#everyone was super nice about it tho
chaylattes · 1 year
almost fainted at work today 😶
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bunnihearted · 12 days
goddess the body feels sooo good after a workout 🫠
#it feels so warm and heavy and so comfortable omg#have y'all heard about exercise and stretching it is amazing owo#my thighs are super gooey tho like can barely sit and stand#luv it!!!#it feels extra good bc i woke up today super depressed (bc yesterday was rough)#and i just wanted to keep my earplugs in and cry and stay in bed all day#but somehow i managed to get up and walk all the way to the gym#and i worked out for almost 2hrs lol like when i get started i dont wanna leave#i did more on the crosstrainer (my bby i love the crosstrainer) and i dared to use the leg machine i wanted#i could adjust the seat this time phew. and i tried just one bump heaver weight for everything too#owoowowow and for some reason i didnt totally wanna throw up when i had to observe myself in the mirror skskk#so yeah it was a good session today ^-^#as always tho i do feel stupid and inadequate... bc almost everyone who is there is in great shape#and they know what they're doing and they're doing complicated exercises with very heavy weight and im there#with my 2kg dumbells getting strains in my wrists (im careful tho dw!!!!!)#im definitely doing it at a very low level but last time i worked out was before my knee got fucked and before all of these weird pains#😃😃😃 so im not even as strong as i was when i was overweight.. i never felt weak when i was#but i go to the gym because i enjoy it since it's fun and even the low intensity stuff i do makes my body feel nice#and if i keep going regularly for years maybe i'll also get in good shape and do more and more stuff#i wanna be a gym bunny!!!!!!#i used to actually love the gym so much i wanted to work at one skksks
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punkrogue · 25 days
some fucking idiot: when we say "magneto was right" we're saying he's right about society and shit not supporting his terrorist actions
me: don't lump in with your cowardly ass i'm in full throated support of his terrorism. sentinels, purifiers, the mardies etc are all real and exist and want mutants dead and literally no one gives a single shit. they'd rather pass the mutant registration act and make "scaly lives matter" jokes on twitter then help stop the genocide of mutants. it's a good thing actually he's blowing shit up and he should do more of it actually.
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deeisace · 2 months
#sorry sorry I just woke up and im having yesterday-was-weird thought again#and they are going here so i don't have to talk to the person that they're um about yet#basically im glad that im in a good enough space now that um#someone ive ive had text-based sex with and uhhh sent an ill-advised video to in like oct when i was Feeling Bad™ and doing. hm. too much.#like 6 months post text-based sex/ill adised video now aha and we've not spoke at all since like january and that was 'how was hols'#they asked to meet up 'not for sex just as friends' or i forget exact wording but basically that#no-pressure museum not-a-date#and i said I'd think about it. because i am as everyone knows a fucking idiot.#basically im glad that im in a better place now than the last time someone like expressed an interest in me as a person#because while this did give me a day long wobble i didn't have a full weekend long actual panic about it#tho they are two v different situs#an ace poly friend asking to go out with me vs someone i uh virtually fucked aha um asking to meet up for (mostly) being-friends purposes#same several-hours-later 'oh god no what have i done bad bad bad no thank you actually no sorry i cant sorry' but less intense this time#but at least i only said ill think about it?#and not actually immediately said yes because it's nice to feel wanted#and then gone Maximum Regret™ because actually all of this is way too much i don't like it i don't want it thank you but im sorry no#weird. i guess i don't have such a high baseline stress level any more? since i'm not at uni n stuff#and someone over messages going no pressure you want to be irl friends (maybe fwb no pressure)? is um#is different. to someone irl going you want to go out acely? yeah? awesome lets hold hands here is the discord with a whole buncha people#i guess#but i am being equally aro-not-super-ace Autism™ about it aha#and i am. eventually. going to be like. thought about it and no sorry. eventually.#if they ask again#i am kinda hoping they'll leave it there and forget they asked so i don't have to navigate social stuff#im much better at navigating canals everybody leave me alone please thank you#(everybody over there leave me alone. y'know. you guys are fine.)
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cosmic-kaden · 3 months
Alright, I think I need to sleep.
Tomorrow I will be unfortunately (Well unfortunate for all of you) be screaming to the high heavens once again about Ben and posting some screenshots and just generally being super fucking insufferable. :)
'cause I haven't even gotten part way through TLJ and I still have TROS to go and THEN gif making after that.
Sorry I literally cannot shut up about my husband to be, yes it is absolutely going to happen again.
I have so much god damn love in my heart for Kylo.
Aaaaaanyways Ben baby, come to bed with me please, I'm putting on 10 hours of ambient rain and smooth jazz to sleep too with aesthetic visuals of a caravanner in a settlement at night (Fallout 4 lol)
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russellius · 11 months
what's an appropriate way to say thank you to a coworker who brought you a sample of the cologne your blorbo is [most probably] using????????????
