#but Moira especially is like fucked UP emotion wise
forestfan69 · 1 year
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You fill the room with sun, hold me close and let me breathe. I am foreign to that kindness.
Some soft moicy, featuring my latest obsession which is to cover everything in flowers. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed drawing it!!
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This piece is also available on my INPRNT, if anyone wants to buy this for themselves!
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belle-gaea · 4 years
The Gods playing Overwatch (because I’m trash)
Zeus: useless Genji trash that blames the support for not charging in as he tries to 1v6. If he’s on your team, pretend like you’ve only got 5 players because otherwise he’s just a liability
Hera: plays Bastion for catharsis, she just sits there killing people instead of getting therapy. She will not take your toxicity on chat. Honestly a mood
Poseidon: the Roadhog that is lazy af, but somehow manages to get POTG by glomping on flankers. He’s okay in a team fight, but he ain’t carrying shit
Demeter: a relatively good Ana. She lands her darts and nanos, but she hates having to main heal: people spam “I need healing” and then have her waste loads of ammo because they won’t. keep. still. Then she has to use her grenade on one person and she questions her life
Ares: Toxic. Reaper. T r a s h. Auto locks and refuses to switch: JUST CHANGE ALREADY, THEIR WIDOW IS WISE TO YOUR BS, YOU’ RE NOT HELPING!
Athena: is the Symmetra that you should FEAR. Thinking of flanking? Well she’s got a turret there and you can’t see it burning you alive. Ult charged? HaHA gotcha bitch: she’s launched Photon Barrier and now you’ve wasted your life. If you’re against her just leave the game: you’ve lost
Apollo: a pretty decent Baptiste. He’ll save you from an ult and then proceed to launch his own: team fight won! The trade off is that he’ll constantly be spamming voice lines: yeah, you did good but SHUT THE FUCK UP
Artemis: ultimate Widowmaker. You’re running to the objective and you’re suddenly dead: you don’t know why until you check kill cam. She is the silent assassin: never on voice chat, highkey carrying. When she’s on the same team as Athena, the victory is certain
Hephaestus: Torbjörn. You knew this was coming
Aphrodite: was hard to pick out, but imma say that she’s a McCree main, but she only uses the lifeguard skin because thirst. She’s good at long range, and her Deadeye is grandmaster, but up close she just panics and fans the hammer everywhere. This is why I don’t play McCree
Hermes: the flanking snake Tracer. Damn near impossible to kill and is the most aggravating little shit ever. Playing deathmatch? Prepare to have literally all of your kills stolen. If you feel like he’s targeting you: he is
Dionysus: plays Wrecking Ball because why the hell not? Once he has grappled to a point he will stay there spinning until. he. DIES. It could be somewhere useful, like the objective. Or it could be a tree. Pot luck really
Hestia: is a Mercy main and honestly the sweetest. She protecc (yellow), she attacc (blue), but most importantly, bring whole team rez bacc. She will have died the most on the team, but only because no one looked out for her. No Ares, stop shouting at her: she’s not going to abandon everyone to rez you after you rushed the spawn ffs.
Hades: likes to pretend that he’s a Reaper main for the aesthetic, but in actuality he plays D.Va. And you know what? He’s a good. fucking. D.Va. Leave him alone
Persephone: idk why, but I see her as the Orisa main that LIVES to cause frustration. Destroyed her shield? Boop, there’s another one. You’re on the objective in Ilios? Get ready for her to Halt! your ass into the well. Pro gamer moves
Hecate: plays Moira both for the aesthetic and the carry potential. She laughs as she sucks out your soul. She’s a good healer, but if you spam her when you’re at full hp she will stand where you can see her when you do need help, and use her laugh emote as you get yourself destroyed. I’m a Moira main and I have done this on more than one occasion
Eris: the Mei that will freeze you the moment you press your ult. She will make ice walls. Everywhere. Especially by her own spawn or in a choke. But wait: there’s more! Playing competitive? She will wait until the match starts, and then leave so that she can cancel the match. She’s never actually played a whole competitive game in her career. Do not be this bitch
Feel free to add!
