#but shes also fiercely passionate
mx-yip-yip-hooary · 7 months
i am trapped in a eternal dilemma (i want to write a fic but also don't want to mess up the incredibly complex characterizations of the characters)
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chaoticentropy · 9 months
Navia you lovely, lovely girl.
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funeral · 3 months
The little girl’s sense of secrecy that developed at prepuberty only grows in importance. She closes herself up in fierce solitude: she refuses to reveal to those around her the hidden self that she considers to be her real self and that is in fact an imaginary character: she plays at being a dancer like Tolstoy’s Natasha, or a saint like Marie Leneru, or simply the singular wonder that is herself. There is still an enormous difference between this heroine and the objective face that her parents and friends recognize in her. She is also convinced that she is misunderstood: her relationship with herself becomes even more passionate: she becomes intoxicated with her isolation, feels different, superior, exceptional: she promises that the future will take revenge on the mediocrity of her present life. From this narrow and petty existence she escapes by dreams.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
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astro-rainbow777 · 2 months
🍒⛽️Red Astrology Observations☎️👠
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Mars in Astrology
💋 Passion in Astrology can be found in the Mars sign and house placement:
- Aries Mars are more passionate In nature, whatever they want, they go after, fiercely and bravely. The type to love sports, fights and competition of any kind. They thrive in a competitive environment and relationships. It possible their passion is tied to their childhood in some way (same for Mars in 1st)- so if this involves child hood toys they used to collect, eating their favorite foods growing up or playing games that they used to when times were simpler.
- Mars in 1st house can make the native very passionate about their looks, being perceived as dominate/hot/sexy, working out and having physical strength. I’ve noticed that they may like competition but generally they don’t try that hard to compete with others if they are in good health. If these natives are confident in themselves- they try so hard to boost the confidence of everyone around them.
- Taurus Mars can be passionate about their possessions, having their material needs met, connecting to their 5 senses and financial gain. “Anyone can cook” 👨🏻‍🍳 🤌🏻mentality. Passionate about rest! This may sound silly- but it’s actually quite hard to master, especially in hustle culture. As someone with no earth placements in their chart, it’s extremely hard for me to rest, slow down and enjoy my food. Be present, Taurus mars understands and values this. Not the type to gamble their money away. Needs things to make sense materially.
- Mars in 2nd house makes the individual very passionate and their financial security and safety, having their basic needs met, having an abundance of possessions. They can thrive in jobs that are considered a “competitive pay” corporation. They may love shopping, spending and saving money. They value passion and material wealth, so depending on what sign the Mars placement is in can add more context of what it surrounds. Bulk spenders, Costco/Sams Club membership holders lmao.
- Mars in Gemini is very multi faceted in what they are passionate about. They have little niches and hobbies that they love, anything that challenges them mentally while also being hands on! My mom has this and she’s really into gardening and cooking with the food she’s grown. She can get very restless about it but I think that it’s so cute how whatever she is passionate about consumes her mentally.
- Mars in 3rd is passionate about mental pursuits, they could have been picked on as a kid, which made them highly ambitious in their studies. Extremely competitive in the realm of knowledge. Their peers and siblings may see them as a threat or just see them as generally argumentative. Although I think these people just enjoy a good debate and exercising their intellectual capabilities. They could have an abundance of hobbies they indulge in and our passionate about. They may bound with their friends through their hobbies and passions. Could really enjoy competitive video games such as Smash Bros.
- Mars in Cancer natives are passionate about their family and proving themselves to their family. They could have been compared to their family members a lot growing up, or just felt an instability at home. They are passionate about cultivating a home for themselves and starting a family of their own one day. This does not have to be pertinent to kids- chosen family- fur babies 🐾 or significant other also ring true for this sign. - Mars in 4th are passionate about their loved ones, they are highly protective of themselves and others. These people are quite competitive but in a passive aggressive way. They are usually at war with their own emotions, family and security. I’ve noticed many of these individuals have had violence in childhood home or trauma surrounding family ):
- Mars in Leo they are passionate about their creativity, children and having fun! Would love to have this Mars placement honestly, because these people march to the beat of their own drum. It’s very admirable! They are passionate about their own authenticity, you will never catch them trying to steal someone else’s Swag lmao. I think they invented swag quite honestly 😂
- Mars in 5th are total party animals! They are passionate about life and all that the world has to offer. The world is their Oyster! Every sidewalk is their runway and every song they hear is the backtrack for the movie they star in! Their life is all about being confident in their own skin and romanticizing their selves, relationships and passion projects.
- Mars in Virgo are passionate about helping others and being the best version of themselves. This Mars sign is notoriously known for being able to try something once and being exceptionally good at it the first go. I hate to say it (only because I know it comes from a place of pain) but these natives are passionate about perfection. This can cause them a lot of anxiety if they are careful. Although, they are good at many things, it is advised that they lean into whatever makes them happy, serve their part in making the world a better place!
- Mars in 6th are passionate about their purpose, their health and their pets. They can spend a lot of time researching how to become better versions of themselves. They will have a very active routine and live passionately day to day. The type to wake up at sunrise, take their vitamins tend to their pets needs, cook a whole food breakfast, workout, meditate, journal, than go to work, tend to their pets needs, do their night time self care, hygiene, journal, meditate, pre sleep stretch, sleep exactly 8 hours, repeat. Function well with planners.
- Mars in Libra are passionate about harmony and balance. When I tell you their whole plan of action is strictly devoted to how not to get into conflict… it’s to the tea. They are super passionate about the relationships in their life, and are very generous in nature. They love art, certain aesthetics, good food and beautiful things. They may be called lazy from time to time because they don’t quite function the way other people do. They may make plans for 50 different things one day because they have a difficult time saying no- then end up going to none of them because they didn’t finish getting ready until everything event was finished. These people invented fashionably late.
- Mars in 7th is passionate about their partnerships. These natives are actually quite confrontational in comparison to Libra Mars. This is because they want to squash the beef before it’s even a problem. There may be a tendency to people please- but most of the time these people are just socially extroverted, kind and considerate.
- Mars in Scorpio is another sign that is just passionate in nature. It is so intense for them that it is hard for them to do anything if they not completely engulfed in passion. They psychoanalyze everyone they meet, at natural detectives and are friends with the unknown. They aren’t scared of the dark and often find so much beauty in what others cannot comprehend
- Mars in 8th are passionate about the unknown as well, it is very enticing to them. Anything involving mystery is naturally alluring to them. They love to get lost in rabbit holes of whatever they are interested in. Whatever it is they are the master of- and you question them about it, they’ve already thought of answer. Because they know their hobbies are often taboo, scary, and misunderstood- they have studied every answer to every question that someone had for them. Their passions are all encompassing. They are so much more than deep. Everything they do is intentional.
- Mars in Sagittarius are adventurous, hilarious and curious. I feel like Sagittarius more than Gemini Mars has that “Curiosity killed that cat” vibe. For Gemini mars it’s more like googling disturbing thing’s because they are curious than regretting it. For Sag tho, it’s doing things because YOLO and why tf not? Than breaking their leg or something. Although doesn’t happen often because we know how lucky Sag placements are lmao. But it’s like they jumped off a cliff, didn’t die but they broke their leg. Haha- this was a tangent
- Mars in 9th is going places! Literally they can’t sit still. Most likely passionate about travel, philosophy, and adventure. One of the most fun placements to have. Extreme sports is common here, skydiving, bungee jumping etc. They live to experience all that there is to experience. Very ambitious and passionate about education and teaching as well. They probably have things that they LlVE by
- Mars in Capricorn are passionate about success, achieving their goals which usually require them to work really hard. Where ever the mars is located in the houses can tell you a little bit more about what their goals are. They are passionate about being in control of their own lives, not takin shid from anyone lol
- Mars in 10th are passionate about being successful, being their own boss, their reputation and getting external recognition. They will put a lot of energy into their career and be very passionate about whatever they are doing. They will be a trail blazer and their career because they do it the right way the first time. Extremely hard workers- just be weary of burn out Mars in 10th folks!
- Mars in Aquarius is passionate about humanitarian pursuits, their community and friendships. They move about the world in the most unpredictable and unexpected way. They can be seen as a black sheep of their peers and then BAM they’re the ones turning heads, setting trends and on top. You will never know their next move and honestly neither do they! They get sudden bursts or urges of motivation and ideas- so never underestimate these individuals!
- Mars in 11th are passionate about their dreams, humanity and social causes. They will spend a lot of time surrounded by their friends and in their community. Although, their best friends will be fighting alongside them. They are passionate about the injustices of the world, stick up for the underdog and let their freak flag fly!
- Mars in Pisces are passionate about compassion, sacrifice, and unconditional love. Many of the times Pisces mars has their head in the clouds and put their energy into reading or writing their own book, painting the world they envisioned in their dream the night before, or staring at a the ocean, only to find God. This is if they are in a healthy nature, but many times they could escape through dr*gs, alc*h*l, s*x, or toxic relationships. This placement can get a bad rap for their changeability and confusion energy but they love harder than no other and would do anything for you if committed.
- Mars in 12th is passionate about their dreams, spiritually, many of them are religious or spiritual in nature. I haven’t met many who aren’t. They are natural introverts who need to spend as much time alone as they can to recharge. They may feel outcasted from society. A lot of people talk behind their back because of this which makes them withdraw even deeper. These natives benefit from living a spiritual, service oriented lifestyle, developing boundaries and surround themselves by people who genuinely want the best for them. It is hard but it is doable. Stay strong Mars in 12th!
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🤬💢Pet Peeves🚨🚩
🚗Aries Mars- Going too slow in front of them-especially with no way around (applies to driving as well), lazy people, people who can’t keep up 💢Taurus Mars- Smacking, chewing inappropriately, weird textures….like chalk? Unpleasant senses, smells, being rushed, itchy clothes, under/over cooked food
☎️Gemini Mars- over stimulation, close minded attitude, when their friends don’t like each other, one word responses, boring people, when the Wi-Fi connection is slow
💔Cancer Mars- Inconsiderate of other people’s feelings (doesn’t have to be their own, most time it’s not), manipulation, people with anger issues, or people who take out their problems on others
🪭Leo Mars- When people try to compete with them when they are merely existing, copy cats, buzz kills, unwanted attention, seeing people in public that they don’t want to see
🤡 Virgo Mars- Know it alls, people who act like they know everything but don’t, ignorance, STAINS, people who are really loud….people lmaooo
💋Libra Mars- hypocrisy, stubbornness, arguments (especially in public), hypercritical people, slut and bullies
🧲Scorpio Mars- Lack of depth, lying for the sake of lying, slut shaming, shallow people, assuming, saying “I love you” like it’s casual, saying their friends when they know nothing about them, rumors
🚁Sagittarius Mars- People who lack independence, being late to things (not really others…they hate being late), people who try to control them, excess responsibility, and inflexibility
🩸Capricorn Mars- Doing things half-a$$ed, moochers, lack of ambition, unreliable, carelessness, immaturity, unpredictable behavior
🍄Aquarius Mars- Conformist, cry babies, stupidity, agreeing with them when they are playing devils advocate lol, when they like an unpopular artist and than it becomes trendy, attention seekers
🌹Pisces Mars- Telling them they are being unrealistic or their dreams are too big, being called sensitive or told they care too much, lmao reality…being alive hahaha- being judged for their spirituality/religion
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queerfables · 9 months
I wanted this post to be more coherent but I am coming apart at the seams. Listen. Listen to me. Listen look no look me in the eyes and listen LISTEN.
Crowley and Aziraphale know. They're in love, and they know. Their love is requited, and they know. That's why it hurts so much! They don't say it. They can't say it. The consequences for both of them could be disastrous. But they know, they know, they know.
This is forbidden love at it's absolute pinnacle. This is centuries of dancing around an unsayable, inescapable truth. Loving someone this way is intense. It's a fiercely romantic headrush, because everything is high stakes fantasy and it's you and your beloved against the world. It's a soul crushing nightmare because the thing you want more than anything is always there, just out of reach. It's passion and yearning and stolen touches and desperately hoping the other person understands all the things you can't say.
It's also just unbelievably stupid. You have a sizzling moment of intimacy with someone and then three days later you're trying to act like business associates.
This dynamic has been present since season one, and sometimes the atmosphere between Crowley and Aziraphale becomes urgent and surreal enough that they almost name it. There's the bandstand, where Crowley suggests they could run away together. There's Aziraphale in 1967 saying, maybe one day we'll dine at the Ritz. These aren't the words of those unsure of another's feelings. These are declarations made in the clearest terms they dare.
The clincher for me is Aziraphale's face when Shax says she wouldn't have thought he was Crowley's type. It's a nasty comment meant to play on Aziraphale's insecurities: "If you're anything to him, it must be something sordid, and I'm surprised you can even offer him that." And she completely misses the mark! Aziraphale disregards her words without a thought. That eyebrow says he knows exactly how Crowley feels about him, and Shax's insinuation is laughable. He is uniquely Crowley's type.
It's less definitive for Crowley, and it makes sense that it would be. For the most part, Crowley is the accelerator and Aziraphale is the brakes. It is hard to hold faith that someone wants you when all they can tell you is "slow down". That doesn't mean he's unsure of Aziraphale's feelings. It means that he's unsure how much he's allowed to say. Aziraphale wants him to push right up until he doesn't, and it hurts them both when they go too far and have to walk it back. Even so, Crowley's confession makes it pretty clear that they're both in on this unspoken thing between them:
"you and me ... group of the two of us ... and we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't"
And then he kisses Aziraphale. And he doesn't do it carefully or tentatively. He doesn't wait for Aziraphale to be ready. Because that's how this dance goes, isn't it? Aziraphale wants him to push, and it's going to hurt and they're going to have to walk it back but fuck it all because Crowley is going to give them the thing they've spent their existence pretending they didn't want.