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it's a super interesting scent btw!!! from the bottle it's very lemony, a lot of cypress, pine(?), and off the bat it almost smelled a bit like honey on my skin?? there is a lot going on in it, and at first it seemed sweet, but once it calms down, most of this early sweetness is gone (there is still a tiny bit that lingers though, which is really nice), and the bitter, fresh parts with the sea vibes take over. it's very elegant, clean, yet unique. there is a vibrant streak to it, but it smells old school, like a classic. after about an hour it got deeper on me, and more spice appeared, which was very lovely. it also has a very prominent layer of that usual masculine scent most male fragrances have, while still being airy, so it's not that in your face feeling, but the one that really draws you in instead. overall the mediterranean description is spot on. a massive W in my eyes
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Considering BNHA has given me a new tolerance for bland shonenshit and its many pitfalls and BS writing moves, I may give Naruto a fourth chance. Maybe I'll keep interest after Rock Lee gets that shining moment during the exam arc
The teacher guy and the snake dude are hot, I feel like Sakura is overhated, and I like when Rock Lee's there. That's enough for me to watch something. I don't need much
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ikyw-t · 2 years
this is a moodboard for how my brain has been feeling the past couple weeks. yes i spent like 10 minutes organizing these pictures if that tells u anything about how im feeling
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#not that anyone asked but it's bc my adderall rx changed a month ago from extended release to short release#bc the extended release was making me feel super anxious in the afternoon when it would start to wear off#which is obviously counterproductive and i am already anxiety-inclined if that's even a phrase#so ive been on the short release version of adderall for the last month and overall it was going a lot better#the anxiety in the afternoon pretty much disappeared which was nice#the past like three weeks tho ive been dealing with being unable to stop picking at my skin and cuticles too#which is something ive struggled with since middle school in various degrees and tho it was getting better in the past couple years#ive never struggled with it LESS than i have since starting adderall in like march. and my god. what a joy and relief that was#so now that it's started happening again it's honestly pretty upsetting bc it's kinda physically painful and also just rly embarrassing#like i dont even have that bad acne probably but being unable to stop picking at it makes it like ten times worse#like i haven't had acne on my back in like three years since i finished taking accutane#and in the past three weeks i have but it's rly only bc i can't stop scratching at it and so there's gonna be scarring too#it's just very embarrassing and also disappointing nd disheartening since i was finally able to NOT have to deal with this for a few months#it's appalling and upsetting to realize that this was just my life for like a decade before i got treatment for adhd#and once i did it a lot of my impulsive and unconscious skin picking pretty much disappeared.#like damn bro the amount of times my mom and everyone in my family told me how nice my skin would be if i could just leave it alone. yeah.#anyway. im gonna talk to the doctor about this next month when i get my refill obviously bc i am not having a good time#even tho this was working rly great for the first three weeks. like whyyyy can't medicine just work. whyyy#anywayyyy if u read all this no u didnt bc it's embarrassing for me lol#i just felt the need to talk about it cause it's been upsetting me today
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nytfythfhtyf · 8 months
this is going to haunt me for so long i cant stand when people dont like me. my boss’ response to me leaving hurt my feelings so much like who cares that doesnt matter but wow she was not a nice person
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hi yes i saw hazbin requests were open??? Anything involving pining Lucifer. Or lucifer seeing reader dressed super nice for like a fancy party or something (full makeup, fancy revealing dress, that sorta thing) for the first time. Maybe feelings are revealed? I’m a sucker for pining
I love that we are all so disgustingly thirsty for this man. He deserves it ❤️‍🔥 but seriously tho…all my Lucifer posts have gotten at least 100 likes in the first day that they’re posted. Like damn yall, we need to talk about our husband more! We all have such good taste 😌 I love our little short king. Thanks for the request. Enjoyyyyyyy~
Notes: fem!reader, reader wears a dress in this one
TW: suggestive themes, hardcore pining, heavy making out
🪽The King of Pining🪽
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This morning, Charlie invited everyone to the lobby of the hotel, shouting out that she had great news and a wonderful idea. Husk and Angel grumble about their annoyance with it being too early in the morning and them being way too sober for group activities right now as they plop down on one of the couches. The rest of the group files in, finding spots to relax as Charlie bounces up and down in her spot, bitting her lip and clenching her fists out of pure excitement. You follow along, deciding to stay standing and a bit behind the group, glancing back to see Lucifer coming to join the pack, standing just behind the couch that sat Vaggie and Nifty. You stare at him for a moment and when he finally glances your way, you offer him a sleepy smile and a quick wave of your hand. A small smirk finds its way to his lips as he nods his head at you, quickly looking away after.
“So…what’s the news?” Vaggie finally speaks up once everyone is settled and all eyes are on Charlie standing front and center. “Sooooooo, I had a brilliant idea that will be equally fun and beneficial to the hotel. Ready? Ready for it?” Charlie looks around the group, looking as if she might burst into flames of enthusiasm any moment now. “WE ARE GONNA HOST A BALL!!!”
Angel smirks as he nudges Husk beside him. “Heh, balls.” “She said ‘ball’, jackass. Singular.” Husk spits back, rolling his eyes as he scoots away from Angel a bit.
“It’ll attract new recruits for the hotel! We can mingle, talk about all we have to offer. AH! It’s gonna be soooooo funnnnnn.” Charlie is yelling now, she can’t control herself in the slightest.
Charlie goes into explaining the details- it is to be a huge party with a formal dress code that everyone and anyone is invited to. It’ll be here at the hotel, with an open bar (Husk wants to die) and music! The group lets out noises of mixed emotions, Nifty and Angel shouting out of excitement and anticipation while Husk and Alastor both let out noises of dread. You, on the other hand are nervous but looking forward to having a fun night and getting to know the hotel staff and residents better. As Charlie’s speech ends, the group begins to disperse and talk amongst themselves.
You watch as Charlie approaches Vaggie, shyly dropping to her knees in front of her on the couch so that they are eye level with each other. “Will you…be my date to the ball, Vags?” You can’t help but smile as you watch Vaggie laugh, her cheeks and nose slowly changing color. “Of course, you goofball. You’re my partner. There’s no one else I’d rather go with.” They share a long hug, a beautiful positive energy radiating off of them.
“They’re just adorable, aren’t they?” The low, charming voice that sounds right next to you causes you to flinch a bit, now turning to see the king of hell himself standing beside you. “Oh! Hey. Yeah. They are pretty cute. They make a great couple.” You look back to the two girls holding hands and giggling but Lucifer keeps his eyes on you, taking this opportunity while you’re distracted to examine all the little details of your face up close. Hopefully no one else catches sight of him in this moment of utter hopeless romanticism.
When he finally snaps out of it, he lets out a sigh before putting on his best smile, clearing his throat just to get your attention again. “Speaking of great couples~” And as soon as your eyes land on him again, your lips curved up ever so slightly, his courage quickly leaves him. Lucifer freezes for a moment, mouth going dry as he tried to find a way out of this. Say something you idiot.
“I-I ha! I uh…I wonder what other great couples we’ll see at this party. Maybe some of hell’s highest royalty?” Nervous chuckles just keep rolling from his lips and he’s really hoping you don’t notice the way his hands are shaking as they rest on his cane. One of his trembling hands comes to the collar of his shirt, lightly yanking it down as if that would help bring air back to his lungs, the air you’ve sucked out of him with one simple glance.
“Hm. Yeah. Maybe.” You reply plainly, looking back to Vaggie and Charlie and before you can converse with Lucifer any further, he’s walking off with his tail between his legs, eyes wild and full of doubt. “You’ll be there. You are the king of hell after all, I’m sure everyone will be too focused on you and Charlie to notice any other royals. Are you uhm…planning on going with anyone?” You ask, still watching the two girls near the couch. Your voice stops Lucifer in his tracks, making him pause for a moment as he listens. He turns slowly back to you, wearing a bashful smile as he tucks both his arms behind his back.
“No, actually. I hadn’t even thought of it.” He lies, watching as you finally pull your gaze from his daughter and relax it on him. He slowly saunters back your way, unable to control his wandering eyes. “And what about you? Do you have anyone in mind that you’d want to go with?” And now his nervousness is rubbing off on you, making your voice shake as you respond. “Me? No, no…I’ll probably just tag along with uh…”
As you look around the room, it seems all couples have already paired up. Vaggie and Charlie sat on the couch still, Charlie’s legs strewn over her girlfriend’s lap. Angel and Husk seemed to be having a bit of an argument over what they will wear together. Angel wants to wear all pink but Husk is like FUCK NO. Even Sir Pentious was trembling in front of Cherri, as he looked to he asking her out. Obviously, Alastor is bringing his shadow along. That’s kind of a date…right?
