#but i am so bad at reading normal books let alone digestible children's books i fully know the plot of
m4rs-ex3 · 5 months
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 6 months
Ok so I have watched multiple videos on the history of Israel - Palestine and honestly? Go Israel.
The only thing I am not able to understand is, why is the whole world in the support of Palestine? Even Tumblr? (Yes the death of innocent people is bad but it's happening on both sides, why are they pretending that everyone in Israel lives in idk, rocket-proof luxury rooms?)
And people are purchasing books on history of Israel - Palestine, and still violently supporting Palestine. And not even seeing a shread of "blame" on them? :(
This is just an observation, but wherever muslims are in majority, they won't let the minority in peace, no matter what — they're not the “peaceful” community the world tries to show them as.
There is whole history on how they are ruthless, tyrants, who can not accept let alone tolerate another religion in their proximity.
I JUST don't know what will it take for the world to see the actual history and stop viewing Israel like The Evil Nation.
That’s a good question, but a very difficult one to answer.
As you’ve said, the information is out there in the open, available to anyone willing to put in the time to read and understand.
However, it takes a lot of mental effort to wrap one’s mind around the historical and geopolitical nuances of this conflict. As a result, it’s definitely less of a mental burden to get information from reading headlines, reading tweets, and watching TikToks.
Of course the information isn’t always accurate, and if someone absorbs news from these sites that all have the same bias, they’ll be inclined to think a certain way. But even still, it’s digestible, and why put in the work to make informed opinions of the subject when these smaller, bite-sized pieces of info are being spoon-fed to you easily?
You can tell people to “educate themselves”until the cows come home, but the chances of them actually going to read up more are pretty slim. After all, it’s more comfortable and safe to maintain your opinion than actively seek out information that challenges your point of view.
That aside, I think the Israel-Palestine conflict in particular has elicited, or rather, uncovered a very worrying hypocrisy and double-standard, and caused a rise in antisemitism that’s alarmingly reminiscent of 1940s Europe.
Those who support Hamas claim to be on the side of “human rights” and “protecting the innocent”, yet turn a blind eye to or rejoice at the slaughter of innocent children.
They present this issue as intersectional with other liberalist movements such as feminism and LGBTQ+ rights, yet Hamas rapes and parades the naked bodies of women around to publicly humiliate them, and calls the LGBT community “sinners” that will be “punished by Allah”, and refuses to allow any LGBT person on Palestinian soil.
Yes, it is baffling to see people defend a terrorist group that has such fundamentally incompatible ideologies with them, and would kill them on sight. Normally I wouldn’t just tell them to go to Palestine if they like it so much, but if they can’t see the irrationality of their own beliefs themselves, if they can’t see that their parroted platitudes are of no use and don’t make them immune or exempt from the hate-filled violence of Hamas, then maybe going there to see for themselves is perhaps the only solution.
So maybe there isn’t anything that can be done, unfortunately. It’s very telling that many pro-Israel accounts are sent hate mail daily, and instead of being presented with the opportunity for discourse on the complicated subject, it’s just crusty anons calling for the end of Israel and telling them to kill themselves for supporting Israel.
If someone calls for your death, then there’s little to nothing that can be done anymore to have a rational discussion. All you can do is stay safe and stay informed, and don’t stoop to their level because they’ll use that as ammunition against you to justify calling for your death.
Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱
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willowlark369 · 6 years
Survival is Imperative
This post discusses a concept which is controversial and features a great deal of disturbing information. There is a great deal of torture and misused (abused) medical procedures/practices discussed. Yet what I feel may be most problematic for most people to digest is that the concept I will be laying out will challenge the idea that an individual’s agency is a hard set dichotomy where one either has it completely or they have been stripped of it entirely.
I’m not treating this as a proper essay or academic paper. I’ve taken several levels of courses in the fields of Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology along with specialty diversity courses. I’m pulling a lot of concepts from that academic work, and since I am not making a paper to present, I will not be citing the dual-minors-worth of knowledge that led me to the conclusions I am sharing. I apologize if this upsets you. I know that Tumblr is such a bastion of academic learning that this must be absolutely shocking. (Was that too sarcastic? OFW.)
Reader discretion is advised after the Read More break.
