#cleared my cache like twice
belphieslilcow · 1 year
project sekai I'd love to do the special challenges but unfortunately my games been crashing after shows for like 2 weeks =w=
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
State of My Head 3
Find the series masterlist
Here we are folks! The final chapter! There will be a bonus scene soonish, so keep an eye out for that. But this is the last actual chapter, with the promised happy ending. 
Warnings: Canon typical violence, blood, injury, death of a minor character, swearing, shifter behavior, cat behavior, Gaz finally realizes he was an idiot.
Word count: 4.7k
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You still hated the helicopter rides. Even though they were necessary. But you still huddled into your seat, holding tight to the grips. At least Gaz and Soap had stopped teasing you, most of the time. 
This op was a little less straightforward. They didn’t have as much intel on this location, which was why Price was sending you in first. There were supposed to be weapons, but there was no clear intel on how many weapons or exactly which kind.
That was part of your job. To find the weapons and report back. 
The heli landed and you hopped out, taking a moment to look around. You’d been dropped off away from the objective - there was a bit of a hike to the buildings. Apparently this was normal for them. 
You were just looking forward to shifting so you could run ahead. 
Price motioned for you to follow him, which you did. By now, this was routine. You weren’t combat trained, so you stayed in the middle of the group. This time, Gaz covered your back. 
Price halted in a good cover spot, and you immediately shifted. 
“Straight back here,” Price reminded you as you crawled out of your clothes, though he didn’t need to and you both knew it. By now, it was just habit.
You meowed softly at him and lifted one paw, tapping his boot twice. And then you trotted off towards your destination. 
The set of three warehouses were a bit removed from the road, big parking lots nearly empty. They had that dilapidated look about them, run down and tagged with spraypaint. They were set outside of town, far enough away that you doubted anyone would be able to hear things going on here. Good for the people of the town, at least. The route from Price’s chosen spot to the parking lots was covered in vegetation, trees growing tall and wild, bushes providing plenty of cover spots. A series of hills rose behind the warehouse, providing further cover. 
It wasn’t a bad location for a secret weapons cache, really. Unremarkable. Isolated enough to operate without suspicion, but still with easy access to a major road. Not bad at all. 
The chain link fencing around the area was new. Still easy enough to squeeze under. Sometimes you were glad you weren’t any bigger. 
The lack of outside lights worked in your favor, allowing you to get close. You paused outside to listen. 
Definite movement inside. Footsteps. Murmuring. The click of a lighter. A side door opened several feet from your hiding spot, letting out a guard, and you held very still.
“Think they’re gonna show?” The guard had an accent, sounded Russian to your ears.
“Boss thinks they will.” A second guard stepped out of the building, lighting a cigarette. This one sounded American. 
“What makes him so sure?” The Russian didn’t sound disbelieving, just bored. 
“Eh, who knows?” The American blew out smoke, rolling his shoulders. “Not like I’m the boss’s right hand man.”
The two both laughed at that, and you tensed. There was something wrong here, very wrong. Who were they expecting? 
A radio crackled on the Russian’s hip. “Got movement from the northwest,” someone reported in, muffled but audible. Also American. Northwest. You froze, not quite sure which direction you’d come from. 
“Guess the boss is right.” The American grinned, teeth very white in the darkness. “We better finish up if we wanna get in on the fun.”
“Assuming the snipers don’t get the bastards first,” the Russian agreed. “But who knows? They are supposed to be very good.”
“It’s the same assholes that blew up the cache two weeks ago. They’re good.” The American sounded almost eager, thirsty for bloodshed in a way that made all your fur stand on end. He put out his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe, free hand reaching over to smack his companion in the shoulder. “C’mon, man, hurry up.” 
You’d heard enough. You remembered the cache two weeks ago - Soap had come back exhilarated and smelling of smoke. 
They were expecting your guys. Somehow, they knew. 
This was a trap.
You bolted, running as fast as you could, no longer quite so worried about stealth. 
But you did pause outside the fence, because they’d mentioned snipers. Okay. Think like Ghost. Where would you set up if you were a sniper? 
A quick look found at least four spots you could check. After you warned the team. 
It took a lot less time to get back to them, since you were less concerned about stealth and more concerned about speed. Consequently, when you arrived in front of Price, you were panting. Shifting took only a moment, leaving you crouched in front of them. 
“They know,” you gasped, not giving them time to ask you questions. “Expecting you. Snipers, guards.” You waved back at the building.
Price’s eyes narrowed. “You sure?”
You nodded rapidly. “Heard two of them talking.” You swallowed against your dry throat, ignoring the chill of the night air against your skin. 
Price blew out a slow breath, gaze flitting between you and the buildings in the distance. The other three all stood still and silent, waiting on his orders. 
“Right. No use walkin’ in to a trap. Get back to exfil.” 
There was a ripple through the group, the tension of a thwarted op paired with the knowledge that they’d been given bad intel. You, at least, couldn’t think for a moment of anything other than the fact that if you hadn’t gone first, they’d have walked blindly into that trap.
You swallowed, glancing between them. Gaz was already reaching for your clothes, Soap and Ghost on alert. Price was not going to like what you did next. 
So you just wouldn’t give him a chance to yell at you.
“Meet you back there,” you said, and shifted. You were gone again before any of them could try to grab you, and you knew they couldn’t risk shouting after you. 
You ran ahead of them and veered off course. It was dark, but your eyesight was better in the dark than any human’s, especially shifted. So you saw the movement of a sniper, likely scanning for your guys. 
You launched yourself at the sniper, yowling. You were no bigger than the average housecat, but you had surprise on your side, and claws. He yelped as your claws dug into his shoulders and arms around his tac vest. A gunshot briefly deafened you, but rather than run off, you lunged for his hand, biting down as hard as you could. He dropped the rifle, swearing, trying to shake you off. 
You let go of him and ran again. You doubted he’d go after you, and you were too small a target to shoot at with any accuracy. Especially as you zigzagged away.
So you went on, following the sounds of a radio and check in calls. Your ears flickered, pinpointing the source of the noise, before you crept up. 
This one was a woman, tense and alert, scanning for enemies. Your tail flicked back and forth as you debated your approach. You could get to her hands first, incapacitate her. But you’d have to move fast, both to catch up with your guys and to not get shot. 
Her radio crackled again and she turned towards the sniper you’d already attacked. 
You leapt at her hands, scratching and biting. You thought it would work.
It sort of did.
She yelled and swore and swung away from you. But she didn’t drop the gun. 
Instead she swung it at the same time you jumped for her.
Pain burst in your side, sharp and sudden. You tumbled out of the air, landing on your feet and howling. For a moment you wondered if you’d be able to move, if you’d even be able to make it back to exfil–
“Fucking animal,” the woman spat, and aimed the rifle at you. You scrambled for cover, the shot so loud it hurt your ears. Warmth slid down into your left ear, muffling your hearing. Another shot and your back right leg buckled under a line of searing heat. 
A third shot. For a moment you expected to feel pain, to keel over. 
Instead the sniper went down, blood and brain matter sprayed across the ground behind her.
One of your guys must have shot her. Which meant they were still here.
Running was immediately out of the question. Your ribs shifted, and that crunching feeling should probably be very concerning. Your injured leg didn’t want to hold your weight. 
Leaving you to limp along on three legs, woozy, struggling a bit to breathe. There was no way this was going to end well for you. 
A soft call of your name had you jerk, swaying a little on your feet, before you looked up at Gaz. He hissed out a soft curse, scooping you into his arms. You did your best to not make pained sounds, and failed. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” he demanded, holding you securely even as he ran back to join the others. “You could have been killed!” 
“You’re explaining that later,” Price growled, ushering Gaz into the heli before him. “Damned foolish.” 
You managed a weak meow, shaking your head, trying to unblock your ear. Blood spattered across Gaz’s front and the seat, but you could hear better at least. 
“Fuck,” Gaz breathed, buckling in quickly. “Cap, should we–?” 
“I don’t know.” Price sat next to him, also buckled in. A moment later the heli was lifting up, the faint lighting inside allowing you to see the captain’s jaw clench tight. “Not a damn vet.” 
The motors were so much louder as a cat, and you pinned your ears back, still sensitive from the gunshots. And then meowed pitifully at the sharp pain from your left ear. 
