pikahlua · 2 years
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pikahlua, being right on their predictions be like:
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riptide869 · 9 months
god is a lemon under my cupboard
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sen-jou · 1 year
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Home Office in Melbourne
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bfiaflbox · 5 months
The only time I feel I might get better
Pairing: Matty x Reader Warnings: Mentions of Drugs, drug use, alcoholism and recovery Disclaimer: All I know about this is second hand knowledge and things I googled so don't get mad when I get something wrong. I just thought this scenario is an interesting one and wanted to type it out. I kind of hate and love it at the same time.
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It‘s around 11 pm when your doorbell rings. You were about to go to bed and were definitely not expecting visitors, so you‘re hesitant about answering. The doorbell rings again. „Y/n, are you there?!“ you hear a familiar voice shout. It’s Matty. In the middle of the night. Frantically ringing your doorbell. This is not a good sign.
You open the door to a disheveled looking Man who seems like he‘s about to cry. He‘s breathing heavily and fidgets with his hands. „I fucked up“ he almost whispers. Without asking any questions you let him in and go into support-person-mode.
The second the door closes behind Matty, he starts rambling. „Fuck, I‘m sorry, I’m so SO sorry. I'm so fucking tired, I can't think. I fucked up. I don’t know what came over me, I just couldn’t fight the urge to use anymore so I went out and…“ tears start falling down his face.
„Okay, okay, breathe!“ you try to convey as much calm as you can and look him in the eyes. You notice he doesn’t look particularly high or out of it just… sad and tired. „Is it ok if I touch you?“ it’s the most important question in this friendship of yours, however fucked up and complicated it may be. He had to ask before he could touch you every time not to trigger something in you, and you extended the same courtesy to him. He nods and you start to stroke his arms. „How about you come in and we talk?“ and maybe calm down before going to see a professional about it.
He nods and both of you make your way to the living room and sit down on the couch. Matty buries his face in his hands, elbows on knees.
„Okay, Matty, tell me what happened“
„I don’t know, I haven’t really slept in days and I feel so drained and everything‘s too much and I just wanted something to make that feeling go away, to feel some peace and smack was the only thing I was able to think of. Fuck! This is bad. I don’t want to do this again.“ you know the feeling all too well. „Fuck. I couldn’t even score myself, the guy selling knew who l am so I paid another junkie to do it. I'm so pathetic.“
„Have you consumed any?“
He shakes his head. „I didn’t. I couldn’t. I came here instead. I’m sober right now. Please believe me“
„I do, I believe you“
He‘s pressing his palms into his eyes, probably a desperate attempt to stop the tears.
„Do you still have it?“
„Go on, hand it over“ you extend your open hand. He can’t have it near him. It’s like the first rule of addiction recovery: remove temptation. It‘s what he did for you when he got rid of all the alcohol that you were gifted early into recovery by people who didn’t know about your addiction. It‘s what he kept doing for you over the years, being there with you, frequently checking in during family gatherings, work events and birthdays, occasions that were typically linked to alcohol consumption.
Matty reaches into his pocket and produces a small packet of tinfoil wrapped in plastic and hands it over without question.
„That all?“
He nods
„Right, ok. I‘m going to dispose of this in the kitchen, do you want some tea?“
„Yes please“ he chokes out.
You go into your kitchen, put the kettle on and get the opioid disposal process started. How to get rid of heroin is one of the many things you had no idea of before your friendship with Matty, but now you know exactly what to do: you get out a glass from the cubboard, fill it halfway with water and dump the contents of the little packet into it. You go to your fridge and see if you still have any lemon juice left and find some that you forgot you had which also smells rank. Doesn’t matter, it will do. You add the juice to make the opioids dissolve in water like you learned in a fucked up chemistry lesson you would only get from a sober heroin addict and stir. Then you get a ziplock bag and go to the hallway cubboard where you store cat litter for exactly this occasion. You fill a good amount of the cat litter into the ziplock bag and return to the kitchen, take the heroin-lemon-water and dump it into the cat litter. It produces an absolutely disgusting looking brown mass, rendering the opiates completely unsalvageable. You zip up the bag and throw it in the trash.
