viejospellejos · 5 months
Ante todo, actitud 😂
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caostalgia · 10 months
"Mi corazón no es cobarde, sinó selectivo y se desgasta por aquello que considera, sí tiene un camino que lleve a algún destino"
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después de que me juzgaste, me destrozaste con tus comentarios sobre mi, yo te seguí tratando bonito y queriendote.
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thetwofaced · 1 year
A little discussion on Ichigo's powers
how is no one realising , that yhwach didn't hold back his quincy abilities- he held back his SHINIGAMI abilities.
What Yhwach did was take the quincy powers and IMMITATE shinigami powers. Which is the reason why Ichigos bankai was so baffling.
Because what it is, at its base is a Quincy Vollständig. with the key difference being that instead of absorbing the environment's reishi it pulled from Ichigo's inner reserves and then concentrated and amplified.
So yes- Byakuya was right.
It was a fake bankai, because it only imitated a quincy's take on it.
Which explains why, well there was nothing really for Ichigo to learn, to master about his bankai unlike other shinigami. Because the only thing too master was just the concentrated amount of spiritual pressure.
I know non manga readers won't know this as this was cut I believe from the anime because of screen time. But the reason Ichigo survived his fight with Kenpachi- aside Kenpachi basically limiting himself, is because of ブルート・ヴェーネ aka blut vene.
Ichigo was stabbed in the chest, bleeding out. When he reached out, when 'Old man Zangetsu' communicated with him, telling him they needed to work together- 'old man Zangetsu' made the decision to activate blut vene to stop the bleeding.
Because as he stated the only thing he cared about was saving and protecting Ichigo.
He only let Zangetsu , Shiro, teach Ichigo the bare minimum. Hell the fact Ichigo goes through the series into the TYBW Arc with only a Getsuga Tenshou and his amplifying hollow powers.
And for once it's not the bloody shounen disease nope.
It's a bloody stylistic plot related choice made by Kubo.
Because up until that point, we've never really seen Ichigo use his shinigami abilities.
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sinfonia-relativa · 10 months
Aire del adiós
A:De verdad quieres esto. - En estas circunstancias solo puedo pensar en mi y esto no me hará bien a largo plazo. A:Me estas dañando. - Tu decides si esto te hace daño, yo no estoy haciendo otra cosa que tomar una decisión. A:Eres un orgulloso y un egoísta. - Solo estoy evitando crear un circulo vicioso donde tu te alteras por cualquier cosa que te recuerde tú pasado y te evite disfrutar el presente, no quiero soportar insultos que no me merezco debo continuar al igual que tú. A:Eres un infantil. - Si de esa manera quieres creerlo, hazlo. Pero este es absolutamente un adiós y cuidate. Me estaba muriendo por dentro, ya que rompía un corazón de la misma manera que años atrás lo habían hecho conmigo. Sin embargo, entendía a aquella persona que lo había hecho, ahora reconozco que tomo la mejor decisión. Ahora estaba en ese punto, primero soy yo y mi paz.
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Pa que ganar discusiones si te tuve que perder.
El último baile (Mía 5) - Alvaro Díaz
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Tengo una amiga que no me creyó cuando le dije que existían los ojitos de chocolate. Recién ahora pienso que quizá lo que ella me discutía era que no existían rellenos de chocolate (que sí, existen carajo), mientras yo no debatía sobre ningún relleno sino sobre la masa (que sí, existen carajo). De todas formas salí decidido a comprarme dos en la panadería, sacarle una foto y enviársela como documentación de que soy el dueño de la verdad y que jamás debería dudar de mi. La señora panadera me atiende, me pregunta, le pido, en vidriera hay uno pero me dice que tiene más, que cuantos quiero, le pido tres y voy a la caja a esperarla para que me cobre. Llega con los ojitos envueltos, pago, camino feliz a mi casa saboreando más la victoria que los ojitos. Entro a mi hogar, abro el paquete, y me encuentro con tres ojitos amarillos con relleno rojo, muy alejados de cualquier posibilidad de chocolate. Ahora además de dudar de la eficiencia de la panadera o de mi capacidad para hablar claro, también dudo de la realidad misma ¿existen o no los ojitos de chocolate, carajo? ¿cuando fue la última vez que comí uno? ¿los imaginé? ¿se extinguieron? ¿existe mi amiga? ¿soy un hombre que soñó comer un ojito de chocolate o soy un ojito de chocolate que soñó que lo comía un hombre? Otra vez, como respuesta a mis principales dudas, solo escucho el silencio.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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Hot take: Wednesday as a lesbian and running off with Enid is great! They can be good together and they have more chemistry than Wednesday's actual love interests, I'm aware. But I think of Wednesday as an aromantic-asexual is a much better arc than her being in love because I. DON'T. SEE. HER. EVER. BEING. IN LOVE. It doesn't fit with her character to fall in love. I rather the show is better as a show about friendship or whatnot. Thoughts?