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hotvintagepoll · 30 days
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Irene Papas (Tribute to a Bad Man, Electra, Zorba the Greek)—"From the opening shot of Michael Cacoyannis's Electra, as the proud, implacable face emerges from encroaching shadows, it becomes impossible to imagine anyone else as Euripides's heroine. Erect, immutably dignified, dark eyes burning fiercely beneath heavy black brows, Irene Papas visibly embodies the sublimity of classical Greece, tragic yet serene." -Philip Kemp (film critic) Also she's a a badass.
Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire)—Leigh is exceptionally beautiful. To quote Garson Kanin, Leigh was "a stunner whose ravishing beauty often tended to obscure her staggering achievements as an actress. Great beauties are infrequently great actresses—simply because they don't need to be. Vivien was different; ambitious, persevering, serious, often inspired." She was an actor's actor, one of those big old-school theatre dames, full of drama and temper.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Irene Papas:
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An amazing actress and singer, some may say a literal Greek goddess. Fought against military dictatorship in her home country and had an affair with Marlon Brando.
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She literally played Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world in Greek mythology, what more could you want
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Vivien Leigh propaganda:
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"I submit this gifset--help she is so beautiful and tragic"
"Extremely versatile, absolutely beautiful features and a wonderful resting bitch face if needed."
"She has such a range of character types that she could fit any favorite type of woman. And have you seen her in the Red Dress? with her cocked eyebrow???"
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[Linked GwtW gifset]
"She played one of the most famously unlikable characters in cinema history and knocked it out of the park."
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"Vivien Leigh vs every established and wannabe actress on Earth- grand slam winner for Scarlett O'Hara and won the oscar. Ultimate power couple with hottie finalist Laurence Olivier. I am just on my knees for that arched eyebrow and smouldering look."
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"She’s just mmm the PASSION behind her performances is palpable, she’s so beautiful and elegant and amazing and yeah"
"look at her. im a gay man and im in love with her"
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dutyworn · 2 years
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Deeply, like the vastness of the sea.    You are a very passionate person. You feel everything so intensely, and that definitely includes love. You need someone who will match that passion, that intensity. You need someone who will care about you as much as you care about them, but you have a hard time finding that. You're usually the one who loves more, and it's sad sometimes, but it's okay. But you will find someone who loves you just as much as you love them.
tagged by: @virmireisms​, thanks! tagging: steal it & tag me!
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
Ok this is very random but how do you think Ghost would deal w an s/o who is still a virgin at a very big girl age 🥴 maybe they’d be seeing each other for a while, and when things heat up and she confesses, how would he deal? Would he be honored and accept being her first or would he reject her altogether bc she is inexperienced?
(Because I’m in my 20s and safe to say on top of everything else in my life except this, I haven’t come across anyone with whom I’d like to be intimate with yet and though I try not to let it get to me, some part of me sometimes feels like a freak or like something is wrong with me)
I hope I did not cross any boundaries or make you uncomfortable by sharing this, if I did I apologize and please feel free to delete this ❤️🕊️
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Ghost x FVirgin!Reader Word count: 2,9 k Tags/warnigs: Mild smut, light angst, fluff, comfort, praise & size kink Summary: Reader tells Ghost they’re a virgin while things are about to go down. 
A/N: Oh anon!! No boundaries crossed here at all! Your request (or at least I took it as such and got inspired to write a brief oneshot about it) was very sweet. This of course is my HC but Simon would only and only take pride in being your first. He would get a huge ego boost from this and feel absolutely privileged to hear he's worthy of such trust.  I think he would want to imprint himself in your head as the best man and the best sex partner you will ever have – he would do his all to eradicate even the very thought of wanting to try others after him. Again, an ego thing, but also a desperate wish to please his partner and make them feel safe. This man screams service top to me. I think Simon has a wild side – not mean, just wild, as in he might be into rough sex and certain types of kinky stuff every now and then but only if his partner is willing. He would be very gentle and considerate (passionate as hell though), knowing you're inexperienced, he would make you feel as safe as possible and wait until you were ready and willing to explore things further.  Also, I can't help but be moved by what you told me in this message. I understand where you're coming from with these "is there something wrong with me" thoughts, because gosh, I feel you! And speaking from experience… it's 110 % worth it to wait for the right person to come along! Sex can be awesome, mind-blowing, one of the best things – with the right partner. Not worth it with just whomever, imho. Stay safe and trust yourself! And I hope you like this short drabble I made for Ghost x Virgin!Reader ❤️❤️❤️ much love 😘
Simon Riley was a one of a kind man. 
He put every guy on every dating app to shame, and not just with his size. He was manly, in a word, even if you never knew you wanted such an overly masculine man. At least, not until you met him. 
Simon was not only sturdy and mature – he was armed with calm rage and dark humor. Just one look in his eyes told you he was not the life of the party. Actually, he was Death himself: one of those four horsemen that heralded the Apocalypse.
Perhaps unintelligibly, the same man was also extremely considerate. A true gentleman if there ever was one. He always placed you and your needs first. But underneath the calm, cynical surface you sensed fierce intensity: fire and smoke, something that screamed Danger, high voltage.
And you could not keep away. Quite the opposite, really. The combination of a wildfire and a tornado roaring upon this solid bedrock of a man was simply alluring.
Things had gone a little too far without you meaning them to. You were not a woman of one night stands, actually, you had never had a stand. But Simon changed that, too. Because now you were thinking about sleeping with him. 
After years and years of waiting for someone sensible to come along, you had begun to lose hope, especially when people seemed to fuck left and right while you wanted something real.
A bedrock. 
With that wildfire. Perhaps a tornado thrown in as well.
After weeks and weeks of flirting, the man asked you out, and after weeks and weeks of going out, you came to the conclusion that if someone deserved to be your first, it was Simon Riley. If there was any guy you wished would take you against a wall until you begged for mercy, it was him. At least in your fantasies, which were starting to get out of hand.
In real life, things were not that breezy.
Because what would he say if – no, when – you told him you were a virgin at this age? What if he would be bothered, what if things would get awkward between you two? 
What if he decided you were simply too much trouble than you were worth? 
It seemed like a miracle that the guy was still around, having been left blue-balled date after date. Either he was hellbent on conquering you, or then… Well, you didn't even dare to think about or's and then's and what if's. Especially when your own feelings were getting equally out of hand as those fantasies.
He probably had plenty of experience, and the thought certainly didn't make you feel any better. How would you compare, being not only inexperienced but a whole goddamn virgin? And it would probably hurt on top of everything. This man must be pretty damn big downstairs if 6 '4 feet and large hands were any indication.
Still, all fears flew out the window in record time every time he pulled you into a kiss. Your body molded into his already: the broad shoulders closed in around you, and it only felt thrilling. His warmth, his arms and scent enveloped you like the sweetest prison, and you held onto him as tightly as you could. Not because he wasn't clutching you with the same–if not greater–fervor, but because you wanted to make sure he was real.
And you realized what the allure of Simon Riley was. 
He felt safe.
In fact, he was safe. He represented safety in all its aspects. 
Who would've thought that death and wildfire could feel so good, so reliable?
You wondered if he thought this was some game; that you kept him waiting. The unwritten rule seemed to be that it was ok not to jump into bed on the first date. If anything, it was only a decent move. But what did the rules say about the second, third or fourth date? Not to talk about tenth? 
Things were starting to resemble some prudent high school romance. Well, perhaps not prudent, the way you two practically ground against each other while making out after every date. Without being vocal about it or pressuring you in any way, you could tell he wished for things to go further. Hell, every fiber in this man begged for more. He would soon burn your clothes off simply with that searing gaze alone. 
Watching the door close on that heated stare after at least 15 minutes of wanton, wicked kissing followed by clumsy Good night's and shy, apologetic smiles just wouldn't do anymore. The poor man was left breathless and puzzled in the cold night with nothing but a hard-on and the crumbs you gave him to keep him warm. 
Things were getting ridiculous, criminally so, and you felt pity for those pants trying to keep him in confinement. You felt pity for your own soaked underwear as you climbed to a lonely bed all hot, bothered, and wet.
Which was why this evening would end with you asking him to come inside. 
.  .  .
Lately, his hands have started to roam; they even cup your ass as he moans in your mouth – and hearing that raspy, low sound leave him forces the final decision. It's the final prophecy that tells you he is the one. You should’ve known it was only a matter of time with him.
The man hides his surprise well as you invite him in.
"Thought you'd never ask," he gives you a soft chuckle before stepping over the threshold to not only your apartment but also your life and privacy. 
You barely get out of your shoes before his shadow engulfs you and strong hands lift you in his lap like you weigh nothing at all. You instinctively reach for support by clasping your hands behind his neck. 
"You really know how to torture a man, don't you?" The brown in his eyes is nearly swallowed by warm darkness as he carries you to the bedroom. 
"I'm sorry," you whisper, and he gives a short laugh of gravel.
"Don't be. This has been fun." 
He sets you down next to the bed, and your heart is thumping so bad you fear he can hear it banging against your chest. 
"But it's about time I torture you, right?"
Oh God…
Things happen so fast that it’s hard to tell who undresses who, but somehow, you find yourself standing in your bedroom with nothing but knickers and a bra on while he's taking off his pants. The man has definitely waited for this to happen for god knows how long, and it only makes your stomach lurch.
He thinks you know what you're doing, your brain offers when it should know when it’s time to shut the hell up. You can see the generous bulge this man is packing, and while perhaps compelling to other women, to you, it mainly looks intimidating. Threatening, almost.
He doesn't take his boxers off, seeing you're just standing there like some statue, still in your underwear and almost shaking from thoughts running rampant. 
His form swallows you as he steps closer; wide hands slide up your arms, then draw you against him – against that demanding pulse that gets trapped between you two. Even through the black cloth, you can tell he's thick and big, just like you feared.
The man is blazing, and seems to have grown another foot in height as he towers over you with all that muscle. His shoulders are almost the size of your head, and you already know the hand that runs down your spine is experienced in crushing windpipes. It makes you breathe in shivers, and of course he notices something is wrong.
"Everything good?" He's eager and breathless, the erection pressing against you like a threat. He’s a man who has fashioned a weapon out of himself, so it shouldn't be a surprise that everything in him speaks violence.
"Yes," you try to assure him – a lousy lie only punctuated by the audible gulp that leaves your throat as you try to swallow your nerves back down.
"You afraid…?" 
"Just a little nervous," you tell him, a half confession.
"Mm. That makes two of us." 
He draws down into a kiss, the hands of a soldier and a killer nearly drawing you up from the ground as he pulls you close. You don't really buy his claim of being nervous too: you can feel how he throbs between you, heavy and impatient. 
Hesitantly, you reach to hug him as well, and you feel so small, so insignificant when wrapped around this… giant. The knowledge that you're about to be trapped under all this crushing weight leaves you both faint and needy. 
He’s a good kisser, but as he moves to devour your neck, you start to freeze from the middle.
"Alright… Come here."
He half carries, half lays you down on the bed, then crawls between your legs and changes his tactic a little. Gentle kisses are ghosted down your throat, and soon, he's at your breasts, soft as a whisper. But as he draws the fabric of your bra aside, your nipple is caught inside a hot, wet mouth, and the wildfire surges forth. There’s no way out from under him anytime soon, and you realize the colossal body is already spreading your thighs wide. 
The way he already looks so damn good there between your legs: big, the epitome of raw, masculine power… It's almost sinful that a man like him is here with a virgin. It's a whole new hell how he's kissing you gently as fuck while blazing like a bonfire about to engulf and devour you. You want to wrap your legs around his middle, attach yourself to him in any way you can, but your thighs are weak pudding. 
You feel both lost and found with him. In him.
He sucks and kisses your breasts like they're the only thing he's here for – and it feels good, heavenly, to be honest. But then he starts to travel down.
Shit… You need to tell him – and soon, or else there will be no time to say anything before the last of the shielding fabric is gone.
He doesn't even stop with the kissing, merely hums on your skin as his mouth reaches your stomach.
"You're my first," you finally force the truth into the night; a soft and desperate fact. It's only the faintest breath, but he halts abruptly like he has been stabbed between the ribs.
Here comes the awkward.
He rises. Softly, slowly, like a shadow, just a second away from getting to what's between your legs.
"Is that so?"
His voice is hoarse and dark from arousal. The whole man is intoxicating, and your heart is hammering in your chest, both from hunger and dread.
A broad hand comes to rest on the dip of your waist; gently, like you're some frightened animal about to dart off from under his touch. 
"Love… Are you sure you want to do this?"
Are you? You almost ask, then bite your lip.
He just called you love, something he has never done before. You can see your breasts rising with the breaths you try to calm down with sheer willpower. 
He lets out a small sigh, then crawls beside you and takes you in his arms. The bed sags and wails under his weight before your body is pulled into a delicious bear hug.
His voice is so smooth, so different from the intense, rough smoke that has followed you up until this point that you feel vehement tears burn your eyes. First love, and now, sweetheart…
"There's no need to rush things," he says while keeping you close. Ever the gentleman, but you fear that you've ruined everything.
"We haven't exactly been rushing," you mutter somewhere in the plates of his chest. You both feel and hear how another sigh travels up his throat and is breathed into the crown of your head.
"Now… listen to me, ok? I've wanted you ever since we met. Can't deny it. But the last thing I want is to force you to do something you don’t wanna do."
You squeeze your eyes shut from what he says. Ever since you met… You can remember the lingering gazes, the way his eyes lit up with something hopeful and pure, how it drove away the exhaustion that seemed to have made a home in this big, brooding man. You remember how he stole a few stares up and down your body, too; remember the hunger he never even tried to conceal – not until now.
He is the most enthralling being you have ever seen, a mystery and a force of nature, an indomitable man, and to say that you haven't thought about him that way ever since too would be a lie.