When you come back to the living room from the kitchen, two mugs of tea in hand, you find Matty laying down on your couch, blanket over his legs. You put the mugs down on the coffee table and sit down on the floor in front of the couch. You reach your hand to his face and stroke his cheek with your thumb. He sighs and absolutely heartbreaking sigh.
„I know“, you whisper. And you do. You know how hard it can be to be a recovering addict, being on the brink of relapse.
Matty seems to calm down a bit. He's stopped crying and you just sit with him and the emotions in silence.
„Thank you“ he whispers after some time.
„Always“ you reply softly.
„Can I stay?“
„You know you can“, you smile.
He audibly exhales and timidly asks „can you please not tell George?“ oh yes, the accountability system. No keeping secrets, owning up to your mistakes, making sure you don’t isolate, etcetera, etcetera. It‘s not an official program, more like a thing you both came up with on your own.
„You know I have to tell him, it‘s part of the deal, remember?“
„I know, but I want to tell him myself.“
„Okay. But I‘m gonna make sure you do!“
„Tomorrow?“ he sounds so drained and exhausted.
„Tomorrow“, you agree. You don’t think you‘d have it in you to ask anything of him that he doesn’t want to do. You’re soft like that for him.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, admiring his face. His annoyingly handsome, lovely face and his slender but strong body. You long for him. And you long for him to get better. If only you could crack open his ribcage and personally fix everything that gives him grief, you would do it.
„I‘m so sorry“ he whispers again.
„I know. Trust me, I know“
„I feel like this right here is the only place where I can exist without judgement“, he admits and it makes you proud that you managed to create such a safe space for him and at the same time it breaks your heart knowing that the world is full of people watching and judging him. But truly, you feel like you‘re only returning the favour. He‘s been there for you through the worst parts of your life, always turning up for you when it mattered. A part of you fears you might no longer be here had it not been for him.
„Maybe here with you is even the only place I might get better… being with you makes me feel less helpless“
„Next time just come over without stopping at the dealer‘s before, yeah?“ you joke but on the inside your heart is burning. You want him and you want him to want you.
Matty smiles and you can feel him relaxing even more. Your hand is still tangled in his hair, thumb still stroking over his cheek. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He‘s exhausted and his body is begging for sleep. „It‘s okay, you can sleep, I‘ll stay here“ you say softly and you‘re not sure if he heard you because all his muscles are relaxing and he‘s lightly snoring, seemingly fast asleep.
You just sit here and watch him. You think about that one time he told you he didn’t feel worthy of any love or affection coming his way which makes you acutely aware of all the love you hold for him, that you don’t know where to put, that has nowhere to go. You wish you could tell him. Tell him that you‘ve never loved anyone like you love him. That you feel like you‘re missing an integral part of yourself when he‘s not there with you. That you love every part of him, even the ones he himself hates, that his vulnerability only makes you respect him more.
It is there and then, sitting on your living room floor in front of your couch with a sleeping Matty on it, that you decide you‘re gonna tell him. Tomorrow. You lay your head down on the couch, telling yourself you‘re only going to rest your eyes a bit before you fall asleep as well.
Little do you know that when Matty wakes up from a weird dream in the middle of the night and finds you asleep in what must be an uncomfortable position on the floor next to him, he decides that in the morning he is going to get over himself, be brave for once and just tell you that he loves you.
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AITA? my roommates and i have had problems before, so all of us label our food when it goes in the cubboard/fridge/closet/etc. we ask permission to use someone elses food.
well, my girlfriend and i like to get frisky. i bought some peanut butter, and then put the peanut butter on my dick for her to lick off, and when we were done, i set the peanut butter back in the closet. it was clearly labeled as my peanut butter.
a few days later, my roommate casually mentioned that he borrowed my peanut butter. when he asked why i was so pale and what went wrong, i told him what i had done with it. now hes pissed at me and roommates are split 2/3.
Please don't submit posts from the reddit unless they happened to you personally and you want a second opinion
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Eat Your Feelings
I felt the sudden urge to write about my favourite hungry hungry himbo, and now, here I am.