“Uhm I mean, who knows? Maybe I’ll meet someone there.” The pride that inflated Lucifer’s chest just seconds ago seems to suddenly be punctured and drained by your lack of acknowledgment to his flirty hints. He wants to ask you to be his so badly it’s making his chest hurt now. Not his for the night, not his during the party, his all the time, any time he needs you. As he opens his mouth to speak, he hesitates and then decides to let out a heavy sigh instead. “Well..I will see you there.” And with the tip of his head, he finally turned and left you standing alone in a herd of conversing couples.
~night of the party~
You figured there’s no harm in showing up fashionably late tonight. At least, that was your excuse for showing up late. In reality, you were fully ready before the ball even started but your legs were so weak and shaky, you couldn’t find the strength to get yourself out there. So instead, you’re sitting in your room, fully clad in your nicest dress along with some accessories, sunken into your plush bed as you try to steady your breathing. Maybe if I stay here long enough in this dress, I can just say I was there but not actually go…
A knock on your door has you straightening up in your spot, a warm surprised feeling lighting up your chest. “Come in.” You respond, wondering just who was coming to see you right now. You assumed it was Angel trying to get you to come out and start partying with him. To your surprise, the princess of hell pops her cheerful little face inside your room.
“(Y/N)! I was wondering when you’d be coming…out…there. Oh my gosh! You look so gorgeous EEEEE!” Charlie steps into your room now, her big yellow eyes shining with enthusiasm and hope as she fangirls over your getup. “Oh, thank you. You look stunning yourself.” Charlie watches your eyes fluttering all around the room, unable to focus. “Yeah…I’m coming. Just…feeling anxious I guess.” Taking a deep breath, you finally stand, straightening out your dress and checking your hair in a mirror quickly. “Oh stop it! You look flawless, (Y/N). Let’s go have some fun.” Charlie quickly links arms with you and drags you out to the lobby full of people, lights and music.
Within just a few minutes of joining the party, you find yourself looking around a sea of strangers all on your own. Seems the princess of hell has a line of guests wanting to meet and greet with her. Understandable, but you’re starting to get overwhelmed. You’re desperately looking for a familiar face, needing a buddy to help you feel included and secure. As you swim through sinners and other residents of hell, head turning side to side, you finally spot Lucifer after nearly an hour of wandering around alone.
Sure, His typical white suit is nice, very flattering on him. But, oh boy, did he look fantastic tonight, heavenly even. For this special occasion, Lucifer was dressed in a deep red suit with accents of white and no hat, instead sporting his pretty, slicked back blonde hair. You’re not quick to rush to him, I mean are you trying to look desperate and pathetic? No, just stay calm. But once again, you two share a glance from afar and give each other a small wave of the hand. Lucifer looks…pained. He looks like he might just collapse to his knees and start vomiting. His shift in body language causes your smile to drop, your expression shifting to one of concern as you mouth to him ‘you okay?’.
From Lucifer’s point of view, the room became silent, empty, dimly lit with you there at the center of it all under this glowing golden ray of light. You looked angelic, innocent and sweet, elegant but also nervous and out of place and adorable and fuck it, he can’t wait. He nearly pushes the sinner trying to talk to him aside, rushing to you as his brain became overloaded with ideas of what to say to you.
With each and every stride he takes, your cheeks flush deeper shades of red. With every step, his knees begin to feel more and more like jelly. Finally, he’s joined you in the spotlight, the rest of the party fading away before both of your eyes as you stand just inches apart. Now, it’s all wandering eyes and heavy breathing from both of you. Licking your lips first, you force words out to break this awful silence.
“Wow! Y-you clean up well. You look nice, Luci.” As your voice reaches his ears, his dream-like state abruptly ended. The room floods with loud music, chatty people and bright lights again. He seems to perk up at your compliments, feeling like a dog in heat as his eyes travel up and down your lovely outfit. You watch as his eyes finally leave your waist and come up to meet your own gaze.
“Holy hell. You look absolutely divine.” He scoffs quietly, wondering how an angel like you ended up down here. “Oh, Lucifer.” You swat a hand at him and you can feel your face burning up, sweat starting to form on your upper lip and forehead. “Stop it. You flatter me.”
Lucifer looked as if he might pass out, becoming more and more flustered the more you blush. Although, a pleased smirk graces his face because oh~ you like when he flirts with you, huh? It’s okay, he’s hella into you too.Together, you’re just a ticking time bomb of gushy feelings and sexual tension. He figures if he wants to have any chance of confessing his feelings to you tonight, his best option is to lead you out of the way and put a little distance between you two and the crowd. So, he reaches out and gently takes your hand, pulling you along to the now vacant bar with an extremely forced and up tight grin.
Husk is standing behind the counter, looking not as irritated as you’d thought he would tonight. Luci pulls out a stool for you, gesturing for you to sit before he does because he’s a gentleman and ladies always go first. “Hey. Whatcha want, doll?” Husk ask you first, giving you a wink after you answer. “And for you, sir?” He eyes Lucifer who shakes his head, politely refusing his offer. As Husk begins whipping up your drink, yet another tense silence falls between you two.
“Are you having a good time?” The blonde finally speaks up, side eyeing you. “Eh. I’m not a big party person. I’m not a fan of big crowds either so…not really.” At long last, your unhappy and disappointed attitude brings all of Lucifer’s courage and gall to his mouth. Now’s his chance. “Let’s get out of here then.” He blurts out as Husk slides your drink to you, the bartender giving you an awkward look. “What? But all these folks wanna meet you.” Once you look over to him, a devious smile makes its way to Lucifer’s thin lips as you take your first drink. “And? I’m the king of hell! I do as I please.” He teases and now you’re both smiling brightly, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you push his arm playfully. “I love Charlie but I hate this party. Let me finish my drink first, yeah?”
Lucifer continues to side eye you and also scan over the entire room, checking out the scene as you sip on your drink. You can see his casual glances and the way he quickly diverts his attention as soon as you catch him staring. Now you’re the one feeling some bravery. You quickly and smoothly slip your hand into his, letting your thumb rub back and forth across his knuckles as you try to quickly suck down the rest of your drink.
The grip you have on each other grows stronger, tighter with each second that passes. You notice Lucifer bouncing his leg now, growing impatient and needy. As soon as a slurping noise comes from the straw at the bottom of your glass, Lucifer is trying to pull you up off your seat. He’s not worried about hiding his eagerness from you at this point, not when you’re looking like you do now and getting so blushy and shy at his flirtatious comments. He has to shoot his shot, he has to try. You’re the only person who’s made him feel young and love sick again after Lilith, he can’t afford to let you slip away too. That would crush him more than the weight of the embarrassment and discomfort he is feeling right now.
