#domestic sanvers
moon-axolotl · 2 years
Lena: Kara, honey, look what I picked up from the grocery store!!
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Credit: @moon-axolotl
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7CZLXO8 by LmaoDucky Words: , Chapters: 0/2, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, Other Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane (DCU), Kara Danvers, Team Supergirl (Supergirl TV 2015), J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Various DEO Agents (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., James "Jimmy" Olsen Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Domestic, OT3, Tumblr Prompt, Based on a Tumblr Post, Director Sanvers Prompts, posted on tumblr read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7CZLXO8
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For the fic asks, 2, 13, 16?
HI HELLO SORRY THIS TOOK ME A FEW DAYS I was finishing a fic! and then the episode. anyway I am here now and thank you for the ask <3
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Okay so hilariously the answer yes YES, EXTREMELY, even though they're only listed as two fics each, because pretty much all of these could be applied to pretty much all of my fics, I am just not consistent with my tagging. I am a woman of predictable taste.
Angst (2)
Pining (2)
First Kiss (2)
Friends to Lovers (2)
Slow Burn (2)
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
I think I already addressed high school AUs in response to a different question--just outgrew them. I think I also used to have a higher tolerance for straight-up whump than I do now--love angst in fic obviously but not gratuitous just-trying-to-make-the-reader-cry stuff. Roll the footage of me reading Alone on the Water in my university library while I was meant to be studying for finals in 2012. And the older I get the more soulmate fics are generally fairly eh to me (with a few exceptions, performativezippers if you're reading this you know I loved your Sanvers one).
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I am hungry for more sweet domestic stuff in this fandom at the moment! Modern AUs are hit or miss for me when it comes to Crit Role stuff, but a superbly well-crafted coffeeshop AU? Would be lovely. Every fandom needs its coffeeshop AUs. And of course I've already mentioned it but Izzy's streamer AU is a delight (and does feature a coffee shop!)
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5DYPBm2 by LmaoDucky Words: , Chapters: 0/2, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, Other Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane (DCU), Kara Danvers, Team Supergirl (Supergirl TV 2015), J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Various DEO Agents (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., James "Jimmy" Olsen Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Domestic, OT3, Tumblr Prompt, Based on a Tumblr Post, Director Sanvers Prompts, posted on tumblr read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5DYPBm2
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Domestic Sanvers (always needed)
This is for my dear, dear friend - Cap and Sam, Lena and Maggie, Winn and James - who’s getting top surgery tomorrow. Thank you for being in my wedding party, for always being there when I need you. For assuring me, even when I don’t believe it, that We Are Groot (to be clear, I always believe that You Are Groot. I just have trouble believing that I am, so much of the time). For the zoo and the terrain race and the Captain Marvel squeeing and the Hawkeye and Iron Man shenanigans and the Sanvers support and the Pokemon comforter and your home gym and our affirmations and our letter writing and your brilliance. The pictures of you and me on my wall make me happier than I know how to tell you, and I will always cherish the memory of putting Coming Home on my wedding playlist just for you, just so we could dance in all of our nerd Sanvers glory. Mazal tov and congratulations, Groot. You deserve your wonderful surgery and you deserve every amazing thing in the world. I got your six, I’m on your left, and I love you, so damn much.
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“I don’t wanna,” they muttered, still burritoed in the covers they’d stolen from Maggie in the middle of the night. “Still sleeping.”
Maggie grinned and unleashed the hound.
Gertrude leaped onto their king-sized bed -- that Alex still somehow managed to take up all of -- and somehow, impossibly, burrowed into their burrito and licked at their face mercilessly.
“Okay, okay, I wanna,” Alex fumbled to untangle their groggy arms from the sheets, throwing them around Gertrude as gently as they could, their hands still clumsy with sleep.
“Good, because I thought I was gonna have to fly you out of there,” another figure crashed down on the bed next to them. 
“What is this,” Alex asked, turning from Gertrude to Maggie and then to their sister, now laying next to them, on her stomach with her chin innocently in her hands and her feet swaying behind her. “The let-everyone-into-our-bedroom-and-watch-Alex-sleep show?”
“I’m not in your bedroom!” Winn called from the kitchen. “I value my life, thank you very much!”
“So do I, but Guardian could totally take you, Alex,” James added.
“And I wouldn’t need to,” Lena laughed along to the sound of sizzling pancakes. “My wife would just give you those big eyes and any argument would be over.”
Kara demonstrated said big eyes. Alex threw a pillow at her. And set Gertrude loose. Kara shrieked and Alex chuckled in sleepy victory.
