mcudc616 · 9 hours
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captain america: the winter soldier.
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meredith-harper81 · 8 months
Part Of Your World🫀
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Welcome to Hollywood
Pairing: Chris Evans x Elyse Harper
Word Count: 3k
📍April 2015
Elyse Pov
"DAMN!! Perfect, that's the one, Elyse," I hear Haley say.
I am too zoned out to even care what's going on.
"What is?" I say as she comes out of the other room walking towards me.
"Elyse the dress...It's the one, the perfect dress! I'll go tell Laura," Haley excitedly says, rushing off to go tell Laura, my stylist.
I'm standing in the fitting room, trying on dress after dress for the Oscars.
I had taken a red-eye flight from Miami to LA this morning. I have spent the past 48 hours in glam running the walkway for a Versace show, and now my body is starting to pick up on the exhaustion.
Once I wrapped the show...I headed to the airport to take part in this torture.
Two weeks ago, Haley informed me, that I would be co-presenting an Oscar, and I needed to get some fittings done. Not only are the Oscars two days away.
I also didn't listen to her earlier... I didn't want to do this, I've only been to the Oscars once and didn't enjoy myself... but without a choice, I have to do it again...
I sigh and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair is in a ponytail. My eyes are bloodshot red. All I want right now is my bed and some sleep. I've been working non-stop this month and I'm craving a good night's rest in my own bed, not some shabby hotel room.
I'm wearing a gorgeous YSL gown. It's gold, with long sleeves and a V-neck.
I for the first time feel beautiful in a dress. I smile as Laura walks in and notes down some alterations that were needed.
I thank her, and she tells me she'll see me later,  the day of the Oscars.
Soon enough after Haley helps me out of the dress she offers to drive me to the house.
As Haley is driving, I look out the window as we pass through traffic...
"Who am I presenting the award with?"
Haley's eyes pop out and she gives me this look as if I hit my head on a wall, or as if aliens appeared on the 101.
"Seriously Elyse, Chris Evans... You're Presenting with Chris Evans," she says all excited.
"Chris Evans as in Captain America?" I question as I roll my eyes.
"Yes! Elyse, Captain America, you'll be presenting the best picture movie this year," she says as she takes the exit towards my place.
"UGHHHH!!! Another hotshot," I groan loudly.
"Don't worry, it will be a quick in and out.. I promise you," Haley says, smiling.
"Yeah, right, once you spot Leo or someone, you'll forget all about me," I mumble under my breath, smiling back at her.
I am not looking forward to this weekend at all and I decided to text my best friend, Dakota Johnson.
I met Dakota through our dads... My dad was her dad's dentist and we would always have playdates, so we go far back.
I haven't seen Dakota in a while with her packed schedule.
She's flying back today from wrapping up a film.
I texted her to come over tomorrow and hang out, maybe catch up. It's been a while, and she can convenience me it won't be as bad.
I hope she is also attending and can help me with this misery.
Haley drops me off and tells me to rest.
"Yeah, yeah, Haley, I got it. Thanks," I say, rolling my eyes as I get out. Don't get me wrong but I like Haley but she can get on my nerves at times.
She smiles and waves as she pulls out of the driveway.
I grab my duffel bag and look at the house. I call my dungeon...
I hope it's not a full house and I can head to bed right away.
I open the front door and head inside and look around and it is too quiet after placing my bags on the steps of the stairs I walk around and look for Maria.
She's probably in the kitchen.
I sigh as I see a piece of paper on the entryway table. This can only mean one thing. I squeal on the inside.
Gothel and Scar are not home.
I pick up the note.
"Elyse, Tony, and I have gone on a little trip to the coast. Make sure you put your cheque in the box in our room. And we expect to see you on TV at the Oscars. DON'T MESS THIS UP!!! Don't expect us back so soon, also don't fuck this up, or you know what will happen".
I just stare at the note, expressionless at this point, but I'm glad Emily and Tony aren't here right now.
