#but yeah I’m like . sad about Valjean again
secretmellowblog · 2 years
I’m rereading Les mis again, and one thing I didn’t notice on my first reads is just how Militarized every single town is? Even in scenes where characters are just going about their ordinary day there are always soldiers in the street, and everyone’s always mentioning prison, and the police are always there, and there are always traces of the recent wars all around—
No matter what the characters are doing, the threat of state violence is always There. The threat of the military and police and government is always hanging over them.
Like in Fantine’s chapters with Tholomyes! As the four couples are going on their dates, there are constant references to how “Everything is Fine Now Because the Monarchy has Finally Put Down those Nasty Rebels and is Back in Power Again.”As the couples flirt and play, there are gendarmes in the street and people singing rowdy songs about the return of the king. There’s an entire intro chapter about the year’s historical context, and the rest of the chapters contains sprinkles of anecdotes about the new regime.
Hugo draws what I feel is a pretty explicit parallel between Tholomyes and the new King. We’re told that is fine in Paris because King Louis is on the throne: and we’re told that everything is idyllic in Fantine’s friend group because Tholomyes is its (quote) “dictator” who leads in a way that obligates everyone to obey.
Of course in the end Everything is Not Fine and these dictators can’t actually be trusted to rule over their people, and are going to especially hurt marginalized people like Fantine.
But it’s not just this one subplot obviously, it’s Every Single One. The threat of military violence is the background noise of the entire book.
Montreuil-sur-Mer where Valjean becomes mayor is literally a garrrison town for the military; Paris is always swarming with police and gendarmes; Marius’s story centers on his changing feelings about his Bonapartist soldier father; the Thenardiers live at the Waterloo Inn and constantly go on about Monsieur Thenardier’s military history; like the threat of the military/police is always there in the background of every scene, long before it comes to a head at the barricade.
One of the subplots that illustrates this best is Everything that Happens In Digne after Valjean is released from prison.
Valjean shows his yellow passport to the mayor and is immediately followed by a gendarme before he heads to an inn. His passport causes every inn to refuse service to him. After he asks a kind-looking peasant man at home with his family if he can stay at his house for the night, the man pulls out a gun and threatens to murder him. He attempts to get temporary housing at a prison, which refuses him.
We’re later given an explanation for what the townspeople think and say about their police force, and why they’re so determined to beat Valjean away. We’re told that the townspeople say:
“The police was very badly organized, moreover, because there was no love lost between the Prefect and the Mayor, who sought to injure each other by making things happen. It behooved wise people to play the part of their own police, and to guard themselves well, and care must be taken to duly close, bar and barricade their houses, and to fasten the doors well.”
Which is a terrifying philosophy that we see throughout the book? The reason everyone is so cruel to Valjean is because in a world where everything is militarized, ordinary people have decided to become unofficial cops. It’s like they believe the problem with their society is that there aren’t enough police/soldiers on the street—even though we see police and soldiers on Every Page.
There’s something terrifyingly familiar about the mentality that looks at cities swarming with police and says “the way to fix this is to Add More Police. Or for regular citizens to Do Police Work themselves!”
And I feel like that tension, that constant pervasive threat of government violence that never goes away because ordinary people are actively supporting these institutions too, is such a tragically relevant part of the book.
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capitainecorbeau · 2 years
As promised, here’s more translation nerdery. This time we’re comparing the original 1980 french production/concept album to the adaptation that was made of it and is now the widely recognized version. So there will be transaltion differences, but also thematic ones !
Here I’m looking at ‘La journée est finie’, which became ‘At the end of the day’. In the 1980 version, it’s the opening number. The prologue with Valjean being released and meeting the bishop was added in the adaptation/translation, which in general is more focused on Valjean as a character and the parallels between him and Javert, while the original version is more focused on the social themes.
Women :
La journée est finie quatorze heures à la peine/The day is over 14 hours of hard work
Le nez sur l'établi quatorze heures à la chaîne/Nose stuck to the bench 14 without pause
C'est fini ça recommence/It’s over it starts again
Dans la vie, nous les femmes, on a la chance/In life, us women are lucky
D'avoir un deuxième patron à la maison/To have another boss at home
Que l'on sert en silence/That we serve in silence
Lots of fun stuff in this first paragraph. First, ‘peine’ is a word that has lots of meanings ! Here it means hard work, but it also means punishment/sentence or grief/sadness. I remember a parody of Columbo where he was telling a suspect pretending (badly) to be sad about the wife he just murdered ‘Oui je comprends la peine que vous avez à simuler la peine que vous avez’ which roughly translates to ‘Yes, I can see how hard it is for you to pretend this is hard for you
‘A la chaîne’ means nonstop, one after the other. Comes from ‘travail à la chaîne’, aka working on an assembly line. Apt metaphor.
Also yeah the start of the song is divided between women and men, and in general, the song is… I dunno, more personal ? Like it’s less vague or general about poverty, there are more specific exepreiences, and it’s the factory workers singing, not random people on the street. It may also be because the adaptation combined this song with another one, ‘L’air de la misère’/’Tune of poverty/misfortune’ (‘misère’ is another annoying word to translate :/). It’s sung by Fantine after she gets fired, and it’s a more general and lyrical description of poverty, rather than the specific experience of the workers at the factory.
La journée est finie, bien finie la journée/The day is over well over is the day
On l'a bien mérité le pot de l'amitié/We deserve a round of drinls to frienship
Le dernier que l'on se jette/The last one we get down
Attendant que la soupe soit enfin prête/While waiting for the soup to be ready
Et d'aller dormir enfin/So we can finally sleep
Jusqu'à demain/Until tomorrow
Sans demander son reste/Without further ado
Kind of a different atmosphere here, hmm ? The beginning of the 1980 version, which focuses on Fantine, is pretty explicit about sexism and gendered aspects of poverty.
‘Pot’ means pot, but it also means a little drinking party, or just drinks. Also as for ‘le dernier que l’on se jette’ the full expression is ‘s’en jeter un derrière la cravate’, ‘to toss one behind one’s cravat’. Aka, drinking.
‘Sans demander son reste’ can be translated with ‘without further ado’, but it’s not exactly the same connotations, it’s usually used when leaving or fleeing, you’re in a hurry and you might be a little scared.
Aime ce que tu as quand t'as pas ce que t'aimes/Love what you have when you don’t have what you love
Quand t'as pas ce que t'aimes, aime ce que tu as/When you don’t have what you love love what you have
Et nous aut' comme on'n'a rien/And since we have nothing
Ni le superflu ni le nécessaire/Neither superfluous or necessary things
On ne peut que s'aimer bien/We can only love ourselves/each other
Pour mettre un peu d'azur dans notre enfer/To bring a little bit of blue in our hell
Et pouvoir encore sourire, continuer à vivre/And be able to smile still, and keep on living
‘On ne peut que s’aimer bien’ can mean both ‘loving ourselves’ or ‘loving each other’. Considering what’s gonna follow it’s probably the latter. Also ‘azur’ is a fancy word for ‘blue’, and here it refers to the sky.
S’il est pas trop crevé si j’ai encore la force/If he’s not too tired if I have enough strengh left
Nous on se fait du bien quand les enfants s’endorment/We have ourselves a good time when the children are slepping
Entre nous et les bourgeois/Between us and the bourgeois
C’est avec la mort ma foi/it’s with death
Le seul moment où y a pas de différence/The only time where there is no difference
Et voilà nos vacances/And here are our holidays
Here you go, loving each other. ‘Ma foi’ is a phrase that wan mean ‘well’, or ‘my word’, it’s more of an emphasis than anything else. Translated litteraly, it means ‘my faith’.
So this whole paragraph states that sex and death are the only moments where everyone’s equal, and like that’s a nice poetic sentiment but in reality that’s really not the case. Try to take time to mourn when you have to keep working or starve :/
T’as vu le contremaître avait l’air contrarié/Have you seen the forman he looked frustrated
C’est la faute à la Louise qui l’a laissé tombé/That’s Louise’s fault, she dumped him
Si le patron savait qu’il nous fait des avances/If the boss new he was coming on to us
Il perdrait de sa morgue et de sa suffisance/He would lose some of his arrogance and self importance
‘Morgue’ is a fun one, yes it can also mean morgue, as in the place where you store bodies, but here it means arrogance, with a strong connotation of looking down on people. It’s a fancy word, speaking very roughly, French has three registers of speech, from most formal to least : soutenu, courant, et familier. ‘Soutenu’ is more often used in writing these days, and it’s pretty rare to see anyone speaking only in that register, but it’s not uncommon to use words from it here and there. As a result, it feels pretty old fashioned. Courant is… well it’s supposed to be ‘neutral’, as in it’s not connoted as either too formal/litterary OR too informal, but in practice, it’s used more in professional and formal settings. Speaking exclusively in that register outside of that can come across as a bit stiff. And finally, familier is informal, colloquial, used liebrally in informal settings, or more sporadically to spice up or emphasize your speech in other settings. A good chunk of it are words of Argot (aka slang) that became widely known. And this register is why I tend to swear a lot more in english than I do in french, as english doesn’t really have that register so it feels too formal to me without using ‘fuck’ as punctuation. Though keep in mind that this is my experience with french, so other might not see it that way ! Tengent over let’s get back to the song
So in this version the foreman isn’t a character, he’s just part of the background and another reason why work sucks.
Ce bon Monsieur Madeleine/Good Monsieur Madeleine
Qui sait être tolérant pourtant/However tolerant he can be
Ne permet pas qu’on se joue de la morale/Doesn’t allow for morality/morals to be defied/mocked
Et il le prendrait très mal/And he would react badly
Ahh, ‘la morale’. Another word that’s annoying to translate. Mostly because they encompass several things or meanings/connotations that are separated in different words in english. Here it’s more in terms of ‘morality according to society’ than personal morals.
Est-ce ton amoureux qui t'écrit en cachette/Is it your lover writing you in secret ?
Fantine, fais nous voir ce qu'y a dans cette lettre/Fantine, show us what is in this letter
Envoyez quinze francs/Send us 15 francs
Malade votre enfant/Sick is your child
Risque la mort sous peu/Risks dying soon
Vite, il faut la sauver/Quickly, you must save her
C'est signé Thénardier/It’s signed Thénardier
Not much to say, that didn’t change much in the adaptation, though here Thenardier is more blunt and alarmist.
Rendez-moi ma lettre, ravalez votre haine/Give me back my letter and swallow your hatred
Pensez à vos misères et laissez-moi la mienne/Think of your own misfortunes and leave me to mine
Allez rentrez vite, vos maîtres vous attendent/Go on home quickly, your masters are waiting for you
Oh ! pardon vos maris, vous qui en avez un qui partage votre vie/Oh ! sorry your husbands, since you have one who shares your life
Yeah, 1980 Fantine is… quite a bit more bitter than the other one (she is 100 % entitled to be btw). Less of a '''''''''''''good victim'''''''''. It’s clearer in ‘J’avais rêvé d’une autre vie’ (I had dreamed of another life), I might get to it later but the adaptation kinda butchered that one. But anyway, it also nicely ties back to the beginning of the song, which strongly implies that if you’re a woman, being married can bring a little bit of comfort but mostly fucking sucks (But they still use that to put themselves above Fantine)
Séparez-vous, je vous l'ordonne/Step away from each other, it’s an order
Je ne conduis pas un troupeau, c'est une usine que je mène/I am not leading a herd, it’s a factory I’m overseeing
Avant de vous prendre aux cheveux et quel que soit le différend/Before tearing each other’s hair out, and no matter the dispute
Dont vous allez me faire l'aveu/That you will confess to me
Sachez rester dignes quand même/Know to remain dignified
Et maintenant qu'on me révèle les raisons de cette querelle/And now reveal to me the reasons for this quarel
Again, no foreman here ! Valjean himself is dealing with this. I guess this was changed to make him more sympathetic (especially since in the book, he had nothing to do with firing Fantine, he didn’t even know about it). Also, ‘différent’ means, well, ‘different’, but as a known it means disagrement, not seeing eye-to-eye.
Bravo mademoiselle/Well done mademoiselle
on la croyait sérieuse/We thought she was responsible
mais elle était la nuit tout autant travailleuse/But at night she was just as much of a hard worker
la Eantine est fille mère/Fantine is an unmarried mother
Mais malheur à celle qui trop tôt gaspille/But woe to whoever wastes too early
La vertu, seule fortune des pauvres filles/Her virtue, poor girls’ only wealth
Tant pis, tant pis pour elle/Too bad, too bad for her
Oof, lots of things to say here ! So, unlike the adaptation, in which people assume Fantine is currently sleeping around, here they hone in on the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. It’s about what she did, not what she might be doing. So it kinda makes Fantine asking ‘Yes it’s true there’s a child and the child is my daughter, and the father abandonned us leaving us flat […] what’s the matter with that ?’ kinda funny. Because that’s it, that’s the problem. I dunno, in the adaptation it feels more like modern slutshaming than period-accurate stigma (not that stigma against single unmarried mothers has disappeared, mind).
‘Sérieux/se’ is another word with lots of meanings and connotations. It means serious, but also responsible, hard-working, thourough, etc.
Virtue → virginity.
Also, ine the stage production you can hear the disdainful quotes around 'hard worker'.
Bravo mademoiselle on te voit à l'église/Well done Mademoiselle we see you at church
Mais c'est pour d'autres messes que tu ôtes ta chemise/But you take off your shirt for another kind of mass
Et bien sûr elle va nous dire/And of course she will tell us
Que de lui elle était très amoureuse/That she was very in love with him
Mais Jésus, gare au serpent/But Jesus, beware the snake
Sa piqûre est parfois très venimeuse/Whose sting can be very venomous
Et les hommes c'est tout pareil/And men are the same
Malheur à qui leur cède/Woe to whoever gives in to them
Bravo mademoiselle/Well done mademoiselle
On n'a que ce qu'on sème/You get what you sow
Cette sainte nitouche y a touché quand même/Hhhhh ok so. A Sainte Nitouche is a very prude woman, who often makes a show of it. It comes form ‘N’y touche’, aka ‘doesn’t touch it’, so they’re making wordplay of it. ‘This Sainte Nitouche toutched it anyway’
‘But if you had kept your legs closed it none of this would be happeniiiiiiiiiing’ blergh. ‘Jesus’ here is not used as an expletive or anything, in fact it never is in french. French from France (it’s different in Québec) doesn’t have sacrilegeous swearing ! Hell, Damn, God, etc ? All extremely mild words in French. It’s very funny seeing english speaking people going ‘wow they said ‘hell’ in a kids’ movie, edgy’ when in french ‘enfer’ (aka ‘hell’) has as much edge as the word ‘potato’.
Je ne veux pas chez moi d'histoire de cette sorte/I don’t want this kind of business in my house/factory
voilà cinquante francs je vous mets à la porte/Here are 50 francs, I am firing you
‘Histoire’ you know the drill, it means history, story/tale, but here it means business, matter, problem, that sort of thing. ‘Mettre à la porte’ litteraly translates to ‘put someone at the door’, kicking someone out. Can be spiced up by replacing ‘mettre’ with ‘flanquer’ (fling), or ‘foutre’, which technically means to fuck but practically is used when you want to say ‘put’ but vulgar.
'Chez moi' is another trick one to translate. 'Chez' means 'in someone's house/property', etc. 'Chez moi' -> 'In my home/house/factory/company', though it's mostly connoted toward personnal houses/homes, and applying it to your place of business is a stretch of the meaning, especially if it's not a small busniess.
Fuck me, that is four word pages lol
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lawisnotmocked · 3 years
Queer Readings of Les Mis - Javert
Queer readings of classic literature are one of my favourite things and I’ve seen some great queer readings of Enjolras and Grantaire, and a few queer readings of Eponine and Valjean too but one queer reading that I don’t see much is of Javert, so I thought I’d do a queer reading of Javert with you guys today! This includes ace Javert, repressed gay Javert, and my ‘Javert realises he’s in love with Valjean before he dies but Valjean never realises or reciprocates his feelings’ reading so yeah be prepared for that! :’D
I feel like I should probably define what a queer reading actually is before I start because it’s a term used a lot in academia that some people might not have come across before! Queer readings are about challenging heteronormativity in texts and exploring ways in which a text can be interpreted as queer. While some queer readings of texts can focus on what the author’s potential intentions may have been, this isn’t a necessity. If you’re a younger queer person I just want to let you know that you’re allowed to want to see yourself in history and in literature, you have a right to assert your existence and you shouldn’t let anyone make you feel bad or silly for that uwu <3
Our first question is ‘is there any evidence in the brick that Javert is cishet?’ And the answer to that is there’s honestly no evidence at all to suggest that Javert is heterosexual.
