#dat lions mane
writer59january13 · 5 months
Come post presidential election 2024… heil to the Wharton chief firebrand -
more worrisome than an ovarian cyst
every race, religion, nationality, gender, creed, et cetera with impunity dissed brigand able, eager, ready and willing to punch contenders throwing his fist against rival – one nasty and brutish soul after reading, you get the gist how dictator wannabe lurching with tremendous oaf fish shill
blatantly, flagrantly, and glad-handedly zapping usurping power, breeding dissent soundlessly slithering, spreading vile disinformation onto social media platforms targeting undecided electorates analogous to casting dark shadows across the edge of night hissed tory revoked eclipsed loosing unfettered horrors.
Das boot trump out-
(oust him to) Waterloo
Eagerly awaits you
the bully in the white house and true.
Whit that, yawl get a lucky strike if ya keep yar show
as my Reince prescience foretells this poe
fur one quarter off hiz terminal daze starring down
(with bad medicine), thee ole scarecrow.
╰☆╮ Thankfully, I'm not a royal heir
to the power monger hoarders╰☆╮
which comb hen might handy when borders
hermetically sealed - per heil hit lore
caw zing a furor with his stark jumbo je lay bean orders.
I don't wanna don a duck dynasty outfit,
or that of a woodchucker but...holy mother f*cker
and kudos to any heckler,
who deems steam roller trump as a mean trucker.
Thus - for the umpteenth attempt to post
without any intention to induce rabid reaction to roast
my ass (albeit scrawny just to be cheeky),
I dick rye America will burn like toast the legacy of democracy transparent as a ghost
if....mister money bags - to the finish line
of presidential electorate, he doth coast.
My anti Donald trump screed continues tut try
tip picture conjure pixelated stress less or more
WE MUST DO MORE THAN YODEL LOUD: (and preach to the choir)
out....out...get...life not death, he seems to ab hoar
ding dong Donald drake...out...of...here...
without...his security detail or...coat....of...
(Emperor wears no clothes) armor.
I will not condone political measures
from that mane lion kapo -
jabbering indiscretion.
Herewith follows a poem (concatenated with above lines) I dashed off in a huff - to douse
dat auld don trumpeting joie de vivre
fin de siecle utopia of yesteryear
puffin sewerage bilge - strike n horror n ma eyes -
for opinion aye espouse
based on scary political fracas and looming nightmare -
whar mo' will grouse
to obstruct trump access to black keys to white house
that a looming presidential nightmare
doth not become real - gruff louse
he will crush sacred freedoms,
whence western civilization goes off bluff
analogous to a rabid cat terminating
the life of more'n Mickey Mouse.
a pipe dream that will never take shape.
Air ring ma thoughts - no matter aye ham
juiced one twenty first century mwm ape
serves as genuine s cape
to fly (during pitch black hours of night)
on his witch a ma call it...
to escape temporarily the cares and concerns
of an uncertain world,
where as an outlier from madding crowd I gape
at the sheer insanity
trumpeting strumpets donning an innate
prejudice and senselessness purr
blind faith toward self avowed demigod --
seize whore viz Caesar - forever linkedin with maxim
Veni, Vedi, Vici - idolized statecraft motto
Trump perfects with his witch's brew he doth stir
his hair coiffed and puffed like it whir
wind blown kickstart ting mobs to stir
paying Deep Purple bodyguards to evict ruckus-causing murmur
oh...how the masses will let this country
go to hell in handbasket -
blithely purging the Iran Nuclear Deal,
The Paris Climate Agreement
plus rack up stratospheric global debt
cause zing this one measly mortal male to fret
Boom, boom, boom gotta get get
that totalitarian rule will force every man,
woman and child to march....het
two...three...four, while the billionaire
turns a third blind eye speeds away in his foo fighter jet
argh...heavens to Betsy Ross,
Condoleezza Rice, Nancy Reagan,
Barenaked Ladies, and Goo Goo Dolls,
how did the fickle finger of fate let
this pompous ass allergic to law and order sowing, loosing, and fomenting insurrection crowdsourcing, wherever anarchy met
vacuums up majority votes across world wide quartered, (tattered), and webbed net
to finagle vox populi,
and groom hooligan nasty ruffian thugs
with smashed face as his smart pet
GoLong Daddy story short -
pondering my rental circumstance
will be upended if this ret
chad, evil, googly-eyed, gastronomic,
narcissistic bullish Don will set
the spark for world war three -
via gone ah re: ha...ha...ha...to all vet
tureens within the sea to shining cyber sea
American crucible melting pot -
with verbal whips,
whose invective blast sucker punching
DACA, and those
who strain to uphold economic backbone,
he does NOT STOP to undermine stoop labor,
which anonymous backs, he bloodies via twittering whetstone
unless....Katrina and the Waves, superman
or the Sabrina can oust him yet.
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imhereforscm · 10 months
Good morning sweetheart 🧡
Hello, sweetieeeeeeee😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
It's 3:15 pm over here🙃🙃✨✨
I've been absent, so I'm sorry for that, but now I'm back and I'm ready to
Also, I was able to spot the moon! Look!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🌹🌹🌹🌹🌕🌕🌕💖💖💖💖
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The pictures never look clear or anything, yet I always snap one, haha💕
Lately I've been looking at lion pictures A LOT. Like-
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If I could get a lion as a pet (like- if they were cool with being adopted like this, that provided them a healthy life, they wouldn't eat me alive, etc.) I would!😩❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
I was even thinking like- what would I name my lion??? And for some reason my brain is so stuck on the name "Seraphim". Idk why😅😅 I guess it sound beautiful and rich, since lions have that royal aura and everything.
