#episode tag: 2x10
There needs to be a fic where Tim goes home and is thinking damn I should had just gone for it and asked Lucy out for a drink and then he goes to find her....
My mind is in overdrive for Chenford.
Thinking of Tim being worried about Lucy has me in all my Chenford feels I hope they they it justice wish me luck for 2x11
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911lonestarrewatch · 3 months
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Episode 2x10 A Little Help From My Friends Discussion Thread
Please feel free to use the comment thread and tags of this post throughout the week as a place to liveblog while watching the episode, discuss with friends, post your metas and thoughts etc. Anything you’d like to discuss while watching the episode is welcome!!
Please reblog this post for visibility!! 
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 3 months
To clarify, this does not mean your favorite episode, but rather, your favorite episode of this ship. Because this had to be whittled down so much to fit into the amount of spaces available for a poll, this doesn't include every Ladrien episode, so feel free to click other and put your episode in the tags!
This is for the purpose of satisfying my curiosity of ship trends in ml, so please share for a larger sample size!
Ladynoir poll
Adrinette poll
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belleandkurtbastian · 6 months
Play It By Ear Episode Bracket - Round 1, Match 8
We’re into the second half of Round 1 now, and deep into the Season 2 episodes!
Match 8:
2x03: “Heartbeat Hospital”, starring Jess McKenna, Zach Reino, Chris Grace, and Ashley Ward.
2x10: “Heebie-Jeebies”, starring Jess McKenna, Zach Reino, Philip Labes, and Mary Lou.
Feel free to reblog and share, and advocate for your favourite in the replies, comments, and tags.
Other votes this round: Match 5 • Match 6 • Match 7
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elizadushkudaily · 3 months
Dollhouse masterlist!
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February 2009 - January 2010 | Dollhouse. Eliza Dushku plays Echo and others - full 27 episode masterlist below! (Eliza appears in every episode.) Echo is part of a top secret corporate operation, and she is based out of the Los Angeles "Dollhouse."
You can also find the episode list by season in the Dollhouse posters. Episodes in parentheses did not air live on TV.
Masterlist: (1x00 Echo) 1x01 Ghost 1x02 The Target 1x03 Stage Fright 1x04 Gray Hour 1x05 True Believer 1x06 Man on the Street 1x07 Echoes 1x08 Needs 1x09 A Spy in the House of Love 1x10 Haunted 1x11 Briar Rose 1x12 Omega (1x13 Epitaph One) 2x01 Vows 2x02 Instinct 2x03 Belle Chose 2x04 Belonging 2x05 The Public Eye 2x06 The Left Hand 2x07 Meet Jane Doe 2x08 A Love Supreme 2x09 Stop Loss 2x10 The Attic 2x11 Getting Closer 2x12 The Hollow Men 2x13 Epitaph Two: Return multi [multiple episodes, sometimes also tagged by episode] opening credits all [everything! can also be viewed in archive mode] bts [sometimes with other cast] cast [not on set] icons [and gifpacks, etc] promos and stills
Dollhouse aired in the 9 pm Friday night timeslot, and has an overall IMDB rating of 8 / 10. S1 was shot on 35 mm film but S2 was shot on high-definition video. Eliza also served as series producer on Dollhouse. This was Eliza's second TV show where she was a series regular cast member, after Tru Calling.
In case you haven't seen this show: On Dollhouse a corporation runs numerous underground establishments (known as "Dollhouses") that program individuals referred to as Actives (or Dolls) with temporary personalities and skills. The series follows the Active known as "Echo" on her journey toward self-awareness. (x)
(both gifs thanks to brainpocalpyse!)
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haletostilinski · 2 months
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repressedqueen · 3 months
random 911 poll from a crier #2
After the many tagged episodes in my last poll, I promised a poll with all the episodes from the tags, so here we go:
Edit: APOLOGIES FOR 3x06 !! Correct title is "The devil you know" 🤣😭🤦‍♀️
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annepi-blog · 7 months
Thank you @fallevs for tagging me in the Glee game!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: Laryngitis (1x18) I was torn between this episode and Theatricality. But I decided to go with the episode that gave us Rose's Turn.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Born This Way (2x18) The hardest decision for me, as there were so many great songs and very coherent storylines this season. Especially the narrative around Kurt is very good. I was thinking of either Prom Queen because of the beautiful story around Kurt and Blaine. But I decided to go with Born This Way because I love the music here, 4 out of 5 songs are in my Glee playlist. Somewhere Only We Know is definitely in my top 5 Glee songs, Born This Way is iconic, and As If We Never Said Goodbye just shows how good Chris/Kurt can sing.
3. Favourite season 3 episode: The First Time (3x05) It's rather difficult for me to decide here, because I found the season weaker, especially after season two. There is again a lot of good music, but the story has only scattered highlights for me, the characters don't do much and some story strands are not consistent. I like the music in Michael and Dance with Somebody but the story is only ok. I like the (sad) story of Karofsky in On My Way, but the episode is too packed for me. I chose The First Time because of the Klaine story and the good West Side Story music.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: The Break-Up (4x04) Please don't hate me, but I love a good cry. And maybe the authors could have come up with something other than cheating (I feel like that's the only thing the authors know to end any relationship?!) But I thought the whole situation was so realistic and well written. They are just 17 or 18 year old boys in their first relationship. Misunderstandings and mistakes are just part of it. I like that they have time to develop independently, and it's even nicer when they get back together. I also love the music in this episode.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: New New York (5x15). I love the New York story; I love domestic Klaine; I love the friendship between Blam and Kelliot; I love the glitter rock vampire scene; I love that Klaine is arguing, communicating, and making adult decisions. I love many of the songs.