Let’s get the hard part out of the way:
Steve Rogers is wrong about Bucky Barnes, and he’s only showing disrespect by making his claims about Barnes’ innocence of the crimes of the Winter Soldier. Whenever Steve Rogers talks about the Winter Soldier as a separate entity from Bucky Barnes, he is ignoring the trauma of the man he claims as his friend.
Still with me? Haven’t skipped down to the bottom to post nasty comments?
Good. Now I will lay out the why for you.
Everyone has heard of Ivan Pavlov or more likely, Pavlov’s experiments with conditioned responses in dogs. He rang a bell before giving his dogs a treat and eventually all he had to do to get the dogs to salivate was ring the bell, regardless of the presence of a treat. This basic concept is actually the idea behind Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) where a person works on identifying their own conditioned responses and work to disable them (and/or redirect them, depending on the goals set by the patient).
Yeah, that’s right, folks. Conditioning is something which can be done to humans. How do we know? Because Dr. John Watson--the less fun one, apparently--and his lovely graduate hostage assistant Rosalie Rayner figured out how to create phobias in an otherwise healthy child, and that was apparently really inspiring to a great many people including the Mother of Behavioral Therapy Mary Clover Jones. Dr. Watson’s paper on the experiment came out in the early part of 1920.
For those of you playing the home game, that’s almost a decade and a half before a certain sniper took his tumble off a train in the Alps. In terms of science, that’s a really long time.
It’s long enough for the science branch of a certain religious cult to start working on a device to make it easier. This device’s purpose was understood to be memory suppression. This effect was achievable through what could be loosely described as Electrical Shock Therapy (EST). Pass enough current through the synapses and they don’t connect so good, at least for a little while.
It also hurts like a motherfucker, which is also what makes EST so useful for the treatment of behavioral disorders. I’m using the term disorder here in its most antiquated definition. Some of the disorders treated with early versions of EST were ‘hysteria’, masturbation, book-reading (in women), and refusal to marry (again, in women). Treatment was given until the patient stopped showing the problematic behavior.
It also works as a deterrent for not showing desired behavior, where the patient is given treatment for not doing what the doctor wanted. Other behavior modifying treatments are isolation, withholding of food/drink, other pain delivery systems... really, there’s a lot of manipulation techniques out there, in the real world. A lot of them can be unquestionably considered torture, but some are just simply psychological. Repeat something in a calm, reasonable tone of voice enough times, and a person begins to believe it. Show kindness to someone whose world is narrowed into nothing more than bright spots of pain and they will want to believe you, even knowing that you are the source of the pain.
Eventually, inevitably, reward does not need to be kindness, does not need to be pleasurable or unquestionably positive. It just needs to be a cessation of pain, maybe even just a lessening if given enough time. Given enough time, a knowledgeable individual can create conditional responses for any number of things, especially once the subject begins to show willingness to adapt.
That’s what we humans are good at, you know. We adapt to our environments, even if doing so might compromise firmly held ideals and principles. Instinctively, we seek to survive and to that end, nothing becomes taboo. It’s easy to stand outside of a situation and say “I’ll never do that” but historically speaking, yeah, you probably would. If the situation called for it, if it were bad enough, if the options were laid out the right way and every other path was blocked--if you knew that everyone had to think you were dead and there was no hope of rescue.
See, Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes fell from a train traveling through the Alps. They thought he was dead, even without recovering a body. There was no hope for the SSR to come to the rescue, no reason to believe the punk was going to show up once again to save him from the pain, the hunger, the cold. He was alone in enemy hands, undergoing torture as they sought to shape him into what they wanted him to become: a willing participant in their plans capable of taking care of any problem they needed cleaned up.
He was alone and without hope, but Bucky still fought them for over twenty years before they deemed him controlled enough, conditioned enough, to begin using. The problem with conditioning is that the associations need to be maintained routinely or else they fade. So, despite being usable, Barnes would still have been routinely and methodologically tortured in order to preserve that willingness to obey without hesitation or question.
Sgt. Barnes spent over seventy years as a prisoner of war. Sgt. Barnes managed to survive over seventy years in the control of a known terrorist organization by learning when to fight and when to acquiesce to the demands of his captors. Sgt. Barnes learned how to disassociate from emotional responses which only served to slow down action and become better at the behavior Hydra wanted from him.