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withallthingslove · 5 years
the handmaid’s tale s3ep12 thoughts
under the cut because spoilers
as soon as eleanor came into june’s room i had a bad feeling for her. I just knew
when june took the tea or whatever into the conference room part of me was hoping nick would be standing there like earlier in the season
it was great to see june be happy even if it was just for a few seconds
okay fred sucks but he’s right about serena
she’s selfish, it’s always about her, etc
she is so fucking delusional too... “my daughter needs me” 
bitch... she’s fine
she’s a baby
she doesn’t remember you
she’s happy with luke and moira
what about your meeting with her months ago gave you the idea she needs you?? 
She said everything that needed to be said and MORE
honestly did not care for Tuello telling moira it was uncalled for but her “fuck you” made up for it
I want Moira yelling at Serena to be projected on my tomb stone
Again in this episode we have two weird tuello kind of flirting with serena moments? I still stand by my prediction that an affair will happen or that something similar will. But I also think tuello could be playing the long game with serena and plans to stab her in the back after gaining her trust. Because in s2 he was literally like “that’s not your baby” and now he’s getting her contraband so and the only thing that really adds up is him playing the good cop role. 
Luke punching fred was so goddamn satisfying but DID LUKE GET HIS NOTEBOOK (idk what was in it but seems important)
the social worker telling serena that holly had stranger anxiety bless up. Yvonne’s acting was so good though it’s like she had the desperation for everything to fill into place but because she’s delusional her love for holly was idealized and not actually real. And then the social worker called her out again for calling herself holly’s mom. I could see serena regretting turning fred in when her time with holly ends up not being what she expected
I honestly don’t have a lot of thoughts about eleanor dying or june letting her die.... character wise i feel like eleanor probably would have committed suicide in canada because she wouldnt be able to have the life she wanted. Even though she was the sweetest soul and didnt deserve to die
As for june... I kind of interpreted her kissing eleanor’s head as her actually caring for eleanor and having that thought the she was too fragile to move to canada and death would be kinder to her. But I do think a big part of it was because she felt eleanor was a danger to the plan
just had this thought... but june is kind of treating the plan as a hyperfixation to keep her mind off of everything. I think shes a boss and is doing the plan for the right reasons and that she genuinely does want to get the kids out. But I think she is still slightly suicidal and does not care if she dies. And I think this season has really isolated june especially from nick where nick was normally her emotional crutch and outlet and since she doesn’t have that everything is going to the plan
plus the fact she doesn’t know where hannah is has isolated her as well and taken away a lot of her hope
im not surprised lawrence seems to be moving forward with the plan but i didn’t really understand that sinister look he gave june or the subtitles even said “sinister music” like why did it have to go dark
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fae-fucker · 5 years
Review: The Murder Complex
by Lindsay Cummings
An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.
Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.
The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?
Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.
There’s a video on YouTube where Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings try to promote Zenith and their favorite books by speculating about what sort of books Andi would enjoy reading.
Lindsay, being the humble creature that she is, says that Andi would enjoy this book. Why? Because Andi would recognize Meadow’s methods as similar to her own? Because Andi would enjoy reading an edgy “thriller” because she too is edgy? Or even because both Andi and Meadow are beautiful waifish white girls with silver hair who don’t particularly mind killing people?
Actually, no, you absolute fool. Sasha speculates on why Andi would enjoy this book (because of the title and how both Meadow and Andi have … uh … something … in common) and tries and fails to give Lindsay a way out. Lindsay admits to not listening, occupied with her book, which she lovingly strokes while staring into the camera.
I think this says a lot about Lindsay herself, Andi’s personality (or rather, lack thereof), and most importantly, the content of this here book.
This review contains spoilers and discussions of potentially triggering topics.
The Writing
I don’t have much to say here. Zenith was far, far worse when you just compare the prose. It’s simple, bare-bones, and straight to the point. Perfectly mediocre and not memorable at all. It flows well enough, and if it weren’t for uuuh everything else in this book, I’d say it’s a quick and easy read.
It does get very melodramatic and edgy at times, but that is to be expected, and since the melodrama mostly avoids getting too purple or lasting too long, I will officially give Cummings the “I could read your book mostly without cringing at the words” award.