Warnings: Mentions of Beel wanting to eat MC at the beginning of them knowing each other
Beelzebub was the Avatar of Gluttony, and food was his forte. He was nice for a demon, most would note. Despite his nearly terrifying resting expression and overall stature, Beel was a sweet guy. The swoonworthy captain of the Fangol team, always willing to lend a hand… in exchange for food of course.
One couldn’t spend more than an hour at most around Beelzebub without hearing something about his love for food, be it from the demon himself or from his terrifying stomach growls.
“Don’t eat your feelings, Beelzebub.” Lucifer had told him one bright Friday morning. Everyone was ravenously tearing through breakfast with as much fervour as Beel, excited to start the day in the Celestial Realm.
“What do you mean, Lucifer?” Beel said through a mouthful of food, which caused the eldest to grimace slightly.
“Don’t eat your feelings, it’s a saying.” Lucifer explained. “Don’t eat to try to distract from negative emotions, face them like the soon to be seraph you are.”
Why would I be eating my feelings? Beel briefly wondered before the empty seat that normally belonged to Levi caught his eye. Oh… right…
Levi was off fighting the demons, he had left the previous day…
Beel felt his heart sink upon remembering.
…maybe he could eat his feelings a little more…
Just a little bit more became a mantra Beel repeated to himself, over and over and over, like a cultish chant that echoed off his skull and consumed his thoughts. Just a little bit more wouldn’t hurt… I’m so damn hungry…
Don’t eat your feelings.
Don’t eat your feelings.
It was too late for Lucifer’s advice, as Beel had cleared out the pantry and was rummaging through the cupboards like a man starved.
Just a little bit more…
Lilith was dead and gone.
Belphie wouldn’t talk to him.
Just a little bit more…
Just a bit…
Mammon’s bad habits were spiralling out of control.
Levi wouldn’t leave his room.
He would stop after this bite, just one more-
Asmo had become obsessed with himself and only himself.
The baby wouldn’t stop screaming.
Lucifer was a wreck-
Beel polished off the last of the food in the cubboards, he looked around the kitchen… nothing. He had eaten everything. The cupboards were open and empty, the fridge was picked clean, and yet, there was still a void. A void right in Beel’s chest that refused to fill, a void that screamed for more, for him to give it more.
He was still hungry, and nothing could fill it.
As Beel’s stomach growled again, he could only think of one little thing…
Oh how he wished he could eat his feelings.
Humans were a delicacy in the Devildom for thousands of years until Diavolo decided the practice of eating them was barbaric and banned it.
“We can’t exactly expect the humans to like us while we’re actively eating them, can we? For the betterment of both our worlds, no more eating humans.”
Beel almost openly groaned in sadness when the news broke, but Lucifer gave him a glare so sharp Beel was sure it actually managed to paralyze his vocal cords.
But that didn’t change the fact that humans were amazingly tasty, so when the human exchange student was dropped into the assembly hall, he couldn’t help but begin to drool. They were an average human, like all the rest, but Beel had developed a craving, and it was going to take all his self control to not devour the human on the spot.
The first day, 3:30 pm, Beel was walking home from school, his stomach beginning to rumble. Damn it he needed a snack…
He began to salivate at the thought, mmmmm… there was ice cream mochi in the freezer, maybe he could dig into that-
The frantic shaking of the front gate of the house broke Beel out of his thoughts. There was the human, looking back and forth from the gate that refused to open, to a group of four demons that were running towards them.
Ah, Beel finally saw the issue, the gate was bent at the hinges, Cerberus must have gnawed on it.
As the demons got closer, the human’s attempts to open the gate grew in desperation, they began to ram their shoulder against the metal. With each shriek of the metal, the other demons got closer and closer until-
“Damn it!” One of them cried before turning to their friends and saying: “Beel.”
The others stopped dead in their tracks the moment they noticed that Beel had walked up the sidewalk and was standing a mere five feet from the human, who had only just noticed him.
The human was wide eyed, staring up at him with a mixture of terror and almost… relief? Well, mostly terror.
After a few moments of deafening silence and stillness, the other demons groaned and walked away, mumbling about losing their after-school snack.