6. Favourite season 6 episode: Dreams Come True (6x13) I thought it was a great ending for Glee, especially in combination with the 2009 episode. Is it realistic that all Glee Club members are super successful and famous? Who cares! I loved that the main characters all had a great future written for them. And I love that Klaine become parents in canon.
7. Episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x03) and The Break-Up (4x04).
8. Episode that makes me laugh: Puppet Master (5x07) I love puppet master Blaine!
9. Favourite tribute episode: Michael (3x11) This is difficult, the tributes are always very good. I'll take Michael, but more for the music.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: In A Very Glee Christmas (2x10), I LOVE Baby It's Cold Outside. But for the story, I like Glee, Actually (4x10) better.
11. Episode with the best songs: I can hardly decide, there are so many good ones. The first episode that comes to my mind where I like every song is Duets (2x04).
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Hold on to Sixteen (3x08) The Unitards' number is great; the Troubletones' singing is great (don't hate me, but the costumes and choreography aren't for me); I love the New Directions' setlist, everyone gets a chance to shine and the songs form a good unit.
13. Favourite regionals episode: I just realized that I find the regionals setlist all just ok. I'll take Journey to Regionals (1x22) because of Bohemian Rhapsody.
14. Favourite nationals episode: City of Angels (5x11) I have to say that I liked the New Directions setlist here better than in season 3. Even though Paradise by the Dashboard Light is of course great, I never liked the focus on one soloist or couple in competitions. I just like it when everyone sings together. And they were so much better than Throat Explosion.
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: I can just agree with @fallevs. Blame It on the Alcohol (2x14) Although I think the party is generally fun, I hate Rachel's selfishness. There is ONE other gay teenager who her gay best friend likes and she is trying to start a relationship with him. Because he can sing. Even though there are 99% other straight boys at her school and she knows that Kurt likes Blaine. The same goes for the Kurt is biphobic thing. He's a boy in love who is hurt by his crush, and the writers didn't write that argument well.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: Again Puppet Master (5x07) I just love puppet master Blaine. He is so funny.
I tag @kirakiwiwrites @mynonah @1908jmd @rockitmans @daisyishedwig @cryscendo @esilher but no pressure!
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fallevs · 7 months
I found this Glee game around Tumblr but the creator's profile is disabled. If anyone recognizes it let me know and I'll mention it!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: The Power of Madonna (1x15) I literally love everything about this episode. Especially the introduction of cheerio!Kurt and the 4 Minutes performance! Pure gold.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Original Song (2x16) Do I need to specify that? The beginning of klaine 💘💖💞
3. Favourite season 3 episode: I'm undecided between The First Time (3x05) and Nationals (3x21) The first one because, of course, klaine. The Nationals episode is too good, though. It shows their coming together as a group and the songs are beautiful. And then they win! Nothing else to say.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: I'm not a fan of season four, so it's hard to choose. I would say I Do (4x14) because of, again, klaine scenes which are BEAUTIFUL (horny!Kurt is what I love most). But I would say maybe Wonder-ful (4x21) for the positivity of the episode. Super cute.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: Here I feel I must necessarily mention two episodes. Love, love, love (5x01) and Tina in the Sky with Diamonds (5x02). The first for the most beautiful marriage proposal in history. The second for Hey Jude. What happened to Tina is atrocious and their way of consoling and support her is wonderful. This is the real Glee!
6. Favourite season 6 episode: Am I repetitive? Who cares! A wedding (6x08) because "There's no one else" makes me scream every time. I loved the idea of them getting married just like that, out of nowhere, without some couples therapy first? No. But they love each other and I'm okay with that.
7. Episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x01) enough said. But also Grilled Cheesus (2x03) I see myself very much in what happens to Kurt. It makes me cry every time.
8. Episode that makes me laugh: Previously Unaired Christmas (5x08) I'm probably the only one but the silliness and surrealism of this episode makes me pee my pants.
9. Favourite tribute episode: again, The Power of Madonna (1x15) this is seriously amazing. Just iconic.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) OBVIOUSLY because of Baby It’s Cold Outside. But I also really like Glee, Actually (4x10) if it weren't for the Jake and Puck part that I find very boring... please don't hate me.
11. Episode with the best songs: I would say Nationals. And Rachel sings what I think is her best solo of the series. I get goosebumps thinking about it.
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Sectionals (1x13) because of Don’t Rain on My Parade and My life would suck without you.
13. Favourite regionals episode: Original Song (2x16) nothing can beat it (we pretend that Candles does not exist)
14. Favourite nationals episode: Nationals (3x21) of course!!!
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: Blame It on the Alcohol (2x14) okay. Here I think I'm going to get a lot of criticism. It is definitely funny and hilarious, but I CANNOT accept Rachel's selfishness toward what she calls her best friend. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I also cannot stand that Kurt is called biphobic. He's not biphobic: he's just a 16-year-old boy in love and jealous who couldn't give a good speech at the moment, that's all.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: The Hurt Locker Part 2 (6x05) I literally love everything about this episode. It is INSANE and just so funny. That klaine kiss... *swoon*
@shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @kurtsascot @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @annepi-blog @justgleekout @klaine-in-the-impala @bitbybitwrites, if you want 🫶🏻
Even those I haven't tagged, do it!!!
