#comparative grammar
possessivesuffix · 1 year
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I just remembered that, despite my username, I have not posted anything about possessive suffixes on here so far; to set right this oversight, here is a small sample of possessive suffix systems across the Uralic languages from reference literature I have around
Proto-Samic, from Sammallahti 1998, The Saami Languages: An Introduction
Proto-Samoyedic, from Mikola 2004, Studien zur Geschichte der samojedischen Sprachen
Late Proto-Permic, from Csúcs 2005, Die Rekonstruktion der permischen Grundsprache
Erzya and Moksha (in the nominative), from Bartens 1999, Mordvalaiskielten rakenne ja kehitys
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veryinnovative · 5 months
i NEED ppl to just not fucking 'review' fics and compare them to novels. like are you forgetting that fanfic writing =/= novel writing? we write with what little time we have besides irl responsibilities because we want to decompress and just enjoy ourselves typing away about comfort characters. the reason novels have perfect grammar, transitions etc is bc they're REVISED!!!! multiple rounds even! not only that but they've often been proofread by like 3 different people most of the time. do u realize that proofreading, editing, polishing etc sometimes takes just as much time as writing if not more? it can be so tiring and often takes away the enjoyment in writing. like it baffles me so many people bitch and whine about 'omg... the grammar mistake!' or 'omgg....d.d.. this specific sentence is missing a comma!' like stfu! a lot of writers write bc they want to write and don't have additional time/energy to edit! most writers do, making them absolute fucking troopers nd they got all my praise nd compliments. but most of us will just rawdog it and you eat what you're served, simple as that! fanfic writing is a hobby. you get to read for free nd still have the audacity 2 openly complain? make it make sense
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uovoc · 5 months
4 years later I have reached the level of chinese literacy needed for my purposes (reading manhua/webnovels and surfing the chinternet). consequently it's time to start on japanese
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keithtse · 8 months
Chinese dialectal parameterisation: Mandarin vs Cantonese (and more)
I presented a Lightning Talk on Chinese dialects at the Ronin Institute Lightning Talk event on 21st September 2023. Here are the recordings on YouTube and Vimeo. Please check them out and let me know what you think!
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libbyisleaving · 10 months
so cool the dutch goverment fell (joyous) but the same people will still probably govern for like a year or until whenever they manage new polls (sigh), then at new voting the same man will highly likely be chosen again (frustrated), or someone worse (anger), and i will go absolutely insane when voting starts again because THERE'S NO ONE GOOD OR EVEN DECENT (furious)
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auslanderka · 11 months
just a random thought
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i started act II two days ago and i already love masashi so much. but in some strange way it hurts me when I see the similarities between him and tetsu. maybe because i haven't recovered from the end of season 1 and maybe because tetsu is my main favorite in daiya...
but i treat masashi as my new baby to protect, I hope and look forward to his development
(home run at the first game is probably their family thing, i literally cried)
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dualisume · 5 months
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momojiri · 10 months
fighting my doctor through text because of the condescending way he talked to me cause i aint taking crap from a man
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pocketsonny · 2 months
been using renshuu to learn japanese and it's fun cause i can get stupidly excited at the small things like hey, i can sorta read the title of this song now!! (if it's in katanaka or hiragana cause kanji's is another world to me rn LOLOL that's going slow)
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youssefguedira · 2 months
i have an italian test this morning but i remain afflicted by a horrible illness (cold but not particularly mild) so i will be falling back on sheer immersion to power through this and then promptly crawling back into bed never to leave again
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princesskkfish · 9 months
A rant~
(be prepared for nonsense all over the place so sry)
Being a artist is really hard sometimes! (It’s hard just being a human too but I’d have a essay if I got into that, so staying to the artist side of things) anyways, it’s hard! Like yeah it’s a lot of peoples outlet and making art is super fun. And I’m not usually one to complain (for a number of reasons but whatever) but I want everyone to know their not alone and it really is hard sometimes
Being a artist has its ups and downs: art block, lack of motivation, lack of ideas, or being really inspired, or having tons of ideas and just goofing around. But the downside er hard part at least for me and others I know is the comparing and feeling of not good enough. Either not good enough in your art, feeling it not perfect enough, having to high of expectations and feeling terrible when it didn’t turn out the way you wanted. We all know this feeling in one way or another and I’ll be straight up it sucks, it really does
and this ruins it for some people and I hate that, the fact you can create something is amazing! No matter how good or bad you think you are. Everyone has the right to be creative and make the things they feel inspired to do! And no matter how far along you are in your art journey comparing can potentially crush that
and don’t get me wrong comparing isn’t inherently bad. Like you can compare your art to learn from it or see how someone else does this certain thing and how you can improve your art. What I’m trying to say is, don’t belittle yourself or your art because your going great and you are unique and no one else can make that art like you can! And it’s not fair to yourself to compare your artwork to another persons. That person might have years of practice or draws hours a day to improve.
And going right along with that last bit EVERYONE is always improving and at one point or another the person your comparing yourself too felt the same way you do. So be nice to yourself! Your doing great! And you shouldn’t make art just so you can “beat” or be “better” then this other person. Make art because you want too and because it makes you happy >:0
And that’s the end of my rant I would go on but my brain is fried and I still have homework to finish o7
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laurajameskinney · 4 months
dude its 2024 you cant seriously be putting a post on my dash that legitimately says aave is grammatically incorrect . we've been over this.