“Okay Kara, Gertrude,” Maggie clapped gently like she was talking to two puppies, not just one. “They’re awake now. Out.”
“But your bed is so comfy,” Kara moaned, flopping over so Gertrude was standing on her chest, eagerly wagging her tail and licking every surface of Kara’s face.
“Yes,” Maggie agreed, “and I very much took all your sibling’s clothes off before we fell asleep last night, so -- “
“I’m going, I’m going, I’m going!”
Kara flew out of the room, Gertrude in her arms, at a speed that would make Barry Allen sweat.
Alex laughed and pulled Maggie down on top of them, shifting the covers so she could feel their body underneath hers. They shook their head as they tucked Maggie’s hair back behind her ear.
“Why are you doing all this, Mags?” they murmured.
“All what?” Maggie kissed their nose, their cheek, their chin, their neck. Alex shifted and bit their lip, suddenly breathless. “This is basically a regular Sunday morning. Just... on a Thursday. J’onn’s on his way with three dozen donuts, by the way.”
“So there will be exactly half a donut for each of us when Kara gets through,” Alex nodded.
“Yeah, but Lena’s making pancakes.”
“Oh god, is the kitchen on fire?”
“I can hear you!” Lena shouted.
“When did you become the one with super hearing?” Alex shouted back. Maggie flinched dramatically and Alex kissed her ears in teasing sympathy.
“Seriously, babe. You’re perfect. Why are you perfect?” Alex lowered their voice and asked while they fumbled for their glasses.
“I’m not,” Maggie took pity on them and helped put their glasses on. “You just deserve to be celebrated, and I just love you.”
“And I love you. But celebrated?” Alex snorted. “I didn’t -- “
“Save an entire warehouse full of baby Astonians without breaking a sweat? You sure did! And that’s cause for celebration, Danvers!” Winn called again.
“And if I recall correctly, it’s been exactly a year since you came out. Um, again,” James added.
Alex’s eyes flew wide as they stared up at their wife. “You all remembered?”
“The night you brought us all to the bar and wept while you told us what pronouns we should use? Yes, sweetie, we all remember.”
“No, I meant. The date, and everything. Like an anniversary. Like it’s something to celebrate.” Alex sat up, their eyes suddenly wet. Maggie crawled off of them, kissed their lips, and tossed them a t-shirt that had been discarded the night before.
“Because it is something to celebrate,” Maggie kissed them again, as soon as Alex got the shirt down past their neck. 
“Are they decent?” Lena asked.
“Please don’t lie,” Kara pleaded.
Maggie tossed Alex a pair of basketball shorts -- neither of them were sure, at this point, whose shorts they originally were -- and when Alex tugged them on and nodded, tears still in their eyes and wonder still on their face, Kara reopened the bedroom door.
Lena was holding a cake big enough for Kara and everyone else, yellow and white and purple and black frosting. Winn was wrapped in a blue and pink and white flag, James’s arm around him. And Kara had painted a collage of the past year, from directorship and haircuts to wedding prep and space flights. She held it shyly in one hand, a tail-wagging Gertrude tucked under her other arm.
“I love it,” they spoke to Kara first, when they remembered how to speak at all. “I... guys. Thank you. It...”
“It’s family,” J’onn said simply, stepping into the room behind Lena. 
Just as the smoke detector went off.
“Damn that thing!” Alex jumped out of bed as their family both groaned and laughed.
Because it might be a day for celebration, but Alex’s war against smoke detectors would never end.
And neither would any of... this.
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l-dwrites · 6 years
Maggie’s Christmas Surprise
           This wasn’t part of her plan. Maggie didn’t leave the precinct with her mind made up that she wanted to adopt a puppy, but that is exactly what she was doing by smoothly signing her name on the official documents. Maggie was just planning on picking up some dinner for her and Alex from a new Vietnamese place that just so happened to be across the street from National City’s animal shelter. She had called in the food order and had about thirty minutes to kill when she dismounted her bike, she didn’t think just walking through to take a look at the animals there could possibly hurt.
           After sanitizing her hands, a worker let her view the animals up for adoption. There were so many cats and dogs in need of homes it made her heart hurt, but Maggie’s eyes were drawn to one crate in particular that appeared empty until she walked over to get a closer look. Inside the medium-sized crate was a tiny puppy that made its container seem so much larger than it was. The small, floppy-eared dog was resting on its stomach, eyeing her carefully.