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glee episode tag game
@fallevs thank u for the tag darling <3
favorite season 1 episode: aaa it's gonna be so hard to choose for all of these! i think for s1 i gotta give it to Preggers (1x04). mainly bc of Kurt's storyline this ep and the coming out scene with Burt (best dad ever)
favorite season 2 episode: aaa i love season 2 so much, it's so hard to choose! i think it's a tie between Original Song (2x16) and Prom Queen (2x20), though Never Been Kissed (2x06) comes in a veeery close second
favorite season 3 episode: honestly? not always the biggest fan of season 3 😬 i'm gonna go with The First Time (3x05) tho for obvious klaine-related reasons <3
favorite season 4 episode: either The Break-Up (4x04) or Guilty Pleasures (4x17). i enjoy angst, if y'all haven't noticed <3
favorite season 5 episode: three-way tie between New New York (5x14), Bash (5x15), and Tested (5x16). New York half of season 5 my beloved <3 and these first three of that half are just a really good stretch of episodes
favorite season 6 episode: this one might be a little controversial BUT Hurt Locker Part 2 (6x05). LISTEN. it's batshit wild and i love it. (honestly most of season 6 is batshit wild and i love it. the writers were smoking crack this season)
episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x03) :( Cory Monteith left this world much too soon :(
episode that makes me laugh: basically any of the ones that are just. wild. Vitamin D (1x06), Props (3x20), Pupper Master (5x07)
favorite tribute episode: oooh either Rumours (2x19) or Love, Love, Love (5x01)
favorite Christmas episode: A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) <3 we get BICO <3 and there's some pretty silly plots and i like it <3
episode with the best songs: so many episodes have so many good songs. but i'm gonna give it to The Break-Up (4x04) bc i think i have every song from that episode in my gcv playlist
favorite sectionals episode: i think i gotta go with the very first one, Sectionals (1x13) it just makes my little heart happy <3
favorite regionals episode: again, gonna go with og Journey to Regionals (1x22) look season 1 is solid, okay?
favorite nationals episode: i'm torn between Nationals (3x21) bc it's pretty iconic and i love the outfits and City of Angels (5x11) bc i like the tribute to Finn. and Burt and Carole are there. and Sam's "I did my best Mr. Schue" makes me emo
episode most people like but i don't: oof i think Saturday Night Glee-ver (3x16). i don't hate it, it's just not my favorite
episode most people dislike but i like: Previously Unaried Christmas (5x08) it's Batshit Wild and makes me laugh
idk who has or hasn't played this already, but if you see this and want to play, consider yourself tagged!
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
44 - Papa Original and Confind Spaces
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Part 45
Gemini Runaway
Decided to combine episodes in this chapter. The next chapter I feel like should be something with Rae and Nik and their kids or the original brothers Nik and Elijah playing a board game with Cami after watching that scene in 2x10 with her and Elijah 🤣 Anyway thanks for reading, let me know which one is better.
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
The four of us ended up outside a storage unit in the middle of the woods. Marcel had even joined us in search of Cami and the stake. Nik grabbed a tree cutting it in half making his own makeshift stake for his father before we told the others to wait outside and we went inside together. Rounding the corner I gasped in honor seeing Mikael holding a bleeding and weak Cami against his chest with the stake to her throat. “You're gonna pay for hurting her.”
Mikael carelessly lets go of Cami and drops her to the floor. “Aw, how sweet. The cur whines for its bitch. I'll be sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes, just before you burn.”
“We killed you once, Mikael. And we can do it again.” I threatened showing him my fangs.
He smirked, pointing the stake at me. “So you’ve turned that abomination of a witch, boy. Must you keep making others suffer through your torture.”
Nik launched up into the air and tackles Mikael onto the ground. Mikael attempts to stab him with the stake but he holds it away from his heart grunting. The pair keep fighting until they ran through a wall. Vamping to Cami’s body I could hear her heartbeat still thankfully. She slowly woke up when I called her name. “Cami, Cami, wake up.”
“Rae…” She gasped.
“Not as weak as you remember, am I, - Raelyn!” Nik shouted before I heard something was flying at Cami’s face. It was the hook blade where I raised my hand quickly snatching it before it could hit her.
Mikael suddenly caught Nik by his arm holding the stake, bending it backward and shoving it into his heart. “Nik….ahhh!” I screamed clutching my heart inside my chest collapsing onto my knees feeling the stake inside my heart too.
“No!” Cami screamed running forward to grab Mikael but he slapped her in the face.
Nik dropped onto the ground and I began panicking seeing his body covered in veins like when Stefan and Damon meant to kill him. Mikael stood over him waiting for him to burst into flames but he didn’t. “Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, it would burn. BURN!”
“Davina…” I mumbled under my breath hearing chanting from somewhere else.
Mikael managed to find her. “Is this your doing, little witch? Then, you will undo it! Return the power to the stake!”
Holding my heart I groaned, feeling weaker by the minute seeing my brother running inside grabbing my shoulder scared. “Rae, are you okay?”
“Jacob, get out of here. He will kill you.” I warned him not to expect him to come in here like this. I wouldn’t let Mikael kill him.
Mikael came back into where we we’re seeing my brother and I then his gaze shifted to Cami. “What do you think you're doing?”