Price called your name, and you jerked your gaze to him. Your jaws had parted so you could pant, trying to get more air. 
“Shift back,” Price demanded, firm tone mostly masking his concern. “We can’t help you like this.”
You thought about that for a moment. Shifting was going to suck. Your ribs were almost definitely broken, and would not magically be fixed. Not to mention the sheer strain of shifting that much - coupled with the blood you’d already lost, there was a good chance you wouldn’t be able to stay conscious.
Then again, if you didn’t shift, there was no vet on staff. And it was a lot easier to bleed out as a cat than as a human. 
So you shifted, immediately gasping in pain at the jostling on your ribs, tears springing to your eyes.
“Easy, love,” Gaz soothed, shifting his grip on you to keep you securely against his chest. “What hurts?”
“Ribs,” you gritted out, shutting your eyes. “Ear. Thigh.” Your heartbeat pounded in your head and at your throat, far too fast. It was getting hard to focus. 
“Thigh is still bleeding,” Soap pointed out from across the way, frowning. 
“Yeah, spotted that,” Gaz gritted out. One big hand pressed a cloth down onto the seeping wound on your thigh, hard. You whined, hands scrambling for something to help anchor you. The heli jolted, not a lot, but enough to make you bite your tongue to hold back a shriek. 
It was too much - the burning in your ribs, the ache in your thigh, the pounding of your pulse. Your eyelids fluttered - you knew you should stay conscious. 
But it hurt, and it was hard, and you were less inclined to fight as the adrenaline left you. Shivering hurt, but you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“Hey, hey, don’t you dare fall asleep on me.” Gaz sounded more panicked than angry. Someone wrapped a blanket around you, and you blinked slowly. 
Price nodded once to you, though he didn’t speak, since he was on the phone with someone else. Of course he was on your left - you couldn’t hear him quite right, things still muffled on that side. 
Trying to focus was way too much effort anyway. You just wanted to sleep. 
Vaguely, you could hear Gaz behind you, chanting, “No no no–” But it was too much to keep your eyes open, to ask him what was wrong.
Your eyes closed as everything faded. 
Soft, rhythmic beeping drew you out of sleep. Opening your eyes was a monumental task, one you accomplished in increments until you could see the boring white ceiling above you. 
Didn’t look like your room, though.
You felt like you should be freaked out about that, but you felt too weighted down to get freaked out about anything. You blinked slowly, trying to remember what happened. 
The soft breathing in the room finally registered, and you blinked again and lifted your head. 
Gaz was asleep next to you, head pillowed on his arms at the edge of your bed. That looked uncomfortable. No way he should sleep like that.
But parting your lips to try to call to him just made you cough, your throat dry and scratchy as sandpaper. Coughing jostled your ribs, pain flaring bright and sudden, clearing the last of the cobwebs from your brain. With the side effect of tears leaking from your eyes as you tried to calm down. 
Big, warm hands cupped your cheeks, thumbs smoothing over your skin. “Easy, love, easy does it,” Gaz murmured, gaze flitting over you, as if he could do anything to help. “Best thing to do is to breathe normally, yeah?” 
You stuttered through the first few breaths, slowly calming down until you were relaxed again, Gaz still leaning over you. You blinked slowly up at him, lifting one shaky hand to cover his. 
“What happened?” You barely got the words out as a whisper, but you managed. 
“Water first.” Gaz released you with one hand, slowly, as if he was reluctant, and pushed a button to lever the bed more upright. He held the water for you, making it easy for you to just drink through the straw. 
You slow-blinked at him again when he set the water aside. That was better. Not great, but better. You tapped the back of his hand gently. 
“Right.” Gaz blew out a slow breath, gaze darting from you to the side table to the machines next to you. “You’re in a hospital, Price is wrangling the doctor. You remember getting shot, yeah?” 
“Thigh,” you agreed. 
“And the tip of your ear.” His fingers strayed, brushing against the left side of your head, which did feel thick and muffled. Huh. 
“Damn.” You huffed. “Gonna look like I got caught in a spay and release program.” 
His snort was surprised and a tiny bit wet. “That’s what you’re worried about?” 
“Still got my pride,” you mumbled, tipping your head a little to nuzzle into his palm. 
“Yeah, well.” Gaz cleared his throat. “You… almost didn’t make it, love.”
You blinked at him, feeling incredibly slow. “How?” 
“Not sure.” Gaz scrubbed his free hand over his face. “Guess you lost more blood than we thought, or something. But you were struggling by the time we got you here.” He swallowed hard, looking haunted. 
“Too many shifts,” you muttered, trying to grab him with your free hand, and then glowering at the tug and pinch of the IV there. “Must’ve drained me more than I thought.” 
“Have you been hurting yourself to help us?” Gaz sounded a little appalled, his gaze somehow more frantic as he looked you over.
You shook your head a little. “Doesn’t hurt,” you reassured him. “Normally not a problem. Just… takes energy.” You hummed softly, nestling your cheek further into the warmth of his hand, nose near his wrist. He smelled much better than the hospital room. 
Gaz huffed softly, shoulders relaxing again. “You’ve got stitches in your leg,” he murmured. “And a few broken ribs.”
“Called that one.” You fought to keep your eyes open. You didn’t want to go back to sleep, didn’t want to lose the warmth of his gaze, the feel of his skin on yours. Didn’t want to go back to the distance he held you at. 
“It’s okay if you wanna sleep more,” he murmured, leaning in closer. “You need to heal.” 
“Don’t wanna sleep.” You nuzzled into his palm again even as your eyes closed against your will. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Gaz murmured, low and solemn, like a promise. “Just rest, love.” 
As stubborn as you wanted to be, you obeyed, his scent soothing you back to sleep. 
He was still there when you woke next, as was Price. This time, you felt less groggy, but definitely still not normal. 
“We will have a conversation about that stunt,” Price said as soon as your gaze focused on him. “When you’re not stuck in bed.”
“Joy,” you drawled, though you relaxed a little at the knowledge that you weren’t about to be reamed. Not yet, anyway. 
“Another few days here and you should be fine to come back to base.” Price tipped his head, watching you carefully. 
“‘Kay.” You grimaced as you tried to breathe deeper, the ache in your ribs reminding you why that was not a good idea. 
“That’ll take a while,” Gaz murmured sympathetically. “Ribs are the worst.”
“Be easier as a cat.” But you just made a face, displeased with the prospect of months of recovery. 
“After the stitches come out,” Price interrupted, giving you a stern look. “Not before.”
“I know.” You couldn’t help but pout a little. 
Price snorted. “Get some rest,” he ordered, taking a single step forward to pat the top of your feet. He shot a look at Gaz that you couldn’t decipher before he turned and left.
Leaving you with Gaz again. 
“How’re you doing?” Gaz shifted closer to you, his knees knocking into the side of the bed. 
“Okay,” you said slowly, watching him. Now that you were less out of it, the sudden closeness and concern were… odd. You knew it was him, you knew his scent anywhere. Even in your sleep. Had he hit his head at some point? No, Price wouldn’t let him get away with not getting that treated. 
“What?” Gaz blinked at you, gently curling his hand over your free hand. 
“You’re… different.” You stopped yourself from saying more. Kinder. Softer. More like you remembered from the beginning, when you’d decided he was your person. 
He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing, and looked down at your linked hands. “Yeah,” he agreed softly. “I, uh. I’m sorry. Been a real ass.” He rubbed the back of his neck, managing to look up at you from under his lashes. 
You slow-blinked at him again, resisting the urge to headbutt him. For multiple reasons. Not least of which because it would hurt to move. “Coulda been worse.”
“You’re not supposed to excuse my shitty behavior.” Gaz frowned disapprovingly. 
You shrugged and then hissed as your ribs reminded you that yes they were still broken. “It didn’t change anything.” 
Gaz looked at you like you were a little crazy. “What do you mean?” 
“Well.” You licked your lips and swallowed. Your turn to be nervous. “I wouldn’t have… I mean, I still… Hm.” You pursed your lips. Damn humans for being so insistent on words. Any cat would have known by now! 
“You still… what?” Gaz leaned closer, eyes focused on you. 
Soap saved you from having to explain, waltzing into your room with water and pudding. “Price mentioned ye were finally up! How ye feel, hen?” 
“Alive,” you grumbled, tilting your head to look at him. “You brought food?”