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She's named Serafina, so I guess Seraphim strikes me as the masculine version of😗 (because I'd get a male lion. I need to cuddle dat mane🥺🥺)
I hope you all had and will keep having a wonderful day, loves!!!😚😚😚😚💕💕💕💕
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regioonlineofficial · 10 months
We kennen het allemaal wel: snel afgeleid zijn en moeite hebben om je te concentreren. Je gedachten lijken alle kanten op te vliegen en het is lastig om je focus op één taak, onderwerp of bezigheid te houden. Verschillende factoren kunnen hieraan bijdragen, zoals vermoeidheid, stress en omgevingsruis. Ervaar jij weleens een verminderde concentratie? Geen zorgen, met deze tips kun je je focus en aandacht langer vasthouden. 1.  Stop met multitasken Ben jij altijd aan het multitasken? Het is beter om daar mee te stoppen, want je brein functioneert het beste wanneer je je op één taak richt. Als je aan het multitasken bent, switch je eigenlijk constant tussen taken. Dit kost veel energie en gaat ten koste van de kwaliteit van je werk. Het veroorzaakt ook chaos in je hoofd en maakt je sneller afgeleid. Schrijf de taken die je moet doen op en werk ze één voor één af. Op die manier kun je elke opdracht met volle concentratie uitvoeren. 2.  Ga naar buiten en beweeg Wetenschappelijk onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat beweging goed is voor je geheugen en concentratie. Bovendien helpt bewegen ook om je stressniveaus te verlagen. Als je aan het werk bent of aan het studeren en je merkt dat je concentratie begint te dalen, maak dan een wandeling. Het is een effectief middel tegen stress en het zorgt ervoor dat je daarna weer fris aan de slag kunt. 3.  Gun jezelf een goede nachtrust Voldoende slaap is essentieel voor je concentratie. Je slaapt niet voor niets ongeveer een derde van je leven! Wanneer je slecht slaapt, voel je je mentaal minder goed. Je bent sneller geïrriteerd, voelt je moe en je concentratievermogen neemt af. 4.  Gebruik voedingssupplementen zoals Lion's Mane voor extra ondersteuning Er zijn supplementen die je concentratievermogen kunnen ondersteunen naast een gezond voedingspatroon. Mineralen zoals ijzer, magnesium en zink dragen bij aan een normale concentratie. Daarnaast kun je ook het supplement Lion's Mane proberen voor extra ondersteuning*. Wat zijn Lion's Mane paddenstoelen? Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is een eetbare paddenstoel die in Nederland ook wel 'pruikzwam' wordt genoemd. Het uiterlijk van deze paddenstoel is heel anders dan dat van een traditionele paddenstoel. Geen rood met witte stippen, maar lange, roomwitte stengels die sierlijk naar beneden hangen, vergelijkbaar met leeuwenmanen. Daar komt de naam vandaan! De Lion's Mane wordt ook wel gebruikt als vleesvervanger en heeft een milde smaak die soms vergeleken wordt met die van kreeft. Naast de lekkere smaak heeft Lion's Mane ook nog eens vele gezondheidsvoordelen*. Wat maakt deze paddenstoel zo bijzonder? De Lion's Mane wordt al duizenden jaren gebruikt in de traditionele Chinese geneeskunde. Deze paddenstoel bevat verschillende gezonde stoffen, zoals mineralen (zink en kalium), essentiële aminozuren, beta-glucanen en antioxidanten. Dankzij deze stoffen kan de paddenstoel het immuunsysteem ondersteunen*. Maar waar de Lion's Mane echt in uitblinkt, is dat het goed is voor het geheugen en het concentratievermogen, het draagt ook bij aan een normale concentratie*. Onderzoek heeft namelijk aangetoond dat het de productie van nerve growth factor (NGF) in de hersenen stimuleert*. NGF is een essentieel eiwit dat een belangrijke rol speelt in het functioneren van de hersenen. Onze hersencellen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het verzenden van informatie hebben dit eiwit nodig om hun taak goed uit te voeren. Lion’s Mane bevordert de signaaloverdracht tussen cellen in de hersenen, wat de focus kan ondersteunen en goed is voor de concentratie*. Bovendien is Lion's Mane een volledig natuurlijk supplement en zijn er geen bekende bijwerkingen, bij normaal gebruik, zelfs bij langdurig gebruik. Wil je meer weten over Lion’s Mane? Ben je op zoek naar informatie over Lion's Mane en andere paddenstoelen? Dan ben je bij Pure Mushrooms aan het juiste adres! Ontdek een schat aan informatie over paddenstoelproducten, inclusief uitgebreide details over Lion's Ma
ne, op deze website. Hier vind je alles wat je nodig hebt om je kennis en inzicht in deze buitengewone paddenstoelen te vergroten. *Gezondheidsclaim in afwachting van goedkeuring door de Europese Commissie
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drugsinceu · 1 year
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Well, it’s going to be 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia this October and my teacher engaged our class into some kind of contest... So I thought I might share this with you. c’: It’s not finished but I am sattisfied with the main art.
Looking on it now, I’ll re-write the years.. ffs I can’t write properly.
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zayashmaya · 3 years
GHB x reader hcs
Completely and utterly obsessed with you. If he isn’t busy with his duties then he is thinking about you, seeking you out for your attention or to have you near him. Your very presence lights up his world and sometimes he honestly thinks he sees blood splatters more vibrantly after you’ve put him in a good mood. 
His typical mood is usually laid back grumpiness. But when he’s in his feelings, he is intense. This guy can say some of the sweetest or must lurid things imaginable, and he needs to touch you, to grip your soft skin, to have your small cute body sitting in his lap. And he tends to stare at you, especially when you are talking, so prepare to deal with his big unblinking eyes honed in on you. He isn’t necessarily trying to intimidate you - he is just more socially awkward than anyone cares to admit and he really likes you. 
Obnoxiously loud sneezer and yawner. Falls asleep a lot easier if you are pressed up against him because of how comfortably warm you are. 
You are the only person in history who has ever, and will ever, be allowed to scratch the nape of his neck. His hair is like a lion’s mane, meant to protect his neck from attack. So for him to let you anywhere near him like this is a Big Deal and he turns into purring putty when he feels your nails raking along his skin or combing through his hair. 
Is he going to put on a scowl and bare his teeth if you shower him with borderline palerom PDA? Yes. Are you allowed to stop? No. He lives for your mother henning. 
Polka dot socks get him riled up. Definitely has a foot fetish. It is ingrained in the Makara lineage. 
His nook is hella sensitive because he doesn’t get much use out of it. Bury your face between his thighs and worship dat troll coochie and definitely get sloppy about it. 
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sukalaap · 3 years
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Well... it sure has been a while since I've spent entire days busting my ass by making such a huge, more complete piece, and there's definitely a reason why I don't do it often, honestly. I can definitely say that I am incredibly proud of how this one came out! So there you have it! The 2021 version of three previous versions that you can see here!
