#cooper howard is my spirit animal
kaiahkush · 16 days
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Well, now that is a very small drop in a very, very large bucket of drugs.
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War never changes. 👍
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154 notes · View notes
yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Beside The Dying Fire (part two)
[DnD AU with the tour!verse]
Part 1
Word count: 2862
In a whirl of spears and flicking ears and stomping hooves, the stranger had been ushered away from the village. Several people looked nervous, while others were outraged at the idea of an intruder in their territory; there were only two entrances into the town, one in the very front and one in the back that led to the interrogation area and holding cells. The rest of the perimeter was covered in a wall of thorns that Katherine’s father had enchanted to grow. That meant the stranger had to fight off the painful, prickling plants to get into their village.
And that was not good.
Katherine rubbed her forehead tiredly. She had to spend several minutes calming down townsfolk (and stopping Anne from singing a way-too-jolly doomsday song), assuring them that everything was going to be okay. After all, what’s one little Tiefling to all of them?
When she finally finished her “forest princess duties”, she walked back over to Faedi’s hut to check on Catalina, only to see the Aasimar outside, on her feet, wearing her steel-plated shoulder paddings and holding her sword. She almost looked silly in the armor with her protruding pregnant belly, but her face was serious and she looked ready to stab someone.
  “Catalina,” Katherine sighed. “I told you to stay inside.”
  “I did,” Catalina said. “But then I got bored and wanted to come help. So I still kinda half-obeyed you because I stayed inside for awhile!” Her shoulders slumped with a rattling of metal; if the pads hindered her because of her pregnancy, she didn’t show it. “But I missed everything! What happened?”
Katherine couldn’t help but laugh slightly at her friend. Even in a time of possible crisis, Catalina still knew how to lift her spirits just by being herself.
  “There was an intruder, that’s all,” Katherine told her, steering Catalina back into the hut. “A Tiefling.”
  “Oooo,” Catalina said in interest.
Katherine wondered if she felt for the stranger or was fearful of her like the others. After all, Aasimars and Tieflings were very similar to each other, with just one being of celestial touch and the other being of infernal touch. 
  “Why are they here?” Catalina asked.
  “I don’t know,” Katherine answered as she began unbuckling Catalina’s shoulder pads. “I’m going to go see them after this.” She caught Catalina opening her mouth and quickly added, “You can’t come with me.”
Catalina pouted, ruffling the golden feathers in her hair. “That is SO unfair! I can be useful! Look, I can be intimidating, watch,” And then she made an intimidating face. Katherine laughed loudly.
  “You are so cute,” Katherine said, earning a wrinkled nose and glare from Catalina. “You just stay here for now, okay?”
Catalina huffed and slumped down onto the bed. “FINE!”
Katherine smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Thank you, love.”
After making sure Catalina wouldn’t escape and follow her, Katherine headed out to Ghent’s prison.
Not that it could really be considered a prison. It was a giant tree that her father had hollowed out with his magic. The prisoner would be stuffed inside the trunk and then the hole would be wrapped in enchanted thorny vines to keep them in. 
Maggie was standing guard outside the tree, still holding her spear. She was probably the only other person in the entire village who believed they needed a security system, and she wanted to be head of the guard. She was very cunning and ambitious, always wanting to prove herself, like how she jumped into a proper position when she saw Katherine coming.
  “The prisoner has been safely detained,” Maggie said. 
  “Thank you, Maggie,” Katherine said. “I’ve just come to see them.”
Maggie nodded. “Just shout if you need anything stabbed.” She gripped her spear and smirked.
Katherine thanked her again, then walked over to the cell. Inside, hugging their knees as far away from the vibes as possible, was the Tiefling.
Unlike the rest of her kind, her sweaty, dirt-spattered skin was a strange pure white color that gleamed like polished pearls in the faint light. Scraggly, white-blonde hair stuck to her lean face, falling around her bony shoulders. Strands of thorns were tangled around her stubby horns, which curved back over her head, and long, whip-thin tail, and there was mud stuffed in her cloven feet. She was small, thin, and lithe, and looked very tired.
  “Hello there,” Katherine greeted softly as she sat down in front of the tree. “My name is Katherine Howard. What’s yours?”
The Tiefling didn’t answer. She didn’t even look over at Katherine.
  “Why are you here?” Katherine asked.
Again, no answer. The Tiefling showed no signs of being cooperative.
Katherine sighed. “Sweetheart--”
That got the Tiefling to glance up. Her eyes were a startling grey color.
  “Sweetheart,” Katherine said again, slower this time. “I need you to work with me. I don’t want you to be hurt. Can you please tell me your name and why you are here?”
The Tiefling looked at her for a long moment, then curled her tail in close and hugged her knees tightly. The poor thing seemed very shaken, or perhaps she was just too exhausted to speak. Katherine sighed again.
  “I’m afraid you’ll have to be interrogated, then. I wish you luck.”
So, an hour later, the young Tiefling was hauled out of the cell and to the place of interrogation. For Ghent, that was a pond.
The pond was further into the forest, where the trees opened up to the sky. Paths were cut through the surrounding shrubbery for easy access to places to watch. Thick cattails and reeds lined the edges of the water, which rippled peacefully with aquatic life. Several rocks led up to a large, flat stone at the center of the pond, and there was a larger, sloped rock in front of it. Katherine’s father took his place on top of that one, while the prisoner was prodded onto the flat stone with sharp spears.
The area was soon packed with people. It seemed as though the entire village came to watch and see the weird-looking Tiefling, not that Katherine blamed them. A Tiefling had never been to Ghent before. Several children were gawking at the girl with wide, adoring eyes, pointing and whispering things to each other. As Katherine passed by, she heard a small faun say something about the Tiefling’s tail.
Katherine climbed onto the tall rock where her father, Edmund, was already perched. He was an old, but wise wood elf with neatly-combed dark brown hair, even darker brown eyes, and ears like knives. Clad in animal furs and wielding a heavy wooden quarterstaff, he held himself like a real king and not just the chief of a forest village.
In the crowd, Katherine spotted Maggie and Anne near the back. For once, Anne didn’t have any instrument in her hands, but Maggie still had her spear and she was shifting from hoof to hoof, her gait haunches bursting with energy. Closer near the rock Katherine was on, was Catalina, who had stubbornly attended despite Faedi’s orders for bed rest. Catalina caught her gaze and flashed her a smirk that said, “No baby is keeping me from missing drama.” Katherine chuckled in reaction.
One of the villagers in charge of leading the stranger, a big, burly Tabaxi that had the pelt patterns of a cheetah, leaned down and clasped a pair of metal shackles around the Tiefling’s wrists, then quickly stepped away. The Tiefling glanced back at him with a wounded expression, then frowned down at the restraints. Edmund thumped his staff on the rock, and she squinted up at him.
  “I am Edmund Howard, Chief of Ghent,” Katherine’s father said, his voice booming around the clearing, resonating with the wind. “This is my daughter, Katherine. We welcome you to our village.”
The Tiefling just blinked at him, then tugged lightly against the shackles. The tip of her tail flicked back and forth like a calculating cat’s. 
  “Have nothing to say?” Edmund said. He waited, but got no answer. “Hm. Not to worry.” He tapped his staff twice on the rock. “Shall we formally begin? What is your name?”
Grooves and swirling symbols engraved around the shackles lit up white and the Tiefling’s body shuddered. She wide-eyed them, now tugging more frantically against them.
  “Hyurk..” She grunted.
  “I don’t think I specified,” Edmund said, “Those shackles are enchanted. If you lie, the pain will worsen. So advise you to tell the truth.”
Katherine always hated the shackles. They seemed cruel, forcing people to say things against their will. Though, she did fine Catalina’s experience with them the first time she came to the village extremely entertaining.
( “Does it really hurt when you lie? I wanna see! Ask me a question, Kat!”
  “What’s your favorite kind of pie?”
  “Apple-- OW, DRAGON SHIT--”)
  “Joan,” The Tiefling forced out through gritted teeth. She was shaken, clearly in pain. Her voice was soft and youthful, but also hoarse, like she hadn’t drank water in decades.
Joan, Katherine repeated to herself in her head. What a beautiful name.
  “Where are you from?”
  “A-a small village. Near the ocean. I think it was called Shul? Yeah, yeah... Shul. I was from there.” Her neck tendons strained as she spoke.
  “Are you a traveler?”
  “Where are you parents? You’re awfully young to be on your own.”
  “I don’t know.”
  “How old are you?” Katherine butt in suddenly, earning a scolding look from her father.
  “Fifteen.” Joan answered, and Katherine felt a wrench in her heart for the little one.
  “Why did you come here?” Edmund regained control of the interrogation.
Joan looked like she attempted to fight back and not answer, but it didn’t seem to go well from the way her body jerked with massive discomfort, like she was about to be sick. Her tail slid across the top of the rock and dipped into the water.
  “Didn’t mean to,” Joan gasped through a wave of pain. She must have hesitated slightly. “Was running. Stumbled in. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry.”
Edmund raised his eyebrows in interest. Katherine glanced at Catalina, who was giving Joan a pitiful look. Her hands were folded protectively over her pregnant swell.
  “Running from what?”
  “Just travel-- Agh!!”
In response to her lie, Joan’s thin body crumpled over on itself. Her tail lashed like a snake on fire, and she moaned in obvious pain. She almost fell into the water, but the Tabaxi held her up firmly by the shoulder. Katherine could see his claws digging in. Through heaving breaths, Joan let the truth spill out:
  “Th-these people. I-I really don’t know their names. Th-they just don’t like me ‘cause I’m a Tiefling and I look funny. I-I think they w-want to hurt me, s-so I avoid them.”
Katherine didn’t like this anymore. This wasn’t interrogation, it was torture. This poor, innocent child was being stripped of her will and humiliated.
  “And did you just lead these people to us?” 
  “I-I-I don’t know,” She was stammering horribly. A sheen of sweat glistened over her milky white skin. She looked ill, like she was being forced to function with a fever. That was the effect of resisting the magic.
  “Do you want to hurt us?”
  “Nnnnnggg...” Joan moaned as her stomach appeared to cramp. “N-no... J-just wanna...rest...for a little while...”
There was a hissing sound, and Katherine realized that was the shackles. Smoke was rising from Joan’s wrists. 
  “I-I’m gonna throw up...” Joan gurgled.
But nobody except Katherine seemed to notice or care.
  “Hm.” Edmund studied the girl closely. Then, he waved his staff in front of him and whispered an incantation that sent ice through Katherine’s veins. “Let me look into your head, Joan. I must know what you’re hiding.”
The whispers that eddied throughout the clearing sounded like thunder in reaction to the statement. Some people looked fearful, while others looked excited. Katherine glanced at Maggie and Anne, and saw that they were both wide-eyed in interest.
It was unknown if the fragile living psyche could stand such a trauma of having someone look through their head. It was a violation that nobody, no matter what they had done or who they were, should have to go through.
Katherine exchanged nervous glances with Catalina. This was cruel, they both agreed. The stranger was just a girl; she didn’t deserve this. They watched as their chief held his hands out to Joan and closed his fingers into fists.
  “Who are you really, Joan?”
Joan’s eyes popped open wide. She rasped, “Wh-what are you doing?”
  “Do not resist.”
The words did nothing.
Joan’s head jerked back before her whole body hauled forward, doubled over on her knees. Only the whites of her eyes could be seen, with a faint glow coming from the sockets; blind.
  “No. Please stop, I--”
She cut herself off with a heartbreaking whine. Blood snaked from her nose. Tears soon joined them.
  “P-please stop,” She panted. “Please...”
  “Submit.” Edmund growled.
But the girl did not.
She began shrieking, body seizing wildly, tail spasming out of control. Her eyes, blank and white, faced the grey sky, but were unseeing. Tears ran red, and she cried blood. The vessels in her ears burst, next, then her mouth, and then her entire face became a horrific shiny red because she was bleeding from every orifice in her head.
Katherine grabbed her father’s arm and shook him. “Father, stop!” She yelled. “You’re hurting her!”
Edmund didn’t hear her, though. He was lost, too.
  “That’s enough, Father!” Katherine tried again, but to no avail.
Thunder rumbled deeply overhead. Small tide pools of blood collect on the surface of the stone. Joan’s fingertips and nimble claws flushed crimson and then bled; the spell was starting to attack her extremities. If Katherine had to take a guess, it was probably to make her submit to the investigation of her mind. 
Katherine gave up on her father and jumped down from the rock. She landed heavily in knee-deep water, but ran through it as fast as she could to get to Joan. Catalina hurried over a moment later. 
  “For a pacifist village, you guys got some brutal interrogation methods,” The Aasimar said in an attempt to lighten the mood. But Joan was still suffering under the spell, so Katherine couldn’t think about humor at the moment.
  “We have to free her,” Katherine said. “My dad is going to kill her. She can’t take this.”
  “Don’t worry, I got this,” Catalina said as she took out her sword.
  “Are you going to STAB my DAD?” Katherine yelped.
  “No!” Catalina snapped. “Just trust me! Oh, and cover your ears.”
Katherine obeyed, immediately slapping her hands over her sensitive elf ears. She watched as Catalina raised her sword skyward, noticing the way the silver seemed to glow with charged energy, murmured an enchantment, and then brought the blade down onto the stone.
The resulting crack of thunder was like nothing Katherine had ever heard before. Even with her ears covered, she still felt like she went deaf for a moment as a booming, apocalyptic crash exploded throughout the area. It rattled Katherine’s bones in her body, and then she realized that was just the ground and water quaking with the noise. She nearly buckled underneath the overpowering sound, but managed to stay on her feet as her ears rang painfully. Rain began to pour down heavily. 
Behind her, Edmund gasped sharply, staggering backwards from the shock of being startled out of the spell. His eyes were wide, bulging in their sockets. Many loyal villagers ran to his aid, while others pointed their weapons at Joan, who was laying face-down on the stone, unmoving. Katherine fanned the closest Tabaxi and his spear away as she propped Joan up in her arms.
  “She’s alive,” Katherine told her friend. She unlatched the shackles, revealing bright red blisters burned in Joan’s wrists. “She needs to be tended to. Come on.”
Scooping Joan up into her arms, Katherine hurried through the water, back down the path to the village, and to her treehouse as quickly as possible. With the help of Catalina, she dressed the blisters around Joan’s wrists with old man’s beard lichen and cleaned her face off with a wet rag. By the time they were done, the storm had turned into a mini hurricane outside. Katherine shut the shutters on her many windows, which usually aired out her home when it wasn’t raining, while Catalina watched over Joan closely.
  “I think you may have flooded the forest,” Katherine said.
Catalina shrugged innocently. “I helped. I think I did good.”
Katherine smiled at her. “You did do good, Lina. Thank you.”
Catalina puffed out her chest proudly. “Hell yeah I did!” She then looked down at the little Tiefling laying in Katherine’s bed. “What are you going to do with her?”
  “I’m not sure yet,” Katherine said, sitting down next to her friend. For now, Joan looked peaceful as she slept. “I don’t think she has anywhere else to go. Maybe Father will let her stay here. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?”
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musichead84 · 4 years
Seen as of 2019:
ACL - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Bonnaroo - 2012, 2013
Coachella - 2010, 2014
Float Fest - 2014
Index Fest - 2013, 2014
Lollapalooza - 2006, 2009, 2011
Wakarusa - 2015
Fun Fun Fun Fest - 2014, 2015
35 Denton - 2016
Untapped Fort Worth Festival - 2016
Untapped Dallas Festival - 2016
Edgefest - 2017 (many more than this year’s…)
Old 97′s County Fair - 2018
Aerosmith (Dallas)
Afghan Whigs (Liberty Lunch, Antone’s, ACL 12, Coachella 14)
Alkaline Trio (Austin)
Aloha (Dallas)
Andrew Bird (Lolla 09)
All 4 One (Austin)
Animal Collective (Lolla 09)
Arcade Fire x3 (ACL 07, Lolla 06, Coachella 14)
Arctic Monkeys x 2 (Lolla 09, ACL, Edgefest 22)
Adair (Dallas)
American Eyes ( Dallas )
As I Lay Dying ( Dallas )
Atreyu ( Dallas )
Atoms for Peace  (Coachella 10)
Allison Moorer (Austin)
Aubra Mae (Dallas)
A Perfect Circle (Lolla 11, Verizon Theatre)
AfroJack (Lolla 11)
Atmosphere (Lolla 11)
Alton Brown (Chef - Frisco) - Barnes & Noble
Atlas Genius (Edgefest23)
Airborne Toxic Event (Edgefest23)
AWOLNation x2 (Edgefest23, EF2015)
Annie Clark (Dallas)
A Day to Remember (Edgefest 23)
Alt-J (Roo 13)
The Avett Brothers (Summer Cut 2)
Austra (Granada Theater)
Alice in Chains (Gexa Pavilion)
Antemasque (FFFfest 15)
Alvvays (FFFfest 15)
American Werewolves (Three Links - Dallas)
At the Drive In (Red7, Trees, Club Dada, Southside Ballroom)
Aaron Lewis (Billy Bob’s)
American Aquarium (The Statler Ballroom)
Badfish x 6 (Dallas, Wildflower Fest)
Beck x 3 (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Ben Harper x 2 (Lolla 09, Austin, Waka 2015)
Big Head Todd & the Monsters (ATX, House of Blues - Dallas)
Black Crowes (Dallas)
Blind Melon (Dallas)
Bloc Party (Lolla 06, Dallas)
Blood Brothers (dallas)
Blue October (Austin, Dallas)
Burden Brothers (Austin, Dallas)
Broke (Dallas)
Band of Horses (Lolla 09)
Bassnectar (Lolla09, ACL12)
Ben Folds (chicago)
Beach House (coachella10)
Ben Gibbard (dallas)
Bert Kreischer - (comedian) Addison Improv (2), Irvine Improv
Black Lips (Lolla 11)
Bruno Mars (Lolla 11)
Busy P (Lolla11)
Black Keys (Dallas, Edgefest, ACL12)
Bush (Edgefest23)
Bjork (Roo13)
Big Gigantic (BreakwayFest)
Bear Mountain (Dallas)
Born & Raised (Dallas)
Bastille (Coachella 14)
Bush (Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Blackberry Smoke (ACL14)
Bouncing Souls (Dallas)
Broken Gold (Dallas)
Ben Howard (Dallas)
Blue, the misfit (Dallas)
Brutal Juice (Dallas)
Best Coast (Dallas)
Bully (Dallas)
Bobby Patterson (HG6)
Black Fire Pistol (HG6)
Belle & Sebastian (Summer Cut ‘15)
Broncho (FFFfest 15)
Big Freedia (FFFfest 15, The Bomb Factory)
Bottle Rockets  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Bombay Bicycle Club (coachella 14)
Built to Spill (Granada Theater, Untapped 16)
Breaking Benjamin (Gexa)
Blink 182 (Edgefest 2017)
Brandi Carlile (ACL 2018)
Brock Hampton (ACL 2018)
Blood Orange (ACL 2018 Bowling for Soup (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Cage the Elephant (Coachella 10, Frisco, Lolla09/11, Edgefest 22, Coachella 14)
Christina Aguilera (Tx State Fair 1998)
Chevelle (Dallas, Ft Worth, Edgefest 2017)
Coal Chamber(killeen)
Coheed & Cambria (Austin, Coachella10, Lolla06, Dallas)
Cody Shaw & The Rhythm Boys (Hank’s)
ColdWarKids (Lolla06, ACL)
Common (Lolla09)
Cross Canadian Ragweed (austin)
The Confession
Collective Soul (dallas)
Carolyn Wonderland (austin)
The Cush (denton)
Cee-Lo Green (Lolla11)
Chico Trujillo (Lolla11)
City & Colour (Lolla11, Roo12, Dallas - Granada Theater)
The Chain Gang of 1974 (Lolla11, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Carina Round (Austin)
Charlie Murphy (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Christopher Titus (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Civil Twilight (Edgefest22)
Cake (Edgefest22)
Chris Lake (El Paso)
Capital Cities (Edgefest23)
Crizzly (BreakawayFest)
CHVRCHES (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Commotion  (Dallas)
Courtney Barnett (FFFFest 6)
Chance the Rapper (Waka15)
Carrie Brownstein (Dallas)
Craig Finn (Trees)
Chris Stapleton (Dallas, ACL 16)
Cheap Trick (FFFfest 15)
Chromeo (FFFfest 15)
Calvin Harris (Coachella 14)
The Cult (Toyota Music Factory)
Camila Cabello (ACL 2018)
Dead Sara (Edgefest22)
Damian Marley (Lolla11)
Death From Above 1979 (Lolla11)
Daughtry (addison,dallas,frisco)
Dashboard Confessional (ACL05)
Death Cab For Cutie (Lolla 06, EF 15)
Decemberists (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Deftones (Dallas, Lolla 11, Edgefest23, ACL 2018)
Devotchka (Dallas - HOB, Indexfest 2)
Delta Spirit (Lolla11)
Drive-by Truckers (dallas)
Destiny’s Child (Tx State Fair 1998)
Dredg (dallas)
Death in the Family (dallas)
Dead Weather (coachella10, ACL09)
Depeche Mode (chicago)
Dirty Heads x 3 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas, Waka15)
Dwight Yokam (Grand Prairie - Lonestar Park)
The Drums (Lolla11)
The DA (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
D'Angelo (Roo 12)
Deadmau5 (El Paso, Dallas)
Dim Locator (Hailey’s - Denton)
Danny Avila (BreakwayFest)
Dave Chappell (Dallas - Oddball Comedy Tour)
Dirty River Boys (McKinney - Hanks)
Dum Dum Girls (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
David Ramirez (Kessler Theater, Untapped 16)
Dark Rooms x 3 (Dallas, Denton)
Doug Benson (FFFfest 15)
Dag nasty (FFFfest 15)
Dillion Francis (Coachella 14)
Disturbed (Gexa)
DJ Sober (The Best of Big D 16)
Dalton Domino (The Statler Ballroom)
David Byrne (ACL 2018)
Dead Flowers (The Rustic)
The Doobie Brothers (Dallas)
The Expendables (austin)
Eminem (Lolla 11, ACL 14)
Explosions in the Sky (Lolla 11, Breakaway Fest)
Empire of the Sun (Breakway Fest)
El-P (indexfest2)
Erykah Badu (Dallas)
Eric Andre (FFFfest 15)
Esme Patterson (The Rustic)
Erika Wennerstron (2018 Old 97′s County Fair, The Rustic)
Finger Eleven (dallas)
Fleet Foxes (Lolla 09)
Foo Fighters (Dallas, Lolla 11)
Foster the People (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Frank Black (Austin)
Funeral for a Friend (Dallas)
For Felix (Dallas)
Franz Ferdinand (Austin)
Frank Turner (Dallas, Coachella 14)
Fuel (Mayflower Fest)
Friendly Fires (Lolla 11)
Flogging Molly (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Fitz & the Tantrums (Lolla 11 - met them, HOB - Dallas - met them, Roo 12, Edgefest 23, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Foxy Shazam (Edgefest 22)
Florence & the Machines (ACL 12)
Frightened Rabbit (Dallas)
Flash Gordon (Edgefest 23)
Flight of the Concords (Dallas)
Fatboy Slim (Coachella 14)
Foxygen (Index Fest 3, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
First Aid Kit (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Flying Lotus (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
FKA Twigs (Trees - Dallas)
Future Islands (Index Fest 3, FFFFest15)
Fantastic Negrito (Summer Cut '15)
Father John Misty (Dallas)
The Gaslight Anthem x 3 (Lolla06,Edgefest23,Dallas)
Gin Blossoms (Addison, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Gnarls Barkley x 2 (Lolla06,dallas)
Gomez (Lolla 09)
Gossip (coachella10)
Greeley Estates (dallas)
The Gourds (austin)
Goo Goo Dolls (Dallas / Wildflower Fest 2018)
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals x 2 (lolla11, Summer Cut 2)
Grouplove (Lolla 11, Stubb’s, Roo 12, Coachella 14)
Garbage (Edgefest 22)
Girl Talk x 3 (indexfest 2, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, EF 15)
The Growlers (Waka 15)
Glass Animals (Waka 15)
Galactic (Waka 15)
Gogol Bordello (FFFfest 15, Untapped Dallas 16)
Grimes (FFFfest 15)
Greg Dulli (Kessler Theater Dallas)
Grupo Fantasma (Untapped 16)
Glorietta (Kessler - Dallas)
The Guess Who (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Heartless Bastards x 11 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Denton - met twice, smoked with Jesse, and took pics with them)
Hole (Edgefest)
Hockey (Coachella 10)
The Hope Trust x 2 (Dallas, Denton)
The Holler Time (Denton)
Haim (Roo13)
Harland Williams (Comedian - Addison Improv)
Hozier (EF15)
Hayes Carll (Untapped 16)
Incubus (x3)(dallas)
Interpol (dallas)
DJ Irene (killeen)
Ishi (Dallas)
Israel Nash (Summer Cut '15)
I’m With Her (Ryman Auditorium)
Jay-Z (Coachella 10)
Jane’s Addiction (Lolla09,Dallas)
Jeff Klein (austin)
Jim Ward (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Jimmy Eat World (Dallas, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Johnny Cooper (Mckinney - Hank’s)
John Hiatt (Stubbs, HOB Dallas)
Jerry Lee Lewis (Richardson - Wildflower Fest 11)
Jim Jefferies x 3 (Comedian - Dallas)
Jim Breuer (Comedian - Dallas)
Jarrod Gorbel (Dallas)
James Vandervelde (austin)
Jack White (ACL12)
Japandroid (Roo13)
Jack Johnson (Roo13)
Juicy J (BreakwayFest)
Jenny Lewis (Dallas)
J Mascis (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Jessica Lea Mayfield (Dallas)
Jack Kerowax (Dallas)
Jamie xx (GvB V)
Joey Bada$$ (FFFfest 15)
Jason Isbell (Southside Ballroom Dallas, Dallas)
Jason Aldean (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Jaime Wyatt (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Jibe (Gas Monkey Live!)
