#destiel positivy party
sinnabonka · 4 years
Not really a theory or question but I thought it was cute how in 14x15 when Sam and Cas come back from that weird town, Dean is like so you got a cardigan and got a girl and Sam turns around and is like :) thanks to Cas. It’s cute to imagine Cas telling Dean these lil things in a phone call and Dean being like “You serious? He wore a cardigan?” And Cas “Yes, Dean, a cardigan”. It’s cute to me that even though that’s not something particularly important to the story it shows that Dean and Cas do have conversations that aren’t based on life/death/apocalypse, if that makes sense. Anyways, thank you for all your posts they’re the only things keeping me sane ily <3
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Sam is pissed, because now he’s always the last to find out about the important stuff. And not so important, too, he’s just the last one to find out about anything these days.
He never catches them talking on the phone, even though he knows they do, but once in a while there’s that quiet buzz in Dean’s pocket, that makes him all jumpy and exited, and Sam just knows who the message is from.
He asks once, out of courtesy, and Dean waves him off and mutters that it’s Cas, like texting with the angle of the lord is no biggie. He totally ignores the second question, too, never reveals the subject of their conversation. Sam never asks again.
The neutral “Castiel” at some point gets replaced by shorter but also cozier “Cas”.
One day the screen of Dean’s phone lights up with another notification and there’s a photo of Cas that Sam has never seen before, with a ridiculous white cowboy hat on, a little sheepish smile and a cute blush painting his cheeks. Sam wonders once again, but never asks.
When Sam calls to tell Cas about their recent case, the angel cuts him off and goes straigh to the point. He rarely needs to hear the whole story anymore, no matter how long he’s been gone, he’s always all caught up.
Sam wonders how the hell Dean manages to drop him a message when they literally just a minute ago were running for their life, or elbow deep in some creatures’ blood, or mid conversation with each other, but then, after another close call in the vamp nest, he sees it.
Dean, silent for a brief moment, with eyes shut and lips moving in a silent prayer. And the penny drops.
Since he knows what to be looking for, he starts noticing it more often. Everything even in the slightest interesting or exiting is instantly passed on to the angel. The secret channel is mostly used for the good news or the funny stuff, as if Dean couldn’t wait another hour to share his ridiculous stories with Cas.
One day, when it’s the other way around, Dean gone and Cas staying back at the bunker, Sam almost brings himself to ask about this little thing they have going on. He clears his throat, looking for the best words to start with.
But then the angel smiles, at the first sight as with no apparent reason, and looks up at him.
“Dean got the pie,” Cas says, still smiling fondly, and grabs his phone to type a reply. “Should I tell him to get anything for you from the store?”
“No, that’s fine.” Sam breaks into a smile. “I have everything I need.”
And the best part is, he knows these two do too.
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ltleflrt · 4 years
Is it bad that I wished Destiel hadn't gone canon? I don't mean it in an anti way, I just rather have had it be subtext than the 'bury your gays' way it actually happened :/
Oh for fuck’s sake.  If you think this is a bury your gays storyline, then you deserve to be unhappy. 
There are 2 episodes left.  We’ve already had 1 Destiel miracle, and we have plenty of time to get a 2nd one by the end.
I’m usually pretty chill, but right now I give no fucks, take your negativity elsewhere.
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Spn positive party
Boy, what a ride this week has been, huh? Gathered some spn endgame positive things together, click on the links to read them.
1. Cas is definitely coming back, because Love Always Wins, Quotes and Music from the set confirm, The dead are rising in the Dodge City, Misha is back on IMDb
2. Dean is going to say it back, because He dances with a lamp, There’s a need for him to speak, All other reasons, Dean needs his closure
3. We are getting our happy ending, because Fandom defeated the author, Hope is Logical, This one owns my heart, it’s not Chuck’s ending, but Fix Fic from Showrunners
Edited: how 19x15 proves we are getting The Ultimate Happy End.
💙💚 Destiel is canon.
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Let’s collectively ignore the fuckatone of double ending and imagine this is what happened with Dean’s need to tell his truth. He does.
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There’s dark, there’s pitch dark, and then there’s this . For a moment Dean wonders if he went blind, when nothing changes as he opens his eyes.
There’s no reply, there’s no echo.
The emptiness devours everything upon its reach.
