fiber-optic-alligator · 19 hours
I would LOVE to see a TFA!Megatron x human reader of some kind. I love him so much, such an intimidating and scary but fun version of him 🤭 I want it to be in the First Contact AU still, but why not sorta spice things up and make it have soulmates in it? Wouldn't it be cool to have a giant alien warlord from space destroying cities to find their soulmate? 😳🫣 lol if this idea sucks de bout it, but I'm excited to see your works that's transformers g/t related!
- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Be Careful What You Wish For
Pairing: TFA Megatron x Human Reader (Soulmate Au)
Word Count: 2961
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Summary: Soulmates exist, and you have one. Proof exists in the form of soulmarks: a red thread-like tattoo imprinted on a person's arm. Only when one meets their soulmate and touches them will the soulmark disappear. Unfortunately, you have yet meet yours. After many lonely days wishing you would be reunited with your Other Half, a chaotic encounter with the leader of the Decepticons has you realizing one thing. And it is that soulmates persevere across time...and space.
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Soulmates are real.
  Since you were a young child, this is what you have been told. Soulmates are real, and every person has one. The special red thread that connects two people twines between the left hand’s fingers, up the arm, snaking under the clavicle and ending directly over the heart. Bright like the blood running through your veins, it is your life force, your compass leading you to your Other Half, with your hand outstretched to touch theirs…and only then will the red thread disappear.
  You’ve spent hours staring at that red line, tracing the pattern it makes on your flesh. It’s been a constant presence throughout your life…and it has never gone away. No matter who you’ve met, who you have fallen in love with, who you have fallen out of love with, it is all the same. The thread remains, and you continue to carry a lonely heart within you.
  “Give it time,” your loved ones tell you. “You’ll find them. It won’t happen in a heartbeat. You need to be patient.”
  Yes, you know. Patience, after all, is a virtue. Plenty go about their lives and never even see their thread go away. An existence without your soulmate can be a perfectly happy one. But you want to know who your Other Half is. You want to be one of the lucky few who can be counted as soulfully complete.
  Sitting in a coffee shop with a hot chocolate cupped between your hands, you find yourself once again observing your thread. The morning is cold; you can feel the wind trying to bite you through the shop’s large glass window. People bundled in their coats, scarves, and gloves hurry by, heads down and minds focused on whatever tasks they have at hand. Looking out, you observe them with a blank stare, not really observing them at all.
  “Anything I can get you right now?” The older woman who owns the shop comes up to you, offering a plate of freshly baked cookies. “Chocolate chip? They’re right out of the oven!”
  You offer her a thin smile and shake your head no. She understands; she’s seen you forlornly watching couples pass by. Sighing, she sets down the plate. “You know,” she says. “I didn’t meet my soulmate until I was in my early 40’s.”
  You raise an eyebrow. She sees your surprise and chuckles. “I know, right? A little late to be meeting my Other Half. But hey, it happened. And now look at me! I’m living a good life, running a successful business, and I got to see my thread go away. Those are all things I never thought I’d get to experience. All I had to do was wait a little!”
  You cringe. Yes, waiting. It seems all you’ve been doing is waiting, waiting, waiting, all for a soulmate who might never come. You and your damn waiting.
  She notices your mood go sour and sighs again. “Listen, all I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t lose hope. You’ll meet your soulmate. I know you’ve probably heard this before, but…you need to give the world time to sort things into order. That’s all you really can do when you're dealing with the threads of fate.”
  You mumble a quiet “Thank you” and try to look appreciative, when you feel anything such. She says no more, but leaves you a cookie before heading off to tend to the other customers. You watch her go, then lift up your left hand. Your thread is vibrantly bright, showing no signs of fading any time soon.
  Yeah, you think sadly while you bite into the cookie. No hope lost whatsoever.
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  You are walking out of the shop when it happens. The door’s little chimes clink together as you swing it open and bid the owner farewell. And then, a pain unlike any other hits you with the force of a freight train. It tackles you and makes you stagger, knees buckling and bringing you to the ground in a matter of seconds. Your heart starts slamming against your ribcage so hard you think a bone might crack. Pushing your hand against your chest, you pant and watch your vision swim as you attempt to get to your feet, yet fail and fall down once more.
