#corrections are always welcome :)
lil-tachyon · 1 year
Great artwork but it’s John Bonham not Jon.
My bad, I am ashamed to call myself a fan of classic rock. Thanks for the heads up!
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Social Media Vocabulary Practice
۱. دوست پسرم بازی کردن با بازی هایش واقعیت مجازی خیلی دوست داره
۲. قبلا من یه ربات سگ کوچک داشتم
۳. برادرم برای کارش برنامه نویسی می نویسه
۴. این فناوری خیلی پیشرفته است
۵. به خاطر پایان پاندمی، تو این کشور، بیکاری خیلی بلنده
۶. مهمترین اختراع چیه؟
۷. بازی کردن بازی های کامپیوتری دوست ندارم
۸. گربه ام خیلی باهوشه
۹. کتابخونه زیاد کتاب الکترونیکی داره
۱۰. دو تا شارژر دارم
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te-reo-maori · 2 years
He rā pai te āianei. Ka ako te reo māori me ka aho te rā. He pūwerawera te huarere. Ā te auina iho ka rīti ahau ki te pukapuka. Auina iho i te ahiahi ka kai tātou ki te kai pai.
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teatimebanter · 6 months
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almost done, officer
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eldritchparasol · 7 months
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sparkles-oflight · 6 months
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The color is pink
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roseworth · 2 years
robin jason’s cape is so big because he likes to chew on it when he gets excited and red hood jason rolls up the sleeves on his jacket to stop himself from chewing on them i know i’m right about this
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aeroblossom · 5 months
thoughts about rhinedottir, alchemy, albedo and so on
☆ i just remembered i made a post suggesting naberius as the third descender and was suddenly struck with the realization that rhinedottir was also called the flower not of this world. what does that mean. what did she do with him. did she kill and eat him and gain his otherworldlyness. no but really
> Neuvillette and the Traveler later speculated that elemental power might be intrinsic to Descenders, given that both the Gnoses and the Vision-less Traveler are imbued with said power.[5] If this is true, it would be expected that other Descenders would be able to wield elemental powers, as well.
☆ and if visions are smaller versions of gnoses, this only makes me think of how albedo, a creation of rhinedottir, is a vision wielder - but his vision is the smallest one in the game, implying he uses it very little compared to alchemy, and since he's made of chalk, the power of geo may be intrinsic to him. so if she was trying to recreate the primordial human, and descenders have intrinsic elemental power, and the first usurper aka the primordial one has all this "golden" aura associated with him...
☆ if the stages of alchemy in genshin are reversed. if remuria was able to attain the philosopher's stone. if everything was once made of gold... then azosite... could it be the philosopher's stone? the khaenriahn robots use it to function. remus employed the use of ichor with one other ingredient i'm forgetting to create the golden symphony.
☆ adding on that, the standard ruin guard model has always reminded me of talos, the first robot, an automaton made to guard an island. the fuel it ran on was called ichor, blood of the gods.
☆ i know the word petrichor refers to the smell of the earth after rain, but now... perhaps they used it for a different reason.
☆ i have forever been curious about the intention behind rhinedottir's name. the daughter of the rhine - the rhine river. a river. river... time flows in a river. the river between life and death. the starry band across the teyvat sky, that i always thought of as a river. obviously her name is derived from the wagner play, but why would the creator of (mostly) geo entities be associated with rivers?
☆ an idea i proposed a long time ago: albedo is the only character aside from obviously sus ones like gods and the traveler, whose fate mona doesn't read. his constellation is also the weirdest thing to be a constellation. remember that the people of teyvat do actually utilize these asterisms, and like in real life, most (aside from gods or godlike entities) are based on things found in life and nature. albedo's doesn't seem like something that could just naturally occur. albedo's constellation may be fake.