Just a more modern illustration of Simba having a blast with his friends, while being supervised by M̶r̶.̶ ̶B̶a̶n̶a̶n̶a̶ ̶B̶e̶a̶k the king's majordomo. You know, the more I realise that a bird ensuring the safety of young predators instead of the fullgrown adult predators themselves just doesn't make sense, the more I short circuit in the cortex. But HEY! 'TIS A CARTOON DUMMEHS AGAGAGAG
To those who are not very involved within the Lion King fandom and are like "WTF ARE THESE OTHER CUBS I KEEP SEEING EVERYWHERE ARE THEY SELF-INSERT O-SEES????66???? LOL DATS SO GAY", those cubs are in fact "semi-canon characters", thus characters from Disney-approved pieces of media like comics and books. So I'm gonna nerd this stuff out here because I have nothing better to do at the moment.
Three of the cubs are from German comics, the first one with the blue baby birds being Tojo, who appears in The Orphaned Birds. The other about to pounce is Tama, who appears in Snakes In Paradise and lastly, the one with the black mane tufts is Malka, who appears in Simba's New Brother. The two brown ones are Chumvi & Kula, both appearing in one of the books from published fanfic series called The Lion King: Six New Adventures, specifically one titled Nala's Dare. The last two behind the rock are nameless cubs who appear in one illustration from a more recent TLK book. Gonna find a purpose for them in fanfics later. So there y'all have it! I sure as hell hope you love this one as much as I do!
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alt-tj · 2 years
That takes the fun out of being anon
Your hair is really pretty too. Are you into having it pulled at all?
I’m actually tendered headed. That’s touching a lion’s mane. You don’t do dat
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ducktracy · 4 years
180. the lyin’ mouse (1937)
release date: october 16th, 1937
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: mel blanc (cat), billy bletcher (lion), berneice hansell (mice)
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this cartoon debuts a REALLY helpful bonus (that you can’t see on account of the blue ribbon re-issue): the story man is finally credited! no more guessing games as to who wrote what! of course, some valuable details are still omitted (backgrounds, layouts) which can sometimes be deciphered with a bit of sleuthing, but this is a nice start. i’ll start crediting the story, animation, music, layouts/backgrounds, etc. once the title cards move to the three part formula (that is: title, credits, director’s credit), which is sometime in the mid ‘40’s. for now, a little mouse retells the fable of the lion in the mouse (with some loony touches, of course) to a hungry cat in an attempt to satiate the cat’s appetite for the rodent.
berneice hansell’s shrieks accompany a still of the basement where our tale takes place. fade and zoom into a poor little mouse caught in a mouse trap, trying and failing to free its tail from the iron bar. the mouse’s cries of “helphelphelphelphelphelpHELP!” do nothing but attract unwanted attention--a quick, speedy pan that recalls the techniques of frank tashlin’s reveal a hungry cat licking its chops in anticipation. i personally love the cat’s design, the coloring on the eyes especially is really unique and stands out. the mouse, on the other hand, looks like all of the previous freleng mice that have dominated his cartoons, especially around the 1936 season. 
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the mouse begs for the cat to spare him. i love the purposeful indifference on the cat’s part--humming nonchalantly (the humming provided by billy bletcher as opposed to mel blanc) as he ties a napkin around his neck and places the mouse between two slices of bread, even salting him. tugging at the heart strings isn’t enough to quench this kitty’s appetite. the mouse’s attempts at bargaining are soon replaced with giggles as he’s slathered with mustard (gotta go the whole nine yards!), soon silent as the cat prepares to take a bite of his mouse-wich. thankfully for the mouse, its tail is still caught in the trap, and he’s yanked forcefully out from the sandwich just as the cat prepares to take a bite.
like always, berneice hansell’s deliveries are all too amusing to listen to as he proposes a deal with the cat. if the cat spares him, he’ll do a good deed in return. the cat doesn’t buy it (”ha! dat’s rich. a mouse help a cat. ha!”), prompting the mouse to ask if he’s ever heard of the story about the lion and the mouse. hansell’s deliveries are in tip top form as she eagerly exposes the plot, her voice reaching frequencies that even dogs would strain to hear. the gaspy breaths of excitement are another plus. tex avery would usually be the one to use her vocals as a punchline, pushing the audience’s limits on how long they can stomach her squealing (and i use that affectionately!), but you can certainly see friz also taking that approach here. likewise, the mouse’s voice reaches an opposite extreme, thundering in a low bellow as he describes the great, big, bad lion. i could be wrong, but the dimensional acting on the mouse, particularly the close-ups, feel like the work of bob mckimson to me.
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though amusing, the opening portion of the cartoon does teeter on the sweet and sentimental side more than it does funny and witty. thankfully, we get more of the good stuff during the actual retelling of the story. the lion makes his grand debut, marching through a line of trees that bend to allow his threatening physique through. facing the audience, billy bletcher does his classic, bellowing voice as the lion introduces himself as the rip-snortin’-est lion in the whole world, going on an entire tangent all ending in -”est”, a mannerism that would be adopted by friz’s own yosemite sam years later. the animation of the lion is a bit distracting and clumsy, and i can’t help but wonder if that’s on the fault of the ink and paint department rather than the animator (or both). his mane in particular feels rather floaty and too geometrical. nevertheless, bletcher’s vocals are keen. to demonstrate just how large and in charge he is, the lion takes a deep inhale and exhale, causing an entire wind burst to blow the trees to and fro--even the grass rolls and unrolls like a carpet.
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transition to a baby ostrich happily strutting along, the same ostrich reused from freleng’s plenty of money and you just a few years prior. the lion bellows its roar from offscreen, prompting the terrified ostrich to jab its head in the ground, lifting its head up (and a clump of dirt consequently hanging from its neck) and dashing off into the hills after the next roar. the scene does feel slightly out of place, transitions between scenes noticeable, but ken harris’ animation is always nice to see. the timing, at least, is very well done. the next scene, however, has more clumsy and conservative animation, featuring animals running away and back again to their water hole after being scared off by the lion. it beckons memories of past cartoon eras.
nevertheless, another hansell-voiced mouse (the eponymous mouse, that is) appears and is ready for some mischief making. he blows into a horn that is, to the animals, all to reminiscent of the lion’s roar. the animals of the jungle take off, including a turtle couple who jump in the same shell to escape, slightly comparable to another turtle couple in tex avery’s don’t look now just a year prior. 
