#dean winchester x original character
spnhunter4life · 4 months
Not So Bad
Summary: Bad information on a hunt leads to a tense situation that ends in confessed feelings.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: none
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I sighed as I flipped through the pages of the dusty old book I’d picked up out of a mix of nerves and boredom. The Winchester boys and I were in New York of all places. I hated it here. The constant loud noise of the bustling city, the air that was so far from the fresh country air I’d grown used to at the bunker, and, worst of all, the tall buildings that blocked out the sky mixing with the thick crowds of people made me feel severely claustrophobic. 
But there was a monster here that needed to be killed, and the Winchesters always went where they were needed. And wherever they went, I went. So here I was, sitting in the library while the brothers went off to kill the thing. It was some sort of demi god named Daemon. 
I’d never been much of one for fighting. I preferred to be the designated researcher, helping out in a mental capacity instead of physical. Both brothers insisted I at least learn basic self defense and worked with me on occasion, wanting me to be able to defend myself if the worst were to happen, but they never pushed me to come face down monsters with them.
The book I was currently looking through was one of the three I’d been able to find in this library about Daemon. I’d already found the information I was looking for and reported it to the Winchesters. But now my options were to sit here and wait for the hunt to be over so the boys could come pick me up, or make my way back to the motel on my own, and I was perfectly comfortable where I was. Or at least, comfortable enough that it wasn’t worth braving the crowded streets.
I turned another page, skimming the words quickly, barely absorbing what I was reading. Somewhere in the back of my mind I made the distant realization that I was in a library and could go find a more interesting book to pass the time. I didn’t give the idea much thought, knowing that it would be difficult to lose myself in a book when my boys were in danger. I knew how long they’d been living this life and how capable they were, but that didn’t make it any less scary anytime they took off. I knew every time could be the last, and I didn’t take that for granted. 
I was about to close the book and at least find something to occupy myself that wasn’t a detailed explanation of the very thing the boys were facing down, when the sentence I’d just read actually registered in my mind. With a sharp inhale, my eyes darted back to the beginning of the paragraph.
It is a common misconception that Daemon is susceptible to oak stakes dipped in lamb’s blood – a rumor no doubt started by the mischievous deity himself – which is actually quite harmless to him. What most do not know is that Daemon is not a demigod at all, but the offspring of a demon and a faerie. As such, his one and only weakness is a silver blade dipped in holy water.
The blood drained from my face. I’d given the boys the wrong information and now they were off to face an angry demigod – or faerie demon hybrid, apparently – with weapons that may as well have been toothpicks for all the use they would be. 
How could I have been stupid enough to not double check the information? I should know better than that!
I didn’t have time to wonder if maybe this bit of information was the incorrect one. Something in my gut told me it was right, and even if it wasn’t, I couldn’t risk letting them go to their deaths, thinking they had the upper hand. I pulled my phone out and immediately dialed Sam’s number. It rang a few times before going to voicemail. Cursing quietly to myself, I tried Dean instead. Voicemail again.
Fear for my boys overrode everything else. They were all I had left in the world and I absolutely could not lose them. I couldn’t live without my sweet, steady Sam. He was an invaluable source of knowledge on all topics imaginable and he had a calm, comforting disposition that seemed to instantly ease everyone in his vicinity. His sense of humor may not have been as pronounced as Dean’s, but I appreciated it just the same and wondered what would happen if I never got to hear his laugh or see his smile again. 
And Dean. I couldn’t even let myself think what all I would be losing if he was gone. To an outsider, our relationship looked perfectly polite and comfortable. And it was, I suppose – we always got along well and never had a bad word to say to each other – if not a little strained. Although, that may have been just on my end. He never did seem to feel the tension that I did. I couldn’t blame him for not noticing either. After all, I did everything I could to keep him from knowing just how much I cared for him. Just how much I loved him.
Without stopping to think about it, I quickly exited the library and rushed out into the crowded streets I so despised. I ran in the direction of Daemon’s lair – we had known its location since early in the investigation and had only been working on the details of how to kill him – roughly shoving through crowds of people when necessary. 
I was severely winded by the time I reached the abandoned building that Daemon resided in. I was panting in short breaths that seemed to fill my lungs with fire. I didn’t have time to stop though. I spotted the Impala parked in the alley and fumbled a key out of my pocket. I threw the trunk open, grabbed a silver knife and poured a generous helping of holy water over it. I barely remembered to slam the trunk shut before rushing inside. 
I slowed down once I was inside. The building was large and I had no idea where any of the current occupants might be. I was just peeking around an open door, knife held at the ready, when a huge crash followed by a yell of pain sounded off to my right. My heart stopped. That was Dean. 
Please let him be ok. Please let him be ok. And Sam too. Let them both be ok, I pleaded to any god who would listen.
I crept as quickly and quietly towards the sound of distress as I could, sounds of a fight leading me there. Fear like I’d never felt before ran like ice through my veins, but kept me moving forward. I rounded a corner and felt my heart stop again before picking up a racing rhythm at what I saw. Sam was sprawled on the ground. He’s only unconscious, I told myself. The alternative was unacceptable. Across the room was Dean, pinned to a wall by Daemon, straining to break the hybrid’s grip and thrust his oak stake into its side. Daemon clearly had the upper hand and wrenched the stake away from him, throwing it behind him. I barely stopped myself from calling out Dean’s name. 
“You think you can kill me? A puny man, kill a god?” Daemon spat, the rage clear in his voice. 
I charged towards them, knife raised and ready. I was only a few steps away when Dean saw me over Daemon’s shoulder. His eyes widened in surprise before he could stop the involuntary reaction. I saw him immediately look away again, not wanting to give me away, but it was too late. Daemon had seen it. He whirled around to face me and knocked me aside without a thought. It was as easy as if he’d been swatting at an irritating fly. Dean yelled my name just as I collided with the wall. My breath, which I hadn’t even quite gotten back after my long sprint here, left me in a whoosh. 
I watched in fascination and horror as Dean took advantage of the momentary distraction to rush at Daemon. He kicked his legs out from under him before climbing on top of him, pinning him to the ground. They struggled for a few seconds before Dean was able to snatch the oak stake from where it had been discarded on the ground. 
“No, Dean! The knife!” I yelled to him. I had dropped it at some point between Daemon’s blow and hitting the wall. Dean didn’t question me, didn’t hesitate before dropping the useless weapon and searching for the knife. But it was out of his reach and it was clear he wouldn’t be able to hold Daemon down much longer. I started to struggle to my feet to grab it for him, but before I was able to, a large body ran into my line of sight, blocking my view of Dean, and stooping to pick up the knife. 
I tensed, terrified that there was some unknown second thing to deal with now, but soon realized it was only Sam. He picked up the knife and turned to his brother. Without speaking a word to each other, Dean rolled out of the way just as Sam plunged the knife down into the heart of the monster. 
Dean was red faced and breathing hard – and who could blame him after wrestling with a being with supernatural strength – but otherwise seemed alright, so I turned my attention to Sam who was closer and who I worried could have any number of injuries after being knocked unconscious. 
“Sam, are you-”
“What the hell were you thinking?” Dean demanded. Stunned at the hardness of his voice, I turned to look at him and realized that what I’d mistaken for exertion was actually anger. He was livid. I’d never seen him so angry, at least not with me. Why was he angry? This completely unexpected reaction left me feeling small and confused.
“What?” I asked. “What do you mean? I was just trying-” 
“You could have gotten yourself killed!” He yelled. He took a step in my direction and a grimace crossed his face as his leg seemed to struggle slightly under his weight. He grunted, the only sound he would let escape. I remembered his yell, the noise that had guided me in this direction to begin with. He was hurt. Dean, who sat stoically with teeth gritted, never letting more than a grunt escape while Sam dug bullets out of him or sewed up horrible gashes, had cried out in pain. That had scared me more than anything else tonight, the idea of how badly he must be hurt to not be able to hide it.
“Dean,” Sam started in a warning tone. He might have been about to defend me or to tell Dean to cool his temper so we could talk calmly, but I would never know. Anger flared up in me, completely overriding the confusion and uncertainty Dean’s words had caused. 
“Well you nearly were killed! So I guess it’s a good thing I’m here, isn’t it?” I shouted back. I wasn’t actually angry, I knew, just reliving the terror of the last half hour mixed with the relief of seeing them both ok and the worry at their injuries. In short, I was overwhelmed and Dean yelling at me had frayed my already shot nerves. 
“We would have been fine.” Dean deflected.
“No you wouldn’t have! When I got here Sam was on the ground, dead for all I knew, and you were hardly about to win in a battle of strength. And even if you had, your weapon was useless. You would have died!”
“You’re the one who decided you didn’t want to fight! And that’s fine, you know we’re ok with that. But you can’t just not train and then run into a fight with no idea what you’re doing!”
“Guys, maybe we should-” Sam tried again.
“No!” I yelled. I saw a look of surprised hurt in his eyes. I felt bad for snapping at him when he hadn’t done anything wrong, but I was too fired up to backtrack now. “If Dean hasn’t had enough of a fight tonight, then let’s fight! I may not be trained in hand to hand and weapons the way you are, but I assure you, I can yell at you all night long.”
Dean’s eyes narrowed and I saw the muscle jump in his jaw. 
“Sam, can you give us a minute?” He asked in a forced calm tone. 
Sam hesitated, looking back and forth between the two of us before agreeing. “Alright. But you’ve got ten minutes before I’m coming back in after you to make sure you’re not strangling each other,” he warned before leaving the room.
We glared at each other for a minute, neither of us speaking. After what felt simultaneously like an eternity and only a moment, Dean started talking again in that tone that was an attempt at being calm, but I could clearly hear the tenseness and anger underneath.
“You can’t just-”
“You said that already,” I interrupted immediately. His jaw ticked again, and I knew shouting at him when he was trying to deescalate the situation was not appreciated. He tried again in that same infuriating tone, a little more strained this time.
“Sam and I hardly need you jumping in to protect us. We know what we’re doing.”
“That’s not the point!”
“Then what is?” He yelled back, patience worn thin.
“It doesn’t matter if you know what you’re doing or not because you couldn’t have won! I was doing some more reading after you guys left and I realized I gave you the wrong weapon.”
“Then you call us! You don’t come running in after us!”
“I did call you! Neither of you picked up! I couldn’t just sit there and wait for you to die!”
“Of course you could have! Don’t you think we’d rather take our chances with bad weapons than to have you in the line of fire?”
“What would you have done Dean?” I screamed at him. “If it were you sitting around knowing that I was going after a monster with a weapon that wouldn’t kill it? What would you have done?” I felt confident this would be the end of it. After all, there was no doubt in my mind what he would have done, and he couldn’t possibly deny it.
“That’s not the same thing,” he said. He was still angry, but he said this in a quieter voice, the kind of quiet that meant I’d truly struck a nerve. 
“Why?” I asked, ready to swoop in with the metaphorical killing blow and win the argument. “Because I can’t fight, so of course I’d need you to come save me?”
“Hypothetically saying I was as well trained as you then. Or that it was Sam. The point still stands. You would have done exactly what I did. You wouldn’t just sit back and let us die, so why would I?”
“I told you, that’s not what I meant,” he snapped. “How do you think we would feel if something happened to you? What if we couldn’t protect you and you got hurt?”
“How do you think I felt, Dean?” I stomped over to him, getting right in his face, letting him see how much I meant what I was saying. “I didn’t know if you would be alive or not when I got here.” I stopped for a breath, the intensity of the emotions I’d felt in that moment hitting me once again. “Don’t tell me I don’t understand what it would feel like. I know exactly what it feels like.”
“It’s not the same,” he said again, stubbornly.
“How is it not the same? If anything, it’s worse for me. You and Sam at least have each other. If I lose you guys, I have no one. I will not lose you. Do you understand me? If that means putting my own life on the line, I’m ok with that.” 
“I’m not!”
“Well that’s just too bad, isn’t it, because it’s my life, not yours!”
“You’re not understanding me! If you would just let me explain-”
But apparently I wouldn’t. I wasn’t doing it on purpose, but I just needed him to understand what I was saying. So I cut him off in the middle of his request that I not do so.
“No, I told you that I understand perfectly. It’s you who isn’t understanding! I’ve never been more scared in my whole life than I was when I heard you yelling in pain.” In the back of my mind, I registered that Dean’s expression had turned from anger to determination. But my brain didn’t seem to fully process this fact, not that I would have known what to do with that information even if I had. My emotions were driving me now, and there was no stopping the words pouring from my mouth.
“I thought that whatever happened, it must be really bad. And maybe I was too late to save you. And it’s my own stupid fault you needed saving in the first place. How could I-”
This time, Dean cut me off. It was only fair, after all I’d done the same to him. This was a much nicer, much more pleasant, much more unexpected way of interrupting though. He leaned down, crashing his lips against mine. As my body seemed to be running on instinct and adrenaline right now, I responded immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck, meeting his demanding kiss with enthusiasm. 
I ran one of my hands through his hair, enjoying the feel of the soft strands between my fingers. My other hand ran down over his shoulder, to his bicep, then over to his chest, loving the strength I could feel in all those hard earned muscles. His hands were wandering too, in my hair one second, traveling over my back the next, and then on my waist.
My brain, which seemed to have shut down for the past few moments – minutes? – decided to start working again, practically screaming at me that this was Dean I was kissing. Dean, apparently experiencing the same returning brain function as me, pulled away. He took a careful step back, creating some space between us. That was probably good. I couldn’t think with him so close. Not after that. His cheeks were flushed red for a whole new reason now and his hair was sticking up in an annoyingly attractive way. I could see by the surprise in his eyes that he hadn’t been planning on the kiss being that intense. 
“It’s not the same,” he repeated, his voice as calm as if we were having a normal conversation on any old day. As if we hadn’t been arguing minutes before. As if he hadn’t just given me the most mind numbing, spine tingling kiss of my life. “Because I love you. And I know that that probably wasn’t the best way to go about telling you, but I need you to understand what it would mean to me to lose you. If you lost me, you’d lose a friend. It would suck, but you would move on. But you’re more than that to me, and I don’t know how I could survive losing you.”
“Have you not paid attention to a thing I said?” I asked him, taking a step forward to eliminate the space he’d put between us. “I told you, if I lost you and Sam I would have nothing.”
“Yeah, but that’s not really true. You could make more friends easily enough.”
“But you’re not just my friends. Sam is my best friend, true, but I love him like he’s my brother. Losing him would hurt me just as bad as losing an actual brother. And you… I couldn’t move on from you any easier than you could move on from me. I love you too.”
“Yeah,” Dean winced. “Like a brother. I know.”
“Not like a brother,” I said, wrinkling my nose a little. “Do you really think I would kiss you like that, or at all for that matter, if that’s how I thought of you?”
“I would hope not,” he agreed. 
“So, basically, you’ve been yelling at me this whole time about not understanding you when, in reality, I understand perfectly, just like I said from the beginning.” I couldn’t help but gloat a little at being right.
The corner of Dean’s mouth twitched slightly in a repressed smile. 
“You know, I think you owe me for scaring me nearly to death earlier,” he said happily.
“I owe you?” 
“Yes. When you came running in here I swear my heart stopped. And then I had to watch you get thrown across the room…” He winced at the memory and I could tell how upset it made him, but he quickly shook it off and kept up his cheerful tone. “I think you took at least three years off my life. Lucky for you I’ll take payment in kisses. One for every year less I’ll live thanks to you.”
Part of me wanted to argue, but the other part was too giddy to even care. 
“Alright,” I agreed easily. I stretched up onto my tiptoes and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his mouth. I wanted to continue the intense kiss from earlier, but there would be time for that later. This seemed like the appropriate response to his gentle, teasing tone. “There’s one.”
I kissed him again, and then once more, feeling like I could burst with joy the whole time. 
“There,” I said after the third kiss. “Does that make us even?”
“For now,” he smiled. “I have a feeling I’ll be finding lots of excuses for more in the future.”
“How’s this for an excuse? I think you took at least five years off my life. I’ll be needing some compensation here as well.”
He grinned. “And I fully intend to pay up. Once we’re home though. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get out of here.”
I was a little disappointed to have to be done kissing him. But I knew he was right. We should get out of here. I knew he was in pain, and I still didn’t know how Sam was doing. Besides, it was only a temporary stop. Once we were home I would have as much time with him as I wanted.
Home. Just the mention of it made me long for it even more. But even though I couldn’t wait to be back, even though I’d spent the whole time here waiting for the moment we could leave, the past few minutes with Dean had made the whole thing worth it. 
Maybe New York wasn’t so bad after all.
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Tags: @123passwort @buckybarnes-1917 @chicken-nuggs-and-cozy-hugs @globetrotter28
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Writing Masterlist
Dean Winchester
In a Million Memories: After saving the world over and over again, Dean finally deserves to live in it. And he wants to. He's earned it. But things are never as simple as that for a Winchester, and if he wants the apple pie life, he's going to have to fight for it, harder than he's ever fought before.
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And a Million More (Part II of IAMM): Approximately ten years later... or, Dean looks back on his life since retiring from the family business, as his 50th birthday approaches.
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
Bad Girls Don't Get To Cum
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Warnings: cursing, smut, daddy kink, punishment, edging, p in v, unprotected sex
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: In which Dean punishes Y/N by edging her.
Kinktober Day 13 - Edging
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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You whimpered and whined as Dean flipped you over onto your stomach before thrusting into your abused pussy once again. He had been edging you for hours. You knew that by doing what you did that you would end up getting some type of punishment, you knew you were suppose to obey the rules but, you'd rather be a brat instead.
"I- fuck- please, Dean!" You moaned out as his cock thrusted into you hard and faster, the tip hitting that spongey spot deep inside of you. "Dean? You know that's not my name, princess." Dean said with a smirk. You whined as he continued to fuck into your abused hole. "Come on, say it." Dean growled. "Fuck! Please, daddy!" You moaned out loudly.