I'm used to them spending my coin, to go on trips and buy ridiculous things. I just need to get out of the stupid contract and end this.
After my parents passed, I really didn't have another choice as the word spread quickly through the news of my parents.
Elizabeth was my manager at the time and was quickly manipulated by my aunt and turned against me and the rest is history.
Emily and Tony started using me for my fame trapping me in deals and campaigns and would abuse or hurt me... I was just the puppet, and they had control of the strings.
They would place me in ads, movies, shows, or campaigns without consenting with me first, and call all the shots.
Emily and Tony seem to be really good at acting their love for me out of the house, for the most part. We seemed like a happy family on the outside but in reality, it was far from that.
I mean, the only people who work for me are Haley, my publicist and assistant, Laura, my stylist, and my manager, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth mostly stays in contact with Emily now. I rarely see her around the house or on a red carpet.
She's in charge of what job or modeling assignment... negotiating numbers more of behind-the-scenes stuff.
My team never beats an eye at Emily. In fact, they  all call her Medusa. I mean, I see it. Hell if I try to avoid Emily as much as I can through my days.
This year things have been a little different and they are not at the house as often or I am away from work.
When I do see them, it is either to scold me or ask for the next pay cheque.
The only family figure I had was probably Maria.
Maria was our housekeeper. She looked after me. Maria is a sweet lady in her late 50s.
I can't even remember how old I was when Maria came to work for us. She slowly became aware of the abuse she tried to help me.
Eventually, she stopped and would do anything to help me or avoid something bad coming.
As I walk further into the living room Maria spots me.
"Elyse, come sit I made your favorite soup, mija," Maria says pulling me deep out of thought.
I smile and nod "Thank you, Maria," I say as I walk towards her and sit at the table.
As I finish my dinner. I let Maria know maybe Dakota will visit tomorrow morning.
I moan as I scrub some shampoo into my hair and give myself a little head massage.
I continue to clean my body.
The shower is probably one of the safest places where I feel.
It's like a warm hug to me, it reminds me of my mom's hug and how I used to feel safe.
I hum as I finish showering. I put my robe on and head to brush my teeth and hair out.
As I'm running my hands up and down my body rubbing lotion.
I graze under my left rib cage area. I have a long scar from when I was 13.
Tony whipped me with his belt since I didn't want to do this one bikini shoot. I was the only thirteen-year-old on set with older men and I was not comfortable.
It resulted in me needing to get some stitches... But leave it to Uncle Tony to pay off the doctor and stop the investigations. Money can truly buy everything.
I travel a little down to my right hip, where I touch the cigarette burn.
I have one on my right hip from Aunt Emily. I was told I was a toddler at the time when our families were close and I was playing around our play structure in the backyard.
Long story short Emily was not paying attention with her hands and burned my hip as she carried me inside, which was one of the reasons for why the family split.
I cringe at the thought that these scars are the only marks of "love" I have from my so-called family.
Nobody knows about these marks. I often think about how disgusting they are and maybe they define me.
I shake my head, trying to get these negative thoughts out.
I finish up and head to bed. As I'm lying in bed, I get a message. It's from Sebastian.
Sebby: Hey Ely :) How are you? I just got back from filming! I heard from Dakota you're attending the Oscars I'm excited to see you!!!
I smile as I read his message.
I met Sebastian way back when he was modeling.
We were both shooting a perfume campaign at the time, and he walked in on a break out between me and Tony about something stupid, about my scars, not covering up correcting for the shoot.
For only Seb to walk in with my eyes bloodshot and Tony yelling at me with broken glass every wear from the broken vase that was on the floor now.
When Sebastian saw the scars, I asked him to stay out of it and to promise me he wouldn't tell a single soul. Like- take it to his grave. He promised me but told me he's worried about me... He even helped cover my scars on the screen with his hand placements. And we've been good friends since then.
He keeps in touch, checking in from time to time.
Honestly, I wish it was Sebastian presenting with me and not Chris. I've never met the man, but he is always been in the media ever since becoming Cap.
