#c: roger davis
@songandflame continued from here
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Everything was falling apart.
For a while, life had been good. He'd had his gigs which were going pretty damn well, he'd had his girlfriend who was incredible and hot as fuck, and, as per usual, he'd been high off his head more often than not. Certainly not the worst life by far. Then out of nowhere, everything had been turned upside down by one little note, and the last thing he'd ever wanted to see found in their bathroom.
April was gone. It had been two months since they'd buried her, two months of his own increasingly self-destructive behaviour. Only last night, he'd gone out and bought more drugs. Drugs which Mark had found this morning, leading to quite the argument which had hit rather harder than he'd expected, cut a little deeper than perhaps he might let on. He'd stormed out, fingers itching in his pockets, torn between the urge to break things and the urge to break down. In the end he'd slumped down onto a wall, head in hands and tried to just focus on breathing.
A hand on his back startled him, and his head snapped upright, blinking in confusion at the woman now sitting beside him.
"It...it's not that great."
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hellogoodbyegirl · 3 months
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Supertramp in Melody Maker
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thebutcher-5 · 2 years
Black Phone
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo momentaneamente cambiato argomento e invece di cinema abbiamo discusso di manga e per la precisione di un’opera di Junji Ito ossia Dissolving Classroom. Un manga horror paranormale che narra le vicende di Yuma Azakawa e sua sorella minore Chizumi, una coppia davvero molto particolare che in realtà nasconde un terribile segreto:…
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The Black Phone (2021) Review
When Finney Blake is abducted by the serial killer than has been named The Grabber, he must use all of his wit to stay alive. The mysterious black phone in the basement keeps ringing and it’s the previous victims of the killer who all try and help him. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Black Phone (2021) Review
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unboundprompts · 3 months
Pirate Terms and Phrases
-> Pirate Lingo
-> A Pirate's Glossary
Batten Down The Hatches - tie everything down and put stuff away for a coming storm.
Brig - a prison on a ship.
Bring a Spring Upon 'er - turn the ship in a different direction
Broadside - the most vulnerable angle of a ship that runs the length of the boat.
Cutlass - a thick, heavy and rather short sword blade.
Dance with Jack Ketch - to hang; death at the hands of the law (Jack Ketch was a famed English executioner).
Davy Jones's Locker - a mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where drowned sailors are said to go.
Dead Men Tell No Tales - the reason given for leaving no survivors.
Flogging - severe beating of a person.
Gangplank - removable ramp between the pier and ship.
Give No Quarter - show no mercy.
Jack - flag flown at the front of the ship to show nationality.
Jolly Roger - black pirate flag with a white skull and crossbones.
Keelhaul - a punishment where someone is dragged under the ship. They are cut by the planks and barnacles on the bottom of the ship.
Landlubber - an inexperienced or clumsy person who doesn't have any sailing skills.
Letters of Marque - government-issued letters allowing privateers the right to piracy of another ship during wartime.
Man-O-War - a pirate ship that is decked out and prepared for battle.
Maroon - to leave someone stranded on a. deserted island with no supplies, typically a punishment for any crew members who disrespected the captain.
Mutiny - a situation in which the crew chooses a new captain, sometimes by forcibly removing the old one.
No Prey, No Pay - a common pirate law that meant crew members were not paid, but rather received a share of whatever loot was taken.
Old Salt - experienced pirate or sailor.
Pillage - to steal/rob a place using violence.
Powder Monkeys - men that performed the most dangerous work on the ship. They were treated harshly, rarely paid, and were expendable.
Privateer - government-appointed pirates.
Run A Shot Across the Bow - fire a warning shot at another boat's Captain.
Scurvy - a disease caused by Vitamin C Deficiency.
Sea Legs - when a sailor adjusts his balance from riding on a boat for a long time.
Strike Colors - lower a ship's flag to indicate surrender.
Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen - an order to the crew to pull up the anchor and get the ship sailing.
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songandflame · 1 year
▨ : rubbing their back to calm them down when they’re upset (from Roger)
@whatsbehindthefacade || thank you!
She'd seen him before, usually pacing up and down the street or behind the windows of a building she was sure he wasn't supposed to be occupying. He never seemed to stop.
She saw him on street corners, too, with dealers she pretended she didn't know.
Normally she'd steer clear of strangers - men in particular - but seeing him so defeated had pulled her towards him until she was sat on the wall next to him, her hand rubbing circles into a clothed back. It seemed careless on her part, but she swallowed the fear down despite a heavy tongue.
"I've heard you playing your guitar." Her words were small, nervous to fall from pink stained lips. "It helps me sleep, y'know? You write some good stuff."
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scorpiusmmalfoy · 1 year
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“Han cambiado mucho el lugar desde que estábamos en el colegio. Yo lo veo más pequeño, pero quizá es porque ya no soy una adolescente.”
♡   𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀    roger d. / @itskambitch​
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deepredradio · 2 years
The Black Phone
Story: Bereits fünf Kinder sind in die Fänge eines Serienmörders geraten, der in den 1970er Jahren in Colorado sein Unwesen treibt. Der clevere Teenager Finney Shaw  soll sein sechstes Opfer werden. Nach seiner Entführung wird Finney in einem schalldichten Keller aufbewahrt, wo ihm seine Schreie nichts bringen. Als ein eigentlich abgeschaltetes Telefon an der Wand beginnt zu klingeln, hört Finney…
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Edward England
Edward England was an Irish pirate who operated in the Caribbean, the Eastern Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean between 1717 and 1720 during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730). Captain England’s successful but brief pirate career came to an end when he was marooned by his crew on the island of Mauritius in 1720.
Early Career
Captain England has his own chapter in the celebrated pirate’s who’s who, A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, compiled in the 1720s. The book was credited to a Captain Charles Johnson on its title page, but this is perhaps a pseudonym of Daniel Defoe (although scholars are still debating the issue, and Charles Johnson may have been a real, if entirely unknown pirate expert). As with many other pirates, the General History is an invaluable source on England’s career, even if there are fictional additions to the factual information laboriously garnered from such sources as court records, official documents, and letters of the period.
