#dipstick oc
ask-dipstick · 10 months
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“Hey guys, welcome to my awesome blog!!!! I’m hanging out in this abandoned two-leg nest! Right now, I’m doing the ASK challenge, suggested by @leopardisverycool! This means that any cat can ask me something, whether you’re from MommyClan like me, or a mysterious outsider! Hope you like this! Lol!”
(Welcome to Dipstick’s Askblog!!! If you’re from MommyClan, you can roleplay as your mommysona (if you want) in the asks! If you’re not, any regular ask is fine too! Hope you enjoy! :3)
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saffronscales · 10 months
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schwoofy · 8 months
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Day 9 of repostober! 🐇🎶
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
Re: your mental health comic - I hope, if any of those characters are based on real hallucinations youve had, that you don't have them anymore. You're a good person who doesn't deserve to be talked to like that.
(Referencing this or this post, I’m not sure which)
Thank you so much for your kind words! The characters in those works are representations of actual hallucinations I’ve experienced. They were real nasty pieces of work, but I haven’t actually hallucinated one in a severe enough manner to talk to them in about… Shoot. Hang on, I need to think… 5-ish years now? I think? And the last time I did, I heard a brief sentence before I took some heavy-duty meds that knocked me out and took care of the hallucination by the time I woke up. I’ve gone through a lot of growth between now and then, and I’m now in a place where the only lasting legacy those losers have had is making me very good at abstract descriptions + personifications and self-reflection. Their cruel words are fuzzy and vague things that I barely remember.
Heck, I went through some old notes to remember some nicknames I gave them, and it was a blast from the past that I actually laughed at! They actually called me “less than worthless” to the point I internalized and verbalized it many times? Wow. That’s pretty cringe, guys. You spent your entire lives bullying a teenager. Cool. Now I love myself and forgot that was ever a mantra I recited at all times in my head.
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I once had a project I was working on where I made a fictionalized autobiography set in a fantasy world starring a self-insert and these jokers. It was going to be a kind of field guide to hallucinations I experienced. I stopped working on it after a while because it was too painful for me to develop, as it was meant to dig deep into the pain and struggles I went through on a daily basis… and now I’m looking back at it and considering making it a humorous story about how ridiculous my hallucinations were— at least the ones with consistent personalities. Comedy equals tragedy plus time, truly.
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I might end up posting some of the more solemn journal comics I made about these chuckleheads... It'd be weird to dig up my significantly older work, but I think it would do me some good and maybe be enjoyable / educational for others!
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lil-ms-dipst · 3 months
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A collection of drawings I did on a sketchbook page to keep my hands busy during class. There's gonna be a LOT to tag lmaooo..
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salg00 · 9 months
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did some requests for some cool fellas in the server :)
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odd-chips · 2 years
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There was a meme on Twitter about drawing your OC in [this outfit], so obviously my first choice was Ratman.
However shortly after, I was like “Hmm. Tim gets to be cute, too. :)”
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Parts of my discombobulated TFA Seeker OC, I have a v v v weird methodology for making TFA characters up
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Yeah I'm a bit discombobulated myself so I'm going to explain what the hell the character is supposed to be:
Basically, a shard of allspark turned a plane/jet into a well transformer, and they more or less fly around Detroit figuring stuff out. Like if you were to say that Starscream was a seagull, this mech would be an albatross. Larger, slower, less annoying, and after a few interactions with the Autobots and Decepticons completely neutral. ... also they'll end up in conflict and teamed up with captain Fanzone a LOT
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ponderwithpebblepounce · 10 months
CHECK OUT MY CLANMATES (@mommyclan cats) BLOGS!!!