Cami sits up and holds the stake in front of her. “Stay the hell away from us! Or, I swear to God, I'll kill you myself.”
Mikael was mildly impressed. “You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir.”
“Jacob, run…” I gasped in relief once Cami had yanked the stake out of Nik’s chest.
My twin didn’t move which made Mikael vamp forward snatching him and sinking his fangs into his neck. I almost froze in my place seeing him nearly drain him dry to the point of death. Forcing myself to my feet I raised a hand towards the vampire hunter. “Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam nolite corde ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum -argh!” I grunt when Mikael vamped forward throwing me onto my back heading to kill Cami until Marcel came into the room fighting some punches with him before he got knocked down too.
Mikael pointed the wooden stake Klaus had made at Marcel. “Now, ENOUGH! This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy klling every last one of you.”
Nik gasped quickly, waking up the second before Hayley vamped inside wrapping some chains around his neck, knocking the original onto his back. “Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it.”
Moving over to Nik I grasped his forearm in mine needing him for balance even though I was a vampire. The stake had really drained me this time. “It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?” Everyone else joins our sides smirking at Mikael ready to fight.
Mikael laughs at us. “You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your battles.” He vamped away and no one dared to follow him.
Slumping my shoulders in relief once he was gone I noticed my brother laying on the ground bleeding harshly. Vamping over to him I grabbed his hands in mine remembering a healing spell. “Asinta mulaf hinto.”
He gasped where I saw the wound was slowly healing but his heart was slowly beating. “Rae…”
“Sssh don’t talk, J. Just drink this. It’s a lot faster.” Biting down on my wrist I drew some blood shoving it against his mouth. He slowly drank it seeing his wound and heart returning to normal where I sighed closing my eyes performing a sleep spell and transporting him to Cami’s house for safety. “Ad somnum…forgive me Jacob.”
Rising to my feet I walked over to Nik who was checking out Cami. He had a hole in his chest where he was bleeding from the stake. “You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, and I would have been done for….including Raelyn for that matter.”
Cami responded by placing her hand over the wound. “It's the least I could do for telling you not to kill that bastard the first chance you had.”
He whispered, touching the wound on her neck. “Well, he hurt you. For that alone, I will kill him. (You know, in a thousand years, I think it's the first time I've seen him run.”
Cami breathed out. “He was still weak.”
Hayley approaches us with Marcel. “And, he knew he was outmatched.”
Marcel looked around when I sighed running my fingers through my hair. “We checked the perimeter, and he's definitely gone.”
Nik smiled rising to his feet wrapping an arm around my waist seeing me sway on my feet. “I appreciate your assistance.”
Marcel smiled at him. “Well, hey! You die, I die. Just call me selfish.” Laying my head against Nik’s chest he picked me up bridal style with me, wrapping my arms around his neck. I slept in his arms.
The few days led up to Hayley wanting to make peace between the werewolves and the vampires. Laying on Nik’s bed my entire body was feeling drained still but I had completely healed. Getting up from the bed I used the bathroom seeing blood in the toilet. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I grumbled under my breath feeling some pain in my stomach.
“Rae, what’s wrong?” Nik vamped into the room placing a hand on my back.
Sniffing through tears I began putting the pieces together. It had been awhile after the girls were born but I honestly thought it was possible to have my period anymore since I was a vampire. “I didn’t puke up that blood like before. It came back…”
“What came back, exactly?” He raised a brow at me.
Shifting my gaze up to his I bite my lip figuring he would be weirded out by what I was about to say. “My period, Nik. Apparently since I can have magical children because of your mother’s dark magic in my blood it makes me still have the freaking monthly mess.”
“Oh my siphon queen, come here.” He opened his arms for me, picking me up again carrying me back to the bed, laying down with me for a few hours until I heard Finn’s voice downstairs, which wasn’t good.
Vamping downstairs even though I felt lazy I held onto the wall for balance over the pain glaring at him. “What the hell are you doing here!”
“You’ll see soon enough, Raelyn.” He declares.
Marcel stepped over to me eyeing me up and down not finding any wounds on me. “Raelyn, where exactly are you bleeding from? Cause I can smell it I just can’t find it.”
“I see you're brokering a truce between mongrels and parasites! And just how long do you think that's really going to last? A month? A week? A day? What you don't yet seem to understand is that the only thing that can exist between your two degenerate species is hatred, war, and death.” Finn slowly backs away as he talks, until he is technically outside of the compound. Where he slams his hand against the doorway of the entrance, the entire building shakes. “But, I imagine, given a little time confined together, you'll come to see things the way I do.”
Klaus is in his bedroom, where he tests the spell against the balcony. His hand burns as well, and after a moment, he yanks his hand away from the barrier. “Raelyn!”
Kol joins us, looking frantic.
“Did he really just trap us all in here?”
Nik responded, getting in his face. “He certainly did. Which means we have a witch problem. You're a witch. Fix it.”
Kol shouts back when he tries to leave the room.“And what the bloody hell do you want me to do about it?”
“Well, considering the crowd, I think you'll be more motivated to find a solution. After all, I can easily out-wait our brother's antics. You, on the other hand, might find yourself looking rather appetizing to some of our fellow prisoners.” Nik snapped back at him, glancing over to me. “
Kol looks panicked and reconsiders. “I'm gonna need some help.” It was a few moments before I followed him downstairs I noticed Davina walked up about to touch the barrier until he stopped her. “Careful, careful! It's nasty. Pretty girl to the rescue, eh? You ready?”
