hoodooden · 2 years
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Due to the raising gas prices we will now begin to use Astro travel sound good everyone! #astrotravel #witchapothecary witchbox #acocesorios #witchkit #witchsubscriptionbox #witchboxes #covencraft #spellbox #triqueta #alterkit #altarbox #spellkit #calderos #ritualbox #magicalboox #altertools #crystalbox #magicbox #magicspells #apothecaryjars #spiritbox #shrine #moonrituals #rituals #babywitch #brujeria #bruja #witchcrafting https://www.instagram.com/p/CfB6YHiOKFY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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doodle-list · 1 year
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Bratwurst in Sanctuary!! I finally managed to catch up to Sausages episodes thank god 😭
Also please appreciate the fact that I pulled up Tinkercad to try and make the background make sense 
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peligrosapop · 6 months
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UEFA Youth League: Shakhtar Donetsk 🆚 𝐉𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐥 𝐀 (0-3). Boys win!
With a crazy golazo by Dani Rodriguez , for the second goal, with a Aubameyang type flip as a celebration! Delish😘
Now, it’s your turn, first team.
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midnightsecfan · 3 months
Did anyone else think the theme song said
"Boom, honey cute, smart Pet Vibe"
but really she said
"Ooh honey boom, cute, smart, and clever High five"
Just Me??
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the-great-empress · 11 months
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jukeboxofjellycat · 6 months
Owner/artist on Instagram: miuustudio
Good night, spooky night! 🌙
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/02/11 Como nos dió hambre, fuimos a comer a un restaurante. Pedimos una bebida y nos pusieron pan y salsa a base de ajo y aceite. Pedimos ensalada de tomate y atún. Y el plato típico de la zona, el caldero. Consiste en arroz cocinado en un caldero con caldo de pescado. El pescado lo sirven a parte por si quieres degustarlo a modo de segundo plato. Después, pedimos para compartir una tarta con mucho chocolate y un café.
As we got hungry, we went to eat at a restaurant. We ordered a drink and they gave us bread and sauce made from garlic and oil. We ordered tuna and tomato salad. And the typical dish of the area, the cauldron. It consists of rice cooked in a cauldron with fish broth. The fish is served separately in case you want to taste it as a second course. Later, we ordered to share a cake with a lot of chocolate and a coffee.
Google Translation into French: Comme nous avions faim, nous sommes allés manger au restaurant. Nous avons commandé un verre et ils nous ont donné du pain et de la sauce à base d'ail et d'huile. Nous avons commandé une salade de thon et de tomates. Et le plat typique de la région, le chaudron. Il se compose de riz cuit au chaudron avec un bouillon de poisson. Le poisson est servi séparément au cas où vous souhaiteriez le déguster en deuxième plat. Plus tard, nous avons commandé de partager un gâteau avec beaucoup de chocolat et un café.
Google translation into Italian: Siccome avevamo fame, andammo a mangiare al ristorante. Abbiamo ordinato da bere e ci hanno dato pane e salsa fatta con aglio e olio. Abbiamo ordinato un'insalata di tonno e pomodori. E il piatto tipico della regione, il calderone. Consiste in riso cotto in un calderone con un brodo di pesce. Il pesce viene servito a parte nel caso lo vogliate gustare come secondo piatto. Più tardi abbiamo ordinato di condividere una torta con tanto cioccolato e un caffè.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Como estávamos com fome, fomos comer no restaurante. Pedimos uma bebida e eles nos deram pão e molho feito com alho e óleo. Pedimos uma salada de atum e tomate. E o prato típico da região, o caldeirão. Consiste em arroz cozido no caldeirão com caldo de peixe. O peixe é servido à parte, caso queira prová-lo como segundo prato. Mais tarde pedimos para dividir um bolo com muito chocolate e um café.
Google Translation into German: Da wir hungrig waren, gingen wir ins Restaurant essen. Wir bestellten ein Getränk und sie gaben uns Brot und Sauce aus Knoblauch und Öl. Wir bestellten einen Thunfisch-Tomaten-Salat. Und das typische Gericht der Region, der Kessel. Es besteht aus Reis, der in einem Kessel mit einer Fischbrühe gekocht wird. Der Fisch wird separat serviert, falls Sie ihn als zweiten Gang probieren möchten. Später bestellten wir uns einen Kuchen mit viel Schokolade und einen Kaffee.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Meqë ishim të uritur, shkuam në restorant për të ngrënë. Ne porositëm një pije dhe na dhanë bukë, hudhër dhe salcë vaji. Ne porositëm një sallatë me ton dhe domate. Dhe pjata tipike e rajonit, kazani. Ai përbëhet nga orizi i gatuar në një kazan me lëng peshku. Peshku shërbehet veçmas në rast se dëshironi ta provoni si pjatë të dytë. Më vonë porositëm një tortë me shumë çokollatë dhe një kafe.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քանի որ սոված էինք, գնացինք ռեստորան հաց ուտելու։ Խմիչք պատվիրեցինք, հաց ու սխտոր ու ձեթի սոուս տվեցին։ Մենք թունաով և լոլիկով աղցան պատվիրեցինք։ Իսկ տարածաշրջանին բնորոշ ուտեստը՝ կաթսան։ Այն բաղկացած է ձկան արգանակով կաթսայի մեջ եփած բրնձից։ Ձուկը մատուցվում է առանձին, եթե ցանկանում եք այն փորձել որպես երկրորդ ուտեստ։ Ավելի ուշ մենք պատվիրեցինք տորթ շատ շոկոլադով և սուրճով:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Тъй като бяхме гладни, отидохме в ресторанта да хапнем. Поръчахме питие и ни дадоха хляб и чеснов и маслен сос. Поръчахме салата с риба тон и домати. И типичното ястие за региона - котлето. Състои се от ориз, сварен в котел с рибен бульон. Рибата се сервира отделно, ако искате да я опитате като второ ястие. По-късно поръчахме торта с много шоколад и кафе.
Google Translation into Czech: Protože jsme měli hlad, šli jsme se najíst do restaurace. Objednali jsme si drink a dali nám chléb, česnek a olejovou omáčku. Objednali jsme salát s tuňákem a rajčaty. A typické jídlo regionu, kotel. Skládá se z rýže uvařené v kotlíku s rybím vývarem. Ryba se podává zvlášť pro případ, že byste ji chtěli vyzkoušet jako druhý chod. Později jsme si objednali dort se spoustou čokolády a kávu.
Google Translation into Croatian: Kako smo bili gladni, otišli smo u restoran jesti. Naručili smo piće i dali su nam kruh i umak od češnjaka i ulja. Naručili smo salatu od tune i rajčice. I tipično jelo ovog kraja, kotlić. Sastoji se od riže kuhane u kotlu s ribljom juhom. Riba se poslužuje posebno ako je želite probati kao drugo jelo. Kasnije smo naručili tortu s puno čokolade i kavu.
Google Translation into Danish Da vi var sultne, gik vi til restauranten for at spise. Vi bestilte en drink, og de gav os brød og hvidløg og oliesauce. Vi bestilte en tun- og tomatsalat. Og den typiske ret i regionen, kedlen. Den består af ris kogt i en kedel med en fiskebouillon. Fisken serveres separat, hvis du vil prøve den som anden ret. Senere bestilte vi en kage med masser af chokolade og en kaffe.