Justice (ACL 2018)
Judah & The Lion (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Jason Bonham (Toyota Music Pavilion)
Kansas (Norfolk, VA - my very first concert!)
KISS (Frisco)
Kaskade (Lolla 09)
Killers x 2 (Austin, Dallas)
Kings of Leon x 3 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Kid Cudi (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Killer Mike (indexfest2)
Kevin Devine (Dallas - Rustic)
Kopecky (Waka 15)Kaela Sinclair (Dallas)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Kacey Musgraves (ACL 16)
Kaleo (Untapped Dallas 16)
K-Flay (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Khalid (ACL 2018)
The Lusitania (Austin)
Lennon (killeen)
LCD Soundsystem (Coachella 10, ACL 16, The Bomb Factory)
Local Natives (Coachella10, Lolla11, Roo13, ACL 16)
Los Lonely Boys (Austin)
The Lumineers (ACL12, Dallas)
Lil Twist (BreakwayFest)
Lower Dens (GvB V, Club Dada Dallas)
L-P (Index Fest 2)
Lindi Ortega (Denton)
Lucero (Southside Ballroom, The Rusticx3)
L7 (FFFfest 15, Granada Theater Dallas)
Le Bucherettes (Dallas)
Lord Huron  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Lifehouse (Wildflower Fest 2018)
Lukas Nelson (The Rustic)
MC Flipside (2001 - Killeen)
MGMT (coachella 10, coachella 14)
mewithoutYou (dallas)
Modest Mouse (ACL 05, Dallas, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, Edgefest '15)
Metric (Lolla11,Edgefest11,ACL12)
Muse (dallas,Edgefest10,Lolla11)
My Morning Jacket (austin)
Millionaire (dallas)
Matisyahu (Lolla06, Dallas)(Met outside of Granada Theater, have autograph)
Manchester Orchestra (Lolla 09/11, Dallas - Rustic, ACL 2018)
Mogwai (Lolla 11)
Mexicans At Night (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
M83 (ACL 12)
Major Lazer (Roo 12, ACL 14, Waka 15)
Mariachi El Bronx (Roo 12)
Matt&Kim (Summer Cut 2, Roo 13, BreakwayFest '13)
MsMr (Dallas - HOB, Coachella 14)
Midlake (Dallas)
Macy Gray (Waka 15)
Ms. Lauryn Hill (FFFfest 15)
Midnight Stroll (Trees Dallas)
Miike Snow (ACL 16)
Mumford & Sons (ACL 16)
Marilyn Manson (Dos Equis Pavilion)
The Mavericks  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Mad Mexicans (Gas Monkey Live!)
Metallica (ACL 18)
Margo Price (The Rustic)
Mipso (Ryman Auditorium)
Nas (Lolla11, Roo13)
The Naked & Famous (Lolla 11, dallas)
The National (Dallas - HOB, Southside Ballroom, Roo 13, ACL 18)
Neko Case (Lolla 09)
North Mississippi Allstars (Austin - Stubb’s)
Neon Trees (Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse (ACL 12)
The Neighbourhood (Edgefest 23)
Nahko & Medicine for the People (Waka 15)
New Politics (Edgefest 15)
Neon Indian (FFFfest 15)
NOFX (FFFfest 15)
The Nixons (Edgefest 2017)
NIN (Las Vegas - The Joint x2)
NALGADAS - Gas Monkey
Nelly (ACL 2018)
Old 97’s (Austin, HG6, 2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Owen Pallett (Dallas)
Of Monsters & Men (Roo 13)
Other Lives (Dallas)
The Offspring (Edgefest 2017)
Oil Boom (HG6)
Olivia Chaney (Dallas)
ODESZA (FFFfest 15, ACL 2018, Dallas)
Orville Peck (Southside Ballroom)
Paul Green’s School of Rock All-Stars – Austin, TX
Pavement (Dallas)
Portugal. The Man (Coachella 10, Lolla 11, Roo 13, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Paramore (Dallas, Edgefest 23)
Pearl Jam (ACL 09/14, Dallas - AAC)
Pepper (Dallas - Granada Theater)
Pixies (ACL 2005)
Placebo (Edgefest)
Pelican (Edgefest)
Phoenix (Coachella 10, Edgefest 21, Edgefest 23)
Passion Pit (coachella 10, dallas)
Pat Green (frisco)
Pretty Lights (Lolla11)
Puscifer (Austin - Long Center, Bonnaroo 2012)
Phish (Bonnaroo 2012 )
Pauly Shore (Edgefest 23)
Purity Ring (Roo13)
Paul McCartney (Roo13)
Phantogram (ACL14)
Paws (Dallas)
Parquet Courts (FFFfest 15)
Peaches (FFFfest 15)
Patricio (Coachella 14)
Pete Yorn (ACL 16)
Prayers (Verizon Theatre)
Paul Cauthen  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Peter Frampton (Toyota Music Factory)
Queens of the Stone Age (ACL, Dallas)
?uestlove (Roo12)
The Quaker City Night Hawks x 2 (Dallas)
Quintron & Miss Pussy Cat (Dallas)
Ratatat (Lolla 11)
Rancid (Dallas - Gypsy Ballroom)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Lolla 06, Dallas - AAC, Roo 12)
Rilo Kiley (Dallas)
Rise Against (Dallas)
The Receiving End of Sirens (Dallas)
The Record Hop (Denton)
Ramesh (Dallas)
The Roots (Roo 12, ACL 12, Waka 15)
Radiohead (Roo 12, Lolla 11)
Rodrigo & Gabriela & C.U.B.A. (Roo 12)
Robert Delong (Edgefest 23)
Ra Ra Riot (BreakwayFest)
The Replacements (with Billy Jo Armstrong @ Coachella14, ACL14)
Riothorse Royale (Dallas)
Roosevelt (FFFfest 15)
Ride (FFFfest 15)
Robert Plant (Bomb Factory Dallas)
Ryan Adams (Red Rocks Amphitheater, The Pavilion - Irving)
Roger Waters (American Airlines Center)
Street Sweeper Social Club (Coachella 10)
She & Him (Coachella 10)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
Say Anything (Edgefest)
Seven Mary Three x 11 (Dallas, Waco, Wildflower Fest - have Giti’s autograph)
Silverchair (How the Edge Stole Xmas)
Silversun Pickups (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Sleepercar (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Snoop Dogg (Lolla 09)
Sparta x 15 (Mohawk, Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Tricky Falls, Barracuda, Gas Monkey)
Spoon x 4 (Austin, ACL 14, HOB Dallas, HG 6, Wildflower Fest 18)
Staind (Dallas)
Steve Earle (ACL 07, Dallas, ACL 12)
STP (austin, Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Silverstein (Dallas)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
The Smashup (Dallas)
Story of the Year (Dallas)
Street Drum Corps (Dallas)
Sublime w/ Rome (Dallas)
Switchfoot x 3 (Dallas, Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Skrillex (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
Sarah Jaffe x 4 (Indexfest 2, Dallas, Summer Cut '15)
Shaky Graves (Dallas - Granada Theater, Kessler Theater, HG6, ACL 2018)
Sam Lao (Dallas)
STS9 (Waka15)
Slightly Stoopid (Waka 15)
Sphynx (HG6)
Sealion (HG6)
Saul Williams (Dallas - Club Dada)
Sons of Illustrious Father (Dallas - Club Dada)
Social Distortion (HOB Houston)
Slow Magic (FFF fest 15)
Stoney Larue (Billy Bob’s Texas)
Slipknot (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Shovels & Rope (South Side Music Hall 2016)
Sweater Beats (Coachella 14)
Sylvan Esso (ACL 18)
Santana (Dallas)
Tegan & Sara (ACL 12)
Taking Back Sunday x 4 (Dallas)
Thursday (Dallas)
Tito & The Tarantulas (Austin)
Toadies x 13 (Austin, Dallas)
Tool (Lolla 09, Dallas - AAC, Grand Prairie - Nokia)
Them Crooked Vultures (Coachella 10)
Tragically Hip x 4 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas - HOB)
Trish Murphy (ACL 05)
TV on the Radio (Lolla 09, Dallas, Untapped Dallas 16)
Thrice (Dallas)
The Heist (Dallas)
Twilight Singers (Dallas - Gypsy Tea Room & Granada Theater 2011)
Three Days Grace (Dallas)
Two Door Cinema Club (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
The Tings Tings (Edgefest22)
The Temper Trap (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Twenty-One Pilots (Edgefest23)
The TonTons (Dallas - Trees)
Tame Impala (Dallas - Southside Ballroom)
Tinariwen (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Tei Shi (GvB V)
Toro y Moi (FFFfest 15)
Tanlines (Trees Dallas)
Thomas Rhett (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Travis Scott (ACL 2018)
Texas Gentlemen (Kessler - Dallas)
Uh Huh Her (Dallas)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Club Dada Dallas)
Van Halen (Dallas)
Vampire Weekend (Lolla 09)
Viet Cong (FFF fest 15)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
Valerie June  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
White Lies (Lolla 11)
White Rabbit x 2 (Dallas)
Warpaint x 2 (Dallas - Granada Theater, index fest 2)
Wailers x 4 (Dallas, Wildflower Festival)
Weezer (Dallas)
Wilco (Austin)
Wintersleep x 3 (Austin, Dallas - Trees (pic with them))
Walking the Moon (Dallas)
White Arrows (Dallas)
Walk the Moon (Roo 13, Dos Equis Pavilion)
Wu-Tang Clan (Breakaway Fest)
Wiz Khalifa (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
War On Drugs (Granada Theater)
White Denim (Index Fest 3)
We Are Scientists (Club Dada Dallas)
Wrestlers (Trees Dallas)
Wussy (Three Links - Dallas)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
The xx - x 4 (Coachella 10, Dallas x 2, Roo 13)
Yeah Yeah Yeah’s x 2 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Young the Giant x 3 (Lolla 11, Dallas, Austin, Waka 15)
Yumi Zouma (GvB V)
Zola Jesus (Dallas - Granada Theater)
ZZ Top (Roo 13)
Zobc (Coachella 14)
The Zolas (Dallas)
311 (Dallas, Edgefest 2017)
30 Seconds to Mars (Dallas, Edgefest, Dos Equis Pavilion)
18 notes · View notes
foxingpeculiar · 4 years
Since I don’t plan on putting on another one in the next two hours, I apparently watched exactly 200 movies for the first time in 2019. We’ll see if we can beat that. They are, if anyone cares:
Searching (2018, Aneesh Chhaganty)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018, David Slade)
Upgrade (2018, Leigh Whannell)
Pather Panchali (1955, Satyajit Ray)
Aparajito (1956, Satyajit Ray)
The Vampire Lovers (1970, Roy Ward Baker)
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009, Werner Herzog)
*Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018, Marielle Heller)
Cape Fear (1991, Martin Scorsese)
Wild Strawberries (1957, Ingmar Bergman)
The Seven Year Itch (1955, Billy Wilder)
A Star is Born (2018, Bradley Cooper)
You Were Never Really Here (2017, Lynne Ramsay)
Vampire’s Kiss (1988, Robert Bierman)
Gangs of Wasseypur—Part 1 (2012, Anurag Kashyap)
*Destroyer (2018, Karyn Kusama)
Gangs of Wasseypur—Part 2 (2012, Anurag Kashyap)
Under the Silver Lake (2018, David Robert Mitchell)
Night Moves (1975, Arthur Penn)
*Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018, Bob Persichetti/Peter A Ramsey/Rodney Rothman)
The Thin Red Line (1998, Terrence Malick)
*Shogun Assassin (1980, Robert Houston/Kenji Misumi)
Secret Window (2004, David Koepp)
Gemini (2017, Aaron Katz)
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019, Dan Gilroy)
A Field in England (2013, Ben Wheatley)
Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened (2019, Chris Smith)
Daisies (1966, Věra Chytilová)
The Devils (1971, Ken Russell)
Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010, Panos Cosmatos)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018, Bryan Singer)
Bye Bye Birdie (1963, George Sidney)
Body Heat (1981, Lawrence Kasdan)
Being There (1979, Hal Ashby)
Logan’s Run (1976, Michael Anderson)
Escape From Tomorrow (2013, Randy Moore)
The Double (2014, Richard Ayoade)
Days of Heaven (1978, Terrence Malick)
The Blackcoat’s Daughter (2015, Oz Perkins)
Submarine (2010, Richard Ayoade)
*The Wandering Earth (2019, Frant Gwo)
Abducted in Plain Sight (2017, Skye Borgman)
The Thomas Crown Affair (1968, Norman Jewison)
Certain Women (2016, Kelly Reichardt)
Green Book (2018, Peter Farrelly)
Cold War (2018, Pawel Pawlikowski)
*The Boxer’s Omen (1983, Kuei Chih-Hung)
Vox Lux (2018, Brady Corbett)
A Most Violent Year (2014, JC Chandor)
Leaving Neverland (2019, Dan Reed)
Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy (1968, Roger Vadim)
The Clovehitch Killer (2018, Duncan Skiles)
The Wicker Man (1973, Robin Hardy)
Jubilee (1978, Derek Jarman)
Blithe Spirit (1945, David Lean)
Burning (2018, Lee Chang-Dong)
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985, Steven Hahn)
First Man (2018, Damien Chazelle)
*Us (2019, Jordan Peele)
Re-Animator (1985, Stuart Gordon)
The Dirt (2019, Jeff Tremaine)
Brokeback Mountain (2005, Ang Lee)
All That Heaven Allows (1955, Douglas Sirk)
The Blues Brothers (1980, John Landis)
Unfaithfully Yours (1948, Preston Sturges)
Hustle & Flow (2005, Craig Brewer)
Yojimbo (1961, Akira Kurosawa)
The Detective (1968, Gordon Douglas)
Support the Girls (2018, Andrew Bujalski)
The Age of Innocence (1993, Martin Scorsese)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999, Kimberly Peirce)
Eyes of Laura Mars (1978, Irvin Kershner)
*Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2019, Bi Gan)
Pet Sematary (1989, Mary Lambert)
*Avengers: Endgame (2019, Anthony & Joe Russo)
Fear (1996, James Foley)
Shivers (1976, David Cronenberg)
The Brood (1979, David Cronenberg)
Drowning by Numbers (1988, Peter Greenaway)
Like Someone in Love (2012, Abbas Kiarostami)
Society (1989, Brian Yuzna)
The Perfection (2019, Richard Shepard)
Lords of Chaos (2018, Jonas Åkerlund)
Perfect Blue (1997, Satoshi Kon)
Happy Death Day 2 U (2019, Christopher Landon)
The Dunwich Horror (1970, Daniel Haller)
Three Days of the Condor (1975, Sydney Pollack)
The Parallax View (1974, Alan J Pakula)
Klute (1971, Alan J Pakula)
The Day of the Jackal (1973, Fred Zinneman)
Play Misty for Me (1971, Clint Eastwood)
The Craft (1996, Andrew Fleming)
Charade (1963, Stanley Donen)
Her Smell (2019, Alex Ross Perry)
Gattaca (1997, Andrew Niccol)
Hackers (1995, Iain Softley)
The Paperboy (2012, Lee Daniels)
They Live (1988, John Carpenter)
*Midsommar (2019, Ari Aster)
A Murder of Crows (1999, Rowdy Herrington)
The Predator (2018, Shane Black)
*Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019, Quentin Tarantino)
Bullitt (1968, Peter Yates)
Basic Instinct (1992, Paul Verhoeven)
The Da Vinci Code (2006, Ron Howard)
The Trip (1967, Roger Corman)
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963, Roger Corman)
The Falcon and the Snowman (1985, John Schlesinger)
Inside Daisy Clover (1965, Robert Mulligan)
The Falls (1980, Peter Greenaway)
Cannibal Holocaust (1980, Ruggero Deodato)
Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019, Rob Letterman)
War & Peace (1967, Sergei Bondarchuk)
A Zed and Two Noughts (1985, Peter Greenaway)
The Man with the Golden Arm (1955, Otto Preminger)
Maniac (1934, Dwain Esper)
Possession (1981, Andrzej Żuławski)
High Life (2018, Claire Denis)
Catch Me If You Can (2002, Steven Spielberg)
The Souvenir (2019, Joanna Hogg)
Gow the Killer (1931, Edward A Sailsbury)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018, JA Bayona)
Suicide Squad (2016, David Ayer)
Jaws of the Jungle (1936, Eddie Granemann)
*IT, Chapter Two (2019, Andy Muschietti)
Rocketman (2019, Dexter Fletcher)
Booksmart (2019, Olivia Wilde)
A Futile and Stupid Gesture (2018, David Wain)
Goodbye Lover (1998, Roland Joffé)
24 Hour Party People (2002, Michael Winterbottom)
Wild Women of Wongo (1958, James L Wolcott)
Body of Evidence (1993, Uli Edel)
Capricorn One (1978, Peter Hyams)
Identification of a Woman (1982, Michelangelo Antonioni)
Marihuana (1936, Dwain Esper)
*Ad Astra (2019, James Gray)
The Violent Years (1956, William Morgan)
Salvatore Giuliano (1962. Francesco Rosi)
Metropolis (2001, Rintaro)
Mom and Dad (1945, William Beaudine)
The Eye of Vichy (1993, Claude Chabrol)
Harper (1966, Jack Smight)
The House That Dripped Blood (1971, Peter Duffell)
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, Roman Polanski)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959, Edward D Wood Jr)
*Joker (2019, Todd Phillips)
Attack of the Crab Monsters (1956, Roger Corman)
Fracture (2007, Gregory Hoblit)
The Bedroom Window (1987, Curtis Hanson)
The Celluloid Closet (1995, Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman)
Echoes in the Darkness (1987, Glenn Jordan)
No Way Out (1987, Roger Donaldson)
Pumpkinhead (1988, Stan Winston)
Corman’s World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (2011, Alex Stapleton)
McLuhan’s Wake (2002, Kevin McMahon)
Taking Lives (2004, DJ Caruso)
Spine Tingler!: The William Castle Story (2009, Jeffrey Schwarz)
House on Haunted Hill (1959, William Castle)
The Tingler (1959, William Castle)
The Virgin Spring (1960, Ingmar Bergman)
Last House on the Left (1972, Wes Craven)
*Judy (2019, Rupert Goold)
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961, Stanley Kramer)
Cam (2018, Daniel Goldhaber)
Dolemite is My Name (2019, Craig Brewer)
Dolemite (1975, D’Urville Martin)
*The Lighthouse (2019, Robert Eggers)
The Defilers (1965, David F Friedman)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985, Jack Sholder)
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010, Tod Williams)
Paranormal Activity 3 (2011, Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman)
Kill List (2011, Ben Wheatley)
Krull (1983, Peter Yates)
Ginger Snaps (2000, John Fawcett)
Blood Feast (1963, Herschell Gordon Lewis)
Primal Fear (1996, Gregory Hoblit)
The World of Apu (1959, Satyajit Ray)
Man of Steel (2013, Zack Snyder)
Superman: The Movie (1978, Richard Donner)
Coffy (1973, Jack Hill)
In the Shadow of the Moon (2019, Jim Mickle)
The Irishman (2019, Martin Scorsese)
Marriage Story (2019, Noah Baumbach)
Echo in the Canyon (2019, Andrew Slater)
Shock Corridor (1963, Samuel Fuller)
The Road to Wellville (1994, Alan Parker)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988, Martin Scorsese)
*Knives Out (2019, Rian Johnson)
Howl (2010, Rob Epstien & Jeffrey Friedman)
Hustlers (2019, Lorene Scafaria)
Late Night (2019, Nisha Ganatra)
Reefer Madness (2005, Andy Fickman)
Soapdish (1991, Michael Hoffman)
Happy Together (1997, Wong Kar-Wai)
The Cloud-Capped Star (1960, Ritwik Ghatak)
Jodorowsky’s Dune (2013, Frank Pavich)
Thief (1981, Michael Mann)
Detour (1945, Edgar G Ulmer)
The Bank Dick (1940, Edward F Cline)
Blinded by the Light (2019, Gurinder Chadha)
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dr-archeville · 5 years
Upcoming Retro Films at the Carolina Theatre of Durham (January-June 2019)
All movies are on Fridays (unless otherwise stated) starting at 7:00pm (or so), and cost $9.50 for both films.  Most shows also have drawings for door prizes -- submit your name & a film you’d like to see, and you could win a fridge magnet with a scene from the night’s movie (or something else!).
You can also get a season pass for $80.00, which covers the RetroClassics, RetroFantasma, RetroNoir, and RetroTreasures double features, and the new Wednesday Cinema Overdrive shows (but does not include ActionFlix, Anime-Magic, FantasticRealm, or Mother’s Day Film Series, or the Wednesday MovieDiva Film Series).