"Atta girl." He said with a devilish smirk as he smacked your ass roughly. You kept begging and begging Dean to let you cum, your begs eventually becoming inaudible when you became a moaning mess for him. "You want daddy to let you cum, is that what you want, baby?" He asked with a smirk. You just nodded quickly. "No, no, baby.. you know we use our words." He said.
"Shit! Yes, I want daddy to let me cum! Please let me cum, daddy!" You moaned out loudly, almost yelling and screaming. "Well, tell me this, do you think naughty little sluts deserve to cum?" He asked with a growl as he smacked your ass hard once again, the skin already stinging from his first attack on your ass. "Please! I'll be a good girl for daddy, I promise! Please!" You begged him more.
"Who owns this pussy?" Dean asked. "You do, daddy!" You said as you moaned out loudly. "Who fucks you better than anyone else?" He asked. "Still you! O- only you!" You yelled. "Damn right." He said with a growl as he picked up the pace even more. "Come on, cum, cum for daddy." He said.
With that your eyes rolled back, your whole body was trembling as the coil inside of your snapped causing you to gush all over your boyfriend's cock. Dean continued to fuck your cunt hard and fast, the feeling of overstimulation setting in now. Your eyes began to water a little as your walls fluttered around his hard cock causing him to cum now, shooting his load deep inside of you causing his seeds to cover your gummy walls.
Dean slowly pulled his cock out of your cunt once you both came down from your orgasms. You laid there on the breath sticky, sweaty, and breathless. Dean laid down beside you and he was also catching his breath as well. "Did I go too hard?" He asked softly as he gently removed some hair out of your face that was sticking to your forehead. "No, I love it." You said with a grin as you leaned in and kissed him. "Mm.. I love you, Dean." You said with a warm smile. "I love you too, Y/N." He said with a grin.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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werdlewrites · 8 months
Those Two Words (Dean Winchester x OC)
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masterlist-about-ao3-twitter @ djomomma
share support through likes, comments, and reblogs!
summary: He watched her, too. The way she floats through the home with a now sleeping baby in her arms, head just on her shoulder. She doesn’t make a sound, and even if she had, Eric was known to be a heavy sleeper. But it’s effortless - like she was made for this, despite never picturing her future with a child. Until it happened. And then it didn’t. warnings: small amount of dialogue, hurt/comfort/depression, miscarriage, Dean is a family man, AU? mentions of two OC's. This might be triggering for some wc: 4,075
There’s a light that flickers inside. A bundle of life to soar within your chest like thousands of butterflies to kiss your skin. It loves, forgives, and guides through this short journey left on Earth. It’s filled with beauty - something to never know pain or darkness, and yet it comes. Heartache penetrates this shimmer - wounds left behind as violent claws reach through your soul to tear it in two. There’s no peace, not even in grieving for the loss of someone you loved - or the loss of a piece of yourself. Time is the only ally, yet enemy all the same. Time brings distance from the pain, allowing wounds to stitch together with the hope of becoming whole again. Then the guilt comes - fallen from the tongue of someone unseen, yet buried in your mind. It calls you “selfish” and “unloving” as you move - not on, but forward. You allow fingers to pry their way through a healing light, and rip it open to bleed and create an ugly scar. A reminder of the hurt - the suffering.
The light heals but is weaker than it once had been. Tired from the time spent in recovery, yet strong enough to carry on - for you to carry on. It quivers and shakes as the memories come flooding in, yet you remain strong on two feet. Sometimes it falters - flickering in and out to leave its person in a daze, fighting to catch their breath or understand their surroundings. Like now, a mere two words rang out like a church bell in her ears. Yet, not of something to celebrate and praise, but rather, a time of mourning. Two words to lock her in place, mouth hung agape as she tried to understand..if she heard correctly. They trickle in like the start of summer's rainfall, until the pressure builds and breaks through the dam, dousing the light.
“I’m pregnant,”
She’s stuck in the dining room chair, hands splayed out over her knees - squeezing, though she doesn’t know it. All senses die as her life flutters and falls to the polished wood beneath her bare feet. Her best friend of a decade was pregnant - someone so beautiful, carrying a frail, tiny creature to call her mother. “Please say something,” Allison begs, voice warm and filled with sorrow for her friend - the color drained from the woman's face. She doesn’t seek a “congratulations” to come spilling out in the heavy quiet - more so forgiveness, for carrying a reminder inside of her belly, something her friend once dreamed of. The solemn eyes of the dying woman shift to intertwined hands to rest over her stomach, shielding this new spark from the cruel world it would soon face. She finds tears reaching just the corner of Allison’s eyes - weighed down by uncertainty and confusion. It’s then that her once darkened soul sparks with light again - in and out, sputtering until it brings her to stand from the chair, with Allison soon wrapped in a tight embrace. “I’m so happy for you,” she mumbles in the crook of the girl's neck - the only acknowledgment being a frantic nod of the head, untrusting of herself to speak.
Two words were all it took to remind Carmen of what she had lost.
Allison grew, and so did the threat against Carmen’s stability. She wore genuine smiles, though they wavered the moment curious eyes looked her way. “It’s not about me,” she tells him. Folding up the laundry with the help of her husband, who asks almost daily how she is doing with a little Winchester on the way. One that hadn’t been hers. “They’re bringing a baby into the world. It’s a beautiful thing,” she continues, packing away their neatly done clothes - a trait adopted after dating Dean for so long. All military and structure. “It doesn’t mean you can’t feel a certain way about it, y’know?” She hated these conversations - she hated the way it forced her to look inside at the damage done, to feel the pain as life slipped from her grasp. She lets go in the quiet moments, a bleeding heart spilling out into her partner's hands. He doesn’t try to push it all back in - to stop the flow with a firm hand on her fragile heart. Instead, he lets himself float within her misery - a moment of suspension for the two of them. To feel, see, and accept this reality. Dean holds her in the mornings, afternoons, and nights - never allowing her to feel lonely. Other times, she holds him. Fingers tangled through freshly washed hair as he lay over her emptiness, thumb soothing across the bare skin that once held life. She apologizes for failing him - for failing their baby, and he holds onto her tighter. “You could never fail me.” But soft words are buried beneath self-loathing. Carmen gives into his comfort, letting it wash over her to cleanse a tortured spirit. But it’s tainted, and beyond the help of sweet words.
Family dinners and game nights are hosted by none other than the expecting couple themselves. Meals were cooked with love and the table was cleared by the guests once dinner was finished. They would play board games from their childhood - or rather, from Camen and Allison’s childhood. The women would exchange sly glances with one another across the table, hidden smiles behind their hands as their partners sat in silence, plotting a course of action like they have for their entire lives. “What’re you lookin’ at?” Dean would spit out - a look of annoyance in his eyes. “Nothing,” she sighs out, a shit-eating grin still shining brightly beneath the dim lights. “You’re just..so pretty.” He scoffs, a light smirk seen just at the corner of his lips - doing all he can to not smile - to not give in to her. “I’m going t’be the God damn Pretty Pretty Princess if it’s the last thing I do.” “Not with that ring you’re not,” she gestures towards the black, plastic ring. It sits snug around his pinky finger, barely hanging on and ready to snap should he make a fist. While his brother adorns purple earrings, a child-sized ring, and a bracelet - nearly a winner of the game. “This is a damn joke,” Dean mutters to himself, finger flicking at the numbered board for his next move. The games go on for hours, it seems. Leaving everyone sleepy-eyed in the living room while they talk about nonsense. Dean catches sight of his wife leaning into her palm, pretending to listen to his brother while a hand lays idle over her abdomen - a silent admiration of Allison, and what it must all feel like. He laughs at his brother's jokes - a distraction to keep attention off of Carmen, while a strong hand slips its way through. Fingers tangle to pry her focus away from the loss, giving a squeeze of reassurance - and she returns the gesture with a softened sigh.
Eric Winchester is born at 1:10 AM, weighing seven and a half pounds - crying and screaming until he is bundled up in his cocoon of warm blankets. The tears are unavoidable - cradling his tiny body against her chest with eyes full of wonder and adoration. "He's perfect," she offers in a hushed tone, letting the boy continue to bask in his peaceful dreams. Dean watches with a softened smile, heart warming until it’s agonizingly hot - boiling and damn near killing him on the spot. His vision flashes white from the ache, thoughts, and words left scrambled and lost on his tongue. But Sam is with him - a comforting hand on his shoulder to let him know he is there for support should his brother need to fall. But he remains steady for her; his wife, who offers the newborn to his uncle with trembling hands. He doesn’t realize at the moment that he is shaking just as much, dismissing the kind touch to his hand as he accepts the infant with a dazzling grin. For a moment, it’s as if the bliss had been their own. Leaving the hospital in the early morning to find something to eat, and catch up on long lost sleep. Together, they swoon in the car - faces lit by the oncoming sunrise, skin kissed by the vibrant orange. The couple smile together, filled with love and happiness as they talk about this new baby to enter the world. How small his hands were and the puffiness of his cheeks. When the quiet comes, he finds Carmen’s gaze cast out the window, unfocused on their surroundings but doing all she can to bury the creeping ache. She wipes at the corners of her eyes with the back of her sleeve, and he steals away her hand to lay a kiss across the surface.
Nearly nine months have been spent in healing for the two of them since his birth. He becomes a focus - a beacon of light to drown out their sorrows. It’s when three words reach her ears that suddenly shift the tides, fighting against the familiar current. “Will you babysit?” It’s just like before - a disembodied moment, a disconnection. Her knees weaken and he doesn’t notice the way her fingers tighten over the edge of the counter. Instead, his gaze drifts away - flickering to take in the sight of anything that wasn’t her lifeless eyes. “I’m sorry, I just-” “It’s fine, Sam.” Her voice is enough to surprise her, crawling over the barricade lodged in the woman’s throat. “Allison’s parents are out of town, and..she really needs some fresh air,” he finishes with a nervous laugh, which in turn pulls her dull expression into something joyous. “She definitely does. Of course, we’ll babysit.” Hazel eyes fill with light, grateful, and understanding of what his sister-in-law has agreed to, knowing it may not be an easy task. And then, the day comes. It washes in like a dark, threatening cloud seen just over the horizon the night prior. It inches closer as time passes, waiting to douse her in its heavy burden. It casts a shadow just over her shoulder, while Dean’s carries a little less shade - a sign of healing, but unforgetting. Carmen gives in to the pull as she moves down the hallway, pushing a once forever sealed doorway open to reveal shades of forest green and plush carpet. Who knew a lively space could feel so hollow? A place meant to overflow with laughter left eerily quiet since the last photograph was hung. It shines in the daylight - rays streaming in from thinned curtains, not once feeling the breeze dance along its threads. So alive in the day. And as the sun fell, it took the light with it, stripping vibrance away to let the darkness in. Stuffed animals sat upright in their places - on the chair and shelving. Books collect dust - childhood favorites left untouched. The crib was still - no imprints or rustle of fabric to show it had been lived in. To show that it had loved, and warmed someone once upon a time.
The deer and other small wildlife stare outwards from the wallpaper, never having the chance to protect someone - but always seeking the opportunity. She remembers how much of a pain in the ass it all had been. Choosing decor to leave both soon-to-be parents happy, but especially the wallpaper. Sights had been set on the pattern, and she spent an entire day convincing a Hunter that it would be beneficial for the imagination. Dean caves with a kiss to the lips, proceeding to help apply it before an argument fueled by hormones ceases the process. Carmen spends her day in bed, surrendering the project to the brothers who take care of not laughing too loudly, fearful of the woman. She cries in the doorway, thankful for all they’ve done, and apologizes for being so emotional. And as Dean cradles her tired body, he studies the finished wall and confesses his newfound love for it. That was nearly two years ago, time flew by before she’d even had the chance to catch it. Spending hours, weeks, and months in mourning. He calls for her, voice booming from the living room as he slips on his shoes. It all happens so fast. She blinks, and suddenly she’s walking through her friend's doorway - ignoring the cloud to now hover just above. “Our movie starts at six,” Allison begins, nearly out of breath as she becomes frantic with organization and the lists she’s prepared. “And this is the name of the restaurant we’re going to after, and-” “Okay, okay,” Carmen cuts in with a laugh, grabbing at her friend's shoulders to spin her around, pushing the girl closer to the front entrance. “I’ve got it taken care of. I’m a big girl, y’know?” “I know,” her friend responds with a sigh. “I just - it never gets easier. Leaving. I feel guilty for-” There’s a heavy pause, meeting her friend's eyes as a hard swallow chokes her on the spot. “I - I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t-” Carmen leans in a little closer, expression unreadable until her lips twitch into a sly smile. “Get out of here. Go have some fun, momma.” Allison embraces her words, though with great reluctance before wrapping herself up in the other’s arms. “Thank you,” she mutters, slipping away into her husband's hold as they both move into the evening. “Don’t you dare let that woman come home within the next few hours,” she warns, pulling a hearty laugh from Sam’s chest. “Yeah, I’ll try.”
The littlest Winchester is already swept up in the adoration of the eldest. Barely speaking a word to his brother as he moved with purpose, finding the boy slouched as tiny hands slapped carelessly against the buttons. A cluster of sounds emitting from the plastic table, until they suddenly stop as Dean towers above him. Gleeful cries follow only seconds after, making attempts to pick himself up to pull at his uncle's jeans. But just as he tumbles onto all fours, Dean kneels down to his level, a pointed finger holding all of Eric’s attention. He watches in wonder as he reaches for the table, pressing down on a vibrant pink button to release a bright tune in the silence. Again, more delight shines on in sweet eyes. His joy was heard through squeals and giggles. “You’re too easy,” Dean states with a prideful look on his face. “C’mere, squirt,” he grunts, swiftly plucking the boy up from the ground to hold against his side. “We’re gettin’ up t’no good today, aren’t we?” Carmen has only just seen the other couple leave, locking up for the night until their return. She can hear the coos and plotting buried in hushed whispers just around the corner. “We’re stayin’ up late. We’re watching movies-” “Excuse me?” Carmen interrupts, finding her partner with a guilt-ridden expression, though he fights past it to appear confident - maybe even a little offended by her playful prodding. “Nothin’,” He blurts out, tucking the boy deeper into comfort. “We’re talkin’ business, okay? Big boy stuff.” Her face contorted, amused and disbelieving of his defense before reaching across the way to wiggle her hands between the two. “You’re not forcing him to watch Poltergeist,” Carmen chuckles, successfully stealing away the infant to kiss soft cheeks. “It’s a classic!”
The hours passed with ease, filled with vibrance, laughter, and some delicate moments where the other was simply too afraid to break the spell. Some of those moments being when Carmen overhead her husband encouraging the infant to speak. “Can you say, ‘Best uncle in the world?’” Eric would spit and babble in response, gnawing on his tiny fingers as his shimmering eyes looked elsewhere. “Well, that sucks. Because I’m your only uncle.” Or, when he watched her dance along the slick tile of the kitchen floor, all for the boy's entertainment as he sat on the other side of the baby gate. Eyes were wide, watching with amazement and sloppily clapping his hands together every time she did a dramatic spin. Other times, she would study him from the couch as he read the boy a story. Thick pages nearly blocked from view as Eric laid his palms across the pictures and words with every flip. Dean would laugh, “I can’t see, bud,” as if the child could understand. She soaks in these gentle moments. A spotlight filled with a warm, summer glow cast down upon the two. His rough hands and angered spirit were now watered down. A dying garden filled with rotten weeds and poison now thriving with delicate flowers and joy. He watched her, too. The way she floats through the home with a now sleeping baby in her arms, head just on her shoulder. She doesn’t make a sound, and even if she had, Eric was known to be a heavy sleeper. But it’s effortless - like she was made for this, despite never picturing her future with a child. Until it happened.
And then it didn’t.
Carmen lays him with care in the crib - a rich mahogany to match the changing table. The color compliments pewter walls and perfectly white accents. It had always been clear, that this was no hollow place. A soft rug held a singular stain at the edge, having experienced an accident as the new parents struggled to adjust to new life. Toys were littered across the floor, though hastily pushed aside as they were left with no time to clean before their night out. The ear of Eric’s favorite dog was crumbled and permanently disfigured as he gums it. Colored blocks were stacked to the side, with other loved items frantically tucked into storage with arms still hanging out from the box. This room sang a joyous chorus in the day as sunlight poured in, and a velvety lullaby as the moon took its place. You could hear the adoration bleed out from the walls even in the quietest of moments, and it was heard throughout the home as Eric’s door was always left open. Even now, as his caretaker slips from the crib with ghostly steps, slipping back out into the hallway to meet her partner. “Down for the count,” she sighs, allowing a tired body to rest against the wall just at his door. The woman waits in the silence - waiting for his deep voice to cut through and warm her flesh. To make a sarcastic comment or joke that lights a smile on her face. Instead, she lingers under his stare. Green eyes sparkled beneath the dim lights, alluring and filled with something she couldn't place in the moment.
It was yearning.