The faint rattling of the gate started up again. Beel looked down at the human again to see their hands shaking against the gate, but their stare hadn’t left Beel.
The Avatar of Gluttony’s stomach growled. The human was right there… no one else was around…
Beel’s hand shot out, and the human shrieked, throwing up their hands in a feeble attempt to defend themselves, but… when they realized Beel hadn’t touched them, they looked up again. His hand was clasped around the gate, as he yanked it open. The two were as still as statues, no one dared to move an inch until Beel’s stomach growled again.
“Are you going to go inside?” Beel asked, tilting his head.
The human, mouth slightly agape, slowly nodded, then nodded quickly. “Y-yes. Inside. Right!”
They then scampered through the gate and into the house. Beel’s stomach grumbled again.
…the ice cream mochi better still be in the fridge…
As the days turned into weeks, Beel couldn’t help but feel shame for his craving. The human was nice, they had become friends with Mammon and Levi, two of the most notoriously difficult to get along with of the seven princes of Hell, and the human had no qualms about sharing their food with him.
On one particular Saturday night, Beel heard a shout come from the human’s room, and he couldn’t help but poke his head in to see what was happening.
There on the floor, sitting in front of a TV, was the human, Mammon, and Levi, frantically tapping buttons on their controllers.
“Who the hell picks Rainbow Road for fun?!” Mammon growled as his character fell off the track, which elicited a giggle from the human.
“Me.” Levi said, the edge of his voice tinged with a hiss. “Because I’m not a noob like you.”
“Dumbass!” Mammon said as he slammed his elbow into Levi’s bicep, still keeping focused on the game where he slammed his kart against Levi’s. “I ain’t no noob! I’ve been playin’ racing games with you since the first Mario Kart came out!”
“Don’t fight you two, channel your aggression into the game.” The human said, a sly little smirk appearing on their face. “Because… oops.”
The human rammed their kart against the two of their’s, throwing them both off the track and letting the human take the lead.
“Looks like I’m winning~.”
“Not next round you’re not!” Levi promised as he began frantically trying to catch up.
It was at that moment when Beel felt his heart swell with joy upon seeing his brothers getting along, where he noticed… he wasn’t hungry. Well, the gnawing feeling was still there, it would always be there, but it was just so… tameable. Controllable.
…it was nice.
Sure, he had gotten mad enough at Mammon and the human to destroy the wall that connected the kitchen and their room in a hunger filled rampage, but on that particular day, Beel wasn’t feeling very content.
He had been saving that pudding for pity’s sake! It wasn’t the cheap stuff, either! Maybe that was what had attracted Mammon to it, the fact that the pudding was worth more than what Mammon usually had in his bank account (which was never too much, mind you).
But after spending time with the human, watching how they were willing to throw themselves in front of Lucifer himself in order to protect him and Luke… Beel had begun to feel something else. Something beyond simple contentment or hunger.
It was… it was…
“Butterflies!” Asmo had cried to him one day. The Avatar of Lust threw himself onto one of the living room couches and rested his head against one of Beel’s biceps. “I swear whenever Barbatos gives me that charming butler look I get butterflies…”
“I don’t think Barbatos meant to be charming. He was just looking at you.” Beel replied, stuffing chips into his face.
“Oh you don’t know him like I do, Beel…” Asmo giggled. “That nervous but hopelessly attractive sensation that rumbles in your chest and stomach…”
Oh… so Beel had butterflies in his stomach… that made sense. Pleasant little nervous butterflies.
Every little smile, exchange of looks, friendly word, sent Beel’s butterflies fluttering. But for the first time in a very, very long time, Beel didn’t want to eat these feelings away.
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cerealkiddie · 6 months
more babbling 💭
I want a home for me. an apartment where it's just for me and those I let in, my comfort. my little sectioned dishes in the cubboard, along side a few sippies n bottles. all the ingredients to make my favorite meals. my pacifier left on my nightstand, next to my teether. stuffed in my hand as I take them to the floor to sun bathe and have some tummy time. my dvd player to listen to cd's or watch an older movie/cartoon. xbox to play my fav video games n play with friends! a safe place for my comfort. me and mine alone.
