#cartoons are surprisingly hard I learned >:U
thelastsaiyanprincess · 9 months
Did you read or watch em all? It took forever for me to go back and read DB but in my defense, it wasn’t on Cartoon Network when I could watch it.
Or if you wanna crack open a surprisingly vitriolic topic: what is your stance on Bulma and Yamcha lmao
i watched them all!! there's a bunch of filler that i skipped like the stupid garlic jr arc and the other world tournament but ive seen a good 80% of it! at some point i'll go back and watch the rest of the dbz movies and filler cuz i wanna see goku and piccolo learn how to drive 🥴 and then the scene when goku fights caterpie and gets... well, y'know 🤫
BUT OK SO REGARDING BULMA AND YAMCHA (putting this under the cut because it turned into a doctorate essay)
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aight so boom
i want people to keep in mind that these two met as teenagers. they were still basically kids, they both dreamed of having the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, and their chance meeting seemed like fate. right? well, one hard lesson u learn when you get to be my age 👵🏽 is that people change drastically from ages 16-21. you're discovering who you are, struggling with figuring out what you want in life, struggling with growing up and suddenly being an adult and not knowing wtf you're supposed to do. what happened to bulma and yamcha is something that happens to a lot of high school sweethearts.
they grew, and they grew apart.
realistically, i think this is what happened. yamcha got over his fear of women and gained some confidence in himself once he got comfortable being around bulma. he gained some fame as a martial artist and started interacting with other girls, maybe started to get along with them better than he did bulma and started to question if the two of them were really compatible.
bulma probably learned that she shouldn't just choose a guy just cuz he's attractive and for the sake of having a boyfriend. maybe she wanted something out of the relationship he couldn't give her. or maybe she realized she didn't actually like who he was, and had been blinded by her attraction to him.
there's a million hypothetical reasons why it didn't work out, but this much is true. bulma and yamcha's relationship was always kinda rocky. even in OGDB they were constantly fighting. i don't think yamcha necessarily "cheated" on her, but i think their problems came to a head at one point and things could've been interpreted that way. unhealthy relationships can get really messy, especially when you're a young adult, and ESPECIALLY if it's your first relationship.
i know there's that controversial Future Trunks line that people say was mistranslated ("Mother said he was unfaithful.") but even toriyama himself made a comment in an interview saying yamcha was a fuckboy lol. even though that was mostly said in jest.
me personally, i don't think he outright cheated. i imagine/headcanon that he probably did something dumb as fuck, and bulma interpreted it as cheating. or maybe he just simply couldn't commit the way he wanted to and that hurt her. either way, yamcha is still a stand-up guy, and i don't think it's fair to assassinate his character just to dunk on him with VegeBul. and this is coming from a VegeBul stan!! i mean, they were on friendly terms even after she had Vegeta's baby and married him! so clearly she still valued him as a friend. i don't think she would've invited him around if he was truly this horrible cheating bastard.
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ocelot-art · 3 years
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Some cartoony Curse of Strahd doodles I did at work the other day! (Strahd is 100% voiced by Patrick Warburton)
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linssikeittomies · 3 years
The Place Between Here And There - Chapter 10: ...And Happiness In Private Life(cont'd)
Masterpost AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7  Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9(cont'd)
I've finally updated the status of the fic to ABANDONED, I was going to do that way earlier but I didn't want to admit defeat, and then I just kind of forgot... Time really starts flying by as you get older, it totally doesn't feel like 2 years passed by^^' I'm still writing scenes for later on in the fic, and I've had the general outline of the story planned for a long time, but I haven't been able to write complete chapters for any of my projects for over a year now, it's very annoying. Anyway, this is the rest of chapter 9, not my best work but at least I like the part with Toris. He's noticed Ivan's small efforts of being nicer and wants to encourage them. Thanks for everyone who read this story and sorry for not being able to bring it to conclusion for all of you who were invested!
Ivan sent Fredya home until Wednesday – claiming it was so he could concentrate on work, but he was sure Fredya could tell he was just fretting about the upcoming meeting. Ivan was terrified Katyushka would get carried away, and that was closer to certainty rather than possibility, and then Fredya would walk out of his life. He had known from the start that the time would come sooner or later, but he had much hoped it would fall on the later end of the spectrum. This was a wholly different case from that of his first girlfriend - the one he had been with all of three days before Katyusha started talking about weddings. She had left him the next day, not surprisingly, and he hadn’t really cared one way or the other - she had been far too practical to occupy his thoughts when she wasn’t in sight. But if Fredya left as suddenly, and he was certainly impulsive enough to do so on the spot, then... Obviously it still wouldn’t be the end of the world,of course it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, losing a home for example would be far worse than losing a companion, it really wasn’t that big of an issue when you thought about it – there was no reason to lose what little will to live Ivan had left over something that insignificant. No reason.
So Ivan would not worry about it – he slammed the door on the thought, and worked hard to put all his concentration on his notes. He had not yet studied Rogers enough, his files on the computer had sat abandoned for too long. Opening his folder, going over the routes again, verifying time codes, Ivan fell to a comfortable, familiar routine, cup of tea beside him growing cold. Rogers didn’t have much of a routine, which made observing him a challenge and data collecting a thrill. At least this was an activity that Ivan could still lose himself in despite whatever non-turmoil was boiling in his gut. Comparing coordinates, discovering overlaps, identifying patterns, data was something Ivan was good at. Data had no emotions, so it was easy to handle. Data didn’t mind his extracurriculars, didn’t judge him for his jealousy, didn’t snoop into his past. Though it also didn’t text him at 3 am to tell him about a silly dream it had. Even less it cared about whether he was coming home for the night or not. It not wanting to watch brainless, cliched superhero should have been a positive, but in the dark, the brain gets sentimental. Ivan suddenly wished he had a file on Fredya. Ivan certainly had enough data on him, though so far it was all in his brain and a few lines in his notebooks. One photo on his phone, a selfie Fredya had sent some weeks ago. It was taken with one of those filter things, Ivan wasn’t familiar with the apps so he couldn’t tell if it was instagram or snappychat or whatever others there were. Fredya had cartoon glasses on his nose, on top of his real-life glasses. He was doing a victory sign, and there was a badly drawn pink heart floating in the lower left corner, not anchored into anything. The composition of the photo was bad. A large dead space occupied the top left, a pile of dirty clothes was poking into the frame from the bottom right. The lighting was scarcely better, the only diffuser was the dust inside the light fixture. Fredya’s artistic ability was nil, though he did make for an attractive subject, harsh shadows and all. It would be nice to have proper photo of him, before he got out of reach. With a reference to guide him, it might be possible. Ivan quickly scanned his bedroom for inspiration.
Perhaps it was too much effort for 2 a.m., but Ivan rather liked the end result. The handful of stars drawn on the wall to form a suggestion of a halo – however wrong it looked on Ivan – and hands posed to form a heart on the chest, and some minor lighting adjustments on photoshop, he thought it near perfectly captured how Ivan saw Fredya. Bright, innocent, center of the universe, unashamed of his affections. Fredya wouldn’t put as much effort in to it, even if he did take his own version of the photo as Ivan had requested, but that was also good. It wasn’t in Fredya’s nature to try too hard at something he didn’t feel like understanding - such as art other than of the moving pictures variety. Together, the photos formed a piece – the fantasy and the reality. It was a commentary on expectations. Fredya may or may not look at the photo when he inevitably got up to go the bathroom sometime soon, but he wouldn’t take his own until afternoon if ever, so Ivan finally went to bed. He only had a few hours before his shift started.
Fredya had sent an emoji Ivan didn’t understand the meaning as response to the photo, followed by hearts and something that seemed to be an abbreviation, Ivan didn’t research the meaning. It likely wasn’t important. Ivan got coffees for everyone again, and Amanda gave him a incredulous look. It was getting suspicious, Ivan acting nice. He should dial down on the social interactions for the next few days. It would be good practice for when Fredya left him, anyway. “Oh, thank you for going through the trouble”, Toris commented smiling. Ivan studied the smile, trying to map out proportions and gauge timings, but again he failed to replicate the gesture. It kept coming out as sarcastic. He would prefer if both would just shut up and their coffees without scrutinizing his intentions. Let a man act civil to fellow humans beings in peace. “If everyone is done sitting around, we need someone to go interview Fowler’s parishioners.” Predictably, Amanda volunteered for the task. That left Ivan and Toris at the office, reading through statements, comparing alibis and viewing security footage, the same draining and pointless sinkhole of never-ending choppy black-and-white footage that glared a print of the screen in your soul, so that in the end when you lost everything else to dementia and cataracts, you would still see that stinging bright rectangle staring you in the eye, smirking gleefully, taking pleasure in removing everything one used to take joy in, and replacing itself in place of loved ones. That metaphor ran a little wild at the end, there. In all fairness, it could be intriguing work when results could reasonably be expected, but everyone and their mother knew the only thing learned from these particular ones would be just how much time were wasting on them. Even Toris, being his professional self, couldn’t resist glancing at the clock every few minutes. He would of course try to make it inconspicuous, just letting his eyes dart to his wrist and back again, but it was noticeable enough when one was more concentrated on the coworker than the work. It came to Ivan’s mind that perhaps this was another aspect of Toris he should try to simulate, rather than keep studying, his work ethic was excellent. Surely that was something most people would approve of. And Fredya did often complain Ivan was rather lackadaisical about his work, he would appreciate the effort. “How do stay so focused?” he asked sincerely. It was admirable, really, how Toris could throw himself at something so tedious. Toris blinked at him in confusion, probably surprised to see his colleague who was supposed to working beside him blatantly ignoring said work. “I’ve practiced it for years, there’s really no easy trick for it.” “Ah. Shame.” “I find that meditating regularly helps. And a good diet.” Well, that was already two things Ivan would not be trying out. “I could send you some articles  if you’d like.” “You should spend your free time on yourself. You work too much.” Ivan went idly back to his files, not really feeling like working, but deciding to at least give it a shot, but feeling Toris’ curious eyes still fixed on him was too much of a distraction. After several seconds of silence he couldn’t take it anymore. “Yes?” “Thank you. That was considerate of you.” Ivan didn’t know how to answer that. It had been such a banal thing to say. Not warranting any response, really. Just a stock phrase, however true of some people and situations - such as this particular specimen. Toris must have heard the exact same statement hundreds of times in his life, knowing that he had an actual social circle who cared for him. Ivan was outside that circle, and people rarely care for the things outsiders say in matters like these - surely Toris should feel nothing particular about anything Ivan said. There was no need for him to smile like that, it was just embarrassing for a grown man to get so giddy about faint praise. Ivan scoffed and went back to his work.