The story is told from Meadow and Zephyr’s POVs, and I’d have to disagree with other reviewers who said that their narration was too similar. I mean, it wasn’t spectacular and they definitely had some overlap in expressions, but I could tell that Cummings was making a conscious effort to make them distinct and for me, it worked (mostly past the first half of the book where both of them just mope around and sound very similar), so I commend that.
The Characters
Now, while Meadow and Zephyr are distinct, that doesn’t really mean they’re good characters, yea? Honestly, they’re pretty much the only ones who get any type of development and the only ones who can, paradoxically, turn off their edge and just be normal people every now and then.
Meadow is supposedly this Strong Femail Charactor who does Bad Things for Good Reasons. And … I mean, yeah? Like, I don’t remember ever feeling like she obsessed over a man, and her motivations were always either keeping her little sister safe or surviving or figuring out the mystery around their society and how it ties into her own family. As far as YA heroines go, Meadow isn’t terrible. But she’s not exactly interesting, either. She’s always collected and rarely loses her cool, she displays few emotions outside of anger, and is generally cold and downplayed to the point of having barely any personality traits. I guess it’s sort of on purpose? But there are ways of making a character subtle and still interesting, and Meadow just feels like somebody packaged a Strong Femail Charactor right out of the factory without slapping some paint on her first. Idk, I guess if this is what Lindsay was going for then she did a good job, but personally I prefer my protags to be a bit more … more.
I will apologize to Meadow for calling her Andi, though. Andi is a lot more smug and obnoxious and has fewer reasons to be.
Zephyr is a harder to define because I’m pretty sure he’s intended to be more colorful than Meadow, but he comes off as even more generic than her. He’s a convincing enough teenage boy at times, because he lusts after Meadow like a puppy and thinks in super dramatic and poetic prose about how perfect and beautiful she is. But outside of that, he just sort of exists and the plot happens to him? He has no consistent personality traits and no flaws that he has control over. He’s partially brainwashed to murder on command and he’s like, sad about it, for a second, but accepts it pretty quickly and swears to help Meadow out for … reasons? Idk I guess he’s in love with her or whatever. The blurb implies he wants to keep her from discovering the truth but he pretty much helps her from the start.
He’s perfectly non-threatening — a boy next door type if next door was a war zone. Most of the time I wonder how many hands he needs to count all his braincells. One? Or mayhaps two? Whatever happens he just sort of rolls with after a chapter or two of angst and he ends up feeling like he’s a crutch for Meadow, a non-character there to fill the role of the snarky sidekick whose personal conflict is a minor subplot, which is admittedly fairly unusual in YA, but for a co-protagonist isn’t ideal, as one might imagine.
Koi is Meadow’s overprotective older brother who wants to beat up Zephyr for reasons and refuses to chill. And yes, that’s his name.
Periwinkle/Peri is Meadow’s younger sister and Meadow’s Moality Pet. And yes, that’s her name.
Meadow’s dad is an abusive asshole dad who is Too Hard On His Children but whose lessons Turn Out To Be Helpful in the end. No, it’s not his name but I can’t remember what it is and can’t be assed to look it up because he’s just Meadow’s dad. Oh and he likes torture? While Meadow acknowledges her dad is fucked up he’s still treated as this wise authority figure who gives good advice and is only a result of his environment. Society is evil, so that’s why he treats his children like shit and teaches them how to murder good. It’s to protect them, see?
Talan is Zephyr’s best friend and teenage sex worker who lost her child and now is vaguely suicidal but it’s supposed to be charming and quirky??? Talan is the only major character to die brutally for shock value and she seems to welcome it. Tbh she was the only interesting character in the whole book so I actually felt bad when she was killed off like that.
And then there’s a bunch of other characters but what’s the point of me telling you about them since they’re all generic as hell and only exist to spout exposition at Meadow and her boy toy.
There was another character I liked well enough, but only because she was the only PoC and her name was Sketch, which is a pretty neat name, but she didn’t have much of a personality except “snarky hardass” and was basically a Deluxe Edition of an existing “snarky hardass” character. She appears only in the late chapters of the book and is there to get brutalized for the sake of our two white protags. She didn’t die though, so there’s that?
The Plot
Alright, alright, I guess I have to write something.
