#cohesive colors hell yeah
cuips-not-cute · 11 months
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not-so-secret kisses.
for @steddie-week day 5: established relationship
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sammy8d257 · 9 months
Did you know that in a recent video Alan made with DJ he confirmed that TSC, Green, Yellow, Red and Blue are around the ages of 10 to 12 years old. He also said that they are just really smart children. I really like that they just young kids, makes their mannerisms and child like behavior make more sense.
Hmmm... okay, I want to preface with saying that I'm happy you find joy in headcanoning the Color Gang to be 10 to 12 year olds. I'm glad you like thinking they're kids.
I've seen a lot of people use that clip of Alan saying they're 10 to 12 year old kids as canon. And like, frankly, I don't see how it can be.
(Goddamn, this is long as hell. Click on the "Keep Reading" if you want to see my entire rant but
It's fine if you see the Color Gang as kids in the range of 10 - 12, more power to you, but I don't see it as canon because it doesn't make sense to me and I personally can't relate to them. So I see them as young adults. )
First off, I honestly don't trust anything Alan has to say when it comes to what is or is not canon to the videos because Alan has said via his Members discord that there isn't any concrete "lore" for the characters and the world aside from a paragraph of personality traits for the Color Gang. While I myself, am not in the Discord, I have a friend who sometimes talks about stuff in there with me. A lot of the things story and lore things he and the team make up as they go. He will just say stuff without really considering previously establish canon.
(Trust me, I know. I've spent so much brainpower trying to connect the stick figure world together in a cohesive manner, its not even funny anymore aldkglsjsgs /lh)
No knock to Alan and his Team though. I understand that AvA/M is an on-going series with SO MANY videos to keep track of. It'd be hard to keep everything inline with lore if you don't have a dedicated keeper of it. But that's the reason why I take anything Alan says outside of the animations themselves, with a grain of salt.
Let's break down this "canon" scene shall we?
Actually, lets start a little bit before the scene, so everyone can get some context:
( https://youtu.be/Oz5mDcDK9I4?t=4668 )
The scene is Purple going off with King, to which DJ says:
DJ, voicing over King: Come on son, let's go
DJ, voicing over Purple: Bye guys! I'm gonna go hangout with my adopted dad. I'm 32.
[Alan and DJ laugh]
Alan: Maybe he is.
DJ: That'd be so weird if you find out all the characters are like in their 30s. [more laughs]
Alan: Yeah even though the internet hasn't been around that long.
DJ: Yeah, that's true. How old are they, like since their creation, I guess?
Alan: Huh, good question. ... 14?
DJ: 15? No...
Alan: Probably like 10, 12, 13,
DJ: Yeah, yeah. Which is cool because I feel like they act around then
[Alan laughs]
Alan: Yeah, they're just very smart children.
Just reading this, it looks like Alan confirmed that they're 10-13 year olds right?
Yeah if you ONLY look at this and not take into account the joking and non-serious tone both Alan and DJ had throughout this entire conversation. They like joking around and saying things. That's kinda their whole thing during their reacts. Alan is a more dead-pan but he was definitely making a lighthearted joke or comment playing off of the statement of them being 10.
Actually, lets go look at the question leading up to this.
"How old are they, like since their CREATION, I guess?"
Since their creation. AvA 4 is the video where Second and RYGB were first introduced and can serve as their creation date (assuming we're not taking about lore because while AvA 4 is Second's creation date, I'd argue the Stick Fighters were created prior and would in fact be older). AvA 4 premiered in 2014
Which is almost 10 years ago.
There is a high likelihood that both Alan and DJ were using the upload date of AvA 4 as the Color Gang's "creation date".
And if you want to headcanon a stick figure's age is how many years since their creation date, then more power to you.
To me that makes no sense because then that'd mean King is 2 years old. (AvM Parkour released April, 2021) Which is insane. alskdjglsjglsgd
I much prefer the idea that stick figures are created with an age in mind (baring the born stick figures like Purple).
And yeah, maybe Alan "intended" to make the Color Gang 10-13 year olds, but as I stated above, with how joking Alan and DJ were while discussing it plus Alan's whole thing about making things up as they go, I don't really believe it.
Not to get too personal, but I just want to address something that's been bothering me with this whole thing.
The idea that because the Color Gang act childish = being children.
Because the sticks are heavily neurodivergent-coded
And as someone who is also neurodivergent, can act childish, see aspects of themself in these sticks, and is an ADULT.
Saying that people who act like this are children??
Now I know, DJ, Alan, and probably even yourself Anon, don't mean any harm when you say the sticks act like children so they must be children.
But there is a LONG history of neurodivergent people getting infantilized because they display more "childish" behaviors like stimming or hyperfixating on specific topics.
So for at least me, someone who headcanons the Stick Figures as young adults, this who "age discourse" feels icky to me.
Plus, I personally can't relate to kids because I myself, am an adult. It's easier for me to relate to characters around my age range.
Listen, this rant is getting too long but here's the long and the short of it
There is nothing wrong with headcanoning the sticks as kids if that's what you want to believe that it's canon,
But it just ain't for me.
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scarybabe · 22 days
Do you have a theme you want to follow with your tattoos? Or do you, instead, prioritize getting what you want when you want it? I've had a hard time figuring out what tattoos I want in the future, personally, bc I'm not sure if I want to stick to a particular style or theme yet! I feel like all yours look like they're done in a cohesive way but I can't think of how to describe their shared traits. What would you call it?
I started getting tattoos when I was 18! I didn’t plan them out to be cohesive at all LOL so if they look that way, hell yeah. 👍🏼 most of mine are related to my interests though - biology/bugs/nature, sci-fi/mythology, nerdy film/book/music related stuff, occult/esoteric imagery, some cool neotraditional american style stuff. My left arm is all colorful tattoos and my right arm is black and white.
my fiancé just got their first tattoo and they got a fat mermaid babe (we both got one actually from a talented tattoo artist friend’s flash sheet!)
my best advice is to find some artists who you really like/have a solid portfolio (skill of your artist really affects how they age) and get stuff that makes you happy OR is meaningful - that way even if it’s not perfectly executed you’ll still feel like it’s yours. Don’t think about it too hard!
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
So, the discussion about Twilight Princess got me thinking, and I can't help but feel like that game was very much trapped in a "We can't do another Wind Waker, that was too cute, we need something dark and gritty and mature and grown up, like the other seventh gen consoles!"-kind of mindset. And how much that mindset limited what the game could have been.
I mean, just look at it: Low contrast browns and greys and greens everywhere? Check. Agressive Bloom levels that will sear your retinas right off? Check. Large but Empty open areas? Check. Story and Characterdesigns that REALLY try to be more "grown up" and "mature" and "gritty"? They are everywhere. Spectacular bossfights against huge enemies that look awesome but often end up rather straightforward? Yep.
I don't wan't to dunk on TP too hard, it still has lots of good elements in it, heck, I actually enjoy most of those bossfights, BECAUSE they look and feel spectacular! Some of the armor and weapondesign in this game is really good (whenever you can actually see the armor and the sea of blurry, low saturation colors, that is.).