In the brick we’re told that Javert isn’t really interested in anything outside of his work, including sexual and romantic relationships. The text actually suggests he’s never been in a relationship before and doesn’t desire one either - ‘And, withal, a life of privation, isolation, abnegation, chastity, with never a diversion.’  ‘As we have said, he had no vices. When he was pleased with himself, he permitted himself a pinch of snuff. Therein lay his connection with humanity.’ (1.5.5) In summary, Javert doesn’t fuck uwu Javert doesn’t have any friends either which is kinda sad someone form a human connection with this man :’3
With this evidence, one queer reading of Javert in the brick is that he’s aromantic and asexual, or somewhere on the aroace spectrum. Javert seems to have a total lack of interest in any kind of intimate relationship, and it’s entirely possible that he doesn’t experience attraction towards anyone.
Another queer reading we can take from Javert’s disinterest in relationships is that he’s attracted to men and represses all of his romantic and/or sexual feelings. Javert is really good at not thinking too hard about stuff, especially anything complicated like his own sexuality - thought was something to which he was unused, and which was peculiarly painful. (5.4.1) It’s the coping mechanism he uses to be able to maintain his black and white worldview, and it would make sense that that would extend into other areas of his personal life too.
Javert was raised in a very heteronormative society and is very respectful of authority and social norms. He’s religious just because that’s what’s socially expected of him, not because he’s thought particularly hard about his relationship with God. In his eyes, of course, the ecclesiastical authority was the chief of all; he was religious, superficial and correct on this point as on all others. (1.8.5) He knows he’s not interested in relationships with women, but he might not have even considered that being attracted to men was an alternative. Sure maybe he’s thought men were handsome before, but he literally doesn’t have the ability to reflect on what those feelings might mean for him and his sexuality. If you asked brick Javert what his sexuality was he’d probably say he was heterosexual, despite never actually experiencing sexual attraction towards women, because that’s the social default and he’s never bothered to question whether or not he might fit that default.
Alternatively, he might be aware that he is attracted to men, but that’s not a socially acceptable thing for him to feel so he just represses it along with all the other thoughts and feelings he has that question authority and the workings of society.
Revolutionary France decriminalized homosexuality in 1791, so this would be less of a legal issue for Javert than a social issue, since I’m assuming there was still a lot of social stigma surrounding being queer. I’m a queer historian but my period is medieval Europe not revolutionary France so if anyone has anything to add here please do ^^’
This wouldn’t be a Sirius Brand Meta Post if I didn’t talk about animal symbolism lol, so I’m gonna talk about animal symbolism now! Specifically the homoeroticism of the hunting symbolism and how surprising horny (voreny?) and repressed Javert is :’3
Then he began the game. He experienced one ecstatic and infernal moment; he allowed his man to go on ahead, knowing that he had him safe, but desirous of postponing the moment of arrest as long as possible, happy at the thought that he was taken and yet at seeing him free, gloating over him with his gaze, with that voluptuousness of the spider which allows the fly to flutter, and of the cat which lets the mouse run. Claws and talons possess a monstrous sensuality,—the obscure movements of the creature imprisoned in their pincers. What a delight this strangling is! Javert was enjoying himself. The meshes of his net were stoutly knotted. He was sure of success; all he had to do now was to close his hand. (2.5.10)
Like?? Hello sir are you okay?? What about this could possibly be heterosexual :’3 Dshdhdh okay I’ll go back to doing a kinda serious analysis I just have to bully Javert for being Like This :’3
Javert’s animal symbolism can actually be used as part of a queer reading as a way to understand how he emotionally reacts to things. Javert is at his most emotional in chapter 5.4.1, Javert derailed. He’s is forced to confront everything he’s denied and repressed about himself and other people, and a large portion of this chapter is dedicated to how he feels about Valjean specifically. Do I think Javert has been in love with Valjean this entire time and is finally forced to confront his feelings? No. Up until this point I think they’ve both seen each other as an inconvenience and an obstacle who they somehow keep running into, and I don’t think this changes for Valjean after he saves Javert. He just doesn’t know Javert well enough outside of ‘that one weird policeman I keep running into’ to have any strong feelings about him.
I will argue though that in Javert derailed, Javert is in love with Valjean. I’m not even sure if he’s consciously aware that that’s what he’s feeling and I don’t think he really knows how to express it either. Hugo chooses to express a lot of Javert’s more complex feelings through animalistic metaphors, because Javert feels things in a very instinctive and animalistic way, that’s just how his understanding of himself and his emotions works ^^’
When he had so unexpectedly encountered Jean Valjean on the banks of the Seine, there had been in him something of the wolf which regains his grip on his prey, and of the dog who finds his master again. (5.4.1)
Javert is clearly having very conflicted feelings about what his relationship with Valjean is after he spared his life at the barricade. There’s still that hunting instinct that tells him he’s found the convict he was tracking down, but there’s something else there too. ‘The dog who finds his master again’. I don’t know how many of you have dogs but they’re always so happy to see their humans again whenever you go somewhere! Javert is happy to see him! Javert missed him! Maybe he even feels some affection towards him! Even the wolf finding his prey is excited to see it again, and in both of these scenarios the dog and the wolf desire closeness with the object of their attention. The homoeroticism of the hunt!! The love and devotion of the dog!! Symbolically, Javert is breaking his ties with the police and forming a bond with Valjean. Emotionally he’s confused and conflicted but he knows that he wants to be close to Valjean.
In the end, ‘the dog who finds his master’ wins out over the ‘wolf which regains his grip on his prey’. Javert lets Valjean go, and then we get this:
A terrible situation! to be touched. ... to be the watch-dog, and to lick the intruder’s hand! to be ice and melt! to be the pincers and to turn into a hand! to suddenly feel one’s fingers opening! to relax one’s grip,—what a terrible thing! (5.4.1)
God the tenderness!!!! How could this not be love in Javert’s weird canid way!! The affection of the dog who licks the human’s hand, the devotion of the dog finding his master!! Javert’s utter devotion towards the society he served is now being projected onto Valjean. Javert loves Valjean. Javert is in awe of Valjean, he’s terrified of him in the same way that men are terrified of angels!
A benevolent malefactor, merciful, gentle, helpful, clement, a convict, returning good for evil, giving back pardon for hatred, preferring pity to vengeance, preferring to ruin himself rather than to ruin his enemy, saving him who had smitten him, kneeling on the heights of virtue, more nearly akin to an angel than to a man. (5.4.1)
What could this be but love from Javert? The man who spent his whole life devoted to system that placed no value on his life and ended it devoted to the man who saved it.
All of that aside, queer readings don’t have to match up with personal headcanons! I don’t want this post to feel like I’m telling you you have to interpret Javert’s character in the book the way I do, this is just one way of reading it! I love to headcanon Javert as bi but that isn’t really supported anywhere in the text lol uwu’’ A queer reading is just about queer elements that are present in the text and there is no way Inspector Javert can be read as heterosexual <3
I love genderqueer Javert headcanons too and I have genderqueer Javert feelings about the line “you’ve got a beard like a man, mother, but I have claws like a woman,” but I also don’t know how to articulate any feelings I do have about it so I’m just leaving it here. Trans rights uwu
Thank you for reading this whole thing I really appreciate it when people get something out of my rambling lol, and as always reblogs are very appreciated and anyone is very welcome to add on to this if they’d like! <3
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fireemblemtcg · 3 years
“The Cipher Frontier!” Issue 58: “Cipher Will Never Die!”
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"The Cipher Frontier! With Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Val, Niamh & Poe" was a regular column on the Fire Emblem Cipher website which summarized upcoming news concerning Cipher and other Fire Emblem materials. It was presented by the eight mascot characters. The following is a full translation of the 58th and final issue of the column, which was originally published on 31 March 2021.
More Fire Emblem Cipher translations!
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Hello, everybody!!!!!!!!
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It's been over five years since Cipher launched - and, for that matter, The Cipher Frontier! itself...
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And today... we bring you the last one!
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Sniff... So this is really it...
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Aye, it certainly is a bitter occasion.
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With the moment upon us, I find myself overcome with emotion. Yet at the same time, I cannot help but sorely wish that this day had never come at all.
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Well, it... It doesn't bother m-m-me... Not... one...
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E-easy, milady! You swore before we began that you would not cry!
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I, too, owe very, very much to all of you, so... I am very sad.
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Where there is a beginning, so too shall there be an end... It is an inevitability.
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Still, one might argue that as long as there are still decks to play with and opponents to challenge... Cipher may be played for eternity. So think not on this as the end, for this is but a milestone of life.
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Sniff... So this isn't farewell?
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Not in the least! All of our players can still continue to get together to play Cipher. So as sad as you might be now to see the game end, the feeling won't last! And I, for one, would like to close out our final day with a smile.
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To that end, I propose that we all share some parting words. You first, Emma!
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Alrighty! Well, I've been here since the beginning, but... Back then, I was an absolute noob, wasn't I? I didn't have the faintest idea what a "Tea See Gee" even was!
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But then I learned so much from Shade, and I presented news, participated in Tryout and Gathering events, and watched Live Broadcasts - and all of that gave me the chance to grow so much.
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And then as the days went by, we got to meet Yuzu and Randal, Alice and Valjean, and Niamh and Poe, and we all always had a riot of a time playing Cipher together... It's all been like something out of a dream!
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Lastly, I just want to say thank you...
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To all of you who've been reading our column to date, thank you tho thuch!
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Ha! Is that a slip of the tongue I hear?
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Why, I do believe it was... And of all the words to flub, at that.
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H-heh heh heh! I guess I am still just a kid after all... But mark my words, I'll be working even harder to become a mature, full-fledged knight! Okay, let's try this again... Thank you all!
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Well, I'm next! I was primarily tasked with hosting this column and presenting news.
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But the work introduced me to more and more friends, and to a constant stream of announcements that were news to me myself... To lose it is like I've also lost my reason to exist, but at least I am left with fond memories of it all.
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My desire to convey the appeal of Cipher to others hasn't wavered in the slightest, but... this is the last time it will ever happen here. Alas. Still, I will always be rooting for all of you, even if we don't see each other.
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There will always be a bond between us - always. Remember that whenever you play Cipher and see our cards. On this, you have my word! This has been Shade, shepherd of wayward lambs, saying farewell!
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Alright, then. You're next, Yuzu!
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Huh? Yuzu! What's gotten into you? Would you just get out here?
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Er, forgive me. When everybody's gaze turned upon me, I could not help but immediately seek shelter...
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Oh, yeah. You never did like public speaking, did you, Yuzu?
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Of course! We had a devil of a time convincing you to come out at all for your very first column.
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E-enough! That was many years ago: a d-d-difficulty that I have long since moved past!
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Hrr-hrr-hrr... heh-HEM! L-l-let us, er, begin anew.
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I am Yuzu. My contribution to this column was to introduce cards that afforded new styles of play... only to let a haze of utter passion promptly consume me and hence spend my every waking hour crafting decks from them and trialling them in matches.
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You always were one to cry, "I must test these cards at once!" and throw yourself into obsessive research.
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As such, I have acquired an eye for strategy, forged in the fires of Cipher, to incorporate into my prior mastery of the martial arts - and with that, at long last, I have come to an understanding of the very heart of warcraft.
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Further, as a consequence I may declare with confidence that, should I ever find my brother, I shall be able to hold my head high for all that I have grown in his absence. For that, you have my most heartfelt gratitude. So end my parting words!
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Thank you, Yuzu. Right, it's your turn, Randal!
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Huh? Oh, right then!
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I've got a motto: always take your games deathly serious, and always make your own fun on the job… And, well, this has been my chance to prove those words true.
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I mean yeah, I'm a wanderer at heart; I might've stuck around a bit too long... but that's just because this was all a hell of a lot of fun.
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Oh, I agree... It was a HELL of a lot of fun!
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GAH! It's... It's you!
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Well, well. We have a stranger among us!
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Pah! "Stranger," indeed. This hair, this face, this ribbon... None of this ring a bell?
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Eh? Do you... do you mean Randal?
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Indeed! I am...
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...His son, no? It is nice to meet you!
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What are you on about?! I AM Randal, just from the past - younger than the one you know!
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It's happening again! The exact same argument!
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This really must be the end, if HE'S here...
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This is how you treat me? I have to hear that the last column is happening at the eleventh hour and make a mad dash to make it in time?! Bloody hell...
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What is this? A being under the thrall of the Boundless Chaos? How intriguing. I must conduct a thorough examination at once...
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H-hey! What are you doing, Niamh?! You look deathly serious... Oi, that's enough! Stay back! I... I've got a sword!
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Well, er, I'm just about all out of time, but I just want to say it was a hoot being on the Frontier. Hope I see you all again someday. Adios!
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He vanished?! Still more intriguing...
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Sigh... What a pain in the arse, if I do say so myself. Although... I must admit, we do agree on one thing: I'd also be glad to see you all again.
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This might be one farewell, but here's hoping we cross paths once more! And if we do, hey, why not play a match with this old fart? And that's all she wrote from ol' Randal!
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Thank you. Next, let's hear from Alice and Valjean!
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Heh heh! At last! Shall we, Val?
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Yes, milady.
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The two of us made our debut circa Series 10, and ever since that day, the Frontier never failed to be a most thrilling time. Would you agree, Val?
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Yes, milady.
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My objective in making this journey was simple: to experience much in my travels, such that I might someday return home and become a great ruler indeed. But instead, I first became a most superior, most brilliant Cipher player! Utterly invincible! Favored by fortune! And whatnot. Didn't I, Val?
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Yes, milady.
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I remember... that every time a Cipher release day came, I would be up all night from their eve, crafting decks and playing matches with the others. Oh, it was such fun! Wasn't it, Val?
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...Yes, mi... mi... milady! Sniff...
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V-Val?! What is the matter with you?
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I am most moved. That my most capricious liegelady could at last find in Cipher such an engaging hobby, such good company, and such a source of training - and that she could grow so greatly as a woman.
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We have been truly blessed to have had all of this: all of you, who welcomed us so warmly into the Frontier fold, and all of the Cipher players out in the world. I wish to offer you my gratitude for everything.
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To be honest... I have something to say on that matter myself. Thank you, truly, for everything. I will never, ever, ever, EVER forget even a single day that we spent here together!
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Nor shall I!
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...Having said that, milady, I fear that you are still yet unready for the throne! From today onward, we must redouble your original leadership training efforts! I fully intend to prepare for you an intensive study regimen.
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I-I-I beg your pardon?! You will not speak to me so! If I see even a single incorrect mark, you would do well to prepare yourself, for I will work you to the very bone for the rest of your days!
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By all means, do it. But be prepared, for I have a lifetime's worth of admonishments at the ready.
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Heh... Best of luck to the two of you!
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Your turn, Niamh!
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I was present from the 37th column onward... To be precise, it was in the "Love and Bonds Special Talk CD" audio drama that came as a set with an artbook, sold at Comiket 93.
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My inquiry and research into the miscellaneous phenomena of this world, and the Boundless Chaos in particular, shall continue, but...
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Well?! Don't tell me that's all you have to say!
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...No. To me, my inquiry into Cipher represented the introducton of a new, major challenge into my life. Cipher decks... Gameplay... Which solution is correct, and which is optimal... As yet, I still have found no answers. As such, it is vital that going forward, I collaborate with a broad sample of Cipher players and find an answer...
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So what you're saying is, you enjoyed playing Cipher with everyone, and you're gonna keep playing forever!
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That, er... Ahem! That's pretty much it.
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Cryptic remarks if I ever heard them, but certainly Niamh-ish.
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Right, let's keep this going with Poe!
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Only a year and a half has passed since I was welcomed to this column, and sadly, in the end our association has been brief. But I was able to have a very fulfilling time with you.
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Attending that Winter Comiket thing with all of you, playing the "Recite and Play: Heroes Iroha" card game being sold there... They were very happy days.
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And in all of that, I have always been monitoring Niamh...
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Hee hee... You have been a good girl here, have you not? I do nothing to good girls.
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If one of you becomes wicked, at that time I shall... Heh... Heh heh heh heh heh...
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So, I pray that we never have an unpleasant reunion, and end my speech. Thank you. This has been Poe!
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Heh... Let's keep that warning in mind.
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...With that, have all of us spoken?
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Tsk tsk... We aren't actually finished just yet! Since this is our last column, allow me to call upon a special guest!
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...A guest? Wait, you don't mean...
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Ta-daaaaa! Here he is!
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Hello, everyone! I am Kawade, the producer of Fire Emblem Cipher.
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My, what a surprise!
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The publication of the final Frontier coincides with, at last, the end-of-March termination of event support for Cipher. So I thought I would share a message for all of our readers and Cipher players.
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If you count from when Cipher was first announced, roughly six years have passed. That's a long time, yet it's just flown by... These have been very busy years, but also wonderful ones, absolutely full of memories and events.