Edward England’s real name was possibly Jasper Seager (or Seegar). Like many pirates of the period, England was obliged to join a pirate crew after the ship on which he was serving was captured. England had been an officer on a Jamaican sloop when it was taken by Christopher Winter, who was based at the pirate haven of New Providence in the Bahamas. The General History gives the following not unfavourable assessment of England’s character:
England was one of those men, who seemed to have such a share of reason, as should have taught him better things. He had a great deal of good nature, and did not want for courage; he was not avaricious, and always averse to the ill usage prisoners received: he would have been contented with moderate plunder, and less mischievous pranks could his companions have been brought to the same temper, but he was generally over-ruled. (114)
Following the successful attacks on pirates in their haven at New Providence (now Nassau) by Woodes Rogers, Governor of the Bahamas from 1717, England sailed across the Atlantic to continue his piracy elsewhere. Several merchant ships were captured in the Azores, Cape Verde Islands, and off the coast of West Africa.
In 1718, England himself obliged an otherwise honest man to turn pirate when he captured the Welshman Howell Davis who had been chief mate on a slave ship, the Cadogan of Bristol. The captain of the Cadogan was murdered, and Davis was given command of the slaver despite refusing to formally sign England’s ship’s articles and become a part of his pirate crew. Impressed with Davis’ courage, England allowed him to sail off. Davis ended up in Barbados where he was captured. Davis managed to escape prison, and he continued a pirate career on both sides of the Atlantic, a spree that ended with his death on Principe Island in 1719.
England was, for a time, an associate of the most successful of all pirates in the so-called Golden Age, Bartholomew Roberts (aka 'Black Bart' Roberts, c. 1682-1722). In the relatively small world of pirates, Roberts had taken over the crew of Howell Davis after the latter’s death. Roberts and England operated off the coast of Guinea, West Africa. England operated two ships: his own sloop and another prize renamed Victory. Command of the latter was given to John Taylor and together they raided the western coast of India and took more prize ships. When required, provisions were taken on board at the pirate base on Madagascar.
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aristidetwain · 1 year
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In 2007′s Last of the Time Lords, Russell T. Davies drew our attention to the Master’s distinctive signet ring, inset with silver Gallifreyan writing, which was plucked from his funeral pyre by the hand of a mysterious woman who, in 2009′s The End of Time, would turn out to be one of the ‘Disciples of Saxon’, a cult formed by the Master in expectation of his death with the aim of enacting a ritual to resurrect him, still in the same incarnation at that.
This was a pleasant twist, and a fun tip of the hat to the method of Count Dracula’s resurrection in multiple Hammer Dracula films. (This is only fitting: as per The Book of the War, the Time Lords adapted their powers of regeneration from the Yssgaroth’s…)
However, I think there are two startling facts about this plot point which have been just-as-startlingly under-discussed in canon-welding spaces. 
Follow me after the cut to find out the truth about the Rings of the Time Lords — or should I say the Time Lords of the Rings? (This was terrible and I do not apologise.)
Fact #1: This pays off a Chekhov’s gun going all the way back to An Unearthly Child.
Much as it is sometimes entertaining to ponder the days when Dr Who might have been a lone human scientist, there is also a distinctive corpus of early implications about The Doctor’s Mysterious People as a distinct and mysterious civilisation with dominion over space and time. It started with the Doctor himself, but was followed through with other characters implied to hail from that same civilisation: I speak of course of the Meddling Monk and the Toymaker (who, I note in passing, is not actually meant to be Celestial with a capital C).
What did the Monk have in common with the Doctor, besides a TARDIS?
A conspicuous ring.
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As you can glimpse in the top left photograph, the Doctor’s ring was, to be exact, a sapphire ring. 
The Toymaker did not wear a ring in the TV story as broadcast — but he did use one in the novelisation, which brought back many elements that had to be cut from the TV version due to rushed production. There, he used it to manipulate the environment of his suspiciously TARDIS-like “Celestial Toyroom”. 
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Not coincidentally, in The Web Planet, the Doctor’s ring was revealed to have the ability to interface with the Ship, with the Doctor gleefully declaring that “this is not merely a decorative object”, without elaboration.
The concept seems to have persisted past The War Games. Sure, the Time Lords seen therein lacked the ring — including Edward Brayshaw’s Renegade. And Roger Delgado’s subsequent regeneration of the character also lacked the ring when we first saw him in Terror of the Autons. And it’s rare that we get the chance to check thereafter, owing to the Master’s predilection for gloves. But by The Time Monster…
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…he is wearing the very flat, green, gleaming ring to which RTD attached such significance in Last of the Time Lords and The End of Time.
The idea experienced a last, potentially-coincidental gasp with Kate O’Mara’s Rani, though she was similarly prone to glove-wearing.
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But the point is: throughout the first half of Classics, all the interesting Time Lords had Large Conspicuous Rings. These Rings clearly did some things, but the full extent of their power and cultural significance was kept artfully obscured.
And this is what Davies is coming back to with Simm’s all-important ring. The Doctor recognises it on sight as “the Master’s Ring”, and knows what it does. He fascinatingly describes it as “part of him”, setting all kinds of biodata-related alarm bells ringing. Given that the Rings are also related to the bond between pilot and TARDIS, could they be some kind of locus of the Rassilon Imprimatur? The thrill is of course in the asking…
Fact #2: This may not be the first time it’s happened.
A shorter but equally interesting observation: 
the Master has possessed this same green ring at least since his Delgado days.
the Doctor instantly jumps from “his Ring survived” to “his disciples must be arranging a ritual to resurrect him in the same incarnation”. This is something he knows Rings do and is relatively casual about.
at many points during Classic Who the Master was seemingly killed off for good, only to show up intact because “I’m indestructible… the whole Universe knows that”. (Or, as Missy later put it, “death is for other people”.)
Am I the only one who thinks that somewhere in Davies’s brain, he may have conceived of this as the secret way the Master had survived at least some of those past exterminations? Sure, the Disciples of Saxon were something set up by ol’Harold (the clue’s in the name), but it would be child’s play for a Time Lord with a working TARDIS to set up convenient cults for himself on a dozen worlds, just to be on the safe side. 
I’mt thinking, particularly, of the Tremas Master’s annihilation on Sarn in my beloved Planet of Fire, which seems particularly conclusive. We see him burn away on-screen; it’s not as simple as saying he teleported to safety in the nick of time. Either time was rewritten, or he was resurrected by… means unknown.
And here’s the thing, despite his panic, the Master does seem to assume he’ll survive. What does he say to express it? 
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Full circle, eh what? (Yes, that’s a cheap one, but fun nonetheless.)
And on that note, look at the imagery! Of course, having gone down in a column of flame, he would be reconstituted in the same way. 
“I had people who were clever enough… to calculate the opposite.”
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lulu2992 · 1 month
Who is the voice of the female Deputy?
