact that togepi evolves into the powerful togetic and the even more powerful togekiss, but obviously no one knew that at the time. but greedy capitalists generally don't have the patience to actually, y'know, learn.
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it makes perfect sense that giovanni has a pokemon dungeon, but what's with the roman theme? anyway, giovanni & mewtwo end up having to jet off to some mysterious plot convenience, so jessie & james & meowth are left in charge of the gym, meaning that rather than giovanni they are the last gym leader ash has to face. this kid has all the luck!
... or does he? because while he certainly wouldn't have been able to beat mewtwo and thus wouldn't have been able to win his last gym badge, ash DOES end up facing some trouble of his own when it turns out that team rocket has rigged the trainer's box of this stadium to force him to feel all the pain his pokemon feel! kinky. adding to the kink, jessie & james get some quality taunting in on him.
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this yugioh-ass shit (though admittedly it predated yugioh, yugioh did shit like this way more often) looks like a pretty dire situation for ash! but predictably even when they seem genuinely threatening & sadistic team rocket does something dumb to screw it up (namely, jessies box also does the same thing to her when team rocket's pokemon take damage), and ash wins his eigth badge! that also brings the total of badges he actually won by winning a pokemon battle up to four, though it's kind of viewer's choice if you want to count team rocket playing substitute gym leader as ash beating a gym leader.
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and, yeah! that's a wrap on ash's quest for 8 gym badges, with the pokemon league to look forward to. the episode ends very weirdly with brock & misty berating ash for not knowing where the pokemon league is, and suggesting they go ask professor oak where it is, which like... GUYS??? you're both LITERALLY GYM LEADERS??? i feel like YOU should know where it is????? but, y'know. show for babies. not always gonna be logically consistent. yada-yada-yamask.
but yeah, this is a great episode. giovanni's fight with gary is great stuff, especially how genuinely menacing mewtwo is in it, and even ash's fight with team rocket is actually pretty great. i also love the character development of gary gaining respect for ash when he watches him fight through the pain to win the badge. for all i neg him, i like when this show actually shows that ash is a good trainer and has people respect that about him!!
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anyway, yeah! pretty great episode all around. catch ya later, gay nerds!
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kantosableye · 2 years
2022 Pokémon Holiday Exchange Letter
Dear Writer,
Thank you so much for writing for me! This is my first Pokemon exchange, so I’m super excited! 
I’ll also drop a link to the exchange AO3 page for people who follow me: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/pokexchange_2022/profile 
I’m not the best at preambles, so I’ll just jump into likes/dnws below the cut:
Likes: Horror, unreliable narrators, AUs with interesting concepts, worldbuilding, aged up characters, time travel and timeline shenanigans, mystery, bureaucracy, espionage, interpersonal drama and toxicity, characters making bad decisions, repression, pining, classic fanfiction tropes.
I prefer names from the English dub; while I sort of interpret Kanto as being a sort of fantasy [region of] Japan, I grew up on the dub and I’m used to the dub names.
DNWs: Explicit sex, pokemon getting maimed/killed (peril is fine as long as they pull through in the end), downer endings, pregnancy, omegaverse, Hogwarts AU, major character permadeath, gore, character bashing.
Prompt 1: 
Gary Oak/Ash Ketchum
Palletshipping is the ship of my heart that I’ve had for literally over a decade now. I’m really interested in whatever you come up with, but if you’d like some ideas:
Horror! Anything goes - what if they run into one of the scary glitch pokemon from the games? What if one of them gets possessed? What if they get trapped in some kind of malevolent living structure?
The Warmth of Frost by SilentAvera had some really cool horror vibes that I absolutely loved.
AUs - I love AUs for this pairing, I feel like they’re both really fun to put in new contexts/settings. 
A Team Rocket AU could be really fun - Gary as a Rocket scientist hiding that he’s related to Professor Oak, while Ash is trying to work his way up the ranks. 
Star Trek AU - I love Star Trek and could easily see them in Starfleet having a similar rivals-to-friends (to lovers) relationship dynamic there.
If you have any particular historical/setting obsessions, I’d love to read them!
I’d be particularly excited about a pirates AU, or pirate/naval officer?
Specific historical countercultures could be fun too. Beatniks?
I’m not super into explicit fic with Pokemon, but I am a fan of secret submissive freak Gary (and see Ash as a pretty vanilla service top lmfao). Gary has to have some Roman Roy shit going on, right? I don’t know if I’d want full on explicit scenes, but how would they navigate that together? If that speaks to you, go for it! I never see it and would love to read more of it! Please age them up for this one.
SFW aged up Palletshipping would also be great. What does Ash do in his 30s? Does Gary take over the lab?