Midna is the best.
But it feels so much like a game out of place, that was made as a knee-jerk reaction instead of truly considering what would and what wouldn't work on the Wii.
yeah. all of this. I think that tp definitely suffers from the devs attempts to make an overtly grown-up and gritty game, not necessarily because gritty, dark, atmospheric games are BAD, but because the zelda franchise is not a franchise targeted solely at adults. these games are very often coming-of-age stories centered around children and young adults. they are bright and colorful and very narrative-driven because they're meant to be enjoyed by anyone who is old enough to pick up the controller. children who can't enjoy the more difficult dungeon and fighting mechanics will still be captivated by the story and characters. some of my favorite zelda-related conversations i've ever had were with my three-year-old student who LOVED the vibrant characters and story of botw. (revali was his favorite.) twilight princess, in its quest to read as more gritty and adult, lost both its visual appeal AND its narrative appeal. what story it did have relied on nostalgia and plot from oot, alienating younger fans who hadn't yet had the chance to play that game. in order to compensate for its lack of narrative direction it padded itself with filler which showed off its willingness to go darker and scarier in terms of subject matter (look! we're going to kill this child if you don't rescue him!) so much so that the pacing and cohesiveness of the game noticeably suffered. so many elements of tp feel as though they were just thrown in because they looked cool and dark and freaky (the hero's shade, the bokoblin bridge fights, the aforementioned child-stealing segment, hell even the fucking wolf form didn't have any real narrative weight or significance!!!) with no thought to how they might actually impact the pacing and theming of the story. what results is a game with great dungeon design and boss fights but... not much else to speak of. we're left with a poorly-told, barely-comprehensible story that seems almost as if it was an afterthought, held together by some good dungeons. and it's fine if you like the dungeons and don't CARE about the story that much, but insisting that the game has a well-written narrative is just. wrong.
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beetlesau · 8 months
I'm wrapping this up because I just don't have the steam to make a cohesive story anymore lol. I thought I'd have one more chapter but then I crammed it all into this one, oops.
I'm sorry if you wanted to be tagged still it's just been so long since an update I feel anxious about it.
It's time we meet.
You unwrapped a crisp little note that rattled your Soulbox,
Actually this time. No distractions, nothing getting in the way. I'm starting to feel way in over my head about this lately and I've never felt that way about shit before. You deserve the truth. I don't even know if you'll like me for who I am. It doesn't feel right to not tell you everything. 
You read the note a few times over to yourself. It was so... perplexing. Up until this point, you'd thought he had just been busy, but now you realized he was avoiding you for a reason. The anxiety you felt was enough to call in a personal day at work. You lay on your couch, wads of crinkled papers thrown around the room. You had no idea how to respond. You wanted to meet, but after obsessing over these cryptic words, what did he mean he's not who you think? Who is he? Is he a villain? Is he even in the hero profession at all? 
Why, oh why, did none of those options.... matter, to you?
Your anxiety was centered around why none of this seemed like a big deal to you. But, it was a big deal? And you should be anxious that your soulmate has a deal-breaking secret to tell you, but you aren't. Which is just making you anxious for all the wrong reasons. 
... you felt bad for... not .. feeling bad. 
You were pacing yourself sick when the buzzer to your apartment rang. It startled you enough you nervously approached the speaker by your door. What if it was him? What if he had found you somehow? What if now was the time? What if-- The buzzer rang again, more feverish and unending now. 
"Hello!?" you all but screamed to whoever was ringing your apartment's number. 
"What the hell are you doing? Why the hell aren't you at work dumbass?" a familiar voice growled through to you.
"Oh! Bakugo... I... I'm uh, I'm just not feeling well. I think... I have a cold!"
"... Bullshit. You've never been sick a day in your life, your quirk won't allow it."
How did he... never mind, there were probably plenty of people who could figure that fun fact out about you, not just Midoriya the hero-obsessed wonder.
"Ah, uh, that's not, true. Um, see I think it must be a new strand. Yeah, I can't seem to even use my quirk to get rid of it I'm so sick. *Cough Cough* ah, yeah see? So you'd better just leave, I can't have you coming up and getting si--"
You nearly jumped out of your skin as there was a pounding at your door. You checked the peek hole and saw it was none other than Bakugo, scowling into the lens.
"Son of a. WHO let you in the building!?" you screeched, turning to the mess that was your apartment. You scrambled to pick up loose notes, wadded papers, and an occasional tissue when your thoughts went to the worst possible meaning behind the sudden soul-sent message. 
"Turns out the doorman is a huge fan of Dynamite. What the FUCK are you doing and why have you not opened this door yet, huh?" he grumbled. "I'll break it down, you know I will." You could hear the agitation in his voice.
"NO! ugh, just give me a second would you!? I told the office I was taking a personal day, I didn't know I also had to tell you too!"
You march back to the door and yank it open, "Remind me to look for apartments with better security--what? What are these?" Your eyes caught the tufts of color lowered by his side.
"What the hell do they look like, Smokey, they're flowers." he pushed them to your chest before inviting himself in. 
"I...? Thank you. Why?"
He didn't answer, he just looked at you like you were the crazy one for even asking. 
"Okay. Anyway, I'm sorry, is there something I can help you with? I took the day off for a reason you know?"
"What reason?" he quipped.
"It's just one day, Bakugo. I'm just having a personal crisis I guess. My soulmate wants to try and meet up again."
"So? Isn't that what you wanted?" his face unreadable, he made his way uninvited to your couch. 
"Make yourself at home, I guess?" Shifting into host mode you pulled bottled water from your fridge and offered it up to your new houseguest. "Well yeah, but the way the note was-- wait how do you know where I live?"
"Wow, distracted much? Your dumbass friend from work, Karen or whatever the fuck told Kirishima and I heard so here I am."
"Kirishima asked where I lived. Why? Wait who? Who's Karen? I'm totally lost."
"Jesus, the secretary lady, I don't know her name I thought it was Karen. WHO CARES. You focus on the dumbest shit, I swear."
"It's not dumb, it's completely valid! But, FINE. WHY DID KIRISHIMA, need to get my address from Sahrin, the secretary!?!" you raise your voice to the absolute bafoon sitting in front of you.
"He heard you were sick and wanted to have a card signed by the office and sent over to you, shitty woman!"
"So you're telling me, you got Kiri to think I was sick, planted the idea that I needed a get well card sent over to me, so you hid within earshot while he probably flirted to get my address out of the secretary, "tHe AsSHolE" Sahrin NOT Karen, and then took it upon yourself to come to my apartment and harass me on my day off, right?"
"I didn't fuckin' hide. I could have got it myself if I wanted, I just didn't wanna flirt with some extra." he huffed. 
"Okay, Bakugo. Well?"
"Well what, hag!?"
"... where's my get well soon card!?" You held out your hand, only for it to get harshly swatted away by the blonde. 
"Oh wait, so that's what the flowers were for! Everyone thinks I'm sick?"