Google Translation into Slovak: Keďže sme boli hladní, išli sme sa najesť do reštaurácie. Objednali sme si drink a dali nám chlieb a cesnakovú a olejovú omáčku. Objednali sme tuniakový a paradajkový šalát. A typické jedlo regiónu, kotlík. Pozostáva z ryže uvarenej v kotlíku s rybím vývarom. Ryba sa podáva samostatne v prípade, že ju chcete vyskúšať ako druhý chod. Neskôr sme si objednali tortu s množstvom čokolády a kávu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ker smo bili lačni, smo šli jest v restavracijo. Naročili smo pijačo in dali so nam kruh ter česnovo in oljno omako. Naročila sva solato s tuno in paradižnikom. In značilna jed tega kraja, kotel. Sestavljen je iz riža, kuhanega v kotlu z ribjo juho. Ribo postrežemo posebej, če jo želite poskusiti kot drugo jed. Kasneje smo naročili torto z veliko čokolade in kavo.
Google Translation into Estonian: Kuna olime näljased, läksime restorani sööma. Tellisime joogi ja meile anti leiba ja küüslauku ja õlikastet. Tellisime tuunikala ja tomati salati. Ja piirkonna tüüpiline roog – pada. See koosneb pajas keedetud riisist kalapuljongiga. Kala serveeritakse eraldi juhuks, kui soovite seda teise käiguna proovida. Hiljem tellisime koogi rohke šokolaadi ja kohviga.
Google Translation into Suomi: Koska olimme nälkäisiä, menimme ravintolaan syömään. Tilasimme juoman ja he antoivat meille leipää ja valkosipulia ja öljykastiketta. Tilasimme tonnikala- ja tomaattisalaatin. Ja alueen tyypillinen ruokalaji, pata. Se koostuu kattilassa keitetystä riisistä kalaliemen kanssa. Kala tarjoillaan erikseen, jos haluat kokeilla sitä toisena ruokalajina. Myöhemmin tilasimme kakun, jossa oli paljon suklaata ja kahvia.
Google Translation into Greek: Επειδή πεινάσαμε, πήγαμε στο εστιατόριο για φαγητό. Παραγγείλαμε ένα ποτό και μας έδωσαν ψωμί και σάλτσα σκόρδου και λαδιού. Παραγγείλαμε μια σαλάτα τόνου και ντομάτας. Και το χαρακτηριστικό πιάτο της περιοχής, το καζάνι. Αποτελείται από ρύζι μαγειρεμένο σε καζάνι με ζωμό ψαριού. Το ψάρι σερβίρεται χωριστά σε περίπτωση που θέλετε να το δοκιμάσετε ως δεύτερο πιάτο. Αργότερα παραγγείλαμε ένα κέικ με πολλή σοκολάτα και έναν καφέ.
Google Translation into Dutch: Omdat we honger hadden, gingen we naar het restaurant om te eten. We bestelden een drankje en ze gaven ons brood en knoflook- en oliesaus. We bestelden een tonijn-tomatensalade. En het typische gerecht van de streek, de ketel. Het bestaat uit rijst gekookt in een ketel met een visbouillon. De vis wordt apart geserveerd voor het geval je hem als tweede gang wilt proberen. Later bestelden we een cake met veel chocolade en een koffie.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Siden vi var sultne dro vi til restauranten for å spise. Vi bestilte en drink og de ga oss brød og hvitløk og oljesaus. Vi bestilte en tunfisk og tomatsalat. Og den typiske retten i regionen, gryten. Den består av ris kokt i en gryte med en fiskebuljong. Fisken serveres separat i tilfelle du ønsker å prøve den som andre rett. Senere bestilte vi en kake med masse sjokolade og en kaffe.
Google Translation into Polish: Ponieważ byliśmy głodni, poszliśmy do restauracji coś zjeść. Zamówiliśmy drinka i dali nam chleb oraz sos czosnkowo-olejowy. Zamówiliśmy sałatkę z tuńczyka i pomidorów. I typowe danie regionu, kociołek. Składa się z ryżu gotowanego w kotle z bulionem rybnym. Ryba jest podawana osobno, jeśli chcesz spróbować jej jako drugie danie. Później zamówiliśmy ciasto z dużą ilością czekolady i kawę.
Google Translation into Romanian: De când ne era foame, ne-am dus la restaurant să mâncăm. Am comandat o băutură și ne-au dat pâine și usturoi și sos de ulei. Am comandat o salată de ton și roșii. Și felul de mâncare tipic al regiunii, ceaunul. Constă din orez gătit la ceaun cu bulion de pește. Peștele se servește separat în cazul în care doriți să îl încercați ca fel al doilea. Mai târziu am comandat o prăjitură cu multă ciocolată și o cafea.
Google Translation into Russian: Так как мы были голодны, мы пошли в ресторан, чтобы поесть. Мы заказали напиток, и нам дали хлеб, чеснок и масляный соус. Мы заказали салат из тунца и помидоров. И типичное блюдо региона, казан. Он состоит из риса, сваренного в казане на рыбном бульоне. Рыба подается отдельно на случай, если вы захотите попробовать ее в качестве второго блюда. Позже мы заказали торт с большим количеством шоколада и кофе.
Google Translation into Serbian: Пошто смо били гладни, отишли ​​смо у ресторан да једемо. Наручили смо пиће и дали су нам хлеб и бели лук и сос од уља. Наручили смо салату од туњевине и парадајза. И типично јело овог краја, казан. Састоји се од пиринча куваног у котлићу са рибљом чорбом. Риба се сервира засебно у случају да желите да је пробате као друго јело. Касније смо наручили торту са пуно чоколаде и кафе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Eftersom vi var hungriga gick vi till restaurangen för att äta. Vi beställde en drink och de gav oss bröd och vitlök och oljesås. Vi beställde en tonfisk och tomatsallad. Och den typiska rätten för regionen, kitteln. Den består av ris kokt i en kittel med en fiskbuljong. Fisken serveras separat om du vill prova den som andrarätt. Senare beställde vi en tårta med mycket choklad och en kaffe.
Google Translation into Turkish: Acıktığımız için yemek yemek için restorana gittik. Bir içki ısmarladık ve bize ekmek, sarımsak ve yağ sosu verdiler. Ton balığı ve domates salatası sipariş ettik. Ve yörenin tipik yemeği olan kazan. Balık suyu ile kazanda pişirilen pirinçten oluşur. İkinci bir yemek olarak denemek isterseniz, balık ayrı olarak servis edilir. Daha sonra bol çikolatalı bir pasta ve kahve sipariş ettik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Оскільки ми були голодні, то пішли поїсти в ресторан. Ми замовили напій, і вони дали нам хліб, часник і олійний соус. Ми замовили салат з тунцем і помідорами. І типова страва регіону, казан. Він складається з рису, звареного в казані з рибним бульйоном. Риба подається окремо, якщо ви хочете спробувати її як другу страву. Пізніше ми замовили торт з великою кількістю шоколаду та кави.
Google Translation into Arabic: منذ أن كنا جائعين ، ذهبنا إلى المطعم لتناول الطعام. طلبنا مشروبًا وقدموا لنا الخبز والثوم وصلصة الزيت. لقد طلبنا سلطة التونة والطماطم. والطبق النموذجي للمنطقة هو المرجل. يتكون من الأرز المطبوخ في مرجل مع مرق السمك. يتم تقديم السمك بشكل منفصل في حالة رغبتك في تجربته كطبق ثان. في وقت لاحق طلبنا كعكة مع الكثير من الشوكولاتة والقهوة.