Professor Oak seems to have a role of science educator to children, both in giving young trainers their first pokemon and as a public figure. How does Gary, who even after Johto can still be kind of a prick, adapt to that role? 
Gary confessing his feelings to Ash to somebody else could be fun! Maybe he goes out for drinks with Misty and they start talking about Ash, or he tells Professor Oak?
These prompts are not by any means exhaustive! If there’s something that really speaks to you, please feel free to write it! 
Prompt 2:
Gary Oak
Definitely thee Pokemon blorbo for me. Really, I’d be interested in any gen that explores what he’s been up to offscreen, but I’ll drop a few prompts:
Johto: What was he doing in Johto? Did he get up to any wild adventures, or experience anything that might have changed him?
If you want to write horror for this I will love you forever. Gary Oak could be a final girl. He has that in him.
What’s his research life like? How is a 12-13 year old just allowed to do scientific research in major labs? Does he have to take classes on the side? Is he getting published?
This could absolutely be an avenue for worldbuilding about education in the Pokemon universe. Professor Elm has a line about Professor Oak supervising his thesis, which raised so many questions for me. Do you have to apply for grants? How do you get your degree? When do you get your degree? Do you have to publish? Do you have to teach? 
Grad school/sciences drama could be really fun too!
I think it could be interesting to write Gary with a learning disability. How would that affect him, or reframe the way he acts in the show?
Gen about Gary hanging out with some of Ash’s friends from the anime! Wherever he is, he probably returns to Kanto fairly often. Does he run into Misty or Brock, or Tracey? Is there a friends-of-Ash group chat?
Thank you again! 
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Emily Cheng
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
emily cheng, 5th year, statistics, daly city  
2. What’s your roman empire?
all of newjeans is younger than me but they’re famous and i can barely figure life out :’) 
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
i have a good vibe 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
dramatic comedy & ken jeong bc i can be sarcastic and chaotic. my personality also changes depending on who im with so i can be adaptable. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
graduate. i've been here too long
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
kdramas (esp romcoms), cheetos, m&ms 
7. What are your bad habits?
girl math, being attached to my phone until bereal goes off, relying on caffeine 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
"Who's your friend who likes to play? Bing Bong, Bing Bong His rocket makes you yell "Hooray!" Bing Bong, Bing Bong Who's the best in every way, and wants to sing this song to say. Bing Bong, Bing Bong!" my favorite movie ever is inside out :') 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
fruity cereals (trix, froot loops, fruity pebbles) are nasty. it’s just a bowl of sugar 
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
"In a recent team project, a pivotal moment demanded leadership, and I willingly stepped into the role. Our project, focused on developing an innovative application, encountered unforeseen technical challenges that posed a threat to its success. The team found itself at a crossroads, torn between the prospect of overhauling a fundamental component and adhering to the existing plan, which carried its own set of risks. Acknowledging the urgency of the situation, I convened a team meeting to address the issue head-on. I initiated an open and honest discussion, fostering an environment where every team member felt encouraged to share their insights and concerns. As a leader, I listened actively, ensuring that diverse perspectives were valued and considered. Guiding the team through a collaborative decision-making process, I worked to reach a consensus that everyone could endorse. Through transparent communication, I kept the team informed of our progress and maintained a positive atmosphere amid the prevailing uncertainty. The collaborative effort resulted in a well-informed decision to modify the existing approach, and the team rallied together to implement the changes swiftly. This experience underscored the significance of adaptability, effective communication, and the ability to make decisive choices under pressure. Ultimately, the project not only overcame its challenges but emerged stronger due to the collective leadership and collaboration exhibited during this critical phase, highlighting the transformative impact of cohesive teamwork." - chatgpt
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thepigeonsopinion · 1 year
Ello gays, baes, they's, and everyone that is straight!
Since the Pokémon anime is coming to an end and is to start a new chapter in its 26 years (don't quote me on that) of run time, I thought why not make a on the surface summary that gives the weirdest vibes possible, in my opinion.
Aaaannndd here it is!
There is a boy who has a goal, who also somehow cannot age for the amount of time this has been going on, but that’s beside the point. This boy has a goal, what goal you may ask? Well, that goal is to be able to be the greatest champion ever at his trade. What trade? Well, the trade is to forcefully put wild, sometimes murderous, animals into balls that are somehow made out of fruit, and call them out when they are useful, which is usually for battles, basically animal abuse or simply animal labor. Back to the boy, this dude wants to be able to be the best at this activity. But what is this? He’s late! And there aren’t any more trapped animals, I mean Po-Ke-MOn-s. So, I guess he’ll just have to settle for one that is defective. The boy goes on an adventure to be the champion with his defective pet, making friends, enemies, and kidnapping, I mean catching these pokemans (btw this is not a typo). But there’s an obstacle in their way. That obstacle is Team Rocket, a group of adult children and a talking, traumatized cat that wants to kidnap this defective pet that they apparently want, who have a boss that wants to produce an army of animal labor majoring on animal abuse. But they're bad at their job, like literal shit. So, this boy with a goal is able to defeat them with his defective mouse pet thing, and the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP. Ok, all jokes aside, truly the true hero and backbone of winning this fight is animal labor and abuse. And that’s the sort of summary of the Pokémon Anime.
