#destiny islands musings
luxmoogle · 1 year
Mainland Destiny Islands pt.II
II~ Part 1 ~II
!Disclaimer! All thoughts presented are my own musings for entertainment and have no canon confirmation/base beyond being based on observations made from canon!
About electricity ☆☆☆
When Destiny Islands is presented in Kingdom Hearts you get the impression of the Islands being far less urban than what seems to be the case after a bit of further inspection. This is because of all scenes in game happening around the beach and the small island that the kids frequent to hang around at, which is mostly beach shacks and haphazard tree houses.
These areas seem to be the absolute fringes of Destiny Islands, the power being brought over through above ground powerlines similarly to many newly constructed or far off residential areas IRL.
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You can see overhead power lines along the hills of mainland destiny islands
Power might be worse/more diy closer to the beach but the infrastructure suggests a much more urban setting downtown
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The overhead power lines along the hills also suggest the possibility that this is only one side of the island and there might be more structures behind the hills and round the island that is just simply never shown (at the end of the power lines there could also be a power plant?).
RE: Local Flowers
In the previous post I had suggested the presence of three flower types (petunia, tecoma, hyssop), but it seems I missed one!
Scattered along the paths there seems to be one more flower, which is growing very scarcely and therefore quite unnoticeable. This flower resembles a foxglove, which can be found growing in Mediterranean and tropical settings, fitting to island life!
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To be continued~!
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whitedarkmoonflower · 2 months
Yield to me
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: a request from lovely @wildchild2707 Thank you for trusting me to write you a story. I hope you'll like it. It fit perfectly with my mood as I'm giffing S3 now. @thenameswinter99 thank you so much for helping to overcome the sudden block in the middle of writing 💖
Warnings: SMUT 18+
Summary: you and Sihtric are sent to Bloodhair's camp to spy, and apparently there is more to discover than the secret plans of the Danes
Word Count: 5,9 K
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You could almost feel it – that piercing, even furious look burning holes in the back of your neck, lips pressed tightly together in a thin line, spitting words with a taste of acid. Yet, you chose to ignore him.
Your fingers continued to toy with the knife, your eyes discreetly scanning the warriors gathered around the different bonfires, the play of light and shadow dancing across their faces, the fire's crackling annoyingly loud. Amidst the clamour, numerous voices speaking in various dialects and tongues wafted through the air, mingling with the smoke. You had no patience for Sihtric's trivialities; your head spun from the cacophony around you.
Distinct dialects of Gaelic, Norse, Gutnish, and Welsh were discernible in the midst of the crowd. This was likely how it had felt at the Tower of Babel, you mused to yourself. Bloodhair had succeeded in assembling Danes and other fortune-seeking scum from all corners of the islands and even beyond the seas.
"Careful now, don't cut yourself," a rough hand suddenly landed on your thigh, a thick, booming voice abruptly wrenching you from your thoughts. It was a reflex, beyond your control, your fingers wrapping around the unfamiliar palm, grabbing the thumb and wrenching it to the side. A short cry and a loud thud, the body crushing against the hard ground, were the only sounds as you found yourself sitting atop a bewildered man, your eyes wide, teeth bared, and with your knife at his throat.
"The only thing I'll cut is your throat," you hissed, eyes scanning your catch. He was not unattractive, you observed, and he smelled good, unlike the majority in this cursed camp. Surely an Earl, you had seen him before, at the main fire with Bloodhair, Cnut, and Haesten. 
A valuable take, this is your chance, don't squander it, you cautioned yourself.
"Hey, easy! I didn't mean any harm," the Dane raised his hands, surrendering.
"Give me one good reason not to cut your balls off," you scoffed, studying the stranger carefully.
"I know a much better use for them," there was no anxiety in his voice, but neither was there anger, and you slowly relaxed your muscles, still scanning his face.
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“I want to know everything, every smallest detail,” you had never seen Uhtred so agitated before. Your big brother, though not bound by blood, your anchor, your stronghold, your grounding force in every tempest. You had seen him everything but scared and yet his voice quivered, betraying the angst he tried to conceal, eating him from within like a worm gnawing at an apple. 
“I can handle it without a babysitter,” you sneered at him, disdain evident in your voice. 
It was not merely chance, but destiny that had brought you together - you, Uhtred and Brida. Three children abandoned by fate, bound by love and friendship forged in the crucible of shared pain and suffering. You all had lost everything in that fateful night when the Danes had set their foot on the lands of Bebbanburg, yet you had found each other – an unbreakable bond, a thread to navigate through life and beyond. 
"I want you both to work together. Sihtric is not going there to look after you. Four eyes can see more than two. You speak all the tongues across the islands and beyond. He's considered my closest friend, my right hand, along with Finan. They'll be eager to welcome him and extract all my secrets. It's a perfect combination. I want you to trust him the way I trust him. Can you do that for me?" Uhtred's hands grasped yours, his scrutinising gaze searching for reassurance.
Could you? At the beginning you couldn’t bring yourself to trust him. He was Kjartan’s bastard, the blood and flesh of the man who had shattered your fragile lives for the second time, and he had attempted to kill Uhtred.
You could still recall his feverish gaze, darting from you to Uhtred, his bound hands slightly quivering as he held the blade at Halig’s throat. Just a boy on the brink of manhood, grappling for his chance to survive, yet so determined not to surrender.
You didn’t question Uhtred’s decision, but you couldn’t shake off the doubts that nagged at you. There was something about the quiet and reserved young warrior, something elusive, something you couldn’t quite grasp, simultaneously intriguing and unsettling you.
You had observed him in Dunholm, still half-expecting him to betray you all, to switch sides in the blink of an eye.
The clang of weapons thundered through your ears, nostrils flaring as you inhaled the sour air, thick with the stench of blood and angst. The shouts of the warriors mingled with Kjartan's piercing cry, Ragnar’s sword severing his wrist, denying him entrance to Valhalla. Wild howls echoed through the yard as the same sword swung in the air repeatedly—a cacophony of sounds and images melded into pure chaos, assaulting your senses like ocean waves threatening to engulf you. Yet, amidst the chaos, your gaze remained fixed on one face in the crowd: Sihtric’s.
His expression, contorted by anxiety and anticipation since the first clash of swords, transformed into gleeful triumph and contentment at Kjartan’s defeat, only to sour into disgust and revulsion the next moment. It was then and there that you realized the depth of the shallow and distant gaze with which he often stared into the fire, seemingly detached from the laughter and banter around him. It was as though you had been granted a glimpse into his soul, witnessing all the hidden pain, shame, and guilt reflected in his large, mismatched eyes, unable to look away.
Although Kjartan lay dead, the sword continued its relentless swing, chopping and slicing as if attempting to wrench life from his body anew with each stroke. The large, deep eyes of the boy turned warrior flinched in rhythm with the moving weapon, embracing the liberating truth, while scruple and doubt glistened within them as he struggled to believe, to comprehend that it was over. Finally over. For all of you.
"It should have been me," the words sliced through the silence of the night like a blade, as you found him sitting alone, far removed from the cheerful chatter around the bonfires. His back leaned against the mighty fortress wall, arms resting on his knees. The distant flicker of firelight danced in his large eyes, his gaze sweeping over the buildings with a feverish gleam, as if searching for something, as if seeing something beyond your perception.
“Sihtric, I…” Your attempt to comfort him with a gentle touch on his shoulder was met with a fury, as he shrugged off your hand. He jumped to his feet, feverishly rubbing his eyes with his sleeves. In a momentary blink, the gleam in his eyes revealed itself to be tears, before he stormed away, pushing you aside roughly.
Since that evening, a silent distance hung between the two of you, not by your choice. If anything had shifted on your end, it was the sense of him— the same unquenchable thirst for revenge tightening your heart in the dark of the long, cold nights. Even though you couldn’t see the ghosts of Dunholm’s lost souls, you knew he could. Your suspicion and mistrust had finally dissipated, morphing into something else, something warm and soothing that you couldn’t quite put a name to. 
It was Sihtric who apparently didn’t want neither your company, nor your comfort, avoiding you as much as possible. And so, you remained silent, giving him the space he seemed to need.
So, could you trust him as Uhtred was asking? Yes, you could. You were just unsure if Sihtric could reciprocate that trust. But there was nothing you wouldn't do for your brother. The tender kiss Uhtred had placed on your wrists still burned in your memory.
“Nobody knows about it. Not even Finan, not Osferth. Nobody. You’ll leave like traitors. Both of you,” Uhtred's voice dropped to a silent whisper, and you nodded, accepting the weight of the task placed upon you. You would fulfil it at any cost. You would free your brother from the curse the witch had cast upon him.
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You slowly withdrew your knife from the stranger’s throat and stepped back, extending your hand to help him to his feet, an offer he accepted.
“Are you alone? Where’s your clan?” the Dane inquired, studying you with a scrutinising gaze.
“I don’t have a clan. I came with him,” you nodded toward Sihtric, seated at another fire, and returned the knife to its scabbard on your back. Once more, you could feel the weight of Sihtric's angry gaze boring into your flesh from a distance. He still hadn't grasped it, hadn't accepted that you were here on your own mission, that you neither needed nor wanted his protection.
He had choked on his ale, coughing furiously, when Uhtred had informed him you would be accompanying him.
“Lord, it’s too dangerous,” was the first thing he had said. “You can’t send her there.”
You snorted in disdain, stepping forward with fury burning in your eyes. He had witnessed your prowess in battle, seen you take down men much larger than yourself, and yet he doubted you, considering you weak. You were a warrior, your small and fragile appearance deceiving, both a curse and a blessing, concealing the steel beneath the softness of your velvety skin.
“I need neither your approval nor permission,” you hissed through gritted teeth, fixing him with a steely gaze. “Whether you come with me or not, that's your decision.”
And, predictably, he came. He could not refuse his lord’s order. You both departed under cover of night after a heated dispute with Uhtred, freeing the imprisoned Danes beforehand, but the silence between you grew even heavier. You felt like a burden to him, and you didn’t need words to confirm it. The heavy sighs, the silent shakes of his head, his gaze lingering on you before turning away the moment you met it—they spoke volumes. But you didn’t care, or at least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
“Husband of yours?” the Dane inquired, slight disappointment evident in his voice.
“No, just a travel companion. We both served under the Dane Slayer, but the witch has stolen his mind, and now we are here,” you spat with disdain at the mention of her, your anger and scorn genuine and unfeigned.
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Sihtric drew a deep breath, attempting to calm his racing heartbeat. It felt insane. What were you even doing here? What had Uhtred been thinking, sending you into such danger? How could he be so blind, so reckless with your life?
The anger with which he had hurled insults at Uhtred that night before departure had been genuine—the fury that Uhtred, in his bid to save his own skin, was willing to sacrifice everything, even you—his sister, his unwavering companion through all the tumultuous twists and turns of his unruly life, and in Sihtric’s eyes – certainly the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth.
He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he had fallen in love with you; it seemed as if he had always felt this way, from the very first moment he laid eyes on you next to Uhtred. Your hand steady and poised on the hilt of your sword, your eyes—beautiful, deep, dark, and somewhat sorrowful—following his every move, every breath, while his own fingers quivered, his knuckles turning white from the force of gripping the hilt of Halig’s sword pressed against its owner’s throat.
As he finally dropped the sword, his fingers wrapping around Thor's hammer on his neck to swear his oath to his new lord, the resounding echo of his own words thundered in his ears and his gaze never left yours, pleading and promising.
He knew you harboured no fondness for him, no trust either, and he couldn’t blame you for it. Yet, he had hoped that with time, things would evolve, that he could earn your trust as he had Uhtred’s. Instead, he had only exposed his vulnerability, revealing himself as just a boy haunted by the ghosts of his past, far from the man or warrior he aspired to be for you.
Returning to Dunholm—the graveyard of his dreams and hopes—filled him with dread. Yet, the desire to prove himself to you, to demonstrate that he was more than a frightened boy bargaining for his life, coupled with the ambition to exhibit his courage, loyalty, and perhaps earn an approving smile from the most beautiful eyes on this side of the world, had been overpowering. Only to have those hopes shattered by your pitying gaze when you encountered him that evening after the battle. With nothing left but to retreat and await another opportunity.
The journey to Bloodhair’s camp had become a nightmare of its own. He struggled to conceal his emotions, hoping that the occasional sighs he couldn’t suppress or the furtive glances he stole in your direction—quickly averting his eyes when caught—wouldn’t betray him.
Now, you were trapped here, deep within enemy territory, each day fraught with the risk of discovery and capture. While Uhtred had kept his promise to keep Brida away from the camp, the fear of her sudden appearance loomed like a raised axe; she couldn’t be deceived. She knew you better than anyone, and consumed by grief over Ragnar's loss, she was unpredictable.
Sihtric adamantly refused to let you out of his sight. It was too perilous, and the thought of you disregarding the danger drove him to the edge of madness. He kept a vigilant watch over you, growing increasingly frustrated by the day as you dismissed his concerns. How could he protect you if you refused to acknowledge the peril, insisting instead on separating to gather more information?
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You hadn’t expected it to be so easy. A satisfied smile threatened to curl on your lips as the Dane, whom you had nearly beheaded, invited you to join him at the larger fire. He settled beside you, and as the night progressed and the laughter grew louder, you didn’t push away his large palm as it found its way back to your thigh.
“I’ll be straight with you - I like you, wildcat,” he chuckled in your ear as the flames started to dwindle. “You're welcome at this fire anytime, and if you're interested, you're welcome in my tent too.”
You smiled, tilting your head to the side as you eyed the broad-shouldered man. You knew this game all too well. It was a hunt, and like every hunt, timing was everything. Let your arrow fly too soon, and you miss your prey; linger too long, and it'll slip away. It was too early for the perfect strike, but your prey was taking the bait, thinking himself the hunter. You stifled the laughter bubbling in your chest, turning it into a muffled chuckle.
“I’ll consider it,” you replied, not making any promises, just teasing, baiting. Your fingers traced a path from the Dane's shoulder over the fur cloak covering his broad chest, and you saw the trap you had laid out snap in his dark, smirking eyes. He was a worthy adversary, quite handsome even, and above all, you appreciated when men were straightforward.
If playing this game brought you closer to the talks and whispers you were so eager to hear, you were more than willing to participate.
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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" an angry hiss stung your ear just as you were about to slip into your tent, your hand instinctively reaching for the dagger behind your back.
“Damn,” you swore loudly, spotting the silhouette emerging from the shadows. “You're lucky you're still breathing.”
“I saw you with that brute. You need to be more careful. I’ve told you so many times…” If looks could kill, Sihtric would have dropped dead on the spot.
“You're not my father, you're not my brother, you're not my husband. You're nobody to me, and you have nothing to tell me,” you spat out your words at him, as if hurling daggers. Not that there was anyone in your life who could actually tell you what to do. You were your own master, and it was time for Sihtric to grasp that.
"We both have tasks here, so you'd better start with yours. Besides, I’m enjoying the company of that warrior," you hissed, throwing open the flaps of your tent, eager to vanish from Sihtric’s view as soon as possible. However, you were abruptly halted by an iron grip around your wrist.
“So, I'm a nobody,” a strange metallic tone tinged Sihtric’s voice, a quality you had never detected before, momentarily seizing your attention. You turned your head, and your surprised gaze was met by two deep pools of pure fury. “I get it. You're right, I am. I’ve been a nobody all my damn life. And who are you?”
You attempted to retrieve your hand, but Sihtric’s grip only tightened, and anger slowly churned in your stomach as your other hand stealthily slid behind your back to grasp the dagger.
"A smug and heedless badger digging deeper into its burrow, oblivious to everything happening outside. What have I done to deserve being treated like a dog? Ignored, dismissed at every turn, forced to watch you fawning over that filthy boar."
“A badger?” you snorted, your tone a mix of anger and amusement at Sihtric’s sudden outburst. Somewhere in the recesses of your mind, your common sense whispered for you to cease, recognizing you had clearly crossed a line and needlessly wounded him. However, retreat and admission of fault were not traits you readily embraced. You silenced your inner voice with a smug grin, a challenge glinting in your eyes as you met Sihtric’s gaze. “That filthy boar smelled better than you ever did,” you shot back.
Your fingers instinctively wrapped around the hilt of your dagger, swiftly drawing it forth, but your attempt lacked the element of surprise; Sihtric had anticipated your move. Through countless sparring sessions, he had grown familiar with your tricks.
Releasing your wrist, Sihtric deftly parried your armed hand, swiftly yanking it back and leveraging the motion to flip you over, simultaneously seizing the dagger from your grasp and positioning it threateningly against your throat, while pressing your back firmly against his chest.
With a furious stomp on his foot, you exploited the moment of distraction to drive your elbow into Sihtric’s abdomen. He grimaced in pain, doubling over and gasping for breath, giving you the opportunity to sidestep and confront him face-to-face. But before you could act further, Sihtric’s arms encircled your waist, using his weight to shove you backwards, sending both of you tumbling through the tent entrance.
You grunted as your back collided with the fur-laid ground. Before you could formulate your next move, Sihtric landed atop you, straddling your waist and pinning your arms above your head. A primal growl escaped you as you squirmed and struggled against his restraint.
“That’s enough. Cease this. Surrender. I don’t wish to harm you,” Sihtric attempted a conciliatory tone, but the smug smirk on his lips was impossible to conceal.
“Never,” you hissed through gritted teeth, persisting in your furious struggle against Sihtric’s grasp.
With your breath coming in panting gasps and your mind racing, seeking any possible escape route, you initially even failed to register what was happening. The sensation of Sihtric’s lips against yours was scorching, his hands still restraining you, refusing to release their hold. Your eyes widened in astonishment as you momentarily ceased your futile resistance, the anger pulsating within you fading like a dying ember in a gentle breeze.
Though your muscles relaxed and the frantic struggle abated, Sihtric gave no indication of noticing, his grip still firm, his weight pressing you down as his lips fervently explored yours, kissing you with rough, bruising intensity.