"But I want it," you look up at him slowly, feeling much safer now that he's holding you like this.
I want you.
You realize you're pouting when the warm look in his eyes gains a playful glint as he laughs softly.
"You want it?"
That little twinkle turns into a downright gleam as he looks at you like you're the most adorable thing he has ever seen.
“You want it with me?”
"How much do you want it?" The charred voice is so soft now: it washes over you in generous waves. His hands keep you in safe custody – and you're the most willing prisoner there ever has been.
"Pretty badly?" You breathe into the air between you and see the corner of his mouth tug.
"Well, in that case…" His hand sweeps down your back and comes to reside on the swell of your hip. "I'm glad I'm here to help."
Pale eyelashes drop to your lips just before he kisses you again. You arch in his arms, like a flower leaning towards sunlight; your mouth, your whole being unfurls under his leadership. He rolls partly on top of you, then moves to kiss you all over as you lie on your back: he kisses your chin and neck, your collarbones and the hollow little crevice between them. The hand on your hip brushes down your thigh, then back up, up, until his fingers meet the folds already soaked through the fabric of your underwear. 
His touch is soft, but gains more weight as he sweeps slowly up, then brushes a thumb over the exact location of your clit.
He knows what he's found, even without the evidence of your voiceless shake of a breath. He brushes another stroke over it, and it doesn't matter that you still have your undies on – you can feel his weight, the gentle pressure he applies as he draws a circle to usher another soft moan out of you.
"You like that?"
"Mhm," is the only thing you are able to answer.
"That's it…" he cheers you on with calm assurance. "Gonna make you feel good. And that's a promise."
You catch a hint of ego in that promise, but there's something else, too. A fervent devotion, a bottomless need to please you no matter what. The right man, definitely: not someone who is only after their own satisfaction. You don't exactly need the answer anymore, but you ask the final, burning question nonetheless.
"Speak your mind, love."
"Are you disappointed…?"
He stops again, a breath away from you. 
"Disappointed?" He sounds quite shocked, almost appalled. "...Disa–"
He huffs, then reaches to cup your face. You raise your eyes to his and see that he's…ardent, and very, very serious.
"Love, I'm honored."
You can only blink at the solemn vow, and he slowly shakes his head.
"Silly little thing…" 
It's something he muses almost to himself before he drags his fingers over your sternum and down your stomach, reverently, like you're a piece of precious porcelain. But the heat in his eyes is back, and your fingers curl to grasp a fistful of sheet as his hand disappears underneath the cloth, when he finally touches you with nothing in between.
You suppose it's his middle finger that sweeps over your clit this time, then slips between your folds without effort. It coaxes your thighs open to give him better access, and access he has: he curls the finger until it almost dips inside. Your lips part with a quiet sigh as your chin climbs toward the ceiling.
"Look at that… All wet and sweet for me already."
The way you expose your neck is like an invitation: he buries his face in your neck, tries to drown in the scent and feel of you while gliding across the wetness down below. He spreads moisture on the tight bud, and you jerk a little from how sensitive it is – he huffs a smile in your ear. It makes you release the sheet and reach out to grasp him by the neck, to make him stay precisely where he is, close like this, so close…
"Do ya even know how bloody sweet you are?"
The last of your wits make a vanishing act as he breathes more praise on your skin. You're languid in his arms, feeling both weightless and heavy, like you're sinking into the mattress, and then his hand moves lower; one thick finger is plunged slowly inside. 
Oh God oh God–
You feel him, all of him, filling and spreading you. And it's not enough… not nearly enough.
"We'll take it nice and slow, alright?" He whispers in your ear, and you tighten around him like on command. "Got all night to make a mess of you. That sound good?"
You can't help it: your lips draw into a smile when thinking about all the things he will do to you, all the sweet things you've always waited to happen. 
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imfinereallyy · 13 days
I wonder if you look both ways (When you cross my mind) pt. 2
pt. 1 pt. 3
🐝・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・✦ʚɞ
June 1996, Chicago
Steve doesn’t exactly know when Eddie Munson became one of his best friends, let alone when he fell in love with him.
He supposes both things occurred between the end of the world, and Eddie’s back walking out the door for the last time, unbeknownst to anyone. Though, that is five years of time, who’s to say when it really happened.
Dustin will argue the friend part. He likes to think it was he who brought them together (it certainly wasn’t; in fact, it put a real bump in the road for them). Dustin also thinks, which Steve is more inclined to think is true, that the two of them had become friends during Eddie’s slow recovery and Steve’s guilt complex, which made him feel responsible for him.
Which—ouch, Dustin—but years of therapy would prove him right.
Little shit.
Dustin doesn't know about the love part, though, and Steve doesn’t think much of the party knows except for one or two of the perceptive ones.
Looking at you, Lucas.
Robin likes to argue that Steve doesn’t know when he fell in love with Eddie because Eddie was different from everyone else.
Steve puts everything into love, moves fast, falls hard, and ultimately gets crushed by his own passion. Steve doesn’t know how to take things slow or wait around for the right person.
Until he did, with Eddie.
Steve managed to have a slow decent into the madness of loving a man like Eddie Munson. And he never did anything about it, although he didn't mind. Steve was okay with just being friends and loving from afar.
Until they weren't even that, and Eddie was gone.
Steve can't think about that now, instead he should probably worry about the man himself breaking into his apartment at 3 a.m.
"Get. Out." Robin hisses, breaking Steve from his thoughts.
Suddenly, Eddie stands. His hands thrust forward in a placating nature, and nervous energy radiates off of him. "Robin, please—"
"No, Munson. You don't get to disappear from our lives for five years, and then break into our apartment!" Robin whisper shouts, the metal bat waving around in her grip.
Steve still hasn't said anything, still unsure of any of it is really happening. But he can't help but warm at Robin's fierceness.
She will go down swinging for Steve, even against someone she cares about.
Fuck, he loved her.
"Give me one good reason not to bash your skull in with this thing, Munson. I dare you!" Robin took the metal bat and pushed it into Eddie's chest.
Steve gets a good look at him as he stumbles backward. He doesn't look much different—well that's a lie. He does look different; more tattoos, more piercings and Steve is pretty surprised to catch him wearing anything other than a band tee. It is just so all quintessentially Eddie. The jewelry is all silver, any tattoo he got after 1986 appears to be in black and red ink only. Even his tee is still black despite the lack of a band on the front.
"Birdie, I don't think you should have Steve's bat in your hands, you're a bit dangerous." Eddie tries to grab the bat from her hands but Robin yanks it back.
"Oh, fuck you, Munson! You don't get to call me Birdie, and this is my bat. Steve's is wooden and full of nails and underneath his bed. You should know that, or has the last five years really rotted your brain?" Robin is now waving the bat around with gusto, nearly missing Steve's head at one point.
Trying to shake himself from his frozen state, Steve decides it is probably in everyone's best interest if he steps in.
"Robs." Steve speaks gently, hand on the bat as he slowly lowers it down. Her shoulders drop, the fight draining out of her in seconds. "It's okay."
It's not okay. Steve doesn't understand what's happening right now. But Steve is okay as long as he has Robin, and Robin has him. Steve hopes she understands that's what he meant.
Robin nods her head, and shuffles closer to him.
Steve takes a shaky breath, "What are you doing here, Munson?"
Eddie cringes at the use of his last name but doesn't comment. "Listen, I know it's weird me just stopping by suddenly—"
Robin snorts, "I wouldn't exactly call breaking in 'stopping by'."
Eddie shakes his head, ignoring her. Stray curls start to fall loose from their bun. "I just want to talk, for you guys to hear me out."
Steve rubs a hand down his face, he is getting too old for this stuff. Being blindsided, being surprised—being thrown sideways and upside down. Sure, twenty-nine isn't exactly old, but Steve has lived practically six different lifetimes by now. There is so much damage to him—physically and emotionally. He is supposed to be past nonsense like this.
Robin takes his silence as permission to snip at Eddie, "No. Go away, Eddie. You don't get to do that. Get out."
Eddie moves a step forward, he is now illuminated completely by the side table's light. He looks tired—good but tired. It's not the kind of tired you see of someone in distress, not the ache that comes along in the tunnel that has no light in the end. No, Eddie looks tired in the way that comes with healing. Like working hard exhaustion. As if coming home from a long but good day at work, and the night grows weary.
Eddie opens his mouth to argue, but Steve cuts him off. "It's fine, Robbie. It's late; let him crash on the couch."
Eddie's shoulders sag in relief, "Thanks, Stevie, we can talk—"
"No." Steve chokes out, moving his hand towards his throat so he can remember to breathe. "You don't get to call me that. And we're not talking about anything. You'll sleep here, but that's it. I might not want you here, but it doesn't mean I'm going to let you wander the streets at night."
"Steve, please—" Eddie reaches out his hands to touch Steve. It is most likely going to be a gentle touch, but Steve can't help the way he violently flinches.
Eddie looks taken aback, eyes wide and full of sadness. He pulls his hands back.
"No, Eddie." Steve grabs Robin's hand and starts to pull her to bed. She doesn't protest and instead leans into his touch. Steve turns over his shoulder to look at Eddie again. "You'll stay the night. It's not an option. But my morning? I want you gone. I don't want you to be the first thing I see after sunrise."
Steve turns quickly back around, ignoring the pained grunt from behind him.
Bypassing Robin's bedroom, Steve pulls them both into his. Robin doesn't question it and instead makes herself comfortable in his forest green blankets.
Steve quickly follows after, snuggling into the bed beside her. People have thought them weird over the years—always in each other's spaces and knowing every little thing about each other. Partners, friends, family—all of them had something to say about it, never even bothering to understand.
Well, except Eddie. Eddie appreciated it, accepted it. Adored it at times.
"Are you really okay with this, Dingus?" Robin whispers softly between them.
"No." Steve never lies to Robin; she'll know. "Not at all, but I'm not going to let him wander the streets, no matter what I loved him at some point. I don't let the people I loved, get hurt."
Robin squints in pity, "Loved?"
"Not now, Bobbie," Steve whispers.
Robin nods, "Besides, I'm pretty sure 'Ed Sloane' can afford a fucking hotel room."
Steve lets out a loud snort, it echoes throughout the room. "God, don't remind me. What a stupid fucking name."
The two of them dissolve into giggles, bumping their heads together. Under the covers, they clasp their hands together tight. "I just don't want you to derail your life, for someone who walked so easily out of it. I know you have that important lunch with Drew tomorrow."
Steve takes a breathe through his nose, "Yea, I do. But it'll be fine. He'll be gone before I'm even up. You know Eds, he's a runner. Wouldn't stop trying to prove it, in fact."
Robin's face is scrunched in pain, and her eyes pool with pity. It's as if she knows something Steve doesn't or sees something he chooses to ignore. She doesn't comment on it, though. Instead, she raises an eyebrow, "Eds?"
It isn't snippy or accusing. Her voice is soft against his cheek. Steve doesn't have the mental capacity to argue though. "G'night, Birdie."
"Goodnight, Stevie." She whispers.
Steve closes his eyes, knowing it will all feel like a dream tomorrow.
Steve is familiar with having dreams with Eddie in them.
🐝・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・✦ʚɞ
more to come i promise, especially after your (loving demands). especially my mutuals who yelled at me in the tags and my dm's (it made my day).Part 3 is currently being typed up. Also might fuck around and make this a full-blown ao3 one shot; who knows.
tag list!:
@stevesbipanic @withacapitalp @emryyyyy09 @brainfugk @blueberrylemontea-fanfic
@slv-333 @thetinymm @connected-dots-st-reblogger @helpimstuckposting @dreamercec
@goodolefashionedloverboi @stripey82 @little2nerdy @anne-bennett-cosplayer @resident-gay-bitch
@ghostquer @sourw0lfs @devondespresso
(please let me know if you don't want a tag, I had to guess by the comments, and sorry if you’re getting a random tag after posting, I had to fix the tag list cause tumblr is weird)
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kamotecue · 3 months
the one that got away ❆ l. williamson
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pairing: leah williamson x fem!reader
summary: after you had torn your acl, it was deemed that you weren't able to return to your football career. so, what happens when you pursued something different, that the one you love, ended up being the one who got away? singer!reader
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agony was what the blonde defender felt, it was the agony of losing you - the one that got away, for the english captain it was a relentless ache, the haunting melody of memories that lingers long after the music has stopped. her silent screams, the tumultuois storm of her emotions that threatens to consume every one of her thoughts and feelings. it was definitely a rollercoaster ride of emotions, the experience you both had together as a couple - the deep sense of grief and loss, the emptiness feeling that was impossible to feel, how every thought is consumed by the memories of you - how you'd both dance in the rain, her watching in amusement as you would always make blanket forts during movie nights, how she held onto you close as if you were going to disappear, and lastly, her favorite - the way she'd kiss you in private, how she showed you what it's like to be loved.
yet there it was, the winter of 2011 - you had suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury making everything fall down, as much as you tried there was nothing that you could do. and so, you had left the football world, despite being the arsenal prodigy. a knock was heard, as you gazed at your bedroom door - the blonde defender had carefully opened the door, she looked at your eyes to see them filled with tears, knowing how this moment would change everything. your career ending injury, the one you sustained was not just a blow to your body, but a devestating blow to your dreams. you had worked so hard, sacrificed so much, to reach the pinnacle of yourcareer, only to have it all taken away in an instant.
