#closet freshner
urbancreative · 6 days
Kashmir Lavender combined with Rosewood with notes of cedar wood and basil give a light floral and woody fragrance that appeals to all. These natural scented wax tablets can be used in  closets, drawers, cupboards and also for long term storage of woolens and seasonal apparel.
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dekadanasejahtera · 11 months
Respon Cepat 0857-4321-2321, Toko Alat Cleaning Service, Toko Chemical Cleaning Service, Toko Chemical Cleaning Service, Jual Alat & Chemical Cleaning Service, Perlengkapan Kerja Cleaning Service, Distributor Alat Cleaning Service, Pusat Penjualan Alat Cleaning dan Chemical, Supplier Alat & Chemical Cleaning Service Harga Grosir
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Kami toko DEKA menjual/menyediakan alat dan chemical pembersihan untuk segala objek. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia. BARANG 100% ORIGINAL & BERKUALITAS DENGAN HARGA TERJANGKAU GROSIR.
Alat cleaning lengkap :
Single Bucket
Sapu Nilon, Dustpan
Loby Duster
Mop set / alat pel
Sikat Toilet, Tangkai
Lap Handuk, Microfiber, Kanebo
Tissue Roll, Toilet, Makan, Dapur
Chemical lengkap :
Glass Cleaner / Cairan Pembersih kaca
Floor Cleaning / Pembersih lantai
Dust Cleaner / pengangkat debu
Marble Cleaner / pembersih lantai (marmer)
Air freshner / pengharum ruangan
Furniture cleaner / pembersih perabot kayu
Wax strip / pelunak lapisan sealer
Alumunium & stainless steel cleaner / pengkilat alumunium
Bowl cleaner / pembersih porselen closet
Bubuk Multi Purpose Cleaner
Batu Apung Multy Purpose Cleaner
Untuk pemesanan dan berlangganan TELP/WA 0857-4521-2321 (Respon Cepat & Konsultasi) Website : dekadana.com
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littlewebwitch · 2 years
10/5/22 Wednesday
239.6 🎊🎉 back in the 230s!!
Matcha💕: 280
Lunch💊: 70
Dinner💊: 310 Dinner was suppose to be more than this, but I wasn't feeling so well so I only ate about half.
Total: 660
Daily Journal
Tasks: Fixed Breakfast. Fixed Lunch. Went to Lowes foe air freshners and closet shelving. Worked out. Cooked dinner.
Enjoyment: picked up Zombies, Run! again, I forgot how much I enjoy this game while I'm exercising. It has like 5 or 6 seasons now, I'm going to try to finish the story this time. Had a really nice walk around Civic, it's my favorite park that's close by.
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winkcore · 2 years
to do list for tomorrow 🤍
- eat a lot of protein bc i went to the gym today
- drink minimum 2L of water
- do stretches
- clean my room
- clean the house
- read my rented book
- look up diy eyelash serum videos
- look up closet freshners
- have a day of extreme positive energy
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toshio · 2 years
don’t quote me on this but i read online that hoarding stuff (that may have little to no value) is lowkey a mental health disorder LOL like i’ve been trying SO hard to become a natural minimalist. over the past few years i’ve just bought so much useless SHIT and JUNK and it drives me insane. like i have this mentality of wanting more and more. and everything in society kinda revolves around you having more power with more assets so i just buy a bunch of stuff i don’t really use or need and it’s been driving my mental health up a wall lately tbh.
but anyway i’m gonna try to throw out a bunch of useless shit i collect (like magazines, posters, etc.) because it really has no value other than me throwing it in my closet and letting it collect dust over the years and y’all should definitely declutter like marie kondo does because she’s doing life correctly i think
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lynnsfics · 4 years
Coffee Stained Confusion Ch 4
< Last Chapter                         First Chapter                               Next Chapter >
TW: Mentions of death, anxiety attack, traumatic event
“Do you have all your notes on poisons in your dorm?” Bucky asks. 