“Just some pudding.” He offered it up and even opened it for you. Because he was a good friend. 
“When are these bandages coming off?” you asked in a grumble, already annoyed at the reduced hearing in your left ear. 
Soap shrugged. “Couple more days. Leg will take longer.” He tipped his head. “Why?”
“Wanna see how bad it looks.” You grimaced. You were a cat, after all. You had some vanity. 
“Badass, more like.” Soap reached over to touch you, paused, and redirected his hand to very gently pat the top of your head instead. 
“Not made of glass.” You looked down at your lap, scowling a little.
“Hen. Broken ribs suck. Ah ken.” Soap crouched so he could catch your gaze. “Ye’ll hurt for months. No need to go lookin’ for more hurt.”
You blew out a breath and then winced. Okay. Right. “Good point,” you admitted. 
Soap grinned. “Has this dafty even tried t’ keep ye entertained?” 
You blinked at Soap. “Uh. Define entertained.”
“Means no.” Soap reached over you to swat Gaz’s shoulder. You half-expected them to devolve into tussling - you’d seen it happen before. But they didn’t, this time. Instead Soap snagged another chair, pulling it up to your bedside with a flourish. “Right! Have I told ye ‘bout my sisters?” 
The days passed slowly, but they passed. The hospital was boring. But you did rest, because you were forced to. Gaz was there every time you woke up, even in the middle of the night. Trying to get him to go had earned you the most pathetic puppy eyes you’d ever seen, and you were a bit ashamed of how quickly you caved to him. 
Which was part of the whole problem, really. He was still your person, even if you weren’t his. 
Gaz was the one who helped you from the bed to a wheelchair to make it out of the hospital. Gaz was the one who sat in the backseat with you, helping brace you and talking you through the pain of every bump in the road. Gaz was the one who brought you back to your room, who sat with you and insisted you boss him around telling him what you needed. 
Honestly, it was baffling. Completely baffling. It still felt a bit like he’d been replaced with a pod person, or something. (Except your nose would’ve picked that up.) 
The bandages around your head finally came off, and you examined the rough half-circle taken out of the top of your ear, completely silent, while Gaz hovered over your shoulder. 
“It’s not bad,” you grumbled at last. “Still looks like I got caught by a spay and release program.” 
“Have you ever?” Gaz held your gaze in the mirror.
“No one ever caught me,” you said with a haughty sniff, lifting your chin. “Until you. All. You all.” 
Gaz drew in a deep breath, his hands settling very carefully on your shoulders. “We never finished our conversation.”
“Which one?” You didn’t quite have to feign ignorance - you’d fallen asleep talking to him more than once, recently. 
“About what a shit I was.” He paused. “And why you’re so eager to sweep it under the rug.”
“Oh. That.” You swallowed, gaze skittering away from him. 
“Yeah, that.” He shifted closer to you. 
You hummed a soft note, not quite sure how to get out of this conversation, not sure if you should. Then you sighed softly. “For the record. You are an idiot.” You clenched your jaw and then released it. “If you were anyone else, I’d hold that against you for a long time.”
“What about Price and Ghost?” 
“Trust me, I’ll be reminding them that they hated me and use it to my advantage.” You smirked. “Cats have long memories when we want.” 
“So why aren’t you holding it against me?” 
And therein lay the problem. You fidgeted, making a face. “Alright. So. There is one major way we differ from, say, house cats.”
“Okay…?” Gaz looked bewildered but rolled with the apparent change of topic. 
“We choose one mate for life. Usually the female chooses. ‘S why Mama’s the matriarch.” 
Gaz blinked and then his eyes blew wide as he breathed out your name. 
“I made my choice three days into my stay here.” You forced yourself to hold still, to hold his gaze. 
“You… But… Even when I…?” He looked… a little devastated, a little hopeful. Pained, definitely.
“Yes.” You shrugged carefully. “The whole damn time.” 
Somehow, you weren’t quite sure how, Gaz managed to move around you, getting to your front and kissing you, soft and sweet. His fingers trembled against your cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry,” he breathed, moving back just enough so he could speak. “I’m such a damn fool. You nearly died and I–” His breathing hitched. 
“Easy,” you murmured, lifting one hand to cover his. “I’m okay.” You paused. “Well. I will be okay.” 
“Made me realize what an idiot I’d been,” he continued, pressing his forehead to yours. “Made me realize I love you.” 
Your breath caught, your eyes going wide. “You… do?” 
“I do.” He huffed, breath warm against your lips. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” 
“Already forgiven.” You smiled slowly, carefully nuzzling his cheek. “Told you. Can’t hold a grudge against my person.” 
Gaz smiled. "Feel like I should scold you for being so forgiving about this, but it works to my advantage." 
You chuckled and then winced. Right. Ribs. "I'll be happy when those stitches come out," you grumbled, glowering down at your leg. 
"Just a few more days," Gaz soothed. "Are they bothering you? Itching?"
"No. I just want to shift." You made a face. 
"You don't like being stuck, do you?"
You swallowed hard, because that was… a little too accurate. "Right." 
Gaz kissed you again soft and slow and sweet. "I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing, you'll give me a complex." But you smiled, leaning in very carefully to nuzzle his cheek. "Just don't do it again. My forgiveness has its limits."
"Promise I won't." He kissed you again, apparently unable to help himself. 
Not that you were complaining. 
Your only real complaint was that anything more was out of the question. For the moment. 
Gaz held your hand as the stitches were removed. The on-base medic gave you some advice (that you didn't actually pay attention to) before leaving. 
You waited until the door was shut to shift. It hurt. It hurt more than you expected, left you panting softly. 
But you were once again on four paws. Much better. 
"You alright?" Gaz crouched down to be on your level, concern clear in his eyes. 
You chirped and licked the tip of his nose, smug. This felt much better. 
He chuckled quietly. "Can I pick you up?" 
You chirped again, walking carefully closer to him. Walking hurt, but not as badly as when you were human. 
It took a little figuring out, but Gaz picked you up and cradled you against his chest, one arm securely under your paws. You started purring immediately, rubbing your cheek against his chest. 
The only times he put you down the rest of the day were when he absolutely had to.
Best of all? He went back to hand feeding you, grinning through the teasing from Soap. 
You purred the entire meal. 
Finally, he headed back towards your room for the night. "You ready for bed?" He asked softly. 
You mrrped at him and tapped his hand. He blinked down at you. You looked very carefully down the hall, towards his room. 
"You… want to stay with me?" 
You chirped an affirmative. 
"Well… alright. Just for tonight." He continued down to his room, setting you gently on the bed. 
You gave him privacy to change for bed, padding up to his pillow to lay down next to it. Curling up was a no-go, so you laid carefully on your uninjured side. 
Gaz settled down with you, kissing the top of your head. "Sleep well, love."
You closed your eyes, purring gently. There was no way you were just staying in here tonight. If you had your way, you'd never go back to your room. 
You could be very persuasive when you wanted.
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sorcerous-caress · 2 months
Witnessing you play pathologic 2 is such a fucking trip bc like?? I own both 1 and 2, but I’ve only actually played pathologic 1 and like?? How in the blue fuck do you have 15 shmowders????? I think I got like- 6 in my entire playthrough- I was not doing well with my quests tho so that probably contributed but??? 15??????
16 now just baught some from my buddy ol'pal dead items shop man on day 7
But if you want an actual answer
Shmowder kid
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Find a building with shmowder kid in it, exist and enter until they have the shmoder in their inventory for trade. 10% spawn chance.
Rare cache farming
I save before 7:30 when cache reset. Then I go and check all the assigned "rare" caches with a chance of spawning shmoders, usually 3-6 each day. They're scripted so they never change locations. I reload until I'm sure at least two of them have shmoders then bag it quickly. 20% spawn chance per rare cache.
Rob people
You don't find shmoders, but you aquire nut funds for your shmoder supplier kid. Basically get the cape and all the protective gear, waltz into infected houses with at least 8 immunity boosters then go haywire and grab all nuts you can find.
Only two give a guarantee Shmoders so uhh...maybe if you feel like it? I did them either way.
Here is my progress so far
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I could squeeze 3/4 more shmoders out of my plug girlie, but I'm running low on food, so I rather trade them for eggs instead. Plus, I'll get 2 more when it hits 7:30 from caches.
I'm saving up for the shotgun! Maybe a revolver too idk.