Lucifer leads you to the library, doubting anyone would be occupying it at the moment and he is correct. Finally, alone together, his hand in yours still, fingers interlocked. His big eyes, full of worry and second thoughts stare deep into yours as he gives himself a moment.
“Oh, my. Where do I even begin?” His other hand comes to yours, holding them both oh so delicately. “You…I’m so….” You nod, smiling to give him some encouragement to continue. “I want you so bad. I want to hold you, I just want to touch you already. I need to kiss you. (Y/N), I love you-“
You’re not sure what came over you but now your hands are exploring his blonde locks, your lips moving feverishly against his. Besides the faint, far away music playing, all you two could hear was each other’s soft gasps and the smacking of wet lips. At first, Lucifer was very engaged in the kiss but he was hesitant to touch you, unsure of where to put his hands. Like hell he wants to rest his claws on your hips or your butt, but he waits for you to give him the okay, his hands balled into fists and held up near his shoulders.
Finally letting him have his way, you guide his hands to your torso before breaking the kiss to whisper, “It’s okay, Luci. You can touch me.” It’s more of a whimper than a whisper but Lucifer isn’t complaining in the slightest. The tone of your voice and the feeling of finally touching your perfectly soft body had his eyes glowing bright red now.
Quickly and without warning, he crashes his lips back into yours sloppily, his long forked tongue gently gliding across your lip, giving the slightest bit of attention to your teeth. He would devour every bit of you right now if you only asked. He wished you would ask right now. He’d even beg for it…You happily let your mouth open more, inviting him in as his arms slowly stretch their way around you until he’s holding you tightly against him. Lucifer squeezes you tightly as he savors your taste for a moment, pulling a soft whine from you before loosening up.
With your eyes closed, you tried to just follow his lead and do your best at impressing and arousing him but he’s sort of doing the same. He hasn’t been with anyone like this in so long, he’s rusty as hell. So, yall are an absolute mess. After about a minute of wild making out and rapidly moving hands, you’ve found yourselves on the floor. The two of you sit up on your knees, holding onto each other as if your lives depend on it. Your hands held his cheeks so tenderly, pulling his face as close to your own as you possibly could.
Lucifer couldn’t help but smile against your mouth, a soft laugh leaving him as he remembers all those nights he dreamt of this exact situation- you looking beautiful and magnificent as always and him having the freedom to let his hands roam your darling figure. He’s been craving you, dreaming of you, wishing for you, praying for you. The laugh that escapes him results in you pulling back to get a look at him. And fuck was he gorgeous- hair a disheveled mess, the purple shadow on his eyelids smudged ever so slightly, his once impressive suit now wrinkled and shifted awkwardly on him, his lips still shiny from your saliva, his breathing loud and heavy and his smile just kept getting bigger, toothier.
“What are you laughing at?” Lucifer rests his forehead against yours, his eyes moving across your breathless, flushed face, just dying to know what’s on your mind now. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for ages, darling. More than I’ve wanted anything in my entire existence, I’ve wanted to be alone with you like this.” A breathy giggle leaves you, your hands shaking as they travel down from his face to his biceps.
“Oh really? Why don’t you stop telling me and…keep showing me?” You tease, your hands coming to rest on his puffed out chest. Your touch combined with your sweet flirting and breathy voice has all of his wings popping out momentarily. You can’t help but laugh at this, but Lucifer is all business right now. You told him to show you, and oh darling, he’s gonna teach you a whole lesson on how beautiful and ethereal you are to him…and he’s gonna teach you with only his hands and his mouth.
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙you want me to? | LS2˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: logan sargeant x james vowles assistant!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: just fluff!!!! i loveee this plot hehe
summary: in which your new job facilitates you in finding new love
a/n: i love this request & i luv writing for logan !!! not sure if i executed it super well tho let me know what you think 💘 my recent emojie now is just: 🇺🇸🦅
request!!!: May I suggest a Logan Sargeant x James Vowles assistant! Reader? Like her job is to get the boys stuff they might need and to like help out around the paddock and Logan keeps asking her to get him stuff as an excuse to talk to her. And people start to notice when Alex and James start lightly making fun of them in interviews and stuff. Just think it would be funny
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 188,274 others
yoursername shit's weird
view all 4,183 comments
yourusername 💞💞💞
logansargeant heyyyy
*comment deleted by logansargeant*
logansargeant hope ur not calling me weird
yourusername jury's out
alex_albon yes queen
yourusername werkkk btch
user1 who is she??
user2 james vowles new assistant
user3 logan is in love with her i can already tell
yoursister proud of you!
liked by yourusername
yourusername posted a story
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liked by alex_albon, logansargeant, and 58,173 others
alex_albon the boss in question is...logan sargeant?
yourusername he's a growing boy !
lilymhe lol, logan?
yourusername almost everytime!
lilymhe aww he just wants to see youuu
yourusername 😂
user4 i want her job
alex_albon posted a story
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liked by yourusername, lilymhe, and 308,134 others
user5 is that y/n
user6 who ???
lilymhe hahah he has the biggest crush on her
alex_albon & everyone knows it too
alex_albon srry for bullying u
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liked by alex_albon, yourusername, and 527,193 others
lilymhe vibey
tagged: alex_albon, yourusername
view all 8,173 comments
user12 omg y/n in the last pic so cute
user13 omg i luv her she's fit into williams garage so perfectly
yourusername my best girl
alex_albon just for the record she is my girlfriend not yours ok?
yourusername & does she know that?
alex_albon i would hope so yes
lilymhe 🤔
alex_albon 😍
liked by lilymhe
logansargeant 😍
*comment deleted by logansargeant*
user14 did anyone else see logan's deleted comment
user15 yup i think james is right 😛
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 254,973 others
yourusername settling in!!!
view all 3,872 comments
logansargeant very nice pic of me thanks y/n
yourusername of course 😝
williamsracing we love u y/n 😍
yourusername 😘 u know how i feel about u
williamsracing 🤭
jv.f1 y/n stop flirting with the williams admin
yourusername srry 😳
user16 LOL not james telling her off
user17 y/n i didnt know i needed u in my life
oscarpiastri yup settling in i see 👀
yourusername what does this mean oscar
oscarpiastri no further comment
user18 she's gonna become a wag soon mark my words
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liked by lilymhe, georgerussell63, and 692,273 others
alex_albon common williams W's
tagged: lilymhe, yourusername, logansargeant
view all 6,938 comments
user24 OMG hi y/n
user25 omg is y/n sharing an umbrella with lily
yourusername rahhh 🦅
alex_albon subtle 😜
lilymhe my girl tired of subtle
user26 omgggg
user27 something is happening i can feel it in my bones
user28 yea y/n & logan falling in luvvvv
logansargeant yea i look so cool and absolutely not awkward at all
alex_albon your awkwardness is all part of your american charm
logansargeant im blushing now thanks
user29 my fav williams era ever
yourusername posted a story
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 79,172 others
lilymhe i just choked on my tea ☕️
yourusername HAHAH ok but why did he say i dont like americans
lilymhe idk but he's so in love with you i can tell
yourusername 😭😭 dont say stuff like that
oscarpiastri you better be wearing clothes under that
yourusername oh no party pooper piastri is here!!!! the clothes police!!!