When I saw this question, I decided to try to find an answer.
I looked up all the actors listed in the credits, listened to their voices (in interviews, demo reels, or other videos), and… I’m still not sure who played the female Deputy.
While I usually find it relatively easy to recognize voice actors in French, my native language, it turns out that’s much harder for me to do in English. Also, it doesn’t help that they’re usually very good at changing their voice/accent and that, in real life, most of them don’t sound like the characters they play.
I still believe the person who played the female Deputy is also “Cult Follower Female 5” (CFF5), but it seems to me the actor used a different accent and tone so the cultist sounds a bit “villainous”. In any case, I didn’t find anyone that sounded exactly like the two characters…
According to my ears, though, the female Deputy and the female Captain from New Dawn have the same voice. Outside of cutscenes, the Deputy has 314 lines in Far Cry 5 (which you can listen to here, here, here, here, and here) and the audio files were all reused for the Captain. In cutscenes, so the “lines” that were specifically recorded for New Dawn, the character sounds exactly the same to me, which means the voice actor must have worked on both games.
I looked at the names that appeared in the credits of the two games and narrowed the list down to the 15 (+1; see below) likeliest candidates, so here are the people who, in my opinion, could potentially be the voice of the female Deputy, as well as, when the information was available, either in the game or on IMDb, which character(s) they played:
Claire Armstrong
Kailea Banka
Carolina Bartczak (Cult Follower in FC5; apparently not in FCND, but you never know)
Kimberly D. Brooks (Gun for Hire)
Nicki Burke (Cult Follower in FC5, Selene in FCND)
Lucinda Davis
Stacey DePass (Nana in FCND)
Amber Goldfarb (voice of Faith’s Priestesses, “Cult Follower Female 3”, and, I believe, Rae-Rae)*
Julianne Jain
Mara Junot (Sherri Woodhouse, “Civilian Female 6”)
Helen King
Erica Linbeck (voice of Anne, but also this and this)
Cynthia Kaye McWilliams (Resistance Soldier)
Debra Wilson
Kim Yarborough
Mayko Nguyen, who plays Kim Rye, was credited a second time as a “voice talent” in Far Cry 5, which implies she may have also played one of several NPC. Since she worked on New Dawn, she too could be the female Deputy’s voice.
Again, English isn’t my first language, and after spending two days listening to all those voices, everyone started to sound the same to me :’) If you’re a native English speaker and/or have a great ear, though, maybe you’ll be able to more easily solve the mystery! We can do it!
*IMDb says Amber Goldfarb played “Noodle’s owner” (the woman who called Ms. Mable for her pet snake) but the files tell me the voice is actually “Civilian Female 6”, so Mara Junot.
And under the cut, just in case, I included all the other female voices who appear in the credits.
MAIN CAST Beryl Bain (Tracey Lader) Sarah Booth (Tammy Barnes and, according to IMDb, a “Civilian”) Luisa D’Oliveira (Deputy Joey Hudson) Jenessa Grant (Faith Seed) Debra McGrath (Nancy) Tasya Teles (Mary May Fairgrave)
VOICE TALENTS Carolina Bartczak (Cult Follower) Lauren Jackson (Skylar Kohrs) Erin Mathews Julie Nathanson (Jess Black) Kristen Peace Murry Peeters (Grace Armstrong) Claire Rankin Cara Ricketts (Dr. Sarah Perkins in FC5, Mickey in FCND) Charlotte Rogers Paula Shaw (Ms. Wilhelmina Mable) Jane Wheeler (Adelaide Drubman)
PERFORMERS (I’m not sure they recorded voices and they apparently didn’t work on FCND) Michela Cannon Roanna Cochrane (Cult Follower) Athena Karkanis Karen Knox Janet Porter Melissa Robertson Alyssa Trask Brandi Marie Ward
MAIN CAST Reina Hardesty (Carmina Rye) Leslie Miller (Lou)
VOICE TALENTS Rylee Alazraqui Mary Faber (in the “Additional Thanks” section in the FC5 credits and in Lost on Mars according to IMDb) Camryn Jones Rachel Kimsey Melanie Minichino (Gina Guerra) Carolyn Ratteray Marisha Ray Nadia Verrucci
PERFORMANCE CAPTURE PERFORMERS (again, I don’t know if they recorded voices in FCND) Ava Augustin Tamara Brown Jenny Raven Ajanae Stephenson Lydia Zadel (also credited in the “Additional Thanks” section in FC5 and a voice in Lost on Mars according to IMDb)
Good luck!
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@hidesinhiswork asked: “ how could you do this…? “ ( for roger ) (Send me   “ how could you do this…? “    for your muse to confront mine about a choice they’ve made.  )
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Panicked eyes flicker between Mark and the little baggie now residing on the table. He could make a grab for it, but even in his half out of it state, he can recognise that Mark's closer, that it'll be off the table before he can get near it, and while he'd count himself as the stronger of the two of them, he knows Mark is a fast little fucker when he wants to be.
Mark doesn't understand. Doesn't know the way his fingers itch, the aches, the sweats, the desperation. He needs it, needs it badly. Sweaty palms rub against the jeans he's been wearing for...how many days now? He's not even sure what day it actually is. He feels like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, except something tells him this is a little more serious.
"I..." He's not even sure how to respond, how to make him understand, how to explain that it feels like the contents of that little baggie are one of the few things stopping him from following April. "I need..."
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sam24 · 3 months
Darcy's Chronicles
Summary: Being the school's star football player, everyone knew Steve Rogers. He was kind, funny, handsome, and no doubt absolutely jacked. He basically looked like an angel that fell from heaven . . . that also happened to land directly on top of you, the sport medicine major who was just trying to do her job.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
college au | athlete steve
You stood on the sideline of the noisy football field, foot tapping and fingers drumming against the water bottle carrier you were assigned to hold. The vibrant energy of the stadium was deafening, and the hollers and screams coming from the stands behind you were enough to make you cringe. 
Your feet ached underneath you, and you shifted your weight onto the other foot, mentally cursing yourself for not choosing a major where you could just sit in a damn seat. 
Instead, you were here, standing in the humid night air and handing water bottles to sweaty men wearing shoulder pads. You glanced over longingly behind you at your friends sitting in the bleachers, making a face when Natasha stuck her tongue out at you mockingly.
However, you felt Dr. Cho’s watchful eyes on the back of your head, so you decided to play nice and turn back around towards the game.
Luckily, you had Darcy to keep you company.