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of course, the mouse gets his just desserts when the mean ol’ rip-snortin’-est lion himself is right behind the mouse, watching him double over in squeaky hysterics. once the mouse realizes he’s about to become dinner (doing a nice little stretch take), he’s quick to drop his games, now whistling anxiously, a big, cheesy grin plastered on his face, taking a few cautious steps backwards. gorgeous personality animation. 
as the mouse pleas for his life, giving the ol’ “i have a wife and kids at home!” excuse, the lion is distracted by a smell radiating from off screen. a rotisserie chicken is conveniently placed in a bear trap, the trap labeled as the FRANK CLUCK EXPEDITION (a take on famed hunter frank buck). thankfully for the mouse, the lion lets him go, preoccupied with his plentiful poultry meal. the mouse zips away thankfully, only to zip right back at equal speeds and thank the lion before zipping away again. this gag would be used verbatim only 3 years later with freleng’s you ought to be in pictures, with porky in place of the mouse. coincidentally, both are animated by cal dalton, too. (thanks, devon!) the mouse DOES drop by one extra time to reassure the lion that if he ever needs help, he’ll return the favor.
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thus cues the lion’s endeavors to pilfer the poultry. realizing all too quickly that simply reaching for the chicken will result in unwarranted decapitation of the arm thanks to the bear trap, he has to come up with something crafty. so, he opts to take the nonchalant approach, whistling and rocking back and forth unassumingly. the timing is very well executed as he pounces in a flash, reduced to a mere blur as he snags the chicken out from the clutches of the trap just in time. if you look closely, you can even spot some airbrush being used in conjunction with the speed lines.
unfortunately for the lion, what he fails to realize is that the chicken is rigged--the friendly folks behind the frank cluck expedition put a mouse trap inside the hollow chicken that clamps to the lions nose as soon as he gets a whiff of his not-so-future meal. however, an innocent lamb calls to the attention of the lion, distracting him from his pain.
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the lamb is tied to a box that reads “FRANK CLUCK EXPEDITION -- lion trap no. 5″, pointing to a sign that encourages the lion to take it home free. the lion is enticed, but just as he goes to reach for the lamb’s neck, he recognizes the lion trap sign. instantly, he taps his foot, deep in thought, the whole scene rather reminiscent of freleng’s life with feathers in which sylvester does the same thing, pondering whether or not he should swallow a suicidal bird. the timing is much faster then, but the joke still lands even here. finally, the lion decides to dismiss the act all together, waving his hand away as he leaves. the pantomiming is excellent--no words are necessary to convey the dialogue happening in this scene. regardless, the lamb urges the lion to return, advertising signs about the health benefits of mutton. even the lush orchestration of “too marvelous for words” reaches its climax at the punchline--the lamb seductively displays its leg, the sign exclaiming “EAT LEG OF LAMB SAYS DR. KNOWIT”.
finally, the lion is convinced, and he grabs the lamb. as he does, the box advertising the frank cluck expedition opens, and a boxing glove socks the lion right in the face. great timing on friz’s part as a hunter wastes no time swooping in to tie the lion by the legs, posing triumphantly as a crowd takes photos and videotape the event for all to see. it all happens in a flash and unfolds quite well--the only downside is that the lion and hunter are subject to some DVNR (digital video noise reduction).
segue back to the present day, where the hungry mouse eager for the mouse to continue, invested in the story despite his harsh resistance against it prior. the detail of him sitting with his elbows on his knees like an eager little kid listening to a story is priceless, especially juxtaposted with the grating tones of mel’s voice as he urges “yeah? yeah? go on, go on! ‘den what happened?” 
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“soooooooo...!”, we spot the lion caged up at the circus, a lion tamer cracking his whip and performing tricks for the audience. i always love looking at the crowd shots in the ‘30s and ‘40s cartoons, they’re so amusing and can sometimes even border ghastliness. in a callback to rudolf ising’s i love a parade back in 1932, ken harris does some excellent animation of the lion tamer placing his head in the lion’s open mouth, and, consequently, the lion placing his own head in the tamer’s mouth. the animation of both shaking their hands in triumph (and the hilarious drawing of the lion tamer opening his mouth wide) is great. ya gotta love the harris smears. 
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“and ‘den, one night...” we get a shot of the mouse telling the story in the present as a means to transition scenes, a move that could have easily been achieved with just hansell’s narration and no animation. regardless, the lion sulks tearfully in his cage. however, as promised, the little brown mouse lives up to his word by surprising the lion at the cage, shushing him to keep quiet. carl stalling’s score of “old king cole” is lush and beautiful as the mouse chews his way through the wooden door of the cage, only stopping to begrudgingly spit out a nail. a lion sized hole is perfectly gnawed through the wood, and both the lion and mouse retreat away into the night, fleeing the circus once and for all.
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“and that’s how the mouse saved the lion. now, won’t you let me go?” the brash, bold, grumpy cat from before is reduced to a tearful, sniveling sentimentalist as he frees the mouse, whimpering a pathetically hilarious “okay... i’m awfully sorry...” he’s even so kind as to give the mouse the piece of cheese that was used as bait.
the mouse displays the growth of warner bros. cartoons and their developing sense of identity as he zips away with the cheese, yelling “SUCKER!” and darting into the mouse hole. surprisingly, berneice hansell gives the line instead of your typical mel blanc shriek. the lip sync doesn’t align with the audio at all, however--the animation feels much more extreme than hansell’s delivery. i wonder if mel said the line originally, and they made a last minute change? who knows. nevertheless, the cat rams into the wall, failing to catch the mouse. instead, he turns to the audience and growls “can ya imagine that?” in an ode to tex avery’s porky the rain-maker. iris out.
while far from friz’s best, it’s far from his worse. it’s certainly much more enjoyable than his previous entry, dog daze. the actual retelling of the story is the best part, yet despite their nostalgic nature the cat and mouse scenes do hold up, especially the personality of the cat and the “SUCKER!” ending. that ending and the leg of lamb gag display the growing disenfranchisement with the disney roots of warner bros. cartoons. ever so slowly, the cartoons are finally making a name for themselves, and will continue to do so for years to come. 
some aspects of the short drag--the opening is particular slow--but they’re padded with amusing vocals, and i’m enamored with the cat’s design. it isn’t the most substantial in terms of story or momentum, but there’s plenty to be amused by. it does have its lively moments. carl stalling’s musical arrangements are gorgeous as always and a delight to listen to. overall, you could go either way, but i lean more towards the “give it a watch” side, especially if you’ve been keeping up with this journey and are acquainted with the cartoons of the past. friz has dozens and dozens of cartoons better than this one, but he also has dozens of cartoons worse than this. i say give it a leisurely watch!
the short is beautifully restored on HBOmax, where i got the screenshots from, but you can also settle for this print as well.