U maek a habot of drawning on walls huh Outside of his brief childhood, Ivan had only ever drawn on walls three times - once in a drunk, misguided bout of creative frenzy, once to write his number on an intriguing man’s wall to annoy him, and once in an attempt to save a relic of happier times for the future. Mostly when you are involved, it seems. Perhaps you are my muse for wall-related artistry It had been a while since Ivan had drawn a portrait, but now might be the time to dust off that skill set. Ivan considered himself more of a photographer, but there was also something appealing about creating from scratch. Although... he would need to keep the portrait hidden, it would raise questions and pity later on. Ivan wished he was better at abstraction, that way it wouldn’t look like Fredya to anyone else, but his mind seemed to be too observational for it. It could only make sense of things that connected together in realistic ways, it couldn’t create anything out of feelings alone. Perhaps he simply didn’t have enough of them for that kind of art. The dinner with Fredya and his sisters was a few hours away, but Ivan was already nervously ironing his clothes. He once again pleaded Katyusha to control her romantic impulses, and of course she promised, but Ivan knew that meant little. She had very bad self-control. Tasha’s picking me up, we’ll meet you there Natasha was coming? Nataliya was coming?! Fuck - what was she - this was bad news - why hadn’t she said - oh god, forget about Katyusha ruining everything if Nataliya Grigorova was coming! She never mentioned wanting to come along That sneaky little girl, she told me you said it was okay, haha He would not survive this night sober. He wanted to make a good impression. He did not want to be drunk when the only three people who mattered to him were all in the same room. He wanted to be fully conscious, to enjoy an outing with his family while being fully genuine, not just sedated into calmness. But lord knew he would not survive the night sober.
Remembering the fit Fredya had thrown the last time Ivan had driven not-strictly-drunk-but-also-not-sober, he was glad that they had arranged beforehand for Fredya to pick him up. Because he was observant in the most inconvenient ways, Ivan had been sure Fredya would notice something was off, maybe a smell or the slow movements to counteract the unsteady hand-to-eye-coordination, but fortunately he was too stoked about meeting Ivan’s sisters again, officially, to notice Ivan’s oddly calm demeanor. He babbled excitedly the whole way there, and was halfway across the street before Ivan had even fully exited the car. “Come on you snail! They’re gonna think we ditched them!” “It’s only a few minutes away, you can afford to slow down”, Ivan chuckled. Fredya was so adorably excited, he resembled a puppy on a walk. “Being overeager is as bad as being late.” “Beg to disagree! Pick up the pace slowpoke!” Fredya sped up ahead, Ivan kept his leisurely pace. He missed the re-introductions, but it seemed like he hadn’t been needed for those at all - Fredya and Katyushka already looked like old friends, while Tasha regarded him with a haughty look, but nary a nasty word. She raised an eyebrow at Ivan, as if saying really, you chose this clown over me?, and he simply smiled pleasantly at her. As they waited for their food to arrive, Fredya and Katyushka were unsurprisingly the only ones to hold up conversation. They had found a common ground in Star Trek - in that Katyusha had heard a lot about it, but had never watched an episode and was interested, and Fredya was an expert in all the series and films and liked talking about them. They went through the pacifistic ideas on the original series and how it sometimes contradicted itself on it, analyzing the casting choices for the remakes, some more things that Ivan had no interest in.  When their plates were brought, the were in the midst of trying to speak klingon - the attempts of both of them were saddeningly hilarious. Or perhaps they were both surprisingly accurate. Ivan had no way of knowing, the franchise being something he had never taken an interest in. Of course he liked space, but he was more fact-oriented than a fan of fanciful fiction. “You seem so young, it’s almost like you’re still in college”, Katyusha giggled, and Ivan could not agree more. The youthful energy Fredya exuded was refreshing, at least most of the time. “Never went to college, I went straight to work from high school”, Fredya explained, crumbs flying. That was the one habit that Ivan never found charming in Fredya, it was just plain disgusting. Tasha made a small chortle of contempt that passed Fredya by. “Our brother is a very intelligent man”, Tasha commented sharply, and Ivan knew exactly what she was going for – he had come to the same conclusion, himself. And truthfully, neither of them had been wrong - Fredya really was stupid. “Oh, tell me about it”, the insulted man chuckled, not understanding what was being implied. Ivan would have liked being able to defend Fredya, but the thing was that Fredya was not intelligent – intellectually or socially, and attempting to claim otherwise would have been pointless. He might have been considered smart in some useless areas, such as entertainment trivia, but faint praise is just as damning as admitting faults. Trivia! There was the opening Fredya needed to impress Tasha! “He has a master’s degree in movie trivia and celebrity gossip, if nothing else. Just give an actor’s name and he will tell you every movie they have ever been in.” “And not just that! I can also tell which year each movie came out!” Fredya exclaimed proudly. Ivan started with an easy one - Tom Cruise. Tasha did look reluctantly impressed as the titles and dates kept on coming, but refused to admit defeat. She tried her favorite actor, someone much more obscure. “Ken Foree?” “Hmm… The midnight man, 2017… Rift, dark side of the moon 2016, Cut slash pri- no wait, I think he was in Divine tragedies, 2015, Cut slash print 2012 –“ However, since
Tasha’s obsession with her brother refused to give way to respect for her perceived enemy, she realized that to claim victory she could simply ask about any non-American film star. “Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.” “Anastasia who?” Of course he pronounced the name the American way, but Ivan was still mildly impressed he could tell Анастасия and Anastasia were the same name. “Zavorotnyuk.” Tasha allowed herself a malevolent smirk as Fredya racked his brain for the name in vain. “A true expert wouldn’t limit himself only to Hollywood”, Tasha hmphed in triumphant malice, believing to have proved her superiority over him once and for all, despite not showing an ability to counter his. It seemed the point had only been to prove Fredya was not omniscient. In Ivan’s eyes, it was enough to be merely well-versed. “He does hate subtitles to the point where I thought he might be illiterate”, Ivan joked. “Hey, at least I speak the language of the country I live in!” “Verily, my darling, thou speakest with the most biting of tongues. Shakespeare himself would envy your prowess.” “The guy lived like hundreds of years ago, who gives a shit? Ivan Drago was famous in the 80’s.” “Ivan can sound almost native when he tries”, Katyusha said, trying to diffuse the argument, not knowing the workings of their relationship well enough to tell it was all said in jest. “I haven’t tried in years, I doubt I could anymore”, Ivan thought. He had tried training his accent away in high school, so he would sound less foreign in job interviews. Having a foreign name was bad enough in an application. He had never achieved a smooth, natural accent, he had to concentrate very hard which caused the words to come out very slowly and robotically, and still there was always a hint of foreign phonemes. Combined with his attempts to deepen his voice – an incredibly embarrassing failure on its own – had made him cringe, even back then. Tasha had encouraged him, of course, because in her mind anything and everything her dear brother did was the right decision. Excluding taking romantic interest in someone other than her, of course.
The rest of the evening went by in much the same fashion. Fredya and Katyusha got along swimmingly, Tasha made snide remarks about Fredya, Ivan defended him in mean ways, Fredya played along. It was all very pleasant. Finally the staff started dropping hints that it was time to vacate the table, so they got up and parted ways. Katyusya was enchanted enough to not wait long enough to be out of earshot before starting to gush about her baby brother’s relationship, which made for a perfect opening for eavesdropping. “Don’t you think Vanechka looks so much happier than usual?” Katyusya said, nearly clapping her hands in excitement. “Idiocy might be contagious”, Tashenka grumbled in response. “I never imagined he’d go for that type, but I guess it goes to show opposites really do attract!” Katyushka squeed. “It’s only for the moment. That American moron will start getting on Vanya’s nerves soon”, Tashenka claimed, not sounding too confident herself. Ivan had expected that to happen as well, in the beginning. “I hope he won’t, I think Alfred is good for Vanechka. He’s come out of his shell.” What did she mean by that? As far as Ivan was aware, he had never been shy around his sisters. Or other people, for that matter. “What’re you frowning about?” Fredya asked. “I’m eavesdropping. Katyusha likes you, and Natasha doesn’t despise you.” “Well that’s good news isn’t it?” Fredya smiled, and tried to hear the women. “Man, you got great hearing. I can’t hear them at all.” Yes, it did take some practice to achieve Ivan’s level of spying on other people’s conversations. And by then they had gotten far enough that Ivan couldn’t hear then anymore either, actually. “Your eardrums must be damaged from the all screeching you do.” “You’re walking home, asshole.”
Tasha + Katyushka = affectionate nicknames for Nataliya and Yekaterina. Tashenka + Katyusya = one level more intimate. Ivan is being drunk and sentimental so at the end of the evening, the way he feels about his sisters is something like most people do when seeing tiny kittens. Thanks again for reading! Maybe in like 10 years so I'll add a final "chapter" describing the rest of the plot, but I know myself and won't make any promises. I have some more snippets on the masterpost if anyone wants to frustrate themselves with a story that will never be finished.