Bakugo's face blanked a moment, his mouth moving without speaking before his words finally caught up.
"Sure. Anyway, how is your dumbass soulmate causing you to take a personal day off work?" his face was heavy with stress, even with him trying to hide it you could see.
"Right. I dunno. I know it's so stupid--"
"I didn't say it was stupid. I just want a real answer."
"I'll get there! I just, he wants to meet again and the things he said in his note just... didn't sit right with me." You slouched into the couch trying to collect all your various free-floating thoughts.
"First he tells me he's been busy lately. So we haven't messaged a lot, which is fine. But, he's been ... acting differently whenever we do."
"Different? How?" Bakugo leaned in close, his expression told you this conversation had his full attention. It made you feel... wrong. This was the kind of thing you should tell a close friend, not some coworker you started having a crush on. It felt like cheating. 
A what-- you turned your eyes away from his burning red one. A bit of a slap to the face that something very obvious had only just now been realized by you. 
"I- I-" you stammered, Your thought process seemed to have come to a halt on the outside but on the inside, you couldn't stop the flow of information that was coming from this new discovery. 
You hesitated to meet your soulmate now, after minimal contact these past weeks. Why? Because you had someone else to occupy your thoughts now? Was that fair? Was that even right?
Did you stay home out of fear?
Fear that your soulmate wanted to reject you, no it would seem not.
Fear that you would go to work and see someone that didn't make you feel all that bad about that possibility, maybe.
And then what? Bakugo has a soulmate, and from what little he's told you about them, the way he's told you, they might as well be the Sun compared to you. 
"I'm sorry. I don't know." You glared hard at nothing in particular. "No, that's not true. It's been me. I've been different." You wrung your hands from the anxiety. Your thoughts and feelings were unfolding before you in real time, not exactly in the way you were used to. 
"You?" Bakugo inched closer to your face, something anyone else wouldn't think twice about being that it was a minuscule distance, but at this moment you were hyperaware of every little thing about him. The way his eyes searched your face for more answers. Answers you didn't want to give. 
"Yeah. What if I don't... what if it turns out I don't want him to... I've spent my life, believing in him as my one true Soulmate. I know that the world has so many possibilities for us, that there's never just One option. One outcome. But he was my first. And as a child, I banked so hard on fairytales and true love. I was so stubborn I didn't think about ever moving on just because he wouldn't speak to me. And that obsession with him being the one grew because of all the hard work I put into loving him and making him love me."
"But now you don't feel the same?"
"I love him. I do. Or I know I'm supposed to. I know that I will. Because he's my soulmate. I just thought..... I thought he would be the only one I loved." you confessed. Suddenly overwhelmed you stood. "I think you should leave." Your heart tremored at what you needed to do. There was no way you could keep going down this path, you could see no light at the end of it. Even if your soulmate had something horrid to tell you there was no use leaning on Bakugo for any of it. You wouldn't dream of chasing something forbidden as another person's soulmate
He stood without argument or snark as he normally would and silently headed towards the door. He seemed to understand what you were going through, having gone through the same quite recently himself. 
"I'm sorry. That I did this. This isn't how I wanted things to go, and I never meant to confuse you. I want you to know that all of this has been very real for me. I'm sorry for not being who I should have been from the start, instead of being an asshole. But I promise you, things can be fixed now." he left quietly, and the air was thick with unspoken words. 
You took your Soulbox and moved to the counter. You couldn't wait or hesitate any longer. There was no reason to stall, no reason to overthink it. You quickly jotted down your reply to your waiting soulmate. 
Then let's meet, Soulmate.
Let's meet at this park outside of this cafe, here.
The letter came shortly after you'd sent yours. It couldn't have been more than thirty minutes after Bakugo had left. It was a park not far from where you'd had lunch with him so many days ago. 
Alright, when?
Your heart skipped a beat. Now? But you were... well... you weren't busy. But they didn't know that. Maybe you could come up with an excuse... Why were you so nervous? This was what you'd wanted your entire life but the butterflies in your stomach were overwhelming you. 
I know you're free today, don't bother trying to get out of it. 
You read the message that followed, your heart vibrated so hard you were sure it could activate your quirk and leave you. How? How did they know? Oh god. You felt yourself so desperate now. You needed to know. 
I'm on my way. 
Know that I love you. 
You stared at the message, unsure of your feelings. You mindlessly held on to this note as you gathered your purse and locked your apartment door behind you. 
You decided to walk, it wasn't far. You needed time to gather your thoughts and your courage for the meeting. When you arrived, however, you were met with a familiar face unexpectedly. 
"Hey! Kirishima, what are you doing here?" you paused on the idea that he was your soulmate, but it was quickly cast from your mind when he jumped straight to the point. 
"Did you know that Katsuki never had a Soulbox? He still doesn't." he smiled at you like you'd been in the middle of a perfectly normal conversation. 
"Yeah, he used to just stuff letters into the front pouch of his backpack in UA." Kirishima's sharp teeth grinned in fondness at his memories. "One day me and some of our friends were curious so we took it when he wasn't looking, and we found a letter form his Soulmate, that was how we found out."
"Oh. That's... funny. Why are you- Why tell me this?"
He ignored you in favor of telling another story. 
"So a few years before you came to UA, you remember on the news that he'd been kidnapped and all that? Then we started staying in dorms on campus. Everyone wanted to know what his room looked like because he wouldn't let us in. Anyway, we told him we wanted to study and we all agreed we should do it in his room. He let us, thinking we were actually going to study. The jokes on him cause we all barely passed our classes either way. But yeah, so Mina saw a keychain hanging on the bed's headrest. It was some AllMight holiday edition I think? I don't remember. But, not the point. So we grilled him and he told us it was the first thing his soulmate ever sent to him, funny right?"
"Funny." Your heart was in your throat now. You could feel tears threatening at the corner of your eyes. You needed to hear more but needed silence all at once. It was so much to take in. There was no reason for him to be telling any of this to you. This strangely similar parallel story that you feel like you lived in some way. 
"And do you know what the first thing he ever sent to his soulmate was?" Kirishima asked you gently.
You instinctually reached for the locket that lay around your neck, realizing you were still holding the note you'd carried with you to the park. 
"What was it?" you whispered so softly you didn't think he'd heard your question. But he didn't need to, it wasn't for him. 
"It was a shitty gum wrapper." a familiar gruff voice spoke behind you. 
You spun so fast on your heels that you'd lost balance enough to fall into this voice. 
"Please." your tears fell freely now. "Please say it's you." you whimpered. 
"I tortured someone for years because I had fallen in love with them. I did everything I could to keep myself from getting close to them because I was scared it would mean I didn't really love my Soulmate." Bakugo steaded you, his grip on you was firm and desperate as if you would try to run away. "Then I found out the truth. That I was pushing away the one person I wanted by my side forever."
"I wanted it to be you." was all you could manage, You held out your hand and the last Soulmate letter rolled in your palm, crinkled and wadded up. He took it from you, fixing it, folding it neatly this time before taking the wrapper from your locket and replacing it. 