"i won't be playing alongside you, as we thought, lee." your voice broke as you buried your face into the crook of her neck. the blonde reaching to softly rub your back, in an attempt to calm you which it did. the sniffles was heard throughout the house, yet all she could do was be there for you. it took you a while to accept circumstance, so you moved onto something else - music was the second, no third thing you loved - besides football, and the english defender. a year later, you took off into the music industry with a storm - you decided to form a band with your childhood friends, performing in sold-out stadiums, releasing a whole album - and it was even worse when the band had even gotten more famous.
in the early days, the love between you two was a bright flame, burning fiercely and passionately. but as your music career soared to unimaginable heights, the glare of fame cast a shadow over their relationship, changing everything. you had never anticipated the level of fame and scrutiny that would come with the band's success. everywhere you went, you were followed by a throng of fans and paparazzi, eager for a glimpse into your glamorous life. in which the pressure to maintain your image became suffocating, and you knew that any hint of scandal could spell disaster for your career. asmuch as you loved the blonde defender, you also knew that being seen with her in public could invite unwanted attention and speculation. that's why you couldn't bear the thought of her being surrounded by the media, or having her privacy invaded - as she loved being private. and so, with a heavy heart, you made the painful decision to push her away, thinking it was for the best.
at first, lee was confused and hurt with the way you acted, the unnesscary coldness. you tried to explain it, to make her understand the pressure you were under, but the damage had already been done, the trust between you two had been shattered, despite your best intentions - it couldn't be repaired. so as the distance between you two grew, your love began to wither and fade - the bright flame that had once burned so brightly was now nothing more than a flicker, barely illuminating the darkness that crept into the relationship. in the end, you were alone - your fame and success, a hollow comfort for the love that you'd lost. you often find yourself pondering, if you made the right choice, if pushing her away had been the only option, but deep down, you knew that the price of fame had been too high, and that you'd always regret the day that you'd let her slip away.
yet there you were, in front of her eyes - performing in front of 90,000 fans. she still loves you, and a part of her is hoping that you still do. and you do, you still do - there are countless nights were you're looking up at the hotel ceiling, a lingering ache in your heart for the love you had lost, the one that could've been yours if fate had not intervened. you'd often wondered how things could've been different if the acl injury had never happened, perhaps you would've never pursued music with such fervor, instead choosing a quieter life by her side. the lazy mornings spent in bed, tangeled in each other's embrace, and peaceful evenings watching as the sun would set, hand in hand. but reality was cruel, and the injury shattered not just your dreams but also the future you had envisioned with her. and as the final notes of your song had faded away, you closed your eyes, imagining for a brief moment that she was there in the crowd, that the blue eyes you had fallen in love with - and when you opened them, she was. a wide smile was seen on her face, as you noticed the tears in her eyes that were begging to drop, she was watching you with pride and love.
the crowd had cheered, as you looked away - greeted them with a small smile, as you bid goodbye. her eyes followed as you left the stage, a concerned look was seen throughout your bandmate's eyes. the crowd began to leave, one by one - yet a dazed look was shown on her face, you saw her, yet you haven't made the effort to do anything. maybe you shouldn't, maybe you couldn't or maybe you didn't have to.
"come on, lee - the concert is done." beth, her club and national teammate said, as a soft sigh was heard. she didn't notice a tour staff had walked her way. you had given orders to invite her teammate's backstage. the defender had only looked up when she took note of the unfamiliar ones, her eyes locked onto someone in uniform, the lanyard confirming that she worked for, or with you.
"ms. williamson, i presume? i was ordered to give you these backstage passes, as well as to escort you backstage." the worker said, as her eyes gazed to the passes in her hands, beth and a few others, their eyes had widened in shock. she slowly stood up before nodding to the girl, as every step began to feel a bit heavy for the defender, you walked back in forth in your changing room - wondering if it was the right choice.
it was, as the team had been led backstage, leah had caught the eyes of your three childhood best friends - people that she also knows, as she formed a friendship with the trio while you were dating. an amused look was seen on oliver's face, as he stood up to greet the team.
"never thought i'd see you again, lee." oliver's charming voice was heard, catching the eyes of his two other bandmate's "childhood friends". a soft smile was shown on archie's and adeline's face.
"neither did i" the english captain's voice was calm, gaining the attention of oliver who softly hummed.
"we've missed you, but she misses you more." oliver replied, he gazed at your dressing room door - it opened, revealing you.
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itsb3a2 · 4 months
Jealous Boy
Luke castellan x y/n
summary: Luke gets jealous over seeing y/n flirting with another guy, or was he flirting with her?
TW: creepy boy who can't take a hint, jealous luke(but not really)
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Y/n had always been a skilled archer, thanks to her training at Camp Half-Blood. She loved spending her free time in the archery range, perfecting her aim and technique. Today was no different, as she stood in front of her target, bow in hand, ready to release her arrow.
As she focused on her target, she suddenly felt a presence behind her. She turned around to see a boy from her cabin, a known flirt, smirking at her.
"Hey there, beautiful. Mind if I join you?" he asked, leaning against one of the targets.
Y/n felt uncomfortable with his sudden presence and flirty demeanor. She didn't want any distractions while practicing, especially not from someone like him.
"Actually, I was just about to finish up. Maybe another time," she replied, trying to politely decline his offer.
But the boy didn't seem to take the hint. He continued to flirt and make suggestive comments, making Y/n even more uncomfortable.
'Are you doing anything this friday?” the boy asked
‘Oh sorry I ha-” Y/n’s voice was cut off by none other than her bf luke.
"Hey babe, who's this?" a deep voice said from behind her.
Y/n turned to see Luke Castellan, her boyfriend and fellow demigod, standing there with a smirk on his face. She couldn't help but blush at the sight of him. He always had a way of making her feel safe and loved.
The boy from her cabin immediately backed off, realizing that Y/n was not alone.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you two were dating," he said, quickly making his exit.
Luke chuckled as he watched the boy leave. He then turned to Y/n and pulled her closer to him.
"Looks like I have to keep a closer eye on you, my love," he teased, kissing her on the cheek.
Y/n couldn't help but smile at his possessiveness. It was one of the things she loved about him.
‘My knight in shining armour" she said, grateful for his timing.
Luke wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Anytime,I couldn't let anyone make my girl feel uncomfortable," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.
Y/n looked up at him and couldn't help but admire his handsome features. His dark hair, piercing brown eyes, and charming smile never failed to make her heart skip a beat.
"I'm lucky to have you," she said, leaning in for a kiss.
Their lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss, causing sparks to fly between them. Y/n felt like she was on cloud nine whenever she was with Luke. He made her feel loved and cherished, something she had never experienced before.
As they pulled away, Luke rested his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes.
"I'm the lucky one, Y/n. I never thought I could find someone like you in this crazy demigod world," he said, his voice filled with emotion.
Y/n couldn't believe how fortunate she was to be dating Luke. Not only was he handsome and charming, but he was also kind, brave, and fiercely loyal. He had her heart since the first time she met him.
'God, Luke, I love you.' Y/n stated before kissing Luke until she was out of breath.
"I love you too, baby," Luke said as he kissed her.
Y/n couldn't help but be grateful for the unexpected turn of events as they walked out of the archery range hand in hand. She had gone to practise her archery skills and was instead reminded of Luke's love and care for her.
From that day on, Y/n and Luke's relationship only grew stronger. They continued to train and fight alongside each other, always having each other's back. And whenever Y/n needed a reminder of how much she was loved, all she had to do was look at Luke's piercing brown eyes, and she knew she had found her forever.
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primaviva · 4 months
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featuring. hockey!ellie williams x fem!reader synopsis. after winning the final game of the season, ellie wants you to join her in celebrating in the locker room. warnings. descriptions of the female body, suggestive content, hardcore making out ( i. e. breast play, grinding, hair pulling…) read at your own discretion
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eighty six—the number that defined your girlfriend's prowess on the ice.
it was the number you witnessed gliding effortlessly across the frozen surface, scoring goals with a mighty grip on the hockey stick. it was the number you saw when her frustration reached its peak, her helmet flying across the room, marked unmistakably with that bold eighty six.
and now, as you watched the game unfold, you proudly donned the same number on your back. the vibrant red jersey draped your frame in a comfortably oversized, boyfriend-style fit. originally ellie's, she had lovingly given it to you, fully aware of your affinity for wearing her clothes, with the added sentiment that it’s her team jersey adorning your figure as you cheered her on during games.
in the highly anticipated matchup against the seattle krakens, ellie found herself facing off against her arch-nemesis, abby anderson, who always seemed to harbor an unspoken animosity towards her. perhaps it stemmed from abby's envy of ellie's successes in the industry, or maybe it was fueled by a longing to occupy the same position. whatever the reason, their encounters invariably generated newsworthy headlines.
ellie was well aware of the power of making headlines, understanding that the public loved a good rivalry. the crowd, amused by the tension between ellie and abby, eagerly absorbed every moment of them clashing on the monitors. well, everyone but you. unlike the spectators, you knew the toll it took on ellie. while you delighted in witnessing the furrow of ellie's brows and the intensity in her evergreen gaze, you understood the weight of her anger, knowing how overwhelming those emotions could be for her during gameplay. ellie also just didn’t like getting angry, as she knew how terrible she could get when succumbing to the emotion.
as the game against the seattle krakens reached its exhilarating climax, the scoreboard displayed a tense deadlock. "ellie" and "abby" reverberated through the arena, transforming into a fierce battle of vocal support among the spectators. the names echoed through the crowd, each fan fervently chanting for their favorite player to emerge victorious.
you leaned forward, leaning over the barrier that separated the passionate crowd from the icy battleground. eager to catch a glimpse of the unfolding spectacle, you yearned for a front-row view of the action.
"kick her ass!" your voice rang out, carried by a surge of adrenaline as you fervently waved your hands in the air, willing ellie to triumph with every fiber of your being.
with each stride, ellie's instincts took over. in a swift, fluid motion, ellie seized control of the puck, effortlessly maneuvering past defenders with her unmatched skill. among the sea of opponents, her eyes locked onto abby, her greatest rival, who relentlessly pursued her, driven by a desire to strip ellie of the puck. with precision and agility, ellie danced around abby's relentless advances, her stickwork a symphony of finesse. the crowd watched in awe as the two players engaged in a thrilling duel, but with a burst of speed, your girlfriend left abby in her wake, weaving through the defense.the crowd held their breath, captivated by the scene before them.
the ice seemed to tremble beneath her skates as she closed in on the goal, her heart pounding in her chest. time seemed to stand still as she unleashed a powerful shot, puck sailing through the air and evading the outstretched glove of the goaltender, finding the back of the net. satisfying, it reverberated with a resounding thud as the puck found its mark, securing victory for ellie's team. the arena erupted in a chorus of thunderous cheers, the crowd's jubilation mirroring the euphoria in ellie's own heart.
as the final buzzer echoed through the arena, signaling the end of the intense match, the spectators began to disperse, their cheers fading into the background. ellie along with her team members, elated by their hard-fought victory, eagerly made their way to the locker room to celebrate.
that was the routine of those games. the teams would go to the locker rooms to change out of their gear until they come back out to wait for their bus which left a little later as the coaches made sure the media got some press with the stars of the teams. you would wait for ellie outside of the lockers to greet her with a well deserved kiss and hug before it was time to hit the road.
however, what wasn’t apart of the routine was ellie taking much longer than her teammates, to the point where everyone had left the lockers to go outside and get some fresh air in the dark night sky. usually ellie was eager to get out of her sweaty uniform and lay flat on the floor in relief that it was over, one time she had practically taken her shirt off before leaving the rink.
as you contemplated walking inside, dina, one of ellie's teammates, approached you with a knowing look.
"dina, where's ellie?" you inquired, crossing your arms over your chest as you eagerly awaited her answer.
the raven-head sighed softly, her eyes conveying a sense of understanding to your anxious state. "she's still in the locker room," dina replied, voice laced with empathy. "she needed a moment to calm down. it got pretty intense out there."
your heart skipped a beat as you took in dina's words. you knew all too well how overwhelming emotions could be for ellie, especially in the aftermath of a fiercely contested game like this one. without a second thought, you made your way towards the locker room.
as you entered the dimly lit space, the air was heavy with exhaustion. and there, in the corner, you spotted ellie, her figure slumped on a bench, her equipment scattered haphazardly around her. the sweat glistening on her forehead and the lingering fire in her eyes showed you all you needed to know.
her distant expression revealed a mind lost in deep contemplation, seemingly oblivious to the world around her, including your presence at the doorway.
"ellie," you softly called out, breaking the spell of her introspection.
in an instant, her head snapped up, the fog of her thoughts dissipating as a radiant, toothy smile graced her face. it was the kind of infectious grin that only ellie, with her unique brand of endearing quirkiness, could effortlessly rock. rising from the bench, standing tall as she strode purposefully towards you.
closing the distance between you, ellie enveloped you in her strong arms, lifting you up effortlessly off the ground. her face nestled into the crook of your neck, her warm breath sending gentle shivers down your spine.
the world outside the locker room faded away—as she held you, you could feel the weight of the game lifting from alongside her.
"there you are," she murmured against your neck, her voice muffled but happy nonetheless.
amidst stifled laughter, you attempted to speak. "did you hear me cheering?" you managed to ask.
"how could i not hear you, baby? you were the loudest one out there," ellie retorted, another smile gracing her face. she loved how supportive you always were of her. "thank you for always being there for my games. it means a lot to me, having my beautiful girl cheering me on."
tenderly, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, her pale green eyes brimming with warmth and love. on the field, ellie exuded toughness and fierceness, but with you, her armor melted away, revealing a softer, caring side that you brought out in her.
you couldn't help but chuckle at her remark about being the loudest, preferring to describe her as passionate. "you good?" you asked, your gaze fixed on her as your vision readjusted from being taken to the ground. "i know how much it gets to you when abby tries to rile you up during games."
ellie let out a sigh at the mention of abby. "i'm fine, don't worry about her," she replied, her voice laced with frustration, her hand absentmindedly rubbing the back of her neck.
but you could see the tension in her jaw, the way her body seemed to hold onto the irritation caused by abby's actions.