I honestly have no fucking idea what the plot was. The blurb pretty much tells it all: Meadow meets Zephyr, they fall in love (?), Zephyr goes all Terminator on her ass and she’s like ??? and then uh … turns out Meadow’s family/dead mom are involved in the Murder Complex, which is the thing that’s making Zephyr and other random people kill others when remotely “activated” and so now they gotta find out what the heckity heck is going on, I guess?
It’s a clear enough plot but the motivations are a little weak, especially on Zephyr’s side. One would think he’d like to get rid of the whole “murder on command” thing in his brain but he seems to be able to fight it off easily once he meets Meadow and he’s more focused on helping her for reasons.
Yeah, I’m … I’ve already forgotten large chunks of the story so that should tell you something.
The “Worldbuilding”
*clears throat* Here we go:
The Shallows, Night Siren, the Initiative, Catalogue Number, Commandments of the Shallows, Creds, the Perimeter, the Silent Hour, Before, Rations Department, Pirates, the Dark Time, the Pulse, the Pin, the Red train, the Blue train, Wards, the Leeches, the Graveyard, the Survivors, Rations Hall, Initiative Headquarters, Wards of the State, the Gravers, NoteScreen, Evaluator, the Catalogue Dome, the Pit, Cred Orb, the Furnace Room, the Library, Sellout, the Hospital, the Believers …
Holy shit I don’t think I’ve gotten all of the Important Names yet and I’m already tired.
Y’all. This is the worst case of worldbuilding laziness I’ve seen in a while, and I’m someone who absolutely hates worldbuilding and will let authors get away with minimal effort. This? This is awful. And the thing is? I get it. I might’ve forgiven this because coming up with names is HARD and we humans usually go for the obvious anyway so this makes some amount of sense.
The problem is the fact that there are some words and concepts that are PERFECTLY REGULAR (i.e. the Hospital is literally just a fucking hospital) but still capitalized for no goddamn reason other than it being an attempt at sounding all sci-fi and dystopian without any actual effort. Everything blends together and the concepts are so generic and so MANY that it just becomes noise and you’re forced to simply roll with it and stop trying to actually imagine what anything looks like or where it’s located or how it works.
*takes deeep breath*
Speaking of how it works, let me tell you about the main premise. Basically, there was a war, a big war that tore the US apart like Lisa tears apart Johnny. Those who survived the war were infected with a plague, creatively named the Plague, that threatened to wipe out the population. One 20-year-old scientist cured the Plague, along with literally everything else, including death. Thanks to “nanites”, humans can no longer die of natural causes. This leads to overpopulation, and to stop this, the person who invented this all-cure comes up with another absolutely brilliant idea: let’s make MORE humans, but these humans have brains that are programmed to kill on command. Who gets murdered is chosen at random each and every night in a lottery, and survivors have to clean up dozens of new corpses every morning. (Meadow mentions the death rate is now 300 people per month.)
Yeah. I know. The same brilliant scientist who CURED DEATH not only fails to reverse the effects of their own invention, but decides that factory printing brainwashed humans who are then released into the world to also consume resources along with their victims is the best course of action?
Also, there are old people in this book. How are they still aging? How do you cure death but keep the aging? Why do you kill random people for shits and giggles instead of offing the semi-sentient sacks of flesh that the old people are bound to become as their bodies grow and decline but refuse to die? Surely you need young people to work in your factories? If resources are scarce, why keep old people alive past the point where they can contribute to society? If you have the technology to make remote controlled brains, why can’t you yank those bad boys out and just put them into robot bodies?
Why did nobody consider sterilization? I know this is a dangerous and sensitive topic that a white author probably shouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole, but if you’re ok with writing indiscriminate murder and pretend that shit wouldn’t become very racist very fast, then you could do the same with sterilization. You can’t tell me that the nanites are so good they could grow you a new uterus. Evidently they’re not good enough to heal bullet wounds or stab wounds or else your little “murder complex” wouldn’t fucking work, would it?
I’m not saying these are “better” options than murder lottery, because these are all terrible things, but I am saying that they’re definitely more logical and profitable if you’re an evil government. Compared to making new people from scratch to kill your already existing people, anyway.
