#enfj thoughts
saku-chann · 3 months
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All the MBTI characters together :D Men and women versions !It's so satisfying to see them all on the same pic ! 🥺💚Also sorry for being incative aah I missed this acc so much ! What's your MBTI ? who's your favorite ?  I'm INFP ! my favs are INFJ & ENFJ ! ^^
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rin-hagane · 4 months
My opinions on the MBTI types
ESFP - Very cheerful and social, cares a lot about people's opinion and fashion
ESTP - Quite social and a bit arrogant but can be kind and helpful to loved ones
ISFP - Adventurous, artistic, tends to hide their feelings and are kind
ISTP - Also adventurous, tends to care a lot about nature and seems insensitive and uncaring but really just lack the emotional intelligence to express that they care about others, Everyone either simps for them or hate them
ESFJ - Very social, enjoy helping others and very kind but can be insane and violent when they want to
ESTJ - Hardworking, not very emotional, perfectionistic and basically every teacher's favourite student
ISFJ - Enjoy helping, smart, very kind, loyal and empathetic
ISTJ - Hardworking, seems quite serious but can be funny and kind sometimes
ENFP - Cheerful, energetic, depressed, kpop stan, impulsive, kind
ENFJ - Social, wants to save everyone, helpful, the least weird intuitive in my experience
INFP - Compassionate, Sensitive and kind but can be assertive and cold if they have to
INFJ - Spiritual, way too many of them on the internet, quiet, once you hurt them, you're doomed.
ENTP - Depressed, ambivert, funny, could destroy the world if wanted to, memes.
INTP - I don't know, they stay at home too much for me to analyse them
ENTJ - Hardworking, ambitious, strategic, intellectual, seems uncaring and insensitive but really love their family, can be emotional once they've opened up, not as evil as people portray them as
INTJ - Intellectual, quiet, introvert, hides their feeling, can be emotional, very selective of their friends
(Sorry if this was offensive, this are my opinions on the mbti types in my experience and everyone is different so obviously this aren't fully accurate. Also if you're gonna say "no one asked" , You're being childish and illogical so please do not say that)
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mistype360 · 1 month
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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digisinister · 1 year
My take on the MBTI from the perspective of an INTJ
1. ENTP: A minefield that must be treaded carefully
2. INTP: Nerd
3. INTJ: Socially inept
4. ENTJ: I wish I was as objectively motivated as you
5. ENFJ: Stop trying to please everyone, it's impossible
6. ENFP: Quirky
7. INFP: Pathetic
8. INFJ: Stop being right god dammit
9. ISFJ: Too good, too pure for this world
10. ISFP: I like the vibe, but too sensitive for me
11. ESFP: At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
12. ESFJ: Forgettable
13. ESTJ: What are you, a cop?
14. ESTP: Flaky
15. ISTP: A puzzle that must be solved (Would smash)
16. ISTJ: Square
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shika000 · 1 year
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Entp x Infj 💜💚
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Everyone: ENFJs are so sweet, how on earth could they be manipulative, it’s just imp—
Me, an ENFJ, humming Mastermind by Taylor Swift as I compile your Mbti and enneagram type I tricked you into telling me so I could realize your greatest needs, wants, personal communication style, and favorite conversation topics and love on you: I have absolutely no idea
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trashandwriting · 2 years
The (basic) thoughts of INFJ
The needs and emotions of others are more important than my own.
I need to avoid conflict, even if I lose out. But when everyone else is happy, I am too.
I love the whole world and don't get that love back, that's why I'm bitter deep inside.
I realise and notice more things than others but can't put them into words
People say I'm an extrovert, but I'm just not shy, I still like being by myself more than being with people and will avoid people if possible.
I feel lonely but are afraid of deep emotional bonds, because emotional stress is heavy for me.
I can handle my life but would wish for someone to help and love me, but also kinda know no one will meet my standards or love me like I need it
I am smart but only because I recognise patterns fast and remember interesting things, I am not exactly an expert in anything
People say I am childish when I'm happy, dramatic when I'm sad or afraid and bitter when I'm angry. It's probably best to not show them too much
I trust only a few people so much I consider them my friends. I'm overly loyal and when a friend leaves, I often don't understand. People seem to often leave me despite me trying my best to do everything for them.
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
If MBTIs were to be represented by animals, what animal you think each MBTI would be?
INTJ: Raven
ENFP: Australian Sheperd Dog
ISTJ: Green Sea Turtle
ENTJ: Lion
INFP: Hedgehog
ISTP: Jaguar
ESTP: Hammerhead shark
ESFP: Lilac-breasted roller
INFJ: Grey whale
ENFJ: Swan
ISFJ: Rabbit
ISFP: Tabby cat
ESFJ: Snow Seal
INTP: Badger
ESTJ: Brown Bear
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strwbblonde · 10 months
brand new here, looking for mutuals!
✭ 17
✭ she/they - demigirl
✭ bpd & ocd
✭ in ana recovery, when i rant i will be adding a tw
✭ college freshman @ nau next sem
✭ i <3 coquette & vintage styles
✭ figure skater
✭ true crime obsessed
✭ in a reading slump and looking for recs
✭ die hard shoegaze, nu metal, hard rock, blackgaze, & indie rock fan
✭ leo sun, pisces moon, cap rising, leo mercury, libra venus, taurus mars
✭ enfj 2w3 sx/so286 velf (1111) eie-0 SLo(A)i sang-chol
lets be friends!
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ursulawhosoever · 11 months
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A bit of INFJ and ENFJ mood 🤭 haha
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darkpoetryshop · 1 year
I feel like this is an INFP mood
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saku-chann · 3 months
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ENTJ X INFP ✒️📖 💖 The legend says : if you teach math to INFPs they will fall asleep.
Which couple do you like more ?Which persona should I do next?
💙 Entj won the votes ! Infp was second and ENFJ third ! Didn't know so many infps are into their own type xD ENFJ tho...*mulan training soundtrack* she would train him to death to be a warrior 🤣 the last sketch was funny to draw.
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antheiantics · 2 years
If they don't treat you with the same intensity you treat them just stop being supportive, respond less, care less and see what they do.
Stay toxic, sometimes it's required if you want to keep your well-being in check.
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yandere-romanticaa · 8 months
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thepeelingrenoir · 3 months
"I feel grateful for being spared the affliction of sufficient talent in any one individual craft I enjoy. Be it music, writing, or dance.
In this way I've never felt the pressure to make something of it. I've simply been able to enjoy things on my own terms."
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shika000 · 2 years
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Infj x Entp
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