“I should, the only other ones are in the binder you guys already have. We can run in, grab the meds and notes and run right back out.” You step out of the car but don’t feel the chill this time. “Um, on second thought, maybe you should wait in the hall, my roommate Alicia might be home and I think she would notice if the Winter Soldier was walking me home.” Bucky flinched at the nickname and you immediately regretted it. “Oh, sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, it’s alright, I should be used to it by now anyways, but it’s hard to let go of the past. To let go of what I did,” he looks at the ground and sighs.
“I understand that,” you placed a cautious hand on his arm and took a deep breath in, “my parents died when I was younger, in a fire that I caused. I don’t remember how it happened exactly but I remember the flames. If I had been more careful then maybe they’d still be here. I still blame myself everyday.” 
Bucky turned to face you. “It was brave of you to share that, and it’s brave of you to face it everyday.” You felt the tears welling up in your eyes and quickly brushed them away. Now wasn’t the time to wallow in self pity. 
“Thank you, Bucky. Now, I do believe we have some information to retrieve.”
You walked into the dorm hall and took a deep breath. The music from down the street blasted, making you vaguely realize it was a Friday night, and the frat boys were throwing their weekly beer pong contest. How classy. 
“Here we are, dorm C-5. I should be back soon,” you chuckled lightly, “and if I’m not, assume Alicia is holding me hostage talking about her latest date debacle.”
“Noted,” Bucky said with a smile, “maybe grab a few clothes and things, just in case.” 
“In case of what?” you ask, your blood chilling.
“The first rule of thumb with HYDRA- hope for the best, expect the worst.”
Your dorm was dark as you stepped inside. Seemed like Alicia wasn’t home. You let out sigh of relief, no doubt she would start questioning why you were acting weird. You darted through the kitchen and into your room. You flipped on the light switch of the room and breathed in the familiar scent of the air freshner you had plugged in. Alicia wanted to have candles in the dorm but you refused, saying you were worried about the risk of falling asleep with one burning. You never told Alicia what happened to your parents. You didn’t want her to look at you with the sympathy that some people did, or the disgust that others did. 
The duffle bag you took on roadtrips was shoved into the back corner of your closet. You ran to the bathroom and grabbed your anxiety meds but didn’t take one, there wasn’t time. The rest of your notes on poisons sat on the nightstand by your bed. You shoved it into your duffle bag, hoping your theory was right.
As you started to grab the rest of the items you needed, you realized something felt off. And that was a bit of an understatement. You quickly rummaged through your desk drawer and noticed two things missing. Your journals and a picture of you and your parents, the only picture of them that you had left. 
The realization of it all hit you in the chest. Someone had been here. Someone had looked through your things. Someone had taken your last connection to your parents. Your parents were gone and it was your fault. Your fault. You felt your body heat rise, memories of the flames dancing in front of your eyes.  Smoke burned your lungs as your mind returned you to that night. 
The fire was out of control. There were flames everywhere. “Mama! Papa! Where are you? Mama!” Plaster fell from the ceiling as you ran. Fire licked at your skin but you couldn’t stop running. You had to find them. You had to let them know you were sorry. That it would be okay. They had to make it out. They had to. You raced through the doorway of their bedroom to find the ceiling caved in. The room was an inferno, resembling something similar to the ninth circle of hell. You couldn’t see the bed, but whispered a silent prayer that it was empty. 
Turning on your heel, you sped through the house, the smoke burning your eyes and scratching at your throat. Dizziness started to creep in, blacking out the corners of your vision but you kept going. Spots formed in front of your eyes as you ran towards the front door. You tried to remember what caused the fire but your mind was blank. All you remembered was feeling angry about being put in time-out and the flames erupting in your room.
The air outside the house was muggy, fitting for the mid-July night. Firefighters tried in vain to put the fire out. “Mama! Papa! Where are you? Where are you?” They had to be out here. They had to be safe. “Please don’t leave me! Please! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do it!”   
Two sheet-covered stretchers were waiting to be loaded into the ambulance. A tall firefighter came up to you. “Hey there sweetie,” he knelt down and looked you in the eyes. “I have some bad news to tell you,” his words started to blend together. All you heard were the words “parents” followed by “dead”.