oscarpiastri ur the worst thing to happen to williams
yourusername ask logan what he thinks 😇
user30 omg this is crazy
user31 HELLO?????
user32 is this the most unsubtle indirect ever
messages ->
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twitter ->
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messages ->
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instagram ->
logansargeant posted a story
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, and 284,293 others
alex_albon AHHHHHHHH
lilymhe omg it's happening
oscarpiastri finally
user37 omg they're dating they have to be
user39 AHHH OMG
messages ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and 98,293 others
lilymhe i need to know EVERYTHING
yourusername 🤭
user40 omg now it's REALLY confirmed
user41 my favourite thing ever
user43 i want this
twitter ->
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instagram ->
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 392,283 others
logansargeant i pulled a baddieee
tagged: yourusername
view all 9,283 comments
user49 omg omg omg
user50 best day of my life
oscarpiastri awww i feel bad for ever being mean to her now srry y/n
logansargeant when were u mean to her 😤
yourusername he's a bully logan
oscarpiastri nooo😨
alex_albon pls dont leave me out pls pls
yourusername NEVER EVER EVER
logansargeant how could we, u wouldnt let us
alex_albon 🤨
yourusername omg yes yes yes
yourusername I LOVE YOU AHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
logansargeant i love you 🥰
jv.f1 you're welcome 👍
liked by logansargeant, yourusername, alex_albon, lilymhe, oscarpiastri
1K notes · View notes
astroyongie · 21 days
My Opinion On The Mercury Signs and Placements 
Note: this is just my opinion! hope you guys find it intersting <3 I might do a Venus and mars version as well and perhaps a moon hihi
Aries Mercury: They are actually super funny and they have such low pitched yet they speak loudly! like one can hear them from a mile away. They are loud and super sociable. Not the smartness but they can put up a fight. They can be quite arrogant tho, some aries have a thing for being dicks and super aggressive when they are upset. 
Taurus Mercury: They talk slowly, almost like they are just tired of life in general. This placement has a beautiful voice but they are too lazy to put it into practice. People with this placement are sensual when they talk without even noticing. but they are also so stubborn that having arguments with them is impossible. also they seem to be smart but they lack common sense. 
Gemini Mercury: Everyone knows that they are loud, they are sociable, they are freaking smart because they have so many interests in life that you can speak with them about pretty much anything. also they pull the most smart stuff out of nowhere. they have some issues with lying though, they often attempt to lie and they twist stuff a lot. Also they can be so noisy that it rubs people the wrong way. 
Cancer Mercury: They are the kings of manipulation, but like without lying? because they suck at lying, they always leave out clues when they lie so unless you are not very smart, you can't get it straight. cancer’s are also super sensitive and people with this placement are always exaggerating and pessimist. some people might get annoyed by them. but they are the best to seek comfort 
Leo Mercury: the kings of the party, people with these placement have a way to talk that always gets everyone’s attention. They are eloquent and they are so dramatic that listening to them is like listening to story times on tiktok. they can be quite narcissistic tho and the conversation often revolves around them 
Virgo Mercury: they are smart as hell, and they are so conscious of their environment and of the people they are with. they always take everything into consideration before they open their mouth. quite anxious as well. but virgos tend to be super judgemental over the smallest things. 
Libra Mercury: They are so flirty and they don't even notice it. like the way they talk, they laugh, they are just so seductive? Maybe their brain doesn't have much in it, but they sure know how to keep someone interested. can’t make decisions so dont ask them stuff also don't trust them with big secrets since they are quite self serving 
Scorpio Mercury: people melt when they open their mouth, their low voice is so sensual and people get attracted to them so easily. yet some people can be intimidated by them because their communication is so eye rolling or deep smiling like. Some people are scared. They keep secrets the best tho and they make you feel like you can trust them. they will ruin your reputation tho
Sagittarius Mercury: they never shut up and they can be so annoying because why do they need to always find arguments on everything and anything? They also want to be right 28904% of the time. but they are also the most friendly people ever and they can make everyone feel comfortable around them.
Capricorn Mercury: They aren’t talkative, people usually see them as being timid and shy or quiet reserved. but the truth is when you learn about them, they are so smart and they are able to teach you things. they have that timber that makes them look like they are snobby but they are nice in the deep. 
Aquarius Mercury: I honestly can’t understand them, because they are the most random people. like they are so damn smart but sometimes they seem so damn stupid? they are unpredictable, the type that goes from talking to screaming in less than one second. the one that explains to you the theory of gravity and then asks if the chickens lay eggs. They can’t keep secrets. 
Pisces Mercury: this placement is so funny because they lie so easily and the worst is that they believe their own lies, their own creations so everyone will believe it as well. you never know with them, you can never tell when they are serious or when they aren't. despite that escapism they have, they are also super empathetic and the best to have deep non judgemental conversions with. 
Mercury in the 1st House: They can have the bad habit of always talking about themselves or like i often noticed that they bring themes and conversations back to themselves and their self interests. However they don't do it on purpose, they are just built like that. Also no one talks about the fact that they are incredibly smart. 
Mercury in the 2nd House: The way their brains work is super effective. They are the type of people to always put their values first and they have such strong morals as well. This placement also favors the interactions when they need something. They know how to use their talking skills to get what they want. They have a fancy way of talking as well, very eloquent. 
Mercury in the 3rd House: probably the best placement to have your mercury on since it's on its ruler house. Also people with this are another type of smart, they can outrange people and often that puts so much pressure on them that they start to doubt themselves. 
Mercury in the 4th House: They have quite some trauma. This placement is neither good or bad, people with this mercury are often not listened to, often not taken seriously and often forgotten when they are in a group. That is because they are more of the observant type of people than the one that makes decisions. some people might think they are dumb
Mercury in the 5th House: the placement of the clowns because they are effortlessly funny, they are so damn creative, their voice is like honey dripping into one’s ears and everyone is obsessed with having them as friends for some reason. They are super fun, and they have got some rizz on them as well. They can flirt and they will do it so well.
Mercury in the 6th House: Some people can find them annoying because they are very upright, in my opinion they also lack funny. like they aren't especially hilarious, but they are such the right person when you need someone to lean on and to talk to. because they understand and they provide critical constructivism. They are super smart as well, like really smart. 