  Multiple people help you up, each one asking if you are alright. You hold out a shaking hand as if to assure them, but no sound comes out of your mouth when you try to speak.
  Someone says, “Call an ambulance!” You want to tell them you are fine; unfortunately, you can’t seem to form any coherent words. All that rises up from your throat is a thin, wispy whimper.
  The chaos continues when out of nowhere, an explosion erupts further down the street. People scream and scramble back. The people holding you let go, and you nearly topple right over again. Shouts of panic and confusion fill the air, confirming that no one has a clue as to what is going on.
  Two dark shapes scream through the sky. You look up just in time to see a fighter jet fly past with a bomber plane following behind. For a moment, you think this is some sort of military aerial show-why such a thing would be happening in the middle of winter, you don’t know-but it’s the only conclusive argument you can decide on what you are seeing.
  But then the two planes start descending. They roar over the crowded street, then begin morphing and shaping themselves into creatures completely different from the disguises they previously sported. You recognize them: they are Cybertronians. Robots from outer space who have become borderline celebrities in Detroit since arriving here months earlier. These two, however, aren’t members of the heroic Autobots who help protect the city. They are Decepticons. The villains, the destroyers. The bad ones.
  The smaller of the two stretches his arms over his head. He laughs maniacally as he watches people run. “Look at them, Lugnut! They’re scurrying away like little ants!”
  The other Deception growls and pays no mind to his partner. “Silence, Blitzwing. Lord Megatron has a mission for us to complete. We must distract the humans while he finds the one he is looking for.”
  Blitzwing’s face swivels and changes into an icy blue expression. He surveys the humans around him with an air of disgust. “I don’t understand why Lord Megatron cares to capture one of these creatures. They are far too weak to be kept as pets.”
  “It is not my place to question him, nor is it yours. We are here to do as we are told and give our lord the time he needs to complete his mission.” Lugnut grabs a car and throws it into the air. It crashes down with a heavy slam, windows shattering, metal crumpling, alarm screeching out the vehicle’s pain. You watch in horror, unable to fathom that you have a front row seat to this show of destruction Detroit is about to face.
  Yeah, no, you think. I’m not sticking around. These Decepticons obviously have no regard for human lives. If you remain here, there is a high chance you will end up dead. You need to run, now.
  “You're not going anywhere, little one.”
  The voice is deep, and it pulses through your mind like a gong. You clutch your head and bite back a shout of pain. A strange feeling builds up in your chest. It makes your heart beat faster, and your thread begins to burn with an uncomfortable warmth you have never felt before.
  A third vehicle appears from the sky: a strange helicopter with two blades and a massive cannon mounted beneath its cockpit. Your hair whips back when it lands. The Cybertronian’s body condenses and rises, metal folding over metal, creating a gigantic figure with narrowed red eyes that immediately land on you the moment they open. Your jaw drops; this is easily the biggest mech you have ever seen. And you recognize him. Megatron, the feared leader of the Decepticon forces, and the worst bot you could run into right now.
    Lugnut drops to his knees and bows. “I serve you, Lord Megatron!”
  Megatron does not acknowledge him. He remains focused on you. You are finding it hard to breathe.
  Blitzwing walks over to the taller mech. “My lord, the Autobots will be arriving soon. What should we do?”
  “Continue destroying what you can.” Megatron’s voice is a deep rumble of thunder. You feel the wind get knocked out of you when you hear it. His voice. His voice. Why are you so focused on his voice?
  Your thread is beginning to burn. You slap your hand over your left arm and squeeze, hissing through your teeth. Megatron notices; he looks intrigued.
  “Have you found what you are looking for, master?” Lugnut asks.
  “Indeed I have,” Megatron replies. “And I don’t intend to let it escape me. Resume your orders. Keep the Autobots back for as long as you can. Once I have what we came here for, I will sound the retreat.”
  Blitzwing and Lugnut do not question him any further. You, on the other hand, are questioning everything. Why is this robot having such an effect on you? Why can you hear his voice in your head? And why, why is your soulmark on fire?!