You could swear your heart leapt into your throat, its rapid thudding almost deafening, as you struggled to suppress the burgeoning excitement. Yet, your own body betrayed you, a fiery heat igniting in your belly, matching the rhythm of Sihtric’s lips moving against yours.
Your cheeks flushed with heat as a soft whine escaped you, but Sihtric suddenly pulled away, releasing your arms and sitting back on his heels. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of your dagger lying on the ground nearby, just out of reach.
“I’m sorry. I... I didn’t mean to…” Sihtric stammered, confusion evident on his handsome face as he scratched the back of his head. In that moment, you saw your opportunity. With a swift motion, you toppled him over toward the dagger, and in the blink of an eye, you were straddling him, the blade at his throat and a triumphant smirk on your lips.
"Gotcha," you laughed, intoxicated by the feeling of regaining control, not even pausing to consider that the victory might have been too easy.
Leaning in closer until your noses nearly touched, you watched him intently, breathing in his scent — leather, fire smoke, and ale mingled with the sweet aroma of his skin, both warming and exhilarating. A subdued chuckle escaped your lips as you noticed the mischievous sparks dancing in Sihtric’s large, expressive, two-toned eyes, a hint of suspicion creeping in that perhaps your agility alone wasn’t solely responsible for this small triumph.
Sihtric’s wide-eyed pupils tracked your every move, and in the sudden silence, you felt as if you could hear both your hearts beating frantically, breaths hitching in your chests. You pressed the dagger just a fraction tighter against his skin, enough to draw a few red drops trickling down the blade. Despite the slight pierce, not a single flinch touched Sihtric’s face as he slowly tilted his head backward, fully exposing his throat to you, his gaze still locked with yours.
The air crackled with anticipation, both your breaths quickening. Had you paused to consider, you might have chosen differently, but in that moment, your mind was suddenly empty. All that remained was the memory of the warm, thrilling sensation that had filled your core just a moment before. With a trembling exhale, you crushed your lips against Sihtric’s. The muted growl that tore through him sent shivers down your spine as you released the dagger and cupped his face, pulling him closer.
Sihtric’s strong arms enveloped your shoulders, and you gasped as you were flipped over effortlessly, like a feather. Once again beneath Sihtric’s towering frame, pressed against the fur with the weight of his body, you didn’t resist. Your fingers tangled in Sihtric’s hair as you dared not let go, your lips seeking his, parting with a hushed moan to welcome his greedy, heated tongue.
“Do you surrender?” A mischievous smile danced on Sihtric’s lips as he finally pulled away from your red, kiss-swollen lips.
“Never,” you smirked, reaching out to pull him into another passionate kiss.
With a soft whimper, you arched your back against the hard ground, covered only by a thin fur, as Sihtric’s hands began to roam over your clothes. He deftly tugged at the laces, liberating you from the leathers that concealed your skin from his touch. 
Your hands were just as eager, but he was quicker. You had barely managed to pull off his leather jerkin, revealing his incredibly well built upper body to your bewildered gaze, as he freed you from the last piece of cloth, a sharp gasp leaving his chest as his ravenous gaze slid over your naked frame. 
“We’ll see,” Sihtric chuckled while his lips trailed a hot path down your neck, making you gasp for air each time he sucked on your exposed skin, leaving teasing stings on his way to your chest. His skin against yours was warm and pleasantly soft and you found yourself unable to fight against the deep moan swaying through you, as his mouth closed around your hardening nipples.  
“My beautiful unyielding warrior,” Sihtric’s lips continued their travel down your naked body, his low, husky voice sending shivers down your spine, “I’m going to make you feel so good as you have never felt before, I’ll show you the stars, and you will yield to me, willingly.” 
“Oh gods,” was all you could murmur as his hands took hold of your hips, keeping you in place, and his tongue swept through your core. He knew exactly what he was doing, as his lips wrapped around your pearl, sucking gently, a satisfied hum leaving him as you choked on your own breath each time the lap of his hot tongue sent a new wave of shudders through your body, building up the pleasure, that slowly overtook all your senses.
Eyes rolling back into your head, you buried your teeth in your lower lip, in a futile attempt to keep quiet, but you couldn’t. Wild moans rolled over your lips as Sihtric was bringing you closer to the edge. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined the silent and hesitant young warrior being able to bring you to the brink of madness so masterly and so quickly. 
Another deep moan swayed through you as he forced two fingers inside you.
Sihtric grinned in satisfaction, loving the lewd sounds, rolling over your parted lips, drinking in the sight of you - hair wild and dishevelled, eyes half lid and rolling back in your head, breath heavy and panting, hips moving up and down against his fingers - the most beautiful sight he could ever imagine. He had always dreamed of having you buried beneath him like this, yet he had never dared to believe it could actually come true.
You whined loudly as he suddenly pulled away.
“Sihtric, please, I need more,” you mewled in a desperate need to have him back.
“You need more of what?” he smirked, placing a tender kiss on your inner thigh. You shuddered, feeling his breath so close to where you wanted him. 
“I need you,” you whimpered through panting breaths.
“So beautiful, so wild and unruly,” Sihtric hummed as his mouth travelled to your other thigh, “So fucking perfect for me.”
“Gods, Sihtric, please, I need you,” you whined, your voice cracking.
“Are you yielding, my fiercest warrior?” Sihtric asked, delving his tongue in your dripping heat, just to retrieve again. 
“I am, fuck, I am,” you moaned breathlessly, forgetting everything – your pride, your ego, your anger – there was no room for any other emotion as the overwhelming yearning for Sihtric’s touch. With a satisfied hum, Sihtric thrusted his fingers back in your tight channel, starting to pump them in and out, and you were swept away by the new wave of pleasure.
You were already so close to the edge, feeling the warmth, cursing through your body pooling into one large flame. Your fingers dug in the fur beneath you in an attempt to hold on to something, to ground yourself, as your head snapped back, your body went taut and your walls started to clench around Sihtric’s fingers.
“Yes, that’s good. I can feel you, come for me, beautiful,” Sihtric murmured softly, his tongue starting to circle around and lap over your sensitive nub, and there was no way of holding it back any longer. You felt like a tightly drawn bow suddenly released, the tension snapping and transforming into pure energy, as you came on Sihtric’s fingers and tongue, your climax washing over you in waves of pure bliss, your body trembling and shuddering from the intensity of it. 
Sihtric kept fucking you through your orgasm with his fingers, letting you savour the moment and the sinfull sensation, pulsing through your vanes like an inferno, sweeping away everything in it’s way. You were blank, like an empty parchment. Carried away in the current of pleasure you floated somewhere between this world and the other.
“You are mine now, my sweet wildflower,” Sihtric’s voice reached through your hazy mind, grounding you back to earth. “You yielded, and now you are mine.”
You wanted to protest, to reject his claim, but the words forming on your tongue dissolved in the tenderness of Sihtric’s kiss, his fingers delicately tracing your cheek.
“Say it again,” you whispered, locking eyes with his mismatched gaze.
“You are mine,” Sihtric affirmed, his voice low and soft yet resolute, causing your heart to quicken. Whom were you trying to fool here? Wasn’t this what you had secretly dreamed of since that night in Dunholm, though too afraid to acknowledge it fully?
Silence hung between you until you mustered the courage to break it. “I am yours, Sihtric,” you murmured, savouring the weight of your own words. They felt unfamiliar yet strangely satisfying, even liberating. The groan that escaped Sihtric made you grin, as his lips found yours again, stealing your breath away.
You yelped as Sihtric’s strong arms wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground in one swift motion, carrying you to the pile of furs serving as your bed and placing you carefully on top of it. You propped yourself up on your elbows and sat upright, watching Sihtric hastily getting rid of his breeches, a sharp exhale vibrating through your chest at the sight of his hard cock. He was big, and you were not a novice in that matter. The thought alone of him inside you, made your core pulse in pleasant anticipation. 
“You are a big boy,” you mused, as he approached, wrapping your fingers around his shaft and giving it a teasing lick from tip to root, feeling it throb in your hand. You wrapped your lips around it and let your tongue slide over the sensitive tip. Sihtric moaned, shuddering at your touch.
“Do you think you can handle me?” 
You just smirked at him in response, as Sihtric pushed you firmly back on the furs, crawling on top of you, crowding you like a wild beast. There was something wolfish in his demeanour, his tense, perfectly chiselled muscles rippling beneath his skin, his eyes darkening as if fixated on prey.
“I'm not gonna go easy on you,” his husky voice dripped into your ears like sweet poison, thrilling and intoxicating. It made every hair on your body stand on end and wetness pool between your legs, leaving you to wonder whether it was a warning or a promise. You had never seen him like this, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t excite you. There was evidently much more to discover beneath the reserved and bashful exterior of the young warrior, and you weren't just curious—you were burning with desire to explore.
“Sihtric, just fuck me,” you exclaimed, pulling him in for a heated kiss, and Sihtric groaned against your mouth, aligning himself with your cunt. He pushed into you, and you moaned loudly, digging your nails into his shoulders, savouring the delicious stretch as your walls took him in, pulsing around him.
There was nothing gentle in the way he fucked you, and now you understood why he had cared to place you on the big, soft keep of furs. His hips thrusted against you with a crushing power, showing you ever higher up the keep, skin snapping against skin, relentlessly pushing himself into you until the very end of his length.
His groans and hisses mingled with your moans and you were sure the half of the camp had by now definitely heard you, the fabric of the tent not an obstacle for the sounds, but you couldn’t care less. You enjoyed every single deep thrust, every single brush of his cock against that sweet swollen spot deep inside you, that made your back arch and your eyes roll back in your head, the familiar heat pooling into your belly and turning into hot, searing flame.
“Gods, how good you feel around me,” Sihtric hissed between panting breaths and you just mewled something incomprehensible in response too lost in your pleasure for any words or even coherent thoughts.
Having you here, writhing beneath him, taking his cock and moaning in pleasure, your nails leaving marks on his skin, exceeded Sihtric's wildest hopes. He had aimed to earn your trust, perhaps your friendship, but this was something else, something he didn’t dare to put a name to, not yet. 
You had so unexpectedly gotten under his sway, and he desired nothing more than to please you, to immerse you in the most breathtaking sensations he could offer. For despite his longing for your surrender, there was something he craved even more.
“You are nobody to me,” you had spat in anger, and those words cut deeper than any blade ever could. He would have accepted anything from you—hate, anger—but not indifference, not from you.
Sihtric felt your walls start to clench around him, telling him that you were close to the edge. 
“Common, my beautiful warrior, you can give me more,” he growled, fastening his pace, eyes getting glassy and breath rugged, as he was chasing his own release now. 
“Fuck, Sihtric, I … I can’t anymore,” you hissed and after few more thrusts you were there, the pooling heat exploded within you, rolling over you, engulfing you and you let yourself fell into that blissful state where nothing else mattered apart from the indescribable, otherworldly pleasure washing over you in hot waves. 
Sihtric kept fucking you through your orgasm, savouring the feeling of your walls shuddering and clenching around him, squeezing him, until he couldn’t hold back anymore and he came, spilling his seed deep inside you with a throbbing groan.
Sihtric collapsed beside you, pulling you into his embrace, his panting breath hot against your sweaty skin as he buried his nose in the crook of your neck. He wanted to prolong this moment, to stretch it into infinity, as somewhere deep inside him, he dreaded what would come after, unconsciously fearing that there actually might be no after.
Your head still hazy and spinning from the intensity of your climax, you turned slowly to face him. Your eyes roamed his handsome face, pausing at the scars on his forehead and right cheek. His embrace was firm, somewhat possessive, yet simultaneously tender, attuned to your every move, every breath. Like a young wolf resting after a good hunt—relaxed but alert—your wolf, your wild beast, ready to be tamed.
"You okay?" Sihtric asked, gently tucking your hair behind your ear, his thumb hovering over your cheek.
You simply nodded, unable to find your voice, enchanted by the soothing calmness radiating from Sihtric, having no idea about the tempest raging behind that shell. He smiled and leaned in, brushing his lips over yours.
"I might be nobody to you, but you are everything to me," Sihtric's gaze locked with yours, his heart racing in his chest with maddening speed. It was the moment of truth he had always dreaded. He surrendered his heart to you, knowing there were only two possibilities: acceptance or rejection.
"You are not nobody, you never have been. You are mine. I drew your blood, and I claimed you," you stated boldly, meeting his gaze with determination. "You are mine, Sihtric Kjartansson," you repeated firmly, "and I am yours."
A deep sigh of relief escaped Sihtric as he pulled you back into his embrace, his lips affirming your claim with a passionate kiss.
"A badger!" you suddenly laughed, recalling how it all began, leading to this moment of firm embrace you never wanted to end. "You called me a badger!" you snorted, playfully punching him in the stomach.
“My wild, ignorant, beautiful badger,” Sihtric chuckled in response, gently nuzzling your dishevelled hair.
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Comment or write to me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @hb8301 @zillahvathek @alexagirlie @gemini-mama @verenahx @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @willowbrookesblog @thenameswinter99 @ellabellabus07 @mcbuckyyyy @kirtseinw @siimonesvensson @sigtryggrswifey
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siribaes · 5 months
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KOFI SIRIBOE X blackfem!reader
SUGGESTED TUNES 💿: Drank In My Cup by Kirko Bangz, Drunk in Love by Beyoncé, Refill by Elle Varner
WARNING: 18+, SMUT, Henny D*ck from Kofi lol, praise kink, semi-rough s*x, unprotected pinv (wrap it up kids)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: beware of typos & mistakes lol, and this one is for my petite girlies (*cough* self-insert) / GIF CREDIT: @tishrivers
Low rumbles of movement awoke Y/N from her sleep. Y/N stirred for a moment as the movements continued, shifting slight in her spot. She cracked one eye room, immediately welcomed by the pitch blackness of the room except the silver of neon light from a side table clock.
2:16 AM.
He’s home.
Y/N yawned as she sat up from her bed. Stretching her arms and legs she flipped the blanket off her, getting up from the bed. Y/N softly padded out of the bedroom and downstairs to the source of the noise.
She could see a shadow stretch from the kitchen and into the hallway. Smiling slightly to herself, Y/N tip toed her way to the kitchen. Her smile grew wider as she saw the culprit behind the noise.
He stood with the fridge partially open, the light illuminating his beautiful angular features. His brows were furrowed, as his coca-cola brown, yet borderline blood shot red eyes scanned the shelves of the refrigerator. Y/N chuckled softly at his expression while he had spoon held in his mouth. Y/N’s eyes traveled to the island where a large bowl filled with ice cream sat. Immediately she knew what he was searching for.
“Kofi,” Y/N spoke aloud. Immediately Kofi turned to her, taking the spoon out of his mouth. A slow syrupy smile grew from his lips.
“Bottom left drawer.”
It took a second for the information to sink in, for Kofi in his buzzed haze. It did though, Kofi’s eyes lit up, his smile grew even wider, as he turned back to the fridge. He bent down opening the drawer and pulling out a brown bottle of chocolate sauce.
“You the G.O.A.T., baby,” he murmured as he closed the fridge.
Y/N walked to the island, watching Kofi pour a generous amount of chocolate sauce onto his ice cream. He took a huge spoonful and shoved into his mouth. A groan erupted from him, a dangerous one that should’ve not sent tingles through Y/N body, but did anyway. He had that effect on her always.
“It’s good?” Y/N asked. She lifted herself up and sat on the island counter next to Kofi. She caught huge whiff of the Hennessey he must've been sipping on from earlier on.
“I fucks with this Vegan ice cream heavy,” Kofi proclaimed, pointing his spoon at the bowl.
He took another spoonful as his gaze dipped towards Y/N’s bare legs, it fully registering her sleep attire, a huge Destiny’s Child band t-shirt and short shorts. His eyes traveled back upwards to Y/N’s gaze, a bit more heated than previously.
“You taste better tho,”
“Kofi, don’t start,” Y/N chuckled, playfully swatting his arm. He jokingly cowered and continued to devour his dessert. “How was the club? Y’all have fun?”
He nodded slowly, setting the spoon to the side, and scratched at his beard.
“Yeah. Good vibes. Good music too...Tre was in better spirits since the split," Kofi mused, his eyes slightly danced as he absentmindedly scratched at his beard. He turned towards Y/N peering down at her. Large, calloused hands found themselves at the soft flesh of her legs, the pads of his thumbs rubbed on the tops of her thighs. A warmth bloomed underneath Y/N's skin, while butterflies flew around in her stomach, and dampness pooled in her panties. "You should've been there with me."
A soft moan threatened to escape Y/N's lips, she choked it back before she spoke.
"M-Me? Be responsible for interrupting boys' night, I dunno about that, baby."
Kofi tipped his head to the side, a sly grin bloomed across his lips. A flicker of mischief appeared in his eyes. He stopped rubbing at Y/N's thighs and instead gave them gentle squeeze. Y/N whimpered slightly, causing Kofi's grin to grow even more.
"Maybe it was a good thing, I was bricked up thinkin' about you, anyway," Y/N's eyes slowly trail down, seeing the large print behind his black jeans. Kofi palmed himself and groaned. "You gon' help me, pretty girl."
Y/N nodded quickly, immediately bringing Kofi down to her, crashing her lips against his. Initially, a kiss that was heated and messy, turned slow, and passionate. Kofi's tongue swirled around in her mouth, she tastes the sweetness of the vanilla ice cream and chocolate, with the slight bitterness from the Hennessey. He kissed her so softly and sweetly, that it put Y/N a daze. It was all mere distraction, as Kofi slid his right hand down her shorts curling two fingers inside of Y/N.
"Kofi," Y/N whimpered as Kofi's fingers began to slowly pump in and out of her. "Fuck, baby!"
Kofi peppered kisses on the side of her face, nibbling on the outer shell of her ear.
"I feel you tightin' up, let me see ya pretty ass cum, baby," Kofi drawled, his LA-New Orleans accent slipping through, spurred Y/N even more.
The pleasure began to pulse through her as she felt herself clenching around Kofi's thick fingers.
"I'm-I'm gonna cum baby, fuck!" Y/N mewled.
"Let go, baby. I gotchu," Kofi rasps.