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sleepygrldreams · 3 years
7 Days of Writing Challenge
Day 2, Tuesday 3/9/2021
The only thing worse than loud, drunk college kids is loud, drunk, lion shifting college kids. It was 5:30 am on Sunday morning, and Scarlett was once again cursing the fact that she lives near the University, despite her apartment being close to her job at the local emergency room where she works nights. When Scarlett found the small but cozy one bedroom home tucked between apartment buildings  on the edge of the city’s small but bustling down town, she couldn’t  resist.  Now, as Scarlett observed from her window as a college kid that must have spilled out from one of the parties going on, was banging on her front door yelling “Cannddddyyyyy” at the top of his lungs, she wished she had.
How does Scarlett know that the Candy kid is a drunk shifter and not just a drunk human? For one, the nearby university is a historically supernatural college so a lot of  types attend the school, and the most common supernaturals in this part of the country are shifters. Second, the kid wasn’t exactly subtle about it, which Scarlett observed as the kid’s meaty hand turned into a meaty paw, which made a terrible screeching sound as his claws scraped across the metal door- which was made of metal in case of this sort of incident.
The door-clawer’s mane like hair was also a dead give away of his species. Wincing, Scarlett cracked open one of her front windows just enough to shout “Will you quit it!”?at the Lion kid. The kid swung his head from the door in Scarlett’s direction. Gods, Scarlett thought as she took in how dilated the kid’s pupils where, in addition to his stumbling movements, which was so far off from a shifters normal natural grace as to be laughable. How much shifter proof alcohol did he down?
“Cannndddyyy?” The kid slurred. “Baaabbyyy why’d ya  flyyy awwaayyy?” Scarlett wasn’t sure if this Candy girl literally flew or not- which is possible given the variety of shifters and other supernaturals that exist alongside humans- but Scarlett thought that the girl was probably smart to get away from the Lion shaped train wreck standing on her porch.
“I’m not Candy,”Scarlett said slowly and clearly, as if that would force her words through the lion’s thick skull into his alcohol addled brain. “And even if I was, you showing up drunk on my door step is the opposite of impressive.” The kid stood staring at Scarlett for a good minuet before he stumbled closer to her window, making Candy glad that she replaced the glass with a shatter proof version and that she had a metal rod preventing the window from opening more than a few inches. Would that stop a rampaging Lion shifter? The answer is no. But did it make Scarlett feel better about the situation? Marginally, but that’s good enough for now.
“Can-Can,” the kids slurs, staggering to a stop. “Don’ be dat weeeyyy. Just be-caz I zaid dat lionz and birdz can’t be matez doeznt mean we can’t still fuucckkk”. Scarlett stood in shock and stared at the apparent idiot outside her window , speechless. No wonder Candy- who evidently can literally fly- left him. He’s a jerk!
While she was taking a deep breath to try to resist the urge to strangle the lion- which would only end up bad for Scarlett since she can’t win a fight against a shifter, even if this one was pretty drunk- a loud whisper broke through the heavy silence otherwise only marred by the distant sounds of laughter and music.
“Dude!” The voice whispered sharply, which evidently belonged to a far more sober Lion standing on the end he of Scarlett’s meager lawn. “ Brian! This isn’t her house! And you’re drunk off your ass!” Well, no shit, Scarlett thought. But before she could say anything to the two lawn trampling lions, the drunk one turned and shouted to his friend  “ No! Duuddeeeee I gotz diz!”
Turning back to  Scarlett’s window, he pressed his face against the glass and once again shouted “ Cannnddyyyyyyyyy! Let me innnn babyyyy. I’ll make it zo good fer ya”. The half assed leer on the kid’s face was almost comical, as was the way his face was smooshed against the window. Almost, because he was still a drunk lion capable of causing a shit ton more trouble than Scarlett and her neighbors just loosing sleep.
Catching the sober one’s eye, Scarlett told him firmly “ get him out of here now or I’ll call the local alpha.” Even with Scarlett’s human vision and the dim light, she could see- or feel- the sober kid’s eyes fill with terror. The local shifter alpha- Carry- is an asshole, but he’s an effective asshole who doesn’t tolerate bad- or stupid-behavior in his territory.
“I-I’ll get him!” The sober lion stuttered, sprinting towards his friend who was now sprawled out on Scarlett’s porch singing a drunk version of “I want Candy.” Slamming her window shut and locking it, Scarlett stumbled bank to bed, vowing to herself to call the alpha despite the good chance of her getting her head chewed off- hopefully figuratively- if the kids didn’t split in the next 30 minutes.
The rest of the party noises also seemed to fade, as if it was the planned time to shut everything down- or as if someone else heard her threaten to call the alpha and spread the word. Diving back into the blanket nest she left when the kid started his drunk hollering, Scarlett hoped that no one pees on her lawn again in retaliation. Most of the kids on her street like- or at least tolerate- Scarlett, but some still believe that snitches get stitches- or in her case- pisses. With that semi coherent thought and a half snort of laughter, Scarlett drifted back to the gentle comfort of sleep in the sudden, blessed, quiet.
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spyroid101 · 5 years
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So, when I was out shopping, I came across this Lion King 2019 coloring book!
Of COURSE I snagged it! I LOVE coloring books! Dat artwork! STICKERS! FUN!!!!
Now, I’ve noticed this certain trend with coloring books now a days, where the pages tend to have these snappy one-liners on them, this one being no exception.
“The MANE event!”
“COOLEST dude in the jungle!”
“Heart of a LIONESS!”
Stuff like that.
And then, um...
...I got to a picture of Scar....
...annnd, uhhhhhh-
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priskilluhhh · 7 years
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I have a mane✨
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indiikaa · 5 years
Little thing about Aeroshot doin some good for once.
Nebulous Aeroshot - Blood Elf Hunter Hercules the Black Lion- His companion  Talanji B’wansomdi A secret player.