"thanks for checking on me," she expressed, her voice softer now. ellie leaned down, resting her forehead against yours, and released a deep sigh. it felt as if she were fully surrendering her body weight onto you, relying on your support. she was exhausted, both mentally and physically.
you weren’t buying tickets to her act.
as you studied her face, you noticed her tightly shut eyes and the creases forming around them. "i find it hard to believe you're okay. you look exhausted. sit," you firmly stated, placing your hands on her shoulders and gently guiding her back down onto the bench, encouraging her to rest.
ellie sighed and didn't resist as you made her sit back down on the bench. as tough as she was, she knew better than to argue with you when you used that tone.
"you know me too well,” ellie noted as she relaxed her shoulders and leaned back, closing her eyes. you always seemed to see right through her facade of being fine. the game had taken more out of her than she cared to admit.
you sat there, quietly observing her presence. the sheen of sweat adorned her forehead, causing strands of stray hair to cling to the sides. her skin appeared moist, a clear indication that she had recently stepped off the rink. your eyes remained fixed on her, capturing the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each inhale and exhale, a rhythmic cadence that grew slower and more deliberate. as you watched, your mind couldn't help but wander, envisioning the strength and definition of her abs concealed beneath her jersey. surely, the intensity of her performance left her core muscles taut and sculpted.
"will you sit with me for a bit?" she questioned, opening one eye to look at you hopefully. ellie just wanted a few quiet moments with you before the crowds dispersed. your presence alone seemed to ease her fatigue.
you nodded silently, a wordless affirmation of your unwavering support, before settling down beside her. her eyes attentively followed your every movement, capturing each subtle motion as you took your place next to her. she kept her gaze fixed on you, her emerald eyes shimmering in the softly lit room, as if trying to memorize every detail before finally closing them, her head finding solace against the wall.
"i really do appreciate you," she spoke amongst the silence. reaching for your hand, she brought it to her lips, pressing a gentle kiss upon it.
ellie, the dominant force on the field, always had a calm vulnerability in your presence. you provided the equilibrium she needed, a balance that no one else could offer.
you couldn't help but giggle at the sensations elicited by her tender kiss on your hand. "don't thank me," you playfully responded, a mischievous glimmer in your eyes. "come on, let me help you get undressed." as you rose from your seat, you noticed a devilish smirk on her face. "i didn't mean it like that, so don't even think about it," you emphasized, walking between her open legs as she sat, firmly grasping the bottom of her jersey.
she teasingly placed her hands behind your thighs, as if mockingly trying to keep you in place, before finally relenting and allowing you to proceed with removing her from her sweaty uniform.
"you know i can’t help myself around you," ellie playfully remarked, punctuating her words with a wink. however, as you tended to her, ellie surrendered herself to your caring touch, feeling the tightness in her muscles melt away.
she raised her arms, a silent invitation for you to remove her jersey. with gentle and skillful movements, you carefully pulled the fabric over her head, revealing the glistening sheen of perspiration on her skin. moving on, you deftly unfastened her shoulder pads, followed by her elbow pads. the expression on her face spoke volumes, a mixture of relief and gratitude as the weight of the protective gear was lifted from her.
ellie grinned up at you, thoroughly enjoying teasing you even when exhausted. you were just so cute when you got flustered. but she resisted making any other suggestive comments as you helped remove her pads and gear. she could tell you were going into protective girlfriend mode to take care of her.
as the last piece came off, ellie sighed in relief. "god, that’s so much better, thank you. i feel lighter already." she pulled you closer between her legs so your bodies were pressed together, though mindful not to squeeze you too tightly in her tired state. the tension began to ease from her muscles.
you just had that calming presence which soothed ellie's nerves. just being close to you helped her unwind after the stress of competition. she leaned back and closed her eyes contentedly.
"come here," ellie beckoned, extending her arm towards you, her desire for your closeness evident. "i just want to hold my girl before having to sit through a three-hour bus ride," she joked, a bit of truth in her statement.
with hesitation and curiosity, you placed your hand in hers, uncertain of what she had in mind. but before you could fully anticipate her next move, ellie swiftly pulled you into her lap, enveloping you in her embrace.
the suddenness of the action surprised you, but as you settled into her lap, you felt a wave of warmth and security wash over you. nestled against her, you could hear the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
ellie wrapped her strong arms securely around your waist as you settled into her lap. she rested her chin on your shoulder and breathed you in deeply.
"mmm, there's my girl,” she whispered. holding you always made ellie feel centered. like the rest of the world faded away and it was just the two of you. she nuzzled softly against your neck, placing gentle kisses along your skin. "i love you so much," she spoke while holding you tighter, hoping you knew how much you meant to her.
ellie's tired muscles relaxed further as she embraced you. your presence alone seemed to ease the strain from her body. she rocked you gently in her arms, enjoying this quiet moment of intimacy.
"i love you too," you whispered in response, your words filled with nothing less of love. ellie's gaze locked onto yours, her pupils dilating as she immersed herself in the depths of your eyes. in that intimate exchange, she sought to discover every shade, every intricate detail that made your eyes uniquely yours.
her hand, which had secured your waist, embarked on a slow and agonizing path up your back, sending a tantalizing shiver along your spine. it finally settled at the nape of your neck, her touch both gentle and possessive. with a firm grasp, she guided your head towards hers, closing the distance between your lips.
ellie kissed you softly yet deeply, savoring the feeling of your lips against hers. all the anxiety and frustration from the game seemed to melt away in your affectionate embrace.
she gently traced her tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance in a way that was loving yet dominant. her hand cradled the back of your head tenderly even as she pulled you in closer.
kissing you always made ellie feel possessive yet protective at the same time. like she never wanted to let you go. she loved you so fiercely it sometimes scared her. but she knew you were the only one who truly saw her for who she was—not just an athlete but a person.
as your lips moved in perfect harmony, a sensuous dance of desire, you became lost in the intoxicating rhythm. the magnetic pull between you seemed irresistible, drawing you into a world where nothing else mattered but her body. the wetness of her mouth and the mingling of saliva heightened the intensity, an unspoken language shared between you both.
when you reluctantly parted to catch your breath, a thin strand of saliva lingered, connecting you both momentarily. ellie leaned her forehead against yours, her breaths heavy and labored. her pale green eyes bore into yours, radiating warmth and unbridled desire. “i need you,” she expressed with a raw simplicity, her voice husky and filled with need. in your embrace, ellie found solace, the only place where true tranquility resided.
ellie craved an outlet, a means to divert her frustrations and escape the overwhelming demands of the game. and in that moment, there was no better distraction than being consumed by thoughts of you, her mind freed from pucks and goalies.
with a swift gesture, she wiped away the saliva from her chin before firmly gripping your jaw, drawing your lips back to hers. the kiss intensified, akin to the crashing of rough waves against a sailor's vessel. each crash left an imprint, and you could sense the tender fullness of your lips bruising under the passionate onslaught.
a deep, resonant moan escaped your throat, merging with the union of your mouths. your hands found purchase on her shoulders as you adjusted yourself, straddling her waist with a sense of urgency.
ellie growled low in her throat at your moan, arousal spiking through her body in an instant. she gripped your hips tighter, grinding you against her as your movements stirred her growing need.
kissing you deeper, ellie dominated your mouth with her tongue, possessing you completely. one hand slid up your back, fingers clutching possessively. the other tangled in your hair to hold you right where she wanted.
she kissed like she played—with a fiery intensity and competitive drive to claim victory. ellie poured all her pent up passion and longing into the kiss, asserting her dominance yet caring for you completely.
when you finally broke apart again, panting heavily, ellie gazed at you with lust-darkened eyes. "fuck, baby, you're so hot,” she groaned, nipping along your jaw and down your neck, leaving her mark.
ellie was throbbing with want, craving the intimate release only you could give her after a game.
"ellie, did you forget we're in the locker room?" you began to protest, but ellie's touch interrupted your words, cupping your clothed boobs and giving them a slow yet tender squeeze. you hated how flustered she got you, especially when there were other people around. “cut the shit," you pleaded, but deep down, you knew that you were just as eager to help ellie find release from her stress.
ellie chuckled low in her throat at how easily she could rile you up. your flushed cheeks and dilated pupils told her exactly how turned on you were despite your words.
with a mischievous grin, ellie met your plea while giving your breasts another b squeeze. "aw, come on, baby, don't pretend you don't love it when i get you all hot and bothered," she teased, her voice low and seductive.
ellie lived for the challenge of pushing your buttons and claiming your body as her own, even with others so close. the thrill of potentially getting caught only served to heighten her arousal.
she leaned in to nibble your earlobe sensually, "bet i can make you cum before we even leave this room." ellie's hand slid down your stomach to cup your clit through your jeans.
"what do you say? want to put on a little after show for me?" she gripped your ass firmly with her other hand, grinding you down against her. ellie knew all your secrets and weaknesses, and was more than willing to exploit them.
you couldn't help but mumble, "fuck," as your hands gripped on her hair. you moved in for another kiss without thinking twice as you were too needy to keep her mouth to yourself.
ellie kissed you hungrily, all her earlier arousal igniting into an inferno. she moaned against your mouth at the feel of your hands gripping her hair firmly. oh, how the girl loved it when you took charge and matched her dominance with your own.
it was as if she was starving for you, devouring your mouth possessively. she grounded up against your core, feeling how wet you were already through your jeans. ellie delighted in unraveling your composure and leaving you a panting, wanting mess.
her hands roamed your body possessively, gripping your ass to grind you down harder. ellie sucked your bottom lip between her teeth, nipping teasingly. she wanted you aching and desperate for her. your girlfriend loved how responsive your body was to her touch, how you melted under her.
breaking the kiss momentarily, ellie gazed up at you with eyes dark with lust. "god, you're so fucking hot. think anyone would notice if i made you come right here?"
she traced delicate patterns on your warm skin, teasing ever closer to your core. ellie lived to unravel you, reduce you to a flushed, quivering mess before claiming your pleasure as her own. she rolled her hips up in a slow, deep circle, applying delicious friction directly against your clit now. ellie was determined to push you over the edge before letting you leave this locker room.
ellie groaned at your nails scraping across her scalp, spurring her desire higher. she kissed you back fervently, delving her tongue between your lips to tangle with your own.
your desperate little noises only served to spur her on. ellie was going to thoroughly ravish you right here, right now, and to hell with anyone who might catch them. you were hers.
"you're gonna make a mess of your uniform," you managed to gasp out, your words challenged by hushed breaths and the rapid beating of your heart. in the grand scheme of things, her uniform should have been the least of your concerns, but your mind was clouded, rendering you unable to think clearly.
ellie chuckled low in her throat as you panted and squirmed in her lap. you were always so cute when she had you this worked up.
"that's what the showers are for, baby." she rolled her hips up in another slow, deep grind against your clit. ellie nibbled along your neck hungrily, branding you with love bites. "don't care about the uniform, i just want you,” she declared while kissing you hard, refusing to break eye contact as her hand slid under your low waisted jeans.
ellie knew exactly how to unravel you, where to touch to draw out your pleasure. she could feel your arousal soaking through your underwear as you ground yourself down against her hand. your girlfriend swallowed your soft moans, owning your mouth completely as your hips began to ride her expert fingers.
her hands slid under the famous eighty six jersey she lent you to caress and squeeze your breasts skin on skin. ellie tweaked your nipples between her fingertips, rubbing them into stiff peaks.
"bet you’re close already," ellie muttered. she kissed you fiercely, tongue plunging into your mouth in time with her grinding hips.
ellie was throbbing with her own needs but lived for your pleasure above her own. she would push you over the edge a thousand times just to see your blissful expression.
the hockey player took such pride and satisfaction in reducing you to a quivering mess so quickly. and she hadn't even fucked you properly yet. by the time she was through, you'd be putty in her hands.
she smirked, loving how close she had you already. you began subconsciously grinding yourself on her through, back and forth as you sucked her tongue in your mouth. your moans of pleasure were like music to her ears.
"that's it baby, ride my thigh. feel how wet you're making me?" she continued to talk you through, emphasizing her words by grinding up against your core once more.
ellie captivated your lips in another searing kiss, swallowing your cries of ecstasy. her hands gripped your ass possessively, helping lift and lower your hips.
“ellie,” you mumbled, the intensity of the moment consuming you, as rational thoughts and the ability to express them struggled to break through the haze of desire.
the brunette's head quipped up as soon as she saw your beautiful visage. it was one of her favorite things to do at these times, to simply observe the obscene looks on your face that she made herself, tight with pleasure.
ellie took such pride and satisfaction in reducing you to a quivering mess so quickly. and she hadn't even fucked you properly yet. by the time she was through, you'd be putty in her hands.
“yeah? if you have something to say, you gotta use your words (y/n). so if you want it, then tell me you want to cum all over my hand while i fuck you right here,” ellie taunted, now nipping at your bottom lip, her husky voice dripping dominance and desire.
the words that escaped her lips left you stunned, rendering you momentarily speechless. your eyes watched her intently as she adjusted her stance against the wall. her every movement seemed deliberate, commanding your attention.
with trembling hands, you reached out to steady yourself against a nearby surface, the weight of her words sinking in as you opted for the wall behind ellie. as she moved her arm once more, your gaze followed. her strong fingers dipped past the fabric to tease your entrance eagerly. "come on baby, don't leave me hanging,” ellie ordered gruffly, knowing the sound of her voice could send you over the edge.
she held you flush against her body, grinding up to meet your every roll of hips. you swallowed each other's moans with deep kisses, tongues tangling erotically. ellie was determined to push you over the edge right here in this very locker room.
all of a sudden, a disruptive knocking sound echoed through the locker room door, shattering the fragile bubble of intimacy that had enveloped you both. a voice, belonging to joel, ellie's hockey coach, seeped through the other side, brimming with impatience.