Plump lips twitch into a smile, a sensation of butterflies bursting within his chest - sickening, yet warm and encouraging goosebumps to the surface of freckled skin. Dean averts his gaze, feeling as though her curious stare was ripping through him to pull out unspoken thoughts not yet ready to reach his tongue. "What is it?" She questions, watching as he licks at his lips before shrugging away her invisible touch. Just before confessions spill to the floor, revealing all he’s dreamed of as Carmen lives out a life once lost to them. “Nothin’,” a strong hand reaches and tangles with delicate fingers, tugging her along until they settle on the cream-colored couch. She doesn’t buy it - not after having known this man for just over a decade. His wife can do more than simply read through his hazy shield. She predicts, understands, and reasons - while her past self had spent energy she couldn’t waste on fighting a stubborn, arrogant, man-child. “Sam says they’ll be home soon. I guess Allison started crying.” The imagery brings unexpected laughter as she settles into his side, fingers fanned out over a denim-clad thigh. “She lasted longer than I thought.” It’s a deflection. Dean Winchester has grown and shifted with the tides. Swimming with them, rather than against as they seek to pull him under with violence. There’s a storm at his back and it holds reality - turmoil and emotions he struggles to express. So, despite the bliss in their hearts and laughter in their chests, he’s lost somewhere in that sea. Eyes carved from jade staring out into nothingness, swimming faster from the heavy cloud. “What is it really, Dean?” His resolve shatters from her kind voice, gripping at her fingers as they work to pry them from her flesh. Words act like water caught in his throat, choking and suffocating until he finally forces them out, and with it comes a new light to cast out the shadowy sky.
“We got dealt a shitty hand,” he begins, not yet brave enough to face her, instead electing to watch as her thumb soothes circles over his skin. He refers to more than just their loss as a joined family. But to the loss of Carmen’s sister, before they had ever met. He means the sacrifice of his father's life, the murder of his mother, and each painful journey they fought through up until this moment. “Doesn’t mean we have t’stop playin’ the game.” Confused by his words, her brow knits together as she tries to make sense of it all. Lips parting to ask what he means, though silenced as he shifts his body to face her directly. “I’m tired of our girl’s room being shut.” Her breath hitches as Dean tears down that dam to keep her own storm at bay. Angry, grey waters crash and grip until she’s fighting for air. She could die here in his arms from sheer pain. From a broken heart. “I see you and Eric, and I - I just can’t stop it, y’know?” He can see the glisten in her eyes - sorrow climbing to the top and threatening to wipe the woman out like a plague. He inches closer, pulling her legs to drape over his lap, a comforting hand against her cheek. “I think about you. I think about us, and what it was like. T’have her, and-” Mentions of her loss leave him sick and gagging on foul words, but he manages to choke them out as a tear spills down her cheek. “She lived, Carmen. She lived, and she was perfect.” Another tear on tinted cheeks and she surrenders to his touch, a thumb brushing them aside. “Yeah, she was,” is her mumbled reply, followed by a sniffle and an aggressive swipe just beneath her nose. “We can walk away from it. We can leave that dream behind, just say the word. Whatever you want, I’m with you. I just-" He doesn't finish, watching as those waves crash within tearful eyes. It's familiar territory, she doesn't need to hear the rest as she fights against the current. Her only focus was to keep her head above the waves.
A strong hand falls to her hip, all too close to a once full belly - a home provided now echoing with the haunting cry of a ghost. He hopes to let it sing again, if she only reaches for his hand for guidance in the murky waters. The shoreline awaits in the distance, beckoning them in closer to taste its warm security. But it’s not a journey to take on alone. And though painful, they would come out of it together - so she takes hold of him. She has long been dreaming of that empty crib, whether it be in nightmares or something rare like a dream she couldn’t pull herself from. Had it been the trick of a Djinn, she would have died if only to see her daughter grow. And as Eric’s gentle breaths and grumbles of sleep slip through the baby monitor, sadness shifts into hope and longing. “I don’t want to keep it closed, either,” She whispers, untrusting of her own voice to carry the following words filled with power. But there’s strength as she meets his stare. “Let’s try again.” They’ve touched land - brilliant sunlight stripping the weight of water from their clothes, so they may walk freely across the sand without burden. A sunrise dances across his skin as excitement sinks in. Beauty and love are seen shimmering like crystals in his eyes. That flickering light in their chests fighting for survival now glows with radiance. “Yeah? You want to?” She can only nod, a faint chuckle from nerves slipping through painted lips that are captured in his kiss. “I love you, so damn much.”
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oceanmusings · 8 months
Pairing | Dean Winchester x Lenore "Lori" Holt
Content Warning | None. Really Fluffy.
Word Count | 1.3K
Summary | Dean has been having a hard time connecting with Oliver (4 years old) since Lori brought him into their lives. But when the kid has a nightmare, only Dean is there to help him.
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When Lori brought Oliver into their lives, Dean didn’t really know how to talk with him most of the time. The kid stuck mostly with Lori, and that made sense for everything the kid has gone through. Dean didn’t blame him. She took him out of a scary situation that made him lose his parents and made sure he was safe. She had taken this new role as “mom” with such grace, it shocked the man.
Dean may have been a little upset with Lori bringing him and making this step in their lives without talking with him. But seeing Lori blossom into this new lifestyle has been something Dean had come to cherish witnessing.
He couldn’t stay mad with the kid either. But that didn’t mean he could connect with him either. Oliver stuck around Lori most of the time and anytime him or Sam entered the room, it’s like he lost his voice. Lori assured them both Oliver would warm up to them soon. So Dean has let Oliver take it at his own pace with him.
But Lori taking on this new role has shown it’s challenges. The bunker was a nice and safe place for the child. All three of them could make sure he was okay - keeping an eye he doesn’t explore too much and hurt himself with any of the weapons they keep around - but it lessened the chances of any attacks and scaring him.
But that meant Lori became stir crazy.
The woman wasn’t used to staying in one place long, she liked moving around, and with there being no windows in the bunker. It was easy to become stir crazy for some fresh air and to see the sky. So any chance Lori could take, she left to recharge a bit. She always seemed to do something different every night. Sometimes she did the shopping they needed, just go for a drive, or just wander around the town that the bunker is close to. Dean always called to check-in with her, make sure she’s safe, but also to give her any update about Oliver.
Lori usually left in the middle of the night after she put Oliver to bed. Dean would be up at this hour anyways. So while he waited for Lori to return, he made sure Oliver was okay.
Similar to nights like this.
Dean sat in the war room while scrolling through his laptop, nursing a beer he picked up in the kitchen. It was quiet, but not an eerie quiet, everyone was asleep (beside Lori and himself). At least who was supposed to. Dean stopped when he heard small footsteps pad through the hall. He looked up in time to see the little guy standing in the archway. Dean relaxed seeing him but quickly tensed up again. Oliver looked distressed, tugging on his shirt and close to tears.
Oliver was hearing a large Led Zeppelin t-shirt. It was one of Dean’s. When Lori took Oliver home she didn’t have any time to grab a lot of Oliver’s things, and that included some clothing. She was going to take him shopping this weekend to get Oliver all the clothing he would need. But Dean had offered the shirt for the kid to sleep in for now. It reached down to his knees and the collar hung off his shoulder a bit. He was gripping the shirt tightly in his tiny fist and looking close to tears.
“Hey, buddy.” Dean looked at the time. It’s midnight. “What are you doing up?”
“Looking for Lori.”
“She went out, but she’ll be back soon though.”
The kid didn’t move as he watched the older man, looking more uncomfortable and distressed. “Hey,” Dean closed the laptop, turning his body to face the small child. “I promise she’ll be back soon. What’s wrong? You look upset.”
Oliver tugged at his shirt again, seeming to search his words as carefully as a 4 year old could. Big fat tears rolled down his cheeks and Dean’s stomach tugged. He stood up from his chair so he could come closer to the child. “Hey, it’s okay. You can tell me.”
Oliver’s face scrunched up as he looked down to the floor, more tears rolled down his face and dripped down to the floor. “Bad dream,” Oliver admitted in a tiny voice, Dean almost missed it. “Lori makes it better.”
Dean frowns. Waking up alone after a bad dream and not being able to find the person that said they’ll keep you safe was a feeling Dean was too familiar with. The kid didn’t deserve to feel the same.
“That she does. But listen, why don’t you get back to bed and I’ll call her. I’m sure she’ll be right on her way back in no time.”
Oliver gripped his shirt tighter.
Okay, don’t like that idea.
“Or I can come with you and we can both call Lori.” Dean offered the alternative. Oliver relaxed and seemed to like the idea better. Raising his hands to wipe away the tears from his face.
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Dean led the kid back to Lori’s room - Lori thought it would be a good idea for the two of them to share a room, just while Oliver adjusted - Dean helped the kid crawl back up into bed, snuggling under the covers and hugging the monkey stuffed animal to his chest.
“Scooch,” Dean mumbled, Oliver scooted over and gave the man room to join the tiny bed. Dean pulled out his phone and was quick to find Lori’s contact. Pressing on the “call” button and quickly put the phone on “speaker” too.
Lori was quick to answer, her voice coming through the phone with a. “Dean?”
“Lori!” Oliver’s tiny voice spoke, perking up a bit on hearing the woman's voice.
“Oliver? How did you get Dean’s phone? Or doing up this late?” She sounded a little panicked hearing Oliver instead.
“He had a bad dream.” Dean spoke this time, hoping to ease the woman's nerves. “He came out looking for you, I told him we would call you if he went to bed.”
“Oh, Ollie. I’m so sorry. What was the dream?”
Oliver explained his dream to Lori - they were walking through the woods and at some point Lori went behind a tree cause she saw something. Oliver couldn’t find her and the woods were making a bunch of scary noises. - Dean felt bad he had to wake up alone and he couldn’t imagine how Lori felt.
He let the two of them talk, Dean making his own comment here and there, but the more time went on. The more relaxed Oliver became. To the point Oliver scooted closer to the older man and used his bicep as a pillow. Dean was afraid to breathe on the chance of disturbing him.
This is the closest Oliver had allowed him to be. He looked down to see the kid breathing softly. Fast asleep.
“He’s asleep.” Dean whispers, moving the phone closer to his face. He tapped the speaker button to turn it off, pressing the phone to his ear instead.
“It’s no problem. I’d do anything for the little guy.”
“No seriously, Dean, I… it means a lot to me.” Lori went quiet as she thought what to say next. “I know I kinda dumped the kid on us without consoling you. I’m still really sorry about it. But you being there for him means a lot while I’m gone.”
Dean was quiet as he digested her words. Lori apologized a lot for how Oliver came into their lives. Some part of Dean was still upset, but it was dissipating quickly as he watched Oliver’s tiny squished up face. The most relaxed he had ever seen him be. A sense of pride blooming in his chest the more he watched him.
“The way he got here wasn’t ideal. But that doesn’t mean I’ll be a dick to him or you, you did the right thing, sweetheart. I’m happy to pick up some slack when you need me to.”
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mychemicalimagines · 11 months
Can’t Stop Lovin’ You-Dean Winchester-Chap 5
Summary: Dean Winchester and Michaela ‘Mickey’ Storm have been friends for as long as they can remember. When they were 4 years old, Dean’s mom and Mickey’s parents were killed. Since then, John Winchester took his kids and Mickey around the states, hunting the Supernatural. 22 years later, it’s just Dean and Mickey against the world, both the natural and the supernatural. John goes missing after a hunting trip goes awry while Sam’s away at college, set on being a lawyer. This is Dean and Mickey’s story as they embark on a trip to find the one man they know as Dad. Saving People. Hunting Things. The Family Business.
Series Warning: Language, Fluff, Love, Smut, Death, Blood, Violence, Supernatural, Paranormal, Established Relationship. If I forgot any, all the warnings from the show apply to this series as well.
Words: 4,520
A/N: Here’s a chapter to hold you guys over! We really didn’t like this episodes too much so we decided to put them all into one and give a summarized version of what would have happened! We are currently writing Bugs so hopefully we can get it out soon!
No Gifs! Do you guys want them for this series?!
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Bloody Mary, Skin, and Hook Man
Third Person POV
Just over a month and a half after the case in Pennsylvania, and several other, low-scale hunts, the Winchester trio caught wind of a case that really piqued their interest in late January. After all, everyone knows of the age old, urban legend surrounding Bloody Mary. The one that goes if a person goes into a bathroom at night, with the lights off, and says “Bloody Mary” three times, the spirit will appear and kill you by first gouging out your eyes. 
Now, having grown up as a Hunter, and years of reading all sorts of lore on different spirits, demons, and supernatural entities in general, the Winchesters knew that there was a chance the way things played out could be slightly different than what all of the various versions of lores said. Which seemed like this case may just have been a very real possibility of actually being Bloody Mary.
 After all, what had started out as a simple game of truth or dare between three high school girls ended up with the tragic death of the one girl’s father. Reading over the gruesome details of the father’s death, Sam knew that there wasn’t remotely normal about a man’s eyes liquifying in his skull and bleeding out from that, despite the press’ attempt at trying to pass it off as a fluke case of spontaneous combustion.
So, of course, when Sam found a story from a newspaper clipping that seemed to be the urban legend becoming reality, he knew that it was a case right up the Winchester’s alley. Once he had shown the article to both his brother and Mickey, the three of them headed to Toledo, Ohio and then to Fort Wayne, Indiana to crack the case, with one of Sam’s nightmares about the death of his girlfriend happening during the drive, one that he refused to talk about.
It was in Toledo, Ohio that the Winchesters found out that the tragic death of Steven Shoemaker came as a result of a “Bloody Mary” dare that had gone wrong. It took a hefty bribe to get the morgue attendant to even let them look at the body, confirming the thought that there was no logical or possible way for this man to have died of spontaneous combustion, considering that Mr. Shoemaker’s skull was filled with blood and his eyes were truly liquified.
Despite not having a clear cause of death, but knowing that it was more than what a normal human could comprehend, the Three Musketeers, or rather Winchesters, attended both the eldest Shoemaker’s funeral and his home shortly after. One thing that the youngest daughter said piqued all three of the Hunters’ interest, and it certainly wasn’t her blaming herself for her father’s death.
At least, not entirely. But, rather, it was the reason as to why she blamed herself. After finding out about the dare to ‘release’ Bloody Mary, the brothers and Mickey set out on a search for clues, while also being as discreet and respectful as they could be. It didn’t take the trio long to determine that there was indeed something suspicious about the death of Steven Shoemaker, and Mickey gave Charlie, one of the best friends of the late man’s oldest daughter,  her phone number with the message to call if she thought of anything helpful.
Sure enough, Charlie gave Mickey a ring later that evening after having been on the phone with her other friend, Jill, when she too had tried to ‘summon’ Bloody Mary in her own mirror, as a joke, and died before she got the chance to hang up. Upon investigating Jill’s bedroom, and the mirror in question, Mickey found a clue that would crack the case wide open, revealing a connection, not to the classic lore, but rather to a far more tragic, human mistake.
Gary Bryman. The young boy that Jill had killed in a hit and run with her vehicle. Finding this clue led the Winchesters back to the Shoemaker household, and more specifically Mr. Shoemaker’s bedroom, based on a hunch that Sam had. His gut feelings paid off when they found the name of Mr. Shoemaker’s late wife scrawled on the mirror.
It didn’t take long to figure out the widow’s wife had died under suspicious circumstances, labeled as a sleeping pill overdose. And, it took even less time for Mickey to offer up the suggestion that Linda Shoemaker hadn’t died accidently, but rather that her husband had killed her and made it look like an accident. 
Now, there was a connection, and a strong lead. The Winchesters weren’t dealing with a childhood scary story to tell in the dark, but rather something more dangerous, and far more deadly: a vengeful spirit. However, Dean’s own gut instinct was telling him that there was still something about this case that involved a woman named Mary, blood, and a mirror.
As it turned out, and much to the disappointment of the brothers and Mickey, the case actually had nothing to do with the Bloody Mary lore and much more to do with just a vengeful spirit. While the case may not have turned out to be what any of them were expecting or hoping for, there was one good thing to come from the month in general. 
And that…that was Mickey winning the race against Sam in high heels and getting dibs on the front seat for the entire month, much to Sam’s surprise. 
“I’m telling you, Dean, this will be the easiest race of my entire life!” Sam says, stretching out his legs.
“I’m not so sure, Sammy.” Dean leans against the front of the Impala, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “I told you, Mickey is fast.”
“She may be fast in her sneakers but in heels? I bet that day in Pennsylvania was a fluke because the alarm was going off.” The youngest shakes his head. 
Before he can speak once again, the sound of click-clacks are heard. Sam looks up to see Mickey walking toward him, the heels from the last hunt on her feet. She has a large smirk on her face as she fixes her gym shorts.
“Ready to lose, Winchester?”
“You’ll be the one losing, Storm.” He playfully rolls his eyes.
“You already lost, Sammy.”
“Alright, alright.” Dean chuckles, putting his hands out. “The rule is: No pushing each other. Sam doesn’t need to break a nail. I’m going to stand in the middle of the parking lot while you guys stand by that light post over there. The first one to smack my hand is the winner. Do you guys remember what your prize is?”
“The front seat.” Mickey glances at her best friend with a smile.
“You gotta stop being all lovey.” He rolls his eyes before smirking again. “I also keep my seat without complaints.”
“Great!” Dean rubs his hands together as he walks over to the middle of the parking lot. “Get moving.”
Mickey grins and starts walking to the light post, clicky clacks following her again. Sam shakes his head and follows her after slipping off his jacket to lay on the hood of the car. They both make it and turn toward the eldest Winchester. 
“Ready?!” Dean calls out.
“Yep!” Mickey answers, getting into her running stance before whispering. “You’re going down.”
Sam rolls his eyes, getting into his own stance. “You wish.”
The eldest Winchester begins to count down from three before throwing his hands out with a chant of ‘Go!’. Both Sam and Mickey take off like a bullet out of a gun, the latter’s hair whipping in the wind but that doesn’t slow her down. Despite the youngest having longer legs, he was no match for the female and her heels. 
When they were about twenty-five feet from the eldest Winchester, Mickey sped up, making it to her boyfriend first. She smacks his hand, slowing down behind him, her heels skidding across the asphalt. A few seconds later, Sam smacks his other hand, his eyes widening slightly. When he stops a few spaces behind his brother, he looks at her, slightly out of breath.
“How…what…the hell…”
“I tried to tell you, Sammy.” Dean turns around, grinning at his younger brother.