Elyse: I'm doing better. The trolls are out of town so can't complain. I'm not looking forward to presenting, but you've lifted my mood now that I will see you in attendance!
Sebby: I'm glad to hear that! Don't worry Elyse, Chris is amazing at his job, Don't listen to the Hollywood gossip. He's much better than that. Try not to stress too much!! I'll see you on the red carpet. Goodnight.
Elyse: See you soon. Goodnight Seb!
I put my phone down and stare at the ceiling daydreaming about how I crave a different life than this. I've always been a reserved person. I don't like a lot of physical contact scared it will only hurt me more. I'm scared of getting hurt. I've built a wall around me.
I often think about if this is my forever life. I'm happy when I'm not here in LA and filming, or away on a shoot. Where I can play a different character and turn this all off. Get away from this hellhole called my "home".
I wonder if I'll ever be capable of loving someone who loves me back
From a young age, I was never allowed to date or be spotted with anyone in the media...Anytime a reporter would ask a question about my love life my team would shut it down immediately so I get it... I must be a freak or people threw themselves at me for my looks. I wonder if there is someone out there to love and accept me for who I am, and not just for my looks or money. I turn the fan on and turn over and close my eyes as exhaustion starts to set in.
Chris Pov
I check the time on my watch. I should make it to Ma's home just in time for dinner. I've just landed back in Massachusetts after filming for Avengers: Age of Ultron. I'm super tired and annoyed and the only thing I'm craving more than anything right now is Ma's made homemade food.
I'm fed up with eating only takeout and salads. I need some food made with love and Ma's French food has been calling my name ever since I landed.
I sit back and refresh my phone to find it exploding with messages and articles now just realizing about my current breakup.
I roll my eyes and open Twitter after Megan texts me, notifying the outcome of everything. It's been over five weeks since the breakup and it's coming out just now.
I see my name trending in so many hashtags and questions. If I'm off the market now? If it was my fault? Or if Willow, my ex, cheated?
Before going to Atlanta to film the last few scenes of the movie ... I drove to my girlfriend Willow's house to ask her if she wanted to come with me. Only to walk in on her cheating on me, I found her in bed with some hotshot guy from her friend group under her. I cringe at the memory.
I told her it was over, and to take her shit out of my house in LA... Rumors started to spread fast as she was seen by pap's leaving the house with a suitcase.
I sigh and sit back and wait for this car ride to be over. I searched my name on Google and to my surprise, it's trending.. "Captain America newly single." "Why did he dump his girlfriend?" Click our link in the bio to find out"... I groan.
I really hope Ma is home alone tonight...
As the driver pulls into the driveway. I see the lights are on and Carly's car is outside, which means the kids are here, which leads to the whole family.
"Great.. Full house" I mumble as the driver comes to a full stop.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my family, but knowing I'm going to see them after a while, and also mentioning I broke up with my girlfriend, I'm going to get a lot of crap from them.
I walk in, leaving my luggage in the mud room.
" Hey Ma," I shout. As I walk through the living room into the kitchen, it is indeed a full house everyone is already sitting at the dining table.
"Chris," Ma says, shocked.
" Uncle Chris, Uncle Chris! " Ethan shouts, and soon enough, all three of my nephews and niece attack me.
" Oh, Uncle Chwis, I missed you so much," Miles says. " I've missed you too buddy," I say as I give them each a big hug.
They lead me to the dining room, where everyone is getting ready for dinner.
Ma makes her way to me. " Oh honey, I thought you were going straight home, well this is a sweet surprise". She says this as she hugs me tight.
" I know Ma, but I was craving your food". I said, a little ashamed. She laughs.
" Lucky for you I made lasagna your favorite". I smile and slowly make my way around, greeting everyone.
We all sit down and start to enjoy dinner. They ask about how filming went. Ryan tries to get some info about the movie but, my lips are sealed... I explained how I wouldn't be staying long as I had to go to LA for the Oscars...
Everyone is quiet and starts to look around wondering who is going to be the lucky date this year.