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parareir · 5 months
Interrumpimos por un momento la intensa discusión para beber un poco de agua ... ahora sí continuamos en lo que estabamos :v
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indie-goh · 8 months
Lo decepcionante que es observar las heridas ya hechas y caer en cuenta que recaíste...
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I Saw a lot of people talking about why artificer can't ascend, from my view point artificer can't ascend because she feel that scavenger are a threat to the slugpup and it don't want that any slugpup are hurt. Which result that even After she found back her pups in the void, she disapear, it also explain why the voidworm just look at her, it know that she isn't here to stay, as for the loock at karma 1, it make sense due to the damage she cause. But i don't think that her story end like that. I think that After all she has done, she probably partially or completely stopped her slaughter. Because killing the scavenger became useless. Which would result in her truly comming to term with her past, slowly gaining black her karma level and eventually ascend either by herself or because of saint.
Secondly, i think the voidworms and saint can't ascend not because they have a high ego but because they are in a very special case, they both have the properties of ascending oneself but choose to ascend others, making them very close the ‹‹ plane of ascension›› but also making them stay in the physical plane because they feel the needs to ascend the physical ones . They also have differents view on ascension, the voidworms only ascend people who have nothing more to do in the physical plane and choose to ascend while saint want that all life ascend even those that are like them, unwiling to ascend as long there still life to ascend.
As for the echoes, i don't think that they have fully failed their ascension, they both have the desire to stay and the one to ascend, turning them into this half acended, half physical state, and make one to speak with them closer to ascension. Because they are both rejected and accepted in their ascension.
Finally, i think that the world will fully be consume by the void, and that all beings will have to ascend even saint and the voidworms that will no longer have anyone to ascend.
After that, i don't what know will happen, a New World will probably start to emerge from the void seas and a New cycle will Begin.
As for what is the cycle, i just think that are the different possibility that one made through their life but when one ascend, it see all the other different version of itself that make différent choices who have ascendef.
So for me, the void is this unstoppable force that will make everyone ascend when the times are good and the errors of the ancients was to ascend when the times weren't good which resulted in a lot of damage to the planet and fastening the progression of the void.
I also don't think it's possible for someone to die in rain World it will just result in restarting a cycle or be sent into another point in Time of a cycle.
It's just that only someone that does not belong to the cycle can remember what happen ( like us ) or who's already not limited by it ( like saint )
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viejospellejos · 1 month
Final inesperado:
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sharonccrter · 2 years
I really enjoyed the HOTD premier but I do have one criticism I don’t think they needed to show femicide on screen so graphically. I also would have liked to see a discussion of it; perhaps two female characters talking about how utterly fucked up it was. GOT had a habit of showing violence towards women (a lot of the time for shock value) and then glossing over it. Yes their is the source material, but it’s being interrupted and there is a way to show violence towards women in a nuanced way (if it needs to be shown). The show is predominately written by men, produced by men and based on the works of a man. Going forward I do hope the violence is only there if it absolutely necessary, and that it doesn’t fall into the trap of doing it for shock value (like GOT) and that there are conversation’s, that there is a nuanced approach.  
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nosleeppotions · 2 years
MC: so you said I'm your nurse in this whole thing... somehow.
Dr Crow: correct, at the very beginning.
MC: aren't the nurses SUPPOSED TO KNOW what's wrong with the... patients...? Also why are you pinning your accomplices against me if I'm somehow supposed to help you?!
Dr Crow: ... all will become clear in time.
MC: you ignored my point completely.
Dr Crow: *offline*
MC: actually no, I'm not even in the medical field but this is all clearly one huge medical malpractice- *rants anyway knowing a brick wall has better listening skills*
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lasvariablesdemaru · 2 years
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rojosweet · 29 days
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