“Girl’s superpower.” Mickey giggles, still out of breath.
“Damn it.” He says, moving his hair from his face. 
The eldest Winchester wraps his arm around his girlfriend’s waist, a proud smile on his face.
Flashback Over
Sam was slightly upset, losing his seat for a whole month. He felt so cramped in the back, often moving around so he could get comfortable. He timed it to the day, making sure she got out of the seat as soon as he could. Another good thing that had also happened in that month was celebrating Dean’s 27th birthday, an occasion that they were actually able to celebrate with all three of them being together for the first time in years.
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A little over a month later, at the end of February and the beginning of March, the three of them found themselves in St. Louis, Missouri. And it wasn’t because of St. Louis’ famous ribs, much to the disappointment of Dean and Mickey. The real reason they were in town was due to one of Sam’s old college friends, Rebecca “Becky” Warren, saying that her brother, Zach Warren, was framed for the murder of his girlfriend, Emily.
While at first this may not have seemed like it would be one of the normal cases the Winchesters - or any Hunter for that matter - would take, it didn’t take long for them to realize that they weren’t dealing with a typical, human homicide, but rather a shapeshifter case. At first, the whole thing seemed iffy, especially since Sam’s old college friend claimed that her brother had been with her at the time of the murder, and it’s impossible to be in two places at once.
This was no Harry Potter movie.
Shortly after their arrival in the city often referred to as the Gateway to the West, there was another murder, and just like with Sam’s friend, the suspect in the second case claimed to have been in two places at once. It wasn’t until the shapeshifter had taken on Mickey as a disguise to trick the boys, did the trio realize just what they were dealing with. 
 Following the case of the second murder, the trio ended up getting separated around the second victim’s apartment building. All when the three of them followed a bloody trail that led into the sewers. While they were down there, they found the evidence they needed that proved that they were dealing with a shapeshifter. 
When the shifter attacked the three of them and ran off, they all ran after it, but ended up getting lost in the maze that was the sewers underneath the city. Mickey and Dean continued searching the tunnels, and Sam went back above ground, knowing he’d meet up with his brother and Mickey at the Impala. 
Plus, this would give the youngest brother a chance to regroup, get weapons, and possibly even confirm his suspicions about the shifter. Sure enough, as he was locking and loading up with one of his guns, Dean showed up. He freaked out for a solid five minutes when he found out Mickey wasn’t with his brother.
“What do you mean she’s not up here?!” Dean says, running his fingers through his hair.
“I mean, I haven’t seen her since we separated. I thought she was with you.” He answers, closing the trunk of the car.
“Son of a bitch!” The eldest Winchester yells out slightly, quickly turning in circles, hoping to catch a glimpse of her somewhere.
“Maybe she's on her way back?”
“She better be. She knows to come back to the car if we separate.” He says, pacing back and forth.
“Of course I do.” Her voice is heard behind them.
Dean whips around to see his girlfriend, walking toward them, a small smile on her face. He immediately runs toward her and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her close. His other hand comes up and cups the back of her head, holding her close to him as she wraps her arms around his waist.
“What happened down there? One minute you were next to me then the next you were gone?” He whispers.
“I heard a noise. I thought you heard me.” She whispers, hugging him close.
He pulls away and cups her cheek, looking into her hazel eyes for a moment.
“I guess not.” He whispers before speaking louder so Sam can hear him. “You think he found another way underground?”
“Probably.” Sam says, watching the two of them. 
Dean nods slightly before biting his lip, just staring at his girlfriend.
“Should we drive around, see if there are any more signs of him?” She asks, softly.
“That would be a good idea.” He answers.
“Can I drive?” Her eyes light up softly.
Without changing his expression, he nods softly. “Of course you can. Sam got the keys.”
She grins before rushing past him to the youngest Winchester. He opens the trunk again, allowing her to look through it to pick her weapon.
“Hey guys, didn’t dad once face a shapeshift in San Antonio?” He asks, glancing toward his older brother.
Dean approaches them and looks at his girlfriend, wanting her to answer. 
“Oh, that was Austin.” She answers, looking up from the trunk with a smile. “It turned out not to be a shapeshifter, it was a thought form. A psychic projection, remember?”
“Oh right.” Sam chuckles softly before tossing her the keys. “Here ya go.”
She catches the keys before looking back into the trunk when the brother’s make eye contact. Almost a second later,  the brothers bring up their guns, pointing it directly at the female.
“Don’t move.” Dean says, staring at her with a small glare
She turns and looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Dean, what’s going on?”
“What have you done with her?”
“It’s me, guys.” She giggles slightly.
“I don’t think so.” Sam says, never lowering his gun. 
“Where’s my girlfriend?” The eldest Winchester asks, his voice deepening to a growl.
“You’re about to shoot her, Dean. Calm down.” Her smile fades from her face.
“Mickey hates driving” He growls. “She only got her license because dad made her in case she needed to get away.”
“I just wanted to drive, babe. It’s not a big deal.” She rolls her eyes.
“She also knows the signals we have.” Dean continues.
“Now, where is Mickey?” Sam speaks up again. 
She turns toward him with a sigh. “I’m right here, Sam. Come on!”
“You’re not my girlfriend.” Dean snaps.
“Why don’t you pull the trigger, then?” She glances toward him, discreetly grabbing something from the trunk. “Hmm?”
The eldest Winchester just stares at her, glare clearly on his face. 
“It’s because you’re not sure.” She states, watching his hesitation.
Before either Winchester could blink, ‘Mickey’ cracks Dean in the face with the weapon she grabbed from the trunk. A crowbar. The eldest Winchester falls straight to the ground while Sam pulls the trigger of his gun. ‘Mickey’ crouches quickly, dodging the bullet before standing and cracking him in the face as well.  
‘She’ glances between both now knocked out men before cracking her neck with a grin, her eyes flashing silver for a moment.
Flashback Over
One thing that the brothers hadn’t accounted for, though, was them being knocked unconscious and taken hostage by the shapeshifter. After Sam had regained consciousness, he figured out that he and Dean were trapped down in the sewers. Nearly 10 minutes later, the brothers realized that Mickey was there too when she made a grunt of discomfort and woke up. 
The three of them talked things out, confirming with each other that they were dealing with and how to take care of it. Of course, things weren’t so easy for them. Not that they ever were. On top of the usual, supernatural related obstacles that they encountered on any given hunt, this one had an added one, from humans no less.
They had the FBI on their tails, and were wanting to charge them with a long list of crimes. Including charging Mickey with the brutal attack of Becky using jealousy and calling it a ‘crime of passion’ as the motive for the attack. See, when the shifter had assumed Mickey’s identity, claiming ‘She’s hot. Anyone would believe a hot woman’, it had been invited in, as Becky thought it was Mickey, another girl that she could talk to, and maybe get to know a little more about Sam, especially since he had left college so suddenly.
And the shifter, disguised as Mickey, had brutally attacked Becky, and only left her alive because the SWAT team showed up. While this had been going on, the Winchester trio had been tied up and trapped down in the shifter’s lair in the sewers. By the time they managed to escape, Mickey’s mugshot was plastered across every news station playing on TVs across the city.
They had made their way back to Becky’s house to try and figure out what had happened. Sam went inside, while Dean went to go get the Impala, never wanting to leave his Baby unattended for long, and Mickey ventured back into the sewer alone. Knowing that it would be in her best interest to stay below ground, out of sight from the FBI, she went to track the shapeshifting creature that had made her life a little tricky at the moment. 
The eldest Winchester hated splitting up, especially from his girlfriend but right now, it was needed. He knew it would not keep her safe from the shifter, but at least it would buy her enough time from having the FBI on her tail to figure out where the shifter was and come up with a way on how to take care of it.
It didn’t take Mickey long to find her way back to the shifter’s lair, and realize that it had now shifted and taken on Becky’s identity. Due to lack of cell service in the sewers, she was unable to call Sam who was still at his old college friend’s home. And she couldn’t even get in touch with Dean to try and get him to warn Sam.
Mickey knew that she would have to warn her boyfriend’s brother soon, and she had to be quick about it before the shifter could do any harm to the man that had become a younger brother to her over the years. She did the only thing left that she knew she could do and hightailed it out of the sewer tunnels and back to Becky’s house.
She had arrived, just in time, to see Dean shoot at the shapeshifter that had once again disguised itself as her, in an attempt to get it to stop attacking Sam. Watching him kill the shifter that looked like her briefly made her wonder if Dean was 100% certain that it wasn’t actually her before he pulled that trigger, or if it was proof that Dean truly would put protecting his baby brother above anything and anyone, no matter who or what it was.
She got her answer when she stepped into the room, met Dean’s gaze and he’d rushed over to her, glad to see she was unharmed in any way whatsoever. When the police had shown up, Mickey had hid in the Impala to keep up the ruse that she had ‘died’. Whatever story Sam had managed to concoct and spin to the cops had them pinning the murder of Zach Warren’s girlfriend, Emily, on her as well, leaving it as a closed case. 
As Dean drove away, with Mickey snuggled up to his side in the passenger seat, wanting to keep her close and Sam sprawled out as much as he could in the backseat, Mickey couldn’t help but joke about how she was missing the one funeral she’d ever be guaranteed to have. And both the brothers couldn’t get over how much they had a sudden disdain for pea soup.
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Two weeks before Mickey’s 27th birthday at the end of March, the Winchester crew were called to Ankeny, Iowa to investigate a series of morally and religiously driven, supernatural related deaths. They knew they had to be the ones on this case because the only witness to the murder reported that the attacker was invisible. 
The witness had said that she was in the car with her boyfriend on 9 Mile Road when they heard loud scratching noises. Rich, the boyfriend, had gotten out to check what was going on when he suddenly disappeared from her view. Not even a second later, more scratching noises were heard before a couple loud bangs came from the roof of the car.
When both sounds ceased, she exited the car and began to run toward the wooded area. After getting a strange feeling in her gut, she turned around to find her boyfriend suspended from a tree upside down above the car, meaning he was the one who was making the noises attempting to get help. Needing to blend in, Sam and Dean walked into a fraternity house while Mickey joined the sorority nearby.
While the brothers were in their fraternity house where the victim lived, they found out he was seeing Lori, the daughter of Reverend Sorenson, meaning she was the one that was there that night. Mickey ended up meeting Lori at the sorority house and talked with her for a little bit learning their rooms were a few doors down from one another. 
She wanted to wait for Dean and Sam before asking any questions about the case, wanting to get on her good side first. Lori invited her to her father’s service later that day but before she could call her boyfriend and his brother, they were already there, waiting in the pews. After the service, Mickey introduced her new friend to the brothers, allowing them to start questioning her, but they didn’t get any useful information. 
The young girl believes she was just seeing things and that something else happened to her boyfriend. When Lori left, the trio talked about the case and decided that it sounds like the Hook Man Legend. Needing more information, they went straight to the library to research the case, knowing that the internet wouldn’t give them anything but ‘fake facts’.
In 1862, a preacher named Jacob Karns killed 13 sex workers using a hook he wore in place of the hand he lost in an accident. He was later arrested and executed. Wanting Mickey to stay close to town, in case of an emergency, the boys traveled to 9 Mile Road in search of the Hook Man but they were discovered by the sheriff, who arrested them. 
He wouldn’t allow them to have their one phone call so they weren’t even able to call the unofficial female Winchester. While Mickey was waiting for Lori, she didn’t realize there was another door to enter the building. She ended up falling asleep a few minutes after Lori already was in her room. 
A few minutes earlier, she got into a fight with her father about living in the sorority house, which blinded her. She went to her room and discovered a large scratch on the wall but didn’t think anything of it. She went to turn on the light but noticed Taylor, her roommate, was already asleep and decided to keep the light off. 
She got ready for bed and laid down, not noticing that Jacob Karns was in her closet. The next morning, she woke up and screamed loudly at the sight of Taylor’s bloody body with the words ‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?’ written in blood on the wall. Mickey immediately ran into the room, shocked by the discovery.  
After finally being able to call her, she went and picked up her boyfriend and ‘adopted’ little brother, taking them back to her dorm. With her help, they searched the entire room the best they could without being caught and discovered a cross symbol drawn in the blood that they recognize from their research.
 A little more research concluded that there were more killings in the area, also by clergymen. The three of them presumed that the spirit of Karns is latching onto the reverend’s repressed emotions and killing everyone he feels are immoral. They came up with the plan that Sam would stay and watch over Lori while the couple would go find Karns grave. 
Lori noticed Sam outside her father’s home and decided to talk to him. She reveals that she feels cursed and that she’s the reason that everyone was dying around her while revealing that her father was having an affair with a married woman. She ends up kissing him, which he does kiss her back but Jess runs through his head, forcing him back, informing her that he can’t do this.
Reverend Sorenson watched from the window and went outside to bring her back in but The Hook Man appeared behind him. He stabbed him with his hook and dragged him back inside the house. Sam ends up saving the Reverends life but the next day, the trio were bemused that burning the corpse didn’t stop Jacob from returning. 
Mickey revealed that the hook wasn’t buried with him, it was melted down and made into objects for the church. They rushed back to St. Barnabas Church in hopes of melting down the silver and finally putting an end to the Hook Man. When they entered the church, Sam found Lori sitting in a pew alone, crying. 
While Sam talked to her, Dean and Mickey rushed around, finding anything silver and burning it. Sam and Lori had an encounter with the Hook Man, which ended up with the Winchester being stabbed in the shoulder. Before the Jacob Karns can kill Lori, the couple showed up, with Dean shooting the ‘invisible man’. 
Confused as to why he was still around after they destroyed all the silver, Sam noticed Lori was wearing a silver necklace. ‘A church heirloom her father gave to her when she started school’, she informed them. He immediately ripped it off her neck and handed it to Mickey, knowing she’s the fastest.
Taking off like a bullet from a gun, she ran as fast as she could to the fire they had started. Back with the brothers and Lori, Karns tries to once again kill Lori, finally having her cornered. When he raised his arm, he froze in his spot, his hook began to melt before he disappeared for good. The next morning, Sam had to be patched up in an ambulance, not wanting to go to the Emergency Room. 
Lori made sure to thank him for saving her and her father. The couple watched from a distance, wishing Sam could have the happy ending he deserves.
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Chapter 4 One Handsome SOB
(2024 cover, pic from Pinterest, cover made using Canva)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Marie, Dawn x Marie (besties)
Warnings: Lots of HSP crap poor Marie has to deal with, fluff for Dean and Marie, and the best bestie in Dawn. Chapter Four was not beta-ed, mistakes are mine. Also, reading cuts are still not showing up when I post, sorry. 😢 Just realized the cuts are there, my app just doesn’t like to show them for some reason🙄
A/N: I’m finally back doing what I love after about a year hiatus. Thanks to everyone that reads, hearts, and reblogs my stories. HSP does suck royally, I’m glad I found a way to write the things I deal with into this story. If ya’ll are curious about Hereditary Spasticity Paraplegia, give my other blog @HeavenlyHopeful0 a look, and give me some love there too if you want! X 🤍 Chelsey
WC 2,077
Dean’s POV
Walking into the war room I found Dawn doing something on her lap top. We had just got home from Wyoming late last night, I figured she and James were in the Family Business now.
“Marie is my best friend and she deserves the world, so I’ve got some ideas for you to ask her to be your girlfriend; hopefully more down the line. I know as hunters we are not awarded many good things in life but from the way Sam told me the story of Marie being the first thing you saw after waking up from the djinn coma, she deserves a special way of ya’ll starting a relationship. Let me know what I can pick up from the store.”
Dawn was showing me her Pinterest. It was a bunch of different easy meals to make for two.
I felt the corner of my lips tug into a smile as I replayed seeing Marie right after waking up from the lifelike dream.
“Dean Winchester. I swear to all things holy, you damn near gave me a heart attack,” Marie started as she was balancing with her right crutch and cutting the ropes with her left hand…
“That lazy lasagna sounds easy enough. Will you also get some of the red wine she likes and ingredients to make her Dutch apple pie that I love?” I ask looking at Dawn’s lap top once more. Dawn nodded smiling writing a note in her phone before closing her laptop.
With that, Dawn stood up to go find James.
Marie’s POV
Placing my air pods in my ears, I scroll through my Spotify music looking for some workout music. Country or 80’s rock I wasn’t sure. I was eager to workout some of my current frustrations.
My previous pt, Dr. Calvert had recently moved back to California with his wife to start his final retirement. He had been the head doctor of the neurology physical therapy department at UCSF back in the day, but had left the hospital to pursue working at a small clinic in Lebanon to be closer to his kids. So I had been sans physical therapy for a month.
Aunt Lynn ended up telling me of a therapist she had gone to see that she thought could be of some help, Tom Erheart. He wasn’t a neuro pt, but I figured I may as well see if Tom could help.
Boy, did he help!
He believed therapy was, “30% science and 70% art.” He practiced a massage technique called myofascial release.
I couldn’t begin to figure out the proper way to explain to Sam, Dean, or anyone what or how exactly Tom did it, but the way he worked his hands over my plagued muscles and quieted my overactive nervous system, was nothing short of a damn miracle.
All that came to an abrupt stop when his office called and cancelled not one, but a month’s worth of pt appointments because he had surprisingly had to undergo open heart surgery. My body craved to be at Tom’s for pt.
With another heavy breath I pressed play and Ain’t That Some by Morgan Wallen began playing into my ears. I was a bit worried because lately I had become more sedentary than I should be and it was wrecking havoc on my body, plus my right wrist had gotten carpal tunnel from the pressure I put on my wrists from using my rollator; but I took a deep breath and put my big girl panties on. I knew I needed to keep frighting, keep moving my body or my body would become even more brittle and weak.