"ellie, hurry up! the bus is outside, and our asses will leave you here to hitchhike if you don't come out in the next five minutes," joel's voice boomed, giving his last warning to your girlfriend.
you exchanged a knowing glance, the disappointment and longing apparent in your eyes. ellie growled in frustration as joel's voice interrupted your intense moment. of course, right when she was finally forgetting her problems, the problem came knocking on the door.
"shit," she muttered under her breath. ellie rested her forehead against yours as you both panted from being out of breath, the rhythm of your heartbeats gradually slowing, but the desire within you remaining unquenched.
"we're not done here," ellie whispered huskily, giving your ass a possessive squeeze.
louder so joel could hear, she called out, "yeah yeah, we're coming!" you tried not to laugh, but ellie giggled to herself, a sly smile on her face at the double meaning which caused you to roll your eyes.
ellie's lips pressed against yours for one final, ravenous kiss, a bittersweet taste that left you yearning for more. "we’re gonna finish this later, i promise,” she declared in a hushed tone, fueling what already thrummed between you.
with a playful slap on your ass whilst she got off the bench, ellie teased you, her touch electric against your skin. time was of the essence as you swiftly assisted her in changing out of her hockey gear and into more comfortable clothes.
the weight of disappointment settled upon both of you, and with mutual understanding, you tenderly brushed each other's disheveled hair back into place. gently, you attempted to wipe the sweat from each other's faces, trying to look as unsuspecting as possible. Not to mention, it was also severely embarrassing.
leaving the confines of the locker room, you stepped outside and joined ellie's teammates on the bus. taking your places among them, you immersed yourself in the multiple topics that would usually take place, ranging from animated discussions about the game to reflections on personal improvement and snippets of their everyday lives. or, they simply just talked shit about the other team and how stupid their name was—it could even go as far as saying how ugly and mismatched the team colors would be.
ellie knew you'd be aching for her touch until then. it would be a long, frustrating bus ride for both of you back to jackson. but the anticipation would make the payoff so much sweeter.
she knew she would get her after-game reward.
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liliacamethyst · 11 months
I briefly expressed the idea of Miguel finding out his partner is pregnant in this imagine, and I can’t help but wonder about the possibility of Miguel finding out this way (just as angsty in my opinion).
Another alternate universe Drabble:
Your heart races as you swing through the city, the wind whipping past your face. You are exhilarated by the adrenaline that comes with being a superhero. You’ve always felt like you belonged in the skies, protecting the people who trust you.
But something feels different today. You’re more cautious, more protective, and it’s not just because of yourself. There’s someone else involved. The thought makes your heart swell. You recently found out you’re a few weeks pregnant, and the thought of being a parent excites you. But you’re also scared. You don’t know how Miguel will react, considering his past.
As you land on the rooftop, you notice Jessica Drew waiting for you. Your nausea catches up with you as you double over.
“Jessica Drew, you breathe a word of this to anyone and I will kill you with my bare hands,” you whisper fiercely through clenched teeth.
“How can you when you're throwing up every five minutes?” she retorts. At your wince, she huffs out a breath. “You gotta tell him, at the very least.”
You take a deep breath, nodding slightly. Before you can answer her, your spider-sense tingles and your head snaps up. From the corner of your eye, you see a figure cloaked in shadows zooming toward you and Jessica. You recognize him immediately – it's the Vulture.
"Jessica, look out!" you shout as you push her out of the way. The Vulture’s sharp talons miss her by inches.
You don't waste a moment, shooting webbing to pull yourself towards him. As you close in on the Vulture, you exchange blows, his claws trying to find purchase while your punches land solidly.
Meanwhile, Jessica joins in, and you both engage in a fierce battle above the city. The buildings become blurry as you fight, your focus narrowing down to the Vulture’s relentless attacks.
At one point you see an opening. Your instincts tell you to go for it. But just as you lunge forward, the Vulture spins and his wing catches you in the abdomen. The force sends you hurling toward a building. You try to shoot a web, but the pain is too much.
Jessica catches you before you hit the ground and lays you down gently. She’s saying something but the world is growing dark. You reach for your abdomen.
"Please.. protect my baby," you whisper before everything goes black.
As you slowly regain consciousness, a sterile scentfills your senses. Your body feels heavy and a dull ache resonates through your abdomen. Your heart clenches as the memory of the battle rushes back and you instinctively move a hand to your belly.
Soft murmurs float around you and you blink your eyes open to see Lyla beside you. Her holographic form is displaying medical data in front of Miguel, who is pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back and a deep, angry frown on his face.
"...stable, but she must exercise caution due to early stages of pregnancy..." Lyla's words cut through the fog in your head, and your breath catches.
Miguel freezes, his gaze snapping to Lyla then to you. His expression crumbles as he takes in what Lyla just said.You slowly push yourself into a sitting position, your hand still protectively over your belly. Your eyes lock with Miguel's, his eyes widen with disbelief.
"You... We... Is this...?" Miguel stammers, his voice barely above a whisper.
You give him a simple nod.
"But...how? How did this happen?" His voice is choked.
"Miguel, listen to me," you start, your voice steady yet just a little bit above a whisper, "You don’t have to... This isn’t an obligation.I dont expect anything from you. I can raise this child alone. I..."
But before you can finish, Miguel leans in, pressing his lips against yours, effectively silencing your rambling. It’s a gentle yet passionate kiss filled with so many unsaid emotions and promises.
I loved this idea, and I really hope this is what you were looking for 💜
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withlove-angel · 7 months
AHHH i’m so excited you write for yandere one piece live action!! do you write for luffy? and also, do you feel comfortable writing breeding/pregnancy kink? thanks!
Sure! Let me try
⚠️warnings: non con, breeding kink, dark!luffy, yandere!luffy
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Y/n cautiously turned the corner, feeling like someone was watching her. As she scanned the area, she noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. It appeared to be a young man, with a hat on.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked nervously, her voice echoing through the dimly lit deck. There was no reply, only another pair of eyes watching her intently from the darkness.She hcould feel the heat rising in her face as your heart raced with trepidation.
The shadows figure, couldn't help but laugh a bit. She looks so cute in that little dress... he wante her all to himself... they are alredy friends, so why not skipping to the good part?
Y/n's heart raced as she realized that the figure watching her captain. "Oh, it's just you, Luffy. You scared me, you goof!" she laughed, her relief quickly replaced by excitement.
He smiled, amused by her surprise, but his gaze was fixed on the beautiful dress she was wearing. He had to admit that it looked good on her. "I like your dress," he finally said, his eyes wandering around her body. Her's cheeks flushed pink, as she quickly realized that Luffy was staring at her."Thanks"she murmur quietly, shifting her gaze to the sun that was setting.
The hole crew of the ship weren't there... just the two of them...
Luffy stood just behind y/n, admiring the way she filled out the dress. He couldn't help but notice the shape of her breasts beneath the fabric, his mind running wild with lustful thoughts. "Do you... do you like it here?" he finally asked, unable to hold back any longer. He longed to touch her and claim her as his own. But he knew he had to wait, to not rush things. Or at least he trying to...
Y/n's eyes widened as her approached her and suddenly wrapped his arms around her from behind, his chest pressed up against her back.
"I..." she was taking but surprise, they were just friends, she slightly uncomfortable but he didn't care "is different" she murmur... she newly joined the straw hats, well luffy almost begged her to... "still weird... trying to get used to the sea"
"You mean... having me as your captain is weird?" Luffy asked playfully, feeling her body close up against his. He was enjoying this way more than he should. He let go of y/n as he walked around to face her, his eyes hungrily tracing every inch of her body. He cupped her chin with his hand and pulled her in closer, his breath tickling her ear. "Is this weird too?" he whispered, his lips brushing against her neck. Luffy's fingers were gently caressing every curve of y/n's body, leaving her breathless.
She looked at him with wide eyes pushing him slightly "we shouldn't..." He really didn't care, he was overwhelmed by her presence.
"I... I know..." he whispered, his voice filled with desire. She tried to push him away, but his hands were firmly gripping her waist. She was just too tempting, and Luffy's blood was boiling. He wanted more than just a kiss or a squeeze, he wanted to possess her entirely. "But... I can't help it," he hissed, leaning in closer. His eyes met hers, and his breathing became heavy. He was on the edge of losing control.He just wanna posses her, and he will do right now. She gasps as she feels him lifting her and pressing against the nearlest wall. His body tightly pressed up against her. "Don't move," he whispered fiercely, his eyes filled with a hunger that he had never experienced before. Her heart began pounding rapidly as she felt his body up against hers, her legs wrapped around his waist. She was caught up in the moment, unable to resist the pleasure that was building up within her.
He lost control of his emotion, letting his possesive and crazy side show up for the first time. Luffy began kissing her neck and shoulders passionately, his lips teasing and nipping at her bare skin. He was losing control, his mind overtaken by his urges and desires. He was getting carried away, and he knew it. But he couldn't stop himself, couldn't turn back now. He wanted her, wanted to make her his, forever and always."Should i just get you pregnant?" He asked with a smirk. She looked at him with wide eyes".. What?" Y/n uttered, looking at him in shock. She hadn't expected him to say something like that. "Luffy, listen to me!" she pleaded, the feeling of desperation and fear rising up inside her. She was worried about what he might do next. "This is... too much, too fast." He continued to press himself up against her, his hand running down her thighs. She looked at him with pleading eyes, shaking her head in denial. But he wasn't listening."This will make you mine forever" he laughs pressing their bodies even more "you will look pretty, mama, with my child on you" y/n's eyes widened as she felt Luffy's hand moving up and down her thighs, his fingers lightly caressing her most sensitive areas. She was feeling weak now, her body being consumed by desire. But the thought of getting pregnant by him was unsettling. "Lufy, please... don't do this," she whispered desperately. "I- I don't want to be pregnant... I'm not ready..."
Luffy slowly caressed her stomach, imagining how she would look pregnant with his child. He let out a deep sigh, his arousal increasing with each passing moment. He couldn't wait to make her his, to claim her as his property. "Dont fight back, lil mama" he whispered softly. "Let me make you mine...Its better you agree... i will do it anyway. You are mine" he say y/n's eyes widened in fear as she realized that Luffy was determined to force himself on her.
don't know what to do with the feelings that were flooding up inside her. She was filled with so much fear and confusion, and she didn't have anyone she could talk to. She was so alone, and so vulnerable. This was supposed to be her home, her family. What was she going todo now?
Luffy laughs between growns "mine. Mine. Mine" he say grabbing her neck slightly. Her eyes widened, his grip tightening around her throat. She was completely trapped, unable to push him away. His touch was rough and painful, and she couldn't escape his grip. She was lost, not knowing what to do.
He laughs as soon as he finished. Finally did what he wanted... she will be pregnant she was in a daze, her mind and body numb after. She couldn't believe what had just happened, and she was feeling so many emotions. She was scared, ashamed, and confused. But she also felt an intense sense of pleasure and excitement, a feeling that made her feel sick with disgust. She was so confused, so lost. What was she going to do now? And what was she going to tell everyone else?
Luffy smiles, still burried inside her as he caress her.
Her body responding to luffy's touch despite her fear. She didn't want to be here right now, didn't want luffy's hands touching her like this. But it felt so good. She felt weak-willed, unable to turn him away. She felt trapped in this twisted reality of his. But she couldn't ignore the feeling of shame and disgust that was rising up inside her once again.She slowly rest her head on him when he stopped moving. She felt exhausted, both mentally and physically. She felt so conflicted right now, unsure of what to do or how to feel. She was filled with doubt and confusion, trying to figure out what this meant for her future. All she knew was that, at this moment, she felt so alone and vulnerable. And she wished she could just wake up from this nightmare, this wasn't her life. This wasn't real. But slowly, she realized that this was reality, and she was trapped in.
Lufyy gently caressed her face, trying to comfort her. She was so broken and fragile right now, and he couldn't stand to see her like this. He wanted to make her feel better, to take away all of the fear and doubt that she was currently experiencing. He gently caressed her face, running his fingers through her hair and kissing her softly on the forehead. "I promise I'll take care of you," he whispered. "No one will hurt you, ever."she felt a little better with the affection his touch was making her feel somewhat protected. She just wanted to let go of her thoughts and emotions, and escape into the safety of luffy's arms. She knew that she couldn't trust him completely, but for the moment he was making her feel better. She didn't want to be a monster like him, she would never be as cruel and heartless as him.
Luffy kissed her softly on the lips, his grip around her neck tightening once again. It was gentle and almost tender, but it was a warning nonetheless. He wanted her to know that she was his now, that there was no escape. She couldn't turn away, couldn't act like this didn't happen. Luffu would never let her be free again. She was bound to him now, her life forever linked to his. She belonged to him now.
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estapa-edwards · 11 days
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paring: jack hughes x reader
word count: 3k
requested? yes - jack being in love wiru quinn’s best friend who also happens to be trevor’s older sister, he met her when she started playing with quinn and have always had a puppy eye crush on her and was flirting she always thought he was just messing around and never took him seriously, maybe she was playing for a team on the west coast but she got traded to the devils and jack was literally so exicted and maybe she starts to see that he wasn’t messing around but truly is in love with her
warnings: use of y/n.
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Jack Hughes was no stranger to the spotlight. As a talented forward for the New Jersey Devils, he lived and breathed hockey, his life revolving around the rink and the relentless pursuit of victory. Yet, amidst the clamor of roaring crowds and the intensity of competition, there was one person who occupied his thoughts more than any other—Y/N.
Y/N, the younger sister of his best friend, Trevor, possessed a spirit as fierce as her slap shot and a determination that mirrored his own. From the moment Jack first met her, he was captivated by her fiery independence and her unwavering dedication to the sport they both loved. But it was more than just their shared passion for hockey that drew him to her; it was the spark of something deeper, an undeniable connection that transcended friendship and hinted at something more profound.