But he was lying. He had to be. You ran to the stretchers and although you couldn’t quite reach the top of them you clung to the legs of them for dear life. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m sorry. Please don’t go. Please.” 
You felt someone touch your shoulder and were dragged back to the present. You glanced up and saw Bucky’s eyes filled with worry. Your breath was ragged as you tried to calm down. 
“Here, take this,” Bucky held out one of your meds and a bottle of water as he sat on the floor next to you. “Take deep breaths. In for four seconds, hold for seven, out for eight. There you go, it’s alright. Do you want to tell me what’s wrong? If you don’t want that’s fine too, but sometimes talking things out can help.” 
“Someone,” you started, and then felt the tears choking you up. You took a deep breath and tried again. “Someone was here. They took my journals and the last picture I had of my parents and I. It made me spiral and I-” you struggled to get the last bit out, “-I had a flashback to that night. It’s fine now. Really.” You knew it wasn’t but you didn’t need Bucky to be worried about you. There were too many other things that needed worrying over.
“Hey, it’s alright. Remember what I told you earlier? You’re brave for facing this. But things aren’t quite fine yet. HYDRA must know that you’re here and that you know something.” Just then Bucky’s phone rang. 
“Sam, what is it? We should be on our way back soon.” 
“There’s been another murder. Ricin this time.”
“And this couldn’t wait until we got back? She’s had a long day.” Bucky huffed. 
“Well it’s about to get longer. A picture was found at the crime scene. And she’s in it.”
As promised, this chapter is a bit longer than the last. Thank you all so much for the notes on the last chapter, your support means a lot to me! Like always, likes and reblogs are appreciated and if you want to be added to the tag list let me know! Love you all <3
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herpinklush · 4 years
Things you need to do Every Sunday— For a productive week
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Who doesn’t love Sundays!
I feel like it is such a refreshing day. Sundays for those walks in the park, family time and some great food.
For me, Sunday is the most important day of the week. This is the reason why i do not prefer cheat meals on a Sunday.
Cheat meal for me is —full of fried and oily and white flour stuff, which just makes me feel sleepy after having that.
Most of the people take Sunday as a “relaxation day”
Well, i actually take Sundays as a prepatory day of the week.
Although this was never my attitude before towards Sundays. For years , i have just dreaded this day.
In my younger years, it was meant the only day off from school, while in adulthood it only meant a day away from a hectic work week.
I actually came to a realization that i was living for the weekend. But not today!
Today i structure my Sunday in a way to prepare myself or the week ahead.
Here’s what i started doing on Sundays— to make my week a productive one.
(Ohh nevermind my bebo way)
Trust me, there is nothing more satisfying than writting a list on a Sunday morning and then ticking the items off one by one in the afternoon.
& Guess what? You’re totally prepared for the week
Specially for the people who live alone meal prep list will save so much time and offcourse Money! So defrost those peas for monday, peel those potatoes for tuesday. Prepare a chicpea pasta for wednesday & so on.
Ok! I am not much into cleanliness. Guilty. But my mate is. At least we try to clean the house before going at bed.
Since i belong to typical indian family, i know how to clean and mop the floor very well. I don’t need any external help for that .
Laundry & folds into the closet is what i tend to skip then but not now. Trust me, you feel great the next day when you will find everything at its place.
I don’t know about you but this is the most satisfying thing for me. As i literally get everything in my bag. From disposible coffee stirrer to ketchup and sugar saches (picked up from random coffee shops) to half eaten chocolates. (Gross, i know)
I also don’t know how 5lipsticks end up in one bag at the end of the week. But whatever!
Cleaning my handbag is therapautic for me. Get rid of thoses bills which i tend to keep safe. Lol! Yeah.
You feel so much better digging in a clean bag the next day.
Self care is the key! An absolute must for a Sunday to get oneself scrubbed. Pop on the amazing AccuRadio List. Pluck those brows, put on the face mask , take a nice cold shower and get into fresh PJ’s.
Do my nails, some room freshner required and i dig into my Amazon Prime.