With the little time he’s got, he can’t waste any on overthinking, doubting. He didn’t parade all the way through the deepest of Hell and the highest of Heaven for nothing, he has a job to do.
Dean takes another step, trusting his soles over his eyes, and slowly exhales. He calls out again, still not loud enough, and the blackness easily absorbs his voice.
“Cas, you here?” Dean asks quietly, desperately, his hands restless in examining the space around, finding nothing. “What kind of dumb question is that. I know you here, ‘course you are.”
Dean looks over his shoulder. The thin rip of the portal keeps blinking, weakening, slowly fading, like a tiny spark of hope in the hunter’s heart. He’s been wandering around for some time now, but who knows the real size of this place. How can he be sure he even popped in the right corner?
He halts, as if hearing something, but that must be the noise of his own bloodstream, the thudding in his temple mirroring the beating of his racing heart.
“I’m gonna say something, Cas, and you better have your ears on.” Dean takes a steadying breath and puts all his strength for the voice to regain that little joyful jingle he has around the angel most of the time. “You didn’t give me a chance to say anything, when... well, the last time. And that’s not cool. Totally not cool. You don’t shove such things in man’s face and go down the black cosmic goo.”
Read on Ao3
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Why is there no Cas in 15x19?
With the episode 19 Chuck’s book has ended, and Cas is not in his book.
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Spn Final Positivity Party
It’s the final countdown, my wayward sons and daughters, and everyone needs a little boost of positivity, something to hold on to, something to fuel all the hope vibes. Lucky you, I’m happy to deliver this crazy mixture of some good meta, specs and funny stuff to go through not to lose a smile these days! 
For the part 1 of the post click here, all of those are still relevant. 
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Okay, let’s roll. Starting with the big ones!
Breaking down the montage by @friedchickenangelwings
Speculations on the probable endings by @ me 
The last long post about Supernatural by @mishasminions
Taming the General Audience by @lovelyladlelumps
What was the meaning of 15x19 for the ending by @ me
10 reasons why by @feralgosto
Cas is not human by @norahastuff
Full cycle by @rambleoncas
Hints from the real world:
The way Jensen talks about the confession scene & Tweets
What did Dabb said @dotthings
Misha was in Vancouver 
Connecting the dots
All the smaller things: 
They never wanted a life like this  by @folkloredean
Why Jack didn’t bring Cas back | Why there’s no Cas in 15x19 
The best eggs in her life by @winchester-reload, kinda
Why lamp, of course 
Some asks which can be helpful
Jack’s foreshadowing | Small comfort | Why they do what they do | If you are anxious about the rumors | Killing off Cas | What about the barn?
If you have something nice of your own, please do share! We need every single spec and meta for this positivity party to go on!
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sinnabonka · 4 years
“I’m gonna say something, Cas, and you better have your ears on. You didn’t give me a chance to say anything, when... well, the last time. And that’s not cool. Totally not cool. You don’t shove such things in man’s face and go down the black cosmic goo. Those things you said... those beautiful things you said, Cas, how am I supposed to top that? For the longest time I knew those words were reserved for a different kind of people. Good people. Not me. The things I’ve done, Cas... People I’ve hurt… How can I deserve any of those beautiful words? How can I be worth your love? But you’ve changed me, too. You’ve changed me big time. You gave me faith, when there was literally nothing. You gave me something to hold onto, Cas. I couldn’t have gotten so far if it was not for you. The way you believed in me, when not a single soul in the whole world did... That’s what got me through, that’s what kept the light on. Please, man, you gotta give me something. I hope you can hear me. Wake up. Say something. Anything. ‘course you can have me, Cas. You always have.”
Hope on Ao3
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sinnabonka · 4 years
It’s spec time: Empty spaces
I want to use this opportunity to talk about every possible ending I saw out there and, using my natural talent of seeing the worst in the best, explore the reasons why each has no sense (except The One, of course).
for my other specs click 
That’ll be a long trip, hon, make yourself comfortable.
15x20: possible endings
Cas is not coming back
Cas is coming back, but Dean keeps it friendly (friendzone much?)
Cas comes back in another vessel
Cas comes back and the whole “sharing the vessel” thingy
Cas comes back, where a) we get a full Destiel endgame and b) “Hello, Dean”, cut to black, an open ending free for interpretation
Now, starting from the top.
Cas is not coming back
What’s wrong with this one? 