“Tell us what you’re thinking, Ms. Future Trainer,” she said as she shoved her microphone into her face. “Are we gonna have any grave injuries to any of our players tonight?”
“Are you suggesting that we’re hoping for grave injuries tonight, Darcy?”
“Stop being a smartass,” Darcy made a face at you. “Just tell us what you think.”
You swatted at the microphone that she was holding way too close to your mouth. “Well, what I think is that Professor Hill sent you to interview the players and the coaches, not me.”
Darcy just waved you off and turned to her cameraman. “She’s just playing hard to get. She loves it when I do this kinda stuff.”
“Love is definitely a stretch, Darcy,” you rolled your eyes. “Now go scram before Dr. Cho catches me slacking off.”
“Calm down, Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes, Cho’s not even looking.” Darcy flipped her hair over her shoulder and put on her best announcer voice. “Now tell us: I’m sure, being a sports medicine major and a suck up to Dr. Cho, head of the athletic training department, you’ve been taken along to many practices and games this season-”
“This is literally the season’s first game.”
“Whatever, don’t interrupt me.” She looked at her cameraman with a “Can you believe this chick?” look on her face. “Anyways, so, of course, you probably have spent a lot of time with these smoking hot football boys. So, tell the camera with pride, which one of these men would you make out in the locker room with?”
You shot Darcy a look of disbelief. “Are you serious right now?”
She grinned mischievously, undeterred. “Don’t be shy, Doctor. We all know you’ve been eyeing them like a hawk.”
“Eyeing them is literally in my job description,” you shot back.
“Touché,” she replied with a shrug, but leaned in conspiratorially. Of course, the cameraman leaned in with her. “But seriously, who’s your locker room fantasy?”
You stared at her wordlessly.
“Fine, let's make this easier. I’ll give you some options to choose from.” She didn’t seem to mind the exasperated groan that left your mouth. “Option A: Quarterback Bucky Barnes with the bedroom eyes. Option B: Tight end Thor with those huge fucking shoulders. Option C: Linebacker Captain Blondie-”
Then everything happened at the same time.
Darcy stopped talking, which was very much unlike her, as her eyes widened and she backed away. You noticed the crowd got even louder with chaos, and your ears caught the announcers’ voices before you could turn around to face the game.
“Rogers and Davis fightin’ over that ball-”
“Looks like they’re headed straight for the sideline-”
You started to turn, but before you could think, you were flat on your back, completely crushed underneath a brick wall.
Oh wait.
That was a person.
“Holy Mother of- fuck!” You quite literally saw stars as you grimaced in pain. It felt like a semi truck had run over your ribs. You slowly opened your eyes, finding a blurry sight of people standing around you like you were a patient in a hospital bed waking up after a surgery.
However, the most prominent sight was the concerned face of Steve Rogers inches away from yours, whose helmet was thrown off somewhere to the side.
“Am I dead?” You managed to croak out.
He looked a bit amused at your dramatic question- a little too amused for your liking, considering the fact he had just almost killed you. “Uh, no?”
The two of you just stared at each other until you snapped. “Get off of me, you human wrecking ball!”
You heard Darcy cackle somewhere next to you. “Are you getting all of this, Scott? Don’t you dare turn that camera off.”
You unsuccessfully attempted to push him off before he came to his senses and clambered off of you. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” He extended his arm out to help you up.
“Am I okay? Really? Buddy, you just pancaked me into a fucking omelette!” You stubbornly ignored his hand, bringing yourself up to a sitting position with a wince.
Steve looked like he was trying not to laugh at the annoyance painted across your face, but you could see genuine guilt in his eyes. “I know, I know, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Darcy, unlike Steve, couldn’t contain her laughter. “Oh, this is gold! Keep it coming, guys!”
“A ‘sorry’ isn’t gonna unflatten me.”
Steve’s lips twitched with suppressed amusement. “How about multiple sorries?” He pulled his hand back to rest on his hips, realizing you weren’t going to take his help any time soon.
“Real funny.” You rolled your eyes.
He flashed you an apologetic grin, re-extending his hand out to help you up. “You gonna sit around on the ground for the rest of the night or something?”
“Or something.” You nodded with a shrug.
“All right then,” he raised an eyebrow with a grin. “Let me know when you’re ready for me to help you off the ground.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to send up a flare,” you deadpanned.
Before he could say anything else, Coach Fury, along with other men in headsets, came up from behind Steve and clapped him on the shoulder, shoving his dropped helmet into his arms. “Enough flirting, Rogers. Get back on that field.”
“We weren’t-” Steve started with a flushed face.
Fury interrupted him as he turned towards you, and you suddenly wished you had taken Steve’s help earlier as Fury eyed you up and down while you sat in the grass, no doubt looking stupid.
“Make sure you're paying attention to the game, Missy. Can’t have Cho’s trainers getting taken out by my boys.”
You nodded quickly in embarrassment, giving Steve the stink eye as soon as Fury stopped eyeing you, though you could still feel Dr. Cho’s amused eyes on you.
The coach shoved him towards the field as Steve looked over his shoulder at you, laughing as you gave him the middle finger with a badly hidden smile. 
You looked up from the medical kit you were checking over, finding Steve Rogers smiling sheepishly at you, fully suited up and ready for the game, cradling his helmet in his arms.
“Oh, hi there. Are you here to pulverize me again?”
“Not quite,” he grinned, and you tried not to notice how gorgeous his smile was. “Just wanted to make sure you were alright. I was looking for you after that game. Couldn’t find you though.”
“Probably because I had to be airlifted to the hospital after that vicious attack.”
Steve held up his hand in a mock oath. “Won’t do it again. Scout’s honor.”
You raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Seriously though, are you okay?”
You decided not to mess around with him, sensing the worry in his voice. “Other than a bruised ego? Nah, I’m okay.”
Steve let out a relieved sigh, and you pretended not to notice the melting of your heart. “Good to hear. And, uh, sorry again.”
You waved it off, looking back down at the medical kit you were working with. “Don’t you have other things to be doing? Like warming up or whatever.”
“Yeah, uh, I probably should get to that,” Steve rubbed the back of his neck as he made no attempt to leave.
You looked up and turned to face him, quirking an eyebrow expectantly at his flushed face. “Can I help you, Rogers?”
“Uh, kinda?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson laughing at their friend, throwing Steve some encouraging thumbs ups.
“What’s with the peanut gallery over there?” You nodded towards his teammates out on the field with a smirk.