The lion beside him seemed to growl whenever one of the Death Guards walked by, patrolling the outside terrace of the Great Seal. He had requested an audience with Talanji; but that had been three hours ago, and even though he knew she was busy,  this was important. She would listen to him, he knew she would, but he feared it may already be too late.
Hercules looked back up to his master, the black-haired Sin'dorei reading through one of his journals. The mighty black lion had stayed by the Hunter's side since he had found him in the Ghostlands a decade ago, unconscious and with no memory of who he actually was. Hercules and Nebulous were inseparable by this point, and none were as foolish to think of separating the two.
It had felt like an eternity until he heard the clinking of the Zandalari Guard's armor walking towards him. Nebulous lifted his head from the book, looking up to the guard with a raised eyebrow.
"Queen Talanji has agreed to see ya now, Speaker of de Horde" The guard spoke, looking down to the Blood Elf.
"Thank you for informing me," Nebumous nodded, standing as he closed the journal. He placed it back into his satchel, looking down to the lion. "Come along now, Hercules. We shouldn't keep a Queen waiting," With that, the black lion yawned, standing up from the ground beside where the archer had been sitting. The two made their way through the open doors of the Great Seal, walking up the stairs and to the lift. Hercules stayed beside Nebulous as he always did, weary of the Undead guards that stood by each door. Again, he would growl in their direction, and Nebulous would scratch behind his ear gently to tell him he knew of the dangers. The two boarded the lift as it came down for them, the archer waiting until they were moving and alone to look to the lion.
"You and I both know that this needs to be done, and she needs to know. There's no denying it," he spoke quietly, still unsure if they were being listened to. "I promise that nothing bad will happen, alright?" He asked, kneeling down to look the lion in the eyes. "If anything were to happen, though, I have you behind me so I wouldn't have to worry" he grinned, scratching under Hercules' large mane. The lion pawed at him gently as the lift came to a stop, the two exiting and walking up the stairs towards the Queen's throne.
"Aeroshot! To who do I owe de pleasure of your presence?" Talanji would give a small smile if she could, but the look on Nebulous's face seemed to worry the young Queen.
"Talanji, what I'm about to tell you is important, and you must take my words into consideration." He spoke, stopping just short of the throne. The Zandalari Queen looked to him, a questioning look on her face.
"What is it, Aeroshot?"
He took a breath, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them and looking up to her. "Do not trust Sylvanas's words, Talanji. You and I both know that she is not here to help the Zandalari with their plight, she is here for her own gain," He began. "She lies and deceives and murders for her own power and gain; and she is no better than the one who killed and rebirthed her back into existence."
"What do you mean by this?"
"The Banshee Queen is no better than those who threatened your father and betrayed him. She will betray you and I fear for what could be lost because of it." He replied, looking up to her.
"How do you know dis?"
"I have seen it first hand, Talanji. I was there when she ordered Teldrassil burned, and I was there when her dog Nathanos burned it into the husk that stands now. " Nebulous looked down, shaking his head. "I joined the Horde because I was promised answers to my own past, promised answers to questions... promised a home, a family. Ask me what I see now, though..." he stopped,  his eyes trained on Talanji. "What I see now is a bastardization of what the Horde once was and what it stood for. Talanji..." He took a breath. "Do not trust the Horde."
Talanji looked to the Blood Elf. Aeroshot had come on behalf of the Banshee Queen and Warchief of the Horde when they first arrived in Zandalar, and had promised that the Horde would be behind them with their plight against the Kul Tiran. But now, Aeroshot stood before her, pleading for her not to trust the Horde. His change of heart startled her.
"Den what does she want from us?"
"She wants the Azerite under our feet. She wants to create weapons from it that would destroy anyone who stands in her way." He replied. "She bombed her own city and killed countless people in doing so, just out of spite. She burned down a tree that housed an entire race just because it sat on an Azerite deposit. What do you think she is going to do to Zul'Dazar? Or Voldun? Nazmir?" he asked. "She is going to destroy everything to get what she wants unless you help stop her."
Talanji stayed quiet, watching the archer as he spoke. If what he said was the truth, she would be putting her people in danger. Her eyes narrowed before she spoke again.
"Aeroshot, you are de Speaker of de Horde, and you speak well. I will take your words into consideration, and think about dis. I will send for you when I have decided what to do." Talanji looked to Nebulous, who nodded.
"I will be in Nazmir for the next few days, but after that, I do not know where I will be" He nodded, moving to leave before stopping. "Talanji,"
"I was never here. Blightcaller cannot know I told you this."
"I have heard nothing but what de wind told me" She replied. "May your Loa watch over you."
"And may yours... well, I would say watch over you but B'wansomdi has his claws in everything, doesn't he?" he asked with a small grin. Talanji smiled a bit at this, watching as the Blood Elf walked off.
 The Necropolis loomed in the dark fog, the energy here felt different, strange. This wasn't the first time the archer had been to the land of the dead, but this time was different. He had a deal to make with the Loa who called The Necropolis home. Spirits walked as if still living, unaware of his presence as he entered the large building before him.
Once inside, he walked down the stairs and to the platform. He could see the Loa hovering in the air, contemplating. Hercules roared, gaining the attention of the Loa.
"The Demon Archer wishes to speak with me, don't he?" B'wansomdi turned, looked down to the Blood Elf.
"I have come to make a deal with you, B'wansomdi. A deal that you have wished for for some time, it seems," Nebulous spoke confidently, his eyes trained on the Loa of Death.
"And what is dis deal dat ya offer, elf?"
"At Talanji's coronation, you said you always wanted the soul of a Horde Warchief, did you not?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "What if I can guarantee that?"
"A Warchief in my collection would be a sweet victory." B'wonsomdi floated forward, the troll Loa landing to sit upon the alter that Nebulous stood in front of. "But, what is de cost to me?"
"In return for a Warchief's soul, I ask you to bring a Warchief back to life, one of my own choosing," Nebulous replied, watching the Loa. In dealing with these mystical gods, he had learned how to speak to them, but B'wansomdi was the tricky one out of the Loa.
"Ya wish to return de former Warchief to life, de one who's ashes ya stole." B'wansomdi grinned. Nebulous's eyes narrowed, looking up to the Loa.
"How did you know I stole the ashes, death dealer?"