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aresrl · 3 years
I hihi I am!!! A little nervous w/ doing this bc I've never done this b4 so please bear🐻 w// me💦 May I request a match up? A vision, a romantic partner and maybe a friend and/or enemy? If that's too much feel free to just assign me a vision + partner, ehe/// Preferably male for a romantic match-up, but either gender is fine with a friend and enemy match-up^^ I tried to be as detailed as possible but I think I ended up just ranting, so im v v sorry if it's long! I sort of fluctuate when it comes to being an introvert/extroverted. W// strangers and irl, I'm very introverted and shy!! Rarely speak and if I do it's just the usual "Hi how are you? That's good. I'm good too, thank you for asking:)" yeayea I'm not too. Keen on social interaction irl. But I always do my best to be very nice!! I never wanna come off as mean bc wow what a bad first impression that would be. But with friends / ppl ik online?? Whew I am very very friendly n chatty ^^ Either very high energy or very chill, there's rarely any inbetween. Sometimes I like to jokingly tease my friends but I'd never go too far / make them uncomfortable!! And if I do I always apologize right away!! I like to say that I'm affectionate?? My strongest love language is def physical affection, if not quality time. Idk man there's just something about vibing with someone or hugging them that just aaaaa/// Although I usually display affection w// words of affection bc. Literally most of my friends are online friends so I can't actually hug them, sad times. Idk if this is needed/important info but I just remembered: I'm 5'6 around??? Need glasses bc. Whew i am blind (near sighted), I'm poc (specifically black) anndd, hm. Actually I think thats it for this section, aha. As you can see I'm, not really all that organized. Also I don't have the best attention span - while writing this I'm circling between 4 different apps - and I'm a bit of a mess. And also a little stupid. Just a smidge dumb. But I have my moments - I solved like. 2 puzzles in Inazuma by myself so I think that counts for something. I also find that I tend to talk a whole lot when I have an idea or smthn to say abt a thing I'm super interested in!! That's info-dumping. I info dump. Yes. I also really like to listen to other people talk abt things they like!!!! Its so nice :) I'm protective over people I care about!! I've never done it but 100% would bark at someone who messed with someone close to be. Arf arf yaknow. I tend to he impulsive. I'll do something, and be all "YEAH>:D" and then regret it later. And then I'll do it all over again in a fun little cycle :) I consider myself an optimist, but quickly turn into a pessimist whenever it concerns myself. Fun funfun. Should probably mention that I am. A very insecure person w/ dangerously low self esteem, which is super fun esp when you mix that with the fact that I'm rarely ever motivated to improve. Yayayay Also sort of a pushover?? Like most often than not I'll be convinced to do something, even if I'm not too keen on doing it. Also afraid of confrontation when it comes to my friends and strangers (that is, if it's concerning me!! I'll order smthn for my friend but if I need to order for myself?? uhh stutter time aha). I'm also a mega simp ahah! Srsly though if I fall for someone/get infatuated with someone I. Will be so obvious abt it even though I try very hard not to be. Would gush over that person probably. I don't really like mean people tbh. Like yes I'll be nice and civil with them but!!! I cannot stand!!! Rude people!!! Esp when they're mean for no reason like sir??? maam??? homie??? chill pls ty<3 People who aren't necessarily mean, but moreso have bastard energy and are just really "hehe>:D" but playfully are p poggers tho!!! I think I get along with kids!! I have a little sister,, around like. Nine? And we get along really well!! I also try and match a kid's energy whenever I'm tasked with looking after them. I take pride in the fact that kids like me >:].... even if they sometimes scare me-- Ok, interest time!!
I like art!! Quite a bit!! Less of a realistic artist and more of a cartoonist!! Idk there's just something fun abt drawing cartoons, hehe. I also like self ships - I have quite a bit of them, actually ! Idk its comforting drawings your fictional crushes loving you idkidk. I like writing too! Both original stories, and one-shots or personal fics that are associated with already created media!! Writing character backstories and personalities and stuff is also fun too! I've even made my own fictional world with a full fledged backstory n everything! It's very fun to think about. I'm a day dreamer!!! Yea remember when I said I write stories? I day dream abt potential stories even more. Mmm daydream world so nice so warm so fun I read aswell!! Mostly fantasy books, or stories where animals are the protagonists. Think Warrior Cats. But my favorite book series has got to be Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Fantasy owl books, anyway! X Readers are also things I enjoy reading :) Again, s I m p Also gaming!!! Is something fun I do sometimes!!! Although it's usually Genshin Impact, or Wii Sports/Resort w// my little sister. Oh, also pokemon! I rlly like Primarina, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Vulpix/Ninetails! I absolutely adore sweet foods, and baking is smthn I'm def interested in! Don't like foods w// weird textures though, like beans or mashed potatoes. Also I. Love spice so much. Mmm love it when my mouth burns so bad. Don't have a favorite animal but I've had three cats in my lifetime (btw not important but my current cat is named Sylvester and. He's my baby boy) so I am. A very big cat fan. Probably not needed but I really like sword and claymore characters. Literally all of the characters I main are either sword or claymore users. Although I did get Diona, so I miiight start forcing myself to learn how to aimmm. I see that I tend to like people/characters that are a little more extroverted than me. Upbeat, happy type beat!!! Nice sunshine babies, :) I think thats it! I hope this was good enough? Again, first time doing this (at 2am nonetheless) so forgive me if I got too rambly or did anything wrong ^^ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! And I hope your day is good / you had a good day, depending on when you read this, ehe!
Hey! Sorry if the wait has been long! I also love Warrior Cats (I promise myself, one day I'll finish it.)
You received... A Pyro vision! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless, and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • I hesitated between the Pyro and Hydro vision, but your energy distinguishes you from the Hydro vision. • You said you were impulsive, always doing something you might regret later but still doing it. • You react quickly: as you said, if somebody hurt someone you love, you won't think twice before barking. Your partner would be... Xingqiu! “This feeling was unexpected.” • At first, you were just friends, and Xingqiu really loved to tease you. Actually, you both teased each other. But eventually, a feeling of love towards you grew into Xingqiu. And that was reciprocated. • Your relationship is filled with teases, jokes, and good/funny moments where you mostly share what you commonly appreciate. • He also knows when to get serious: for example, he does everything to support you during your moments of struggle concerning your self-esteem. Your friend would be... Childe! “Luckily, I'm here!” • You two also share funny moments, especially during situations where your “stupidity” is overtaken by his insight. • Sometimes, he finds you cute. • He likes the fact that you get along well with kids. It leads you to great moments with him and his siblings. • You're quite the opposite in terms of self-esteem. I think it's a good thing because it makes you complementary. Your enemy would be... Albedo! A misunderstanding. • You wouldn't hate each other, but I think Albedo wouldn't like the way you use your energy, and when you're more in a chill mood (meaning you're more available for him to talk), he could get pissed at how much times he'd have to repeat himself for you to understand something. • He's very patient, but he understood quickly that his interests would maybe not be within your reach. • You would just be too different. Worth to mention • You and Venti are like drama queens in Mondstadt. You are good friends. But you both know that you can't be more, as it would eventually both drag you down (because of similar problems). • Klee is also your best friend: both of you share decisions that you definitely will regret later. Or maybe not. • Hu tao and you are kinds of silently competing over who's the best tease, and she beats you. My goal is definitely not achieved. I hope I can catch up tomorrow. And don't worry, it was surprisingly good for a first description!
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Edwin week, day 1: Hope
Summary: Ed does some ‘treasure hunting’ and finds a pretty big one. 
a/n: Better late than never, right? I have written preg!Win fics before, but to add a new twist I made it LCMTI (also known as ice skating au) verse. You can read LCMTI here but I don’t think it’s necessary to read it to be able to understand this little story! I hope you guys enjoy, and as usual, reviews/reblogs really make my days! @503week
Words: 1400+
Genre: much floof
Warnings: none
Two red lines.
Winry had suspected it for about a week before she finally got her confirmation. Her period was late, the tank top she used under her work overalls felt tighter, and certain foods she usually enjoyed suddenly made her feel nauseous. She hadn’t told Ed about any of that, though, afraid of how he would react. They had had a good conversation about whether a child was something they’d want before their wedding, but Winry couldn’t help but be a little bit anxious still. Her now husband had lost a lot at a young age – his mother, someone he considered a little sister, and even his own arm - and making him open up about all that had been hard enough; what if this was too soon despite Ed being the one who had suggested it in the first place?
Pinako was the first person to hear Winry’s news. The younger Rockbell woman had talked to her granny about her worries and Pinako had convinced her that the sooner Ed knew, the better, because that would give him more time to get used to the idea of being a dad. Once she had decided to tell him the following day when he was back from a game trip, next came the matter of /how/ she would break the news to him. This was going to be a big change in their lives, not something she wanted to casually tell over the dinner.
What made Ed happier than anything in the world, Winry asked herself. Well, that was fairly easy to answer. Aside from the people in his life, the two things he valued more than anything was, surprise, hockey and his biochemistry studies that he had nearly finished. Winry knew that there probably were baby clothes with chemistry puns out there, and those would surely amuse Ed, but something told her she wanted the ‘reveal gift’ to be a bit more special. Something that was so them that it would melt even his heart. And then it hit her. The answer was surprisingly simple.
“A treasure hunt? Isn’t that… kind of childish?” Ed frowned when Winry presented her idea to him.
“You play video games all the time and watch cartoons but a treasure hunt is too childish?” Winry looked at him with disbelief. “C’mon, Ed, this is important to me.”
“Okay, but why?” he insisted.
“You will understand eventually.”