After managing to get a measly 5 minutes on the elliptical, I breathed deeply and told myself, I’d try again on Friday. I carefully step off the machine and went to lay on one of the yoga mats Sam had recently purchased. I needed to stretch my hip flexors. After laying for three minutes, I realized my back had spasmed and locked up leaving me stuck on my stomach.
Doing my diaphragm breathing like Tom had taught me from before, it calmed my nervous system enough to grab my phone from the fanny pack I wore when working out, to text Dean.
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Dean’s POV
Worry etching my thoughts from Marie’s text, I hurried to the gym that was next door to the war room to find Ree on her stomach. I could hear her doing he breathing exercises and closed the space between us in a few steps. I knelt down and began to rub her back in slow but firm circles to help her back muscles release their vice like grip. After a few minutes, Marie released a breath I hadn’t realized she was holding.
“Ahhh…. Thanks Dean, that was a nasty spasm.” Marie sighed out after rolling over on her back looking up at me.
I glanced at what she was wearing. A Victoria’s Secret sports bra that didn’t leave much to the imagination, spandex short shorts like volleyball players wear, her fanny pack, and a cheap pair of sneakers she had recently bought online. Her long chocolate brown tendrils pulled on top of her head in a messy, but oh so sexy bun. Her big emerald eyes, that my own rivaled, looked right into my soul.
“Dean…. What do you think?”
I blinked coming out of the daze I had just been in. I saw Ree had her arm out.
“Dean, can you please help me up off the floor?” She asked expectantly.
“Oh, sorry Sweetheart.” With ease I pulled Ree up and helped her to her walker.
Giving my cheek a kiss, she told me she was going to shower and get ready for the day.
From the gym, I ran into Dawn as I reached the kitchen.
“Hey, Dean, I just got back from the store and they have everything you need to make lazy lasagna and Ree’s Dutch apple pie.” She smiled at her job well done as I helped her put away the food.
“I also picked up lunch for everyone so once Marie is ready we can all eat together then we will be out of your hair til tonight to give y’all some much needed alone time.” Dawn smiled. I had quickly began to see why Dawn and Marie were so close, they loved each other like sisters.
“Before I forget, I wanted to tell you something else,” Dawn added.
“You know that amethyst Claddagh ring Marie wears on her right ring finger?”
“Yeah the one I always told her she shouldn’t wear hunting.” I smirk rolling my eyes playfully.
“Yeah, make sure to take it off her finger and replace it so that the amethyst heart’s point is pointing at her. It’s means that she’s in a relationship. That’s always been a dream of hers, to have you turn the ring on her finger. “ Dawn smiles sweetly after sharing that information.
“So how does she wear the ring now?” I ask genuinely curious.
Dawn smiled as she answered.
“The heart pointing outwards means she’s open to the world, single.” She smiled again.
Just then Marie came into the kitchen freshly showered and smelling wonderful. I looked at her and smiled.
“Hey Ree, I ran to the store to pick up some food to stock the fridge and brought back some stuff to make sandwiches.” Dawn started.
“I need to actually take a seat, my spasticity has been giving me the hardest time today. If someone brings some of the sandwich stuff to the table, I can make my own.” Marie said with a smile.
“Also, before I forget, James and I are taking Franklin out to a movie and dinner tonight. Sam said he wanted to come so it’ll just be you two after lunch.” Dawn said hiding her smile.
“Oh, hmm. Alright, I’m sure Dean and I will find something to do. Thanks for doing the food run this morning, I was going to put in an order for pick up after lunch today.” Marie thanked Dawn.
With that Sam, James, growing little Franklin, and Little Foot all found their way to the kitchen for lunch. Sam, Dean, and Marie all shared a smile at having such a full, lively home filled with love.
Dean’s POV
After the other’s had left for their day out, it was just Marie and I.
“Wanna go stream Prime in the Dean Cave?” I asked her.
“Sure what are you in the mood for?” Ree replied.
“Oh, I’ve got a couple things I have to do around the bunker.” I saw Marie’s face fall.
“Oh, okay. Maybe I’ll start that show called The Boys. I’ve been meaning to see what that’s all about. I’ve seen that one Supe, Solider Boy, all over the internet, he certainly is one handsome SOB.” Marie smirks when I look at her, knowing she’s teasing me.
I playfully roll my eyes as she turns and heads for the Dean Cave to watch tv. Once she was out of the kitchen, I started taking out the ingredients to make Ree’s famous Dutch apple pie. I searched through my phone for the file I had Ree send me of the recipe.
Once I had the pie assembled, I stuck it in the oven to bake. I went to the fridge and saw Dawn had also bought more beer, she was a Godsend. I cracked one open and pulled up the lazy lasagna recipe that she had sent me earlier while getting out everything I needed for that.
I made quick work of putting the dish together, I knew, Marie would soon smell the pie so I wanted to make sure all I had left to do was put the lasagna into the oven along with the garlic bread and broccolini that Dawn had picked up. I wasn’t sure of the green stuff, not being used to much vegetables in my hunter diet.
“Oh my goodness, is that Dutch apple pie I smell?”
I could hear Marie’s feet sliding behind her rolling walker into the kitchen.
I laughed.
“That would be correct.” I smiled looking at Ree.
“Awh, I could have came and helped you.” She walked over to me as I pulled out the pie and replaced it with what we were having for dinner.
“Oh, what’s this?” Marie asked pointing to the oven.
After shutting the oven I closed the distance between us placing a kiss to her temple as I pulled her in carefully by the waist.
“That, Sweetheart, is our dinner. I’m finished with what I needed to do so I wanted to talk to you.” I said, my body facing her and leading her to sit across from me at the table.
“After you kissed me, that’s all I could think about. I needed to kill that jinni so I could come home to you.” I started noticing Ree was attentively listening so I continued.
…“Sure Sweetheart.” I replied grabbing your face. I kissed you long and hard, more than ready to kiss the real you and make you mine. Thinking quickly, I go out to the garage and shut the door. Opening your SUV, I pressed the engine start button, knowing the only way out of this wishful dream was to commit suicide so I could get back to reality to kill the damn djinn.
“I’m coming home to you, Sweetheart.”
I finished rehashing the dream the Djinn had given me only a few days ago.
“So, we’ve lov- liked each other all this time?” Marie asked gently. Taking her right hand, I slid her Claddagh ring off and turned it, replacing it for the heart to point towards her.
“Marie Wilson. You are the woman of my dreams, and I love you.” I smile pulling her in to capture her lips in a searing kiss.
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galacticwildfire · 2 years
Bobby's Daughter | Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
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Dean and Stevie Singer have been inseparable since childhood. Now with Sam away at college and with their fathers no longer speaking they crave one another more than ever, and find that love they have for one another has changed as they’ve grown older.
When the demon who killed Stevie’s mother comes for her, Dean makes the decision to disobey his father’s orders to go after her, and the two of them hit the road, unable to deny what’s between them any longer.
Only to discover Azazel has the same fate planned for Stevie as Mary, which causes Dean to make a decision he can never take back while she herself battles with the most important decision of her life.
Both of them willing to do whatever it takes for their family, even if it means they hate each other forever.
A/N - Starts in 2002 with young Dean and Stevie, then jumps to season one and will continue through the first seasons loosely following canon.
Under construction/being rewritten
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Death Confessions
Dean Winchester x Reader
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Warnings: mutual pining, soft Dean, language, mentions of smut, mentions of death
Summary: the boys and you are on a hunt only things don't go according to plan...
You hate witches. Can't stand the miserable pricks.
Tonight, you and the boys had finally tracked down the local witch in town. Or should you say witches. Plural. And oh yeah, ex lovers as well.
The pair had decided to wage an all out war on one another and didn't seem to care that innocent people were getting hurt in the cross fire.
At some point during the battle, you were struck with a spell. You didn't think anything of it because nothing happened. The boys killed the pair while you were recovering from the blow and you got the hell out of town.
It's been 3 hours into your drive and you aren't feeling so hot anymore.
What the fuck did they do to you.
You're shivering but hot to the touch. Your stomach is in knots. And every time the oldest Winchester looks at you in the rear view mirror, you feel your underwear dampen.
Sam's asleep in the front seat and Dean is humming along with ACDC as he drives you all back to the bunker.
You don't want to panic anyone so you decide to wait it out. Rowena and Crowley are there currently and you're sure she will know what to do.
Another 3 hours and the impala is pulling into the underground garage the bunker has. You've managed to pretend as if your sleeping to keep the boys from worrying.
Sam turns around to wake you when he notices somethings wrong.
Very wrong.
You're covered in a thin layer of sweat. You're burning hot to touch. Your body is shaking uncontrollably, and you can barely keep your eyes open.
"Dean, something is wrong with y/n." Sam yells at his brother, who is unloading your crap from the trunk.
Dean comes running around to your door and opens it, almost ripping it off its hinges. Seeing you in this state makes his blood boil with concern and a protectivness. Reaching in he gentle cradles you to his chest and with Sam's help gets you into the bunker.
Dean's gruff voice breaks through the fog in your mind. His strong arms feel like bliss as he hold you close. His aftershave surrounds you, making your mouth water. A small moan slips from your lips as you feel your walls clench around nothing.
"Sammy go get Rowena. Tell her y/n was hit by one of the witches. I'm taking her to my room."
You vaguely feel him place you in his bed and cover you in his blankets. His scent is all around you and it's clouding your mind with nasty thoughts about the green eyed hunter.
You've always had a crush on Dean. He's charming, built like a damn model, and treats you as if you're the most precious thing on this earth.
Sadly, the womanizing Winchester has never looked at you more than a best friend. You hang, watch movies together, train once in a while, and he cooks you amazing meals. Nothing more than friends, and you're okay with that.
Better than nothing.
Whatever they hit you with is bringing out your desire for Dean. The same desire you buried deep down and try to avoid at all costs.
Another moan slips out as you feel slick running down your thigh.
Fuck this is embarrassing.
Just then, Sam returns with Rowena in tow. Thank God. Please make it go away. He can't find out like this.
"Oh dear. Sweetie what are you feeling?" Out of all the witches you've developed a soft spot for the red head in front of you. Sure she always has an end game that benefits her, but the woman is strong and resilient. You've got to respect that.
"Cold and uncomfortable." You don't know how else to describe it without completely embarrassing yourself.
Rowena exams you. You see when she clues in. The knowing smirk on her face.
"Well the good news is she will be fine. However," she looks over at the boys then, "someone will have to stay with her tonight and help her work it out of her system."
Dean and Sam share a confused look before Sam speaks up, "what?"
"It's simple. For whatever reason the witch cast a fuck or die spell. I'm sure y/n here wasn't their target but either way she needs to fuck it from her system or she will die in 24 hours."
Your eyes go wide as you listen, "I'm sorry, what?!?"
"It's the only way Dear."
"No. There has to be something else you can do Rowena. Anything else." You were too busy freaking out to catch the look of disappointment the crossed Dean's face. However, Sam wasn't. Even though the oldest Winchester never admitted it out loud, Sam knew how his brother felt about you.
"Y/N it's okay. Dean can stay with you and help you any way you allow." The younger brother said before he motioned for Rowena to follow him out of Dean's room. Leaving you and the green eyed hunter alone.
"Y/N let me help you." At this point the spell has gotten so bad you won't allow Dean to touch you. Which is of course frustrating the living hell out of him.
"No, Dean its okay."
"The fuck it is. You're dying and I can help. Why won't you let me?"
"It's too much to ask from you. We're friends Dean but even friends have limits."
"If it saves you I'm willing to do anything!" He's temper has taken over. Not understanding why you won't let him save you.
What the hell, you're dying anyway.
"Are you serious Dean!" You're outburst shocks him. He goes to speak but you cut him off.
"No Winchester, shut up and listen. For three years I've watched you take home girl after girl. For three years I've sat at that table or in your Baby and listened as you told us everything you did with them the night before. Not once complaining. Not once telling you how jealous I fucking was. I'm not your type and I get it. But don't think for one minute I will throw away the closet thing I'll ever have with you just to save my life." You point your finger in his direction as you continue.
"I fucking love you dumbass. I've been waiting, hoping you'd see me more as what we are. Hoping you'd get your head out of your ass and see that I'm the perfect girl for you. I'm a freaking hunter. I know the life and the risks. But no, instead you waltz every bimbo you can in front of me like some prized fucking pig."
Before you can continue chewing him a new asshole Dean pounces on you. Strong finger tangle in your hair and his soft lips dominate yours. The surprise subsides and you begin to kiss him back.
"You done yelling at me sweetheart? Cause I got something to say. I've loved your snarky ass since the moment you told me to blow you three years ago when we crossed paths on the vampire hunt. I love everything about you and I only ever got with those women because I knew you could do better than me. I'm not worth the pain y/n, but God dammit if you feel the same than why not try. "
He pushes his large erection into your wet core. You can't help but moan at the feeling. Dean smirks down at you.
"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to fuck you good and hard for as long as we need to so we can save your life. Then I'm going to make you breakfast before I spend the day worshiping this beauty body how I should. You okay with that princess?"
"Don't call me princess."
"Shut up and kiss me woman."
And kiss you did. Every part of your body as he did exactly as he promised. Fucking you in every position. When he's big, fat cock needed a break he was making you cum with his tongue or fingers. Over and over again until your body began to go back to normal and fatigue set in.
When you woke in his warm, safe arms you found Dean staring at you. You've never seen his eyes shine so bright.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah I am. Thank you." You lean up and kiss him.
"Let's get you some food." He jumps out of bed and walks to his dresser, finding you one of his shirts. You through it on before you walk out of his room hand in hand.
Sam is already sitting at the table when you walk in together. He looks up from his tablet and just smiles.
"Shut up Sammy." Dean barks as he swats your ass and begins to get the ingredients for breakfast.
"I'm just happy Dean. You got your girl and we didn't lose y/n."
Dean looks over at you and smiles. Fuck you love that man.
@syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee @nancymcl @foxyjwls007 @lessons-of-red @senjoritanana @leigh70 @tristanrosspada-ackles @maggiegirl17 @neii3n
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wildgirllz · 1 year
Boyfriend!Dean Winchester headcannons <3
Please leave requests!
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Dean loves making Reader breakfast in bed on lazy Sunday mornings, but he always ends up burning the bacon or overcooking the eggs. Reader never has the heart to tell him, so they just enjoy the burnt breakfast together.
Reader is a huge fan of classic rock, and Dean loves to surprise her by playing her favorite songs on the Impala's radio. He'll crank up the volume and sing along, sometimes even dancing in his seat while he drives.
Whenever Reader has a bad day, Dean will make a beeline for the nearest ice cream shop and buy her favorite flavor. They'll curl up on the couch and binge-watch their favorite TV shows while they eat the ice cream straight out of the container.
Reader is a big fan of horror movies, and Dean is more than happy to indulge her by watching them with her. He'll make funny comments throughout the movie to lighten the mood and hold her tight during the scary parts.
Dean loves to surprise Reader with little gifts, like her favorite candy or a book he thinks she'll like. He always has a mischievous grin on his face when he presents the gift, making Reader wonder what he's up to.
Reader is an excellent cook, and Dean loves to watch her in the kitchen. He'll sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder and stealing bites of food as she cooks.
Sometimes, when they're driving around in the Impala, Dean will blast the radio and encourage Reader to sing along. He loves the sound of her voice and thinks she has a beautiful singing voice, even if she's a little shy about it.
Dean is a notorious prankster, and Reader is often the target of his jokes. But she always gets him back in the end, whether it's by putting hot sauce in his food or hiding his favorite shirt.
Despite their different tastes in music, Dean and Reader love to dance together in their living room. They'll put on slow songs and hold each other close, swaying to the music and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears.
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seriesxwriting · 2 months
Leaving me wanting more
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Paring- Dean Winchester
Series- supernatural
Warnings- lotta fighting, course it’s the supernatural- that means guns too and ghosts. Kissing, erm might be some swearing it is me we’re talking about.
Summary- you’re introduced to the famous Winchester brothers by their dad on a hunt. Where you connect with Dean quite a lot more than you thought you would. Developing feelings fast, thanks to his dad’s plan all along.
No real timeline in this.
Requests are open my lovelies, any and all characters <3
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John drove his car into the run down flat car park and parked it in once of the spaces. “I’m sure this case won’t be easy” he told his sons. “Since when do me and Sammy like easy” Dean chuckled flashing his teeth and cocking his gun.
I recognised the famous car straight away and eyed it up from my car parked in the shadows. I couldn’t really see anyone’s faces so it was lucky I knew the car. My gun was slid into my belt behind my back and I pulled my top down covering it before opening my door and stepping out. Confidently, I walked towards the car in the hope they’d get out and I wouldn’t be standing there awkwardly. I was right, they did. John first of course. I knew he was bringing his two sons but I’d never met them before.
Id heard endless story’s about the famous Winchester brothers who had cheated death multiple times and killed hundreds of demons and the rest of the ugly’s in our world. “Hi darling, are you okay” John came over to hug me. I smiled embracing him back “of course, I always get excited when you call John”. “dad who’s this?” One of them asked as the two brothers stepped out of the car apprehensively. 
He turned to his two sons with a beam “this is y/n, she’s the only daughter of one of my dear friends who passed, I thought I’d call in some back up for this hunt”. “You’re a hunter?” The one with shorter hair raised his eyebrow looking me up and down. “Yeah, do I not fit the description?” I smirked putting my hand on my hip. “Not particularly- never met a hunter that looks like- you” he smirked, his face a tad more comfortable now. “Dean- that’s Sammy” he introduced himself.
I nodded at him “nice to meet you, though I feel like I already do- I’ve heard a lot of stories” “so you’re a fan?” He walked over to me leaning on the car slightly. “I’d use the word impressed, rather than fan” I folded my arms trying to keep his ego in tact. He was even better looking closer up, his eyes were a gorgeous green colour and his smile lit up the dark night that surrounded us. “Enough chitter, we have a case at hand” John nodded towards the block of flats.