"I have my ways," B'wonsomdi chuckled, tilting his head slightly. "Dere is something else ya want to bargain, I can sense it on ya"
"There is nothing left for us to bargain, Loa. A Warchief for Warchief, that is it."
B'wansomdi's eyes narrowed as his laughter hushed, and he held his hand out. A light came from it, and the Loa seemed to grin.
"I see now, dis is what ya truly want..." He spoke, watching as the light seemed to fade. "I will make ya a different deal, 'Demon Archer'."
"What deal? I am only here for the one I have offered you,"
"Ya bring me de soul of the Horde Warchief, and I give ya back ya past life, de one you been lookin' for,"
A sharp breath in came from Nebulous.
"I see I have ya attention now," B'wonsomdi continued. "If ya bring me Windrunna's soul, I will give ya back the memories ya lost and couldn't find."
Was it worth it? An answer so close but so far away? This was what he wanted, wasn't it? Since he had woken up to Hercules watching over him all those years ago, he had wanted to know. But now... it was different.
"No," he spoke after a moment of thought. "Warchief for Warchief. Whatever life I lived back then, I do not want to know about. I am no longer who you see there, I am me, and I am here to bargain my deal with the Loa of Death." He replied. "Unless, the Loa of Death cannot fulfill the bargain, that is."
B'wonsamdi's eyes narrowed, a hand extending to the Blood Elf. "Windrunna's soul for de one ya call Vol'jin, den." Nebulous took the Loa's hand, nodding. "Windrunner for Vol'jin."
They shook hands, and Nebulous walked out of the Necropolis. He took a breath, sighing before closing his eyes.
"I made the deal with B'wansomdi, and you were right - he tried to bargain my past. Thank you for the heads up, old friend." he spoke, eyes opening as he looked to the left. Through the scores of undead souls floating around, the one that stood to his left was the most familiar. "He wants Sylvanas's soul, but I doubt she has one; that's why he made the deal with me."
"He will own ya until de day ya die," the familiar voice came to the Blood Elf's ears, but he shook his head.
"He can try, but I won't go lightly. Who knows, perhaps when I die, I'll become whoever I was before; and whoever that soul is, isn't me." He replied as he began to walk, the spirit floating behind him. "Honestly... I was surprised to see you at Talanji's coronation... but when I did, I had hope. I had an idea and I had to do it. You kept me in the Horde for a reason, and I intend to rectify what happened to you, old friend."
"Ya may want to watch ya back now, stay with ya Loa for a while. B'wansomdi be lookin' for ya to pay up,"
"Good. When he finds me to pay up, I'll be ready." he grinned. "Right, Hercules?" He asked, turning to look to the lion, but stopped. Hercules wasn't at his side, nor was he anywhere around.
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autisticdindjarin · 6 years
giant mod list
for dai, under cut
*-  highly recommended
Dear lady Montilyet* Former Knight-Commander Cullen Morrigan Outfit Retexture* The Left Hand of the Divine (Leliana)
Right Hand of the Divine (Cassandra)* Dat Cass* Black Hair for Dorian* Dorian Mohawk* Blackwall Face and Beard Trimmed Blackwall Eggs Without Hats (Solas)* No backpacks for Solas Sera Minus Makeup Varric's Gold Tooth* Vivienne Complexion
Other NPCs:
Actually Alistair* Tight Curls for NPCs and Companions Gaspard No Mask and Other Mods Men of the Inquisition (Blackwall, Solas, Cullen)
Bumps Be Gone* De-Kirkening InvisibleFormalAttire* Koric's Fabric Edits No Dirt Buildup on Pants* SK Hair Re-texture* Skyhold outfit and formal attire replacements* Soulful Eyes*
Assorted Complexions Barlet's Complexions Ben Complexion Cassandra Complexion Ciaran Face Texture Female complexions Gearhog's Complexions Inquisitor Face Textures Jack face-texture Kala's Complexions Katherine Face Texture Male Complexion - Dark Circles and Stubble Male complexions Quneckles Shomplexions The Nine Muses* The One and Only Roisin The One and Only Rowan The Sacred Bull This and That Mods Unique Complexions Varlas Complexion
Alternate Sidecut Assorted Hairstyles* Asymmetrical Bob Hairstyle Cme's Hair Pack* Cornrows straight hair*  EF sidecut long hair Lion's Mane for All* Long Bob (Trespasser-Friendly)* Messy Shag Hair Origins Anora hair* Side Braid with Bun SK Hair Pack* SK Mini Qunari Hair Pack Tight Curls Warrior Mohawk Series
Dalish Elf Concept Tattoo Elldria's Tattoo* Elven Tattoos 2 Fenari's Complexion and Vallaslin Gearhog's Viking Vallaslin Inquisition Vallaslin Set of Tattoos Tarot Inspired Vallaslin tropelicious' kurbits vallaslins* Vallaslin Remix Warpaints and tattoos for elves 
Other For Inquisitor:
All about the face All about the face Part 2 Bigger horns for FemQunari* Immersive Starting Armors* Lush Lashes New and Improved Makeup For All*
Trespasser Wedding Dress:
Ballgowns for All Races Champagne and Gemstones Gowns Dalish Bride - Queen of Roses UPDATE Dress Recolors Libelula Bride Dress Mermaid Dress* Midnight Prayer Gown New Dress Textures* Origins Circle Robes Prestige Couture SK Dress Retexture and Mesh Edits* The Dress* The Dress - Halloween Edition
Formal Wear:
Champagne and Truffle Exquisition* Formalwear Emporium Inquisition Branded Finery Winter Palace Outfit ReTexture*
Skyhold Outfit:
A Lovely-an Lavellan Black Silk with ribbon Casual jammies Dalish Elf Skyhold Outfit Retextures Dalish Elf Skyhold Retexture* Dalish Patchwork PJs EF Skyhold PJ Recolour ELEs Female Elf Jammy Retexture Embellished outfit Emerald Dreams Filigree Pajamas Herald PJs Human Female Skyhold Outfit Retextures Human Male Skyhold Outfit Retextures Inquisitorial Fashion Inquisitorialness Jammas of the Kadan Lady G's Armor Libelula PJ's Texture Lion's Pride pj retexture-shorts Pride of the Inquisitor Pyjama Compendium Qunari Female PJ Regal Inquisito Regal Pajamas Skyhold Lace PJs Trespasser Skyhold PJ Replacer and Schematics* Trevelyan's Wardrobe Various retextures
Complete Schematics and Collectables Collection* Craftorama Easy Runes* Increase Inventory Capacity* Invisible Spiders* More Banter* MoreLoot* Quicker Looting* War Table - No Waiting*
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ask-magala · 6 years
So much hype! Heres a few thoughts!