Sakuntala Devi my recent watched.
It can be really easy to ley the week run away with you. A productive week starts with a productive Sunday. I hope sharing my routine helps you in building up youe perfect Sunday. Don’t forget to share your Sunday Schedule with me.
Till then,
Love & Light
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al-peachyo · 5 years
Hiiiii sso finals week is over im high as balls to the wall so whats better to do than write all of my tweek headcanons done these are just really specific and dumb headcanons and so lets seen what the hell happen s im writing this through a document on my school email so that’s how serious this is also this is really just me hardcore projecting but don’t worry about that its fine
Begs craig to get him a megaphone as a gift
Loves playlists and making playlists for EVERYTHING so craig always sends him new playlists kinda like the mixtape cliché
Really enjoys when people send him music and bonus points if he ends up really liking the song or artist
Ceramics relieves him and helps him with sensory overloads
Boots smell really bad
Freckles beyond the eyes can see
The incredibly anxious gittery kid isnt afraid of needles
Flannel for every day of the week
Paramore after laughter
Also does a lot of yoga and tries his best to get craig to join but craig just wants to lay on the mat
Venus flytraps are his favorite plants
Hes become really addicted to pinterest and falls down a lot of rabbit holes
Mothman ethusiast  
Hates the color red
Has a 5 foot bong hiding in his closet
Hates alcohol
Craig likes to buy him weird or cute coffee mug so now he has a weird coffee mug collection filled cartoon character heads
Hmmmm black and white checkered vans
Doodles on his hands and arms during 5th period study halls
Secretly likes the berry flavored la croix
Addicted to christmas lights
Craig owns a lot of ponchos which really means tweek owns a lot of ponchos
Has no matching socks
Sings really loudly in the car or while hes baking but only when hes by himself or with craig
Lots and lots of hand gestures
Religiously watches chopped
Collects car air freshners and tries to see how many he can hang from his rearview mirror which drives craig crazy
Owns a lot of duck plushies which craig has something to do with because he ALWAYS buys tweek one whenever he see s a different one
This is getting to two pages
Owns dozens of unfinished sketchbooks because hes not a fan of how the paper feels
VERY MESSY painter
Recovered from coffee meth fiasco but now has ptsd
Stops drinking coffee and starts drinking a hefty amount of green tea
Falls upstairs
Bipolar 1 disorder
Has kazoos lying around his room for some reason
I just spent 2 whole minutes trying to find the ? Key on my laptop
Really good at making ice creams and sorbets
Piano hands
Wears a lot of rings (most bought from different kinds of headshops)
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lets-grow-online · 2 years
ECOPAL - Fabric Freshener - Odour Absorber & Dehumidifier for Closets with Activated Carbon - Pack of 4
ECOPAL – Fabric Freshener – Odour Absorber & Dehumidifier for Closets with Activated Carbon – Pack of 4
Price: (as of – Details) Dehumidifier in your Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5 x 2 x 2 cm; 50 Grams Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 11 October 2020 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ voolex ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08L1QF9ZM Item model number ‏ : ‎ Fabric freshner Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ voolex Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 50 g Included Components ‏ : ‎ Hook Safe Air Purification-The charcoal bag can purify the air,…
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urbancreative · 1 month
Imparting an intense floral and calming fragrance, these natural scented wax tablets are ideal for small spaces such as wardrobes, closets, linens and woolen storage. Can also be placed near your pillow for a calming sleep.
Ingredients: Our hand poured and crafted wax tablets are made using ethically harvested beeswax and sunflower wax infused with carefully selected organic essential oils of Parijat ( Coral Jasmine), Lime, Holy Basil, Frankincense and Himalayan moss.
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dekadanasejahtera · 11 months
Hubungi 0857-4321-2321, Jual Produk Cleaning Service, Toko Alat Cleaning Service, Toko Chemical Cleaning Service, Jual Chemical Cleaning Service, Jual Alat & Chemical Cleaning Service, Perlengkapan Kerja Cleaning Service, Distributor Alat Cleaning Service, Pusat Penjualan Alat Cleaning dan Chemical
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Kami toko DEKA menjual/menyediakan alat dan chemical pembersihan untuk segala objek. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia. BARANG 100% ORIGINAL & BERKUALITAS DENGAN HARGA TERJANGKAU GROSIR.