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In that time we've constantly taken on new challenges - not just the production of Cipher itself, but Twitter content, live broadcasts, and staging events all around Japan.
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And through all of that, we've had the chance to meet so many fans of Fire Emblem and Cipher... That was not only the most fun part of all, but a part that made us happy.
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Although, we were unfortunately unable to hold any of our planned events for our final year, and for that I am truly sorry to all of you.
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Still, we staff stuck with it to the very end, and as a result were able to complete Cipher as a fantastic game that can be played for years and years to come. For that, we are proud of ourselves.
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It was thanks to all of you, who kept on supporting us, that we could continue our work to this standard all the way to the final series. I am overcome with gratitude to you all!
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Production might have come to an end, but Fire Emblem Cipher will never die! It would make me happy if, every now and then, you might bring your cards out and play with them. Thank you all, truly, for everything!
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And that concludes KawadeP's remarks!
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That, I believe, is everything that we wished to share.
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Aye, I've got nothing to add.
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So I suppose this is it: the end of the Cipher Frontier's long run.
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Er... Shade? Can I say one last thing?
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Hm? What is it, Emma?
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Thank you for taking the lead in hosting this last one... And thank you so much for all the things you've taught me!
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H-hey! That's enough of that! You're about to make me cry, and that wouldn't be ending this day with a smile, would it?
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Heh. I guess not!
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So hey, let's give them one last, enthusiastic That Thing before Shade bursts into tears!
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Very well, then. That Thing it is! This has been The Cipher Frontier!
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With Emma...
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...and Poe.
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Now, then...
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Let's do it, everyone!
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FIRE EMBLEM CIPHER The Cipher Frontier! With Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Val, Niamh & Poe
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Emma Emma continues to train in order to become a full-fledged pegasus knight. Her tireless Cipher training also continues, but she has yet to show much improvement at the game.
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Shade Veteran mage that she is, Shade continues to teach the next generation. Many seeking to become almighty Cipher players have come to her, only to struggle bitterly under her tutelage - yet at the same time, to Emma and the others, she remains a nurturing guiding hand.
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Yuzu Yuzu embarked on a journey of martial training, all the while following whispers of her brother's whereabouts... although evidently, she does return from her travels from time to time, bearing souvenirs, to partake in Cipher matches with all of her friends.
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Randal Randal made a truly once-in-a-lifetime wager, only to go into hiding thereafter. Some rumors attest that he won, and that with that windfall he secured for himself a carefree life of quiet leisure in some southern land - others, that he met with a catastrophic loss, and was hence forced into labor in someplace.
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Alice Alice's travels continue, as she seeks all the experience that she needs to become a true leader. Although at first she struggled, she grew to thoroughly enjoy it, and so she will persist in her journey without ever taking a break to return home... Or so she tells herself, at least.
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Valjean Valjean continues to travel all across the land with his liegelady. Witnessing Alice grow ever stronger and wiser by the day, he cannot help but feel conflicting feelings of joy and loneliness beneath the privacy of his helm.
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Niamh Even as she continues in her pursuit of wisdom, Niamh silently carries out research into Cipher. Her seminal monograph, "A Compendium of Cipher Decks," is over 100 volumes in length, and by all accounts is still in print to this day.
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Poe Poe vanished in her hunt for evil, and her whereabouts remain unknown. However, according to the afterword of "A Compendium of Cipher Decks," she and Niamh have since fought to the death on many an occasion.
The End...???
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Another Opinion No One Asked For About Les Mis
Hi! Don’t mind me this is just word vomit. 
TL;DR: Michael Ball is an INCREDIBLE Javert and Russel Crowe wasn’t as bad as everyone says
I LIKE Russell Crowe’s portrayal of Javert. Does he have a great singing voice? No, it’s just marginally better than Pierce Brosnan in Mama Mia. 
I LOVE Michael Ball’s portrayal of Javert. First time I heard about him playing the part opposite Alfie (loml and resident tiny badass opera man), I was really unsure about it. I own all of Boe-Ball’s albums together and I have always joked that in some of them, you can’t tell they’re duets because Alfie is so damn loud and Michael (AT LEAST IN THESE SONGS) is more of a crooner. 
I love the staunch, rigid Javerts: Norm Lewis, Phillip Quast, Roger Allam, Earl Carpenter. 
BASICALLY, I love the character of Javert. But hear me out. There is a wild difference between playing him as a living breathing version of the lithograph presented in the novel, and playing him as a very human, very misguided, eventually very, VERY broken victim of the system. 
That’s what I liked firstly about Russell’s version. I mean he’s got a naturally sad looking face, first of all, and he played the humble servant of the law in front of Madeleine especially well. Obviously, because he’s Russell Crowe, he also did the intense lashings-out of anger and violence very well. Even up against Hugh Jackman he seems like the kind of dude that could make you bleed if you crossed him the wrong way. Was his the elegant, “Bang. A pistol shot”, commanding figure that the confident, unbroken Javert is? No, there’s nothing particularly elegant about him. But I like him, and I think his chemistry with Hugh is the sort needed for a meaningful examination of that relationship. 
NOW. Michael Freaking Ball. Lil baby afroed Marius. The cartoon golden retriever to Alfie Boe’s little-dog-with-a-big-bite. He seems wonderful, I love his dimples, he’s adorable-- very Marius, but Javert?? I was doubtful. I didn’t KNOW that this motherfucker could bust out a big voice when he wanted to. I’d never heard that from him. But again, he and Alfie are so wonderful together and they REALLY play off one another’s tension (i.e. Alfie as JVJ at Toulon, yikes). So I listened to some of the cast recording from their 2019 staged concert before even considering watching it. I didn’t even take it easy and listen to Stars first, oh no. I went right for the Soliloquy. 
BITCH I CRIED. I sat on the end of my bed with tears in my eyes, full goosebumps on my arms, breathless. I love this character, I’ve always hated the suicide scene, but this one GOT TO ME. His voice breaks, he runs out of breath, there are tears in the back of his throat which don’t make the notes pretty but it WORKS. THAT is a man on the literal precipice, realizing everything he’s done with his life, not only the obsession with this one man, but the pillars of his certainty that Valjean was as hellbent on revenge as he was, that JVJ HAD to be evil, had to be as mad and driven and bloodthirsty as he was; this all was a lie. He was forgiven, in a soft, kind voice, where he expected a knife. He was so certain of the narrow, black and white world he lived in, and it was all cut out from under him. The truth BROKE him, completely. 
Other Javerts have shown this happening really well. Earl Carpenter is one of my favorites, because even through his biting proper English accent you can hear his desperation. But it is a whole other level to completely break down, to somehow sing-scream those last few lines, to reach out into the void he’s singing about and try and grasp it; Michael fuckin’ DID IT. Finally watching the concert fully cemented this for me. He aged himself. He choked himself. He looked like he was in immense physical pain, and goddamn it, it was good. I’m dramatic as fuck but I’m not afraid to tell you I was physically shaking by the end of it. 
Am I partial to the broad-shouldered, barn-door Javerts? Absolutely. Does the new staged concert make me contemplate never watching the movie again? Possibly (sorry Hugh). And I don’t have a particular point to make with this long-ass post except to say, everyone is entitled to their opinions and their favorites (just dear god, just disagree and don’t shit on ANY of the casts), and uh, yeah, this is mine. Well done Michael Ball, you sneaky bastard. 
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petersasteria · 4 years
Marriage - Haz Osterfield
Pairing: Single Dad!Haz x Single Mom!Reader
Requested? Nope.
HO Masterlist 
8.1k words holy shit sksks also, it’s my first time writing smut so pls don’t attack me :)
Join my sleepover!
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Ahh, marriage. Like other topics in society, marriage is debatable. There are people who want to get married and there are people who don't want to get married. There are ones who think that marriage is bullshit and of course, there are ones who think differently. A lot of people have different opinions on marriage and we don't even know who to believe. At this point in time, we should only believe ourselves. So that even if our own thoughts end up being wrong, at least we don't have to blame other people.
Marriage is... A LOT. It's a lot to take in, a lot to process, a lot to think about, and there are a lot of things about it that makes you overthink. So let's not blame the bride for going bridezilla except for when they're just naturally cruel... which happens in real life too.
Marriage dives into the topic of readiness and that's how our parents think. If you're not ready, DON'T. GET. MARRIED. Parents say that marriage is the biggest step in every relationship and it's not a joke. "It's a very adult thing." They said. Maybe they never realized it or maybe they did but they didn't want to admit it, but marriage is similar to having a baby. After all, both of which are HUGE steps in a relationship.
They're similar because no one's ever really, really ready to get married and have kids. Sure, other people would say that they're ready for such things, but once it happens they panic and realize that they're actually not ready. To keep it simple, no one's ready for any life event.
Marriage has evolved over the years. That's why our grandparents ask us when we're getting married despite only being 18 or in the early 20's. Because during their time, it was acceptable to get married at a young age. Now, it's considered crazy to get married at a young age. No one knows why it changed, how it changed, or who changed it; it kind of just did. Right now, people are getting married in their 30's or late 20's. Heck, some people get married a lot of times before they finally settle for the last one.
Some people don't want to get married and some do. Some people don't want to get married because they don't ever see themselves getting married and they simply don't believe in marriage. However, some people want to get married because it's the biggest chapter in anyone's life. It's the peak of one's relationship; the ultimate life goal.
If our parents think that we shouldn't get married if we're not ready and if our grandparents think that it's time to get married, what do children think of marriage? Children, especially little girls, find marriage fascinating and pretty and perfect. It's a special day and to be fair, they aren't wrong. It really is a special day. Children are easily fascinated with ribbons and silk that they don't see how difficult it is to plan the 'perfect' wedding, but they're a great distraction from all the stress.
Harrison thought marriage was a myth. Of course, he was a child back then when he thought of it. After all, his mother was a single parent so the topic of marriage wasn't present in their household. The first marriage he's ever been to was when he was 5 years old and that's because his mother's friend got married and he was the ring bearer.
His little 5 year old self didn't understand it before and as he grew up, he still never got it. Sure, he believed that when two people love each other, they'd eventually get married because that's the ultimate goal in life, right? It's not required, but most people think it's the ultimate life goal. But he never really saw himself getting down on one knee to propose. He never saw himself getting married in general. He didn't know why, but he just did.
Harrison never really believed in love which is confusing because he, in a way, believed in marriage. But that's because he witnessed his mother getting married to a man who loved her a lot and became a father figure to him. So maybe he was biased on that part.
Unfortunately for him, he got someone pregnant when he was 19. The girl didn't want anything to do with the baby, but for some reason, he wanted to keep it. So, they made an agreement. After she gives birth to the baby, they'll cut off all contact and forget it everything. So, that's what happened after she gave birth.
When she was permitted to leave the hospital, she and Harrison cut contact. She, of course, was able to move on with her life and she was able to forget everything. Harrison couldn't do that because the baby was with him. It wasn't just any baby, though. It was his son, Julian. Harrison swore to himself that he never believed in love, but as soon as his son was placed in his arms, he took it back.
Harrison thought he was similar to Jean Valjean from Les Miserables.
"It's the story of one who turned from hating, the man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping."
Harrison felt that lyric so much. Julian was his whole life. Did having a son at 19 make his life difficult? Yeah, it did. It didn't stop him from pursuing his dreams, though. His family was there to help him and Tom was there too like the good best friend that he is.
When Tom got his role for Spider-Man and Tom asked him to be his assistant, Harrison was sad that he had to leave little Julian behind. Julian was still a baby at that time. He FaceTimed him every night, though. Harrison was glad that Julian was having okay back home, but he missed his son dearly.
"Haz, he's fine. You don't have to worry all the time." His mum said to him one night. He didn't argue with that because mothers know best and Julian was safe with his mum, Julian's grandmother.
"So... ever thought of giving Julian a sibling?" Tom asked one day. Harrison stopped what he was doing and thought about it for a while, "Nope, I guess not. He's all I need, anyway. Julian's more than enough for me. Besides, some girls don't like guys who have kids. Nowadays, they like old men and I mean old men."
Tom shrugged, "Fair enough. 'M just saying, 's not too late to date someone. Maybe you'll find the one for you! I'm a decent wing man, you know?"
"Shut up, Tom."
"Geez, I was only trying to help."
Since then, Tom has been 'trying to help' him for years. Harrison went on a few dates, but all of them never progressed into second dates. It's always one date with one girl and then the girl leaves as soon as Harrison comes clean about having a son. Then it repeats. Right there and then, Harrison was sure he's given up on love. He's never been on a date since.
He was now 26 years old and he didn't mind being a single dad. Julian Osterfield was now 7 years old and everyday, he kept looking more and more like his father. Harrison was glad that Julian didn't get anything from his mother. Harrison forgot what she looked like and she wasn't relevant anymore, anyway. Harrison was thankful that Julian never asked about his mum or any grown up thing for that matter.
But that was about to change all thanks to Julian's teacher and Harry fucking Holland.
Harrison picked Julian up from school and Julian had a confused look on his face and not the usual cute smile he inherited from his father. Harrison frowned at the sight of his little one.
"Hey, buddy. What's wrong? Did anyone bully you?" Harrison asked. "You need to tell me if anyone's bullying you at school, so that I can talk to them and their parents."
Like most children, Harrison was bullied before and he didn't want his son to go through the same thing. Julian looked up at him and said, "No, I'm not getting bullied, daddy."
"Then, what's wrong?" Harrison said as he took his son's backpack and slung it over his shoulder. They walked hand in hand to the car and Julian spoke up again, "Daddy, what's marriage?"
'Oh shit.' Harrison thought as he tensed up at Julian's question. 'God, why?!'
"Um, why are you asking, buddy?" Harrison asked as he unlocked the car and put Julian's bag on the passenger seat.
"Ms. April told us that she's going away to get married and after that, she'll move to America with her husband. She told us we won't see her again. I like Ms. April!" Julian whined.
It was no surprise that Julian was sad. In fact, Harrison was sad too. Out of all the teachers Harrison met in every PTA Meeting he attended, Ms. April was the nicest and the friendliest and the most hands-on teacher that he knew. As an adult like Ms. April, he understood why she had to leave. She wanted to start a new life in America with her husband, but Julian wouldn't understand it yet.
"Well, marriage is what happens at church when two people love each other." Harrison said. He truly did his best to explain it to his 7 year old boy. "They become husband and wife. Your nana and grandpa are husband and wife. They got married." Harrison added as he helped Julian in the car.
"Are you married, daddy?" Julian asked. It was innocent question, but Harrison wanted the ground to swallow him whole. After all, he can't just say: "Sorry, Julian. I'm not married. I had sex with a woman I just met when I was 19 and then she told me she was pregnant a few weeks later. She didn't want to keep you but I wanted to. So we made an agreement that we'll cut off contact with her once you were born. I haven't seen her since. I love you, Jules. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."
That wasn't exactly ideal. That's something he would say when Julian was older.
"Nope." Harrison said. Julian furrowed his eyebrows at his dad as he watched his dad put the seat belt on him.
"Why aren't you married, daddy? Ms. April said that she needed to get married to have a baby." Julian wondered.
'Oh, fuck. Ms. April isn't my favorite person right now.' Harrison said to himself.
"Well, it's not really necessary to get married to have a baby." Harrison shrugged. He looked at Julian, "It's different for a lot of people. It's different for me. Besides, getting married is stressful." He kissed Julian's forehead before closing the door and jogging to the driver's seat.
"If it's stressful, why are people getting married?" Julian questioned as Harrison got settled in his seat.
"You ask a lot of questions." Harrison laughed. "Ask that question to your uncle Tom when we get home, okay?"
"Okay!" Julian grinned. Harrison pulled away from the parking lot and drove back to his shared him with Tom. The young actor asked him to move in when Julian was three years old.
"It's kind of lonely to be living there. Besides, I love the little guy. I want to see him whenever I can before I go away to film." Tom said.
"Are you sure you want me and Jules to move in with you? You could ask Harry." Harrison said.
"I already asked him and he's moving in too."
"There you go! You don't need me to move in." Harrison laughed.
"But you said you wanted to move out and you also said that your house was small for Jules to run around in. Mate, I'm just trying to help you. This could be your stepping stone in moving out, Haz! Think about it. The house is really big and it has 5 bedrooms with bathrooms already in each room. It'll be convenient for you and Julian. There's a huge backyard where Jules can play around and Monty can play there too with Tessa. There's a big kitchen and a dining area and a living room. It's perfect!" Tom gushed.
"It'll be lonely with just me and Harry in it. I asked Tuwaine, but he recently moved in with his girlfriend." Tom said. "So, will you move in? Harry and I can help you with Jules when you're off at work or something."