I found out brewing antibiotics is annoying so I rather trade for them instead, but + immune boosters are a must.
The town so far is good, I gotta start repairing water sources.
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I think Peter's infection is scripted because he had like 75% chance to NOT get infected, lost twice in a row when I reloaded.
Eh, he's not one of my bounds so Imma wait for Daniil to come begging on his knees for a shmoder.
Side note, Artemy is so fucking stunted when talking to women he is attracted to. It's almost hilarious.
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Meanwhile, compare it with his flirting with men, and he becomes as smooth as silk.
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Artemy is so down bad for Rubin it's sad and funny at the same time.
It's like a love triangle i can't. Artemy wants childhood sweethearts romance with Rubin, but Rubin keeps rejecting him for big city dandy educated Bachelor of medicine, but Daniil is tripping over his own feet trying to subtly (failing) to get closer and more intimate with hunky bottom surgeon Artemy.
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Making us "indebted" to him.
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Trying to get us to be his "Aide"
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By day 6, we're drinking buddies. He even ADMITS how his arrogance hurts him and is a bad trait. IN LESS THAN A WEEK OF MEETING US.
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I'm still not over how he invites us to EVA'S house, doesn't tell her and doesn't inform the hunching brooding gaint Artemy that a soft hearted woman lives where he's squatting at for free and instead let her panic at seeing Artemy bust in unannounced.
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"The milkman" I FUCKING CANNOT. Daniil is the roomate who's late on rent, keeps flirting with you to make you forget that he is late on rent, then his grinder date shows up unannounced.
Daniil is so much nicer than people made him seem? Idk, maybe I'm too autistic to pick up on his normie passive-aggressive condescension-which feels very in character for Artemy-but also, he just seems like a decent swell guy!
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Kinda useless, but he's trying his best without time turning protagonist active player powers!
If anything, he's too friendly. He asks US to be his aide? Even when it's clear that Artemy didn't attend a single day in school all of his life.
Because let's be real.
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"Where did you graduate??"
Daniil's "you don't have to watch your tongue with me" omfggggf
The sabotaged water sources must be getting to Daniil's head for him to act this thirsty in a makeshift hospital IN PUBLIC.
Artemy is clearly someone that Daniil would absolutely look down on MORE than he would to the average person, and yet how does he treat us?
Like what the fuck were those youtubers about???? Daniil is so nice oh my god. I had completely the wrong idea. He is so helpful and friendly, not once did I feel antagonised by him.
Also, I didn't insult him, ever. So he never replied with any insulting comment. You treat him with respect, and he does the same. It's endearing!
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He entrusts us and confides in us! He clearly values our input and help. He vents to us and listens to our theories!
Side note, people's reaction to Artemy's height and gaint size is gold.
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Also, I think they have a kink for his hands because of the whole surgeon thing, like come on, it gets mentioned TWICE?
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there is also this time where Artemy had a nightmare that he was sleeping through class, and for some reason, Daniil was just ???? In the corner ??? For misbehaving?
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He barely met the guy and he already figured out how 90% of his time in the education system must have went.
also Artemy REALLY likes cats and dogs.
First he calls himself like a Kitten, then he says Murky is like a cat and finally:
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Artmey is just phenomenal in this.
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I bought the first Pathologic HD Classic today, too! It was on sale for so cheap my god it felt like highway robbery.
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See this loser wet cat kiddo right here?
I will behead every man, woman, child and elderly in this entire town with a rusty Axe if even one of them touches a single hair on his head.
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sufficientlylargen · 2 months
Your trademark is the sufficiently true fact. They never fail to entertain educate.
You would think so, but actually the European Union Intellectual Property Office ruled that my sufficiently true facts were "devoid of any distinctive character" and as such could not be trademarked. I also brought them to the office of the director of the US Patent and Trademark Office, but they ruled that I was "trespassing" and that "breaking and entering is illegal" and refused to listen to my impassioned defense of the fact that technically I didn't "break" anything because the wall was still intact, just elsewhere.
I checked with my lawyer, and apparently there's a lot of precedent against me here - it turns out that any phrase containing the word "sufficiently" is devoid of character in most of Europe under the 843 Treaty of Verdun, because Lothair I found the word "gauche" and "anachronistic" and so Charles the Bald conceded that in exchange for authority over the kingdom of Aquitaine; meanwhile in the states 10 USC § 929 Article 129 determines that unlawfully entering the real property of another will be punished via court-marshal (and the court marshal claims he saw me enter the building, so that was pretty much that).
I *have* registered the trademark under the 2435 Martian Mental Properties act, but that won't take effect for several more centuries, by which point the word "facts" will have shifted in meaning to refer to a sort of portable fencepost designed for mid-Oort elk farms, so it's sort of a moot point (or at least, it will be).
Sadly, my current trademark looks like this:
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and even though it's eye-shatteringly bad I can't seem to get it changed. I've already gone to my city government about it but they couldn't do anything to help, even after I cleared their cache and zapped their PRAM twice.
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fuck-customers · 10 months
where the fuck do clients get off telling me i'm wrong about something they don't know shit about? do they think i care enough about them to lie to them? why would i intentionally misrepresent something that LITERALLY has no effect on me or them or anything at all? i.e. "your order has two programs, which are both paid for, but it looks like one of these programs is waitlisted & doesn't require payment. would you like me to refund that?" "no. you're lying to me. i've only paid for one program on that order, but [x system] took my payment twice for that one program." ...doesn't matter. literally doesn't make a difference where the payment went. whether it was on overpayment for one thing or a payment that wasn't due, doesn't. fucking. matter. i'm literally just trying to get the money back to you so you'll fuck off. you'd think the second you say you'll refund something, people would be frothing at the mouth & not give a shit was the refund is for, especially considering the programs we run are relatively significantly expensive (talking $500+ minimum). or how about the time someone told me i was lying to them about a certain program being full. like girl just because you don't clear your cache & cookies so you're looking at an old version of the registration page doesn't mean we still have availability. try to register and see what happens. i'm not trying to make your life worse, if you'd stop screaming about how i'm a piece of shit who wants nothing but the worst for your nasty kid maybe you'd be able to hear me offering alternatives. some of our clientele is so incredibly distrustful & takes every little thing in such bad faith that i wonder how they live their day to day lives without some form of intense paranoia. can't even tell someone to have a nice day without getting an "....uh, ok," in return. it's weird, man. i love my job because of the good we do for our community (public education/psych/child dev nonprofit w/programs for individuals, families, etc) but some of these fucking people, especially the parents we deal with, just truly believe everything we do is money-grubbing and/or that we're out to get them. idgi. go touch grass. i don't care about you or your family enough to want to make your life miserable.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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marilynjeansims · 7 months
Hello. The EA app stopped launching my game after I downloaded a reshade. I deleted the reshade folders and the recently downloaded mods, thinking they might have caused this issue, but it seems like something else is causing it. I also repaired the game twice. Has this ever happened to you? Do you know something I can do to fix this? I even cleared cache, ran the app as administrator… tried so many suggestions that were posted on the EA support page.
Hey, if you have repaired your game and it's still not opening, I suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the EA app & the game from your PC. If you have save files I would make a backup of the folder somewhere safe on your PC so you don't lose them. Also, remove or move all of your mods from the mods folder. I'm not an expert at this kind of stuff, but I hope my advice helps!
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redphienix · 2 months
I have no fucking idea why and it's annoying me, but my firefox addons to make youtube look right have stopped working properly.
I didn't know youtube continued updating to such a disgusting design -.-
Anyways now my Improve Youtube addon only works when I'm signed out, pretty much defeating the purpose.
If I sign in it goes ugly as hell -.-
Tried uninstalling, disabling cache and the like.
There's still the pseudo nuke option of "Clear EVERYTHING and see if that works" but that's always annoying since it logs me out of everything. I might though.
At the moment I'm stuck having youtube open twice, once signed in and ugly so I can fucking see my subs and the like, and then open in a private tab so it's logged out and looks fucking right -.-
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solalunar-eclipse · 10 months
Chapter title: the pulse through the night/that sets my heart alight
AO3 Link
Getty | Cache
Rating: T
Summary: A series of one-shots focusing on different characters from the truly amazing fic Buy One [S]et One Free. (Please read it before reading this, it’ll be worth it, I promise!!) Some will be set before the story, while others will take place throughout it! Everything here belongs to EeveeningNews, I’m just messing around in an attempt to express my love for this fic in the only way I know how.