There are also implications of this all being a lie to control the population so that the “Initiative” can remain in control, along with the usual shitty YA dystopia thing where it’s implied that Earth is fucked and we’re out of resources.
This whole thing is a mess of half-assed concepts that are never explored but just sort of jammed together into an incoherent mess. There’s a big war, there’s a big plague, there’s senseless murder, there’s an evil government, there’s child soldiers, there’s brainwashing, there’s a rebel Resistance, there’s climate change … There’s even an Aptitude Test or whatever that never comes back despite being very angsted and exposited about in the opening chapters. It’s like Lindsay read all the YA dystopias that came before and couldn’t pick a gimmick and just went for all of them.
Oh I haven’t even mentioned the funniest part of all this: the swearing. As with Zenith, Lindsay has no problem describing gory murder and calling female characters “sluts”, but actual human curse words like shit and fuck? Don’t be silly. This is CHILD AND PUBLISHER FRIENDLY. Shit is now “skitz”, “fuck” is now “flux”. Can you imagine reading this fluxing bullskitz? WE NEVER EVEN FIND OUT WHAT THESE WORDS MEAN OR WHY THEY WERE REPLACED, SINCE THIS TAKES PLACE RECENT ENOUGH THAT MEADOW REMEMBERS GOING TO BASEBALL GAMES.
Oh and there’s also ChumHead, which, you guessed it, is never explained.
I guess now we know who to blame for “fike” and “starshined”. Oh and there are swears related to the stars in this book as well. I think Lindsay needs to get off that SJM juice.
The Edgy
Allow me to feed quotes into your gaping brain mouths. Not a lot of them because most of my notes are just me going WHAT at the concepts and the names more than the phrasing.
Every night, I stay awake for as long as I can to keep my nightmares at bay.
Scars are trophies in the Shallows. They show we know how to cheat death.
In a paragraph before this one, Meadow mentions that nanites heal everything but leave scars behind for reasons, and it happens to everyone. So why would they be a status symbol?
It’s the moon. The moon that reminds me of the moonlit girl.
My moonlit girl. She’s the cure to my nightmares, the one thing that helps me feel safe when I can’t even trust my own dreams to harbor me.
Spoken like a real teenage boy, Zeph. Would you like some tissues with that spunk?
I hold the door open for [Talan], but she shrugs past me and opens the other one. Always independent. Never taking help from anyone.
Hi is this a Feminism?
I find two leather thigh sheathes and strap them to my legs. I slide two knives into them and stand, slinging the bow over my shoulder. […] Feeling angry. But feeling strong.
Convenient sexy makeover includes leather knife pockets and a cool but completely-impractical-due-to-the-existence-of-enemy-guns crossbow. I also want to mention that the book calls crossbow ammo “arrows”, when they’re usually referred to as bolts, but go off.
The Conclusion
The Murder Complex is a book that straddles the line between mediocre and bad. Its biggest flaw is how boring and shallow its ideas and characters are. Which basically means its biggest flaw is everything about it. I can’t say it was so bad it’s good, but I can’t exactly call it terrible because I’ve read far, far worse. It’s mediocre writing about bland characters angsting and murdering their way through a convoluted plot that’s based on worldbuilding as solid as half-eaten ham standwich found in a rainy alleyway. It’s not fun or entertaining to read and there’s nothing to get outrageously mad about.
In the end, I don’t think you should pick this up unless you’ve somehow read every other book in the world and this is the only one left. Don’t waste your time on this, not even as a joke. Don’t make my sacrifice be in vain.
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mandysdata-blog · 4 years
Not Grouping? Not a problem!
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Hajimemashite! I’m Mandy and I blog about Overwatch - especially low-elo problems. As a Plat/Diamond player who was once bronze, the advice I've seen, while good, is often not always actionable. For example, "take the high ground" is excellent advice as a tank. It is not excellent advice when the rest of your team isn't doing it with you. My goal at, "Mandy's Data," is to help you improve in subtle but meaningful ways.
 I asked Overwatch University users whom were gold and below what problems they had. So, I'll be creating a series where I answer every single question on that thread with simple actionable advice. Let's start!