Google Translation into Bengali: ক্ষুধার্ত থাকায় আমরা রেস্টুরেন্টে খেতে গেলাম। আমরা একটি পানীয় অর্ডার করেছি এবং তারা আমাদের রুটি এবং রসুন এবং তেলের সস দিয়েছে। আমরা একটি টুনা এবং টমেটো সালাদ অর্ডার. আর এ অঞ্চলের সাধারণ থালা, কড়াই। এটি একটি মাছের ঝোল সহ একটি কড়াইতে রান্না করা ভাত নিয়ে গঠিত। আপনি যদি দ্বিতীয় কোর্স হিসাবে এটি চেষ্টা করতে চান তবে মাছটি আলাদাভাবে পরিবেশন করা হয়। পরে আমরা প্রচুর চকোলেট এবং একটি কফি সহ একটি কেক অর্ডার করলাম।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 因为肚子饿了,我们就去餐厅吃饭。 我们点了一杯饮料,他们给了我们面包、大蒜和油酱。 我们点了一份金枪鱼和番茄沙拉。 还有该地区的典型菜肴,大锅。 它由在大锅中用鱼汤煮熟的米饭组成。 这条鱼是单独供应的,以防你想把它作为第二道菜来尝尝。 后来我们点了一个有很多巧克力的蛋糕和一杯咖啡。
Google Translation into Korean: 배가 고파서 식당에 밥을 먹으러 갔다. 우리는 음료를 주문했고 그들은 우리에게 빵과 마늘과 오일 소스를 제공했습니다. 우리는 참치와 토마토 샐러드를 주문했습니다. 그리고 이 지역의 대표적인 음식인 가마솥. 그것은 생선 국물과 함께 가마솥에서 지은 밥으로 구성됩니다. 생선은 두 번째 코스로 먹고 싶을 때를 대비해 따로 제공됩니다. 나중에 우리는 많은 초콜릿과 커피가 들어간 케이크를 주문했습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: מכיוון שהיינו רעבים, הלכנו למסעדה לאכול. הזמנו משקה והם נתנו לנו לחם ושום ורוטב שמן. הזמנו סלט טונה ועגבניות. והמנה האופיינית לאזור, הקדירה. הוא מורכב מאורז מבושל בקלחת עם מרק דגים. הדג מוגש בנפרד למקרה שתרצו לנסות אותו כמנה שנייה. מאוחר יותר הזמנו עוגה עם הרבה שוקולד וקפה.
Google Translation into Hindi: चूंकि हमें भूख लगी थी, इसलिए हम रेस्टोरेंट में खाना खाने गए। हमने एक पेय का आदेश दिया और उन्होंने हमें रोटी और लहसुन और तेल की चटनी दी। हमने टूना और टमाटर का सलाद ऑर्डर किया। और क्षेत्र का विशिष्ट व्��ंजन, कड़ाही। ��समें मछली के शोरबे के साथ कड़ाही में पकाए गए चावल होते हैं। यदि आप इसे दूसरे कोर्स के रूप में आज़माना चाहते हैं तो मछली को अलग से परोसा जाता है। बाद में हमने ढेर सारी चॉकलेट और एक कॉफी वाला केक ऑर्डर किया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Karena kami lapar, kami pergi ke restoran untuk makan. Kami memesan minuman dan mereka memberi kami roti, bawang putih, dan saus minyak. Kami memesan salad tuna dan tomat. Dan sajian khas daerah itu, kuali. Ini terdiri dari nasi yang dimasak dalam kuali dengan kaldu ikan. Ikan disajikan secara terpisah jika Anda ingin mencobanya sebagai hidangan kedua. Kemudian kami memesan kue dengan banyak coklat dan kopi.
Google Translation into Japanese: お腹がすいたので、レストランに行って食事をしました。 私たちは飲み物を注文し、彼らは私たちにパンとニンニクとオイルソースをくれました。 ツナとトマトのサラダを注文しました。 そして、この地域の代表的な料理、大釜。 大釜で炊いたご飯に魚介の出汁を加えたものです。 セカンドコースとして試してみたい場合に備えて、魚は別々に提供されます。 その後、チョコレートがたっぷり入ったケーキとコーヒーを注文しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Ачка болгондуктан ресторанга барып тамактандык. Биз ичимдик заказ кылдык, алар бизге нан, сарымсак жана май соусун беришти. Туна жана помидор салатына буйрутма бердик. Ал эми аймактын типтүү тамагы, казан. Ал балыктын сорпосу менен казанга бышырылган күрүчтөн турат. Эгерде сиз аны экинчи тамак катары көргүңүз келсе, балык өзүнчө берилет. Кийинчерээк көп шоколад жана кофе менен торт заказ кылдык.
Google Translation into Malay: Oleh kerana kami lapar, kami pergi ke restoran untuk makan. Kami memesan minuman dan mereka memberi kami roti dan bawang putih dan sos minyak. Kami memesan salad tuna dan tomato. Dan hidangan khas rantau ini, kuali. Ia terdiri daripada nasi yang dimasak dalam kawah dengan air rebusan ikan. Ikan dihidangkan secara berasingan sekiranya anda ingin mencubanya sebagai hidangan kedua. Kemudian kami memesan kek dengan banyak coklat dan kopi.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид өлссөн байсан тул ресторанд хоол идэхээр явлаа. Бид ундаа захиалсан, тэд бидэнд талх, сармис, тосон соус өгсөн. Бид туна загас, улаан лоолийн салат захиалсан. Мөн бүс нутгийн ердийн хоол, тогоо. Энэ нь загасны шөлтэй тогоонд чанаж болгосон будаагаас бүрддэг. Хоёр дахь хоолоор амтлахыг хүсвэл загасыг тусад нь үйлчилнэ. Дараа нь бид маш их шоколадтай бялуу, кофе захиалсан.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਭੁੱਖ ਲੱਗੀ ਸੀ, ਅਸੀਂ ਖਾਣਾ ਖਾਣ ਲਈ ਰੈਸਟੋਰੈਂਟ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਪੀਣ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਰੋਟੀ ਅਤੇ ਲਸਣ ਅਤੇ ਤੇਲ ਦੀ ਚਟਣੀ ਦਿੱਤੀ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਟੁਨਾ ਅਤੇ ਟਮਾਟਰ ਸਲਾਦ ਦਾ ਆਦੇਸ਼ ਦਿੱਤਾ. ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤਰ ਦਾ ਖਾਸ ਪਕਵਾਨ, ਕੜਾਹੀ। ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੱਛੀ ਦੇ ਬਰੋਥ ਨਾਲ ਕੜਾਹੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਕਾਏ ਹੋਏ ਚੌਲ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਦੂਜੇ ਕੋਰਸ ਵਜੋਂ ਅਜ਼ਮਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਮੱਛੀ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਖਰੇ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਪਰੋਸਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸੀਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਚਾਕਲੇਟ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਕੌਫੀ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਕੇਕ ਆਰਡਰ ਕੀਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: څنګه چې موږ وږی وو، موږ رستورانت ته د خوړلو لپاره لاړو. موږ د څښاک امر وکړ او دوی موږ ته ډوډۍ او هوږه او د غوړیو ساس راکړ. موږ د تونا او روميانو سلاد امر وکړ. او د سیمې عادي ډوډۍ، قهوه. دا د وريجو څخه جوړه ده چې د کب په کڅوړه کې پخه شوي. کب په جلا توګه خدمت کیږي که تاسو غواړئ دا د دوهم کورس په توګه هڅه وکړئ. وروسته موږ د ډیری چاکلیټ او کافي سره کیک امر وکړ.