Crossing my arms over my chest I watched the pair place their hands up against each other attempting to undo the spell but they jumped backwards. “I assume that means we can leave.” Nik appeared beside me about to step up.
“Vincent's boundary is too strong. “ Kol said.
Snapping my fingers feeling a burning in my throat when someone was coming around the corner and I gasped vamping up remaining at the edge of the barrier. “Jacob….you have to go. It’s too dangerous here.”
“You put me in a sleep spell for days, Rae!” He raised his voice clearly angry at me.
“J, listen you can be furious with me later. But now you really really have to go.” My fangs popped out and I felt the veins coming out from under my eyes.
Davina glanced between us. “Hold up, Raelyn is this your brother. And he’s a siphon like you.”
“Yeah I am. Why, what’s going on?” He asked the harvest girl, confused.
She raised her hands up against the barrier giving him and I instructions on what we could do to help them get us all out of here before we tear one another apart. “You two can help us by siphoning the spell away long enough to get everyone out. Just place your hands up against mine so you don’t get burned. Raelyn, you follow Kol on the other side.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s go tell Nik.” Glancing over my shoulder some of the vampires were coming closer to me where I knew they could smell the blood from my period so I vamped upstairs before they could get any closer.
Nik came into the room placing a hand on my shoulder seeing the terror on my face. “Rae, what’s wrong love.”
“We need to get out of here before Marcel and his newbie vampires tear me to shreds.” Locking my gaze with his, he pulled me into his chest before Kol entered the room. “They can smell my month's blood, Nik. They will try to kill me regardless of being a vampire myself and I can’t be around Jacob because the hunger is driving me crazy…I’m scared.”
“What Davina, and I can do is cast a destruction spell. It would temporarily neutralize all magical objects in the compound, including the compound itself. If it works, well, then it will give us sixty seconds to escape whilst the boundary is shut down.” Kol explained looking in my direction. “Raelyn and Jacob can siphon it alongside us but there’s no guarantee that the spell will break. All they can do right now is help us do this spell.”
Marcel nodded about to leave. “Alright, alright, that sounds good to me.”
Nik sat down at the head of the table with his hands clasped together. “If the spell works, it will suppress all magical objects in the vicinity. That means your rings.”
Marcel groans in frustration. “And if we go outside in the sun without our rings, we're dead.”
Klaus pointed out. “Unless you wait for nightfall.”
“Agh.”He looks out toward the courtyard where the vampires are hanging out. “They're also new. They're not going to be able to fight the hunger. We can't wait until nightfall. We're going to have a bloodbath on our hands before we even get close.”
Hitting my hands on the table I raised my voice towards him and moaned when I felt some cramps shoot throughout my stomach. “It’s either we do this or we let Finn win and right now I am resting the urge to fight against the barrier and drain my twin brother. So I don’t care if they are newbie vamps. We are doing this!”
Kol and I were back with the pair placing our hands over the barrier once again. Closing my eyes I couldn’t look at my brother because all I could hear was his blood running through his veins. Whipping my head around I heard some of the wolves and vamps fighting with Klaus and Marcel having to hold them back. Mine and Jaocb’s hand turned red following their chant before Kol and Davina actually touched hands. Everyone that was a wolf ran outside but when Kol tried to run Nik grabbed him by his jacket throwing him backwards. “Slight change of plans, brother. I no longer have to treat you as anything but the treacherous liar that you truly are.”
Kol asked on his back with me vamping over the line beside Nik. “What the bloody hell?”
Klaus asked his brother. “Where is she?”
Kol looks backward at the vampires, who are looking at him hungrily but cannot lunge for him while their daylight rings are neutralized. “Please! They'll kill him!”
Nik snarled at him not caring about the vampires behind him. “Well, he should have thought about that before he betrayed our sister! Rebekah never made it to her new body, did she? And, seeing as you cast the spell and, well, you're you, I'd hardly call it an uncrackable case!”
“Rebekah's fine, Nik!” He angrily starts to walk toward him. Cutting himself off when he burned his hand. “It was a prank, nothing more than anything you lot have done to me, but I bet it's different when it's one of y... aah!”
Nik smirks, raising his tone of voice at him grabbing my hand in his. “Oooh. Barrier's back up. And those vampires look oh-so hungry. Now, I was willing to welcome you back in my home! But you had to return to your petty, selfish jealousies! Well, let's see how well they help you survive when you're stuck in there!”
“Nik, we can’t just-“ I cut myself short eyeing my brother and the vein on his neck before I vamped away from him and into an empty alleyway. Covering my face in my hands I heard someone vamp beside me where I saw Nik standing above me with a blood bag in his hands.
He bent down on a knee cradling my face in his pa holding it out for me to take it. "Here I managed to hide this from the others before we left the compound."
"No. You take it." I shook my head baring my teeth together, bending my head into my knees feeling another wave of cramps where I honestly missed being pregnant for a brief moment.
He raised a brow at me pushing the open bag up to my lips seeing the veins appearing instantly. "Take it, Rae. You need it more than I."
"What about you though?" I barked back clutching the bag in my fingers knowing I would drink it dry.
His blue eyes met mine pressing his forehead against mine briefly drawing back. "I'll be fine, darling. I have a stronger tolerance than you, sweetheart. Go on, have at it, every drop."