@anarchypaw @ask-alienspots @askbeastheart @ask-beepaw @ask-bubblepop @askbugbear @ask-caninepaw @ask-carpetrose @ask-condorscratch @askcringeegg / @askcringeandpearl @ask-dipstick @ask-dino-and-jessa @askdoeleaf @ask-gaslight @asklynxnip @asking-mossclaw @ask-mothpaw-the-lion @ask-rabbitpaw @askredspider @askrosebud @askscorpiontail @ask-sonder @asksunheartmaybe @asktallbuddy @ask-the-forgoten-one @ask-violettablossom @ask-waifpaw @askwhipandcrackle @blackmold-likes-rocks @deerpaw-the-cat @eyeballpaw23 @girlfail-batwing @grasshopperpaw @its-bunnypaw
@lightwraith-oc @loonsightneedshelp
@matchpaw @milkwailandhershadow @mmctalepaw @munch-world7 @noodlesatnight
@pebblefoot-is-such-a-moist @rotgutz-funhouse @stepcousinclawspeaks
@twigpaw-the-cat @wisteria-warehouse @yeek-speaks I SPECIFICALLY LEARNED THE ALPHABET FOR THIS LIST!!!! ISN'T THAT SCARY?! ((Will be updated and such, tell us if we missed anyone.. ))
((tumblr is being silly))
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crowithy · 6 months
sooo about your trio of ocs, sorry if im late ( ; ω ; )
whats their friendship dynamic like
how did they all meet
how tall are they
I saw you mention Micheal having a pet rat on toyhouse WHAT IS ITS NAME YOU MUST TELL US NOW THIS IS A THREAT (/j)
what are their music tastes
do the others have pets, if not what would they want as a pet
okay this is a bit late sorry BUT here's your answers ( a bit out of order)
so Pom and Micheal met in middle school, they got put together for a school assignment and have been friends since. They met Matt in high school, they were sitting alone at lunch and Matt kinda just showed up one day and started talking to them. their dynamic is hard to describe (mostly because I cannot describe things for shit) but Matt and Pom are the biggest talkers of the group, Pom is the main planner, Micheal is off to the side not in a bad way. Its not that they talk too much or don't let him get a word in he's just quiet. He prefers to listen to a conversation more than be apart of it, just being there. Even if he doesn't look like hes paying attention he is. Just don't get him started on mushrooms, snakes, or welding, he does a complete 180 and will not shut up.
Micheal has 3 pet rats actually! I plan to draw them eventually
Micheal jr. often shortened to just junior (named because he has little black patches of fur and Matt gave Micheal the idea as a joke and he went with it)
and Dipshit (that he calls dipstick when hes around his younger brother)
the others don't have pets but Matt would probably have a turtle or some kind of lizard. Pom isn't really a pet person but probably a cat, which despite his claims of not wanting a pet he would absolutely spoil that thing.
music tastes is kinda hard because I absolutely do not know my genres that well. but ill do my best
Matt has multiple playlists for different moods and genre's vary but his main three playlists are a bunch of circus music, the world revolving added to the same playlist over 100x, and the misc playlist with 100 songs that do not match eachothers vibe at all. some artists I think he would listen to: 100 gecs, Insane Clown Posse,and Lemon Demon
Pom has one main playlist she dumps all her favorite songs into. but its a majority death metal some artists i think he would listen to: Scene Queen, Bear Ghost, Mother Mother, Black Dresses, Korn, and Necrogoblikon
Matt, I honestly have no idea other than its mostly My Chemical Romance I did make him a playlist (wip) on a whim tho because I was bored
and finally their heights! (as well as the redesign for Pom!)
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I was going to finish this drawing first, but I lost all motivation for it.
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ask-dipstick · 8 months
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(ooc: munchypaw belongs to @/goobiestar)
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dotspoetrycorner · 1 year
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Cynthia X OC
I thought I lost this and I was not ok for a good two min. so. I hope at least someone enjoys it. 
Chapter 2: Sandra Dee
Word count (accumulative): 949
Cynthia’s POV
Last day of summer. Last day of freedom. I drove into the drive in and immediately found the t-birds. “Last day of summer dipsticks! What are we gonna do with it? I say we get loaded, ditch this passion pit and have some real fun!” “Sorry Cynthia, the t-birds are on the prowl tonight.” Gil replied “Alright. You know the drill. First one to get a girl, gets the keys” I don’t get it. It’s the last day without worrying about homework or tests. We should be getting wasted and pulling pranks on the socs. I mean why would they rather try and get in a girls pants than have fun with all of us? Before I could push any farther Susan came and took Richie away, prompting Gil and Potato to run off to find girl of their own. Now it’s just me and Shy Guy. Could be worse. “What a drag!” I sighed, “summer’s over and I’m already freezing my teats off.” “Here, take my jacket” Shy Guy replied. Why would he think that I’d ever- wait. “You’re T-Birds jacket?!” I took the jacket and swiftly put in on. For a moment, everything made sense and I belonged to something. For a moment-
“Please just leave me alone!” 
I heard a scream from behind me, snapping me out of my trance. I looked over and saw Ella Bartlett. Ella, little miss perfect. Ella who was the first of our class to start wearing makeup. Ella who is always annoyingly kind to everyone. Ella who used to be my best friend…
Ella who abandoned me for the socs. And yet- I had to help her.