Oh boy, where should I even start? I have a whole “Love Always Wins” on it, but to sum up, there’s no reason for Cas not to be back except if there’s someone hating him / hating Misha / hating us on the crew.
He has been to Empty, came back twice. He’s not even the only one jumping in and out, so the finality of this death is very...weak, vague? 
The whole season is Destiel centered (bite me, antis), the arc of their relationship is the foundation, it’s also mirrored in other relationships through the season - Sam and Eileen, Charlie and Stevie (also, Stevie? Gas-n-Sip Steve anyone?), Earth and humanity. Separated, but reunited. 
Only Dean has an emptiness waiting to be filled.
The whole ep19 is screaming about this void.
Just look:
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(and metaphorical emptiness, as well)
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I mean -
Empty is The Big Bad this season. Why?
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Does that look like anything Chuck-related to anyone? No? Didn’t think so.
And following the metaphor, to defeat the empty, you should fill it up with someone something. 
Cas is coming back, but Dean keeps it friendly, brotherly
Dean Winchester is the most repressed son of a bitch the sun ever shone on, but it’s clear as a day, that the walls are crushing. The whole “I want to experience things for the first time”, the longing in his looks at Garth and his wife dancing. 
He didn’t want to bother Sam when Mrs B went nuts, because he wanted Sam to have a nice evening with Eileen, he wanted his brother to have one thing Dean himself thought he could never have - a chance. To love, to be loved, not to be alone anymore. We always wish others what we would want for ourselves.
And here enters the lamp with a steel chair.
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We can joke all we want, but lets once again look at our parallels: Sam and Eileen, Charlie and Stevie. All of them “let the guard down”, allowed themselves to love. “The best eggs in her life”, anyone? This post lives in my head rent free, I had to get rid of 2k words in French I knew to make a place.
So, I think we agree on this once, as well - not gonna happen.
Cas comes back in another vessel
To fight this argument, my friend, we will have to think about our good ol’ pal Jimmy Novak. And his little daughter, Claire. And the way things ended up for them, because Castiel took over his body. Remember how brokenhearted Cas was, when Jimmy was gone? Remember how he said that ruining Jimmy’s family and his life was the biggest regret of his life?
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Yeah, see, I can’t imagine any situation where this end justifies the means.
Not for Castiel, for sure. So, that’s a strong no, too.  
Cas comes back and they are “sharing the vessel”
In the blue corner we have Castiel, who’d hate to take over another body. In the red one, we have Dean, who had the whole “Michael, we had a deal” fiasco, all the drowning inside his own head, being powerless and not his own man for some time. And Dean even has voiced his fears to Cas, so they both are clear on his feeling about this “experience”.
Throw into it the whole narrative of the season (of the show?) centered around the free will, about being able to make their own choices.
Add some more salt with narrative of “We are real”, and multiple times one character had to “wake up” another one for them to be back to reality.
I mean, what’d be different?
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This time Dean’d be stuck in between the Dream World where he has a life with Cas and the Aching Reality without him? How cruel is that?
The ending of the show is about a new chapter, a fresh start, not about never finishing the last page of the book you love so much just to keep the story running, even if only inside your head.
I personally would be very disappointed and hurt with this outcome.
So, the only one left is...
Cas is coming back and Dean reciprocates
I don’t know how, I don’t know when, I don’t know if we even get to see him or it is just “Hello, Dean” and cut to black, and we only get the close shot of Dean’s widening eyes and tears gleaming in them once he recognizes the voice.
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Of course I’m clowning for the whole cycle, for Dean speaking his truth, loud and clear, for everyone to hear (especially antis with their “brotherly love”).
Of course I’m clowning for him pulling Cas in a hug and muttering “You stupid son of a bitch, don’t you dare leaving me again like this. Ever!”.
I’m the biggest clown alive, honk honk.
Will I be disappointed with the “Hello, Dean” ending? Yes, I will. It’s bittersweet, we’ve clowned for too long to get just that. 
We deserve good things happening to them and to us, too, we deserve certainty.
We deserve the happy end, for a change.
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Do you think the showrunners are aware enough to know that ending this without some kind of acknowledgement from Dean would be the worst bury your gays moment in modern TV history? Holy hell would, justifiably, be rained down on them.
I think we all have to take a step back and think some things through.