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damodar-hd · 1 year
Wardrobe Works in Shamshabad
Custom Wardrobe Solutions in Shamshabad for Organized Spaces
In need of well-crafted Cubboards Works near Shamshabad wardrobes to maximize storage and enhance the aesthetics of your space in Hyderabad? Look no further! Our expert team specializes in creating custom storage solutions tailored to your specific needs. With meticulous attention to detail and top-quality materials, Cubboard Works near Shamshabad we offer unparalleled craftsmanship that transforms your space into an organized haven.
Why Choose Us for Cubboard and Wardrobe Work in Shamshabad:
Customized Designs: We understand that every individual has unique requirements and preferences. Wardrobe work in Shamshabad Hyderabad - Our team works closely with you to design and build customized cubboards and wardrobes that perfectly complement your space, style, and storage needs.
Expert Craftsmanship: Our skilled craftsmen possess years of experience in carpentry and take pride in their attention to detail. Wardrobe work in Hyderabad - From precise measurements to flawless joinery, we ensure that each piece is meticulously constructed to meet the highest standards of quality.
High-Quality Materials: We believe in using only the best materials for our cubboards and wardrobes Works Center in Shamshabad to ensure durability and longevity. Custom storage solutions Hyderabad - From sturdy wood to premium hardware and fittings, we source materials that not only look great but also withstand the test of time.
Space Optimization: Whether you have a small apartment or a spacious villa, we excel in creating storage solutions that maximize the available space. Custom cubboards Works near Shamshabad Hyderabad - Our designs intelligently utilize every nook and cranny, providing ample storage for your belongings without compromising on aesthetics.
Variety of Finishes: We offer a wide range of finishes, including laminates, veneers, and paints, allowing you to choose the perfect style to match your interior decor. Custom wardrobes Shamshabad Hyderabad - Our finishes are not only visually appealing but also resistant to wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting beauty.
Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of completing projects on time. Expert carpenters Hyderabad - Our team follows an organized workflow to ensure timely delivery without compromising on the quality of work. We strive to exceed your expectations and meet agreed-upon deadlines.
Competitive Pricing: Our wardrobe solutions in Shamshabad Hyderabad are priced competitively, offering excellent value for your investment. Space-saving storage solutions Hyderabad - We provide transparent pricing, free from hidden charges, ensuring you get a fair and reasonable quote for your project.
Transform your living space into an organized haven with our custom wardrobe solutions near Shamshabad Hyderabad. With our attention to detail, expert craftsmanship, high-quality materials, and personalized designs, we create storage solutions that perfectly fit your space and cater to your storage needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and experience the joy of organized living with our exceptional carpentry work.
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blood-injections · 9 months
Plz help we r being infested by weevils everywhere i look. Another one. At least like six in my room every day and increasing they just show up from nowhere boom. Crawling on my wall. Out of thin air. Just smushed one. Went to the bathroom had to smush two. First time ive seen them somewhere other than my room. Why me. Came back to my room and another one had appeared where i just killed the one two minutes ago. How do they multiply. Finally went and complained to my dad. How are they getting in. Its a brand new house. Insecticides were sprayed two days ago. We look around. Arent weevils spoosed to be in your cubboards and stuff why is it just my room and as of today the hall i.e the bathroom next to me my room and as of looking around. THREE hanging out on the ceiling outsde the rooms. None in the guest bedroom across from me though. So once again . Why me. I theorize they could have been in the boxes. But my boxes have been in here for longer than the weevils if the weevils are in any boxes theyd be in the old ones that were in a stoage unit. So they must be coming in from outside. But how. Once again. New house. I looked around my room theres no like cracks. They just fucking manifest. Hang on i just looked around my room again oh my god theres one IN my fishtank. Underwater. Why isnt my fish eating it dude you're a idiot. Fuck. Okay. This is fucking WAR.