“Nothing, uh, they’re just being annoying.” Steve glared at Bucky and Sam before turning back to you. “I just wanted to ask you if uh, you-”
“Could fill up your water bottle?” You finished his sentence with a smirk.
“Uh, that would be nice, but not exactly.”
You feigned innocence. “Oh? What else could it be?”
Steve took a breath. “If you wanted to grab some ice cream with me after the game tonight?”
“Wow! It’s happening folks!” Darcy loudly announced to the camera from a couple yards away. “Step aside, gossip column! We’ve got breaking news right here!”
You glared at Darcy before focusing back on Steve.
“Y’know, kinda like a truce?” he shrugged with a teasing smirk. “I nearly broke your ribs the other day with my superman strength, so buying you ice cream is the least I could do.”
“Calm down there, Hercules. You’re one protein shake away from bursting out of that jersey.”
Steve laughed, and your brain basically turned into mush at the sound. “So is that a yes?”
“Find me after the game.” You smiled at him before pushing him towards the field. “Now go stretch unless you feel like spraining something tonight.”
“If that means you’ll patch me up, I think I’m fine with that.” He grinned as he walked backwards, eyes trained on you.
“Not funny, Rogers,” you rolled your eyes. “Now skedaddle before I unleash the wrath of Dr. Cho on you.”
“Wow.” He was still walking backwards towards his team, not wanting to turn away from you. “You are a cruel woman.”
“Dr. Cho! This man is distracting me from-”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” He laughed as he turned around and jogged away, giving you a final glance over his shoulder.
You pressed down on the pump of the cooler, water spraying you in the face as you tried to refill the players’ water bottles.
“Fucking cooler-”
You felt a familiar set of strong arms wrap around your waist, and you smiled at the touch, not bothering to turn around.
“Don’t you have some sorta half-time talk thing to be attending to?”
“The half-time talk thing is over, sweetheart,” Steve mocked, kissing your shoulder. “Besides, I had to come over here and save my girl from this rabid water cooler.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you tried to wipe the water off your face with the back of your hand. “Why thank you, kind sir. What would I ever do without you and your heroic abilities?”
Steve chuckled against your skin. “Just doing my duty, ma’am. Can’t have my favorite trainer getting attacked by rogue appliances, can I?”
“Favorite, huh?” You leaned back into his embrace. “Don’t let Sharon hear that. I think she started a little crush on you while she was taping up your shoulder last week.”
Steve placed a kiss on your cheek, arms tightening around you. “Can’t blame her. Who wouldn’t fall for this charming smile?”
“Fury, for one,” you said as you elbowed him in the ribs. “If you don’t get on that field right now, even your charming smile won’t be able to save you, Rogers.”
Steve laughed, spinning you around by the waist to face him. “Fine. But first I need a kiss for good luck.”
“I’m pretty sure you already got one before the game, Rogers.” You quipped with raised eyebrows. 
“Ah, but the luck definitely would’ve worn off,” he said as he pulled you closer.
“Mhm, because that’s exactly how luck works.” You nodded your head sarcastically, a playful glint in your eyes.
He shrugged innocently. “Sorry hun, I don’t make the rules.” With a boyish grin, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, pulling you into a familiar kiss that never failed to make your heart race.
“Can you feel the love tonight, folks?” You heard Darcy announce to her camera somewhere off to the side. “‘Cause I sure can!”
You pulled away from Steve, gently pushing him towards the field. “Alright Romeo, get lost before Fury bans me from the rest of your games. He’s threatened me twice already.”
He saluted with a chuckle and jogged over to the rest of his team, but not before leaning forward for one last kiss, of course.
“See ya later, sweetheart,” he called over his shoulder. “Watch out for those charming linebackers.”
“Rogers catches a clean pass from Barnes-”
“Would you look at that! He’s sprinting downfield with a clear path-”
“Looks like he’s going all the way!”
The announcers’ voices fueled the crowd’s fervor as you and Darcy gripped each other's hands tightly. You couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride as you watched Steve, your heart pounding in rhythm with the game. He was so close. Almost to the end zone-
All of a sudden, Steve was lying on the floor, motionless and unmoving, a stark contrast to the chaos going on around him. The giant defender loomed over him, casting a mocking shadow over Steve. 
“Rogers goes down hard! That’s gotta hurt!”
The crowd went silent. Your heart leaped into your throat as the cheers turned into worried murmurs, the crowd realizing that he wasn’t about to stand up and smack his chest with pride like he usually did. Before you could even fully comprehend what had happened, you were running out to the field, your heart pounding along with your footsteps as you weaved your way around players.
You dropped down to your knees next to Steve, carefully removing his helmet, and cupping your hands to his face. Every instinct screamed at you to spring into action, to follow the protocols drilled into you during countless lectures and training sessions.
However, all you could do was trace the familiar lines of his face with desperation. Despite the torment of thoughts that clamored for your attention -check for a concussion, open up the medical kit, clear the field, wait for Dr. Cho- your body could only let you stroke his cheek softly, urging him to open his eyes and tell you he was alright.
“Steve? Honey, can you hear me?” Your voice trembled, barely above a whisper as tears welled up in your eyes, willing him to respond.
The crowd watched with hushed anticipation as Steve’s eyes fluttered open, and a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked at you. “Hey.”
As you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, you vaguely registered Dr. Cho’s presence as she dropped down next to you, gently removing your hands from his face. He frowned dazedly at the loss of contact, so you settled for gripping his hand instead, while you kept your other hand free to help Dr. Cho.
Her neck snapped up in the direction of Bucky Barnes and the meathead that knocked Steve over, who were now involved in a heated exchange as they shoved and cursed at each other. “Shut up,” she ordered with narrowed eyes. “Both of you.”
Dr. Cho turned her attention back to Steve, who was grinning slightly with amusement. “Damn, you tell ‘em, Doc.”
A faint chuckle, that sounded more like a sob, escaped your lips at Steve’s remark as you rolled your eyes.
Steve flashed you a lopsided grin, squeezing your hand slightly. “Hey, laughter’s the best medicine, right?”
Dr. Cho shook her head with a grin. “Save the jokes for later, Rogers. Let’s get you checked out first.”
While Cho opened up her kit, you squeezed Steve’s hand. “Steve, can you tell me what day it is?”
“It’s an awesome day ‘cause I’m looking at you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his response, despite the worry gnawing at your insides as you resisted the urge to shove his shoulder at the bad joke. “Did hitting your head make you even more annoying?” 
Steve’s hazy grin softened into a tender expression. “Nah,” he said gently as he reached up to wipe away a tear that had escaped your eye earlier. “Just needed to see you smile.”