January 18th-20th (Fri-Sun): Anime-Magic Film Series -- Bruce W. Smith’s Robin Harris’ Bébé's Kids (1992), Hiroyuki Morita’s The Cat Returns (2002), Isao Takahata’s Horus, Prince of the Sun (1968), Hayao Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle (2004), Masaaki Yuasa’s Mind Game (2004), Isao Takahata’s My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999), Haya Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro (1988), Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue (1997), Isao Takahata’s Pom Poko (1994), Haya Miyazaki’s Porco Rosso (1992), Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away (2002), and Katsuhiro Otomo’s Steamboy (2004). 
January 23rd (Wed Cinema Overdrive): Sergio Martino’s Torso (1973)
January 25th (RetroFantasma): Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner: The Final Cut (1982) and Geoff Murphy’s The Quiet Earth (1985)
January 30th (Wed MovieDiva): Alfred E. Green’s Baby Face (1933)
February 1st (RetroClassics): Pal Michaewl Glaser’s The Running Man (1987) and Marco Brambilla’s Demolition Man (1993)
February 3rd (Sun): Nevermore Fundraiser -- $12 to see The Wackhowski’s The Matrix (1999) and Mary Harron’s American Psycho (2000)
February 8th (RetroNoir): John Huston’s The Maltese Falcon (1941) and Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity (1944)
February 13th (Wed MovieDiva ): Maerian C. Cooper’s King Kong (1933)
February 15th (RetroTreasures): Howard deutch’s John Hughes’ Pretty in Pink (1986) and Martha Coolidge’s Valley Girl (1983)
February 20th (Wed Cinema Overdrive): J. Lee Thompson’s 10 to Midnight (1983)
February 22nd-24th (Fri-Sun): FantasticRealm Film Series -- Terry Gilliam’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), David Fincher’s Fight Club (1999), Ken Kwapis’ Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird (1985), Robert Rodriguez’s From Dusk till Dawn (1996), Dean Parisot’s Galaxy Quest (1999), Ivan Reitman’s Ghostbusters (1984), Richard Donner’s The Goonies (1985), Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Ridley Scott’s Legend: Director’s Cut (1985), Frank Oz’s Little Shop of Horrors: Director’s Cut (1986), Wolgang Petersen’s The NeverEnding Story (1984), Tim Burton’s Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (1985), Robert Altman’s Popeye (1980), Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs (1987), Bob Spiers’ Spice World (1997), and Ken Kwapis’ Vibes (1988).
February 27th (Wed MovieDiva): Josef von Sternberg’s Shanghai Express (1932)
March 1st (RetroFantasma): Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce (1985) and Harry Bromley Davenport’s Xtro (1982)
March 9th-10th (Fri-Sun): Nevermore Film Festival (20th Anniversary!)
March 13th (Wed MovieDiva): Wesley Ruggles’ I’m No Angel (1933)
March 15th (RetroClassics): Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954) and Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest (1959)
March 20th (Wed Cinema Overdrive): Menahem Golan’s The Apple (1980)
March 22nd (RetroTreasures): Mike Judge’s Office Space (1999) and Trey Parker’s South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999)
March 27th (Wed MovieDiva): William A. Wellman’s Night Nurse (1931)
March 29th (RetroFantasma): David Cronenberg’s The Dead Zone (1983) and Rob Reiner’s Misery (1990)
April 12th (RetroNoir): W.S. Van Dyke’s The Thin Man (1934) and W.S. Van Dyke’s Another Thin Man (1939)
April 17th (Wed Cinema Overdrive): Walter Hill’s The Driver (1978)
April 19th (RetroTreasures): Albert Magnoli’s Purple Rain (1984) and Susan Seidlman’s Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) 
April 24th (Wed MovieDiva): William A. Wellman’s Love Is a Racket (1932)
April 26th (RetroFantasma): W.D. Richter’s The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) and Mike Marvin’s The Wraith (1986) 
May 1st (Wed MovieDiva): Victor Fleming’s Red Dust (1932)
May 3rd (RetroClassics): Brian De Palma’s Body Double (1984) and Brian De Palma’s Sisters (1973)
May 10th-12th (Fri-Sun): Mother’s Day Film Series -- Jon Avnet’s Fried Green Tomatoes (1991), Wayne Wang’s The Joy Luck Club (1993), Gillian Armstrong’s Little Women (1994), Lesli Linka Glatter’s Now and Then (1995), Mike Nichols’ Postcards From the Edge (1990), Emile Ardolino’s Sister Act (1992), George Tillman Jr.’s Soul Food (1997), Herbert Ross’ Steel Magnolias (1989), James Brooks’ Terms of Endearment (1983), Ridley Scott’s Thelma & Louise (1991), Danny DeVito’s Throw Momma From The Train (1987), and Jeff Kanew’s Troop Beverly Hills (1989).
May 15th (Wed Cinema Overdrive): Sergio Corbucci’s The Great Silence (1968)
May 17th (RetroTreasures): Robert Zemeckis’ Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) and Joe Pytka’s Space Jam (1996)
May 22nd ( Wed MovieDiva): Michael Curtiz’s Female (1933)
May 26th (Sun): Fan Appreciation Day -- FREE showing (and FREE medium popcorn) of Peter Lord & Nick Park’s Chicken Run (2000) and Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan (1998)
May 31st (RetroFantasma): John Irving’s Ghost Story (1981) and Ken Russelll’s Gothic (1986)
June 5th (Wed MovieDiva): Edgar Selwyn’s Skyscraper Souls (1932)
June 7th (RetroNioir): Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs (1992) and The Wachowski’s Bound (1996)
June 12th (Wed Cinema Overdrive): David Durston’s I Drink Your Blood (1971)
June 14th (RetroTreasures): John Landis’ Trading Places (1983) and John Landis’ The Blues Brothers (1980) 
June 19th (Wed MovieDiva): Marvyn LeRoy’s Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
June 21st (RetroFantasma): John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness (1987) and John Carpenter’s In the Mouth of Madness (1995)
June 28th-30th (Fri-Sun): ActionFlix Film Series -- Luc Beeon’s The Fifth Element (1991), Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket (1987), Guy Hamilton’s Goldfinger (1964), Iain Softley’s Hackers (1995), Mark DiSalle & David Worth’s Kickboxer (1989), John Huston’s The Man Who Would Be King (1975), Bruce Malmuth’s Nighthawks (1981), Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction (1994), Andrey Konchalovskiy’s Runaway Train (1985), and Steve Barron’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990).
So many amazing films!!!
Carolina Theatre of Durham 309 W. Morgan St., Durham, NC http://www.carolinatheatre.org/
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, September 21
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: How Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman make their love last 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- at the 77th International Venice Film Festival jury members Cate Blanchett and Matt Dillon came together for a photo-call with and without masks 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Jennifer Aniston was rumored to be pursuing her ex Brad Pitt when Brad was seen with his much younger new girlfriend Nicole Poturalski but Jen wasn’t bothered in the least by the news because she has a much younger love interest of her own -- after a string of hush-hush dates Jen’s zeroed in one handsome suitor in particular and he’s 20 years her junior and a proud beach bum unlike her other ex Justin Theroux who preferred city concrete to sand and surf 
Page 6: Miley Cyrus is on a bold new path toward motherhood -- after the rough patch she went through she’s grown up a lot and realized she doesn’t need the perfect partner to start a family and she’s always wanted to be a mom so that’s what she plans to do 
Page 7: This Is Us star Chrissy Metz is asking her happily married costar Mandy Moore to play matchmaker for her because she’s been without a boyfriend for nearly two years which was OK at first because she needed time to get over her ex Hal Rosenfield but now she’s finding the loneliness intolerable, Dolly Parton’s inner circle is growing concerned over her workaholic tendencies -- everyone from friends to business associates is coaxing her to slow down and enjoy life more but she won’t listen because she thinks taking a break is the same as letting folks down, though the Great White Way was forced to close its curtains due to the pandemic and keep them closed for the remainder of the year Bruce Willis is hoping to take center stage once Broadway is back in business -- he sold a lot of tickets during his limited theatrical run in Misery in 2015 even though it was a critical disaster -- he’s been itching to get back on the boards and take another crack at it and in a bid to make his potential gig even more buzzworthy he’s trying to convince amicable ex Demi Moore to be his costar even though it would be weird for Bruce’s current wife Emma Heming 
Page 8: Halle Berry may not be ready to reveal the identity of her new boyfriend to the public but her mystery man has already gotten the seal of approval from her pal and personal trainer Peter Lee Thomas, the pressure’s on for Natalie Portman as she preps to start filming her superhero flick Thor: Love and Thunder because they asked her to get shredded and put on real muscle to basically become the female equivalent of Chris Hemsworth on screen but it’s a tall order since she’s been trying to fulfill it pretty much on her own at home due to the pandemic and now that she’s on location in Australia her nerves are really kicking in, Carrie Underwood’s five-year-old son Isaiah recorded a track for her upcoming Christmas album and she pushing for both her sons to have full-fledged careers in the music industry
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars are fierce in fuchsia -- Sofia Carson, Isla Fisher, Angela Bassett 
Page 11: Idina Menzel, Zendaya  
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Naomi Watts vs. Hilary Duff, Chloe Bennet vs. Martha Hunt, Jessie James Decker vs. Melissa Gorga 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Bradley Cooper all dressed up as ‘70s hairstylist turned movie mogul Jon Peters while filming an upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson flick 
Page 15: Kristen Wiig taking a hike with one of her twins, WWE star Natalie Ava Marie at the drive-in premiere of Hard Kill, Rachel Zoe at the beach in Malibu 
Page 17: Sofia Richie relaxed and waded in the water while on vacation in Mexico 
Page 18: Kevin Hart and daughter Heaven wear masks as they grabbed lunch in Malibu, Tori Spelling’s son Finn celebrated his birthday with siblings Stella and Liam and Beau and Hattie, Lucy Hale took her dog Elvis for a walk 
Page 20: Gavin Rossdale and his dog hit the beach in Malibu, Taye Diggs during a run in Los Angeles, Cara Santana arriving at friend’s house with a bottle of wine 
Page 21: Brooke Shields read Howard Stern’s latest book in the Hamptons, Erica Banks posing for a photo shoot 
Page 22: Kristen Taekman picked up pizza for her kids in Malibu, Sarah Jessica Parker swung by her store to help customers try on shoes 
Page 23: Gordon Ramsay posed in front of his new pool which has a transparent wall with his son Oscar, Jessie James Decker spent her morning making phone calls 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Emilia Clarke’s chic compound in Venice, California is for sale 
Page 28: Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich are working toward a reconciliation nearly four months after announcing their separation but things will be much different this time around: most notably they’ll be allowed to see other people -- the problem Jules had with Brooks was his possessive and controlling behavior and she likes the idea of a looser arrangement and although most guys would have balked Brooks figures there’s no sense in trying to discourage her free spirit 
Page 29: A year after tying the knot Heidi Klum is suddenly aching to have a baby with her husband Tom Kaulitz even though she’s 47 she’s taken care of herself her whole adult life and has no reason to doubt it will happen naturally but they’ll consider IVF too, Shania Twain and husband Frederic Thiebaud have grown closer during quarantine and with their 10th wedding anniversary approaching the want to celebrate their marriage by renewing their vows, though Bindi Irwin isn’t due until next year the pregnant star and husband Chandler Powell are already prepping for the big day -- they’re thinking about things like lighting and atmosphere and who’ll be in the room with them and Bindi even created a playlist with recordings of zoo animals and meditation music to listen to during labor 
Page 30: Ever since Katy Perry found out she was pregnant Orlando Bloom has been filming her every move so they can one day share the footage with family and friends and fans, Henry Golding wants nothing more than to see his wife of four years Liv Lo succeed as a fitness entrepreneur -- he’s financially supportive and is using his contacts to boost publicity for her company FitSphere because he wants her to be just as proud of her work as he is of his own, Love Bites -- Minka Kelly and Trevor Noah dating, Ed Sheeran and wife Cherry Seaborn welcomed their first child, Niecy Nash and Jessica Betts are married 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban stronger than ever -- after a few bumps Nicole and Keith’s 14-year marriage is back on solid ground 
Page 36: Jon Hamm tells all -- love and loss and starting over at 50 Jon is opening up like never before 
Page 38: Blasts from the Past -- find out what Hollywood’s former teen heartthrobs are up to now -- Kirk Cameron, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Scott Baio 
Page 39: Donny Osmond, Leif Garrett, Andrew Keegan 
Page 40: Interview -- Paris Hilton gets real -- the It Girl turned businesswoman is telling all in a new documentary 
Page 42: Ballroom Body Blitz -- the diet and fitness secrets of these Dancing With the Stars stunners -- Cheryl Burke, Peta Murgatroyd, Sharna Burgess 
Page 43: Jenna Johnson, Britt Stewart 
Page 46: Style Week -- Hunter Schafer is the global brand ambassador for Shiseido 
Page 48: The new Sandra Mansour X H&M collection 
Page 49: 5 minutes with Jenny Mollen on her style and her beauty routine and book suggestions 
Page 52: Fragrant Candles -- Kacey Musgraves 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Joyce Giraud 
Page 58: Buzz -- 2020 VMAs -- Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, The Weeknd, The Black Eyed Peas with new member J. Rey Soul replacing Fergie, Nicole Richie, Ariana Grande 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Chloe Sevigny on becoming a mom, Kate Winslet on resuming filming for the HBO series Mare of Easttown, Brian Austin Green when asked if he and estranged wife Megan Fox would ever reconcile, Kevin Jonas on Toy Story 4, Jennifer Garner on loosening her parenting rules amid the stressful pandemic 
Page 61: Melanie C on never having a #MeToo experience while with the Spice Girls, Channing Tatum announcing he wrote a children’s book  
Page 62: Horoscope -- Virgo Jennifer Hudson turned 39 on September 12 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Macaulay Culkin
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lockcup5-blog · 5 years
The Linc - Eagles listed among teams that could potentially trade for Jadeveon Clowney
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
Five potential trade partners for the Texans if they move Jadeveon Clowney - The Athletic The chances that the Eagles will land Clowney are very low, but they’re not zero. The big issue that the Eagles — and many other teams — face would be finding the money to sign Clowney to a lucrative extension. That’s an especially tall task in Philadelphia, where the team is going to be building around a high-priced quarterback pretty soon in Carson Wentz. That said, Howie Roseman is not afraid to take big swings. And he views the defensive line as a premium position. Clowney would be a disruptive player who could line up in multiple spots in the Eagles’ scheme. That he’s only 26 has to be appealing to Roseman. A core up front of Fletcher Cox, Derek Barnett and Clowney would create issues for opposing offenses for years to come. If this were a year or two ago, and the Eagles had Wentz on his rookie contract, I could see Roseman making an aggressive push for Clowney. Now? The Eagles will likely kick around the idea internally and might even call. But given what it will take in terms of draft pick compensation and financial commitment, a deal seems highly unlikely. — Sheil Kapadia
The Mack Hollins mystery - BGN Hopefully we’ll see Hollins back out on the field sooner than later. If he can build on the potential he showed as a rookie, I think he can be a solid contributor for this team. It’s just hard to tell how realistic that is at this point. Even if Hollins does return soon, it’s fair to wonder how much his absence has stunted the 25-year-old’s development. (Not to mention going from No. 10 to No. 16 is a bad sign in terms of #JerseyNumberAnalytics.)
Organized Team Activities Progress Report - BGN Radio Michael Kist and Brandon Lee Gowton go over all the happenings from the Eagles’ Organized Team Activities! Wentz, Goedert, a new starter at RG(?), the defensive back configuration and much much more all discussed on this loaded show! Presented by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Wentz Lives! - Iggles Blitz It is good to hear Rasul Douglas carried over the momentum from January to the OTAs. He finished the season strong. It sounds like he is ready to really compete for playing time. Interesting that Avonte Maddox was at CB. The Eagles need to find a home for him and let him develop. Maddox is a talented player. You want him on the field.
Carson Wentz brings energy to Eagles practice, along with hope that history won’t repeat itself - CBS Sports Wentz looked spry and agile as he booted out to his right and delivered powerful passes to the sideline off his signature hop-step. He unleashed some perfect deep fades in one-on-one will drills. Things were not nearly as smooth in seven-on-seven and full team drills – “X’s and O’s-wise, things weren’t perfect,” he conceded – though that’s not what this return was really about. This was about just being able to do the same things that all of his healthy teammates could, with no restrictions.
Eagles rookie JJ Arcega-Whiteside and his guardian angels - ESPN When the camera cut to Stanford Cardinal wide receiver JJ Arcega-Whiteside during the 2019 NFL draft, he was sitting on the couch hip-to-hip with his mother, Valorie, in their South Carolina home, friends and family all around them. Valorie intended to burst off the couch and break into a celebratory dance when her boy was selected. But when the call came from the Philadelphia Eagles in the second round that Friday night in April, JJ unexpectedly broke down -- so his mom did, too. ”There’s been a few times I’ve seen JJ cry. That was when my mom died, when I found out I had cancer, and one other time -- he had a little brother that passed during childbirth,” Valorie said. “That’s the three times in my life that I have seen him cry. So when he got emotional and cried, my happy celebration turned ... I just went from laughing and screaming to crying right there with him. ”It was a feeling of so many emotions all at once. How can you be happy and crying and ecstatic and nostalgic and all of these things all at the same time? That’s what it was like, just a big kaleidoscope of emotions.”
Fired-up Tim Jernigan brimming with confidence, motivation and swagger - NBCSP “You gotta listen to what I just said,” Jernigan said, pointing out how obvious it was to him. “It speaks for itself, bro. You’ll see the difference in September then. Ask any coach in here, ask any player in here, what Timmy Jernigan look like? I ain’t gotta brag on myself, I ain’t gotta talk on myself. Ask them. I ain’t gotta say one word. It’s on.” Even when he’s getting ticked off by questions, there’s just something about Jernigan’s energy, his swagger, that separates him. It’s something the Eagles feel when they’re on the field too. It’s why late last season, defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz stressed how important Jernigan was to the spirit of their defense.
While cast in Aaron Donald’s shadow, Fletcher Cox will go down as one of the best to ever do it - PFF Among the 125 interior defensive linemen with 500 or more pass-rush snaps since 2015, Donald ranks first in pass-rush grade (95.9), total pressures (375) and pass-rush win percentage (22.1%). Cox ranks second behind Donald in all three metrics. And the trend continues, as Donald led all at his position in pass-rush grade in each of the past four seasons (2015-18). Cox ranked second two of the years (2017 & 2018) and third in another (2015). The five best single-season pass-rush win rates in the PFF era (2006-18) all belong to Donald and Cox. Donald owns the three best (2016, 2017 &2018) and the fifth-best (2015), while Cox owns the fourth-best (2018).
In Year 2, Dallas Goedert is poised for a season to remember - PE.com “You have to get used to the speed of things, for sure,” Goedert said. “It takes some time. As soon as you get here, you’re on the move. It’s tough to catch up sometimes. But if you keep your head down and keep grinding, understanding that it’s your job now, things slow down. I feel like it’s all slowed down for me. I can go out there and just play football and not think. That makes me a better football player. I’m pretty happy with where I’m at, continuing to work, continuing to enjoy this.”
Eagles tight end Zach Ertz ready to build on his record-breaking season - Daily News “On paper, we’ve got an explosive, explosive offense,’’ Ertz said Tuesday after the Eagles finished the first of their 10 spring OTA practice sessions at the NovaCare Complex. “We just have to fine-tune everything and be on point. ”Bringing in a guy like Jordan Howard is going to help us immensely. A guy that you can give the ball to behind five really good offensive linemen and say, ‘Go to work.’ “And DeSean coming back is going to be big for us. He’s just so fast. The first play of the Tampa Bay game last year, he goes 70 yards [for a touchdown] on us. We haven’t had that since he left, honestly. [Jeremy] Maclin had it a little bit. But D-Jac is just another animal.’’ The addition of Jackson is intriguing in two respects. He not only gives quarterback Carson Wentz the most dangerous vertical threat he’s ever had, but Jackson’s speed also should open things up underneath for Ertz and the Eagles’ other two tight ends, Dallas Goedert and Richard Rodgers.
Mike Freeman’s 10-Point Stance: Russell Wilson Is Exactly What the NFL Needs Now - B/R Philadelphia defensive lineman Chris Long retired this past week. Though he’ll be remembered as a talented player who helped the Eagles win their first Super Bowl, his impact has gone far beyond the field. When Colin Kaepernick started taking a knee to protest social justice issues, it set off a chain of events that impacted the sport, and society, forever. One of the more striking aspects of the protests, even after Kaepernick was no longer on the field, was the small number of white players who joined their teammates. Long proudly joined those players voicing their concerns over social injustice. He also funded scholarships in his hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia, in hopes of promoting educational equity and opportunity. I cannot emphasize enough how much a number of black players appreciated Long’s actions. Long will be missed. Not just for his good play but also for what he meant to black players during one of the most important times in league history.
Brandon Lee Gowton Talks Eagles - 94WIP From Bleeding Green Nation, Brandon Lee Gowton calls in to talk Eagles’ OTAs and Carson Wentz.
Falcons DE Steven Means will miss 2019 season with torn Achilles - The Falcoholic It’s hard, hard news for Means, a journeyman who found a home in Atlanta and was being primed for a bigger role in the team’s defensive end rotation. He signed a one-year extension in February and was one of the team’s only moves at the position this offseason. The move puts Atlanta in a bit of a bind. Means projected to be a key player in the team’s base defense, a role he grew into in 2018. Right now, the Falcons don’t have ton of depth at the position, and his loss puts the onus on rookie edge John Cominsky to play a bigger role in the rotation. Cominsky came into the University of Charleston as a quarterback, and needs development as an NFL defensive end.
Looks like things are on track for Cowboys to make Ezekiel Elliott highest-paid RB in NFL history - Blogging The Boys Pelissero notes that Elliott’s camp and the Cowboys have been in communication despite ongoing contract talks between the team and representatives for Prescott and Cooper. He also mentions that it seems like everyone involved feels that Zeke will soon be the highest-paid running back in NFL history. Read it again. The highest-paid running back in NFL history. Of course, the barometer for running back salary in the NFL is Todd Gurley of the Los Angeles Rams. He got his long-term extension after his third year (that’s where Zeke is now) last offseason, a huge contract to the tune of four years for $60M. [BLG Note: Good luck, Dallas.]
The 2019 NFL Contract-Year All-Stars - The Ringer Players like Bobby Wagner, Michael Thomas, Dak Prescott, and A.J. Green have contract negotiations on the horizon. If they go into the season on the last year of their deals, their performances could make or break their bank account next offseason.
Why I’m glad the NFL didn’t change its ‘unfair’ overtime system - SB Nation Retired NFL lineman Geoff Schwartz gives his thoughts about the current OT system, the potential PI replay tweaks, and the elimination of certain drills.
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/5/23/18636908/eagles-news-philadelphia-teams-could-potentially-trade-jadeveon-clowney-nfl-rumors-texans-pass-rush
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sserpicko · 5 years
Announcing Winners WGA Awards 2019: ‘Can You Ever Forgive Me?,’ ‘Eighth Grade’
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In a pair of upsets, “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” has won the Writers Guild of America’s adapted screenplay award for Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty and Bo Burnham has won the original screenplay award for “Eighth Grade.”