Her orgasm pooled out of her, flooding Kofi's fingers. He thrusted his fingers a few more times before he pulled his fingers out of her. Y/N slightly pouted at the lost of Kofi's touch. He chuckled softly before he sucked on his two fingers, swirling his pink tongue around them.
"Turn around for me," Y/N happily obliged, she quickly discarded her shorts and panties, flinging them to the side. She turned and faced the counter. Y/N stood on her tippy toes, excitement rushed through her as she heard the sounds of Kofi undoing his pants. Y/N almost crumbled as Kofi's rubbed the head of his dick between her soft, wet folds.
"Don't play, Kofi. I need you," Y/N whined, attempting to draw him further inside of her.
Kofi's hand came crashing down on Y/N's ass, it echoed throughout the kitchen. She yelped, slapping her own hands against the marble counter.
"Relax, Y/N" Kofi groaned has he continued to rub himself in her folds. "So fuckin' hard-headed, gimme a minute baby,"
"Sorry, "Y/N moaned quietly.
After a few more seconds of teasing, Y/N's prayers were answered as Kofi finally plunged into her warmth, completely bottoming out before he began to drill into her.
“You feel too good baby," He's deep inside now, with his large hands gripping at Y/N's waist, Kofi continues to grind his dick into her, with rough, sloppy strokes. "Fuck you so tight, all this shit for me?"
Y/N could feel herself gushing at just the tone of his voice. A sweetness managed to cut through all of the hoarseness and lust. It always drove her crazy when he did shit like that. The familiar thrumming of her orgasm, hurdled towards the surface, she squeezed and tightened around him. Kofi moaned at Y/N gripping him.
"You close?" Kofi asked, already knowing the answer to his question.
"Yes baby, I'm gonna," Y/N's orgasm shot through her before she could finish. She whined and moaned as Kofi continued to fuck her through it.
"You still with me pretty girl?" Kofi rasped in her ear.
“Mhmmm, Kofi, shit!” Y/N babbled, her mind only zeroed in the pleasure between her legs. It was too much trying to keep with Kofi too.
Kofi grabbed a fistful Y/N’s coils bringing her upwards, not all the way, but far enough that she couldn’t use the counter to support herself.
“I said, you still with me pretty girl, hm?”
Y/N nodded. A sharp slap on her ass caused her to whine, a small punishment for not responding. Whether he liked to admit or not, Kofi was a words kinda guy. He loved to hear how he made you feel, even if it was garble of incoherent nonsense, he needed to know that you were there with him, present for it all. Still, the words choked on her tongue. Another slap, harder than the last, had Y/N squirming underneath Kofi. Another slap was soon to follow, but Y/N responded before he could.
“Yessss, baby I’m with you! Fuck meeee!"
"Fuck, I'm about to nut. You gon' take this shit like a good girl, huh?"
"I will baby, fuck, give it to me please!"
Kofi went into overdrive, fucking Y/N wildly. She felt him swell inside of her. His bulbous hammered at her spot, sending her into throws of pleasure, so much so she felt tears prickle in her eyes.
"You so pretty takin' me, fuck I'm cumin'," Kofi groaned as he spilled inside of Y/N. They both shook and moaned together, as Kofi slowly fucked his cum inside of her. He slowly slipped out of her, his breath on Y/N's sweat-slicked skin. Kofi tapped his finger Y/N's waist, signaling her to face him. She turned around only to be greeted by his glistening, cum-dripped, shaft. It was still hard.
"I wanna see that pretty ass face when I cum inside you," He proclaimed, slipping right back inside Y/N, ready for round 2.
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hookhausenschips · 18 days
Sun & Moon {CS55}
500 Followers Special!!!
Summary: The moon glows using the sun's light while the sun asks for nothing in return.
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From the very beginning, the chemistry between Y/N and me was undeniable. That night at the charity gala in Barcelona, the first thing that caught my attention was Y/N's passionate conversation about their latest project on renewable energy solutions. They were animated, their eyes alight with fervor, and I found myself drawn in by their enthusiasm and knowledge.
They made complex concepts seem simple, and their commitment to making a positive impact on the environment was evident. I was racing cars, pushing technology to its limits on the track, while they were harnessing technology to save our planet. It felt like destiny that we should meet.
As the evening progressed, we discovered more common ground between us. Our conversation drifted from professional to personal interests, from favorite books and films to places we’d traveled and hoped to see.
I remember how Y/N laughed at my clumsy attempts to recount a mishap I’d had in Japan—trying to order food and ending up with something entirely unexpected. Their laughter was like music, easy and genuine, and it resonated deeply within me.
As our relationship developed, we faced the challenge of my racing calendar and Y/N’s fieldwork. Despite the glamorous veneer of my profession, the reality was a grind of airports, hotels, and relentless pressure. Y/N, too, faced their own challenges—remote locations, long days in the field, the emotional toll of environmental setbacks. But we made it work with nightly calls, messages filled with pictures and emojis, and the promise of reunions in far-flung places.
One such reunion in Greece stands out vividly in my memory. After a particularly grueling season, finding Y/N waiting for me at the airport was like a breath of fresh air. We drove to a small island, famous for its natural beauty and serene nights. That evening, as we lay on the beach, the conversation turned philosophical.
I spoke about the sun and the moon, musing on how freely the sun gives its light, asking nothing in return, and how beautifully the moon reflects it. It was then that Y/N offered their perspective, highlighting the moon’s role in reflecting that brilliance back to the earth. It was a perfect analogy for our relationship—I gave my love and support as freely as the sun, and Y/N reflected it back with equal warmth and beauty.
Our relationship was a continuous exchange of support and admiration. I marveled at Y/N's resilience and the way they tackled their projects with unyielding dedication. They, in turn, were always there to celebrate my victories and console me in defeats, reminding me that the race track wasn't everything. Their presence brought a balance to my life that I had not known I needed.
That night under the Grecian stars, I realized how deeply interwoven our lives had become. We were two individuals, each strong in our own right, but together, we were invincible—like the sun and moon, separate yet forever linked in a beautiful, eternal dance.
This realization was both humbling and exhilarating. As the waves lapped gently at the shore and the stars twinkled above, I knew I had found my partner, my confidante, my best friend. This was not just love; it was a profound connection, a mirror to my soul.
CS55 Taglist: @tallrock35, @yourbane, @lightdragonrayne, @really-fucking-tired, @evie-119, @leclercdior
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery, @dhanihamidi
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Starlight Symphony
Word Count: 676
Warnings: None
Headcanons: Sora x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
In the heart of the world that never was, where light and darkness blend into a twilight of possibilities, Sora found a companion unlike any other—a friend, a confidant, a partner in every adventure. She was a beacon in the ever-shifting shadows, her laughter a melody that could cut through the deepest gloom.
Their bond was unique, woven from countless shared moments and small acts of tenderness. Whether it was the first bite of a sea-salt ice cream under the radiant skies of Destiny Islands or the last piece of a star-shaped fruit as they watched the sunset from the clock tower in Twilight Town, Sora always insisted she taste the magic first. It was his unspoken vow, a promise of shared experiences and a life intertwined.
And then there were the kisses—soft, affectionate pecks on the tip of the nose that spoke a language of their own. Whether given or received, each was a whisper of affection, a fleeting touch that said more than words ever could. In these gentle exchanges, they found comfort and a reminder of the love that guided them through every battle.
"Sometimes, I wonder what lies beyond even the stars," Sora mused, his gaze lost in the celestial sea above.
She smiled, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "Wherever it is, I'm sure it's filled with new friends and adventures. Just like the worlds we've visited."
Sora chuckled, turning to her with a soft expression. "You're right. As long as we're together, there's no limit to the skies we can explore." 
"Have you ever thought about what it means to share a paopu fruit?" Sora asked, his voice a soft murmur against the backdrop of the universe's vast expanse.
She turned to him, her eyes curious. "Isn't it meant to intertwine our destinies forever?"
He nodded, his spiky hair catching the starlight. "Yeah, but it's more than that. It's about sharing everything—the good times, the tough battles, and even the quiet moments like this."
A comfortable silence settled between them, filled with the unspoken understanding that had grown over their journey. It was a bond forged not just in the heat of battle but in the peace that followed. 
Suddenly, a meteor streaked across the sky, its tail a blaze of glory that momentarily lit up the night. "Make a wish," she whispered, squeezing his hand.
Sora closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. "Done. What about you?"
"I wished that no matter where we go, we'll always find our way back to each other," she confessed, her voice barely audible.
Opening his eyes, Sora leaned in, his breath warm on her cheek. "That's not just a wish. It's a promise," he said, sealing it with a gentle kiss on her forehead. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a paopu fruit, its star-like shape glistening in the dimming light. "Here, you should have the first bite," he offered, holding it out to her.
With a gentle nod, she accepted, taking a small bite. The sweetness of the fruit seemed to encapsulate their shared journey—a blend of joy, challenges, and unspoken promises.
"Thank you, Sora," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "For sharing this moment, for sharing your heart."
He grinned, his eyes crinkling with delight. "And thank you for always being my guiding star." Leaning forward, he placed a tender kiss on the tip of her nose, a gesture that felt as natural as the bond they shared.
She laughed, a sound that danced with the wind, and returned the gesture, her lips brushing against his nose. "I guess we're just two stars drawn together, aren't we?"
"In every way," Sora agreed, his hand finding hers.
They stood up, hands still clasped, as they prepared to return to the Gummi Ship. "Ready to explore more worlds?" Sora asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
"Always," she replied, her heart full of anticipation for the adventures that awaited them, knowing that whatever worlds they would discover, their shared moments would be the true treasures they would cherish forever.
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
Tears of the Kingdom: A Scene-by-Scene Analysis
Tears of the Kingdom: A Scene-by-Scene Analysis
At long last, we've gotten our title drop for the sequel to Breath of the Wild. No longer will I have to call this Bo2W in my tags. No longer shall I agonize over fake title leaks.
But I digress.
You're all here for one very specific thing, and it's time I delivered.
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This is our opening shot, a Zonai carving of someone...important. We don't know who, but there are some interesting details to extrapolate here.
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The eyes, for starters. A broadly-stroked circle with three triangles underneath.
Already, we can see some parallels.
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But the rest of this face is...more intriguing, to say the least.
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The ears, to start. A stylistic choice? Whoever this is, they have way longer ears than we usually see on Hylians. Key word there being "usually."
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Princess Zelda tends to have much longer ears than other Hylians, even Link. OoT Zel has the longest in full 3D modeling, but compare Skyward Sword Zel to Link and Groose:
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Hers are longer, narrower, and usually without earlobes.
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On top of the strange ears, we also have this...I believe it's a third eye. That's something I've never seen outside of things like bosses.
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Moving on to the lower body-
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It's a little hard to figure out, exactly, due to how angular and stylized everything is. But from what we can tell, our mysterious figure has long, flowing hair, a triangle at chest level, and a robe that reaches their feet.
I was trying to figure out what this ensemble looked like, when I remembered a specific line in Skyward Sword.
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And then it hit me.
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A tall, magnificent figure baring a triangle, with a flowing cowl and robes that meet her feet.
Even the strange dots on the figure's robe.
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They bear a rather striking resemblance to the chain on Skyward Zelda's ceremonial outfit.
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Given the prevalence of Skyward Sword references in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom both, and the Hylia statues everywhere, I think it's not a far stretch to say that this is a Zonai depiction of Hylia herself.
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The shot changes to show a battle underway, next:
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This gives us some more recognizable faces—the onslaught of Malice, a legion of Bokoblins and Moblins both. Interestingly, though, the Moblins carry a weapon I can’t identify.
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My first impression is a double-bladed scythe, but it could just as easily be wind marks behind a club, or a flag to herald their side. With the stylization, it’s hard to tell.
Against them, we have our armies, bearing shields with an interesting crest on them.
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A stretched version of Hylia’s insignia?
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Looking closer, we can identify these soldiers, at least, as Hylian (or some other similar pointy-eared race, like the Sheikah):
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Our next shot is a full view of our strange deity.
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And THIS gives us a lot to work with. We have Zonai writing we can analyze-
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What looks to be either a Sheikah tower or one of the dragon pillars in Faron
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-and an island
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Which neatly parallels the floating isles we saw in previous trailers.
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Our new god(?) has their hands outstretched in offering
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Which is an...unusual pose. It’s once I’ve never seen on any of the Goddesses—Hylia always has her hands together, at her chese, while Din, Nayru, and Farore tend to be holding something-
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-have their hands to their chests-
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-or be posed like muses.
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But do you know where I have seen this arms-out pose?
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Hmm. Interesting.
But what intrigues me most of all are the symbols above our figure’s head.
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They’re all identical, seem to be giving off some sort of light, and most importantly, there are seven of them. And in the world of Hyrule, the number 7 in legend usually refers to one thing:
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In Breath of the Wild, we saw up close and personal how Zelda’s destiny shaped itself. We saw her trials and struggles at the beginning, and the game ended with her finally realizing the power her birthright grants her. But that’s far from what her ancestors, historically, have been capable of. And, seeing that Ganondorf is returning...
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Speaking of Ganondorf, our next shot appears to be him, from the regalia to the posing.
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Though, it is worth noting that the figure in the effigy has pointed ears, not rounded like the prince of darkness in the corner.
Also interesting to note, we can start to see malice creeping towards this figure at the bottom, in the form of red lines.
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We then go to a much more alive figure.
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This, from what I can tell, appears to be Zelda. Her hair flows, her dress has a sash around the waist, her arm is bare, and it looks like there’s a bracelet around her wrist, though it’s hard to tell for certain.
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But there are some other important details here, too. First of which, we have the Zonai text.
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It looks to be vertically formatted, like traditional Japanese would be. Looking close, we can see that these aren’t just random drawings to look cool, either; there are repeating symbols.
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What this means is that this is meant to be read, rather than just an environmental effect. And given the frequency of repetition and the message being so short, we could be seeing a departure from A-Z translations that Hylian has, and shifting more towards the alpha-syllabaries of OoT and Wind Waker with the Zonai text.
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Moving on, up in the corner, we see a doubled version of the marks above the strange deity’s head.
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And then the Zelda carving is holding her hand out to another.
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Another larger than hers, with bracelets about the wrist, pointed claw-like fingers, and markings up the arm.
My first thought is that this must be Link. It’s Zelda and another in legend, of course it must be, right? But in that case...why hide it? Why keep that side of the bond in shadow?
Of course, Link isn’t the only person to sport a hand like that in this game.
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And then, we get to the actual game footage.
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Starting off, we have Link pushing open a seat of double doors, with twin dragons on them.
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The handle looks to be eye-like
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And there’s faded writing on the circle.
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We see Link run out onto a platform, one of the strange shrine isles we saw in the original trailer ahead of him.
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I feel like these are going to have as much bearing as the Sheikah shrines in the first game.
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We get a glimpse of the building Link just came from in the background, big enough to be a dungeon. Then...
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What ARE those? Scrolls? Catridges? Whatever they are, they occupy the spot held by the Sheikah Slate, so we can assume they're powerful.
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Then we get a slightly-more-enhanced view of Link's corrupted hand. It looks like there's a slot in the top, maybe what the cartridges plug into?
I’m going to continue this in a reblog because Tumblr keeps deleting new additions I make to this post. I’ll update this with a link (ha) when that happens. Stay tuned!
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slashaer · 3 months
like this for a starter from one of my d.imension 20 muses. specify muse (s) from under the cut, there's a little blurb about each to help:
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ayda augefort. half phoenix in her 3rd incarnation. autistic. logical / analytical. owns a library of spells on a pirate island. daughter to the dean of a magical high school.
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lady amangeaux. once queen of vegetania, her title was stripped from her once her husband, the king, died. caring, compassionate, and willing to fight for what's right. thoughtful and empathetic, she's trying not to become bitter with the war. has telepathy and can communicate nonverbally.
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king amethar. rightful king of candia. man made of rock candy. nearly assassinated. not very good at being king, but he's learning alongside his wife and daughters. good in battle.
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prince andhera. prince of air and darkness. awkward, hot, and muscular. done trying to make his mother proud - he's going to make himself and his friends proud, instead.
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barry syx. number six of the nine barry clones. lost all of his brother clones to barry nine, who killed everyone but syx. big himbo, but happy to be here. good with guns. cyborg.
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cody 'night angel' walsh. works at hot topic. into black clothes, satan, and kickass rock music. has a good heart beneath all the spikes and dark colors.
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colin provolone. born of the dairy isles. daddy issues. a very loyal himbo who tries to do what's right. did not want to be a part of a war, but destiny had other plans.
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delloso de la rue. mistrex of ceremonies at the bloom for over a millennia. needs everything to be perfect. has never enjoyed any of the festivities. has been hiding themself for too long - they're finally ready to show who they really are, and start living.
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evan kelmp. wizard going to school for magic, and staving off the dark monsters and magic within him. orphaned, homeless, and a sad boi. bad at making friends, and has a bad temper, but a good heart.
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fabian seacaster. son of a famous swashbuckler. pompous and very wealthy. acts as if he's above everyone else, because that's how he was raised. cares about his friends, even if he doesn't say it. has a talking, demonic motorcycle. loves to dance.
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garthy o'brien. anasimar pirate and impresariex of the gold gardens. they trade in a lot of fine goods, especially magical items, and are known for their ability to break curses. nonbinary and badass. calm and pretty much unshakable. everyone wants to be with them. a bit of a flirt.
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prince gerard. the frog prince. turned human when he married his wife, but cursed to turn back because of his cowardice. has anxiety, but learns how to fight and overcome his fears. still has his frog powers when he's a man once more.
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gorgug thirstlespring. half orc. adopted, by gnome parents. emo teenager who likes music. trying to fight better. became an athlete with two of his friends. kind of sad. just wants to belong. now an artificer and builds great stuff, just like his mom and dad.
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kingston brown. the man who knows everyone. protector of new york city. do no harm, but take no shit attitude. loves his parents. slow to trust, but loyal once he does. magical. vox populi.