"I almost killed my brother, Nik…I wanted to drink his blood…my twin brother. What should I do?" Shifting my gaze to the bag I drained it within seconds tossing it away flinging my arms around his neck crying into his shoulder.
He moves one arm underneath my legs and the other under my back lifting me up where he rose to his feet. "We will figure that out another day, little Heretic. Now we are going to see our daughters, all three of them." He kissed the crown of my head vaming us somewhere out of the city knowing his chair was near the city limits.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S2
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
— — —
I can tell I’ve really accessed the elder millennial (& elder) demographic with my M*A*S*H posting (doing...numbers? hullo!) by, above all, the 80% consistency rating of those reblogging it also adding tags. My people. We gotta find things later.
Season 2! Absolutely, get in here, loved this one: to bits. I did swing around the order again this time, primarily to pace the Hawkeye runs himself ragged episodes—too much of that at once might cause damage, nearly did me. I am kidding: I did not avoid this. Hi broken, I'm Dad!
M*A*S*H - Season 2 Recommended sequence
2x01 ‘Divided We Stand’ - A reintroduction to the 4077th in our second season together through the psychiatric officer sent to investigate whether they’ve all gone mad out there and should be broken up. Spoiler alert: of course, and of course not.
2x02 ‘5 O’Clock Charlie’ - Every day at 5 o’clock, a North Korean pilot flies overhead and tries* to bomb the nearby ammunition dump (*tries). Just chock-a-block with bits. Fun fact: Alda’s foppy infantry drag routine probably the moment I truly fell in love with him—“That’s about it.” This too would have made a wonderful season opener honestly, but we just get two!
2x04 ‘For the Good of the Outfit’ - And now we sit down with a thump: Hawkeye & Trapper try to get the American military to take responsibility for shelling a peaceful Korean village, and learn that the Army, surprise, has no whistleblower protection. No B-plot, we’re just doing THIS.
2x05 ‘Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde’ - In this hurt/comfort but we nearly forgot part of it fanfiction, Hawkeye Pierce stays awake doing surgery for…possibly 48 hours if I've calculated this right, but then after that another shift, and another…oh jesus. He stays awake for something like three days, all but spare minutes of it pulling bits of metal out of chest wounds, it breaks something in him, and then for the next night & day more he continues to sleeplessly wander the camp spooking and unnerving people like an irreverent broken ghost. This is probably the best episode I’ve seen yet. Every time you hear the sound of choppers, and he just looks up from the shadowed caverns of his eyes… HUGE ohh honey! episode, and also like, ..fuck. Fuucking fuck. “Dear Harry, Who’s responsible?” I could lovingly detail every single thing that happens in this, very up to and including the warm circumstances of the little closing scene, which I ache over.
2x09 ‘Dear Dad…Three’ - That’s WRITE, it’s another letter writing episode, with a number of differently toned scenes strung together with pretty impressive balance. A tense surgery, a goofy home video that accidentally makes everyone verklempt, a perfectly absurdist staff meeting, and meanwhile: The Gang Solves Racism! Well, corrects a racist. Involves ridiculous antics don’t even worry. Ginger has the funniest part and thank god.
2x10 ‘The Sniper’ - There’s a sniper. This is a situation where this episode is so well written and edited, just sterling 25 minute story construction, that I’ve deemed it too good to be sunk by its one too many sexual assault jokes. I mean kinda makes it even more of a peak early season M*A*S*H episode, if you think about it.
2x12 ‘The Incubator’ - One of my favorites of this season to be honest! An eventual sort of Milo Minderbinder riff on byzantine and corrupt Army supply chains, in which Trapper & Hawkeye wear their dress uniforms and at one point stand in as investigative journalists asking tough questions at a military press conference—hot.
2x13 'Deal Me Out' - A wonderfully pitched antics ep, especially memorable for the deep bank of recurring guest players: Sidney Freedman, Sam Pak, and even Colonel Flagg. I have since started playing poker and it is remarkable how many elements of this exact game have already occurred. Minus the surgery.
2x11 ‘Carry On, Hawkeye’ - A flu epidemic sweeps the camp, and if the sight of people wearing masks and looking worried isn’t moving enough for you In Our Current Era, the only folks left standing as the war casualties keep coming in—Hawkeye, Margaret, Radar, and Father Mulcahy—trauma bond about it. Exquisite. I adore this one. Also another for the annals of Hawkeye shouting down the line to a superior officer about finding a husband.
2x24 'A Smattering of Intelligence' - Honestly it's not about these slipshod spies: it's because Marlene Dietrich is back in town.
2x20 ‘As You Were’ - Love that when this started I was thinking eh it was probably not making my list. A whiplash episode par excellence. Hot Take! - I think this does the kind of thing ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’ wants to do better than that one actually does.
2x22 ‘George’ - A scene or two into this one, Hawkeye comments in the mess tent that one of the kids they just sewed up was really bruised, and not in a combat way, like in a someone beat him way, and I idly muse, hey, in the version where we kick it up a notch: he was beat up for being gay, and comes out to Dr. Pierce because of course he comes out to Dr. Pierce, the kind chaotic bisexual energy is palpable even behind the surgical mask, and then self-identified Aunt Hawkeye has to figure out how to save him. I would have signed a statement giving up my blog in the event were this to actually come to pass, and done so laughing. But then in the year of our lord 1974, DO YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED. Good thing my mouth was healing because I yelled.