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Reddit User, “Galax21186,” writes that they are a low to mid-Gold player that plays on Playstation. Their biggest problems are their team not cooperating with one another - whether that be ignoring the Lucio who wants to speed boost everyone in or a DPS insisting on flanking before the team is even in position. And voice chat isn’t an option in this scenario - no one is in it and no one wants to get in, either. Today, we’ll focus on some easy ways to improve your gameplay and your teams.
Control The Flow Of Your Teammates
I can write an entire series on this matter - if you’re interested, please let me know and I’d love to! But for now, let’s focus on this overview of the concept.
As Support
As support, controlling the flow of teammates is rather simple and easy: Stop supporting. Stop healing, stop speed boosting, full stop. Once you’ve lost 2-3 teammates and the teams are balanced in the enemy’s favor, stop supporting. Let that Zarya die if she is not making any attempt to get out of the fight. Attempt to get back to spawn. If you can’t get back to spawn yourself, suicide or self-damage. If that’s not possible, let the enemy kill you, but it’s important that you make your decisions swiftly. 
Don’t hang onto a fight that’s already lost. Allowing your teammates to die sooner, rather than later, protects against staggering and trickling. 
If you need more detailed information on this about which support you’re playing, please send me a message on Reddit or here and I’ll get right on that.
Note: Wait for your Mercy to fly to you. This is for every role - it helps. 
As Damage
As damage, it is much of the same - stop helping(and you should be helping your team). Retreat to spawn, if possible. Die once both of your tanks are down if both the enemy tanks are still alive. If everyone died to a Reaper ult, follow suit. There is very little gameplay-wise a damage player can do to prevent staggering other than not doing it themselves. Additionally, don’t go for poke damage. Not only does this communicate to anyone else spawning that it’s time to go in, but it’s also poor practice when you are alone and easily killed.
As Tank
As tank, it is even more difficult than damage when your team doesn’t respect your shield, however, this is a circumstance wherein the only real option is to play your role but only up to a point. If you’re Zarya, throw your bubbles on that poking Mccree - if you’re Sigma, move your shield in front of that overzealous Soldier. Prevention of death is key as a tank and, unfortunately, without a healer to back you up, you cannot use your body and health pool as a buffer between your teammate and the enemy team. Depending on the choke point and the map, you can dance between cover, health packs, and protecting your teammate.
If you need more detailed information on how to do this depending on which support you’re playing, please send me a message on Reddit or here and I’ll get right on that. I can also do a map-by-map analysis on different choke points to leverage and the health packs you can use while your healer gets back to you.
Use Your “Sit” Emote
I know, I know. This sounds totally silly but hear me out - it works. Sitting by spawn or the choke point isn’t guaranteed, however, it’s weird for others to see in the middle of a game - they almost always double-take and sometimes they stay and sometimes they don’t, but more often than not, someone takes the bait. Soon enough, everyone will have stopped and you’re free to go in with your team. Remember to spam a little, “Group up,” voice lines, just in case.
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Go with the flow, dude.
So, you can’t control your teammates. You can’t wrangle them together if they don’t want to be - this guy has climbed as Genji playing this way and by gosh damn, this is how he’s going to play. So, don’t frown - help, within reason. Baby your Genji, your Soldier, your wild Reinhardt. Enable them so they, at least, live a little longer. Each character does this in their own way - Moira can solely ult that charging Rein, Lucio can properly alternate between his speed and heal with that Zarya and Mercy can damage boost that Genji so he earns his ult faster. If your team insists on doing “dumb” things, do it with them. It’s only dumb if it doesn’t work - and you sitting by the wayside doesn’t work, either, so try to do whatever has the most numbers.
I’ve found that it’s really hard for people to feel like they have control over their games - but the simple fact is that you don’t. Trying to gain control by shouting at your teammates to do something or even throwing so you’re the reason you lost instead of someone else is indicative of a larger problem that I am not really qualified to talk about. But remember - someone else bought this game for their own amusement. They’re not having fun if all they’re doing is whatever someone else tells them, especially when they don’t like doing that activity. Yeah, it totally sucks you have a Roadhog and a Ball as tanks but, they’re both really fucking tired of playing Sigma or Orisa. They’re not here just to win but also to have fun. So are you.
I hope this data was helpful.
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