  He’s here for me. There’s no solid confirmation that has been given to you about this, but you know deep down it is true.
  He’s looking right at me.
  Shit. Fuck.
  Your legs want to move. But your brain forbids it and forces you to remain put, even as other people go running by you, their screams mingling as one high-pitched wail while Blitzwing and Lugnut destroy anything they can get their hands on.
  Megatron remains still. He tilts his head with the air of a curious predator who is searching out the weak spots of his prey. You cannot drop eye contact with him. Something about his piercing gaze has you rooted to the spot in which you stand.
  Only when he begins lumbering towards you do you snap out of it and run with the rest.
  Everything is a blur for you. You nearly get shoved to the ground multiple times by the panicked masses who are fleeing. It feels like Detroit is crashing down. Police drones are flying in to fight back against the Decepticons, but you don’t think for a second they’ll do any damage against them. After all, they hardly ever do.
  “Don’t run from me, little one.”
  There is pain. So much pain. It is too much for you to handle. It causes you to collapse, clutching your head and writhing in agony.
  “You are so much more fascinating than the rest of your pathetic kind.”
  The ground trembles. Each step signals the robot drawing closer and closer.
  “Why can I feel what you feel? Why does my spark tremble with your fear? I don’t understand it. I need to understand it. So stop running, and come here.”
  You need to keep going. Grunting, you struggle to your feet and stumble forward in a haphazard fashion. You don’t even bother looking back to see if the robot is close. You just need to run. You need to hide.
  Your miracle appears in the form of a parking garage. Squirming under the partially closed grated gate, you find that it is abandoned; no one is in here with you, and the cars are all empty, abandoned by their owners. You retreat into a corner dark and covered with shadows. It should provide you with the necessary cover you need in order to hide.
  You remain in there for what feels like hours.  It goes awfully quiet outside. Any remaining civilians are long gone. Somewhere close, you think you hear the sound of mechs duking it out. Your breathing echoes off of the parking garage’s walls, giving you a further sensation of complete unease. Perhaps hiding in here wasn’t the best choice. Maybe you should have continued running with other people to a safer spot. Allowing others to be in your presence would endanger them…but now you are alone, completely defenseless to those who wish you harm. The robot who is currently stalking you can kill you without even thinking about it. By hoping to protect the city, you may have ensured your own doom.
  You hear stomping outside. Too loud to be human, too heavy to be an Autobot. Your heart tugs eagerly on its strings in an attempt to break free. It’s a mutual sensation of utter fear and strange wanting.
  “Where are you?”
  You see the massive head of the mech appear right underneath the gate. A shriek nearly escapes you, and you have to slap your hands over your mouth to quell it. A single roving red eye searches the garage, unblinking.
  “I am not known for my patience, human. If you do not show yourself, I cannot guarantee things will end up well for you.”
  The eye settles on you. It narrows and a low growl emits from the robot’s intake. “There you are.”
  You have no chance to react before Megatron’s hand smashes through the gate. You scream when his fingers curl around you. Tightly pressed against his palm, you struggle and kick your feet while Megatron slowly draws you out into the open.
  “Let me go!” you shriek. “Stop! Please!”
  Megatron growls again and gives you a warning squeeze. “Fighting me will get you nowhere. Cease this at once, or suffer the consequences.”
  Well, that’s threatening. You immediately go limp and snap your mouth shut. Megatron snorts, satisfied. He brings you closer to his face, studying you. You shrink back, flush with panic and terror.
  “What is your name, human?” he rumbles.
  You stutter out a barely coherent reply. “Y-Y-Y/N.”
  “Y/N.” He repeats it to himself. “Y/N…a fitting name. Tell me, have we ever met before?”
  “I…I d-don’t believe so?” you say.
  “Hm.” He regards you, turning his hand left and right so he can examine you from all angles. “How very interesting.”
  “W-What’s interesting?”
  “Your mark.” He pushes his thumb under your left forearm. “It’s gone.”