Google Translation into Persian: چون گرسنه بودیم رفتیم رستوران تا غذا بخوریم. نوشیدنی سفارش دادیم و نان و سیر و سس روغن به ما دادند. سالاد تن ماهی و گوجه فرنگی سفارش دادیم. و غذای معمولی منطقه یعنی دیگ. این شامل برنج پخته شده در دیگ با آب ماهی است. اگر بخواهید به عنوان غذای دوم آن را امتحان کنید، ماهی به صورت جداگانه سرو می شود. بعداً یک کیک با مقدار زیادی شکلات و یک قهوه سفارش دادیم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dahil gutom na kami, pumunta kami sa restaurant para kumain. Umorder kami ng inumin at binigyan nila kami ng tinapay at bawang at sarsa ng mantika. Umorder kami ng tuna at tomato salad. At ang tipikal na ulam ng rehiyon, ang kaldero. Binubuo ito ng kanin na niluto sa isang kaldero na may sabaw ng isda. Ang isda ay inihahain nang hiwalay kung sakaling gusto mong subukan ito bilang pangalawang kurso. Maya maya ay umorder kami ng cake na may maraming chocolate at kape.
Google Translation into Thai: ด้วยความหิว เราจึงไปกินข้าวกันที่โรงอาหาร เราสั่งเครื่องดื่มและพวกเขาให้ขนมปังและซอสกระเทียมและน้ำมันแก่เรา เราสั่งสลัดทูน่าและมะเขือเทศ และอาหารประจำภาคอย่างหม้อต้ม ประกอบด้วยข้าวที่หุงในหม้อพร้อมน้ำซุปปลา ปลาจะเสิร์ฟแยกต่างหากในกรณีที่คุณต้องการลองเป็นคอร์สที่สอง ต่อมาเราสั่งเค้กที่มีช็อคโกแลตและกาแฟมากม���ย
Google Translation into Urdu: چونکہ ہمیں بھوک لگی تھی اس لیے ہم کھانے کے لیے ریسٹورنٹ گئے۔ ہم نے مشروبات کا آرڈر دیا اور انہوں نے ہمیں روٹی اور لہسن اور تیل کی چٹنی دی۔ ہم نے ٹونا اور ٹماٹر سلاد کا آرڈر دیا۔ اور علاقے کی مخصوص ڈش، دیگچی۔ اس میں مچھلی کے شوربے کے ساتھ دیگچی میں پکائے گئے چاول ہوتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ اسے دوسرے کورس کے طور پر آزمانا چاہتے ہیں تو مچھلی کو الگ سے پیش کیا جاتا ہے۔ بعد میں ہم نے بہت ساری چاکلیٹ اور کافی کے ساتھ کیک کا آرڈر دیا۔
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Day 17 Salty #inktober #inktober2022 #inktobermexico #inktobermexicano #day17 #salty #whitch #whitchcraft #witchillustration #instawitch #ink #tinta #salado #caldero #illustration #ilustracion #traditionalart #tradicionaldrawing #tradicionalillustration #instart #instaillustration #instaillustrator (en Azcapotzalco) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2FLooueVF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deineip · 19 days
Was ist Caldero de Tabarca?
Caldero de Tabarca: Ein kulinarisches Juwel auf der Insel Tabarca Die Insel Tabarca, vor der Küste von Alicante, ist nicht nur für ihre malerischen Strände und kristallklaren Gewässer bekannt, sondern auch für ihre einzigartige Gastronomie. Unter den vielen köstlichen Gerichten, die Sie hier probieren können, ragt “Caldero de Tabarca” hervor. Caldero de Tabarca ist ein traditionelles Gericht,…
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byronicbi · 2 months
it's always really funny to stand atop a hill and look at my absolute spaghetti of interests like. yeah, those sure are animatronic furries and other general internet-based horror franchises, and literary horror of the tradpud variety. retro tech? sure. is that an anime jumpscare? goddamn. tom hiddleston is there.
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Escenario y presentadores del Benidorm Fest 2024.
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enalfersa · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons: El Caldero de Tasha para Todo
Expansión del reglamento – Versión en Español La maga Tasha, cuyas grandes obras incluyen el conjuro Risa horrible de Tasha, ha ido recopilando de aquí y allá retazos de valiosa sabiduría a lo largo de su ilustre carrera de aventurera. Como a sus enemigos no les haría ninguna gracia que sus codiciados secretos se difundiesen por el multiverso, Tasha, con toda la intención de provocarlos, ha…
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artesaniasramdom · 2 years
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Caldero Mágico 🧙🏻‍♀️✨🧹 Disponible 👇 📲 https://wa.me/message/A2QHCKI6AZPBL1 #artesaniasramdom #spartanparacordx #artesania #caldero #magia #halloween #collares #piedrasnaturales #agata #witch #cauldron #hocuspocus #brujas #hechoamano #hechoconamor #joyeriaartesanal #joyeriapersonalizada #alambrismo (en Xalapa, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjgk9OpPjNT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kreaten · 2 years
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Entre tanta mentira no sabes que es verdad. Es un poco rollo ir poniendo contadores, seria recomendable para juego online como Alchemy.
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ismart2 · 2 years
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Un viaje encantado 👻 🧙‍♀️ 🧙 🪄 🧙‍♂️🔮🐈🐈‍⬛✨ #brujas #aquelarre #hechizo #soportújar #caldero #spell #witch #gato #embrujo #magia #reuniondebrujas #especial #mistico #fantastico #volarenescoba #miedo #terror #poderes #viaje #vacaciones #contigo #mayo #calor (en Soportújar, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdwJnk9jghI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furious-rogue-stuff · 10 months
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Your trully really deserve it!! So can I request 🗡🥺🐣please?
Sending u love and hugs🫶🏻🫶🏻
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My dear friend! I'm sorry for the ridiculous wait on this, but I finally got around to this wonderful prompt. This is my first time writing Pero Tovar, so I hope I've done him justice.
Thanks, as always, to @just-here-for-the-moment for putting up with my ass and beta reading to make sure this wasn't complete trash and smutty enough.
Disclaimer: Written in 2nd person narrative, you can safely assume our heroine and love/lust interest is a Spanish woman, written by a Latina. Here's my philosophy on my writing, for further context.
Rating: Mature/Explicit 🔞
Word Count: 6,500+
🚨Author chooses not to include detailed warnings, but the following: Mentions of marriage, impersonating a soldier, past violence, scars and war wounds, breeding kink, graphic depictions of unprotected sex, and period-accurate tropes.
The air outside was crisp with chill, making it all the more pressing for him to traverse the muddy road towards the small cottage. The smoke from the stone chimney signaled you’d started a fire for supper, and the twinkle of candlelight from the condensation-covered window facing outward to the road and frosty meadow beyond told him you’d intended to keep your promise from that morning.
 The gnaw of hunger had settled in from the long day of labor, but the ache behind his sternum was one of longing, one he’d been nursing since the day before, and it took precedence over any need to fill his belly. He quickly trotted the steed into the rickety barn he’d yet to get around to patching the holes in the roof of, and once the animal was stabled, he trudged determinedly up to the door of the cottage.
He entered quickly and shut the chill out behind him, dark eyes adjusting to the dim lighting once he furrowed his brow and loped towards the weathered hearth. The steps that led to the loft above, where your marital bed was housed in a snug, insulated nook, were empty, and the table was already set with bread and wine while the savory stew kept warm in the caldero tucked near the fire. Yet, no sign of you.
“…Are you aloft already, condesa?” Pero speaks firmly, so his query can be heard clearly from above. 
There is no answer, so he paces towards the steps, senses on high alert now. His instincts bellow for him to retrieve his sword from whence it’s stored, hidden in a nearby trunk, or to at least unsheathe the hidden blade he keeps on his person. He palms the handle of his dagger, tucked in its scabbard at the back of his leather belt underneath his well-worn poncho. His expression becomes stony, scar over his left eye resembling an etching, one that reveals the capacity of brutality suffered and meted out in return. 