Winry had hidden her reveal present while Ed had been at his hockey practice. She had put clues into places that meant something to them, such as behind the family pictures over the fireplace or under the couch where she had sat when Ed had proposed to her (and where a lot of other stuff had happened as well, on that same day and afterwards), or between the pillow case that she had mocked when she had visited Ed for the first time… She hoped he’d understand the hidden meanings at some point, but then again, he had always been kind of dense when it came to sensing other people’s emotions.
Winry knew Ed liked challenge so instead of just writing ‘look under the couch’ or something of that nature on a piece of paper, she made the clues small riddles. She used the names of chemical elements to form words that would reveal the place he should look from next, but to make it slightly more challenging she did it in a way that Ed would first have to change the element names into their abbreviations.
She gave him the first clue. On a piece of paper she had written:
“Tin + Oxygen + Fluoride + Gold = Good luck chemistry nerd! ; )”
Ed stared at the equation for a while, frowning.
“Um, I know you’re not an expert on this field but this reaction makes absolutely no sense.”
“Maybe you have to use a different approach then! Maybe it’s not quite what it looks like,” Winry noted coolly.
Ed tried to solve the mystery in a couple of different ways before he finally cracked the code:
Sn = tin
O = oxygen
F = fluoride
Au = gold
“Oh, it says sofa!”
Since the couple only had sofas in their livingroom, it wasn’t hard to find the next clue. Now that Ed knew the code, it didn’t take him long to finish his search, and Winry was amused by how riled up he seemed about it despite the initial complaints. Eventually, the clues took him to his hockey equipment closet, where he found a box he hadn’t seen there before.
He opened it. Inside the box he found tiny hockey skates, fitting for a very small child. At first he stared at them for a while, not understanding the meaning.
“Is this some kind of joke about my foot size? Because you know I don’t find it…”
“No, Ed, believe me, it’s not a joke. Or any kind of reference to your size. They’re actually meant for someone to wear.”
“Then what…?” Finally his frown started fading away as he understood and his mouth opened in surprise. “These are… baby sized skates… You don’t mean…”
Winry just nodded and Ed’s eyes widened even further, if possible.
“A… b-baby? You? Pregnant?” He managed to stutter.
“If you don’t believe it, I still have the positive test in the bathroom,” Winry rolled her eyes.
Ed finally got his tongue back. “No, that’s not necessary. But still… I wasn’t expecting it to happen so…” He didn’t finish the sentence, seeming to properly take the information in.
“But I… I have no idea how to be a father. Mine was always absent. What if I will suck at it? What if I fail to protect the baby like I did with…”
“Ed, we’ve been over this before,” Winry started calmly. “The fact that you’re worried about that already tells me that you’re going to do just fine. And know that there’s more than just one person protecting the child. I’m here, granny’s here, Al’s here, all my friends, your team… I bet they’ll all adore it. You don’t have to be some superhero who saves the entire world on his own, or in this case raise the child on your own, we can do this together.”
Ed consired her words for a moment before finally agreeing. “Yeah, you’re right. We can do this.”
Suddenly his face brightened in a way Winry had quite rarely seen.
“A baby! That I can teach to skate! And read! And count… and…”
“I’m 6 weeks into my pregnancy and you’re already thinking about teaching the kid skating?” Winry asked with disbelief.
Ed looked at the little skates in his hands that he still was holding and burst into laughter: “Mmmh, and you definitely hadn’t thought about that option… and that’s exactly why you got these.”
“I just… thought they’d make you happy,” Winry said, a bit flustered. She had to admit, the idea of the father and the child practicing together made her heart feel warm in a very good way.
“They did,” Ed admitted. “So thank you.” He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.
Winry sighed happily and then added a bit shyly: “I also thought… skating was of course what united us in the first place… and you got me these earrings when I won.” She showed the golden skate earrings she had gotten from him several years ago after winning the Olympic gold medal. “These skates reminded me of them.”
“I’m glad you’re still using them,” Ed noted, gently touching her piercing. He seemed a bit distracted for a moment before he added:
“Really, now that I think of it… This is amazing. Your body is amazing.” Winry raised him a questioning eye brow because it wasn’t like Ed to say things like that. Ed rushed to continue, cheeks slightly red. “I mean, you can raise an entire human inside you! Scientists have tried…”
Winry stopped him before he could go on a full on rant about what science could or could not do.
“I’m glad you seem to be taking this surprisingly well. I have to admit, I was kind of worried…”
“One side of me may still be freaking out a bit,” Ed said, still smiling though, “but thinking about seeing it grow, and learn, taking care of it and doing all kinds of cool things together, all three of us… I think it’s gonna be worth it.”
“It will,” Winry agreed and kissed him fully on the mouth, letting it tell more than her words could.
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itsjesperfahey · 7 years
modern soc au
loves to dance !!! esp ballet but she can dance to whatever tbfh, she’s that good 
likes to wear caps, esp backwards. really loves bomber jackets too. 
has a couple, small tattoos dedicated to her saints 
is that one kid who loves to do parkour (both ironically and unironically) for instance is really good at it but sometimes just yells PARKOUR and steps over a rock
usually found eating lunch with her pals on the roof of the school 
is amazing at hide and seek like holy fuck ????? hid for 2 hours once and wasn’t found, came back the next day and was like “y'all losers SUCK" 
loves to study other people’s cultures, as well as history and is great as p.e (never has gotten a bad grade in the flexibility tests) 
likes to read poem books 
has a black cat as a pet named "saint" 
pronounced meme as "mehmeh” the first time she read it 
only has snapchat and instagram. is that kid who ALWAYS posts the sunset every day, esp from weird/high places and the comments are always “HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET UP THERE" 
cried the most during fox and the hound 
always braiding nina’s hair. Knows how to do all the super advanced onces as well
"I don’t know, CAN YOU?" 
 the best one at pushing people on the swings 
"sorry I ran out of fucks to give try again later maybe?" 
gives the nicest presents. always knows what a person wants for christmas/their birthday 
the one who’s really into photography and is always taking aesthetic™ pics of Nina for her social media accounts 
Prefers tea over coffee
bullied for not being able to read (at least up until high school), so is super shy 
loves drawing. the artistic™ one who takes anatomy to be able to draw people better 
MASTER FLUTE MUSICIAN. On the school band. Jams hard af when he plays it 
is in gem math and AP chem with kuwei. 
loves sweet. addicted to blue jolly ranchers. his tongue is always blue 
constantly pushing up his thick rimmed glasses (even if they ain’t on, which causes him to poke his eye)
looooves all the superhero shows on the CW 
V neck sweaters. always
always has his trusty satchel
only has tumblr. has like 10k followers because of his artwork. 
”‘illuminati’ ? is that a band?“ 
cat person even though he’s allergic to cat fur. absolutely adores inej’s cat. settles for owning a horned lizard named "shrek" 
secretly a huge fan of memes 
really gay for tom holland and ed sheeran (calls him "ginger Jesus”) 
gamer with jesper. they always play overwatch together, wylans better tho. a genji and Ana main 
cried the most during big hero six 
wylan, with blank eyes: “I like my coffee how I like my men” // jesper: *spits out his drink* 
sports fan obv. On the schools hockey team bc his fav is hockey. is extremely competitive when he plays it. Is constantly checking but never gets penalties (aka slamming the other players against the walls)
played basketball against jesper and surprisingly lost. jesper won’t let it go 
dog person. owns a pet pomsky (Pomeranian-husky) with nina who’s name is “bub" 
“long hair don’t care”draws inspiration from Harry styles 
really philosophical. takes all the philosophy/ethics classes available 
kind of sounds like Thor (thick and deep accent) 
a good™
"you’re all horrible trash”
“do we really have to be doing this now? I have to finish my homework" 
loves baking. bakes everything for the love of his life 
grey sweatshirts and adidas shoes 
wears contacts Because he hates how glasses look on him. only wears them when he’s home 
oblivious to all the women in love with him
real 👍🏻🤘🏻👌🏻life🤰🏻👼🏻🌱student📚✂️✏️athelete🏃🏼🥇🏆🥅🏒
has Facebook and Twitter only
cried the most during bambi and dumbo 
little spoon™ 
has a couple tattoos with very deep meanings
dancer with inej. dances like those ppl who look like robots ??? the ones who look like they freeze parts of their body while the others move. AMAZING at it 
loves jazz but also dubstep/edm and rap/r&b. Beyoncé is MOM/QUEEN. 
sometimes djs parties 
again, huge gamer with wylan. he’s a lucio and junkrat main for overwatch. loves like every video game ever 
loves all the marvel movies, in love with black panther (was team cap) 
dresses like a hipster but also sometimes a fuck boy (tank tops and shorts with a backwards cap style) 
favorite subject is business and debate. great negotiator 
cried the most during the lion king 
A+ cosplayer (especially his lucio cosplay) 
big supporter of human rights (LGBTA+, feminist, black lives matter, poc representation). Will LITERALLY get into fights over anyone who thinks otherwise. Fist fights, always supported by Kaz and Matthias. Got suspended for 3 days for breaking a kids nose who thought LGBTA+ people should **** ** ****) 
that one kid who has 50 fidget spinners and can do cool tricks with them. also manages to sell all of them 
skateboard pro™ 
always sends the blinking face meme, even if it’s out of context 
all the social medias. 
one tattoo only of a gun with a 'bang’ flag coming out of it 
Speaking of YouTube, she always does cute videos. Baking/cooking tutorial videos featuring Matthias, 'i do my boyfriends makeup’, 'my boyfriend does my makeup’, 'my boyfriend buys my makeup’, does make up tutorials obviously, challenges with her best friend inej like the 'whisper challenge’. everyone loves her and says her and Matthias are their otp 
loves fashion design, takes that class. 
loves horror movies/creepy things but also Disney 
great at roller skating 
always wins the best dressed awards ad school 
also huge fan of ed sheeran. loves little mix more than 5h. 