  You follow his gaze. Indeed, where your thread should have been-the thread that has been with you for your entire life, a presence in which you believed would never leave you-there is only bare skin. There isn’t a speck of red to be seen. The burning that accompanied it before is gone too, and now there is a sort of settlement weighing on your chest. It is an instinctive rush of fulfillment, like this was meant to happen.
  You feel faint. Nothing makes sense anymore when you look back at the robot. “You…You're my soulmate?” you squeak.
  “Soulmate.” Megatron stretches the word out into a slow drawl. “So that’s what your species calls it. Yes, you can say that. My kind has a similar phenomenon that affects us.” He opens his mouth and breathes in deeply. “You smell of fear. I can see in your eyes that you know me. So this city is aware of who I am, hm?”
  You don’t dare answer. You're way too terrified of how close his massive teeth are to you. You don’t want to think about what might happen if you find yourself between them.
  “There is no need to be afraid of me. Our sparks are linked. I would be killing a piece of myself if I were to eliminate you.” He sighs. “As disappointed as I am to discover that my sparkmate is a human, I can learn to work with it. I wish to know more about you, Y/N. I will know why fate tied us.”
  “I need to know more.”
  “What makes you so different?”
  “Foolish little thing, you cannot get away from me.”
  “I will get to the bottom of this.”
  His thoughts are loud and overwhelming. You shake your head and feel tears gather in your eyes. “Please…It’s too much. Your thoughts-”
  “Ah. Is that primitive brain of your overloading? I can hear it. Don’t think your thoughts aren’t in my head as well.” He rises to his full height. “I am sure we will both learn to get used to it. If not, I will have Shockwave create something that will bar my thoughts from entering your mind.”
  “Wait! Wait!” You look down. The ground is far away from you. Everything sways queasily when Megatron begins to walk. “No! Put me down!”
  “If you vomit on me, I will not hesitate to drop you,” the Decepticon says gratingly.
  “Y-You can’t take me with you!” you yell at him. “I can’t be your soulmate! There has to be a mistake!”
  “The spark doesn’t lie. Your mark is gone, and I can feel the completion you bring me. There is no question that you are my Other Half. What I want to know is why.” He shakes his head angrily. “It is a burden to have such a weak creature by my side. But I will learn to understand. Perhaps you can show me the few strengths humans possess. Do you think you can convince me to spare your race, little one?”
  He’s taking you. He’s not letting you go. You feel faint with horror at the realization that you aren’t getting out of this. Whether you believe it or not, this alien robot is your soulmate.
  You’ve gotten exactly what you wanted. But this isn’t how you thought meeting your Other Half would go.
  You hear one last thought from Megatron echo ominously in your mind. It sends shivers down your spine. “You are mine now.”
  After that, you pass out.
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sepublic · 2 days
It gets me how in No Tree Left Behind, Luz thinks that Eda doesn’t understand the concept of the holiday as being about family when protecting the Arborgeist tree. She’s scared of the violence and thinks it might not be worth dying over.
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But then she sees how this particular tree is important to Eda because of how it represents and contains past memories with her sister Lilith, and how she still wants to hold onto those connections. All while Lilith literally tears them down and shows a hint of regret. So Luz realizes Eda DID care about the holiday as being about family, she always did!!! And she opts to fight alongside Eda because they do share the same reasons, even if they had different actions! And while her familial connection with Lilith seems severed, Eda herself realizes she can grow a new tree to celebrate a new Arborgeist with a new family in Luz and King!!!!!!!
Just augh Luz learning about another culture’s traditions and engaging with them, understanding why they’re significant to its people. The lesson that sometimes not everything can survive; You gotta prioritize certain things so not everything is destroyed. You just have to hold onto what’s important and find a way to keep it alive in a new form. Colonization tries but can’t take everything away, the spirit remains. Sometimes you just have to focus on surviving and that’s okay, you’ll still have each other.
And then with Homesick which was also leaked and it’s like. Luz and Eda in both episodes; One of them understands that something means a lot for the other person, so they stick their neck out to help them get that. And seeing this makes the other person realize no, actually I care more about you than the thing! Luz was finally ready to sacrifice her own life as the adults were prepared to, only for Eda to go back on that and accept surrender for her. Just as Luz takes back the humiliation of the dunce cap after Eda wears it for her, silently aiding in magic in a way that communicates a wordless understanding between the two. They love each other so much it’s insane.