The room was quiet, as it tended to be on a Thursday afternoon. The only noise at all came from the light clicks and taps on Getty’s keyboard, as he answered email after email in an effort to get his inbox cleared out before he clocked out for the day. 
Tonight was special, after all, and he could not afford to work overtime.
At the exact second the clock changed to five-thirty, Getty sent his last email, and shut his computer down with shaking hands. His still form suddenly overflowed with energy as he practically leapt from his seat. 
The rose-colored Addison darted over to his closet, replaying his memory of the conversation with Cache that had started all of this in the first place…
“Listen, cuz.” they’d said, before mentioning you by name. “I know how you are about asking her out…and let’s be real, I know you, period. So guess what? I’m feeling generous for once, I’ll ask her for you.”
Getty felt his heart begin to beat twice as fast. “Oh—oh goodness, Cache, y-you don’t need to do something like that for me! I’m perfectly content, I promise!”
“Uh-huh.” they hummed, clearly unconvinced. “So that’s why you didn’t spend the better part of our hangout gushing about her just the other day, right?”
“I—surely it wasn’t that long!” he protested, but he couldn’t quite meet Cache’s eyes. 
“And that’s not even mentioning all the other times you’ve gone on about her, either.” they continued mercilessly. “What about that one lunch where we were supposed to catch up on everything and it turned into an hour-fucking-long presentation on the specific color of her eyes?”
“Now that is just blatant exaggeration.” Getty sniffed, folding his arms. “That degree of ill-mannered behavior suits you better than me, I would think.”
“So what I’m hearing is that you don’t want to go out with her, then?” Cache shot back, the corner of their mouth twitching as they restrained a smirk. 
“N-no!” he cried. “I do, I just don’t want to put her in an uncomfortable situation where—you know, she might have to refuse, or she might not refuse but solely out of a sense of obligation…” He winced at the mere thought.
“And that’s exactly why I’ll be the one to ask her! She knows I ain’t the type to hide behind pretty words or some shit like that. I’ll know if she’s not being honest, too, so I can get you a straight answer. Alright?” they said, in a tone which very much suggested that they would do so even if it wasn’t alright.
“I couldn’t stop you if I tried, could I?” Getty asked, struggling to ignore the way he suddenly felt ill with nerves.
“Nope.” Cache said simply, finally allowing themselves that smirk from earlier. 
Two days later, Getty had received a single text from his cousin.
She’s in.
…Getty beamed, scanning the contents of his closet for something appropriate to wear. The elation, the sheer delight he had felt upon reading those two words simply could not be described. He was finally going to properly spend time with you! Tonight!
A thread of fear blended into his joy at that particular thought. He had to make sure that everything was as perfect as it could possibly be. And that started with his outfit. 
He selected some of his bolder items of clothing, hoping that his appearance would bolster his mood as it had many times before. A pastel yellow blazer completed the look, and he stepped in front of the mirror to double-check his choices, before taking out his phone and opening up a fun new gacha game to soothe his nerves until it was time to leave.
Ten minutes later, he was back in front of the closet, panicking. What if you expected something a little more formal? The reservation was for La Barre D’espace, after all. Rifling through the hangers, he pulled out a much more formal black-and-white ensemble, trying that on instead. 
He eyed himself in the mirror, cringing at how stiff and washed-out it made him look. Perhaps…something a little more relaxed? But not too relaxed, that was why he’d picked out this second outfit in the first place!
Getty sighed, sitting down on his bed. After a moment, he eased himself into lying on his back, and then closed his eyes. “I’m being terribly silly, aren’t I?” he said out loud to the empty room.
Nobody replied (for which he was rather thankful, he would have been quite frightened if anyone had), but he suspected if Cache had been there, their response would be something rather like No duh, dingus. I wouldn’t set you up on a date with some jerk, so why’re you acting like she’s gonna tear you apart the second she lays eyes on you?
…they would probably swear more than that, but he wasn’t quite willing to simulate that particular trait of theirs at the moment.
Getty ran a hand through his hair, getting up from the bed once more to return to his closet and properly pick out an outfit. To be fair, the one he wore wasn’t terrible, it was just so…bland. He needed at least a pop of color, or else it wouldn’t be true to him, now would it?
Well, if he was trying to build an outfit that was true to him, he might as well use his own color, mightn’t he? 
Slowly, he pulled off the black jacket he’d been wearing and replaced it with his favorite magenta vest. And this time, when he turned around to face the mirror, he finally felt ready to leave his room and head over to the restaurant.
When he picked up his phone, he saw that it was over an hour too early for him to leave on a normal night, although to be fair, this was not by any means a normal night. After all, what if traffic was bad (a surprisingly common occurrence in Cyber City)? Or what if you arrived early and were left there, all alone, waiting for him to show up? What a terrible first impression that would be!
Resolved, Getty set out immediately, walking his oft-traveled path through the halls of Queen’s mansion and giving any vases he saw an extra wide berth. He definitely wasn’t about to let something like that ruin this night. 
As a matter of fact, if his hopes came true, nothing would.
When he stepped out into the lobby, luckily enough, there was already a blue-tinted Swatchling by the name of Cobalt lingering by the door of the Color Café, seemingly without a job to do. Getty approached him somewhat hesitantly, smiling. “Pardon me…I don’t mean to interrupt, but are you busy at the moment?”
Cobalt turned to him, his expression registering surprise for only the briefest of seconds before he relaxed back into a more work-appropriate, unruffled demeanor. “Ah, Master Target. I am unoccupied at the moment—is there anything with which I may assist you?”
“Well, yes, actually!” Getty beamed. “I have a, erm—” his voice dropped momentarily as a light blush spread across his face— “A date, tonight. At La Barre D’espace. And since it’s rather far away, I was wondering if you might be available to chauffeur me there? Only if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, of course!” he added hastily.
Cobalt offered up the smallest of smiles at that. “Sir, it is my primary duty to assist the residents of Queen’s mansion with whatever they may possibly need. I am perfectly capable of driving you to La Barre D’espace. When would you like to depart?”
“Now would be lovely, if that’s alright.” 
“Of course.” The Swatchling bowed briefly. “Merely permit me to inform Head Butler Swatch of my intended whereabouts, and then we may leave at once.”
“Oh, absolutely!” Getty replied, waiting politely just outside the café until Cobalt was ready.
Soon enough, the two entered a limousine, and they were on their way to the restaurant. Despite the fact that he was facing the window, Getty was so lost in his own thoughts that he hardly even noticed the city go by. Would you like the food? Had you ever been to a restaurant like this before? Would you like him now that he was more than just another paying customer? He’d never really spoken to you beyond requesting a meal back when you worked at that diner. What if—
He shook his head abruptly. There was no use working himself up so long before you would arrive. He wanted to be a good host and date, not a flustered mess!
Yet still, he struggled to keep his mind on lighter subjects, continuously circling back to the same few topics over and over again.
Halfway through the ride, however, Cobalt interrupted him in his pondering. “If you’ll pardon my curiosity, sir, who happens to be the lucky person invited on this date?”
Getty blushed once again at the implication that you were lucky to be invited to spend time with him—if anything, he felt that the reverse was true. After a moment, he found his voice once again. “She’s a Lightner, actually. Her name is—” He smiled as he said your name, remembering the very first time you had introduced yourself to him. Even back then, when he had only just been hit with the true extent of his own feelings, he had found himself particularly struck by your friendliness and warmth in spite of the difficult job you worked. It was truly stunning. “She is one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet, and funnily enough, she’s actually quite close friends with my cousin!”
“Your cousin? I would say I find myself surprised, Master Target, but since they seem to enjoy your company so much, I suppose it only makes sense that they would choose to spend time with others who are equally suited to you.” the Swatchling mused.
Getty chuckled softly. “You make a very good point, Cobalt.” he replied. 
“Well, if she is half the person that I know you are, then I am certain you two will have nothing to worry about.” Cobalt added, making Getty smile bashfully.
“Oh, thank you! You’re far too kind.” the rose-colored Addison insisted gently. 
“I would protest that statement, but I am afraid that shall have to wait until later. We have arrived at La Barre D’espace now, sir.”