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5-cz · 9 months
Word of Honor Vocab - Episode 2
after much too long, here we go
若 (ruò) - as if; like
诚意 (chéng'yì) - good faith/sincerity
变数 (biàn'shù) - variable
步法 (bù'fǎ) - footwork
偏偏 (piān'piān) - lightly/airily; unrestrained
蝴蝶在花丛中偏偏飞舞 翩翩少年
仙 (xiān) - celestial being; immortal
眼疾 (yǎn'ji2) - eye trouble/ eye disease
飘飘 (piāo'piāo) - to float about/to flutter
流风 (liú'fēng) - customs handed down from past generations
仿佛 (fáng'fú) - seemingly/as if
轻 (qīng) - light (weight)
所谓 (suǒ'wèi) - what is called/what is known as; so-called
所谓团结,并非一团和气 他所谓的朋友都背弃了他
壶 (hú) - kettle/pot
独酌 (dú'zhuó) - to drink alone
尾随 (wěi'suí) - to tag along after
究竟 (jīu'jìng) - outcome/what actually happened
妨 (fáng) - hinder/hamper; harm
你试一试也无妨 会妨大事
明示 (míng'shì) - to explicitly instruct
傻 (shǎ) - stupid/muddleheaded
剑 (jiàn) - sword
剑柄 拔剑
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thatrandombystander · 11 months
Trigun '98 says Ace!Vash rights!
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From an ad intermission card
[ID: Screenshot from Trigun (1998) of Vash sitting, the colour palette is black, white, grey and purple-pink, somewhat like the ace flag.]
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snipefr · 3 months
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scribbly Arago
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blusical · 3 months
Problematic Players and You
(PT: Problematic Players and You)
Trigger Warning: This post discusses several triggering or otherwise sensitive topics, including, but not limited to, abuse sexual assault, bigotry, and violence. Reader discretion is advised. Additional Disclaimer: This is not a post defending the actions of athletes mentioned *nor* is it an attack on said athletes (or their fans!). This is about dealing with serious events involving players as a whole.
Have you ever woke up one day and found out that your favorite race car driver said some not-so savory things? Have you ever checked the news one day and found out a hockey player you love was accused of rape? Are you a new sports fan who did research on an athlete you like only to find out they're a straight up creep? And have you ever asked yourself: “Where the hell do I go from here?” when it comes to merch you’ve already bought or the amount of gifsets you’ve made for them? Well, you’ve come to the right post! Because let’s face it, we’ve (probably) all been there, done that and got the t-shirt (Err, jersey). 
First off, what defines a problematic player?
Well... there's not really a set definition. Everyone has a different idea of what's 'problematic' and what isn't. However, there are some deeds that athletes do that are... kind of ick, so any of the following could make them be considered very problematic:
-Bigotry (ex. Racism, homophobia). -Cheating (as in cheating on your spouses. Not cheating as in using PEDs even though that too is also kinda trashy). -Abuse, sexual assault, etc. -Questionable/not so great political opinions.
And then there’s athletes who’ve been involved in so many off-ice controversies and allegations that it’s reached a point where regardless of how many are true or not, and no matter how much new information is revealed, they won’t be well liked by fans (Patrick Kane, anyone?). Okay, but why do athletes do this crap in the first place?
Well... there's a couple theories on why some do these things.
Sometimes mental and environmental factors can influence an athlete’s decision making. Say, if an athlete was abused by a coach when they were young, that might factor into any actions, good or bad, a player makes in the future. In cases of bigoted opinions, athletes are raised to have such opinions.
Age can also play a factor into a player’s actions. The younger they are, the more likely they’re going to do stupid shit (Or so I've noticed, please correct me if I'm wrong lmfao). Again. The theories are limitless. However most of the time athletes do these things because... they chose to do that. And a part of that is being because sports culture. Yeah. Sports culture sucks. Who would've known?
So do problematic athletes... stay problematic forever?
Well, yes and no.
As much as our first instinct is to “cancel” said athletes and pressure them to take accountability, we should also give them a chance to grow when they do take accountability instead of pushing the issue further.
However, that also depends on if they chose to grow. Hell, it depends if they even admit to making a mistake or admitting to guilt at all (which is, unfortunately, very impressive in a society like this). If they don’t.. Well, that’s their choice. Best we can do as fans beyond that point is just spread awareness. Remember: 99% of the time celebs won't listen to their fans. Some will. But do not expect your favorite to do the right thing. You will be disappointed. Another thing to keep in mind is that even if changes to character are made, people (us included) will still probably continue to view them differently for a while. As much as we’d like to put the past behind us, that just isn’t easy. (And besides, in the long term this is probably a good thing, since as fans it’s not our place to forgive; that’s up to the people affected). Actually while we’re at it..