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34saveme34 · 5 hours
Okay so, Thing I realised today
buckle up, it's gonna be something
classic smg34, right?
what do you think of when you remember classic smg34? Angst? Enemies to lovers? Hate so strong could only be love or whatever the name of the trope is? Wrong!
Like, I think he still is, and even the first time we see him, as in 3, his fucking debut episode, albeit he's not that far gone there yet but the beginning of it is right there
he loved 4's content so much, in reality he was trying to make his content so much like 4's as a love letter
no- not that way
like how FNF is a love letter to Newgrounds
except he fuckin sucked at it and it just turned into copying
but like think about it, after that happened, he got obsessed with 4 so much, not just out of hate and to be better than him and all that enemies bullshit but also because he still really admired him and I think he still found it fun to be around him, he just didn't want to admit it (him feeling nice around 4 can also be another thing of their link if we include modern34 as well) because- that's admitting defeat. he's also like, a loner of sorts or at least before all of it, he didn't really have like, a friend to JUST have a friend
even with Bowser, they were kind of friends out of working at the same job so like- and also the dynamics there I bet he wasn't satisfied with
like I bet even beside Bowser he felt lonely, and definitely partly because he way too obsessed with 4 to realise that he actually had people in his life
like lowkey his life kinda crumbled out of his grasp then because he let his obsession with 4 get this much to his head, to the point of doing things without planning even- I mean, I bet he didn't plan to EAT the god damn youtube remote
and like you can kinda see the same thing with his heist gang who were replacing the others in Youtube arc, he didn't care to be a good leader, all he wanted is to satisfy his obsession with 4, which is probably why that crew like, didn't get to grow a stronger dynamic, HE was the weak link in all of this and made the team like that
And now you might be asking, what does this has to do with Trash Friends?
You see, before genesis kicked off and like the whole 10 year anniversary
I mentioned this before and I still hold to it, 3 got to redeem himself not because of suffering, but because of finding an outlet for himself- that ISN'T 4!! He didn't take over the Graveyard to take revenge on 4, he took it over because 1, it was kinda his destiny and 2 because he had to survive somehow and he found purpose in it
And now, shit mellowed out BECAUSE he wasn't so obsessed with 4 anymore, at least not like that
which meant he wasn't in 4's shadows anymore
even though the universe paired them up (in more than one way :3) he wasn't just 4's obsessed kind of stalker anymore
AND NOW- why oh WHY is Trash Friends so significant? Because 3 is fearful and lives in the past
"You are just a worse version of me" it's like he's recalling the past, he doesn't want to go back to that, to go back to the old ways when 4 didn't consider him a friend, he's so so scared of fucking that up and like- like like like- if we go further on this, isn't it so obvious? They're both like, anxiously cling onto the past, even though they've grown now, they keep regressing because of the fear
and I think- I think Trash Friends started to remedy it
BECAUSE it broke the cycle. 3 opened up, 4 realised how he's been thinking in the past too and probably felt awful for it
I don't think it SOLVED it persay but it definitely started to
like I do wish we saw a little more of that with the 2 like, even if just for a tiny scene, taking their time to communicate
because I'm prrretty sure that was what Trash Friends was supposed to be starting
and not gonna lie, probably why we get the silly videos with them working together
but I do wish wish wish we saw a little more of them talking about it
But I can definitely say, there's still things they need to discuss, things to fully get over and to get stronger together, especially pointing at SMG4 simulator with 3 seemingly being an epic rare special catch of sorts and YET still being negative points and also the timer skipping 34, like 4 is trying to push aside his feeling for 3
which is why I think if they do it right with the right things, smg34 becoming canon could be one of the most natural processes of SMG4 history
And thank you for reading! Hope I got you convinced :33
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kamisama1kiss · 21 hours
HIIIII THE MOVIE WAS SO GOOD AND I SAW YOU WERE TAKING REQUESTS AND OMG OMG COULD YOU DO A NEKOMA MANAGER x KENMA PRETTY PLEASE ITS OKAY IF NOT BUT ANYWAYS THE MOVIE HAS ME AUGH!! Ah! preferably the prompt i think would be fun is either Kenma and Y/N going to the conbini and/or arcade in the middle of the night after the loss (they sneak out of the hotel) or Arcade/GameStop Worker!Reader x Regular!Kenma. This is my first time making a request so HOPEFULLY I did this right!!
