pnwitch-of-west17 · 6 months
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alexlibris-bookart · 7 months
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Triquetra leather journal...
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mila-clegane · 1 year
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avalon-princesss · 3 months
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Ostara Wooden Eggs 💕🐣🦊🌷
💕👑 by Avalon Princess
✨ Made with love & magick ✨
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thegaminggang · 10 months
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soyjerm · 1 year
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Volviéndonos unos Druidas al portar el trisquel Celta que representa el aprendizaje, y el pasado, el presente y el futuro; el equilibrio entre cuerpo, mente y espíritu, el principio y el fin, la evolución y el crecimiento, el aprendizaje perpetuo y la eterna evolución asociando las sensaciones y los sentidos, los limites y las capacidades del cuerpo, junto a la conciencia y la razón, el camino de las ideas y el pensamiento en el duro camino del alma, aprendiendo del mundo de los espíritus y de los dioses. . . #triskel #celtic #triskelion #bretagne #pagan #wicca #triskele #triskell #celta #breizh #witch #hand #tattoo #viking #handmade #fantasy #bzh #witchcraft #celtics #triqueta #celticstyle #nature #dragon #sculpture #nordic #trisquel #paganism #pentaculo #natural #vikings (en Virus Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrFaX4lMZKA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hoodooden · 2 years
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Due to the raising gas prices we will now begin to use Astro travel sound good everyone! #astrotravel #witchapothecary witchbox #acocesorios #witchkit #witchsubscriptionbox #witchboxes #covencraft #spellbox #triqueta #alterkit #altarbox #spellkit #calderos #ritualbox #magicalboox #altertools #crystalbox #magicbox #magicspells #apothecaryjars #spiritbox #shrine #moonrituals #rituals #babywitch #brujeria #bruja #witchcrafting https://www.instagram.com/p/CfB6YHiOKFY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solfoxes · 2 years
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𓃹 Associated with moon deities.
𓃹 Served as an attribute of Aphrodite and a gift between lovers.
𓃹 Symbols of sensuality and/or fertility.
𓃹The hare brings new beginnings, new birth, rebirth, bringing together the power of three, the past, present and future.
𓃹 In late antiquity, used as a symbol of good luck and in connection with ancient burial.
𓃹 The Celts associated the hare with the full moon, night and anything super natural (the gestation period for the hare is 28 days, the same as the moon).
𓃹 Linked with trickery and fraud.
𓃹 The hare is said to live in both worlds and was held in high regard by our ancient ancestors.
𓃹The symbol of three hares with their ears touching can be seen at many sacred sites, symbolising life, the circle of life and changing seasons of the year. The three ears interlocking has a similarity with the triqueta, the sign for everlasting love. The power of three represents the land, sea and sky; maiden, mother, crone; mind, body spirit;
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atte-piscis · 10 months
Hola buenas tardes me gustaría saber qué signo o símbolo es?
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Eso tiene de nombre triqueta y es un símbolo que ha sido usado hace siglos en celtas (pueblo indoeuropeo), romanos, entre otro pueblos, pero con mayor origen el los celtas, que representaba para ellos la vida, la muerte y el renacimiento y su circulo la representación de que esto era un ciclo, se usaban también como símbolo de fertilidad femenina y en rituales para sanar.
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Espero que esta info te ayude, muchos besitos en la mejilla; Atte: Piscis
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niigata-division · 3 months
Lyal looked at the box that he received,black with a triqueta with a card with "happy birthday Lyal-san"
Smiling he opened it looking at the objets
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The biggee objet was a paint of the egyptian god Anubis in all his glory,the goth looked at it fascinated until he notices a firm and a card
"happy birthday Lyal-san,i know that you're a fan of egyptian mitology so i'm giving you this, it's part of my next collection of paintings about egyptian mitology i hope you like this,the other gifts are from my husband i think you met him"-Natsume Kurome
The next objet was a detailed mask of a egyptian jackal with a card
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"happy birthday Shiba,this mask is made frol a craftman of kumamoto,his store is where i get some costumes for the Starless's stageplays and he made a amazing work with them,so i know this gift isn't bad
P.d:my other gifts are from the theater where i job and i think you will be surprised"-Kunio Kurome
Raising an eyebrow the detective looked at the other two gifts
A VIH with the title of "Death Note:the Musical (with Joey Kurusu as L)"
Was when when ne noticed something more in the box
A small promotional theater poster but looked more like a cinema character poster (the Starless Theatre is well know by it) and Lyal's eyes opened with surprise
The poster shows at the detective of Kanazawa Joey Kurusu wearing a black royalty suit with a purple with gold details jacket sitting on a dark throne decorated with white roses, the blonde was without his glasses and using makeup (deep red lipstick and purple eyeshadow with black rimmel) in the poster Joey had a arrogant and a bit crazy smile that showed two vampiric fangs and holding in one hand a glass of a red liquid, the title read "Bloody Prince"
"what the..."-said Lyal looking at his friend's poster ¿Since when Joey was in the theater and why he didn't knew?