Getty jolted slightly, surprised. “Already? Oh my! Thank you very much, Cobalt. Will you be available after we have finished as well?”
“Certainly. I shall be right here until you are ready to leave.” 
“Thank you again!” Getty said, stepping out of the car once Cobalt opened the door for him. 
“I sincerely hope that you enjoy your date, sir.” Cobalt said, offering him another hint of a smile before stepping back into the car.
“I hope so as well.” Getty murmured to himself, taking a deep breath as he approached the building.
He made his way inside and over to the elevator, stepping inside and pressing the button for the top floor. The car stopped a few times during its ascent, and each time Getty held the door for those who were entering and exiting, earning him several smiles and as many “Thank you”s in the process. However, not a single person seemed to recognize him, for which he found himself grateful. He wasn’t entirely sure that he would have been able to manage the nerves stemming from his relatively new wealth and his date-nervousness all at once, at least not without failing to maintain his usual calm demeanor.
Mustering up what remained of his courage, Getty walked up to Cardinal, the Swatchling working at the host stand for this evening. “Hello there, Cardinal!” he said warmly. “I believe my reservation is under a different name than usual for tonight. My cousin, Cache, is the one who organized this particular dinner.”
“Ah, I see. Yes, Mx. Cache is indeed the one listed here. Thank you very much for informing me, Mr. Target.” Getty cringed internally upon realizing that he would probably be referred to as such in front of you. He had never had the chance to explain his nickname properly when you worked at the diner, so now he just had to hope that he could correct any misconceptions you had about his preferred name before one of the Swatchlings irrevocably gave you the wrong idea.
Cardinal informed him which table he and you would be sitting at, and he made his way back through the restaurant, having been here more than enough times to find his own way to any table at all. He smiled, taking a seat at this particular one, which was one of the nicest in the entire restaurant. It featured a lovely view of Cyber City, one that he sincerely hoped you would enjoy.
Before he could begin to even consider worrying once more, Saffron approached him with a couple of menus tucked under one wing. “Good evening, Mr. Target. I hear you are waiting on someone in particular?”
“Yes, Saffron! I’m afraid I’ve arrived dreadfully early, so she won’t be here for quite some time. Could I just have my usual drink for now, while I wait for her?” Getty asked politely.
“Of course, sir. I shall have it brought out to you shortly.” Saffron bowed lightly, before leaving the Addison alone again.
Getty spent a few minutes people-watching in an effort to amuse himself, trying to see how many repeat customers he could spot in the restaurant tonight. He definitely recognized many of the Addisons there, as well as a few Plugboys and one or two Werewires. It took him several more minutes to recall all of their names (as well as their most recent purchases), by which point his drink had arrived.
After thanking the Swatchling who had brought his glass, Getty took a small sip, feeling his shoulders relax slightly at the familiar flavor. Soon enough, however, he found himself lost in another memory—this time of the first moment he’d ever seen you.
The Color Café was even busier than usual that day, and his second choice of restaurant was closed as well because the chef had come down with a virus. Honestly, at this point, he’d be content with just about anything, so long as it was food and he could get it in something approximating a timely manner.
Suddenly, Getty spotted one diner that was normally too busy for him to even consider, but seemed to be having a slow day today. Feeling slightly apprehensive (but mostly just desperate) he pushed open the door and stepped inside, putting on his usual salesman’s smile.
At first, he didn’t notice any workers, only a few sparse patrons at various tables. Just as he was about to feel truly concerned, though, a voice spoke up from the back of the diner.
“Good morning! How are you today?”
And Getty nearly bluescreened at the sight. 
He knew that he was a bit of a hopeless romantic (or perhaps more than a bit, really), but somehow, he’d never had all that many romantic moments happen to him…until now. The Lightner working at the diner—and how was a Lightner working at a diner??—was by far the most gorgeous person he had ever seen.
Time stopped. His heart pounded. Your sweet, warm smile lit up the room, and he nearly melted at the sight. 
Suddenly, he remembered that you’d asked him a question. “O-oh! Perfect, thank you, absolutely wonderful!” he managed to stammer, feeling as though his legs might give out at any moment.
“I’m Getty, by the way.” he added shyly. “He/him, if you please.” 
“Oh! It’s so nice to meet you!” you said brightly. “I’m—well, it says it right here on my name tag, doesn’t it?” You laughed briefly at that, before continuing onwards. “Um, she/her works just fine for me.”
You opened your mouth, about to say something else, when a voice rang out from the back of the diner. “Oi! Lightner! You’d better not be slacking off out there!”
You jumped, the brightness disappearing from your face instantly. Getty silently mourned the sight. “S-sorry!” you called, before turning back to him and flashing him a shadow of the smile you’d worn before. “Feel free to pick whatever seat you’d like, I’ll be over as soon as I can to take your order!” You snatched up a menu and handed it to him, before dashing off to speak with whoever had just yelled at you.
Getty sat down at a booth by the window, frowning in concern. At any other point in time, he would have noticed that the diner wasn’t quite as tidy nor as beautiful as the places he normally preferred to frequent, but right now, he was consumed with worry for the lovely person he’d just met. 
Were you being mistreated here? Or was this just a bad day? And were you really the only server in the entire place? If so, then he couldn’t imagine the kind of stress you must be under, and he settled in to wait for you to be finished with the other patrons.
You took rather longer to return than Getty would have liked, but your profuse apologies more than banished any hints of frustration he might have felt. Admittedly, the food was…also less than stellar, but the way you smiled every time he showed you even the smallest scrap of kindness made his heart flutter and ache simultaneously.
Before he had even paid the bill, he knew he’d be returning here tomorrow.
Getty blinked, rousing himself from his reminiscing and looking briefly around the room. The same people were mostly there, but Cardinal was currently showing someone new to their seat. He glanced back out the window, not wanting to stare as they walked through the restaurant—
It was you.
Getty nearly gave himself whiplash with how quickly he looked back over in your direction. You looked utterly stunning, clearly having both dressed up very nicely and done your hair specially for the occasion. It felt like that first day at the diner all over again, except so much better, because now there was no rude manager, no difficult work, and no poor quality food.
Just you…and him.
Getty jumped up out of his seat, his eyes meeting yours as he prepared to speak, and he felt his heart pound. 
Goodness, he hoped he was ready for this.
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gladstones-corner · 5 months
This week has been so unbelievably busy. It's blown by and crawled by at the same time.
Work is about the same, except I've released the first version of a tool I built for my team. The User Acceptance Testing has been...well honestly the tool has been well received but they're providing a lot of feedback and I don't have much time to build in the functionality they're asking for.
Then there's the crashing problem. My work PC has this annoying issue where it never clears local caches. Ever. So I had like 40 gigs of garbage backups and temporary files that would normally be cleared on a reboot. It's gotten so bad that I have to manually clear the caches daily, sometimes twice a day.
And that's just work. There's my personal study program on the back-end, which is four books in tandem. Granted, I'm working in very small chunks at a time in these books, but it's still tiring when all you want to do is sleep after work. Beyond that, some people are starting to come to me and ask for tarot readings. So now juggling those is part of the routine.
This doesn't even touch the time I make sure to spend with my wife. It also doesn't cover the time I spend in contemplation or meditation with the gods. These are things that come before anything else, so I figured they should go without saying--or at least with a brief mention.
At any rate, that's why I haven't been as active these last few days. I've just been trying to keep my head above water. That should change soon though, as things quiet down and I transition into the next projects.
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candycov3redros3s · 10 months
So, I noticed I had two missed calls from the same number, like twice in a row. I back searched it, and it said it was either the city of Las Vegas or someone named David.
I decided to check my voicemail and did a refresh. I deleted the voicemails from my dad and the casino and did another refresh. But then something from my dad popped up and something from the casino, which I chalked up to my voicemail bringing up the one I'd just deleted.
But literally a second after, I realized the date and time were different. So she apparently did call back on that Wednesday, July 26th. I went to my call log and for some reason it's not even showing up as a missed call, just that a voicemail was left, but now I have no idea what she said because my dumbass deleted it 😅
I mean, I guess it doesn't matter now. But I did a Google search, and it said to force stop the app, clear the data and then restart my phone and call, and leave a message. Then, for my phone app, it said just to delete cache.