"Fine. Jules and I will move in." Harrison finally said. Tom grinned, "You won't regret it."
Harrison never did. Moving in with Tom and Harry was one of the best life decisions he’s ever made.
Harrison parked the car and grabbed Julian's bag from the passenger seat. "Can you remove the seat belt on your own?" Harrison asked as he turned to look at Julian.
"I'll try." Julian said. He stuck his tongue out in concentration and beamed when he figured it out. "Daddy, look! I took the seat belt with no help! I did it!"
"That's great, buddy! We'll order some pizza tonight to celebrate." Harrison grinned as he got out of the car and jogged around to the other side to help Julian get out of the car.
"Thanks, daddy." Julian said before running to the front door and shouting, "Uncle Tom, we're here!! Open the door please!!"
Julian doesn't really like knocking on the door. He said it hurt his hands. He didn't like to ring the doorbell either. For some reason, he despised the sound.
Tom quickly ran to the front door and smiled when he saw Julian, "Hey, kid! How was school?"
"Ms. April's getting married!" Julian said as he went inside and went straight to the couch and turned on the telly. Harrison followed and closed the door. Tom looked at Harrison and Harrison just nodded, "Yeah, she'll move to America after that."
"Damn, she was hot." Tom sighed.
"Thomas." Harrison glared at him.
"What? It's true!" Tom shrieked. Tom only met Ms. April once when Julian got into some sort of trouble. Harrison couldn't make it because he was out of the country. So, Tom went instead.
"By the way, I'm ordering pizza for dinner. Julian, do you want to tell uncle Tom what you did today?" Harrison smiled.
Julian sat up and turned around to face Tom and Harrison, "I removed the seat belt with no help today!"
"That's great! We'll also have fried chicken for dinner. Do you want that?" Tom asked.
"Yeah! Thank you!" Julian grinned before returning to his comfy position on the couch and watched what's on the telly which was The Amazing World of Gumball on Netflix for kids.
Dinner time came and Tom and Harrison decided that it was okay for them to eat their food in the living room. All three of them were sat on the couch with pizzas in hand as they watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Just as Julian was casually attempting to dance along with the Oompa Loompas, the front door opened signaling Harry's arrival. "We're in the living room, Harry! We have food!" Tom called out.
Harry practically ran to the living room with a big grin on his face. "Jules, can you pause it first?"
Julian paused the movie and all three of them turned to Harry. "What's up?" Harrison asked.
"Okay, I'll just say it." Harry chuckled. "I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!"
Tom choked on the chicken that he was chewing and Harrison helped him. Julian whined. Harry was too happy to care. When Tom calmed down, he looked at Harry, "You're getting married? Are you insane?! You're only 23! You've got a lot to look forward to. You said you'd travel the world and take pictures before you settle down."
"Well, I thought I'd do it with Cassie instead." Harry shrugged.
Harrison sighed, "Are you sure? You've only been together for, like, a month or so."
"Correction: we've been together for three months." Harry said and crossed his arms.
"Mhm, so what's the rush??" Tom shrieked. "Is she pregnant? Did you get her pregnant?" He hissed.
"No, Tom! Why are you so worked up about this? I thought you'd be happy!" Harry frowned.
"I just don't like how you're rushing into things, Harry. You're young. You should enjoy that and not rush into adulthood. Why can't you just wait for a year?" Tom said softly.
"I love her and she loves me. That's all that matters. Why should I wait if it's true love?" Harry said. Tom scoffed, "True love? Do you really believe in that? Harry, you're 23 not 7."
"Quit being so bitter! You're just jealous that I found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Harry rebutted.
"Can both of you calm down for a second?" Harrison asked nicely. He didn't want the two men arguing in front of his son.
"Uncle Harry, are you moving to America too?" Julian asked innocently. Harry looked at him in confusion and shook his head, "No. Why would you think that?"
"Ms. April is getting married too and she said she was moving to America after that." Julian said sadly. He'll really miss his favorite teacher.
"I won't move to America." Harry chuckled. "I'm staying here, but I'll live in a different house." Harry looked at Tom and sighed, "You don't have to approve of the wedding, but I'd really like your support and I really want you to be there by my side when it happens."
It took a while, but Tom soon warmed up to the idea of Harry getting married. Harry and Cassie originally thought that they'd plan it themselves, but with their jobs and schedule, it was difficult. Luckily, Tom had connections to get to you, the best wedding planner in London.
They went to your office and they were in awe of the place. "This whole place is like the one in 'Bride Wars' where Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway settled the dates of their wedding." Cassie muttered under her breath. Funny she said that because your office was inspired by that place she mentioned.
Your secretary knocked on your door and you told him to come in. You looked up from your laptop and smiled at your secretary, James. "Thanks, James." You smiled and stood up to greet everyone. As soon as everyone was inside, James left and closed the door.
"I'll introduce myself. My name is Y/N Y/L/N-"
"The best wedding planner in London!" Tom said excitedly. You chuckled at his energy and nodded, "I guess you could say that. Anyway, which one of you reached out?"
Tom raised his hand and smiled. You laughed, "Okay, that explains your energy right now. Please take your seats and I want the lovely couple to sit in front of my desk."
All of you sat down and Harry and Cassie sat in front of you while Tom, Harrison, and Julian sat on the couch near the door.
"Hello! What're your names?" You asked nicely.
"I'm Harry. Harry Holland and this is my fiance, Cassie Dolores." Harry introduced. You grinned, "Well, I'm so honored to be your wedding planner! I heard that you've done some of the planning before? Is it alright if I check it out?"
"Of course! I brought it with me." Cassie handed you a transparent file case. You opened it and wordlessly skimmed through it.
The doors suddenly opened and your son walked in. "Mum! I'm bored. I want to go to the playground." Peter whined. You looked up and sighed, "Honey, I'm working right now."
Peter groaned and looked to his left. He smiled when he saw Julian. "Jules! What are you doing here?" Peter asked as he walked to his best friend.
"Hi Pete! My uncle Harry's getting married. He's over there." Julian pointed. Peter nodded and looked at you, "Mum, can I play with Jules at the playground?"
"Okay, but bring- I'm sorry, what're your names?" You turned to Tom and Harrison.
"I'm Harrison and this is Tom."
You turned to your son again and said, "Bring Tom and Harrison with you and your friend, okay?"
"Okay! Let's go Jules!" Peter ran out of your office with Julian, Tom, and Harrison trailing behind them. Peter led them to the back part of your office which had a playground. Peter ran to the swing set while Julian went to the slide. Tom and Harrison sat down on the bench and watched the kids.
"So, Y/N seems nice." Tom said. Harrison nodded, "Yeah. She was nice even if you acted weird around her."
"Well, I'm sorry for being excited." Tom rolled his eyes.
"How did you know about her, anyway?" Harrison asked.
"One of the costume designers of the movie I'm filming right now, got married last month and I saw their post on Instagram and Y/N was tagged in everything. So I checked out her account and her account was aesthetically pleasing and a lot of people seem to book her as their wedding planner a lot. I contacted the costume designer to ask about Y/N. Turns out, Y/N is her friend from grade school and I found out that it was difficult to book her. Bella, the costume designer, asked Y/N if we could book her. Thankfully, she and her son love Spider-Man and now we're here!" Tom explained.
Harrison laughed, "That's great. I can't believe Julian is friends with her son, though."
"Same here." Tom said. "Small world."
They continued to watch the kids and casually played with them until it was time to go. You walked them to the door and Peter was sad that his friend had to go.
"You'll see him at school tomorrow, Pete." You chuckled and kissed the top of his head. Harrison smiled and nodded, "If you want, Peter can sleepover."
You looked at him and said, "Really? I don't want him to be intruding anything."
"No, he won't be intruding anything! We love kids!" Tom interrupted. You nodded, "Okay, can he sleepover this weekend? Friday after school?"
"That works for me!" Harrison smiled. "I'm taking Julian to school on Friday. You can give me his things in the morning so that I can put it in Julian's room."
"That's such a great idea!" You smiled at him. "I'll see you on Friday morning then."
Friday morning arrived quickly and Harrison was waiting for you as he stood next to his parked car. You finally pulled up in front of the school and quickly got out to help Peter out.
"Okay, please behave in school and raise your hand if you know the answer. I love you!" You smiled and hugged Peter. You kissed his forehead before he ran inside the school. You got Peter's duffel bag and walked to where Harrison was.
"Hi Harrison!" You smiled. "Here's his duffel bag and he's allergic to eggs." You added. Harrison took the duffel bag from you and nodded, "Got it."
"Thank you so much for doing this. I really need to get my work done AND I need some alone time. I've never had alone time since I had Peter. I worked and studied non-stop. This is legit the first time I'll be home alone and I'm kind of excited. Is that wrong? Oh my god, I'm sorry for rambling." You laughed.
"No, it's alright." Harrison laughed with you. "It's not wrong to be excited for being alone, trust me. I get excited when I have time for myself too. All parents are like that."
"Oh, thank god." You sighed in relief. "This is really nice. I don't really do this often. Usually the maid brings him to school and picks him up. This is a nice change. You're my first friend at this school."
"I'm honored." Harrison smiled.
"Anyway, I have to go now. I have weddings to plan." You giggled. Harrison nodded, "Okay. Good luck!"
"Thanks. Is it okay to get your number?" You asked. Harrison was in shock but he nodded anyway. Both of you exchanged phones and put in each other's contact. Both of you got your phones back and you said, "Okay now, I can leave. Bye Harrison! Call me when anything happens."
"Of course! We'll take care of him." Harrison smiled at you as you walked back to your car. He waited for you to drive off before getting in his own car to drive home.
Hours later after picking up the kids, Harrison went to the kitchen to make snacks for the kids. Julian and Peter went to Julian's room and stayed there.
"Where's your mum?" Peter asked. Julian shrugged, "I don't know. I don't really ask. I kinda don't care. What about you? Where's your dad?"
"Mum said he left and never came back." Peter said. Julian watched his best friend with a frown on his face, "Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Peter took out his iPad and charger when Julian thought of a genius plan.
"Peter! I have a plan." Julian grinned. "We need uncle Tom's help for this one, though. You stay here and I'll call him." Before Peter could say anything, Julian ran out of the room and went to Tom's room.
"Uncle Tom! I need your help." Julian said loudly. Tom opened the door and opened his mouth to say something but Julian immediately dragged him to his room. Julian and Tom went in the room and Julian locked it.
"Hello Mr. Tom Holland!" Peter greeted politely with a smile. Tom chuckled, "Just call me 'Tom'. 'Mr. Tom Holland' is too formal and I'm not THAT old. Anyway, why am I here Jules?"
"I have a genius plan." Julian smiled innocently. Tom nodded for Julian to continue. "Peter doesn't have a dad and I don't have a mum. So, I thought that his mum and my dad could get together!"
Peter's eyes widened and he grinned, "That's a great idea! I never thought of that."
"That really is a brilliant plan! How can I help?" Tom asked with a chuckle. He never knew that Julian would be Harrison's matchmaker. And honestly? He loved it.
"I was thinking you could do it on your own? I'm only 7 years old, uncle Tom." Julian said.
"Yeah, so am I." Peter added softly. "I don't know if this would help, but my mum doesn't really like to go out a lot because she's tired. She loves to bake so she'll probably want to stay in on a date."
"That could work! Dad doesn't really like to go out." Julian said. "So that settles it: their first date will be Peter's house!"
"Since when do you boys know about dating?" Tom asked with a smirk. "You're too young for that."
"I used to help uncle Harry with his dates."
"What? Really?!" Tom said.
Julian chuckled, "How do you think he got Cassie? C'mon, Peter! I think the snacks are ready. Let's go before my dad burns them."
Julian and Peter ran out of the room to go to the kitchen and Tom just stayed there as he took in the information he got, "Harry's one sly son of a bitch."
Weeks later, Harrison found himself talking to you often. His heart skipped a beat whenever he received a message from you and his heart swelled whenever he called you. You felt the same way, of course. You smiled on your phone often and sometimes he would help you make your workload lighter and easier. He would also watch Peter when you can't attend to Peter's needs.
Harrison was your superhero.
You were a strong, independent woman and you didn't really need a man, but when life gives you a man who could stand by you and help you through stressful times, you needed to claim him. So, you gathered some courage and texted him. It was already late at night but you knew he was awake.
Y/N Hey Harrison! :)
Harrison Just call me Haz. What's up?
Y/N Are you busy tomorrow? It's my day off
Harrison I'm actually not busy tomorrow :)
Y/N Great! Is it okay if I take you out on a date?
Harrison A date? With me?
Y/N OMG. Are you dating someone? I'm so sorry! Forget I said anything. Good night!
Harrison No, I'm not dating anyone! I just wanted to make sure I read it right.
Y/N Oh. Then, yes. I want a date with you x
Harrison I'd be honored to go on a date with you xx
Y/N That's great! I don't really like to go out. Can we just stay in? Peter could stay there with Julian and you could stay here.
Harrison That could work! Does 7pm work fine?
Y/N Yes! See you tomorrow x
Harrison See you tomorrow and good night x
You smiled to yourself and went to bed. The next day, you dropped off Peter at Harrison's place. You went to the grocery store straight after that. You wanted to bake Harrison a red velvet cake and you needed food. After that, you hurriedly went home and prepared for everything. Luckily, you had time to spare. You got in the shower and got ready. You didn't wear anything fancy. You even told Harrison to come in comfy clothing when you dropped Peter off that morning.
The doorbell rang after you finished brushing your hair. You hurriedly went downstairs with a big smile on your face. You opened the door and invited Harrison inside.
He looked around and smiled to himself, "I love your house! It's so cozy."
"Make yourself at home. I'll bring the food to the living room. Feel free to browse through Netflix while waiting." You smiled at him and led him to the living room.
"Thanks, Y/N." Harrison grinned as he sat down on the couch. He picked up the remote and browsed through the movies that were there. You made your way back to the kitchen and carried the food in. You put the food down and sat down next to Harrison.
"I think we deserve this day to ourselves." Harrison said. You nodded in agreement, "That's true. We're both hard working single parents and I think it's just right for us to have this day."
"Yes and because of that, I feel like watching 'Bad Moms'." Harrison looked at you. You shrugged, "Sure."
He played the movie and both of you just watched. From time to time, both of you would comment about how you'd done the same thing. Halfway through the movie, you turned to Harrison and said, "I have a question. You don't have to answer it or anything, but I'm just really curious."
He paused the movie and nodded for you to continue. You cleared your throat and asked, "Where's Julian's mum?"
Harrison pursed his lips and shrugged, "You know what? I don't really know and I don't care. I got her pregnant when I was 19 and she absolutely hated me for it. She wanted to get rid of it, but something inside me told me that I should keep it. So I told her my side and it took a lot of convincing but in the end, we came up with an agreement. The agreement was, after she gives birth to the baby, we'll cut off all contact and move on with our lives. Of course, she got to pretend like nothing happened while I stayed at home and tended to a wailing child every night."
He looked at you and asked, "What about you? Where's Peter's dad?"
"Well, I got pregnant at 19." You chuckled. "He was surprisingly supportive and he stayed. But when Peter was, like, 4 years old, I think? He told me he didn't want to play 'house' anymore. He wanted to leave and I found out that he's been cheating on me with some girl he met on Tinder. I didn't have to kick him out; he just left without saying another word. He didn't even have the decency to say goodbye to Peter. Was I mad? Of course, I was. Peter was heartbroken and I couldn't do anything about it."
You turned so that you could fully face Harrison, "Do you know how painful it is to see your child hurting and not knowing what to do? It sucks. It sucks in a lot of ways because Peter loves his dad and they're close. It sucks because that son of a bitch just left Peter with no hesitation and no remorse. It sucks because I can't tell Peter why his dad left without breaking his pure heart. Most of all, it sucks that I can't mend his broken heart because the only person who could fix it was the same person who broke it. That shit hurts."
"So, I just do my best in being the best mum. But I feel like I've failed him, you know? I miss some of his school stuff and my mum or the maid or my secretary attend the PTA meetings. I'm not married to a person, but I'm married to my job. It's not an easy job, but I'm doing it for Peter. He's my motivation; he's my everything. I would really fight ANYONE who'll try to take him away from me." You added.
"I get you. I swear, if one day Julian's mum shows up and plans to take him away from me so that Julian could be with her, I won't hesitate to fight. He's MY son and I raised him. She has no right to claim him after all the shit I've been through; after all the nasty and judgmental looks I've gotten just by going out and taking him to the park or to the mall. After everything I sacrificed just for him to be happy. He's mine and not hers." Harrison declared.
"Let me tell you something: despite everything, I love being a mum and I would do it all over again." You confessed. He smiled and nodded, "Same here. I used to hate waking up super early but now, I look forward to spending my morning making breakfast for Julian."