Alat cleaning lengkap :
Single Bucket
Sapu Nilon, Dustpan
Loby Duster
Mop set / alat pel
Sikat Toilet, Tangkai
Lap Handuk, Microfiber, Kanebo
Tissue Roll, Toilet, Makan, Dapur
Chemical lengkap :
Glass Cleaner / Cairan Pembersih kaca
Floor Cleaning / Pembersih lantai
Dust Cleaner / pengangkat debu
Marble Cleaner / pembersih lantai (marmer)
Air freshner / pengharum ruangan
Furniture cleaner / pembersih perabot kayu
Wax strip / pelunak lapisan sealer
Alumunium & stainless steel cleaner / pengkilat alumunium
Bowl cleaner / pembersih porselen closet
Bubuk Multi Purpose Cleaner
Batu Apung Multy Purpose Cleaner
Untuk pemesanan dan berlangganan TELP/WA 0857-4521-2321 (Respon Cepat & Konsultasi) Website : dekadana.com
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streetsoffairhope · 5 years
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Savannah was given one of these car freshners for graduation. She loved it and was so thrilled with them we picked up the line. These are hand made in Mobile by a sweet family. Shop local and support a small business. Perfect for cars, closets, drawers, lockers and more! The scent lasts 30-60 days and after it fades it can be used for smaller spots like drawers! Each Fragrance To Go comes with an elastic cord to make hanging it simple. *do not lay on dashboard or interior of cars, during high temperatures they can melt onto those types of surfaces but are fine while hanging from hooks or mirrors* #southernsoy #carfreshies #carscents #freshscents #fairhope #visitstreets #funnewline # (at Street's Exquisite Plants & Aquatic Gardens Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzvSkMqBLh4/?igshid=7l0fozaa08lm
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product-reviews786 · 5 years
Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Bag (4 Pack), 200g Natural Air Freshener Bags, Activated Charcoal Odor Eliminators, Car Air Purifier, Closet Freshener, Home Air Freshener, Charcoal Bags in Grey Color
Price: $29.95 - $21.95 (as of Apr 30,2019 12:33:03 UTC – Details)
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The California Home Goods Charcoal Odor Bag is just what you need to keep your place fresh and odor-free without the extra effort. With specially formulated carbon activated charcoal bamboo air purifiers, this handy and natural purifying bag can easily absorb all kinds of nasty smells in and around your home. Our odor eliminator charcoal bag even lasts longer than the usual store-bought air fresheners. Made from durable and chemical-free materials, this air freshener bag is definitely the ultimate activated charcoal odor removal tool you need in your life!
To use the bamboo air purifying bag, just take out the air purifying charcoal bag from its poly wrap, lay out the air charcoal bag under the sun for at least an hour, then it’s ready to go! Do this to your used activated bamboo charcoal bag at least once a month so they’ll last even up to 2 years
Our natural bamboo charcoal bags do not only keep living spaces free from bad odors. Our charcoal deodorizers also work as air filters and dehumidifiers. Our air purifier bags filter pollutants and allergens including mold & mildew to protect you from airborne diseases. These natural odor absorber bags also trap excess moisture from the air
This natural bamboo charcoal deodorizer bag is meticulously crafted to ensure easy use and storage. The odor charcoal absorber bag is equipped with a metal grommet for easy hanging, anytime anywhere
Our bamboo charcoal air purifying bag is absolutely safe for kids and pets as well. No need for odor removers and air freshners that are made from hazardous chemicals. Our charcoal air purifier is 100% nontoxic and eco-friendly
Get 4 200g bamboo charcoal bags in just one pack
So if what you need is an effective air purifier, car freshener, closet odor eliminator, room deodorizer, car dehumidifier, pet odor absorber, shoe deodorizer, or kitchen odor neutralizer, try out our Bamboo Charcoal Deodorizer Bag now!