The major television trophies went to “The Americans,” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” “Homeland” and “Barry” for the 71st Writers Guild Awards, held at dual ceremonies at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, Calif., and the Edison Ballroom in New York City. It was the last major awards show before the Feb. 24 Academy Awards.
“Can You Ever Forgive Me?,” based on the memoir of the late Lee Israel, topped the screenplays for “Black Panther,” “If Beale Street Could Talk” “A Star Is Born”; and “BlacKkKlansman.” Though the script for the comedy-drama — the story of how Israel discovered her talent for forgery — has received an Oscar nomination, “Beale Street” and “BlacKkKlansman” were regarded as the front-runners. It appears that the tale of the travails and redemption of a professional writer clearly resonated with Hollywood writers.
“I want to thank Lee,” Holofcener said in her acceptance. “She’d probably be sitting in the room judging all of us. She though she was the smartest person in the room and she probably was.”
A stunned Burnham credited star Elsie Fisher for his winning the WGA award. Burnham won over Alfonso Cuaron’s “Roma”; Adam McKay’s “Vice”; Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, and John Krasinski’s “A Quiet Place”; and Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, and Brian Currie’s “Green Book.” “Roma,” “Vice” and “Green Book” are all nominated for Academy Awards along with “The Favourite” and “First Reformed” while “Eight Grade” did not receive an Oscar nod.
“Eighth Grade,” which stars Fisher as an awkward teen dealing with the final week of eighth grade, also won the first-time Directors Guild of America Award for Burnham on Feb. 2. The film is also up for four Spirit Awards on Feb. 23.
“To the other nominees in the category — Have fun at the Oscars, losers!” Burnham joked in his acceptance. “No, I prepared nothing. This all belongs to Elsie Fisher who performed the script. No one would care about the script if she hadn’t done it.”
“Eighth Grade” is the first film to win the WGA Original Screenplay award without being nominated for an Academy since Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine” in 2003.
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” won the comedy series award for Kate Fodor, Noah Gardenswartz, Jen Kirkman, Sheila Lawrence, Daniel Palladino and Amy Sherman Palladino. Starring Rachel Brosnahan, “Mrs. Maisel” won the Emmy for best comedy series last year.
The final season of “The Americans” took the drama series award for Peter Ackerman, Hilary Bettis, Joshua Brand, Joel Fields, Sarah Nolen, Stephen Schiff, Justin Weinberger, Joe Weisberg and Tracey Scott Wilson.
Bill Hader and Alec Berg won the episodic comedy award for the opening segment of HBO’s “Barry,” “Chapter One: Make Your Mark” (“Barry”). They also won the new series award.
Stephanie Gillis won the animated award for the “Bart’s Not Dead” episode of “The Simpsons” — which was just renewed for its 31st and 32nd seasons by Fox — and showrunner Alex Gansa took the episodic drama award for the “Paean To The People” segment of “Homeland.” “Bathtubs Over Broadway” took the documentary award and “God of War” won the videogame trophy.
Hulu’s “Castle Rock” won the long-form original award and “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” took the adapted long-form trophy. “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” won the comedy-variety series cagtegory.
Chelsea Peretti hosted the West Coast ceremonies while Roy Wood Jr. was the emcee in New York. “All the glitz and glamor of the Oscars without the pressure of public interest,” Peretti said in her intro.
Jordan Peele’s horror-comedy “Get Out” won the WGA Award for original screenplay and James Ivory’s coming-of-age drama “Call Me by Your Name” won for adapted screenplay last year. Both went on to win the Oscar.
The WGA awards are mixed indicator of Oscar sentiment. Six of the last 10 WGA winners have gone on to win Academy awards over the past five years. The awards are decided in voting by the 17,000 members of the WGA.
The West Coast ceremonies included plenty of political commentary. Adam McKay, on receiving the WGA’s Paul Selvin Award for “Vice,” asked for a “beat of silence” for the million people who died during the invasion of Iraq.
Jenji Kohan, recipient of the Paddy Chayefsky Award, was unable to attend due to having to shoot the final episode of “Orange Is the New Black.” She said in a taped message: “I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with enormously funny and kind people. I love the people I work with. Life is too short to work with a******s, by the way. That’s my Public Service Announcement.”
Here are the nominees with the winners in boldface:
“Eighth Grade,” Written by Bo Burnham; A24  (WINNER)
“Green Book,” Written by Nick Vallelonga & Brian Currie & Peter Farrelly; Universal Pictures
“A Quiet Place,” Screenplay by Bryan Woods & Scott Beck and John Krasinski, Story by Bryan Woods & Scott Beck; Paramount Pictures
“Roma,” Written by Alfonso Cuarón; Netflix
“Vice,” Written by Adam McKay; Annapurna Pictures
“BlacKkKlansman,” Written by Charlie Wachtel & David Rabinowitz and Kevin Willmott & Spike Lee, Based on the book by Ron Stallworth; Focus Features
“Black Panther,” Written by Ryan Coogler & Joe Robert Cole, Based on the Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby; Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
“Can You Ever Forgive Me?,” Screenplay by Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty, Based on the book by Lee Israel; Fox Searchlight  (WINNER)
“If Beale Street Could Talk,” Screenplay by Barry Jenkins, Based on the novel by James Baldwin; Annapurna Pictures
“A Star is Born,” Screenplay by Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Fetters, Based on the 1954 screenplay by Moss Hart and the 1976 screenplay by John Gregory Dunne & Joan Didion and Frank Pierson, Based on a story by William Wellman and Robert Carson; Warner Bros.
“Bathtubs Over Broadway,” Written by Ozzy Inguanzo & Dava Whisenant; Focus Features  (WINNER)
“Fahrenheit 11/9,” Written by Michael Moore; Briarcliff Entertainment
“Generation Wealth,” Written by Lauren Greenfield; Amazon Studios
“In Search of Greatness,” Written by Gabe Polsky; Art of Sport
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey,” Associate Narrative Directors Matthew Zagurak, Joel Janisse, James Richard Mittag; Narrative Director Melissa MacCoubrey; Story by Jonathan Dumont, Melissa MacCoubrey, Hugo Giard; Scriptwriters Madeleine Hart, Betty Robertson, Jesse Scoble, Diana Sherman, Kelly Bender, Jojo Chia, Ian Fun, Zachary M. Parris, Ken Williamson, Daniel Bingham, Jordan Lemos, Simon Mackenzie, Katelyn MacMullin, Susan Patrick, Alissa Ralph, Stephen Rhodes; Team Lead Writer Sam Gill; AI Writers Jonathan Flieger, Kimberly Ann Sparks; Ubisoft Quebec
“Batman: The Enemy Within,” Episode 5-Same Stitch, Lead Writer James Windeler; Written by Meghan Thornton, Ross Beeley, Lauren Mee; Story by Meghan Thornton, Michael Kirkbride; Telltale Games
“God of War,” Written by Matt Sophos, Richard Zangrande Gaubert, Cory Barlog; Story and Narrative Design Lead Matt Sophos; Story and Narrative Design Richard Zangrande Gaubert; Narrative Design Orion Walker, Adam Dolin; Sony Interactive Entertainment  (WINNER)
“Marvel’s Spider-Man,” Story Lead Jon Paquette; Writers Benjamin Arfmann, Kelsey Beachum; Co-Written by Christos Gage; Additional Story Contributions by Dan Slott; Insomniac Games & Sony Interactive Entertainment
“Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire,” Narrative Designers Alex Scokel, Eric Fenstermaker, Kate Dollarhyde, Megan Starks, Olivia Veras, Paul Kirsch; Additional Writing Tony Evans, John Schmautz, Casey Hollingshead, Nitai Poddar; Narrative Design Leads Carrie Patel, Josh Sawyer; Obsidian Entertainment
DRAMA SERIES “The Americans,” Written by Peter Ackerman, Hilary Bettis, Joshua Brand, Joel Fields, Sarah Nolen, Stephen Schiff, Justin Weinberger, Joe Weisberg, Tracey Scott Wilson; FX Networks  (WINNER)
“Better Call Saul,” Written by Ann Cherkis, Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Gennifer Hutchison, Heather Marion, Bob Odenkirk, Thomas Schnauz, Gordon Smith, Alison Tatlock; AMC
“The Crown,” Written by Tom Edge, Amy Jenkins, Peter Morgan; Netflix
“The Handmaid’s Tale,” Written by Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder, Eric Tuchman; Hulu
“Succession,” Written by Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Jon Brown, Jonathan Glatzer, Anna Jordan, Lucy Prebble, Georgia Pritchett, Tony Roche, Susan Soon He Stanton, Daniel Zelman; HBO
COMEDY SERIES “Atlanta,” Written by Ibra Ake, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover, Taofik Kolade, Jamal Olori, Stefani Robinson, Paul Simms; FX Networks
“Barry,” Written by Alec Berg, Duffy Boudreau, Bill Hader, Emily Heller, Liz Sarnoff, Ben Smith, Sarah Solemani; HBO
“GLOW,” Written by Liz Flahive, Tara Herrmann, Nick Jones, Jenji Kohan, Carly Mensch, Marquita Robinson, Kim Rosenstock, Sascha Rothchild, Rachel Shukert; Netflix
“The Good Place,” Written by Megan Amram, Christopher Encell, Kate Gersten, Cord Jefferson, Andrew Law, Joe Mande, Kassia Miller, Dylan Morgan, Matt Murray, Rae Sanni, Daniel Schofield, Michael Schur, Josh Siegal, Jen Statsky, Tyler Staessle; NBC
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” Written by Kate Fodor, Noah Gardenswartz, Jen Kirkman, Sheila Lawrence, Daniel Palladino, Amy Sherman Palladino; Prime Video  (WINNER)
NEW SERIES “Barry,” Written by Alec Berg, Duffy Boudreau, Bill Hader, Emily Heller, Liz Sarnoff, Ben Smith, Sarah Solemani; HBO  (WINNER)
“The Haunting of Hill House,” Written by Meredith Averill, Charise Castro Smith, Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard, Rebecca Leigh Klingel, Scott Kosar, Liz Phang; Netflix
“Homecoming,” Written by Micah Bloomberg, Cami Delavigne, Eli Horowitz, Shannon Houston, Eric Simonson, David Wiener; Prime Video
“Pose,” Written by Steven Canals, Brad Falchuk, Todd Kubrak, Janet Mock, Ryan Murphy, Our Lady J; FX Networks
“Succession,” Written by Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Jon Brown, Jonathan Glatzer, Anna Jordan, Lucy Prebble, Georgia Pritchett, Tony Roche, Susan Soon He Stanton, Daniel Zelman; HBO
LONG FORM ORIGINAL “Castle Rock,” Writers: Marc Bernardin, Scott Brown, Lila Byock, Mark Lafferty, Sam Shaw, Dustin Thomason, Gina Welch, Vinnie Wilhelm; Hulu   (WINNER)
“My Dinner with Hervé,” Teleplay by Sacha Gervasi, Story by Sacha Gervasi & Sean Macaulay; HBO
“Paterno,” Written by Debora Cahn and John C. Richards; HBO
LONG FORM ADAPTED “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story,” Writers: Maggie Cohn, Tom Rob Smith, Based on the book Vulgar Favors by Maureen Orth; FX Networks  (WINNER)
“The Looming Tower,” Writers: Bash Doran, Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, Shannon Houston, Adam Rapp, Ali Selim, Lawrence Wright, Based on the book The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright; Hulu
“Maniac,” Writers: Nick Cuse, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Amelia Gray, Danielle Henderson, Mauricio Katz, Patrick Somerville, Caroline Williams, Based on the Norwegian television series Maniac by Espen PA Lervaag, Håakon Bast Mossige, Kjetil Indregard and Ole Marius Araldsen; Netflix
“Sharp Objects,” Writers: Ariella Blejer, Scott Brown, Vince Calandra, Gillian Flynn, Dawn Kamoche, Alex Metcalf, Marti Noxon, Based upon the book written by Gillian Flynn; HBO
SHORT FORM NEW MEDIA ORIGINAL “After Forever,” Written by Michael Slade & Kevin Spirtas; Vimeo.com
“Class of Lies,” Written by Tessa Leigh Williams; Snapchat    (WINNER)
“Love Daily,” Written by: Lauren Ciaravalli, Andrew Eisen, Aaron Eisenberg, Will Eisenberg, Alexis Jacknow, Nathaniel Katzman, Yulin Kuang, Nathan Larkin-Connolly, Alexis Roblan, Bennet D. Silverman, Ryan Wood; Go90.com
“West 40s,” Written by Mark Sam Rosenthal & Brian Sloan; West40s.com
SHORT FORM NEW MEDIA ADAPTED “The Walking Dead: Red Machete,” Written by Nick Bernardone; AMC.com
ANIMATION “Bart’s Not Dead” (The Simpsons), Written by Stephanie Gillis; Fox  (WINNER)
“Boywatch” (Bob’s Burgers), Written by Rich Rinaldi; Fox
“Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now” (Bob’s Burgers), Written by Lizzie Molyneux & Wendy Molyneux; Fox
“Krusty the Clown” (The Simpsons), Written by Ryan Koh; Fox
“Mo Mommy Mo Problems” (Bob’s Burgers), Written by Steven Davis; Fox
“Send in Stewie, Please” (Family Guy), Written by Gary Janetti; Fox
EPISODIC DRAMA “Camelot” (“Narcos: Mexico”), Written by Eric Newman & Clayton Trussell; Netflix
“The Car” (“This Is Us”), Written by Isaac Aptaker & Elizabeth Berger; NBC
“Episode 407” (“The Affair”), Teleplay by Lydia Diamond and Sarah Sutherland, Story by Jaquen Tee Castellanos and Sarah Sutherland; Showtime
“First Blood” (“The Handmaid’s Tale”), Written by Eric Tuchman; Hulu
“Paean To The People” (“Homeland”), Written by Alex Gansa; Showtime  (WINNER)
“The Precious Blood of Jesus” (“Ozark”), Written by David Manson; Netflix
EPISODIC COMEDY “Another Place” (“Forever”), Teleplay by Alan Yang and Matt Hubbard, Story by Aniz Adam Ansari; Prime Video
“Chapter One: Make Your Mark” (“Barry”), Written by Alec Berg & Bill Hader; HBO   (WINNER)
“Halibut!” (“Santa Clarita Diet”), Written by Victor Fresco; Netflix
“Kimmy and the Beest!” (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”), Written by Robert Carlock; Netflix
“Pilot” (“The Kids Are Alright”), Written by Tim Doyle; ABC
“Who Knows Better Than I” (“Orange Is the New Black”), Written by Jenji Kohan; Netflix
COMEDY/VARIETY TALK SERIES “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee,” Writers: Kristen Bartlett, Samantha Bee, Ashley Nicole Black, Pat Cassels, Mike Drucker, Eric Drysdale, Mathan Erhardt, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn, Nicole Silverberg, Melinda Taub; TBS
“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver;” Writers: Tim Carvell, Raquel D’Apice, Josh Gondelman, Dan Gurewitch, Jeff Maurer, Daniel O’Brien, John Oliver, Brian Parise, Owen Parsons, Ben Silva, Will Tracy, Jill Twiss, Seena Vali, Juli Weiner; HBO   (WINNER)
“Late Night with Seth Meyers;” Supervising Writers: Sal Gentile, Seth Reiss; Writers: Jermaine Affonso, Alex Baze, Bryan Donaldson, Matt Goldich, Dina Gusovsky, Jenny Hagel, Allison Hord, Mike Karnell, John Lutz, Seth Meyers, Ian Morgan, Amber Ruffin, Mike Shoemaker; NBC Universal
“The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Head Writers: Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi; Writers: Emmy Blotnick, Michael Brumm, Aaron Cohen, Stephen T. Colbert, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Greg Iwinski, Barry Julien, Daniel Kibblesmith, Matt Lappin, Michael Pielocik, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack, John Thibodeaux; CBS
COMEDY/VARIETY SKETCH SERIES “At Home with Amy Sedaris,” Writers: Cindy Caponera, Paul Dinello, Jodi Lennon, Meredith Scardino, Amy Sedaris; truTV
“I Love You, America,” Head Writer: Dave Ferguson; Writers: Glenn Boozan, Leann Bowen, Raj Desai, Kyle Dunnigan, John Haskell, Tim Kalpakis, Opeyemi Olagbaju, Gavin Purcell, Diona Reasonover, Jocelyn Richard, Christopher J. Romano, Sarah Silverman, Beth Stelling, Dan Sterling, Nick Wiger; Hulu
“Nathan For You,” Writers: Leo Allen, Nathan Fielder, Carrie Kemper, Michael Koman, Adam Locke-Norton, Eric Notarnicola; Comedy Central  (WINNER)
“Portlandia,” Writers: Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein, Jonathan Krisel, Karey Dornetto, Megan Neuringer, Phoebe Robinson, Graham Wagner; IFC
“Saturday Night Live,” Head Writers: Michael Che, Colin Jost, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker; Supervising Writers: Fran Gillespie, Sudi Green, Streeter Seidell; Writers: James Anderson, Kristen Bartlett, Megan Callahan, Steven Castillo, Andrew Dismukes, Anna Drezen, Claire Friedman, Alison Gates, Steve Higgins, Sam Jay, Erik Kenward, Rob Klein, Nick Kocher, Michael Koman, Alan Linic, Eli Coyote Mandel, Erik Marino, Dave McCary, Brian McElhaney, Dennis McNicholas, Lorne Michaels, Nimesh Patel, Josh Patten, Katie Rich, Simon Rich, Gary Richardson, Marika Sawyer, Pete Schultz, Mitch Silpa, Will Stephen, Julio Torres, Bowen Yang; NBC Universal
COMEDY/VARIETY SPECIALS 2018 Rose Parade Hosted by Cord & Tish, Written by Will Ferrell, Jake Fogelnest, Andrew Steele; Prime Video
Drew Michael Stand-Up Special, Written by Drew Michael; HBO
The Fake News with Ted Nelms, Written by John Aboud, Andrew Blitz, Michael Colton, Ed Helms, Elliott Kalan, Joseph Randazzo, Sara Schaefer; Comedy Central  (WINNER)
The Oscars 2018, Written by Dave Boone, Carol Leifer, Jon Macks; Special Material Written by Megan Amram, Tony Barbieri, Jonathan Bines, Joelle Boucai, Gonzalo Cordova, Adam Carolla, Devin Field, Gary Greenberg, Josh Halloway, Sal Iacono, Eric Immerman, Jesse Joyce, Bess Kalb, Jimmy Kimmel, Molly McNearney, Danny Ricker, Joe Strazzullo; ABC
QUIZ AND AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION “Hollywood Game Night,” Head Writers: Ann Slichter, Grant Taylor; Writers: Michael Agbabian, Alexandra Kokesh, Dwight D. Smith; NBC
“Jeopardy!,” Written by Matthew Caruso, John Duarte, Harry Friedman, Mark Gaberman, Deborah Griffin, Michele Loud, Robert McClenaghan, Jim Rhine, Steve D. Tamerius, Billy Wisse; ABC
“Paid Off with Michael Torpey,” Head Writer: Ethan Berlin; Writers: John Chaneski, Rosemarie DiSalvo, Leigh Hampton, Katie Hartman, Amanda Melson, Larry Owens, Jennie Sutton, Michael Torpey, Jeremy Weiner; truTV
“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire,” Head Writer: Stephen A. Melcher, Jr.; Writers: Kyle Beakley, Tom Cohen, Patricia A. Cotter, Ryan Hopak, Gary Lucy, James Rowley, Ann Slichter, Dylan Snowden; Disney/ABC Syndication  (WINNER)
DAYTIME DRAMA “Days of Our Lives,” Head Writer: Ron Carlivati; Writers: Sheri Anderson, Lorraine Broderick, David Cherrill, Joanna Cohen, Lisa Connor, Carolyn Culliton, Richard Culliton, Rick Draughon,  Cydney Kelley, David Kreizman, David A. Levinson, Rebecca McCarty, Ryan Quan, Dave Ryan, Katherine Schock, Elizabeth Snyder, Tyler Topits; NBC
“General Hospital,” Head Writers: Shelly Altman, Christopher Van Etten; Writers: Barbara Bloom, Anna Theresa Cascio, Suzanne Flynn, Charlotte Gibson, Lucky Gold, Kate Hall, Elizabeth Korte, Daniel James O’Connor, Donny Sheldon, Scott Sickles; ABC  (WINNER)
CHILDREN’S EPISODIC AND SPECIALS “Carnivorous Carnival: Part One” (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Teleplay by Joe Tracz; Netflix
“The Ersatz Elevator: Part One” (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Teleplay by Daniel Handler; Netflix  (WINNER)
“For The Last Time” (Andi Mack), Written by Jonathan S. Hurwitz; Disney Channel
“Picture Day” (Alexa & Katie), Written by Ray Lancon; Netflix
“Warehouse Towel Fight” fka “Emil Strikes Back” (Prince of Peoria), Written by Marty Donovan; Netflix
DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT – CURRENT EVENTS “Black Hole Apocalypse” (Nova), Written by Rushmore DeNooyer; PBS
“Blackout in Puerto Rico” (Frontline), Written by Rick Young; PBS
“The Gang Crackdown” (Frontline), Written by Marcela Gaviria; PBS
“Trump’s Takeover” (Frontline), Written by Michael Kirk & Mike Wiser; PBS   (WINNER)
DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT – OTHER THAN CURRENT EVENTS “Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia – Part 1” (Frontline), Written by David Fanning & Linda Hirsch & Martin Smith; PBS
“The Circus, Part One” (American Experience), Written by Sharon Grimberg; PBS
“The Eugenics Crusade” (American Experience), Written by Michelle Ferrari; PBS  (WINNER)
“Into The Amazon” (American Experience), Written by John Maggio; PBS
NEWS SCRIPT – REGULARLY SCHEDULED, BULLETIN, OR BREAKING REPORT “Catastrophe” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley, Katie Kerbstat, Nicole Young; CBS News
“Las Vegas Massacre” (CBS Evening News with Anthony Mason), Written by Jerry Cipriano and Joe Clines; CBS News
“The Spotted Pig” (60 Minutes), Written by Anderson Cooper and Oriana Zill de Granados; CBS News
NEWS SCRIPT – ANALYSIS, FEATURE, OR COMMENTARY “100,000 Women” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley and Oriana Zill de Granados; CBS News
“On Broadway: Rodgers and Hammerstein” (CBS Sunday Morning), Written by Mo Rocca and Kay M. Lim; CBS News
“War Crime” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley, Katie Kerbstat, Nicole Young; CBS News
“Wounds of War” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley, Katie Kerbstat, Nicole Young; CBS News
DIGITAL NEWS “D.C.’s Biggest Homeless Shelter Is About to Close. Will Amazon Take Its Place?,” Written by Emma Roller; Splinter
“How To Not Die In America,” Written by Molly Osberg; Splinter
“Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games,” Written by Cecilia D’Anastasio; Kotaku.com  (WINNER)
RADIO/AUDIO DOCUMENTARY “2017 Year in Review,” Written by Gail Lee; CBS News Radio
“RFK: 50 Years After Shots Rang Out at The Ambassador Hotel,” Written by Andrew Evans; ABC News Radio   (WINNER)
“ABC News 6p Hourly 9-27-2018,” Written by Stephanie Pawlowski; ABC News Radio
“Remembering The Good, The Bad and the Brilliant,” Written by Gail Lee; CBS News Radio  (WINNER)
“World News This Week 9-21-2018,” Written by Joan B. Harris; ABC News Radio
RADIO/AUDIO NEWS SCRIPT – ANALYSIS, FEATURE, OR COMMENTARY “John McCain: A Life of Service,” Written by Gail Lee; CBS News Radio  (WINNER)
“A Tribute to Le Grand Orange,” Written by Thomas A. Sabella; CBS Radio News
ON-AIR PROMOTION (RADIO OR TELEVISION) “FBI 2018 Promo Reel,” Written by Ralph Buado; CBS
“Tribute to Star Trek for the 2019 Creative Arts Emmys,” Written by Sean Brogan; CBS  (WINNER)
“Westworld: Season 2 Promo (Super Bowl spot),” Written by Jonathan Nolan; HBO
Source: variety
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alystayr · 7 years
Playlist musicale 2017 (2/2)
Liste des chansons (playlist 2017 - part. 2)
Mise à jour : 31 décembre 2017
playlist 2019 (part. 1)
playlist 2018 (part. 2), playlist 2018 (part. 1)
playlist 2017 (part. 2), playlist 2017 (part. 1)
playlist 2016 (part. 2), playlist 2016 (part. 1)
playlist 2015
0-9 #
16 Horsepower - Haw (1996)
AC/DC - Hells Bells (1980)
The Allman Brothers Band - Midnight Rider (1970)
alt-J - In Cold Blood (2017)
Anaïs - J'ai retrouvé mon mojo (2017)
Angus & Julia Stone - Chateau (2017)
Arcade Fire - Everything Now (2017)
Archive - Lights (2006)
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know? (2013)
Louis Armstrong - Christmas in New Orleans (1955)
Arno - Dance Like A Goose (2016)
Arthur H - La beauté de l'amour (2011)
Audioslave - Revelations (2006)
Asaf Avidan - My Old Pain (2017)
Band of Horses - The Funeral (2006)
Courtney Barnett - Lance Jr. (2013)
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (1967)
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (1966)
Beck - Girl (2005)
Benjamin Biolay - Volver (2017)
Birth Of Joy - Three Day Road (2014)
Björk - Violently Happy (1993)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (1970)
The Blues Brothers (cover Robert Johnson) - Sweet Home Chicago (1980)
Blur - Girls and Boys (1994)
Bob & Earl - Harlem Shuffle (1963)
Georges Brassens - La mauvaise réputation (1952)
The Breeders - Divine Hammer (1993)
Jeff Buckley - Grace (1994)
Camille - Fontaine de lait (2017)
Jerry Cantrell - Bargain Basement Howard Hughes (2002)
Bertrand Cantat - Anthracitéor (2017)
Car Seat Headrest - Destroyed By Hippie Powers (2016)