It's the soft flutter of clothing he hears first before he sees the movement from the shadowed corner that has him pivoting and effortlessly catching you as you leapt out at him from your stealthy ambush spot – the pantry cubby you’d climbed up into and waited for the right moment to pounce. 
“Gotcha!” he growls triumphantly as he swings you around with impish delight, making you encircle your arms to hold onto his broad shoulders while you squeal mirthfully whilst your tunic skirts flutter about. “Trying to get the jump on me? Really, tigresita?!”
Not to be foiled completely, you wrap your legs around his hips and toss yourself backwards, creating a momentum that forces him to swing around until he’s able to break both your falls onto the bench you’d improvised using two bales of hay and an old tapestry draping you’d found discarded upstairs.
Pero lands with an exhaled huff, and you victoriously use his distraction to grab his thick wrists and pin his arms above his head.
“Bueno, I’ve bested the great guerrero, the most fearsome man with a blade, who said I was too noisy for my own good to ever get the drop on him, was it?” you’re gloating as you stare sultrily into his sardonic, handsome expression. “Well? Do you yield?”
“You are much too playful for me to try besting, my love, so…” Pero draws in that graveled rumble of his, musing and melodic before he suddenly bucks you off of him and rolls to pin you under him instead. “No, I do not yield.”
You scoff haughtily, arching a smug brow as you chime, “Good, because this is where I wanted to end up anyway.”
“Oh, is that right?” he husks, unable to muster the faux scowl any longer, so he smirks and croons in that bass-filled melodic murmur, one that always sets your nerve endings on fire, as he intensely stares into your eyes. “You wanted to end up on your back and underneath the tired and dirty mercenary-turned-farmhand that’s made you his wife? Well, I should hope so, mi amada.”
You smile enchantingly at him and arch your hips up into his. “It is so, mi marido,” is your silky purr as you lean up and brush your soft lips over his. 
Pero grunts approvingly and deepens the kiss, hand cupping your jaw possessively as he plunders the cup of your mouth with his voracious tongue.
Equally as possessive are your hands as they grope and cling to his thick tunic under his poncho before eagerly shoving upwards in order to tug at his undershirt in an attempt to slip beneath to touch his skin. He smells of soil, grain and leather, musky scent heightened by his salty sweat. It makes your head spin with lust, and has arousal cloying from your center. His mouth is warm, and you ache to feel his powerful and overheated body against your bare skin as he presses into you with need.
You are desperate to undress him, and he realizes how much so when you dig your heels into the back of his trousers and groan into his mouth a pleading command.
Breaking the kiss, Pero pants against your gasping mouth before grumbling, “What was that?”
“I said I want you inside me now, Pero,” you airily repeat, the tone of your demand though is softened by your excitement now that he’s pointedly ground his arousal into your tingling center. “Mmm, please—”
“Such a needy little thing, begging so,” he chuckles ruggedly, timbre hitting that octave that has desire beseechingly pulsing in the seat of your core. His dark eyes crinkle as if he can sense how aroused you are, and just as you whine for him to comply, he slips a hand between your bodies and hikes it up the front of your skirts to cup you at the haven of your thighs. “And here I thought you were simply keeping your promise to wait up for me, no matter how late my return from the merchants. But instead, you try to best me into submission so you can have me fill this warm cunt, eh?”
His fingers trace along the crest of your sex before gliding along your warm, wet seam, parting your folds just as his thumb presses into the hood of your clit. “Ah, Pero!” you whimper, hands clutching at his sides and gripping sturdy fabric as you roll your hips, seeking the plunge of his fingers into your sheath. “Please—”
He revels in how desperate you are for him, so he presses his luck by testing how far his depraved desires can muster getting you to that fine line of wanting to give into your urge to be dominated versus having dominion to ensnare him into succumbing to his own needs. 
So, he licks your plump bottom lip before grazing his teeth over it licentiously. 
At your gasp and jolt against his edging fingers where you ache for them, Pero mutters coolly, “Is that all you can say, condesa? My fierce little noblewoman-turned-warrior can’t use her words when her sweet cunt is touched?”
The way your eyes sharpen is exactly what he wanted just before he plunges two thick fingers inside you. 
You moan that glorious sound of pleasure that makes him feel like he’s touched the sun and it’s filled him with grace, and the beatific expression of rapture that comes over your lovely face has him straining in his trousers to replace his fingers with his cock. 
But, he persists in this carnal play, and coos, “Look at you, bebita. It’s almost like you’ve yearned for my touch all day—”
“Pero,” you whine when he finger-fucks you slowly while taunting you so. He chuckles at the pleading way you arch up into him, so you dig your nails into the layers until you can feel his solid torso, and hiss, “No me tortures, por favor—”
His musing hum is rich and earthy, and to your aroused senses, it’s like a warm wine hitting your bloodstream. Feeling his broad, strong frame pressed over you, and the teasing prod of his ramrod cock only heightens your need, as does the musky smell of him, the sweat that clings to his skin and the heat of his mouth grazing along your cheek now. 
Scenting your hair by nosing into the locks at your temple, Pero laconically rumbles, “I’d never torture you, sweet girl. I just want you to be mi tigresita valiente and admit you’ve been in heat for me, that you’ve been thinking unchaste thoughts all day—”
He feels your molten sheath clench around his fingers at his words, but the defiance is starting to scintillate in your eyes before you snap thinly, “And what sort of filth have you been thinking, husband?”
Pugnaciously, he smirks like a cunning tentador before husking, “Oh, this very thing. Of having my fingers in your warm cunt – making you restless and insolent, desperate to have my cock inside you instead.” 
At the indolent pump of his fingers changing to a pleasurable curl that brushes the digits against the nested pleasure point inside you, a gasped mewl falls from your mouth as you writhe up into him. 
“I thought about all the ways I’ve given you pleasure, and all the ways I still intend to give you pleasure,” he tells you in that damnable aloof way that makes you burn and melt. “Tell me one naughty little ember that’s kept you hot like this all day, esposa, and I’ll put my mouth on you until you reach bliss on my tongue.”
With a proposition like that? You are turned to clay, features heating from your blush as you confess, “I thought about you, undressed before me, and letting me worship your body with my hands and mouth before getting bare for you so you could make me yours by the fire.”
His fingers pause inside of you and he looks at you with unfettered hunger in his dark eyes. 
You expect him to shift up so he could make that fantasy a reality, but instead, he grunts – as if placated, before receding his fingers from you, crawling down your body to bunch up your skirts so he can bury his face between your thighs. 
The lascivious swipe of his tongue through your drenched folds has you gasping and hiking your knees up to make room for his broad shoulders, writhing in ecstasy as Pero devours your cunt and rubs his fingers over the hood of your pleasure point. He groans when your thighs squeeze around him, and chuckles against your mound when you bury your fingers into his hair and tug. 
The look he shoots up at you from below his brow while he nuzzles shamelessly into the heady curls above your sex makes your pulse spike with exhilaration, and when he shifts your wool-stocking-covered legs further apart for him to angle your pelvis further up to better access your honeyed cunt, you groan imploringly, “Mi amor,” and bite your trembling bottom lip.
It’s exactly what he wanted.
He is unabashed and libidinous with his mouth after he bows his head between your thighs once more, and true to his word, you’re climaxing in minutes on his tongue while you ride his rapacious appendage and grip the thick tufts of dark hair at the crown of his head with one hand whilst moaning blissfully into the back of the other.
The deliriously exquisite feeling that washes over you is divine, and you sigh softly while he laps at your climax and grunts, as if satisfied with your state of euphoria.