Sgt. Barnes became the Fist of Hydra in order to survive an untenable situation. He is the Winter Soldier and he willingly completed all missions given to him. Because his entire existence relied upon pleasing his handlers and if there is one thing that humans are good at, it is survival.
Survival is imperative.
However, while there is no question about innocence in this case, the responsibility is also not in question. Sgt. Barnes is not innocent but he is also not responsible. The responsibility shift is two-fold: military chain of command and ability to consent without duress.
Military chain of command creates a buffer of sorts for military personnel who are following directives from those higher in their direct chain of command. There is bleed-over of this buffer into similarly martial organization such as the FBI, CIA, and police. Pretty much, if an organization is authorized to use force against others, then there’s a chain of command exemption to responsibility. Hesitation or refusal to follow the chain of command is actually considered a negative trait that can limit promotions and career duration. Entry programs (such as Basic for the Armed Forces) are specifically designed to create a mentality where the knee-jerk reaction is to follow the commands of a recognized superior. Of course, under normal circumstances, most individuals will not mindlessly follow orders if they go completely contrary to social mores such as harming traditional noncombatants (women, children, the sick, the elderly) or seem really questionable (blow up this bomb while standing beside it; poison this well; execute the ally standing next to you).
Which brings me to the second fold: ability to consent without duress.
In case y’all haven’t heard, no means no. (Yeah, I’m fucking going there. Buckle up, readers. This is a crash course in Consent 110.) Straight up, body autonomy is sacrosanct. The only person allowed to make your body do things is you. You are the only one who gets to choose what your body does, even if that choice is to let someone else make your body do things. Anything else is a violation of your body autonomy.
However, it must be recognized that there are times when saying no is not really an option, for whatever reason, and even saying yes is done due to circumstances which negate the expressed permission. Why? Because it’s not really consent when there’s a threat or manipulation involved, when the choice is between doing the thing or dying (or being harmed or someone else being harmed/killed). That creates duress, which negates consent even while willingness to participate continues.
Analogy time: think of any sex act you want. Maybe it’s your favorite; maybe you’ve done it hundreds of times and you’re damn good at it. The only difference is that you don’t want to do it this time with this partner. Now imagine that partner holding a gun to your head, telling you that they will shoot you if you don’t do it. You do that thing and manage to live. You did that thing, and nothing really changes that. However, it was not consensual.
You are not innocent but you are also not responsible.
Ultimately, what you are left with at end of the day is a PoW who did everything necessary to survive, including a lot of horrible things that affected others. I think this is really fucking important to note: Sgt. Barnes is a survivor. He did things, made choices, which clearly haunt him in order to ensure that survival.
He did those things because Sgt. Barnes became the Winter Soldier to survive.
Steve Rogers continuously invalidates that. Steve Rogers makes himself unavailable as a recovery support person because he refuses to acknowledge the trauma and guilt that would accompany such actions. I’m sure that his intentions are to be helpful and comforting. Steve Rogers once went on a suicide mission for Sgt. Barnes and later decided letting the guy beat him to a pulp was a good idea when the alternative was fighting him. Never doubt that Steve Rogers loves Bucky Barnes and that it is unconditional.
However, harm is not measured by intention. It is measured by effect.
Invalidating a survivor of violence? Not cool. Insisting that “it wasn’t really you” to someone who had essentially been raped? Also not cool.
And you know what effect that has? It makes the survivor unable to comfortably open up to you. Especially if disagreement with an authority figure was a past cause for corrective behavioral modification. Logic may say the punishment won’t happen but emotionally? Essentially, you are removed from the support team, and this is after you have created a situation in which the survivor is unable to remain in their previous safe place.
So, in summation, Bucky Barnes is the Winter Soldier due to being a PoW willing to do what it took to survive, but his blast-from-the-past best friend doesn’t acknowledge any of that which is hella hurtful and dismissive, regardless of said friend’s intentions. It interferes with the possibility of recovery which is inherently harmful to someone who has already been through so much and sets up the continuation of the conditioned behaviors, furthering the trauma in a way that is quite possibly worse than the outright violence of before.
Because Bucky Barnes will not stand up for himself. Resistance has been conditioned out of him. And now the person hurting him is a trusted individual declaring that he just wants to help.