Johnny Cash (cover Nick Cave) - The Mercy Seat (2000/1988)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Stagger Lee (1996)
Ray Charles - What'd I Say (1959)
Louis Chedid - T'as beau pas être beau (1978)
Chelsea Wolfe - Feral Love (2013)
Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse (2017)
The Clash - The Guns of Brixton (1979)
Benjamin Clementine - Phantom Of Aleppoville (2017)
CocoRosie - Child Bride (2013)
Leonard Cohen - Almost Like the Blues (2014)
Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry (2006)
Alice Cooper - Poison (1989)
Elvis Costello - Alison (1977)
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry (1979)
Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia (1980)
Deep Purple - Hush (1968)
Mac DeMarco - Salad Days (2014)
Depeche Mode - Going Backwards (2017)
Fatoumata Diawara - Bissa (2011)
Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick (1985)
Beth Ditto - Fire (2017)
The Do - Gonna Be Sick! (2011)
Fats Domino - Blueberry hill (1956)
The Doors - Ghost Song (1978)
Bob Dylan - Ballad Of a Thin Man (1965)
Eminem - The Real Slim Shady (2000)
Endless Boogie - Vibe Killer (2017)
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (1983)
Piers Faccini - Cloak Of Blue (2016)
Faith No More - The Last To Know (1995)
Mylène Farmer - C'est Une Belle Journée (2001)
Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée (1991)
Thomas Fersen - Encore Cassé (2017)
Thomas Fersen - Hyacinthe (2005)
Foals - Inhaler (2013)
Foo Fighters - Run (2017)
Forest Swords - Thor's Stone (2013)
Franz Ferdinand & Jane Birkin (cover Serge Gainsbourg) - A song for sorry angel (2006-1984) 
The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger (2006)
Future Islands - Ran (2017)
Liam Gallagher - Wall Of Glass (2017)
Richard Gibbs & Bear McCreary - Gayatri, Full Opening theme (from Battlestar Galactica) (2003)
Girls in Hawaii - Guinea Pig (2017)
Girls in Hawaii - Not Dead (2013)
Goldfrapp - Annabel (2013)
Jean-Jacques Goldman & Sirima - Là-bas (1987)
Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz (Spirit House) (2017)
Guns N' Roses - Civil War (1991)
Johnny Hallyday - Quelque chose de Tennessee (1985)
Johnny Halliday (cover The Animals) - Le pénitencier (1964)
Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals - Jah Work (1997)
George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You (1987)
PJ Harvey - C'mon Billy (1995)
Heartless Bastards - Only For You (2012)
Jimi Hendrix - Freedom (1971)
Bernard Herrmann - Vertigo (from Sueurs froides - 1958)
Hoboken Division - Boilin Up (2017)
Idles - Well Done (2017)
Interpol - Obstacle 1 (2002)
Iron Maiden - Total Eclipse (1982)
Izia - Let me alone (2009)
Jack the Ripper -  White men in black (2005)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (1984)
Mick Jagger - Gotta Get A Grip (2017)
Jay-Z - The Story of O.J. (2017)
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Happy When It Rains (1987)
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I love Rock n roll (1981)
Elton John - Nikita (1985)
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (1980)
Juliette - Nour (2013)
Karpatt - Encombrants (2016)
The Kills - Impossible Tracks (2016)
Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE. (2017)
Lamb - Wise Enough (2011)
Mark Lanegan - Nocturne (2017)
The Last Shadow Puppets (cover Jacques Dutronc) - Les Cactus (2016/1967)
Last Train - Way Out (2016)
Bernard Lavilliers - Croisières méditerranéennes (2017)
Maxime Le Forestier - Né Quelque Part (1988)
The Libertines - Don't Look Back Into The Sun (2003)
Linkin Park - Lying From You (2003)
Madrugada - Salt (1999)
Mano Negra - Mala Vida (1988)
Mano Solo - Pas du gâteau (1993)
Manu - La dernière étoile (2015)
Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People (1996)
Bob Marley - Burnin and Lootin (1973)
Mickey 3d - Respire (2003)
Moby - Natural Blues (1999)
Moonchild - The Truth (2015)
Morrissey - Spent the Day in Bed (2017)
Motörhead - Ace Of Spades (1980)
Muse - Dig Down (2017)
Nena ‎- 99 Luftballons (1983)
Nico Vega - Beast (2006)
Nine Inch Nails – Less Than (2017)
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box (1993)
Noir Désir - L'Appartement (2001)
The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (2008)
Les Ogres de Barback - Condkoï (2012)
Pearl Jam - Even Flow (1991)
Tom Petty - Free Fallin’ (1989)
Tom Petty - Learning To Fly (1991)
Pixies - Debaser (1989)
Placebo - Lady of the Flowers (1996)
Placebo (cover Talk Talk) - Life's What You Make It (2017-1985)
Prince - Batdance (1989)
Public Image Limited - This Is Not A Love Song (1983)
Queens of the Stone Age - The Way You Used to Do (2017)
The Raconteurs - Consoler of the Lonely (2008)
Radiohead - I Promise (1997/2017)
Rage Against The Machine - Freedom (1992)
Raphael - Caravane (2005)
Lou Reed - Coney Island Baby (1976)
R.E.M. - Accelerate (2007)
The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (1965)
Royal Blood – Lights Out (2017)
Olivia Ruiz - Dis-moi ton secret (2016)
Saez - Premier mai (2017)
Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK (1976)
Shaka Ponk - Gung Ho (2017)
Del Shannon - Runaway (1961)
Emilie Simon - Désert (2003)
Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al (1986)
Nina Simone - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (1964)
Frank Sinatra - Fly Me To The Moon (1964)
Frank Sinatra - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (1950)
Skunk Anansie - I Believed In You (2012)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock (1993)
The Smiths - This Charming Man (1983)
Soan - Celui qui aboie (2017)
Alain Souchon - J'ai dix ans (1974)
Speedy Ortiz - Tiger Tank (2013)
Spoon - Inside Out (2014)
Vince Staples - Norf Norf (2015)
Stereophonics - Taken A Tumble (2017)
The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog (1969)
The Stranglers - Golden Brown (1981)
The Strokes - Machu Picchu (2011)
System Of A Down - Aerials (2001)
Talking Heads - Burning down the house (1983)
Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards (2012)
Téléphone - Le jour s'est levé (1984)
Television - Marquee Moon (1977)
Têtes Raides - Qu'est-ce qu'on s'fait chier (2003)
Texas - Can't Control (2017)
Thee Oh Sees - Toe Cutter / Thumb Buster (2013)
Hubert Félix Thiéfaine - Les Dingues et les Paumés (1982)
Timber Timbre - Sincerely, Future Pollution (2017)
U2 - The Blackout (2017)
The Velvet Underground - After Hours (1969)
Veruca Salt - Seether (1994)
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black (2006)
Wolf Alice - Yuk Foo (2017)
Woodkid - I Love You (2013)
Wovenhand - Obdurate Obscura (2014)
Shannon Wright - Defy This Love (2007)
Zazie - Larsen (1995)
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cap-ironman · 7 years
2016 Cap-Ironman Holiday Exchange Creator Reveals and Masterpost!
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It's time for the creator reveals for the 2016 Cap-Iron Man Holiday Exchange! Here is the full masterlist of the event--all 89 fanworks created for it! Thank you all for participating :)
Ooops? by Themisto for monkiainen (MCU, Art) NSFW - Steve and Tony accidentally time travel in the future and.... Never Eye To Eye by vorkosigan for mrsgingles (MCU, 26,503 Words) After the Civil War, the Avengers were back together. How is everything going, Tony? Pepper had asked in her email. It's fine (Tony had written back). I'm fighting with Steve all the time. Everything is going to hell. I'm okay (you know I'm always okay). (Or: How Tony and Steve learned to be a bit gentler with each other) Le Ciel Attendra by antigrav_vector for gottalovev (MCU, 8,317 Words) The 3rd war against the Chitauri is well underway and Captain Steve Rogers is not overly pleased when Governor Fury throws a wrench into the works. He and his team are a well-oiled machine and they don't need anyone else working with them. Not to mention that now is possibly the worst possible time to start breaking in new team members. When Steve meets said team members, it gets even worse. absence makes the heart by fantalaimon for adarksweetness (chayaasi) (Marvel, 4,835 Words) “One night,” Tony says, and just flies himself bodily into one of the canary yellow beekeepers like a red and gold battering ram. “I ask for one measly night. One single goddamn night with my boyfriend—” “Oh, is the boyfriend label on now?” Clint asks over the comms. When The Machines Take Over by monkiainen for MusicalLuna (MCU, 2,287 Words) In a world where some people have the names of their soulmates written on their forearms, Steve is terrified of ever meeting his. There is something really wrong about him, he thinks. A Shortcut to Happiness by Fluffypanda for AetherSprite (MCU, 1,921 Words) Tony teaches Steve to dance. Accidential Romance by navaan for Steel_Wings (616, 2,247 Words) Tony doesn’t know much of anything anymore, but some things seem obvious I don't think you want me by afincf_tirwer for MissRomanceJunkie (MCU, 2,808 Words) When Steve becomes jealous at a charity ball what does this mean for his and Tony's relationship? Will it develop further or will it crumble around them? A Tree in Rockefeller Center [ART] by MassiveSpaceWren for MiniRaven (MCU, Art) ART for the fic "A Tree in Rockefeller Center" by Miniraven! "Steve is a tree spirit of a hundred year old pine tree and Tony Stark is a teenager studying at MIT. Tony feels that there’s something more to their relationship besides a strong friendship between a human and a tree spirit, but Steve won’t cross the line. Might have something to do with the fact that Steve’s the Rockefeller Christmas tree and is going to be cut up for parts come mid-January to be used to build houses for the poor. Yeah... Merry fucking Christmas to you too universe. Now if only Tony could do something to change the tides of fate…" A Little Travel is Good for the Soul by cptxrogers for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU/AA, 1,498 Words) Tony was not expecting angry, argumentative versions of himself and Steve to appear in his living room one day. But now they're here, he's sure that he and Steve can help them work through their issues together. MCU Steve and Tony travel to the Avengers Assemble universe and meet their counterparts. Elevator Going Down by cptxrogers for Cap Iron Man Community (Heroes United, 1,390 Words) An alternative version of that elevator scene from Iron Man and Captain America: Heroes United. The Collection by Sineala for jiokra (Marvel 616, 4723 words) In the early days of the Avengers, Steve finds out about Tony's Captain America memorabilia collection -- and much, much later, Tony tries to give a piece of it back to him. Sick Day by kikijpn1121 for Notoyax17 (MCU, art) Steve needs to make Tony stay in the bed. Really. Minutes to Midnight by Woad for laireshi (Marvel 616, 3257 words) The Illuminati wipe Tony's memories instead of Steve's. Wished On The Moon For You by jiokra for Captain_Al (Marvel 616, 4301 words) Since the CPR incident in the Red Zone, Steve and Tony have been avoiding each other. The Avengers hope to rectify the situation by booking them a cabin in the wilderness, a couple's retreat since it's cheaper. They've been successfully avoiding each other despite the cramped corners until Steve's werewolf form seeks Tony out on the night of a full moon. Object Permanence by Arukou for Meatball42 (MCU, 6248 words) Natasha and Steve have been good together, but Natasha knows there are better matches out there than her, and she also knows that Steve's had a crush on Tony for longer than they've been sleeping together. It's for the best, really, that she bring them together. Cap's Challenge by Mushroom for kikijpn1121 (EMH, comic) EMH: Possessive Steve Half Doomed and Semi-Sweet by mitochondrials for alphatabris (MCU, 1811 words) Cooperate Meetings are one thing (insert, Hell). A scheduled Meeting with Nick Fury, director of Tony Stark's least favorite cooperation of Spies? Talk about taking a left turn. Octopus's Garden by antigrav_vector for Cap-Iron Man Community (Marvel Noir, 7838 words) Tony's on the hunt for some treasure he's heard can be found on the sea floor in the reasonably shallow waters of the Caribbean. It's high summer, and the waters are warm. A squall blows up, thanks to the hurricane far to the south, and suddenly they're in trouble. Pepper and Jarvis manage to get away in the boat, but Tony's thrown overboard by a wave that hits them, broadside. It knocks him unconscious. When he wakes -- and he's amazed that he does -- he gets the surprise of a lifetime. Tony Stark and the Artifact of the Hawai'ian Archipelago by antigrav_vector for Cap-Iron Man Community (Marvel Noir, 18979 words) Tony's on a solo flight, scouting out the area around the atolls in the mid Pacific on a mission from Fury to try to find an artifact that no one can describe. Hell, there's not even really a consensus on what it can do. But Fury wants to get his hands on it if he can. Tony manages to get there, but then his plane sinks. Yes, sinks. He'd anchored it off the island's shoreline, since the island itself had no room for a runway, being rather too tiny. And now he's stranded. Luckily he no longer needs to recharge the repulsor pump every few days. Giving in to the need, Tony scouts the island. He finds very little that will help him. There are no animals here but small songbirds, so he'll have to find a way to catch fish to eat until Pepper and Jarvis can come get him... The Stolen Child by Wolviecat for antigrav_vector (MCU, comic) The elves of the old country are keeping a close eye on those who came from their land. And not in a good way. During the years, there were moments where they came for Steve, to take him into the land of undiing... Past Imperfect by Neverever for Fluffypanda (MCU, 7625 words) Present day Tony tells Steve that Steve wouldn't like the college version of Tony. An alternative Steve, living in a dystopian future, is sent back to the past to stop the death of a young Tony Stark at MIT. He doesn't know what he's going to find but he's going to try his best to save Tony. Balancing Instincts by Xennie_B for ChibiSquirt (MCU, 7846 words) A/B/O fic: When Steve gets hit with a weapon and its effects cause his dynamic to change, Tony is unsure how their relationship is going to continue. 2016 Captain America / Iron Man Holiday Exchange - gift fic. It's Not A Birdbath (it's a Jacuzzi, dammit) by AngeNoir for SarkaS (AvAc, 4955 words) Steve wasn't... exactly in the best place when he woke up and found himself a) in the future, b) without any of his friends, and c) with a mission immediately placed in front of him, with no respite ahead. Then Tony tries talking to him, and Steve didn't want to hear it. Then Steve started listening, and started wanting to hear more. Steve doesn't realize how much he'd come to rely on it until it was no longer there. Then he's got to figure out what the hell went wrong, and how to fix it. At least Bucky can help. (He hopes.) Compilation Error by laireshi for ranoutofrun (Marvel 616, 6009 words) The first time Tony Stark kills Steve Rogers is an accident. Fanart: Homecoming Kings by imdamuffins (AU, art) Some high school first kisses~ in times like these by faite for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel 1872, comic) Sheriff Rogers is constantly looking out for Mister Stark. (A short, text-less comic.) (It's Got to Be) All the Way by erde for Cap Iron Man Community (AA (cartoon), 3078 words) Steve and Tony are all about life in the fast lane. That not only applies to flying suits of armor and riding motorcycles, but also to falling into relationships, apparently. Good Vibrations by cptxrogers for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 1783 words) Steve never could turn down a bet. Especially when it's made by Tony. Even when it involves his team, a SHIELD briefing, and a vibrator up his ass. On My Honor, I Will Try by ChibiSquirt for Arukou (MCU, 11,353 Words) Steve never knew of his mixed heritage until Strange told him, and he didn't know what to think when he found out. But it did sort of explain some things... Together by thudworm for Xennie_B (MCU, 4,283 Words) Prompt: Howard was a good dad to Tony and is still alive when he finds Steve in the Ice only 50 years after he went down. Twenty-ish Tony and Steve fall for each other to Howard's surprise and amusement. weigh the heart, tip the scales by carzla for kaesaria (MCU, 14,003 Words) It was the first time they’d seen each other since Siberia. It was probably one of the worst possible ways to have an unscheduled reunion. It was also about to get worse. A lot worse. Home Is Where the Steve Is by AetherSprite for vorkosigan (MCU, 5.161 Words) Tony gets stranded in Siberia and only one person can help him. New World Intervals by Muccamukk for vibraniumstark (616, 4,935 Words) In the wake of Disassembled, a science experiment gone wrong casts our heroes across space-time, where Tony discovers that Steve is both the first and the last person he wants to be stuck on an alien planet with. Unknown Caller (do not engage) by gottalovev for MassiveSpaceWren (MCU, 13,416 Words) Steve had one job: exchange a couple of texts with a guy who thought he had Natasha's number, and let him down gently. It ends up being a lot more complicated than that. Like A Melody Stuck In My Head by SarkaS for mitochondrials (MCU/AA, 3,973 Words) Pepper has a birthday wish. Steve is in love. Natasha is amused. And Tony is simply awesome because hey, it's Tony. for what it's worth by faite for Cap Iron Man Community (AA, Comic) Steve and Tony crash-land onto a remote island in the midst of an argument. But they'd rather get out of there and make up already. (Comic) Not in the fine print by daisybelle for Mushroom (MCU, 3745 words) Steve visits Tony in Stark Industries with a bouquet and an invitation to a lunch date. Story/fanart in POV of a Stark Industries Employee looking at their relationship. The End is Where We Begin by Veldeia for Muccamukk (Next Avengers, 19944 words) Tony has spent twelve years raising the Avengers' children alone, under Ultron's shadow, thinking everyone else is dead. After finally defeating Ultron, they discover that the Avengers aren't dead after all, but were kept in stasis all along. So, Tony has to reconnect with his partners, Steve and Natasha, after all these years, while Steve has to come to terms with how everything has changed, starting from his son, who is now a teenager instead of a toddler. baby doll I recognize you're a hideous thing inside by grue for Sineala (Marvel 616, 4526 words) "It's probably a prank," Tony says. He's got his suit on and is taking scans, he doesn't really think this is a prank, but the dear Captain looks like he's going to sneeze blood in his fury so downplaying is the way to go. "It's a threat," Steve says. He's got that glare dialled up to eleven. Tony is pretty happy that it's not directed at him this time. save the date [illustration] by mrsgingles for daisybelle (MCU, art) Tony and Steve are having a date at the market. Nat and Clint have (secretely) set themselves the task of taking as many sappy photos as they possibly can and making sure nobody, neither an overeager Captain America fan nor a certain Dr. Doom, would interrupt the couple in their soulful intense gazing into each other's eyes. Connection by MissRomanceJunkie for AngeNoir (MCU, 11592 words) Steve’s not your typical Guide and Guide rights have come a long way since Dr. Erskine had to sneak him into the Rebirth program. True Sentinels are rare, but Anthony Stark is definitely one, and no one feels safe around a potentially violent hedonist like Stark. Only sometimes, Steve thinks the isolation is wearing on Tony, since even Bruce, with his Other Guy, isn’t quite easy around someone who can sense every emotion in the air that someone else is feeling. Slowly, Steve decides to do something to break that isolation. Adaptive Immunity by captainshellhead, vibraniumstark for Veldeia (Marvel 616, 3867 words) Tony programs Extremis to act as his immune system, and it works a little too well. Dreamin' Each Night of His Charms by windscryer for morphia (MCU, 1687 words) There are wet dreams and then there are warm, hard, cuddly dreams that make you feel like the Alpha you can't stop thinking about is actually there in bed with you. Wait, hold on. Man of Iron - The Changeling Prince by justanotherpipedream for Cap Iron Man Community (AU, 6152 words) Captain Steve Rogers first wandered into Stark's Emporium to get a potion to help his ailing mother. He didn't realize that it was run by the infamous Man of Iron, the former head inventor of the King's court. With mechanical wings (and a mechanical heart), Tony recruits the Captain to help him seek ingredients in the south forest - where the unprepared perish and rich men hire caravans to protect them from the creatures within. One Winter Day by adarksweetness for miramare (Avengers Academy, 2,596 Words]) It's winter at Avengers Academy. There are Frost Giants outside the walls, Asgardians on campus, and Steve can't stop thinking about Tony's blacksmith outfit. That One Word by inukagome15 for fandomfrolics (616, 1,753 Words) There's a certain word Steve's been careful not to say, namely because he knows Tony has certain feelings about it. And that's fine. Isn't it? Trust Me, I Got You by fynndin for Ivorysilk (MCU, Art & 3073 Words) N/A Presenting Iron "Man" by Lets_call_me_Lily for lazywriter7 (Noir, Art) My Cap-Ironman Holiday Exhange fill for this year, featuring a grumpy female Tony Stark glowering at Steve, who's not in the frame :) Searching by fandomfrolics for Lets_call_me_Lily (616, 2,232 Words) Tony is doing all he can to help Steve find his recently-returned-from-the-dead friend Bucky Barnes. Everyone seems to notice but Steve. Canon divergence from Captain America Vol 5 #14. sit with me (and look up at the stars) by MusicalLuna for fantalaimon (MCU, 1,363 Words) Natasha wants to protect her friends from the things that haunt them--that can be difficult when they decide to face their demons head-on. Before the clock strikes 12 by ranoutofrun for Neurotoxia (Noir, Comic) As the hands of a clock face meet together briefly, so do they record the passage of time. And yet being those hands on a clock, they themselves are the keepers of time but aren't themselves immune to its effects. All clocks meet and all clocks stop. But time marches forward, ever onward, ever faster. In The Cards by dapperanachronism for grue (MCU, 6135 Words) By this point Tony really should have been used to the more bizarre twists and turns his life had taken -- especially since setting up a high profile superhero crash pad. But it turns out there are things that still manage to catch even him off guard and leave him floundering. Meanwhile the way he feels every time Steve looks at him, when his chest goes all warm and fluttery, well that certainly isn't making any of this any easier. Feel Like a Puzzle (Can't Find Your Missing Piece) by MassiveSpaceWren for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 7,824 Words) After the Civil War, after Steve’s death, after Tony deleted his brain and the Siege on Asgard ended, things were finally looking up for Tony. He couldn’t believe his luck when Steve not only wanted their friendship back, but also asked him on a date. Things weren't quite as rosy as they seemed, though, and soon Tony found himself dealing with villains and teammates alike while trying to figure out how to continue after forgetting the last year of his life. My Heart Belongs to Another by Veldeia for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU/Once Upon a