So, when you feel cool air between your thighs, your eyes glossily open to stare dazed up at him, confused as he looms over you and grumbles a humored, gloating hum before popping his sullied fingers into his mouth and sucking your slick orgasm off. 
He then stands from the makeshift bench and declares, “I want to eat,” before pivoting to lope unhurriedly to the wooden stool nearest the table so he can plunk down on it and scoot it closer to the fireplace to dutifully stir the stew with the ladle.
You’re flabbergasted. 
Sitting up on your elbows to gape – comically appalled – at him, you watch as he serves himself a bowl of the savory stew while trying to keep the wry grin from pulling at his full lips. He fails miserably though when he looks over at you with that droll expression on his features before he smiles behind the bowl he raises to his lips. It does little to conceal his goading amusement, and you’re glaring at him now that your wits have returned to you.
Once he’s had a few hearty sips of the flavorful meal, he gruffly drawls, “Come stay warm by the fire, mi amada.”
You decide then that two can play this game.
Straightening your tunic skirts down and squeezing your knees together, you sit on the edge of the improvised bench and start unfastening the corseted vest that keeps your tunic and smock cinched to your form.
“I am already very warm, thank you,” is your blithe lilt as you stand and shed the vest. 
Pero turns to watch you with clenched jaw as you remove the dark top tunic, leaving you now in just the green smock and a thin pale linen chemise that teases the shape and ample swell of your breasts. You can feel his eyes on you as you shimmy out of the smock next, leaving you now in just the chemise that hits just above your ankles. The glow from the fireplace hits the light linen and creates a spritely silhouette of your curvy, supple form hidden beneath, and when you hike up the hem just enough to allow you to adjust a wool stocking back up to your knee, you finally look over at him and smile.
“How is the stew?”
“…Come here.”
“Is it not to your liking, my love?”
“…Come here, mujer.”
“Do you prefer mead over wine with it?”
“…I prefer for you to cease teasing me so and come sit with me,” Pero tells you in a guttural croon as he sets his bowl aside on the table and holds his hand out to you in an assertive petition.
You feign meekness as you susurrate, “You said you wanted to eat, though. I am loath to disturb your meal—”
“Come sit on my lap and eat with me already. You’ve made your point,” he yields in a snarky huff, but the smile in his eyes is evident before they crinkle from the appeased smirk that warms his chiseled features when you slyly grin and saunter over to him. 
He swoops you into his lap before you’ve completely maneuvered around, and you scoff sassily at him as you loop your arms around his shoulders. He nuzzles into your neck and fondles his big, warm hands along your curves, making you sigh dreamily and lean into him.
“Have you eaten?”
“I was waiting for you.”
“Hm. Next time, you fill your belly first. Don’t wait on my account, ternura.”
“I will, precioso,” you retort affectionately, earning the expected eye roll and dubious snicker from him. “No seas tan gallardo, y come,” is your fussy quip as you grab his bowl, maneuver nimbly in his lap to reach for the ladle and add more stew to it before handing the bowl to him so you can grab a piece of bread and tear a chunk off to add in as well. 
He smirks broadly, so much so that his boyish dimple is unearthed from his right cheek. “No seas tan porfiada y come, condesa,” is his dashing counter, putting the bowl into your hands before grabbing the other from the table to serve himself some stew. 
You eat together, and you enjoy the warmth of his body as you remain perched on his lap while he leans his back into the wall and gorges himself. He asks where you sourced the meat that’s in the stew, and is proud when you tell him about the rabbit traps you set. You’re resourceful and smart, cunning, yet tender-hearted. It makes something warm and vast expand in his chest, having you be his, and how content you are to belong to him. 
Once the ache in his belly is quieted, he licks his lips before wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, eyeing you intensely as you sip from the shared cup of wine.
He belongs to you, too. It stirs blazing desire in him, and fills him with serenity, knowing he’s yours, and how fiercely you made it so.
The longing of before tugs at his heart now as he’s reminded of how you’d sat opposite him the evening prior, balancing the small tyke on your knee as you’d both shared dinner at the farmer’s homestead. The former soldier had settled this land years prior, married, and started a family. Winter had been fast approaching, and after a chance encounter with the man on the road, you’d both accepted the offer to board at the vacant cottage on his land, exchanging labor and help prepping for the winter for room and board. 
Pero had watched you while the farmer and his wife chattered about the foodstuffs stored earlier and the barley he’d help transport to the merchant market the following morning, how long the journey there and back would be – ‘M’afraid it’ll take up most of the day’ – all while you’d entertained the little one that had become mesmerized by your smile and the silly faces you made to amuse him. 
A heavy desire had settled in his chest, one he couldn’t place, until you’d passed the small toddler over to his mother and offered to pick up the infant that had begun to cry in its woven bassinet. Seeing you hold the wailing baby to your chest and rock it softly as you sat back down and showed the mother how to use the feeding bottle that you’d made out of an old clay pot with a spout you’d improvised in order to supplement her milk with that of the cow’s? How gentle you were once the babe was sated and you could maneuver her in your arms to make sure to burp all the gasses out of the little baby before cradling the sweet infant to sleep? 
It had suddenly awakened something in him that made him feel clumsy – out of his depth. 
He shakes the reveries off when you hum and offer the cup of wine to him. 
“Do you want more?”
His features take on that stoic look, becoming marble as he nods and takes the cup to drain it of the remaining wine. 
Thinking he’s become weary from the day now, you take the bowls to be set aside for rinsing in the makeshift dish tub you’d fabricated from an old wine barrel.
Pero watches you hesitate before setting the bowls onto the shelf near you, and then turn back towards him to ask gently, “I have clean water. Would you like me to bathe you?”
His scarred brow cocks up at you, sarcastic as he deadpans, “Would you like me to bathe? Do I smell that bad? Is my stink too odious, condesa?”
Mischievous smile lighting up your features, you feign remorse before shaking your head and chiming, “No, not at all. I happen to like your stink, anyway,” at his amused snort, you continue silkily, “I was just thinking you’d like to feel the warm water over your skin. I heated it over the fire once the stew was ready. It’s tepid now, but still nice.”
He grunts as if charmed, then nods and stands to remove the poncho from his shoulders before tossing it over with the rest of your discarded garments. You pleasantly work to maneuver the tub with the clean water across the floor closer to the hearth and end up smiling when he chivalrously comes over and picks it up for you to be set right next to the stool. 
“This is poor substitute to the bathhouse, I know—” you begin to chuckle.
“You mean the one you went into while impersonating a soldier? Or the one you snuck into to seduce me?” he counters roguishly as he removes his belt, knife, and tunic next.
“No, travieso. I was meaning the one with the eucalyptus leaves and lovely oils that they put in the bath water – from the place we stopped at in the merchant’s quarter?” you deride playfully as you soak a rag in the tepid water before wringing it out. At his sardonic grunt, you stand and turn to bossily grab the waist of his trousers before yanking at the fastening. “Now, be good, husband, and let me undress you.”
His cock has been filled out since he collapsed onto the bench with you, but at your sultry tone, it throbs in response as it stands ready, arousal outlined prominently against the inseam of his trousers. 
You take your time removing the remaining layers of clothes from his torso, then kneel at his feet in order to remove his dirt-caked boots before you finally resume stripping him of his pants.
The glow of the firelight illuminates his tan skin and the myriad of scars that map his body across contours of muscle and vast expanses of flesh. Some are old and worn smooth by time, others are silvery pale and etched, others are a darker olive and raised. He’d once been self-conscious about your gentle, appraising touches – of the doting caresses over the jagged reminders of brutality and pain that had been carved into him by steel blade, arrowhead or iron-made punctures. But now, he yearns for your touch, relishes how you brush your lips over a scar along the curve of his ribcage, and burns with pride at the reverent way you glide the wet rag to scrub the dirt and sweat from his skin. 