Help! What should I do when an athlete (including my favorite) gets into controversy?
It’s always stressful (and sad) when an athlete you’ve admired and looked up to is eventually outed as a terrible person. It’s even more stressful when you’re a newer fan to sports and you just find out about said problematic deeds.
Well, first thing's first: process your emotions, and feelings. And once you're done crying, screaming, whatever action you're doing to process your feelings, spread awareness if you feel comfortable enough doing so. When spreading awareness though: DO RESEARCH AND ONLY SHARE RELIABLE SOURCES. Unfortunately serious allegations almost always have misinformation popping out. Hell, sometimes "allegations" may just be someone causing trouble on the internet (Corey Perry situation, anyone?). If the source is from a random Twitter user (that doesn't work in journalism), or the source is from a site like Deadspin and/or TMZ or any other site that has a history of clickbait, odds are, it's best to take it with a grain of salt. Team fansites (like RMNB, a Caps site) are also not always reliable, so take caution when reading through them as well.
It's better to stick with actually known sources like ESPN, Bleacher Report or a journalist like Elliotte Friedman. Rick Westhead and Katie Strang are really good journalists when it comes to issues relating to hockey. Additionally, do not expect to know *all* the information. Do not demand all information to come out. Sometimes not everything can be shared for legal reasons. Be patient and wait for everything to come out. And even then, don't expect it to be everything that happened (because again, legal reasons). Also, don't expect other people to talk about the incident in question! Do not guilt others into discussing it, do not force others to post about it. Focus on what you can do before focusing on what others can do! After most information (if not all of it), it's up to you to come to your own conclusions. Lastly, regardless of what your decision is, whether you decide to stop supporting them or you choose to believe they did nothing wrong (for any reason), but you're stuck on what to do anyway... Well... and this is probably anticlimactic I know, what to do is... up to you!
Internet wise, your internet space is your space! Your Tumblr blog is your blog! If you wanna stop posting about that player and also delete every single mention of said player outside of spreading awareness? Great! That’s your choice! Wanna keep said posts up but tag them and/or add a disclaimer! Also great! Wanna keep posting them or writing fics about them? Completely fine! Just tag it accordingly and keep in mind why these folks may not like said players. And *please* continue to be critical of said players when they do something wrong. Your favorite is not immune to criticism.
(In other words, yes Hawks fans, you’re allowed to post your Kane gifs and 1988 fics. Just tag it accordingly. And just know that people *will* probably judge you for it).
One thing you should not do however: DO NOT CENSOR NAMES. This fucks with filters and screenreaders (More in-depth post on this here!).
And because apparently this still needs to be said, don’t wish injury or death on the players and for the love of Wayne Gretzky don’t fucking send harassment to their families (seriously why do people do this fucking garbage holy fuck).
Secondly, don’t buy their jerseys or other merchandise from official sites! They will profit off that. If you've already brought it, don't just throw it out. Instead, leave it in storage, sell it or, if you're good at tailoring, try making something new out of it! Additionally (especially in cases of rape, violence, etc), SUPPORT THE VICTIMS INVOLVED. They need it the most.
What about the folks that continue to support said athletes?
If someone continues to post an athlete that’s done not great things, it’s tempting to educate them and tell them (which, if you’re going to do so, please tell them gently and not yell at them, especially if they’re a newer or younger fan who has zero clue what’s going on) But if they already know (which odds are they probably do unless they’re a newer fan), and/or they refuse to stop posting about them after being told, the best plan of action is to just… leave them alone. Just leave them be. Do not bother them further. Do not harass them. Do not send them threats. And for goodness gracious don’t make a callout post or blocklist of every single supporter of said athlete.
(Seriously attempting to make a long blocklist never ends well, especially since half the time the users on said blocklist turn out to be literal children).