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tricornonthecob · 7 months
me, writing reconstructed dialect: *whispers* why am I enjoying this.
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oaxleaf · 5 months
The whole thing about Georgie is that her arc was fully completed long before the story began. She lost something/someone significant, she learned her lesson, she started living again. While the others have extensive knowledge of the Powers' terminology, she enters the story with a deep understanding of loss, entropy and fear that the others are yet to learn. She is never exactly unattended on screen. The tapes can't follow her and are hardly there for her so so does the narrative.
sorry this took me a couple days to answer. i was sick and my brain felt like the titan submersible moments before exploding to the pressure.
anyways. people aren't ever really finished though, you know? you have periods of your life when you are changing less or more, but you'll never reach a point where you will remain as such for the rest of your life. so whilst an arc can be fully completed in the sense of a certain, contained segment of a characters development, be it for better or worse, can reach a satisfying conclusion. and some stories tie it up there and let things lie, and that's fine, but others - especially those tragic or bittersweet endings - leave a lot to be developed on, or potential new themes to be explored.
georgie enters the story from a different position than the other characters, sure, but honestly i wouldn't claim that what marks her out is her being particulary good at dealing with loss, rather just that she does it differently. she is most definitely the best at letting go of things or setting boundaries where most of the other characters struggle to let go enough of their pain, curiosity, or emotional investment to do so. since she is not a part of the institute and as such not stuck there it makes good contrast to other characters, in particular to jon who, even before his life was dependent on the statements to stay alive, was unable to let obviously harmful situations be. it's also why georgie and melanie make such a good match - melanie is (along with tim) one of the few that really do want out.
and yeah, i guess you could call that an arc already completed by the time she's introduced. or you could just call it characterization or backstory. you're right about her not being interesting to the purpose of the tapes, and she is relatively sure of herself and is typically better at handling the horrors than others, but also don't feel like that's the point? she acts as a contrast, but not as, like, a mentor figure or something like that, and it's less important that she has overcome this stuff and more important that jon, in comparison, has not. so yes, georgie is relatively static in her development during most of the show. not at all a bad thing when placed next to characters experiencing such drastic changes.
but what i aim at when i talk about her arc just starts at the end of the show if the doubts she starts expressing about this position she has held in the narrative around the last ten episodes of the show. she clearly feels guilt about the state of the world, about not being there enough for jon, about being too passive and not intervening enough - which is why it's pretty characteristic for her to be the only one even considering not actually doing anything about the change in mag 199 - and she struggles with the idea that maybe she is partially responsible for it all too, simply because she was too good about handling the horrors when others very much were not. all these things that put her in a position of safety, sanity, and relative comfort, are now things she doubts because she worries that it makes her an accomplice through means of complicity
really it's just a seed. it only appears very late in the story, but i found it very potent. what makes me call it the start of an arc, though, are the very obvious opportunities for this all being exacerbated after the fall of the panopticon. there is so much potential for struggle and guilt there, and i just find the whole idea fascinating. to me, there isn't a world where georgie doesn't eventually have a breakdown over it all, but that's stuff that can only really be kicked into full gear after the absolutely chatastrophic personal loss and failure that was mag 200. that in combination with melanie's clear wish to just be rid of it all... all i'm saying is that there's some good potential in this
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Sometimes I think "German is such a grammatic hellscape" but then I think to myself "but does there truly exist a language whose grammar is not hell?"
No language will ever be not confusing
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xxs4d-b4st4rdxx · 5 months
I do sometimes wonder if fate is real...
I always grapple with it, always convincing myself that it does not. If I do say it's real that means self will not really a thing, choice is an illusion. The path is already set soon as I was born.
A thing that is hard to think about, and It's worse when you see things always connecting thing pointing you in a direction no matter whether you know what discretion is or not.
What do you truly do if fate points in a direction that is unknown, that's quite scary in my opinion but yet intriguing?
It's like most people say curiosity killed the cat. Though that's only half the saying. The full is curiosity killed the cat ...but satisfaction brought it back. But yet that is a lie too with the first half being older and the second being added much later by someone else. So... Which is true, which may it be. Maybe it's both or is both wrong...
That the thing, do I trust what I don't know or stay where I do know. With many things you can never go back, that is something we can never do, though many will argue. I think that scares most people going to the unknown knowing what they call the past they had home wanting it back. That is that thing you can't do is go back home, once you leave there's no way back.
I'm starting to realize that, but that does mean that you can't make a new one that changes, that doesn't fate is a thing. The path we call fate is just a calling to somewhere new, may it be just maybe the place to live or the end. Though I don't think there's really an ending, but, that's another story all together.
But if it's either or would you think it is better to know where the direction leads or to stay where you are chained by your own making.
I don't know... I'm just a queer 19-year-old guy almost a year out of high school with no job not discretion in life trying to make art that I could be proud enough to sell live with their mom timing away on their laptop siting in bed using their table as a TV watching The first season of Doctor Who 9n four in the morning in their messy ass room and a shit house in a town that considered a city for some odd reason surrounded by farmland in the America.
I'm a nobody, simply. Why would I know anything. Why would anyone know they're not wrong to chose to stay. I don't think anyone will ever know because we are all different with different wants and needs and well paths. Only you will know when you take that chance, and you are the only one who can do so. If some says they know what is at the end of other's paths, they're lying. Maybe they regret what choice they have done and want to force others to choose differently, even if it is wrong.
That is the problem I don't know what I see is true if it is some, or it's just me. Nobody knows.
No one...
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