cried the most during 'up' 
Can speak like 4 languages (English, french, Latin and spanish) 
loves traveling and learning about new cultures too 
dancer!inej’s biggest fan and hockey!matthias’ biggest fan 
always breaks snapchat streaks 
likes to (friendly) debate with jesper, especially over stupid things 
amazing with kids. babysits all the time. calls “bub” (the dog) her and matthias’ baby 
big spoon™ 
notes are so fucking pretty. buys the most expensive stationary and notebooks 
also huge supporter of human rights. runs the feminist club. (Jesper is the Vice President) stresses loving yourself and your body, and makes sure to design comfortable yet GORGEOUS clothes for “"plus sized people”“ 
wins 'dynamic duo’ award with inej 
always eating lollipops 
has a few very small tatos of cute things like roses and crowns. has one quote written in cursive on her rib
prefers black coffee as well 
loves crime shows, whether they’re real or fake. for instance loves both 'Dateline’ and 'Criminal Minds’ also loves 'House’
 favorite class is psychology, learning how a person thinks and acts and feels
has the dregs tattoo on his arm * edge lord 9000™ * such a drama queen and diva like damn 
*deep sigh* "I think I’d rather go take a nap” *gets up and leaves* 
also loves computer science. knows how to hack shit like a pro 
always rough housing with jesper. broke a table once 
does walk with a cane. likes to slap matthias’ ass with it 
“bow down you fucking peasants" 
only types in lower case with 0 emojis and no punctuation marks. CONSTANTLY leaves people on read 
only has Twitter and snapchat. His posts on snapchat never have captions, yet somehow has a 200 day streak with Jesper and a 250 day streak with inej 
loves watching horror movies with nina 
 *in a fight* "oh I’ll sHOW YOU SOME DIRTY HANDS” *swings* 
gets second place for best dressed award 
always sending memes with no context in their group chat, as well as vines 
indie and alternative rock fan 
“does it look like I care because I’m sorry if it does I didn’t mean to give you that impression" 
head over heels for inej Ghafa like wow 
likes to read a lot of mystery books and non fiction books 
cried the most during finding dory 
can solve a Rubik’s cube under a minute and won’t let you forget it 
The one asshole who picks either Kirby or metaknight in super smash brothers brawl
 hates seeing the notification bubble so he always has all chats muted and notifications turned off for apps 
kiss ass to all the teachers to get them A’s
SCIENCE NERD. ALWAYS singing the bill nye theme song. Loves ASAPScience on YouTube. Master at chemistry and biology 
"hey did u know bill nye is, like, my dad" 
nina treats him like a baby 
loves everything to do with Star Wars while wylan loves star trek more. Fighting ensues. 
has a pet Siamese cat name sparky 
Used to have a huge crush on jesper and everyone knew it except jesper. 
knows the intro to the bee movie ("according to all known laws of aviation-”)
 jesper in the group chat: “gonna go shower be right back” // kuwei: “without me ;)?” // wylan: “KUWEI SWEAR TO FUCK” // kaz: “watch your fucking language wylan" 
obsessed with Pokémon go even if it died out (chose team instinct) 
"fight me on this" 
has Twitter, snapchat and instagram 
Always drinking ginger ale 
master at bop it 
the one kid who always forgets to pay you back for stuff 
is also into the CW super hero shows, so him and wylan are constantly talking about it 
loves cartoons and anime 
speaks fluent fuckboy 
God awful at comebacks 
"let’s take a selfie guys !!!” // “kuwei no-” // *snapshot sound* 
talks !!! Like !! This !!!! for,,, some reason ???????? 
huge nerd for other things too like lord of the rings and Harry Potter and game of thrones 
cried the most during inside out
 "do you think planes are scared of heights?“ // "for fucks same kuwei it’s 4am”
2K notes · View notes
himbowelsh · 7 years
Highschool / Uni AU for Baberoe: Babe really needs help with his French classes. He registers for that one on one study group. He gets paired with Gene. He whines to Bill that he's gonna fail because the guy who helps him with French is so gorgeous he can't focus. Bill advice is to get to know the guy. Babe takes it to heart and offers Gene to teach him something in return, like footie. Bonus: Gene refuses to call Babe anything but Edward in English but in French he calls him "cher".
insightfulinsomniac asked: MORE BABEROE please Idk what, but something. Your slightly-steamy baberoe makes me wanna die (in the best way)
AN: babe i got u covered ;)
"It's not fair," he exclaims, tossing his head back in dismay. "Evans totally has it out for me. You should see the way he picks on me in class!"
"I was smart enough not to take a language this year," says Bill around a mouthful of bologna and rye. "So I don't need to. And I don't wanna. Quit whining and gimme those chips.""Those are my chips," Babe complains as Bill snatches them from his side of the table. "You don't even like 'em." His friend tears into the bag, clearly not able to care less. Over the crunch of potato chips, Babe rests his cheek in his palm and sighs.
He doesn't care what Bill says. He's not sulking, he's not whining, and he's definitely not slacking off in French class. It's not possible to slack off in French class. All Evans ever does is bitch at them, and then he assigns so much work that Babe is drowning in it come the end of the day. Is it any wonder he never gets it all done? He has other classes too. He has more work, and way more important things to focus on than conjugations in a language he couldn't care less about.
He's Irish. His entire family is Irish. Why the hell does he have to learn French, anyway?He takes another sip of his juice and reduces the urge to blow frustrated bubbles through the straw (the last time he did that, Bill smacked the juice box across the cafeteria). If he doesn't get his grade up before the end of the semester, his mom is going to murder him. But how the hell is he supposed to turn a D into an A in a month?"How do I know he's even teaching us French, anyway?" Babe demands. "He could be teaching us freaking Mesopotamian, for all I know. I have no clue."Bill glances up at him. "Parlez-vous français?" he asks, Philly accent thick enough to cut with a knife."What?""Nothing." Bill sighs, dropping his fist back down on the table with a thud. He has that look on his face, like he's not sure whether he wants to shake some sense into Babe or smack him. Bill's been known to do both on more than one occasion, do Babe wisely shrinks back. If Bill wants to steal his lunch, he can have it. Cafeteria food tastes like cardboard and carbs anyway.Bill doesn't try to grab Babe. (He does, however, steal what's left of his sandwich.) His friend regards him with narrowed eyes for a long moment before he nods to himself."You know what you should do?""Even if I did, you'd still tell me.""You --" Bill points straight at him, like a dollar store Uncle Sam knockoff. "Should get a tutor."Babe snorts. Bill, as he always does when his brilliant ideas are ignored, bristles like an affronted cat."I'm serious, Heffron. There's this one-on-one study group the seniors are doing. Spina and Frannie are both a part of it. You need help, sign up."Babe purses his lips. What's the point? He really doubts any tutor is going to be able to bring his grades up. It isn't like he's going to be paired with his friends, either -- Fran's tutoring in math, a subject Babe is actually decent at, and Spina doesn't share any of his subjects. All that would happen is Babe would be paired up with a stranger, who'd get a front row seat to how pathetic he is at French.He's not signing up to be laughed at by some tutor who probably can't speak the language any better than he can. No thanks."Just give it a try, christ," Bill says, rolling his eyes. "If you fail, your mom'll kick my ass. Then my mom'll kick your ass. Then they'll both kick my ass, cause I'm the one who's supposed to make sure you don't crash and burn before you get to college. So I'm telling ya, sign up for the study group."Bill is making the face he only makes when he's not messing around. (Bill has an assortment of faces for different situations, and they all fall under a single word description: constipated.) One look at him tells Babe that this isn't a decision he gets to make for himself. If he decides he doesn't want to sign up, it's not just Bill who’s going to be hounding him. Bill will get Fran on his back, Julian, Spina -- hell, someone might even go to his mom (probably not Bill, he's got too much honor, but Julian would, the sly little bastard).
Babe’s shoulders slump, and he watches his best friend’s lips curl up, chest inflating in victory. He knows he's won.
Babe is getting a tutor whether he likes it or not.
Babe has never heard the name Eugene Roe before in his life. Bill keeps a wide circle of acquaintances, and as Bill’s best friend Babe has a working knowledge of most of them. He's never met Eugene Roe. Until he was assigned him as a tutor, he never even knew there was a Eugene Roe in this school. He's not sure what he goes in expecting when he takes a seat at an empty library table; but it is certainly not the senior who joins him minutes later.
Gene, he thinks, subverts all expectations. He'd expected his tutor to be the same sort of pompous, snobbish asshole as the man who’s failing to teach him French in the first place. He'd expected scathing looks, corrections on his work made in red pen, maybe a stupid French accent to top it all off. (Babe has watched too many bad high school movies, admittedly.)
Instead, Gene is the opposite of loud and bombastic. Babe doesn't even notice him when he walks into the library. He dresses in neutral shades, slipping through the milling packs of students with an ease that suggests he hasn't been noticed at all. When he slides into the seat across from Babe, there's no helping the way Babe’s eyes widen.
Gene doesn't demand attention, but he captures it anyway. He's undeniably good-looking, with fine features and alabaster skin. The shock of dark hair upon his head sticks up as if he's dragged his hands through it one time too many. His eyes, a deep midnight brown, settle on Babe, and he feels his impulsive teenage hormones surge.
For a long moment, he finds himself at a loss for words. Gene’s the one who has to break the silence. “Edward Heffron, right?” he says, raising an expectant eyebrow.
Babe’s gaping mouth shuts with a click. “Yeah,” he says immediately; then, “no! That's not -- I mean, yeah, that's my name, I'm Edward, but I'm not really -- nobody calls me that. I'm Babe.”
He thrusts a hand towards the guy’s chest, almost like he's trying to hit him. Gene blinks down at it for a moment before raising his eyes to Babe again, quizzical.
“Babe,” he echoes. Babe nods.