The poster has another cars and Lyal quickly read it
"it's surprise? Joey sometimes act in the Starless (especially in anime adaptation,the VIH is when he perfomed as L in the musical) and the poster is from "the bloody prince" it's a musical vampire romance with a rock theme and Joey have one of the main roles, the stageplay will be in one or two weeks and in this letter are some entries is you want to go with someone i think is a good gift, happy birthday Lyal-san"-Kunio Kurome
Lyall laughed as he saw Joey on the poster. “Well damn Joey, I didn’t know you could act. I’m almost heartbroken that you didn’t tell me. I suppose I can’t blame you, though I’ve been told multiple times that I’m a harsh critic. No, but I’m definitely going to see this on opening night.” Reaching into his pocket, Lyall pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of the poster and sending it to Joey. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind and began to type in a number he knew by heart. 
“Hey Kaoru, I just got 2 tickets for a stage show with our favorite clown as the main lead. Do you want to come and see it with me?”
Thank You For The Gift!
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minato-division03 · 3 months
Miku looked at the box infront her door
Opening it she see a beautiful crystal flower
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And inside the little box was also a card
"happy birthday"
The box have a triqueta who point at the division that gave her the flowers
Miku stared at the lotus that was in her hands, enjoying the cooling sensation of the crystal.
“I don’t know if you’re real, but you are pretty,” she murmured as she set the crystal lotus on her altar, along with her other crystals in her collection.
Thank you for the gift!
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alexlibris-bookart · 2 years
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Latest finished custom ordered journal with the triquetra symbol…
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sunnyy-sunsh1ne · 9 months
The Appearance of Both Onmi Element and the Nullbrick Recently at the Same Version in v3.3 is Quite Odd (TL;DR)
The onmi element acts as a whole for the seven elements that exist in Teyvat; this, in the Genius Invokation TCG.
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The symbol that represents the onmi element is the triqueta, which appears in various parts of Teyvat, like mora, domains, Paimon's clothes, Spiral Abyss entrance (before unlocking it), etc.
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It's quite well known to date that the triqueta represents the cycle of life, death & reincarnation.
Going back to the omni element, it is quite relevant to mention that "omni" comes from latin, meaning "all".
This makes sense to the TCG bc this element is used as a mechanic to replace any other element.
Now, the nullbrick is used as a mechanic in some of the minigames of the event Akitsu Kimodameshiis (v3.3).
It works as a brick with no elemental type, needing us to hit it with a ball infused with any element to make the nullbrick get an elemental type (if i recall well).
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A brick that has no elemental type, but has the ability to gain any other element easily...this reminds me of something.
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The traveller has no element at the begnning of the game, but still has the ability to use any other as they want through the game.
And ALSO, the nullbrick is represented by a star, the same star that the traveller has where their vision is suppose to be in the character menu.
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I dont think that the possible new element is around the corner, i think that if we ever get a new element it will be at the end of the plot.
BUT the fact that Hoyoverse is teasing us with these mechanics is quite suspicious.
Maybe in the nexts versions we'll get lore hints about a new element? Like in a description of an artifact or weapon; perhaps it could appear as a hint about someone using an element that is not one of the seven or smth like that.
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myspellwasbroke · 1 year
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El Nudo de las Brujas es un legendario amuleto de protección, originalmente es un símbolo celta asociado con la capacidad mágica, en temas de brujas se le asocio a la creación de hechizos anudando trozos de cintas y cordeles.
Empleado (generalmente) por practicantes de Wicca Celta, el Nudo de las Brujas es considerado como un talismán capaz de rechazar los conjuros que son arrojados contra su propietario, con intenciones malignas.
No solo anula los hechizos y la negatividad, sino que la devuelve a la fuente de origen, convirtiéndose en un eficaz medio de defensa y ataque, para las personas que trabajan con la magia.
La relación de este símbolo con las antiguas practicantes de magia, está basada en los hechizos de ataduras: rituales ancestrales ejecutados con la ayuda de cordeles de fibra natural y en ocasiones una pequeña figura o imagen.
Antiguamente, los hechizos de ataduras eran una protección (se “ataba” a un individuo para evitar que dañará a otros) o un elemento para la curación y la buena suerte (desatar nudos para facilitar un parto o resolver conflictos).
El Nudo de las Brujas es un amuleto cargado de profundo simbolismo místico. La figura recuerda una cruz con cuatro aspas ovaladas (similares a la de la triqueta o triskel), unidas por un rombo central y sobrepuesta a un círculo.