"I don't want you to hate me. I pushed you away because I thought you belonged to someone else. That I belonged to someone else. I should have known it was you all along. I could never be with anyone but you." Katsuki wiped the tears from your face, now holding your cheeks in his calloused hands. 
"I wanted it to be you. I'm so happy that it's you, Katsuki."
It was all he'd needed to hear before pressing his lips to yours. 
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I apologize if there's something already on your blog about this and I didn't find it, but I was watching tailgate party and realized that Shiv had spent the entire episode pacing around one apartment complex 6000 steps over and that the Roys do this a lot.
My memory of the last few seasons is fuzzy (<- binged it before and now doesn't remember shit) but I feel like the Roys spend a lot of time in very large, usually open spaces, with wide walls and tall ceilings, and usually ones we've seen before or are expected to see again and that a lot of important scenes happen *outside* of these spaces. Important meaning either big moments or iconic ones or sometimes just transitonary. Kendall had his Next-Jesus moment out in the ocean, Tom started throwing water bottles in that cramped ass escape room or talked about his marriage out on the beach, the entirety of Kill List happens outside of ATN offices, Logan meets Mattson for the first time on a personal island, Roman went to a random one story office environment for a fucking business school and was never the same character (well. compared to S1 Roman) again, they have that reverse Jesus thing over cruises on a cruise ship, etc. I feel like plane scenes could both fit into this or break it depending on the season but at least for other scenes I feel like there's a pattern here.
Outdoor spaces or parts where they actually put their shoes outside onto sidewalk always feel semi important to me but it doesn't even have to be outdoors specifically. Like, even just the honeymoon suite was different enough from every other building we'd seen the show have, and that's when Shiv admitted to cheating!
Do you think there's something to this, or do you have your own thoughts? I'd be interested to hear more if only to appeal to my ego ;-). There's other things that could connect to this like the grey-white-brown-dark blue color palette damn near every scene is in vs. scenes with real color inside of them and Kendall's asking why Sophie was "on the street" being indicative of how he thinks she should be raised (based on how he was raised and also how he can recognize the manipulation and abusive inherent to his father's parenting but not the more subtle isolation and neglect) and the fact the Roys are literally running an actual rat race while trapped inside Waystair Rocyo 1/2 the time but I have to stay focused on one thing when I write shit down even if I'm connecting dots in my head or else this ask won't even be remotely legible.
[If you already wrote about this - sorry! I hope this makes sense. Either way, have a good night, and fingers crossed something fun happens at Logan's funeral. I still want Tom to fight someone. It won't happen but it'd be funny as hell lol]
yeah i haven't really written anything comprehensive on this, but i do think there are a few interesting points with regards to how the show uses the characters' environments. forgive me for bullet-pointing lol, maybe you can help string these things together into something more cohesive. but:
yes, the characters often spend most of an episode trapped in one location, even one building. in part i think this is a function of the presence of playwrights on the writing staff, and the way many episodes flirt with the three classical unities of tragedy writing (time / place / action). so, lots of episodes are 1 day only, or 2 or 3 max, and often a character will be mostly confined to one location during that span. in part this helps make each individual episode really tight internally, but it also contributes to that persistent sense that the characters are trapped (within their circumstances, company, family, etc)
indoor vs outdoor is an interesting thread. one thing that has always stood out to me is that the show has a tendency to use natural sunlight not as refreshing, enlightening, etc, but as blinding, overwhelming, and even dangerous. the sun almost kills logan in s3, there are those shots in 2x10 and 3x09 where everyone's squinting in the bright light, there's a similar effect in 'austerlitz', etc. this contributed to the overall sense of discomfort that the roys experience, despite all their material luxuries; it also contributes to the sense that nature and the natural world is an alien, external force that appears threatening—this sense also comes out in all of the animal metaphors they use, which emphasise the brutality they see in the animal kingdom and in nature generally
if we're talking places, i also must bring up the presence of bathrooms on the show. these are quotidian rooms, but also dangerous ones, in the sense that they exist to purge a civilised society of its filth, and the whole process tends to be marginalised and wilfuly ignored. so, i've always liked that succession has a lot of scenes set in bathrooms, and often characters are able to speak differently in the bathroom—sometimes more intimate (kendall and stewy, tom and logan in 3x05), or more direct (greg and logan in 2x08), or they're allowed to say things they couldn't elsewhere (roman and mencken). bathrooms are also sheltered personal spaces, where the characters can retreat and hide (kendall using them to do coke, shiv practicing a smile in 1x02, greg rehearsing his congressional testimony)
the waystar offices obviously have that very 21st-century glass-and-steel aesthetic that telegraphs new money, a certain neoliberal attempt at severance from systems of social and cultural meaning-making, etc. so, moving the characters to other locations is effective because, in contrast to the kind of soullessness of the waystar building, it makes the other places stand out and emphasises the meaning we can glean from the sets alone (like, the gut-punch of dodds's house in contrast to the sort of corporate default)
in regards to the idea of control and confinement within luxe spaces—yes, this is clearly something we see many of the environments convey (the ultimate expression of this being the anti-suicide wall that logan puts up to pen kendall in). this is really a discrete material expression of how waystar operates in a broader sense, constraining people whilst appearing to create more options and more freedom (also a basic characteristic of neoliberal modes of production, lol)
again i'm not sure i have a thesis statement here unifying all of these observations lol. but i do think the show does well at using its environments and settings to tell us a lot about the characters, the company, and the broader world they inhabit.
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kindlyanni · 2 years
A damn long post of asks and replies
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Thank you! I'm glad it's something people want to read again! :3
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You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the comics even though the characters are a bit different from my fanart :'D
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Hell ye! I'd be happy to read and share it when it's out there! :) I'm glad I could provide inspiration!
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Haha thank you! It's been interesting to see so many people share and enjoy my fanart even though they have no idea what they're about :D As a creator it brings me lots of joy.
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Thank you!
Heh, I was thinking here that Dream's kinda mindlesslly fiddling with Hob's shirt collar and when Hob asks if he should remove it Dream takes a second to compose his answer because sure, he wouldn't mind the shirt coming off but he also doesn't want to seem too eager about that.
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I think the flowers are a neat way to show when someone is smitten. I felt like small hearts wouldn't be quite Hob so I drew small flowers instead.
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Oh gosh, thank you very much! I'm glad so many people liked the idea if Dream not wanna undress.
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Haha, thank you! Violet and purple are my favorite colors and I usually pick that when I start an illustration (I always sketch with a colored brush), and my art often ends up being purple. But it's also a very dream-like color (heh) so it fits well for The Sandman fanart :3
I actually struggled a bit with the long comic to make the colors cohesive so I just slapped a layer of purple with a color mode on every page and that sort of did the trick :''D Sometimes all it takes is to play around with the layer blend modes.
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Thank you so much! (p...please don't die, I take no responsibility;;)
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Thank you!
I don't do commisions, unfortunately. Not at the moment, at least.
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Sure! Cat pics are always welcome!