           When Maggie sat down in front of her crate, the puppy raised its head slightly in acknowledgement and continued watching her for several moments before getting up and slowly and carefully walking toward the bars of the crate. When she got much closer to Maggie, she offered her hand with the palm facing upward. The puppy looked between Maggie’s hand and her smiling, encouraging face curiously and took a small step back, seeming anxious. Maggie was patient and held her hand up and after a few seconds, the puppy nudged it with its nose causing Maggie to giggle. The puppy licked her hand several times in response to the happy sound and started to gently wag its tail.
           The shelter worker returned to check in on Maggie and walked over to her.
           “You’re the first person she’s played with since her mom passed.”
           Maggie, still letting the puppy lick at her hand, faced the worker and tilted her head, frowning. “What do you mean? What happened?”
           “Her mom came into the shelter pretty sick, last owners couldn’t care for her anymore. We were surprised she made it through giving birth to her litter, but she passed away about a week ago. This pup over here was the runt of the litter and the rest of her siblings have been adopted already.” The worker spoke with sadness in her voice which was reflected by Maggie’s deepening frown. “She’s healthy, has all her shots, but she stopped socializing really and it’s been hard getting her to eat. You’re the first person she’s come to and played with.”
           Hearing the worker’s words, Maggie looked down at the small puppy that appeared to be a mutt with German shepherd genes being dominant based on her tan and black coloring. Maggie’s heart ached for this puppy who reminded me a lot of a younger version of herself, small, lonely, unwilling to let people in. A couple seconds longer spent looking into the rich brown eyes of the pup and Maggie knew she was a goner.
           She muttered a soft, “Shit.”
Read more at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13041456/chapters/29961738
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purplesaline · 7 years
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wordsallowustolive · 7 years
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dimplesmoonflower · 7 years
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How, in the 500 times that I've watched this scene, have I never noticed the way Maggie is sitting in that chair. All comfortable and relaxed with her leg up. And her socks! Look how domestic! Agh!
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Title: Legacy (a part of “The Times We Save Each Other” series)
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Work Summary: Alex and Maggie get unexpected visitors only a few days after Maggie has given birth and harsh words ensue. Kara is a supporting and loving sister and aunt. (I know this is a shitty summary and I’m sorry)
A/N: First, I want to give a huge shout-out to both @theperksofbeingatvaddict  and @kendrene for agreeing to beta this piece. You're both wonderful and amazing and this piece would be worse without your thoughts and encouragement.
It's been a while since I posted anything Sanvers related! For anyone who also reads my ongoing Wayhaught fic, "A Friend in Purgatory", I'm very, very sorry I haven't updated in three weeks. I've had a lot of RL shit happen and I wasn't in a good place. Plus, this particular piece wouldn't leave me alone. Rest assured I am working on that fic and I will not abandon it. Please leave comments and kudos if you like this fic, it always makes my day brighter :).
I own nothing in regards to Supergirl.
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chaos-otter · 7 years
#SanversWeek Day 5: Domestic
Alex looks so innocent when they sleep, hair messy an arm thrown lazily over their face. The rising sun falling on their hair highlighting just how red it is, and bringing the gold and copper tones forward as well.
Maggie stares at her partner, a bit breathless at just how beautiful they are. Sliding closer to Alex’s warmth Maggie debates staying in bed and cuddling her badass Secret Agent. But she knows Alex had a rough night at the DEO and she wants her partner to wake up to a warm bath and a delicious breakfast.
Placing a kiss to Alex’s temple Maggie grabs her notepad from her bedside table and writes her partner a note.
There is a hot bath and french toast breakfast waiting for you when you wake up.
  Leaving the note on her pillow she heads to the bathroom to run a bath. She turns the heat to max and adds some lavender oil to the water before heading to the kitchen to start cooking.
As Maggie flips the french toast Alex walks into the kitchen and wraps their arms around Maggie from behind. “Good morning babe” Alex says sleepily placing a kiss on the back of Maggie’s neck.
Maggie turns leaning up to kiss Alex properly. “Hey babe, how you feeling?”
“Like a kryptonian fell on me.” Alex says with a laugh.   
Shaking her head Maggie replies, “Well there's a warm bath waiting and breakfast should be ready when you’re done.”
Smiling wide Alex asks, “will there be bacon?”
“Danvers what do you take me for? I know how much you love bacon so yes, there is bacon, but brush your teeth after. You know how much I hate bacon breath.” Maggie laughs kissing Alex and pushing them towards the bathroom. “Now go relax, breakfast has another 20 minutes give or take, before it’s ready.”
As Alex heads to the bath Maggie smiles, “God I  love them.” She whispers flipping the toast again before opening the pack of bacon.
“I love you more!” Alex calls from the tub.
“Impossible Danvers, impossible!” Maggie says laughing so hard she nearly drops the toast. “Because I love you most!”  