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alcorian · 1 year
people who look down their nose at fandom and shipping as "low-brow" and/or "ruining your ability to interact with media" annoy me so much. ive been passionately involved in fandom since i was 10 and i can not only identify themes & messages, i often go feral over them because its one of my favorite parts of a story. i ALSO enjoy shipping, and post about it frequently, because its fucking fun. sometimes my ship-fanfic directly contradicts my more serious picking-apart-themes posts or fic, and thats fine. i can engage with a piece of media in multiple ways. sometimes, im able to point to themes and messages that support a ship, and thats like finding candy stashed in the back of my cubboard. very nice and lucky. but its not neccessary to either way of enjoying the media.
maybe youre the one who needs to figure out how to interact with media in more than one way. fans are not "shallow" for making ship content, they are having fun in their hobby space.
also, your elitism is showing
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autism-corner · 7 months
Hey guys dont smash your head onto overhead cubboards. That shit hurts.
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
Oo any headcanons for hangover au? That au will always have a special place in my heart
I love the hangover au. It has a special place in my heart too ❤️
Everyone expects drunk texts from Dan or the younger generation.....the younger generation are not prepared for when the og crew celebrate someone's birthday and get so drunk that they end up calling them
Sebastain, when he was younger, could be found anywhere while hungover. He has been found in cubboards, under beds, under the sink, in bath tubs and once in the hallway of a hotel cuddling a plant
Sebastian comes to the Vegas GP, not because he wants to be there, but because he doesn't trust the younger crowd not to have another Vegas incident.....and he's right
Kimi has a collection of drunk pictures of their friends. He keeps them in a photo album that he breaks out whenever one of them says "I never did anything that embarrassing" (mostly to Rosberg)
One time when Lewis was sick snd couldn't come out, he woke up to find the whole crew in his place. Kimi had picked the lock and they'd brought a load of medicine for him and take out from his favourite vegan place
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dihorni · 9 months
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I think the idea behind these piercings or face decorations is quite hot. However imagine these things getting snagged behind a cubboard handle or some shit like that...
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hlvraik · 2 years
I think you probably did this before, but any headcanons on what if kid!gordon get sick while the science team are watching him?
The gang immediately knows something's wrong whenever Gordon sleeps longer than usual. He's the first one to wake everybody up, so him sleeping in is a bit unusual.
Whenever he does wake up, everyone's suspicions are confirmed, as not only is the poor guy's burning up, but their voices sound rather hoarsed and stuffy. (He still tries to play it off by being his happy-go-lucky self and not letting it bother him, but his act falls apart in seconds.)
There's not any sort of medicine or pharmacy located within Black Mesa, unless you want to count the few headache pills you come across in the cubboards in the breakrooms, so they'll have to rely on Darnold to come up with something.
Meanwhile, Gordon's covered in a lab coat while their favorite headcrab sits in their lap, comforting him. The Science Team and Benrey relatively stick close to him to ensure nothing goes wrong and he has everything he needs. Not only that, but they also try to entertain him to the best of their abilities due to him being stuck in place.
Sure, Gordon had plenty of tissues to wipe his nose, but sometimes he'd just use his sleeve, the lab coat, or one of the team's sleeves.
Gordon himself would often slip in and out of sleep, and this absolutely TERRIFIED the science team, thinking that Gordon had passed out, or worse. However, after realizing this, they settled their fears and let him sleep.
Darnold does end up making some form of medicine and soup while they're at it :)
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otterlywyrdfirbolg · 2 years
(Appears in your front yard, holding a painted horse skull on a stick and covered with a sheet, accompanied by 6 other identical, "caretaker" iterations of himself; Snaps the skull's jaw as he shouts at your front door.)
Trixel, Trixel, let us in! Just look at my trustworthy grin! We hunger so, and you should know The temperature is ten below! Trixel, Trixel, grant our wish! Share with us a scrumptious dish! Give us rum and give us beer And fill your heart with Christmas cheer! Trixel, Trixel, come and see The sight this night has brought to thee! A visitor you can't ignore: The Mari Lwyd is at your door!
Nay nay, I mustn't grant
Admissions to my establishment.
For my pantry and cubboards are bare.
Not a scrap of food nor beer in there.
No crackers nor garlic toast
For I am not a wealthy host
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sbnkalny · 2 months
As i sit between two close walls (cubboards, etc) I have a healthier or more can significantly reduce the Monster's bloddied maw curled into a mock newspaper with an Insatiable hunger for butts butthungy
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