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kristen applebees. grew up in a religious home, now constantly questioning her faith and deities. recently found out she's a lesbian. laid back and chill, most of the time. philosophical in nature. smart, but a little clueless. absolutely built. worships the goddess of doubt. running for class president.
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kugrash. 5 foot tall rat who travels through the subways of new york to help people struggling with homelessness. friends with santa claus. cares deeply about people and wants the world to change. has the mouth of a sailor, but means well.
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pete conlan. also known as 'pete the plug' because he's a drug dealer. uses a lot of his own drugs because of a bad breakup. trans man who is estranged from his family. just learned magic and is absolutely tripping out.
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pib. trickster spirit. familiar trapped in animal form due to his keeper dying. mischievous and always ready for a scheme. likes money. loyal as long as he likes you. good heart underneath it all. will change back into a human when he finds someone new to serve, or frees himself.
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pinocchio. not a real boy, and never will be. warlock who gets his magic from his strings. used to lie a lot, but he's trying to be better. likes to tell jokes, but isn't the best at it. not very serious. drinks whiskey and eats bubblegum.
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riz gukgak. wants to be a detective, so he's always investigating. carries a briefcase wherever he goes. acts too old for his age. drinks a lot of coffee. is always willing to take the stress off of his friends.
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ruby rocks. one daughter of king amethar. twin to jet rocks. princess, but would rather perform in the circus. wants to be a part of the people and help them. has wild ambitions. practitioner of magical tricks.
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sandra lynn faeth. fig's mother. has issues keeping partners. brave and willing to protect the kids at any cost. 100% mom coded, down to the mom jeans. great with a bow. has a griffon familiar.
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theobald gumbar. a giant, pink gummy bear. knight of candia. loyal to the house of rocks. good in battle, not the best at casual conversation, but he's learning. will fight until the death, if needed. needs to relax a little bit.
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hyakinthou-naos · 2 months
Theoi Info Sheets Series Part 6: Apollo & Artemis - The Divine Twins
"... but the opinion most universally received was, that Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, was born in the island of Delos, together with his sister Artemis; and the circumstances of [their] birth there are detailed in the Homeric hymn on Apollo, and in that of Callimachus on Delos."
- Comp. Apollod. i. 4. § 1; Hygin. Fab. 140.
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I would describe my relationship with The Divine Twins as... unbalanced. I have never felt drawn or called to Lady Artemis; despite my love of deer, the woods, and the years I spent working in childcare - I have always felt that the doors of Her temple were closed to me. I personally feel that part of this lies in my transgender identity; this is not to say that transmen or men in general cannot worship Artemis - I've seen quite a few transmen on Tumblr who are joyous devotees to Her. But personally, I have always felt distanced from Artemis.
I do feel as though Artemis tried to call to me when I was young, but I did not feel aligned with Her energies or drawn to Her domains. Then, when I transitioned, I got the sense that Artemis felt betrayed; like She had laid claim to me and was waiting for me to join Her retinue - but instead I left womanhood behind and She felt personally insulted.
I say all of this, not in any way to disrespect Lady Artemis - or to say my experience is indicative of her energy and character towards other devotees. I simply say all of this to share my experience.
On the reverse - Lord Apollo is my patron deity. There is no God or entity that I hold in higher regard. I feel as though Lord Apollo has been quietly waiting for me all my life, almost as if He knew my destiny lied in being his devotee but He wanted me to come to Him on my own.
That isn't to say he hasn't been present in my life before my journey into Hellenic Polytheism - but I do believe He has let the muses guide me rather than His own hand. I felt Kleio enter my life in middle school when I first began writing poetry, and Gods - Euterpe and Melpomene have been with me since I began writing music in the second grade. Ouranie entered my life later, moreso in college when astrology became a larger part of my life and personal practice. But now I've gone off on a tangent, haha.
I've written about Lord Apollo in many other posts on my blog - so feel free to check the Lord Apollo tag if you'd like to read more about my relationship and devotion to him.
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*You may have seen this info sheet before on thewitchfarhan.tumblr.com - that is my old Tumblr. These info sheets are my own creation - please do not repost without credit.
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
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“Surely you knew this would happen.”
Day 1 of bending the khtober prompts to my will and just drawing the same character every day this month - Destiny Islands
Remember when I said having an artistic muse is all fun and games until you can’t get yourself to draw anything else? Yeah. I figured I might as well lean into it. I’ve never made it longer than a week in an October drawing challenge so let’s see if I can make this work with the power of sheer brainrot
Your bonus fun fact of the day is that this is actually a screenshot redraw (with a few liberties) of Xion's weird fever dream from 358/2 Days, not of the scene as it actually happened in Chain of Memories. The Re:CoM version looks like this lol
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underfaller · 10 months
Chapter 11: κ (pt. 2)
Pairing: dottore x angel!reader Summary: You are a Heavenly Messenger from Celestia that’s been captured by a mysterious Doctor CW: Violence, Stockholm Syndrome Word count: 6.5k A/N: And with this chapter, Dead Doves is officially going on hiatus. See you in 1-2 weeks!
“Have you ever been to Mondstadt?”
The carriage rocks methodically as you inch to your destination. You sigh.  As you ride further away from the snowy country that’s been your home for the past few months, you can’t help but feel a bit wistful. You’ve grown oddly attached to the winter landscape and gray skies. Still, you wonder what new sights this journey will bring. You remember the days when you used to dream of traveling throughout Teyvat. Those dreams seem like a relic of the past now. 
Dottore shakes his head. 
“No, I haven't. As you might imagine, my work keeps me quite busy. Even when I do have free time, there are always more pressing matters that need attending to. I have neither the time nor reason for sightseeing.” 
"I see."
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You press your hand against the side of your face as you look out the window. 
“I've heard you can faintly see Celestia from Mondstadt's mountains.” 
Dottore scoffs. 
“Can you, now? I did not know that. But then again, I don't bother myself with such frivolous knowledge,” Dottore crosses his legs, leaning back in his seat. “Tell me, my dear, do you miss Celestia?”
“Not anymore.” 
Dottore chuckles. 
“I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses. It’s utterly dismal that someone of your caliber was a slave to such ignorant gods,” He muses, stroking his chin. “Though one could argue it's merely a different master you serve. But I suppose that's the condition of this world; we all must answer to someone or something.” 
"Tch," You turn towards him, narrowing your eyes. “And what is it that you answer to?” 
The Doctor’s lips curl into a smile. 
“Hehe, You must know by now I answer only to myself. I shape my own destiny. I am my own god.” 
You cross your arms. 
“I must admit, your ambition is unmatched-- even by divine standards.” 
Dottore laughs. 
“Oho! Your praises are singing to a choir.” He remarks. 
“Humble as ever.” 
“Humility is for fools who can’t back up their words.” 
You shake your head. You wonder what it's like to be that confident in oneself. You yawn, realizing how sleepy you are. It's certainly been an eventful past few days. That coupled by your bad habit of staying up to reading the books you borrowed has created an exhausting routine. Your mind drifts off. You remember last night. Your wings rustle as you reminisce of your flight, soaring through the cold air, your heart as elated as your body. You think of the Doctor's laugh. 
It was a pleasant sound. 
Almost pleasant enough to make me forget. 
I'd like to make him laugh again to hear it once more. 
You close your eyes, leaning against the silk wall of the carriage. The clopping of the horses and soft churn of the carriage lull you to sleep. 
Your travels last three days. By the time you arrive at your destination, you are eager to get off the carriage. You now understand Dottore's disdain of such rides. Riding for that duration is almost as bad as being bedridden. It makes you stir crazy. 
You’d much prefer to fly. 
At Mondstadt's border, you take a short boat ride to Musk Reef. You hadn't expected it to be such a tiny island. The wind whistles as the waves roll in soft tides against the shore. As your feet rests on the warm sand, you stretch your wings out, looking towards the night sky. It's been so long since you've been able to clearly see the stars. 
"Ah! Finally!" Dottore exclaims. "Traveling is such a hassle. Could you imagine the time we'd save if we could simply teleport?" 
It's then that a group of treasure hoarders encroach your vision. Their weapons are drawn. Though their faces are obscured, there is an aggressive glint in their eyes. 
“My, my, what have we here?” Dottore drawls, amused. 
"Hey! Fatui!" Their leader shouts. "We were here first. Scram!"
You glance at Dottore. 
“Looks like you're not the only one drawn to the Abyss, Doctor.”
The Doctor grins, unfazed by the drawing men. Dottore places his hands cockily on his hips, tilting his body back loftily. 
“Gentlemen! There is no need to fight. It would be much more logical to lay down your weapons and scurry away," Dottore sneers. "Unless you’d like to be exterminated like the rats you are.” 
The treasure hoarders pause and look at one another, considering Dottore's words. You pray that they'll leave without a fight. You know this will not end without bloodshed. However, their leader soon charges you two and the rest follow. The Doctor snaps his fingers. Two mechanical weapons whirl to life from his messenger bag. They clunk and shudder, aimed at their assailants. One shoots a pyro concentrated beam straight through the closest treasure hoarder’s head. He crumples like a marionette whose strings have been cut. 
Dottore shoulders shake slightly as he continues to giggle. You stiffen as you are reminded of events past. 
He sounds the same as when I tried to escape. 
You take a shaky breath. Seeing the Doctor so obviously unhinged is a stark reminder of your predicament. How your companion is unpredictable. How he could be cold and cunning one second and rabid at your throat the next. How he found pleasure in others’ suffering. 
But I still stay by his side. 
…I have my reasons. 
Dottore throws his head back, his laughter maniacal. 
“Hahaha! It's almost as if you don't value your mediocre lives at all!”
The Doctor tilts his head towards you, smirking. 
“Let’s dispose of this vermin quickly, shall we?” 
You knew this was inevitable. 
After all, death follows the Doctor.
Just be glad it isn’t yours. 
You clench your teeth as you unsheathe your dagger. You remember Dottore’s words. 
Your morals will only destroy you. You’ve hurt and will continue to hurt others. That’s the path of a scholar.
You wanted to deny such things. You wanted to deny such a fact. However, you know you can not remain blind forever. You cannot escape this reality. You cannot seek truth yet try to run each time you are faced with an unpleasant fidelity. So you attack. 
Kill or be killed. Hunt or be hunted. Just like the passenger pigeons of Khaenri'ah. You are either the predator or the prey in this world.
You jump at the nearest treasure hoarder, slicing his neck cleanly through his jugular. He chokes on his own blood, a sick gurgling noise emitting from his open throat as he falls. His companion reels back, throwing a cryo potion at you. You spread your wings, gracefully sliding out of the way as your fingers grasped one of your throwing knives. 
You throw it. The cold metal lodges into the man's inner thigh. He cries out painfully, instinctively pulling out of the blade. Blood pours out of the wounded artery, running rapidly down his leg. You stand over him watching as he keels over, bleeding out. He twitches weakly for a moment before becoming completely still. You pant, your eyes watching the crimson liquid pool at your feet. 
So little birdie, what will it be? Will you die like your ancestors or be the hunter?
Their leader tackles you from behind. You're taken by surprise and tumble to the ground. You both roll in the grass, clawing at one another, vying for dominance. You manage to pin him down. You raise your dagger. 
No… I will not die out like my ancestors. 
If you must kill, then so be it, but you would not be extinguished. You would not be erased from this world so easily. Not by mortals, not by Celestia, not by another Messenger. You would not give this cruel world the satisfaction of your destruction. 
Yet I allow one person to destroy me over and over. 
But that is different. 
You bring the knife down. Once, twice, thrice. His body lays limp. An awful silence spreads across Musk Reef. Not even the wind blows. You straighten up, breathing heavily. Your hands and dagger are stained with blood. Whose? You couldn’t tell. 
Dottore puts his hand on your shoulder. You look up at him with a listless expression. You try to say something but the words are caught in your throat.  You feel empty…Yet this emptiness weighs even heavier than any previous despair in your chest. 
Despite this, Dottore ruffles your hair. He beams at you with delight. 
“Look at you! I barely needed to get my hands dirty-- you are absolutely wonderful at the slaughter!" He chuckles. "To think that you were once so idealistic and against such things,my darling. I cannot help but feel a modicum of pride.”
You wipe the blood off your dagger. Your eyes drift to the ground. You want to protest, to apologize to corpses that cannot accept such words, to scream that you didn’t mean this, that you were only following orders. 
The smell of blood is awful. 
“The path of a scholar is the bloodiest,” You whisper. 
Dottore's smile widens. 
"That's my little birdie," The Doctor simpers. "Though, the fact remains: these men meant to take advantage of us-- to exploit our situation for their gain. They were asking to die. Now they are nothing more than a gruesome display of power.”
Dottore gestures towards a small cove ahead of you. 
“Now come, let’s get what we’ve come for.” 
"Yes, Doctor."
You approach the circular structure in the middle of the island. It's huge, towering over both you and Dottore. A four-pointed sigil is engraved on top. You both stand in front of it, reaching your arms out and touching the cold stone. The ground rumbles. When you look back at the monument, you find that the once empty circle has become a portal. A window to the Abyss. An opening to the unknown. You stare at the inky blackness, swirling with energy. 
Dottore reaches his hand towards you.
“Shall we?” 
You nod, clasping your fingers in his. 
With that, you and the Doctor disappear into the darkness. It swallows you whole. 
You're instantly teleported someplace else. 
You examine your surroundings. What appears to be an abandoned city is in disrepair and eerily empty. It almost reminds you of a tainted version of Celestia. Your skin crawls. You weren't in Teyvat anymore. 
The inverted nature of the Abyss makes the spiraling stairs seem to be going up as you descend further. The walls are covered in intricate designs that swirl and blur into one. Despite its mysterious beauty, you can't shake off the looming darkness in the Abyss. There is a crushing, horrifying presence in this empty expanse--as if the Abyss was an entity in of itself. 
And you were in the belly of the beast. 
You spot an occasional glitter in various crevices as you pass by large pillars and dark corners. You suppose those treasure hoarders were planning to brave the Abyss for the potential treasure down here. But that is not what you are here for. Instead, the Doctor stops in front of a fountain. It spouts a mysterious purple liquid, thick and glittering with what seems to be a thousand stars. Dottore takes a deep breath. 
“This is it. Pure, abyssal energy.” 
The Doctor reaches into his bag, taking out a pair of protective gloves and a few empty vials. You leave him to his work, walking further down the corridor. Perhaps it is morbid curiosity, but you find yourself walking further down the dim corridor, deeper into the Abyss.  
You suddenly stop, observing a statue of a young man, hooded and winged. 
Why is it upside down?
 Mysterious energy swirls around it. You don’t know why, but you are inclined to touch it. Against your better judgment, you slowly stretch your hand out. As soon as your fingers touch the mysterious statue, the stone dissolves into foreign black liquid quickly turning into a black, murky mass that envelops the ground around you. 
You hiss in pain, quickly stepping back. You examine your arm, covered in the liquid. It seeps into your skin, glowing faintly before disappearing. You stumble, trying to escape the black pool. It’s futile; you can feel yourself slipping, sinking into its clutches. Dottore turns, only just noticing the chaos. The Doctor drops the vial he’s holding. It shatters against the floor as he jumps up, clutching his bag as he rushes towards you. 
You try to call for Dottore, but only silence escapes your mouth. Your fingers graze his for just a moment before you feel yourself falling. You wildly flap your wings but you seem to be unable to fly in the Abyss. Your stomach lurches into your throat as you rapidly descend. Deeper and deeper into the void you fall until you hit a hard surface. 
You groan, standing up. You look around. The landscape is empty and vast, stretching far beyond what your eyes can see. 
“At first I thought you were my sister. I found it rather odd. After all, she still has 200 years of slumber.” 
You whip around. 
A young man your height stands behind you. He has long, blonde hair that falls in a neat braid by his side. A white and gold scarf is wrapped around his neck. His sword is drawn, but is not pointed towards you-- yet. He stares at you with glittering, gold eyes. You once again unsheathe your dagger.
“Where is the Doctor?” 
The mysterious man raises an eyebrow. 
“That man you were with? Probably on the Musk Reef shores…looking for you,” He folds his arms. “I took the liberty of… escorting him out of my domain.” 
Your mind is swirling with questions. Where were you? Who was this person? What did he mean by his domain?
At least the Doctor is safe. 
“Who are you?”
“I am the Aether. The Prince of the Abyssal Order,” Aether responds. “I know who you are, Heavenly Messenger. The Abyss keeps close tabs on Celestia and its beings.” 
“Then you should know that I am no longer affiliated with Celestia.” 
Aether  raises an eyebrow, before slowly smiling. 
“Hmph. How unprecedented.” 
Aether gestures towards the Abyss around you. 
“Most individuals who venture here are instantly consumed by the darkness. Do you know why you and the Doctor were not swallowed whole by the Void Realm?”
You shake your head. 
“It is because the Abyss attracts those with extreme ambition but it latches onto those who fester in chaos.” 
You lower your weapon, just a bit. Your mouth forms a surly frown. 
“Why are you telling me this?” 
In an instant, Aether appears before you, teleporting through the thin air. Before you can react, he grabs your right arm tightly, holding it up. You try to break out of his grip, but the man is much stronger than you. 
“You come from the Light Realm, yet the Void has a strange liking to you. You and It have fused. The Abyss now runs in your veins.” 
Is that what that black liquid was? 
You start to panic. The thought of something so foreign in you makes you dizzy. You rip your arm out of Aether’s hand, gazing at it. It looks the same as before. You clench your arm, your nails digging into your skin. 
“It’s best to accept it. You can’t fight what’s already been done. Just like fate,” Aether states, seeing your apparent fear.  “Which is why I would like to give you a choice.” 
You narrow your eyes. 
“A choice?” 
“Yes. You could return to the mortal realm with your companion. Or you could stay here. Join the Abyssal Order. Fight against Celestia. You would thrive here, but,” Aether continues. “The choice is yours, fallen messenger.” 
You bite your lip. 
All this time, I blamed the gods, I blamed everyone…but when I think about it, the only thing that remains constant in my misery is me. Because of this, I can't help but wonder if things are always my fault. 