Mercury in the 7th House: They can be a little annoying because they are the type to always talk about their crushes, about their family and their love life in general. They are people who seek comfort and attention in others due to their lower self esteem. Yet they give so much good advice and they have such a talent and emotional intelligence when it comes to children and the underdog. 
Mercury in the 8th House: They have a perception of the world that is just so different from ours. They are able to go deep. like they have a brian of someone who smoked weed all their life and traveled through miles away. They are so flirty without even noticing, like the way they talk can make anyone get on their knees for them. They have the art of manipulation and gaslighting
Mercury in the 9th House: Many people with this placement can easily learn languages and they can easily speak several tongues and even understand some without speaking those. They are smart, they are always searching for more as their brain is always active and always seeking for more to be fed on. They have such a philosophy, the type of people you can talk with about everything and never get bored. 
Mercury in the 10th House: They are super careful with the way they speak (they are quite fancy and eloquent, their vocabulary is very high in my opinion). they are the type of person that values their reputation and because of that they aren't comfortable with words or with talking with people outside their work or outside their goals. they probably feel very lonely as well. 
Mercury in the 11th House: They are unbearable because THEY NEVER SHUT UP! They are super sociable, they are always talking and they are always pulling things out of their butt. Also they have quite a dark humor to them, but they aren't ashamed of it. People with this placement are also super skilled in figuring out lies and people just by looking at them
Mercury in the 12th House: They are very reserved, they don't speak much, they are the type to be very shy and quiet. I also noticed that this placement are people who are just so deep and emotional, like they often can say things that will shake your core. They believe in the spiritual world and they always try to prove it through A and B. Also they are quite some fantastic liars.
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thel0v3hashira143 · 1 month
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ married life with jjk men ☆ yuuji megumi gojo geto nanami n ino!
masterlist 💕
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ warnings: fem!reader, reader is a sorcerer, black coded but anyone can read, mentions of sex/pregnancy/kids, mentions of breakups
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ notes: sorry they're kinda short!! i abandoned my ap chem work to do this so pls like it up!😞😞inspired by my personal fantasies lately. sighhh i love my man :3 stay hot!!! 🎀
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 1.1k words, 6.3k characters
yuuji itadori 🌸
the first out of the bunch to tie the knot
a high school sweetheart kinda vibe like y'all def got married straight out of graduating jujutsu tech
small and intimate wedding, just friends and family in attendance
never shuts up about you when you guys are apart.
"y'know [name]- my wife, me and my wife-, isn't my wife just the coolest?"
megumi and nobara are SICK OF HIM
absolutely REFUSES to go on missions without you cause bby just wants to protect you
when you guys finish missions he always takes you out to eat in tokyo, it's like a lil tradition you guys do 🥲💕
as for dates it's always super spontaneous and he makes sure you never do the same thing twice
but he likes to stay home too!! movie dates at home are his favorite, but he won't tell you since he knows you like going out
just follows you around as you fill up the basket and is ready to pay at the register
he's just so happy he's yours.
megumi fushiguro 🌸
not THE last! but one of the last to get married
it took him a couple years to pop the question, not because he wasn't sure about your relationship, but because he wanted to make sure he was ready before making such a big commitment
no wedding, y'all eloped and went to the courthouse but you had a little ceremony after :3
isn't super vocal about his affections like yuuji, but he does small things
you're his homescreen and his lockscreen is a picture of you two at the courthouse when you guys got married 🩷
he trust your abilities but does secretly fret when you go on missions alone
as for dates he's def a homebody...
he considers any one on one time with you a date...not in a lame way tho!
he just finds the two of you in your home alone to be intimate and comfortable
speaking of home alone...you guys have one kiddo since you guys were a little older when you tied the knot!!
a cute little girl who is y'alls pride and joy. when you told megumi you were pregnant tho he was terrified.
he just didn't want to turn out like his father
but he loves you and your little girl dearly 🩷.
satoru gojo 🌸
THE BLUE EYED PRINCE IS UR HUSBAND??? girl whats ur secret??
anyways, small wedding (he didn't want the elders all up in ur buisness) happy home, and wayyy too many kids
nobody expected you both to have so many kids but you have such a beautiful body!! how could he keep his hands off you?
and besides look at him and tell me he doesn't have a breeding kink...
due to you both being the strongest sorcerers and the kids, your schedules got a bit hectic but he always makes sure you're taken care of
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans. (he's hi-key a freak)
we know he loves sweets but you guys always go to nice restaurants, cause he believes you deserves the finest things in life
and he loves his kid so dearly
he's giving me 2 girls, 1 boy energy
from the tea parties, makeovers and late video game nights, he endures it all because of how much he adores them.
he adores you even more tho <3.
suguru geto 🌸
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want? you got it.
hair? done. nails? how much is your set?
definitely had the biggest wedding out of everyone (and the biggest ring)
AND A HUGE HONEYMOON like y'all were gone at least 2 weeks
everyone's fav couple, like nobody ever gets sick of y'all
he absolutely lovesss pda can can't keep his hands to him self. always has a hand on your lower back, arm around your shoulders, and he's just super in tune to you as a whole
wants kids bad, LIKE BAD
and y'all got busy on that honeymoon so you def had one pretty soon after the wedding
when you were pregnant, he spoiled you rotten and he made it his #1 priority to make sure you hadn't a worry in the world
you have 2 beautiful girls and suguru loves them more than life
he tries his best to keep them away from sorcerer life for as long as possible because he knows what it's like to be ostracized because of that life
has no favorites, but if he did it would be you.
kento nanami 🌸
sighhh my old man :)))
last to marry, but the ceremony was beautiful!
intimate but like i said, vv nice
lovesss to spoil you!! and plus we all know he makes hella bank bc he needs someone to spend it on
shopping dates!! mostly consist of him following you around and you just picking out what you like
if you even look at smth he's already at the register
prefers staying at home dates though, like reading together, cooking together, and movie dates!!
minimizes pda in public- perhaps holds your hand maybe
but in private he is so clingyyyy like you have to tear him off you lip to lip, chest to chest, hip to hip, you name it
you practically hung the stars, you could do no wrong in his eyes
is 50/50 on kids???
he's not going to actively ask you to start a family but he also is totally on board if you want to
we all know this man is under a lot of stress so his favorite way to spend time with you is coming home after a long day and cuddling with you 🩷
he's utterly obsessed with you (he's just good at hiding it)
takuma ino 🌸
high school sweethearts but y'all broke up right before graduation
you guys adored eachother but he was scared of losing you once you guys became sorcerers ಥ_ಥ
but fear not! you guys got back together a year- 2 years later bc he's in love with u
he wanted to propose as soon as you got back together but he has more common sense than that
when he does though it's so cutieee
def private and small, just like the wedding. only your closest friends and family, because he wants everything to be perfect
loves fun dates like laser-tag, go-carts, ect. bc he is just a big little kid
if you do missions together, he is literally that scene from hotel transylvania: "that's my girlfriend!" "your wife, ino..." "my wife? even better!"
i'm not even gonna sugarcoat it y'all get pregnant immediately after
ino is def terrified. you guys are both young and you've barely been married for 3 months
but he pulls it together obv and y'all have a cutie little son <3
just like yuuji, he gushes about his little family to nanami constantly (kento acts like he hates it but he finds it endearing)
he reads to your son for bedtime every night WITHOUT FAIL
he always thinks about how he wouldn't have things any other way.