He's not even bashful about standing in the nude before you while you remain in your chemise.
No, instead his timidness is palliated by the new fixation crossing his mind’s eye. One that’s conjured you in a kaleidoscope fantasy, where you’re standing before him in the same chemise, but instead it is clinging to a rounded little belly while your beautiful smile broadens as you look upon him. How you would look nude and with child, the way you’d react to his erotic touch – one hand between your thighs, with the other caressing your soft womb.
Before he could get carried away with the curiosities – would she taste sweeter between her thighs, would her scent be more ripened on her warmer skin, how sensitive would she be to being touched and kissed – Pero cleared his throat and his mind as best he could in order to guardedly watch you tend to him.
“So, this is what you’d fantasized about?” he murmurs warmly as you lean back on your haunches after crouching down to rinse the rag in the tub and wring it out once more. 
The chill is warded away mostly by the fire in the hearth, but truthfully he’s so aroused by you that he’s become even more of a furnace than he is normally. You’re glad for it, loving the extra excuse to touch him and revel in his masculine scent.
“The bathing is a windfall, but yes,” you quip as you stand now so you can scrub up into his underarm and whisper conspiratorially, “Another thing I thought of? Was how gorgeous you look when your face is flushed after I suck your cock until you spill in my mouth—”
“Misericordia, mujer,” Pero exhales in a floored scoff as he pauses your scrubbing and cups his hand at your jaw in order to tilt your brazen smile up to him. “You cannot say such depraved filth to me and remain clothed,” is his raspy taunt as he crowds you against the edge of the table. Your titillated stare has him smirking as he tugs at the neckline of your chemise and orders, “Take this off. Now.”
You plop the rag down into the tub and do as you’re told, undressing before him. 
He watches you with his dark, intense eyes, shadow cast by the fireplace shrouding half of his features as you discard the chemise, then your boots, leaving you in only the wool stockings. 
You’re about to ruck one down when Pero surprises you by kneeling and doing it for you. 
“So, how was your day, aside from the erotic daydreaming?” he’s asking in that melodic baritone as he chucks the stocking over his shoulder before moving to the next one, as if his face isn’t an inch from your womanhood and his gloating stare can’t see the debauched effect he’s having on you.
“It-It was fine. I spent most of it in their root cellar, helping stock the things from the barn,” you stutter as he hums to indicate he’s listening while he tosses the other stocking aside and starts fondling his hands up your supple thighs. “With the little ones clinging at her apron, she needed help milking the cow and feeding the chickens—”
“How were the little piglets today?” he jokes, wry glance up at you clear indication he’s referring to the children rather than the actual piglets from the sow in the barn.
You playfully pinch his shoulder. “Que malo,” is your sardonic giggle before answering, “The baby was needy for milk. But she’s practically tapped after the little one has his fill, so I tried to get him to eat some porridge—”
Pero grunts musingly and brushes a sloppy, open-mouth kiss over your womb. “The little glutton is old enough to eat. La pobrecita will be malnourished if she doesn’t get enough milk,” is his aloof grumble, kissing a path up your body as he slowly stands. 
Arousal swoops into your stomach and curls tantalized tingles into your thrumming core. 
“I-I know,” is all you can breathe out as he boxes you between him and the table at your back before looming at his full height to stare hungrily at you. “H-Hopefully they can wean him s-soon—”
“You wanted me to fuck you by the fire?”
Your clench hard at that, nipples studding and desire making you wet with anticipation while his broad frame stands so close, yet so far still. You know he’s being cheeky, trying to put you off-kilter to his whims, but you’re tickled more than anything that he’d try. 
“I said I wanted you to make me yours by the fire,” you retort with a spritely look in your eyes.
“That’s the same thing, isn’t it?” he says in a contrarian drawl, lips pouting at your snickered response. “Well? How is it not?”
“Because! You can fuck anyone, but you can’t make just anyone yours,” you declare with a logical air, hands gliding up his chest now to loop around his neck so you can slink up against him and his warm, bare body.
“Hmm…makes sense, I suppose,” he judiciously replies before confidently hoisting you up.
You giggle effervescently as he carries you over to the makeshift bench, makes short work of shoving it to be closer to the hearth before laying you onto it and hitching himself between your welcoming thighs. 
Pero’s kisses are greedy as he ruts his ramrod shaft between your dripping folds, eager to slicken it in order to spear it into you and make it feel divine for you both. Your hands cling to his muscular back, mouth seeking the warmth of his own for a luscious interlude before you feel him notch the head of his cock at your dimpled entrance. 
He’s content to let you pillage his mouth with your tongue before twirling his own against it, desire a stoked fire in his center that he intends to nurture for as long and as many times he can bring you to climax before he’s overcome with his own release. 
“Por favor, mi amor, dámelo,” you supplicate in a honey-sweet tone, eyes pleading as your body clings to his strong frame. 
He can’t deny you any longer. 
His thrust has you arching, pelvis angling up and knees clutching at his sides as he fucks into you to the hilt while you moan his name and he swears in awe at how sensational this feels every time. 
“Cristo amado,” he groans as he thrusts into you again, passion boiling over in him at the way you mewl against his jaw approvingly. “Wanted this. Needed it—”
“Oh, Pero,” you exhale as he sets a pounding pace and holds you to him like you are liquid, and in danger of coming apart in his arms. “Want you all the time—”
“Yeah?” he groans, nuzzling your neck to suckle a possessive kiss into your delicate skin before he grits, “Need you, amada—”
“Tell me, husband. Mmm, tell me what you need,” you stammer out as he keeps rocking into you in that toe-curling way that has his cock grinding into the ruinous parts inside your fluttering sheath.
Ardently, he growls, “Need you—need to fill you up, keep you full of me. Want you to be mine—” 
You moan in that glorious way again, and it almost drives him over the edge, so he adjusts to loom over you so he can concentrate on your pleasure. To make you reach bliss before he lets his baser, primal desires carry him off. 
He keeps pounding into your squelching cunt as he begins suckling on your nipple while he presses the pad of his thumb over the hood of your bundled pleasure point. 
It sets you alight, and you wail in overawed pleasure as he plucks you so with his cock, fingers and mouth. “Ah, D-Dios mío—” you cry out when he sucks hard on your pebbled flesh and grinds his wanton pleasure to ignite a scintillating climax to burst free. 
You moan as your sheath squeezes around his cock and floods him with your warm orgasm, carried off by the throes of ecstasy he’s unleashed in you.
Punch-drunk from the achievement, Pero moans before he licks a path to the other nipple to toy the tip of his tongue along it until you shiver and whimper from overstimulation when he purses his lips around it. 
“Pero,” you whine airily, eyes heavy-lidded as he frees your nipple and leans up to gaze rapaciously at you. He tenderly pets your sweaty hair from your face and traces his thumb along the apple of your cheek before you sigh, “You didn’t do it.”
He frowns, trailing his thumb to your mouth, intending to caress it over your plush lips before you kiss it dotingly. “Didn’t do what?”