Sitting here waiting I’d already analysed every part of the bock. They were clearly run down, needed more than just a lick of paint. They needed to be knocked down. But it was still someone’s home and still my job to save it. We walked inside and went towards the lift. “It’s out of order, we’ll have to use the stairs” Sam stated pointing behind him. So we turned back around and went up the stairs. “What floor is it?” Dean asked John who was at the front of the group and first up the stairs.
“Thirteen” he answered with a smile. “Thirteen! You want me to walk up thirteen staircases?” “Technically there’s two for each floor- so it’s actually twenty six” Sam joked from the back of the group. “I’m sure you’ve faced worst Dean” I giggled turning to look at him. “I’d rather face twenty six demons! with no weapons, than climb this many stairs” he wined as we kept walking. “Don’t wish too hard- we have no clue what we’re walking into here” John warned him.
When we eventually got to the top floor (after Dean had been moaning the whole time and prolonged us) we headed for the door number given to John. He knocked three times before a woman opened the door. We could only see one eye, the chain restricted the door opening fully. “Oh good- I thought you were her again” she breathed closing the door and reopening it with no chain. She was a short woman with a brown bob and big blue eyes. Her lips were thin but were smothered in red lipstick.
Though she was slightly shaking when standing in front of us. “Hi- my names y/n- this is John we spoke to you on the phone” I smiled small just to let her know we were friendly, while I also looked around the apartment. “I’m Vanessa, Come in, come in- thank you for coming” she waved her hand indicating for us to come in, showing her chipped, bitten nails. However what fascinated me more was the rings she had on her finger. One of them looked like it could have been made out of bone, it had an amazing purple crystal on it that almost appeared to be glowing. “This is your house?” Dean questioned looking around. It wasn’t the tidiest, in fact there were bin bags everywhere and bare shelves. It looked like she was getting ready to move out.
“No- no no this was my mothers house, come- shall we sit in the living room I will explain the story” she closed the door and then waddled past us with her finger in her mouth. Me and Dean looked at each other, I could tell he was just as sceptical as I was. John was first in the living room of course, he was sat down opposite her. Dean sat next to his dad and I sat next to Dean leaving Sammy to sit next to the woman. It was probably for the best, I’d heard he was the most sympathetic of the Winchester men.
“So this was your mother’s house? And you don’t live here?” Dean raised an eyebrow. “No I live in England- I flew here for a few weeks to clean out my mums flat because- she passed you see” she bit her lip. But it wasn’t a sad look that flooded her face it was a guilty look. I picked up on this instantly. “You didn’t speak much huh?” I tilted my head, the two brothers looked at me with a confused expression but their attention was soon moved back onto Vanessa. “No we didn’t, she hated me for moving to England- she felt like I was leaving her and- I did- we lost contact, it was my fault but my now husband he didn’t want to move to America so I had no choice” she shrugged clearly tearing up.
“So- why have you called us here Vanessa” Sammy said in a soft voice. “Well you see, when I came here- things started to go wrong, I would pack things into bags and then they would be all put back when Id turn back around” she explained to us. “There’s messages on the mirror when I shower telling me to get out of the house- objects flying across the room trying to hit me- I haven’t been able to get anything done” she shook her head and her bottom lip began trembling.
“Well I think we know what the problem is here” I looked at John who nodded at me. “I just want to pack up so I can sell this place and move on with…” in that moment a loud bang came from the corridor cutting Vanessa off. “Oh not again!” She whimpered into her hands. Me and Dean jumped up but when i opened the door a lady with long grey hair and a long white nighty ran towards me screaming and pushing me backwards. I went flying into Dean who practically caught me. I had to reset quickly because she was still coming.
“ANYONE HAVE SALT?” I shouted dodging her attacks before she disappeared. Vanessa at this point was screaming, John and Sam had jumped up. “Only in the car” John whispered feeling pretty vulnerable in the open like this. We all did. “I have some! In the kitchen” Vanessa got up to go and get it but as soon as she stood, an ornament from the fire place was thrown directly at her. She ducked moaning out in distress and it smashed against the wall. I eyed the door and then made a run for it to the kitchen. “Y/n!” Dean shouted after me but as he ran to the door it swung, slamming shut.
“Y/n!” He shouted pulling the door, however it didn’t budge. I was busy anyway, I ran to the kitchen past all the stuff the ghost had broken in the hallway. She was standing in the kitchen with her head on her shoulder smiling. “You need to leave this place!” I hissed at her slamming my eyebrows down. She raced towards me but I dodge her, she quickly turned and smacked me into the table and chairs. They broke underneath me and so I hit the wall. But the ghost was still there. I got up as fast as I could eyeing the salt in the cupboard that was open.
However, when I reached for it everything in the cupboard flew out at me. I squealed being attacked by a bag of pasta and a tin of carrots, before a package of oats hit me on the side of my face knocking me to the ground. The ghost made a run for me again but I reached for the salt, opened the bottle and chucked it at her. She let out a scream before she disappeared momentarily. I heard the front room door opening before thundering footsteps in the hall way. “Are you okay?” Dean blinked rushing over to help me up. He took my hand and then my hip and I looked up at him when I stood.
Our bodies were basically touching and his arm was around my waist. His eyes drew me in so much I didn’t know what to say. “Y/n?!” John rushed, so he could get an answer from me. I nodded pulling away from Dean but patting him on the chest. “Yeah I’m fine thank you” I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear nervously. I got her with the salt. Sam and Vanessa walked in looking at the mess on the floor. “My goodness- my mother is the one trying to hurt me” she winced again covering her mouth with shock. “In my opinion Vanessa- your mum doesn’t want you to move her stuff out” I told her softly.
“And as you didn’t have a great relationship I’m guessing she doesn’t want you taking her stuff or even being in her house” “but she left it to me” she shook her head confused about the situation. “Y/n is right, she doesn’t want you here” John validated, giving me a nod. “Perhaps she couldn’t change her will- but she definitely wants you gone” Dean nodded to Vanessa. “So what do we do?” She trembled looking to John for an answer. “Well first we need…” Sam started talking but his father cut him off. “Y/n, show us how it’s done” John raised his eyebrows at me.
Any case I went on with him he’d give me more and more responsibilities, but never full control. My smiled turned into a grin and I threw him a knowing look. “Where was your mother buried Vanessa?” I turned to her, “um- just across town in the Catholic Church graveyard” “and her name?” I raised an eyebrow. “Dorthy gale- how ever will that help us?” “We need to burn her body, that will get rid of her once and for all” I explained feeling pretty confident in what I was saying. I was a pretty good hunter but it was a natural thing rather than a learning thing.
I could fight but the information was always harder for me to attain. John helped me quite a lot and of course my other hunter friends. But I still studied quite a lot on my own. “We should split up- two of us will go and burn the bones and two of us will stay here incase Dorthy comes back” I looked to John for validation and he smiled eying his son next to me. “You and Dean should go to the graveyard- me and Sam will stay here” he nodded at Dean who looked like he was taking this very seriously.
“Here” I passed the bottle of salt to Sam. “You can make a circle in the front room” “yeah, and we will look for any iron” he nodded to his dad who liked the plan. We all started moving to go to our stations but as me and Dean went to leave John called out his name. “You look after her okay” he smacked his son on the back. “She’s my top priority” he nodded once. “She is” he agreed before walking off to the living room. Dean put a hand on my back as we exited the front door, to gently move me.
“Any idea why my dad paired us up?” He raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk. “Maybe he thought you needed my protection” I shrugged laughing “or maybe he’s bored of you so he chose a different pair” “oi” I laughed hitting him on the chest as we descended the stairs. He was a lot more chatty and a lot less winey on the way down. “So you’re dad? What was his name?” “Oh I didn’t know my dad- he left before I was born” I smiled innocently, not really caring because I’d never known anything different. “So- my dad and your mum were friends”.
“Uh huh, they met on a case- she was almost a victim of a vampire attack but he saved her and taught her what’s really out there” I explained as we got into deans car. “So she became a hunter?” “No- she kept her job as a lawyer but she knew- so she was prepared- she taught me everything John taught her I do think she secretly went on a few hunts behind my back but nothing I remember” I shrugged thinking about her. “Do you mind me asking how she passed?” He looked across to me sadly. “No- it was a demon, it came for her hunter friend and she was collateral damage I suppose- I came home from a friends house to my front door being open and the scene in the dining room”.
“I noticed it wasn’t human so I called some of her other hunter friends and- one of them must have told John because he came- he was really good to me” I explained thinking back to the incident. A smiled crossed my face because if I didn’t think about the good, I’d cry about the bad. “I’m sorry” Dean rubbed my thigh as he drove. I put my hand on his and traced it with my thumb. “You don’t have to be, I’ll see her again one day, I have the memories of her and I fight for her everyday- eradicating as many of these things as I can to avenge her”.
“You’re brave- I like your attitude” he told me with a smile as we parked in the church. “Well now you know my story” I shrugged looking across at him. “She’d be proud of you” he nodded seriously at me, I could tell it had reminded him of his own mother. “Mary would be proud of you too Dean” I beamed before getting out the car. Dean grabbed two shovels from his boot of tricks and we headed to find her grave. We said whoever’s first gets to drop the lighter but Dean found it first and made sure I knew about it. He just made me laugh the whole time. Maybe I was starting to feel a little something for him.
It didn’t take us very long to dig it up, he dropped the lighter of course but he let me pour the petrol. And we stood there for a few seconds, just watching the flames eat her bones. “Id hate to be this vengeful when I pass” I whispered to him. “You won’t be” he shook his head rubbing my back as I stared into the pit of hell. “Would you burn my bones for me Dean- if I did” I put my pinky finger out to him. He looked at it chuckling before pinky promising me. “You have to do the same for me though” “it’s a pact” I nodded with a big smile looking into his eyes again.
Even though it was dark they still shone through the shadows at me. We were still holding our pinky’s together as we stared at each other. His other hand came up to my face and he brushed my cheek softly. I moved my head forward and with that I saw a panic spread in his eyes. “I should- call my dad- tell him it’s done” Dean nodded trying to find his phone in a fit. “Yeah- you should do that uh huh” I nodded awkwardly putting my hair behind my ear. I was glad it was dark because my face had probably turned very red by now.
Dean let John know what we had done and we made our way back to the car in silence. But all I could think about was that moment between us. The way he looked when the moonlight shone on the side of his gorgeous face. The silence between us wasn’t awkward it was just, sad. Something was telling me we both wanted it to be a moment but something we couldn’t control was stopping us. Deans phone rang distracting my thought process. “Dad?” He answered confused about why he was ringing. “What are you talking about? We just burnt the bones?” Dean frowned, knitting his eyebrows together.
“I don’t know- we’ll be back in a second” he ended the phone call and put the gas on harder. “Dean?” I questioned “she’s not dead” he answered gritting his teeth together. “What- how can’t she be dead I don’t…” I trailed off thinking. “I don’t know- we got all the bones” dean tutted getting pissed off by the situation. “No- we didn’t” I shook my head as we drove into the apartment blocks again. I flung open the door and he followed. “Grab the salt gun” “y/n! What are you talking about?” Dean questioned as he threw open his boot. “Vanessa’s ring- it’s made of bone I’m sure it is”.
“Her ring?” Dean repulsed as he closed his boot and ran towards the entrance doors. “I saw it when we came in- that has to be why dorthy is still there” I shook my head positive in what I was saying. I was always a very observant hunter. There wasn’t any time to talk this trip up the stairs. We ran as fast as we could. I pounded on the front door but it wasn’t opened by anyone when it creaked ajar. The apartment was silent, I looked to Dean apprehensively before a loud bang came from the bedroom. “Sammy!” Dean yelled in search for his brother, running past me. “Bedroom!” Sam called before another bang came.
Vanessa was there and John too being cornered by this thing. “There was no iron” Sammy called out. Dean shot Dorothy instantly with the salt gun and she vanished. “Vanessa” I called out “your ring, the purple one- what’s it made out of” “uh- uh it’s my mother’s finger bone- I wanted to keep her close all the time so I had this made just after her burial” she bit her lip spinning it on her finger. “So we did miss a bone” John realised peering at the ring. “I take it you need to burn this” she slid it off clutching it to her heart. “Goodbye mum” she whispered before plodding over to me.
Dean took his lighter out but as he did I was pushed out into the hall way and I dropped the ring. Dorthy was back. I scrambled up while Dean tried shooting her again. It had rolled into the kitchen and I leaped to clutch it in my hands. I looked around setting my eyes on the gas stove. I turned the knob on it seeing the flame rise. In that moment the ghost appeared in front of me making a run for me. I dropped the ring in the fire and she let out an ear splitting scream. The group ran into the kitchen as the ghost caught fire and eventually, vanished for good this time.
“Is it over?” Vanessa blinked in a state of shock. I nodded looking at the ash of the ring now on the cooker. Dean came over to me putting his gun on the side and rubbing my back. I laid my head on his chest taking it all in while he comforted me. “You’re so brave” he whispered to me. “Thanks for having my back” I smiled up at him. We eventually said our goodbyes to Vanessa who thanked us and even dove into her purse giving us a fair share of money for our work. We told her it wasn’t necessary but she insisted. The walk down the stairs was silent and I took a deep breath of fresh air when we got outside.
“I never wanna see them steps again” Dean huffed making Sammy laugh at him. “It was nice to meet you y/n” Sam reached out to shake my hand. “Mmh likewise, I can’t wait to tell this story the next time someone brings you two up” I giggled behind my hand. “It was a pleasure” he chuckled before walking off to his car. John came over to hug me goodbye. “Always nice working with you y/n” he breathed squeezing me. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me John” I whispered hugging him tightly back. “You don’t need to thank me sweetheart, you stay strong yeah, I’m sure I’ll see you soon” he pulled away but still kept a hand on my back to rub it.
I nodded a few times before turning to Dean who looked like he was waiting patiently. “Well” I sighed smiling, waking over to him. “You ever need help on a hunt- feel free to call me” “I just might take you up on that Dean Winchester” I giggled tucking my hair behind my ear, but I knew I was lying. “Goodbye y/n” he wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly. “It was nice meeting you Dean” I swallowed against his chest. Something tugged in my heart when we walked away in different directions. Something that could have been will never be and so I got back into my car, and they got into theirs.
“What do you think of her?” John smiled at his sons but focused his attention on Dean. “Yeah she’s great, a good hunter- she’ll be really skilled one day” Sammy emphasised from the back seat. Dean kept quiet. “Dean?” “Yeah I agree- with what Sam said” he nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “You seemed to connect quite a bit” “yeah she’s cool, knows what she’s doing” “so… anything else?” John smirked trying to him something. “Dad I don’t get what you’re trying to get at?” Dean shrugged his shoulders again but in more of a stroppy way. “Oh my gosh” he put his hands on his face. “Did you like her Dean” Sam rolled his eyes chuckling in the back.
“What no- that would be disrespectful to you dad I wouldn’t do that”. John frowned shaking his head “why do you think I invited her on this case? I wanted you two to meet- I think you’d be good for each other”. Out the corner of deans eye he saw my car pull out the apartment car park. “You- wanted to set us up?” Dean rose his eyebrow watching my car. “Yeah” John widened his eyes. “You should have given her your number- instead of just empty promises you didn’t plan on keeping” John rolled his eyes laughing. “But- I thought you’d be fuming” “no Dean” he laughed shaking his head.
“Dad- please- catch up with her!” Dean pointed to my car flying down the road. “Yeah?” “Yes- I need to tell her I like her!” He frantically thrusted his hand toward my direction. John started the car up and sped out and down the road following me. It didn’t take them long to catch up with me. I saw John indicate on a lay by and did the same thing, assuming they wanted to say something to me. Dean jumped out the car and ran toward me. “Did you forget something?” I questioned opening my door.
“Yeah- to give my my number and ask you the time I’m picking you up for our date?” “What- are you talking about” I half smiled probably going red again. “I’m sorry I pulled away- I didn’t think my father would appreciate me making a move on you- but I like you y/n, I know you were lying you were never going to call me because I pulled away but I want you to” “I’ll take your number Dean- and you can pick me up on Saturday- at seven” I smiled passing him my phone. “Sounds good, looking forward to it” he grinned typing in his number and then passing it back. “Do you know what else I will have though Dean?” I smiled leaning in closer to him.
“That kiss that you owe me”. He chuckled putting his hand on my cheek and rubbing it before he leant down and met my lips. His were soft, he was gentle with me which I wasn’t expecting for such a big man. My cheeks burned red across from his as we met with the exact same rhythm. “You definitely left me wanting more Dean Winchester” I smiled up at him. “I’ll see you Saturday gorgeous” he whispered quickly kissing me on the lips again.
“Can’t wait” I waved as he was walking back to his car. What the fuck. Hold on, rewined.
I’m going on a date with THEE Dean Winchester.
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spnhunter4life · 1 year
Two B
Summary: Dean knows just how to help on a bad day. 
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I mostly wrote this for myself as something to hopefully help cheer me up on bad days, but I figured there might be some people out there who would appreciate it too, so I decided to go ahead and post it. I wasn’t sure how to tag this since there is no mention of names, so I just decided to tag it as both x reader and x original character. You choose which you’d prefer it to be. Like I said, I mostly wrote this for me, so it’s my preferences in there, but I hope others will enjoy it too. If it helps even one person feel better on a hard day, then it’s worth sharing.
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It was four in the afternoon and I was in my room, laying in bed, staring at the wall. The stuffed horse I’d gotten as a young child and still used for comfort on hard days was clutched to my chest. It was one of those days where there was literally nothing wrong – I wasn’t sick, there was nothing currently stressing me out and there wasn’t any sort of incident that would have upset me – but I was just depressed. 