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cat!Dream has very Miette energy tbf!
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Yay, thank you so much!!
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Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! And hey, take your time. Webcomics can be a lot, and when mine's like 1000 pages lmao..... yeah. You don't have to start from the beginning, if you remember approximately where you left, just hop on chapter x from the archive and browse on a little bit. If you made it to Book 2 already, I think the beginning of it is a good place to hop on again. But things come and go in waves, the same is with enjoying webcomics or any media really. Don't feel bad, focus on what brings you joy in this moment.
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Haha, well I'm not gonna stop you ;D I'm glad you're enjoying it!! <3
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Maybe? Maybe not?? who knows.
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When I started Transfusions it was fun to have a vampire who's kinda fresh, still, because vampires are always like 300 years old or whatever in every other media. Plus I'm not a history nerd so I can't be bothered to be historically accurate and have people nag about how I got this and that wrong from period x. Looking back to 1960-1980 is relatively easy lol. And a punk vampire is funny.
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Thank you very much, I'm always glad to hear people finding and enjoying The Witch Door. I've kinda felt like struggling to find it it's audience since it's not BL and I worry if my brain is big enough to write this kind of a story. So comments like these are very reassuring and encouraging! Danke schön! :) (my back is doing better, thought it still gets achy if I sit for too long. Just gotta try to remember to exercise OTL)
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mahou-furbies · 9 months
I wish more MG series had more cohesive/unique designs for Henshin items. Like, I'm just bored of seeing the same pink item carried by everyone in a team. At least in TMM the pendants are mostly gold and the red is minor enough to not clash with anyone, or the different colored pens/wands in Sailor Moon.
Hell, I'm working on a death/angel series and just decided that the henshin items would be something sentimental to each girl, like a necklace belonging to a dead parent, or a bracelet given by a childhood friend you haven't seen in a decade.
Yeah the magical item in team series tends to favour the pink heroine which is a shame. I wonder why it's not more common to just palette swap it for everyone? That should be really simple and producing different coloured versions of the same toy doesn't sound too difficult either. The next step could be adding a different detail for everyone, like a heart shaped vs star shaped jewel.
Also the characters having their own personalised items that were important to them even before being the magical item is a great idea and should be used more! I think Ojamajo Doremi had something like this when the girls brought in an instrument they already owned and it was given magical powers, though the instruments also transformed into the identical wand items in the process.
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skitariiposting · 8 months
Painted a skit today I wanted to share. I swear it looks better from further away.
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First off: trans pride hell yeah
I love the tie-dye look on the cloak, that looks great! The pink and white metal is pretty neat too, I actually really like that. It's not something you see very often, but it does look really good with the right color scheme; as such it fits perfectly with yours.
Second off: the "from far away" is what matters most! Army cohesion is a hell of a drug. Many people underestimate how effective it is at masking blemishes on individual models. Just throw that lovely creature into a swarm of 9 other skits, and they'll start to blend together.
I've said it once, I'll say it a million times and until I can't anymore: table ready doesn't have to be detailed, because you'll be looking at them in a big blob of minis from a foot or so away and downwards at an angle. Making them not gray, stand out, and easy enough to differentiate from your opponent's is all you need.
Third off: thank you for sharing your skit, it makes my day when people share their painted minis with me :3
Now go forth and paint more of them!
(Here's the traditional "Skit-Tip" below the cut)
I struggled so much with overdoing paint on a mini when I got started. Every person I went to had one thing to say, and that is: water down your paints. Doesn't have to be a lot, but it makes a world of difference. Having to do 2 or 3 layers due to the paint being watery is always better than 1 layer that's too thick. Adding paint to a model is easy, taking it off, not so much. It also helps with that ever pesky detailing, as it's much easier to control than straight-from-the-pot paint.
I hope that may help a bit!
If you're interested in more or want a more detailed explanation, I highly recommend looking into Duncan Rhodes' "6 things I wish I knew before I started painting" video, it was one of the biggest contributors to my beginning stages of painting.
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
Hii this is a request by @ravenrune!
I hope you like it!
Carlos x Reader Oneshot
Bad Injury, Even Worse Day.
(She/her pronouns <3)
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It had been just a normal day of going shopping. (Your name) had got some groceries and some decorations for the upcoming holiday. (Your favorite holiday) was only a few weeks away and everyone was decorating for the most part so while getting the groceries she though, why not! Get some anyways since her and Carlos just now recently moved in together as a couple and barely had any decorations as is.
However with every holiday comes seasonal depression. That was all normal and couldn't be helped but, it seemed to especially be kicking (your name) into the sand. It was a stressful time with trying to adjust from the move, even if she loved him it was still an adjustment. However she and him had each other and that's all the both of them really needed.
When she got home she hauled in all the groceries first and put away what needed to be put away. Frozen stuff first, always. Once she had done that, she had went and got the decorations and hauled them inside as well. However towards the last two bags, a metal rod from a lawn decoration was sticking out and she wasn't paying attention when she picked the bag up. This had resulted in a cut, not a deep one but it still bled and hurt like hell. She swore loudly and dropped the bag quickly. Fanning her hand for a moment before bringing it close to her to inspect. She stared at the wound and her eyes slowly filled with tears.
Great. Just what she needed. It's been a rough few weeks as is, then with the upcoming holiday, now this little hiccup? Who knew it was enough to make her snap.
She stood there tears building up in her eyes as she picked up the bags and went inside. Using her free hand, not even daring to use her wounded hand. Once she was inside, she had grabbed a first aid kit that was under the sink, since she didn't feel like going upstairs to get what she needed from the bathroom, and set it on the counter. She grabbed out a gauze pad, some colorful cohesive bandage wrap, and a small bottle of disinfectant spray.
When she wasn't paying attention, a soft yet large pair of hands rested on her hips. She didn't jump though, she just looked behind her with her eyes still teary. Carlos stood there with a now confused expression, he moved his hands from her hips and he carefully turned her around, cupping her face. The heat from his hands was comforting but it just made the tears fall as she closed her eyes.
"Querida, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked softly.
She stayed silent for a moment before showing him her hand. He took it nicely with both his hands and he sighed. He grabbed a nearby wash cloth and got it damp with warm water before gently wiping away the extra blood. One hand held the cloth and the other supported her hand, making sure he was being gentle but also sure the wound was mostly wiped up.
"I'm not sure how this happened but do you want to tell me?" He asked softly as he put the cloth down and grabbed the disinfectant spray, now fanning her hand, waiting for it to dry.
"Just.. Some decoration I bought cut me." She said as she sniffled slightly.
"You could have called for me and I would have helped you carry the stuff inside." He suggested but didn't push since he could tell she was already in a bad mood and didn't want to make it worse.
"Yeah I know.. It's just.." She fell silent again and more tears fell down her face.
"Just?" He asked as he sprayed the disinfectant on her hand.
She flinched from the sting of the spray but so in took a deep breath. "It's just a rough season. The seasonal depression, the move has been a bit stressful, and then this? It was just enough to make me so upset and now look at me. I'm crying over a pathetic wound that isn't anything like what others have experienced, even you." She said as she broke down.