You ball your fists. 
But I'm tired of taking blame for decisions I do not choose.  So I will choose… what I want. 
I choose the path of a scholar. 
“I would like to go back.” 
Aether’s eyes flicker. 
“Interesting. Though, I am not entirely surprised,” He sighs. “I must warn you. Those intertwined with the Abyss are fated for despair. Greatness, yes, but despair nonetheless.”
If I loathe myself already, I will do loathsome things. If I blame myself already, I will give myself things to be blamed for. 
Aether tilts his head. 
“Are you willing to suffer because of your choice?” 
You give him a wry smile. 
“I am no stranger to suffering.” 
Aether nods. He outstretches his hand. An orb of light encapsulates you. 
“Very well. Farewell, stranger. We may meet again,” He pauses before smiling once again. “If you are still alive by the time she wakes up, I hope you meet my sister.” 
A blinding light. When you open your eyes once again, you find yourself back on the beach. Dottore rushes over to you. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him so scared. He grabs you by the shoulders, gripping you tightly. 
“There you are! Are you hurt? Are you okay?” 
“Stop! You’re crushing me!” 
You make a small noise of displeasure as you wiggle out of his hold, straightening up. You shake your head. You won’t tell him what happened. You won’t tell him of Aether. You won’t tell him that the Abyss has cursed you. 
Would he abandon you if he knew? 
You didn’t want to risk it. 
"I'm fine. I just got…lost,” Your eyes rest on his bag. “Did you get the samples?” 
“Obviously but-” Dottore turns, glowering. “You need to be more careful. I’m glad you managed to come back though.” 
You smile. 
"Of course I did."
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“My dear, we’ve been over this already. We’re here for scientific purposes, not vacation.”
You pout. 
“But Doctor! When will we get another chance to explore the City of Freedom?” 
Mondstadt. It is certainly a quaint place, however there is a feeling of carefreeness and adventure that delights you in a way you couldn’t quite describe. You revel in it and let the wind uplift your spirits. 
It makes you forget the horrors you experienced the night prior. 
Dottore sighs. He flips through the journal, studying it as he rests his elbow on the alchemy table.
“An alchemy table as rudimentary as this will only let me refine these samples so far…” He murmurs. The Doctor fishes through his bag, carefully placing the vials on the table. You peer at the table, tilting your head curiously. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Abyssal energy in this concentrate is much too unstable. I’m trying to reduce them to a safer form,” Dottore eyes you. “We’re essentially transporting explosives at this point.” 
“Can I watch?” 
“Will this take long?”
“So… afterwards can we walk around the city?” 
Dottore pursues his lips, turning towards you. You know that under that mask, he’s glaring at you. 
“If I say yes, will you stop being so incessantly annoying?” 
“Then fine. Just… just let me work,” Dottore utters in an exasperated tone. 
You nod, satisfied with that answer. The alchemy table glows a faint blue as the Doctor starts. After a few minutes and a couple strings of curses, the vials on the stone surface finally dissipate from a dark purple to a deep violet. Dottore holds one up, examining it. He shakes his head. 
“Not quite adequate enough but it’ll have to do.” 
“Ah, a Fatui Diplomat. How surprising.”
You both turn to see an emotionless man standing behind you, arms folded. His pale blonde hair is tied in a messy ponytail. He wears a long, white coat over a dark blue shirt. Attached to his collar is a small, geo vision illuminating faintly. Dottore quickly slides the vials into his bag. 
“And who are you?” Dottore asks, curtly. 
The man smiles softly, bowing. 
“My apologies. Where are my manners? My name is Albedo, newly appointed head alchemist and investigator of the Knights of Favonius.” 
Dottore crosses his arms. You can tell he does not want to speak to this man. You observe Albedo closely. 
There is something off about him. 
“Ah, an alchemist. Well, we were just using this table for some basic work-- nothing of interest unless you wanted to help us.”
Albedo’s smile falters a bit before he gives a small laugh, as if he’s almost amused by the Doctor’s audacity. 
“No, that is not why I am here. I was called after a couple outriders reported seeing Fatui members near Musk Reef. I didn't believe them at first. I thought that the Knights and the Fatui had agreed that any Fatui entering the region would report their presence to the Grand Master,” His eyes glint mysteriously. “Surely, a Harbinger such as yourself should have known that.” 
From the corner of your eye, you can see Dottore tense a bit. He plasters a smile on his face.
“It must have slipped my mind. Such bureaucratic procedures are such a hassle for someone as important as I,” Dottore remarks. “But I assure you we know nothing of last night’s sightings… If there were any that is. After all, we only arrived in your city this morning.” 
Albedo raises an eyebrow. 
“How odd. Though I never said anything about last night,” The alchemist remarks. 
Wow, he caught the Doctor’s lie. 
Dottore realizes his slip of tongue. The Doctor frowns, his jaw clenching. You can feel his growing agitation. Albedo's smile returns. He dismissively waves his hand.  
“Worry not, Harbinger. I will report yours and your assistant's attendance to the Grand Master in your stead. It is as you said, a man such as yourself must be busy with other affairs. What brings you to Mondstadt, anyways?” 
Dottore leans against the alchemy table behind him. 
“It is none of your concern, but since you continue to pester us-- My assistant and I are conducting our own investigation into recent Fatui disturbances in the vicinity.” 
Albedo nods. 
“I see. Well, I've reported Fatui Agents causing trouble near my lab in Dragonspine. For the Fatui to send such a high ranking member to settle such a small matter… No matter,” Albedo stops himself, shaking his head. “Enjoy your stay in Mondstadt.”
Dottore gives a half shrug. 
“The Fatui take their duty seriously. Even a small disturbance like this cannot go unaddressed. But we will enjoy our stay, thank you very much.” 
Albedo bows once more and leaves.  You meet his eyes. They pierce yours; you can’t help but notice the three dots in his teal irises that greatly resemble the pattern on the alchemy table you were just using. You are surprised how intense they are, as if in that moment, he'd studied everything about you. Dottore stares intensely at the blonde-haired man as he walks away. You turn towards the Doctor once the alchemist disappears. 
“That could’ve gone a lot better.” 
Dottore shakes his head, clearly annoyed. “The Knights of Favonius… They’re so irksome. Though, it’d be wise to keep an eye on him. Let's go now."
The Doctor takes hold of your hand, leading you to the city gate, but you stop dead in your tracks. You cross your arms. He turns around. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” 
He cocks his head. 
“Not that I know of.”
You huff. 
“You said we could walk around the city!” 
Dottore thinks for a second, before a toothy grin crawls on his face. 
“Did I now? I don’t remember that,” He implores, teasingly. 
“Fine, fine. But make it quick. I have more important things to do.” 
You grin, prancing ahead of Dottore, arms behind your back as you look in awe at this new place. The streets are bustling with merry people. You pass a few market stalls. One sells jewels from Liyue, another sells flowers. Something smells good from an outdoor restaurant. You look at the multiple windmills that dot the cityscape, their giant linen fans swirling round and round. A woman waves to you from the top of one. You wave back to her. If you could, you would've flown to her and examined the city from a bird eye’s view. 
What a beautiful place. I wouldn’t mind living here. 
Though, that is wishful thinking with the choices I’ve made. 
You push away those thoughts. You did not want to be miserable right now. 
You point towards a small pub. 
“Do you drink, Doctor?” 
Dottore grimaces. 
“Not that Mondstadt rubbish. Dandelion wine is terrible.” 
You continue your tour, reaching the top of the city. A grand church stands there. Several nuns walk around, sweeping the stairs or chatting with citizens. Children run about holding Windwheel Asters, red like the rooftops of Mondstadt’s town buildings. In the middle of the square is a huge statue of a hooded figure with wings. The Anemo Archon, Barbados. You feel your heart drop in realization. 
This statue… It is the same as the one I saw in the Abyss.
What was such a thing doing down there, anyway? 
Dottore sneers.
“All this effort for a being that doesn't care about mortal worms like them.”
“Still, his people must love him if they have such a large statue.” 
“There's nothing worth worshiping about Archons, let alone the Anemo one,” Dottore snorts. “Now can we please get a move on?” 
You take one last look at the statue.
Are archons just as disappointing as Celestia? 
You walk back to Dottore. “Yes. Where are we off to now?” 
Dottore smirks. 
“Finally! I thought you'd never ask. I was thinking of that Albedo boy's words and I think I would like to visit his lab. The samples I refined are still unstable and relatively unsafe to transport. If I had more advanced tools, I could quickly fix that.” 
“I doubt he’d let you use his lab.” 
“He doesn’t have to know.” 
You glare at him. 
“I would think someone like you was above breaking and entering.” 
Dottore chuckles. 
“Oh please, I’m not above anything. I simply do what’s needed.” 
You roll your eyes. Still, you nod. 
With that, you two leave the city. The knights at the gate look at Dottore warily but nod their farewells to you. As you cross the stone bridge, you turn, looking at the peaceful residence one last time. 
Dragonspine is visible from the City. You can see the tall, white mountain against the light blue sky from here. White clouds surround it. As you walk along the dirt trail, you stop occasionally to marvel at the different colorful flowers that line the grass. Dottore seems a bit annoyed with how many detours you take, but he allows them nonetheless. At some point, Dottore picks you a Sunsettia, which you eagerly eat. It’s sweet-- much more so than the fruit in Celestia. As you walk, a curious thought pops into your head. 
“Did you notice that the alchemist had a vision?” 
“Do you think you’d ever get one?” 
Dottore looks down at you.
“Of course not. I don’t grovel at any Archon’s feet,” Dottore smirks. He chuckles. “Vision holders are just conceited tools of the gods.”
“Wouldn’t you want the power of a vision though?” 
“And be indebted to the gods? I’d rather die.” 
You ponder his words. 
“I see.” 
The temperature slowly drops as you near the mountain. By the time you reach the base of Dragonspine, your teeth are slightly chattering.  It's bitter cold here, a juxtaposition from the near perfect weather in the city. 
“Do you know where Albedo’s lab even is?” 
Dottore shakes his head. 
“Not for certain, but simple deduction can narrow it down,” The Doctor pulls out a map and a pen, circling two spots. “He mentioned a nearby Fatui camp causing trouble so we can make an educated guess and check locations near these camps.”
You study the piece of paper. 
“Hmm… It’d be easier if we split up and rendezvous back here.” 
“Excellent thinking. I’ll take the one to the east and you can take the one in the west,” Dottore hands you a second copy of the map after marking your location on it. You take it, giving it one last look, before making your way down the opposite path. 
“And dear?” 
You turn. “Don’t get lost this time.” 
You nod. 
“Yes, Doctor.” 
With that, Dottore disappears into the snow. You spread your wings, flying the opposite direction. You view the map, carefully following it. It leads you to a small lake. Bits of ice float on top of the water. Next to it, a group of Fatui members sit by a fire. They seem to be cooking something. One of them is doing a silly dance as the others laugh.  
Hmm… there’s the Fatui camp. So where is…
You look up and spy a rickety bridge leading up to a small cave. You flap your wings, flying above and landing at its entrance. You slowly enter it. Multiple lab equipment pieces are out, a fire crackles in the corner-- It’s as if the person who lives here only planned to step out for a moment. 
This is no doubt Albedo's lab.
“Oh, it’s just you. Where’s your master?” 
You jump a little at the voice and swiftly turn around. Albedo stands behind you, arms crossed.
“Not here,” You mutter. You shuffle uncomfortably, your hand twitches at your dagger. 
Albedo blinks, frowning.
“Oh? And where might he have gone?” 
The alchemist takes another step closer, his expression unreadable. Your hand grasps the hilt of your dagger. Albedo holds up his hands. 
“Easy now. I have no intention of hurting you,” Albedo states. His voice is calm, almost hypnotic. “You are certainly an odd individual. Those wings are certainly not gliders. What is someone like yourself doing with  a Harbinger?”
You take a step back as he gets closer. You glare at him. 
“That’s none of your business.” 
He pauses. 
“I suppose. However, it’s impossible to not notice how defensive you are of a man who has quite a reputation. Do you know the atrocities he's committed?  The people he experiments on, the suffering he’s caused,  the lives he ruined?” 
Albedo sees your expression. His tone softens a bit. 
“From your face, I'm sure you've experienced it yourself. You don't seem cruel. Why do you stay with such a monster? Mondstadt would welcome you with open arms. It would be a much kinder life.” 
You’re wrong. You don’t know what I’ve done. 
“I’d appreciate it if you stepped away from my dear assistant, alchemist.” 
Albedo smiles as he turns to face Dottore. 
“There you are. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t fall for my trap,” Albedo gestures to his lab. “I didn't just casually drop pivotal information about my lab to someone such as yourself. I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to resist snooping around here-- especially when you're so far from your own place of study.”
Dottore enters the lab. He maintains a steady eye contact with the alchemist, carefully dissecting his every move. 
“I must say, you are more clever than I thought. I find myself intrigued by you. Your breaths remain invisible to the eye despite the freezing temperatures here. It seems safe to hypothesize that you aren't a normal human.”
Albedo's eyes flicker at Dottore's observations. He laughs humorlessly.  
“Astute observation, you are correct. Which leads to my equal interest in you.”
He points at the journal in Dottore's hand. 
“That journal is the property of my Master. If you're already investigating the Abyss, then you've probably deciphered its content. Even still, I will be taking it.”
“No doubt this is how your 'master' created you, no?” 
Albedo clenches his teeth, refusing to answer the Doctor’s question.
“The Art of Khemia is dangerous and frankly, one that should be forbidden. Though, I have trouble imagining that would mean anything to someone like The Doctor.” 
Albedo raises his chin, his eyes meeting Dottore's. Dottore laughs. 
“You’re quite right, forbidden knowledge is my forte. However, if you think you can-” 
“You talk too much,” Albedo whispers. He suddenly lunges at Dottore, unsheathing his sword and attacking the Harbinger. 
Dottore jumps out of the way, relinquishing his own weapon. 
“Tut, tut. Such brutality hardly seems like an intelligent solution, my fellow researcher. And besides, what makes you think you can defeat me?” 
Albedo doesn't answer. His blue eyes are focused only on the journal. Dottore attacks the alchemist with his projectile machinations. Albedo also dodges with ease. He’s a surprisingly talented swordsman. 
“Are you really that arrogant, that you won’t even take this fight seriously?” Albedo mutters, swinging his sword. A sharp beam of light shoots at the alchemist, singing his coat as he swerves behind Dottore, about to strike with a geo-infused attack. 
A dagger whistles past Albedo. He barely has time to move as the blade slices through a sliver of his blonde bangs. Albedo whirls around to see you, holding another knife, ready to throw. He narrows his eyes. 
Albedo raises his sword again, but before he can attack , a burst of elemental beam of energy hits him directly in the chest. He flies against one of the bookshelves. A loud crash echoes through the cave. Papers and books scatter around him. Albedo coughs in pain, struggling to get up. 
Dottore saunters towards him, bending down and  pulling Albedo up by the top of his hair. He meets the alchemist's blazing eyes. Albedo glares at him.
“Are you ready to talk like an adult now or are you going to continue this silly outburst?” 
Albedo remains silent. Dottore continues.
“I must say, you performed quite well. You'd make such an interesting test subject, perhaps I should take you home with me.”
It’s then that Albedo lets out a dark chuckle. He looks at the Doctor, a triumphant smile on his pale face. 
“A miscalculation on your part…I won't be going anywhere.”
With that, he releases a geo burst directed at the bag at Dottore's waist. The unstable Abyssal samples burst and a powerful explosion ricochets throughout the cave. You are blown back by the force. For a second, everything is black. When you come to, you squint through the dust and debris, coughing. 
The room is absolutely destroyed. Albedo groans, standing up and brushing himself off. Miraculously, the journal is unscathed, laying on the ground in front of the alchemist. Your ears are ringing. Dottore lays motionless on the wooden bridge just outside the cave. Your blood freezes in your veins as panic overtakes you seeing the Doctor. Your eyes widen and you struggle to get up as quickly as you can. You stumble, still dizzy from the explosion, desperately trying to get to him. However, your eyes turn towards the journal laying in the opposite direction, then to the alchemist. Albedo meets your eyes. 
You could live a much kinder life here.
There's a loud crash and you swerve around. Horror grips you as you see the wooden ledge Dottore's body rests on collapse. The platform and the Doctor fall to the snowy depths below. Your stomach drops with it. Before Albedo can react, you lunge at the journal, grabbing it. You stretch your wings, plunging after Dottore. 
You swear the last gaze Albedo gives you is one of pity.
You squint as you fly through the thick snow until you see the lake at the bottom. Stray bits of wood and ice float on its light blue surface. Without thinking, you dive headfirst into the icy water. The freezing temperatures hit you instantly, stealing the air right from your lungs. Your chest burns as your breaths implode within you. You gasp, choking out a few bubbles. 
You force your eyes open, scanning the depths. You make out his body rapidly sinking. You never were a strong swimmer. You struggle, reaching out and grasping his hand. Once you do, it takes all your might to pull Dottore to the surface, a feat only manageable due to sheer will and adrenaline. 
You pull the Doctor’s body to the snowy surface. He lays completely still. You rip off his mask. His eyes are closed. Despite being soaked to the bone, your mouth goes completely dry. You can hear your heart beat loudly in your ears. You tremble from the cold and fear. 
No, no, no, no, no.
You dig in his bag, desperately looking for something-- anything-- to help. It’s then that you see the same serum he'd used on you last time. You pull out a small vial of thick, green liquid and a syringe. 
How does he do this? 
You grit your teeth, shakily drawing the medicine from the vial. You flick the syringe a few times.  You scan the side of his neck, finding a light blue vein. With trembling fingers, you insert the needle into his cold flesh, pushing on the plunger as hard as you can. You check for Dottore's pulse. You can faintly feel something and you sigh with relief.
Suddenly, his eyes snap open. Dottore sits up, coughing and spitting out water. 
It's then you realize how much you actually care for this monster of a man. 
When did it happen?
For a second, you want to laugh. 