Please respect the survival of Sgt. James Barnes by acknowledging his trauma, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Survivors do not have to make you comfortable with what it took to gain that status. Survivors do not owe you a picturesque view of their trauma.
Survival itself is the only imperative.
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
There is something that you probably do not know about me…. Something which happened in June 2017 and answered a lot of questions relating to the way I had been feeling for quite some time.
My story actually begins back in February 2016, when I fell really ill with what I thought was a bad case of flu, but what the lovely doctor at the Emergency Out of Hours Clinic thought was Appendicitis! Quite a big difference between the two I think you’ll agree!
He referred me straight to the A&E department, where I was later admitted to a ward and kept in for three days. On the Second Day I was taken to theatre to have my appendix removed, which was when the games began.
The following morning, I was visited by the consultant, who informed me that my appendix was still very much in my body and healthy. So he just labelled my illness as P.I.D. This later turned out to actually be a bad infection within my Fallopian tube.
No more questions were asked at the time, and I was sent home with lots of antibiotics and was told to rest & recover. Which I did!
The antibiotics were awful, and made me feel just as bad as I had prior to surgery. In fact, I’d liken it to that stage of drunk when you know you are so far drunk that double vision & dizziness kicks in…. just without the fun!
After Recovery!
Once I had recovered and was back to full health, which was a good three months or so after the surgery, I started asking lots of questions, why, what, what if and so on… But there was a lot going on in my life at that moment in time, A house move, a cancer scare (which is another story) and a well deserved holiday. It was shortly after my holiday, that I found out that there was a Gynaecologist at my local GP surgery, so I made an appointment and went to see her for a chat. This was probably about November 2016.
She agreed that P.I.D. was a rather vague diagnosis, and probably meant “we’re not sure”. It could potentially cover many different problems! So she referred me to a specialist gynaecologist for a second opinion.
This took quite some time to come through, but I eventually went to see him in February 2017, nearly a year to the day after the initial surgery had happened.
We talked it through and he asked me to come back a few weeks later for ultrasound tests. Back to waiting again!
Then eventually in March 2017, I went to see him and following the ultrasound, he informed me that one of my Fallopian tubes looked as though it may be blocked. So he wanted to go for an exploratory laparoscopy. Oh joy… more surgery. At least this time I wasn’t feeling ill as well.
Again, this took time to come through, as most things do with the NHS, and to accommodate his busy schedule and my travel arrangements, we opted for July 2017 for the surgery. A year & a half after the initial surgery.
I was really lucky, the gynaecologist who I was being treated by is one of the best in the area, and he wanted to see me at the local private hospital rather than the general.
The Diagnosis
I went into hospital, thirsty, hot & hungry. it was a hot summers day, the sun was shining bright & I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything. The nurses were lovely, the private room wasn’t too shabby and I was being offered options for my post surgery meal? I wasn’t use to this, normally it is tea & plain toast!
I put in my food order, did my wee sample (which was a challenge after not drinking all day), and waited my turn.
After the surgery, I was allowed to recover in my own private room, which was nice, as my partner was sat there waiting for me. Shortly after I returned to my room, the consultant came around and told us what he had found… Obviously I was a little out of it still, but I got the gist.
Fallopian tube blocked & damaged
Some kind of scarring damage to the outside of my Liver (still don’t know what this is from)
Incredibly unlikely that I will ever have children without IVF, which even still will be challenging.
I went home shortly after this, and finished recovery in the comfort of my own home. 
The Follow Up
Six weeks later, I went back to see the gynaecologist, who explained everything in more detail to me. He even showed me photographs of my innards (which was REALLY strange) and talked about what next.
He explained what Endometriosis is, and how it is an incurable condition. In fact, doctors do not even really know what causes it, or why it happens.
I left the hospital that day reassured, and armed with the answers that I had been seeking since my original surgery. The diagnosis had actually answered a lot of questions that I had about how I had been feeling, the stomach pains and period cramps, aches, discomfort, the Fatigue and the general lack of Oomph.
I finally knew that it wasn’t in my head, and these symptoms were actually something. And, now I could work to relieve them and get back to normal…. well, almost normal.