Gene takes his hand. There's no reason his (surprisingly) firm grip should thrill Babe as much as it does, but it does, and his hand feels electrified from the touch long after Gene has pulled away.
“Okay, Heffron,” says Gene, setting a textbook down in front of him. “You need some help in French, is that right?”
Babe doesn't have to be a genius, and he definitely doesn't need to know French, to see that a horrible mistake has been made. He would have been better off learning from somebody, anybody else. Hell, he would learn more if his tutor were Spina, and Spina has never taken a day of French in his life.
There is no way he's going to get any work done with Gene Roe as his tutor. It's a lost cause, and they haven't even cracked open the books yet.
He's just so incredibly gorgeous that Babe can't think of anything else.
His grade is going to crash and burn because his tutor’s too hot, and the worst part is Babe can't even regret it.
That is, he can't regret it until he gets his most recent French test back, to reveal a “57” scrawled in bold red print across the front page.
“I don't get it.” Bill slams the test down on the table. His jaw is sticking out so far that Babe half-expects it will dislocate -- just pop off his face and start tapdancing away, like one of those really screwed up cartoons his little sister makes him watch. “How are you doing even worse when you've got a damn tutor?”
“It's the tutor’s fault,” Babe grumbles, and takes a sulky sip of his orange juice.
“Really? The tutor took this test for you?” He meets Bill’s eyes with a glare, and Bill glares right back. “What's the problem? Is he not teaching you French?”
“Sure he is.” Actually, Gene’s a great teacher. He's patient, he's thorough, and he's fluent -- the reason Babe’s never heard of him before is that he transferred to school at the beginning of the year from Louisiana, and he speaks French with a cajun accent rich as summer fruit. Every word that comes out of his mouth makes Babe wants to melt, and that's his whole problem. He's hanging off every word Gene says, but he's not hearing any of it. His mind is millions of miles away -- at his and Gene’s wedding years in the future.
“It's just -- I --” He can't tell any of this to Bill. He'll be teased for life. He takes a deep breath, and bends the truth like a piece of plastic. “I'm finding it hard to work with the guy.”
“Is he annoying?”
“No, no, he's -- quiet. And smart. And he seems really, really nice.” Babe shuts his mouth before he can give himself away. “I just don't know much about him’s all.”
Bill narrows his eyes. It's obvious that he suspects something. Babe has never been able to hide things from Bill for long, half because he's rotten at keeping secrets, and half because Bill’s just too damn nosy. He tries not to shrink under the force of his friend’s stare, instead meeting Bill’s eyes head-on.
“Well,” Bill finally says, “get to know him.”
“Get to know your tutor.” He enunciates each word, like Babe is a particularly stupid toddler. “Maybe if you talk to him, your brain will actually start working, and you'll remember some shit. Either way, this --” He slams his finger down on the shameful exam. “Will not stand. Step up your game, Heffron.”
Babe purses his lips and frowns down at the table. Much as he hates to admit it, maybe Bill does have a point.
“Wait, wait, hang on -- so your grandma spoke French to you all the time? Like, only French?”
“She wanted us to grow up learning the language.” Gene shrugs, raising his water bottle to his mouth and taking a sip. Droplets of water linger on his lips once he's finished. Babe can't help staring until Gene’s tongue flickers out and brushes them away. “Without her, I doubt I'd be able to speak it half as well as I do now.” He pauses, considering his words. The furrow in his brow makes Babe’s pulse race. “Bayou French is different from what you learn in school. Different from what they speak in Europe or Canada, too. It's almost like a language in itself.”
A smile breaks across Babe’s face. “Wow, so I guess that means you know three languages!”
Gene blinks at him for a moment, contemplative, before his lips twitch. “Yeah,” he exhales, chuckling softly. “Guess I kinda do.”
He hates admitting that Bill is right, ever, but in this case Babe is willing to swallow his pride. Bill’s advice wasn’t just on the money; it was genius. Getting to know Gene is probably the best choice Babe has ever made.
He’s a tough nut to crack. It’s not even that he’s shy; Gene is just quiet, and keeps his distance so well that getting close to him seems almost impossible. Babe is nothing if not determined, however, and slowly but surely he’s managing to coax Gene out of his shell.
And the best part? He’s learning all about Gene, but he’s learning French while he’s at it.
“See, you made a mistake on this one -- you put the conjugation of vous instead of nous. You just gotta fix it.”
Babe frowns down at the worksheet in front of him. His leg is brushing against Gene’s own, and that makes it a little hard to focus, but he forces his brain to zero in on the words in front of him.. “So it should be appellons, right?”
“Right.” Gene looks up at him, offering a small smile. “Good work, cher.”
The rush of euphoria floods Babe’s system, electrifying him. Gene’s smile is without a doubt the most amazing thing he’s ever seen. It’s shy, on the right side of tentative, but just large enough to show that he means it. It, like everything else about Gene, is beautiful.
(Cher has become Gene’s favorite term for him over the last few weeks. Babe has no clue what it means, but Gene still refused to call him Babe, so he figures he can roll with it.)
“Thanks,” he sighs, pushing the completed worksheet away. The more he meets with Gene, the easier French seems to become. It’s like the subject is really settling into his brain for the first time. It makes sense, and it’s all thanks to Gene. “You know, you’re a real good teacher, right?”
“Thank you, Edward.” Gene looks humble, but Babe isn’t just trying to flatter him. He’s serious.
“I mean it! You know, if I could teach things like you do…” He trails off, lips pursing as an idea comes to him. That’s it -- that’s perfect. It’s the perfect excuse to spend more time with Gene outside of tutoring sessions, and to show off his many talents at the same time. “How about I teach you something? Just like you teach me French!”
Gene looks puzzled. “Teach me?”
“Sure! I could teach you anything! Whatever you wanna know!”
Gene raises an eyebrow. “Like what?”
This gives Babe pause. He has to stop and think for a moment. What skill could he possible have that he could offer Gene? He can chew twelve pieces of gum at once.. He can write with his toes. He knows how to do a cartwheel.
Suddenly it comes to him, and he lights up like Christmas in New York. Gene looks taken aback by the wide grin that spreads across Babe’s face, but he can't find it in himself to be ashamed. He's just had the best idea. “I can teach you how to peel a banana using only your mouth!”
For a second, Gene doesn't react. He blinks at Babe. Babe blinks back.
Then Gene’s lips quirk, as if he's trying desperately not to smile, and almost managing it. Victory washes over Babe like a tidal wave, and he doesn't bother hiding his own grin.
“Heffron,” Gene huffs, “read the goddamn textbook.”
As Babe drops his eyes back down to the book in front of him, he once again nudges Gene’s leg with his foot, and feels Gene nudge back.
On Friday morning, Babe receives his first ever ‘A’ on a French test, and proudly shows it off to Mr. Evans, Bill, his ma, and the rest of the world.
That afternoon, Gene comes over to Babe’s house to learn something of his own.
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starsinursa · 7 years
Questions for Grown-Ups
No one tagged me but I’m doing this anyways, sorry, not sorry
Tired of those surveys made by high school kids? “Have you ever kissed someone? Missed someone? Drank alcohol?”
Here are 35 questions for Grown Ups:
1. What bill do you hate paying the most?: Probably student loans. I just have so much student loan debt. I will seriously be paying on those loans for the next ten years. 2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?: …does…does by myself count? Because I took myself out for a nice steak dinner and sipped on some delicious margaritas about five months ago. I just take a book with me and read while I eat.
3. What do you really want to be doing right now?: I’m pretty content at the moment. I’m off work, in pajamas, lounging on my bed with the puppers and the kitty. 
4. How many colleges did you attend?: Two. I attended the same university for all four years of my undergrad and I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Psychology, and then I took grad classes in Counseling at another college for a couple of semesters. Didn’t end up finishing the graduate program though because there was a super intensive field practicum required to complete the degree and I was already working full-time at my current job, and I really don’t want to quit my job so I can get the degree, turn around, and then have to find another job. 
5. Why did you choose the shirt you have on now?: …it’s a gray T-shirt with a cartoon cat and it says “R U Kitten Me Right Meow?!” 😂 I picked it because it made me laugh? 
6. Thoughts on gas prices?: Not terrible at the moment, currently $1.99/ gallon here. And I saved $0.30/ gallon the other day by using my Dillons gas card. WOOHOO, saving money on gas like an ADULT!
7. First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning?: “Fuckkk…. if I sleep for a while longer and show up late to work, how late is ‘too late’?”
8. Last thought you have before you go to bed?: “Goddamnit, Tera, you said you were going to bed at 9:30 tonight and now it’s 1 a.m. Are you happy now? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?”
9. Do you miss being a child?: Nah. Besides paying bills, I LOVE being an adult. Some people say high school is the best time of your life, some people say college is the best, but my 20′s have undoubtedly been the best so far. Living on my own, doing what I want to do, disposable income, no homework… yes, please.
10. What errand/chore do you despise the most?: Washing dishes. I don’t have a dishwasher at my house and I loathe washing dishes by hand. I hate it so, so much. I literally only use paper plates, styrofoam bowls, and plastic silverware. I just throw everything away when I’m done so I never have to wash dishes. Yes, I hate dishes that much.
11. Up early or sleep in?: Sleep in. I love sleeping in but just never get the chance… or if I do, I wake up early anyways!
12. Found love yet?: Not yet, I am a single pringle. Probably staying that way for a while, too, because all I do is work and then go home, I don’t go anywhere to meet new people. Occasionally I sign up for a dating app, but then I panic and immediately delete it.
13. Favorite lunch meat?: Turkey. Actually, that’s like the ONLY lunch meat I like. I don’t like ham, roast beef… but surprisingly, I do like bologna!