So I think it's OK for now but sooner rather than later, I need a new phone
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everygame · 1 year
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3D Classics: Twinbee (Nintendo 3DS) / Twinbee (NES)
Developed/Published by: Konami Released: 10/08/2011 (Nintendo 3DS), 7/1/1986 (Famicom) Completed: 05/04/2023 Completion: a rare 1 credit “clear” finishing the first loop with 950,800 on the 3D Classics version. Trophies / Achievements: n/a
Well it’s all surprises here, because I had tremendous fun playing through this after considering the original arcade release somewhat miserable to play through due to it’s relentless brutality. With the Nintendo 3DS taken out back and beaten to death by Nintendo, I took the opportunity while the big N was distracted to lift all the 3D Classics from behind the bar and I wasn’t expecting to play this for particularly long considering that the release doesn’t let you savescum your way through it (you get a single quick save, and it’s deleted when you load it back up. Right now it’s holding at the start of the second loop, triumphantly.)
However, it’s got a lot going for it. NIntendo’s 3D Classics range are a truly odd bunch and it’s a bit of a tragedy that they gave up on the series so quickly, considering they’d hit their stride with upgrades to Kid Icarus and Kirby’s Adventure, but the writing was probably on the wall with their decision to make the flagship releases Excitebike and… Urban Champion? A game they haven’t even released on Switch Online, they’re so shamed? To be fair, they did put out Xevious, and (oddly) they even put it out as an Arcade port, not a port of the (excellent) NES version, but that’s a game with a tragic lack of cache outside of Japan. I suspect these sold so horribly poorly that there was just no money in it, and I wonder if it was a bit of unconscious self-sabotage from either Nintendo (not wanting to just shove up 3D Super Mario Bros or 3D Legend of Zelda) or Akira (wanting to do more interesting releases). I mean M2 still puts out versions of Sonic every time they get to do some Sega re-releases even if all they really want to do is put out Fantasy Zone again.
Anyway. As I was saying, 3D Classics: Twinbee has a lot going for it. First of all, the 3D is good. I kept it on the whole time and never found it painful. Secondly, it mildly (quite mildly) prettifies the original NES release with the backgrounds not looking as plain and there’s a cute “theatre curtain” framing. And finally, and most importantly, it’s got auto-fire (missing on the Switch Online version…) and overall is nowhere near as much of a ballache to play as the arcade original.
It’s just a lot more… balanced. More forgiving. I mean maybe I’ve gotten really good at shooters all of a sudden, but that’s not particularly likely. There are a manageable amount of enemies and bullets on screen until the gauntlet that is the mid-point of level 5, and the power-ups are huge bumps in power–the “shadow options” create a wall of bullets and the shield lasts for a pretty ridiculous amount of time. If you’re able to get the shield and the rare 3-way shot, you’re golden.
With everything a bit less busy on screen, you can actually manage to juggle bells successfully, and in my 1CC I died several times and was able to get powered back up fairly quickly and with only some panic (in level 5 I did go through a death-loop ending up with only a single life left, but just managed to get a shield in time.) I was obviously helped by auto-fire… but that was a staple of third-party controllers at the time. It’s not cheating… really…
If there is a problem it’s that if you lose your arms (which allow you to bomb enemies on the ground) you basically get one shot at recovering them and it seems like the ambulance never shows up again and so you’ll probably die, or have to die, as a result. Oh, and the bosses are a bit crap.
This is good though.
Will I ever play it again? Well, I’ve actually beat this twice now, first on Switch Online with some saves and then on the 3DS, so probably not? But I recommend it over the arcade original and I now look forward to the sequels.
Final Thought: While I’m positive about this, I would say in 1986 the original release isn’t that exciting considering Xevious came out over a year before (November 1984) and is still, honestly, better. And I guess if you were buying 3D Classics (which you weren’t, because no one was) you were much better off getting Xevious there too even if 1CCing this is extremely rewarding. But yeah, if it’s 1986? It certainly seems like you’re better off saving your Christmas money till April when Gradius finally hits the Famicom.
Support Every Game I’ve Finished on ko-fi! You can pick up a digital copy of exp. 2600, a zine featuring all-exclusive writing at my shop, or join as a supporter at just $1 a month and get articles like this a week early.
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ravenadottir · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
Ok I think my game may be broken but idk because I’ve never done a Bobby route before so I’m coming to the expert for your take…I keep getting the same dialogue from him over and over again where he goes “you’re just so…you” like at least 3 times now and I’m only on day three of the game. Is this what his route is like or is my game broken lol?
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anon, i think it's worth it cleaning the cache. usually bobby's dialogues are different and only start repeating towards day 20/21, and it's only supposed to happen twice.
definitely try clearing the cache. it's more efficient than restarting the game because it doesn't 'reset' anything by doing that. you can notice that by the wardrobe, it stays the same despite some outfit options only being available later on.
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night-dark-woods · 2 years
i hate tumblr i tried to post selfies but there was no service and i have NO idea if its still trying or if its gone forever into the ether. bc i dont want to post them again and then they post twice like hours later. i wonder if i clear my cache if itll wipe it.
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cricutnewmachinesetup · 2 months
How Do I Connect Cricut to Computer: A Step-by-Step Guide
How do I connect Cricut to computer? This was a question I got on one of my blogs a week ago. Not only this, but I also received similar questions regarding connection from many readers. Since none of my posts has a complete guide to Cricut connection in one single guide, I tried to write this.
Without thinking twice, dive into this blog and explore the steps one by one. In this blog, I have answered how do I connect my Cricut to my computer via Bluetooth. Let’s start now! 
What Do I Need to Connect My Cricut to a Computer?
In order to learn how do I connect Cricut to computer, you have to first understand what you need before connecting to your Cricut. As we know, the connection is a part of the Cricut setup, meaning we are actually setting up our machines. So, there are things that are required before setup. Let’s get a look into it:
Cricut machine
Power cable to connect your Cricut to a wall outlet
A flat surface like a table for keeping the machine on
A Windows/Mac computer with the following system requirements:
For Windows
Operating System – Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
RAM – Minimum 4GB
Disk – 2 GB free
CPU – Intel Dual Core or equivalent to AMD processor
Display – 1024px x 768px screen resolution
Connectivity – A USB port/Bluetooth connection
For Mac
Operating System – macOS 11 or later
CPU – 1.83 GHz
RAM – Minimum 4GB
Display – Minimum 1024px x 768px screen resolution
A USB port or Bluetooth is required
Disk – 2GB
How Do I Connect Cricut to Computer (Windows)?
You will need to set up your Cricut on a Windows PC, which requires a connection. Since the connection is part of the Cricut setup, you must use a compatible Windows PC, such as Windows 10 or a later version. I have explained the easy steps I followed to connect my Cricut to a Windows computer.
Here are the easy steps to connect your Cricut to a computer on a PC:
First, you need to look for a flat surface to place your Cricut.
Here, ensure the distance is no more than 15 feet from the PC.
Afterward, go to the Start menu and select a gear icon to open Settings. 
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As you click on Settings, you will move to another screen, where you need to click on Devices.
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Verify if your Bluetooth is ON, then go to Add Bluetooth or other device.
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Next, select the Bluetooth option and wait for your PC to detect your Cricut machine.
Select it as it is visible in the open list, and your pairing will be done.
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How Do I Connect Cricut to Computer (Mac)?
Mac users need to follow the following steps. However, the placements of Cricut and your computer are almost the same as for Windows. Here are the easy steps to connect your Cricut to a computer on a Mac:
Review if your computer is powered on or off. 
After that, move to the Apple menu and choose the System Preferences option.
Now, go to the Bluetooth app on your Mac computer.
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Afterward, turn on the Bluetooth.
Next, select the detected Cricut model from the available list.
Last but not least, you have connected your Mac computer to your Cricut.
Question 1: What is the “Connect to Computer via Bluetooth” screen on Cricut?
Answer: The “Connect to Computer via Bluetooth” usually appears during the setup of Cricut Maker 3 or Cricut Explore 3. It happens because the Cricut Design Space app has detected an AMD Ryzen chip on your desktop. Actually, there is a problem with some Windows AMD Ryzen chips that may cause problems when you try to connect your Cricut via a USB cable. Therefore, Cricut recommends you use a Bluetooth connection for these computers.
Question 2: What should I do if my Cricut won’t connect?
Answer: If your Cricut is not connecting to your device, then you need to try the following useful tips:
You need to clear the cache and history of the web browser.