I hopped out of the car and ran up to where Ella and Neil were standing. “She said leave her alone.” Neil turned to me and his gaze narrowed. “And what are you gonna do about it?” He said it with almost a laugh, I hate this guy. I didn’t really know what I planned to do so I just took the still half full bottle of beer I had in my hand and hit it against a near by car, shattering the bottom so I was left with sharp glass. I guess it worked because all he did was look at Ella and mutter “you’re not worth it” before walking away. 
After a moment of silence Ella turned to me. “Thank you” she said. “No problem” I replied starting to walk back to the car. “No seriously. Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” I really did though; I couldn’t just let something bad happen to her. “Yeah well. Hey, do you wanna come sit with us? You don’t have to if you don’t want-“ “Yes. I would. It’d probably be safer.”
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saffronscales · 10 months
which mommyclan meddycat wants to be featured in dippy’s blog
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schwoofy · 8 months
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Day 10 of repostober! ☀🐇
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desert-fern · 1 year
Fern, I’m so glad you played the WIP game because all of those stories sound intriguing. 😏 I am curious about one in particular, though.
TGM: The OC, The Movie
I also have a WIP called Top Gun: The Movie and I’m curious to see if we’ve both come up with a similar idea. 🤔 If we did, then maybe you and I should talk because I’ve always wanted to try writing a story with someone else, and I might need some help pulling off my idea. ❤️
Hey Becca!
So TGM: The OC, The Movie is the fun title that my brain came up with for a Phoenix and OC, who is known as Reaper!
The whole thing is basically the entire movie of TGM but with extra scenes and things because why not? I was writing it with a former friend of mine but then we dropped it and I need to do a lot of work on it, but I can give you these snippets from it below the cut.
“Oh buzz off, you know who is going to kick your ass when she finds you,” Halo scoffed, calming down enough for the dark skinned male holding her to put her down.
“It's too late for that, sweetheart,” the brunette cooed. She had a smug smile on her face as she took him in. “If it isn’t Hangman. You know what they say about giving him enough rope and all.”
“In the flesh, dipstick.” The brunette - Reaper - teased. She walked past him to stand next to her friend. “Sup Halo.”
“I thought you were coming later..” Callie shrugged but smirked, two against one now.
“And let you have all the fun? Never,” Reaper quipped, coming to stand next to her friend.
“It's your turn Hangman,” the redheaded male sighed, knowing his pilot would fight the bigger man if given the opportunity. However, just as Hangman was about to take his turn, he noticed three other pilots approaching.
“What do we have here?” He smirked, leaning against the pool table as a dark haired woman followed by two men approached. “If it ain't Phoenix. And here I thought we were special, Halo… Coyote. It turns out that the invite went to anyone,” he directed the last sentence at Reaper, who just gave him a dead eyed stare, looking thoroughly fed up with this whole thing.
“Fellas, this here's Bagman,” the dark haired woman known as Phoenix introduces the blond man before her to the other two who stood behind her.
Reaper’s attention was caught as she glanced over at the woman who'd just spoken. To anyone who didn’t know her well, she would seem impassive, cold, indifferent to meeting the pilot in front of her. But to Halo, Rooster, and Tweety, the three who knew her best, they caught the brief look of panic that spread across her face but disappeared milliseconds later. The brunette couldn’t help but stare at the woman in front of her, any retort dying before it crossed her lips. She chose instead to focus on the comment Phoenix had made, and she grinned at the other woman. “Well met, Phoenix,” she purred, shifting her weight onto her right leg as she leaned against the pool table.
“I could say the same,” Phoenix replied, grinning back at the shorter woman. Her eyes had widened when Reaper had made eye contact with her, and she was fighting to seem unaffected.
I am planning on coming back to it after AGAD, but it’s still a lot of work! If we did come up with similar ideas, then we can definitely talk about co-writing, but if not, just know that temporary titles are fun and this one will probably change lol
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lil-ms-dipst · 6 months
New pinned thing. Maybe.
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Meet the Artist: Dipstick (also goes by Keirsten, Dippy, and other names). My pronouns are it/its, yes I know it sounds inhuman, but I never felt human anyway. I am an adult. I am also left-handed. I am very multifandom, especially on this blog! Some fandoms/interests include Pokémon, Pikmin, Minecraft, DST, TBOI, COTL, FNAF, and many more.
I have a sideblog for my OCs over at @saltbomb. Go check the blorbos out.
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