No matter how hard I push you away, I can’t help but be pulled towards you. What a cruel twist of fate that I see my purpose in you. That my identity has become wrapped with yours. 
Dottore groans. His mask is still off as he looks at you. His face is deathly pale, his blue hair wet against his skin. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Dottore asked. “What happened?” 
You sniff, the tears welling in your eyes. 
“You’re…” You start, but trail off. You let out a choked sob, instantly wrapping your arms around Dottore, crying. 
“You… I thought you died… I was so scared!” 
You who destroyed me… I can't help but seek salvation and warmth in you despite knowing you will destroy me over and over. This twisted relationship... 
This isn't love. 
That's fine.
But it’s all I have left. 
Please don't leave me. 
Your gesture takes the Doctor by surprise. He tentatively wraps his arms around you. Dottore gives a weak laugh.
“There, there, my little birdie. I’m not going anywhere.” 
I was so scared to lose myself. So much so that I didn’t realize that I had already lost myself. 
Past chapters here
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luxmoogle · 2 years
Mainland Destiny Islands pt.I
Continuing from my last post, my musings about mainland Destiny Islands~! I’ve divided Destiny Islands to smaller areas to make it easier to tackle one part or certain aspects of the islands at a time. Starting from Ocean Road and the village around it!
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Ocean Road
Everyone knows Ocean Road in the context of the path Kairi and Selphie walk back home from town. The path is aligned with dense shrubbery and haphazardly built light posts. It starts from the beach straight across from the Island and seems to end up in town by the base of the volcano. 
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Along Ocean Road there are houses all around, creating a village environment. It seems Sora, Riku and Kairi live somewhere along Ocean Road. Selphie, Tidus and Wakka probably do as well, since they’ve been going to the Island past the beach since they were small kids as well. From Sora’s room you can see the Island from his window, suggesting that his house is somewhere very close to the beach. 
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Around the neighbourhood there are two types of palm trees, as well as some hardwood trees. Hardwood trees don’t seem to grow on the Island, and seem to exclusively grow on the mainland.
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There are three types of flowers that seem to grow along Ocean Road and the rest of the area. 
1. PETUNIA The most prominent flower seems to be a flower that seems like a petunia. Petunias have a similar shape and color schemes, petunias are also a bit of a tropical flower in the sense that they need a lot of warmth and light, so perfect for island living~!
2. TECOMA - YELLOW TRUMPETBUSH Between the petunias, there seems to be yellow trumpet flowers, tecomas, which are also a tropical flower. They come in all sorts of breeds, as vines, bushes etc. These seem to be the bush variety, but who knows, if there are trumpet vines deeper in town?
3. HYSSOP This one is more tricky than the rest, a lilac, low, bush type of a plant. The plant seems similar to lavender, but by the shape of the whole bush it’s closest counterpart is a hyssop. Hyssop is also a warm weather plant, so suitable for the islands.
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Ocean Road Village
We’ve only seen the village during nighttime and sunset in game, but context clues give hints to what the area possibly looks like during daytime.
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During the daytime Destiny Islands in bathed in bright sunlight, the water is bright turquoise and the plants emit a deep bluish green. A lot of the plants are cool purples and blues, and especially on the Island there’s a lot of purple and blue plants. 
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The houses around the village seem to be a white or creamy beige color with reddish orange roofs. The same reddish wood seen on light posts seems to be used on the houses as window trimming and fences. Curiously, there are wooden window shutters on some of the houses, which are painted green. 
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A suggestion to how Destiny Islands mainland might look in the day time:
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..to be continued~!
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luriddaze · 2 years
PLOT: just a random bar meet-up where your muse and nova are vibing. honestly, do with it what you will. 
MUSE: nova peterson, she/her, bisexual, camgirl. 22-26 years old. ryan destiny fc.
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“i’m having a really good time with you tonight.” nova admitted with a bright smile directed at them before taking another sip of her long island iced tea. “i hope you aren’t just one of those people that comes to bars for hookups because... i guess i’d like to get to know you more even if the night does turn into that.” she spoke softly, feeling her face flush rose. 
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tmbswhodunit · 6 months
WHO DUN IT MBS CHALLENGE: Sirens of the Sea and Sky
Nicholas Benedict never told his friends the truth about what he was or where he came from. But when he discovered what his long-lost family was doing, he knew that it was his fault.
And that it would be up to him alone to stop it.
Nicholas had always feared the water and the hundreds of dark and terrible threats that hid beneath its surface. And yet, when he’d first realized the man sending the messages was Nathaniel, his own brother, he’d been ready to conquer that fear. To climb aboard the nearest vessel and sail towards the island, to confront his destiny and face his enemy once and for all.
His friends insisted it was too dangerous, but Nicholas knew what he had to do. The children were in danger, the world was in danger, and Nicholas was the only one who could save them.
So, under the cover of night, he snuck out of the cabin, found an abandoned fishing boat, and rowed out towards the island.
Nicholas trembled with every stroke, doing his best not to look down into the dark murky waters, which he knew were crawling with poisonous jellyfish, sharks, piranhas, sea serpents, venomous eels, and every other dangerous underwater creature imaginable. Of course the trained beasts wouldn’t stop him from coming to the island, but Nicholas knew if he tried escaping or turning back…well that would be another story.
Still he rowed on until he came to shore where he knew his brother’s men would be waiting for him.
They surrounded him at once, binding his arms as tightly as they could to his sides before they searched the boat and dragged him up the shore towards his brother’s lair.
Four large stone walls surrounded his brother’s fortress. The place seemed nearly impenetrable, though Nicholas knew that when it came to his brother, the trouble was never about whether you could fall into his traps.
It was whether you could get out.
The men roughly dragged him through the corridors until they finally arrived at Nathaniel’s office.
That’s when Nicholas saw him again.
There was no mistaking him: his cold and menacing presence, his shark-like grin, his terrible predatory eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the room.  
“Hello Nicky,” he cooed, his voice sounding sickly-sweet despite its threatening aura.
Nicholas gulped at the sight of his brother’s lair, which included large tanks filled with electric eels and piranhas that turned towards Nicholas the moment he entered the room. The hunger and viciousness in their eyes seemed to mirror Nathaniel’s own anticipation as he looked over his brother.
“I’m surprised you were brave enough to come up here alone. Impressed really. Though I must say I wasn’t happy with what my men found in your boat,” noted Nathaniel.  
“You know how I feel about nets Nicky.”
“It was fishing boat!” Nicholas protested.   
“I didn’t search it before I took it!”
“I suppose I could give you the benefit of the doubt,” mused Nathaniel.
“Or,” he suggested, as he grabbed hold of Nicholas and forced his head over one of the tanks.
“Perhaps I could introduce you to some of my pets. I’m sure they’d love to eat, I mean, meet you.”
“No, no, Nathaniel please, I promise didn’t come here to harm you! I came here to see you again.”
“Is that so? Well now you’ve seen me. Is that all?” asked Nathaniel, shoving his brother’s head closer to the tank, where the creatures inside were eagerly waiting, their mouths open and their hungry eyes fixed on their incoming meal.
“No,” admitted Nicholas.
“No, Nathaniel, I wanted to ask you, to beg you, to please stop this. Stop hurting these children, stop trying to destroy the world! I know how cruel life has been to you, how unfair it all was for you, and I’m sorry! I’m sorry for the part I played in it. Do whatever you want to me, but please don’t hurt anyone else. You don’t have to do this. This isn’t who you are! You’re better than this Nathaniel; I know you!”
Nathaniel roughly flung his brother on the floor next to the tank.
“You don’t know me at all,” he scoffed.
“As for doing whatever I want to you, believe me Nicky, I indeed to.”
With these words, Nathaniel grabbed his still bound brother with super human strength and dragged him down the hall.
Nicholas shivered against Nathaniel’s icy touch, but he knew there was nothing he could do to escape, not while his arms were tied at his sides.
They walked through a series of dark and cold underground passageways until they came upon a secret lair, connected by what seemed like miles of underground rivers and pools that spilled out into the bay.
There Nicholas saw a red-haired woman, with eyes that glowed just like his brothers.
“Impossible,” he whispered.
“She… she can’t be…”
Nathaniel smirked when he saw the reaction on Nicholas’s face.
“Did you really think I wouldn't be able to find anyone else like me?” he asked, flinging his brother forward.
Garrison examined the form of the man that had been thrown at her feet.
“Is he…” she asked, her eyes shining with a greedy hunger that matched Nathaniel’s own.
“Yes. He’s one of them. The last of them,” confirmed Nathaniel.
“And with our combined powers, there’s so much we can do to him. We could brainwash him to do whatever we want for the rest of his life. We could feed him to our pets. Or perhaps we should keep him as a pet. Our very own little songbird.”
“I like that idea. We could make him sing for us,” suggested Garrison.
“Use his power for ourselves.”
“Keep him in a cage,” mused Nathaniel, his eyes glowing with delight.
“No,” whimpered Nicholas.
“Not a cage! Nathaniel why are you doing this?” he cried.
“You’re my brother! You’re my family! I’m sorry! I love you! Please…please…”
For a moment, Nicholas thought he saw a hint of compassion in his brother’s face.
But it vanished as quickly as it came.
“Take his memories,” Nathaniel ordered.
“I can’t stand the sound of him crying.”
Garrison raised her arms.
“No, no, no!” begged Nicholas.
“Nathaniel, I don’t want to forget you! No matter how much you hurt me, or how much I hurt you, I never want to forget! Please, I can’t lose you again! For so long, I’ve missed my family, I came here for my family!” sobbed Nicholas.
“How can you take that away again so easily? Did I really mean so little?” asked Nicholas, his voice weak and terrified as he squeezed his eyes shut and prepared for what was about to happen. 
But the memory wiping and the pain that was sure to accompany it never came.
"Stop," ordered Nathaniel. 
Garrison lowered her arms.
No one said a word.
Then Nathaniel spoke.
“You think this is easy for me?” he asked.
“Do you think accepting that this is what I am, that this was my destiny, was ever easy for me?”
Nicholas was too scared and choked up to answer. It took everything in him to open his eyes look up at the monster in front of him, reminding himself that it was his brother, Nathaniel, underneath it all.
“For heaven’s sake,” muttered Nathaniel, cursing under his breath as he lifted his brother to his feet.
“Help me untie him.”
“Untie him? Are you out of your mind? If we untie him, he’s going to kill us!” objected Garrison, taking a step backwards away from Nicholas.
“He won’t. Trust me, he won’t. Just help me untie him,” sighed Nathaniel.
“You're sure about this?” asked Garrison.
“After everything we've worked for?”
Nathaniel took a long look at his brother, who was still shivering and shaking with fear.
“Yes,” he confirmed.
Garrison sighed and reluctantly began helping Nathaniel untie his brother.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” she muttered.
“Nathaniel?” asked Nicholas.
“What are you doing? I don’t understand.”
“I thought I was finally strong enough to let you go, but I’m not,” answered Nathaniel.
“I was angry. I’m still angry, very angry, but none of this was never easy for me Nicky. Losing you was the hardest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Then don’t lose me,” begged Nicholas.
“You don't have to do this. Destiny can be rewritten.”
“You know that's not possible.”
“Our parents managed to do it!”
“And look what happened to them.”
“Nathaniel please,” begged Nicholas. 
“Stop what you’re doing. Come home.”
“Home?” asked Nathaniel.
“Yes,” said Nicholas.
“Our home. We can build a new one together. One that has room for both of us. The home our parents always wanted for our family. The home that we wanted for ourselves too, once.”
Nathaniel contemplated his brother’s offer.
“Nicky,” he began, his voice shaking with emotion.
But before Nathaniel could finish his sentence, a loud and terrible BOOM was heard from above.
Nathaniel, Nicholas, and Dr. Garrison rushed upstairs only to see a volley of cannonballs flying over one of the large stone walls that protected Nathaniel’s lair.
“We’re under attack!” shouted Garrison.
“By whom?” asked Nathaniel.
But their question was immediately answered when the MV Shortcut came crashing through one of their walls.
“Prepare to face justice!” declared Cannonball (the man not the actual cannonballs), who had in his hands the legal papers he intended to serve them.
“Hey Mr. Benedict. Woah! Who is that?” asked Kate, as the four children ran outside to examine the damage.
“How do they not know who Captain Noland is?” asked Jackson, crawling out of the nearby blueberry bush where he and Jillson had been waiting for their cue.
“Didn’t they meet him before?”
“No, that wouldn’t have been until season two,” Jillson explained.
“What is going on here? What happened?” asked Nathaniel.
“I’m afraid the perimeter is no longer secure sir. He’s broken the fourth wall!” yelled Jeffers, as he ran to join the others, huffing and puffing as he did so.
“Actually, we were the ones that did that,” clarified Jackson.
“No, he means literally,” explained Jillson.
Then Noland threw down his nets and dragged Nathaniel, Garrison, and Jeffers aboard the ship.
Nicholas gasped at the sight of poor Nathaniel and Dr. Garrison, trapped inside the nets.
He’d never seen anyone look so paralyzed with fear.
“Don’t worry. I’ll save us sir,” promised Jeffers, twisting and turning as he tried to escape (but only succeed in getting himself more tangled up in the net).
“For your crimes, you must walk the plank!” declared Noland as he fitted them each with a pair of water wings.
“Captain Noland,” begged Nicholas.
“Please, this is my brother! Can’t you show him mercy?”
“I’m afraid not,” said Noland gravely.
“The sea doesn’t show mercy, and as Captain, neither can I. It’s the only way to survive out on these waters.”
“It’s alright Nicky,” said Nathaniel, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes despite his apparent resignation.
“If this is the price of my sins, then it is a price I must pay. But before I do, would it be alright if I said a few final words?”
“Of course,” said Noland.
“It’s standard protocol to let a man have his last words before walking the plank.”
Nathaniel gave a wicked grin.
“No,” whispered Nicholas, realizing what his brother was about to do, but it was already too late to stop him.
A grand piano rolled itself across the deck.
“Where did that come from?” asked Constance.
A single spotlight shone down from the crow’s nest, its glowing golden light resting on the piano.  
Everyone fell silent.
Nathaniel sat down and began to play and sang a tune so beautiful and melodious it felt like the world was standing still.
“It’s…the final Curtain,” he sang.
“The final show. My time is up now, I have to go.”
“He’s…actually not that bad,” noted Reynie.
“In fact, is it just me or this...”
“...the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard,” said Sticky.
The others agreed, mesmerized by the loveliness of the song.
“Consumed by my own villainy and pride, now there’s no one left to stand at my side,” sang Nathaniel.
“Time to walk the plank, back to the sea. Its dark and shadowy depths, the only home left for me.”
Everyone wiped a tear from their eyes.
“But with this song, your attention do I take,” sang Nathaniel, with a villainous smile.
“A perfect cover for my grand escape.”
“Wait what did he say?” asked Kate.
“Did he just say escape?” asked Constance.
“I’m afraid so,” said Mr. Benedict as the music swelled and Nathaniel dramatically stood up from the piano and stretched out his arms.
“You see children, I’m afraid my brother is no ordinary evil school headmaster trying to take over the world.”
Soon all the children saw what Mr. Benedict meant, as magic blue sparkles began to surround Nathaniel and Sailor-Moon-ish magic girl transformation music filled the air.
Nathaniel’s legs fused together, and soon in their place was a dark blue merman’s tail.
He drove into the water.
“A SIREN!” yelled Noland, frantically grabbing for his harpoon gun.
“That’s how he was able to dazzle us with the magic of musical theater and make his escape!” realized Sticky.
Noland aimed his weapon, but it was too late.
Nathaniel disappeared beneath the waves.
“I knew it,” Noland gasped, tears in his eyes.
“I knew they were real. They didn’t believe me. They all said I was crazy, deranged, driven to the brink of insanity by “ocean madness” and flashbacks from the war, but I knew. I knew what I saw that night. I knew what really killed those men.”
“I never doubted you for a moment sir,” Cannonball assured him, as Noland reloaded his harpoon gun.
Dr. Garrison leapt into the air, going through her own magic girl transformation, until she too turned into a siren with a glittery orange tail. Then she dove headfirst over Nathaniel's shark infested moat, and made her way to the ocean. 
“Wow!” said Jillson. 
“Dr. Garrison was a mermaid and a recovering alcoholic!”
“A true #girlboss,” agreed Jackson.
“She even jumped the shark literally!”
“Though we’re all doing that metaphorically,” said Jillson. 
“Why didn’t you shoot her sir?” asked Cannonball, as Garrison swam over the horizon. 
“It took her nearly a full minute of girl power music to transform, surely you had enough time to get a shot in.”
“And dishonor myself by shooting someone in the middle of their magic girl transformation?” asked Noland.
“I may seek to rid the seas of these terrifying and vicious beasts, but even I wouldn’t dare stoop so low. A man has got to have a code, or we become no better than the monsters we were born to destroy.”
Cannonball nodded solemnly.
Then Jeffers leapt into the air, attempting his own magic girl transformation, but he only succeeded in face planting onto the deck and knocking himself out.
“Huh,” said Reynie.
“I guess he was just a regular guy.”
“Who cares about Jeffers?” asked Sticky.  
“Dr. Curtain is a siren! An evil merman that brainwashes people and lures them to their deaths!”
“It makes so much sense!” exclaimed Reynie.
“That’s why Dr. Curtain was able to use music to make the Whisperer’s messages so powerful!”
“And why he refused to serve anything other than seaweed salad in the cafeteria!” added Kate.
“And why when we snuck out to the woods to send a message in morse code that one night, we caught him wading in the water and staring out at the horizon, muttering to himself that one day he would free those imprisoned down below in the eternal darkness and call upon his armies to rise from the ocean in support of their true king. Then at last, the creatures of the sea would enslave all of humanity, ushering in a reign of cruelty and terror that would last a thousand years!” gasped Sticky.  
Constance shrugged.
“I can control water with my mind too, but I don’t say weird stuff like that, so I just thought Curtain had mental problems.”
“If only it were that simple,” sighed Mr. Benedict.  