“That’s cute,” Dr. Cho deadpanned as your heart warmed up at his words. “But answer the question.”
“It’s Saturday.”
“And the month?”
“Can you tell me-”
“Are you just gonna sit there asking questions, or are you gonna call an ambulance for my player?” Fury barked, making his way to the front of the crowd of athletes and coaches.
“Take a breath, Coach Fury,” Dr. Cho instructed as she flashed a light into Steve’s eyes. “Looks like a moderate concussion to me.”
“Moderate concussion, my ass!” Bucky growled, jabbing his finger into Meathead’s chest. “This numbskull bashed Steve’s head into the fucking ground!”
“Enough,” Dr. Cho commanded with a stern look. “Let’s focus on getting Steve off the field first, then we’ll take him to the hospital if needed.”
“Wait, what about the game?” Steve mumbled.
“Don’t worry about the game. Your health comes first, stupid,” you said as you wiped your damp eyes.
Dr. Cho nodded. “She’s right. Your team can pull through by themselves, Rogers, don’t worry.” She motioned for the rest of the medical team to bring out the stretcher. “Let’s get you off the field and properly assessed.”
You practically jumped into Steve’s awaiting arms as you ran onto the field, squeezing him tight and laughing as he spun you around, despite the crowd of jumping people around you.
“THEY’VE DONE IT, FOLKS!” Darcy screamed maniacally into her microphone from somewhere behind you. “OUR TEAM MANAGED TO SCORE IN THE LAST 3 SECONDS OF THE GAME! WE’RE GOING TO PLAYOFFS BABY!”
He set you down and pulled you in by the waist, planting a searing kiss onto your lips. Amidst the chaos and cheers, time seemed to stand still for just a moment, the world narrowing down to the warmth of his embrace and the sweetness of his kiss. It was just you and him.
Well, it was until Darcy pulled you two apart and shoved her microphone into Steve’s face.
“That catch was abso-fucking-lutely brilliant, Rogers!” She slapped Steve’s shoulder pads roughly. “Tell the camera how you feel after that bad-ass win!”
“Isn’t this supposed to be a family-friendly broadcast, Darcy?” Steve quipped with a raised eyebrow.
“No one cares, Goldilocks. I’ll just tell Professor Hill that it showcases the raw emotions of-”
Bucky cut in, stepping in front of Steve and grabbing the mic out of her hands roughly.
“Hey!” She frowned, unsuccessfully attempting to snatch it back. “You’re interrupting my interview, you little-”
“VICTORY TASTES DAMN SWEET!” Bucky hollered into the microphone, putting his face way too close to the camera. Thor joined the party as well, jumping onto Bucky’s back and screaming incoherently into the mic as he shook the camera with his huge hands.
Darcy, somehow managing to pry the microphone out of Bucky’s sweaty hand, adjusted her glasses and plastered a smile on her face.
“You heard it first-hand, folks!” She said through clenched teeth, her voice strained as she swatted Thor’s hands off of the camera and forcibly shoved Bucky out of the frame. “Victory tastes sweet to our football heroes!”
Steve squeezed your waist, leaning down to whisper into your ear. “How ‘bout we get outta here?”
“And leave Darcy alone with these boys?” You raised an eyebrow at Steve with a smirk. “She’ll never forgive me.”
“Ehh, she’ll be alright,” Steve chuckled. “She’s got Scott with her. He can whack them with his camera if they get too rowdy.”
You glanced over at Darcy, who was trying her best to maintain her broadcast composure as she talked to the camera while Scott skillfully maneuvered Bucky and Thor out of the shot.
You leaned into Steve. “Fine, let’s make a break for it.”
Steve grinned, and without another word, the two of you slipped away from the crowd, hand in hand, heart in heart.
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament Match ups: Round 1
Should start tomorrow!
Bracket A/Tier 1:
Hondo Ohnaka vs Beast
Davy Jones vs Disco Yeti
Lava Monster vs Kylo Ren
Anna (Hong Kong version) vs Mr. Potato Head
Jack Sparrow vs BB8
Stitch vs Hopper
Lumiere vs Sven
Belle and Prince Adam vs Tiana
Stunt Spiderman vs Clawhauser
Wheezy vs Tiki Room Stitch
Rocket Raccoon vs C3PO
Shaman of Songs vs Elsa (Hong Kong version)
Ursula vs Lieutenant Bek
Dragon under castle vs Olaf
Hatbox Ghost vs Lantern Belle
Albert vs Dwarves in Mine Train
Bracket B/Tier 2:
Madame Leota vs Fantasmic dragon/Murphy
Giant from Sinbad's Storybook Voyage vs Swedish Chef
Finale conductor Sebastian vs Big Al
Roger Rabbit vs Br'er Porcupine
Dreamfinder vs Constance Hatchaway
Redd vs Munchkins
Skippy vs DJ R3X
Singing Geese vs 1900 Patricia
Daisy Duck vs Mary Poppins
Trixie vs The Five Bear Rugs
Jack Skellington vs Carnotaurus
Buzz Lightyear vs John
Aladar vs Zazu
RX-24 vs John Wayne
Max, Buff and Melvin vs Teddi Berra
Iago vs Panchito
José vs Uh-oa
Sun Bonnet Trio vs Br'er Raccoon
Figment vs Little Leota
Horned King vs Roz
Malestrom trolls vs Donald Duck
Abraham Lincoln vs Q’aráq
Statler and Waldorf vs Gene Kelly
Marshmallow vs Wicked Witch of the West
Will Rogers Jr/Lasso cowboy vs ExtraTERRORestrial Alien
Farming bunnies vs Frank
Timekeeper vs VR Grandma
Luggage Scanner Droids vs Railway end Mickey
Scuttle vs Bean Bunny
S.I.R.(Tim Curry robot) vs Liver Lips Mcgrowl
Buzzy vs Phantom
Ellen Ripley vs Sonny Eclipse
Bracket C/Tier 3:
Hitchhiking Ghosts vs Blue Fairy
Mr Bluebird vs Hag with apple
Richard the pineapple vs Sea Serpent
The Muppet Penguin Orchestra vs The Lost Safari
Horizons Robot butler vs Girl with goose
POTC Donkey vs Goat with dynamite
Jessica Rabbit vs Tiki room birds
Evil queen in window vs dancing Ariel
Puffins vs Mickey Mouse Review Alice
Little Red vs Unnamed laundry girl
Computer engineer woman/Foxy vs Indiana Jones snake
Hula Girls vs Disappearing butterfly
Splash Mountain finale chickens vs Sauropod
Tiger with umbrella vs Br'er Fox and Bear end scene
Donald's butt vs Drunk hats stealing pirate
Xenomorph vs Sally
Drew Carey vs Figaro
Rover vs Nemo seagulls
Exercise Patricia vs Tiki room Jose
Rosita vs Small World hippo
Darla vs POTC prison dog
Beating heart bride vs Barnstormer chickens
Boothill Boys/Vultures vs Ballroom dancer ghosts
Pansy, Poppy and Petunia (Splash opossums) vs Pig pirate
"Here kitty kitty" pirate vs Evil queen turns into hag
Skeleton ship pirate vs Small World cowboy
Singing birds of paradise vs Primeval World diorama
Jungle cruise elephants vs Barker Bird
Uncle Orville vs Granny ghost
Carlos' wife vs Energy dinos
Rabbit family with carrot vs jungle cruise hippos
Dirty foot pirate vs FSU gopher
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compneuropapers · 3 months
Interesting Papers for Week 11, 2024
Routing states transition during oscillatory bursts and attentional selection. Banaie Boroujeni, K., & Womelsdorf, T. (2023). Neuron, 111(18), 2929-2944.e11.