Time(tv), 17,175 Words) Long ago, young, drunk and desperate, Tony made a deal with a fairy tale creature: his heart for someone else's life. When said creature shows up to collect his prize years later, things turn out more complicated than either of them expects, and unless Tony's true love can find the arc reactor that's now his heart, he won't have long to live. Crossover with Once Upon a Time, but can be read without any knowledge of the show. Ferrum Hiemem by KagekaNecavi for TheOneWhoWantsForgotten (Avengers Academy, 3,287 Words) In an alternate timeline where James Rhodes is Captain America, Steve Rogers is Iron Man, and Bucky Barnes is War Machine, Tony Stark is the one who fell off the train in the mountains and became the Winter Soldier. Fortunately for him one thing that is common across nearly every timeline is the friendship, love, and support the Avengers have for each other. Tony Stark and the Dime a Dozen Spell by Lilian_Cho for thudworm (MCU, 8,492 Words) “Thor, look out!” The moment Tony saw the spell take form, he barreled towards his teammate to intercept the flash of purple light. Too late did he remember that: 1) if there was a team member that didn't need his protection, it was Thor a.k.a. the near-invincible alien god, and 2) the Iron Man suit provided zero defense against magic. “Oh, crap,” was Tony’s succinct observation before he was completely engulfed in sparkly purple light. From the Bronx to Bangkok by Captain_Al for navaan (616, 5,578 Words) They’re just the same as they were before, except sometimes, when they’re both free, they spend the night together. Steve hasn’t regretted it, the kiss that followed the look, until today. nose boop by miramare for Maya_Desires (Avengers Academy, Comic) CapWolf can't stop scenting Tony. Tony is confused and scared. Stranger Than Fiction by Maya_Desires for a_sparrows_fall (Avengers Assembled, 3,196 Words) Nothing is too hard or difficult for Auror Tony Stark, an excellent certified genius wizard of the time. Whoever said working there would be easy for him hadn't informed him about Steve Rogers. Now the whole precinct must suffer through the extra dose of warm fluffy UST. (It's winter. We can use the warmth! It's all fluffy.) Threshold Consciousness by magicasen for Woad (616, 14,423 Words) Tony's acting strangely—short, snappish, and dangerously distracted. Steve needs to figure out what's bothering his friend, and he'll do anything to help—up to and including (literally) falling into bed with him. Twice as Nice by kaesaria for carzla (MCU, 1,770 Words) “So... there are two of you now.” Tony doesn’t sound all that concerned about it. More intrigued than anything else, dark eyes sliding deliberately up Steve’s body and down—the other Steve’s, which is kind of alarming. And confusing. Written in response to Carlza's prompt for the Cap-IM Holiday Exchange. Mutually Assured Infatuation by Meatball42 for dapperanachronism (MCU, 3,033 Words) When Steve gifts Tony a teddy bear to help him get better after he’s injured on a mission, Tony decides he can’t let it stand. Lead and I'll Follow by Woad for Cap Iron Man Community (Noir, 2,380 Words) Under orders, Captain Rogers prepares for a gala by taking dance lessons. He's not sure how Fury persuaded Adventurer Tony Stark to give said lessons, though. For comm prompt: For one night, Steve and Tony try to forget there's a war going on as they slow dance, alone in a cozy room. Strategic Reinforcement by antigrav_vector for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 3,819 Words) Tony is working late again, and Steve is tired of waiting. Going down to the workshop reveals something astonishing, and what else is a man to do when presented with something like that, except reward his boyfriend? All Down But Nine by Fluffypanda for Cap Iron Man Community (1872, 1,513 Words) In which there is a saloon brawl and Tony misses the obvious. Sotto Voce by Woad for Cap Iron Man Community (Ultimates, 3,465 Words) Tony's motto is better to give than to receive. With Steve, that's a must. bleeding in and out like it's breathing by Neurotoxia for viennasunrise (MCU, 3847 words) panic attack (ˈpænɪk əˈtæk; noun): A sudden overwhelming feeling of acute and disabling anxiety. Stark men don’t have ‘panic attacks’, and certainly not over something as insignificant as Steve being late. Greatness Comes in Tiny Packages by TheOneWhoWantsForgotten for Themisto (MCU, 4957 words) No one ever said being Iron Man's bodyguard was going to be easy, but Steve had kind of hoped it wouldn't involve this particular piece of paperwork. He wasn't ready to be a husband. Gifts of the Season by Ivorysilk for inukagome15 (MCU, 5244 words) With seemingly endless deadlines and evening events, Tony is getting more and more tired and sick as the holidays approach--but Steve has his own crazy schedule to manage. With Christmas only a few days away, will Tony ever get a few moments together with him? You Know Where To Find Me by a_sparrows_fall for magicasen (Marvel 616, 31306 words) After an Avengers mission goes awry, Steve takes a leave of absence from the team, and he and Tony part on bad terms. But then Steve gets turned into a werewolf, and he finds his shapeshifting linked to his feelings about Tony, who’s had a terrible accident. If Steve never sees Tony again, will he be stuck in wolf form forever? A closely-canon compliant 616 Capwolf story. It's still me. by a_sparrows_fall for magicasen (Marvel 616, art) Steve as a wolf, in his proper Cap uniform. :) Smells like "I love you" by MiniRaven for afincf_tirwer (MCU, 10650 words) Steve is having a hard time coming to terms with parts of the future. More precisely, he's having problems coming to terms with his relationship with Tony Stark on and off the field. He visits Peggy for a little advice, but gets a little more than he barged for when he walks in the room. ÄPPLARÖ by Veldeia for windscryer (MCU, 2085 words) Letting Thor take charge of organizing the party was definitely a bad move, but there's no going back now: Tony and Steve must face a challenge unlike anything either of them have ever met. No one dies and furniture is… assembled. (And disassembled.) Even Though We Know Love's Landscape by lazywriter7 for fynndin (MCU, 7918 words) "But at the core, he’s the same brand of poor little rich guy that dot the shadowed corners of every charity gala, every award function. Sure, maybe it comes in a ‘genius billionaire playboy philanthropist’ package…but his mettle is common iron. A drop of sea water, a dash of air, and he’d rust right through. She, on the other hand, is made of better stuff." In which Tony compares people to weird things, Steph recites poetry and two dorks fall in love. (Not So) Big Fan by Woad for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel Ultimates/Marvel Tsum Tsums, art) Ults Steve meets Iron Man the Tsum Tsum. never the same love twice by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel 616, 656 words) Steve never quite stops falling in love with Tony. Trying to find the in-betweens by gottalovev for MassiveSpaceWren (MCU, 4338 words) The Avengers might be broken up, but Steve can't stand idly by while someone is publicly threatening Tony's life. The Monsters Are Here (The Monsters Are Me) by Essie for KagekaNecavi (Marvel 616, 4513 words) Ten years after the final incursion, Tony Stark is Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Doom is trying to enslave the world and Steve Rogers just wants to be left alone. Intrepid Hearts by Neverever for Lilian_Cho (Marvel 616, 4506 words) Tony hangs around the mansion more after Steve is seriously hurt in an explosion caused by Iron Man. Steve likes Tony but doesn't know why Tony is upset all the time. Maybe Iron Man is the problem. Love's old song will be new by gottalovev for MassiveSpaceWren (Marvel Noir, 5808 words) Tony's plan for the evening was to have a drink with Rhodes before starting a new adventure. He wasn't counting on a gorgeous soldier catching his eye always meet your heroes by navaan for Wolviecat (Iron Man: Armored Adventures, 2791 words) Iron Man is a beloved hero, but even he is amazed when Captain America appears back on the scene. One Last Second Chance by Muccamukk for imdamuffins (Marvel 57289, 6405 words) Tony Stark, second newest engineer at Rhodes Labs International, is just trying to rebuild from the ruins of his failed company, vanished fortune, and struggles with alcoholism. His goals include keeping his head down, avoiding stress and convincing Dr. Rhodes to let him build a really cool robot, so why does the universe keep throwing Avengers in his path? Honeymoon Hell by KagekaNecavi for Neverever (Avengers Assemble, 5822 words) After the wedding it takes Steve and Tony a while to get around to going on their honeymoon. When they arrive at their first destination they find out that their luggage is literally on the other side of the country. Things only get worse from there. full of broken thoughts (i cannot repair) by vejiicakes for Themisto (MCU, art) After Steve's fall from the HYDRA train mission and being remade as the Winter Soldier, he isn't sure who he's become. Decades later and a million miles away, he might be able to start again... Track-Team Coach Rogers by morphia for Agent C (MCU, 11241 Words) When Tony, single dad of sporty teen Liberty, decides he wants to start dating again, he finds it is not as simple to outsmart a teenager as he'd hoped. Things get even more complicated when the guy he's after turns out to be none other than her track team coach, and her first crush. Steve Rogers and the Pureblood Heir by Lenalena for Cap Iron Man Community (AU, 14319 words) Hogwarts AU; Tony and Steve are in rival houses and have always butted heads. Then one Christmas they find themselves at Hogwarts together during the Holidays while the rest of their friends go home. Broken Mirrors by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel 616/MCU, 3488 words) “He hid some things from me,” Tony says, then shrugs. “It’s fine. I hid some things from him, too. Don’t you know this story?” 616 Steve meets MCU Tony. Last Train Home by erde for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 10949 words) Steve writes letters to Tony that he never sends. By the time he hands them to their rightful owner, Tony has had a brush with death, has retired as a superhero, and now has a small town workshop of his very own. But it's okay, Steve has gone into retirement too. All the works are in the AO3 collection. Thank you again, 2016 Cap-Iron Man Holiday Exchange mods Laire, Salma, Tea, Teyke
201 notes · View notes
Release Date: June 14, 2013 Running Time: 2 hours 23 minutes
“With the imminent destruction of Krypton, their home planet, Jor-El and his wife seek to preserve their race by sending their infant son to Earth. The child’s spacecraft lands at the farm of Jonathan and Martha Kent, who name him Clark and raise him as their own son. Though his extraordinary abilities have led to the adult Clark living on the fringe of society, he finds he must become a hero to save those he loves from a dire threat.”
Because of the anticipated release of Justice League on Friday November 17, I’ve decided to write reviews of all of the movies that make up the DC Extended Universe so far. There have been a lot of talks about how long this franchise will last, but as a comic book fan, and huge lover of movies, I never want movies to be bad. I’m hoping that it’ll be amazing. You can find the dates for when the reviews for the other DCEU movie will be released at the link here. I wrote the review for Wonder Woman around the time it came out, and it can be found here.
DC Extended Universe – Source: Warner Brothers Entertainment
Man of Steel Trailer: Source – Warner Brothers Entertainment
Cast & Crew
The director of Man of Steel was Zack Snyder, whose work includes films that I enjoyed such as ‘Watchmen’ in 2009 and ‘Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole’ in 2010, as well as films that I didn’t enjoy so much such as ‘Dawn of the Dead’ in 2004, and ‘Sucker Punch’ in 2011. The film that in my mind, he’s the most known for is ‘300’, which while visually amazing, was more of a meh kind of film for me. He has since directed the sequel to this film ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’, and most of ‘Justice League’ before having to step away due to personal reasons.
Man of Steel was written by David S. Goyer, based on the story that he and Christopher Nolan wrote. Nolan’s work as a writer includes ‘Memento’, his ‘Batman’ trilogy, and ‘Inception’ prior to working on this film. He has since wrote ‘Interstellar’ in 2014, and ‘Dunkirk’ in 2017. Goyer’s previous writing jobs includes the ‘Blade’ trilogy from 1998 – 2004, working with Nolan on the ‘Batman’ films previously mentioned as well as the sequel ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’ in 2011 prior to working on Man of Steel. He’s since wrote the ‘Constantine’ television show, as well as ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ in 2016. He was recently announced to be one of the writers for the ‘Green Lantern Corps’ that will be coming out in 2020.
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Cast includes Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Ayelet Zurer, Russell Crowe, Antje Traue, Richard Cetrone, Mackenzie Gray, Laurence Fishburne, Christopher Meloni, Richard Schiff, Cooper Timberline and Dylan Sprayberry.
The character of Clark Kent / Kal – El was played by Cooper Timberline, Dylan Sprayberry and Henry Cavill, with the latter also playing Superman. I feel like all three of them did a good job at playing the Clark Kent character, and I was surprised at how consistent they were in terms of character. Cavill’s acting in the role of Kal – El was rough at first, with some very wooden delivery of some lines, however that could also be the script or the direction that he got. I enjoyed the portrayal that we got, even if it was a ‘darker’ and ‘broodier’ version of what he is supposed to be, I still thought it was well done at the end. Cavill’s Superman still needs some work, but seems to have a lot of potential, and I was pleased with the improvements in the character in the follow up film.
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The character of Lois Lane was played by Amy Adams, in which she did an alright job with what she was given. I didn’t enjoy what they did with her character overall, but I will go into more detail about that further below. I feel like Adams was a good choice for the role that they put her in, but didn’t give off the Lois Lane vibe that I remembered from the few comic books that I read of Superman(read both Marvel and DC as a kid, but enjoyed Marvel more).
Michael Shannon as General Zod was a good choice in my mind for the role, as he demands the attention when on screen, and you need someone with a presence to portray Zod. I feel like the character could have been used a lot better, but from I enjoyed the performance that we got from Shannon. It demanded more than what we ended up getting.
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The Kent parents were played by Diane Lane and Kevin Costner, who I feel was really well cast in those roles. I would have prefered a lot more from Costner’s character, and the way he died was just stupid, but from the acting standpoint, I really enjoyed that Lane was able to capture Martha Kent’s essence of trying to connect with Clark on the emotional level, while Jonathan Kent was the moral compass of doing what’s right at the right time. I didn’t enjoy the fact that they made him say the word ‘maybe’ when asked if Clark should have let his classmates die.
The Kryptonian parents Lara Lor-Van played by Ayelet Zurer, and Jor – El who was portrayed by Russell Crowe was a mixed bag of emotions for me throughout this film. I loved everything about Zurer’s performance from the flashbacks to Krypton, and the struggle to send her child away for a chance for survival. It’s something that I wish would be explored more in the future, with the A.I. Jor – El talking about his wife to their son. Russell Crowe’s performance was a problem for me in this role. I don’t think he fit the role of Jor – El, whatsoever, and I didn’t like that they made him capable of beating General Zod in a fist fight. That was one of the problems with certain characters in the film.
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One thing that was really unexpected in the movie, was that it opens with the birth of Kal – El, literally Lara in labour, the first time that a natural birth happened on Krypton for centuries. I enjoyed what they did with the movie, in a way to make Kal – El ‘special’ in that sense, however I really wish that they will elaborate on the Codex. That is something that would be very interesting if ever they were going to have a new Krypton eventually in the universe, however I feel like they’ve already forgotten about it.
Seeing Krypton was absolutely amazing. I thought that the scenery and the animals in that sequence was very much inspired by James Cameron’s movie ‘Avatar’. The cinematography in general for this movie was beautiful. I thought that the way that they captured Krypton, Smallville, and the Arctic was extremely well done. It’s one of the better looking films in the past 5 years, and part of that quality is thanks to the cinematographer of the film – Amir Mokri. His work includes ‘Coyote Ugly’ from 2000, ‘Bad Boys 2’ in 2003 and ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’ in 2011 prior to Man of Steel.
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The score for this film was put together by one of the most well known and fantastic composer since the early 2000s. Hans Zimmer‘s work has sadly been given a lot of slack in recent years for the loud ‘BWAM’ that marketing people love putting in trailers, which have become annoying, I have to admit. In my opinion, his work is on the same level in terms of quality and how memorable they are as other great movie score composers such as John Williams, Howard Shore and Danny Elfman. Zimmer’s work in this film was strong, hopeful, and sometimes inspiring while still having those epic moments that is required in big budget films.
Movie scores are what I listen to while I’m working at my desk, or writing these reviews, or when I was studying while in school. I just looked at my ‘instrumental’ playlist that I’ve had and been adding to it for the last 10 years and Hans Zimmer has 61 out of the 250 songs on that playlist. His work includes such soundtracks as ‘The Lion King’, ‘The Prince of Egypt’, ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl’, ‘The Last Samurai’, ‘August Rush’, ‘Sherlock Holmes’, and ‘Inception’. I really enjoyed the music in this movie, and I know that a lot of people were disappointed when the Superman theme was never incorporated into the score, however I feel like Zimmer added a sense of wonder and grandness that was needed for this version.
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The flashbacks in Man of Steel was very much hit and miss for me. I feel like the two younger version of Clark Kent did a good job in their portrayals, and I was happy to see that they were providing some backstory to who he is, while at the same time not lingering too much on it.
One of the stupidest death scenes that I’ve ever watched was the flashback scene of Jonathan Kent being swallowed up by the tornado (twister, not entirely sure of the difference, if you know, tell me in the comments below) while telling Clark to stay where he was, and stupidly sacrificing himself. I feel like Clark could have easily saved him, but they wanted to make the film ‘darker’ and make Clark go on this long and arduous journey to find out what his place on Earth is, and to find out what kind of man he wants to become, but I was pissed off at that death scene.
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One of the bigger mistakes in this film was that Lois Lane was made to be an integral piece of the film. She was involved in everything, and while I know that she’s a reporter and loves getting information, the fact that she took a picture of cliff face, and saw a man enough to know to zoom in, then can somehow scale a mountain, and thinks she can escape the authorities after being called is funny. I feel like they should have kept her as a supporting character rather than one of the leads in the movie. I’m not happy that they made her find out that Superman is Clark Kent right away, as there’s a lot less in which they can explore and do in further films.
A small problem with the movie, is the magical appearance of the suit, with the crest of the house of El on it, that just happened to be on a spaceship that crashed on Earth 18 000 years ago, while also having one of the passengers on that ship survive and get out of their sleeping pod. Where are they? I don’t think we’ll ever find out.
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One of the most amazing things in the whole movie was that they were so casual with the destruction of Metropolis, and causing so much damage to the city, and they cry out that Superman is a hero. Yes, it wasn’t entirely his fault, but from the look of it, he did very little to save anyone, going as far as throwing Zod towards buildings full of people.
I enjoyed the nice touches of the greater plans that they might or might not have been planning towards the DCEU. Including the Wayne satellites, and the LuthorCorp trucks.\
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The most controversial part of the movie – the death of General Zod, is one of the most hated things about this movie, and I’m still upset about this to this day. Superman does not kill, yes, he’s killed Zod once in the comics, but that was one story that they had out of thousands of different stories. I feel like the circumstances of the death was stupid as well, I would have much prefered if Zod had gone into the Phantom Zone with everyone else when the ship collided with the World Engine. It would have been a much satisfying ending, rather than the whole air punching fight scene that caused so much damage to the city and to the Superman character as a whole.
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Overall, I feel like this was a solid film that had amazing music and cinematography, a little shaky on the characters and the acting, with an ending that is extremely divisive amongst the fans. I love Cavill’s performance as Superman, but there’s still a lot of room to grow. At the end of the day, I don’t have much more to say about this film, and I would end up giving this movie a final score of 7.5/10.
What did you think of Man of Steel? Are you excited for Justice League? Let me know in the comment section below!
Thanks for reading,
Alex Martens
Man of Steel Review Release Date: June 14, 2013 Running Time: 2 hours 23 minutes "With the imminent destruction of Krypton, their home planet, Jor-El and his wife seek to preserve their race by sending their infant son to Earth.
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moosterrecords · 7 years
King Kong
To Open on Broadway in Fall 2018
At the Broadway Theatre
Written by
Jack Thorne
Score Composed and Produced by Marius de Vries
With Songs by Eddie Perfect
Direction & Choreography by
Drew McOnie
Producers Global Creatures (CEO Carmen Pavlovic) and Roy Furman are pleased to announce that King Kong, will arrive on Broadway in the fall of 2018 at the Shubert Organization’s Broadway Theatre.