Oh, and if you’re wondering if Benjamin ‘Homoerotics’ Pierce took this network-granted opportunity to come out as straight—
2x21 ‘Crisis’ - They Were All So Cold, redux, variation: There Was Only One Tent. Not quite like that, although does include Hawkeye and Trap essentially sharing a bed and as many layers of Army surplus as they can scrounge while jibber-jabbering with Klinger as he puts on cold cream and Father Mulcahy does an impromptu stand-up bit in his Loyola sweatshirt, and for this and many reasons, this one about burst my heart in warm coziness. Easily the most endearing & domestic thing this show has done to me yet. I’m compromised. Haha fuck, I’m compromised!
Season 1 • Season 2 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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911lonestarrewatch · 6 months
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Welcome to the 2024 hiatus rewatch!
Starting January 1st, we will be watching two episodes per week (Monday - Sunday). These can be watched at any point throughout the week. Complete rewatch schedule can be found below the cut!
Reminders of which episodes we will be watching each week will be posted on Sunday around noon CST. On Monday, a discussion post will go live that you can reply to if you want to talk to your fellow rewatchers, as well as a list of any fanfics that are tagged on AO3 with the episode number.
We encourage anyone participating to live blog, share their thoughts, scream about their favorite parts, or post any newly created fanworks about the episode using #911 lone star rewatch 2024
Other ways you can participate:
Reblog gif sets, fan art, fan fics, edits, metas, etc. related to the episodes of the week! Tag them ‘911 lone star rewatch 2024’ and we will do our best to reblog as much as we can as well, including queuing up posts throughout the week. (Obviously we will not reblog spam, or anything hateful or bigoted.)
Send us fic recs pertaining to the weekly episodes! Not everyone tags the episode on AO3, so send us anything we missed.
Please mention us @911lonestarrewatch or use the tag ‘911 lone star rewatch 2024’ if you post any new gif sets, fics, or fan art pertaining to that week’s episodes
Feel free to come and go as you please, there’s no obligation to take part every week. Also feel free to fall behind and reblog stuff from past weeks. The schedule is just to give this some structure, not a deadline anyone has to meet.
And have fun!
Schedule under the cut:
January 1st - January 7th:
1x01: Pilot
1x02: Yee-Haw
January 8th - January 14th:
1x03: Texas Proud
1x04: Act of God
January 15th - January 21st:
1x05: Studs
1x06: Friends Like These
January 22nd - January 28th:
1x07: Bum Steer
1x08: Monster Inside
January 29th - February 4th:
1x09: Awakening
1x10: Austin, We Have a Problem
February 5th - February 11th:
2x01: Back in the Saddle
2x02: 2100°
February 12th - February 18th:
2x03: Hold the Line
2x04: Friends with Benefits
February 19th - February 25th:
2x05: Difficult Conversations
2x06: Everyone and Their Brother
February 26th - March 3rd:
2x07: Displaced
2x08: Bad Call
March 4th - March 10th:
2x09: Saving Grace
2x10: A Little Help From My Friends
March 11th - March 17th:
2x11: Slow Burn
2x12: The Big Heat
March 18th - March 24th:
2x13: One Day
2x14: Dust to Dust
March 25th - March 31st:
3x01: The Big Chill
3x02: Thin Ice
April 1st - April 7th:
3x03: Shock & Thaw
3x04: Push
April 8th - April 14th:
3x05: Child Care
3x06: The ATX-Files
April 15th - April 21st:
3x07: Red vs Blue
3x08: In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency
April 22nd - April 28th:
3x09: The Bird
3x10: Parental Guidance
April 29th - May 5th:
3x11: Prince Albert in a Can
3x12: Negative Space
May 6th - May 12th
3x13: Riddle of the Sphynx
3x14: Impulse Control
May 13th - May 19th
3x15: Down To Clown
3x16: Shift-Less
May 20th - May 26th
3x17: Spring Cleaning
3x18: A Bright and Cloudless Morning
May 27th - June 2nd:
4x01: The New Hotness
4x02: The New Hot Mess
June 3rd - June 9th:
4x03: Cry Wolf
4x04: Abandoned
June 10th - June 16th:
4x05: Human Resources
4x06: This Is Not a Drill
June 17th - June 23rd:
4x07: Tommy Dearest
4x08: Control Freaks
June 24th - June 30th:
4x09: Road Kill
4x10: Sellouts
July 1st - July 7th:
4x11: Double Trouble
4x12: Swipe Left
July 8th - July 14th:
4x13: Open
4x14: Tongues Out
July 15th - July 21th:
4x15: Donors
4x16: A House Divided
July 22nd - July 28th:
4x17: Best of Men
4x18: In Sickness and In Health
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 months
After seeing a lot of people upset with some missing favorite episodes, I decided to do a part 2 with the top choices from last part with some requested episodes that weren't included last time. I did this for both Adrinette and Ladynoir since they were the two sides that really had a bunch of episodes missing, obviously I can't include everything, but I felt like this would be a good way of seeing what the favorited episodes actually are.
Once again, to clarify, this does not mean your favorite episode, but rather, your favorite episode of this ship. Because this had to be whittled down so much to fit into the amount of spaces available for a poll, this doesn't include every Adrinette episode, so feel free to click other and put your episode in the tags!
This is for the purpose of satisfying my curiosity of ship trends in ml, so please share for a larger sample size!