"Damn, we really are parents. Maybe it's because we care and love them too much." You laughed.
"Maybe." Harrison chuckled.
Both of you stared at each other and slowly leaned in for a kiss. Both of you felt a spark when your lips met his. It felt good; it felt right. If Harrison never believed in love before, he did now. The kiss got heated quickly as he pulled you on his lap. His hands were on your waist and your hands were pulling his hair. Both of you pulled away and rested your forehead on his. "I haven't done this in a long time. I'm so sorry. The last time I had sex, I got pregnant." You panted.
"Don't worry. The last time I had sex, Julian came along." Harrison breathed. "We can stop, if you want."
You shook your head. That kiss was the best kiss you've ever had and you didn't want to just stop. You shook your head, "No fucking way. I've waited so long for this and I don't want it to stop."
You got up from his lap and pulled him up, "Let's go!"
"To my room, silly." You chuckled. Both of you quickly went to your room and locked the door even though no one would come in. You felt like a teenager whose parents are out of town and has the whole place to themselves. It was kind of exciting.
"You know, I'm normally not in a hurry, but I can't fucking wait any longer." Harrison said. He kicked off his shoes and took off his socks. You giggled, "Excited?"
"Fuck, yeah." Harrison nodded as he took off his shirt. You stopped giggling and stared at him. He smirked and said, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
He walked towards you and fiddled with the hem of your shirt, "May I?"
"Rip it in half, for all I care." You muttered under your breath. Harrison took off your shirt and unclasped your bra. He groaned and pushed you on your bed. He took off his sweatpants along with his boxers and got in between your legs. 
"Holy fuck, you're gorgeous." He smiled sweetly. He leaned in to kiss you as he massaged your breasts. You moaned as he did so. He started leaving kisses on your neck and collarbone until he found your sweet spot.
"Fuck." You bit your lip as your nails raked on his back.
He left a hickey on your neck and proudly smiled at what he did. You watched him as he kissed your breasts. He sucked on your left breast and massaged the other. His free hand slid down and rubbed you through the fabric of your underwear.
"Fuck this shit. I really need you to fuck me." You whined. He chuckled and pulled away from your breast and slightly bent down to grab a condom from the pocket of his sweatpants.
"Tom gave it to me as a joke. Turns out, we'd be using it." Harrison said as he tossed his sweatpants on the floor. He took off your underwear and he threw it somewhere in the room. He stood up and hurriedly took off his boxers and opened the condom wrapper. He quickly slid it over his member and went back to his previous position.
"Ready?" He asked. You quickly nodded, "Yeah."
He puts his hands on your hips as he aligned himself to your entrance before he thrusts himself into you. You moaned, "Oh my god."
He buried his face on your neck as he thrusts into you in a quick pace. Both of your moans and groans filled your room and you were glad that you had the house to yourself. Your hands were pulling his hair and raking your nails on his back.
He pulled you in for a kiss as his hand went down to your clit. You pulled away from the kiss and gasped, " Shit. I don't think I can last long."
"Same here." Harrison moaned. Your walls tightened around his cock as he pounded into you, hitting your g-spot which made you cum instantly. He moaned as he spilled inside the condom while he continued to thrust through both of your climaxes.
After that, he pulled out of you and collapsed next to you. Both of you were just laying next to each other, panting. When Harrison regained his breathing, he got up and went to the bathroom to remove the condom and dispose it. He washed his hands and went back to you.
"You know, I don't really have sex on the first date." You said. Harrison laid down next to you and chuckled, "I assume I'm an exception."
"Yes, you are and you should be happy." You told him with a smile.
"I am." Harrison grinned as pulled you close and kissed your forehead.
"As much as I like you a lot, we left the food downstairs and I don't want it to go to waste. I even baked you a cake so..." You trailed off and got up from bed and took out clean clothes from your drawer. "Did you bring any clothes with you?"
"Yeah, they're in my backpack downstairs. I brought it just in case I slept here." Harrison said as he picked up his clothes and folded them before putting it on the chair in your room.
"I like the way you think." You chuckled. "Let's go get your backpack downstairs."
"I'm naked."
"So? You've seen mine, I've seen yours and we're the only ones here." You gave him a sly smile. "We can clean up here after we eat."
Both of you went downstairs to continue your date. Harrison got dressed and joined you on the couch. The rest of the night was filled with eating, stolen kisses, cuddling, and watching movies. Eventually, you both fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning, both you and Harrison were lazy to cook anything. So, you heated up the leftovers from last night and ate it.
As Harrison was gathering all his things and getting ready to leave, you asked, "So, what are we? I don't want to be THAT kind of girl, but I just want to know. I mean, we had a date, we've been texting and calling each other almost every day and we had sex last night. I'm pretty sure it's time to seal the deal."
"I admire your straightforwardness." Harrison chuckled as he zipped his backpack closed. He turned to you and smiled, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
You sighed happily and said, "Yes! It's about fucking time!"
You pulled him in for a sweet kiss before pulling away, "Okay, I'll see you later when I pick up Peter."
"See you later, then." Harrison grinned. He wore his backpack and walked to the door with you trailing behind him.
"Stay safe and text me when you get home." You said sternly. He nodded, "I will."
He opened the door and walked to his car. You leaned against the door frame and smiled and waved at him as he got in his car. He drove away and you sighed happily. You finally got the guy of your dreams to be your boyfriend and it made you really glad.
When Harrison arrived home, Peter and Julian were still asleep. It was the weekend, anyway. Tom was in the kitchen and Harrison made his way there.
"Hey, mate." Harrison greeted as he put down his backpack and leaned on the kitchen counter. Tom looked at him and smirked, "Hey. How'd it go?"
Harrison shrugged, "It was amazing. Why?"
Tom didn't say anything. He just remained his gaze on Harrison and smirked even more.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harrison furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
"I know there's more." Tom said.
"There's nothing more, I swear."
"So, if I check your pockets I'll still find the condom I gave you?"
"...Fuck you, Thomas." Harrison shook his head. Tom gasped and did a victory dance.
"OH MY GOD." Tom freaked out and chuckled. "Way to go, mate!"
"She's also my girlfriend now." Harrison blushed.
"I'm really happy for you, mate. I strongly believe that she's the one for you." Tom smiled at Harrison.
If Harrison went back in time to tell his past self that he would finally believe in love all because of a woman he met, his past self would laugh at him. He was sure he's given up on love before, but you completely changed that. He wanted to thank his lucky stars for bringing both of you together. He now thought that both of you were really meant for each other.
Peter and Julian were really happy when you and Harrison told them that you were dating. "We'll be brothers!" Peter exclaimed as Julian cheered. Both of you didn't really expect them to be THAT happy.
You met each other's family and your mum loved Harrison for you. She was glad you finally found someone who loved you. Harrison's mum was glad that he found someone who understands him. She knew that Harrison tried to date before, but the girls always turned him down as soon as they found out about Julian. But now that Harrison found you, she was glad! Plus, she loved Peter just like your mum loved Julian.
Your relationship was going steady. Both of you were such adults in the relationship and it was perfect. Both of you rarely fought and soon, you asked Harrison and Julian to move in with you and Peter. At that point, you and Harrison have been dating for a year now.
It was so unlike him, but he wanted to propose to you. Now he understood what Harry felt about Cassie. Both of you were now 27 and you weren't getting any younger. Both of you talked about marriage before and expanding your little family.
Harrison spoke to Harry and Tom about it and they were willing to help. Cassie was in on it too. After all the hard work you put into their wedding, Cassie wanted to give back and this was her only way.
You were Harrison's date at the wedding even though you were still working. It was now time for Cassie to toss her bridal bouquet and the ladies were on the dance floor as Cassie stood from a great distance away from them. You were watching behind the crowd of ladies with a clipboard in hand and a hand on your hip. You even had a bluetooth earpiece in your ear.
Everyone started counting as Cassie prepared to toss it, "1, 2, 3!"
Cassie just pretended to toss it and turned around with a big smile on her face. You were confused and shocked. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. What surprised you even more was the fact Cassie took your arm and basically dragged you to the middle of the dance floor.
"Cassie, I'm wor-"
She gave you her bridal bouquet, took your clipboard from you, and pointed at Harrison who was walking towards you. Everyone else in the room squealed in glee as you stood there frozen. When Harrison stood in front of you with a cute smile adorning his handsome face, you knew he was up to something.
"What's going on?" You whispered. His actions spoke for himself when he got down on one knee and opened the velvet box he was holding. It showed a beautiful ring with your birth stone as the stone. You gasped as everyone cheered.
Harry rushed to Harrison's side and held the mic for him. Harrison was tearing up at this point, "I know you worked to make this wedding happen for Harry and Cassie, but I asked for their permission and they were happy to help."
You looked at Harry and he nodded with a grin, "Cassie and I love love."
You looked back at Harrison as he cleared his throat, "Well, I know we haven't been together that long but I'm sure as hell that I want to spend the rest of my waking moments with you. Now I know what Harry felt when he decided he wanted to be with Cassie for the rest of his life. You're the love of my life and I would like to officially seal the deal by asking you to be my wife. Y/N, you're my everything and I love you so much. I love Peter like he's my own and I'm so blessed to have you and Peter in mine and Julian's lives. You made me believe in love when I was so sure that I gave up on it years ago. I've been waiting for the right woman to come along and you were worth the wait. Y/N, my love, will you marry me?"
Everyone looked at you expectantly and Harrison was so nervous. Even Peter and Julian were at the edge of their seats. Tom was shaking as he filmed the whole thing. You took a deep breath and nodded with a smile, "Yes. Yes, I will marry you!"
Everyone let out a sigh of relief before clapping and cheering for both of you. Harrison puts the ring on your finger and stood up to pull you in a loving kiss.
"The best wedding planner in London will now plan her own wedding." Harry joked as he spoke through the mic. Everyone laughed at Harry's joke.
You pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Harrison. Harry gave Harrison the garter and Harrison laughed. That wasn't part of the plan.
"I think it's just right for you to have the garter if Y/N gets the bouquet." Harry said.
"Let's take our pictures now!" Cassie squealed as she stood next to Harry. All 4 of you had smiles on your faces as the photographer took a picture of you. After that, the program resumed and you were now in work mode. However, you were more smiley than usual all thanks to Harrison, your fiancé.
Harrison couldn't stop looking at you as you worked. He adored the fact that you worked really hard for Peter, but he was really excited for Peter to officially his son. Peter and Julian were the perfect balance. Julian was a ball of energy while Peter was always calm and reserved. Harrison couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you  and he was glad that he met you. He really loved you and you were a blessing.
Marriage is different for everyone, but all we really need is the right person to come along. We don’t know when they’ll come or who it’ll be, but we’ll just feel it.
* * * *
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​ @silencetheslaves​ @imeanlifesabitshit​ @joyleenl​ @marshxx​​ @hjoficrecs​​ @myblueleatherbag​ @poguesholland​ @myblueleatherbag​​ @harryismysunflower​​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @lonikje​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​​ @osterfieldnholland​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​​ @perspectiveparker​​ @parker-potters​​ @itstaskeen​ @call-me-baby-gir1​
Add yourself to my taglist if you’re cool x
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nekojitachan · 4 years
For some reason I was inspired to write more of ‘The Real Thing’. No clue why....
I thought this was going to be really short, too. Ha.
We’re starting to move things along, time-wise and plot-wise. Seriously.
Last part can be found here.
“So, uhm, how are things going there? I mean, outside of the games, you Ravens are on the usual winning streak and they’re already talking about you making Court with the way you’re shutting down the goal whenever you’re playing, but with classes and… uhm, well, with Nathaniel?”
If Nicky didn’t sound as if he expected Andrew to yell at him at any moment, Andrew would tell him to fuck off and hang up. However, Nicky insisted on sending him care packages (and sappy A/B/O books, which Nathaniel continued to ask him about and allowed Andrew to invent ridiculous answers in return) and checking up on him, so… so Andrew humored his cousin.
(Or something like that.)
“I should make the dean’s list this semester and Nate’s fine,” Andrew said as he fought the urge to tap his fingers against the top of his desk.
“Hmm, just fine? He’s your soulmate.”
Once again, Andrew wished that he could have slit Riko’s throat before the prick had announced to the world that Nathaniel was his soulmate, even as at the same time he felt a deeply buried hint of satisfaction over knowing that everyone referred to Nathaniel as ‘his’.
He needed a drink.
“He’s fine,” Andrew repeated. “Still breathing and has all of his limbs.” All of his very attractive, very flexible limbs.
“That’s not- oh fine.” Nicky was definitely sulking on the other end of the line. “You could be a bit more romantic about finding your other half, you know.”
“Why? He’s my other half.”
“Exactly.” Nicky’s tone softened as he spoke that word. It was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again. “Uhm, you hear from Aaron lately?”
Andrew didn’t say anything as he thought about how his twin continued to avoid him.
“Ah, yeah, okay.” Now Nicky sounded sad. “He’ll… he’ll come around. It’s difficult, not knowing where one’s soulmate is when everyone else has found theirs,” he tried to explain. “He’s feeling a bit jealous right now.”
Why would Aaron feel jealous? Andrew had moved away from California and given up any chance of a family he might have with Cass because of his brother (even if it included Drake), had gotten rid of Tilda for Aaron (who really should pay attention when making bargains), had joined the Ravens… well, partially because of the scholarship extended to Aaron (and partially because of the north star mark on his left forearm).
“It’s time for practice,” Andrew lied, unwilling to talk anymore.
“Oh, okay. Tell Nathaniel I said ‘hi’! I can’t wait to meet him, maybe during the holiday-“
Andrew hung up on his insane cousin before Nicky could go any further with that ridiculous plan, then completed his English homework. Ben had gone off to one of the study rooms to talk to his family, and returned a few minutes before the afternoon practice started (for real) with a disgruntled expression on his face.
When Andrew arched an eyebrow over the way his roommate slammed his books onto his desk, Ben huffed and shook his head. “Riko’s being even more of his ‘I’m the captain, do what I say or else’ self.” When Andrew’s drug-induced smile flattened, Ben shook his head again, that time with more vigor. “Nate wasn’t involved! He went after Jordon because of his performance this morning, and then got even angrier when Kevin tried to step in.”
As long as Nathaniel was all right. “What else is new?” Riko had become a nagging little bitch (more of a nagging little bitch) as the season progressed, as he became obsessed with ensuring that the Ravens led not only their district but the entire Class I division in points, as he excelled in both the collegiate and professional leagues.
Which meant that he became a bitter little bitch whenever he felt that he wasn’t given his due as the best striker in all of Exy, whenever someone stole his thunder (especially if it was his own partner) or if he believed that his teammates were lacking. Which meant that the Ravens had to put up with the psychotic prick’s mercurial moods.
Had Andrew said moods? More like tantrums.
At least as long as Andrew continued to either shut down the goal entirely during his time on court (not always possible) or limit the other team to one or two points, then Riko left him (and Nathaniel) alone. Well, the prick wasn’t happy when he ‘politely’ (meaning didn’t shove a knife in their ribs) reminded people to keep their fucking hands off Nathaniel, but it was still possible to play a game with a concussion or broken fingers.
Ben managed a weak chuckle at Andrew’s statement, then they left for practice; Andrew didn’t see Nathaniel or Jean in the locker room, which meant that they were already out on court. That wasn’t too much of a surprise since as part of Riko’s ‘perfect court’, they were expected to put in extra effort (to live up to the ‘perfect’ part), but it also meant that a certain prick expected more of them.
Andrew didn’t exactly run out of the locker room, but he managed a fast-paced ‘saunter’ that got him to the court before the rest of the team. He was just in time to notice a very familiar flush to his soulmate’s cheeks and gleam in those startling blue eyes as Nathaniel watched on while Riko tore into Kevin about – well, Andrew didn’t really give a shit about what, just stopping Nathaniel from getting into trouble.
“Why don’t you-“
“There’s my sweetpea!” Andrew called out right before he used his racquet as an improvised hook to draw Nathaniel towards him; Jean jumped at the loud noise then scoffed at his actions. “Got a kiss for your honeybun?”
“I’ve got a knife for your belly,” Nathaniel gritted out, yet he allowed Andrew to ‘reel’ him in. “What did I say about calling me that?”
Andrew pretended to think about the demand for a moment. “Okay, snugglewoogums.”
Behind them, Jean tried to turn a chuckle into a cough while Riko finally stopped berating Kevin. Nathaniel gave Andrew an incredibly pained look before he shook his head in defeat. “Fine, stick with the first one,” he spat as he ducked his head.
Aware of Riko’s attention on them, Andrew allowed his grin and tone to take on a salacious edge. “I told you I always get my way.” He smacked his soulmate on the ass with the handle of his racquet, well aware that he’d get an earful (and more threats about being filleted) later on, while Riko grinned in approval.