The movie is so good, like wow. I actually did some small researching for snacks for a konbini 😝🫶 You did great, BTW! Loved the cute idea!! ♡
Song of choice: Sweet by Cigarette After Sex
!⚠️Spoilers from The Dumster Battle will be mentioned shortly⚠️!
Kenma Kozume { Midnight Snacks }
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"Not of your brightest moments {Name}" Kenma spoke with the volleyball manager, walking next to him along the streets of Japan for a breather. "Perhaps not, but you didn't say no."
They smiled at him, finding his constant small frown from having to leave the comfort of sleeping to go out, alongside his switch being placed into their pocket for no purpose of being used.
"It has been a long enough day as is." not adding much of an answer while he was still tired from the match with Karasuno. Shrugging a shoulder at what he had side, "This just a short trip to clear our minds, besides its good for you to go outside some more."
They spoke gently, placing a light hand on his shoulder. The walking stops in a halt. "I know this was hard on you after how it ended, with the ball falling out of your hand at the end."
Almost as he held his breath when it was mentioned, his shoulder stiffened as well, feeling guilt from earlier. Nonetheless, he had experienced a new feeling. "You had fun playing volleyball today, I saw it. We all saw it." A soft patting motion with the hand resting on his shoulder, further making their way down the street lit path.
Rounding the corner in silence, the loudest sounds were easily picked up by the sounds of shoes hitting the concrete. It was maybe quiet but not uncomfortable. Simply, a warm aura wrapped the duo.
It could be seen as Kenma eyed them. Hesitation was shown in his movements, with enough curridge his hand finally latched on to their hand. It was pinkey linked, a small form of affection that he rearly initiated himself.
Hearts beating as one, with the stars dancing along the dark canvas up above. Comfort was broken at some point. "We could head to the konbini, up ahead." They suggested in a soft whisper, pointing briefly with their head. "A night snack could be nice."
The night felt as a warm breeze when they now had a destination to make. He was quiet, but not many words needed to be exchanged between the two. Lazily smiling as his eyes would softly admire how the moonshine hit their face, never having gotten the grasp of how they even ended up together.
With a blink of en eye now standing in front, one of the few ials of snacks, food, and simple groceries along such. "Hm, I feel for a strawberry sando. You?" They asked him while they reached for the strawberry snack.
His cat-like gaze roamed before reaching his wish. "A apple pie flavoured Umaibo." Reaching for one alongside it being not too far from where they stood.
"I'll pay." They said even before he could even utter another word. "Are you sure? I could pay for my own just fine." Raising a light brow but gives them the snack if choice anyhow.
"I insist, take it as a treat. You paid for the last one." They grinned at him as they now spinned on the heel to go upfront, lightly tugging him after with the pinkey still being held.
With yet another flash of a blink, they sat outside of the konbini, each munching on their respected snacks. "You know, this evening was pleasant, actually." He mumbled after a second bite, looking over at them only to already be greeted by a pleased and eased smile.
"I am glad to hear so." They lightly spoke, the moon shunned yet again on the two, giving them a soft glow. Going from linked pinkey to hands completely intertwined as time went on.