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL ODOR ELIMINATOR for a FRESH & HEALTHY HOME: Made from 100% activated bamboo charcoal, our air purifier charcoal bag is the most convenient, most practical and safest solution to keep your home free from any kind of unpleasant smell. Besides being an effective odor remover charcoal packet, this natural air deodorizer is also an air purifier protecting your family from mold, mildew and air-borne pathogens that cause allergies and common diseases EFFECTIVE HOME ODOR ELIMINATOR WITH SUSTAINABLE BENEFITS: Our air freshener charcoal bags are not just amazing home odor absorbers and car air freshener bags. It’s also an air purifier bag that helps take care of the earth. This bamboo deodorizer bag is fragrance-, residue- and chemical-free. Our activated charcoal odor absorber bag also has great anti-bacterial properties that are biodegradable– in case you throw it away, the activated charcoal bag will never harm the earth ACTIVATED CHARCOAL BAGS THAT WON’T DISAPPOINT: Every purchase of our bamboo activated charcoal air purifier bag from any California Concepts authorized seller comes with an exclusive California Home Goods chance for a money-back. We are so confident in the quality of our activated charcoal air freshener bag that we are always ready to address your concerns. In case you’re unhappy with your purchase of our odor absorbers, just reach back out and we’ll improve your overall experience SAVE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT WITH OUR ACTIVATED CHARCOAL BAMBOO BAG: With our charcoal bags natural air purifier, you can now say goodbye to the conventional air odor eliminator sprays and expensive plug-ins. Our charcoal deodorizing bags are packaged in durable eco-friendly material that’ll last for up to 2 years. The California Air Purifying Bag can be easily rejuvenated. Just lay the charcoal scent absorbers under the sun for at least an hour and the odor eliminators can work like new REUSABLE BAMBOO DEODORIZER BAGS THAT WORK ANYWHERE: The 200g activated charcoal odor remover pack efficiently works round the clock wherever they are. These bamboo charcoal air purifier bags filter and trap nasty smells, excess moisture, air-borne bacteria, and more. See it do wonders as a closet deodorizer, odor absorbers for rooms, car moisture absorber, cigarette smoke eater, car odor absorber, gym bag freshner, boxing shoe deodorizer, refrigerator smell eliminator or pet litter smell remover
The post Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Bag (4 Pack), 200g Natural Air Freshener Bags, Activated Charcoal Odor Eliminators, Car Air Purifier, Closet Freshener, Home Air Freshener, Charcoal Bags in Grey Color appeared first on PARNALA.
source https://parnala.com/blog/bamboo-charcoal-air-purifying-bag-4-pack-200g-natural-air-freshener-bags-activated-charcoal-odor-eliminators-car-air-purifier-closet-freshener-home-air-freshener-charcoal-bags-in-grey-color/
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omggeeking · 7 years
Day 19 of the “Get Prettier” 100 Day Challenge
Journal of the day (Food and Fitness) :
5:00AM : Wake up, peanut butter on raisin and cinnamon bagel.
6:30AM : Gym. Too tired, could only last 15 minutes on Elliptical (Resistance : 7, Inclination : 15)
7:30AM : Hashbrown and black coffee at McDonalds. 
11:00AM : Too hungry, protein shake. 
12:00PM : Frozen meal (lasagna), raw broccoli w/ spinach dip.
7:00PM : Baked salmon and raw carrots. 
I haven’t done a stretching routine and a full strength training routine in a long while. Womp. 
Ingested 1600cal.