“It seems we finally found someone to tame our wild #3,” Riko taunted; for a moment, Andrew worried that it would set off his soulmate, but Nathaniel glanced over at Kevin, who had hurried to get the rest of the team ready for practice (and away from Riko), and seemed to decide to let the snide comment slide since things had settled down.
It was the usual Ravens’ practice after that (of which Andrew was So. Damn. Bored); going over the Ravens’ drills (and being caned by Tetsuji for any mistakes), followed by learning a new play or two (and being caned for not paying attention) and then a few scrimmages (and more caning for mistakes). Riko was quick to pounce on any players he felt weren’t up to the team’s demanding standards, to the point that Andrew was certain that he wasn’t the only one looking forward to the next time the asshole left for a Wildcats’ game.
As expected, Nathaniel dragged Andrew off to a table in the far corner of the dining hall after practice; no one paid any attention to him eating with his soulmate and Jean anymore, while Ben was fine having his meals with Leif and Toby (who actually said more than two words at a time to him). Jean sat with his back to the other Ravens, which helped to block any curious gazes, while Nathaniel glared as he jabbed a chopstick at the grilled tofu lying on top of his bowl of seasoned rice. “Laying it on a bit thick earlier, weren’t you?” He pitched his voice low so it wouldn’t carry very far. “Honeybun?” There was enough malice in the ‘nickname’ to choke a horse (too bad it didn’t choke Andrew and give him an excuse to skip dinner).
Andrew grunted as he contemplated flinging his own piece of tofu as far across the dining hall as possible. “Oh, did you and Valjean want to be beaten for pissing off Riko today?” It was a bit of a low blow to drag Jean into things, but the best way to prove his point.
Nathaniel appeared guilty while Jean gave him a warning look for such dirty tactics, which Andrew ignored. “He’s being a real asshole to Kevin lately for no reason.”
Other than being a jealous, insecure prick, but what else was new? “Kevin’s a big boy, let him take care of himself.”
“Kevin can’t fend for himself once off an Exy court or outside a press conference,” Nathaniel muttered, which made Jean chuckle. “But whatever,” he said when Andrew narrowed his eyes. “You done with your homework for the day?”
“Yes, you?”
Nathaniel nodded. “You… uhm, coming back to the room with us?” He kept poking at the disgusting slab of tofu while a hint of blush spread across his sharp cheekbones.
Despite the fact that Andrew basically went to Nathaniel’s room every night after dinner (unless it was a game night), he nodded and forced his attention on his own dinner while Nathaniel murmured ‘good’ and Jean looked as if he was about to get up and leave the table in disgust.
The rest of the meal passed in silence.
Once they reached the relative peace and safety (relative) of Nathaniel’s room, he pulled out the German language books which Nicky had sent Andrew (oh how his cousin had been delighted to know that Nathaniel had wanted to improve upon his slight knowledge of the language) so they could work on it that night; they’d taken to alternating between German and French in the last few weeks. Between Andrew’s eidetic memory and Nathaniel’s almost uncanny ability to learn languages, they were progressing rapidly between the two.
(Andrew wanted to know what the hell his soulmate and Jean were saying all the time – and to be warned by Jean if necessary – and to talk to Nathaniel privately.)
Andrew sat on Nathaniel’s bed, all too aware of how close they were to each other, as they went through the lessons that Nathaniel had worked on earlier that day and his pronunciation (which was damn good). They were in the middle of a short dialogue (asking for directions) when Nathaniel’s phone pinged, which was a rare occasion; almost everyone he knew was in the Nest, and his father certainly didn’t bother to talk to him.
Nathaniel’s brows drew together in a puzzled expression as he looked at his phone; Andrew noticed how Jean paused in reading a book to give his partner a worried glance. “I won’t be able to watch the game on Friday,” Nathaniel announced after texting back a response. “Ichirou wants me in the East Tower to translate.”
Andrew felt a wave of… of something dark and possessive and primordial slam into him as a wide smile spread across his face. “Oh, how wonderful, fun Moriyama time. Will Nathan be there to play as well?” He could easily (oh so easily) remember the bruises which had littered lovely ‘Nat’s’ face after his last father’s visit.
Nathaniel twitched at the response, which earned a muttered curse from Jean. “I… no.” Nathaniel shook his head, which caused the workbook in his lap to slip onto the bed and his dark auburn curls to flash through the air. “He doesn’t… not when Ichirou… no.”
The incoherence was a sign of how upset he was, as was the way his hands twisted in the hem of the overlarge black sweatshirt he wore; aware of how he was the cause of such disturbance, Andrew found himself reaching to thread his fingers through those mussed curls without a thought, to leaning forward until he felt his soulmate’s breath warm against his face, until he could see the flecks of pale grey swirl in those icy blue eyes….
A manic part of him urged him on to kiss his soulmate, to feel something, to take whatever he could – for a moment he almost gave into it, too. Then he noticed the naked emotion on Nathaniel’s face, the odd mix of trust and confusion, and found himself leaning back even as his hand wrapped around his soulmate’s nape.
“Be certain,” Andrew said, his voice thick for some reason. “Because I feel that I’m due an introduction with your father for some reason, an introduction where I have a very sharp or heavy object in my hand which I make very familiar with him many, many times.”
His soulmate gazed at him for several seconds as if trying to make sense of the words before he gave up and rested his forehead on Andrew’s shoulder. When Andrew glanced at Jean, the French bastard shook his head. “I’m putting my money on the Butcher, not a runt like you.”
“He’s an old man,” Andrew sneered.
“An old man who’s used to fighting off overreaching fools. Up your game, Minyard.”
Andrew gave him the bird while he combed the fingers of his other hand through Nathaniel’s hair; once he realized what he was doing, he forced his hands away from his soulmate. Nathaniel blinked at the loss of contact then slowly rose from the bed. “Aah, it’s late,” he said as he walked toward the bathroom.
Jean waited until the door closed behind him and there was the sound of water running to lean forward and gaze at Andrew. “He doesn’t say much about what happens up in the Tower, but I know that Ichirou doesn’t let Nathan touch him,” he told Andrew, his deep voice quiet in the small room. “Kengo doesn’t stop the bastard at all, but Ichirou does.”
Andrew thought about that as he gathered up the German language books then placed them on Nathaniel’s desk. “Why?” Why did Ichirou protect Nathaniel?
Jean shook his head. “I don’t know, and I don’t think Nat does, either.”
Yet another question to add to the growing pile of them, but at least Andrew knew that Nathaniel should be safe that Friday. Should. He’d have to wait for a better answer after their game with the University of Vermont’s Catamounts.
(When he was alone, with his soulmate, without any drugs in his system….).
Except things didn’t exactly go that way – Andrew should be used to life fucking up his plans by then. After all but shutting down the goal except for one point during his time out on court, he’d dealt with the usual post-game bullshit, showered, changed and was about to head to Nathaniel’s room (well aware of the clock ticking down on his drug-free moments) when Akagi insisted that he follow the assistant coach to Tetsuji’s office.
He was ready to ignore the man, except Aaron’s name was mentioned.
Well aware that he hadn’t seen his brother in class that morning, Andrew pushed aside the urge to tell the Moriyama lackey to ‘fuck off’ (along with the growing sense of nausea) and tagged along; the rare burst of true anger helped to push back the withdrawal that sunk vicious claws into his nerves until they sizzled with an aching itch that wasn’t quite pain.
Not yet, at least.
Andrew found his twin, bleary-eyed and reeking of alcohol, standing hunched over as to make himself appear even smaller in Tetsuji’s office with some middle-aged man who turned out to be the Dean of Science. He stood there and listened while Tetsuji basically talked the man out of evicting Aaron from Edgar Allan because of the stupid prank he and his ‘friends’ had done due earlier that evening to the stabilizing effect (what a fucking joke) he had on one of the Ravens’ most promising players, and that Tetsuji was certain that he could find something to keep Aaron busy so such an incident wasn’t repeated.
From the look Tetsuji gave Andrew, he knew that such a thing better not happen again, and that he’d be paying for the ‘Master’s’ intervention.
“How could you be so stupid,” he hissed in German while the two men hashed out the details of Aaron’s new ‘work study’ position.
Aaron wavered on his feet while he shook his head. “I didn’t- why the fuck do you care?” he whispered back.
Because the Moriyamas never did anything for free. Because the price better not involve Nathaniel. Because Andrew was always cleaning up for his twin. “You were supposed to stay out of trouble.” Andrew had done what he could to keep track of his brother while on campus, but that task had grown almost impossible between juggling classes, being a Raven, Nathaniel, and Aaron ignoring him the past few weeks. “Not break into-“
“You have everything,” Aaron turned to give him a look that was pure jealousy. “They’re already talking about you making Court, you found your soulmate, what else is there? I’ve got nothing.”
He certainly didn’t have any brains, Andrew thought with growing bitterness. He had a scholarship to pursue his dreams of being a doctor, he had the brother he’d begged for along with the second chance of a future. ‘Nothing’ indeed.
However, it seemed that Tetsuji and the other guy were finished, so away Aaron went, leaving Andrew to find out what he owed for his brother’s latest folly. “I suggest making him clean the bathrooms,” Andrew said as he struggled not to fidget from the growing drug withdrawals.
Tetsuji regarded him in that flat, ‘you are worthless to me’ manner which made him such a cheerful fellow for a few seconds before he leaned back in his big leather chair. “I know about the deal you made with my nephew, both about Nathaniel and being off your medication while on court.” His thick brows drew together very slightly, the only hint of disapproval on his usually mask-like face; if it were during a practice session, Andrew would expect the bastard’s cane to be brought down on him at any moment. “You shouldn’t need any incentive to do your best during a game, but one can be… irrational in regards to their soulmate.”
One could also be irrational as fuck in regards to their psychotic nephew, but Andrew (for once) kept his mouth shut, considering what had happened in the past few minutes, and considering the reference to Nathaniel.
(Oh, was it difficult, though.)
Tetsuji nodded once, as if pleased by his silence. “Your performance on court is exemplary and has helped the team to have one of their best seasons in years. Upon comparing it to how you play during scrimmages, I believe you were correct when you told Riko that you play best when off your medication. That’s why I’ve had Dr. Gale submit a recommendation that you’ve improved enough in the last few months and no longer need it.”
That… was not what Andrew had expected to hear. “He can do that?” He was supposed to have weekly sessions with the psychiatrist, per the whole court sentencing thing, but one of the very few good things about having signed with the Ravens was, due to the hectic practice schedule, after attending a couple of them, the weekly visits had just… stopped. Dr. Gale would swing by the court once a week to technically ‘see’ Andrew, but that was that, and nothing else was said about the matter.
“He already has; along with the recommendations from your professors and me, it’s expected to be approved.” Tetsuji gave him an intent look. “You’ll be checked in to a local rehabilitation center over the winter break and return in time for the spring semester to play unmedicated.”
On one hand, Andrew felt an odd fluttering in his chest at the thought of being off the damn medication early, in no longer having to take it (in being done with it earlier than expected after he’d found Nathaniel). On the other hand, he was being told to do something, and while he wasn’t the twin studying medicine, he could do a quick bit of math and realized that winter break didn’t give him a lot of time to come off an additive drug.
(But Aaron had done it, so why couldn’t he?)
His innate nature to do the opposite of what he’d been told struggled with the fact that this was what not only he owed to keep Aaron at Edgar Allan but was what he wanted as well; after several seconds, he gave the ‘Master’ a curt nod.
Tetsuji nodded once in return. “Prepare accordingly,” was all he said before he motioned for Andrew to leave.
Andrew didn’t waste any time doing just that.
Nathaniel appeared anxious when he reached his soulmate’s room but didn’t ask any questions. He took one look at Andrew and got out of the way as Andrew went straight to the bathroom so he could take the damn medication (only for a little longer) and get ready for bed. When Andrew came out several minutes later, it was to find that Nathaniel had switched out the sheets for him on Jean’s bed.
“Uhm, everything okay?” Nathaniel asked, his expression uncertain.
Andrew took a moment to check that his soulmate was unharmed (at least physically), that the only bruises on him were a couple fading ones from practice earlier in the week. “Long day.” He was too tired right then to talk about Aaron, Ichirou and winter break, too… it was too much. It would wait until morning.
Yet all Nathaniel did was give him a slight, earnest smile and went to fetch something from his desk. “Okay. Ah, here.” He handed over a small bundle wrapped in a black cloth napkin, a hint of pink on his cheeks. “There were snacks and since it was Ichirou… I was able to bring something back I thought you might like. Good night.” That done, he hurried over to his bed.
Andrew stared after him for moment before he unwrapped the napkin to reveal a large chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting drizzled with caramel, topped with a chocolate raven. Despite the slight upheaval to his stomach from before and the fact that he’d just brushed his teeth, Andrew felt his mouth begin to salivate and sat down on the bed so he could spread the napkin over his lap.
The cupcake was delicious, was the best thing he’d tasted in weeks, was a chocolate overload that made him want to groan in delight. Once he was done licking the last trace of buttercream from his fingers, he glanced over at his soulmate, who was pretending to be asleep. “Thanks, sweetpea. Next time, grab at least two.”
Nathaniel made an adorable growling sound before he spoke. “Sure, the more poison, the better,” he grumbled before he jerked the bedding higher up his narrow shoulders.
Andrew began to count the days left until winter break as he crawled beneath blankets.
Excited for what happens in the next few parts. I always knew how this was going to end, but had a flash of actual dialogue the other night and... YES.
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neroushalvaus · 4 years
@starlene tagged me to share five of my favourite male characters. Thank you for the tag ♥ Like her, I’m going to tell you in detail why these are my favourite boys. Bear with me! These are not in any strict order, except for the first one, he will always be the number one in my heart.
1. Javert, Les Misérables
When I first read Les Misérables I was so fascinated by Javert’s character. Javert is the complete opposite of "a bad cop antagonist”, he follows the law to a fault and in a book like Les Mis, in which the society is the real villain, that is his personal failing. 
His integrity is also kind of touching to me. The way he will believe a nun that’s known not to lie, even when he should be doubting her words, and the way Javert himself never tells a lie, even when he’s supposed to act as a spy. He really has “nothing ignoble about him”, as Hugo says. Also how when he sees the error in his ways, his last act is to criticize the system he has upheld. 
Javert is such a sad character. His parents were possibly as downtrodden as Valjean, so he grew up to be someone who believes he’s doing the right thing, even when he’s trampling the ones society has already abandoned. That is a true tragedy and it never stops being interesting to me.
2. Lehto, Tuntematon sotilas
Oh boy. Possibly my worst son. He is a character from this one Finnish war novel, who doesn’t like anything or anyone and has a giant chip on his shoulder from god-knows-where. He is considered grim and nasty by his peers, he hates the authority and gets anxious when anyone talks about spirituality or patriotism. In other words, I love him.
Don’t get me wrong, once again we have a bad person here. He torments this one guy simply for being scared (and like, they are in war so what the fuck my dude), once he kills someone just because, and he in general never does anything nice for anyone. But then again, he’s only twenty-one in the book and he does not live long enough to learn and I would like to see him growing. I’m also interested in his past of which we only know that he has been “alone” since he was a child. And there is something very appealing about his defiant personality. As my psychologist mother said after seeing 2 minutes of Lehto in one movie adaptation, “boys like that are not good at expressing themselves that well, he needs understanding and support”. So yeah... I have a soft spot for this guy.
3. Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie’s Poirot
I really don’t know what this sweet little man is doing on this list. I’ve liked Poirot since I was a child but I feel like I for a long time didn’t quite understand how well written his character is. I’m mostly talking about the books and David Suchet’s iconic portrayal, but I also really really liked the new ABC Murders with John Malkovich. Poirot’s backstory really did it for me, it made so much sense and put a whole new spin in this character.
In general I just love Poirot’s manner of speaking and his little quirks - how persnickety he is, his pickiness with food, how polite he is and his dramatics, especially when he gathers all the suspects together and lets them hear it. I love how in Christie’s novels he uses people’s prejudices against foreigners to his advantage, kind of like Marple uses the fact people usually are not too cautious around little old ladies. My favourite thing about Poirot, especially in Suchet’s portrayal, is his empathy and how that makes him a better detective. He can feel for victims and culprits alike, and he is great at figuring motives because he talks to people and sees what makes them tick. I love this man and his little gray cells.
4. Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey
Bad boys are back, alright! Or you know... Misunderstood boys. Silly boys. Boys who get hurt every time they let someone in and that feeds their rage so they say “I’ll do it on my own”... Julian Fellowes really thought he could make an evil gay servant and people would just be like “okay so that one’s a jerk, can we see more of Lady Mary’s love life now?”. But he went and cast RJC and accidentally wrote the most interesting character in the whole Classist Propaganda: The TV Show.