That said though, if your friends/mutuals are actively defending bigoted comments and/or making statements that borderline towards abuse apologism, it’s not a bad idea to hold them accountable in a private setting. Yes I said private setting because most drama can be avoided with a private DM. But other than that... someone still writes 1988 fic? Leave them be! Someone still makes gifsets of Alex Ovechkin? Leave them be! Hell, someone still talks about the Staals? Just leave them be! The best course of action is to… just use the block button and/or filter posts accordingly. That’s literally it lmfao.
But why do people continue to support these athletes anyway?
Well it all comes down to the following: A. They have trouble grappling with the fact that they are, in fact, problematic. B. They’re Neurodivergent (especially autistic or individuals with ADHD), or struggling IRL, and kinda rely on those people to function or get through the day. 
C. Detaching yourself from a problematic figure is… really easier said than done. It is not easy at all lmfao. D. They're refuse to listen to info. E. They genuinely have no clue what's going on. Either way. Don't judge too harshly. Not everyone can just stop supporting a person/media and guess what? It's not as easy as 99% of Tumblr dot com thinks. Not everyone can just stop enjoying/liking something. And guess what? That's actually O-KAY. Last thing to know.
Lastly, you, yourself, *could* probably be supporting a problematic player right now! And you would never know until much later! At the end of the day, 99% of athletes have done problematic things one way or another. And honestly, if we tried to get rid of every problematic person... there probably wouldn't be any people left on Earth at all. Yeah, some actions are more shittier than ever, but trying to make everything "unproblematic"... is never going to work no matter how you look at it, and that is OKAY.
Remember the most important rule (stolen from someone on discord with the second edited by me!):
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Now get out there and cheer for whatever player you'd like.
(Special thanks to @hard4softthings @saucerfulofsins @tapejob @youneedtolookatthis @restingbuchface @bedardconnor and a bunch of other folks for providing most of the advice/info/tips for this post!)
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teatitty · 7 months
God Hizashi would fucking love the muppets wouldn't he. He'd be such a huge fan. He's like the disney adult of muppets, if he ever got a muppet on his show he'd be having the biggest geek out moment of his life. You think his fave would be Kermit but no he would defend Miss Piggy with his fucking life
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storytellering · 2 months
if it's okay, would you mind sharing your art process? your style is SO gorgeous dude. keep it up spardacest nation!!!
Thank you so much anon, and of course! I kinda posted about it on twitter a while ago, but for anyone not also on there, here's a paraphrasing of what I said there! (under a cut bc it's gonna get a bit long)
(speedpaint video from procreate mostly bc like I also said in that post, it's one of the few pieces I've done entirely on procreate and thus entirely recorded kdfjhdk I usually don't do the sketching + painting parts on there but every now and then I get lazy and want to get it all done quick in one program lol! It's not as good as it would look if I were using krita to render (which is what I normally use) but it gets the idea across decently of what it is that I do)
The short version of my process is: sketch, clean up sketch for lineart, then flat colors, then paint over the flats (i make the flats my shadows and paint on the light), then a multiply layer for skin details (like lips, eyebags, etc), then an overlay layer for skin transparency details (red over the ears/nose/fingertips etc), then i do hair over the lineart, then a multiply layer with the contact shadows in a light beige/grey/neutral tone on top of everything else, and then i unify layers, paint over the details, and color correct the HELL out of it The longer version is: SO, first of all, I will say, my entire process for a finished/fully redered piece is pretty scattered and uses a lot of different apps, because after many years of trying out different drawing apps I found that I just worked better when I could incorporate the parts I liked best from each individual one rather than having to adapt to another app entirely! In total, what I use is: autodesk sketchbook and procreate for the first half I do on my ipad, then krita and photoshop on my computer when I'm actually rendering (but any photo editing app instead of ps will do, I'm just used to photoshop bc that's what I learned as my first drawing app WAAAY back in the day lol), and then meitu on my phone for color filters (also any phone editing app with filters in it will do), AND also optional just for references: blender and daz3d on computer + magicposer on my phone The actual step by step of what I do: First of all, if I want to do a detailed, well rendered piece I will start by getting my references ready. That means either just grabbing a screenshot from the game if it's like, a simple portrait, or a photo reference, taking a picture of myself in the right pose/lighting, and if it's something more complex I will recreate the scene in Daz3D to simulate a realistic lighting, OR even just blender (i have the game models for the dmc characters downloaded, so I can just pop them in, pose them and change the lighting to get a realistic idea of what shadows their faces will cast in that specific angle/lighting.) Note: references are pretty essential to me, and there's nothing to be ashamed about for using them! Personally I don't struggle a lot with the drawing/sketching part of art, but my tiny little pea brain cannot fathom how to make an object 3D in my mind, and how to visualize shadows realistically... thus the reliance on 3D programs to do that for me, and then all I have to do is draw what I'm seeing lol. My art improved significantly ever since I started making 3D refs so I could get /exactly/ what I needed - there's still a lot of leeway you need to learn though, because as realistic as the lighting will be in a rendering program, you'll never really get a fully natural looking image, as far as stuff like the body stretching/squishing/pulling when it's in movement, facial expressions, folds in clothing/fabric, etc... so really it's more a guide than something meant to be followed 1:1.