Ladynoir poll
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belleandkurtbastian · 6 months
Play It By Ear Episode Bracket - Round 2, Match 4
The results of Round 1 are out, and now we’re onto Round 2. If you thought the second half of Round 1 was hard, hoo BOY are there some decisions to be made now!
Match 4:
2x09: “Elevator Pitch”, starring Jess McKenna, Zach Reino, and Rashawn Nadine Scott.
2x10: “Heebie-Jeebies”, starring Jess McKenna, Zach Reino, Philip Labes, and Mary Lou.
Feel free to reblog and share, and advocate for your favourite in the replies, comments, and tags.
Other votes this round: Match 2.1 • Match 2.2 • Match 2.3
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This article was a very interesting read. Anyone else spiraling and wondering in which episodes or moments in season 1 and 2 the writers’ minds went straight to… and Tim And Lucy kiss?
To kill time, if anyone wants to participate and offer their thoughts or ideas, please feel free to comment here, reblog, or create your own posts. You can tag me it you wish.
These may require some more thought and analysis, but here are some that come to mind for me:
Season 1: This is so hard, because there are so many tension filled scenes, but Tim and Lucy were just getting to know each other, Lucy was getting over her situationship with Nolan, and Season 1 Tim would NEVER. I couldn’t really think of a moment or scene that could’ve led straight to a kiss, but maybe the episode as a whole:
1x07 (Lucy confronts Tim outside of Isabel’s). I know, definitely too soon, but that tension and angst between them in that moment… GAH 🤤. You can’t convince me there wasnt a shift.
1x11 (Lucy gets stuck with a used needle; Thank you! For What? Doing my job?). If Lucy was as bold and confident then as she was in episodes 4x22 and 5x01, she would have sought comfort from Tim by kissing him.
1x14 (Plain Clothes Day)- The banter, Tim in plain clothes 😍, Tim’s discreet protection, loyalty and trust. I wouldn’t have blamed Lucy. I probably would have skipped her in line.
1x18 (Chenford paintball date)- their first unofficial date. A trophy kiss for their Team winning.
1x20 (Tim gets infected with deadly virus)- nothing like a NDE (Near Death Experience; any OA fans out there?), and fear of death, to put things in perspective. Their mutual comfort was chef’s kiss. The closed door being a literal barrier between them. Their last looks at each other, like no one else was in the room (a callback for episodes 5x03-5x04). I could see them running to each other embracing and kissing, a la Sydney and Vaughn (Alias).
Season 2: Oh this one was definitely much more easy. There are so many. This post is getting too long, so I’ll just name 6. I can do a part 2, for second half of the season
2x01 (Lucy confronts Tim about his mistreatment of her so far along; suicide ideation) - Lucy is at her best when she is assertive and stands her ground (🔥) -I could see a Tim apology that leads to a confession and 😘
2x02-(Lucy records audiobook for Tim): the time and thought Lucy put in, on top of the 8-12hr work shifts. That alone warranted a kiss of gratitude. Bonus: Tim was breathing, sleeping, eating, showering, exercising, and working with Lucy’s voice in his head, 24hrs a day. Some say he still listens to the audiobook, you know as a refresher course to being Sergeant 👀
2x03: (betting Lucy couldn’t find a partner for Tim; Lucy’s short sleeves victory): The flirting and invasion of each other’s personal space (boundaries non existent). 📢GET A ROOM📢
2x06 (missile crisis, end of the world): they chose to spend their last moments on earth with each other. Let’s end it with a kiss.
2x08 (Tim wouldn’t have gotten that stupid plaque if Lucy didn’t have his back; Thank you! For What? Doing my job? Part 2): She saved his picture on her Lock Screen! The first thing she sees when she goes to unlock her phone. They breathe each other’s air on that bench. Tim leaned in to her, while drinking his beer. Just kiss her!
2x10 (Introduction of Rosalind Dyer; Lucy meets acolyte Caleb): if Tim had offered to take Lucy out for that drink with another human, the sequence of events that followed never would have occurred, and the night would have ended with a kiss.
2x11 (Lucy’s Rebirth/ Reawakening )- including this because technically there was a kiss. A kiss of life. I could also see their hospital scene ending with a kiss if they weren’t interrupted and talked a little more.
2x12 (Tim keeps tabs on Lucy and gives Lucy her ring back): Both scenes had so many unspoken feelings/ unresolved, good tension. I can imagine if they hugged, it would have ended with 2 kisses.
Bonus: I won’t elaborate, that is unless you are not over this post and care to know more
Season 3:
3x06 (Lucy goes undercover as Nova, the first time)
3x09 (Lucy “fake” feelings confession, and Tim, heart eyes 😍, will miss riding with Lucy)
3x14 (Lucy undercover as Nova Part 2; Tim asks Lucy to Save him a Dance)
Season 4: Before 4x22
4x01: (Their first on screen HUG)
4x07: (first undercover together (please correct me if I’m wrong); Lucy 🎤 Tim up with wandering eyes, all the way down and up)
4x09 (Tim’s day of validation/ reflection/ retribution/ and Lucy’s Hug of Life)
4x12 (Lucy and Tim’s Date with 3rd and 4th wheel, Chrispy and Ashy; Personal Space, into the VOID you go)
4x18 (The collection of a debt that was owed… THE DANCE)
Season 5: Manifesting First REAL Kiss:
5x08 (Lucy and Tim riding together again for the first time, after a long hiatus, pun intended)
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