I hope you enjoyed this little weird summary of the Pokémon Anime! Pokémon has been one of my favorite franchises and I can't wait to see where this new chapter will take us.
I hope everyone has a great and wonderful day or night! And shall we be ready to embark on a new journey with our friends in tow!
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skytroops · 2 years
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dark romance baby man
Wroah, it’s been almost 3 and a half years since Satoshi has made a proper appearance on my dA! I have actually drawn Satoshi plenty of times since then, but I‌ never posted the drawings here due to the fear of confusing people. But now–hopefully–that confusion will be staved somewhat with a good ol’ giant info-dump about Satoshi and the differences between he and Ash.
Satoshi is the head of Team Rainbow Rocket (Team RR for short), after taking the position from his father–Sakaki. Team RR is a benevolent organization, but Satoshi isn’t shy about making deals in Kanto’s seedy underbelly for the greater good.
He has been trained to control Wave (Aura in English) with extremely destructive success. He has quite the laundry list of abilities so they require their own info-dump of their own someday. I will say that he can understand Pokémon and constantly performs vibe checks on everyone he meets. Satoshi has a number of small scars over his body, mostly from the harsh training Sakaki had put him through to unlock his Wave abilities. He has two notable facial scars; one on his right cheek and another on his left temple.
The scar on his cheek is from being struck across the face by Sakaki, with one of the man’s rings tearing Satoshi’s cheek open.
The scar on his temple is the remains of a much larger head wound that he got while protecting the TRio while out on a mission together. This head injury caused Satoshi to lost most of his memories and his personality to turn more dark.
Despite it all, Satoshi is still very much a sweetheart who’ll do anything to protect the ones he loves. He does have issues with compartmentalizing and suppressing his emotions so he can keep up his “big scary mob boss” image, as a good amount of said image is an act to keep his competition in line. He’s got a major inferiority complex and struggles with feeling undeserving of his friends and family.
That's why he needs at least two whole boyfriends/husbands, you see.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Reading the Professor Birch story made me wonder, how would the bag thing go with the villain team leaders? Would Giovanni have some Rocket grunts shove his SO in the bag instead of doing it himself? Would Archie take a pirate approach?
Giovanni gives me more drive by kidnapping vibes than having you stuffed in a bag, you know? I just can't get the image of him being driven right next to you and just opening the back door and yoinking you off the streets while you're alone. Chloroform rag and all.
We all know Maxie wouldn't be able to achieve this on his own. With that physique? Nah. He'd have to have some grunts helping out.
Archie on the other hand? Has this in the bag. (*gets shot*) He isn't fond of the idea of knocking you out with a blow to the head, so drugging your drink is the better option (literally searched up how pirates kidnap for this).
I've mentioned this before, but Cyrus would use a Fake Out with his Weavile to knock you out. Bagging your body? His grunts got it as they take you back to HQ.
The Shadow Triad would be the ones to kidnap you for Ghetsis. I did mention before the alternative that he'd use the chloroform instead, but he would still have assistance from the triad. Either way, if it's the former scenario, of course they'll bag your body to take back to their leader. They'll make sure your perfectly unharmed too.
This man here doesn't need a bag. Lysandre only needs his honey coated words and dinner with you, that's all. He is very good with his words; in coaxing you to trust him so much. Why would he need to put so much effort? One laced drink is all he needs.
Fam, the minute Lusamine sees the opportunity as you step into the Aether Foundation, it's over. She doesn't need a bag; she has a cage. Look at her personal collection. Besides, at the foundation, you'll be surrounded by grunts which makes the odds of escaping even more slim. You've played right into her trap.
Can I count Guzma even though he wasn't a major antagonist? Okay, I will. He definitely will stuff you in a bag. Highly believe it was slightly on impulse, but hey, at least he didn't do this in front of anyone. It can be 50/50 on if he does this on his own or the grunts were following orders, but I see it being more on the former.
Chairman Rose on the other hand: premeditated. The small sense of paranoia he had probably prompted the idea as he noticed the lack of alone time the two of you have been receiving. He finds it appalling to just stuffing you in a bag, so of course he'd asked for the assistance of Oleana and his grunts. They'll all make sure your 'trip' to his office is a comfortable one.
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