I am speculating, right, but at this moment I am like 98% sure Castiel is coming back. So, it’s not “bury your gays” anymore.
The next thought I want to voice is: writers are not stupid.
Killing off Cas after 15x18 confession is a calculated risk. It is a nessasity.
Only his sacrifice pushes Dean toward the final acceptance of his true nature, helps him to let go off his anger, of his hatred. Cas dying allows Dean to finish his journey.
The third thing we need to take into consideration is how strong the aura of secrecy around the final episode is.
Sure, Misha coming back is a surprise, but is it worth all the effort? All the deletion of the old photos and videos, all the sweeping the old commentary under the rug? Oh I don’t think so.
Castiel is going to be back for his arc to be finished.
I can go on till Thursday, but I may as well wrap things up here.
Yes, the showrunners are well aware of the hell on earth the ending without Dean reciprocating in any way is going to bring upon them.
But no, I don’t think that’s what they’ve planned.
The season final is their legacy, and they won’t let it be cheap.
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Okay, I’m gonna say it
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Aren’t mimes just like silent clowns?
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Spec collection
Hi! Since we have lots of new faces around here, felt appropriate to do a little list of things I’ve written so far.
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1. Love Always Wins, my manifesto to the happy ending, Cas being back and Endgame Destiel
2. Cursed speculation time: worst case scenario, my sarcastic commentary for everyone who believes Cas is not coming back and Winchesters drive in sunset at the end (written before 15x19, I feel like a prophet)
3. 15x19: so bad, that it’s actually good, my meta on “Inherit the Earth”, how it was bad on purpose and what was the message
4. No more dying for you, Dean Winchester, an answer to those who are sure there’s nothing good for Dean out there or that he won’t say it back
5. All my replies are / will be properly tagged with #sinnabonka answers, all my speculations will be tagged with #sinnabonka talks
6. My wild speculations (wrong so far, but still manifesting)
7. Once I did a post with positive metas and it ended up birthing the lamp meme
8. Probable endings spec - new
Cheers! 💚💙👀
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sinnabonka · 4 years
It’s spec time: No more dying for you, Dean Winchester
(As a result of the conversation thread under Love Always Wins)
Dean Winchester has died over hundred times since the beginning of the story. Why won’t Charon get his two golden coins this time?
Totally hopping onto the positivity endgame train here, but I don’t think anyone is going to die, like, at all. Why? To sum up: that would mess up the dynamics, contradict the central theme of the season (good things do happen). Also, we were told the final is “for the fans”, so, c’mon, how is anyone dying for the fans?
But first, regarding Dean.
The whole point of season fifteen (totally Dean and Cas centered, btw) is to prove that Dean is worthy - of love, of kindness, of forgiveness. To show that his usual coping mechanism is not working anymore. Well, what else is new?
If he keeps taking the same route - he ends up in the same place, aka dead.
Everything happening before 15x17 has Dean pushed toward the breaking point. The breaking point being Dean shoving the gun in Sam’s face. The situation resolves with Sam talking Dean out of the crisis, reminding him, that there’s always another way.
The scene with Billy knocking on the door is once again full of self-hatred and self-doubting and all the different kinds of self-digging shit, which are Dean’s favorite patterns to follow. He says it all aloud, taking blame for what is yet to come. 
Cas’ sacrifice is important for a lot of reasons, but we are looking at it through the prism of what it means for Dean’s development. And this sacrifice is his last chance.
For fifteen seasons we’ve seen Dean dying (or ready to die) for people he loves, for a great cause. He is willing to die, if it means that someone (mostly Sam) gets the happy ending. But it’s been addressed a few times on the show already, that there’s no happy end for either of brothers if other is dead. I mean, we’ve seen Sam dying and Dean trying to get over (Hi, Lisa!), we’ve seen Dean dying and Sam getting a life (Sam hit a dog!).
This time, Dean gets to live for a person that loves him.
He’s still full of anger, of hatred, but Cas’ confession literally says: that’s not who you are, please, see it, accept it, allow yourself to be loving and carrying again, allow yourself to live; here’s your chance, you deserve it, I’m giving you this chance at the price of my own life, that’s how much I love you.
What was the point of Cas’ sacrifice, if it did not save Dean? How heartless the writers should be to let Cas’ sacrifice being for nothing?