King Kong’s first preview, press opening, and on-sale dates will be announced in the coming months. King Kong will play the Broadway Theatre following the limited engagement of Miss Saigon which as previously announced will begin its North American tour in September 2018. King Kong is written by Jack Thorne, who received the 2017 Olivier Award and the Evening Standard Award for Best Play for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and wrote the critically acclaimed play Let the Right One In. The show will be directed and choreographed by Drew McOnie, an Olivier Award winner for the London production of In the Heights and an Olivier Award nominee this year for Jesus Christ Superstar. McOnie directed the U.K. premiere of Baz Luhrmann’s Strictly Ballroom The Musical, and the recent London productions of The Wild Party and On the Town. The score for King Kong is composed by four-time Grammy nominee Marius de Vries (the films La La Land, Moulin Rouge, and Romeo + Juliet) with songs by Helpmann Award winner Eddie Perfect, composer and lyricist of the Broadway-bound Beetlejuice, Strictly Ballroom The Musical and Shane Warne The Musical. Pioneering creature designer Sonny Tilders developed Kong for the show, bringing together the worlds of animatronics and puppetry that has never been seen on stage before. Tilders was honored by the Helpmann Awards, Australia’s highest theatrical honor, for Outstanding Theatrical Achievement. Carmen Pavlovic said, “I’m thrilled that King Kong will be coming to Broadway next season led by Drew McOnie and Jack Thorne, who will bring a new dimension to the telling of Kong’s story. Drew’s physical world will allow Kong to live in ways we never thought possible, propelled by Jack’s text and the score and songs written by Marius de Vries and Eddie Perfect.” Producer Roy Furman said, “King Kong is a quintessential New York story and I’m proud to be involved in this historic production. Our team is creating a theatrical experience that we hope will astound audiences, while delighting them with its heartfelt storytelling." Based on the novel of the original 1933 screenplay, the stage show of King Kong is a contemporary take on the classic tale of beauty and the beast. King Kong’s design team for Broadway will include Peter England (Set Design), Sonny Tilders (Creature Design), Roger Kirk (Costume Design), Peter Mumford (Lighting Design), Peter Hylenski (Sound Design), Gavin Robins (Aerial and King Kong Movement Director), King Kong is authorized by the Merian C. Cooper Estate. Casting, additional members of the creative team, and ticketing details for King Kong will be announced at a later date. BIOGRAPHIES JACK THORNE (Text) writes for theatre, film, television, and radio. His theatre credits include Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Hope, and Let The Right One In, all directed by John Tiffany; Junkyard, a Headlong, Rose Theatre Kingston, Bristol Old Vic and Theatr Clwyd co-production; The Solid Life of Sugarwater for Graeae Theatre Company and the National Theatre; Bunny for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival; Stacy for the Trafalgar Studios; 2nd May 1997 and When You Cure Me for the Bush Theatre. His adaptations include Woyzeck, Old Vic; The Physicists for the Donmar Warehouse and Stuart: A Life Backwards for Hightide. On film his credits include Wonder, War Book, A Long Way Down, and The Scouting Book for Boys. For television his credits include “National Treasure” (2017 BAFTA winner), “The Last Panthers,” “Don’t Take My Baby,” “This Is England,” “The Fades,” “Glue,” and “Cast-Offs.” He won 2016 BAFTAs for Best Mini-Series (“This Is England ’90”) and Best Single Drama (“Don’t Take My Baby”), and in 2012 won Best Series (“The Fades”) and Best Serial (“This Is England ’88”). DREW McONIE (Director, Choreographer) is one of Britain's most sought-after emerging directors and choreographers. He is the Artistic Director of The McOnie Company and a proud Associate Artist at The Old Vic theatre. Drew won the Olivier Award for Best Theatre Choreography for In the Heights in 2016 and he was nominated for the same award in 2017 for the ground-breaking production of Jesus Christ Superstar at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre. Theatre credits as director/choreographer include: On the Town (Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre); The Wild Party (The Other Palace); Strictly Ballroom (Toronto/West Yorkshire Playhouse). Theatre credits as a choreographer include: Jesus Christ Superstar (Olivier Award Nomination for Best Theatre Choreography 2017 – Regents Park), Kinky Boots (Malmo Opera), In the Heights (Olivier Award Winner for Best Theatre Choreography, WhatsOnStage Award Nomination for Best Choreography, Winner of the Off West End Theatre Award for Best Choreography – Southwark Playhouse and Kings Cross Theatre), The Lorax (Old Vic), Hairspray (BroadwayWorld Award Winner for Best Choreography – U.K. national tour), Bugsy Malone (Lyric Hammersmith), Oklahoma! (U.K. national tour), The Sound of Music (Curve Theatre Leicester), Little Red Riding Hood (NYB), Chicago (Curve Theatre Leicester), West Side Story (NYMT), British Style (collaboration with Matthew Bourne at Buckingham Palace – BBC), Laurel and Hardy (The Watermill), James and the Giant Peach (U.K. national tour), 13 (directed by Jason Robert Brown – West End), Tommy (European tour), Spring Awakening (German premiere – Frankfurt), The Full Monty (German premiere – Frankfurt), Kes (Liverpool Playhouse & U.K. national tour). For The McOnie Company: Jekyll and Hyde (BroadwayWorld Award Winner for Outstanding Achievement in Dance – Old Vic Theatre), DRUNK! (Curve Theatre Leicester/ The Bridewell Theatre London) which lead to him being nominated for the Emerging Artist Award at the National Dance Awards, Making Midnight (Jermyn Street Theatre/ Latitude Festival) Slaughter (Audience Choice Award Winner – The Place Prize), and Be Mine! (Robin Howard Theatre). Film credits include: Me BeforeYou (directed by Thea Sharrock) and Recordare: Days of Remembrance (pre-selected for the Cannes & Berlin Film Festivals). Upcoming projects include: choreographer of Stephen Sondheim’s Company (directed by Marianne Elliott for the new Elliott Harper Theatre Company in the West End). MARIUS DE VRIES (Composer) has won two BAFTAs, an Ivor Novello award, and four Grammy nominations.  He is best known recently for his music direction and production on the multi-award-winning musical La La Land, which won 2017 Academy and Golden Globe Awards. Beginning his career playing keyboards for The Blow Monkeys, he has worked with artists such as Madonna, Bjork, David Bowie, Rufus Wainwright, Chrissie Hynde, Neil Finn, Annie Lennox, Bebel Gilberto, David Gray, P.J. Harvey, U2, Massive Attack, Elbow, Perry Farrell, Josh Groban, and many others. In the film and theatre world, he has collaborated with Baz Luhrmann, George Lucas, Andrew Lloyd Webber, A.R. Rahman, Zack Snyder, Daniel Kramer, and Stephan Elliott.  De Vries' long collaborative relationship with Nellee Hooper was responsible for landmark recordings with Massive Attack, Björk, Madonna, The Sneaker Pimps, Tina Turner, and U2, and ultimately the soundtrack and score for Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet and the groundbreaking Moulin Rouge.  Marius composed the score for Stephan Elliot’s The Eye of the Beholder and Easy Virtue. In musical theatre, Marius has worked with Andrew Lloyd Webber on Bombay Dreams and the sequel to The Phantom of the Opera: Love Never Dies. He also produced the cast album for Jerry Springer The Opera. In 2010, Marius contributed score and song productions to Kick-Ass and Sucker Punch, as well as co-producing an LP with Robbie Robertson. Another collaboration with Rufus Wainwright arrived in early 2016, an album of musical settings of nine Shakespearean sonnets, released to coincide with the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, entitled Take all My Loves. Marius worked on George Lucas' animated fairytale musical, Strange Magic. He is now attached to Teen Spirit, starring Elle Fanning, directed by Max Minghella, and earlier this year he signed an agreement with the English National Opera to develop new and adventurous opera-related projects. He is also completing an album with The Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde.  EDDIE PERFECT (Songwriter) is one of Australia’s most diverse, respected and prolific writer/composer/performers, having made his mark in the fields of comedy, music theatre composition, playwriting, screenwriting, classical music, jazz and acting for stage and screen.  Perhaps best known for his portrayal of Mick Holland on Ten’s Offspring, a judge on Australia's Got Talent, and as the new host of Play School, Eddie has won multiple awards for his work both as a performer and a writer. His stage credits include Baz Lurhmann and Global Creatures’ Strictly Ballroom, Malthouse Theatre Company (Babes InThe Wood, Drink Pepsi Bitch, The Big Con), Shane Warne The Musical, Keating! The Musical, Songs From The Middle in collaboration with ANAM, Iain Grandage and the UK’s Brodsky Quartet, Opera Victoria’s The Threepenny Opera and Opera Australia’s South Pacific.  His solo music comedy shows (Angry Eddie, Drink Pepsi Bitch, Misanthropology) have received Helpmann and Green Room Awards, touring Australia, New Zealand, Edinburgh and London. His first play The Beast (for Melbourne Theatre Company) was a commercial and critical hit, before touring Australia with Ambassador Theatre Group in 2016. Eddie is currently writing a new play (Vivid White) for Melbourne Theatre Company, a musical adaptation of Beetlejuice for Warner Bros. Theatricals in New York, and is co-Artistic Director of Adelaide Cabaret Festival.
0 notes
musichead84 · 7 years
Who I’ve seen live - update 3.15.17
ACL - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016
Bonnaroo - 2012, 2013
Coachella - 2010, 2014
Float Fest - 2014
Index Fest - 2013, 2014
Lollapalooza - 2006, 2009, 2011
Wakarusa - 2015
Fun Fun Fun Fest - 2014, 2015
35 Denton - 2016
Untapped Fort Worth Festival - 2016
Untapped Dallas Festival - 2016
Forecastle Music Festival - 2017
Edgefest - 2017
Aerosmith (Dallas)
Afghan Whigs (Austin x 2, ACL12, Coachella14)
Alkaline Trio (Austin)
Aloha (Dallas)
Andrew Bird (Lolla09)
All 4 One (Austin)
Animal Collective (Lolla 09)
Arcade Fire x3 (ACL 07,Lolla 06, Coachella 14)
Arctic Monkeys x 2 (Lolla 09, ACL, Edgefest22)
Adair (Dallas)
American Eyes ( Dallas )
As I Lay Dying ( Dallas )
Atreyu ( Dallas )
Atoms for Peace  (Coachella 10)
Allison Moorer (Austin)
Aubra Mae (Dallas)
A Perfect Circle (Lolla11)
AfroJack (Lolla 11)
Atmosphere (Lolla 11)
Alton Brown (Chef - Frisco)
Atlas Genius (Edgefest23)
Airborne Toxic Event (Edgefest23)
AWOLNation x2 (Edgefest23, EF2015)
Annie Clark (Dallas)
A Day to Remember (Edgefest23)
Alt-J (Roo 13)
The Avett Brothers (Summer Cut 2)
Austra (Dallas)
Alice in Chains (Dallas)
Antemasque (FFFfest 15)
Alvvays (FFFfest 15)
American Werewolves (Three Links - Dallas)
At the Drive In (Austin, Dallas x 3)
Aaron Lewis (Billy Bob's)
Badfish x 6 (Dallas, Wildflower Fest)
Beck x 3 (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Ben Harper x 2 (Lolla 09, Austin, Waka 2015)
Big Head Todd & the Monsters (ATX, House of Blues - Dallas)
Black Crowes (Dallas)
Blind Melon (Dallas)
Bloc Party (Lolla 06, Dallas)
Blood Brothers (dallas)
Blue October (Austin, Dallas)
Burden Brothers (Austin, Dallas)
Broke (Dallas)
Band of Horses (Lolla 09)
Bassnectar (Lolla09, ACL12)
Ben Folds (chicago)
Beach House (coachella10)
Ben Gibbard (dallas)
Black Lips (Lolla 11)
Bruno Mars (Lolla 11)
Busy P (Lolla11)
Black Keys (Dallas, Edgefest, ACL12)
Bush (Edgefest23)
Bjork (Roo13)
Big Gigantic (BreakwayFest)
Bear Mountain (Dallas)
Born & Raised (Dallas)
Bastille (Coachella 14)
Bush (Edgefest)
Blackberry Smoke (ACL14)
Bouncing Souls (Dallas)
Broken Gold (Dallas)
Ben Howard (Dallas)
Blue, the misfit (Dallas)
Brutal Juice (Dallas)
Best Coast (Dallas)
Bully (Dallas)
Bobby Patterson (HG6)
Black Fire Pistol (HG6)
Belle & Sebastian (Summer Cut '15)
Broncho (FFFfest 15)
Big Freedia (FFFfest 15)
Bottle Rockets (The Foundry Dallas)
Bombay Bicycle Club (coachella 14)
Built to Spill (Granada Theater, Untapped 16)
Breaking Benjamin (Gexa)
Cage the Elephant (Coachella 10, Frisco, Lolla09/11, Edgefest 22, Coachella 14)
Christina Aguilera (Tx State Fair 1998)
Chevelle (dallas,fort worth)
Coal Chamber(killeen)
Coheed & Cambria (Austin, Coachella10, Lolla06, Dallas)
Cody Shaw & The Rhythm Boys (Hank's)
ColdWarKids (Lolla06, ACL)
Common (Lolla09)
Cross Canadian Ragweed (austin)
The Confession
Collective Soul (dallas)
Carolyn Wonderland (austin)
The Cush (denton)
Cee-Lo Green (Lolla11)
Chico Trujillo (Lolla11)
City & Colour (Lolla11, Roo12, Dallas - Granada Theater)
The Chain Gang of 1974 (Lolla11, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Carina Round (Austin)
Charlie Murphy (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Christopher Titus (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Civil Twilight (Edgefest22)
Cake (Edgefest22)
Chris Lake (El Paso)
Capital Cities (Edgefest23)
Crizzly (BreakawayFest)
CHVRCHES (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Commotion  (Dallas)
Courtney Barnett (FFFFest 6)
Chance the Rapper (Waka15)
Carrie Brownstein (Dallas)
Craig Finn (Trees)
Chris Stapleton (Dallas, ACL 16)
Cheap Trick (FFFfest 15)
Chromeo (FFFfest 15)
Calvin Harris (Coachella 14)
Dead Sara (Edgefest22)
Damian Marley (Lolla11)
Death From Above 1979 (Lolla11)
Daughtry (addison,dallas,frisco)
Dashboard Confessional (ACL05)
Death Cab For Cutie (Lolla06, EF15)
Decemberists (Lolla09, Dallas)
Deftones (Dallas, Lolla11, Edgefest23)
Devotchka (Dallas - HOB, Indexfest 2)
Delta Spirit (Lolla11)
Drive-by Truckers (dallas)
Destiny's Child (Tx State Fair 1998)
Dredg (dallas)
Death in the Family (dallas)
Dead Weather (coachella10, ACL09)
Depeche Mode (chicago)
Dirty Heads x 3 (Austin - Stubb's, Dallas, Waka15)
Dwight Yokam (Grand Prairie - Lonestar Park)
The Drums (Lolla11)
The DA (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
D'Angelo (Roo12)
Deadmau5 (El Paso)
Dim Locator (Hailey's - Denton)
Danny Avila (BreakwayFest)
Dave Chappell (Dallas - Oddball Comedy Tour)
Dirty River Boys (McKinney - Hanks)
Dum Dum Girls (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
David Ramirez (Kessler Theater, Untapped 16)
Dark Rooms x 3 (Dallas)
Doug Benson (FFFfest 15)
Dag nasty (FFFfest 15)
Dillion Francis (Coachella 14)
Disturbed (Gexa)
DJ Sober (The Best of Big D 16)
The Expendables (Stubb’s)
Eminem (Lolla 11, ACL 14)
Explosions in the Sky (Lolla 11, Breakaway Fest)
Empire of the Sun (Breakway Fest)
El-P (indexfest2)
Erykah Badu (Bomb Factory)
Eric Andre (FFFfest 15)
Esme Patterson (The Rustic)
Finger Eleven (dallas)
Fleet Foxes (Lolla 09)
Foo Fighters (Dallas, Lolla 11)
Foster the People (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Frank Black (Austin)
Funeral for a Friend (Dallas)
For Felix (Dallas)
Franz Ferdinand (Austin)
Frank Turner (Dallas, Coachella 14)
Fuel (Mayflower Fest)
Friendly Fires (Lolla 11)
Flogging Molly (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Fitz & the Tantrums (Lolla 11 - met them, HOB - Dallas - met them, Roo 12, Edgefest 23)
Foxy Shazam (Edgefest 22)
Florence & the Machines (ACL 12)
Frightened Rabbit (Dallas)
Flash Gordon (Edgefest 23)
Flight of the Concords (Dallas)
Fatboy Slim (Coachella 14)
Foxygen (Index Fest 3, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
First Aid Kit (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Flying Lotus (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
FKA Twigs (Trees - Dallas)
Future Islands (Index Fest 3, FFFFest15)
Fantastic Negrito (Summer Cut '15)
The Gaslight Anthem x 3 (Lolla06,Edgefest23,Dallas)
Gin Blossoms (addison)
Gnarls Barkley x 2 (Lolla06,dallas)
Gomez (Lolla 09)
Gossip (coachella10)
Greeley Estates (dallas)
The Gourds (austin)
GooGoo Dolls (dallas)
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals x 2 (lolla11, Summer Cut 2)
Grouplove x4 (Lolla11,Austin,Roo12,Coachella14)
Garbage (Edgefest22)
Girl Talk x 3 (indexfest2, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, EF15)
The Growlers (Waka15)
Glass Animals (Waka15)
Galactic (Waka15)
Gogol Bordello (FFFfest 15, Untapped Dallas 16)
Grimes (FFFfest 15)
Greg Dulli (Kessler Theater Dallas)
Grupo Fantasma (Untapped 16)
Heartless Bastards x 11 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Denton - met twice, smoked a cig with Jesse, and took pics with them)
Hole (Edgefest)
Hockey (Coachella 10)
The Hope Trust x 2 (Dallas, Denton)
The Holler Time (Denton)
Haim (Roo13)
Harland Williams (Comedian - Addison Improv)
Hozier (EF15)
Hayes Carll (Untapped 16)
Incubus (x3)(dallas)
Interpol (dallas)
DJ Irene (killeen)
Ishi (Dallas)
Israel Nash (Summer Cut '15)
Jay-Z (Coachella 10)
Jane's Addiction (Lolla09,Dallas)
Jeff Klein (austin)
Jim Ward (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Jimmy Eat World (Dallas)
Johnny Cooper (Mckinney - Hank’s)
John Hiatt (Stubbs, HOB Dallas)
Jerry Lee Lewis (Richardson - Wildflower Fest 11)
Jim Jefferies x 3 (Comedian - Dallas)
Jim Breuer (Comedian - Dallas)
Jarrod Gorbel (Dallas)
James Vandervelde (austin)
Jack White (ACL12)
Japandroid (Roo13)
Jack Johnson (Roo13)
Juicy J (BreakwayFest)
Jenny Lewis (Dallas)
J Mascis (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Jessica Lea Mayfield (Dallas)
Jack Kerowax (Dallas)
Jamie xx (GvB V)
Joey Bada$$ (FFFfest 15)
Jason Isbell (Southside Ballroom Dallas)
Jason Aldean (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Kansas (Norfolk, VA - my very first concert!)
KISS (Frisco)
Kaskade (Lolla 09)
Killers x 2 (Austin, Dallas)
Kings of Leon x 3 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Kid Cudi (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Killer Mike (indexfest2)
Kevin Devine (Dallas - Rustic)
Kopecky (Waka 15)Kaela Sinclair (Dallas)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Kacey Musgraves (ACL 16)
Kaleo (Untapped Dallas 16)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
The Lusitania (Austin)
Lennon (killeen)
LCD Soundsystem (Coachella 10, ACL 16)
Local Natives (Coachella10, Lolla11, Roo13, ACL 16)
Los Lonely Boys (Austin)
The Lumineers x2 (ACL12, Dallas)
Lil Twist (BreakwayFest)
Lower Dens (GvB V, Club Dada Dallas)
Lucero (Southside Ballroom, The Rustic)
L7 (FFFfest 15, Granada Theater Dallas)
Le Bucherettes (Dallas)
MC Flipside (2001 - Killeen)
MGMT (coachella 10, coachella 14)
mewithoutYou (dallas)
Modest Mouse (ACL 05, Dallas, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, Edgefest '15)
Metric (Lolla11,Edgefest11,ACL12)
Muse (dallas,Edgefest10,Lolla11)
My Morning Jacket (austin)
Millionaire (dallas)
Matisyahu (Lolla06, Dallas)(Met outside of Granada Theater, have autograph)
Manchester Orchestra (Lolla 09/11, Dallas - Rustic)
Mogwai (Lolla 11)
Mexicans At Night (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
M83 (ACL 12)
Major Lazer (Roo 12, ACL 14, Waka 15)
Mariachi El Bronx (Roo 12)
Matt&Kim (Summer Cut 2, Roo 13, BreakwayFest '13)
MsMr (Dallas - HOB, Coachella 14)
Midlake (Dallas)
Macy Gray (Waka 15)
Ms. Lauryn Hill (FFFfest 15)
Midnight Stroll (Trees Dallas)
Miike Snow (ACL 16)
Mumford & Sons (ACL 16)
Nas (Lolla11, Roo13)
The Naked & Famous (Lolla 11, dallas)
The National (Dallas - HOB, Southside Ballroom, Roo 13)
Neko Case (Lolla 09)
North Mississippi Allstars (Austin - Stubb's)
Neon Trees (Edgefest 22)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse (ACL 12)
The Neighbourhood (Edgefest 23)
Nahko & Medicine for the People (Waka 15)
New Politics (Edgefest 15)
Neon Indian (FFFfest 15)
NOFX (FFFfest 15)
Old 97's (Austin, HG6)
Owen Pallett (Dallas)
Of Monsters & Men (Roo 13)
Other Lives (Dallas)
Oil Boom (HG6)
Olivia Chaney (Dallas)
ODESZA (FFFfest 15)
Paul Green's School of Rock All-Stars – Austin, TX
Pavement (dallas)
Portugal. The Man (Coachella 10, Lolla 11, Roo 13, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Paramore (Dallas, Edgefest 23)
Pearl Jam (ACL 09/14, Dallas - AAC)
Pepper (Dallas - Granada Theater)
Pixies (ACL05)Placebo (Edgefest)
Pelican (Edgefest)
Phoenix (coachella 10, edgefest 21, edgefest 23)
Passion Pit (coachella 10, dallas)
Pat Green (frisco)
Pretty Lights (Lolla11)
Puscifer (Austin - Long Center,Roo12)
Phish (Roo12)
Pauly Shore (Edgefest23)
Purity Ring (Roo13)
Paul McCartney (Roo13)
Phantogram (ACL14)
Paws (Dallas)
Parquet Courts (FFFfest 15)
Peaches (FFFfest 15)
Patricio (Coachella 14)
Pete Yorn (ACL 16)
Queens of the Stoneage (ACL, Dallas)
Questlove (Roo12)
The Quaker City Night Hawks x 2 (Dallas)
Quintron & Miss Pussy Cat (Dallas)
Ratatat (Lolla 11)
Rancid (Dallas - Gypsy Ballroom)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Lolla 06, Dallas - AAC, Roo 12)
Rilo Kiley (Dallas)
Rise Against (Dallas)
The Receiving End of Sirens (Dallas)
The Record Hop (Denton)
Ramesh (Dallas)
The Roots (Roo 12, ACL 12, Waka 15)
Radiohead (Roo 12, Lolla 11)
Rodrigo & Gabriela & C.U.B.A. (Roo 12)
Robert Delong (Edgefest 23)
Ra Ra Riot (BreakwayFest)
The Replacements (with Billy Jo Armstrong @ Coachella14, ACL14)
Riothorse Royale (Dallas)
Roosevelt (FFFfest 15)
Ride (FFFfest 15)
Robert Plant (Bomb Factory Dallas)
Ryan Adams (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Street Sweeper Social Club (Coachella 10)
She & Him (Coachella 10)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
Say Anything (Edgefest)
Seven Mary Three x 11 (Dallas, Waco, Wildflower Fest - have Giti's autograph)
Silverchair (How the Edge Stole Xmas)
Silversun Pickups (Lolla09, Dallas)
Sleepercar (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Snoop Dogg (Lolla 09)
Sparta x 12 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, El Paso)
Spoon x 4 (Austin, ACL 14, HOB Dallas, HG6)
Staind (Dallas)
Steve Earle (ACL 07, dallas, ACL 12)
STP (austin, Edgefest)
Silverstein (Dallas)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
The Smashup (Dallas)
Story of the Year (Dallas)
Street Drum Corps (Dallas)
Sublime w/ Rome (Dallas)
Switchfoot x 3 (Dallas, Edgefest22)
Skrillex (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
Sarah Jaffe x 4 (Indexfest 2, Dallas, Summer Cut '15)
Shaky Graves (Dallas - Granada Theater, Kessler Theater, HG6)
Sam Lao (Dallas)
STS9 (Waka15)
Slightly Stoopid (Waka15)
Sphynx (HG6)
Sealion (HG6)
Saul Williams (Dallas)
Social Distortion (HOB Houston)
Slow Magic (FFFfest 15)
Stoney Larue (Billy Bob's Texas)
Shovels & Rope (Southside Music Hall 2016)
Sweater Beats (Coachella 14)
Tegan & Sara (ACL12)
Taking Back Sunday x 4 (Dallas)
Thursday (Dallas)
Tito & The Tarantulas (Austin)
Toadies x 12 (Austin, Dallas)
Tool x 3 (Lolla09, Dallas - AAC, Grand Prairie - Nokia)
Them Crooked Vultures (coachella10)
Tragically Hip x 4 (Austin - Stubb's, Dallas - HOB)
Trish Murphy (ACL 05)
TV on the Radio (Lolla 09, Dallas, Untapped Dallas 16)
Thrice (Dallas)
The Heist (Dallas)
Twilight Singers (Dallas - Gypsy Tea Room)
Three Days Grace (Dallas)
Two Door Cinema Club (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
The Tings Tings (Edgefest22)
The Temper Trap (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Twenty-One Pilots (Edgefest23)
The TonTons (Dallas - Trees)
Tame Impala (Dallas - Southside Ballroom)
Tinariwen (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Tei Shi (GvB V)
Toro y Moi (FFFfest 15)
Tanlines (Trees Dallas)
Thomas Rhett (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Uh Huh Her (Dallas)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Club Dada Dallas)
Van Halen (Dallas)
Vampire Weekend (Lolla 09)
Viet Cong (FFFfest 15)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
White Lies (Lolla 11)
White Rabbit x 2 (dallas)
Warpaint x 2 (Dallas - Granada Theater, index fest 2)
Wailers x 4 (Dallas, Wildflower Festival)
Weezer (Dallas)
Wilco (Austin)
Wintersleep x 3 (austin, Dallas - Trees (pic with them))
Walking the Moon (dallas)
White Arrows (Dallas)
Walk the Moon (Roo13)
Wu-Tang Clan (BreakwayFest)
Wiz Khalifa (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
War On Drugs (Granada Theater)
White Demin (Index Fest 3)
We Are Scientists (Club Dada Dallas)
Wresters (Trees Dallas)
Wussy (Three Links - Dallas)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
The xx - x 5 (Coachella 10, Dallas x 3, Roo 13)
Yeah Yeah Yeah's x 2 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Young the Giant x 3 (lolla11, dallas, austin, Waka15)
Yumi Zouma (GvB V)
Zola Jesus (Granada Theater)
ZZ Top (Roo13)
Zobc (Coachella 14)
The Zolas (Dallas)
311 (Dallas)
30 Seconds to Mars (Dallas, Edgefest)
4 notes · View notes
musichead84 · 5 years
Who I’ve Seen Live  - as of 2018
ACL - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Bonnaroo - 2012, 2013
Coachella - 2010, 2014
Float Fest - 2014
Index Fest - 2013, 2014
Lollapalooza - 2006, 2009, 2011
Wakarusa - 2015
Fun Fun Fun Fest - 2014, 2015
35 Denton - 2016
Untapped Fort Worth Festival - 2016
Untapped Dallas Festival - 2016
Edgefest - 2017 (many more than this year’s...)