Thomas Barrow is a complicated character and that makes him so appealing to me. He seems to be tough and cold, but he’s also very sensitive and many of the bad things he does are motivated by jealousy or hurt. He is clever and driven, but he can and most certainly will make bad decisions. Characters in the show think he’s heartless, but he likes being around children and when he falls in love with someone, he falls hard and fast. He’s also hopelessly devoted to those near him. I guess one of the big reasons I like Thomas so much is that he’s so severely mistreated by the show. He gets repeatedly punished for even small things he does, whereas other characters can do worse things and other characters and the mainstream audience still like them. I guess that makes me kind of protective of him, and willing to read a thousand fics about how he gets everything he has ever wanted in life.
5. Gregory House, House M.D.
I’m on my House binge once again and let me tell you - Season One Dr House is actually a good guy? Like sure he’s sarcastic and irresponsible and wants to do things his own way and throws a hissy fit when he doesn’t get his way, but in so many ways he is actually nice. That, of course, changes when the show marches on, but who said all character development has to be positive?
I like hospital dramas and I like detective shows, therefore I love House M.D. And this is a rare case in which the main character in a series is the most interesting one. I also love Wilson, but I relate to him a bit too much in certain ways (the internet says it’s because we’re both INFJ) for him to be that enjoyable for me. But House is interesting and once again, complicated. Making this list is making me once again face the fact I like characters who have a strict set of rules for themselves. House is a textbook example of Chaotic Neutral, but like it’s said in the series, his work is motivated by doing what he thinks is right. And it’s really important to him to be right himself. What I also like about him is that even though he is a typical “genius jerk”, he actually consistently gets called out on his behaviour. We get to see how his behaviour is the reason he has only a handful of meaningful relationships and why being like him is nothing to be proud of. A cool drinking game, take a shot every time he’s described as “miserable”. Have fun. 
Huh, that was a lot. Let’s tag some people! @obiskus , @juniper-pompadour , @trevardes and @violasmirabiles , share your favourite boys, if you feel like it! Feel free to either just say the names or ramble like I did :’)
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heckin-music-dork · 4 years
My favorite kind of Broadway love song is a duet with a sort of hurt/comfort dynamic, in which Character A is feeling distressed in some way, and Character B comforts them and reassures them that everything will be okay.
For example: In “All I Ask of You” from The Phantom of the Opera, Christine just saw the Phantom, whom she recently learned was her “angel of music” hang a man from the rafters of the opera house for no other reason than to send a message to the managers and employees of the opera house, and suddenly comes to the horrible realization that he will do anything to get what he wants. And yet she still can’t help but have mixed feelings for him, due to the powerful effect of his music on her, as well as the profound sadness and loneliness that she saw in him. In this vulnerable moment of fear and confusion, she turns to her childhood best friend (and maybe sweetheart), Raoul, for comfort, which he readily provides, promising to shelter her and offer her pure and simple love and devotion. In stark contrast with the Phantom and all he demands of Christine*, Raoul asks very little of her in return- a beautifully sweet and tender request: “Anywhere you go, let me go too; love me, that’s all I ask of you.”
(*I could go on forever about how “The Music of the Night” and “All I Ask of You” are two sides of the same coin- in fact, I may have to make a seperate post dedicated to it later.)
Another song that stands out in my mind (and, along with “All I Ask of You”, is the inspiration for this post) is “Suddenly Seymour” from Little Shop of Horrors. Audrey is confiding in Seymour that she has worked a second job at a night club, (it’s implied that she was a stripper), when business for florist shop where they both work has been doing particularly poorly. She tells him that, because of this, she feels like she doesn’t deserve to have anyone treat her well, but rather she deserves to be with someone like her abusive boyfriend, Orin, who forced her to wear handcuffs on their dates and frequently beat her for very little to no reason (and who has recently disappeared under “mysterious circumstances.”) Seymour, who has been head over heels in love with Audrey since he first met her, assured her that she had nothing to be ashamed of, and no need to have a low self-esteem. “Underneath the bruises and the handcuffs, you know what I saw? A girl I respected. I still do... Suddenly, Seymour is standing beside you... [and] is here to provide you sweet understanding.”
Yeah, this is exactly the sort of thing that leaves me melted and sobbing in a pile on the floor. ❤️
Here’s a few more examples from some of my other favorite musicals:
“Fantine’s Death (Come to Me)” from Les Misérables (I don’t really ship Fantine and Valjean, but this still has pretty much the same energy that I was talking about, with Valjean comforting Fantine in her last moments and promising to raise her daughter as his own)
“If I Could Tell Her” from Dear Evan Hansen (I’m not quite sure if this really counts, but imma put it here anyway, since I think it has sort of that vibe.)
“That Would Be Enough” from Hamilton (although it’s not really a duet, Alexander only has a handful of lines towards the beginning of the song)
“It’s Quiet Uptown” also from Hamilton (not really a duet either, it’s mostly Alexander with the company, with Eliza having only one line towards the end. Also, everyone’s hurting in this song, but still, again, same idea)
“No One Is Alone” from Into the Woods (platonic)
That’s all I can think of for now, feel free to add more!
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barefoot-pianist · 5 years
Les Mis London - 18/06/19
Just some notes from the performance last night! They’re a good cast, but the real knockout performance was Bradley Jaden as Javert - he’s the best Javert I’ve ever seen live, and damn - Stars brought the house down. 
Enjolras & Grantaire
> Enjolras seemed much more book canon in this performance? Like had two modes - “I am speechifying” and “what are emotions I’m confused,” which was really evident in his interactions with Grantaire because Grantaire’s performance was so much more of the emotional heart of Les Amis (Adam Filipe was excellent and is kind of canon for me now), which makes sense considering the fact the others don’t really get characters per se in the stage show. Like R didn’t once pick up a gun at the barricade, he’s always the one hugging everyone, chivvying Gavroche around the stage etc. You definitely got a sense of Grantaire the cynic and the drunkard, but not Grantaire the obnoxious asshole which was interesting. 
> Lots of longing looks (especially on R’s part at Enjolras). Like to a shipper, you could probably read Samuel Edwards’ Enjolras as “has feelings but has no idea what to do about them/ is super busy planning a revolution.” Especially in the bit in Drink With Me, and Grantaire like collapses against Enjolras, and Enjolras stands there for a moment and then hugs him and it’s like “oh, hugs, I know how to do those!” kind of went off in his brain. But apart from that it was a lot of “manly shoulder slaps” on E’s part, which again, could read as emotionally illiterate.
> Enjolras was also very sarcastic - when Marius is being a romantic dork, Enjolras just gives him this really sarcastic thumbs-up, like “are you done now” and that was hilarious. He also pulls this chair out really elegantly in the “Marius you are no longer a child,” bit and sits down just to get right on Marius’ level to deliver the “who cares about your lonely soul” line straight at his face and then is right back on his feet for the rest of the verse which was hilarious too.
> Was so tiny! So tiny! And a really good actor!
Javert & Valjean
> Bradley Jaden was incredible, and the tension between Javert and Valjean was so good, like this is the first performance I’ve watched where I’m like “yeah, that could *definitely* be something there.” There’s a moment in the Confrontation where they are leaning over opposite ends of Fantine’s bed, over her dead body, and man, you could just cut it with a knife!
> At the musical climax of Stars, Javert kneels and crosses himself - lovely touch!
> Javert’s Suicide was anguished and heartbreaking and his absolute disintegration is really obvious - other Javerts I’ve seen have been more stoic, but man this worked!
> Was so bemused and awkward, and really captured the innocence and naivete without being annoying - his Heart Full of Love was so perfect (and again more book-canon, I felt). His relationship with Eponine was also genuinely sweet.
The ladies!!!
> Eponine and Fantine were awesome, Cosette played very very girly, which is fine and can suit her but can be annoying at times (I prefer her a little more serious?)
> Eponine really fought people, especially her father’s gang in The Robbery, and Attack on the Rue Plumet.
> Carly Stenson as Fantine is a study in how to go from a very pretty I Dreamed a Dream to total and utter breakdown - people who’ve seen this cast, have they made Bamabatois more grim? Because it certainly felt like it - he was doing something weird with his tongue and urgh.
The Thenardiers
> Thenardier had a really strong Scottish accent, which I just kept forgetting in between his lines and then he’d open his mouth and I’d be like “huh” and it was fabulous.
> Madame Thenardier was played as cleverer, which was interesting - during the Waltz of Treachery, she kept coming out with her lines and Thenardier would look at her like “what the hell are you doing woman...okay, okay, I’ll go along with it!” which felt different.
So basically: very good cast, I’m sad about the end of the Turntable Era, but I’m looking forward to the new production and staging they’re doing after the refurbishment of the Queen’s Theatre! 
EDIT: I wrote Raymond Walsh but I’ve just been watching videos on Youtube and I was mistaken - I saw Adam Filipe’s Grantaire, sorry for the mistake!
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lizardrosen · 5 years
10/15/19 BrickClub 1.2.1
Book Two: The Fall, Chapter I. The Night After a Day’s Walk
The chapter introducing Jean Valjean begins on page 51, and we don’t get to learn his name until page 54. What we learn first is that the inhabitants of Digne watch him “with a vague anxiety” and that “You would be hard-pressed to come across anyone on the road more derelict in appearance.” And based on his clothes and tiredness from the journey, he really seems to be in rough shape.
One detail sticking out from his initial description is “His shirt of coarse yellow twill, fastened at the neck with a small silver anchor, gaped open.” I wonder where he got the anchor, and why he decided to keep it (and why it’s never mentioned again).
I always forget how scary he must have been, especially since no one knows him. So while it’s not good that everyone turns him away, or assumes based on his appearance that he doesn’t have money, it’s certainly understandable.
The glory of this Trois Dauphins Labarre was reflected twenty-five miles away on the Labarre of the Croix de Colbas. They liked to say of him in town: “He’s the cousin of the one in Grenoble.”
Here’s another example of a person who benefits by sharing a name or other minor connection to someone more famous. We also see this in the coincidence of Myriel sassing Napoleon at just the right time, or Lesgles/L’Aigle’s father getting transferred to Meaux because of what people assume about his name. I’m not explaining it very well, but it seems connected to Hugo’s discussion of success vs merit a few chapters ago.
“The man” is calm and nonconfrontational when he asks to be put in the stable (do you get it? it’s comparing him to Jesus) and he argues back a little because he’s hungry and willing to pay, but he doesn’t raise his voice, and when Labarre shows him the note with his name and “what you are” he leaves very meekly. Jean Valjean is humiliated and exhausted and by now he’s used to suffering and being pushed around by everyone he encounters, and perhaps he hopes that if he doesn’t make a scene someone will be more inclined to help him. Aaaahh, this is so sad and miserable :(
Hugo keeps pretending he’s a character in-universe who’s telling the story based on real sources and half-remembered stories and details. It’s a neat device, but does get annoying sometimes.
VALJEAN! RESPECTFULLY ASKING TO SPEND THE NIGHT IN PRISON! OH MY HEART! And then they tell him he has to get arrested first, which he obviously can’t do without things immediately getting worse for him. EVERYTHING IS SAD.
When he had scrambled back over the fence, not without difficulty, and he found himself once again on the street, alone, without a place to stay, without a roof over his head, without shelter, driven even from a straw bed in a miserable dog kennel, he sank down rather than sat on a rock, and it appears that someone going past heard him cry out: “I”m not even a dog!”
Oh yeah, there’s that animal symbolism we in the Les Mis fandom crave so much! And it’s really sad!
Yaaaay for Madame de R telling Valjean to knock on the bishop’s door! I like that even though we know it’s where Myriel lives, this chapter is focused on Valjean’s perspective so it’s described as “a small low house next to the bishop’s palace on the other side of the square.” I don’t think the rest of the novel could have happened in quite the same way if he’d known ahead of time who Myriel was.
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secretmellowblog · 4 years
hi! do you know the youtuber Sideways? he studied music and analyses films by their scores, and recently did a video on the 2012 Les Mis film adaptation. thought you might be interested. it is a negative take (apparently the film is The Worst), and i'm not sure i fully agree with his conclusions, but it sure is a fascinating video. (you should be able to find it by searching, otherwise here is the video id: 1ikqU6G6Xgs)
Ahhh thanks yeah I’ve seen it! It’s a great video! It’s really worth watching!!! 
So much of the behind-the-scenes stuff he talks about is incredibly fascinating. Poor Hugh Jackman...singing for ten hours while dehydrated..... ;_;
Music is subjective but I honestly agree with all the positive things he says (about Redmayne/Sam Barks/Seyfried) and with most of the negative things he says (about the directing, and about Crowe/Jackman, tho I disagree with some of what he says about Hathaway)
And tbh I do feel that, in general, one of the weakest parts of the 2012 film is the music.
Which is a uhhhhhhhhhhh oroblem for an adaptation of a musical.
However, I’ve also seen the BBC Les Mis adaptation. So I’m just sitting here like “yes, I acknowledge all of these flaws in the 2012 film. but since I watched BBC Les Mis I will never take it for granted again”
Like, Hugh Jackman Valjean is kinda pitchy and sings the wrong notes, but like. He’s still a sad soft dad. :3 And that’s what really matters
And to people who aren’t that into Les Mis: I’ve said before that if you’re interested in Les Mis, the 2012 film is a good place to start, because it’s easily accessible version of the story with nice visuals! But If you’re interested specifically in the music of Les Mis.......then it’s better to start by listening to something like the tenth anniversary concert here!
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ohheyiknowthatguy · 5 years
“My life was a war that could never be won, they gave me a number and they murdered valjean” poetic cinema
For someone dying of consumption fantine can belt pretty good
imagine ur dying at the hospital and the these mfs start swashbuckling in front of ur bed that’s basically what the confrontation is
jean I love you but you should NOT be kissing someone with tuberculosis
Love how Jean Valjean can pick up a heavy ass wagon without breaking a sweat but he grunts when he picks up little Cosette
Russell Crowe has such a nice voice 🥺🥺
The transition from Stars to Paris/Look Down?? legendary
How do you do? My name’s Gavroche!
Me: oh hi....
Gavroche: what the hell!
Me: omg... 🤭
Gavroche’s friends: wait!
Gavroche, fuckin cruisin on the back of a carriage: perish
Me, an American: omg.. Vive la France...
Enjolras is DONE WITH MARIUS he is FED UP
Marius: h-
Enjolras: no!! uh uh!! Bitch!!!
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Sorry for shitty camerawork 😔
In my life time... angels
Eponine: every word he says is a dagger in me
Marius, stupid: huh??? And I oop...
Eponine and Marius: share a tender little duet
Marius, moving on: a heeaaaart full of looove
Marius and Cosette: Not a dream after all!
Valjean: Cosette!
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Uh oh one day more time
GAVROCHE’S LITTLE ‘yeah!’ WHEN MARIUS SAYS ‘my place is here, I fight with you!’ IM WEEPING
Do you hear the people sing time
Javert went 😳 >:(
oh everyone’s throwing their furniture out to help the barricade!!!!
Joly’s just stealing a table!
oh javert is evil he’s plotting that’s why he helped him up
where did javert get the patch??
god the music here is so pretty GOD THIS PART IS SO PRETTY
Gavroche’s time to shine baby fuck u javert
gavroche: inspector
everyone: OH SHIT
Eponine’s gonna die tho that’s sad as hell
marius: hushabye, dear Eponine
Marius hits notes though
Gavroche is just chilling in a box I love that
Marius: gavroche, will you do something for me?
Gavroche: anything! Without you, I’d have bitten the dust!
Me: and I oop... we love foreshadowing
Valjean: stay away from there (the barricade)
Valjean reading Marius’ love letter: lol wut
OH MY GOD “he’s gonna take my cosette away :,( but... he could die tonight! Lightbulb!” VALJEAN NO
Valjean: give me the spy javert let me take care of him
Gavroche: ok lol here’s a gun
Enjolras: also here’s another gun
“You are wrong and always have been wrong” BAHAHAH SUCK IT JAVERT
Enjolras: marius, rest.
My last braincell: 🥺🥺🥺
oh of course Grantaire is singing drink with me
but this song.... all my uwus
Gavroche joining in.... mwah
Everyone looks so disheveled I 🥺
It’s honestly such a powerful image everyone sitting there drinking together like wow... the flavor...
Everyone harmonizing in the back of Marius singing about cosette... total 180° from them making fun of him earlier... masterpiece
Valjean going from wanting to get rid of Marius to praying he makes it home ok?? The development!!
The Les Amis listening to this old man belt in Bring Him Home:
Valjean: if I die, let me die!