Journal of the day (Beauty Regimen) :
5:45AM : AM Facial Routine
Foaming cleanser : CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (for normal to oily skin)
Toner : Organic Everlasting Floral Water
Lotion : CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion
Sunscreen : Bioré UV AQUA Rich Watery Essence SPF50+ PA++++
10:00 PM : Shower, PM Facial Routine and Body Skin Care
- Body
Soap and Lather with Dove Unscented Bar Soap
Full Body (first layer) : Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
Feet (second layer) : Footlogix Cracked Heel Formula Mousse
Legs, Thighs and Butt (second layer) : CeraVe Renewing SA Cream
Upper Body (second layer) : CeraVe Moisturizing Cream (for normal to dry skin)
- Face :
Oil Cleanser : Personal blend (jojoba oil, rosehip oil, grapeseed oil and various essential oils)
Foaming Cleanser : CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (for normal to oily skin)
Vitamin C Serum : O.S.T. C20 Original Vitamin C20 Serum (30 minutes wait)
Toner : Etude House 10-in-1 Wonder Pore Freshner
Toner : Organic Everlasting Floral Water
Essence : Missha Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Borabit Ampoule
Essence : 3W Clinic Collagen Whitening Essence
Essence : Mizon Correct Essential Activator Flawless Skin
Eye Cream : CeraVe Eye Repair Cream
Facial Milk : Shiseido Hada-Senka Whitening Milk
Lotion : CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion
Sleep Pack : Pond’s Perfect Results Multi-Benefit Illuminating Cream
Thoughts and Observation
Even though the goal is to be/feel prettier, I never mention clothing in my daily journal. I don’t have nice clothes to wear right now as I’m far too big for the pretty stuff I own. I also need new stuff.
I lack sleep, I just don’t sleep enough at night. I have no problem waking up early in the morning, but I can’t seem to be able to go to bed early. First, my family is real loud, my parents don’t go to bed before midnight and my bedroom is not soundproof. Second, I have Internet-induced insomnia. 
I should drink more green tea. 
I should eat less garbage and plan meals better. 
I separated my jeans in three pile : the “Right Now, They Fit” (1), the “Soon, They Will Fit” (6) and the “If I Push Long Enough, They Will Fit” (8). At some point, I will also have the “Not Anymore” and later on “Never More”. 
New Year Resolutions
I spent the whole afternoon getting rid of junk from my closet (shoes I never wear anymore, old stuff I keep for emotional/souvenir reasons, clothes I’m never gonna wear ever again, etc). It’s now all cleaned and everything has a place. Nothing superfluous. Except for my monstruous jeans collection. I have so many of them. 
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pupcrimes · 6 years
jus going thru my notebooks ( i have nine that i use just for my ocs ) and find a page for Sev!! here it is 
strongarm; bounty hunter, specialize live capture + retrieval  - other services include intimidation, confrontation, and bodyguarding  - mostly operates within neutral space, but accepts Republic bounties as well  - does NOT kill for credits!!
Not a morning person by any means;  grumbles when he wakes up;  feels like he hasn’t gotten enough sleep in 5ever 
rolls his own smokes and loathes factory-produced packs  - took up smoking more heavily after quitting spice  - likes to indulge in Alderaanian cannabinoids every now and again - drinks alcohol rarely; keeps only one bottle on the ship, in the refresher med kit 
Ship is a d49L-Ranger, named Lone Ranger (bc i cant be anymore on the nose abt the kind of guy he is)  - has a hammock set up in the cockpit - various stickers on the backs of chairs and on dash; for various music groups and products, as well as some from Dego (smiley faces and tourist mementos)  - energy drink containers rattling across the floor  - magnetized billiards ball ashtray, a gift from Dego - pine scented air freshners hanging from the air vents
and then i just start detailing random rooms of his ship 
Refresher is a 3-parter, with sink, toilet, and shower in separate closets - surprisingly clean despite the grime around the rest of the ship  - toilet door has graffiti on it from various visitors, both before and after his purchase  - shower has a sonic function; he uses it to clean his clothes  - spare medkit under the sink, stocked with everything he’d ever need, including supplies to aid in event of overdose
Kitchen is open-plan, attached to a dining/living area, which boasts an outdated HoloCommunicator, a djarik table, a seating area which looks as if it had been set on fire some time ago, and a dart board! A black fur cloak hangs on the back of the couch, covering the burned exterior for the most part. the kitchen equipment is also fairly outdated and sometimes needs a smack or five to work; as you can imagine, Sev goes out to eat more often than not. 
The Brig is 
and that’s where it stops 
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urbancreative · 6 months
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