He listened and he made a worried expression. "I'm sorry querida." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He reached around and grabbed the gauze pad and cohesive bandage wrap. He opened the gauze pad and rested it on her palm before using the bandage wrap and used it to secure the pad to her hand.
"However, sounds aren't a race or meant to be compared." He said as he grabbed her other hand and held it tightly. His hand thwas was holding her wounded one wasn't tightly gripping her hand at all. It was a soft hold but supportive one. The warmth if his hands was so comforting all on it's own, however, she still couldn't stop crying.
He held her hands as he leaned forward. "I promise you, no matter what, we will get through this. One day at a time." He said softly as he rested his forehead on hers. "And just know, I love you no matter what." He whispered as he brought her good hand to his chest and kept it by his heart. "Understand?"
"Understand.." She sniffled, now calming down. She knew he wasn't one hundred percent when it came to comforting half the time, but this made her feel calm and safe so of course now, she felt calmer. Around him she always felt safe and calm, he felt the same about her which she thought was odd because she didn't think she did much for him. Yet he kept telling her, she does more than she knows.
"Alright.. Now, how's about we get some ice cream and watch (your favorite show.)?" He pulled his head away from hers to look into her eyes.
"I'd like that." She smiled softly and nodded.
He grabbed some ice cream out of the fridge not far from them, letting go of her wounded hand and grabbed some spoons with the same hand, carrying it all over to the couch while still holding her free hand. He sat down with her, setting the ice cream down on the coffee table with a soft smile. He grabbed the remote before opening up a streaming service, putting on the show, and soon handed the remote to her. He still held her hand the entire time.
"Volume and pause button is yours to control." He said softly.
She smiled and she gripped his hand slightly before leaning on his shoulder. "Okay."
With that, the marathon had begun.
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charmixpower · 2 years
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🎶 Muse hairstyles explained 🎶
Musa's Enchantix bewitched me, it entranced me, it seduced me with it's gorgeous hair. I have given into my deepest of impulses and now her hair is ever so slightly blueish purple. It's barely noticeable, nobody touch me, I have absolutely no regrets. I love it so much she's so pretty. As for a like, cohesive style. Musa's hair is only down at fancy events, as she very heavily seems like someone who doesn't like having their hair down. That's about it. Idk if there is a theme to these, they're all things that she'd super wear, they're usually twin hairstyles, and thats it. Though I find it really interesting that Musa's fashion is usually heavily on the more masculine tomboy and comfortable side, but her hair is always ultra feminine and styled. I think it's such a good cute bit of characterization. She's a girlie your honor
Anyways on to the individual styles
Short hair: My beloved short hair pigtails Musa. I love her. Drawing her short pigtails was always super hard before I just stopped trying to make them stick up like the way she does in the show XD. Also this is the type of shirt Musa wore in the second chapter of my Rivusa fic, and I got really attached to it. It's so cute!!! And it matches her vibes! Love
Long hair: I've made it clear that I'm not a super huge fan of Musa's long hair but honestly, it's not her long hair's fault. It's the fact that everyone else has long hair mixed with the fact that s4 on use this as an excuse to competely erase all of Musa's tomboy fashion traits. Like?? I'm sorry, I didn't know my favorite character was "snarky Stella lite who likes darker colors". Anyways, eventually I came upon the way to fix this, which was to give her a fuckin undercut!!! Hell yeah!!!! It's both super feminine like her original pigtails but with a alt twist that protects her from her distinct personal style from being erased. I love her undercut so much!! I picked a undercut specifically because it looks the most feminine and Musa tends to be super femme in her hair and I didn't wanna tamper with that, and she of she puts her hair down she can cover it up for a more classic look that she's sometimes fond of. It stikes a good balance between both of her styles me thinks. Bonus my redesign of her s3 outfit. I feel bad saying this bc I don't like it all that much. Like the weird not sleeves and the sweater dress with pants...not my thing. Idm it all that much, but it both looks like a really warm outfit, but also like she'd be cold at the same time? I just gave her an oversized button up shirt dress. It's still pretty alt, esp with those colors, and fashionable! I really like it. Also, yes, she also got more piercings when she went to get her hair lengthed. She deserves them <3
Loopies: Tbh, while s5 will own a small piece of my heart and soul for fixing the myriad of crimes s4 committed against Musa, I never understood why they used the bun hairstyle instead the twin hairstyle they had right there for her pajamas?? It would of been in much better keeping with Musa's original style??? Anyways I've swapped those, so not this is older Musa's classic hairstyles. Her twin hair look slowly gets more and more mature looking :)) with a bonus jersey shirt she stole from Riven
Baby Musa: pre season one Musa!!! She's in her skater girl era, with her ultra short low pigtails so they don't get in the way of all the helmets she wore. I imagine as soon as she started living by herself she chopped off her hair as teenagers tend to do, she didn't wanna try ultra short hair in front of her dad and worry him lol, and then shes slowly letting it grow back to see what length she likes the most. Idk if she cut it this short or if it was shorter originally. This experiment ends up telling her that she likes all hair lengths on herself lol. She's rocking big shirt big pants fashion in this pic btw, for the vibes. Originally all of these drawings of music only had a lobe piercing, and something about the way I was drawing her was driving me mad. Eventually I realized I needed to show her getting more piercings as she got older lol. Seriously I was agonizing before I put more piercings on the other Musa's and suddenly everything clicked
Summer look: I love her classic s5 hair sm ok? I had to include it somewhere. Her hair is still up and it's still feminine, but with the overwhelming amount of feminine from her outfit the bun not being too feminine works in it's flavor as Musa's original style hasn't been thrown in the trash SEASON 4. I turned it into a summer look, with that one red crop top form her stock art. She looks so ready for summer fun, gosh I love her. She has my second favorite pair of earrings I put on her here, which is a shame bc you can't see them xd, curse her bang—BACK!! BACK S4 SIDE SWEPT MUSA BANGS!!! BACK YOU FOUL BEAST
Cozy Musa: Yeah this is her hair from the second movie. As much as I dislike so much about it from the non senseical plot, lack of continuity, writing, voice acting, Skloom getting engaged for the second time, and really everything but the satisfaction of Erendor becoming a full villain, the gowns the girls wear, and the super Trix, uh. I really like Musa's hair. It's unique and funky, and it's something she'd totally do. The outfit wasn't all that bad, I'd even say it was better than her s4 camping outfit, until you notice that she's wearing socks OVER her shoes and I remember that the designers are either geniuses or the the enemy and I should never trust them too much. Anyways I decided to pair this hair with a more casual look bc it's a bit too showy for hiking, but still chill and causal enough for going out in a chill way. Like a super chill date, or shopping day. Something to spice up a otherwise boring outfit. And ya know I had to include a cropped hoodie somewhere!