Me, knowing it’s foreshadowing again: aw shit
Gavroche singin do you hear the people sing 🥺🥺
The soldier singing after he shoots gavroche... nice voice for a BABY KILLER
Soldier: cannons!
The Les Amis: c-c-c-cannons????
Ok but the music in the final battle... fucking SUPERB!! FANTASTIC!!
so basically I’m gonna die tonight from dehydration from crying
Bro Thenardier stole Marius’ ring....
“I saved you!” Headass did not
So I’d be sad but Hugh Jackman is wading through shit so...
“Look down, Javert!” BDE PURE BDE
“One more step and you die.” AND HE KEEPS WALKING
Javert: I’m tough as hell! Nothing in this world will stop me from hunting Valjean!
Valjean: shows him pity
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shall his crimes be repRIEEEEEEEEEVED
bro he sings to the tune of valjean’s soliloquy...wow
turning is so fuckin sad I’m :,((
How the music slowly fades in... wow
he can hit notes though... wow... the flavor
bro dude is TRAUMATIZED he’s just starin blankly at the floor
aw man instead of Eponine singin it’s valjean... poetic cinema
Marius: thank u so much!!! :))
Valjean: :/
instead of “who am I? Jean Valjean.” It’s “who am I?” “You’re Jean Valjean.” POETIC CINEMA!!!
Eddie Redmayne’s eyes are so pretty though..
suddenly reprise.. uh oh jean isn’t looking so hot
“Go away, Thenardier!” HE LIKE SPITS IT WOW SASS TIME “do you think I don’t know who you are?”
“I was there, never fear. I even found me this fine souvenir!” “I know this. This is mine!” HAKDHSJXBD
Oh no epilogue time
bring him home reprise time..
Wow you couldn’t have even give hallucination fantine her hair back
Dam cosette can RUN in those heels
Ok this is all I can fit here for now! Thank you for reading all this if you made it to the end! Mwah I’ll fit the rest in another post!
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boopliette · 5 years
Hello, sorry to bother but I just saw the Les Mis tour in Milton Keynes and I know you did, too! How did you like the staging? Did you enjoy it? I have feelings (I always have tbh but now more feelings)
I did, I saw it in Milton Keynes last weekend! I was super lucky because I actually saw the third cover Jean Valjean’s debut! He was amazing and whilst I was sad to miss Killian, I was so excited to be able to catch something rare! 
I really thought the cast was wonderful, like I saw that Valjean, and an understudy Fantine and the rest was full cast and I loved most of them so much! Especially like, Martin Ball’s Thenardier is hysterical, Nic’s Stars was fantastic, and ofc I loved Will and Rubeun as Enjolras and Grantaire. I also thought Harry was a lovely little Marius, what a sweet little baby boy. 
Now, my thoughts on the staging are much unchanged from the last time I talked tour. It’s okay? Like, yeah its still les mis (even if they did change the lyrics in a lot of parts which just kept throwing me off) but its not like, as finely tuned as the London production is.
One thing I kept feeling was that it was so like,, empty? Because the stage in Milton Keynes at least is Huge, so everyone felt so spread out and far apart, and it didnt feel like it had the same, intimacy or energy as the smaller stage in London does? So like I felt way less invested just on that.
One change I really hated was how the factory foreman is the first guy to pay Fantine in Lovely Ladies?? It doesn’t make any sense because when he comes back out they sing at him “Come on Captain, did you wear your shoes”??? Like he’s the Factory Foreman, you just established that? He’s not a captain? Go home tour you’re not making sense. 
A lot of the differences like, I like them but I still don’t want them to replace the London production? Like Gavroche’s Death is still really powerful but in a different way? Like in London I find there’s more tension just because a) the song is longer and b) you really get a sense of how small and alone he is one the other side of the barricade. But on tour you get that brief moment of “oh thank god, he made it” before he gets shot. Also, Empty Chairs is again, very powerful but in a different way. Like the tour highlights Marius’s grief, whereas London highlights his guilt? And like none of them are bad changes, they’re just Different. 
Also, Javert’s suicide really caught me off guard. I didn’t expect him to Peter Pan. Like, sure London is silly with a grown man rolling on the ground, but a grown man floating in mid-air was so funny to me that I couldn’t take it seriously. Also, and this is just me being pedantic, but he jumped off the bridge, and was falling straight down but then also was falling backwards and landed in the river backwards despite logic saying he should’ve been feet first and I was so distracted thinking about that I zoned out for most of Turning (also Turning? I don’t need that extra verse, thanks, I’m good). 
I’ll admit some of my tour enjoyment was compromised by an unruly audience. Like they wouldn’t stop chatting and tHEN. AND THEN! The audience started clapping along in Do You Hear the People Sing AND IN THE REPRISE WHEN EVERYONE IS DEAD! LIKE MILTON KEYNES, THIS IS NOT THE TIME!!!
I wish the touring production and the original London production could just, co-exist. Like why can’t we just have both. The tour really suits touring, I don’t think it will work as well in London. 
But yeah, what are your thoughts about it?? I can see why people would love it, but I’m just so salty its replacing what I love that I’m so nitpicky about it.
Also, if anyone wants to talk more about the tour, or my beautiful love the London production, feel free to message me more! I love talking Les Mis.
Also also—
 That goddamn wagon can still go to hell.
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pilferingapples · 5 years
Episode Four Part One: Cosette Wants to Be Part of That World, No Not That One, The One Without Thenardiers In It
OKAY this is not going to be a proper recap or anything , I am just.  This Show.  This is not gonna be a Happy Recap. 
Episode Four starts with Cosette as a teenager in the convent, and ends pretty much right after the Gorbeau raid. So that’s our ...framing set of events, here, because I have no idea what year it is or how much time any of this is supposed to be taking?  ANYWAY HERE WE GO, under the cut for abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, weird incest vibes, discussions of lots of things and me probably cursing a lot!  There is a LOT going on in this one!  So much that I’m actually gonna try cutting it into two parts, a Cosette Recap/Reaction post and a Marius Recap/Reaction post! This is part one, Cosette’s side:
 I am not pretending this is a totally thorough recounting or anything , I’ve only gotten to see it once and I spent most of it reeling; but also given the garbage Davies talked about the women in the novel I am cutting NO slack on his ~~interpretations of their characters, he doesn’t get the benefit of a doubt after calling Cosette nauseating 
that said LET’S GO
Cosette has her friends in the convent, and they all talk about growing up and getting out, which, LEGIT , and then they’re sad when they remember she’s been promised to Be A Nun. Cosette runs to see Valjean afterwards and he hugs her so tight she says he’ll crush her and he goes “oooh are you such a fragile thing, I’m just excited to see you” which is like...such a minor line but so telling in context, because he noticeably does NOT say sorry OR let go right away, she’s gotta go “sometimes you don’t know your own strength” which is WORRYING for a guy who’s kinda Superman!  and anyway then she tries to tell Valjean she isn’t sure about being a nun and she wants to check out the rest of the world first and Valjean argues with her and is like 
--seriously he’s all THE WORLD OUTSIDE IS HORRIBLE, YOU’VE SEEN THE WORLD, THOSE INNKEEPERS IN MONTFERMEIL like  he just goes on about how doesn’t she want to be safe and loved and with him forever?? Doesn’t she know everyone else is EQUIVALENT TO HER VIOLENT ABUSERS, jfc 
so much for the Dawn of Love with Cosette or his time with the nuns teaching Valjean to see any good in the world or any humility in his own righteousness I GUESS but oh well who needs that, He Yell, that’s all a manly man does, you don’t UNDERSTAND he was in PRISON, there is no Character Depth left for him! THE WORLD HAS TAKEN IT AWAY. 
anyway Cosette gets him to let her escape and they head out and we see what is MAYBE the last we’ll get of Simplice? Who knows in this, but she’s like “it’s not like it was before you came in, the streets are full of anger” which like...they are but also it’s early 19C Paris, when are the streets NOT Full of Anger:P  ANYWAY they head out and the streets are INSTANTLY full of nothing but Beggars, Crime, and people passed out in the road; which, probably realistic, but also Cosette is just horrified because being sympathetic and kind is for Nauseating Flimsy Characters :) and Valjean of course WANTS her to hate the world so hey Everything’s Going According to Keikaku then there’s the house on Rue Plumet and it’s Nice (also there’s Toussaint! who is now a gorgeous middle aged woman instead of an old woman. It doesn’t matter, at least not yet, we never see her again, hi Toussaint bye Toussaint) but Cosette gets tired of being cooped up in it after...a week? an afternoon? So she and Valjean go walking in the Luxembourg, and Cosette gets to run around like the kid she still really is, and she sees all the nice outfits (YES that dress really is her Ugly Convent Dress, I’m so glad) so it’s time for Cosette to get a MAKEOVER SEQUENCE and I could not be more glad because that dress is Terrible Unfortunately it’s also time for Valjean to call himself Fauchelevent for...no reason, and to call Cosette his NIECE for NO REASON so when she comes out and calls him Papa the shopclerk is like “...?!? Sweet..?” and Valjean gets a ~~sexy~~ peep between the curtains at Cosette in her underwear and I SEE YOU DAVIES, I SEE WHAT THIS IS BECOMING, DO NOT
Valjean and Cosette go for a walk in the Luxembourg and NOW Cosette is...well the BBC wants us to think she’s well dressed so let’s pretend, and Marius follows her and Valjean drops his handkerchief and Cosette runs back to get it and she and Marius are all “hiiiii” and Marius is like about to sniff the handkerchief and she goes “oh it’s my dad’s “ like WAY TO KILL THE GAG BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS, DAVIES  then she takes the handkerchief back to Valjean and he asks why she was talking to That Young Man and then he frigging DRAGS HER out of the Luxembourg and she’s like “we’re going too fast! You’re hurting my wrist!!” and this Valjean does not care! At all! they just BOOK IT  later on her wrist is still hurting and they have a whole fight and she accuses him of keeping her locked up alone like it’s a prison and he’s like UH CHECK UR PRIVILEGE THIS IS NOT A PRISON, also Young Men Only Want One Thing!!! THE WORLD IS DANGEROUS AND YOU’RE NOT FIT FOR IT
only The Crown is Sex 
ALSO in all this mess, Valjean tell Cosette about Fantine! “oh yeah also I fired your mom (for lying like a liar, be sure you know about that, SHE LIED ) and  she went into desperate poverty, and then I couldn’t save her, and she died from the circumstance I directly put her in, and THAT’S HOW COSETTES ARE FOUND” and it’s 
really something
anyway all that and also the definite memory of Montfermeil are going into all these later scenes okay 
so Valjean takes Cosette out the day after their fight (I GUESS??) to ...see the prison wagons coming into town
because this Valjean isn’t traumatized to the point of dissociating by seeing this, he’s doing it as some kind of Moral Lesson/ Conversation Starter with Cosette 
and Cosette, because now she’s been Fixed and she’s a Strong Female Character, is repulsed by poor people and suffering, so she asks not in innocence but in horror “Are they men” and Valjean is like “yes men like me” and Cosette freaks out and gets a whole “if one of them even looked in my face I’d probably die??” speech and asks Valjean if he’s brought her here to punish her and he’s like “noooo of course not” but honestly YA KIND OF DID, DUDE, you got mad at her and brought her here to show her Your Pain and make her carry your emotional water instead of considering that HEY maybe a kid has a right to grow up and that Two Things Can Both Be Bad and she’s his child and it’s not her job to raise him  
Instead he’s trying to tell her about his Tragic Backstory when Eponine comes running up to them with a letter from Thenardier and COSETTE REMEMBERS MONTFERMEIL and is clearly freaked out, but Valjean gives Eponine money and agrees to go see her family
So after trying to make her carry HIS emotional trauma, Valjean takes Cosette to see the people who are directly responsible for HERS, and talks with Thenardier and all and is...acting like he doesn’t know them?? while Cosette is in the background going tharn because THESE ARE THE EXACT PEOPLE WHO VIOLENTLY ABUSED HER FOR YEARS AND SHE REMEMBERS ALL OF IT, so instead of this scene illustrating Cosette’s growth and healing and kindness we get it showing off her trauma and pain and fear, because that’s how you make a character Strong and Optimistic apparently
Fortunately after this Valjean takes her home and comforts her and reassures her and HAHAHAHAH I’m kidding, he’s going back to the Gorbeau place to give them money and says this will get the Thenardiers out of their lives forever but without any indication at all of HOW 
-- digression: this series keeps making changes in character knowledge and timelines without any apparent thought to how this should affect the actual CHARACTERS and it’s probably responsible for at least a third of how incoherent this episode is?? -- end digression 
Anyway now it’s time to Leave Cosette for a while, but don’t worry! She’ll be waiting, alone and terrified, until the controlling adult who’s the closest thing she has to protection returns, dramatically wounded,  from the encounter with adults who tried to pimp her out as a child!:D  Good thing she’s been made so Strong and Optimistic! 
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bunnyinatree · 5 years
Has anybody talked about the potential for a Les Mis and The Good Place crossover?  Like, imagine this (I’m putting this under a Read More, because it got pretty long!):
- Jean Valjean and Fantine are assigned soul mates.  He’s aro and she’s demi, but they talk over their relationship and reaffirm what a soul mate means to each of them, and they end up being queer-platonic goals. 
- Fantine is in the Good Place for being such an amazing mom and for sacrificing so much of her life for her daughter.  And even though JVJ has done some amazing things too (like raising said daughter), he is really insecure about whether he actually deserves to be there.  Maybe there’s even a subplot where he’s worried about someone being punished in the Bad Place in his place (like Champmatieu in the book). 
- Javert is there, and his assigned soul mate is M. Mabeuf.  (Both men are kind of disappointed about that.  Mabeuf was imagining he’d get someone who’s more into plants, and Javert probably can’t imagine having any soul mate, tbh.)
- Javert enlists Mabeuf into helping him spy on Valjean.  He is 99.9% certain something is wrong and that JVJ doesn’t deserve to be in the Good Place.  This plan backfires, and Mabeuf ends up becoming great friends with Valjean.  (They bound over their shared love of plants.)
- Javert takes matters into his own hands and finally confronts JVJ.  However, their conversation leaves him convinced JVJ is a saint and maybe it’s JAVERT who doesn’t deserve to be in the Good Place.  Cue an existential crisis, but luckily you can’t die once you’re in the Good Place, so Javert gets some quality character growth instead!
- Javert doesn’t remember Fantine, but she remembers him and is very upset about his role in her death and in keeping her separated from her daughter.  This manifests in her devising increasingly passive-aggressive ways to remind him of their shared past. 
- JVJ and Fantine fawn over watching each other’s personal memories of Cosette.  Fantine remembers all her adorable infant moments and cries when she sees how Cosette turned out to be so kind and wonderful as a teenager.  (Bonus points if Valjean sometimes lets Fantine rewatch his wackier escapades, like the time he was buried alive, and they both end up bent double with laughter.) 
- Sometimes, Fantine gets sad and rewatches her memories with Tholomyes, but Jean Valjean helps her realize that she deserves someone so much better. 
- Oh, ouch, what if JVJ tries to go back in his own memories to remind himself what his old family was like?  In the book, he had forgotten them pretty effectively, but I wonder if the memory mechanism in the Good Place would care about that.  (If he gets to see them again, I’ll cry, and if he can’t see them again, I’ll still cry.)
- There can be a scene with M. Mabeuf and whoever the architect of their neighborhood is (Vicky H himself??), much like Chidi and Michael in the actual show, where Mabeuf is told, “Yeah, your book is literally unintelligible.  I’m an omniscient being, and I can hardly understand it.”  Mabeuf is initially distressed, but then he realizes he has an eternity to make the best plant book ever, and he doesn’t have to worry about the costs of living anymore, so now the world is his oyster!
- Oh my god, what if he goes over for writing sessions with Fantine and JVJ, and they’re like the beta readers for his new and improved book of plants??
- And then Javert can get kind of jealous that they’re all becoming such good friends, and JVJ notices and asks him, “Why don’t you join us, Javert!” and Fantine’s adds, “Yeah, we promise not to scare you to death or anything. :)”  And because he has Experience writing police reports, it turns out he’s pretty good at short and effective writing, and the whole gang comes out knowing more about plants than they ever thought they would.    
- Also, eventually Javert and Mabeuf WOULD connect as friends.  I love the idea of Javert sipping tea and enjoying himself while Mabeuf infodumps about plants.  Javert would probably get genuinely interested in the topic, too, and imagining them as a duo is adorable!  Mabeuf could really use someone to stand up for him, and Javert glaring down anyone he senses is about to disrespect Mabeuf’s fixation on plants is quality content, imo. 
- Anyway, I want them all to be happy friends together, and The Good Place has potential for SUCH a good crossover!  Maybe I would write something in the future, but for now, I just want to get all my ideas out there. :)
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