" AHEM," Scott says, looking my way trying to get my attention. We all stare at him.
" Who are you taking since you broke up with Willow? " He says looking my way trying to get an answer out of me.
I sighed while rolling my eyes and looked down at my plate.
"Ow," he says as Shanna kicks his leg from under the table.
"No one... I'll be going alone. In fact, I am a presenter this year so it'll be a quick in and out," I say, taking another bite of some lasagna.
" Awww, that's too bad, Uncle Chris, Mommy, and Uncle Scott bet on who you're taking this year," Ethan says, smiling.
Everyone bursts out laughing as my family always ends up taking bets on my relationships as If it's some kind of game.
"Well, that reminds me Ma, you owe me some money," Carly says while laughing. I just look unfazed and roll my eyes and go back to eating.
Soon enough, everyone finishes dinner, and I say goodnight to the kids. Soon Carly leaves, and Shanna and Ma go to sleep as they have a big day at work tomorrow.
So I'm left in the living room with Scott.
" So who's the lucky presenter you're presenting with," Scott says as he brings me a beer,
"Well," I sigh taking the beer from Scott and taking a sip.
"I think it's Elyse Harper," I say as Scott starts choking on his beer.
"Are you okay?" I ask Scott and his eyes pop out.
"WHAT!" He says shocked.
"The supermodel Elyse Harper?"
"I think so," I shrug taking a sip of my IPA.
"Chris, how could you not tell me? I could have met Elyse.. Chris," Scott whines taking another sip of his drink.
I look at him, giving him a funny confused look.
" REALLY!... You don't know who she is do you?" He exclaims.
" No, I don't Scott," I say now annoyed.
"You are missing out bro... Chris, she's a supermodel, an actress, and only what like 4 years younger than you. How do you not know about her... She's in Fast and Furious, and Transformers?" He says.
I look at him and grab my phone, and do the only thing one would do.
I decided to Google her.
As the page loads, Scott grabs my phone out of my hands.
"Hey give that back," I say now even more annoyed than before.
" Chris, look at her," He says looking through the pictures.
I grab my phone out of his hand...and holy shit, I swear, I felt my dick twitch.
"She's beautiful," I say a little too loud for my liking.
" I told you, you were missing out... I may be gay but like wow...where have you been.. Get your head out from under the rock man". Scott now states proudly.
I'm staring into her green eyes on the screen, I slowly look at other features: she's tall, has a great ass, her hair is a light brown color, she has a light skin color, and her eyes her bright green eyes. I could get lost in them.
I hear Scott clear his throat. "Chris, you're drooling," he says.
I hit his arm. I wonder if she's single, and actually, a genuine person or if she just all looks.
Scott interrupts me, as I am deep in my thoughts.
" Chris, I know that look... All the best and you better not fuck this up,"
I sighed and put my phone away. I looked at the time and saw it was getting late.
After a few more beers Scott offers to take me home since he hasn't been drinking so much as me.
After Scott dropped me off...I head inside and to my room. I decided to take a shower before sleeping. I get in the shower and can't get Elyse out of my head. I don't even know the woman yet she has this effect on me.
I get out of the shower, brush my teeth, and look over at the empty sink to my right, and empty drawers in the cabinets. I can't help but feel sad.
I walk into the closet grab a pair of shorts and go lie in bed. I turn the lights off and get under the covers.
I'm staring at the ceiling thinking about how I need to get my life together and how lonely I feel. I can feel the anxiety creeping on me slowly.
I mean, I'm only 34, but I want all the things that life has to offer. I want to come to a house that feels like a home, and not barge in on Ma every time.
I want someone who loves me and waits for me. I want the bathroom sink to linger with her products and the closet to get out of control, someone hogging the whole bed... stealing the comforter from me at night, wanting to cuddle.
This is getting really getting old coming home to an empty house. This house doesn't feel like a home. It is missing something... maybe I should get a dog for now. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my phone pings.
It's Megan, my publicist.