“Wait…” said Reynie.
“Mr. Benedict…if your twin brother is a siren, then doesn’t that mean that you’re a siren too?”
“Impossible!” exclaimed Number Two.
“Mr. Benedict can’t swim!”
“And he refuses to get near the water,” added Rhonda.
“When did you guys get here?” asked Kate.
“We’ve been here all along,” said Number Two.
“Really?” asked Sticky.  
“No, we stole a submarine and snuck in during Curtain’s song,” explained Milligan.
“But regardless of how and when we got here, there is no way that Mr. Benedict is some sort of sea monster!” exclaimed Rhonda.
“It’s true,” said Nicholas sadly.
“I’m not a siren like my brother, but I am something else. Alas, I’m afraid I now must tell you the truth about my heritage. My mother was a siren, yes, a terrible and cruel, yet beautiful, monster of the sea who lured sailors to their deaths with her music, but my father was something else entirely, though he was also gifted in song. His species had many names. Some called them angels. Some called them songbirds, sirens of the sky, but in truth, my father, he…he was a birdman.”
“A what?” asked Kate.
“A birdman,” explained Mr. Benedict. “You know how merpeople have tails instead of legs? Well, a birdman has wings instead of arms. And that’s what I am.”
Magic pink sparkles began to surround Mr. Benedict as more magic girl transformation music filled the air.
Soon his arms were replaced by a pair of white fluffy wings.
“You see…” said Mr. Benedict sadly, his giant wings drooping with sorrow as he spoke.
“There was once a great and terrible war. The noble and virtuous birdpeople of the sky who sought to protect humanity fought against the dark and villainous sirens of the ocean who sought to wipe out humanity and take the earth for themselves. My parents were some of the greatest rulers and fighters in the battle. It was once prophesied that the two of them were destined to destroy each other in order to win the war for their respective side. Their species were natural enemies in every way, and they never meant to fall in love, it should have been impossible, but sometimes love comes in the most beautiful and unexpected of ways. They thought they could rewrite their destinies and build a life together. And they did, for a while. My father built me a nest next to the bay, where my mother had a small reef for her and Nathaniel. Birdpeople and merpeople (or sirens, whatever you’d like to call them), naturally fear each other from birth, so they wanted us to get used to one another. At first, Nathaniel and I were scared of each other, but eventually, at the encouragement of our parents, we began to play together. Nathaniel would swim to the surface and bring me shells, and I’d find pebbles and sticks for him. At night our parents would sing us lullabies. My father’s voice was very loving and gentle, and my mother’s voice was beautiful, haunting and frightening in some ways, but very beautiful. And when they sang together, it was the loveliest sound you could ever hope to hear. But our happy family didn’t last long. The other sirens and birdpeople discovered us. When they did, the sirens branded my mother a traitor, and wanted to kill me and my father and kidnap Nathaniel, to raise him themselves in order to make him into the ruler my mother failed to be. A powerful tyrant without mercy or compassion who would wipe out humanity and the birdpeople in the name of the sirens. The birdpeople were a bit more understanding, but remained firm in their promise to protect humanity. There was a spell, one powerful enough to banish the sirens to the darkest depths of the ocean. A spell that would have affected all sirens, my mother and brother included. The birdpeople did succeed in casting the spell and winning the war, but they did so at a terrible price. It weakened them so badly that the rest of the birdpeople are gone now. I’m the last one alive. The rest of the species is extinct. My father died too, but not because of the spell. He vowed to have no part in it if it meant banishing his family. So he cast his own spell, to protect my mother and brother. But that spell too cost him everything. My father, he…I’m afraid he flew too close to the sun. Literally and metaphorically. You see, it was foretold that my parents would destroy each other and win the war for their side, and they did, but not in the way either of them were expecting. My father died because of his love for my mother, and my mother died too, in way, because she became a different person after loving my father. The sirens succeeded in their goal of wiping out the birdpeople, and the birdpeople succeed in their goal of saving humanity from the sirens. My parents couldn’t escape their fates, no matter how much they loved each other.”
“Aw gee wiz Mr. Benedict, that’s a total bummer! I’m so sorry,” said Reynie.
“What happened to your mother?” asked Constance.
“Well,” said Mr. Benedict.
“My mother knew that if the rest of the sirens ever escaped captivity, I would never be accepted among them because of what I was, and she didn’t want Nathaniel to grow up among a race of people who would only encourage him to use his power to destroy and conquer. She didn’t want them to turn her son into the monster that she once was. So after our father died, instead of raising us in the ocean, she did what she thought was right and left us to grow up here, among humans. I tried to make the best of it, but Nathaniel, he always wrestled with the desire to control, destroy, hunt, and kill. He could never get rid of it. I suppose it’s only natural, given what he is, but perhaps if I had done more for him, if I could have done something to change our fates, then maybe,”
Mr. Benedict broke down in tears, his wings drooping lower than ever.
“It’s not your fault Mr. Benedict,” comforted Sticky.
“I just wish you would have told us,” said Rhonda.
“So what now?” asked Reynie.
“Now?” sighed Nicholas.
“Now my brother could be anywhere in the ocean. Maybe a part of him is truly repentant of what he tried to do, or maybe he’s gone to claim his birthright, rallying the remaining legions of sirens to his cause. I suppose I’ll never know.”
“In the meantime, we ought to evacuate the island,” suggested Milligan.
“Oh, and Kate, by the way, I had some repressed memories come back and I think I might be your dad, and possibly a marine biologist/secret agent who works for the government. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“That’s alright,” said Kate.
“As long as you’re not secretly a mythical creature too.”
Milligan smiled and the others laughed as they went off to help evacuate the island.
Then Nicholas stood alone on the beach.
He looked out over the water, and slowly approached where the waves met the sand.
His instincts had always driven him away from the water, but now his love for his family was stronger than his fear.
He cautiously dipped his toes in, and at once, several little fish swam up to him.
Nicholas whimpered, but the fish didn’t attack him.
They simply stared at him, as if they had come to greet him.
“Oh…hello,” said Nicholas softly.
“I’m not sure if you know my mother or my brother, but if you do, could you please tell them that I’ve missed them?”
“I missed you too.”
Nicholas looked up to see Nathaniel’s head, just visible above the surface of the water, as if it were beach ball floating on top of the waves.
“I’m sorry Nicky. I’m sorry for everything, but I can’t stay here. Not anymore. The world would only see me as a monster now, and I supposed they’d be right.”
“No, no, Nathaniel, you’re not a monster! You’re my brother, you…you can’t go,” protested Nicholas.
“I have to Nicky. The ocean is where I belong. I don’t want to destroy the world anymore, but this is a part of myself that I’ve misused and hated for far too long. It’s time I learned to understand it,” explained Nathaniel.
“But before I go, I need to tell you something. Many years ago, I found an abandoned egg. A birdman egg. I knew the poor child inside would die with no one to look after him, and given that I was perhaps the only man or siren on the planet who knew how to take care of such a rare and strange creature, I took him in. Raised him as my own.”
“You found another birdman?” asked Nicholas.
“But I thought that I was the only one left.”
“So did I,” said Nathaniel.
“And yet there he was. A tiny egg, alone on the beach. My son. He hatched about fourteen years ago, and I've cared for him ever since. He loves the birds, the trees, the clouds, the sunshine, and everything else I despise, and yet,”
“and yet you love him,” finished Nicholas.
“Yes,” admitted Nathaniel.
“But I never told him the truth about what he was, and I never taught him how to activate his wings.”
“Nathaniel…you didn’t,” said Nicholas, his voice shaking as he realized what this meant.
“You didn’t…you didn’t put him in a cage, did you?”
“What? No, Nicky, no, I merely used my powers to ground him. To keep him from flying,” explained Nathaniel.
“I know how it sounds, but I worried that if I let him fly, then maybe one day his instincts would compel him to fly away, up into the sky where I couldn’t follow. Where he might fly too close to the sun, both literally and metaphorically.”
“Just like our father,” said Nicholas.
“But now, he has you,” said Nathaniel.  
“Someone who can fly with him, someone who can protect him, someone who can teach him the sky. Now I must go back to the sea where I belong. Perhaps one day our paths will cross again.”
“I hope so,” said Nicholas.
“And Nathaniel, if you find our mother, could you tell her that her son misses her?”
Nathaniel nodded.
“I will Nicky.”
And then he was gone.
Nicholas walked back to shore and eventually did find his nephew, who took the whole “your-dad-is-a-siren-who-left-to-find-himself-and-you’re-actually-a-birdman” thing surprisingly well.
“I actually figured out Dad was an evil merman a long time ago,” he explained.
“We used to watch this show together, “H2O: just add water”, about these Australian teen girls who could turn into mermaids. And Dad would always complain that the characters never used their powers to lure men to their deaths. He said it was inaccurate representation and was super passionate about it, but he also always kind of acted like the girls in the show. Like, when he got angry and water randomly boiled around him or he accidentally froze something, he’d play it off and pretend it was “the wind”, but it was really obvious that he had evil merman powers. He wasn’t good at hiding his abilities, and the tanks of dangerous sea animals he kept all over the house really didn’t help. His speeches about humans being parasites that polluted the ocean and deserved to be slaughtered were also a pretty big tip off.”
Nicholas nodded.
“I guess he was weird, but everyone on the island was a little strange,” added SQ.
“My dad’s friend Dr. Garrison was better at hiding her powers, but I always knew something was up with her. I also think his security guard Jeffers thought he had mermaid powers. He’d wave his hands around the automatic water fountain and try to act all mysterious, but it was pretty clear the poor guy was just delusional. Oh, and then there were those other employees, Jackson and Jillson, who were always talking about their connection to “the land beyond the story, where the readers see us all” but no one really knows what they were talking about.”
“What about you?” asked his uncle.
“How are you doing?”
“Better, now that I know the truth about myself,” said SQ.
“But what about my dad? Will I ever see him again?”
Nicholas looked out over the water.
“I’m sure we will. You shouldn't take his departure personally. Sirens don't typically raise their young for very long, my mother was the same way, but they do remember and feel connected to their family. I'm sure he'll come back. Sirens are seasonal migrators. Your father grew up near these waters, he’s bound to return next year.”
“But what about Captain Noland?” asked SQ.
“And his nets and harpoons?”
“Oh,” said Nicholas.
“I wouldn’t worry about that. Noland may be a fine shot, but I doubt he’d be able to aim accurately when listening to your father’s song.”
“That’s true,” agreed SQ, as he and his uncle soared up into the clouds.
On the shore, Jackson and Jillson watched them fly off into the sunset.
“Do you think the author knows how to end this fic?” asked Jackson.
“No,” said Jillson.
“But I think we do.”  
“Absolutely!” exclaimed Jackson.
“Hit it!”
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
Persona Timeline Pt. 3: 1999-2008
This one will cover Persona 2, so be aware of the timeline split! Almost all the Persona 3 backstory happens in this one too.
? ??
- Eikichi awoke to his Persona, believing it to be a shinigami (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
February ??
- Aigis was manufactured (Game: Persona 3).
March ??
- Reiko graduated from Karukozaka High School.
- Tamaki and Tadashi graduated from St. Hermelin High School, at some point beginning to date.
April ??
- Chikarin began to attend Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- A depressed Anna began to skip school (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Tamaki and Tadashi began to work at the Kuzunoha Detective Agency, the former also as a Devil Summoner (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Jun began to call himself "Joker" and grant wishes to anyone who played the Joker game. Then he founded the Masked Circle (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Sudou joined the Masked Circle as King Leo (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Tadashi ran away after being threatened by assassins (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junko wished for eternal youth and joined the Masked Circle as Queen Aquarius (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Sasaki wished to become a successful producer and joined the Masked Circle as Prince Taurus (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Anna was told of the Joker game by Shimazaki (Novel: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Anna dropped out of school entirely to become the last executive of the Masked Circle as Lady Scorpio (Novel: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kozy and Michel began dating (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). ⚪️
April 20
- Unit #031 / Labrys was activated (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
Before May
- Labrys tried to escape Yakushima Island, but was deactivated (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
May ??
- Aigis was first activated (Game: Aegis: The First Mission).
- Yuu Kimijima tried to make Aigis more human by force, but died in a shadow attack and Aigis' memories were erased (Game: Aegis: The First Mission).
Between May and August
- Lisa and Tatsuya awakened to their Personas and, along with Michel, met Philemon (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Tatsuya, Lisa, and Michel met Joker, who decided to kill them only after they'd remembered their sins (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Yukki and Maya, who were investigating the rumors about Joker for Coolest, joined Tatsuya's team (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Yukki contacted Elly to help them decipher the Oracle of Maia (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Prince Taurus used rumors to create the group MUSES to help fulfill the Oracle of Maia (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Sasaki created the idol group MUSES (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- King Leo died in the blimp of the Aerospace Museum (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nate returned to Japan to investigate with Elly rumors of someone looking like Kandori in Sumaru (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Yukki confronted her Shadow and became friends with Anna (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Prince Taurus was hit by one of the laser traps in Xibalba and died (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Tatsuya's team defeated Angel Joker and saved Jun. Yukki chose to transfer her Persona ability to Jun (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maki, Nate, Yukki, Anna, Brown, Elly, and Reiji fought to repel the invasion of the Last Battalion (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Okamura killed Maya with the Spear of Destiny, completing the Oracle of Maia and kickstarting the apocalypse (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Philemon decided to reset the timeline in exchange for Tatsuya, Jun, Lisa, and Michel's memories of meeting each other (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
🟠T̴̞̈I̵̧͘M̶̰̐É̴̲L̸̹̊I̶̥͛N̶̼̂Ĕ̴̜ ̷̹̾R̴̤͝Ȩ̴̔S̵̼̈É̴͓T̷̜͠🟠
- Tatsuya met Maya again and regained his memories of the Other Side, but went to sleep inside the body of This Tatsuya for the moment.
July 3
- Ryuji Sakamoto was born (Game: Persona 5).
Between August and October
- Tatsuya began to skip class with Anna (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
September 10
- Aigis was activated once more (Game: Persona 4).
October ??
- Sudou was freed from the Sanitarium by Nyarlathotep and revealed the truth about the Other Side. Sudou then became JOKER, a contract killer (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Kandori was brought back to life by the New World Order to build the Joker Separation Machine (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
October 13
- Other Tatsuya took over the body of This Tatsuya with the mission to atone for the sin of remembering the Other Side (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Nyarlathotep gave Other Tatsuya a brand on his arm with which he gives him mental inducements (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Shiori called JOKER to call a hit on herself to arrest him (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Other Tatsuya saved Shiori from JOKER and went to live with her for the time being (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Ulala drunk dialed JOKER on Maya (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- While pursuing rumors about JOKER, Maya, Katsuya, and Ulala awoke to their Personas (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Baofu joined Maya's team to seek revenge for Miki (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
November 2
- Shiori told Katsuya and Tatsuya's father about Personas and everything else to make him withdraw the missing person's report (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- JOKER lost his eye again and Other Tatsuya killed him (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Ishigami used rumors to infect those who called JOKER with the JOKER Curse (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Shiori disappeared (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
November 4
- Nate returned to Japan to investigate the New World Order with Elly (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuya entrusted a demonized Shiori to Igor, who gave Tatsuya instructions on how to save him and introduced him to Persona User Swami Chandraputra / Randolph Carter (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Other Tatsuya joined Maya's team (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
November ??
- Kandori was defeated and chose to die with Ishigami (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Chandraputra led Maya's team to Kadath Mandala to save Shiori's psyche, who was later possessed by Nyarlathotep to kill Maya and make Tatsuya become Takuya (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Maya's team managed to save Shiori (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Maki, Nate, Yukki, Brown, Elly, and Reiji fought to repel the invasion of the New World Order (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Maya's team defeated Nyarlathotep (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Philemon won his motherfucking bet against Nyarlathotep, and Other Tatsuya returned to his timeline, leaving the body of This Tatsuya be (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Baofu became a man-searcher with Ulala (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
November 12
- Ann Takamaki was born (Game: Persona 5).
? ??
- Mitsuru learned of the existence of Aigis (Game: Persona 3).
- Eiichiro prevented the Kirijo Group from finishing the creation of Death, separating it into 13 parts (Game: Persona 3).
- Death's separation caused an explosion that created the Dark Hour. Kouetsu and Eiichiro died with most scientists in the facility (Game: Persona 3).
- Aigis sealed Death inside Minato, and since he moved out of Tatsumi Port Island, the other parts of Death became dormant. Death took the form of Pharos (Game: Persona 3).
- Reiji married his girlfriend (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Takashi Kido, Maiko Oohashi, Akira Kurusu (P5MC), and Shiho Suzui were born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment / Game: Persona 3 / Game: Persona 5).
- The Kirijo Group began the construction of the new Gekkoukan High School on top of the remains of the old labs (Game: Persona 3).
BETWEEN 1999 AND 2001
March ??
- Shimazaki graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
? ??
- Hifumi Togo was born.
BETWEEN 1999 AND 2003
? ??
- The Kirijo Group began to experiment with artificial Personas.
- While accompanying her father to Tartarus, Mitsuru awoke to her Persona (Game: Persona 3 FES).
BETWEEN 1999 AND 2009
? ??
- Lisa's younger sister was born (Game: Persona 3).
- The Kirijo Group rounded up 100 children and began to experiment on them with artificial Personas. Only three children; Takaya Sakaki, Jin Shirato, and Chidori Yoshino; would survive (Game: Persona 3).
- Ikutsuki took one of the test subjects named Sho Minazuki for a separate project to create the ideal soldier, isolating him to emotionally manipulate him (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Sho was implanted with a Plume of Dusk, which gave him a second personality named Minazuki that developed a Persona aside from Sho's (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
January 28
- Yusuke Kitagawa was born (Game: Persona 5).
March ??
- Tatsuya and Anna graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
- Jun graduated from Kasugayama High School.
June 25
- Yoshida lost his second elections.
- Owada won his fifth term as a legislator.
? ??
- Tatsuya became a police officer (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Jun became a teacher (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- The orphanage were Akihiko, Miki, and Shinjiro lived burned down. Miki died in the incident (Game: Persona 3).