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ i wrote this in like 2 hours and i have a chem quiz tommorow i hope u guys like it 😿😿(pls love me) BUT I GET TO SEE MY MAN TOMMORROW AHHHH. sorry i'm not gonna shut up about himmm. ok bye stay hot ily guys sm!!!!
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐲 ♡
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚!
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙡0𝙫3𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖143 2024
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lovingyoulovinme · 10 months
✶ charles leclerc x reader ✶
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Liked by danielricciardo and 96,486 others
renaultf1team It’s the super nice and ultra cool @yourinstagram! We 💛 her!
View all 1,884 comments
yourinstagram thank you for having me! 🐥💖
username who even is this?
⤥ username y/n y/l/n she's a model but she's been into f1 for awhile
danielricciardo Sorry for not winning for you like i promised @yourinstagram
⤥ yourinstagram 🤣🤣
username they finally invited a celebrity that knows about the sport
username manifesting she comes to more races her interview talking about how much fun she had was really cute
scuderiaferrari How can we get her in our garage?
⤥ renaultf1team She's ours sorry!
yourinstagram 🤭
username ferrari begging her to come to their garage 😭 need her and charles to meet tho
July 14, 2019
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Liked by yourinstagram and 463,746 others
charles_leclerc P1 babyyyyyy ! Thank you to the team and to everyone that showed support this weekend.
View all 6,954 comments
scuderiaferrari 🥇❤️
username congrats charles ! !
username he will be wdc one day mark my words
yourinstagram proud!!!! 🐰🤍
⤥ charles_leclerc 😘
username they know each other????
username y/n has always said charles is one of her favorite drivers it wouldn't be surprising if they met when she came to silverstone
pierregasly 😮‍💨
username first season with ferrari and he's been killing it what a legend
username 🔥🔥🔥
September 28, 2019
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 176,836 others
yourinstagram new years party with all my favorite people 🥵🥂❤️
View all 2,747 comments
username happy new years!!!
username the drink on her head 😭 shes so crazy i love her 🤪
username LECLERC?????
⤥ username one of her favorite people....
danielricciardo Thanks for the invite!
⤥ yourinstagram stfu u literally told me you couldn't come
danielricciardo 😣
username i would do insane things to get invite to a party thrown by y/n
username streets (mutual of mine whose friend went to the party) saying y/n and charles kissed at midnight
⤥ username anybody can lie and say they were there 😭 hell i could go on twitter and start a full thread abt it doesn't mean it would be true
charles_leclerc 💃🕺
⤥ yourinstagram moves so good they swept me off my feet
username 👀👀👀
January 2, 2020
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leclercupdates clip of charles' from his twitch stream today 🫣
View all 45 comments
username i cant believe this is how we get confirmation they're dating 😭
username hes so dumb i love him
username he def didnt mean to say it bc the way his face turned into pure horror when he realized 😭
yourinstagram idiot
⤥ username Y/N HI
username his lil giggles i am so happy for them
April 6, 2020
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Liked by landonorris and 397,892 others
yourinstagram note to self: stop forgetting your keys (and tape your boyfriend's mouth shut)
View all 4,632 comments
username instagram and twitch official 🤭
username not the shade
landonorris 😂
⤥ yourinstagram you think this is funny?
landonorris 🤐
username parents 🫶
charles_leclerc S'il te plaît, pardonne-moi, je ne voulais pas 🥺 (Please, forgive me, I didn't mean to.)
⤥ yourinstagram the french nor the emoji will work this time bye
username their doggies 🥹
scuderiaferrari Does this mean you'll be in our garage when the time is right?
⤥ username they are never giving up
username this is such pr
username her being friends with danny lando and pierre is my favorite thing ever
April 8, 2020
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Liked by pierregasly and 784,478 others
charles_leclerc Happy days before the start of the season
View all 4,698 comments
yourinstagram put a shirt on
username best couple in the world
lilymhe Who is the beautiful girl in the third slide?
⤥ charles_leclerc she's taken
yourinstagram that could change
username everyone being in love with y/n is so cute
username please never break up
pierregasly No photo of me?
⤥ username pierre third-wheeling them 24/7 😭
username her smile!!! 👼👼👼
February 6, 2021
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deuxmoi via instagram
September 20, 2021
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Liked by danielricciardo and 248,736 others
yourinstagram this must be the place 💒
View all 3,831 comments
danielricciardo 🤭
username wedding venue???? 🥹
charles_leclerc Je veux passer ma vie avec toi ❤️ (I want to spend my life with you)
⤥ yourinstagram lucky for you you're stuck with me
username third slide is so precious :(
pierregasly Can i be the **** ***
⤥ username BEST MAN???
arthur_leclerc No
lorenzotl No
username obsessed with the way they never confirmed the engagement rumors but are doing nothing to stop them
username i love them so much im sobbing
username it feels like just yesterday charles was accidentally confirming their relationship on twitch and now they're getting MARRIED
January 18, 2022
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Liked by yourinstagram and 1,475,863 others
charles_leclerc Best day of my life forever. 👰‍♀️🤵🖤
View all 8,936 comments
yourinstagram 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I LOVE U
⤥ charles_leclerc Love you more Mrs. Leclerc 🥰
username both of her dresses were so gorgeous oh my god
danielricciardo Party of the year
scuderiaferrari Congratulations to our two favorite people ❤️
username they look so unbelievable happy :( they deserve the world
lilymhe most beautiful bride!!!!!! and charles
⤥ yourinstagram sad you didn't stand up to object...
username this all happened because of alpine let's be honest
⤥ alpinef1team We got a thank you card in the mail 😊
username 🥹🥹🥹🥹
username they are soulmates im sure of it
pierregasly 🥂😛❤️‍🔥
username they got married on the 17th...exactly 3 years after they met 🥺
arthur_leclerc So happy ❤️
July 20, 2022
2K notes · View notes
mncxbe · 4 months
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𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: bsd, csm, headcanons fluff n smut♡
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: since Vday will be here soon I wanted to do a little something♡ hope you like it babes
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑ ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑ ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑
sneaky bastard. he pretends to forget about Valentine's day just to see your cute pout– "aww bella didn't know you cared so much about this silly little day. fine, fine, you got me. I did get you a gift"
totally gets you a very thoughtful gift and writes you a letter. he's really not good at expressing his feelings through words, so letters have to do
he wakes up early so he can pick fresh flowers for you from the park. I really think Dazai isn't the type to buy you tacky bouquets. and of course he makes you breakfast in bed– "rise and shine, beautiful. I made you your favourite." he'd purr, placing a plate of hot blueberry pancakes in front of you "dig in, we have plans today"
definitely skips work so he can spend time with you, but he eventually has to go to the Ada office after Kunikida threatens to fire him. don't worry tho, he'll make up for the lost time when he comes back home in the evening
that night he's more gentle than usual, making sure that you enjoy yourself. after all the day is all about you and he's going to do his best to please you– "Ah fuck 'donna you're doing so well. you like it? s-sure hope you do angel 'm gonna make you cum f'me alright? atta girl..."