School dance: Musa puts her hair down, once. Part one, short hair version. I imagine Musa usually very much dislikes having her hair down, but I'd willing to tolorate it for the sake of a really cute outfit, and I think this outfit is deserving of the occasion from short hair Musa era. Bonus a metal earring that I'm just now realizing looks like a sword earring. Love to see it
Eraklyon ball: Musa puts her hair down, twice. Part two, the famous version. Gosh I love this outfit so much, like her s2 dress will forever and always be my favorite, but this one is so elegant. I had a lot of fun with her hair piece, and fucking around with her bangs instead of just making them side swept again. Unlike Stella, I don't think Musa would ever go without bangs lol. This is my favorite earring btw. It's so cute and classy. V fun, this one has my favorite bangs swell
Gala attendee: Musa puts her hair down, trice. Part three, not really. This is based off of those high low dresses I saw from s6 that I only remember because they gave Musa a hat!!! >u< one of the few things s4 got right, yess Musa loves hats!!! Give her a hat!! So I included the orange and purple colors with the top design in principal bc it was the only dress that gave her a hat. This time I gave her the smaller pigtails with her hair down, and asymmetric slide swept bangs. Tbh those images of later seasons Musa with this hairstyle in the ugliest way possible (her pigtails are so much shorter than the rest of her hair that she must of specifically cut them and I hate it, I hate it so much) kinda made me dislike this hairstyle, but I still had to include it bc despite the crimes it's still a quintessential Musa look. She is still a cutie and I love her
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lucyglassesstuff · 1 year
Being kind to others is not pointless.
It took me a while to realize that.
To realize that being kind and loving does matter.
That it does make a difference.
That showing support and appreciation actually provokes change.
And what a huge change.
I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner, but my best guess is that a lot of us grew up surrounded by people who were tired of trying to fix a broken society so they stopped the efforts and taught us to not even bother, in the hopes it would save us from the trouble and anguish.
Or that's how it was for me, at some degree.
With a bit of observation to my own behavior, I realized I second guess every kind, nice, comment I have about anything or anyone.
"Should I say this?"
Should I say "Hey mom, you're looking so beautiful today" or "I think you're a smart and considerate person sis" just- out of the blue? Because I thought so?
It has always felt like that. It feels- weird to say compliments to others just for the sake of it.
Shouldn't it be their birthday or something?
Shouldn't there be something else than the mere want prompting me to do it?
Will I just look weird? Will they think I want something from them?
And with that kind of thought comes the flipped side of the coin: doubts about every compliment I get- Do they want something from me? What's the complicated squeam behind their kind words?
Is not a nice way to live life to be honest.
But still- I keep doubting before saying.
I doubt if I should smile at the people I cross while walking down the park.
I doubt telling the cashier her hair looks actually fantastic.
Hell, I even doubt saying "hello, good morning" or "bye, have a nice day" to some people.
And I love the people who do that.
I want to also be that people.
But anyway, since I always felt compelled to do it and I'm a sucker for finding less threatening ways of doing the things I want to do, I became a letter person, writing letters with the lovey-dovey stuff I don't usually say but always think, to give them to my family every once a few months.
Y'know, to not let them know I love them too much and all that.
We wouldn't want people knowing we like them and appreciate them, right?
Yeah, it does sound dumb. It is. It's- It's just- Why are we like that?
Why am I like that?
For me, the answer is quite simple: I'm freaking scared of people.
And yes, those we love are the ones who can hurt us the most.
By simple math, the more people you love the more chances you get of getting hurt.
No one wants to be hurt.
So we- Manage our love bank funds.
Tho, I personally think those funds are limitless. We're capable of loving as much as we want. But I also think is true you can love too much...
But anyway- to keep myself ontopic, your kindness, your words of appreciation and admiration do matter. They matter so much.
We are all way more confident and less reluctant when it comes to complaining and judging.
For some reason I have this internalized idea that having a lowkey kinda hateful comment equals to having a strong opinion.
As if we were really good judges of character, taking pride in our pointy noses.
I look tougher and rougher if I say a less kind thing.
I can't let everyone know I'm actually a Cinnamon roll and I mostly wanna hurt nobody.
I'll be taken advantage of if I let them see that.
I'll look weak and naive.
And blah blah.
Is a long train of thought that isn't even a train of thought to be honest. It's- like a code on a program: I don't think it word by word, but the code does make me hesitate before saying anything positive about someone else.
The worst part is that when I do convince myself to say it, I say it toned down, watered-down.
So, if I thought "Damn her skin looks so gorgeous! It's shiny, it's soft, it's radiant, all one cohesive color. God I want that skin!" I'll say "You- have a nice skin"
So I won't scare the hell out of her.
Or that's what I tell myself.
And I know this is just like- me exemplifying my previous rambling, but the point I'm trying to make is that we do not trust people's kindness when it comes from out of no where.
We're used to getting help and support when we are struggling.
Reason behind why when we do receive kindness we associate it with pity.
Is a long thing, but I just- I hope it wasn't like that.
But I've seen it happen: I've seen people being kind out of just showing appreciation and support and love for content creators that have helped them with their struggles.
Or just to- y'know, say "I see what you're doing. I think it's right. I agree with it. I'll support you doing it. Thank you for doing it"
And so they just- show love and support and appreciation and- how many times did I say those words already?
It's true for me too: there's so many content creators that I've been inspired by, that make me want to be a better person, that showed me that love does exist, that kindness is out there and people do want to help. People I want to hug and say thank you to. People I care about. People I wish good things upon.
And this takes me to a little add comment about the demonization of social media: The infamous internet is just an extension of society, and just like it, it's beautiful and awful at the same time.
We have created communities, we found people we care about, we make friends, we share, we support, we get inspired. Internet is an amazing add to humans relationships, but of course, like every single thing on existence, it has a darker side too. A bad side. An ugly side.
It's not this post's topic but I'm just so done with the entire thing-
It's- It's not- It's like saying life is a wonderful gift. Life can do no harm.
Bitch we have done harm!
We are life!
We can do bad things!
It doesn't have to be one or the other!
Life is beautiful! Is a miracle! Yes! And it can also be the cause of destruction for everything else!
I- That's it. I'm done for today.
The point got across... I belive.
And is a topic I want to expand on with its own post. So back to what we were saying: I'm in the process of learning to be more forthcoming when it comes to the good things I think of others cause yesterday I was told I look prettier everyday and that is still making me smile, so- I want to do that for other people too. And I want to mean it. I want to see into their eyes and say "you are actually marvelous. Go be wonderful today".
Because it makes me happy.
Because I do belive we're capable of such wonderful things.
This is not me trying to start a movement.
Thank all the divine for that movement has already begun and people do care, do want to be more loving.
I'm just counting myself in, and if I get just one more of you to do it too, I'll consider it a success.
Hell, if I get myself to be more prone to output my kindness into the wild world I'll consider it a success.
But still, do join. Become a loving cinnamon roll with the rest of us.
Being kind is not weakness.
It's taking me actual conscious effort to learn that.
And I'm sure it will take all of us a good while before actually integrating that knowledge into our way of living, but hey, we've been to the moon, we can just say more nice things to each other, right?