The only problem I have with doctors, is when you ask them “what next” or “how long” or “when should I”…. they always respond as though you are an everyday 9-5 kind of person, sitting behind a desk, answering phones and using a computer. So their answers rarely apply to me as a fitness professional.
How Did It Affect Me?
At first, things didn’t really affect me too much. I still had the fatigue, the cramps and the general discomfort. The gynaecologist had warned me that symptoms may worsen over time, so I was waiting and expecting things to get worse before they got better again. But I hadn’t anticipated quite what.
I have always been blessed with really regular cycles, and they have NEVER stopped or prevented me from doing anything. So when the cramps started to worsen, I know I was in for a bit of a bumpy ride. One particular month, I think September 2017, the pain was so unbearable, that I had to call off a few engagements, and skip the gym. I could barely stand up straight, let alone train.
Then, the flow started to increase, it was getting so bad, that I was constantly in fear of accidents (and ladies, you know what I mean). Again, the one thing that suffered was my training! I started missing workouts, and darn those chocolate cravings. I had to control my urges to binge on chocolate cake so much! And I felt like such a hypocrite as a nutrition coach & trainer. This was getting me down.
I was suffering severe bloating, headaches, crippling cramps, heavy flows & although these were quite bad, the worst symptom of all was not the periods. It was the fatigue. I constantly felt exhausted, I had zero energy and all I wanted to do was sleep. This was NOT me! I am usually the one with all the energy!
I even had to change my more physical fitness classes so that I didn’t have to participate, just in case I was having a “Low Ebb” day.
Eventually in January 2018, I decided I had to take control of things. It all had to change!
So, I started investigating and researching things on the web. I know that not all information on the web is correct, but I did come across a book written by a doctor, a gynaecologist who specialises in Endometriosis.
It wasn’t a cheap book, nor a small “read in a few hours” type of book, but I ordered it from Amazon and as soon as it arrived I delved in.
The information was incredibly in-depth, and helpful. Firstly, exercise is useful for endometriosis, it can help to improve your energy, so I started making efforts to increase the intensity of my exercise back up.
I changed my classes back, so I could participate if I felt up to it, but also just shout instructions if I didn’t. I started lifting weights again!
I upped the amount of water I was drinking and started to reduce the amount of alcohol I consumed. I cleaned up my diet, and even though it was not bad, I removed a few naughties.
Then, I started to remove milk from my diet and that was when the real changes started, You can read more about this in my blog How cutting out Milk changed everything!
Since then, I have felt better than I have done in years, and my last cycle was, well it was better than usual. So I truly hope that this improvement continues.
I started to log my nutrition, my activity & how I was feeling in the Success Diary, Which allowed me to pick up on any patterns, certain times of the month and/or certain feelings/pains, emotions, highs &/or lows. It has massively helped me to set out goals, plans & improve my own health & state of mind. 
I started to utilise all of the tools that I had created for my PT clients, in my own journey. The only difference being that I was not trying to lose weight, I was trying to manage this condition.
Now, it’s been a little over a month since I started to cut out alcohol and milk. I have also reduced the amount of red meat I eat.
And the changes in my energy, digestion, bloating and so much more are huge.
I genuinely haven’t felt this good for ages!
As a fitness professional dealing with Endometriosis, it has been a hard slog. But I embrace the challenge and am confident that nutrition and fitness will enable me to manage the symptoms. But I have decided to keep a little part of my blog to one side, reserved for this journey specifically, to hopefully offer some help to all of the women suffering, whether they are fitness professionals or not.
We all deserve to be happy & comfortable in our bodies!!!
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If you want to know more about my Successful Mindset Online Programme, then you can enrol on Udemy today and get to work on achieving exactly what you want in life – whether it is fitness, weight loss or a huge surge in your self esteem and confidence. The course, WILL serve you what you need.
But, if you are more of a physical kind of person, and enjoy a good book in your hands, then you can pick up The Success Diary on Amazon Here.
If you would like more help with transforming your body, then please visit either http://www.lmfitness.info and claim your free Breakthrough Call, so we can start to work through what may be holding you back, what your personal goals are and what actions you may need to take in order to start seeing the results that you desire.
Dealing with Endometriosis as a Fitpro There is something that you probably do not know about me.... Something which happened in June 2017 and answered a lot of questions relating to the way I had been feeling for quite some time.
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