#but oh it was an amazing mistake
the-mushroom-faerie · 4 months
clawing at the walls (positive)
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darkpi-evan · 8 months
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R: JAAAX!!! What did you do to her?!
J: Relaaax... Pomni just fell herself from the non-existent banana peel so it's her fault anyway
The Non-Covered shadow version under this post:
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(Somehow, I felt guilt to see her eyes to me💔😞)
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stargirl230 · 11 months
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I need to go reread the book and then rewatch the movie and then-
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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Stephanie and Jason in makeshift disguises (they forgot their masks) (still remembered their guns tho) (and their matching hoodie vests)
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yurki-posts · 2 months
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He's a little confused
bonus thing below
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azamonvoid · 8 days
Fuck it, gonna go read WHA online cus I'm too invested in it and I have no idea how I managed to go like 3months? without reading more of it
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toho-dunnoes · 7 months
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Totally didnt make a TADC oc having only seen the teaser and not the pilot (ill watch it eventualllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
[UPDATE: I have watched it twice and i may watch it a fifth time soon]
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varijacija · 1 year
I think pathologic is a good game if you know what youre getting into and also if youre a specific type of player (as in if you love getting achievements and buffing up your character pl is not for you)
Pathologic is like an interactive novel you have to get into the story and characters to give a damn especially to get in the mindset of the character you play and they make this easy bc its so well written specifically for a game it depends on the perspectives of our player characters a lot they used the medium perfectly
Example while playing dankovsky you only hear god awful opinions on the Kin from powerful people who exploit them (bc thats part of your circle youre a fancy city doctor after all) you hear they are stupid animals and in the game their backward believes are blocking you from doing your work the first moment you hear of them youre send to kill one and when the man understandably freaks out and tries to defend himself HES the one thats a panicky stupid maniac also the missions you go on you go on to exploit the kin while also looking at them as expendable while your true goal is to heal the townsfolk
In Artemys route you get to talk to this people they are real they are your people they themselves believe they are a herd of animals but thats more like a religious thing "we are all part of one big whole" they obviously have their own thoughts and feelings they have their own complicated inner workings and problems and you can see personalities sprinkled in (how no one really likes the new foreman for example lol) their believes are used agains them to paint them in the worst light you even get to talk to the butchers doing dankovskys quest while they are hiding from the guards while in his route they are a passing thought by design
((unlike in p2 where they actually are a stupid herd???? Which are half human??? Any thats why the plegue didnt kill them?????and they even brought the plegue down upon the earth???? Wtf p2 but thats a post for another day))
Also the termitary in dankovsky route you dont want to get too much invested into that its like idk its the politics of this town you have a full plate with the plegue after all and dont have time to mess around you can even make a deal with big vlad to not say anything to the kains about it all while in haruspex route its like ok why the fuck are my people locked in there from day 1
The haruspex route also makes you run around the steppe and find the beauty of it the herbs are crucial to making the panacea its beautiful and miraculous AND usefull
It really shapes your perspective so masterfully
Even all the running that everyone cant stop complaining about while it can be annoying at times (harusplex route damnnnn youuu) is soooo good at storytelling you can feel the panic of the clock running out the frustration of running around doing useless things just for anyone to just let you work and believe you and not actively try to kill you
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Saw atsv and no one is ever allowed to say that art is dead again
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tepli-mravenci · 5 months
Fucking god I don't wanna go to work 😭
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arty-tardigrade · 2 years
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I finally watched Paranorman, and I fell in love with Norman immediately, so I couldn't rest until I'd painted him.
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birbhouse-doodles · 2 years
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What's a bad miracle? They got a word for that?
That scary movie artober challenge thing I keep doing has arrived! I'm kicking it off with a really obvious choice, a super visually stunning and insanely good one, probably the most fun movie I've seen so far this year: Nope
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so..uhh..to anyone seeing this, if i go silent for a long amount of time, or missing, can you, you know.
Tell caine
of course theres no REASON for me to be posting this!..none at all..
Nope. none
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anthromimicry · 12 days
what flower used in victorian flower language are you?
azalea - "take care of yourself."
oh boy, that’s gifted kid burnout if I’ve ever seen it. you chose to go into academia, and you enjoy learning, but at this point, you have to force the dedication you have. you have niche interests, and the way you show love is by sharing knowledge. you may look outwardly like you have your shit together, but inside, you are in emotional turmoil. take some time for self-care. it’s not actually effective to stress about everything. you’re only making things harder on yourself. i promise you, it’s okay to make mistakes. it’s also okay to rely on other people and let people in. you’re not a machine. you can’t keep on going endlessly. when you were a child, did people often “compliment” you for being so mature? those weren’t compliments. you had to grow up too soon. get in touch with your inner child, i swear that it’s healing. the people that are meant for you will be there when you're messy. i believe in you.
tagged by: @divingdownthehole. (thank you!!)
tagging: @question-marked, @furiaei, @twcfaces, @smilingmxsk, and anyone else who would like to complete this quiz!
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
Hey! Thanks to everyone who came crawling out of the woodwork to leave encouraging messages on my post about being scared to write <3
I threw that out there because I was annoyed and overtired and I didn't have my word filters on properly to stop myself, but you guys are the sweetest people ever!! I wasn't thinking anything would come of it, but when I checked back later I saw so many kind words from a whole lot of humans.
Thank you to every single one of you for being amazing. Y'all are some of the best people out there, and I hope I am able to offer similar levels of support for all of your projects :)
Love you guys!!!
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izzyviol3t · 7 months
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