As Jack and Y/N's paths crossed during visits and hockey tournaments, a subtle shift occurred within Jack's heart. Beneath the camaraderie and shared passion for the game lay a burgeoning affection, one he dared not acknowledge for fear of disrupting the delicate equilibrium of their friendship. Yet, with each stolen glance and shared laugh, Jack found himself drawn inexorably towards Y/N, her presence a beacon of warmth in his world of icy rinks and competitive spirits.
Jack found himself drawn irresistibly towards Y/N, his desire to capture her attention outweighing his fear of rejection. Whether she was in the company of Quinn or Trevor, Jack seized every opportunity to engage her in playful banter and flirtatious exchanges, his words laced with double entendres and subtle hints of affection.
In the cozy confines of Trevor's house, laughter and chatter filled the air as Jack found himself drawn irresistibly towards Y/N. She sat across from Trevor, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she listened to his animated storytelling. Jack's heart quickened at the sight of her, the desire to capture her attention outweighing his fear of rejection.
"Hey there, troublemakers," Jack greeted with a playful smirk, sauntering into the room with an easy confidence that belied the nervous flutter in his chest.
Y/N's gaze flickered towards him, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. "Speak of the devil. Did someone summon you, or did you just show up to grace us with your presence?"
Jack chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I heard there was a party happening, and I couldn't resist crashing the festivities."
Trevor rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "More like you heard Y/N was here and couldn't stay away," he teased, shooting Jack a knowing look.
Jack feigned innocence, a playful grin spreading across his lips. "Can you blame me? Who could resist the allure of such captivating company?"
Y/N's cheeks flushed faintly at the compliment, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Hughes," she quipped, though the teasing light in her eyes betrayed the warmth in her tone.
Undeterred, Jack leaned against the nearby wall, his gaze fixed on Y/N with unwavering intensity. "Is that a challenge, Zegras? Because I'm always up for a little friendly competition."
The air crackled with tension as their playful banter continued, each exchange filled with double entendres and subtle hints of affection. Despite the presence of Trevor and the familiarity of their surroundings, Jack found himself lost in the depths of Y/N's gaze, his desire for her burning brighter with each passing moment.
As the evening wore on, Jack couldn't shake the feeling of being drawn to Y/N like a moth to a flame. Despite the playful banter and the laughter that filled the room, his attention remained solely on her, his senses attuned to every subtle shift in her demeanor.
"Hey, Jack, you still with us?" Trevor's voice broke through Jack's reverie, snapping him back to the present moment.
Jack blinked, tearing his gaze away from Y/N's mesmerizing eyes to focus on Trevor. "Yeah, sorry, got lost in thought for a moment there," he replied with a sheepish grin.
Trevor chuckled, shooting Jack a knowing look. "I can see that. You've been staring at my sister like she's the Stanley Cup or something."
Jack's cheeks flushed faintly at Trevor's observation, but he laughed it off, masking the true depth of his feelings behind a facade of nonchalance. "Can you blame me? She's hard to ignore," he quipped, though the truth of his words resonated deep within his heart.
Y/N arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, is that so, Hughes? Should I be flattered or concerned?" she teased, her tone light and teasing.
Jack's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her teasing smile, his desire to make her laugh and see that spark in her eyes growing stronger with each passing moment. "Definitely flattered," he replied with a grin, his eyes locking with hers in a silent exchange that spoke volumes without a single word spoken.
The afternoon sun filtered through the windows of Quinn's living room, casting a warm glow over the cozy space where Y/N and Quinn sat, engrossed in conversation. Books and hockey paraphernalia littered the coffee table between them, evidence of their shared interests and the bond that united them as siblings and friends.
Y/N laughed at something Quinn said, her eyes alight with amusement as she leaned back against the couch, her expression one of genuine happiness. Quinn smiled in return, his features softened by the easy camaraderie that flowed between them.
Their laughter was interrupted by the sound of the front door swinging open, and Jack's voice filled the room as he entered, his presence commanding attention without effort.
"Hey, guys, hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jack greeted with a grin, his eyes immediately seeking out Y/N's form amidst the comfortable chaos of Quinn's living room.
Quinn rolled his eyes playfully, though there was a hint of exasperation in his tone. "You always seem to have impeccable timing, Hughes."
Jack shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze never leaving Y/N's face. "What can I say? I have a sixth sense for when the party's getting started," he quipped, his grin widening as he sauntered further into the room.
Y/N couldn't help but smile at Jack's easy charm, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. "Hey, Jack," she greeted warmly, her voice soft yet tinged with amusement.
"Hey, Y/N," Jack replied, his tone filled with a warmth that sent a shiver down her spine. "Mind if I join you guys? I promise not to be too much of a third wheel."
Quinn shot Jack a knowing look, though there was a hint of teasing in his eyes. "As long as you behave yourself, you're welcome to stick around," he replied, though his words held a playful edge.
Jack grinned, taking a seat on the couch opposite Y/N and Quinn. "Scout's honor," he declared, holding up an imaginary badge with a flourish.
The notification on Y/N's phone interrupted the quiet evening she had been enjoying at home. With a curious frown, she unlocked the device to find an email from her agent, the subject line catching her attention: "Important News Regarding Your Career."
Her heart quickened with anticipation and apprehension as she opened the email, scanning the contents with growing disbelief. It was official—she had been traded from the Seattle Kraken to the New Jersey Devils.
For a moment, Y/N sat frozen, the weight of the news settling heavily upon her shoulders. The Kraken had been her team, her home on the ice, and the thought of leaving it all behind was both exhilarating and daunting.
Gathering her thoughts, Y/N rose from her seat, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She knew she had to tell her brother Trevor and her best friend Jack about the trade, but the words caught in her throat, uncertainty gnawing at her resolve.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N composed herself and dialed Trevor's number, her fingers trembling slightly as she waited for him to pick up.
"Trevor? It's me," Y/N began, her voice betraying the turmoil that churned within her.
"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Trevor's voice came through the phone, warm and familiar, a lifeline in the midst of uncertainty.
Y/N hesitated, the words catching in her throat. "I... I got traded," she finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.
There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line, followed by Trevor's voice, filled with concern. "Are you okay? Where did they trade you to?"
Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for Trevor's reaction. "The New Jersey Devils," she replied, the words heavy with resignation.
There was another pause, this one longer and more fraught with emotion. "Wow, that's... unexpected," Trevor finally said, his tone a mixture of surprise and understanding. "But hey, at least you'll be closer to Jack, right?"
Y/N couldn't help but smile at Trevor's attempt to lighten the mood, his words a reminder of the unwavering support he had always offered her. "Yeah, there's that," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.
After saying goodbye to Trevor, Y/N turned her attention to Jack, knowing she had to share the news with him as well. With a deep breath, she dialed his number, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for him to answer.
"Hey, Jack, it's me," Y/N said when he picked up, her voice steady despite the nerves that fluttered in her stomach.
"Hey, Y/N, what's going on?" Jack's voice came through the phone, filled with warmth and affection.
Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "I wanted to let you know... I got traded. To the Devils," she said, the words feeling surreal as they left her lips.
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by Jack's voice, filled with genuine concern. "Are you okay? How are you feeling about it?"
Y/N smiled at Jack's genuine concern, grateful for his unwavering support. "I'm... still processing it, to be honest. But having you and Trevor there for me makes it a little easier," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with sincerity.
The transition to New Jersey was smoother than Y/N had anticipated, thanks in no small part to Jack's unwavering support. As she settled into her new surroundings, Jack graciously offered to let her stay at his place for a few days while she sorted out the logistics of her move.
Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude as she stepped into Jack's home, greeted by the familiar warmth and comfort that filled the space. Jack had always been a generous host, but his kindness and hospitality during her time of need touched her in a way she couldn't quite put into words.
"Thanks for letting me crash here, Jack. I really appreciate it," Y/N said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation as she settled into the guest room.
Jack flashed her a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine affection. "Anytime, Y/N. Consider yourself part of the Hughes household for as long as you need," he replied, his tone sincere.
Over the next few days, Y/N and Jack fell into a comfortable rhythm, their days filled with laughter, shared meals, and late-night conversations that stretched into the early hours of the morning. Despite the uncertainty of her future with the Devils, Y/N found solace in Jack's presence, his unwavering support serving as a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty.
As they spent more time together, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the depth of her connection with Jack. Whether they were discussing hockey strategies or sharing childhood memories, there was an ease and familiarity between them that transcended mere friendship, hinting at something deeper and more profound.
he arena buzzed with anticipation as the New Jersey Devils faced off against their rivals in a crucial match. The tension in the air was palpable as Y/N took her position on the ice, her heart pounding with nervous excitement as she prepared to make her mark on the game.
As the puck dropped, Y/N's focus sharpened, her instincts taking over as she skated with determination and purpose. With each stride, she felt the weight of expectations pressing down upon her, but she refused to let it deter her from giving her all for her team.
Minutes turned into periods, and the game remained deadlocked in a fierce battle of wills. But then, in the final moments of the third period, an opportunity presented itself—a breakaway, a chance to make a difference and change the course of the game.
With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Y/N surged forward, the roar of the crowd fading into the background as she focused solely on the net before her. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the puck soaring past the goalie, the sound of the buzzer signaling the end of the game echoing through the arena.
The crowd erupted into cheers as Y/N's teammates rushed to surround her, their jubilant celebrations a testament to the significance of her goal. But amidst the chaos and excitement, one voice stood out above the rest—Jack's.
From his position on the bench, Jack's eyes shone with pride and admiration as he watched Y/N's triumphant display. He had seen her dedication and hard work on and off the ice, and now, as she scored her first goal and the game-winning goal with the Devils, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride in her accomplishments.
As the celebration continued around them, Jack made his way onto the ice, his heart bursting with emotion as he pulled Y/N into a tight embrace. "I'm so proud of you, Y/N," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine emotion.
After the exhilarating victory on the ice, Jack couldn't contain his excitement as he approached Y/N, a wide grin plastered on his face. "Y/N, that was incredible! You were amazing out there," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
Y/N's cheeks flushed with pride at Jack's words, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thanks, Jack. I couldn't have done it without the support of you and the team," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.
Jack's grin widened as he reached out to gently squeeze Y/N's shoulder. "Well, now that the game's over, how about we go out and celebrate? Just you and me," he suggested, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Jack's invitation, her cheeks warming at the thought of spending time alone with him outside of the rink. "I'd love that, Jack," she replied, her voice filled with excitement.
As they made their way out of the arena and into the crisp night air, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. There was something exhilarating about the prospect of spending time alone with Jack, away from the pressures of the game and the watchful eyes of their teammates.
Together, they ventured into the heart of the city, the bustling streets alive with the energy of nightlife. Jack led Y/N to a cozy little bistro tucked away on a side street, the warm glow of the lights beckoning them inside.
Over a delicious meal and glasses of wine, they laughed and talked, sharing stories and memories long into the night. With each passing moment, Y/N found herself drawn deeper into Jack's magnetic presence, her admiration for him growing with every word he spoke.
As the evening drew to a close, Jack reached across the table to take Y/N's hand in his, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "Tonight was perfect, Y/N," he said softly, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that took her breath away.
Y/N smiled, her heart overflowing with happiness. "It really was, Jack. Thank you for everything," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and affection.
As they stepped into the familiar warmth of their apartment, the energy between Jack and Y/N crackled with an intensity that was impossible to ignore. The events of the evening had stirred something within Jack, a longing that pulsed through his veins with each heartbeat.
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Jack turned to face Y/N, his eyes searching hers with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice tinged with emotion.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the serious tone in Jack's voice, her eyes widening with curiosity and anticipation. "What is it, Jack?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with a quiet intensity.
Jack took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts as he prepared to lay his heart bare before Y/N. "I can't keep pretending anymore, Y/N. I've been trying to fight these feelings for so long, but I can't deny them any longer," he confessed, his voice trembling slightly with emotion.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat at Jack's words, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "What feelings, Jack?" she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned in closer to him, her eyes searching his for answers.
Jack's gaze softened as he reached out to gently cup Y/N's face in his hands, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her body. "I'm in love with you, Y/N," he admitted, his voice filled with raw honesty and vulnerability. "I have been for as long as I can remember."
Y/N's heart swelled with emotion at Jack's confession, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Jack, I... I don't know what to say," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming joy.
Before she could utter another word, Jack closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a tender and passionate kiss. In that moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them, bound together by the unbreakable thread of love that had blossomed between them.
As they broke apart, their foreheads resting against each other's, Y/N felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that she had found her home in Jack's arms.
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wileys-russo · 6 months
three times you almost said i love you and the one time you did II a.russo x reader
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her in the orange and black kits has such a hold on me you'll never understand three times you almost said i love you and the one time you did II a.russo
"less are you nervous for tomorrow?" you asked your girlfriend, playing absentmindedly with her hair as the two of you lay together on the sofa, her head resting on your stomach.
"yes and no?" she answered cryptically, the two of you would leave for camp tomorrow to prepare for hopefully your first world cup together.
"so is that a yes or a no?" you laughed at her answer, staring up at the ceiling. "its both! its a hard question okay." alessia whined, pinching your leg playfully. "no its not! its literally a yes or no question." you smiled in amusement, tenderly brushing her baby hairs out of her face with your fingers.
"okay well then yes. but nervously excited!" she clarified as you hummed, nodding your head in understanding. "what about you love?" she shifted her position, rolling onto her side so her head was still laying on your stomach but she could look at you.
"very nervous, a little excited." you answered, alessia reaching her hand up to brush your hair out of your eyes, thumb running tenderly over your jaw.
"you have nothing to be nervous about baby, you're absolutely brilliant, both on the pitch and off. i can't wait for the whole world to finally see what i see every single day." she confessed softly, smile widening at the blush which crept up your neck at her words.