Los cuatro brazos de la cruz están vinculados con los principales elementos de la Magia Natural: los cuatro elementos (Agua, Fuego, Tierra, Aire) y las cuatro direcciones cardinales (Norte, Sur, Este y Oeste).
La Wicca, al igual que otras corrientes espirituales ligadas a la Magia Natural, celebra la conexión entre los cuatro elementos y las direcciones cardinales, como parte de la manifestación de la Madre Naturaleza.
El círculo que recorre los cuatro puntos de la cruz del Nudo de las Brujas, refleja el ciclo de los elementos y el enlace energético entre todas las formas de vida.
Asimismo, el rombo central hace referencia al Tercer Ojo o Nido de Serpientes, el centro de la sabiduría y el despertar de la conciencia. La imagen del Nudo de las Brujas también hace referencia a elementos de la Geometría Sagrada.
¿Cómo utilizarlo?
El Nudo de las Brujas es utilizado como amuleto personal, a manera de dije (colgante) con una cadena o cordel de cuero. También puede ser llevado en el bolsillo, cartera o anexado a un llavero.
Puedes adquirir una imagen del Nudo de las Brujas en tiendas de productos esotéricos, físicas o a través de internet. No debe permitirse que otras personas lo toquen (además de su propietario).
Para activar el amuleto, lávalo en agua corriente (son confeccionados en metal) y déjalo una noche completa bajo la luz de la Luna Llena. Repite este ritual siempre que consideres necesario purificarlo.
Llevarlo tatuado
Al llevarlo tatuado, tu cuerpo energético se eleva, es decir, tu capacidad de protección aumenta contra energías enviadas o direccionadas a vos. Además aumenta tu intuición y potencia los dones que ya de naturaleza están en vos.
Si te lo vas a tatuar, medita un poco antes visualizándote con él para que se te muestre el lugar mas adecuado de colocarlo y fíjate en el calendario lunar que sea días de luna llena, para que su energía sea lo mas alta posible cuando vayas a hacértelo.
Oración para activar el símbolo
"De hoy en adelante este amuleto está cargado con el poder universal de los astros, que le consigue el equilibrio y protección necesarios a quien lo porta y hace suyo con su energía personal.
Está ahora libre de toda negatividad y me abrirá toda clase de oportunidades que en mi vida necesite.
A mí (decimos nuestro nombre completo sin abreviaturas), me brindará sus cualidades para tener una mejor calidad en todo sentido.
Grandiosos astros, que desde lo alto pueden sentir la energía de todo, pido que carguen con su energía positiva este amuleto nudo de brujas, y así funcione como un escudo para mí y mis seres queridos."
Que así sea, así se haga y así será.
Fuentes de Internet y arreglos ortográficos míos.
Siguiente texto de mí pertenencia.
¿Quiénes pueden utilizarlo?
Si bien este símbolo era usado sólo por brujas que se relacionaban con la práctica Wicca, hoy cualquier persona puede utilizarlo. Es decir, quien tenga fe en el significado y dé lugar a la creencia de lo que este símbolo significa.
Podemos darle a alguien un collar de Nudo de Brujas, pero no será lo mismo si no cree en su función, ya que no creerá en su activación y pronto perderá su poder.
Es importante que sepamos a quién regalárselo (si es que queremos hacer eso), si lo portamos nosotros tendremos que ser conscientes de que es un símbolo que se carga como los cristales. Luego de cada oración se deberá agradecer por su enorme poder de protección.
Compartir este conocimiento no siempre es agradable para todas las personas, hay que ser cuidadosos a quienes le contamos esto pero no dejar que sus comentarios influyan en nuestra forma de vivir.
Este símbolo también se puede utilizar en un hogar para poder tener una gran protección y que nadie pueda hacer el mal en nuestro espacio.
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edogawa-division · 8 months
Kaoru look inside the box who send with her name,only a decorate box with a card with a triqueta and "happy birthday" write
She opened it revealing
A book of green myths with a card and a spider pendant
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"Happy birthday,Shinozaki San the book is from me but the pendant is from Semiramis but he is busy today,And Kunio want tell you that he will go to edogawa to fight with Kanra again,but happy birthday"-Bluefire
Kaoru grinned as she flipped through the book Aoba had given her. What? Of course, she knew Aoba Yamamura was the terrorist known as Bluefire. As if it was hard. She had her spiders in every division after all. There was very little that she didn't know. 
The spider pendant was quite lovely as well. It was a lovely black and the body of the spider seemed to be filled with a magenta liquid. If Semiramis also known as Natsume Kurome had sent it Kaoru had a feeling she knew what the liquid was. Although she had to question his husband. Anyone willing to spar with Kanra had to have a few screws loose but Kaoru knew Kunio wanted to get stronger quickly and there was no faster way than to spar against Edogawa’s Mad Devil. Kaoru would know she’s been sparing against Kanra for years now. Throwing the pendent in the air and catching it an idea sparked in Kaoru’s mind.