14. What do you get at the grocery store every time?: I’m always stocking up on frozen meals to take to work. I am a lazy cook… as in, I don’t cook. I CAN cook, but I don’t. Cooking for one person is just too much effort.
15. Beach or lake?: Beach. Although, considering I’m in Kansas, there are zero legit beaches around here. Unless you count lake beaches?
16. Is marriage outdated?: I mean, not to me? I’d still like to get married someday. I know it’s not necessary and just a social construct and blah blah, but I still really like the idea of it, at least for myself. Under my sarcastic shell, I am a big soppy romantic at heart. No judgment on anyone who doesn’t wanna go that route though, live and let live. 😊
17. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?: Misha Collins, obviously, because he would be hilarious and adorable. Or Keanu Reeves. Or I would really have loved to meet Leonard Nimoy before he passed away. He just seemed like an amazing man and I bet he had some really great stories and life perspectives to share.
18. Ever crashed your vehicle?: My vehicle has been crashed, yes, but it wasn’t me who crashed it, thank you very much. I’ve been hit by other drivers a couple of times. Not in my new car, thankfully.
19. Do you have any regrets?: I mean, nothing that I would go back and change. I have some small things I wonder about occasionally, but I’m pretty content with the course my life has taken. Even the rough patches have helped me learn. I’m happy where I am, so that’s all that matters.
20. Strangest place you’ve brushed your teeth?: In an airport bathroom. Hey, those layovers can be excruciating, and I’d hate to subject my fellow flyers to my airport breath.
21. Somewhere you’ve never been but want to go?: Ireland. It’s on the bucket list, but I’ve decided to see some other places first. Thailand, here I come!
22. At this point, would you want to start a new career?: No, and that’s part of why I didn’t finish getting my graduate degree. I really enjoy my work (most of the time) and working with adults with disabilities actually lets me feel like I’m making a difference every now and then, so I’m not looking to change careers.
23. How old are you?: I’m on the downward slope of 25 (26 in two months, how do I stop this whole ‘getting older’ thing?)
24. Do you have a go-to person?: Probably my aunt. She works in a similar career as me, so I can talk to her about work problems or get advice. We’re also a lot alike, including being single with no kids, rescuing animals, etc., so we have a lot in common and use each other as a support system.
25. Are you where you want to be in life?: Actually, yeah, I’m pretty content. I would still like to get a Master’s degree someday (if I could find a degree without a practicum so I wouldn’t have to quit my job) and I’d eventually like to buy a house instead of just renting, but otherwise, I’m good.
26. Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons?: Rugrats, Hey Arnold, The Wild Thornberrys, and The Fairly Oddparents
27. What do you think has changed about you since you were a teenager?: Oh my god, sooo much. I feel like I’ve come out of my shell a lot, and also become a lot more at peace with who I am. I don’t worry so much what people think of me anymore. I mean, I’m still super introverted and I’ve still got all my faults, but I beat myself up less about all of it, y’know?
28. Looking back at high school, were they the best years of your life?: Pffft. PFFFT. Yeah right. High school was…not bad, I had my little group of friends and went to a really small school where everyone was pretty chill, but I do not miss the teenage hormones and insecurities and constant worry about the future. 
29. Are there times you still feel like a kid?: Sometimes. Well, not really like a ‘kid’, but sometimes at work I’ll notice my age and feel weirdly young if I’m in a meeting with coworkers who are a lot older than me. And even if they aren’t too much older than me, almost all of my coworkers have kids, so it’s hard to find things in common sometimes. 
30. Did you have a pager?: No, I’m not that old, haha. But I did have one of those old-school flip phones that couldn’t even text.
31. Was there a hang-out spot when you were a kid?: Yeah, there were a few. Out at the old Union Pacific railroad bridge. Downtown. A couple of party houses.
32. Were you the type of kid you’d want your children to hang out with?: Depends on my age. 😂 I was mostly a decent kid who got good grades and didn’t get into much trouble, but I went through my crazy, rebellious phase too… drinking, smoking, truancy, sex… ah, yes, being 16 was an interesting time for me.
33. Was there a teacher or figure that stood out to you?: I had a really fantastic school counselor when I was going through that rebellious phase. I was forced to see her and wasn’t happy about it, but she turned out to be awesome. A lot of times, she didn’t even make me talk about school or home, she’d just let me ramble on about things I liked, the books I was reading, my favorite movies, etc. She’d just sit and bullshit with me and didn’t treat me like a kid or talk down to me. I first became interested in psychology and counseling because of her.
34. Do you tell stories that start with “when I was your age”?: Definitely. Kids these days! When I was their age, I was already washing dishes in a restaurant. I started working at age 14 and have never stopped. And my parents didn’t buy me a car, I had to save up and bought my first car by myself for $500. And my parents didn’t pay for my college either, I had to take out tons of student loans and work 30 hours/ week on top of a full course load so I could pay all my own bills (I’m a bitter old woman, can you tell? 😌).
35. Are you religious?: Umm…I used to be, not so much anymore. My step-dad is a pastor though, plus my sister is really religious and attends a private Christian college, so I’m still around it quite a bit. Needless to say, there’s a few things they don’t know about me, including the fact that I work part-time at an adult store.
Tagging: all my “grown-up” friends who would like to do this! Dooo it!
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starsburnouttoo · 7 years
boring tag
because of @kitkatdana​
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? I close them, i’m OCD about all the doors in my room.
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? I probably have, honestly don’t remember.
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? I have a sheet too big for my bed so its wrapped around kinda weirdly and never comes undone. (life hack?)
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? No because what would I do with it? I mean, I’d hang up a stop sign on my bedroom door maybe but that might be too cliche?
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? I like to make small notes and I like to write things out in my notebook but post-it notes specifically? nah, not really.
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? I take the whole page and just rip out the coupon I end up using.
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? Big bear because it’s only one and I feel like they’d be easier to out run than a whole swarm of bees. Also at least with a bear it’s a quicker death, with a swarm of bees I’m not even sure i’d day. 
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? Nope, I have a lot of moles/beauty marks though.
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? I do because I don’t want to look back at a photo and regret the facial expression I made -- it happens a lot surprisingly.
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? I... don’t know? I don’t like when I get blamed for stuff that isn’t my fault? 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? I don’t actually count but I think about how, like, “this room is only about 20 steps from mine.” and that sort of stuff.
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? No... I don’t go into the woods?
13. HAVE YOU EVER POOPED IN THE WOODS? I literally do not go in the woods and the few times I have gone camping their were restrooms for this stuff.
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? All the timeeeee I can’t seem to be still, I’ll move from side to side a lot or bob my head or do that shoulder beat thing, ya feel? 
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? So, I chew on those pen caps from those pens that are clear and only have a blue cap? they’re like hard plastic? I feel like they’re in the top 3 most used pens... but I like to chew on those caps specifically, other than that no.
16. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU SLEPT WITH THIS WEEK? Okay so literally slept with only one but like sex? hehe ;) I’m a virgin.
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? twin but that was because I have a bunk bed. i’m buying a queen soon :D
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? Song of the week... uhm... okay so “Trapdoor” by Twenty One Pilots is really good but also “I Hate U I Love U” by Gnash because mood.
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? Yes, honey do what makes you happy. You like the color? wear it. You want to make a point that men can wear pink? do it. You want to support breast cancer? love it. you just couldn’t find another shirt to go with your new jeans? you look so good! I love it, wear the hell out of pink.
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? Actively? No... I watch a lot of anime from time to time, though... which, ya know, animated cartoons are still animated cartoons. Toe-may-toe toe-mah-toe.
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? Least favorite? err I hate every scary movie to have ever existed but I also can’t find it in me to like anything from harry potter, star trek, star wars, lord of the rings.... those series.
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? my grandpa owns two mountains... I won’t say where... you never know if I’ll get treasure worth hiding, my guy.
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? tea, literally any kind of tea.
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? Ketchup, ranch, chick-fil-a sauce... yes.
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Alright so I’m weird and I really love potato salad, like, no joke, but there was potato salad in my dream last night? I like cereal a lot, its so good, but I would die for oatmeal creme pies... devilled eggs...
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? Okay any disney movie ever, but to specify I love Beauty and the beast, Mulan, Aladdin, Tangled, Frozen (I only saw it twice so it wasn’t killed for me, I genuinely like the characters), Anastasia.... yeah I like them all.
27. LAST PERSON YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? Ugh okay so my last kiss was in 8th grade and yall know how those middle school relationships are all mistakes right? So yeah, it was this guy who was the pastors son at my church... his name is josh... he’s in college now... yeah. ew.
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? I went to the first meeting because my brother was going to the boy scouts meeting (he wanted to learn to use a pocket knife and tie cool knots) but the girls just sold cookies and i thought that was lame so... no.
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? I would strip but completely naked? Nah... do I get like a sheet to cover with or something? 
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? Last week... I write thank you cards a lot (not that I give them out a lot because I feel like people would think I’m weird for thanking them for... like... i dunno... loving a similar band to me and having a nice conversation or something.)
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? No but all my brothers can so I don’t need to know... hopefully...
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? nope... because I’m learning to drive still.
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? uh... no. I haven’t learned how to drive in the time span between this question and the last one.
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? I really like subway because of their samiches. i couldn’t say any specifics because I like.... like, all sandwiches.
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? okay so breakfast tacos from Dans... oooooor cereal.... ooooooor breakfast tacos in general. oooooor Waffles from Jim’s because they put whipped cream, chocolate chips, chocolate drizzle, etc.
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? my bedtime is 9 but anytime after 6 pm works too... if its later than 10 I’m suicidal.
37. ARE YOU LAZY? If I’m determined to get something done I will do it, just leave me alone and I’ll do it. but if I really just don’t want to do something or don’t care... yes. i’m so so so so lazy.