"lessi-" "no i mean it! really. i wish you would see it the way i do." she sat up, the taller girl frowning down at you now. "sarina wouldn't have called you up if you didn't deserve it love, we had this same conversation before the euros." alessia reminded, grabbing your face gently in her hands.
"i know that tournament didn't go how you planned. but you still brought everyone up when we were down, on the pitch or not you were such a vitally important part of every single game we played." alessia promised, bright blue eyes locked with yours.
"and look at the season you've had since! you've been in the starting lineup nearly every single game, you've been putting in the work, seeking out feedback, learning from any mistakes and embracing every single minute you're out there." alessia continued firmly, refusing to let you look away from her.
"football aside you are also the most kind, sweet, passionate, loving and wonderful human being you possibly could be. you're a fiercely loyal friend, the most supportive teammate and the best girlfriend in the world." alessia smiled, pecking your lips as you smiled.
"the best girlfriend! the best, the best, the very best!" alessia repeated over and over, collapsing on top of you and attacking your face with kisses making you laugh and try to push her off. "my best girl." the blonde grabbed your cheeks in one hand, squishing them together and pecking your jutted out lips a few times, something she did as often as she could claiming you looked adorable as you'd scrunch your face up at her.
"i-" you started once she'd stopped, head falling back into your lap as she grinned up at you, but words fell short as your mind kicked into overdrive and you abandoned the statement, tangling your hands in her hair again.
"you're the best, i couldn't ask for anymore baby and i'm thankful for every single day we get together. my star girl!" you smiled tenderly, dipping your head to sweetly press your lips against hers.
"are you sure tooney doesn't mind?" you whispered apprehensively, glancing around at most of your sleeping teammates, your girlfriend crouched down beside you with a shake of her head.
"no, i promise. come on!" she stood and held out her hand, wiggling her fingers impatiently in your direction. "please go!" lucy groaned from beside you, cracking one eye open to shoot the pair of you a tired glare.
"sorry luce." you both spoke in sync and smiled apologetically, the brunette shooing you away as you took alessia's hand, allowing her to pull you up and out of your seat.
leading you down to the front of the plane where she was sat you walked past ella who'd moved to sit beside ellie, the girl sending you a wink and returning to her movie.
"hey!" you laughed quietly as you attempted to sit in ella's seat only for a pair of arms to wrap tightly around your waist, alessia pulling you to squish in beside her on her own seat.
"stop wriggling." the striker teased, tickling your sides as you thrashed on top of her until she finally let up. "hi." you smiled as she hovered over you, lips ghosting yours as her nose gently brushed against your cheek.
"helloo." she sung out with a goofy smile, kissing everywhere but your lips. "you missed." you pouted, tapping your lips expectantly as she rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic sigh before her soft lips met yours, your arms draping over her shoulders, fingernails tracing lines on the back of her neck like you knew drove her crazy.
her tongue slipped into your mouth for a moment, teeth dragging teasingly along your bottom lip as she eventually pulled away with a small pop. "we're gonna get caught if you can't control yourself." you smiled knowingly, tapping her shoulders gently as she sat up a little more.
"why did you make el move if we're gonna share seats?" you smiled, shuffling around a little more to get comfortable, legs draped over her lap as your bodies pressed tightly together. "privacy, duh." the blonde grinned as you rolled your eyes playfully
"also can't have my tongue down your throat if she's asleep beside us love, you make far too much noise." alessia whispered with a wicked smirk as you scoffed pulling her hood up and tightening it over her head. "hey! baby!" alessia whined as you held the strings of her hoodie in your hands, pulling them tighter and covering her face.
"if you think we're joining the mile high club russo you've got a rude wake up call coming!" you teased letting go of her hoodie, catching her off guard as she freed herself, kissing her suddenly but pulling away before she could deepen it any further, grabbing her hand which reached out for the back of your neck in your own, kissing her palm with a teasing wink.
"c'mere you're too far away." alessia pouted, pawing at your tracksuit and pulling you tightly into your body, pressing her face into your neck as you shook your head.
"you know you're ridiculously clingy sometimes darling." you teased, kissing her nose making it scrunch up. "don't know what you mean? i just want you near me at all times, every single second of every single day forever and ever and ever." alessia shrugged before her face broke out into a grin.
"clingy girl." you teased again the two of you messing around poking and prodding at one another for a moment with quiet giggles before you settled, alessia draping a blanket over the two of you.
"you know if anyone wakes up and see's us like this we're never gonna hear the end of it." you sighed, head resting on your girlfriends shoulder as she flicked through to find a movie. "since they're stuck with us all tournament they better get used to it." alessia smiled, glancing at you with a loving gaze.
"hey less." you started, the blonde humming as she continued to browse movies. "i-" again you started to say what you knew in your heart, but once more the words died in your throat.
"i can't wait for the next few weeks with you."
"this is..." you trailed off in awe as the team arrived down to the beach, the sun setting as a few of the girls made a beeline for the water, the rest all dawdling around taking it in, everyone a little loopy with jetlag from the long haul flight.
but you were here, in australia, for your first world cup.
"insane?" mary laughed from beside you, slinging an arm over your shoulder as the two of you wandered toward the water. "well we certainly don't have beaches like this in england." you grinned, challenging her to a race before pushing her over and sprinting away, hearing her yell after you but you'd already gotten off to a head start.
"you cheating little shit!" right as you crossed what you'd deemed as a finish line mary came crashing into you, almost sending you tumbling to the ground before suddenly arms round around and hurriedly yanked you back up.
"excuse me pretty girl but i've already claimed the title of the clumsy one in the relationship, watch your footing!" alessia teased as you kicked sand at mary with a glare, cuddling into your girlfriend as the keeper tried to grab at you.
"she won't always be around, i'll be watching." mary warned playfully, pointing menacingly as you flipped her off, again tucking yourself into alessia as mary took a step toward you before ella threw a handful of sand at her and she was off.
"i'm fairly sure mary would beat me in a fight baby, we might need to make an alliance with someone for extra protection if you piss her off again." alessia murmured teasingly, ducking her head and pecking your lips a few times.
"i vote we go for luce, no ones beating that girl at anything." "mm i was gonna vote mills, she isn't dubbed a brick wall for nothing." "can you imagine if they got into a fight?" "the winner would have to be who we go to for protection from mary."
"its so beautiful here." alessia smiled softly, the two of you pulling away and walking side by side in the shallows of the water, shoes in one hand and fingers laced together with the other.
"you're so beautiful." you quipped, craning your neck up to kiss the taller girls cheek. both your heads whipped around hearing loud gagging behind you, ella and georgia hanging off one another and dry wretching.
"grow up." you shook your head at them, the two girls continuing their teasing as alessia dropped your hand. you turned to complain but before you could her mouth was on yours in a dizzying kiss, clearly sending a message to the two younger girls behind you as her hand flew to the back of your neck deepening it further as you balled her shirt in your hands.
it seemed to work as ella and georgia kicked water at the two of you and ran off, alessia only pulling away once they did, leaving the air stolen from your lungs and your head spinning. "you right love?" she grinned cheekily as you only smacked her chest, taking a moment to catch your breath.
"whats up baby? cat got your tongue?" alessias arms circled your waist as she grinned down at you, and as always you found yourself lost in the sea of dazzling blue that was the strikers eyes, your heart surging with that all too familiar feeling.
"i-" but once more, you chickened out.
"i'm so lucky to have you lessi."
"where you goin?" your girlfriend pouted as you tried to walk away. "to the bus?" you laughed, holding up your coffee you'd just collected. "nahh you can wait with me." alessia decided for you, hugging you tightly from behind and holding you captive in her arms.
"clingy girl." you teased, the taller blonde only blowing a raspberry on your cheek in response as you elbowed her playfully with your free arm. "you two are disgusting, honestly." ella grimaced with a shake of her head.
"grumpy and missing mr bunny are we tooney?" you teased, the brunette shooting you a glare as she stepped forward to take her coffee. as they called alessia's name next you laughed as alessia walked the two of you over to grab it, refusing to let you go as she did.
"youse are gonna make me throw this up everywhere, the codependency is unbelievable." ella shook her head, shaking her muffin at you both but you saw the hint of a smile tug at her lips.
"whats next? less drinks your coffee for you and spits it back into your mouth to check it for poison?" ella mocked, your girlfriend leaning down to take your straw in between her lips and steal a mouthful of your iced coffee.
"don't you dare alessia!" you warned her sternly as she wiggled her eyebrows but swallowed, sending you a wink and finally letting you go as the three of you exited the coffee shop next to your hotel, headed off to training.
you huddled by the bus alongside a few more of the girls, waiting as your bags were all loaded and they called for everyone to start boarding. "nope! ya sittin with me less." ella yanked the taller girl back as she tried to take a seat beside you.
"its a twenty minute drive lessi, you'll be fine." you laughed, tugging niamh to sit in her space as your girlfriend frowned grumpily, trudging away after ella as you blew her a kiss.
"lovesick little simp." niamh teased, flicking your forehead as you shoved her and pulled out a deck of cards, the defender eagerly agreeing to a game of blackjack as she flipped her boot bag over for the two of you to use as a table, feeling your girlfriends eyes bore into you from a few rows back.
the bus squeaking to a stop outside the training grounds you made your way off, the team disappearing into the change rooms to get ready for training. your breath hitched as a warm hand made its way into yours, tugging you away and around a corner.
"longest drive ever." alessia groaned quietly and before you could even speak her lips were attacking yours, hands planted firmly on your hips as she pressed you against the cold concrete of the wall behind you.
"lessi!" you laughed at her neediness, pulling your head back as her lips instead found refuge on your neck, her nose tucking into your collarbone as your eyes fluttered shut. but the sudden cluttering of boots on cement as the girls joged toward the pitch tugged you out of it.
"no few more minutes baby." alessia shook her head firmly as you tried to push her head out of your neck, lips latching back to the sensitive skin, nipping and sucking enough to have your breath catching and hips bucking ever so slightly against her but not quite enough to leave any noticeable marks.
"-they're here! christ come on you two are killin me." you grunted as hands grabbed the back of your training top, yanking you away from alessia as she was marched to the change room behind you. "stop manhandling me brighty!" you whined, trying to remove millies hand but she scoffed.
"the two of you are not to pair up for anything today. if i see either of you goofing off, making out, talking shit, its laps!" millie ordered sternly, dumping you down onto the bench as mary did the same for alessia, keeping the two of you apart as you both hurried to change into your cleats.
"mills-" you tried, standing once you were ready but the blonde shook her head. "don't wanna hear it! captains orders. go!" she pointed out as you stopped to wait for alessia, mary fixing you now with a warning glare as you huffed, storming outside.
the longer you and alessia were forced to be apart the grumpier the two of you became, not allowed once again to even sit together on the bus back from training, watched like hawks by both millie and mary who caged you into separate seats on opposite ends of the bus.
"alright stroppy. go kiss your missus!" millie teased, her and rach making kissy faces at you as she let go of the back of your shirt she'd had a firm grip on all day, like you were a naughty child who kept running away at the supermarket.
"i hate the pair of you." you glared in their direction, their teasing only continuing as you looked around the lobby, frown deepening as you couldn't spot your favorite blonde anywhere to be seen.
so with a huff and your bad mood worsening you marched off to the lifts, ignoring your team mates calls of your name, just wanting to shower and rinse off the dried sweat coating your body from running around all day in the australian humidity.
though right as the doors were about to close a hand shot inside, a body squeezing through after with a grin. "oh my god they're gonna have sex in the lift!" was all you heard from ella before the doors closed.
"i missed you so much." you were enveloped in a tight bear hug before you could even so much as blink, sighing contentedly at the feeling of your girlfriends arms squeezing you, your face smooshed into her chest.
"i missed you more." you mumbled into her top, the two of you staying locked together in a tight hug until the door pinged and you'd reached your floor.
"come for a shower with me?" you pulled your head back with a suggestive smile, knowing that your roommate niamh was still downstairs playing table tennis, and given her current competitive streak you knew she'd be awhile.
the blonde didn't give you a verbal answer, only hauling you up and into her arms as she almost ran to your room, your head falling back with a laugh as she dropped you at your door to allow you to beep your card to let the two of you inside.
her lips were on yours the moment the door closed, clothes flying around the room as alessia backed you up and into the bathroom, your shared giggles filling the silence of the hotel room among the gentle smacks of your lips meeting again and again.
"oh! i have something for you." alessia remembered as you finished braiding her hair, both freshly showered and hanging out before you'd head down for dinner. using your knees to push herself up and off the floor your girlfriend grabbed her training shorts off the floor, rummaging around in her pockets.
"eyes closed please pretty girl." she ordered as you smiled with a shake of your head but did as she asked, feeling her sit beside you and carefully grab your hand, depositing something into it.
"so obviously next season we'll finally be playing for the same club and in the same kit." alessia started, holding your fist closed as you opened your eyes with a curious frown. "the right shade of red!" you teased, the blonde pinching your thigh lightly for the comment.
"so i had es teach me how to make her bracelets, and i finally finished today." with that she opened your hand, five bracelets sitting neatly in a small pile as your features softened.
"so this one matches the home kit-" alessia started, picking up a red and white braided band and putting it down on the bed. "-and this one matches the away kit-" a pink white and blue one followed next. "-this one matches the third kit-" a teal and black one was next.
"-and this one matches the england kit-" a dark blue and white one was next, leaving just one. "-and this one matches your eyes." she smiled softly, placing the final bracelet on the bed as you opened and closed your mouth wordlessly.
"is it stupid?" alessia winced, taking her bottom lip between her teeth nervously as you quickly shook your head, taking her by surprise as you tackled her to the bed, kissing all over her face.
"so you like them then?" alessia laughed as you pecked her lips a few times, holding her face in your hands and pressing your forehead to hers. "i love them lessi baby."
"...and i love you."
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