Sensory tuning in neuronal movement commands. Baumann, M. P., Bogadhi, A. R., Denninger, A. F., & Hafed, Z. M. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(38), e2305759120.
Prior information differentially affects discrimination decisions and subjective confidence reports. Constant, M., Pereira, M., Faivre, N., & Filevich, E. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5473.
Identifying social partners through indirect prosociality: A computational account. Davis, I., Carlson, R., Dunham, Y., & Jara-Ettinger, J. (2023). Cognition, 240, 105580.
Paradigm constraints on moral decision‐making dynamics. Gautheron, F., Quinton, J., Muller, D., & Smeding, A. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), e2324.
Influences of local and global context on local orientation perception. Huang, J., Zhou, Y., & Tzvetanov, T. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(6), 3503–3517.
Visual attention to features and space in mice using reverse correlation. Lehnert, J., Cha, K., Halperin, J., Yang, K., Zheng, D. F., Khadra, A., … Krishnaswamy, A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(17), 3690-3701.e4.
Neural population dynamics of human working memory. Li, H.-H., & Curtis, C. E. (2023). Current Biology, 33(17), 3775-3784.e4.
Age effects on delay discounting across the lifespan: A meta-analytical approach to theory comparison and model development. Lu, J., Yao, J., Zhou, Z., & Wang, X. T. (XiaoTian). (2023). Psychological Bulletin, 149(7–8), 447–486.
Composite receptive fields in the mouse auditory cortex. Lu, S., Ang, G. W. Y., Steadman, M., & Kozlov, A. S. (2023). Journal of Physiology, 601(18), 4091–4104.
Interpreting the retinal neural code for natural scenes: From computations to neurons. Maheswaranathan, N., McIntosh, L. T., Tanaka, H., Grant, S., Kastner, D. B., Melander, J. B., … Baccus, S. A. (2023). Neuron, 111(17), 2742-2755.e4.
The formation and revision of intuitions. Meyer, A., & Frederick, S. (2023). Cognition, 240, 105380.
Multifaceted information-seeking motives in children. Molinaro, G., Cogliati Dezza, I., Bühler, S. K., Moutsiana, C., & Sharot, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5505.
A robust and compact population code for competing sounds in auditory cortex. Nocon, J. C., Witter, J., Gritton, H., Han, X., Houghton, C., & Sen, K. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(3), 775–787.
Endogenous fluctuations in cortical state selectively enhance different modes of sensory processing in human temporal lobe. Parajuli, A., Gutnisky, D., Tandon, N., & Dragoi, V. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5591.
Action initiation and punishment learning differ from childhood to adolescence while reward learning remains stable. Pauli, R., Brazil, I. A., Kohls, G., Klein-Flügge, M. C., Rogers, J. C., Dikeos, D., … Lockwood, P. L. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5689.
Homo indifferencus: Effects of unavailable options on preference construction. Polman, E., & Stough, R. A. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), e2326.
The value of control. Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), e2325.
The spatial and temporal structure of neural activity across the fly brain. Schaffer, E. S., Mishra, N., Whiteway, M. R., Li, W., Vancura, M. B., Freedman, J., … Axel, R. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5572.
Network controllability of structural connectomes in the neonatal brain. Sun, H., Jiang, R., Dai, W., Dufford, A. J., Noble, S., Spann, M. N., … Scheinost, D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5820.
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hollywoodfamerp · 7 months
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Hollywood Fame is going to Broadway!
From December 1-3 we will be staging a production of Rent the Musical at the St James Theatre in the heart of Broadway in New York City and it will be starring you!
We are looking for cast members to fill out the roles below. Your character can be well versed in the world of musicals or simply just wanting to try something new. All we ask that you stick within the playing ages of each role. If you would like to take part, simply message us the name of the character and the role they would like to play! This will be on a first come first served basis. We ask that only one character per mun signs up at present. You have until 11/21/23 @ 11.59 PM EST to sign up.
Not a fan of performing? No worries we will need an audience to cheer on our amazing cast! Cast list and rehearsal schedule will follow soon! Follow the tags #hfrprent and #hfrpbroadway for more.
Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon. with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences of all ages. Based loosely on Puccini's La Boheme, Jonathan Larson's Rent follows a year in the life of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York's Lower East Side, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. How these young bohemians negotiate their dreams, loves and conflicts provides the narrative thread to this groundbreaking musical.
RENT features many adult themes, including sex, drug use, profanity, and same-sex intimacy.
Stage age: early to late twenties Vocal Range: Tenor (C#3-G4)
Mark is an aspiring filmmaker who narrates the show as he films the lives of his friends. Mark never leaves home without a camera. He is Roger's best friend and caregiver, and he was once Maureen’s boyfriend (who left him for Joanne). Mark is a little nerdy and quirky. He insists that he can survive the bleakness of his environment through his art. It soon becomes apparent, though, that he is more comfortable viewing the world through his lens than in actively engaging in it. He feels guilty that unlike his friends, he does not have HIV/AIDS. The actor playing this role must be a strong singer and actor. He dances the Tango with Joanne, so good movement skills are also required.