I hated days like this. Days when I desperately wanted to do something, anything, but I couldn’t find anything that sounded worth doing. Sometimes I might manage to think of something to do and feel so relieved, but in the process of starting whatever it was, I would lose all interest in it. I usually ended up laying in bed trying to come up with something to do and getting more and more depressed as I failed. 
I was pointlessly running through a list of movies again, hoping I’d come up with something that would spark my interest, when there was a knock on the door.
“Hey, sweetheart. How’re you doing?” Dean asked, peeking his head in.
I just shrugged, fighting back the tears that threatened to start at his concern.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said, walking into the room and sitting on the bed next to me. He started running his hand through my hair, a gesture that he knew I enjoyed. “When Sam said he hadn’t seen you, I figured you were having a rough day.”
Dean had been gone when I got up this morning. When I’d woken up feeling down and knowing I was in for a long day, I’d gone in search of him. But his room was empty. And then I’d remembered he had plans to see an old friend who was passing through. 
“One or two?” He asked when I didn’t answer. 
“Two,” I answered, still managing to hold back the tears. Barely.
This was a sort of shorthand we’d developed over the years of knowing each other. It should have been unsurprising, but I’d still been touched beyond words when Dean had suggested this form of communication. He’d noticed a recurring pattern on my bad days.
One meant I wanted to be left alone. I was avoiding people and just needed some time to myself. I’d get over it on my own. It usually meant I had just spent too much time around people and needed to recharge.
Two meant I wanted company. I didn’t want to be left alone. I wanted the comfort of someone else’s presence. Dean is the one I usually wanted on these days. He was also always the one to notice and more than happy to oblige.
“Okay. Good. A or B?”
“B,” I told him even though it was unnecessary. He knew I wouldn’t have needed the shorthand if it was an A day. 
A meant that I was just feeling a little down and would appreciate him being with me. I would tell him what I wanted to do on these days. 
B meant I wasn’t up for decision making. I wanted to do something, but I needed him to pick for me. I’d be willing to do anything as long as I didn’t have to be the one to make the decision. It meant I either just didn’t know what to do – as was usually the case – or if I did have an idea, I wasn’t willing to voice it.
I wasn’t good about letting them know my thoughts on things on a good day. I usually left decisions like where to eat or what movie to watch to the boys, even if I had an opinion. On a day like today? Well, there was a reason we developed the shorthand. Because I didn’t like to talk much on these days either, and without the simple one word answers, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to tell him what I needed from him. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he soothed as a tear managed to escape. “I’m sorry I was gone today.”
I wiped the tear away but didn’t say anything, unable to without risking falling into uncontrollable sobbing.
“Did you eat anything today?” He asked. 
I shook my head. Figuring out what food I wanted to eat was as painful a process as trying to find something to do. So I just didn’t eat.
“Okay,” he sighed, undoubtedly not surprised by the news, but still not happy about it. “I’m going to get you something to eat. I want you to get How To Train Your Dragon ready to go while I’m gone.”
It was one of my favorite movies. I’d considered watching it several times today and rejected the idea each time. But Dean was here now, and I was relieved to have a direction to go in. I nodded and sat up. Before he left, he wrapped his arms around me and pressed a lingering kiss to the top of my head. I hugged him back, loving the safety and comfort I felt in his arms. I never wanted to let go. 
He started to pull away a couple minutes later and I hugged him tighter.
“I’ll be right back,” he assured me. 
I wanted to tell him to stay, that I didn’t need food. But I was actually really hungry and I knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer. And I knew he would sit with me when he got back. 
Sighing, I got up and started looking through the handful of movies I owned. I quickly found How To Train Your Dragon and put it in the DVD player. I skipped through all the ads until I got to the menu screen and then just listened to the music as I waited for Dean.
He came back a few minutes later with a sandwich, a bag of chips, and a glass of water on a tray.
“Here you go, sweetheart,” he said.
He set the tray on my lap and then stretched out beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. It made eating a little more difficult, but I didn’t care. I needed the closeness.
Dean took the remote from my hands and pressed play. I took a deep, contented breath and relaxed for the first time that day. It felt like my head had been held underwater and finally I was let up for breath. Dean just had a way of making everything better.
As we watched the movie, I ate the food Dean had brought me. The sandwich tasted so good, much better than it would have if I’d made it myself. I grabbed a handful of chips and set them on my plate before offering the bag to Dean. He accepted, but only ate a few before setting the bag on the floor, out of the way. Noting the empty plate, he set that on the floor too. I snuggled closer into his side and settled in to enjoy the movie.
“Thanks, Dean,” I said when it was over.
“No problem,” he replied. “You know I’m happy to do it. Now, Sam texted and said he made pizza. I’m going to go get some. Why don’t you put on that movie with your pretty boy captain while I’m gone,” he instructed.
I smiled, both at his pretending he couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of the movie – a title that was extremely easy to remember even if he didn’t like it, which he did – and the fact that he was calling Steve a pretty boy. If I was feeling better, I might have been tempted to make a comment about how Dean was much prettier.
Instead, I just asked, “Which one?”
“Uh… the first one,” he decided. Then he stood up, grabbed the dishes and chips from my earlier meal, and left to get his own food. I searched my shelf for Captain America: The First Avenger. 
Dean came back before I had made it to the menu, bringing a whole pizza with him.
“Hungry?” I asked.
He smiled at the little bit of teasing.
“Just wanted to make sure there was plenty if you wanted some,” he told me.
“I’m ok. Thanks,” I said.
“You might change your mind later,” he replied. He settled himself on the bed again, holding his arm up in invitation. I leaned into him.
“C’mon,” Dean said when we’d finished that movie too, standing and heading for the door. 
“Where are we going?” I asked as I followed.
“Outside. It’ll be good for you to stretch your legs and get some fresh air,” he said, snatching a blanket off the back of a chair as we walked by. “And we can watch the sunset. I know you love that.”
It was beautiful out. The temperature was perfect, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and the sun was just starting to set. We walked a few laps around the bunker before Dean stopped us on the west side and spread the blanket he’d been carrying out in the grass.
We sat beside each other, legs stretched out in front of us, leaning back on our hands. We probably sat there for an hour, just watching the sky change colors. It was a gorgeous sunset, full of vibrant pinks and purples.
“How are you doing?” Dean asked when the colors faded and the sky started turning dark. I was getting a little chilly as the temperature slowly dropped for the night. But I knew that’s not what he meant.
“I’m ok,” I told him. And I meant it. I was feeling a lot better. Dean always made things better. 
“Good. I’m glad,” he said, standing up and offering me his hand. I took it and let him pull me to my feet. He reached down for the blanket and shook the grass off before wrapping it around me.
“What do you say we go watch Winter Soldier?” He asked. I smiled.
Even though I was feeling better, I wasn’t quite ready to let him go. I was feeling a little clingy and snuggling with him through another movie sounded perfect.
“Okay,” I agreed. 
Back in my room, we started our third movie of the night and I thoroughly enjoyed the way Dean tucked me into his side and ran his hand up and down my arm. About halfway through the movie I noticed my eyes drifting shut. I hated to miss the movie, but I realized I was exhausted. So I didn’t fight it. I fell asleep curled up against Dean, feeling safe and warm and loved.
143 notes · View notes
caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year
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Summary: even after a hard day of work, Dean never fails to make you feel loved.
Warnings: mentions of a bad day at work, fluff
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write more SPN Fics, since my newset marvel Fics haven’t really gotten any traffic in them….. so maybe?? I’ll get something?? Lol
You had a tough day; Dean could tell by the way you sat down in the passenger seat of his car after he’d picked up from your shift at your job. He never took it personal when you greeted him in silence. He knew how hard your job was at the agency. He never asked unless you spoke of it firsthand. He silently placed a hand on your thigh and pulled out of the parking spot.
The drive home was only ten minutes— not long at at all really. He got out from behind the wheel and swiftly helped open your door. The moment your feet hit the pavement, you snuggled into his embrace. Inhaling his scent always made you feel better at the end of your day.
“I just need to take a nap,” you mumbled into his shirt, rubbing your nose at his chest.
“I’ll bring you some food,” he promised, guiding you into the house before kissing your shoulder. It was always days like this when you knew the man loved you entirely.
And you were always so grateful.
259 notes · View notes
minefield-of-a-ninja · 2 months
Black Tie Optional: Final Part
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Summary: The last time we saw Vanessa, she was swooning over Dean’s lasting impression. Now, we fast-forward a year to see what she’s up to.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC Vanessa Martinelli, (eventual) Sam Winchester x OFC Emma Olsen
Warnings for this part: 18+ ONLY, SERIES FINAL REWRITE BECAUSE FUCK THAT REBAR, "one thing about Dean Winchester is, if a Toddler handed him a toy phone, he'd answer it"
Words in this part: 4,800
Author's notes: Follow-up to Plus One.
Thank you, @brrose-apothecary and @stusbunker for the read-throughs and greenlight.
text divider by @talesmaniac89
Prologue | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
The wedding party hits a few pubs on the way back to the hotel. Vanessa declares herself to be the “only sensible adult in this car” at their first stop and makes Sam take her place in the front passenger seat for the rest of the ride.
Dean watches her in his rearview mirror as she and Emma snap selfies in the backseat. From the very first moment he met her over a year ago, Dean knew she was special. She’s beautiful, yeah, but she’s so real and funny and smart.  
Vanessa finally meets his gaze, and her eyelids flutter like they always do when she sees him like it’s the first time. He wonders if that’ll ever fade. Dean smiles, and she smiles back.
They pull up to the last bar and pile out onto the curb. 
Dean rounds the hood of the car to where Vanessa is waiting for him as Sam and Emma make their way inside.
“Ya know, that little twinkle in your eye and this dress’re makin’ it hard for me to be a gentleman.” He steps close and reaches for her wrist, pulling her into him.
“Who told you to be gentle?” Vanessa slides her hands inside his unbuttoned jacket to wrap her arms around his waist. When her fingers bump against cold steel, she tenses. “Oh-” 
Dean clasps his hands at the small of her back and looks down at her. “Just in case. OK?” 
Vanessa relaxes in his embrace and nods.
“Kay,” he mutters, dropping a kiss to the crown of her head.
She questions whether she should be troubled by the gun at his back. But she isn’t; in fact, the discovery serves to crystallize what she knows about him into the perfect shape of a man she trusts with her life, and her heart.   
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“A’right, Big Guy,” Emma coos as Sam helps her out of the Impala for the last time of the evening. “You and me, utility closet.”
She smooths her hands over her hips and tosses her hair over her shoulders. 
Sam cocks a brow as he lets the heavy backdoor close. “Well, then, I guess we better get movin’.”
Emma giggles, taking off in a sprint with Sam hot on her stilettoed heels. 
“They’re stealing our moves!” Vanessa laughs as Dean helps her onto the curb.
“Borrowing, kitten. No one’s takin’ that broom closet from us.”
Vanessa’s chest warms from his words and the look in his eyes. At one point, she thought Dean would be nothing more than a thrilling memory and story to tell, which sustained her for a while. Now, though, the ability to savor each moment, knowing that once their door closes tonight, he will make her feel like the most deserving, most treasured woman in the building, if not the galaxy, is sure to leave her wanting when he leaves tomorrow. She knows that now. 
“Yo, lovebirds,” Nicole calls. “Let’s get inside so they can announce the bride and groom and start dinner.” She nods toward the ballroom, and Dean and Vanessa reluctantly unwind from each other’s embrace to follow her and the others. 
Emma and Sam are MIA, but Nicole summons enough grace not to call it out. Once the wedding party and their dates are seated at the head table, Toni and her new husband enter the room. The guests cheer, and the first dance begins. 
During the first toast, the missing couple materializes at the head table, disheveled and flushed. Dean snorts a laugh as Sam takes a seat beside his date.
“Sammy, I gotta tell ya,” Dean leans across the table toward Sam. “I like the effect this girl’s got on you.”
Sam seems to blush darker, if possible. “Me, too,” he admits, flicking his bright gaze to meet Dean’s as Emma burrows into his side and the staff serves them salad.
The second course is served while Dean quietly immerses himself in a scenario where he and Sam aren’t hunting the sister of the Almighty. They’re bartenders or electricians with mortgages and dogs and car payments. The only reason either of them breaks a bone or bleeds is because of a mundane accident. They get eight hours of sleep at night and eat three meals a day. He regularly attends weddings and birthday parties with his beautiful girl at his side.
“Should we dance?” Vanessa’s voice creates a fissure of reality in his fantasy.
“Or maybe you don’t dance.” She tucks her chin to her chest and bats the thick dark lashes that frame her cerulean eyes. 
Dean’s momentarily speechless as his daydream twines its way around the very real, very tangible, very beautiful woman facing him with anticipation. She blinks, and he can almost feel the weight of his imagined existence settling around them, shimmering in the pin lights that hang from the rafters. 
“Dean?” Vanessa tilts her head with concern.
“It’d be an honor,” he answers, pushing away from the table to stand, offering her his hand.
Vanessa grins as she slides her hand across his open palm and stands to face him. “Such a gentleman.”
“Hmm. There’s that word again.”
They saunter toward the dancefloor, hand in hand and eye to eye, in time with the bluesy beat from Chris Stapleton’s cover of “Tennessee Whiskey” until they reach the edge. Dean drags her close with a flourish, one heavy hand at the small of her back, fingers teasing the skin that’s bared by the low-cut back of her silk dress, and the other lightly clasping her fingers in his palm. She rests her free hand over his heart and lets him lead the way. 
“Did I tell you how beautiful you are?”
“You did. The last time was about 30 minutes ago, between the mixed greens and beef tenderloin.”
Dean nods. “Then I’m due. You’re beautiful.”
Vanessa smiles.
“Did I tell you how good you smell?” Dean draws small circles over the silky skin of her lower back.
“Probably.” She smirks, and he grins back.
“Did I tell you how hard it’s gonna be to wait another- wait, how long do I have to wait to get you naked?”
Vanessa throws her head back with a hearty laugh.
They dance through Chris Stapleton, John Mayer, and Calvin Harris, chatting with Emma and Sam until the DJ declares a free-for-all, and the rest of the guests flood the dancefloor for “Uptown Funk”.
“Aaand I’m done.” Dean twirls Vanessa once before turning and forging a path through the oncoming crowd, taking Vanessa with him.
“Not feelin’ funky?” She teases. 
“Oh, I can be funky, but not that kinda funky.”
Before they get too far, Dean almost trips over Ari. He recovers quickly when the little girl stares up at him with big brown eyes that aggressively tug the strings of his heart.
“Ari, honey, you’re underfoot!” Silvia playfully scolds her granddaughter. “She just wants to dance.”
Ari sways side to side and bounces on the balls of her feet. 
“There ya go!” Vanessa croons, reaching for one of Ari’s hands to play along with her. She’s only slightly taken aback when Dean reaches for the little girl’s other hand.
Ari giggles and hops up and down as the trio dances back toward the crowd. There are other people Ari could dance with; her uncles and aunts are all there, but she seems drawn to Dean and Vanessa. Especially Dean.
The DJ really likes Bruno Mars because he follows “Uptown Funk” with “Count On Me”. Ari pulls her hand out of Vanessa’s grasp and reaches for Dean to pick her up, and Dean doesn’t falter.
Unlike Vanessa, Sam is floored by Dean’s eagerness to entertain the pre-schooler. He watches with unrestrained curiosity. 
“It’s pretty sweet of him to look after Ari like that,” Emma says, resting her temple against Sam’s chest as she watches the little girl twine her fingers with Dean’s.
“Yeah,” Sam replies. “Dean’s good with kids. I’m just not used to seeing him with kids for pure enjoyment.”
Emma looks up at him, brow arched. “Is that an allusion to the family business?” 
Sam startles before meeting her curious gaze with a shrug. “I guess it is.”
He nods. “It’s complicated.”
Emma chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Of course it is.”
“No, I mean it.” He pauses, thinking about the times he didn’t tell the people he cared about what he did with his life, and they still died. “But... I’ll tell you about it. Later.”
“Are you sure?” Emma marvels.
“I’m sure.”
Five feet away, Vanessa watches Dean slowly shuffling side to side, holding the little girl on his hip. He spins in a circle like a Disney prince twirling his princess — like chivalry and devotion are embedded in his DNA. She wants to shower him with that kind of affection and tenderness, not just lust. And she’s fully aware of how hard she’s fallen for him with no way of getting up.
After a couple of songs, Ari has settled her head on Dean’s shoulder. A yawn and an eye rub beckon Silvia to collect her granddaughter for bed.
“Come on, Cinderella.” Silvia reaches for Ari, and Dean hands her over. “Don’t want you turning into a pumpkin right here in front of everyone.”
Ari nuzzles her grandma, waving to Dean as Vanessa takes her place as Dean’s dance partner. The couple waves back, bidding goodnight to Silvia and the little girl.
Dean refocuses his attention on his date, skimming an arm around her waist to pull her close. 
Vanessa fiddles with his tie a little before speaking. It’s been such a nice night. She doesn’t want it to end. 
“To answer your question from earlier, we can go upstairs any time you want after they cut the cake. But I have plans for tonight.” She meets his gaze. “So whatever you had in mind’s gonna have to wait.”
Dean holds his hands up in surrender. “No arguments here.”
As promised, once the cake is cut, Vanessa leads Dean to their suite. They have the elevator to themselves. As the doors close, Vanessa turns and slides her hands up over his shoulders and around his neck.
“I’ve been thinking about you all night.”
Dean smirks, mimicking her soft touch as he skirts his hands around her waist. 
“You’ve been with me all night, kitten — don’t have to think too much.” 
She shakes her head, her fingertips dancing over the ultrasoft nape above his collar. 
“What you did for Ari tonight was incredibly generous. I just want to show you the same kind of warmth and generosity.”