- I made an opinion post a while back saying MH team will add mons that allow them to show off the new physics as much as possible. Teostra in the game makes me think even more so (fab lion mane anyone?)
- Elder Dragon Turf Wars!!! We’ve never seen Elders interact with each other so thats pretty cool
- Deviljho confirms free dlc, then again MH veterans know Capcom just does that. Its nice to know they are keeping that up. That also confirms they will add new monsters throughout the year! Also dat slobber physics
- MIGRATING ELDERS. Holy cow that just made my RP ideas and lore ideas confirmed. There has never been an exact map of the MH world, nor do we know if monsters just stay in their respective areas. This just confirms that Elders and maybe non Elder monsters can be found in areas they normally dont call “typical territory”. (creative juices flowing!)
- Bow gun looks freakin awesome. Now I kinda want to use...
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meghladon · 6 years
Music of 2017, in no particular order
disclaimer: these aren’t all songs that were released in 2017, ALSO may be biased toward the end of the year
Tyrant - Kali Uchis ft. Jorga Smith
Lavender - Two Door Cinema Club
Disco Tits - Tove Lo
shedontknowbutsheknows - Tove Lo
Special Affair - The Internet
Bodak Yellow - Cardi B
Moves - Big Sean
Walls To Build - Kllo
Deja Vu - J. Cole
Instinct - Roy Woods
Do You - Noah Carter
Sad - Kodie Shane
Get Right Witcha - Migos
Scared To Be Lonely - Martin Garrix
Swang - Rae Sremmurd
Poison - Bell Biv DeVoe
Kathleen - Catfish and the Bottlemen
7 - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Hourglass - Catfish and the Bottlemen
26 - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Twice - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Homesick - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Anything - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Church On Sunday - Grace
Hell Of A Girl - Grace
Watch Out - 2 Chainz
Starboy - The Weeknd
Die For You - The Weeknd
Party Monster - The Weeknd
All The Way Up - Fat Joe, Remy Ma, French Montana
Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran
First Fuck - 6lack, Jhene Aiko
PRBLMS - 6lack
Weekend - Louis the Child
Lovesick - Caroline Pennell
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Dream - Imagine Dragons
I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
Slide - Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean, Migos
Faking It - Calvin Harris, Kehlani, Lil Yachty
Rollin - Calvin Harris, Future, Khalid
Jump Off The Roof - Vince Staples
Don’t Forget About Me - CLOVES
Easier - Mansionair
Easily - Bruno Major
Morning - Marc E. Bassy
If You Let Me - Sinead Harnett, GRADES
.powder - Denitia and Sene
Dat $tick - Rich Brian
Figures - Jessie Reyez
Chanel - Frank Ocean
Hallucinating - Elohim
Your Shirt - Chelsea Cutler
She’s My Collar - Gorillaz
Out Of Body - Gorillaz
DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
LOVE. FEAT. ZACARI - Kendrick Lamar
HUMBLE. - Kendrick Lamar
Jusfayu - KAMAU, Lion Babe Remix
Calm Down - Skip Marley
World on Fire - Louis the Child
Slow Down Love - Louis the Child
Right to It - Louis The Child
Do It Myself - Russ
anemone - slenderbodies
Levitate - The Palms
Waste? - Michl
Filthy Rich - Evalyn
Closer - Emma Jensen
Childhood Dreams - ARY 
bellyache - Billie Eilish
idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish
Way Back - TLC, Snoop Dogg
Who Dat Boy - Tyler, The Creator
Where This Flower Blooms - Tyler, The Creator
See You Again - Tyler, The Creator
Wild Thoughts - Rihanna, DJ Khaled
Unravel Me - Sabrina Claudio
No Complaints - Metro Boomin, Offset, Drake
Blue Pill - Metro Boomin, Travis Scott
Pull Up N Wreck - Metro Boomin, Big Sean
Sink Into The Floor - Feng Suave
I’m Better - Missy Elliot
Joy - Missy Elliot
Slippery - Migos, Gucci Mane
Heebiejeebies - Aminé, Khelani
500 Horses - Cousin Stizz
Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man
Sit Next To Me - Foster The People
Blood in the Cut - K. Flay
Black Wave - K.Flay
Giver - K.Flay
Make Me Fade - K.Flay
Cooks - Still Woozy
Alala - Populous
Alright - Denzel White, BVRGER
Clouds Never Get Old - Bas
Wish You Well - Amir Obe
Bastards - Kesha
Praying - Kesha
Learn To Let Go - Kesha
Lights On - H.E.R.
Love a Loser - Cassie, G-Eazy
4 Da Squaw - Isaiah Rashad
Anita - Somo
Crawl - Tyne 
Shoulders - Golden Vessel, Mallrat, Elkkle
Sky Walker - Miguel, Travis Scott
Playing for You - Joe Hertz, Bassette
Quicksand - SZA
Silence - Marshmello, Khalid
Get You - Daniel Ceasar, Kali Uchis
Where Did I Go? - Jorja Smith
Islands - Zola Blood
Build - Philanthrope
Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) - Grits, Toby Mac
Sex n’ Drugs - Abhi The Nomad
Freak Like Me - NoMBe
Over - Honors
Homemade Dynamite - Lorde
Perfect Places - Lorde
Slow Mover - Angie McMahon
Stay - Kreon, Heiwah
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Brown Paper Bag - Birdman, Lil Wayne
Kickin’ Back - Mila J
Lemon - N.E.R.D., Rihanna
Dance On Me - Goldlink
No One - Kayge Calypso & DUNN Remix - Mothica 
New Freezer - Rich The Kid, Kendrick Lamar
Grey Luh - Berhana
Electric - Alina Baraz, Khalid
That’s My Girl - Fifth Harmony
It’s Strange - Louis The Child, K.Flay
That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars
Stoney - Post Malone
Ego Death - The Internet
Fin - Syd
Good For You - Aminé
Ctrl - SZA
Coloring Book - Chance The Rapper
The Divine Feminine - Mac Miller
American Teen - Khalid
I Decided. - Big Sean
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