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? Okay so one year, and keep in mind this is the most embarrassing costume i remember, I dressed up as a party rocker based on the song party rock anthem... because I was extremely crazy about that song when I was like.... 11.
39. WHAT IS YOUR CHINESE ASTROLOGICAL SIGN? I’m a dragon my guy. but like...  hopefully a water dragon or ice dragon or earth dragon.. i don’t wanna be hot headed.
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? English.... and I passed Spanish....
41. DO YOU HAVE ANY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS? I mean... I have none but my household has a ton and I like to take the Mens Health ones because none of my brothers want them and the cover guys are sooooo hot.
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? Legos by a long shot.
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? Nah.. I mean if its a morals thing fuck yeah but if its like... “should we go to chick-fil-a” I’d be like “I kinda want chinese” and the someone would say “but I want chicken” so I’d be like “okay”
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? Uh... you see.... I like the name Leno better than letterman but i dunno these people?
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? No dude... like... if I did it would be more ironically... 
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? funny story but one time I thought I would die if I jumped off of the air vent that was outside my house... it’s like 3 feet tall... so yeah... anything above 3 feet scares me I guess. xD
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? does satan’s name resemble santa’s? 
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? almost alwayyyyyys... if I don;t i’m thinking hard or just in general talking to myself.
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? Yes. Especially to the good songs. so... a lot.
50. EVER USED A GUN? Yes and i like pistols but the.... whats it called.... the force after you shoot a big gun that makes you jump back... yeah I don’t like that.
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? I think that certain musicals are borderline obsessive with songs that just don’t go well for a serious mood... like, they’re too cheesy and annoying to be a good romantic song... but a lot of musicals are really well put together too.
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? Ugh, yes. I have 3 separate families to visit okay? Literally there is over 50 people to shop for and that’s not including friends and I’m unemployed so yes. yes it is. 
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? no.. I dunno what that is.
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? pie is so gross but I like the topping of pecan pie.
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? uhhhh I gotta list. here we go: chef, baker, singer, actress, model, pilot, therapist, vet, successful, talk show host, americas got talent judge (like... i reallllllllllly wanted to be a judge--- still do a looooooot but I have no fame so...)
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? nah but I make jokes about them being around a lot.
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? ALL THE TIME except its not exactly like a full on minute of deja vu its like a hand motion or a sign I saw on the wall or someone saying something that I swear I’ve heard before.
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? no but I did as a kid, especially when my mom bought the sour gummy ones.
60. DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS? no but I wear sandals and socks around the house a lot.
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? no but I own, like, 2.
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? a t-shirts with literally anything ranging from jeans to leggings to yoga pants... etc.
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? One Direction on September 21st, 2014 in Houston.... the arena was huge... a million girls and I got sick during the last song... whoops.
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? target....? 
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? I wear so much nike stuff because its so comfortable but adidas shirts and jackets look hella comfortable.
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? cheetos my main dude. I had an on going joke with my little brother once when we were at a concession stand and I couldn’t see what was there and he was tall so he read to me, “cheetos... fritos... doritos... and sunchips” and we died laughing because of all the rhyming. 
67. PEANUTS OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS? I like the taste of sunflower seeds better but they’re so time consuming to open with so little food as a result that peanuts are just easier.
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Nah my guy. How about Three Days Grace? xD
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? No but my spanish teacher had us learn a hispanic culture dance for one of our final projects. I had the cumbia.
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? I don’t care as long as they’re enjoying what they do. 
71. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? like... taco? cause yeah?
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? Okay so uhhh no but I went to this education festival thing and they had a spelling bee booth and I spelled the word they gave me wrong but I still won a reallllly nice notebook (as a writer I really do mean that) and it was the first notebook I ever filled up. (it lasted from march 8th, 2016 to November 11th, 2016.)
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? No but they sound cool.
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? I have literally no idea whats in my garage. I doubt it.
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? Yes... I have like 20 in my room and I burn one every few days... or a candle...
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Yeah.... yea...... uhhhh.... yeah. 
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? Twenty One Pilots, again, tbh, gnash, NF, and i’m sure there will be more in the future.
79. WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW? Troye Sivan on October 24th, 2016. 
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? uhhhhh all tea, don’t discriminate. 
81. TEA OR COFFEE? both... but like tea.... is more appealing. 
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? sugar cookies all the way.
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i know how to swim.
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? sometimes. if its something I wanna do then nah... but if its like... waiting for a friend to do something yeah.
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? DJ... (I forgot to add this to the job list but I wanted to be a DJ once... and a break dancer once.)
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? I got 2nd place in an 80′s themed costume dance contest...??? I dunno.
88. HAVE YOU EVER HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? yeah but it was to smooth out a few scars.
89. WHICH ARE BETTER: BLACK OR GREEN OLIVES? olives can burn in hell.
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? ahhhhhh I wish no.
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? any room that gets cold??? 
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? only if my partner does but me??? yes.... yeah I’d loooooove to be able to call someone my partner for life and just have that assurance that they actually want to be with me...
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? she actually might see this somehow so i won’t say the current one but I liked this girl name Olivia all through middle school until 9th grade... so you know? 
95. DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? Playfully? dramatically? but never seriously.
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? so I have 2, one is named Pikachu and one is named Bruce Banner... or Willis... or Wayne.. whatever you want for Bruce.... they’re small.... and precious... and chihuahuas.
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? I don’t want to give birth, I want a ton of kids though so... well see?
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? I like maroon... and purple... and blue... and black.... silver... white.... yeah.
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? nah.... not really.
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS VIDEO NEXT? its not even a video but uhhh @sweatersnshades @depressedtopramen @guacnroll @ashlapash579 @sleeping--light @beverlynotcleary @pups-art @stark-nakedness because all of yall are my fave accounts and some of the coolest people I’ve got to see.... yeah :D
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clinquantine · 7 years
pencil case
water bottle
Five Things In My Bedroom:
a bed lmao
wall stickers and frames
a huge box containing all of my colors, brushes, markers, and the junk i use for drawing, painting, and making crafts
a jewelry box
LOTS of books, novels, and textbooks
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
go out whenever i want
learn other languages
travel around the world
travel to outer space!
hold a gun and brandish a sword lmao
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
my collection of books (… and mangas and illustration books)
lance :’)
ice cream
Five Things On My To-Do List:
study harder
learn how to draw better
learn how to put makeup
visit a friend’s house for a movie night
catch up with some shows, manga, and anime
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
i don’t like ginger or any food that contains it
i don’t like kids but somehow kids are really fond of me? idk how that even works
i don’t like cooking either even though i’m pretty good at it
i don’t know how to dance
i love physics and astronomy sm
Name?: rawan
Nicknames?: ru, and many others
Zodiac?: virgo
Sexual Orientation?: asexual
Ethnicity?: uh… somewhere between arabic and caucasian i guess?
Favorite Fruit?: basically everything but red and yellow apples
Favorite Season?: winter
Favorite Flower?: hydrangeas
Favorite Scent?: the smell of book pages and fruit-scented perfumes
Favorite Animal?: snakes, killer whales, and sharks
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: hot chocolate
Cat or dog?: cats
Dream Trip?: outer space lmao
Number of Followers?: 🤷
What do I post about?: random stuff
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: depends i guess?
Favorite Band?: starset and owl city
Aesthetic?: a lot of stuff. mainly things related to space, middle ages, or winter…
Fictional Character I’d Date?: lance lance lance lance lance lance lance
Hogwarts House?: ravenclaw
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental chanllenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: black, pale purple, sapphire and ocean blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick
Last song I listened to: Dragon Night
Last movie I watched: haven’t watched movies in forever
Top three TV shows:
okay ima list non-anime and non-cartoon shows for this:
Brooklyn Nine Nine
BBC Sherlock
Top three characters:
Lance (Voltron)
Ichigo (Aikatsu)
Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people :^)
a - age: 17 
b - biggest fear: failure 
c - current time: 9:30pm (this is scheduled lmao) 
d - drink you last had: water 
e - every day starts with: setting the alarm off f - favorite song: tbh i dunno but recently i can’t stop listening to knnw osts by radwimps and alan walker’s songs 
g - ghosts, are they real: nah 
h - hometown: lebanon 
i - in love with: space 
j - jealous of: articulate people/ people who are good at expressing themselves and using words 
k - killed someone: tbh i did kill my own self-esteem and motivation to live years ago so.. 
l - last time you cried: i rewatched knnw today and i was bawling and squealing and wailing m - middle name: dad’s name 
n - number of siblings: 2 sisters and 2 brothers 
o - one wish: to jump in time to 7 years later where my soul is finally set Free p - person you last called/texted: my friend at school q - questions you’re always asked: “can’t you show any emotions at all?!?!” lmao 
r - reasons to smile: lance mcclain :)))))))) 
s - song last sang: nandemonaiya - radwimps t - time you woke up: i woke up at 6 today, went to sleep again, then woke up at 7:45 
u - underwear color: purple v - vacation destination: outer space (actually the only vacations i go on are to my homeland rip) 
w - worst habit: sloth 
x - x-rays you’ve had: i don’t quite remember but i think i had one when i was in 2nd grade when i broke my arm. not sure tho. i also had x-rays of my jaw/teeth multiple times too haha y - your favorite food: ice cream 
z - zodiac sign: virgo
post a screenshot of my lock screen, home screen, and last song played
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
boku no hero academia
The first character you loved:
i love them all that i don’t remember anymore tbh? probably deku?
lance (it was love at first sight even though i don’t even believe in it)
The character you never expected to love so much:
gintoki! i’m ready to die for him!!
The character you relate to most:
kacchan, iida, and todoroki
The character you’d slap:
mineta T_T
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (keeping angel’s answer bc!!! SAME!!!)
LANCE, pidge, keith
gintoki, kagura, sougo
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
umm? idk??
i still love them all so much
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
kacchan surprisingly
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