Then, once I'm confident I know exactly what I'm gonna draw/have the idea in my head, I start sketching it in sketchbook. Not really getting very in depth, just blocking out rough shapes - I like sketchbook and to be on my ipad for that because it feels very reminiscent of traditional sketching on paper to me, which while I'm not super confident on my traditional art abilities, I do get the most natural/fluid/non-stiff figures out that way. Then when I think I have the general idea ready, I export the sketch layer as a png and import it into procreate - which is where I kinda start picking at the sketch and polishing it like i'm carving it out haha. Lots of liquify tool, flipping the canvas to check if it's even, blending out some of the lineart to help out with the rendering later, and then polishing up what was once the sketch into serviceable lineart. I usually reimport it back into sketchbook at this stage - while I like procreate for drawing I don't love the brushes I can use for lineart there, and so I usually only draw the "base" naked figure in there - when I'm in sketchbook I use a hard pencil to refine the details, then on a separate layer add all the things "on top" like hair, clothing, etc - usually I can get it pretty easily in one go, and once I'm satisfied I erase the naked body under the clothes and unify the lineart layers. Then I will just do the flats with a hard brush, turning the lineart layer into an overlay layer and coloring things in with the shadow colors. At this point, I export the file as a psd and import it on my computer - I give it a once over in photoshop first to see if there needs to be any adjusting (like whether any layer that has an effect needs to have a different effect, if all the colors look right since the ipad screen isn't the most faithful, if i wanna change the background color, etc), and once I think it's ready enough, I open it up in krita, where I do the actual bulk of the painting/rendering (as to why specifically krita: it's because I've gotten very comfortable with the brush/painting brush dynamics there and cannot seem to get as good results anywhere else, it's just the goldilocks spot of a brush for me haha.) If anyone's curious, here's the brushes I usually use for painting:
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The one in the middle is my go to painting brush, left one for tinier/more refined details, right one for blending out soft shadows (though I learned the hard way to not overuse it, or it will look like I went ham with an airbrush tool lol). (I don't change any of the settings on these brushes, so if you wanna try out the exact ones I use! Just fresh off how they come out the app haha) I paint on the lights on top of the shadows, and just focus on that for the time being - once I'm done with the basic painting, I'll make a separate multiply layer for details like lip color, eye waterlines, makeup if there is any, eyebags, etc, and then adjust the opacity until it feels right - then I'll make an overlay layer with skin translucency details (like, when you hold your hands in front of a light and see the tips of your fingers become bright orange - many parts of your body are always a bit translucent to the blood underneath, specifically parts where the skin is thin like noses, cheeks, joints, knuckles, etc, and I found it makes the character look a lot more alive to add that subtle coloring in) - then usually I do hair on a separate layer on top of the lineart (because that way I can add small flyaways, more details, etc, and just use the lineart as a guide) After that, I'll usually make a multiply layer on top of everything where I'll add contact shadows in a neutral color (usually pretty pale, it'll be darker anyway since it's multiply), and once I feel like I've rendered everything out properly, I save the psd and re-open it on photoshop.