Yeah, it could be to postpone his death till the moment Winchesters defeat the Big Evil or to give Dean a chance to sacrifice himself for Sam while doing so. But that would be some really lazy writing (using the same mechanics twice per three episodes, really?), and I don’t think that’s the issue this time.  
Now is the moment for Dean to make a choice: either to go on with destructive behavior, ignoring those heart-wrenching and beautiful words from Castiel’s confession OR to look for another way, for a better way.
Dean got to his lowest to rise, like a Phoenix from the ashes, not to go down in flames. It’s natural for Dean now to abandon his ways, to reconsider his life choices. He has to be a better man, a man Cas believes him to be. He was told to be worth dying for, and if he is not, it means Cas died for nothing.
Being the reason for someone’s happiness, yeah, that’d put some ideas in one’s noggin. 
Another reason for you to believe Dean’s not dying this time, my friend, is the whole prebuilt going on (click x click), revealing Dean’s willingness to change, to experience new things, new feelings.
And to do so, Dean has to be alive and *loud and clear* he has to get his chance to speak his truth.
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Please, give more hope, any tf was Dean so damn happy through the end?? Like Cas, who?? Even if it could be so simple to just ask jack to bring him back, for what he by the way pleaded 25 seconds ago?? Like, whyyy?? Doesn’t make sense to me? And a other thing I don’t understand, why did they hat Angel with a shotgun as song of the day for THAT episode??
Hello, hon. 
I’m gonna be short about it, because I have a whole long ass speech prepared for later, stay tuned. You are gonna love it. I love it, and it’s rather rare for me!
Edit: I wrote a meta for this episode.
It’s fucking ART. That’s brilliant and we all will see in a week, how well the trick has been executed. 
Of course, I can’t be sure, I’m one petty John Snow, I know nothing. BUT IF I AM RIGHT, someone is getting all the awards this years or something. 
I want you to remember the tears in Dean’s eyes once he says Cas saved him, the way he rushed toward the door when he though Cas was waiting there, his name forever carved in the table at their home. I want you to remember a little Miracle, the one thing Dean wanted that day, but couldn’t have, but, apparently, got back. And please remember that now, with Chuck gone, they can figure out what is it they want. We are getting Destiel Endgame, hon, don’t you worry <3
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sinnabonka · 4 years
Love your blog :-DI got the impression that the scene in 15x18 was purposefully showing a „lack“ of emotion from deans side (I personally loved Jensens microimpressions). In the Trailer of the episode you could see that Dean had tears in his eyes when he turned to the door and Jensen said he was very emotional and had problems holding it together. I wonder what the reason for that choice was, do you think they wanted to let it be a bit ambiguous to let us wonder what deans thinking and why?
Okay, repeat after me, my sweet non: 
EVERYTHING IN THE STORY HAS TO BE A PAGE-TURNER. Every decision of the director, of the scriptwriter, of the actor - everything serves one purpose - make you keep watching. Once they lose your interest - they lose you. Without you, there’s no show.
Accidents don’t happen accidently. It’s not a coincidence. Instead, have a nickel, you’ve just spotted something important!
Every second of the show means something. The way actors act, the way camera floats, the way the light beams - EVERYTHING HAS ITS PURPOSE.
Every little thing on the screen means something. They have people responsible for putting all kinds of crap on the set! They don’t put random crap on the set. If there’s a rifle on the wall, it’s gonna shoot in act II! 
Now, coming back to the confession scene. 
Imagine Cas confessing, and Dean breaking down crying. How does it feel? OOC as fuck! Dean is not the kind to cry ugly, he’s not very comfortable with his emotions, especially, with showing them. 
Another scenery: imagine the tears dripping down his face and him whispering “I love you, too, Cas” as the angel is taken by Empty. Feels better, right? He loves Cas, too! But what’s there left to look for, then? 
The whole season has been orchestrated for us to be losing our minds over the question whether these two idiots will be together at the end. And not only us, from what I’ve heard, but the general audience is loosing their little shits, too!
Everyone at CW knows their shit very well. 
I hope this answers your question :D
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sinnabonka · 4 years
In the same interview as the sneek peak, they also quote Robert Singer on the finale (compairing to other series) "It's pretty bold what we did and quite moving.” 🤡
I’m gonna die tomorrow night, ain’t I?
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sinnabonka · 4 years
also, do you need me to gather some fresh positivity party specs and metas from the fandom for you one more time?
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