Final ideas for today: YOUR KINDNESS MATTERS SO MUCH.
Please do not refrain yourself from being kind to others.
And have a great day, night, evening, whatever is ahead of you!
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navysealt4t · 10 months
hello blue i am asking for your Opinion on a thing :0
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is this like even remotely a cohesive concept or fvpfdnjkfldf
:0 hell yeah that works!!!the colors r great together i love this !!!!
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
Listen, Ladies, I'm glad you've all had a fun time getting acquainted with each other this afternoon, but let's not forget the reason we're all here.
Eleanor: Unlawful imprisonment?
Well yeah, but no. I mean the TV show we're currently broadcasting. The number one most important part of a TV show is having a strong visual identity, and quite frankly, all of you are a hodgepodge of styles. So, in order for you to look as cohesive as possible as a unit, I've prepared uniforms. But, just so you don't start bitching about me "ErAsInG YoUr iNdIvIdUaLiTy" or whatever, each uniform prominently features each of your favorite colors.
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You'll find the uniforms in a chest in the sleeping quarters. It's very clearly marked with a glowing neon arrow. Not even Bailey could miss it.
Bailey: Hey!
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Now if you could all line up by your beds, please, so the audience can see how much effort I put into coordinating everything.
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Kitty: Tsk, these short trousers are most improper! A lady such as I does not show off this much leg, especially not on television!
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Rose: The blue stripes on mine are a bit dark but I'll make it work. 😕
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Bailey: I feel like a princess!
Eleanor: Whatever.
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Angel: I'm not usually one for synthetic fibers, but it's comfy at least.
Angela: I love mine! Viridia is right, we really do look cute!
Glad you're all pleased.
Kitty: But--
Now that that's out of the way...
[Beginning] [Previous] [Next]
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gayemeralds · 1 year
Sorry to bother you with this i love all your takes except the shadow ones </3 but speaking of him and not even as being my fave but "blorbo in law" i have to disagree and defend him. Personally as an only game enjoyer i think his character hasn't been butchered like people say at least in the games except for forces(with the infinite thing), by contrast in all the other sonic media (that sega hasn't confirm canon btw)yeah there i can clearly see the butchery and occ moments and also a lot of misinformation due to his popularity that is exaggerated that has created a distorted version of him, maybe your dislike and desinterest of him has to do more with the fans and fanon perception influence? And the fact that with his polularity he is bound to be shoved everywhere, cuz to me the distorsion about his character comes from fans and outside sonic media that are not the games.
Also it's kinda funny and not a coincidence to me your love for gerald(not that he isn't interesting but come on he didn't love shadow, that was his creation and possession to help and save maria, yeah it is a complex relationship with affection for his creation but not love)(and i can never side with the doctor frankestain archetype as a good guy) and dislike for shadow lol fhdh Anyway those are my two cents trying to see it from a more neutral position✌excuse my english
1) it’s true i fucking HATE fanon shadow. people scrape off all of his interesting personality bits to make him more palatable and shippable. often they just make him exactly like knuckles but with More Trauma and slightly Angrier and that annoys the hell out of me.
2) it is also true that i hate the marketing they do with him. i hate the sonic twitter takeovers with him. and i HATE how he’s just often shoved into places where he shouldn’t have been (ie sonic colors & sonic frontiers twitter takeovers. he wasn’t IN THOSE GAMES. why is he THERE). they’re using him as a markability tool and little else and that’s honestly a huge disgrace.
3) my main issue with game shadow and other versions of him is that i just don’t like the direction they took with his character, at the very least lore wise. i think he should have stayed dead. sa2 was a narrative best self contained. the whole amnesia plot line was fucking stupid considering sa2 was ABOUT discovering shadow’s past. why have him forget it. the alien thing is fucking hilarious but also objectively kinda dumb as well. they brought shadow back from the dead and didn’t have a cohesive story for him because his arc was already solidified in sa2 and they just. keep repeating that arc over and over again, of him being Mad and then remembering Maria’s promise and then becoming Normal. because they want to keep shadow as sonic’s edgy rival without giving him a good enough reason to be. boom & forces are the worst examples of this. that’s my main issue with him. they don’t know what to do with him- his story is basically over with but they keep bringing him back over and over for no reason.
4. there’s honestly not that much evidence to support that gerald DIDNT love shadow. he literally gives shadow a soul based on maria in sonic battle. he cheers shadow on to destroy the black arms in shadow the hedgehog 2005. i really do think that gerald did love shadow, which makes it a whole other layer of tragedy for gerald to decide his hate for humanity outweighed his love for shadow and altered his memories to destroy the world. im just not fond of the narrative that gerald never loved shadow and only thought of him as an object when i don’t particularly think that’s true. i think it erases a whole level of nuance to both gerald’s character and shadow’s frustrations. he loved you but that wasn’t enough.
5) you’re welcome to your own opinions but like. can people stop telling me im wrong. you literally don’t have to defend him to me.
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popdesign-vent · 2 years
Personally I think Whisperwillow's/Kiwi-rot's designs are gorgeous but they've 100% become afflicted by the cs and popufur mindset. Mod, would you be wiling to do a breakdown on their design style?
hell yeah let's gooo
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So immediately we have a theme of light pastels with low contrast, black and white with small color pops (usually red) and webcore. We also have bodies that are largely triangular, with a small torso and wide set lower legs. This is pretty common in popfurs but I will say that diversifying the bodies you draw will vastly improve your work. Same with hairstyles and texture. Introducing curls and more unique styles beyond default long and short would really help this artist's work shine.
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fine design overall, not the most unique but the anatomy is stylized nicely and the design is balanced well with the yellow star accents leading to the face and the smaller accessories clustering around the face as well.
As a personal note I would have dropped the chevron on the leg just because the clouds are enough detail already and you risk leading the eye astray with weird patterns that don't contribute to the theme.
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I understand the aim of cyberpunk aesthetics is to be very colorful and eye-catching, but the markings are placed rather thoughtlessly and it feels cluttered. dropping either the leg chevrons or the stomach and thigh markings would help greatly with this issue. The arcade carpet pattern on the arms is cute, but it feels weird to have a design in a style as simple as this one have so many colors. I think that keeping to one rainbow pallette rather than having two of each color in varying intensities would really do you a favor.
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This one is really nice tbh! It reads to me as early game concepting and the balance of the large curved horns, small frame, and the veil leading into the tail creates a really pleasing visual track to follow. The colors are cohesive and the yellow leading into the main color pop, the red, is really lovely and minimizes clutter while keeping the design impactful.
If there's one big thing I would criticize, it's the sizing and placement of the fur texturing. I talked about big medium small principles in another crit post, but essentially, all the tail fur spikes are about the same length and size, same with the hair chunks. It leads to a more static design and I think this artist could really be a great designer if they pushed harder for stronger and more conscious use of design principles.
Overall I like the designer and I'll be using some of what I found in their style in my own. I hope they keep drawing and improving in the direction that benefits them best without the stagnation that tends to come with adoptables.
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