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slightly---obsessed · 7 years
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Peep Alex rubbing Maggie’s back in the background in 2x19
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steff713 · 7 years
Flyler talking about domestic sanvers morning scene on 2x09
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Domestic fluff maybe? Or adopting Gertrude? Sleepy sanvers? Any for fluff? :)
A shuffling sound in the living room woke Alex with a start. She reached for the alien laser she’d insisted on keeping by her bedside since Rick Malverne.
Maggie - still herself only half-awake - put a drowsy hand on Alex’s, soothing both her panic and her soldier-trained instincts. “Relax, Danvers,” she murmured, her voice still thick with sleep. “It’s just family.”
“But Kara always comes right in through the window.”
Their bedroom door - which Maggie had long ago insisted they actually needed - creaked open slowly, and a bashfully smiling face poked through the gap.
“Well, sometimes family comes through interdimensional portals.”
“Iris?” Alex asked, her brain trying to catch up with her body, though a smile was already tugging at her lips.
A thud and a distinct ow confirmed that it was, indeed, Iris. Because Barry rarely crossed through Vibe’s portal with anything resembling grace.
Alex checked to make sure she had actually fallen asleep wearing clothes - one of Maggie’s old sweatshirts and plaid boxers counted as clothes, she figured - before tumbling, just as gracelessly as Barry, out of bed and into Iris’s arms.
“What the hell are you doing here? Not that I’m complaining.”
Another thud in the living room answered her question. Or, at least, tried to. “What are we doing crossing through a magic portal -”
“It’s not magic, John, it’s just Cisco’s metahuman -”
“Yeah, sure Oliver, just like this one keeps coming back to life -”
“And aren’t you happy I do?”
Alex looked over Iris’s shoulder to see Sara Lance batting her eyelashes playfully at an unnerved-looking John Diggle, Oliver shaking his head next to them.
But Alex recognized Oliver’s effort not to smile, and saw right through it. He was the one she launched herself at first, just because she knew how much it bothered him.
He hugged her back, stiff but warm - because it didn’t actually bother him, and they both knew it - and Barry was next. He nearly scooped Alex off her feet - just like her sister could, with utterly accidental ease, just like Wally did, except Wally full-out spun Alex around. She laughed and tucked her feet in so she didn’t knock over everyone in range.
And as Cisco was coming through the portal, Alex grabbed both him and John around the shoulders and squeezed, hard, before transferring her group hug energy to Caitlin, Sara, and Felicity.
“Maggie, what the hell?” she asked, keenly aware that her hair was probably Harry Potter-esque from sleep.
Kara zoomed through the window with Lena in her arms, as if on cue. “Maggie and I knew you’ve been feeling lonely lately,” Kara explained, setting Lena down in Oliver’s arms - again, to make him squirm and to make everyone else slap his back and laugh.
“Good to see you, Mr. Queen,” Lena kissed his cheek. He shook his head and smiled as he set her down gently, gently, with a soft nod hello.
“So you figured you’d sneak the entire extended family into our apartment for, what?”
“Sunday brunch!” Cisco and Wally jumped up and down at the same time, Wally whipping out two massive boxes of donuts from somewhere behind his back.
Maggie stood in the doorway of their bedroom, watching Alex laugh and hug and very nearly cry.
Because these people -- these people, and the ones filing through the door now, J’onn and Nia and Brainy and James and Winn and Sam -- these people were the ones who were allowed to know she could cry.
Family was allowed to know that she could cry.
“You’re a good egg, Sawyer,” John stepped back to stand with her, watching the joy around them with her, arms crossed comfortably over his chest.
“I try,” Maggie said as she caught Alex’s glistening eyes from across the room. 
“You succeed,” Kara called from all the way in the kitchen, in the midst of her competition with Barry and Wally to see who could get the most donuts in her mouth at once.
“Damn superhearing!” Maggie and John called back in unison.
Laughter filled the room, because even though Maggie had called everyone here for Alex, it was more than that, and they all knew it. It was for everyone. And it was, just for a moment, perfect.
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charis-chan · 7 years
It hurts.
It hurts so damn much.
Making the call to use Kryptonite around Kara had not been easy. It took you almost an hour to make the right calculations so you could make Kara’s skin soft enough to be penetrated in one spot, just one spot.
The one when Alex is hurting, Maggie risks cancer and Kara wakes up.
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fvandomtrvsh · 7 years
Check it out my new Sanvers fic xD
Mother’s Day 
Characters : Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, OC.
Alex's son and his aunt Kara have plans for Mother's Day, but this year Ben wanted to add something to their family tradition, or rather, someone.
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