“Yuriko! Wanna try this poison I got sent as a gift? I wanna see what effects it has and you're the only one with a terrifying resistance to poison here!”
Thank you for the gift!
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katsushika-division · 8 months
When the night fall on Katsushika city a figure dressed in black look at the box on his hands thinking on the presents of teammates and partners in crime to the sweetheart killer
Like a shade he left the box infront the door and knocked on it
As he walked a way Aoba opened his bag seeing at his ice bombs and the explosives and went on his way
Bluefire wanted fun
-In Katsushika-
"waa! Gifts"-Touya smiled seeing the content of the box
Inside it he saw
Three black lipsticks
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In the card with the same triqueta of the box was written
"happy birthday sweetheart My gift could be useful for You,the lipsticks aren't normal,why? Are poisonous lipsticks if you kiss someone with lipstick on the people going to die but You don't will be affected"-Semiramis
But in the box there was also
Photos of the detective of suginami Shuu Edogawa! dressed in menhera and even a ero goth loli cosplay
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"I think this could like you, enjoyed it"-Hollow
"Semiramis? Hollow?"-Touya looked confused until Akari answered
"Semiramis is a poisoner know in the criminal underground,he became infamous after poisoning a gathering in Aoyama and Hollow is possibily the most infamous informant"-Akari said a bit confused
but Touya only saw his gift but he see another thing
A jewelry box and an envelope with the name "Rintaro" written on it
Touya give Rintaro the envelope and he open the little box with two jewels
A skull ring and pink flowers earrings with a card too
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"happy birthday Touya,if You wonder the earrings ate for You and the skull is for Mashiro but aren't normal jewels,the jewels are a new invent calling phantometal if you and your teammates use it singing or rapping will create illusions who reflect them and...cancel the microbombs on their necks My... disciples have their own phantometals and they used it on his... announcement of they presence on the rap battle,i don't give one to Himura' 'cause I already gove him a phantometal the necklace that he received on his birthday"-Katakuri
With Rintaro
When he opened the envelope he saw a draw and a letter
The draw is a draw of Aoba dressed with the off shoulder black shirt and the laced black mask that he wears as Bluefire but without the wig
In the draw Aoba held a flame of his characteristic blue fire with a little smirk but but his eyes were melancholic
He read the letter
"Aoba don't know about this so I'll will be direct,I know about your... former relationship with My brother and I thank You because you made him happy in a way that I never saw on him so accept this draw of my nii chan as a gift
and I'm honest when I say that Aoba love You,he still loving like years ago and if You want something with him You have My approval
Ah! Aoba left the gifts because he went out to play with blue fire near Katsushika so catch him if You can"-Kururi "Saika" Yamamura
As Rintaro read the card he asked Akari "¿Who's Saika?"
Akari blinked but answer to her older brother "Saika is a serial killer but she have some terrorist acts,Saika appeared since two years ago almost the same time as Me and Bluefire...she becomes infamous when killered all a Yakuza family on they own building, building that after was fire down by Bluefire"
Rintaro looked at her "well apparently we are not the only pyromaniacs siblings who are out there"
But Touya spoke pointing to the triqueta in the box
"This aren't the symbol of the kumamoto division? That means there are another team of criminals In the DRB! And the leader the boyfriend of Rin Chan! "-Touya said excited (for Rintaro's shame)
“Touya, please be wary of who you use those lipsticks on,” Akihisa said. “We’re still being monitored, and poisoning someone will send you back to prison.” 
“Hm? Oh, yeah I'll be careful~,” Touya giggled not at all paying attention. He was far too busy staring at the photos of Shuu with a lewd smile on his face. “Shuu-chan looks so cute~. I should share these with Kai-chan~.” 
“And we fucking lost him,” Rintaro muttered. “So Kumamoto…should we worry about what they're doing? Cause it seems to they got something big fucking planned.” 
“Not entirely, I've heard rumors about what they want to do but it shouldn't affect what we have planned..too much,” Akari explained. “Tho I am curious about the other things they sent.” 
“These…accessories would you trust them Akari?” Akihisa questioned. 
“I would have to run tests on them. Give me a while and I’ll get back to you.” Akari answered, her gold eyes alight at the challenge. “That reminds me how do you all feel about meeting her?” 
“Ugh. I dont know how you deal with her. That woman makes us look sane. Which I never thought was possible.” Rintaro shivered. 
“She's not that…bad Rin-nii. Her teammates seem to think I'm crazy tho.”
“Akari you marched into the territory of someone who has a body count to match us. Yeah, I can see why they think that.”
“I feel like that is calling the kettle black Rin-nii.”
 “Enough. Akari, We'll meet her. For now, we continue to do what everyone expects. That Chuohku has us on a leash.” Akihisa ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
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