Dean scoffs and fidgets under her scrutiny, pulling her closer so he doesn’t have to look her in the eye. “She’s a kid; it ain’t hard to be nice to kids.”
Vanessa gently pushes back a few inches to look at him. “It wasn’t just nice, Dean. You danced with her because her dad couldn’t be there. You salvaged the heart of a 4-year-old.”
Dean rolls his eyes and tries to pull away, and Vanessa keeps a hold on his wrists.
“I mean it.” 
Dean sighs and finally stops hedging away as he settles his wary gaze on her.
“I know next to nothing about your background — your family, your day-to-day life — but I see the way your brother looks at you — like you hung the moon. And you give me confidence in a way no man has since my dad died.”
Dean’s brow furrows, and he steps back in to draw her closer. “I’m sorry, honey.”
“No, that’s not why I told you that.” She steps away and sighs. 
The doors open at their floor, and she steps out of the car, pulling him with her in silence until they reach their suite. Dean keys the door open and ushers her inside. 
“I’m gonna get out of this dress, but I still have some things I want to say, so...” she turns to face him as she kicks her shoes off just outside their bedroom door. “Get comfortable.”
Dean braces himself. “Whiskey comfortable, or boxers comfortable?”
Vanessa chuckles. “Boxers.” 
She enters their bedroom and heads to the bathroom to change. After filling a couple of water glasses, Dean follows. He undresses down to his boxers and undershirt and zips away his formal attire in its garment bag. Just as he’s settling against the head of the bed to scroll his phone, Vanessa comes out in a bathrobe with her hair tied on top of her head.
Dean sets his phone aside. “I didn’t know bathrobes were sexy, but here we are.”
Vanessa grins as she climbs onto the bed and astride Dean’s hips. “Says you in your plain white undershirt and black boxer briefs. You’re beautiful.”
Dean tucks his chin to his chest, sliding his hands up her thighs to meet her bare hips. “What’d you wanna tell me?”
“Things I want you to know.” She smooths her hands from his shoulders over his chest and back again.
“Maybe you don’t wanna hear this from me, or maybe my opinion of this side of you doesn’t matter, but you’re a beautiful man, Dean, in every way imaginable — you’re beautiful. You’re tough and strong but soft in all the best ways.” 
Dean drops his gaze to his lap, carefully considering his next words. He can’t tell her about gods and monsters. He can’t show her the decades-old bloodstains on his hands. He’ll never be able to 100% guarantee her safety from the things that go bump in the night.
But he can tell her some things.
“My mom died when I was Ari’s age,” he pauses, clearing his throat as he meets her eyes. “Sammy was six months old.”
Vanessa clamps her teeth over her bottom lip, biting back the emotion that threatens to well in her eyes. She nods, encouraging him to continue.
“Dad never really recovered. We grew up on the road, in the Impala and cheap motels.” He tilts his head, and his lips twist with a wistful smile. “The family business is... we help people. In ways a lot of other people can’t.”  
“So, you’re not in the mob.”
“No, we’re not in the mob.”
“I’m a triage nurse. That’s why...” She motions to his scarred knuckles. “I recognize scars and injuries pretty quickly. It’s hard not to notice you and your brother’s.”
“Explains a lot,” Dean replies, thinking not only of her skills in assessing a situation but her instincts and her compassion.
“My dad was a cop,” she continues. “Killed in the line of duty. You remind me of him — in a good way — like how kind and attentive you are. That’s definitely not to say you’re like a dad to me.”
“Glad ya said that because I was startin’ to worry,” Dean chuckles.
“I don’t know if I can ever be as good as you,” she ponders. “As good as you are making people feel important — but I’d like to try to show you how you make me feel.”
“Mmm, is that the plan you had for tonight before we started talking serious shit?”
“Mmhm.” Vanessa nods. “The serious shit had to be said, but I know- I know this is a limited-time kinda thing. And I get it. My job is crazy, too. But I’ll think about you all the time, and I hope you’ll think about me.”
Dean studies her for a moment. The daydream from dinner floats back into his mind, but this time, she knows what he really does, accepts him, and he’s able to keep her safe. He wishes he could ask his dream self how it’s done.
“I’ll never stop thinkin’ about you, kitten.”
“Then let’s make the most of our last few hours, shall we?” She leans in for a long kiss, and Dean allows himself to be loved by her for one last night.
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Dean sips his coffee as he and Sam depart the Windy City in the wee hours of Sunday morning.
“I told Emma,” Sam breaks the typically sanctioned early morning silence. 
“You told Emma what?” Dean grumbles.
“About us,” Sam answers. “What we do.”
Dean blinks. “Wow. And how-”
“She believed me. That was my biggest fear — that she’d think I was making it up or something.”
Memories of Cassie, furious and cold, fill Dean’s mind. She didn’t believe him, and, really, who could blame her? Their life is absurd.
“What brought that on?” Dean asks as he merges onto the interstate, headed east, poking around for leads on Amara.
“I like her, Dean. A lot.”
Dean’s quiet for a while. He doesn’t know how Sam’s going to keep this going; he wouldn’t be able to, but if anyone can do it, it’s Sam.
“So... now what?” Dean’s genuinely curious.
Sam shrugs. “We take it slow. Keep in touch. How’d you leave things with Vanessa?”
“Left it where it’s at,” Dean answers immediately.
Sam rolls his eyes to look out the windshield and sighs. “So you think I made a mistake?”
“No. It’s me, Sam. I’d fuck it up. You’re better at this stuff than I am.”
Sam opens his mouth to argue but thinks better of it; Dean’s made his mind up. 
When Dean tells him that Vanessa knows more about his scars and wounds than a typical civvy, Sam tells him what he knows about Vanessa -- that she’s a triage nurse. He tells Dean that Emma’s also a nurse and that Nicole’s a surgeon. Dean’s response is less than appreciative.
“You know what, Sammy? I can do without the updates. I left it there for a reason. Drop it.” He gave Sam the same edged look that accompanied a threat to break his nose if he ever mentioned Lisa or Ben again, and Sam silently agreed to his conditions.   
But Sam cares more about Emma with every passing phone call. She’s intelligent and rational enough to handle the knowledge of what they do, so he keeps her as apprised of his life as she does of hers. Over the next few years, he grows to openly love her in a fully rounded, adult way that he’s never known. 
He begins to pity and then, later, resent Dean for ‘leaving it there’ because Sam loves Emma. He wants a real life with her. He knows that choosing to keep Emma in his life has made his life better, and he believes Vanessa could do the same for Dean.
Then one night, four years later, Sam and Dean end up in a place that demands Dean re-evaluate leaving Vanessa behind.
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Canton, Ohio...
“Alright, let’s go find those kids and get them outta here.” Sam sheaths his machete.
“Sam. I don't-” Dean groans. “I don't think I'm goin’ anywhere.”
“What?” Sam looks over at his brother where he’s awkwardly stood against a post. “What’re you talking about?” 
“There's somethin’ in my- somethin’ in my back. Feels like it's right through me.”
Sam walks closer, reaching around Dean's back. When he brings his hand into the dim light, he sees it’s covered with blood. 
“Alright, umm.” Sam looks around the barn, wiping his hand on his pants as he reaches for Dean’s shoulders. “Hold on. OK. I got you.”
“No, no, no, no, no. Don't- don't move me. It feels like this thing's holdin’ me together right now.”
Sam huffs, reaching for his phone. “I’m calling Emma.”
“What? No. Just- just gimme a minute.”
Sam shakes his head. “No, Dean. No more minutes. Emma’s an ER nurse. Here in Canton. I’m calling her.”
Sam paces toward the barn door.
“Sam! Stay wi- stay with me. Can you stay with me, please?” Dean’s breath is labored, and his eyelids flutter.
Sam turns back to face his brother, keeping one hand on his shoulder while he holds the phone with his other. “I’m right here, man. I got you.” 
“What’s wrong?” Emma's voice comes across the speakerphone clear and concise.
“We’re in a barn about seven miles north of the town center. I sent you a pin. Dean’s... impaled... on a piece of rebar. Against a post.”
Dean groans again. “Sammy-”
“Fuck. OK.” Emma’s voice is temporarily muffled, and then it’s obvious by the rushed way she’s speaking that she’s running. “Where’s the entry wound?”
“His back. I think his heart.” Sam winces as his brother’s head lolls and sways. 
“Did it come through his chest?” She asks before muttering to someone on her end of the line to ‘head to the old barn down the road’.
“No- no, nothing in the front. Just the back. His clothes are soaked.”
“OK. Van’s calling the paramedics.”
“What?!” Dean wails, suddenly alert. “No! Not Nessa.” 
“...but we’ll get there faster,” Emma continues despite Dean’s protestation. “And I’m guessing you’re gonna need help covering up whatever you were fighting.”
Sam would tell Emma not to bring her roommate and best friend if his brother wasn’t dying before his eyes. He wants to honor Dean’s wishes to keep her safe, but he’s exhausted by Dean’s insistence that telling her is a bad idea. 
“Dean, this is happening,” Sam says before resuming his conversation with Emma. “Five vamps. How far are you?”
“We’re literally 60 seconds away. Do not remove him from the rebar until we get there. Find something to cut him down, and we’ll help. Hang in there.”
“See you then,” Sam says to Emma before disconnecting his call. 
“Nessa can’t- I can’t let her see me, this...” Dean pleads. 
“She can and she will. You’re not dying today. Emma knows everything, and Vanessa isn’t stupid. They’re coming to keep you alive, and I’m not arguing with you about this anymore.”
Sam quickly glances around the room until he locates the kind of tool he needs. “As soon as they get here, I’m grabbing those bolt cutters and cutting you down. We’ll go outside and wait for the paramedics. I’ll take the boys somewhere safe and meet you at the hospital.”
“All this time... was tryna keep her safe, away from all this.” Dean hangs his head.
Sam lifts his chin. “Dean, she’s strong. If there was ever a time to let her in, it’s now.”
Right on cue, Emma and Vanessa race through the door with bags of first aid supplies. 
“Get the bolt cutters; we’ll hold him up,” Emma instructs, removing what looks like a camping chair from an orange bag and turning it into an emergency gurney.
Then Vanessa takes over for Sam.
“Nessa,” Dean whispers as she cups his face in her hands. “I’m so- sorry. I couldn’t-”
Vanessa sniffs and shakes back tears “No apologies. Just stay with me. I need to assess the damage here, OK?”
He blinks slowly and gives her a lazy nod. 
“Where’s most of the pain, Dean?”
Dean shakes his head to stay awake, blinking rapidly. “At the entry. Everything else just feels... warm.”
“OK.” She moves to the side to give Emma room to take Dean’s other side as Sam works on the rebar with the bolt cutters. “Get as close as you can, Sam.”
She finally glances around the barn to see several decapitated bodies, the heads donned with masks. Her blood runs cold, and her heart races.
“Hey,” Dean’s voice cracks. “Don’t look at them; look at me, honey.”
Vanessa drags her gaze from the grisly scene to Dean’s pale face. She nods and gives him a weak smile before wedging herself under the opposite arm as Emma, keeping her eyes on him as he asked.
“Your breathing is labored. I’m guessing Sam’s right, and it’s your heart.” Tears fill her eyes as Dean tilts his head to rest against hers. She whispers. “Maybe your left lung. You’re lucky. Nicole’s one of the top Vascular surgeons in the country.”
“OK, I got a grip on this thing. Count of three,” Sam says before counting down and cutting clean through the steel.
The women hold him steady while Sam helps guide Dean to the stretcher and carry him outside.
“Fuck,” Dean breathes as Vanessa kneels beside him. “If I make it through this-”
“When. Not if.” She dips in to kiss him, hovering over him while Sam and Emma work quickly to hide the bodies in the barn. “You’re gonna make it, and you’re gonna tell me what I just saw in there.”
Dean blinks, and tears roll from his eyes. “I will, honey. I will.”
The paramedics arrive moments after Sam and Emma exit the barn. Vanessa gives them his vitals and a partially fabricated info dump as they work to stabilize him. As they load him into the ambulance, she climbs in.
“I got him, Sam. Meet us at the hospital.” She closes the doors, and the ambulance takes off. 
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Dean wakes up in a brightly lit room. He remembers bits and pieces of a conversation that he fears and prays is real. When his vision clears, and he sees the person beside his bed, he’s 90% sure of what he remembers.
“Nicole?” he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper. “You an angel?” 
Nicole smirks and arches a brow. “Cute. I’m your surgeon, tough guy. This is what we call a post-op check.”
He’s now 100% sure.
“Post-op? What op?” He tries to joke as he shifts his weight very slightly and groans in pain. 
“You showed up here last night with a hunk of steel through your heart and lung. I took it out.” She checks his pulse, pokes at him, and prods. Dean’s 90% sure she’s being a little rougher than normal. “Good thing your brother didn’t ghost Emma like you ghosted Van.” 
“Ow!” And 100% it is.
“And, hmm,” she taps her chin. “You do know my name.”
“‘Course I do, I’s just fuckin’ with ya.”
Nicole rolls her eyes. “You’re doing great, Dean. I’ll be back later to check in again. Meanwhile, there’s a couple of people here to see you.”
Nicole draws the curtain that separates Dean from the rest of the room. On the other side sits Sam and Vanessa.
“Eat something if you’re hungry; otherwise, rest.”
Nicole breezes out of the room, leaving Dean with Vanessa and Sam, the latter of whom stands next to Dean’s bed, looking down at his bruised and bandaged brother with a tired smile. 
“You hungry? I can order you some food.”
“I’m starvin’, man. Get somethin’ bad for me.”
Sam rolls his eyes and chuckles. “Sure thing. Be back in a bit.”
He gives Vanessa a pointed look as he leaves the room.
Vanessa remains seated on the vacant bed across from Dean’s. She’s silent and thoughtful.
“You uhh, workin’?”
She shakes her head. “Just finished my shift.”
Dean nods. He doesn’t know if he should jump right in or what, so he asks her a question.
“How much do you know?”
She draws a deep breath and sighs. “That you saved two little boys and probably dozens more the other night.”
Dean closes his eyes. “Vampires are real.”
“Jesus,” Vanessa whispers, standing and moving to the side of his bed. She grasps his hand tightly. “What else?”
“Ghosts, ghouls, shapeshifters, werewolves, fuckin’ demons. They’re all real. Angels.” He squeezes her hand. “Angels are dicks, by the way, which is kinda shitty that I asked Nicole if she was one after she saved my life.” 
He chuckles, and Vanessa huffs a surprised laugh before settling on the edge of his bed. She strokes his forehead, and he hums. “I won’t say I wish you’d told me before now because I’m just grateful you’re alive to tell me now. Your recovery will be lengthy. You’ll need physical therapy.”
Dean reaches for her other hand, twining their fingers together and waiting for her to meet his gaze. “OK.”
“I’m not your doctor, so I can’t advise you officially, but as someone who loves you, I hope you’ll stay long enough for me to help and... for us to get reacquainted.”
Dean grins, realizing just how bone tired he truly is. He yawns through his grin and tugs her close. 
Vanessa dips in to press a kiss to his forehead, each cheek, and his lips. “Please stay,” she whispers.
Dean tilts his chin and meets her lips again, brushing back and forth. “OK, kitten. You got me. As long as you want me.”
When Sam returns to Dean’s room, he finds Vanessa curled around him, keeping him safe and warm. She and Dean are both fast asleep, smiling and breathing steadily.
Sam leaves the macaroni and cheese on a tray and backs away to leave them in peace.
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werdlewrites · 8 months
Those Two Words (a Dean x OC preview!)
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Summary: Coming soon Warnings: This preview contains mentions of grief, mourning, and depression. Further tags to come when fully posted WC: N/A (in progress)
There’s a light that flickers inside. A bundle of life to soar within your chest like thousands of butterflies to kiss your skin. It loves, forgives, and guides through this short journey left on Earth. It’s filled with beauty - something to never know pain or darkness, and yet it comes. Heartache penetrates this shimmer - wounds left behind as violent claws reach through your soul to tear it in two. There’s no peace, not even in grieving for the loss of someone you loved - or the loss of a piece of yourself. Time is the only ally, yet enemy all the same. Time brings distance from the pain, allowing wounds to stitch together with the hope of becoming whole again. Then the guilt comes - fallen from the tongue of someone unseen, yet buried in your mind. It calls you “selfish” and “unloving” as you move - not on, but forward. You allow fingers to pry their way through a healing light, and rip it open to bleed and create an ugly scar. A reminder of the hurt - the suffering.
The light heals but is weaker than it once had been. Tired from the time spent in recovery, yet strong enough to carry on - for you to carry on. It quivers and shakes as the memories come flooding in, yet you remain strong on two feet. Sometimes it falters - flickering in and out to leave its person in a daze, fighting to catch their breath or understand their surroundings. Like now, a mere two words rang out like a church bell in her ears. Yet, not of something to celebrate and praise, but rather, a time of mourning. Two words to lock her in place, mouth hung agape as she tried to understand..if she heard correctly. They trickle in like the start of summer's rainfall, until the pressure builds and breaks through the dam, dousing the light.
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oceanmusings · 8 months
Kid Fics - Dean Winchester x Lori Holt
When I need some comfort, I typically write some domestic fluff for my oc's. So this is where you'll find any one-shot, series, headcanons, whatever I'm feeling that day!
So sit back, curl up with a blanket and drink, and enjoy <3
Main Masterlist
[ Fluff - 🌸 | Angst - 🥀 | Favs - ⭐️ ]
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Oliver | 🌸⭐️
summary : Dean has been having a hard time connecting with Oliver (4 years old) since Lori brought him into their lives. But when the kid has a nightmare, only Dean is there to help him.
Baby | 🌸
summary : Dean and Lori's 9 month old Daughter, Ellie, learns how to honk Baby.
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