Old 97′s County Fair - 2018
Aerosmith (Dallas)
Afghan Whigs (Liberty Lunch, Antone’s, ACL 12, Coachella 14)
Alkaline Trio (Austin)
Aloha (Dallas)
Andrew Bird (Lolla 09)
All 4 One (Austin)
Animal Collective (Lolla 09)
Arcade Fire x3 (ACL 07, Lolla 06, Coachella 14)
Arctic Monkeys x 2 (Lolla 09, ACL, Edgefest 22)
Adair (Dallas)
American Eyes ( Dallas )
As I Lay Dying ( Dallas )
Atreyu ( Dallas )
Atoms for Peace  (Coachella 10)
Allison Moorer (Austin)
Aubra Mae (Dallas)
A Perfect Circle (Lolla 11, Verizon Theatre)
AfroJack (Lolla 11)
Atmosphere (Lolla 11)
Alton Brown (Chef - Frisco) - Barnes & Noble
Atlas Genius (Edgefest23)
Airborne Toxic Event (Edgefest23)
AWOLNation x2 (Edgefest23, EF2015)
Annie Clark (Dallas)
A Day to Remember (Edgefest 23)
Alt-J (Roo 13)
The Avett Brothers (Summer Cut 2)
Austra (Granada Theater)
Alice in Chains (Gexa Pavilion)
Antemasque (FFFfest 15)
Alvvays (FFFfest 15)
American Werewolves (Three Links - Dallas)
At the Drive In (Red7, Trees, Club Dada, Southside Ballroom)
Aaron Lewis (Billy Bob's)
American Aquarium (The Statler Ballroom)
Badfish x 6 (Dallas, Wildflower Fest)
Beck x 3 (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Ben Harper x 2 (Lolla 09, Austin, Waka 2015)
Big Head Todd & the Monsters (ATX, House of Blues - Dallas)
Black Crowes (Dallas)
Blind Melon (Dallas)
Bloc Party (Lolla 06, Dallas)
Blood Brothers (dallas)
Blue October (Austin, Dallas)
Burden Brothers (Austin, Dallas)
Broke (Dallas)
Band of Horses (Lolla 09)
Bassnectar (Lolla09, ACL12)
Ben Folds (chicago)
Beach House (coachella10)
Ben Gibbard (dallas)
Bert Kreischer - (comedian) Addison Improv (2), Irvine Improv
Black Lips (Lolla 11)
Bruno Mars (Lolla 11)
Busy P (Lolla11)
Black Keys (Dallas, Edgefest, ACL12)
Bush (Edgefest23)
Bjork (Roo13)
Big Gigantic (BreakwayFest)
Bear Mountain (Dallas)
Born & Raised (Dallas)
Bastille (Coachella 14)
Bush (Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Blackberry Smoke (ACL14)
Bouncing Souls (Dallas)
Broken Gold (Dallas)
Ben Howard (Dallas)
Blue, the misfit (Dallas)
Brutal Juice (Dallas)
Best Coast (Dallas)
Bully (Dallas)
Bobby Patterson (HG6)
Black Fire Pistol (HG6)
Belle & Sebastian (Summer Cut '15)
Broncho (FFFfest 15)
Big Freedia (FFFfest 15, The Bomb Factory)
Bottle Rockets  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Bombay Bicycle Club (coachella 14)
Built to Spill (Granada Theater, Untapped 16)
Breaking Benjamin (Gexa)
Blink 182 (Edgefest 2017)
Brandi Carlile (ACL 2018)
Brock Hampton (ACL 2018)
Blood Orange (ACL 2018 0
Cage the Elephant (Coachella 10, Frisco, Lolla09/11, Edgefest 22, Coachella 14)
Christina Aguilera (Tx State Fair 1998)
Chevelle (Dallas, Ft Worth, Edgefest 2017)
Coal Chamber(killeen)
Coheed & Cambria (Austin, Coachella10, Lolla06, Dallas)
Cody Shaw & The Rhythm Boys (Hank's)
ColdWarKids (Lolla06, ACL)
Common (Lolla09)
Cross Canadian Ragweed (austin)
The Confession
Collective Soul (dallas)
Carolyn Wonderland (austin)
The Cush (denton)
Cee-Lo Green (Lolla11)
Chico Trujillo (Lolla11)
City & Colour (Lolla11, Roo12, Dallas - Granada Theater)
The Chain Gang of 1974 (Lolla11, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Carina Round (Austin)
Charlie Murphy (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Christopher Titus (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Civil Twilight (Edgefest22)
Cake (Edgefest22)
Chris Lake (El Paso)
Capital Cities (Edgefest23)
Crizzly (BreakawayFest)
CHVRCHES (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Commotion  (Dallas)
Courtney Barnett (FFFFest 6)
Chance the Rapper (Waka15)
Carrie Brownstein (Dallas)
Craig Finn (Trees)
Chris Stapleton (Dallas, ACL 16)
Cheap Trick (FFFfest 15)
Chromeo (FFFfest 15)
Calvin Harris (Coachella 14)
The Cult (Toyota Music Factory)
Camila Cabello (ACL 2018)
Dead Sara (Edgefest22)
Damian Marley (Lolla11)
Death From Above 1979 (Lolla11)
Daughtry (addison,dallas,frisco)
Dashboard Confessional (ACL05)
Death Cab For Cutie (Lolla06, EF15)
Decemberists (Lolla09, Dallas)
Deftones (Dallas, Lolla11, Edgefest23, ACL 2018)
Devotchka (Dallas - HOB, Indexfest 2)
Delta Spirit (Lolla11)
Drive-by Truckers (dallas)
Destiny's Child (Tx State Fair 1998)
Dredg (dallas)
Death in the Family (dallas)
Dead Weather (coachella10, ACL09)
Depeche Mode (chicago)
Dirty Heads x 3 (Austin - Stubb's, Dallas, Waka15)
Dwight Yokam (Grand Prairie - Lonestar Park)
The Drums (Lolla11)
The DA (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
D'Angelo (Roo 12)
Deadmau5 (El Paso)
Dim Locator (Hailey's - Denton)
Danny Avila (BreakwayFest)
Dave Chappell (Dallas - Oddball Comedy Tour)
Dirty River Boys (McKinney - Hanks)
Dum Dum Girls (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
David Ramirez (Kessler Theater, Untapped 16)
Dark Rooms x 3 (Dallas, Denton)
Doug Benson (FFFfest 15)
Dag nasty (FFFfest 15)
Dillion Francis (Coachella 14)
Disturbed (Gexa)
DJ Sober (The Best of Big D 16)
Dalton Domino (The Statler Ballroom)
David Byrne (ACL 2018)
Dead Flowers (The Rustic)
The Expendables (austin)
Eminem (Lolla 11, ACL 14)
Explosions in the Sky (Lolla 11, Breakaway Fest)
Empire of the Sun (Breakway Fest)
El-P (indexfest2)
Erykah Badu (Dallas)
Eric Andre (FFFfest 15)
Esme Patterson (The Rustic)
Erika Wennerstron (2018 Old 97′s County Fair, The Rustic)
Finger Eleven (dallas)
Fleet Foxes (Lolla 09)
Foo Fighters (Dallas, Lolla 11)
Foster the People (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Frank Black (Austin)
Funeral for a Friend (Dallas)
For Felix (Dallas)
Franz Ferdinand (Austin)
Frank Turner (Dallas, Coachella 14)
Fuel (Mayflower Fest)
Friendly Fires (Lolla 11)
Flogging Molly (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Fitz & the Tantrums (Lolla 11 - met them, HOB - Dallas - met them, Roo 12, Edgefest 23)
Foxy Shazam (Edgefest 22)
Florence & the Machines (ACL 12)
Frightened Rabbit (Dallas)
Flash Gordon (Edgefest 23)
Flight of the Concords (Dallas)
Fatboy Slim (Coachella 14)
Foxygen (Index Fest 3, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
First Aid Kit (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Flying Lotus (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
FKA Twigs (Trees - Dallas)
Future Islands (Index Fest 3, FFFFest15)
Fantastic Negrito (Summer Cut '15)
The Gaslight Anthem x 3 (Lolla06,Edgefest23,Dallas)
Gin Blossoms (Addison, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Gnarls Barkley x 2 (Lolla06,dallas)
Gomez (Lolla 09)
Gossip (coachella10)
Greeley Estates (dallas)
The Gourds (austin)
Goo Goo Dolls (Dallas / Wildflower Fest 2018)
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals x 2 (lolla11, Summer Cut 2)
Grouplove (Lolla 11, Stubb’s, Roo 12, Coachella 14)
Garbage (Edgefest 22)
Girl Talk x 3 (indexfest 2, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, EF 15)
The Growlers (Waka 15)
Glass Animals (Waka 15)
Galactic (Waka 15)
Gogol Bordello (FFFfest 15, Untapped Dallas 16)
Grimes (FFFfest 15)
Greg Dulli (Kessler Theater Dallas)
Grupo Fantasma (Untapped 16)
Glorietta (Kessler - Dallas)
Heartless Bastards x 11 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Denton - met twice, smoked with Jesse, and took pics with them)
Hole (Edgefest)
Hockey (Coachella 10)
The Hope Trust x 2 (Dallas, Denton)
The Holler Time (Denton)
Haim (Roo13)
Harland Williams (Comedian - Addison Improv)
Hozier (EF15)
Hayes Carll (Untapped 16)
Incubus (x3)(dallas)
Interpol (dallas)
DJ Irene (killeen)
Ishi (Dallas)
Israel Nash (Summer Cut '15)
Jay-Z (Coachella 10)
Jane's Addiction (Lolla09,Dallas)
Jeff Klein (austin)
Jim Ward (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Jimmy Eat World (Dallas, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Johnny Cooper (Mckinney - Hank’s)
John Hiatt (Stubbs, HOB Dallas)
Jerry Lee Lewis (Richardson - Wildflower Fest 11)
Jim Jefferies x 3 (Comedian - Dallas)
Jim Breuer (Comedian - Dallas)
Jarrod Gorbel (Dallas)
James Vandervelde (austin)
Jack White (ACL12)
Japandroid (Roo13)
Jack Johnson (Roo13)
Juicy J (BreakwayFest)
Jenny Lewis (Dallas)
J Mascis (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Jessica Lea Mayfield (Dallas)
Jack Kerowax (Dallas)
Jamie xx (GvB V)
Joey Bada$$ (FFFfest 15)
Jason Isbell (Southside Ballroom Dallas)
Jason Aldean (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Jaime Wyatt (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Jibe (Gas Monkey Live!)
Justice (ACL 2018)
Kansas (Norfolk, VA - my very first concert!)
KISS (Frisco)
Kaskade (Lolla 09)
Killers x 2 (Austin, Dallas)
Kings of Leon x 3 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Kid Cudi (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Killer Mike (indexfest2)
Kevin Devine (Dallas - Rustic)
Kopecky (Waka 15)Kaela Sinclair (Dallas)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Kacey Musgraves (ACL 16)
Kaleo (Untapped Dallas 16)
K-Flay (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Khalid (ACL 2018)
The Lusitania (Austin)
Lennon (killeen)
LCD Soundsystem (Coachella 10, ACL 16, The Bomb Factory)
Local Natives (Coachella10, Lolla11, Roo13, ACL 16)
Los Lonely Boys (Austin)
The Lumineers (ACL12, Dallas)
Lil Twist (BreakwayFest)
Lower Dens (GvB V, Club Dada Dallas)
L-P (Index Fest 2)
Lucero (Southside Ballroom, The Rusticx3)
L7 (FFFfest 15, Granada Theater Dallas)
Le Bucherettes (Dallas)
Lord Huron  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Lifehouse (Wildflower Fest 2018)
Lukas Nelson (The Rustic)
MC Flipside (2001 - Killeen)
MGMT (coachella 10, coachella 14)
mewithoutYou (dallas)
Modest Mouse (ACL 05, Dallas, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, Edgefest '15)
Metric (Lolla11,Edgefest11,ACL12)
Muse (dallas,Edgefest10,Lolla11)
My Morning Jacket (austin)
Millionaire (dallas)
Matisyahu (Lolla06, Dallas)(Met outside of Granada Theater, have autograph)
Manchester Orchestra (Lolla 09/11, Dallas - Rustic, ACL 2018)
Mogwai (Lolla 11)
Mexicans At Night (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
M83 (ACL 12)
Major Lazer (Roo 12, ACL 14, Waka 15)
Mariachi El Bronx (Roo 12)
Matt&Kim (Summer Cut 2, Roo 13, BreakwayFest '13)
MsMr (Dallas - HOB, Coachella 14)
Midlake (Dallas)
Macy Gray (Waka 15)
Ms. Lauryn Hill (FFFfest 15)
Midnight Stroll (Trees Dallas)
Miike Snow (ACL 16)
Mumford & Sons (ACL 16)
The Mavericks  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Mad Mexicans (Gas Monkey Live!)
Metallica (ACL 18)
Margo Price (The Rustic)
Nas (Lolla11, Roo13)
The Naked & Famous (Lolla 11, dallas)
The National (Dallas - HOB, Southside Ballroom, Roo 13, ACL 18)
Neko Case (Lolla 09)
North Mississippi Allstars (Austin - Stubb's)
Neon Trees (Edgefest 22)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse (ACL 12)
The Neighbourhood (Edgefest 23)
Nahko & Medicine for the People (Waka 15)
New Politics (Edgefest 15)
Neon Indian (FFFfest 15)
NOFX (FFFfest 15)
The Nixons (Edgefest 2017)
NIN (Las Vegas - The Joint x2)
NALGADAS - Gas Monkey
Nelly (ACL 2018)
Old 97's (Austin, HG6, 2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Owen Pallett (Dallas)
Of Monsters & Men (Roo 13)
Other Lives (Dallas)
The Offspring (Edgefest 2017)
Oil Boom (HG6)
Olivia Chaney (Dallas)
ODESZA (FFFfest 15, ACL 2018)
Paul Green's School of Rock All-Stars – Austin, TX
Pavement (Dallas)
Portugal. The Man (Coachella 10, Lolla 11, Roo 13, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Paramore (Dallas, Edgefest 23)
Pearl Jam (ACL 09/14, Dallas - AAC)
Pepper (Dallas - Granada Theater)
Pixies (ACL 2005)
Placebo (Edgefest)
Pelican (Edgefest)
Phoenix (Coachella 10, Edgefest 21, Edgefest 23)
Passion Pit (coachella 10, dallas)
Pat Green (frisco)
Pretty Lights (Lolla11)
Puscifer (Austin - Long Center, Bonnaroo 2012)
Phish (Bonnaroo 2012 )
Pauly Shore (Edgefest 23)
Purity Ring (Roo13)
Paul McCartney (Roo13)
Phantogram (ACL14)
Paws (Dallas)
Parquet Courts (FFFfest 15)
Peaches (FFFfest 15)
Patricio (Coachella 14)
Pete Yorn (ACL 16)
Prayers (Verizon Theatre)
Paul Cauthen  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Queens of the Stone Age (ACL, Dallas)
?uestlove (Roo12)
The Quaker City Night Hawks x 2 (Dallas)
Quintron & Miss Pussy Cat (Dallas)
Ratatat (Lolla 11)
Rancid (Dallas - Gypsy Ballroom)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Lolla 06, Dallas - AAC, Roo 12)
Rilo Kiley (Dallas)
Rise Against (Dallas)
The Receiving End of Sirens (Dallas)
The Record Hop (Denton)
Ramesh (Dallas)
The Roots (Roo 12, ACL 12, Waka 15)
Radiohead (Roo 12, Lolla 11)
Rodrigo & Gabriela & C.U.B.A. (Roo 12)
Robert Delong (Edgefest 23)
Ra Ra Riot (BreakwayFest)
The Replacements (with Billy Jo Armstrong @ Coachella14, ACL14)
Riothorse Royale (Dallas)
Roosevelt (FFFfest 15)
Ride (FFFfest 15)
Robert Plant (Bomb Factory Dallas)
Ryan Adams (Red Rocks Amphitheater, The Pavillion - Irving)
Roger Waters (American Airlines Center)
Street Sweeper Social Club (Coachella 10)
She & Him (Coachella 10)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
Say Anything (Edgefest)
Seven Mary Three x 11 (Dallas, Waco, Wildflower Fest - have Giti's autograph)
Silverchair (How the Edge Stole Xmas)
Silversun Pickups (Lolla09, Dallas)
Sleepercar (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Snoop Dogg (Lolla 09)
Sparta x 15 (Mohawk, Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Tricky Falls, Barracuda, Gas Monkey)
Spoon x 4 (Austin, ACL 14, HOB Dallas, HG 6, Wildflower Fest 18)
Staind (Dallas)
Steve Earle (ACL 07, dallas, ACL 12)
STP (austin, Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Silverstein (Dallas)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
The Smashup (Dallas)
Story of the Year (Dallas)
Street Drum Corps (Dallas)
Sublime w/ Rome (Dallas)
Switchfoot x 3 (Dallas, Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Skrillex (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
Sarah Jaffe x 4 (Indexfest 2, Dallas, Summer Cut '15)
Shaky Graves (Dallas - Granada Theater, Kessler Theater, HG6, ACL 2018)
Sam Lao (Dallas)
STS9 (Waka15)
Slightly Stoopid (Waka15)
Sphynx (HG6)
Sealion (HG6)
Saul Williams (Dallas - Club Dada)
Sons of Illustrious Father (Dallas - Club Dada)
Social Distortion (HOB Houston)
Slow Magic (FFFfest 15)
Stoney Larue (Billy Bob's Texas)
Shovels & Rope (Southside Music Hall 2016)
Sweater Beats (Coachella 14)
Sylvan Esso (ACL 18)
Tegan & Sara (ACL12)
Taking Back Sunday x 4 (Dallas)
Thursday (Dallas)
Tito & The Tarantulas (Austin)
Toadies x 13 (Austin, Dallas)
Tool (Lolla09, Dallas - AAC, Grand Prairie - Nokia)
Them Crooked Vultures (Coachella10)
Tragically Hip x 4 (Austin - Stubb's, Dallas - HOB)
Trish Murphy (ACL 05)
TV on the Radio (Lolla 09, Dallas, Untapped Dallas 16)
Thrice (Dallas)
The Heist (Dallas)
Twilight Singers (Dallas - Gypsy Tea Room & Granada Theater 2011)
Three Days Grace (Dallas)
Two Door Cinema Club (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
The Tings Tings (Edgefest22)
The Temper Trap (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Twenty-One Pilots (Edgefest23)
The TonTons (Dallas - Trees)
Tame Impala (Dallas - Southside Ballroom)
Tinariwen (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Tei Shi (GvB V)
Toro y Moi (FFFfest 15)
Tanlines (Trees Dallas)
Thomas Rhett (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Travis Scott (ACL 2018)
Texas Gentlemen (Kessler - Dallas)
Uh Huh Her (Dallas)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Club Dada Dallas)
Van Halen (Dallas)
Vampire Weekend (Lolla 09)
Viet Cong (FFFfest 15)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
Valerie June  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
White Lies (Lolla 11)
White Rabbit x 2 (dallas)
Warpaint x 2 (Dallas - Granada Theater, index fest 2)
Wailers x 4 (Dallas, Wildflower Festival)
Weezer (Dallas)
Wilco (Austin)
Wintersleep x 3 (austin, Dallas - Trees (pic with them))
Walking the Moon (dallas)
White Arrows (Dallas)
Walk the Moon (Roo13, Dos Equis Pavilion)
Wu-Tang Clan (BreakwayFest)
Wiz Khalifa (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
War On Drugs (Granada Theater)
White Demin (Index Fest 3)
We Are Scientists (Club Dada Dallas)
Wresters (Trees Dallas)
Wussy (Three Links - Dallas)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
The xx - x 4 (Coachella 10, Dallas x 2, Roo 13)
Yeah Yeah Yeah's x 2 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Young the Giant x 3 (lolla11, dallas, austin, Waka15)
Yumi Zouma (GvB V)
Zola Jesus (Dallas - Granada Theater)
ZZ Top (Roo13)Zobc (Coachella 14)
The Zolas (Dallas)
311 (Dallas, Edgefest 2017)
30 Seconds to Mars (Dallas, Edgefest, Dos Equis Pavilion)
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