You exhale girlishly before cupping your hand to his cheek. “You didn’t fill me,” is your silly reply, eyes warm with mirth and smile affectionate when he grunts and scowls. “And you held back. There was something you wanted to say—”
“There was, but it…” he pauses before shaking his head and scoffing, “I’m still inside you, amada. Let’s forget it—”
“Pero Tovar, are you timid, so suddenly?” you can’t help but razz, smiling slyly at him when he gives you his intimidating glower. “Oh no, that will not work with me, marido. Your nostrils flaring crossly are cute—”
“You are a maddening woman,” he huffs in that gravelly tone, but the amusement is clear in the creasing of his eyes. “I…I have been thinking things I haven’t before. At least that I haven’t ever considered, and, they are clumsy thoughts. I—I’m unused to being unsure, ternura…”
“Unsure about…what?” you ask and lean up to lovingly gaze into his tense stare. When he hesitates, you can’t help jump to conclusions for him, knowing how reticent he is about discussing his feelings. “If it’s about things here? We could always take William up on his offer – go north to visit him in the spring? Or if you’re not content with, well, this,” you gesture to the shabby interior of the cottage, “we could ask to stay in the hut next to the barn? It’s dryer and closer to the work—”
“It’s none of that. Although I haven’t done well enough of a job in that, I know. Not found us much of a life out here…” Pero grouses, but at your frown, he amends, “This is not the life of nobleza. It’s beneath your stature—”
“Fuck my stature,” you scoff and sit up to roll your positions so you can straddle his lap while he gapes up at you. “I’ve told you plenty of times now that my station in life is for me to decide, and I’ve chosen to be happy and free, with you. Now, mi guerrero obstinado, tell me what you’re unsure of, and I shall tell you if you have cause to be unsure.”
He’s still inside you, and the way his cock throbs in your still tingling sheath while he gives you a penetrating look with those dark brown eyes tells you this is something very primordial. 
“I want to fill you up, make you full of my seed until your belly is soft and round with my child.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, but your hands caress his chest in a soothing, encouraging way that has Pero shutting his eyes and letting out the breath he’d been holding. 
“Our life is not suited for such a…we travel, and such a life would mean settling down,” he tells you firmly before opening his eyes.
He’s disarmed by the fond, radiant look softening your countenance. 
“Well, sure, we would need to settle down, but only for a brief time. Until the little one can come along with us on our travels,” you tell him as you idly undulate your pelvis, grinding his pulsing cock along your silken walls before squeezing your sheath around it for good measure while your breasts bounce from how vigorously you begin fucking yourself onto him. 
The wind begins to howl outside and seep through certain cracks in the door and window, but neither of you seem to care enough to notice as you sensually grind down on him, hair swaying with the way you lean forward to passionately kiss Pero when he groans and clutches your waist tightly, powerful fingers dimpling your flesh as he starts guiding you to ride him harder.
His breath is ragged as everything starts to spin up between you, his lust and adoration tangling around the incredulous realization that you’re in tune with the clumsy thoughts he confessed. 
Still, it scorches something feral and covetous to singe through him as he husks, “You w-want that…? You truly want to be mine—to be with child?” 
You moan and plant your palms to his warm, flexing pectorals as you ride him with desperate vigor now, expression beaming with delight. 
“There’s nothing I want more,” you declare with genuine enamored satisfaction, albeit pantingly so as you ride him and mewl in pleasure.
Pero is torn asunder by your words as much as by how exquisitely you’re riding him, and he’s so propelled to the precipice of climax and primal need to triumph in it that he effortlessly sits up and manhandles you to flip positions so he can fuck you with passionate zeal and get you there with him just as his cock swells and twitches in imminent release. 
“Mi alma, I’ll fuck my seed deep—make it so nothing spills free from you—have you filled full with it, and rejoice once a child is in your womb,” he’s professing against your jaw as he hammers his cock into your fluttering sheath while your heels dig into his lower back and your fingers knead below his shoulder blades, rapturous pleasure engulfing you with every ferally growled word, until he flings you into a blistering orgasm by moaning, “Will keep making you mine even then. Give you everything—keep you pregnant, protect you and our sweet ones—keep you forever—”
You cry out and arch up under him, rapturous sob catching in your throat as you reach a zenith of bliss that has you clinging in enthralled desperation to him, which snaps the tether of control loose from him and spurs his own fierce orgasm.
Pero moans hoarsely against your neck as he spills his climax deep, cock buried to the hilt inside you as he holds you possessively to him and hums soothingly at your loving nuzzles and whispered words of, “Te amo, precioso.”
Huskily, he rumbles, “Te amo y te adoro con todo que tengo, mi alma.”
You sigh wistfully at his words and melt further under him, reveling in the decadent bloom of warmth that diffuses through you. 
The crackling of the fire is the only other sound of consequence over the ragged, shallow breaths you’re both trying to steady into calm once more while you come down from the soul-shattering lovemaking. 
“Would you still love me if I became plump and had little ones constantly hanging on my skirts?” you whisper meekly, hands languidly caressing along his sweaty back. “And if I even became shit at fighting?”
“That’s impossible, tigresita,” he laconically rumbles against your neck. At your fretful hum, he props himself up in order to loom over you and give you his steely, no-nonsense stare. “I started to love you when I thought you were an awkward, short soldadito, my love. I think it’s safe to say I’ll love every version of you to come,” is his bass-filled retort, sincere affection not dulled by the humor of his tone. 
You press your forehead to his, appeased.
He pulls out of your now tender cunt, and avidly watches his seed begin to drip in his wake, so he scoops his fingers to prevent it from spilling further, and pushes the pearly essence back into you. 
You shiver and sigh, resting a hand over your womb while you caress his shoulder with the other as you shut your eyes in the moment of blissful tranquility, post-coitus.
“I just hope I make a worthy enough father.”
You don’t mean to snort, but you do. “You will, mi amor. The real concern is whether we’ll be able to muster the stamina to work on the farm chores and fuck like this until you put a baby in me,” is your vivacious chuckle as you hook your arm around his shoulders to guide him back down to lie on top of you while he scoffs irreverently at you. 
“I have plenty of stamina, always,” he purrs against your mouth before brushing his lips against it.
“Good. I yearn to be ravished by you daily, after all, so you’ll need it,” is your alluring coo before kissing him amorously. 
You only break the kiss to bat your lashes at him before susurrating, “I want you to make me yours again and again, until dawn comes, and then all over again, precioso.” 
He chuckles that deep, gravelly laugh before crooning melodically, “As you wish, mi amada.”
Spanish-English Glossary:
Caldero = Cauldron, for cooking over a hot flame
Condesa = Countess; a woman of nobility
Tigresita = Tiger Lilly; little tigress
Bueno = So; also ‘Good’ or ‘Well’
Guerrero = Warrior (male)
Mi amada = My beloved (female)
Mi marido = My husband
Bebita = Little baby (female)
No me tortures, por favor = Don’t torture me, please
Mi tigresita valiente = My valient little tigress
Tentador = Tempter (male)
Esposa = Wife
Mi amor = My love
Mujer = Woman
Ternura = Tenderness; akin to saying ‘sweetheart’
Precioso = Precious (male); gorgeous one
No seas tan gallardo, y come = Don’t be so gallant and eat
No seas tan porfiada y come, condesa = Don’t be so stubborn and eat, countess
Travieso = Naughty/Mischievous boy
Misericordia, mujer - Mercy, woman
Que malo = So bad (male)
La pobrecita = The poor little thing; poor little girl
Por favor, mi amor, dámelo = Please, my love, give it to me
Cristo amado = Christ beloved
Amada = Beloved
Ah, D-Dios mío = Oh, my God
Nobleza = Nobility
Mi guerrero obstinado = My obstinate warrior 
Mi alma = My soul; passionate term of endearment that eludes to the profound love someone feels, aka to the soul
Te amo, precioso = I love you, precious boy
Te amo y te adoro con todo que tengo, mi alma = I love and I adore you with all I have, my soul
Soldadito = Little soldier (male)
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