Run a scan on your computer for potential malware.
Defragment the hard disk.
Ensure your firewall or antivirus is blocking Cricut connections.
Question 3: Are all Bluetooth dongles compatible with Cricut machine?
Answer: According to Cricut’s official website, CSR (Cambridge Silicon Radio) Bluetooth dongles are incompatible with the Cricut machine. However, if you want to use a Bluetooth dongle, you need to use one that supports audio devices. Cricut doesn’t guarantee that all dongles will connect to your machine, but those that support audio devices are more likely to be able to connect.
To learn how do I connect Cricut to computer, I have explained all the steps carefully. Before that, I also mentioned things that were required before the Cricut setup. In it, I have especially discussed the system requirements. Make sure your Cricut meets the requirements so that you can do the setup in no time. To have an error-free, smooth connection with the Cricut software, go to this write-up and follow the steps mentioned above.
Read more: install cricut design space app
cricut.com/setup mac
Cricut Design Space
Cricut New Machine Setup
Source: How Do I Connect Cricut to Computer
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fcvisuals · 5 months
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Take me river, carry me far Lead me river, like a mother Take me over to some other unknown Put me in the undertow
Excerpt from journal, 6/14/2021
"Oh how grateful I am for such a heavenly trip to my heart's home, with my soulmate.
The first morning gifted us with sunny clear skies, speedy and safe travel, and various strange yet entertaining animal encounters. Along the way, Denali and her friends welcomed us by gifting us with a full view of her domain. Laughter and awe were shared over small gramma pups and a fat cat on a leash.
Once we reached Healy, our adventures began with scouting for our two camp spots. This led to a sweet lunch break, shared in our hammock by the hidden lake. We ate our make-shift sushi of rice, seaweed, and kimchi-style fiddleheads, enjoyed with some backcountry blueberry beers.
We then stopped by Usibelli to find that the gates to hidden backcountry adventures were, surprisingly, wide open for us to pass. We ventured through vast canyon walls of ancient stratification, shining rocks, and expanding lines of vegetation. Feeling the pull of the opened gate beyond the canyon, we made our way towards the infamous ditch that had left its mark on my dear car the previous summer. Yet another surprise, and ever more endearing was finding the ditch had been filled, allowing safe passage!
Knowing the sun would set soon, we saved that adventure for another time and headed to Eight Mile Lake. The summer sun continued to beat down on us as we made our way to the lake by foot. Little spruce trees along the way reminded us of how small and young we are.
Eventually we made our way to the expansive boardwalk that lives forever in my heart. Mali sat amongst the cotton grass while I photographed the beautiful, abundant world around us with double exposures. By this point, we decided to grab more drinks and gas before heading up to set up camp and cook dinner.
I set up the 3-person tent that I'd recently bought for the trip, while Mali prepared the Impossible burgers. After dinner, we took some shrooms and made an attempt to ascend the legendary ridgeline. The ridgeline that I had only managed to get my car onto twice before, passing through extremely precarious conditions. We didn't manage to make it all the way up this time, though we did find some interesting remains of a moose.. The rest of the night was spent tending to the fire, enjoying drinks together, singing to LIGHTS, healing our inner children, watching the sunset over the mountains, and capturing the moment.
The next morning was calm and relaxing. I brought Mali up to the Grande Denali Lodge, where everything started for me. Quick visits were made to my old housing and the Denali Cannabis Cache, where we met the unofficial Denali mayor, Rubin the Dog. We kicked off day two's adventures with our drive into Denali Park, where we stopped for a hike to a hidden waterfall along the Savage River.
The hike left us hot and tired, so we travelled down to Drashner Lake, off the Denali Highway, for lunch and a beer. Clouds began to roll in, giving us just enough reprieve from the summer sun. The travel back was quick and beautiful, with the sun following us home.
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govindhtech · 5 months
Elevate Performance T-Force CARDEA Z540 2TB PCIe 5.0 SSD
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T-Force CARDEA Z540 2 TB PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSD Having first investigated PCIe, which Gen5 NVMe storage devices with up to 10,000 MB/s read and write speeds earlier this year. These drives were first, but knew faster drives would come as technology improved. Mainstream AMD and Intel motherboards make Gen5 platforms more accessible.
While starting at 10 GB/s, SSD manufacturers have quickly released faster drives by optimizing thermal designs and using better NAND solutions. The Cardea Z540 series from T-Force is designed to offer the fastest speeds possible given NAND flash’s limitations.
Team Group T-Force CARDEA Z540 2 TB SSD, which uses Phison’s E26 controller and targets high-end storage. This SSD costs $259.99 US, which is typical for 2 TB Gen5 SSDs.
T-Force CARDEA Z540 2 TB PCIe Gen5 NVMe SSD
CARDEA Z5 includes the Team Group T-Force CARDEA Z540. They have examined many CARDEA products, from Gen3 to Gen4 SSDs, over the years. The Gen5 “Z5” SSD series is now under review.
The Team Group T-Force CARDEA Z5 SSDs use the NVMe SSD form factor and the latest Micron 232-layer TLC NAND flash, which offers up to 2 TB of storage, twice the performance of Gen4 drives, and full DirectStorage API compliance. Most T-Force CARDEA Z540 SSDs implement the Phison E26 SSD control system found on some of the strongest Gen5 drives.
T-Force increased NAND speeds from 1600 to 2000 MT/s, improving read and write speeds. T-Force Gen5 drives will likely optimize these speeds.
Incredible new-generation speed unleashes gaming performance The graphene miracle Best heat-dissipation method Temperature control intelligence Clear steps to protect Earth Patented S.M.A.R.T. monitoring master Quality user assurance service Patented graphene heatsink US invention patent (US11051392B2) Taiwan invention patent (I703921) China utility patent (CN 211019739 U). Patented S M A R T software Taiwan invention patent I751753 The Team Group T-Force CARDEA Z540 SSD has an M.2 2280 form factor and NVMe 2.0 PCIe Gen 5 x4 interface. The SSDs are only available in two capacities (1 TB and 2 TB) and have sequential read and write speeds of 12.4 and 11.8 GB/s, respectively. Most Gen 5 drives currently have 10 GB/s Read and 9.5 GB/s Write speeds. This SSD uses a large Frozr heatsink to lower temperatures by 20C.
The 2 TB model have tested had a peak sequential read speed of 12,400 and a write speed of 11,800 MB/s. Random Reads and Writes IOPS were 1400K/1500K, and endurance was 1400 TBW.
Team Group T-Force CARDEA Z540 2 TB PCIe Gen5 NVMe SSD Unboxing and Closer Look The Team Group T-Force CARDEA 2 TB is compact. Large SSD photos adorn the black package. Capabilities, model name, and patents are listed on the front. The back of the package lists SSD specifications and performance figures, which will discuss later. The SSD, graphene pad, and T-Force sticker are inside. T-Force seems to be keeping things simple. Standard 2280 form factor SSDs measure 80.0 (L) x 22.00 (W) x 3.7 (H) mm. The Phison E26 controller, LPDDR4 memory, and two NAND Flash dies are on the front. The T-Force CARDEA Z540 has two NAND Flash (232-layer 3D TLC) devices at the back and 4 GB of LPDDR4-4266 DRAM cache. The graphene heat spreader is the only cooling solution, so the SSD can fit in any M.2 slot without compatibility issues. This fast storage device needs a heatsink, so mount it under your motherboard’s heat sink or buy one separately.
Test Setup
They tested an Intel Core i9-13900K processor at stock clocks on the MSI Z790 ACE motherboard. The platform had 32 GB of G.Skill DDR5 (Trident Z5/16 GB x 2) and the MSI MEG Ai1300P PSU. My graphics card was MSI GeForce RTX 4090 SUPRIM X. This is an advanced SSD test platform. The Raptor Lake CPU powers the MSI Z790 ACE’s single Gen 5.0 x4 NVMe slot.
Group T-Force Benchmarks for CARDEA Z540 2 TB PCIe Gen5 NVMe SSD The manufacturers’ performance stats for these drives are first. Benchmark AS SSD
AS SSD Benchmark download tests solid-state drive performance on Windows 10. With it, you can test all SSDs’ speeds and fix any issues. The free app runs three tests to prove your driver’s data copying, reading, and writing behavior. The app measures SSD access time, speed, and performance.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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