Hope you all enjoyed this little Kenma Kozume snippet!♡
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callsign-relic · 2 days
oh megatron’s human is totally a sparkling substitute deep down
they’re smaller than his nose but he carefully carries them around and reads his own favorite literature to them.. he gets concerned that they’ll get smushed walking on their own, so he can get a little shallow pocket on his hip or something for them to chill in. basically reinventing the kangaroo pouch
no smushing here tho. i just think he should carefully take care of a small squishy creature, it’s so fitting -ckg
Gasp ckg?? NOT making an ask involving crushing??? Who even are you 😔 (joking ofc HAHAHA)
But AUGH this is so soft and adorable I love it so much. They’re so tiny, of course he would want to do nothing but protect them. Smaller than his own nose, much less one of his digits. Reading off his poems to them as they fall asleep curled up to his neck cabling,, AHHH
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solargeist · 3 days
Hi I’m so sorry for sending in so many asks so no pressure to reply to this one but AUGH
I love your art style so much so so so much I wanna draw like you especially with kid Xelqua he’s just SO cute. Love your art and au. Keep up the awesome work. ❤️
its ok i like asks !!
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AND THANK U hes my joy rn.................. little thing
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egophiliac · 23 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
i just wanted to say that i really really like it when you talk about animation, i’m a fan of it myself (i get very amused with art, physically and virtually) but seeing you talk about it in full depth and geek out about it makes me want to learn about animation all day and other forms of art, it’s also very endearing!
WAGHHH this was so sweet thank you <3 im glad that you find my little rants abt animation history and animation forms n techniques interesting <333 it is my passion in life (along with writing) and idk who i would be without it so i love talking abt it and sharing it!! it makes me SO EMOTIONAL to hear that it makes you want to learn about it!!!!!! thank you <3
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
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Blame eechytooru for Beta Wally taking up so much free real estate in my mind. And blame work for as to why I am posting...MORE sketches. But! These were some Wally practice cause I'm never happy with how I draw him but also just...ya know. *Gestures to the art
Anyway. Beta Wally am I right? Yea??? Yea....
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murderandcoffee · 17 days
she went back
even though she was terrified and overwhelmed and ran away at first, alice went back
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localapparently · 8 months
/ slight blood cw
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AUSDGHASD kim dokja eheheh KIM DOKJA AAA HES SO COOL screams screams screams screams
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cawziiku · 6 months
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spontaneously doodled @nicktoonsunite 's danny; NTU has been sharing the forefront of my brain with some other interest for years now, so 'one sketch' turned into a whole page, naturally
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vegetabletaxi · 2 months
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happy 4/13 y'all
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34saveme34 · 1 day
Also! once again looking at it from a writers stand point
if nothing gets in the way of it for whatever reason
we'll like, I'm 80% sure we'll get a 34 episode this June, I won't lie
Idk if they'd make 34 canon just like that
I saw someone pointing it out and they genuinely struggle making pairs canon without it becoming a tragedy
and I feel like with how much pining and back and forth is with 3 and 4, that could be true for them as well, thought it would be nice if the world wasn't ending while they're confessing to each other
like at this point, especially with Medi's remark, I just find it really hard to believe they don't have feelings for each other
it's just a matter of how they'll handle it from here
like even if they're totally gay for each other, they still might not become canon
which is why I included that option in the poll I did once that "if they got together, their almost gay bit would end" , like I wouldn't be surprised if they kept it as a bit
or if they didn't know where to go with it
like the jokes aside, there's just. so much for the idea that they're slowly moving in a direction
like how SMG4 sim and now this episode had 4 having stuff from 3
like the bomb and I saw someone point out the mickey sculpture thingy being from the rizz episode. which was meant to be a gift for a DATE if I remember right. You know. YOU KNOW really interesting it ended up with 4. exactly feels like something an editor would sneak into the scene and I love it for that
which lowkey reminds me of 3 having 4's Western Spaghetti hat
the way how they both have stuff of each other is so sweet and sentimental and Idk, the more they do it, the more it feels like it's moving somewhere with them
but it's hard to tell. We still don't know much about how 3 is doing with the café now even though that was very much introduced as something important
I know it sounds stupid but because of that sometimes it's hard for me to believe that they really would go through with some stuff, even though I KNOW they're capable of some good stuff
it's just inconsistent which makes me wary
although if they do this time, these 2 idiots will kiss in no time AUgh
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rakkuntoast · 8 days
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i'll search for you in every universe
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a slightly scribbly Eddie for @akemima's promptlist, day one - cool outfit! well, i don't know if its Cool, but it sure is an outfit!
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