In photoshop, I'll mess around with the layers a little bit more (changing hue/saturation, opacity, etc), fuck around with the background to make it look pleasing, and once I'm happy with it, I'll unify the layers and start color correcting - usually by duplicating the unified layer and messing with the curve/hsl of the image and then changing the opacity of that edited layer until it's as strong or muted as I want it to be - then I also edit the RGB curves individually and adjust the opacity of that also (because I just really like how it ends up looking if I give a bit of a red/warm tint to the shadows lol), and at that point often I will reimport the finished image into procreate for some finalizing touches! Like, blending out shadows that came out too harshly, painting over anything that came out not the way I wanted it, redefining the lineart if it got messy during painting, and adding any extra small detail that might have gotten lost like catchlights, hair shines, hair flyaways, tears, etc. I also do one last round of flipping the canvas and liquify if needed! At this point, I export the finished image both to my computer and my phone - on my phone I open it up on the photo editing app, and add a bunch of different color filters - I don't hesitate from going completely balls to the walls here, and just kinda applying as many filters as will make an image look pleasing to my eye. Once I think it looks good, I'll export the edited image to my computer - and then open both the version without filters and the one with them on photoshop, and use the filtered version as an opacity layer, and adjust it until it doesn't look as crazy anymore lol. One last step I recently started incorporating was also changing the image to grayscale after I'm done, and doing one last round of curves in greyscale to make sure the values look right, and nothing is getting too lost because the values are too similar (because i know i get a bit swept up in getting repulsed by harsh contrasting lighting and can end up washing out all of rendering if I don't check myself kjdfgk) AND that's it! Yes it's a pretty long and chaotic process, but it's coming from years of trial and error and realizing I can just let myself fo whatever makes me happier with the results, and I don't have to stay constrained to one program if I don't like every tool it has to offer/don't have to accept the final image fresh off the painting app as the "finished" image with no adjustments allowed after, lol. I don't find it takes a lot more time than if I didn't do it this way, but YMMV. Hope this was helpful and sorry for taking so long to explain! I just wanted to give a thorough explanation dfhdkhkx
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letsstudieren · 8 months
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On a fini Arsène Lupin Gentleman Cambrioleur avec @romansfeuilletons! (merci bcp pour les e-mails!)
Et j'ai a-do-ré!
Dès le premier chapitre, c'était fascinant ne pas savoir où ou quand Arsène apparaîtrait. Parfois il était évident, mais cela ne diminuait jamais l'émotion de la révélation.
L'homme est tellement captivant. Carrément intelligent, mais il possède aussi un sens de l'humeur génial. Sa sûreté en tout moment était toujours une de mes choses préférées à lui. Ainsi que la facon dont il s'associe avec ses adversaires. Le fait qu'ils tous le respectent en tant que professionel et presque génie, me semble splendide.
Malgré qu'il est un voleur, et par conséquence quelqu'un dont le parole on ne pourraît avoir confiance, personne ne doute qu'il tiendra à la sienne toujours, n'importe quoi. Je trouve époustouflant qu'il a pu renforcer sa légende a tel point.
Pour les autres personnages, il est un fantôme, il peut tout le faire, mais j'adore que nous les lecteurs pouvons apercevoir ses erreurs et ses petits moments de faiblaisse, sourtout avec un personnage en particulière que je n'attendais pas revoir dans ce livre. J'était tellement ravie de la revoir.
Bref, c'est un chef d'oeuvre, et dans ma liste pour acheter une copie papier parce que j'aimerais bien le relire un jour.
Et maintenant, je peux regarder Lupin 0w0
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httpiastri · 6 months
wait I do wanna ask a question if I may! you’ve been mentioning dino n paul being separated… is paul going to f2??
well it hasn’t been confirmed yet but it’s very likely… both bcs he hasn’t been doing f3 testing and because there have been leaks (rumors) about him going to f2. most likely not prema though, since they already confirmed kimi and they’ll wanna keep ollie, so people have been saying ART is likely since he has worked with them back in the days. it could also be MP tho!
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