- Akihiko was adopted by a rich family (Book: Persona 3 Official Design Works).
- Yuuki Mishima was born.
BETWEEN 2000 AND 2009
? ??
- Maki became a therapist (Game: Persona 3).
February 19
- Futaba Isshiki / Futaba Sakura was born (Game: Persona 5).
March ??
- Lisa, Sheba, Mee-ho, and Kozy graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
- Michel and Sugimoto graduated from Kasugayama High School.
March 25
- Kasumi and Sumire Yoshizawa were born (Game: Persona 5 Royal).
? ??
- Michel became both a sushi chef and band leader (Game: Persona 3).
BETWEEN 2001 AND 2002
March ??
- Noriko graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
March ??
- Chikarin graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
? ??
- Adachi enrolled in the police force only to be able to carry a weapon (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 2002 AND 2003
? ??
- Akane Hasegawa was born.
November 9
- Yoshida lost his third elections.
- Owada won his sixth term as a legislator.
? ??
- Yusuke's mother died and he passed to be in Ichiryusai Madarame's custody (Game: Persona 5).
- Madarame stole the "Sayuri" painting from Yusuke's mother, passing it off as his masterpiece. This became the first of his plagiarism crimes (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 2003 AND 2006
? ??
- Mitsuru recruited Akihiko, and later Shinjiro, to the newly-formed Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad / SEES (Game: Persona 3 FES).
October 4
- Nanako Dojima was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Mamoru'a father died when he drove off a cliff (Game: Persona 3).
- Nozomi's twin died of food poisoning (Game: Persona 3).
September 11
- Yoshida lost his fourth elections.
- Owada won his seventh term as a legislator.
BETWEEN 2005 AND 2003
? ??
- Shinya Oda was born.
April ??
- Junpei transferred to the junior high school section of Gekkoukan (Game: Persona 3).
BETWEEN 2006 AND 2008
? ??
- Daisuke's girlfriend broke up with him in a humiliating way (Game: Persona 4).
- Yuuta Minami was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Takaya, Jin, and Chidori escaped from the Kirijo Group and took Evokers and a great number of Persona suppressants with them (Game: Persona 3).
- Takaya, Jin, and Chidori founded Strega.
- The Kirijo Group let Strega be, and even began to sell them the Persona suppressants that they needed.
April 8
- Mitsuru, Akihiko, Shinjiro, Nozomi, Keisuke, and Mamoru began to attend Gekkoukan High School (Game: Persona 3).
October 4
- Shinjiro accidentally killed Ken's mother when his Persona went berserk. He left SEES soon after (Game: Persona 3).
- Ken began to frequent Baofu's website to find his mother's killer (Book: Persona 3 Portable Club).
? ??
- Kanami developed Acute Stress Disorder after witnessing her idol, Yuko Osada, commit suicide in front of her (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
- Kanami kept Yuko's diary and hid it to preserve the image of her idol (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
BETWEEN 2007 AND 2009
? ??
- Chisato Dojima died in a hit and run (Game: Persona 4).
April 8
- Yukari, Fuuka, Kenji, Junpei, Rio, Yuko, and Natsuki began to attend Gekkoukan High School (Game: Persona 3).
April ??
- Minato and Bebe began to attend unnamed high schools.
BETWEEN 2008 AND 2009
April 8
- Hidetoshi and Kazushi began to attend Gekkoukan High School (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Lisa left the idol industry to become a fitness hostess, also giving Cantonese lessons on the side (Game: Persona 3).
- Akinari was diagnosed with a terminal genetic lung disease (Game: Persona 3).
- The Demon Painter left the Velvet Room.
- Hidetoshi's father was made into a scapegoat and sent to jail for perjury (Game: Persona 3).
- Nozomi joined a cult (Game: Persona 3).
- Kanji's father passed away, his last words being that if he was a man, he had to become strong (Game: Persona 4).
- A relative of Rise's submitted her application to an idol competition, which she won (Game: Persona 4).
- Minazuki tried to kill Ikutsuki for his abuse and manipulation of Sho, but failed (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Ikutsuki tried to erase Minazuki while keeping Sho's multiple Personas, but failed. Sho was put on life support and hidden in Inaba (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
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mareenavee · 9 months
WIP Whenever!
It's still Wednesday and so that means I've totally got this. Tagged by the amazing @thequeenofthewinter, @kookaburra1701 and @ladytanithia!
Tagging the incomparable @paraparadigm, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @polypolymorph, @rainpebble3, @tallmatcha, @gilgamish, @elfinismsarts, @wildhexe, @inquisition-dragonborn, @archangelsunited, @dirty-bosmer, @expended-sleeper, @saltymaplesyrup, @orfeoarte, @snippetsrus, @rhiannon1199
This week on Katie's Slow Progress on Chapter 29 of World, we have Teldryn once again being Soggy With Emotions (tm) and distracting himself by observing some silt striders. Fair warning this one is some 1,500 words give or take? Did I mention I have Absolutely No Chill? Because if I didn't, now you know. (:
“Sure,” Teldryn answered. He laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as hollow as he felt. If he’d be able to manage, they could, anyway. Shit. There wasn’t time or space for these musings. His heart was escaping, space made in his ribs for the vines of some invasive plant or another, always twisting and weaving between bone and sinew. He hated this feeling, worse when it was unbidden. Worse still when he’d specifically tried to ignore it. Worse when he’d tried to shove the notion out of his empty head. He knew this wouldn’t work. Nothing ever did for him, not like this. He had no room to even think the word; how could he speak it now, what with strange flora blossoming in his throat?
This would pass. It would have to.
Okay. He’d play her game. For a half a second, he wished he’d never approached her back in the Netch, if only to spare himself some hurt. The lie sliced sharp against his memory like the edge of a knife. Or a double-edged sword, really. He sighed. It felt like an age ago already. Like it or not, the past couldn’t be changed. Wishing did nothing. Regretting did nothing. He knew this. The gold thread flashed behind his eyes. The echo filled his ears. Inevitable. There was nothing else for it.
Once they’d been able to settle, Teldryn sat across from Nyenna on a couple empty crates loaded back onto the silt strider. She crossed one leg over the other, and kept her hands tucked under her arms. It was cold up here. They were in that part of winter that felt like the season would never end. The weeks had stretched out, thin at the center, ready to snap. Time meant nothing here in these wastes, at least to his eye, having been here for decades — and yet he could see the worry Nyenna carried in her shoulders. She’d not wanted to stay here this long, especially after convincing herself she was capable. Not that the world wasn’t heavy on her shoulders — she’d just said as much. This was different. A fracture of sorts. He watched as she spun her ring under her gauntlet and stared off across the ashes toward a spot on the horizon that might have been home for her, once.
His eyes snapped to Red Mountain, and the ghosts of his earlier nightmares crept up his spine. Maybe it would be best to stay in Skyrim for a bit. He’d not left the island much lately. And it was time. Though staying with Nyenna was going to be interesting… He hated to admit how she affected him, or how quickly. It was stupid, as he’d been telling himself. She was currently sitting before him and planning her return home — to her life, her husband… Her destiny.
Destiny. What a crock. He scrubbed his hands over his face and moved to put his helmet back on. It was still cracked from his getting swept up in that Shout of hers. How cruel of her Gods, really, to put that much power in such a small person. He glanced sideways at Red Mountain again as he settled his scarf better around his face. The faint warp of his chitin lenses brought him a strange sense of comfort. He’d rarely spent as much time as he had lately without it to hide behind. Funny how part of him felt fine with that. He could trust her. How long had it been since he’d been able to trust someone new like this?
Nyenna was staring off into the distance, expression difficult to read under the mask and with the scarf in the way. The wind caught her curls again and he found himself staring out of the corner of his eye. He’d truly seen her before, though, on the docks waiting for the silt strider — her sharp features lit by the sunrise, the doubt which resolved into some kind of determination. She looked important, standing against the dawn. Strong. Gorgeous. He wanted to say. Every time, he wanted to say so. But… He couldn’t risk more than they’d already risked. He already felt the ache of the words in his chest. To make them real would break the rules. And your heart. S’wit. That was just the way of things.
He couldn’t look away from her, regardless of the addling it was doing to his brain. She still hadn’t shifted her gaze from the horizon. That, and her posture remained closed off to him. It’s gonna stay that way. He scoffed and readjusted on the crate. It has to.
They traveled without having had much of a conversation, which was honestly for the best. Words were failing Teldryn in the worst way at the moment. He focused instead on the scenery as it melted with the speed of the silt strider’s graceful sprint. Last time, she didn’t get to enjoy the trip. She’d been furious…at him. Of course, at him. Then, they’d instead been dropped at the Bulwark docks rather than here at the outpost and the scathecraw forest, which was, admittedly, a bit out of the way. They weren’t terribly far from town, just a few miles, but there was an ash storm brewing; he’d noticed the hints of it on the horizon as they’d approached. Storms seemed apt, given the tempest he was carrying at the moment. There’d been so much he’d have preferred to say, but he couldn’t bear to have the words escape. It seemed foolish, the more he thought about it. What would she do? Dismiss him from service? Would that be the worst thing, compared to the twisting vine of ‘what if’ and ‘if only’ living in his ribs? Yes it would, you fool. The damned echo sounded in his ears again as his attention drifted to it, a constant reminder of why.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to the outpost. It was surrounded on all sides by caves carved by magic to exact specifications silt strider breeders recommended and heated within to mimic the temperatures on Vvardenfell. From Raven Rock — or most other angles, really — it looked like just another mountain, leading up into the cold of the northern half of the island, but looking down from there? It was a sea of red surrounding a village of sorts. Talvas was saddled with the responsibility of accounting for its daily goings on, technically, but where he found the time, Teldryn would never know. Outsourcing, clearly.
There were mages here using similar spells as what grew Tel Mithryn to force scathecraw to grow as large as trees. It was striking, but the downside was, it attracted spriggans like nobody’s business. Wild silt striders, too, cute little things, though mildly annoying to the breeders. Such was the way of things, considering they were technically invasive species on Solstheim. Neloth had long ago commissioned warehouses here as well as plenty of pens where silt striders lived in luxury — the very best he could afford, of course. There were two very large trade transport silt striders in service now, treated better than the Emperor himself. The rest were small by comparison, like the passenger caravans had been before the Red Year. Neloth was precious about them, though. That he’d allowed Nyenna the luxury twice now certainly said a lot.
He sighed and reached out for Nyenna’s hand to steady her as she descended the stone ramp the enormous bug had settled next to. She paused, hand still in his, as its tamer approached the insect and made soothing clicking noises, casting a spell over its carapace — Calm. Immediately, the booming keen quieted to the normal noise levels. Nyenna let out a tiny chuckle.
“I had no idea that’s how they kept them so docile,” she said, unable to tear her gaze away from the beasts. In the background, more tamers were working with weak-shelled pale yellow hatchlings that teetered around on unsteady legs. Even these were taller than the average Dunmer.
“They’ve been bred to be far, far taller and much more docile,” Teldryn said, voice muffled by the silt striders’ overlapping calls. Nyenna nodded, noticing the juvenile insects, which noticed her right back with their myriad glittering eyes. They chittered excitedly, only for their tamers to lunge, spells in hands to stop them from running off. Teldryn laughed, relieved the tension melted from him with this tiny moment of joy. “Even the wild type ones will come up to a person for a handful of scathecraw. They’re very friendly.”
“I can see this!” Nyenna giggled. One of the young bugs did indeed escape their training session and towered over Nyenna now, feathery feelers reaching out for her armor, cloak, and hair.
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On Changes to Canon and What Happens When Your Fix-It Needs to Break a Perfect Scene
I’ve just finished writing through the final Agni Kai in I Asked You First, a canon-divergent Zutara fic that covers the span forward from The Southern Raiders. If you’re reading that story (first of all, thank you!!) and are interested in some musings on canon-tweaking and character arcs, this is for you! If you’d like to read but haven’t, or aren’t caught up, then what follows is a bit spoilery. 
[I’m not even sure if this sort of metacommentary is something fic authors do/should do or if anyone wants this, but here I am, and I’ve brought paragraphs!]
I will start by saying that I dreaded writing the final Agni Kai.
Because I’ve penned more than 100,000 words into a timespan that unfolds over three episodes in canon, I’ve mostly been writing into off screen moments. Why I chose to breathe so much into this corner of ATLA’s narrative is the subject of a different ramble, but the result is that so far there have only been a few instances where I’ve had to grapple with major canon plot points. Ember Island Players and Zuko’s reunion with Iroh jump to mind. 
My strategy for these scenes has generally been to play them as straight as I can while tinkering with the emotional stakes (e.g., how would the EIP balcony scene with Aang feel for Katara if she’s just realizing her feelings lie elsewhere?) or expanding them only to account for new/different dynamics created by the canon divergence (e.g., how might Iroh and Zuko’s reunion grow from adding more experience with articulating emotions/more intimacy skills to Zuko’s character development?). Even still, I feared arriving at such essential story moments. Would these scenes be boring to relive for the reader? Would they feel shoehorned or inorganic in an evolving narrative? 
But no single scene caused me as much agita as the final Agni Kai. Because, in my mind, the final Agni Kai is just about perfect. It is powerful, profound and character-defining for everyone involved. 
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Well if it’s so perfect and powerful, then why would you change it? 
Because played straight in I Asked You First, the final Agni Kai would no longer be quite so perfect or powerful. Some of the reasons this scene works so astoundingly in canon no longer apply to the slightly altered character arcs in IAYF. There are a few reasons why, but they mostly stem from the fact that Zuko and Katara falling in love on Ember Island changes the stakes and implications of the canon Agni Kai for each of their character journeys. 
So I had a challenge ahead of me:
How could I ensure that ATLA's narrative climax for Zuko and Katara remained impactful and true to their character arcs?
Let me set up this question for each character.
In the series, Zuko’s choice to take lightning for Katara is a character-defining moment. It is made more impactful by the tenuousness of their friendship (regardless of whether their dynamic is imbued with the possibility of more) and the way his choice contrasts his betrayal in Ba Sing Se. 
The audience sees that Zuko has come to deserve his honorable destiny because he would cast it aside to save a friend—the very person he once betrayed to lay claim to what he once saw as his fate. To go one step further, he is completing a growth arc here from a boy with such a monomaniacal focus on his own personal destiny that he cannot see the way his actions harm others into a man with a broad and balanced perspective who would give up his life to keep another person—someone who already represents something essential and human, the potential to find hope amid the ravages of war—from coming to harm. 
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But Zuko in I Asked You First? Yeah, we know he’s going to take that hit for Katara. To make such a sacrifice for the woman he loves is beautiful in its own way, but not nearly as profound for his arc or demonstrative of his growth. 
So how could this canon divergence maintain the power of the Agni Kai for Zuko's growth? 
That was my challenge for Zuko. 
In the series, the Agni Kai is character-defining for Katara for a few reasons. She overcomes her narrative foil, for one. Second, she experiences the gravity of Zuko’s sacrifice for her—bearing primary witness to the astounding scale of his character growth—enabling her to fully appreciate the human potential for change. And perhaps most importantly, after a life torn apart by the Fire Nation invading her home, Katara arrives in their capital, not as a vengeful conqueror but as the one who can help curb violence and save the world’s hope for peace, so that she may find peace elsewhere.
Fueled by her need to save her friend, Katara overcomes Azula not with an astounding display of force (though her power is certainly on display as well), but rather with resourcefulness and ingenuity—and I would argue—compassion. It’s a way for her to defeat Azula that really lines up with what we know about Katara’s character.
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But—and I am not arguing that this is a fault of this scene—the canon narrative is not nearly as primarily concerned with setting up Katara’s future arc as it is with establishing Aang’s or Zuko’s. I think the final Agni Kai in canon actually does set Katara up to be a world changing-hero…and then kind of lets that be the end of it. She’s the only one who can take down Azula and then she’s Aang’s prize. There are many amazing fics set after ATLA that really wonderfully explore what this version of Katara could become if she casts aside the canon vision of her future. But I’ve already written her down a different path, one I believe can be equally rewarding for her character, but one that requires a slightly different Agni Kai.
In I Asked You First Katara already profoundly understands that people can change and that Zuko has. She already loves him for it. Katara still arrives in the Fire Nation capital—after their warmaking tore apart her life—to curb violence and create the hope for peace. But her relationship to the Fire Nation has already changed through loving Zuko and playing a key part in his examinations of his not-all-bad family legacy. She's already swimming in all that nuance and potential. She has also begun to determine that she will shape her destiny by what she and Zuko do together. How this will work in a way that affirms Katara’s identity remains one of the central concerns of the upcoming (final?) leg of this story, so I won’t get too far into the weeds of it here.
But it means that when it comes to Katara in the final Agni Kai, my challenge wasn’t just: how could this canon divergence maintain the power of the Agni Kai for Katara’s growth? It was:
How could this canon divergence maintain the power of the Agni Kai for Katara’s growth—while setting her up for the world-changing future I'm writing for her?
So, these were my quandaries. And for me, the answers came in the form of canon tweaks I made in both the set-up and unfolding of the Agni Kai, in conversations and actions, and most notably in a moment when Katara—with all her ingenuity and resourcefulness—calls upon a different tool from her arsenal. She defeats Azula with a move that Zuko showed her, one that reflects back one of the greatest feats firebenders can achieve with the power and forms of her people. The impact of waterbenders on Iroh—and Iroh on Zuko—comes full circle through Katara, and it's peace-brinigng.
And now? Now we get to see how this sets the stage for what Katara and Zuko will do in the future, and what they can do together.
Anyway, like I said, I'm not sure this sort of authorial insight is something people are interested in, but writing some of this analysis out has helped me work through what's coming next. And now that I have arrived here on tumblr dot com with my brain rot stinking fresh, I wanted to offer it up for anyone who may be interested. I remain so extremely grateful that people have read and engaged with IAYF through thousands of words and long hiatuses. So, again, THANK YOU! I love this community and am happy to be floating around here.
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