he's such a gentleman omg
because of his job, he can't be there with you when you wake up, but you can be sure he's going to leave you a romantic note on the nightstand
he sends you flowers and expensive praline boxes at work just to make sure that your female colleagues envy you–"everyone needs to know how well i treat my pretty girl, right baby?"
in the evening he finally gets the chance to give you the rest of his gifts: lingerie, expensive perfumes and of course, his affections and undivided attention♡
a candle lit, bubble bath with a glass of wine is mandatory. you lay in his arms, your back flush against his chest while he plays with your hair, whispering the sweetest things in your ear "i love you, pretty girl. i'm glad that you're mine never forget that"
sweet boy, he's so confused and overwhelmed
he doesn't really understand the whole point of Valentine's day but he wantes to make the day special for you
he plans it weeks ahead, asking Chuuya for advice. i see him talking to Gin about what gifts he could give you; she's his sister after all, she must know what a girl wants
Akutagawa buys you books for Valentine's day. a book-bouquet to be more specific and makes you dinner at home
please show him that you care and appreciate his efforts. he's super anxious about it– "You mean it was nice? you enjoyed yourself with me, right? oh thank god"
after dinner, he wouldn't mind getting down to some more intimate activities♡ if you want that ofc. once he's back in your arms with his face buried in the crook of your neck as he fucks you slowly, he finally manages to relax, all worries seeping out of him "My angel... I-I love you so much ah fuck- please never leave me" yea, he gets very emotional
he straight up forgets about Valentine's day, it's just not a priority for him and no matter how many times you try to hint at it he doesn't get it
he's confused when he sees you pouting and doesn't really understand what's wrong? but once he gets to work Teruko tells him that it's Valentine's day he's so mad at himself.
ofc he tries to make up for it in the evening when he gets home from work
he brings you a bouquet of roses (one of the pre-made ones y'all know what i'm talking about💀) but it's the thought that counts and apologises for forgetting– "i'm sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to upset you, ya know? i had a lot on my plate lately and it just slipped my mind. c'mon baby don't be mad"
he doesn't drop it until you accept his apology. if you're up for it he takes you out to dinner at the most expensive place in town♡
man... where do i even start
he doesn't get the point of it either, just sees the day as an opportunity to spend time with his beloved♡
despite his cold demeanour, Kishibe's a real thoughtful person. he doesn't buy you any overly expensive gifts but he picks flowers for you probably sneaks some from the cemetery too
if you wanna do something special he's totally down for it– "Hm? You wanna go have dinner at that new place in town? Sure, dear, I'll book us a table don't worry about it."
he's not very affectionate either but once you two are back home, in the comfort of your apartment, his tongue loosens a bit–"Ya know, princess, you're one of the best things that happened to me. thank you, really. why're you laughing, i'm serious. you know i don't joke about matters of the heart"
𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
you probably have to explain the concept of Valentine's day to him
Angel's too lazy to plan anything for the two of you so you have to settle for ordering takeout and watching a movie
lets you cuddle him if you insist enough and make sure that every inch of your skin is covered so he doesn't accidentally drain your lifespan
hear me out now. stargazing with him >>
he's the happiest man on earth if you gift him a pack of ice cream cones or some flowers. he's definitely the type to press them just because they're a gift from you and he treasures every little thing you do for him, even if he doesn't always show it
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uss-genderprise · 10 days
okay the new episode has people poking my sleeping special interest like a bear and it was about time to wake it from hibernation anyway so here are some fun facts about welsh fairies
it's spelled fairy. it's always spelled fairy. not faerie, faery, fae, or fey. fairy. please. or tylwyth teg if you want to be proper about it
fairies are not inherently malevolent. they work by their own rules that sometimes don't make sense to humans but there are rules, if you pay attention.
yes fairies will punish you for doing something they don't want you to do
they will also reward you for doing things they do want you to do
fairy rings are circles of green grass. they sometimes how up as a different shade of green than the grass around it and are generally markers of where fairies dance, as well as portals to the fairy realm. mushrooms aren't really a thing for that in welsh folklore.
string and bones and flowers are man-made and possibly supposed to bind or protect against fairies (though i haven't seen anything quite like what we see in the episode described in any of my sources) but generally breaking one of those doesn't immediately anger fairies, just lets them in to affect whoever put the ward up in the first place. that's not called a fairy circle.
changelings exist in welsh folklore. have fun with your theories.
fairies will generally let you leave the fairy world if you ask nicely. yes even if you've eaten the food and drank the drinks
however time moves differently so when you come back you might be super old and/or turn to dust the moment someone touches you
dancing is a different thing tho. they don't exactly want you to stay dancing with them until you die of exhaustion but like that's on you my dude get your friends to help you
if you broke fairy rules like kicking them out of their meadow to build a castle they will count eight* generations** and come back to turn that castle into a lake and drown everyone inside. you have been warned (repeatedly. usually by old ladies and/or bards and/or birds or sometimes just. A Voice™)
* the number of generations can and does vary but in welsh folklore it's generally 8 that's an important number, not 3 or 7.
** also the way generations are counted is. weird. idk if it's that i'm bad at math or bad at welsh or that the book i read explaining this is over 100 years old but i don't think i fully got how many generations this actually is.
oh and they only wait if you beg enough otherwise they kill you now
so basically. no getting trapped in the fairy world as punishment. they just kill you
personally i think the closest thing in welsh folklore to that old woman is a weird lady but even that isn't a great fit
yeah fairies bend time and space to always be far away from you if they want to but that's generally because they're trying to avoid you not following you at a distance
i am fully aware rtd probably couldn't care less about any of this. he definitely didn't do the work that i did to learn all this and incorporating this into your theories is probably shooting yourself in the foot as far as actually being correct goes. HOWEVER i do think it's more interesting and fun this way :) theories are gonna be wrong anyway might as well respect the culture that's inspiring them while we're at it yeah?
i will cite my sources if anyone asks but i doubt many people care to read hundreds of pages of edwardian non fiction novels just to fact check me. trust me on this guys
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