Megan: Chris, hope you had a safe flight home. I hate to break it to you, but we need to be in LA tomorrow afternoon for some fittings. I'm sorry... I'll call you in the morning. Have a good night.
I groan as I read the message, Great. I look at the time as it's 1:00 in the morning now. I roll over, trying to get some sleep.
I just end up tossing and turning. I can't sleep. She's still on my mind. I open up Google again and look her up  again. I see she has a few interviews on YouTube, so I decided to watch a few. She's funny and has a natural charm, doesn't try to stand out too much, but her smile doesn't always reach her eyes in most photos, or press junkets.
I sigh, as she doesn't seem to be an attention seeker. Damn, she's too pretty. She's got to have a boyfriend right?
I groan as I shut my alarm. I don't remember what time I went to sleep last night. I check the clock on the wall and it reads 6:35...I get out of bed, brush my teeth, and head to the basement to work out.
Soon after I had a quick shower and breakfast. I'm getting ready to head out the door when my phone starts ringing, and it's Megan.
"Morning Chris, how are you doing? She asks.
"I'm good, a little tired," I laugh
"Yeah, Well I'm sorry to hear that. I've booked the ticket for LAX. You leave in an hour. I'm sorry Chris but I tried to get a later flight...,"
"It is okay thank you Megan I'll see you real soon, Take care," I say as I hang up the phone.
I head back inside and pack a little carry-on bag for a few days. I only bring the necessities, since I have most things there.
I walk into Ma's home. I smile, as it smells like home.
I enter the kitchen and I see Shanna and Ma finishing their breakfast.
"Hey Shanna, Morning Ma," I say as I grab myself water.
I explain to Ma what's happening as she and Shanna are both running a little late to the theater.
They both wish me a safe flight, to enjoy myself and not overthink and that they'll see me on TV. I smile and hug them both.
I call an Uber and head to the airport. The driver parks on the airstrip, and as I head inside, I'm greeted by the pilot and the flight attendant.
They tell me the flight is on time, and I should get ready for take off.
I lie back in my seat and try to read a book, but I just think about her. I can't wait to meet her in person, and soon the plane takes off.
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 1 year
IT'S A PARTY OVER HERE FOR THE ONE AND ONLY CHRIS EVANS and in honor of him I want you to tell us (@acircleofstars, @dear-meatball) what made you a fan of the actor and what do you like the most about him. Using the tag dear - meatball send your sweet messages. Let's show him some love
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ineedtoventchrissy · 5 months
This page along with it's twin @stillloveyoumeatball is intended to be a space space for Cevans fandom members to have a safe space to let it all out if or when it is needed due to the current shitshow
Reblogs are disabled as I am not wanting to encourage traffic but discussion is able to take place in the comments section
Cevanstans deserve a safe space to heal with each other, they will not be conquered and divided
Asks will be posted with a . as the only response and will not be tagged
Asks will be checked and posted once a day
Links to both of these pages are able to be found in the pinned post on the mods page
Mod: @ashadowofburnedoutstardust
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stillloveyoumeatball · 5 months
Hello all
This page along with it's twin @ineedtoventchrissy is intended to be a space space for Cevans fandom members to have a safe space to let it all out if or when it is needed due to the current shitshow
Reblogs are disabled as I am not wanting to encourage traffic but discussion is able to take place in the comments section
Cevanstans deserve a safe space to heal with each other, they will not be conquered and divided
Asks will be posted with a . as the only response and will not be tagged
Asks will be checked and posted once a day
Links to both of these pages are able to be found in the pinned post on the mods page
Mod: @ashadowofburnedoutstardust
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ao3feed-stucky · 6 years
by cevanstan
Steve Rogers is tired of not being good at dancing so he decides to ask for a little help from Bucky.
Words: 1635, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, First Kiss, Dancing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 6 years
Teach me how to dance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OpYZyB
by cevanstan
Steve Rogers is tired of not being good at dancing so he decides to ask for a little help from Bucky.
Words: 1635, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, First Kiss, Dancing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OpYZyB
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