Stage Age: mid twenties to early thirties Vocal Range: Rock Tenor (B2-A4) Roger is a once successful, now struggling musician who discovered he had HIV/AIDS in a note his girlfriend left him before she took her own life. His main goal in life is to write one great song before he dies, but he has not been able to play his guitar in a year, fearing that he has lost his creative energy. He falls in love with Mimi but is too afraid to commit to her, knowing that she also is infected with HIV/AIDS. He is also the roommate and best friend of Mark. He is often depressed and sullen, but he can be expressive and passionate at times. The actor playing this role must be a good actor and an excellent singer with a rock edge. Guitar skills are desired, but are not required. 
Stage Age: late teens to early twenties Vocal Range: Alto (F#3-E5) Mimi Marquez works in a strip club and struggles with her addiction to heroin, which has resulted in her contraction of HIV/AIDS. She falls in love with Roger, who is unable to commit to a relationship with her. She is also Benny's ex‐girlfriend. She is extremely sexy, optimistic, and likeable but with dark secrets. Though Mimi has” lived a lot of life,” she still sees the world through the eyes of a young woman. She intends to make the most of every day, as she earnestly expresses in the song “No Day but Today.” The actress playing this role must be a strong singer, dancer, and exceptional actress. She must be able to convincingly portray the struggles of heroin addiction, sexual promiscuity, and HIV/AIDS, while still maintaining the optimism of youth.
Stage Age: twenties to thirties Vocal Range: Tenor (Eb3-F4) Benny used to be Mark and Roger’s roommate, but he married Alison Grey, a rich family involved with real estate, and he is now their landlord. He had been letting Roger and Mark live in the apartment for free, but he is now forcing them to pay rent or be evicted. Roger and Mark consider him a yuppie sell-out. He also had an affair with Mimi before she started to date Roger. While in the beginning he is caught up in the lifestyle of wealth and affluence, he ultimately realizes his friends are more important than what money can buy. The actor playing this role must be a good singer and actor.
Stage Age: twenties to thirties Vocal Range: Soprano Belt (C4-F5) Maureen is a bisexual performing artist and Mark's ex‐girlfriend. She left Mark to be with her new girlfriend, Joanne. She is sexy, flirtatious, sassy, and funny. She is bold and speaks her mind, and she is not afraid to take on the establishment and fight for what she believes in. The actress playing this role must be an excellent singer and actress. She must be comfortable with same-sex physical intimacy.
Stage Age mid twenties to early thirties Vocal Range: Soprano Belt (Bb3-E5) Maureen is a lesbian Ivy League educated lawyer and activist. She struggles to not be jealous ofMaureen’s flirtatious nature with others. Though she was raised in an affluent, political family, she is committed to helping those less fortunate. The actress playing this role must be an excellent singer and a good actress. She must be comfortable with same sex-physical intimacy. Since she dances the tango with Mark, good movement skills are also required.
Stage Age: late twenties to late thirties Vocal Range: Baritone/Tenor (F#2 – A4) One A4 for a short duration Tom Collins is a gay computer genius, teacher, and anarchist who was recently expelled from MIT. In the opening scene he is mugged, reflecting the harsh reality of the world in which the characters live. He is brave enough to allow himself to fall in love with Angel, knowing that since both of them are infected with HIV/AIDS, their relationship will not have much of a future. Tom and Angel’s relationship is the heart of the show, as the genuine love and devotion they have for one another brings hope and inspiration to the entire group. They show the world how to truly live life and not be afraid. The actor playing this role must be an excellent singer and actor who is comfortable with same sex-physical intimacy. He must be able to portray great love and affection for Angel. He must especially be able to convey that love when Angel dies in his arms, and during his reprise of “I Will Cover You.”
Stage Age: early to late twenties Vocal Range: Tenor with Falsetto (C3-A4) Angel is a young drag queen and street percussionist. He meets and falls in love with Collins. He has HIV/ AIDS and dies of the disease in Act II. As a person, Angel is the most generous and selfless character in the show. Angel hands out money to the neighborhood while dressed in Santa drag. Though he has HIV/AIDS, he embraces life and lives it to its fullest. People are naturally drawn to him, and his smile lights up the room. His death is mourned by all of the characters and eventually inspires them to live each day to the fullest. As mentioned in Tom’s character description, Tom and Angel’s relationship is the heart of the show, as the genuine love and devotion they have for one another brings hope and inspiration to the entire group. They show the world how to truly live life and not be afraid. The actor playing this role must be an excellent actor, singer, and mover. He must be able to comfortable with same-sex physical intimacy and a drag queen persona, including dancing in heels. Percussionist skills desired but not required.
MINOR CHARACTERS (can double in other scenes)
Stage ages: Early twenties to sixties
Vocal Ranges: all vocal ranges sought 
•           Carollers (5): There are homeless street men and women who appear throughout the show sarcastically singing Christmas carols. 
•           Mrs. Cohen: Mark's stereotypical Jewish mother. Her voicemail messages are the basis for the songs Voicemail #1, Voicemail #3, and Voicemail #5.
•           Alexi Darling: The producer of Buzzline who tries to employ Mark after his footage of the riot makes primetime. Sings Voicemail #3 and Voicemail #4.
•           Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson: The wealthy parents of Joanne Jefferson, they leave her Voicemail #2. Mr. Jefferson is also one of the a cappella singers in Voicemail #5. Mrs. Jefferson usually sings the female solo in Seasons of Love.
•           Mrs. Davis: Roger's confused mother who calls in Voicemail #5, asking continuously, "Roger, where are you?"
•           Mrs. Marquez: Mimi's Spanish‐speaking mother who sings in Voicemail #5, wondering, in Spanish, where she is.
•           Mr. Grey: Benny's father-in‐law who wants to buy out the lot.
•           The Man: The local drug dealer whom Mimi buys from and Roger used to buy from.
•           Life Support Group: Paul (The man in charge of the Life Support group), Gordon, Steve, Ali, Pam, Sue As notated in the script by Larson, the roles of all of the Life Support members are encouraged to take on the name that someone in the cast (or production) knows or has known to have succumbed to AIDS or other disease. 
•           Squeegee Man: A homeless person who chants "Honest living!" over and over.
•           Homeless Woman: She gets harassed by police and Mark films it. She first yells at Mark but then asks him for a dollar. 
•           Waiter: Waits on the cast and has solo lines in La Vie Boehme. There are also many other non‐named roles such as the Preacher, Seasons of Love soloists, Cops, Bohemians, Vendors, Homeless People. We are looking for a very diverse cast of all ages, ethnicities, shapes, and sizes. 
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